01713nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200033000880400031001210430012001520860036001642450065002002640071002652640011003363000034003473360026003813370026004073380036004335000124004695000017005935200405006106920019010156920027010346920029010617100037010907750085011277760062012128560101012749.864951CaOODSP20221107161700cr |||||||||||181120t20192019onc o f00| 0 eng d a9780660285832z9780660285856 aCaOODSPbengcCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aFR5-152/2018E-PDFzFR5-152/201802aA guide for Canadians detained abroad : bconsular services. 1aOttawa : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (17 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Guide à l'intention des Canadiens détenus à l’étranger : services consulaires. aCover title. a"Thousands of Canadians are imprisoned in more than 85 countries around the world. If you are a Canadian who is detained or imprisoned in another country, this booklet will help you, your family and friends to understand the help provided to Canadians imprisoned abroad through Global Affairs Canada's consular services in Ottawa and through Canadian government offices abroad"--Introduction, page 2.072gccstaInmates072gccstaForeign affairs072gccstaConsular services1 aCanada. bGlobal Affairs Canada.08tGuide à l'intention des Canadiens détenus à l'étranger : w(CaOODSP)9.8649530#tA guide for Canadians detained abroad w(CaOODSP)9.86495440qPDFs502 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR5-152-2018-eng.pdf01838nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200033000880400031001210430012001520860036001642450089002002640072002892640011003613000037003723360031004093370034004403380043004745000113005175000028006305200465006586920019011236920033011426920032011757100041012077750064012487760087013128560101013999.864953CaOODSP20240423120336cr |||||||||||181120t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660285849z9780660285856 aCaOODSPbfrecCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aFR5-152/2018F-PDFzFR5-152/201800aGuide à l'intention des Canadiens détenus à l'étranger : bservices consulaires. 1aOttawa : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (21 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A guide for Canadians detained abroad: consular services.  aTitre de la couverture. a« Des milliers de Canadiens sont incarcérés dans plus de 85 pays à travers le monde. Si vous êtes un Canadien emprisonné ou détenu dans un autre pays, ce livret vous aidera, ainsi que votre famille et vos amis, à comprendre l'aide fournie aux Canadiens emprisonnés à l'étranger par l'entremise des services consulaires d'Affaires mondiales Canada à Ottawa et des bureaux du gouvernement du Canada à l'extérieur du pays » -- Introduction, page 2.072gccstaDétenu072gccstaAffaires étrangères072gccstaServices consulaires1 aCanada. bAffaires mondiales Canada.08tA guide for Canadians detained abroad : w(CaOODSP)9.8649510#tGuide à l’intention des canadiens détenus à l’étranger w(CaOODSP)9.86495740qPDFs527 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR5-152-2018-fra.pdf01006nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450031001722640073002033000034002763360031003103370034003413380043003755000068004185000022004866920032005087100041005407750046005818560101006279.873530CaOODSP20240423120336m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524s2019 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFR5-158/2019F-PDF00aAide-mémoire du voyageur. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Traveller's checklist. aTitre de départ.072gccstaVoyage international1 aCanada. bAffaires mondiales Canada.08tTraveller's checklist.w(CaOODSP)9.87271640qPDFs145 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR5-158-2019-fra.pdf01269nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450030001712640073002013000031002743360026003053370026003313380036003575000065003935000019004585200172004776920020006496920018006696920021006877100037007087750049007457950049007948560100008439.873533CaOODSP20221107163937m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFR5-17/2017E-PDF00aTravelling with children. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, c[2017] a1 online resource (1 page) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Voyager avec des enfants. aCaption title. a"Whether you and your children plan to travel or live abroad together or your child will be travelling alone, prepare well in advance to ensure a safe and happy trip."072gccstaChildren072gccstaTravel072gccstaPassports1 aCanada. bGlobal Affairs Canada.08tVoyager avec des enfants.w(CaOODSP)9.873536##tTips for travelling with children w9.69033240qPDFs211 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR5-17-2017-eng.pdf01331nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450030001712640073002013000034002743360031003083370034003393380043003735000071004165000022004875200195005096920018007046920018007226920021007407100041007617750049008027950054008518560100009059.873536CaOODSP20240423120336m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524s2017 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFR5-17/2017F-PDF00aVoyager avec des enfants. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, c[2017] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Travelling with children. aTitre de départ. a« Si vous prévoyez voyager ou vivre à l'étranger avec vos enfants, ou si votre enfant voyage seul, planifiez soigneusement le voyage pour assurer à tous un séjour sûr et agréable. »072gccstaEnfant072gccstaVoyage072gccstaPasseport1 aCanada. bAffaires mondiales Canada.08tTravelling with children.w(CaOODSP)9.873533##tConseils pour voyager avec des enfants w9.63469940qPDFs210 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR5-17-2017-fra.pdf00974nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450027001722640073001993000031002723360026003033370026003293380036003555000066003915000019004576920032004767100037005087750050005458560101005959.872716CaOODSP20221107163721m o d f cr |n|||||||||190509s2019 onc |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFR5-158/2019E-PDF00aTraveller's checklist. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (1 page) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Aide-mémoire du voyageur. aCaption title.072gccstaInternational travel1 aCanada. bGlobal Affairs Canada.08tAide-mémoire du voyageur.w(CaOODSP)9.87353040qPDFs143 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR5-158-2019-eng.pdf01977nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860020001812450324002012460174005252640215006992640011009143000044009253360026009693370026009953380036010214900053010575000066011105460032011766920036012087100060012447920171013048300056014758560096015319.872725CaOODSP20221107163722m o d f cr |||||||||||190509t20182018onc #oz f000 0 eng d a9780660308463 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aFR4-2018/10-PDF00aEnvironment / ESPOO Convention Amendment 2001 - Amendment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2001) = bEnvironnement / Convention ESPOO Amendement 2001 - Amendement à la Convention sur l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontière (2001).31aEnvironnement / Convention ESPOO Amendement 2001 - Amendement à la Convention sur l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontière (2001) 1a[Ottawa] : bTreaty Law Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development = Direction du droit des traités du ministère des Affaires étrangères, du Commerce et du Développement, c[2018] 4c©2018 a1 online resource (9 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v2018/10 a"Done at Sofia on 27 February 2001. In Force: 25 July 2018." aText in English and French.072gccstaInternational agreements1 aCanada. bGlobal Affairs Canada. bTreaty Law Division. tEnvironment / ESPOO Convention Amendment 2001 - Amendment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2001) = w(CaOODSP)9.872726#0aCanada treaty series ;v2018/10.w(CaOODSP)9.81173040qPDFs153 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR4-2018-10.pdf02038nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860020001812450324002012460174005252640215006992640011009143000053009253360031009783370034010093380043010434900053010865000080011395460038012196920032012577100076012897910171013658300056015368560096015929.872726CaOODSP20221107163722m o d f cr |||||||||||190509t20182018onc #oz f000 0 fre d a9780660308463 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---1 aFR4-2018/10-PDF00aEnvironment / ESPOO Convention Amendment 2001 - Amendment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2001) = bEnvironnement / Convention ESPOO Amendement 2001 - Amendement à la Convention sur l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontière (2001).31aEnvironnement / Convention ESPOO Amendement 2001 - Amendement à la Convention sur l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement dans un contexte transfrontière (2001) 1a[Ottawa] : bTreaty Law Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development = Direction du droit des traités du ministère des Affaires étrangères, du Commerce et du Développement, c[2018] 4a©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (9 pages non-numérotées). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v2018/10 a« Fait à Sofia le 27 février 2001. En vigueur : le : 25 juillet 2018. » aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaAccord international1 aCanada. bAffaires mondiales Canada. bDirection du droit des traités. tEnvironment / ESPOO Convention Amendment 2001 - Amendment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2001) = w(CaOODSP)9.872725#0aCanada treaty series ;v2018/10.w(CaOODSP)9.81173840qPDFs153 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR4-2018-10.pdf01802nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200046001070400031001530430012001840450009001960860041002052450039002462640099002852640011003843000056003953360026004513370026004773380036005035000086005395000077006255000020007025000121007225000032008435040041008756920019009166920029009356920022009647100036009867750070010227760058010928560106011508560136012569.860785CaOODSP20221107160605m o d f cr cn|||||||||180817t20192018onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660276175z9780660276182q(incorrect) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aHP35-113/1-2019E-PDFzHP35-113/2018E00aInequalities in smoking in Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bPublic Health Agency of Canada = Agence de la santé publique du Canada, c[2019] 1c©2018 a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Inégalités relatives au tabagisme au Canada. aAt head of title: Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative. a"Pub.: 180274." aOne of eighteen infographics derived from the report: Key health inequalities in Canada: a national portrait (2018). aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaSmoking072gccstaHealth indicators072gccstaInequality2 aPublic Health Agency of Canada.08tInégalités relatives au tabagisme au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.8607940#tInequalities in smoking in Canada w(CaOODSP)9.86078640qPDFs138 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP35-113-1-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/science-research-data/inequalities-smoking-infographic.html01943nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200046001070400031001530430012001840450009001960860041002052450051002462640099002972640011003963000063004073360031004703370034005013380039005355000080005745000081006545000025007355000139007605000034008995040048009336920021009816920032010026920023010347100044010577100041011017750058011427760070012008560106012708560145013769.860794CaOODSP20221107160606m o d f cr cn|||||||||180817t20192018onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660276199z9780660276205z(incorrect) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aHP35-113/1-2019F-PDFzHP35-113/2018F00aInégalités relatives au tabagisme au Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence de la santé publique du Canada = Public Health Agency of Canada, c[2019] 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Inequalities in smoking in Canada. aEn tête du titre : Initiative pancanadienne sur les inégalités en santé. a« Pub. : 180275. » aL'un des dix-huit infographies dérivées du rapport : Les principales inégalités en santé au Canada : un portrait national (2018). aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaTabagisme072gccstaIndicateur de santé072gccstaInégalité2 aRéseau pancanadien de santé publique.2 aAgence de santé publique du Canada.08tInequalities in smoking in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.8607850#tInégalités relatives au tabagisme au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.86079540qPDFs164 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP35-113-1-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/publications/science-recherche-et-donnees/inegalites-tabagisme-infographie.html01318nam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400017001060430021001230860041001441000024001852450138002092600062003473000028004094900052004375040049004895100074005385460035006126920021006477000024006687100051006927760089007438300069008328560115009019.811404CaOODSP20221107141101cr |||||||||||160218s1992 oncabo|fo f001 0 eng d z0-660-14222-8 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---an-us-ak1 aA42-42/1992-19E-PDFzA42-42/1992-19E1 aPlatnick, Norman I.14aThe ground spiders of Canada and Alaska h[electronic resource] : bAraneae: Gnaphosidae / cNorman I. Platnick, Charles D. Dondale.  aOttawa : bResearch Branch, Agriculture Canada, c1992.  a297 p. : bill., maps. 1 aThe insects and arachnids of Canada ; vpart 19 aIncludes bibliographic references and index.0 aCanadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication. aIncludes some text in French. 072gccstaArachnids1 aDondale, Charles D.1 aCanada.bAgriculture Canada.bResearch Branch.0#tThe ground spiders of Canada and Alaska (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) / w(CaOODSP)9.608485#0aThe insects and arachnids of Canada ;vpt. 19w(CaOODSP)9.81127340qPDFs15.92 MB uhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/aac-aafc/agrhist/A42-42-1992-19-eng.pdf01068nam 2200229za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860021001172450128001382600072002663000010003385000130003485000110004787100053005887750048006417940047006898560102007369.504238CaOODSP20221107133356cr |||||||||||150406t20142014onca| o||||f000 | fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aA115-8/2014F-PDF10aGuide sur Agri-relance h[ressource électronique] : bcadre fédéral-provincial-territorial d'aide en cas de catastrophe. a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, c[2014], c2014 a10 p. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A guide to AgriRecovery, a federal-provincial-territorial disaster relief framework. aDiffusé par le Programme des services de dépôt du gouvernement du Canada (Liste hebdomadaire 2014-26).1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.08tA guide to AgriRecovery w(CaOODSP)9.507860 tGuide sur Agri-relance w(CaOODSP)9.85765840qPDFs1.01 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2014/aac-aafc/A115-8-2014-fra.pdf01622nam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001172450071001422460040002132600060002533000026003135000045003395000084003845000075004685200477005435460024010206920030010446930011010747100048010857750042011337920041011758560104012169.822277CaOODSP20221107143642cr |||||||||||160809s2011 onc|||||o f|0| 0 ind d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aA15-11519/2011Id-PDF01a[Canadian salmon h[electronic resource] : bthe emperor of fish].13aIkan Salmon Kanada : bRajanya Ikan a[Ottawa : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada, cc2011]. a2 p. : bphotographs. aEnglish title supplied by the publisher. aIssued also in French under title: Saumon canadien : l’empereur des poissons. aIssued also in Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, English and French. aGlittering and leaping as they fight their way up the rapids of a Canadian river, salmon are among the world’s most splendid fish. Nowadays, Canadian salmon are both farmed and caught wild. Fresh, frozen, smoked or canned in modern plants that use the most exacting standards of quality, they’re a cornerstone of the country’s seafood industry and are exported all over the world. Indeed, Canada is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of salmon. ... aText in Indonesian.072gccstaAgri-food industry 4aSalmon1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada.08tCanadian salmon : w(CaOODSP)9.695148 t[Saumon canadien w(CaOODSP)9.82228140qPDFs350 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/aac-aafc/A15-11519-2011-ind.pdf01803nam 2200301za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860025001172450079001422460040002212600065002613000028003265000043003545000083003975000081004805200625005615460026011866920038012126930011012507100053012617750042013147910041013568560104013979.822281CaOODSP20221107143643cr |||||||||||160809s2011 onc|||||o f|0| 0 ind d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aA15-11519/2011Id-PDF01a[Saumon canadien h[ressource électronique] : bl'empereur des poissons].13aIkan Salmon Kanada : bRajanya Ikan a[Ottawa : bAgriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, cc2011]. a2 p. : bphotographies. aTitre français fourni par l'éditeur. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian salmon: the emperor of fish. aPublié aussi en japonais, coréen, espagnol, italien, anglais et français. aÉtincelant au soleil alors qu’il remonte en sautant les rivières canadiennes, le saumon est l’un des poissons les plus splendides au monde. De nos jours, le saumon canadien est à la fois élevé en aquaculture et pêché à l’état sauvage. Frais, congelé, fumé ou mis en conserve dans des usines modernes qui respectent les normes de qualité les plus élevées, le saumon constitue la pierre angulaire de l’industrie canadienne des poissons et fruits de mer, et il est exporté partout dans le monde. En fait, le Canada est l’un des plus importants producteurs et exportateurs mondiaux et de saumon. ... aTexte en indonésien.072gccstaIndustrie agro-alimentaire 4aSaumon1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.08tSaumon canadien : w(CaOODSP)9.639292 t[Canadian salmon w(CaOODSP)9.82227740qPDFs350 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/aac-aafc/A15-11519-2011-ind.pdf01206nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001502450104001742640100002782640011003783360031003893370034004203380043004545000111004975000022006086920039006306920039006697100053007087750051007618560104008129.873461CaOODSP20221107163924m o d f cr |n|||||||||190523s2018 onco |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA52-12835/2018F-PDF00aInstallation de transformation des aliments : bCentre de recherche et de développement de Guelph. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada = Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, c[2018] 4c©2018 atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Food processing facility: Guelph Research and Development Centre. aTitre de départ.072gccstaTransformation des aliments072gccstaRecherche et développement1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.08tFood processing facility : w(CaOODSP)9.87270740qPDFs260 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A52-12835-2018-fra.pdf02622nam 2200505zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200049001070400031001560430012001870860035001991000035002342450064002692640099003332640011004323000066004433360026005093370026005353380036005615000106005975000017007035000123007205000068008435040041009115200528009525300033014806530020015136530019015336530011015526530023015636530023015866920018016096920017016277000037016447000029016817000041017107000040017517100048017917750090018397760084019298560103020139.868732CaOODSP20221107162652m o d f cr cn|||||||||190222t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d a9780660297132q(pdf)z9780660297149q(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA59-72/2019E-PDFzA59-72/2019E1 aLasnier, Jacques‏, eauthor.10aGuide to the key arthropods of vineyards of Eastern Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada = Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (xviii, 114 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Guide des principaux arthropodes des vignobles de l'Est du Canada. aCover title. aPrepared by Jacques Lasnier, Wendy McFadden-Smith, Debra Moreau, Patrice Bouchard and Charles Vincent. Confer Authors. a"Technical bulletin of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Documents currently available on web sites of the Ministries of Agriculture of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces provide images, information and crop protection recommendation for arthropods pests (insects, mites) of vineyards which are often regional in nature. This Guide provides a complementary resource to these provincial websites, offering many high resolution images of arthropods and their natural enemies, as well as a systematic presentation of their biology and monitoring protocols"--Preface, page x. aIssued also in print format.10aArthropod pests10aIdentification10aGrapes10aDiseases and pests10aBiological control072gccstaGrapes072gccstaPests1 aMcFadden-Smith, Wendy, eauthor.1 aMoreau, Debra, eauthor.1 aBouchard, Patrice, d1973- eauthor.1 aVincent, Charles, d1953- eauthor.1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada.08tGuide des principaux arthropodes des vignobles de l'Est du Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.8687360#tGuide to the key arthropods of vineyards of eastern Canada. w(CaOODSP)9.86873440qPDFs15.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A59-72-2019-eng.pdf01524nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001502450073001742640100002472640011003473000063003583360026004213370026004473380036004735000137005095000019006465200260006656920027009256920036009527100048009887750070010368560104011069.872707CaOODSP20221107163719m o d f cr |n|||||||||190509s2018 onco |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA52-12835/2018E-PDF00aFood processing facility : bGuelph Research and Development Centre. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada = Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, c[2018] 4c©2018 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) : bcolor pictures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Installation de transformation des aliments : Centre de recherche et de développement de Guelph. aCaption title. a"Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) Guelph Research and Development Centre (GRDC) is home to a unique pilot-scale food research facility that is helping Canada continue to be a leader in food safety and food process engineering research"--Page [1].072gccstaFood processing072gccstaResearch and development1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada.08tInstallation de transformation des aliments : w(CaOODSP)9.87346140qPDFs259 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A52-12835-2018-eng.pdf01698nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450109001912640099003002640011003993000045004103360026004553370026004813380036005075000110005435000067006535000017007205040025007375200265007626920017010276920023010447100082010677750096011498560103012459.872873CaOODSP20221107163746m o d f cr |||||||||||190513t20192019oncd o f000 0 eng d a9780660308869 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA29-2/30-2019E-PDF00aEvaluation of the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-19) / cOffice of Audit and Evaluation. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada = Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (28 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du Programme canadien d’adaptation agricole (2014-2019). a"Results and Delivery Management Committee, February 8, 2019." aCover title. aIncludes references. a"The Office of Audit and Evaluation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) undertook an evaluation of the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) (2014-19) to assess the relevance, performance, design, and delivery of the program"--Purpose, page 5.072gccstaAudit072gccstaAgriculture1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada. bOffice of Audit and Evaluation.08tÉvaluation du Programme canadien d’adaptation agricole (2014-2019) / w(CaOODSP)9.87287440qPDFs350 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A29-2-30-2019-eng.pdf01842nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450126001912640099003172640011004163000053004273360031004803370034005113380043005455000128005885000028007165000081007445040033008255200285008586920025011436920023011687100103011917750095012948560103013899.872874CaOODSP20221107163746m o d f cr |||||||||||190513t20192019oncd o f000 0 fre d a9780660308876 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA29-2/30-2019F-PDF00aÉvaluation du Programme canadien d’adaptation agricole (2014-2019) / cBureau de la vérification et de l'évaluation. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada = Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (30 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-19).  aTitre de la couverture. a« Comité de gestion des résultats et de l'exécution, 8 février 2019. » aComprend des référerences. a« Le Bureau de la vérification et de l'évaluation d'Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC) a entrepris une évaluation du Programme d'adaptation agricole (2014-2019) (PCAA) pour examiner sa pertinence, son rendement, sa conception et son exécution » -- Objectif, page 5.072gccstaVérification072gccstaAgriculture1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada. bBureau de la vérification et de l'évaluation.08tEvaluation of the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-19) / w(CaOODSP)9.87287340qPDFs568 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A29-2-30-2019-fra.pdf02245nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450119001722640087002913000054003783360026004323370026004583380036004845000178005205000017006985040025007155200673007406920020014136920034014336920030014677100072014977750162015697950074017318560102018059.873515CaOODSP20221107163933m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524e201901 oncd |o f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aV32-294/2019E-PDF00aEvaluation of the Long-term Care Program and the Intermediate Care component of the Veterans Independence Program. 1a[Ottawa] : bVeterans Affairs Canada = Anciens Combattants Canada, cJanuary 2019. a1 online resource (ii, 22 pages) : bcolor chart. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du Programme de soins de longue durée et du volet Soins intermédiaire du Programme pour l'autonomie des anciens combattants. aCover title. aIncludes references. a"Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) supports the needs of Veterans who require facility-based long-term care through the Long-term Care (LTC) Program and the Intermediate Care component of the Veterans Independence Program (VIP-IC). VAC provides financial support for Veterans who require care in the following settings: facilities such as nursing homes and other long-term care facilities with beds that are open to Veterans as well as other provincial residents; and facilities with beds designated through contractual arrangements with the province, health authority and/or facility for priority access for World War II and Korean War Veterans"--Program profile, page i.072gccstaVeterans072gccstaHealth care facilities072gccstaProgram assessment1 aCanada. bVeterans Affairs Canada. bAudit and Evaluation Division.08tÉvaluation du Programme de soins de longue durée et du volet Soins intermédiaire du Programme pour l'autonomie des anciens combattants.w(CaOODSP)9.873518##tEvaluation of the Intermediate and Long Term Care Programs w9.81203440qPDFs1.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-294-2019-eng.pdf02579nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450143001722640087003153000066004023360031004683370034004993380043005335000160005765000028007365040031007645200903007956920029016986920036017276920036017637100106017997750138019057950096020438560102021399.873518CaOODSP20221107163934m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524e201901 oncd |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aV32-294/2019F-PDF00aÉvaluation du Programme de soins de longue durée et du volet Soins intermédiaire du Programme pour l'autonomie des anciens combattants. 1a[Ottawa] : bAnciens Combattants Canada = Veterans Affairs Canada, cjanvier 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, 28 pages) : bgraphique en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of the Long-term Care Program and the Intermediate Care component of the Veterans Independence Program. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références. a« Anciens Combattants Canada (ACC) répond aux besoins des vétérans qui nécessitent des soins de longue durée dans des établissements grâce à son Programme de soins de longue durée (SLD) et au volet Soins intermédiaires au titre du Programme pour l'autonomie des anciens combattants (SI-PAAC). ACC offre une aide financière aux vétérans qui ont besoins de soins dans les installations suivantes : des établissements comme les maisons de repos et autres établissements de soins de longue durée comprenant des lits ouverts aux vétérans ainsi qu'à d'autres résidents de la province; des établissements comportant des lits désignés par des ententes contractuelles avec la province, l'autorité sanitaire ou l'établissement pour que les vétérans de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée aient un accès prioritaire aux lits » -- Portrait des programmes, page i.072gccstaAncien combattant072gccstaÉtablissement de santé072gccstaÉvaluation de programme1 aCanada. bAnciens combattants Canada. bDirection générale de la vérification et de l'évaluation.08tEvaluation of the Long-term Care Program and the Intermediate Care component of the Veterans Independence Program.w(CaOODSP)9.873515##tÉvaluation des programmes de soins intermédiaires et de soins de longue durée w9.81203740qPDFs1.42 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-294-2019-fra.pdf01974nam 22003738i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450111001912640093003022640011003953000060004063360026004663370026004923380036005185000157005545000025007115040041007365200445007776920037012226920019012596920019012787100055012977100038013527750055013907760052014458560103014979.867536CaOODSP20230731124654a 000 | cr |||||||||||190123t20192019oncad|||o f00| 0 eng d a9780660293806 aCaOODSPbengcCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aPS104-17/2019E-PDF00aAging and dying in prison ban investigation into the experiences of older individuals in federal custody. 1a[Ottawa] : bCorrectional Investigator Canada; Canadian Human Rights Commission, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (90 pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Vieillir et mourir en prison : enquête sur les expériences vécues par les personnes âgées sous garde fédérale. a"February 28, 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Prisons were never intended to be nursing homes, hospices, or long-term care facilities. Yet increasingly in Canada, they are being required to fulfill those functions. The proportion of older individuals in federal custody (those 50 years of age and older) is growing. They now account for 25% of the federal prison population (3,534 individuals 50+, 3,432 men and 102 women of a total prison population of 14,004)"--Introduction, page 3.072gccstaCorrectional institutions072gccstaInmates072gccstaSeniors1 aCanada. bOffice of the Correctional Investigator.2 aCanadian Human Rights Commission.08tVieillir et mourir en prison : w(CaOODSP)9.8675370#tAging and dying in prison : w(CaOODSP)9.86760540qPDFs2.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bec-oci/PS104-17-2019-eng.pdf02189nam 22003618i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400031001060430012001370860023001492450124001722640109002962640011004053000068004163360031004843370034005153380043005495000151005925000028007435040048007715200617008196920041014366920019014776920018014967100052015147100053015667750050016197760055016698560103017249.867537CaOODSP20230731123044cr |||||||||||190123t20192019oncad|||o f00| 0 fre d a9780660293813 aCaOODSPbfrecCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aPS104-17/2019F-PDF00aVieillir et mourir en prison : benquête sur les expériences vécues par les personnes âgées sous garde fédérale. 1a[Ottawa] : bL'Enquêteur correctionnel Canada; Commission canadienne des droits de la personne, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (104 pages) : billustrations, graphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Aging and dying in prison: an investigation into the experiences of older individuals in federal custody. a« 28 février 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Les prisons n'ont jamais été conçues pour être des maisons de soins infirmiers, des centres de soins palliatifs ou des établissements de soins de longue durée. Au Canada, pourtant, elles sont de plus en plus appelées à remplir ces fonctions. On assiste à une augmentation de la proportion des personnes âgées (50 ans et plus) qui sont sous garde fédérale. Ces personnes représentent actuellement 25% de la population carcérale (soit 3534 personnes âgées de 50 ans et plus, dont 3432 hommes et 102 femmes dans une population carcérale de 14 004 personnes au total) » -- Introduction, page 4.072gccstaÉtablissement pénitentiaire072gccstaDétenu072gccstaAîné1 aCanada. bBureau de l'Enquêteur correctionnel.2 aCommission canadienne des droits de la personne.08tAging and dying in prison w(CaOODSP)9.8675360#tVieillir et mourir en prison : w(CaOODSP)9.86760640qPDFs3.45 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bec-oci/PS104-17-2019-fra.pdf01589nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450060001732640128002333000045003613360026004063370026004323380036004585000103004945000017005975040025006145200344006396920020009836920026010037100058010297750087010878560101011749.873521CaOODSP20221107163935m o d f cr |||||||||||190524e20190516oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-178/2019E-PDF 00aCosts associated with replacing the federal pay system. 1aOttawa, Canada : bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer = Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget, c16 May 2019. a1 online resource (41 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Coûts associés au remplacement du système de paye fédéral. aCover title. aIncludes references. a"This report provides an independent estimate of the cost of replacing the Phoenix pay system, the current payroll processing system that administers pay for federal public servants. It assesses costs associated with procuring and implementing a new software, as well as projected operating costs over 10 years"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaSalaries072gccstaPublic service1 aCanada. bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.08tCoûts associés au remplacement du système de paye fédéral.w(CaOODSP)9.87352340qPDFs582 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-178-2019-eng.pdf01687nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450068001722640128002403000052003683360031004203370034004513380043004855000101005285000028006295040048006575200381007056920019010866920029011057100059011347750079011938560101012729.873523CaOODSP20221107163935m o d f cr cn|||||||||190524e20190516oncd ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-178/2019F-PDF00aCoûts associés au remplacement du système de paye fédéral. 1aOttawa, Canada : bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget = Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, c16 mai 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (46 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Costs associated with replacing the federal pay system. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a«Le présent rapport contient une évaluation indépendante du coût estimé du remplacement du système de paye Phénix, soit le système de traitement des payes des fonctionnaires fédéraux. Il présente l’évaluation des coûts d’approvisionnement et de mise en place d’un nouveau logiciel, de même que ses coûts d’exploitation sur 10 ans» -- Résumé, page 1.072gccstaSalaire072gccstaFonction publique1 aCanada. bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget.08tCosts associated with replacing the federal pay system.w(CaOODSP)9.87352140qPDFs589 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-178-2019-fra.pdf01718nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450113001732640130002863000034004163360026004503370026004763380036005025000179005385000017007175040025007345200282007596920017010416920024010587100058010827750163011408560101013039.873529CaOODSP20221107163936m o d f cr |||||||||||190524e20190425onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-179/2019E-PDF 00aCosts estimate for implementing structured intervention units as set out in Bill C-83 and related proposals. 1aOttawa, Canada : bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer = Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget, c25 April 2019. a1 online resource (12 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Estimation des coûts de mise en place des unités d’intervention structurée prévues au projet de loi C-83 et de propositions connexes. aCover title. aIncludes references. a"Bill C-83 would replace segregation of inmates with structured intervention units (SIUs). SIUs would offer inmates a minimum of two more hours of time out of their cell per day and greater opportunities to participate in correctional interventions"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaCosts072gccstaImprisonment1 aCanada. bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.08tEstimation des coûts de mise en place des unités d’intervention structurée prévues au projet de loi C-83 et de propositions connexes.w(CaOODSP)9.87353140qPDFs365 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-179-2019-eng.pdf01807nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450144001722640130003163000037004463360031004833370034005143380043005485000153005915000028007445040048007725200338008206920017011586920026011757100059012017750132012608560101013929.873531CaOODSP20221107163936m o d f cr cn|||||||||190524e20190425onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-179/2019F-PDF00aEstimation des coûts de mise en place des unités d’intervention structurée prévues au projet de loi C-83 et de propositions connexes. 1aOttawa, Canada : bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget = Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, c25 avril 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (14 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Cost estimate for implementing structured intervention units as set out in Bill C-83 and related proposals. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a«Le projet de loi C-83 remplacerait l’isolement des détenus par des unités d’intervention structurée (UIS). Dans des UIS, les détenus disposeraient d’au moins deux heures par jour à l’extérieur de leur cellule et auraient plus de possibilités de participer à des interventions correctionnelles» -- Résumé, page 1.072gccstaCoût072gccstaEmprisonnement1 aCanada. bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget.08tCosts estimate for implementing structured intervention units as set out in Bill C-83 and related proposals.w(CaOODSP)9.87352940qPDFs505 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-179-2019-fra.pdf01459nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450068001732640130002413000033003713360026004043370026004303380036004565000129004925000017006215040025006385200235006636920018008986920024009167100058009407750046009988560101010449.873541CaOODSP20221107163938m o d f cr |||||||||||190524e20190416onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-180/2019E-PDF 00aBill C-266 : bincreasing the duration of parole ineligibility. 1aOttawa, Canada : bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer = Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget, c16 April 2019. a1 online resource (5 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Projet de loi C-266 : prolongation du délai préalable à la libération conditionnelle. aCover title. aIncludes references. a"Bill C-266 allows judges to impose longer periods of parole ineligibility foroffenders convicted of the abduction, sexual assault and murder of a victimin respect of the same event or series of events"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaParole072gccstaImprisonment1 aCanada. bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.08tProjet de loi C-266 : w(CaOODSP)9.87354540qPDFs365 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-180-2019-eng.pdf01597nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450096001722640130002683000036003983360031004343370034004653380043004995000105005425000028006475040048006755200299007236920038010226920026010607100059010867750037011458560101011829.873545CaOODSP20221107163939m o d f cr cn|||||||||190524e20190416onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-180/2019F-PDF00aProjet de loi C-266 : bprolongation du délai préalable à la libération conditionnelle. 1aOttawa, Canada : bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget = Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, c16 avril 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (6 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre :Bill C-266: increasing the duration of parole ineligibility. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a«Le projet de loi C-266 permet aux juges d’imposer des délais préalables à la libération conditionnelle plus longs pour les délinquants déclarés coupables de l’enlèvement, de l’agression sexuelle et du meurtre de la même personne et au vu des mêmes faits» -- Résumé, page 1.072gccstaLibération conditionnelle072gccstaEmprisonnement1 aCanada. bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget.08tBill C-266 : w(CaOODSP)9.87354140qPDFs461 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-180-2019-fra.pdf01609nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450077001732640130002503000045003803360026004253370026004513380036004775000125005135000017006385040025006555200296006806920026009766920025010027100058010277750109010858560101011949.873560CaOODSP20221107163941m o d f cr |||||||||||190524e20190425oncd #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-181/2019E-PDF 00aFiscal and distributional analysis of the federal carbon pricing system. 1aOttawa, Canada : bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer = Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget, c25 April 2019. a1 online resource (27 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Analyse financière et distributive du système fédéral de tarification du carbone. aCover title. aIncludes references. a"This report provides an independent estimate of the revenues that will be generated under the federal pollution pricing system. It also estimates the net fiscal impact on households in different income groups in Ontario, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Saskatchewan"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaClimate change072gccstaFederal taxes1 aCanada. bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.08tAnalyse financière et distributive du système fédéral de tarification du carbone.w(CaOODSP)9.87356340qPDFs592 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-181-2019-eng.pdf01749nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450090001722640130002623000052003923360031004443370034004753380043005095000118005525000028006705040048006985200388007466920028011346920017011627100059011797750096012388560101013349.873563CaOODSP20221107163941m o d f cr cn|||||||||190524e20190425oncd o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-181/2019F-PDF00aAnalyse financière et distributive du système fédéral de tarification du carbone. 1aOttawa, Canada : bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget = Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, c25 avril 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (30 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Fiscal and distributional analysis of the federal carbon pricing system. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a«Ce rapport présente une estimation indépendante des recettes générées par l’application du système fédéral de tarification de la pollution par le carbone. Il donne également une estimation des répercussions financières nettes sur les ménages de différentes catégories de revenu en Ontario, au Nouveau-Brunswick, au Manitoba et en Saskatchewan» -- Résumé, page 1.072gccstaImpôt fédéral072gccstaCoût1 aCanada. bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget.08tFiscal and distributional analysis of the federal carbon pricing system.w(CaOODSP)9.87356040qPDFs685 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-181-2019-fra.pdf00823nas 2200241za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020430012001190860016001311100045001472220058001922450085002502460032003352600068003673100011004353620027004465000062004737750046005359.866621CaOODSP20231115104105cr |||||||||||190104c20189999oncar p o f0 a0eng|  a2562-2870 aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aFA1-30E-PDF1 aCanada. bOffice of the Auditor General. 0aFees report b(Canada. Office of the Auditor General)10aFees report h[electronic resource] / cOffice of the Auditor General of Canada.13aFees report fiscal year ... a[Ottawa] : bOffice of the Auditor General of Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual1 aBegan with: 2017/2018. aIssued also in French under title: Rapport sur les frais.08tRapport sur les frais w(CaOODSP)9.86662300853nas 2200241za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470220014000880400017001020430012001190860016001311100049001472220072001962450091002682460046003592600072004053100011004773620031004885000056005197750036005759.866623CaOODSP20231115104236cr |||||||||||190104c20189999oncar p|o f0 b0fre|  a2562-2889 aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aFA1-30F-PDF1 aCanada. bBureau du vérificateur général. 0aRapport sur les frais b(Canada. Bureau du vérificateur général)10aRapport sur les frais h[ressource électronique] / cBureau du vérificateur general.13aRapport sur les frais pour l'exercice ... a[Ottawa] : bBureau du vérificateur général du Canada, c[2019]- aAnnuel1 aParaît depuis: 2017/2018. aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Fees report.08tFees report w(CaOODSP)9.86662102524nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860022001771100071001992450172002702640112004422640011005543000036005653360026006013370026006273380036006535000216006895000032009055200443009375300033013806100059014137750140014727760131016128560154017438560132018978560121020299.867861CaOODSP20221107162427m o d f cr cn|||||||||190131t20192019onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660294544 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aFA3-150/2019E-PDF1 aCanada. bOffice of the Auditor General, eauthor, eissuing body.10aReport of the Auditor General of Canada to the board of directors of the Canadian Commercial Corporation : bindependent auditor's report : special examination - 2019. 1a[Ottawa] : bOffice of the Auditor General of Canada = Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 20 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d'administration de la Corporation commerciale canadienne : rapport de l'auditeur indépendant : examen spécial - 2019. aIssued also in HTML format. a"Our objective for this audit was to determine whether the systems and practices we selected for examination at the Canadian Commercial Corporation were providing it with reasonable assurance that its assets were safeguarded and controlled, its resources were managed economically and efficiently, and its operations were carried out effectively as required by section 138 of the Financial Administration Act"--Focus of the audit, page 2. aIssued also in print format.20aCanadian Commercial CorporationxManagementxAuditing.08tRapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d'administration de la Corporation commerciale canadienne : w(CaOODSP)9.8678630#tReport of the Auditor General of Canada to the board of directors of the Canadian Commercial Corporation : w(CaOODSP)9.86786440qPDFs3.08 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bvg-oag/FA3-150-2019-eng.pdfz(Copy provided to Canadian Commercial Corporation)40qPDFs470 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2020/bvg-oag/FA3-150-2019-eng.pdfz(Copy provided to Parliament)4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/parl_oag_202007_04_e_43575.htmlz(Copy provided to Parliament)02629nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860022001771100087001992450183002862640112004692640011005813000039005923360031006313370034006623380043006965000209007395000034009485200489009825300045014716100056015167750131015727760142017038560157018458560131020028560122021339.867863CaOODSP20221107162428m o d f cr cn|||||||||190131t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660294551 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aFA3-150/2019F-PDF1 aCanada. bBureau du vérificateur général, eauteur, eorganisme de publication.10aRapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d'administration de la Corporation commerciale canadienne : brapport de l'auditeur indépendant : examen spécial - 2019. 1a[Ottawa] : bBureau du vérificateur général du Canada = Office of the Auditor General of Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (v, 23 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the board of directors of the Canadian Commercial Corporation: independent auditor's report: special examination - 2019. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Notre audit visait à déterminer si les moyens et les méthodes de la Corporation commerciale canadienne que nous avons sélectionnés aux fins de l'examen lui fournissaient l'assurance raisonnable que ses actifs étaient protégés et contrôlés, que ses ressources étaient gérées avec efficience et économie, et que ses activités étaient menées avec efficacité, comme l'exige l'article 138 de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques » -- Objet de l'audit, page 2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.26aCorporation commerciale canadiennexGestionxAudit.08tReport of the Auditor General of Canada to the board of directors of the Canadian Commercial Corporation : w(CaOODSP)9.8678610#tRapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d’administration de la Corporation commerciale canadienne : w(CaOODSP)9.86786540qPDFs3.31 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bvg-oag/FA3-150-2019-fra.pdfz(Copie fournie à Corporation commerciale canadienne)40qPDFs467 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2020/bvg-oag/FA3-150-2019-fra.pdfz(Copie fournie au Parlement)4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/Francais/parl_oag_202007_04_f_43575.htmlz(Copie fournie au Parlement)01519nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000027001722450076001992640113002753000062003883360026004503370026004763380036005025000100005385200360006386920030009986920017010287000031010457100038010768560103011149.872579CaOODSP20221107163701m o d f cr |||||||||||190507e19510215onca #of f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aDR50-1/1951E-PDF 1 aMeek, J. H., eauthor.10aIonospheric observer's instruction manual / cJ.H. Meek, C.A. McKerrow. 1aOttawa : bDefence Research Telecommunications Establishment, Radio Physics Laborartory, c15 February 1951. a1 online resource (81 unnumbered pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"A knowledge of the prevailing characteristics of the ionosphere is of considerable importance to all services using radio as a means of long distance communication. Since the characteristics of the ionosphere are by no means constant, regular radio measurements are made for the prediction of the characteristics and for purposes of study"--Introduction.072gccstaTelecommunications072gccstaRadio1 aMcKerrow, C. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDefence Research Board.40qPDFs9.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/DR50-1-1951-eng.pdf02221nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000030001712450096002012640106002973000054004033360026004573370026004833380036005095000100005455000028006455040041006735201005007146920030017196920017017497100038017668560103018049.872586CaOODSP20221107163702m o d f cr |||||||||||190507e195907##onca #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aDR50-3/1959E-PDF1 aMaynard, L. A., eauthor.12aA study of 46 MC/S transmissions beyond the horizon in eastern Ontario / cby L.A. Maynard. 1aOttawa : bDefence Research Telecommunications Establishment, Communications Laboratory, cJuly 1959. a1 online resource (v, 19 pages) : eillustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"DRTE Report No. 1021." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report concerns 46 Mc/s transmissions over a 185 mile path between North Bay and Ottawa. Continuous recordings of received signal amplitude were made from February 10, 1956 to February 2, 1958. In addition, synoptic weather information was obtained from Killaloe, about 25 miles south of the centre of the transmission path and from Maniwaki, about 90 miles north of Ottawa. The signal transmission loss showed a strong seasonal dependence in both monthly median level and in the extent of the diurnal variation. The summertime transmission loss coincided approximately with the amount reported by Bullington, but transmission loss in winter approached a value some 13 db greater than this. Regular intervals of high signal fading rate observed during winter months were attributed to signal transmission by an ionospheric mode of ground back-scatter. Intervals of high fading rate and large transmission loss were found to be associated with regions of strong airstream convergence"--Abstract.072gccstaTelecommunications072gccstaRadio1 aCanada. bDefence Research Board.40qPDFs2.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/DR50-3-1959-eng.pdf01470nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000031001712450130002022640107003323000051004393360026004903370026005163380036005425000100005785000035006785000027007135040041007405200212007816920022009937100038010158560103010539.872588CaOODSP20221107163702m o d f cr |||||||||||190507e196902##onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aDR50-4/1969E-PDF1 aEndresen, Trond, eauthor.10aNoise and intermodulation in the ionospheric sounder receiver for the Alouette and ISIS satellites (U) / cby Trond Endresen. 1aOttawa : bDefence Research Telecommunications Establishment, Electronics Laboratory, cFebruary 1969. a1 online resource (57 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"DRTE Technical Note No. 607." a"Progo No. D02-04-02." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The problems associated with sounding the top side of the ionosphere over a wide frequency range with limited transmitter power and a long extendible electric dipole antenna system are described"--Abstract.072gccstaSatellites1 aCanada. bDefence Research Board.40qPDFs3.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/DR50-4-1969-eng.pdf01440nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400031001060430012001370860024001491100052001732450025002252640090002502640011003403000045003513360026003963370026004223380036004485000064004845000017005485000032005655040025005975200161006226920018007837750048008017760044008498560103008938560094009969.866793CaOODSP20221107162136cr |||||||||||190108t20192019quc o f000 0 eng d a9780660292298 aCaOODSPbengcCaOODSPerda an-cn-qu1 aIu90-4/61-2019E-PDF2 aCanada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.10aCED code of conduct. 1aMontréal : bCanada Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (28 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Code de conduite de DEC. aCover title. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes references. a"The CED Code of Conduct outlines the values and expected behaviours that you must adopt in all activities related to your professional duties"--Objectives.072gccstaEthics08tCode de conduite de DEC.w(CaOODSP)9.8667970#tCED code of conduct w(CaOODSP)9.86679440qPDFs410 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dec-ced/Iu90-4-61-2019-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.dec-ced.gc.ca/eng/resources/publications/other/2019/385/index.html01595nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400031001060430012001370860024001491100068001732450029002412640105002702640011003753000054003863360031004403370034004713380043005055000066005485000028006145000034006425040031006765200227007076920020009347750044009547760048009988560103010468560096011499.866797CaOODSP20221107162136cr |||||||||||190108s2019 quc o f000 0 fre d a9780660292311 aCaOODSPbfrecCaOODSPerda an-cn-qu1 aIu90-4/61-2019F-PDF2 aDéveloppement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec.10aCode de conduite de DEC. 1aMontréal : bAgence de développement économique du Canada pour les régions du Québec, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (32 pages non-numérotées). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : CED code of conduct. aTitre de la couverture. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références. a« Le Code de conduite de DEC donne les grandes lignes des valeurs et des comportements attendus que vous devez adopter dans toutes les activités liées à l'exercice de vos fonctions professionnelles » -- 1.1 Objectifs.072gccstaÉthique08tCED code of conduct.w(CaOODSP)9.8667930#tCode de conduite de DEC w(CaOODSP)9.86680140qPDFs396 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dec-ced/Iu90-4-61-2019-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.dec-ced.gc.ca/fra/ressources/publications/autre/2019/385/index.html02235nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000037001852450134002222640105003563000063004613360026005243370026005503380036005764900032006125000022006445000086006665040041007525200602007935460072013956920021014676920022014887000052015107100034015627100037015967100047016338300051016808560106017319.873265CaOODSP20221107163850m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1988 onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/88-49E-PDF1 aReynoldson, Trefor B., eauthor.14aThe biological assessment of contaminated sediments : bthe Detroit River example / cTrefor B. Reynoldson and Michael A. Zarull. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1988] a1 online resource (30 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v88-49 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Contaminated sediments have been identified in 41 of 42 IJC Areas of Concern. At the present time the significance of levels of contaminants is poorly understood, and there is a serious need for a suitable management strategy for decision with regard to developing remedial actions for contaminated sediments. This paper, developed while working for the IJC sediment subcommittee, proposes an assessment strategy for determining the need for remedial action and furthermore identifies a decision making criteria for judging whether or not remediation has been successful"--Management perspective. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaPollutants1 aZarull, Michael A. q(Michael Anthony)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v88-49.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-88-49-eng.pdf02168nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000025001852450177002102640113003873000054005003360026005543370026005803380036006064900032006425000086006745040041007605200502008015460072013036920028013756920022014037000026014257000044014517100034014957100037015297100047015668300051016138560106016649.873267CaOODSP20221107163850m o d f cr |||||||||||190521e198712##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/88-59E-PDF1 aLi, W. C., eauthor.10aUpper Great Lakes Connecting Channels interlaboratory performance evaluation study, QM-12 : btotal phenol in water : final report / cby W.C. Li, H.B. Lee and E. Kokotich. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1987. a1 online resource (ii, 6, [15] pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v88-59 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels (UGLCC) recognizes Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) aspects as crucial elements to the overall utility of study results. As part of the QA/QC program, thirteen interlaboratory performance evaluation studies were designed and conducted by the Quality Management work Group. This report describes the results from the twelfth interlaboratory performance evaluation study, QM-12, which consisted of the analysis of total phenol in water"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaPollutants1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.1 aKokotich, E. A. q(Eleanor A.)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v88-59.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-88-59-eng.pdf01713nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450072002132640099002853000034003843360026004183370026004443380036004704900033005065000086005395040041006255200330006666530032009966920021010287100034010497100071010838300115011548560106012699.873269CaOODSP20221107163851m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521e198303##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/83-12E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bOttawa River / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMarch 1983. a1 online resource (44 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-12 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis and sediments from the Ottawa River. John Merriman, WQB, submitted 37 samples requesting gravel, sand, silt, and clay percentages. The samples were analyzed, using standard procedures (Duncan and LaHaie 1979) and the unused portion returned to J. Merriman"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-12w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs2.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-12-eng.pdf02291nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000055001852450161002402640132004013000042005333360026005753370026006013380036006274900036006635000143006995000086008425040055009285200249009835460060012326920018012926920021013106920022013317000043013537000027013967100034014237100073014577100037015307750129015678300055016968560106017519.873274CaOODSP20221107163852m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198906##oncb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-07E-PDF1 aCoakley, J. P. q(John Phillip), d1940- eauthor.10aLiterature review and bibliography of the geological processes and bottom sediments of the St. Lawrence River / cJ.P. Coakley, J.-C. Dionne and D. Brodeur. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (56 pages) : bmap. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-07 aIssued also in French under title: Revue de la litérature et bibliographie des processus géologiques et des sédiments du Saint-Laurent. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 31-54). a"This report summarizes the geological and sedimentological literature on the St. Lawrence and serves as an initial point of departure for further investigations into modern sediment dynamics in the St. Lawrence system"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and foreword in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaSediments072gccstaPollutants1 aDionne, Jean-Claude, d1935- eauthor.1 aBrodeur, D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.08tRevue de la litérature et bibliographie des processus géologiques et des sédiments du Saint-Laurent / w(CaOODSP)9.873612#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-07.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-07-eng.pdf01825nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450077002132640103002903000034003933360026004273370026004533380036004794900033005155000086005485040041006345200433006756530032011086920021011407100034011617100071011958300115012668560106013819.873277CaOODSP20221107163852m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521e19830420onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-mb1 aEn13-6/83-13E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bChurchill Harbour / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cApril 20, 1983. a1 online resource (46 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-13 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis on sediments from Churchill Harbour. Mr. Pat Hamilton, Program Manager, National Harbour Boards, submitted 41 samples requesting gravel, sand, silt and clay percentages., The samples were analyzed by (1) sieve and (2) sieve and short pipette procedures (Duncan and Lahaie, 1979). Four samples were not analyzed and are listed in the appendix as comments only"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-13w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs2.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-13-eng.pdf01904nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450070002132640099002833000034003823360026004163370026004423380036004684900033005045000086005375040041006235200523006646530032011876920021012197100034012407100071012748300115013458560106014609.873280CaOODSP20221107163853m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521e198304##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-sn1 aEn13-6/83-14E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bTobin Lake / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cApril 1983. a1 online resource (41 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-14 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis on sediments submitted to the laboratory by Dr. Bill Warwick, Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg. Thirty three samples from the Tobin Lake Project were analyzed for sand, silt, and clay percentages. Thirty one samples were analysed using the Sedigraph after the sand fraction had been removed by wet sieving. The sand was recorded as one data point. On two samples a complete sand analyses along with Sedigraph analyses was run, (Duncan & LaHaie, 1979)"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-14w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs2.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-14-eng.pdf01804nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000050001852450085002352640135003203000058004553360026005133370026005393380036005654900036006015000086006375040055007235200237007785460060010156920020010756920030010957100034011257100073011597100037012328300055012698560106013249.873284CaOODSP20221107163854m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198810##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-08E-PDF1 aSpigel, R. H.‏q(Robert Hayes)‏,eauthor.10aSome aspects of the physical limnology of Hamilton Harbour / cRobert H. Spigel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cOctober 1988. a1 online resource (88, [94] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-08 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 62-68).3 a"This report reviews previous work on the physical limnology of Hamilton Harbour and presents results and preliminary interpretations of an extensive measurement program undertaken in the harbour from May-September, 1988"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaAquatic ecosystems1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-08.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs9.94 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-08-eng.pdf01845nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000041001862450152002272460079003792640129004583000072005873360026006593370026006853380036007114900037007474900037007845000086008215040041009075460060009486920023010086920022010317000031010537000026010847000041011107100034011517100087011858300056012728560107013289.873290CaOODSP20221107163855m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-219E-PDF1 aBennie, D. T. q(Donald T.)eauthor.10aAlkylphenol polyethoxylate metabolites in Canadian sewage treatment plant waste streams / cD.T. Bennie, C.A. Sullivan, H.-B. Lee and R.J. Maguire.14aAlkylphenol polyethoxylate metabolites in Canadian sewage treatment plants 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 28 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-2190 aAEPB contribution ; vno. 97-219 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaPollutants1 aSullivan, C. A., eauthor.1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-219.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-219-eng.pdf02264nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450125002132640133003383000058004713360026005293370026005553380036005814900036006175000086006535040055007395200687007945460055014816920021015366920028015577100034015857100073016197100037016928300055017298560106017849.873293CaOODSP20221107163855m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198904##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-09E-PDF1 aBoyce, F. M., eauthor.10aEvaluation of sediment traps in Lake St. Clair, Lake Ontario, and in Hamilton Harbour / cF.M. Boyce [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (39, [11] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-09 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-26).3 a"Sediment traps are simple, inexpensive devices that yield time—integrated samples of material suspended in the water column. Although many different designs have been proposed, there seems to be general agreement that‘ the cylindrical settling tube is a design capable of yielding quantitative results in (Bloesch and Burns 1980, Gardner 1980a,b) for relatively calm waters. The reliability of these or any other trap in shallow water with significant wave orbital motions is unknown. This paper describes our attempts to assess the field performance of conventional settling tubes and two versions of horizontally-ported chambers in shallow, wave—dominated water"--Abstract. aIncludes executive summary and abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-09.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.96 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-09-eng.pdf02628nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450132002282640113003603000063004733360026005363370026005623380036005884900037006245000086006615040041007475201021007885460060018096920021018696920018018907000028019087000025019367000025019617100034019867100047020208300056020678560107021239.873294CaOODSP20221107163855m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aEn13-5/97-220E-PDF1 aKrishnappan, B. G., d1943- eauthor.10aTransport characteristics of fine sediment in the Fraser River system / cB.G. Krishnappan, R. Stephens, B. Moore and J. Kraft. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1997] a1 online resource (25 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-220 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"In this report, the sediment transport studies undertaken in the Fraser river system as part of the Fraser River Action Plan are described. The studies consisted of field surveys and laboratory investigations. In the field surveys, the in-situ size distributions of the suspended sediments of the Fraser and Thompson rivers were measured using a laser device and were compared with the size distribution of the dispersed primary particles. From such comparisons, the flocculation state-of the sediments assessed. The laboratory investigations involved measurement of deposition and erosion rates of the river sediment under controlled conditions in the rotating circular flume of the National Water Research Institute. In addition, the influence of the pulp mill effluent on the flocculation mechanism of the sediment was also investigated in the laboratory. Based on the results of these investigations, a new mathematical model of the fine sediment transport was formulated for the Fraser river system"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaRivers1 aStephens, R., eauthor.1 aMoore, B., eauthor.1 aKraft, J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-220.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-220-eng.pdf02264nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000026001862450092002122640148003043000063004523360026005153370026005413380036005674900037006035000086006405040041007265200729007675460060014966920021015567000042015777100034016197100087016538300056017408560106017969.873298CaOODSP20221107163856m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-223E-PDF1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.10aMeasurements of size distributions of settling flocs / cY.L. Lau and B.G. Krishnappan. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, Department of the Environment, c[1997] a1 online resource (21 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-223 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Size distribution measurements were made during experiments on the settling of fine cohesive sediments in uniform shear flows. The experiments were conducted in an annular flume 5 m in diameter. The sediments came from two different sources, one from the Athabasca River in Alberta and one from a stormwater detention pond in Kingston, Ontario. Measurements were made simultaneously using two different instruments, a Malvern Particle Size Analyser and a water elutriation apparatus. The two instruments produced very different distributions. These distributions were used to validate a relationship between floc density and floc size. Information on the composition of various sizes of flocs were also obtained"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSediments1 aKrishnappan, B. G., d1943- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-223.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs823 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-223-eng.pdf01884nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000024001852450091002092640133003003000056004333360026004893370026005153380036005414900036005775000086006135040041006995200235007405460069009756920022010446920028010667000056010947000032011507100034011827100073012167100037012898300055013268560105013819.873302CaOODSP20221107163857m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198904##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-10E-PDF1 aNagy, E., eauthor.10aUnder-ice hydrocarbons in the Mackenzie River / cE. Nagy, J.H. Carey and E.D. Ongley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (20 unnumbered pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-10 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Our three-year study of hydrocarbons in the Mackenzie River was part of a wider study of various pollutants, and on the possible effects of the Norman Wells oil refinery and of area oil seeps on water quality"--Executive summary. aIncludes management perspective and executive summary in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater management1 aCarey, J. H.‏q(John Hansen),‏d1941- eauthor.1 aOngley, Edwin D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-10.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs971 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-10-eng.pdf01709nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000036001842450173002202640126003933000063005193360026005823370026006083380036006344900036006705000086007065040041007925460060008336920022008937000035009157000041009507000026009917000027010177000026010447100034010707100047011048300055011518560105012069.873303CaOODSP20221107163857m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/98-1E-PDF1 aLiu, Dickson, d1935- eauthor.10aMercuric chloride-catalyzed hydrolysis of the new antifouling compound Irgarol 1051 / cby D. Liu, G.J. Pacepavicius, R.J. Maguire, Y.L. Lau, H. Okamura, and I. Aoyama. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1998] a1 online resource (21 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 98-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPesticides1 aPacepavicius, G. J., eauthor.1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.1 aOkamura, H., eauthor.1 aAoyama, I., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-01.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.23 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-1-eng.pdf02087nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450104002162640133003203000044004533360026004973370026005233380036005494900036005855000086006215040055007075200491007625460060012536920030013136920020013437000033013637100034013967100073014307100037015038300055015408560106015959.873306CaOODSP20221107163857m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198904##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-11E-PDF1 aBurnison, B. K., eauthor.10aPurification of DNA for bacterial productivity estimates / cB. Kent Burnison and Donna J. Nuttley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (17 pages) : bchart. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-11 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 10-14).3 a"[Methyl-3H] thymidine labelled DNA from natural populations of aquatic bacteria was completely separated from RNA and protein using hydroxylapatite chromatography. The procedure was validated by monitoring increases in E; coli cell count, absorbance at 550 nm, DNA concentration, and thymidine incorporation into DNA isolated by the proposed technique. The procedure can be used in the field and does not rely on the use of acid-base hydrolyses or volatile organic solvents"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaAquatic ecosystems072gccstaBacteria1 aNuttley, Donna J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-11.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-11-eng.pdf02319nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000026001842450104002102640100003143000091004143360026005053370026005313380036005574900037005935000086006305040041007165200755007575460060015126920022015726920027015947000035016217000036016567100034016927100047017268300056017738560104018299.873307CaOODSP20221107163858m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/98-5E-PDF1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.10aPersistence of cyanazine in the aquatic environment / cY.L. Lau, D.L.S. Liu and G.J. Pacepavicius. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, c[1998] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 7 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 98-005 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The persistence of cyanazine (2-[[4-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-1,3,5,-triazin-2-yl]-amino]-2-methylpropanenitile) in the aquatic environment was studied through experiments on volatility and uptake by bottom-attached biofilms. The results indicate that cyanazine can be considered non-volatile up to 35 °C. Cyanazine was lost from the water in the presence of algal or bacterial biofilms. All evidence points towards uptake by the biofilm as the cause of the disappearance of cyanazine. However, no degradation products were found showing that the cyanazine could not be biodegraded or biotransformed. Cyanazine formed bound residues within the biofilm which could not be extracted, thus increasing its persistence in the aquatic environment"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHerbicides072gccstaWater pollution1 aPacepavicius, G. J., eauthor.1 aLiu, Dickson, d1935- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-005.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs788 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-5-eng.pdf02371nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000026001842450140002102640137003503000092004873360026005793370026006053380036006314900037006675000086007045040041007905200787008315460060016186920022016786920027017007100034017277100087017618300056018488560105019049.873309CaOODSP20221107163858m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/98-8E-PDF1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.12aA review of analytical methods for the determination of nonylphenol and related compounds in environmental samples / cby Hing-Biu Lee. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, c[1998] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 42 pages, 6 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 98-008 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Analytical methods published the last 20 years for the extraction, chromatographic separation, and quantification of alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEO) and related compounds in environmental samples are reviewed. Examples of various isolation and preconcentration techniques for water, effluent, sediment, and sludge are presented. This includes procedures from the classical liquid-liquid, and Soxhlet extraction to the up-to-date solid phase and supercritical fluid extraction. Chromatographic separation of APEO by normal and reversed phase liquid chromatography (LC) and capillary column gas chromatography (GC) is compared. A variety of quantification methods involving the common LC and GC detectors as well as various mass spectrometric techniques are also discussed"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-008.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-8-eng.pdf02046nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450110002152640133003253000058004583360026005163370026005423380036005684900036006045000086006405040041007265200452007675460060012196920022012796920020013017000034013217100034013557100073013897100037014628300055014998560106015549.873315CaOODSP20221107163859m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198904##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-12E-PDF1 aMayer, Tatiana, eauthor.10aInorganic contaminants in suspended solids from Hamilton Harbour / cTatiana Mayer and Philip G. Manning. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (23, [25] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-12 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Hamilton Harbour is one of the most polluted bodies of water North America and was identified by the International Joint Commission (IJC) as one of the 17 Areas of Concern in Ontario. This report presents results of 1986 study on suspended solids in Hamilton Harbour. The data presented here indicate that the highest concentratios of contaminants (phosphorus and heavy metals) are found in areas adjacent to the sources"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaHarbours1 aManning, Philip G., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-12.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-12-eng.pdf01643nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000024001722450098001962640097002943000060003913360026004513370026004773380036005034900033005395000086005725200243006586530019009016920017009207000042009377100034009797100071010138300115010848560106011999.873317CaOODSP20221107163859m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521e198305##oncad |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/83-15E-PDF1 aBull, J., eauthor.10aWinds and lake currents near Toronto for May and June / cauthors, J. Bull and T. Milne Dick. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMay 1983. a1 online resource (16 pages) : billustrations, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-15 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"There is not much data on the immediate area west of Toronto Island and recourse was had to 1973 (Ministry of Environment) and 1969. The corresponding meteorological data is from Atmospheric Environment Service, Toronto Island"--Remarks. 0aWater currents072gccstaLakes1 aDick, T. M. q(Thomas Milne)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-15w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs1.20 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-15-eng.pdf01976nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000070001852450121002552640136003763000057005123360026005693370026005953380036006214900036006575000086006935040055007795200309008345460060011436920028012036920025012316920029012567100034012857100073013197100037013928300055014298560106014849.873318CaOODSP20221107163859m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198912##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ab1 aEn13-5/89-13E-PDF1 aMurphy, Thomas P. D. q(Thomas Patrick Daniel), d1948- eauthor.10aEvaluation of CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 as algicides in Prairie drinking water dugouts / cby T.P. Murphy [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1989. a1 online resource (21, [6] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-13 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 18-21).3 a"Excessive algal biomass is a problem in prairie dugouts that are used for drinking water supplies. Algal biomass detracts from the aesthetic, agricultural, domestic, and recreational value of these water bodies. Six drinking water dugouts in northwestern Alberta were studied for two summers"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWestern provinces1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-13.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-13-eng.pdf01617nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450065002132640118002783000054003963360026004503370026004763380036005024900037005385000086005755000198006615040041008595460060009006920023009607000029009837100034010127100047010468300056010938560106011499.873319CaOODSP20221107163900m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1998 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/98-13E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aOperation of sewer systems / cJ. Marsalek and W. Schilling. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1998] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 20 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 98-013 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"Chapter 6 in Hydroinformatics for planning, design, operation and rehabilitation of sewer systems. Lecture notes of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held in Harrachov, Czech Republic, 1996." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWaste water1 aSchilling, W., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-013.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.70 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-13-eng.pdf01846nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000025001852450159002102640136003693000045005053360026005503370026005763380036006024900036006385000086006745040055007605200209008155460060010246920017010846920025011016920029011267100034011557100073011897100037012628300055012998560106013549.873323CaOODSP20221107163900m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198912##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ab1 aEn13-5/89-14E-PDF1 aBabin, J., eauthor.12aA test of the effects of lime on algal biomass and total phosphorus concentrations in Edmonton stormwater retention lakes / cJ. Babin [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1989. a1 online resource (25 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-14 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 14-16).3 a"The focus of this project is to determine the effectiveness of applying lime (CaCOa or Ca(OH)z) to stormwater retention lakes in Edmonton as a means to control lake productivity"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWestern provinces1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-14.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.01 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-14-eng.pdf02100nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000050001852450179002352640133004143000050005473360026005973370026006233380036006494900036006855000086007215040055008075200416008625460060012786920017013386920025013556920029013807100034014097100073014437100037015168300055015538560106016089.873328CaOODSP20221107163901m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198904##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ab1 aEn13-5/89-15E-PDF1 aPrepas, E. E. q(Ellie E.), d1947- eauthor.14aThe reduction of phosphorus, iron and chlorophyll a concentrations following CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 additions to hypereutrophic Figure Eight Lake / cE.E. Prepas [and six others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (15, [6] pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-15 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 12-13).3 a"The Lakes Research Branch and The University of Alberta have collaborated to rehabilitate eutrophic Figure Eight Lake, Alberta. The object of the research was to develop a cost effective replacement for copper sulphate use in lakes. Lime treatment of hardwater lakes to enhance water quality, costs approximately $1,500 a hectare. At this site, treatments are required every two years"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWestern provinces1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-15.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-15-eng.pdf01949nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000054001852450165002392640131004043000058005353360026005933370026006193380036006454900036006815000086007175040051008035200264008545460060011186920021011786920028011997000031012277100034012587100073012927100037013658300055014028560106014579.873330CaOODSP20221107163902m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198905##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-17E-PDF1 aCoakley, J. P. eauthor.q(John Phillip), d1940-10aNearshore bedload and suspended sediment transport in the vicinity of the Pickering Nuclear Generation Station, Lake Ontario / cJ.P. Coakley and N.A. Rukavina. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (17, [49] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-17 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 17).3 a"This report was prepared at the request of the Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering Department of Ontario Hydro to assist Hydro in decisions regarding developments to its cooling water intake system, including possible re-location"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater management1 aRukavina, N. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-17.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-17-eng.pdf01619nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000029001722450103002012640131003043000034004353360026004693370026004953380036005214900036005575000086005935200243006796920026009226920028009487100034009767100073010107100037010838300055011208560106011759.873334CaOODSP20221107163902m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198905##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-18E-PDF1 aBaxter, R. M., eauthor.12aA bibliography on the environmental effects of dams, impoundments, and diversions / cR.M. Baxter. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (105 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-18 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].3 a"This is a collection of references to papers published during the past few years, compiled largely by regular scanning of publications received in the NWRI library because of the author's interest in the subject"--Management perspective.072gccstaBibliographies072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-18.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs6.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-18-eng.pdf02410nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860023001721000048001952450108002432640108003513000070004593360026005293370026005553380036005814900037006175000086006545000025007405000081007655040041008465200709008875460060015966920023016566920027016796920022017067100034017287100087017628300056018498560107019059.873336CaOODSP20221107163903m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/97-190E-PDF1 aRochfort, Quintin Julian, d1968- eauthor.10aAcute toxicity of combined sewer overflows and stormwater disharges / cQ. Rochfort [and seven others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1998. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-190 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"February 13, 1998." a"A project sponsored by Environment Canada's Great Lakes 2000 Cleanup Fund." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The impact of stormwater discharges and combined sewer overflow outfalls on receiving waters has been investigated in the past using chemical characterization. This has provided a great deal of information on the input of solids, nutrients, metals, hydrocarbons and trace organic compounds from these discharges. It does not, however, gauge their bioavailablity or the impact these chemical constituents are having on the biological organisms in the receiving waters. This research focused on the application of a battery of acute toxicity tests to a variety of stormwater and combined sewer overflow discharges, in order to better gauge the effects on the ecosystems in the receiving waters"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaToxicology1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-190.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.46 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-190-eng.pdf02052nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450063002222640109002853000074003943360026004683370026004943380036005204900037005565000086005935000132006795040041008115200507008525460060013597100034014197100087014538300056015408560106015969.873338CaOODSP20221107163903m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-191E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aOn the strategy of current meter calibration / cP. Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1997] a1 online resource (v, 9 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-191 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"To be submitted for publication as a Technical Note to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A single, continuous equation, which takes into account the linear and non-linear components of the Price meter rotor response, was used to examine two current meter calibration strategies. Results showed that the uncertainty of group calibrations is substantially greater than calibrations of individual meters. The difference has been attributed to rotor fabrication variances for velocities greater than 0.3 m/s and residual velocities in the towing tank at velocities less than 0.3 m/s"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-191.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs721 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-191-eng.pdf01991nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450099002142640131003133000033004443360026004773370026005033380036005294900036005655000086006015040055006875200500007425460060012426920022013027100034013247100073013587100037014318300055014688560106015239.873341CaOODSP20221107163904m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198905##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-19E-PDF1 aBaxter, R. M., eauthor.10aReductive dehalogenation of environmental contaminants : ba critical review / cR.M. Baxter. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (33 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-19 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 19-33).3 a"Many important environmental contaminants are less persistent under reducing conditions such as occur in sediments or flooded soils than under oxidizing conditions. One of the most important of the reductive reactions that occur under these conditions is reductive dehalogenation, i.e., the replacement by a hydrogen atom of a halogen atom (most commonly chlorine, sometimes bromine). The biochemical and microbiological processes involved are discussed in this review"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-19.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-19-eng.pdf02324nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450203002142640113004173000092005303360026006223370026006483380036006744900037007105000086007475040041008335200546008745460060014206920023014806920027015037000057015307000028015877000026016157000029016417100034016707100047017048300056017518560107018079.873342CaOODSP20221107163904m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-199E-PDF1 aNg, H. Y. F., eauthor.10aModelling and testing of the effect of combined tillage, cropping and water management practices on nitrate leaching in clay soil / cby Ng, H.Y.F., C.F. Drury, V.K. Serem, C.S. Tan and J.D. Gaynor. 1aBurlington, ON : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 16 pages, 6 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-199 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The effect of combined tillage, cropping and water management treatment was investigated for nitrate leaching in a clay soil using field plots of factorial design. The investigation was carried out by using the LEACHM model together with data collected from field plots of factorial design. The results of the investigation showed that the controlled drainage/subirrigation system would reduce nitrate leaching. This report should be useful for on-farm, management to abate nitrate pollution from agricultural land"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaFertilizers072gccstaWater pollution1 aDrury, Craig F. q(Craig Francis), d1958- eauthor.1 aSerem, V. K., eauthor.1 aTan, C. S., eauthor.1 aGaynor, J. D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-199.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-199-eng.pdf02987nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000045001862450166002312640126003973000092005233360026006153370026006413380036006674900037007035000086007405040041008265201163008675460060020306920021020906920026021116920022021377000037021597000039021967100034022357100089022697100056023588300056024148560107024709.873346CaOODSP20221107163904m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aEn13-5/97-200E-PDF1 aBobba, A. G. q(Arabinda Ghosh)eauthor.10aStudy of hydrological characteristics due to climate change in the Northeast Pond River basin, Newfoundland, Canada / cA.G. Bobba, D.S. Jeffries and V.P. Singh. 1aBurlington, ON : bAquatic Ecosystem Conservation Branch, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, c[1997] a1 online resource (5 unnumbered pages, 25 pages, 5 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-200 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Water-balance modelling techniques were developed and applied for assessing climatic impacts, and tested for a watershed in the Northeast Pond River basin using atmospheric-change scenarios from both state-of-the-art general circulation models and from a series of hypothetical scenarios. Results of this research strongly suggest that possible changes in temperature and precipitation caused by increases in atmospheric trace-gas concentrations could have major impacts on both the timing and magnitude of runoff and soil moisture in important natural resources areas. Of particular importance are predicted patterns of summer soil-moisture drying that are consistent across the entire range of tested scenarios. The decreases in summer soil moisture range from 10 to 50% for different scenarios. In addition, consistent changes were observed in the timing of runoff - specifically dramatic increases in winter runoff and decreases in summer runoff. These hydrologic results raise the possibility of major environmental and socioeconomic difficulties and they will have significant implications for future water-resource planning and management"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaClimate change072gccstaWatersheds1 aJeffries, Dean Stuart, eauthor.1 aSingh, V. P. q(Vijay P.)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Conservation Branch.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-200.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-200-eng.pdf01886nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450128002152640131003433000038004743360026005123370026005383380036005644900036006005000086006365040051007225200325007735460060010986920020011587000030011787100034012087100073012427100037013158300055013528560105014079.873347CaOODSP20221107163905m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521e198905##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-20E-PDF1 aHalfon, Efraim, eauthor.12aA computer program to display animations within the computer graphics HALO environment / cEfraim Halfon and David De Jong. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (14, [4] pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-20 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 13).3 a"This report describes a numerically efficient program to display computer graphics animations on IBM compatible microcomputers. This report is distributed with a floppy disk containing the appropriate software with a demonstration of the movement of a toxic contaminant plume in Lake St. Clair"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSoftware1 aDe Jong, David, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-20.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs945 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-20-eng.pdf02090nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450157002152640128003723000057005003360026005573370026005833380036006094900036006455000086006815040055007675200379008225460079012016920022012806920017013027000028013197000040013477100034013877100073014217100037014948300055015318560106015869.873348CaOODSP20221107163905m o d f cr bn|||||||||190521s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nt1 aEn13-5/89-21E-PDF1 aMudroch, Alena, eauthor.10aPreliminary investigation of toxic chemicals in the sediments of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada / cA. Mudroch, R.J. Allan, S.R. Joshi. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989] a1 online resource (37, [6] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-21 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 25-28).3 a"A preliminary investigation was carried out in the summer 1987 to determine the geochemistry and distribution of trace elements and organic contaminants in sediments fromselected areas in Great Slave Lake, NWT. The objective of the investigation was to assess the potential of then lake's sediments for transport of contaminants into the MackenzieRiver"--Executive summary. aIncludes abstract, executive summary and management perspective in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaLakes1 aAllan, R. J., eauthor.1 aJoshi, S. R. q(Sewak Ram)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-21.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-21-eng.pdf02385nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450162002282640140003903000071005303360026006013370026006273380036006534900037006895000086007265040041008125200689008535460060015426920023016026920022016257000028016477000041016757100034017167100087017508300056018378560106018939.873353CaOODSP20221107163905m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-202E-PDF1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.10aHigh resolution gas chromatography - mass spectrometry of some benzidines in industrial waste water / cFrancis I. Onuska, Ken A. Terry and R. James Maguire. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, Department of the Environment, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 13 pages) : billustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-202 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The analysis of aromatic amines, particularly benzidines, at trace levels in environmental media has been difficult because of the lack of suitably deactivated capillary column stationary phases for gas chromatography. This report describes the use of a newer type of column, and it describes a method for the analysis of benzidines in waste water. The method was applied to the analysis of industrial effluent from a pigment-manufacturing company. 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine and benzidine were found in four 24-hour composite waste water samples in 1996 at concentrations up to 650 µg/L. Aniline and some substituted anilines were also found in one of the composite samples"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaPollutants1 aTerry, K. A., eauthor.1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-202.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs745 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-202-eng.pdf02213nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000026001862450120002122640129003323000092004613360026005533370026005793380036006054900037006415000086006785040041007645200614008055460060014196920023014796920022015027000032015247100034015567100087015908300056016778560106017339.873354CaOODSP20221107163906m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-207E-PDF1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.10aDerivatives of estrogens for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis / cby Hing-Biu Lee and Thomas E. Peart. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 14 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-207 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The occurrence of estrogenic compounds in the environment has created concern lately since they have the potential to interfere with the reproductive systems of fish, wildlife, and humans. Among these endocrine disruptors, the most potent ones include the naturally occurring 17ß-estradiol and the synthetic 17α-ethynylestradiol which is used as an oral contraceptive for women. The presence of these estrogens at ng/L concentrations in sewage treatment plant effluents has been reported. This report describes new analytical methods for the detection of estrogens at trace levels"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaPollutants1 aPeart, Thomas E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-207.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs985 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-207-eng.pdf01908nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000031001732450107002042640106003113000064004173360026004813370026005073380036005334900037005695000086006065040041006925200517007336920021012506920018012717100034012897100084013238300056014078560107014639.873355CaOODSP20221107163906m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 oncb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/97-212E-PDF1 aRukavina, N. A., eauthor.10aSummary of physical properties of St. Lawrence River sediments at Cornwall, Ontario / cN.A. Rukavina. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNew Technologies Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1997] a1 online resource (10 pages, 12 unnumbered pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-212 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is a compilation of new and older data on the physical properties of contaminated St. Lawrence River sediments at Cornwall collected over the past 5 years. It was prepared to assist remediation planning by the local RAP and site selection for a coring survey in October 1997. It includes a discussion of the data and the GIS procedures used to analyze it, a series of maps and reports on sediment type, thickness and volume, and some recommendations for new sample sites"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaSediments072gccstaRivers1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bNew Technologies Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-212.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-212-eng.pdf01830nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450055002132640097002683000034003653360026003993370026004253380036004514900033004875000086005205040041006065200466006476530032011136920021011457100034011667100071012008300115012718560106013869.873363CaOODSP20221107163907m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e198305##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/83-16E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMay 1983. a1 online resource (20 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-16 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides size-analysis data on core sub-samples submitted to the lab by W. Booth, AED. The samples were originally run "as received", but due to organic material, most flocculated. New samples were then treated with 30% Hydrogen Peroxide (H202), heated to boiling, dried and re-dispersed with unadjusted calgon and analyzed on the Sedigraph Analyser. The percent organic by this weight-loss method is listed as a comment on the data sheet"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-16w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-16-eng.pdf01701nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000029001722450070002012640097002713000043003683360026004113370026004373380036004634900033004995000086005325040041006185200340006596530018009996920021010177100034010387100071010728300115011438560105012589.873368CaOODSP20221107163908m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e198305##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aEn13-6/83-17E-PDF1 aSkafel, M. G., eauthor.10aShore recession at Long Point lighthouse / cauthor, M.G. Skafel. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMay 1983. a1 online resource (5 pages) : bchart. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-17 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The lighthouse station was visited on 26 April 1983 via Coast Guard helicopter, at the invitation of Dr. C. Fisher, Coast Guard. The station was approached by flying along the point from Port Rowan.The south shore was breached in several places, some 20 km from the tip, in an area where breaching is relatively common"--Observations. 0aCoast changes072gccstaShoreline1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-17w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs341 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-17-eng.pdf01757nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450119002212640131003403000057004713360026005283370026005543380036005804900036006165000086006525040051007385200148007895460060009376920022009976920017010197000030010367100034010667100073011007100037011738300055012108560106012659.873369CaOODSP20221107163908m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198905##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-22E-PDF1 aBrüggemann, Rainer, eauthor.12aA ranking analysis of contaminated sites along the shores of Lake Ontario / cRainer Bruggemann and Efraim Halfon. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (25, [3] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-22 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 20).3 a"A ranking method based on set theory and systems analysis is used to identify degraded areas in the inshore waters of Lake Ontario"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaLakes1 aHalfon, Efraim, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-22.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-22-eng.pdf01963nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450178002132640132003913000057005233360026005803370026006063380036006324900036006685000086007045040055007905200329008455460033011746920022012076920026012296920017012557100034012727100073013067100037013798300055014168560106014719.873370CaOODSP20221107163908m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-23E-PDF1 aBoyce, F. M., eauthor.12aAn assessment of current understanding of the physical behaviour of Lake Ontario with reference to contaminant pathways and climate change / cF.M. Boyce [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (37, [3] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-23 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 30-35).3 a"Current understanding of the physical behaviour of Lake Ontario is assessed. In particular. the role of water movements in the distribution and fate of contaminants is discussed, and a state-of-the-art survey is given of our ability to anticipate the results of global climate warming on the Great Lakes"--Abstract, page 2. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaClimate change072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-23.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.17 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-23-eng.pdf01970nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000030001942450156002242640131003803000058005113360026005693370026005953380036006214900036006575000086006935040055007795200355008345460060011896920025012496920017012747100034012917100073013257100037013988300055014358560106014909.873375CaOODSP20221107163909m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198905##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nsan-cn-nf1 aEn13-5/89-24E-PDF1 aEsterby, S. R., eauthor.10aGrouping of lakes on the basis of water quality variables : ban application to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland lakes / cS.R. Esterby [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (16, [23] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-24 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 15-16).3 a"Preliminary surveys were conducted in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to determine the water quality characteristics of lakes in the region. This paper describes the division of the set of lakes into groups, with lakes in a group having similar water quality parameter values, by means of cluster analysis and principal component ordination"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-24.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.41 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-24-eng.pdf01708nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450117002002640098003173000045004153360026004603370026004863380036005124900033005485000086005815040041006675200263007086530017009716920017009887000028010057100034010337100071010678300115011388560105012539.873379CaOODSP20221107163910m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e198307##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP anl-----1 aEn13-6/83-19E-PDF1 aNg, H. Y. F., eauthor.10aAnnual loadings of trace metals in urban runoff in the Great Lakes Basin / cauthors, H.Y.F. Ng and J. Marsalek. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJuly 1983. a1 online resource (13 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-19 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Estimates of annual trace metal loadings in urban runoff were calculated from annual runoff volumes, annual discharges of solids, and the corresponding concentrations of metals in stormwater and solids. A description of procedures employed follows"--Introd. 0aTrace metals072gccstaLakes1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-19w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs610 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-19-eng.pdf01658nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450086002152640131003013000038004323360026004703370026004963380036005224900036005585000086005945040055006805200164007355460033008996920025009326920022009577100034009797100073010137100037010868300055011238560106011789.873380CaOODSP20221107163910m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198905##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-26E-PDF1 aEsterby, S. R., eauthor.10aSome statistical considerations in the assessment of compliance / cS.R. Esterby. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (19, [2] pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-26 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 18-19).3 a"Compliance with criteria limiting the discharge of pollutants or standards of water quality in the receiving water body are assessed by monitoring"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-26.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-26-eng.pdf01972nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450103002152640131003183000058004493360026005073370026005333380036005594900036005955000086006315040055007175200361007725460060011336920028011936920017012217000043012387100034012817100073013157100037013888300055014258560106014809.873385CaOODSP20221107163911m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198905##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-27E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.10aOn the rate of transfer of heat between a lake and an ice sheet / cP.F. Hamblin and E.C. Carmack. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (18, [11] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-27 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 14-16). a"This study attempts to derive estimates of the sensible heat transfer between lake ice and water based on directly observed or easily modelled primary variables, namely the speed and temperature of the water one metre below the ice cover from field data collected from 1983 to 1985 in the headwater lakes of the Yukon River Basin"--Management perspective. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aCarmack, E. C. q(Eddy Clark)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-27.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-27-eng.pdf01802nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450173002152640128003883000049005163360026005653370026005913380036006174900036006535000086006895040050007755200193008255460060010186920028010786920017011067100034011237100073011577100037012308300055012678560106013229.873386CaOODSP20221107163911m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1989 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-28E-PDF1 aCarey, John H., eauthor.14aThe influence of lake trophic status on concentrations of atmospherically transported organochlorine contaminants in lake zooplankton / cJ.H. Carey [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989] a1 online resource (8, [3] pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-28 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 6). a"This study demonstrates a link between trophic status and contaminant bioavailability in lakes that could have a significant impact on lake management strategies"--Management perspective. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-28.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-28-eng.pdf01902nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450071002132640100002843000035003843360026004193370026004453380036004714900033005075000086005405040041006265200517006676530032011846920021012167100034012377100071012718300115013428560107014579.873391CaOODSP20221107163912m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e198308##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-sn1 aEn13-6/83-23E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bPasqua Lake / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cAugust 1983. a1 online resource (210 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-23 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis on sediments submitted to the Laboratory by Dr. Bill Warwick, Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg. Two hundred and six (206) sub-samples from a Pasqua Lake core (P-7-M), part of the Qu-Appelle River Lakes Project, were analyzed for sand, silt and clay percentages. All samples were recovered after analysis, sealed and returned to the scientist. One sample from the series, P-7-M-2-3 was not received, and therefore, not analyzed in the laboratory"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-23w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs14.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-23-eng.pdf02053nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070860022001381000058001602450253002182460154004712640171006253000072007963360026008683370026008943380036009204900036009565000022009925000086010145040051011006920017011516920022011686920021011907000026012117000037012377000038012747000033013127100034013457100056013797100047014358300055014828560106015379.873392CaOODSP20221107163912m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aEn13-5/96-69E-PDF1 aRidal, Jeffrey J. q(Jeffrey John), d1961- eauthor.10aEvaluation of the Zymark AutoTrace™ (disk version) solid phase extraction system. n2, pThe influence of dissolved organic carbon on analyte recovery / cJeffrey J. Ridal, Michael E. Fox, Dominique St. Arnaud, Asit Mazumder, and David R.S. Lean.14aEvaluation of the Zymark AutoTrace (disk version) solid phase extraction system. n2, pThe influence of dissolved organic carbon on analyte recovery 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c1996. a1 online resource (16 pages, 5 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 96-69 a"March 31, 1996." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 12).072gccstaWater072gccstaPollutants072gccstaChemistry1 aFox, M. E., eauthor.1 aSt. Arnaud, Dominique, eauthor.1 aMazumder, Asit, d1954- eauthor.1 aLean, David R. S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 96-69.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-69-eng.pdf01699nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450167002002640183003673000063005503360026006133370026006393380036006654900036007015000086007375040041008235460060008646920028009246920018009527000043009707100034010137100056010477100073011038300055011768560106012319.873393CaOODSP20221107163913m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-29E-PDF1 aComba, M. E., eauthor.10aSuspended particulate concentrations in the St. Lawrence River (1985-1987) determined by centrifugation and filtration / cMichael E. Comba and Klaus L.E. Kaiser. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1989] a1 online resource (24 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-29 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaRivers1 aKaiser, Klaus L. E., d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-29.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.28 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-29-eng.pdf01769nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000025001732450162001982640172003603000077005323360026006093370026006353380036006614900037006975000017007345000082007515000086008335040041009196920022009606920023009827000037010057000042010427100034010847100056011187100047011748300056012218560106012779.873395CaOODSP20221107163913m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-144E-PDF1 aBaker, M., eauthor.10aPhosphorous adsorption and precipitation in a permeable reactive wall : bapplications for wastewater disposal systems / cby M. Baker, D. Blowes, C. Ptacek. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1997] a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages, pages 189-193) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-144 aCover title. aOriginally issued in: Land contamination & reclamation, vol. 5, no. 3 (1997). aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWaste water1 aBlowes, David, d1956- eauthor.1 aPtacek, Carol Jane, d1959- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-144.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs678 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-144-eng.pdf01654nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450107002002640132003073000052004393360026004913370026005173380036005434900036005795000086006155040055007015200156007565460033009126920021009456920021009667100034009877100073010217100037010948300055011318560106011869.873401CaOODSP20221107163914m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn13-5/89-30E-PDF1 aAllan, R. J., eauthor.13aAn overview of pollution of the Fraser River estuary by chlorinated phenolic compounds / cR.J. Allan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (17 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-30 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 14-17).3 a"The objective of this paper is to overview recent results on the pollution of the river by chemicals from these forest products industries"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaEstuaries072gccstaPollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-30.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.75 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-30-eng.pdf01637nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000030001722450072002022640132002743000052004063360026004583370026004843380036005104900036005465000086005825040052006685200101007205460060008216920028008816920020009097000029009297100034009587100073009927100037010658300055011028560106011579.873404CaOODSP20221107163914m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-31E-PDF1 aPainter, Scott, eauthor.10aWater clarity in Hamilton Harbour / cD.S. Painter and K.J. McCabe. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (34 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-31 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 13).3 a"Water clarity in Hamilton Harbour was measured spatially and seasonally during 1988"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaHarbours1 aMcCabe, K. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-31.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.96 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-31-eng.pdf01580nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000031001732450179002042640112003833000052004953360026005473370026005733380036005994900037006355000051006725000021007235000086007445040041008306920023008717000035008947000045009297100034009747100047010088300056010558560107011119.873405CaOODSP20221107163914m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-145E-PDF1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.14aThe interpretation of a tracer experiment conducted in a single fracture under conditions of natural groundwater flow / cby P.A. Lapcevic, K.S. Novakowski, and E.A. Sudicky. 1aBurlington, ON : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c1997. a1 online resource (1 volume) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-145 a"For submission to: Water Resources Research." a"October, 1997." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaGroundwater1 aNovakowski, Kent S., eauthor.1 aSudicky, Edward Allen, d1953- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-145.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-145-eng.pdf02139nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000030001722450098002022640132003003000061004323360026004933370026005193380036005454900036005815000086006175040055007035200503007585460059012616920022013206920018013426930020013607000032013807000024014127100034014367100073014707100037015438300055015808560106016359.873409CaOODSP20221107163915m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-32E-PDF1 aCarey, John H., eauthor.10aHydrocarbon transport in the Mackenzie River, Canada / cJ.H. Carey, E.D. Ongley and E. Nagy. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (2, 33, [10] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-32 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-32). a"The study demonstrated that, at this time, inputs of hydrocarbons due to anthropogenic activities within the basin are relatively minor compared to inputs from natural processes or long range transport of atmospheric soot particles into the basin. The results provide a base-line against which future impacts can be assessed. The results do not support the contention that the construction of the refinery at Norman Wells has led to pollution of the river by hydrocarbons"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and summary in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaRivers 4aMackenzie River1 aOngley, Edwin D., eauthor.1 aNagy, E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-32.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-32-eng.pdf02204nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000026001862450147002122460103003592640119004623000091005813360026006723370026006983380036007244900037007605000086007975040041008835200487009245460060014116920019014717000026014907100034015167100059015507100047016098300056016568560106017129.873410CaOODSP20221107163915m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-170E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aMercury : bdetermination of the appropriate container for sampling and interlaboratory quality assurance studies / cH. Alkema and J. Simser.14aMercury : bdetermination of the appropriate container for sampling and interlaboratory QA studies 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing, National Water Research Institute, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 9 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-170 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Environmental problems can arise even from low levels of mercury. To measure these low levels accurately and reliably, it is essential that mercury samples be stored and preserved appropriately. This study was undertaken to determine whether the type of sample container has any influence on the measurable concentration of mercury in low level samples over time. The containers under investigation here were: Teflon®, Pyrex®, flintglass, and polyethylene"--Introduction, page 1. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaMercury1 aSimser, J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-170.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs720 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-170-eng.pdf01736nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000033001722450089002052640132002943000057004263360026004833370026005093380036005354900036005715000086006075040055006935200217007485460059009656920028010246920017010527100034010697100073011037100037011768300055012138560106012689.873412CaOODSP20221107163915m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn13-5/89-33E-PDF1 aWard, Peter R. B., eauthor.10aAutumnal mixing in Mahoney Lake, British Columbia / cP.R.B. Ward [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (16, [9] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-33 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 15-16).3 a"Monthly measurements of salinity and hourly measurements of wind and water temperatures at four depths were made at Mahoney Lake, British Columbia for a five month period during the summer and autumn"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and summary in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-33.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-33-eng.pdf01771nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450074002132640105002873000033003923360026004253370026004513380036004774900033005135000086005465040041006325200382006736530032010556920021010877100034011087100071011428300115012138560105013289.873413CaOODSP20221107163916m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e19831109onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/83-24E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bGlenora-C core / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cNovember 9, 1983. a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-24 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Dr. Warwick submitted 153 samples from the Glenora-C Core, Bay of Quinte, requesting particle size analysis. The samples were analyzed for percent silt and clay using the Sedigraph Analyzer. Many samples flocculated and had to be re-dispersed, with additional dispersing agent (Calgon) and mixing. The samples, on completion of analysis, were returned to Dr. Warwick"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-24w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs224 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-24-eng.pdf02311nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000031001862450154002172640113003713000091004843360026005753370026006013380036006274900037006635000086007005040041007865200525008275460060013526920023014127000028014357000026014637000057014897000029015467000041015757000030016167100034016467100047016808300056017278560106017839.873415CaOODSP20221107163916m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/97-187E-PDF1 aAl-Abed, Nassim, eauthor.10aModelling nitrate in a tile-drained field using RZWQM / cNassim Al-Abed, H.Y.F. Ng, C.S. Tan, C.F. Drury, J.D. Gaynor, M. Soultani and T.W. Welacky. 1aBurlington, ON : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 9 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-187 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) developed by the U.S. Agriculture Research Service was evaluated for subsurface drain volumes and nitrate concentrations in the drain flow in an experimental plot under free drainage management. The results of the evaluation demonstrated that RZWQM can simulate physical and chemical processes in the root zone of crops. The results of the evaluation of the model are reported here. The biological component of the model was not evaluated at this time"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaFertilizers1 aNg, H. Y. F., eauthor.1 aTan, C. S., eauthor.1 aDrury, Craig F. q(Craig Francis), d1958- eauthor.1 aGaynor, J. D., eauthor.1 aSoultani, Massoud, d1954- eauthor.1 aWelacky, T. W., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-187.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs861 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-187-eng.pdf01719nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000033001722450096002052640132003013000063004333360026004963370026005223380036005484900036005845000086006205040041007065200201007475460059009486920028010076920017010357100034010527100073010867100037011598300055011968560106012519.873416CaOODSP20221107163916m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn13-5/89-34E-PDF1 aWard, Peter R. B., eauthor.10aMixing by wind and penetrative convection in small lakes / cP.R.B. Ward [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (13 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-34 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Lake mixing of two small lakes in the interior of British Columbia was studied to evaluate the relative importance of wind mixing and penetrative convection on lake stability"--Executive summary. aIncludes management perspective and summary in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-34.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-34-eng.pdf02033nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450072002132640106002853000034003913360026004253370026004513380036004774900033005135000086005465040041006325200644006736530032013176920021013497100034013707100071014048300115014758560105015909.873418CaOODSP20221107163917m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e19831115onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/83-25E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : burban runoff / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cNovember 15, 1983. a1 online resource (10 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-25 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Four samples fron the Urban Runoff Study were submitted to the laboratory by J. Marsalek for particle size analysis. The samples were collected at the Blair Road and Aldershot sites and consisted of two samples from the automatic sampler and two from the manual sampler. The samples were analysed using a sieve and sedigraph procedure. The samples were washed from their collection bottles, centrifuged to reduce the volume, and dried on the freeze-drier. Attempts to "clean" the samples using settling tube techniques and hydrogen peroxide (H202) were not successful. The sieve and sedigraph appeared to give the "best" results"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-25w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs600 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-25-eng.pdf01930nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450084002002640132002843000058004163360026004743370026005003380036005264900036005625000086005985040041006845200380007255460060011056920028011656930018011937000040012117100034012517100073012857100037013588300055013958560106014509.873419CaOODSP20221107163917m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-35E-PDF1 aMasse, A. K., eauthor.10aObservations of the Niagara River thermal front / cA.K. Masse and C.R. Murthy. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (33, [34] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-35 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The mixing between the Niagara River and Lake Ontario has a critical impact on the coastal Lake Ontario environment. The Niagara River provides the bulk of materials that flow into Lake Ontario, including toxic contaminants. This study shows that the thermal fronts created by the Niagara River play a crucial role in the exchange of water between river and lake"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management 4aNiagara River1 aRajasekara Murthy, C.‏, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-35.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-35-eng.pdf01476nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450130002162640100003463000072004463360026005183370026005443380036005704900037006065000086006435040041007295460060007706920022008307000031008527100034008837100047009178300056009648560106010209.873420CaOODSP20221107163917m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ab1 aEn13-5/98-60E-PDF1 aMacInnis, G. A., eauthor.10aGenotoxicity testing of thirteen polycyclic aromatic compounds using the Mutatox® assay / cG.A. MacInnis and B.G. Brownlee. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, c[1998] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, 11 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 98-060 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants1 aBrownlee, B. G., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-060.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.27 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-60-eng.pdf02226nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380450009001590860023001681000030001912450125002212640110003463000071004563360026005273370026005533380036005794900041006154900068006564900037007245000086007615040041008475200570008886920017014586920023014756920017014987000029015157100034015447100088015788300056016668560106017229.873423CaOODSP20221107163917m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-onanl----- ax8x91 aEn13-5/98-136E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.10aSummer availability of cold lake water off Toronto based on data from 1981 to 1993 / cby P.F. Hamblin and F. Chiocchio. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1998] a1 online resource (6 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[NWRI contribution] ; v[no. 98-136]0 aNational Water Research Institute unpublished report ; v98-1360 aNWRI unpublish report ; v98-136 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Water temperatures are examined at a location 2.5km offshore of Toronto Island in Lake Ontario for the purposes of supplying a proposed cooling water facility. The results of this study which is based on data from the period from 1981 to 1993 are similar those of an earlier study conducted nearly the same area based on data from 1960 to I980. Both find an adequate supply with only about a 1% chance of disruption for more than few hours during occasional downwelling events. The possibility of drawdown of warmer water at the intake is also examined"--Abstract.072gccstaWater072gccstaTemperature072gccstaLakes1 aChiocchio, F., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-136.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs489 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-136-eng.pdf02202nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000030001722450066002022640132002683000058004003360026004583370026004843380036005104900036005465000086005825040041006685200718007095460060014276920020014876920028015077100034015357100073015697100037016428300055016798560106017349.873426CaOODSP20221107163918m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-36E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.10aNotes on the hydraulics of Hamilton Harbour / cP.F. Hamblin. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (34, [19] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-36 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is based on a series of graduate lectures at the Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University on the hydraulics of Hamilton Harbour for. the purpose of stimulating interest in areas of concern among the engineering community. The progress made in the quantification exchanges of water between the open lake and the more restricted nearshore areas as would be required to assess the effectiveness of various proposed remedial strategies is reviewed and the steps required to make further progress are outlined. In addition, the feasibility of advanced acoustical flow measurements to the measurement of exchanges between Hamilton Harbour and Lake Ontario is discussed"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-36.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-36-eng.pdf01438nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450091002002640132002913000058004233360026004813370026005073380036005334900036005695000086006055040055006915460033007466930016007797100034007957100073008297100037009028300055009398560106009949.873427CaOODSP20221107163918m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198907##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-37E-PDF1 aBoyce, F. M., eauthor.10aThermal structure and circulation in the Great Lakes / cF.M. Boyce [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (64, [19] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-37 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 38-57). aIncludes abstract in French. 4aGreat Lakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-37.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs5.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-37-eng.pdf02574nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001632450262001852640152004473000057005993360026006563370026006823380036007084900030007445000086007745000044008605000058009045200735009625460033016976530017017306920028017476920023017757100070017987100057018687100068019258300088019938560107020819.873429CaOODSP20221107163918m o d f cr |||||||||||190522e197607##onca o f10| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn42-1/76-10E-PDF00aAdvances in small-scale refuse incinerators : bseminar proceedings : held April 6, 1976, St. John's, Newfoundland and April 8, 1976, Gander, Newfoundland / csponsored by Environment Canada and Newfoundland Department of Provincial Affairs and Environment. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Service = Environnement Canada, Service de la protection de l'environnement, cJuly 1976. a1 online resource (iv, 103 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vEPS-3-EC-76-10 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"Solid Waste Management Branch"--Cover. aIssued by the Environmental Conservation Directorate.3 a"A one-day seminar was held on April 6 in St. John's and again on April 8 in Gander, Newfoundland. The subject, "Advances in Small-Scale Refuse Incinerators", was specifically requested by the Newfoundland Department of Provincial Affairs and Environment as a potential solution to solid waste problems presently experienced in the province. Subjects included Incinerator Design, Costs and Benefits, Federal and Provincial Air Pollution Standards and detailed descriptions of the common small-scale incinerators in use today. No doubt the reader will find the subject matter is applicable to many other parts of rural Canada and it is for that reason that these proceedings are made available to all who are interested"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aIncinerators072gccstaWaste management072gccstaConferences1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bEnvironmental Protection Service.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Conservation Directorate‏.1 aNewfoundland. bDept. of Provincial Affairs and Environment‏.#0aEnvironmental Protection Service report series ;vEPS-3-EC-76-10w(CaOODSP)9.86603140qPDFs12.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-76-10-eng.pdf01964nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450124002002640131003243000053004553360026005083370026005343380036005604900036005965000086006325040056007185200408007745460033011826920022012156930016012377000031012537100034012847100073013187100037013918300055014288560107014839.873430CaOODSP20221107163919m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198905##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-38E-PDF1 aAllan, R. J., eauthor.13aAn overview of toxic contaminant concentrations in water and sediments of the Great Lakes / cR.J. Allan and A.J. Ball. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (105 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-38 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 96-105). a"This report presents the chemical concentrations and trends in Great Lakes water and sediment. It has been prepared as a contribution to the Government of Canada Interdepartmental report "Synopsis of Chemical Pollution of the Great Lakes and Associated Health Effects". Results presented there are taken, whenever possible, from published documents. Uninterpreted data was not used"--Executive summary. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants 4aGreat Lakes1 aBall, A.J. q(Alison Jane)1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-38.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs11.64 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-38-eng.pdf01721nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000040001722450140002122640131003523000038004833360026005213370026005473380036005734900036006095000086006455040041007315200211007726920026009836920028010096930016010377100034010537100073010877100037011608300055011978560107012529.873431CaOODSP20221107163919m o d f cr bn|||||||||190522e198905##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-39E-PDF1 aBall, A.J. q(Alison Jane)eauthor.13aAn indexed bibliography of toxic contaminant concentrations in water, sediments, and biota of the Laurentian Great Lakes / cA.J. Ball. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (iv, 155 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-39 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This report consists of a compilation of reference material pertaining to toxic chemicals in water, suspended solids, sediment, and biota of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and tributaries"--Abstract.072gccstaBibliographies072gccstaToxic substances 4aGreat Lakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-39.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs14.71 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-39-eng.pdf02205nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000038001852450117002232640136003403000045004763360026005213370026005473380036005734900036006095000086006455040041007315200677007725460032014496920017014816920028014987100034015267100073015607100037016338300055016708560106017259.873433CaOODSP20221107163919m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523e198912##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-40E-PDF1 aMazumder, Asit, d1954- eauthor.10aEffects of nutrients and grazers on periphyton phosphorus in lake enclosures / cA. Mazumder [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1989. a1 online resource (27 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-40 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Enclosure experiments and indeed whole lake investigations are complicated by the contribution of the community growing on the edge of the enclosure or in the littoral zone of lakes. It consists of algae, bacteria, and invertebrates (zooplankton, amphipods, chironomids and snails). In the following investigation, the relative importance of top-down(fish) vs bottom-up (nutrients) on the biomass and composition of the littoral community on large lake enclosures was determined. The influence of wall growth on the phosphoruscycling in the enclosure was shown to be no more important than the influence of the littoral zone on small temperate lakes"--Executive summary. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-40.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-40-eng.pdf02262nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000030001862450049002162460016002652640118002813000076003993360026004753370026005013380036005274900037005635000017006005000098006175000086007155040041008015200713008425460060015556920017016157100034016327100047016668300056017138560107017699.873439CaOODSP20221107163920m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aEn13-5/98-145E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.10aChapter 5 : bADCP surveys / cP.F. Hamblin.17aADCP survey 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1998] a1 online resource (2, 12 pages, 17 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 98-145 aCover title. aOriginally issued in: Arrow Reservoir limnology and trophic status year 1 (1997/1998) report. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This contribution to an interdisciplinary volume on the limnology of the Arrow Lakes Reservoir commissioned by the British Columbia Department of Environment, Lands and Parks deals with the question of lake circulation as directly observed by means of a launch-based survey with an acoustic doppler current profiler and how it is related to the optimal dispersal of nutrients should the proposed programme of artificial fertilization be implemented. It is found that due to plunging inflows nutrients should not be introduced into the mainstem Columbia River nor into the narrows between the two main basins of the reservoir but rather at two car ferries crossings of the open lake in each basin"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 98-145.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-145-eng.pdf01730nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001591000036001822450145002182640172003633000052005353360026005873370026006133380036006394900033006755000206007085000086009145040041010006920023010416920020010647100034010847100056011187100047011748300052012218560107012739.873440CaOODSP20221107163920m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1998 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/98-263E-PDF1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.13aAn overview of Environment Canada's groundwater research activities at Point Pelee National Park, Ontario / cA.S. Crowe [and eight others]. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1998] a1 online resource (1 volume) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v98-263 aOriginally issued in: Parks and protected areas research in Ontario, 1998: proceedings of the Parks Research Forum of Ontario (PRFO) annual general meeting, February 5 & 6, 1998, Peterborough, Ontario. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWetlands1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v98-263.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.27 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-98-263-eng.pdf02126nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000038001852450131002232640129003543000050004833360026005333370026005593380036005854900036006215000086006575040055007435200530007985460032013286920017013606920028013776920030014057100034014357100073014697100037015428300055015798560106016349.873441CaOODSP20221107163920m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-41E-PDF1 aMazumder, Asit, d1954- eauthor.12aA comparison of lakes and lake enclosures with contrasting abundances of planktivorous fish / cA. Mazumder [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (29, [4] pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-41 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 18-22). a"Traditionally, it was thought that nutrients, particularly phosphorus, was solely responsible for the quantity and quality of the phytoplankton species composition in lakes. In the present investigation, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and planktivorous fish just over 1 year old were added to enclosures in a 2x2 factorial design. In this way, nutrienteffects could be distinguished from “top down" effects of the fish. Results were compared to other lakes with known levels of planktivorous fish"--Executive summary. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater management072gccstaAquatic ecosystems1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-41.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-41-eng.pdf01675nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450077002132640101002903000033003913360026004243370026004503380036004764900033005125000086005455040041006315200287006726530032009596920021009917100034010127100071010468300115011178560105012329.873443CaOODSP20221107163921m o d f cr |n|||||||||190523e198401##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-mb1 aEn13-6/84-01E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bChurchill Harbour / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJanuary 1984. a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analyses on sediments submitted to the Laboratory by D. McCarthy, Ports Canada, Ottawa. Ninety eight samples from Churchill Harbour, Part 3 of a five year sedimentation study, were analyzed for gravel, sand, silt and clay"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-01w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs280 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-01-eng.pdf02742nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860023001721000030001952450177002252640118004023000052005203360026005723370026005983380036006244900037006605000086006975040041007835200894008245460060017186920021017787000026017997000029018257000033018547000035018877100034019227100088019567100066020447100047021108300056021578560107022139.873444CaOODSP20221107163921m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/97-138E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.10aMonitoring sediment capping operations in a harbour by optical and acoustical methods / cby Paul F. Hamblin, David Zhu, Fausto Chiocchio, Cheng He, and Murray N. Charlton. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1997] a1 online resource (1 volume) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-138 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This work is part of the cleanup of Hamilton Harbour which has been undertaken through the office of the Great Lakes Cleanup Fund. This work was done in order to determine the likelihood of disturbance to in place contaminated sediments by the sand capping method of sediment remediation. The study was undertaken during the summer of 1995. This study did not find any evidence of in-place sediment disturbance by the sinking sand jet. Future application of the technology outlined may be to monitor dredging operations of contaminated sediments for potential inadvertent releases. Recommendations for improvement of the monitoring procedures are given. It is intended to submit this report to a peer reviewed journal for possible publication. The information discussed in this report has been presented at the Great lakes Conference in Buffalo, NY, in June 1997"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSediments1 aZhu, David, eauthor.1 aChiocchio, F., eauthor.1 aHe, Cheng, d1957- eauthor.1 aCharlton, Murray N., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch.2 aUniversity of British Columbia. bDept. of Civil Engineering.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-138.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-138-eng.pdf01702nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000035001852450175002202640119003953000052005143360026005663370026005923380036006184900036006545000086006905040050007765200195008265460032010216920017010536920028010707100034010987100047011328300055011798560106012349.873445CaOODSP20221107163921m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-42E-PDF1 aKnowles, R. q(Roger)eauthor.10aLake St. George, Ontario, 1976 to 1984 : bseasonal changes in temperature, oxygen, chlorophyll, methane and several nitrogen fractions / cR. Knowles [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1989]. a1 online resource (33 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-42 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8). a"The enclosed data report for years 1976 to 1984 provides the detailed information and raw data used in an extensive investigation of nitrogen cycling in Lake St. George"--Executive summary. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-42.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.08 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-42-eng.pdf01739nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450088002132640105003013000034004063360026004403370026004663380036004924900033005285000086005615040041006475200334006886530032010226920021010547100034010757100071011098300115011808560106012959.873446CaOODSP20221107163921m o d f cr |n|||||||||190523e19840119onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP anl-----1 aEn13-6/84-03E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bLake Superior, sediment bank / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJanuary 19, 1984. a1 online resource (46 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis on sediments from Lake Superior. Dr. R. Bouronniere, AED, submitted 40 samples from the Lake Superior, Sediment Bank Study, requesting sand, silt, and clay percentages. The samples were analyzed by Sedigraph and the unused portion returned to Dr. Bourbonniere"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-03w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs2.64 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-03-eng.pdf01934nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000038001852450199002232640161004223000033005833360026006163370026006423380036006684900036007045000086007405040051008265200321008775460045011986920017012436920028012606920030012887100034013187100047013528300055013998560106014549.873447CaOODSP20221107163921m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-43E-PDF1 aMazumder, Asit, d1954- eauthor.10aMicro- and mesozooplankton grazing on natural pico- and nanoplankton in contrasting plankton communities produced by planktivore manipulation and fertilization / cA. Mazumder [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1989]. a1 online resource (23 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-43 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 23). a"The transport of material from phytoplankton and bacteria through micro- (41-200 um) and mesozooplankton ( >200 um) to planktivorous fish is a significant processes in lake V ecosystems. We measured in situ grazing by these two classes of sooplankton in large enclosures over two summer periods"--Executive summary. aIncludes summary and abstract in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater management072gccstaAquatic ecosystems1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-43.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-43-eng.pdf02428nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000025001732450140001982640104003383000075004423360026005173370026005433380036005694900037006055000024006425000086006665040041007525200957007936920023017506920027017736920022018007100034018227100047018568300056019038560107019599.873449CaOODSP20221107163922m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/97-140E-PDF1 aBrown, A., eauthor.10aCharacterization of trichloroethylene contamination in the fractured bedrock at the Smithville site / cby A. Brown [and seven others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bGroundwater Remediation Project, National Water Research Institute, c1997. a1 online resource (1 unnumbered page, iv, 40 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-140 a"December 9, 1997." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This study has examined trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination and groundwater geochemistry of the bedrock units underlying the CWML site in Smithville. Two approaches were developed to measure the concentration of TCE discrete fractures, and to examine-the extent of contamination in the deeper rock units. The first approach used a small, 0.1 m sampling interval and a down-hole pneumatic pump to isolate and sample single discrete features, using existing transmissivity data to guide fracture location. The second approach focused on building a borehole concentration profile, using a larger submersible pump with a 1.5 m sampling interval. Geochemistry results, including anions, cations and dissolved oxygen, were obtained from most of the 0.1 m zones isolated. Trichloroethylene concentration, Eh, pH, TCE biodegradation products and trichlorobenzenes were all sampled for from the discrete features and larger zones"--Executive summary, page i.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-140.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.17 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-140-eng.pdf01936nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000042001852450133002272640119003603000058004793360026005373370026005633380036005894900036006255000086006615040055007475200362008025460060011646920017012246920018012416920021012596920028012807100034013087100047013428300055013898560106014449.873450CaOODSP20221107163922m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-44E-PDF1 aTsanis, Ioannis K., d1953- eauthor.10aLoadings of selected chemicals into the St. Lawrence River system from Lake Ontario, 1986/87 / cI.K. Tsanis [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1989]. a1 online resource (33, [22] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-44 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-25). a"Determination of the mass output through the St. Lawrence River outflow system is an important component in computing a mass balance of chemical parameters for Lake Ontario. During 1986 and 1987 la network of self recording current meter moorings were deployed in the main channels of the St. Lawrence River system in Lake Ontario"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaRivers072gccstaChemicals072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-44.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs5.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-44-eng.pdf01924nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450105002122640080003173000050003973360026004473370026004733380036004994900036005355000086005715040050006575200474007075460060011816920020012416920020012616920028012817100034013097100047013438300055013908560105014459.873451CaOODSP20221107163922m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523e198911##oncbd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-45E-PDF1 aLee, Daesoo, eauthor.10aComparison of bottom and surface cooling withdrawals in a harbour / cDaesoo Lee [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, cNovember 1989. a1 online resource (11 pages) : bmap, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-45 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 7).3 a"Hamilton Harbour has been identified as an area of persistent excedance of water quality standards for several parameters. At present, there is much interest by industries onthe shorelines of the harbour in drawing in their cooling water supplies from the colder hypolimnetic region. Specifically, the study considers the sensitivity of the thermal structure to bottom withdrawal of cooling water in comparison to the current practice of surface withdrawal"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaIndustry072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-45.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs909 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-45-eng.pdf02261nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450141002152640136003563000058004923360026005503370026005763380036006024900036006385000086006745040051007605200607008115460060014186920020014786920028014987000032015267000026015587100034015847100037016187100047016558300055017028560106017579.873453CaOODSP20221107163922m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523e198911##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-46E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.12aA preliminary evaluation of an acoustic flowmeter in a ship canal, including data summary / cP.F. Hamblin, D.G. Robertson and F.E. Roy. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1989. a1 online resource (15, [70] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-46 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 12). a"This cooperative study with the Water Survey of Canada has resulted in an understanding of new technology and has provided potentially useful data for assessing the winterwater quality of Hamilton Harbour- This first application of the AFFRA to a highly dynamic reversing flow in a ship canal has been evaluated by 40 field experiments using conventional current profiling methods. Significant underestimation of the current and degradation of the data quality over the four month installation period are potential problems for further investigation by the AFFRA manufacturer"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaWater management1 aRobertson, D. G., eauthor.1 aRoy, F. E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-46.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-46-eng.pdf01839nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450165002152640136003803000052005163360026005683370026005943380036006204900036006565000086006925040055007785200168008335460060010016920018010616920025010797000027011047000031011317100034011627100037011967100047012338300055012808560106013359.873458CaOODSP20221107163923m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523e198912##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-47E-PDF1 aCarey, John H., eauthor.10aOccurrence of biphenyl and diphenyl ether in the St. Clair River : bsediment contamination by heat transfer fluids / cJ.H. Carey, J.H. Hart and N.A. Rukavina. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1989. a1 online resource (31 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-47 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 17-19).3 a"Biphenyl, 4-ethyl biphenyl, diphenyl ether and several related aromatics were all identified in extracts from sediments in the St. Clair River"--Abstract, page 1. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater quality1 aHart, J. H., eauthor.1 aRukavina, N. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-47.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-47-eng.pdf02514nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000036001732450179002092640117003883000093005053360026005983370026006243380036006504900037006865000022007235000059007455000086008045040041008905200629009316920021015606920022015816920023016037000042016267000036016687000030017047000047017347100034017817100055018157100047018708300056019178560107019739.873466CaOODSP20221107163925m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/97-141E-PDF1 aZanini, L. q(Lavinia)eauthor.10aPhosphorous characterization in sediments impacted by septic effluent at four sites in central Canada / cby L. Zanini, W.D. Robertson, C.J. Ptacek, S.L. Schiff and T. Mayer. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c1997. a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages, 20 pages, 12 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-141 a"(Aug. 22/1997)." a"For submission to: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Characterization of phosphorous (P) enriched solids was undertaken in the sediments below four mature septic system infiltration bed where previous monitoring of water table phosphate (PO₄) concentrations had indicated that substantial retention of P was occurring in the vadose zone. At each site, zones of P enrichment were identified by acid extraction of the sediments. Acid extractable sediment P concentrations were found to be 2-5 times higher than background values, within narrow discrete zones generally 10-30 cm in thickness, located within one meter of the infiltration pipes … "--Executive summary, page i.072gccstaSediments072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWaste water1 aPtacek, Carol Jane, d1959- eauthor.1 aSchiff, Sherry Line., eauthor.1 aMayer, Tatiana, eauthor.1 aRobertson, William Dean, d1953- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aUniversity of Waterloo. bDept. of Earth Sciences.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-141.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.79 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-141-eng.pdf02221nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860035001631000030001982450243002282640124004712640011005953000059006063360026006653370026006913380036007174900031007535000086007845000030008705000020009005040041009205200434009615460033013956920035014286920036014637100070014997100061015698300087016308560106017179.873468CaOODSP20221107163925m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t19831983onca o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn42-1/83-1E-PDFzEn48-6/83-1E1 aMcCubbin, Neil, eauthor.14aThe basic technology of the pulp and paper industry and its environmental protection practices / cprepared by Neil McCubbin Eng. for the Environmental Protection Programs Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada. 1aOttawa : bEnvironmental Protection Programs Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, c1983. 4c©1983 a1 online resource (xiii, 204 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Report] ; vEPS 6-EP-83-1 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"Training Manual"--Cover. a"October 1983." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The technology of pulp and paper manufacture in Canada is described with particular reference to environmental protection aspects. The history and scale of the pulp and paper industry are outlined briefly, and all major manufacturing processes and equipment described. The sources of atmospheric emissions, effluent discharges and solid wastes are identified and typical data reported for the principal process units"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaPulp and paper industry072gccstaEnvironmental technology1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bEnvironmental Protection Service.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Programs Directorate.#0aEnvironmental Protection Service report series ;vEPS 6-EP-83-1w(CaOODSP)9.86603140qPDFs10.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-83-1-eng.pdf02429nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450135002172640136003523000057004883360026005453370026005713380036005974900036006335000086006695040055007555200705008105460059015156920028015746920025016026920036016277000031016637000046016947100034017407100037017747100047018118300055018588560106019139.873470CaOODSP20221107163925m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523e198912##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-48E-PDF1 aLeppard, Gary G., eauthor.10aTransmission electron microscopy of the natural organic matter of surface waters / cG.G. Leppard, B. Kent Burnison and J. Buffle. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1989. a1 online resource (29, [3] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-48 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-26).3 a"The technology outlined in this review allows one to analyze, by electron-optical visual means, the flocculation of dissolved organic carbon at a resolution of 0.001 um. As a consequence, the factors which control flocculation in surface waters (pH, concentration factor, hardness turbulence, surface activity, organo-mineral associations) can now beanalyzed in greater depth than previously was possible. The scavenging by colloidal particles of contaminants and subsequent sedimentation of colloid flocs are important phenomena in the dispersion of contaminants in lake waters. This review presents new technology for assessing such phenomena, and analyzing the mechanism"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and summary in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality072gccstaEnvironmental technology1 aBurnison, B. K., eauthor.1 aBuffle, J. q(Jacques), d1943- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-48.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-48-eng.pdf01858nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450121002002640096003213000070004173360026004873370026005133380036005394900036005755000086006115040055006975200368007526920028011206920025011487000038011737000043012117100034012547100047012888300055013358560106013909.873472CaOODSP20221107163926m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-50E-PDF1 aComba, M. E., eauthor.10aSt. Lawrence River trace organic contaminants study (part I), 1985 / cM.E. Comba, V.S. Palabrica and K.L.E. Kaiser. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1989]. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-50 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 18-20). a"This report is a summary of experimental and analytical data of sampling undertaken in 1985, as part of the St. Lawrence River Project / Connecting Channels Project / Nearshore-Offshore Interactions Project. The report provides analytical data, sampling locations, experimental details and procedures used to quantitate and validate the data"--Executive Summary.072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality1 aPalabrica, Virginia S., eauthor.1 aKaiser, Klaus L. E., d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-50.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.82 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-50-eng.pdf02841nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000036001732450170002092640171003793000072005503360026006223370026006483380036006744900037007105000054007475000021008015000086008225040041009085200996009496920023019457000059019687000049020277100034020767100056021107100067021667100047022338300056022808560107023369.873475CaOODSP20221107163926m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/97-142E-PDF1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.12aA grid generating algorithm for simulating a fluctuating water table boundary in heterogeneous unconfined aquifers / cby A.S. Crowe, S.G. Shikaze and F.W. Schwartz. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c1997. a1 online resource (15 pages, 6 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-142 a"For submission to: Advances in Water Resources." a"December 1997." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A method for generating finite element grids that calculates the position of a fluctuating water table and the formation of seepage faces within a heterogeneous unconfined aquifer is described. Our approach overcomes limitations with existing techniques, with respect to numerical accuracy and heterogeneities, by allowing the water table to rise or decline through hydrostratigraphic boundaries, yet maintain numerical and conceptual accuracy with respect to hydrostratigraphic geometry. The algorithm involves (1) a limited stretching of elements along the water table if the change in the position of the water table is small with respect to the vertical grid spacing, and (2) the addition or removal .of nodes and elements to the finite element mesh along the water table as the change becomes large with respect to the vertical grid spacing. This technique is applicable to any 2-D or 3-D finite element code that contains an automatic finite-element grid generator"--Abstract, page 2.072gccstaGroundwater1 aShikaze, Steven G. q(Steven Grant), d1966- eauthor.1 aSchwartz, F. W. q(Franklin Walter)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aOhio State University. bDepartment of Geological Sciences‏.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-142.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-142-eng.pdf01348nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450106002002640096003063000063004023360026004653370026004913380036005174900036005535000086005895040055006756920028007306920022007587100034007807100047008148300055008618560106009169.873480CaOODSP20221107163927m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-51E-PDF1 aComba, M. E., eauthor.10aSt. Lawrence River trace organic contaminants study (part II), 1986 / cM.E. Comba [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1989]. a1 online resource (iv, 16, [75] pages ) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-51 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 15-16).072gccstaWater management072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-51.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs7.75 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-51-eng.pdf02126nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450142002112640129003533000053004823360026005353370026005613380036005874900036006235000086006595040051007455200500007965460059012966920028013556920022013837000030014057100034014357100073014697100037015428300055015798560106016349.873488CaOODSP20221107163929m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-52E-PDF1 aFox, M. E., eauthor.10aDynamics of plume dispersion of 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene from the Niagara River into Lake Ontario / cMichael E. Fox and John H. Carey. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (28 pages ) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-52 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 28). a"The dynamics of dispersion of a chlorobenzene contaminant of the Niagara River in the nearfield region of Lake Ontario in 1985 was determined. The distribution of the chlorobenzene between the water phase and the suspended solids was determined for a 72 hour period in the nearfield area. The observations were related to concurrent surficial sediment measurements. Chlorobenzene concentrations in all compartments examined were more than 2x lower than 2-3 years previously"--Executive summary. aIncludes management perspective and summary in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaPollutants1 aCarey, John H., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-52.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-52-eng.pdf02002nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450129002152640106003443000058004503360026005083370026005343380036005604900036005965000086006325040051007185200355007695460060011246920020011846920022012046920025012267000035012517000028012867100034013147100037013487100047013858300055014328560105014879.873490CaOODSP20221107163929m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-53E-PDF1 aHalfon, Efraim, eauthor.13aAn algorithm to plot Hasse diagrams on microcomputers and Calcomp plotters / cEfraim Halfon, Jo-Ann Hodson and Karon Miles. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (13, [2] pages ) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-53 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 12). a"A computer algorithm has been developed to plot Hasse diagrams. Hasse diagrams are often used in lattice and graph theory. At NWRI Hasse diagrams are used to display the ranting of the hazard of toxic contaminants in the environment and to rank contaminated sites, for example along the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake St. Clair"--Executive summary. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSoftware072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater quality1 aHodson, J. q(Jo-Ann)eauthor.1 aMiles, Karon, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-53.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs923 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-53-eng.pdf02544nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000035001722450191002072640172003983000052005703360026006223370026006483380036006744900032007105000086007425040041008285200654008696920018015236920022015416920027015637000031015907000037016217000028016587000054016867100034017407100056017747100088018307100047019188300051019658560106020169.873492CaOODSP20221107163929m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP ae-fr---1 aEn13-5/96-61E-PDF1 aLapaquellerie, Yvon, eauthor.10aFlux of suspended particulate matter and cadmium in the Lot River, southwestern France / cYvon Lapaquellerie, Noële Maillet, Jean-Marie Jouanneau, John P. Coakley, and Claude Latouche. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1996] a1 online resource (33 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-61 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The paper presents a detailed study of cadmium flux, discharged via the Lot into the Garonne River. The study also examines the methodological requirements for long-term monitoring, especially the establishment of a rigorous sampling protocol to ensure as much as possible the continuity of the measurements involved. The principal challenges presented to the study were those related to the establishment of a mass balance for the suspended particulate matter (SPM). The accuracy of this budget is of great importance because the SPM represents the main dispersal vectors for cadmium and other trace metals, especially zinc"--Introduction, page 4.072gccstaRivers072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater pollution1 aMaillet, Noële, eauthor.1 aJouanneau, Jean-Marie, eauthor.1 aLatouche, C., eauthor.1 aCoakley, J. P. eauthor.q(John Phillip), d1940-1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aUniversité de Bordeaux I.‏ bDépartement de géologie et océanographie‏.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-61.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-61-eng.pdf02440nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860022001591000060001812450137002412640172003783000093005503360026006433370026006693380036006954900032007315000086007635040041008495200576008906920020014666920028014866920017015147000047015317000054015787100034016327100056016667100057017227100047017797100047018268300051018738560106019249.873497CaOODSP20221107163930m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/96-62E-PDF1 aIoannou, Stefan E. q(Stefan Edward), d1975- eauthor.10aVideo technique for zebra mussel quantification in the western basin of Lake Erie / cby S.E. Ioannou, J.P. Coakley, and G.R. Brown. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1996] a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages, 11 pages, 27 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-62 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Video footage of Western Lake Erie's bottom was collected from 12 stations during a research cruise aboard the RV Hydra during August 1994. The purpose of the footage was to record zebra mussel infestation on the lake floor and to act as a tool, along with sidescan sonar imagery, for quantifying zebra mussel populations in the lake. The following report (1) explains the method used to quantify zebra mussel populations from the video footage and (2) lists the results of the zebra mussel quantification from the video footage collected in 1994"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMolluscs072gccstaInvasive species072gccstaLakes1 aBrown, Glenn R. q(Glenn Russell)eauthor.1 aCoakley, J. P. eauthor.q(John Phillip), d1940-1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aUniversity of Toronto. bDept. of Civil Engineering.2 aUniversity of Toronto. bDept. of Geology.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-62.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-62-eng.pdf02110nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450134002152640129003493000058004783360026005363370026005623380036005884900036006245000086006605040055007465200466008015460060012676920028013276920022013557000027013777000029014047100034014337100037014677100047015048300055015518560106016069.873498CaOODSP20221107163930m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-54E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.12aA note on a microprocessor-based recording current meter suitable for wave research / cP.F. Hamblin, J.A. Bull and F. Chiocchio. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (15, [8] pages ) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-54 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 10-11). a"The need for the measurement of the transport of suspended sediments in the nearshore areas of large lakes or in open waters of shallow lakes where wave forces are important hascalled for the development of new instrumentation. A version of the current meter (SACM) has been extended in our laboratory to record wave orbital motion, wave direction and period, along with the conventional current speed, direction and water temperature"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaTechnology1 aBull, J. A., eauthor.1 aChiocchio, F., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-54.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-54-eng.pdf02361nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450136002002640172003363000091005083360026005993370026006253380036006514900032006875000086007195040041008055200680008466920023015267000040015497000054015897100034016437100056016777100050017337100047017838300051018308560106018819.873502CaOODSP20221107163931m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/96-63E-PDF1 aSmith, D. S., eauthor.10aLaboratory tests of stability of coprostanol in presence of faecal bacteria / cby D.S. Smith, R.A. Bourbonniere, and J.P. Coakley. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1996] a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages, 7 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-63 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This paper examines the stability of sediment-bound coprostanol in laboratory bench-top tests over 50 days of exposure to a vigorous bacterial flora. The experiments were carried out in triplicate at room-temperature and under aerobic conditions. For comparative purposes, the microbial degradation of other organic additives was monitored. They were: n-C20 alkene, n-C21 alkane, Benzo (a) anthracene, erucic acid, tricosanoic acid, n-C26 alcohol, and another steroid stigmasterol. Extraction solvent was methanol / dichloromethane and analysis was by GC-MS with FID detector. The results show that coprostanol was resistant to degradation over the 50-day period"--Abstract.072gccstaWaste water1 aBourbonniere, Richard A., eauthor.1 aCoakley, J. P. eauthor.q(John Phillip), d1940-1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aMcMaster University. bDepartment of Geology.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-63.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-63-eng.pdf02079nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450086002152640129003013000058004303360026004883370026005143380036005404900036005765000086006125040055006985200563007535460060013166920028013766930022014047100034014267100037014607100047014978300055015448560106015999.873506CaOODSP20221107163932m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-yk1 aEn13-5/89-55E-PDF1 aHamblin, P. F., eauthor.10aYukon River headwater lakes study : bobservations and analysis / cP.F. Hamblin. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (95, [56] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-55 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 84-88). a"A field investigation of the physical limnology of the headwater lakes of Yukon River Basin was undertaken during the late winters of 1983 and 1985. The particular emphasis made in this study on the behaviour of the temperature and flow fields near the outflow as well as the through-flow process and their relation to ice cover thickness and extent stems from the need for fundamental knowledge on the impact of possible future hydroelectric power developments in the Yukon River Basin on the river, lake and reservoir ice regimes"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management 4aYukon River Basin1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-55.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs8.53 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-55-eng.pdf01923nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000043001852450136002282640129003643000063004933360026005563370026005823380036006084900036006445000086006805040041007665200327008075460060011346920022011946920028012167100034012447100073012787100037013518300055013888560106014439.873510CaOODSP20221107163932m o d f cr bn|||||||||190523s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-56E-PDF1 aKaiser, Klaus L. E., d1941- eauthor.10aOrganic trace contaminants in St. Lawrence River water and suspended sediments, 1985-1987 / cKlaus L.E. Kaiser [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (27 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-56 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The concentrations of organic trace contaminants including chlorobenzene congeners, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, DDT group pesticides, polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) and several other biocides, such as mirex, dieldrin and endosulfan have been determined in water and suspended sediments of the St. Lawrence River"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-56.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-56-eng.pdf01854nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450133002152640129003483000063004773360026005403370026005663380036005924900036006285000086006645040041007505200174007915460069009656920022010346920028010567000042010847000025011267100034011517100073011857100037012588300055012958560106013509.873512CaOODSP20221107163933m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-57E-PDF1 aMudroch, Alena, eauthor.10aDistribution of polychlorinated biphenyls in water, sediment and biota of two harbours / cA. Mudroch, F.I. Onuska and L. Kalas. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (20 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-57 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The distribution of PCBs was investigated in sediments, water and selected biota in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, and Wheatley Harbour, Lake Erie"--Executive Summary. aIncludes management perspective and executive summary in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater management1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.1 aKalas, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-57.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-57-eng.pdf01696nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000043001852450102002282640129003303000063004593360026005223370026005483380036005744900036006105000086006465040041007325200135007735460059009086920022009676920028009897100034010177100073010517100037011248300055011618560106012169.873516CaOODSP20221107163934m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-58E-PDF1 aKaiser, Klaus L. E., d1941- eauthor.10aPolychlorinated biphenyls in St. Lawrence River sediments / cKlaus E. Kaiser [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (21 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-58 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This manuscript reports new research results on settling and bottom sediments in the St. Lawrence River"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and summary in French.072gccstaPollutants072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-58.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-58-eng.pdf02767nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450151002222640172003733000062005453360026006073370026006333380036006594900037006955000017007325000094007495000086008435040041009295200779009705460033017496920023017826920024018057000050018297000068018797000044019477100034019917100056020257100031020817100047021128300056021598560106022159.873517CaOODSP20240402104458m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ab1 aEn13-5/97-135E-PDF1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.10aVisualization of the hydrostratigraphy of the Cold Lake region, Alberta, Canada / cby A. Crowe, A. Piggott, L. Andriashek [and Duane McNaughton]. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1997] a1 online resource (9 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 97-135 aCover title. a"Citation: Conference Proceedings; 50th Conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Efforts to determine the impact of groundwater consumption in conjunction with heavy oil production in the Cold Lake region of Alberta have resulted in an extensive accumulation of hydro-stratigraphic data. Three-dimensional visualization is a method of depicting this data that extends standard methods of subsurface mapping by allowing the areal and vertical distributions of a number of geologic units to be represented simultaneously. The approach developed in this paper transforms contour maps indicating the extent and elevation of each geologic unit into raster data using a method that precisely retains the positioning of the contours. This ensures that the geologic expertise expressed in the contour maps is propagated into the visualization results"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaStratigraphy1 aPiggott, Andrew R. eauthor.q(Andrew Robert)1 aAndriashek, Lawrence D. q(Lawrence Douglas), d1950- eauthor.1 aMcNaughton, D. C. q(Duane C.)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aAlberta Geological Survey.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 97-135.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs891 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-97-135-eng.pdf02546nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450140002142640137003543000058004913360026005493370026005753380036006014900036006375000086006735040055007595200843008145460060016576920023017176920028017407000029017687000045017977100034018427100074018767100037019508300055019878560106020429.873519CaOODSP20221107163934m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198812##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-59E-PDF1 aBukata, R. P., eauthor.10aUtilizing vegetation vigor as an aid to assessing groundwater flow pathways from space / cby R.P. Bukata, J.E. Bruton and J.H. Jerome. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1988. a1 online resource (16, [15] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-59 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 14-16).3 a"There currently exists a large volume of satellite data spanning the passive visible and near-infrared radiance responses. This work investigates the ability of such optical data to delineate groundwater flow pathways in a freshwater basin by utilizing the vigor of the vegetative cover to delineate the discharge, recharge and transition areas defining that basin. Selecting the Big Otter and Big Creek basins in southern Ontario, Canada (both of which drain into northern Lake Erie), such analyses were shown to be very effective indelineating groundwater flow regimes for the LANDSAT-1 overpass of July 6, 1974 when the basin was under maximum state of vegetation bloom. The seasonal growth cycles of the indigenous natural and cultivated crop canopies and their impact on such classification activities are also discussed"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater management1 aBruton, J. E., eauthor.1 aJerome, John H. q(John Harvey)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-59.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-59-eng.pdf01869nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000049001852450155002342640137003893000057005263360026005833370026006093380036006354900036006715000086007075040055007935200162008485460060010106920018010706920022010886920020011107000035011307100034011657100074011997100037012738300055013108560106013659.873520CaOODSP20221107163934m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-60E-PDF1 aMetcalfe-Smith, J. L. q(Janice L.)eauthor.10aFreshwater mussels as biomonitors for organic industrial contaminants and pesticides in the St. Lawrence River / cby J.L. Metcalfe and M.N. Charlton. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (21, [8] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-60 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 13-15). a"The purpose of this study was to evaluate native unionid mussels as biomonitors for organic contaminants in the St. Lawrence River"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaPollutants072gccstaMolluscs1 aCharlton, Murray N., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-60.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-60-eng.pdf01689nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450055002132640103002683000034003713360026004053370026004313380036004574900033004935000086005265200372006126530032009846920021010167100034010377100071010718300115011428560106012579.873522CaOODSP20221107163935m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524e19840327onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-07E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMarch 27, 1984. a1 online resource (49 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-07 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This report provides the results of particle size analyses on sediments submitted by Dr. C. Eyles, University of Toronto. The 26 samples were analyzed by Sieve and Sedigraph (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979). The standard procedure was modified to give detail analysis of the gravel/sand fractions. The gravel/sand fractions were retained and returned to Dr. Eyles"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-07w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs2.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-07-eng.pdf02192nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450105002142640137003193000057004563360026005133370026005393380036005654900036006015000086006375040054007235200617007775460060013946920028014547000030014827100034015127100074015467100037016208300055016578560106017129.873524CaOODSP20221107163935m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-61E-PDF1 aWeng, Jin-Hua, eauthor.10aPhotodegradation of the dyestuff Disperse Blue 26 in water / cby Jin-Hua Weng and R. James Maguire. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (11, [9] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-61 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 9-11).3 a"The photodegradation of the dyestuff Disperse Blue 26 has been studied in sunlight and under 300 nm light in organic-free water and in natural waters. Dissolved humic acid has been demonstrated to promote the photodecomposition of the dye. The results indicate that the half-life of sunlight degradation of the dye in near-surface waters will be of the order of a few days in summer to a few weeks in winter. Moreover, photolysis will be retarded at depths greater than a few decimetres to two metres, and may be retarded by the predicted slight tendency of Disperse Blue 26 to partition to sediment"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aMaguire, James, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-61.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-61-eng.pdf01609nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000024001852450102002092640103003113000058004143360026004723370026004983380036005244900036005605000086005965040055006825200138007375460060008756920025009356920018009607100034009787100074010128300055010868560106011419.873532CaOODSP20221107163936m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198901##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-62E-PDF1 aBird, G., eauthor.10aStudy on the utility of chironomid deformities in the assessment of water quality / cby G. Bird. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, cJanuary 1989. a1 online resource (40, [18] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-62 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 35-40).3 a"A study was made of the utility of chironmid deformities in the assessment of water quality in the Yamaska River, Quebec"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaRivers1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-62.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.89 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-62-eng.pdf02431nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000050001852450115002352640172003503000062005223360026005843370026006103380036006364900032006725000017007045000086007215040041008075200787008485460033016356920023016686920027016916920022017187100034017407100056017747100047018308300051018778560105019289.873534CaOODSP20240402104458m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/96-66E-PDF1 aPiggott, Andrew R. eauthor.q(Andrew Robert)10aContaminant mobilization impacts of hydraulic fracturing for groundwater remediation / cby Andrew R. Piggott. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1996] a1 online resource (9 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-66 aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Hydraulic fracturing has considerable potential when applied in conjunction with a variety of methods of groundwater remediation. However, the application of hydraulic fracturing in this context may result in detrimental mobilization of the target contaminants due to the fluid flow regime which is induced by processes that accompany fracture extension. A range of mathematical procedures for estimating the mobilization of aqueous and non-aqueous phase contaminants as the result of hydraulic fracturing are summarized, and issues associated these methods of analysis are identified. Selected results are presented for the PKN model of hydraulic fracture evolution subject to the limiting conditions of high and low fracturing fluid loss to the contaminated formation"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-66.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs773 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-66-eng.pdf01839nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000033001852450084002182640137003023000058004393360026004973370026005233380036005494900036005855000086006215040055007075200223007625460060009856920025010456920030010707000047011007100034011477100074011817100037012558300055012928560106013479.873538CaOODSP20221107163937m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-63E-PDF1 aBooty, William G., eauthor.10aFreshwater ecosystem water quality modelling / cby W. C. Booty and D.C.L. Lam. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (44, [28] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-63 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 33-44).3 a"This paper presents a review of recent (1978-1988) water quality models which have been developed for predicting the impacts; pathways, fate and effects of nutrient and toxicchemicals in freshwater systems"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaAquatic ecosystems1 aLam, D. C. L. q(David Chung Lap)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-63.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs5.71 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-63-eng.pdf01603nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000031001722450193002032640099003963000075004953360026005703370026005963380036006224900032006585000023006905000086007135040041007996920023008406920027008637000035008907000037009257000029009627100034009917100047010258300051010728560106011239.873544CaOODSP20221107163938m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/96-50E-PDF1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.10aPreliminary results of the fall 1995 drilling and hydraulic testing program at the Smithville phase IV bedrock remediation site / cP. Lapcevic, K. Novakowski, G. Bickerton and J. Voralek. 1aBurlington, ON : bGroundwater Remediation Project, National Water Research Institute, c1996. a1 online resource (v, 31 pages, 5 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-50 a"January 8, 1996." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater pollution1 aNovakowski, Kent S., eauthor.1 aBickerton, Gregory S., eauthor.1 aVoralek, John, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-50.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-50-eng.pdf01706nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450107002162640113003233000057004363360026004933370026005193380036005454900036005815000086006175040050007035200187007535460060009406920023010006920030010237100034010537100037010877100047011248300055011718560106012269.873546CaOODSP20221107163939m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198812##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-64E-PDF1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.10aResults of borehole packer tests at the Ville Mercier groundwater treatment site / cby P.A. Lapcevic. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1988. a1 online resource (6, [25] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-64 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 6). a"This report presents the results of hydraulic testing, conducted by NWRI personnel, in boreholes at the Mercier groundwater treatment site in October 1988"-- Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaContaminated sites1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-64.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-64-eng.pdf02241nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450143002162640113003593000058004723360026005303370026005563380036005824900036006185000086006545040054007405200681007945460060014756920023015356920030015587100034015887100037016227100047016598300055017068560106017619.873548CaOODSP20221107163939m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-65E-PDF1 aLesage, Suzanne, eauthor.10aOccurrence and fate of organic solvent residues in anoxic groundwater at the Gloucester Landfill, Canada / cS. Lesage [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (24, [17] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-65 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 20-24). a"The disposal by DOE of laboratory wastes consisting mostly of organic solvents, at a waste disposal site on crown property managed by Transport Canada at Gloucester, Ontario has resulted in the contamination of the underlying aquifer. A wide variety of volatile compounds were identified and quantitated in samples from the aquifer. The compound of greatest concern was 1,4-dioxane because of its toxicity and mobility as it now is leaving the boundaries of the property. Chlorinated dibenzodioxins were also identified at thesite. They arose from the combustion of the chlorinated wastes. The site has been targeted for cleanup by Transport Canada"-- Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaContaminated sites1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-65.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.84 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-65-eng.pdf02040nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000035001852450075002202640130002953000057004253360026004823370026005083380036005344900036005705000086006065040054006925200521007465460060012676920018013276920015013457100034013607100074013947100037014688300055015058560106015609.873549CaOODSP20221107163939m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1989 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-66E-PDF1 aBeltaos, S., d1944- eauthor.10aRiver ice manual : bchapter 5 : predictive methods / cby S. Beltaos. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1989]. a1 online resource (11, [8] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-66 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 8-11).3 a"This report summarizes in simple form, the predictive capabilities pertaining to the regime of ice in rivers. Starting with the cooling of water in the fall, basic relationships are presented describing the formation of ice, its transport and eventual accumulation into ice covers, thermal ice growth in the winter and decay in the spring. Break-up processes and recent developments in forecasting are described next. Ice jamming during breakup, including surges from ice jam release is the final topic"-- Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaIce1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-66.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-66-eng.pdf01504nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860022001591000035001812450143002162640071003593000071004303360026005013370026005273380036005534900036005895000025006255000086006505040041007366920023007776920027008006920017008277100034008447100056008787100047009348300055009818560106010369.873551CaOODSP20221107163940m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/96-51E-PDF1 aCharlton, Murray N., eauthor.14aThe Burlington sewage treatment plant issue : bimplications of expansion for the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan / cM.N. Charlton. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1996. a1 online resource (1 unnumbered page, 17 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 96-51 a"February 14, 1996." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 96-51.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.98 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-51-eng.pdf02289nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450087002132640138003003000058004383360026004963370026005223380036005484900036005845000086006205040055007065200707007615460060014686920020015286920021015487000028015697100034015977100074016317100037017058300055017428560106017979.873552CaOODSP20221107163940m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198809##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-67E-PDF1 aNg, H. Y. F., eauthor.10aStormwater discharges to Hamilton Harbour / cby Howard Y.F. Ng and Jiri Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cSeptember 1988. a1 online resource (30, [32] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-67 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 27-30). a"Hamilton Harbour has been identified by the Water Quality Board of the International Joint Commission (IJC) as one of the areas of concern with recurring water pollution problems. Such problems are mostly caused by industrial chemicals, metals and nutrients originating from a number of sources. In order to develop an effective remedial strategy for control of such sources, their strength and significance need to be assessed. The report that follows evaluated one of the diffuse sources in the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Study area, combined sewers overflows in the City of Hamilton. The monthly and seasonal distributions of combined sewers overflow volumes were produced"-- Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaPollution1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-67.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.70 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-67-eng.pdf01706nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450077002132640137002903000057004273360026004843370026005103380036005364900036005725000086006085040055006945200178007495460060009276920018009876920021010057100034010267100074010607100037011348300055011718560106012269.873553CaOODSP20221107163940m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-68E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aCharacterization of urban runoff in Sault Ste. Marie / cby J. Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (31, [9] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-68 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 29-31).3 a"Concerns about pollution of the St. Mary's River in Sault Ste. Marie led to the selection of this area as one of the demonstration sites under the MISA program"-- Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaPollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-68.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-68-eng.pdf01761nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000030001722450230002022640160004323000092005923360026006843370026007103380036007364900032007725000019008045000086008235040041009096920027009506920028009776920017010057000030010227100034010527100088010867100056011748300051012308560106012819.873559CaOODSP20221107163941m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/96-52E-PDF1 aRosa, Fernando, eauthor.10aDisposal of acid drainage generating mine tailings in lakes and man-made reservoirs : bI. data collection for modelling purposes, and II. evaluation of meromictic status of a man-made pit / cFernando Rosa and Alena Mudroch. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch, Sediment Remediation Project, c[1996] a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages, 36 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-52 a"Final draft." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWaste management072gccstaLakes1 aMudroch, Alena, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-52.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.41 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-52-eng.pdf02192nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450072002112640137002833000057004203360026004773370026005033380036005294900036005655000086006015040055006875200670007425460060014126920018014726920022014907100034015127100074015467100037016208300055016578560106017129.873562CaOODSP20221107163941m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-69E-PDF1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.10aModelling biofilm consumption in open-channel flow / cby Y.L. Lau. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (17, [5] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-69 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 16-17).3 a"An analytical model of the loss of substrate in an open channel flow through the consumption by a bottom biofilm is presented. This idealized model considers the flux of substrate by diffusion through the viscous sublayer into the biofilm. with diffusion and reaction within the biofilm. Solutions for zero-order as well as first order kinetics are presented and it is shown that the rate of change of the concentration in the main flow is directly related to the kinetics in the biofilm. Available field data were analysed in an attempt to investigate the dependence of the dimensionless loss rate coefficient on the shear Reynolds number of the flow"-- Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-69.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.18 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-69-eng.pdf01844nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000031001942450113002252640172003383000077005103360026005873370026006133380036006394900032006755000017007075000091007245000086008155040041009015460060009426920021010026920027010236920017010507000032010677100034010997100056011337100088011898300051012778560106013289.873565CaOODSP20221107163942m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1997 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/96-53E-PDF1 aZeman, Ales Jan, eauthor.10aPreliminary results of demonstration capping project in Hamilton Harbour / cby A.J. Zeman & T.S. Patterson. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1997] a1 online resource (4 unnumbered pages, pages 439-452) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-53 aCover title. aOriginally issued in: Water quality research journal of Canada, vol. 32, no. 2 (1997). aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaLakes1 aPatterson, T. S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-53.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-53-eng.pdf01820nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000035001852450071002202640137002913000058004283360026004863370026005123380036005384900036005745000086006105040055006965200296007515460060010476920018011076920015011257100034011407100074011747100037012488300055012858560106013409.873568CaOODSP20221107163942m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-70E-PDF1 aBeltaos, S., d1944- eauthor.10aInitial fracture and breakup of river ice cover / cby S. Beltaos. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (34, [15] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-70 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 30-34). a"In this paper, various mechanisms involved in the breakup process are described and quantified by means of analysis and field data. Generalized breakup forecasting criteria are obtained as a result and the governing hydro-thermal and mechanical factors identified"-- Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaIce1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-70.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.94 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-70-eng.pdf01580nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860022001591000026001812450111002072640109003183000070004273360026004973370026005233380036005494900032005855000023006175000086006405040041007266920027007676920017007947000029008117000031008407100034008717100088009057100056009938300051010498560106011009.873571CaOODSP20221107163943m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-onanl-----1 aEn13-5/96-55E-PDF1 aFox, M. E., eauthor.10aLoadings of PCBs and PAHs from Hamilton Harbour to Lake Ontario / cM.E. Fox, R.M. Khan and P.A. Thiessen. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1996. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-55 a"1 February 1996." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaLakes1 aKhan, Raza M., eauthor.1 aThiessen, P. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-55.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.71 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-55-eng.pdf01800nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450120002162640134003363000050004703360026005203370026005463380036005724900036006085000086006445040053007305200189007835460060009726920023010326920022010557000031010777100034011087100074011427100037012168300055012538560106013089.873573CaOODSP20221107163943m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198903##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-71E-PDF1 aLesage, Suzanne, eauthor.10aDifferentiation of the origins of BTEX in ground water using multivariate plots / cby S. Lesage and P.A. Lapcevic. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMarch 1989. a1 online resource (8, [11] pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-71 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 7-8). a"A method that allows the differentiation of sources of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes or BTEX) in ground water is described"-- Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPollutants1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-71.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-71-eng.pdf02329nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450100002132640137003133000057004503360026005073370026005333380036005594900036005955000086006315040041007175200816007585460060015746920028016347100034016627100074016967100037017708300055018078560105018629.873576CaOODSP20221107163943m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198902##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-72E-PDF1 aNg, H. Y. F., eauthor.10aIntegration of hydrologic models for simulation related to irrigation development / cby H. Ng. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (12 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-72 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Irrigation development in river basin requires prediction and optimization of complex interactions. The prediction and optimization depend on the integration of concepts and techniques from diverse disciplines. The integration of hydrologic models for river basin-scale simulation simplifies the interaction and offers alternative decision making as well as economic and environmental objectives in the process of existing irrigation expansion or a new irrigation scheme. This paper describes the integration procedures used by anintegrated Hydrologic. Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF) to link surface runoff, streamflow, subsurface flow and receiving water modules to perform basin—scale simulation as examples, and analysing the integrated water resources distribution within the river basin"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-72.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs910 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-72-eng.pdf01742nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000027001722450092001992640099002913000060003903360026004503370026004763380036005024900033005385000086005715040041006575200317006986530013010156920023010286920015010517100034010667100071011008300115011718560106012869.873577CaOODSP20221107163944m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524e198403##oncad |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-09E-PDF1 aFord, J. S., eauthor.13aAn engineering proposal for a sonde to measure ice jam thickness / cauthor, J.S. Ford. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMarch 1984. a1 online resource (37 pages) : billustrations, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-09 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Ice jams in the spring breakup period are economically important because of their potential to do damage through flooding of private and public property. Recent studies have worked toward understanding the mechanics and formations of ice jams that are in equilibrium (Beltaos, 1983, Shen et al., 1982)"--Introd. 0aIce jams072gccstaMeasurement072gccstaIce1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-09w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs2.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-09-eng.pdf01730nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000027001722450059001992640099002583000045003573360026004023370026004283380036004544900033004905000086005235200433006096530014010426920023010567100034010797100071011138300115011848560105012999.873581CaOODSP20221107163944m o d f cr |n|||||||||190524e198404##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-11E-PDF1 aFord, J. S., eauthor.14aThe maximum speed for profiling / cauthor, J.S. Ford. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cApril 1984. a1 online resource (12 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-11 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"Mr. M. Charlton, of the Aquatic Ecology Division of the National Water Research Institute, asked how quickly an oxygen sensor could pass through a water column and still measure the oxygen within a chosen accuracy. Since this is a general problem with profilers, with the oxygen profile being a special case because the sensor's time constant is a function of temperature, the answer has been generalized in this note"--Introd. 0aProfiling072gccstaMeasurement1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-11w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs606 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-11-eng.pdf01446nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860022001591000033001812450153002142640114003673000052004813360026005333370026005593380036005854900036006215000086006575040041007436920027007846920027008117000028008387100034008667100047009008300055009478560106010029.873584CaOODSP20221107163945m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524s1996 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nkan-cn-ns1 aEn13-5/96-57E-PDF1 aWong, Henry K. T., eauthor.12aA preliminary report on the impact of toxic metals from gold and base metal mining in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia / cH.K.T. Wong and A. Gauthier. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche des eaux, c[1996] a1 online resource (24 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 96-57 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWater pollution1 aGauthier, A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 96-57.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-57-eng.pdf01875nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000046001852450142002312640134003733000057005073360026005643370026005903380036006164900036006525000086006885040055007745200153008295460060009826920023010426920030010657000031010957000045011267100034011717100074012057100037012798300055013168560106013719.873585CaOODSP20221107163945m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198904##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-73E-PDF1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.10aSampling and analysis of ground water quality at hazardous waste sites in Eastern Canada / cby R.E. Jackson, S. Lesage and M.W. Priddle. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (14, [9] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-73 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 13-14).3 a"Ground-water quality data from five hazardous waste sites in Eastern Canada are reviewed and the contaminants of concern are identified"--Abstract. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaContaminated sites1 aLesage, Suzanne, eauthor.1 aPriddle, Mark William, d1963- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-73.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-73-eng.pdf02000nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000035001852450112002202640136003323000058004683360026005263370026005523380036005784900036006145000086006505040055007365200436007915460060012276920018012876920015013057100034013207100074013547100037014288300055014658560106015209.873587CaOODSP20221107163945m o d f cr bn|||||||||190524e198810##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-74E-PDF1 aBeltaos, S., d1944- eauthor.10aCold regions hydrology and hydraulics monograph. nChapter I, section 2 : pBreakup jams / cby S. Beltaos. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cOctober 1988. a1 online resource (26, [13] pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-74 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 20-26). a"This report has been prepared in response to a request by the ASCE Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering, and is intended to form a part of "Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics Monograph". Ice jamming in rivers is a major concern in northern countries, particularly with regard to flooding, and this brief state-of-the-art report should be useful to engineers and managers concerned with rivers"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective and abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaIce1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-74.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.87 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-74-eng.pdf02106nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400031001060430012001370860023001492450082001722640063002542640011003173000050003283360031003783370034004093380043004434900080004865000124005665000028006905040048007185200580007666920028013466920037013747100061014117750102014728300083015748560099016579.863825CaOODSP20221107161357cr |||||||||||181029t20192019oncb o f000 0 fre d a9780660283159 aCaOODSPbfrecCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aEn3-5/99-2019F-PDF00aPlan de gestion de la tortue géographique (Graptemys geographica) au Canada. 1aOttawa : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (v, 50 pages) : bcarte. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aLoi sur les espèces en péril, série de rapports sur les plans de gestion aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Management plan for the Northern Map Turtle (Graptemys geographica) in Canada. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« La tortue géographique (Graptemys geographica) figure parmi les espèces préoccupantes de l'annexe 1 de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (LEP). Il s'agit d'une espèce essentiellement aquatique qui ne vient à terre que pour nidifier et s'exposer au soleil. Sa dossière, plutôt ronde, est d'olive à brunâtre et ornée d'un motif de lignes jaune pâle. Durant sa période annuelle d'activité (du printemps à l'automne), la tortue géographique vit généralement dans de grands plans d'eau bien oxygénés, comme des rivières ou des lacs » -- Sommaire, page iii.072gccstaEspèce menacée072gccstaConservation de la nature1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tManagement plan for the Northern Map Turtle (Graptemys geographica) in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.863824#0aLoi sur les espèces en péril, série de plans de gestion.w(CaOODSP)9.50152540qPDFs779 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En3-5-99-2019-fra.pdf01533nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450248001732640129004213000033005503360026005833370026006093380036006355000127006715000100007985040025008986920022009236920024009457100044009697750113010138560105011269.872910CaOODSP20221107163751m o d f cr |n|||||||||190514e198205##onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-2/19-1982E-PDF02aA comparative analysis of the legal framework in respect of business failure in Canada and in the United States / cprepared for the Small Business Secretariat of the Department of Regional Industrial Expansion by the Clarkson Company Limited. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, cMay 1982. a1 online resource (23 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Analyse comparative du régime de la faillite commerciale au Canada et aux États-Unis. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaBankruptcies1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tAnalyse comparative du régime de la faillite commerciale au Canada et aux États-Unis / w(CaOODSP)9.87338240qPDFs1.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-2-19-1982-eng.pdf01935nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450202001732640131003753000043005063360026005493370026005753380036006015000115006375000100007525040041008525200368008936920028012616920024012897100044013137100046013577750101014038560105015049.872913CaOODSP20221107163752m o d f cr |n|||||||||190514e198204##onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-2/20-1982E-PDF02aA study of the circumstances of small business insolvency / cprepared for the Small Business Secretariat of the Department of Regional Industrial Expansion by Raymond, Chabot, Martin, Paré & Cie. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, cApril 1982. a1 online resource (ii, 28, (30) pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Étude sur des aspects circonstanciels de l'insolvabilité des entreprises. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The objectives of this study of business insolvency are firstly, to determine the circumstances pertaining to bankruptcy and sequestration in 1981, and, secondly, to establish their cause. The methodology is based mainly on the selection of a sample of twenty-two (22) small businesses which went bankrupt or were sequestered in 1981"--Executive summary, page i.072gccstaSmall businesses072gccstaBankruptcies1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.2 aRaymond, Chabot, Martin, Paré & cie‏.08tÉtude sur des aspects circonstanciels de l'insolvabilité des entreprises / w(CaOODSP)9.87338740qPDFs3.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-2-20-1982-eng.pdf01594nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450244001732640125004173000036005423360031005783370034006093380043006435000158006865000106008445000020009506920020009706920022009907100037010127750138010498560105011879.873382CaOODSP20221107163910m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1982 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-2/19-1982F-PDF10aAnalyse comparative du régime de la faillite commerciale au Canada et aux États-Unis / cétude préparée pourle Secrétariat à la petite entreprise du Ministère de l'Expansion industrielle régionale par The Clarkson Company Limited. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1982. a1 ressource en ligne (19 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A comparative analysis of the legal framework in respect of business failure in Canada and in the United States. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Mai 1982. »072gccstaFaillite072gccstaEntreprise1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tA comparative analysis of the legal framework in respect of business failure in Canada and in the United States / w(CaOODSP)9.87291040qPDFs1.49 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-2-19-1982-fra.pdf01905nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450233001732640125004063000042005313360031005733370034006043380043006385000104006815000106007855000022008915040048009135200285009616920020012466920029012667100037012957100046013327750084013788560105014629.873387CaOODSP20221107163911m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1982 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-2/20-1982F-PDF00aÉtude sur des aspects circonstanciels de l'insolvabilité des entreprises / cpréparé pour le Secrétariat à la petite entreprise du ministère de l'Expansion industrielle régionale par Raymond, Chabot, Martin, Paré & Cie. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1982. a1 ressource en ligne (54, (56) pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A study of the circumstances of small business insolvency. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Avril 1982. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Les deux (2) objectifs de cette étude sur l'insolvabilité des entreprises consistaient, d'une part, à déterminer les circonstances qui ont entouré les faillites et les mises sous séquestre en 1981 et d'autre part, à en définir les causes »--Sommaire executive, page 1.072gccstaFaillite072gccstaPetite entreprise1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.2 aRaymond, Chabot, Martin, Paré & cie‏.08tA study of the circumstances of small business insolvency / w(CaOODSP)9.87291340qPDFs3.38 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-2-20-1982-fra.pdf01765nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860036001742450043002102640126002532640011003793000042003903360026004323370026004583380036004845000086005205000100006065040041007065200381007476920019011286920031011476920019011787100044011977750070012418560104013119.871910CaOODSP20221107163520m o d f cr |||||||||||190423t19791979oncb #ob f000 0 eng d z0662503724 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-ja---1 aC2-39/1979-6E-PDFzC2-39/1979-600aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Japan. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (35 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Japon. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Since 1973, Japan has been a most important customer for Canadian exports, second only to the United States. It is expected that in 1978 total exports to Japan will exceed $3.0 billion. In spite of the already high volume of exports, Japan remains a market of tremendous sales potential for Canadian firms with competitive products and sustained marketing programs"--Preface.072gccstaExports072gccstaInternational trade072gccstaMarkets1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Japon.w(CaOODSP)9.87191640qPDFs2.45 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-6-eng.pdf01890nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860036001742450051002102640126002612640011003873000047003983360031004453370034004763380043005105000084005535000106006375040048007435200473007916920023012646920031012876920019013187100037013377750062013748560104014369.871916CaOODSP20221107163521m o d f cr |||||||||||190423t19791979oncb #ob f000 0 fre d z0662503724 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-ja---1 aC2-39/1979-6F-PDFzC2-39/1979-600aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Japon. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (37 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Japan. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Depuis 1973, le Japon est l'un des plus importants clients du Canada et est devancé uniquement par les États-Unis. On prévoit qu'en 1978, les exportations canadiennes au Japon dépasseront $3 milliards. Bien que les exportations canadiennes au Japon soient déjà élevées, ce pays demeure un débouché extraordinaire pour les entreprises canadiennes qui ont un produit compétitif à offrir, assorti d'un programme de commercialisation soutenu » -- Préface.072gccstaExportation072gccstaCommerce extérieur072gccstaMarché1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Japan.w(CaOODSP)9.87191040qPDFs2.34 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-6-fra.pdf01358nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450047002122640126002592640012003853000041003973360026004383370026004643380036004905000090005265000100006165040041007166920033007576920019007907100044008097750074008538560105009279.871920CaOODSP20221107163522m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423t19791979oncb #ob| f000 0 eng d z0662505026 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---au-at---1 aC2-39/1979-11E-PDFzC2-39/1979-1100aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Australia. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979. a1 online resource (34 pages) : bmap atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Australie. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Australie.w(CaOODSP)9.87192240qPDFs2.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-11-eng.pdf01390nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450055002122640126002672640011003933000046004043360031004503370034004813380043005155000106005585000088006645040048007526920033008006920023008337100037008567750066008938560105009599.871922CaOODSP20221107163522m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423t19791979oncb #ob f000 0 fre d z0662505026 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---au-at---1 aC2-39/1979-11F-PDFzC2-39/1979-1100aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Australie. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (37 pages) : bcarte atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Australia. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Australia.w(CaOODSP)9.87192040qPDFs2.86 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-11-fra.pdf01349nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450047002122640133002592640011003923000042004033360026004453370026004713380036004975000090005335000100006235040025007236920033007486920019007817100044008007750074008448560105009189.871928CaOODSP20221107163523m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662506227 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-si---1 aC2-39/1979-12E-PDFzC2-39/1979-1200aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Singapore. 1aOttawa, Canada : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie, et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (32 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Singapour. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Singapour.w(CaOODSP)9.87192940qPDFs1.62 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-12-eng.pdf01375nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450055002122640127002672640011003943000047004053360031004523370034004833380043005175000106005605000088006665040031007546920033007856920023008187100037008417750066008788560105009449.871929CaOODSP20221107163523m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662506227 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-si---1 aC2-39/1979-12F-PDFzC2-39/1979-1200aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Singapour. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (34 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Singapore. aComprend des références.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Singapore.w(CaOODSP)9.87192840qPDFs1.92 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-12-fra.pdf01315nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450053002122640126002652640011003913000042004023360026004443370026004703380036004965000092005325000100006246920033007246920019007577100044007767750076008208560105008969.871931CaOODSP20221107163523m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423t19801980oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662506227 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-ph---1 aC2-39/1980-13E-PDFzC2-39/1979-1300aMarkets for Canadian exporters, the Philippines. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie, et Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 online resource (32 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Philippines. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Philippines.w(CaOODSP)9.87193240qPDFs1.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-13-eng.pdf01345nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450057002122640126002692640011003953000047004063360031004533370034004843380043005185000106005615000094006676920033007616920023007947100037008177750072008548560105009269.871932CaOODSP20221107163524m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423t19801980oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662509269 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-ph---1 aC2-39/1980-13F-PDFzC2-39/1980-1300aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Philippines. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 ressource en ligne (35 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, the Philippines.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, the Philippines.w(CaOODSP)9.87193140qPDFs2.42 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-13-fra.pdf01295nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450049001822640126002313000042003573360026003993370026004253380036004515000098004875000100005855040025006856920033007106920019007437100044007627750082008068560105008889.871947CaOODSP20221107163526m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423s1980 oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---au-nz---1 aC2-39/1980-14E-PDF00aMarkets for Canadian exporters, New Zealand. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie, et Commerce, c1980. a1 online resource (27 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Nouvelle-Zélande. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Nouvelle-Zélande.w(CaOODSP)9.87194840qPDFs1.37 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-14-eng.pdf01278nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450063001822640126002453000047003713360031004183370034004493380043004835000106005265000090006326920033007226920023007557100037007787750068008158560105008839.871948CaOODSP20221107163526m o d f cr |n|||||||||190423s1980 oncb #o| f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---au-nz---1 aC2-39/1980-14F-PDF00aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Nouvelle-Zélande. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1980. a1 ressource en ligne (27 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, New Zealand.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, New Zealand.w(CaOODSP)9.87194740qPDFs1.48 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-14-fra.pdf01290nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450045002122640125002572640011003823000033003933360026004263370026004523380036004785000089005145000100006036920033007036920019007367100044007557750072007998560105008719.871969CaOODSP20221107163529m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19801980onc #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662508432 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---af-ae---1 aC2-39/1980-23E-PDFzC2-39/1980-2300aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Algeria. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 online resource (33 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Algérie. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Algériew(CaOODSP)9.87197040qPDFs1.79 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-23-eng.pdf01313nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430020001530860038001732450053002112640126002642640011003903000036004013360031004373370034004683380043005025000106005455000086006516920033007376920023007707100037007937750064008308560105008949.871970CaOODSP20221107163529m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19801980onc #o| f000 0 fre d z0662508432 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---af-ae--1 aC2-39/1980-23F-PDFzC2-39/1980-2300aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Algérie 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 ressource en ligne (31 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Algeria.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Algeria.w(CaOODSP)9.87196940qPDFs2.91 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-23-fra.pdf01305nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450046002122640125002582640011003833000042003943360026004363370026004623380036004885000091005245000100006156920033007156920019007487100044007677750075008118560105008869.871976CaOODSP20221107163530m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662502205 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-th---1 aC2-39/1979-24E-PDFzC2-39/1979-2400aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Thailand. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c1979. 4c©1979 a1 online resource (34 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Thaïlande. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Thaïlande.w(CaOODSP)9.87197740qPDFs1.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-24-eng.pdf01330nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450056002122640126002682640011003943000047004053360031004523370034004833380043005175000106005605000087006666920033007536920023007867100037008097750065008468560105009119.871977CaOODSP20221107163530m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662502205 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-th---1 aC2-39/1979-24F-PDFzC2-39/1979-2400aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Thaïlande. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1979. 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (34 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Thailand.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Thailand.w(CaOODSP)9.87197640qPDFs2.12 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-24-fra.pdf01335nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450044002122640126002562640011003823000042003933360026004353370026004613380036004875000088005235000100006115040025007116920033007366920019007697100044007887750072008328560105009049.871979CaOODSP20221107163530m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662504550 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-tu---1 aC2-39/1979-25E-PDFzC2-39/1979-2500aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Turkey. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (33 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Turquie. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Turquie.w(CaOODSP)9.87198040qPDFs2.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-25-eng.pdf01367nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450053002122640127002652640011003923000047004033360031004503370034004813380043005155000106005585000085006645040031007496920033007806920023008137100037008367750063008738560105009369.871980CaOODSP20221107163531m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662504550 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-tu---1 aC2-39/1979-25F-PDFzC2-39/1979-2500aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Turquie. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industire et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (35 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Turkey. aComprend des références.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Turkey.w(CaOODSP)9.87197940qPDFs3.44 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-25-fra.pdf01323nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450052002122640125002642640011003893000042004003360026004423370026004683380036004945000097005305000100006276920033007276920019007607100044007797750081008238560105009049.871982CaOODSP20221107163531m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19801980oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662508181 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-cs---1 aC2-39/1980-26E-PDFzC2-39/1980-2600aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Czechoslovakia. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 online resource (36 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Tchécoslovaquie. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Tchécoslovaquie.w(CaOODSP)9.87198340qPDFs3.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-26-eng.pdf01348nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450062002122640126002742640011004003000047004113360031004583370034004893380043005235000106005665000093006726920033007656920023007987100037008217750071008588560105009299.871983CaOODSP20221107163531m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19801980oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662508181 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-cs---1 aC2-39/1980-26F-PDFzC2-39/1980-2600aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Tchécoslovaquie. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 ressource en ligne (38 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Czechoslovakia.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Czechoslovakia.w(CaOODSP)9.87198240qPDFs2.16 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-26-fra.pdf01310nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450065001822640126002473000042003733360026004153370026004413380036004675000116005035000100006196920033007196920019007527100044007717750100008158560105009159.871985CaOODSP20221107163531m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424s1981 oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae------1 aC2-39/1981-27E-PDF00aMarkets for Canadian exporters, European Economic Community. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1981] a1 online resource (53 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Communauté économique européenne. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Communauté économique européenne.w(CaOODSP)9.87198840qPDFs3.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-27-eng.pdf01330nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450081001822640128002633000047003913360031004383370034004693380043005035000106005465000106006526920033007586920023007917100037008147750084008518560105009359.871988CaOODSP20221107163532m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424s1981 oncb #o| f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae------1 aC2-39/1981-27F-PDF00aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Communauté économique européenne. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1981]. a1 ressource en ligne (57 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, European Economic Community.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, European Economic Community.w(CaOODSP)9.87198540qPDFs4.54 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-27-fra.pdf01334nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450057002122640125002692640011003943000042004053360026004473370026004733380036004995000100005355000100006356920033007356920019007687100044007877750084008318560105009159.871989CaOODSP20221107163532m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503198 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-ust--1 aC2-39/1979-61E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6100aMarkets for Canadian exporters, southwestern states. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c1979. 4c©1979 a1 online resource (26 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états du sud-ouest. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états du sud-ouest.w(CaOODSP)9.87199040qPDFs1.98 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-61-eng.pdf01361nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450065002122640126002772640011004033000047004143360031004613370034004923380043005265000106005695000098006756920033007736920023008067100037008297750076008668560105009429.871990CaOODSP20221107163532m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503198 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-ust--1 aC2-39/1979-61F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6100aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états du sud-ouest. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1979. 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (28 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, southwestern states.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, southwestern states.w(CaOODSP)9.87198940qPDFs1.80 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-61-fra.pdf01429nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450054002122460068002662640126003342640012004603000042004723360026005143370026005403380036005665000108006025000100007106920033008106920019008437100044008627750092009068560105009989.871992CaOODSP20221107163532m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503139 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us-ny1 aC2-39/1979-62E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6200aMarkets for Canadian exporters, upstate New York.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, upstate New York 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979. a1 online resource (28 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, nord de l'état de New York. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, nord de l'état de New York.w(CaOODSP)9.87199340qPDFs1.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-62-eng.pdf01462nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450073002122460085002852640127003702640012004973000047005093360031005563370034005873380043006215000106006645000095007706920033008656920023008987100037009217750073009588560105010319.871993CaOODSP20221107163532m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503139 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us-ny1 aC2-39/1979-62F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6200aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, nord de l'état de New York.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, nord de l'état de New York 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979. a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, upstate New York.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, upstate New York.w(CaOODSP)9.87199240qPDFs1.60 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-62-fra.pdf01917nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860042001742450046002162460060002622640126003222640011004483000042004593360026005013370026005273380036005535000089005895000100006785200496007786920019012746920031012936920019013247100044013437750073013878560107014609.871995CaOODSP20221107163533m o d f cr |||||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o f000 0 eng d z0662503147 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us-ny1 aC2-39/1979-62-1E-PDFzC2-39/1979-62-100aMarkets for Canadian exporters, New York.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, New York 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (28 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, New York. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"In 1977, New York State ranked 21st in the United States in agricultural income with a cash value in agricultural products of more than $1.7 billion. Dairy products accounted for more than one-half the agricultural income, totalling in excess of $983 million. New York ranked third nationally in milk production and third in total income from dairy products. Eggs provided a large source of income for state farmers with 1977 production valued at $78 million"--Economy and industry, page 8.072gccstaExports072gccstaInternational trade072gccstaMarkets1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, New York.w(CaOODSP)9.87199640qPDFs2.01 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-62-1-eng.pdf02016nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860042001742450054002162460066002702640126003362640011004623000047004733360031005203370034005513380043005855000087006285000106007155200563008216920023013846920031014076920019014387100037014577750065014948560107015599.871996CaOODSP20221107163533m o d f cr |||||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o f000 0 fre d z0662503147 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us-ny1 aC2-39/1979-62-1F-PDFzC2-39/1979-62-110aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, New York.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, New York 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (28 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, New York. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Avec une valeur de plus de $1,7 milliard pour ses produits agricoles, il se classait, en 1977, au 21e rang des États américains. Les produits laitiers comptaient pour plus de la moitié des revenus agricoles, $ 983 millions, plaçant ainsi New York au troisième rang national pour la production du lait, et au troisième pour le revenu global provenant des produits laitiers. Les oeufs, dont la production a atteint $ 78 millions en 1977, ont constitué une source fort appréciable de revenu pour les agriculteurs » -- Économie et industrie, page 8.072gccstaExportation072gccstaCommerce extérieur072gccstaMarché1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, New York.w(CaOODSP)9.87199540qPDFs2.14 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-62-1-fra.pdf01456nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450057002122460071002692640126003402640011004663000042004773360026005193370026005453380036005715000119006075000100007266920033008266920019008597100044008787750103009228560105010259.871998CaOODSP20221107163533m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503236 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usl--1 aC2-39/1979-63E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6300aMarkets for Canadian exporters, mid-Atlantic states.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, mid-Atlantic states 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (28 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états centraux de la côte atlantique. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états centraux de la côte atlantique.w(CaOODSP)9.87200040qPDFs9.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-63-eng.pdf01489nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450084002122460096002962640127003922640011005193000047005303360031005773370034006083380043006425000106006855000098007916920033008896920023009227100037009457750076009828560105010589.872000CaOODSP20221107163533m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503236 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usl--1 aC2-39/1979-63F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6300aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états centraux de la côte atlantique.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, états centraux de la côte atlantique 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, mid-Atlantic states.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, mid-Atlantic states.w(CaOODSP)9.87199840qPDFs1.74 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-63-fra.pdf01402nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450049002122460063002612640126003242640011004503000042004613360026005033370026005293380036005555000100005915000100006916920033007916920019008247100044008437750084008878560105009719.872003CaOODSP20221107163534m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503155 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usn--1 aC2-39/1979-65E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6500aMarkets for Canadian exporters, New England.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, New England 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (23 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Nouvelle-Angleterre. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Nouvelle-Angleterre.w(CaOODSP)9.87200540qPDFs1.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-65-eng.pdf01436nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450065002122460078002772640127003552640011004823000047004933360031005403370034005713380043006055000106006485000090007546920033008446920023008777100037009007750068009378560105010059.872005CaOODSP20221107163534m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503155 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usn--1 aC2-39/1979-65F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6500aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Nouvelle-Angleterre.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, Nouvelle-Angleterre. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (25 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, New England.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, New England.w(CaOODSP)9.87200340qPDFs1.63 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-65-fra.pdf01433nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450062002122460077002742640126003512640011004773000042004883360026005303370026005563380036005825000102006185000100007206920033008206920019008537100044008727750086009168560105010029.872006CaOODSP20221107163534m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503171 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usc--1 aC2-39/1979-66E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6600aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Chicago and the Midwest. 14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, Chicago and the Midwest.  1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (24 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Chicago et le midwest. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Chicago et le midwest.w(CaOODSP)9.87200740qPDFs7.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-66-eng.pdf01464nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450067002122460079002792640127003582640011004853000047004963360031005433370034005743380043006085000106006515000102007576920033008596920023008927100037009157750081009528560105010339.872007CaOODSP20221107163535m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503171 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usc--1 aC2-39/1979-66F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6600aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Chicago et le midwest.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, Chicago et le midwest 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (24 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Chicago and the Midwest.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Chicago and the Midwest. w(CaOODSP)9.87200640qPDFs1.63 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-66-fra.pdf01398nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450051002122460065002632640126003282640011004543000042004653360026005073370026005333380036005595000096005955000100006916920033007916920019008247100044008437750080008878560105009679.872008CaOODSP20221107163535m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z066250318X aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usc--1 aC2-39/1979-68E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6800aMarkets for Canadian exporters, upper Midwest.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, upper Midwest 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (30 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, nord du midwest. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, nord du midwest.w(CaOODSP)9.87201040qPDFs2.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-68-eng.pdf01431nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450061002122460073002732640127003462640011004733000047004843360031005313370034005623380043005965000106006395000092007456920033008376920023008707100037008937750070009308560105010009.872010CaOODSP20221107163535m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z066250318X aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usc--1 aC2-39/1979-68F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6800aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, nord du midwest.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, nord du midwest 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (31 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, upper Midwest.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, upper Midwest.w(CaOODSP)9.87200840qPDFs2.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-68-fra.pdf01415nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450057002122460072002692640126003412640011004673000042004783360026005203370026005463380036005725000098006085000100007066920033008066920019008397100044008587750082009028560105009849.872011CaOODSP20221107163535m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503201 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usu--1 aC2-39/1979-69E-PDFzC2-39/1979-6900aMarkets for Canadian exporters, southeastern states.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, southeastern states. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (24 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états du sud-est. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états du sud-est.w(CaOODSP)9.87201240qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-69-eng.pdf01448nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450063002122460076002752640127003512640011004783000047004893360031005363370034005673380043006015000106006445000098007506920033008486920023008817100037009047750076009418560105010179.872012CaOODSP20221107163535m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503201 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usu--1 aC2-39/1979-69F-PDFzC2-39/1979-6900aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, états du sud-est.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, états du sud-est. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (25 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, southeastern states.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, southeastern states.w(CaOODSP)9.87201140qPDFs1.61 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-69-fra.pdf01398nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450048002122460062002602640126003222640011004483000042004593360026005013370026005273380036005535000099005895000100006886920033007886920019008217100044008407750083008848560105009679.872018CaOODSP20221107163536m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d z0662503228 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usp--1 aC2-39/1979-71E-PDFzC2-39/1979-7100aMarkets for Canadian exporters, West Coast.14aMarkets for Canadian exporters, United States, West Coast 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 online resource (38 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, côte du Pacifique. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, côte du Pacifique.w(CaOODSP)9.87202040qPDFs2.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-71-eng.pdf01431nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450064002122460076002762640127003522640011004793000047004903360031005373370034005683380043006025000106006455000089007516920033008406920023008737100037008967750067009338560105010009.872020CaOODSP20221107163536m o d f cr |n|||||||||190424t19791979oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z0662503228 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usp--1 aC2-39/1979-71F-PDFzC2-39/1979-7100aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, côte du Pacifique.14aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, États-Unis, côte du Pacifique 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979] 4c©1979 a1 ressource en ligne (39 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, West Coast.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, West Coast.w(CaOODSP)9.87201840qPDFs2.25 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1979-71-fra.pdf01281nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450042002122640126002542640011003803000033003913360026004243370026004503380036004765000085005125000100005976920033006976920019007307100044007497750069007938560105008629.872100CaOODSP20221107163549m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426t19801980onc #o|| f000 0 eng d z066250951X aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---anwcu---1 aC2-39/1980-85E-PDFzC2-39/1980-8500aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Cuba. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1980] 4c©1980 a1 online resource (35 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Cuba. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Cuba.w(CaOODSP)9.87210140qPDFs1.89 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-85-eng.pdf01304nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430021001530860038001742450050002122640125002622640011003873000036003983360031004343370034004653380043004995000106005425000083006486920033007316920023007647100037007877750061008248560105008859.872101CaOODSP20221107163549m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426t19801980oncb #o| f000 0 fre d z066250951X aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---anwcu---1 aC2-39/1980-85F-PDFzC2-39/1980-8500aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Cuba. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 ressource en ligne (38 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Cuba.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Cuba.w(CaOODSP)9.87210040qPDFs2.13 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1980-85-fra.pdf01216nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450054001822640085002363000042003213360026003633370026003893380036004155000095004515000100005466920033006466920019006797100044006987750079007428560105008219.872102CaOODSP20221107163549m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426s1981 oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usc--1 aC2-39/1981-67E-PDF00aMarkets for Canadian exporters, eastern Midwest.  1aOttawa, Canada : b[Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce], c1981. a1 online resource (31 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, est du midwest. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, est du midwest.w(CaOODSP)9.87210340qPDFs3.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-67-eng.pdf01239nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450060001822640081002423000047003233360031003703370034004013380043004355000106004785000094005846920033006786920023007117100037007347750073007718560105008449.872103CaOODSP20221107163549m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426s1981 oncb #o| f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-usc--1 aC2-39/1981-67F-PDF00aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, est du midwest. 1aOttawa, Canada : b[Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce], c1981. a1 ressource en ligne (32 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, eastern Midwest.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, eastern Midwest. w(CaOODSP)9.87210240qPDFs2.29 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-67-fra.pdf01285nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430030001380860023001682450058001912640131002493000042003803360026004223370026004483380036004745000100005105000100006106920033007106920019007437100044007627750084008068560105008909.872104CaOODSP20221107163549m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426s1981 oncb #o|| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us-mian-us-in1 aC2-39/1981-70E-PDF00aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Michigan and Indiana. 1aOttawa, Canada : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c1981. a1 online resource (33 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Michigan et Indiana. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Michigan et Indiana.w(CaOODSP)9.87210640qPDFs2.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-70-eng.pdf01313nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430030001380860023001682450065001912640132002563000047003883360031004353370034004663380043005005000106005435000099006496920033007486920023007817100037008047750077008418560105009189.872106CaOODSP20221107163550m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426s1981 oncb #o| f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us-mian-us-in1 aC2-39/1981-70F-PDF00aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Michigan et Indiana. 1aOttawa, Canada : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1981. a1 ressource en ligne (34 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Michigan and Indiana.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Michigan and Indiana.w(CaOODSP)9.87210440qPDFs1.96 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-70-fra.pdf01284nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450047001822640126002293000033003553360026003883370026004143380036004405000090004765000100005665040041006666920033007076920019007407100044007597750074008038560105008779.872108CaOODSP20221107163550m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426q1981 onc #ob| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ancgt---1 aC2-39/1981-82E-PDF00aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Guatemala. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1981] a1 online resource (31 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Guatemala. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Guatemala.w(CaOODSP)9.87210940qPDFs1.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-82-eng.pdf01315nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450055001822640126002373000036003633360031003993370034004303380043004645000106005075000088006135040048007016920033007496920023007827100037008057750066008428560105009089.872109CaOODSP20221107163550m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426q1981 onc #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ancgt---1 aC2-39/1981-82F-PDF00aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Guatemala. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1981] a1 ressource en ligne (31 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Guatemala. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Guatemala.w(CaOODSP)9.87210840qPDFs1.75 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-82-fra.pdf01290nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450046001822640126002283000042003543360026003963370026004223380036004485000089004845000100005735040041006736920033007146920019007477100044007667750073008108560105008839.872111CaOODSP20221107163550m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426q1981 oncb #ob| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ancho---1 aC2-39/1981-91E-PDF00aMarkets for Canadian exporters, Honduras. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce = Gouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce, c[1981] a1 online resource (29 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Marchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Honduras. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaInternational markets072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Honduras.w(CaOODSP)9.87211240qPDFs1.43 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-91-eng.pdf01323nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450054001822640126002363000047003623360031004093370034004403380043004745000106005175000087006235040048007106920033007586920023007917100037008147750065008518560105009169.872112CaOODSP20221107163551m o d f cr |n|||||||||190426q1981 oncb #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ancho---1 aC2-39/1981-91F-PDF00aMarchés pour l'exportation canadienne, Honduras. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1981] a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Markets for Canadian exporters, Honduras. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaMarché international072gccstaExportation1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tMarkets for Canadian exporters, Honduras.w(CaOODSP)9.87211140qPDFs1.56 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-39-1981-91-fra.pdf02554nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430012001530860021001651000037001862450314002232460048005372640123005852640011007083000039007193360031007583370034007893380043008235000127008665000106009935200772010996920039018716920027019106920040019377100057019777750055020348560103020899.873500CaOODSP20221107163931m o d f cr |||||||||||190523e199103##onc #o f000 0 fre d z0887631762 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-15/1991F-PDF1 aHowatson, Allan C‏., eauteur.13aLa protection de l'environnement : bles avantages économiques pour les entreprises / cpar Al Howatson, Programme de recherche sur l'entreprise et l'environnement, le Conference Board du Canada avec la collaboration de Initiative sur le secteur de l'environnement, Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada.10aAvantages économiques pour les entreprises 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bIndustrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada = Industry, Science and Technology Canada, cMars 1991. 4a©1991 a1 ressource en ligne (x, 29 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Business and the environment : economic benefits from environmental improvements. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Le but du présent rapport est de mettre en lumière les principaux messages du salon commercial et de la conférence GLOBE 90 qui permettront aux entreprises canadiennes oeuvrant dans les secteurs de la fabrication et de la transformation des ressources d'améliorer leur compétitivité à l'échelle internationale tout en accélérant la capacité de leurs industries à prévoir et à relever les défis posés par l'environnement. Ce rapport a été rédigé spécialement pour les chefs de file d'entreprises canadiennes dont les décisions ont des répercussions tant sur l'économieque sur l'environnement. Il contient des méthodes pratiques et des exemples concrets qui aideront les administrateurs à modifier leurs activités » -- Préface, page vii.072gccstaIndustrie de la fabrication072gccstaCompétitivité072gccstaÉconomie de l'environnement1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.08tBusiness and the environment : w(CaOODSP)9.87277740qPDFs2.39 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C23-15-1991-fra.pdf01827nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860017001502450057001672640045002243100013002693360026002823370026003083380036003343620049003705000017004195000100004365000245005365000106007815000109008875000097009965500134010936920030012277100055012577100046013127100048013587100059014069.872679CaOODSP20221107163715m o d f cr cn ||||||||190508d19881992oncgr p o f0###a0eng|d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu41-9E-PDF 00aCanada's aerospace industry : b a capability guide. 1aToronto : bMaclean Hunter,c[1988-1992] aBiennial atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with 1987/1988; ceased with 1991/1992? aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The […] guide was designed, produced and distributed in cooperation with the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, the federal Department of Regional Industrial Expansion, and the Department of External Affairs" -- Issue 1987/1988. a"... published by Aerospace Canada International magazine, a Maclean Hunter publication" --1987/1988. a"... published by Aerospace and Defence Technology magazine, a Maclean Hunter publication" -- 1989/1990. a"... published by Aviation & Aerospace magazine, a Maclean Hunter publication" -- 1991/1992. aIssued by Department of Regional Industrial Expansion (1987-1988); by Department of Industry, Science and Technology (1989-1992).072gccstaAerospace industry1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.1 aCanada. bDepartment of External Affairs.2 aAerospace Industries Association of Canada.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Regional Industrial Expansion.02275nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430012001530860021001651100055001862450108002412460079003492640101004283000041005293360026005703370026005963380036006225000022006585000161006805000100008415000119009415200565010606920027016256920022016526920020016747750056016947940048017508560103017989.872682CaOODSP20221107163716m o d f cr |||||||||||190508e198807##onc #oc f001 0 eng d z0662163818 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC2-113/1988E-PDF1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.10aVideotheque catalogue : ba catalogue of videos distributed by Industry, Science and Technology Canada.10aCatalogue of videos distributed by Industry, Science and Technology Canada 1aOttawa, Ontario : bCommunications Branch, Industry, Science and Technology Canada, cJuly 1988. a1 online resource (xviii, 149 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIncludes indexes. aIssued also in French under title: Catalogue de la vidéothèque : catalogue des vidéocassettes distribuées par Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"Grappling with a tough business decision? The solution is right before your eyes... in one of our videos"--Cover. a"Industry, Science and Technology Canada is the government's flagship economic department with the mandate to ensure the effective integration of advanced science and technology with competitive industrial capacity. Departmental programs are designed to encourage the development in Canada of an industrial and service base that can compete in world markets in the 21st century. To support and stimulate these activities the department maintains and operates one of the most up-to-date video and photographic lending libraries in Canada"--Introduction, page i.072gccstaVideorecordings072gccstaCatalogues072gccstaIndustry08tCatalogue de la vidéothèque : w(CaOODSP)9.872698 tVidéothèque catalogue.w(CaOODSP)9.87270040qPDFs1.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-113-1988-eng.pdf02392nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430012001530860021001651100057001862450128002432460093003712460028004642640125004923000044006173360031006613370034006923380043007265000024007695000147007935000105009405000128010455200559011736920033017326920021017656920021017867750048018077940048018558560103019039.872698CaOODSP20221107163717m o d f cr |||||||||||190509e198807##onc #oc f001 0 fre d z0662950488 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC2-113/1988F-PDF1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.10aCatalogue de la vidéothèque : bcatalogue des vidéocassettes distribuées par Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada.10aCatalogue des vidéocassettes distribuées par Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada14aVidéothèque catalogue 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bDirection générale des communications, Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada, cJuillet 1988. a1 ressource en ligne (xviii, 153 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aComprend des index. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Videotheque catalogue : a catalogue of videos distributed by Industry, Science and Technology Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada. a« Vous avez une décision difficile à prendre? Un de nos vidéos peut vous apporter la solution idéale » -- Couverture. a« Principal ministère fédéral à vocation économique, Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada a pour mandat d'assurer l'intégration efficace des sciences et de la technologie à une infrastructure industrielle compétitive. Ses programmes visent à encourager le développement au Canada d'une industrie et d'un secteur des services capables de soutenir la concurrence internationale au XXle siècle. Pour appuyer ces activités, le Ministère exploite une vidéothèque et photothèque de prêt des mieux documentées » -- Introduction, page i.072gccstaEnregistrement vidéo072gccstaCatalogue072gccstaIndustrie08tVideotheque catalogue : w(CaOODSP)9.872682 tVidéothèque catalogue.w(CaOODSP)9.87271040qPDFs4.74 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-113-1988-fra.pdf01781nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860035001501100055001852450029002402460035002692460121003042640109004252640011005343000046005453360026005913370026006173380036006435000022006795000100007015000064008015050315008656920022011806920027012027750048012297950039012778560103013169.872700CaOODSP20221107163718m o d f cr |n|||||||||190509t19921991onc #oc f000 | eng u aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC2-146/1992E-PDFzC2-146/1991E1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.10aVidéothèque catalogue.16aVidéothèque catalogue update25aVideotheque catalogue : ba catalogue of videos distributed by Industry, Science and Technology CanadafJanuary 1991 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada = Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada,c1992. 4c©1991 a1 online resource (181 unnumbered pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Vidéothèque catalogue.00aVidéothèque catalogue update, Amendment no. 2, July, 1992 -- Videotheque catalogue update, Amendment no. 1, November 1991 -- Videotheque catalogue : a catalogue of videos distributed by Industry, Science and Technology Canada gJanuary 1991 / rCommunications Branch, Industry, Science and Technology Canada.072gccstaCatalogues072gccstaVideorecordings08tVidéothèque catalogue.w(CaOODSP)9.872710##tVideotheque catalogue : w9.87268240qPDFs3.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-146-1992-eng.pdf02375nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430012001530860021001651000037001862450290002232460054005132640123005672640011006903000036007013360026007373370026007633380036007895000123008255000100009485200652010486920034017006920027017346920035017617100055017967750059018518560103019109.872777CaOODSP20221107163730m o d f cr |||||||||||190517e199103##onc #o f000 0 eng d z0887631754 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-15/1991E-PDF1 aHowatson, Allan C‏., eauthor.10aBusiness and the environment : beconomic benefits from environmental improvements / cby Al Howatson, Business and the Environment Research Program, the Conference Board of Canada in conjunction with Environmental Industries Sector Initiative, Industry, Science and Technology Canada.10aEconomic benefits from environmental improvements 1aOttawa, Ontario : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada = Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada, cMarch 1991. 4a©1991 a1 online resource (x, 27 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: La protection de l'environnement : les avantages économiques pour les entreprises. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The purpose of this report is to highlight the key messages of the GLOBE '90 Conference and Trade Fair which will enable Canadian businesses in the resource processing and manufacturing sectors to enhance their international competitiveness while accelerating the capacity of their industries to anticipate and resolve environmental challenges. The report is written specifically for Canadian business leaders whose decisions have both economic and environmental consequences. Practical methods and concrete examples intended to assist managers make appropriate changes in their operations are included throughout this report"--Preface, page vii.072gccstaManufacturing industry072gccstaCompetitiveness072gccstaEnvironmental economics1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.08tLa protection de l'environnement : w(CaOODSP)9.87350040qPDFs2.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C23-15-1991-eng.pdf01290nam 2200325za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470400017000880430012001050860023001171000019001402450076001592500013002352600073002483000020003214900037003415000019003785000048003975000071004455000087005166920017006036920028006207100040006487100032006887750055007208300076007758560113008519.814297CaOODSP20221107141740cr |||||||||||160404s1926 oncaoe||o f|01 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng an-cn---1 aA12-2/75-1926E-PDF1 aSpencer, J. B.10aSheep husbandry in Canada h[electronic resource] / cby J.B. Spencer.  a5th ed.  aOttawa : bDepartment of Agriculture : bLivestock Branch, c1926.  a21 p. : bill. 1 aBulletin, New series ; vno. 75  a"August 1926"  a"Revised edition of Bulletin No. 41, N.S."  aIssued also in French under title: L'Élevage du mouton au Canada. aHistorical publication digitized from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada collection.072gccstaSheep072gccstaAnimal husbandry1 aCanada.bDepartment of Agriculture.1 aCanada.bLive Stock Branch.08tL'Élevage du mouton au Canada w(CaOODSP)9.814304#0aBulletin (Canada. Department of Agriculture)vno. 75w(CaOODSP)9.81203940qPDFs48.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/aac-aafc/agrhist/A12-2-75-1926-eng.pdf01288nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450102001732640077002753000034003523360026003863370026004123380036004385000100004745000087005745040041006616920028007026920019007307100058007497750073008078560106008809.872598CaOODSP20221107163704m o d f cr |n|||||||||190506e19820518onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu28-2/3-1982E-PDF03aAn overview of small business financing / ca report of the Small Business Financing Review Team. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cMay 18, 1982. a1 online resource (77 pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Aperçu du financement des petites entreprises. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaSmall businesses072gccstaFunding1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.08tAperçu du financement des petites entreprises / w(CaOODSP)9.87260140qPDFs10.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu28-2-3-1982-eng.pdf01359nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450141001732640077003143000037003913360031004283370034004593380043004935000106005365000086006425040048007286920030007766920024008067100056008307750066008868560105009529.872601CaOODSP20221107163704m o d f cr |n|||||||||190506e19820518onc |||#o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu28-2/3-1982F-PDF00aAperçu du financement des petites entreprises / crapport de l'équipe chargée de l'étude sur le financement des petites entreprises. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinistère de l'Industrie et du Commerce. cle 18 mai 1982. a1 ressource en ligne (83 pages)  atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : An overview of small business financing. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaPetite entreprise 072gccstaFinancement 1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.08tAn overview of small business financing / w(CaOODSP)9.87259840qPDFs9.69 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu28-2-3-1982-fra.pdf01417nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000040001742450114002142640077003283000040004053360026004453370026004713380036004975000100005335040041006335200222006746920028008966920027009247100058009518560106010099.872611CaOODSP20221107163706m o d f cr |n|||||||||190506e198203##onc |||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu28-2/10-1982E-PDF1 aMcFetridge, D. G.,d1945- eauthor.14aThe capital market and small business / cDonald G. McFetridge, Department of Economics, Carleton University. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce], cMarch 1982. a1 online resource (68, (14) pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The purpose of this study is to examine the recent trends in the capital market in general and in various segments of the capital market and to assess their impact, if any, on small business financing"--Introduction.072gccstaSmall businesses072gccstaCapital markets1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs5.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu28-2-10-1982-eng.pdf01129nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000033001742450080002072640077002873000034003643360026003983370026004243380036004505000100004865040041005866920026006276920022006537100058006758560106007339.872613CaOODSP20221107163706m o d f cr |n|||||||||190506e198203##onc |||#o| f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu28-2/11-1982E-PDF1 aD'Cruz, Joseph R., eauthor.13aAn analysis of the term loan market / cJ.R. D'Cruz, University of Toronto. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce], cMarch 1982. a1 online resource (26 pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaBusiness loans072gccstaTerm loans1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs4.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu28-2-11-1982-eng.pdf01727nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200033001070400031001400430012001710860034001832450028002172460047002452640066002922640011003583000065003693360026004343370026004603380036004865000073005225040041005955200427006366920029010636920032010927100046011247750057011707760048012278560102012759.868784CaOODSP20221107162700m o d f cr |||||||||||190222t20192019oncad o f000 0 eng d a9780660297279z9780660297293 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD2-409/2019E-PDFzD2-409/201900aRCAF defence economics.13aRoyal Canadian Air Force defence economics 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défence nationale, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vi, 416 pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: L’économie militaire de l'ARC. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"RCAF defence economics brings topical issues, concerns and analysis methodologies, culminating in a one-source reference, focusing on the very dynamic, complex and intricate arena of defence economics and resource management. The subject matter is pertinent to all military environmental domains; however, this handbook has been written as a resource from a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) perspective"--Foreword, page v.072gccstaEconomic analysis072gccstaResources management1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.08tL’économie militaire de l'ARC.w(CaOODSP)9.8687850#tRCAF defence economics. w(CaOODSP)9.86878940qPDFs16.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-409-2019-eng.pdf01882nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450038001892460056002272640066002832640011003493000072003603360031004323370034004633380043004975000069005405040048006095200528006576920031011856920034012167100051012507750047013017760082013488560102014309.868785CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |||||||||||190222t20192019oncad o f000 0 fre d a9780660297286 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD2-409/2019F-PDF02aL’économie militaire de l'ARC.13aÉconomie militaire de l'Aviation royale canadienne 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (vi, 456 pages) : billustrations, graphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : RCAF defence economics. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'économie militaire de l'Aviation royale canadienne présente à la fois des questions d'actualité, des préoccupations et des méthodes d'analyse. Cet ouvrage, référence unique, s'articule autour des domaines complexes et très dynamiques que sont l'économie militaire et la gestion des ressources. Le sujet concerne tous les domaines environnementaux militaires; cependant, le présent manuel se veut une ressource représentative du point de vue de l'Aviation royale canadienne (ARC) » -- Avant-propos, page v.072gccstaAnalyse économique072gccstaGestion des ressources1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tRCAF defence economics.w(CaOODSP)9.8687840#tL’économie militaire de l’Aviation royale canadienne.w(CaOODSP)9.86879040qPDFs16.49 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-409-2019-fra.pdf01656nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450034001712640074002053000051002793360026003303370026003563380036003825000062004185000100004805000077005805040041006575200303006986920033010016920017010347100046010517100055010977750062011528560104012149.872677CaOODSP20221107163715m o d f cr |n|||||||||190508q1990 onca #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aE74-96/1990E-PDF00aCanadian steel mill products. 1aOttawa, Ontario, Canada : bDepartment of External Affairs, c[1990]. a1 online resource (63 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCo-published by: Industry, Science and Technology Canada. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: L'industrie sidérurgique canadienne. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This publication is intended for organizations and individuals seeking a concise description of Canadian steel mills, their technology and products. These would include manufacturers of steel consuming products, engineering firms, economists, potential investors and others"--Introduction, page 2.072gccstaMetalworking industry072gccstaSteel1 aCanada. bDepartment of External Affairs.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.08tL'industrie sidérurgique canadienne. w(CaOODSP)9.87268040qPDFs14.57 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/E74-96-1990-eng.pdf02437nam 22003738i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860022001811000024002032450224002272640082004512640011005333000061005443360026006053370026006313380036006574900080006935040041007735200859008145460033016736920027017067000054017337000025017877100050018128300099018628560102019619.872923CaOODSP20221107163754m o d f cr |||||||||||190514t20192019oncab #o f000 0 eng d a9780660308951 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs97-13/1297E-PDF1 aTran, L., eauthor.10aHistorical baseline total mercury and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data from Northern Dolly Varden charr (Salvelinus malma malma) from ten locations along the North Slope region of Yukon and Northwest Territories. 1a[Ottawa] : bFisheries and Oceans Canada = Pêches et Océans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 37 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5395 ;v1297 aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Total mercury (THg) and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses were conducted on Northern Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma malma) from ten sites along the Yukon North Slope and northwestern area of the Northwest Territories. Various life-histories and years were analyzed, which included isolate, resident, and anadromous forms collected between 1986 and 2013. The objective of the study was to use archival tissue sample obtained from populations separated by space, time, and life-history type to examine the spatial, temporal, and life-history trends in THg concentrations in Northern Dolly Varden. The data were also used to build a historical baseline against which future changes in contaminant loading may be assessed. All Northern Dolly Varden muscle tissue samples were obtained from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Winnipeg"--Abstract, page v. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFreshwater fish1 aReist, J. D. q(James Douglas), d1951- eauthor.1 aPower, M., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCanadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5395 ;v1297.w(CaOODSP)9.50512440qPDFs2.64 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs97-13-1297-eng.pdf02359nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450157002262640106003833000052004893360026005413370026005673380036005934900039006295000019006685000082006875000057007695040051008265200686008775460033015636920021015966920020016177000029016377000028016667100050016948300115017448560102018599.873261CaOODSP20221107163849m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/82-02E-PDF1 aNaidu, K. S. q(K. Sundraj)eauthor.10aStatus and assessment of the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica in the northeastern Gulf of St. Lawrence / cby K.S. Naidu, F.M. Cahill, and D.B. Lewis. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1982]. a1 online resource (66 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/02 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 13).3 a"A stock assessment of northeastern Gulf Iceland scallops is presented. Based on research-vessel surveys, relative age composition in research surveys and commercial catches and fishery performance, it represents the first assessment ever undertaken of this resource. As a result of an interaction of the availability and prices of other exploitable species by a multi-purpose fleet, a pulse fishing strategy for scallops has emerged in this area. In the third year of its second pulse, the fishery has enjoyed relatively stable CPUEs over the period and the assessment points to its continued short to medium-term stability. Long-term management options are discussed."--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaMolluscs1 aCahill, F. M., eauthor.1 aLewis, D. B., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/02w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs2.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-02-eng.pdf01933nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450144002262640106003703000052004763360026005283370026005543380036005804900038006165000019006545000082006735000057007555040051008125200317008635460033011806920021012136920020012347000028012547100050012828300114013328560101014469.873263CaOODSP20221107163850m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/82-04E-PDF1 aNaidu, K. S. q(K. Sundraj)eauthor.12aA two-dimensional systematic survey of the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica in the Strait of Belle Isle / cby K.S. Naidu and S.J. Smith. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1982]. a1 online resource (24 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/4 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10).3 a"The use of a systematic lattice sampling scheme to obtain estimates of exploitable scallop (Chlamys islandica) biomass in the Strait of Belle Isle is investigated here. Problems in variance estimation, which heretofore limited the use of this method for the enumeration of animal population are also discussed." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaMolluscs1 aSmith, S. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/4w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs940 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-04-eng.pdf02153nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450160002162640111003763000041004873360026005283370026005543380036005804900038006165000019006545000082006735000056007555040050008115200572008615460033014336920021014666920027014877100050015148300114015648560101016789.873264CaOODSP20221107163850m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nscb|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/82-08E-PDF1 aMarshall, T. L., eauthor.12aA method to estimate potential 2-SW salmon harvest in Fishery Statistical Districts 1, 2, 3, and 7 of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia / cby T.L. Marshall. 1aHalifax, Nova Scotia : bFreshwater and Anadromous Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1982]. a1 online resource (8 pages) : bmap. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/8 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4).3 a"In the absence of predictive models for returns of Atlantic salmon stocks to Cape Breton Island, correlation analyses were conducted on the estimated numbers of 2-SW fish in 12 fisheries of Cape Breton and Northumberland Strait, Nova Scotia and on the number of 2-SW fish monitored at the Millbank trapping facility, Miramichi River, New Brunswick. Six significant correlations led to the derivation of predictive equations for 2-SW fish in four Fishery Statistical Districts of Cape Breton, in year n+1, given the number of 1-SW fish counted at Millbank in year n." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/8w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs526 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-08-eng.pdf02489nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000059001852450155002442640110003993000052005093360026005613370026005873380036006134900038006495000019006875000082007065000057007885040050008455200723008955460033016186920021016516920023016726920027016957000035017227000056017577100050018138300114018638560102019779.873266CaOODSP20221107163850m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/82-09E-PDF1 aBowering, W. R. q(William Raymond), d1950- eauthor.10aPredators of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Cartwright (Div. 2J) and Hopedale (Div. 2H) Channels / cby W.R. Bowring, G.R. Lilly, and D.G. Parsons. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bResearch and Resource Services, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (32 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/9 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (page 15).0 a"Research and commercial fishing data obtained from the Hopedale and Cartwright Channels in 1980 indicated a substantial increase in the abundance of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) which is presumed to be the chief predator of shrimp in these areas. Cursory interpretation of the data (Bowering and Parsons, 1981) indicated the possibility of management alternatives, depending on whether or not the increase was an anomaly, compared to other years, or more long-standing. … This paper addresses the shrimp management implications introduced in the previous work and provides preliminary information on food and feeding habits of these predators in the two Labrador Channels"--Introduction, page 3. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaCrustaceans072gccstaSalt water fish1 aLilly, G. R.,d1945- eauthor.1 aParsons, D. G. q(Donald Gordon), d1950- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/9w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-09-eng.pdf02327nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000058001852450095002432640098003383000052004363360026004883370026005143380036005404900039005765000019006155000082006345000057007165040049007735200677008225460033014996920021015326920027015537000040015807000042016207100050016628300115017128560102018279.873268CaOODSP20221107163851m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nsca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/82-11E-PDF1 aZwanenburg, Kees Cornelis Tieleman, d1954- eauthor.10a1982 status report on the 4VX redfish / cK. Zwanenburg, T. Kenchington and M.-L. Dickson. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, c[1982]. a1 online resource (30 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/11 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (page 7).3 a"Due to a lack of aged materials available for redfish in divisions 4VWX no cohort analyses are possible. We therefore examined several indices of stock status. Landings have increased since 1979 to a provisional total of 18,267 mt in 1981. Second, three of four catch rate series indicate increasing catch rates over the past few years. Finally, the results of a recent research vessel survey for redfish indicated substantially higher biomass estimates than general groundfish surveys conducted previously in the same areas. In addition this survey indicated substantial concentrations of redfish between 200-300 fathoms depths, which have not been surveyed previously." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aKenchington, Trevor John, eauthor.1 aDickson, Mary-Lynn, d1959- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/11w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-11-eng.pdf01981nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450129002162640092003453000052004373360026004893370026005153380036005414900039005775000019006165000082006355000057007175040053007745200390008275460033012176920021012506920027012717000030012987100050013288300115013788560102014939.873272CaOODSP20221107163851m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 quca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aFs70-8/82-13E-PDF1 aTremblay, Denis, eauthor.10aFishery, biological characteristics and abundance of herring in NAFO Subdivision 4S / cby Denis Tremblay and Howard Powles. 1aQuebec, Quebec : bFisheries Research Branch, Quebec Laboratory, Gulf Region, c[1982]. a1 online resource (34 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/13 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (pages 9-10).0 a"Studies in 1981 were directed toward establishment of fishery characteristics and biological characteristics of exploited herring, continuing preliminary biological studies initiated in 1980. The objectives of the present paper are to summarize available data on the fishery and biology of herring in the area so as to provide preliminary advice on management."--Introduction, page 3. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aPowles, Howard, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/13w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.39 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-13-eng.pdf01894nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450132002212640136003533000057004893360026005463370026005723380036005984900039006345000019006735000082006925000057007745040055008315200277008865460033011636920021011966920020012177100066012378300115013038560102014189.873276CaOODSP20230328145235m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nsca||| ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/82-15E-PDF1 aRobert, G. q(Ginette)eauthor.10aProfile of the Canadian offshore scallop fishery on Georges Bank, 1978 to 1981 / cby G. Robert, G.S. Jamieson, and M.J. Lundy. 1aHalifax, N.S. : bInvertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (33, A14 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/15 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 12-13).0 a"In this document, the status of the scallop population on the northeast part of Georges Bank is assessed by analysis of research vessel survey results and the characteristics of the Canadian offshore scallop fishery during the period 1978 to 1981."--Introduction, page 3. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaMolluscs1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, eissuing body.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/15w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs2.01 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-15-eng.pdf01969nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450076002122640128002883000058004163360026004743370026005003380036005264900039005625000019006015000082006205000057007025040052007595200401008115460033012126920021012456920023012667000028012897100050013178300115013678560101014829.873279CaOODSP20221107163853m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nscab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/82-16E-PDF1 aMohn, R. K., eauthor.10aReview of Scotian Shelf shrimp fishery / cby R.K. Mohn and M.L. Etter. 1aHalifax, N.S. : bInvertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Fisheries Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1982]. a1 online resource (11 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/16 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (pages 5-6).3 a"The Scotian Shelf shrimp fishery displays two distinct phases. The first, centered near Roseway Bank, took place in the late 1960's and ceased with the virtual disappearance of the stock. The current fishery off Cape Breton began in the late 1970's and has annual catches up to 1000 t. The productive potential of the Cape Breton area stock is estimated to be of the order of 4000 t."--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaCrustaceans1 aEtter, M. L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/16w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs689 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-16-eng.pdf01968nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450101002122640104003133000052004173360026004693370026004953380036005214900039005575000019005965000082006155000057006975040049007545200401008035460033012046920021012376920027012587000030012857100050013158300115013658560102014809.873283CaOODSP20221107163854m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nkca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nk1 aFs70-8/82-25E-PDF1 aHunt, J. J., eauthor.10aAge determination of white hake (Urophycis tenuis) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence / cby J.J. Hunt. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1982]. a1 online resource (16 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/25 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (page 6).3 a"Examination of white hake (Urophycis tenuis) otoliths suggests reliable estimates of age can be obtained from thin cross-sections using reflected light. Divergent growth rates between males and females were found indicating that age length keys are required for each sex. Ages are validated by comparison of modal lengths derived from length frequency and mean lengths calculated from otoliths." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aPowles, Howard, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/25w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.39 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-25-eng.pdf01989nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000059001852450071002442640111003153000052004263360026004783370026005043380036005304900039005665000019006055000082006245000056007065040049007625200456008115460033012676920021013006920027013217100050013488300115013988560102015139.873286CaOODSP20221107163854m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/82-28E-PDF1 aBowering, W. R. q(William Raymond), d1950- eauthor.13aAn examination of the witch by-catch fishery / cby W.R. Bowering. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bResearch and Resource Services, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1982]. a1 online resource (22 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/28 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the author." aIncludes bibliographical reference (page 5).3 a"Nominal catches in the 1960's increased from less than 5,000 t to a high of 24,000 t in 1973 and subsequently declined to a low of 3,000 t in 1980. The 1981 catch increased slightly to 4,000 t. Research vessel surveys indicate that about 85% of the exploitable biomass is located in Div. 3K and the stock has been stable over the last several years at 30,000-35,000 t. Fishing at F0. 1 would, therefore, give catches near the present TAC of 8,000 t." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/28w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-28-eng.pdf02556nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450245001752640094004202640011005143000037005253360026005623370026005883380036006144900049006505000304006995000017010035000018010205000071010385040041011095200291011506920027014416920020014686920023014887000034015117000031015457100079015767100043016557750218016988300107019168560111020239.873464CaOODSP20221107163924m o d f cr an|||||||||190523t20192019onc ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-4/2018-017E-PDF00aProceedings of the regional peer review of the 3Ps white hake stock assessment, and the 3LNOPs monkfish stock assessment : bmeeting date: November 1, 2017, location: St. John's, NL / cchairperson: Katherine Skanes; editor: Chelsea Boaler. 1aOttawa ON : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 8 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2018/017 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de merluches blanches dans la sous-division 3Ps, et de l'évaluation du stock de baudroies dans les divisions 3LNOPs : date de la réunion : 1er novembre 2018, lieu : St. John's (T.-N.-L.). aCover title. a"April 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Central and Arctic Region. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This Proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions and presents the key conclusions reached at the meeting. Additional publications from this meeting will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available"--Summary, page iv.072gccstaFreshwater fish072gccstaHabitats072gccstaConferences1 aSkanes, K. R.q(Katherine R.)1 aBoaler, Chelsea, eeditor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bCentral and Arctic Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de merluches blanches dans la sous-division 3Ps, et de l'évaluation du stock de baudroies dans les divisions 3LNOPs : w(CaOODSP)9.873467#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1701-1280 ; v2018/017.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs372 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2018-017-eng.pdf02654nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450344001752640112005192640011006313000041006423360031006833370034007143380043007484900043007915000225008345000028010595000022010875000081011095040048011905200325012386920031015636920019015946920020016137000034016337000046016677100091017137100056018047750147018608300114020078560111021219.873467CaOODSP20221107163925m o d f cr an|||||||||190523t20192019onc ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-4/2018-017F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de merluches blanches dans la sous-division 3Ps, et de l'évaluation du stock de baudroies dans les divisions 3LNOPs : bdate de la réunion : 1er novembre 2017, lieu : St. John's (T.-N.-L.) / cprésidente : Katherine Skanes; rédactrice en chef : Chelsea Boaler. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bPêches et Océans Canada, Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 10 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2018/017 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the regional peer review of the 3Ps white hake stock assessment, and the 3LNOPs monkfish stock assessment: meeting date: November 1, 2017, location: St. John's, NL. aTitre de la couverture. a« Avril 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région du Centre et de l'Arctique. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent compte rendu résume les discussions pertinentes et présente les conclusions importantes tirées de la réunion. Toute autre publication découlant de cette réunion sera publiée, lorsqu'elle sera disponible, sur le calendrier des avis scientifiques de Pêches et Océans Canada » -- Sommaire, page iv.072gccstaPoisson d'eau douce072gccstaHabitat072gccstaCongrès1 aSkanes, K. R.q(Katherine R.)1 aBoaler, Chelsea, eéditeur intellectuel.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Centre et de l'Arctique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the regional peer review of the 3Ps white hake stock assessment, and the 3LNOPs monkfish stock assessment : w(CaOODSP)9.873464#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x2292-4264 ; v2018/017.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs336 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2018-017-fra.pdf02130nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450088001752460108002632640100003712640011004713000060004823360026005423370026005683380036005944900047006305000128006775000019008055000018008245040039008425200403008816920032012847100068013167100043013847750112014278300105015398560112016449.873477CaOODSP20221107163927m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t20192019bccd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-7/2019-011E-PDF00aBiophysical and ecological overview of the offshore Pacific area of interest (AOI).17aScience response : bbiophysical and ecological overview of the offshore Pacific area of interest (AOI) 1aNanaimo, BC : bCentre for Science Advice, Pacific Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (138 pages) : bcharts (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScience response, x1919-3769 ; v2019/011 aIssued also in French under title: Aperçu biophysique et écologique de la zone d'intérêt (ZI) hauturière du Pacifique. aCaption title. a"April 2019." aIncludes bibliographic references. a"Canada's Oceans Act states that "conservation, based on an ecosystem approach, is of fundamental importance to maintaining biological diversity and productivity in the marine environment" This act provides the legislative framework for an integrated ecosystem approach to management in Canadian oceans, particularly in areas considered ecologically or biologically significant"--Context, page [1].072gccstaFisheries management1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bPacific Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tAperçu biophysique et écologique de la zone d'intérêt (ZI) hauturière du Pacifique.w(CaOODSP)9.873482#0aScience response (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-3769 ; v2019/011.w(CaOODSP)9.50623240qPDFs6.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-011-eng.pdf02335nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450093001752460118002682640127003862640011005133000075005243360031005993370034006303380043006644900052007075000129007595000022008885000022009105040048009325200475009806920031014557100077014867100056015637750107016198300123017268560112018499.873482CaOODSP20221107163928m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t20192019bccd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-7/2019-011F-PDF00aAperçu biophysique et écologique de la zone d'intérêt (ZI) hauturière du Pacifique.17aRéponse des sciences : baperçu biophysique et écologique de la zone d'intérêt (ZI) hauturière du Pacifique 1aNanaimo (Colombie-Britannique) : bCentre des avis scientifiques, Région du Pacifique, Pêches et Océans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (141 pages) : bgraphiques (certains en couleur). atextebtxt2rdacontent/rda ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRéponse des sciences, x1919-3815 ; v2019/011 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Biophysical and ecological overview of the offshore Pacific area of interest (AOI). aTitre de départ. a« Avril 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Selon la Loi sur les océans du Canada, « la conservation, selon la méthode des écosystèmes, présente une importance fondamentale pour la sauvegarde de la diversité biologique et de la productivité du milieu marin ». Cette loi offre un cadre législatif pour la gestion des océans canadiens selon une approche complète des écosystèmes, en particulier dans les zones considérées importantes sur le plan écologique ou biologique » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaGestion des pêches1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Pacifique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tBiophysical and ecological overview of the offshore Pacific area of interest (AOI).w(CaOODSP)9.873477#0aRéponse des sciences (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-3815 ; v2019/011.w(CaOODSP)9.50263040qPDFs4.94 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-011-fra.pdf02507nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450126001752460064003012640124003652640011004893000058005003360026005583370026005843380036006104900047006465000188006935000019008815000018009005040039009185200638009576920027015957100079016227100043017017750172017448300105019168560112020219.873487CaOODSP20221107163928m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t20192019mbca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nu1 aFs70-7/2019-015E-PDF00aScience review of the phase 2 addendum to the final environmental impact statement for the Baffinland Mary River Project.17aScience response : bBaffinland phase 2 FEIS science review 1aWinnipeg, Manitoba : bCentre for Science Advice (CSA), Central and Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (69 pages) : bcolor illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScience response, x1919-3769 ; v2019/015 aIssued also in French under title: Examen scientifique de l'addendum à l'énoncé des incidences environnementales final portant sur la phase 2 du projet de Baffinland à Mary River. aCaption title. a"April 2019." aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The Nunavut Impact River Board (NIRB) issued a Project Certificate to the Proponent Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation (BIM) in December 2012, enabling the Mary River Project's Northern and Southern routes to proceed to the regulatory phase. The Mary River Project is an operating open pit iron ore mine located on North Baffin Island in Nunavut. The mine site is connected to the Milne Inlet Port via the Milne Inlet Tote Road and ore is transported to Europe via the Northern Shipping Route through Eclipse Sound, Pond Inlet and Baffin Bay. The Southern Transportation Corridor has not been constructed to date"--Context, page [1].072gccstaMining industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bCentral and Arctic Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tExamen scientifique de l'addendum à l'énoncé des incidences environnementales final portant sur la phase 2 du projet de Baffinland à Mary River.w(CaOODSP)9.873489#0aScience response (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-3769 ; v2019/015.w(CaOODSP)9.50623240qPDFs1.57 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-015-eng.pdf02722nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450153001752460112003282640135004402640011005753000066005863360031006523370034006833380043007174900052007605000167008125000022009795000022010015040048010235200720010716920030017917100091018217100056019127750145019688300123021138560112022369.873489CaOODSP20221107163929m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t20192019mbca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nu1 aFs70-7/2019-015F-PDF00aExamen scientifique de l'addendum à l'énoncé des incidences environnementales final portant sur la phase 2 du projet de Baffinland à Mary River.17aRéponse des sciences : bexamen scientifique de l'EIE final portant sur la phase 2 du projet de Baffinland 1aWinnipeg, Manitoba : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région du Centre et de l'Arctique, Pêches et Océans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (77 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRéponse des sciences, x1919-3815 ; v2019/015 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Science review of the phase 2 addendum to the final environmental impact statement for the Baffinland Mary River Project. aTitre de départ. a« Avril 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« La Commission du Nunavut chargée de l'examen des répercussions (CNER) a délivré un certificat de projet au promoteur Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation (BIM) en décembre 2012, ce qui a permis aux routes nord et sud du projet de Mary River de passer à la phase réglementaire. Le projet de Mary River est une mine de fer à ciel ouvert située au nord de l'île de Baffin, au Nunavut. Le site minier est relié au port de Milne Inlet par la route Milne Inlet Tote, et le minerai est transporté vers l'Europe par la route de navigation nord en passant par le détroit d'Eclipse, Pond Inlet et la baie de Baffin. Le corridor de transport sud n'a pas encore été construit à ce jour » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaIndustrie minière1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Centre et de l'Arctique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tScience review of the phase 2 addendum to the final environmental impact statement for the Baffinland Mary River Project.w(CaOODSP)9.873487#0aRéponse des sciences (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-3815 ; v2019/015.w(CaOODSP)9.50263040qPDFs1.62 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-015-fra.pdf01119nas 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001642220033001802450113002132640091003263100014004173360026004313370026004573380027004833620010005105000182005206920029007027100037007317750061007689.871333CaOODSP20221230083121m o d f cr |||||||||||190409d20192019abc x p o f0 a0eng|d a2562-5314 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNE2-23E-PDF 0aCanada’s energy transition00aCanada’s energy transition : benergy market assessment : historical and future changes to energy systems. 1a[Calgary, Alberta] : bNational Energy Board = Office national de l'énergie, c[2019] aIrregular atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonlinebcr2rdacarrier0 a2019. aIssued also in French under title: Transition énergétique du Canada, évaluation du marché de l’énergie, changements passés et à venir dans les filières énergétiques.072gccstaEnergy management1 aCanada. bNational Energy Board.08tTransition énergétique du Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87133901169nas 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001642220039001802450152002192640091003713100016004623360031004783370034005093380043005433620010005865000150005966920033007467100045007797750055008249.871339CaOODSP20240212134144m o d f cr |||||||||||190409d20192019abc x p o f0 b0fre|d a2562-5322 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNE2-23F-PDF 0aTransition énergétique du Canada00aTransition énergétique du Canada : bévaluation du marché de l’énergie : changements passés et à venir dans les filières énergétiques.  1a[Calgary, Alberta] : bOffice national de l'énergie = National Energy Board, c[2019] aIrrégulier atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre0 a2019. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada’s energy transition, energy market assessment, historical and future changes to energy systems.072gccstaGestion énergétique1 aCanada. bOffice national de l'énergie.08tCanada’s energy transition : w(CaOODSP)9.87133302409nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000030001712450095002012640138002963000057004343360026004913370026005173380036005434900080005795000082006595040030007415200894007716920041016656920026017067100061017327100018017937100050018118300101018618560097019629.873305CaOODSP20221107163857m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521e197309##onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aR61-2/7-106E-PDF1 aMyers, H. Brad, eauthor.10aArchaeological survey of Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, 1972 / cby H. Brad Myers. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational and Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, cSeptember 1973. a1 online resource (xv, 141 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 106 aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aBibliography: page 80-82.3 a"The archaeological survey of Kejimkujik National Park was initiated as the result of a recommendation arising from the 1971 petroglyph investigations conducted at Fairy Bay. At this time it was suggested that a preliminary archaeological survey be undertaken to obtain information concerning suspected aboriginal occupation within the present-day park boundary and to determine whether the location and nature of such sites might relate to the extensive concentrations of petroglyphs which are found at various locations in the Park.In this first year of the survey, the perimeter area of Lake Kejimkujik and the islands in the lake were examined for sites. … Five separate sites were located about the perimeter of Lake Kejimkujik. All five sites have produced artifacts of aboriginal manufacture. … Each site is discussed separately as to setting, method."--Introduction, pages 1-2.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaNational parks2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 106w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs27.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-106-eng.pdf01876nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000037001712450149002082460055003572640128004123000066005403360026006063370026006323380036006584900080006945000022007745000082007965040041008785200189009196920041011086920026011497100061011757100018012367100050012548300101013048560097014059.873311CaOODSP20221107163858m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521s1973 onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aR61-2/7-112E-PDF1 aDendy, William,d1948- eauthor.10a1968 archaeological excavations at Fort Beausejour / cby William Dendy. 1970 archaeological excavations at Fort Beausejour / by William Dendy.1581970 archaeological excavations at Fort Beausejour 1a[Ottawa] : bNational and Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c1973. a1 online resource (ix, 118, vii, 75 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 112 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 aDescribes archaeological excavations at Fort Beausejour National Historic Park, Aulac, New Brunswick from June 3, 1968 to September 1968, and again from 26 June 1970 to 28 August 1970.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaNational parks2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 112w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs66.58 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-112-eng.pdf02644nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001591000037001802450070002172640134002873000059004213360026004803370026005063380036005324900080005685000082006485020084007305040033008145200998008476920028018456920029018736920029019027100061019317100018019927100050020108300101020608560097021619.873325CaOODSP20221107163901m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521e197004##onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cnp-- aw7w81 aR61-2/7-113E-PDF1 aMorgan, Edwin Charles, eauthor.10aNorth-West Mounted Police, 1873-1883 / cby Edwin Charles Morgan. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational and Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, cApril 1970. a1 online resource (xiii, 264 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 113 aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aOriginally presented as the author's thesis (M.A.--University of Saskatchewan). aBibliography: pages 239-249.2 a"This thesis shows that the North-West Mounted Police was created by the Dominion government in response to the evident needs of the area and upon the recommendation of competent observers. It traces the organization of the force, its despatch to the Territories, which involved an arduous summer-long expedition from the Red River to the foothills of the Rockies in 1874, and its initial activities in establishing bases of operation and enforcing law and order. It then proceeds to a discussion of the administration of the force and its deployment, it demonstrates the success of the force in developing friendly relations with the native population and in handling the numerous problems associated with them: cattle and horse stealing, inter-tribal hostility, settlement on reserves, and most dramatically, the influx of thousands of American Sioux after the Custer massacre, posing a threat to the peace of the area and a delicate problem in international relations"--Preface, pages x-xi.072gccstaCanadian history072gccstaWestern provinces072gccstaService de police2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 113w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs94.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-113-eng.pdf02025nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000030001712450180002012460041003812640131004223000064005533360026006173370026006433380036006694900080007055000022007855000082008075040041008895200283009306920041012136920026012547000032012807100061013127100018013737100050013918300101014418560097015429.873329CaOODSP20221107163901m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521i19691974onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-mb1 aR61-2/7-114E-PDF1 aDewhirst, John, eauthor.10aArchaeological investigations in the northwest bastion and bake house, Lower Fort Garry, 1973 / cby John Dewhirst. 1968 excavations at Lower Fort Garry / by Peter J. Priess.1581968 excavations at Lower Fort Garry 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c[1969-1974]. a1 online resource (vi, 38, iv, 69 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 114 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This report describes archaeological investigations primarily for specific topographical and structural information on the northwest bastion and bake house, Lower Fort Garry. Minor structural features associated with the doctor's office and the men's house were also examined."072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaNational parks1 aPriess, Peter J., eauthor.2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 114w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs33.28 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-114-eng.pdf02503nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000035001712450099002062640153003053000056004583360026005143370026005403380036005664900071006025000022006735000026006955000082007215040059008035200816008626920041016786920026017197100049017457100047017947100018018417100069018598300092019288560097020209.873357CaOODSP20221107163906m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522e197304##onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aR61-2/7-110E-PDF1 aSutherland, Maxwell, eauthor.12aA history of the south magazine at Fort Anne National Historic Park / cby Maxwell Sutherland. 1aOttawa : bNational Historic Sites Service, National and Historic Parks Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, cApril 1973. a1 online resource (x, 158 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Sites Service ; vnumber 110 aTitle from cover. aErrata sheet laid in. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references: (pages 154-158).3 a"When it appeared in 1968 that the powder magazine at Fort Anne National Historic Park would soon need repairs, archaeological excavation was carried out to determine the nature of the buried areaway around the building. The investigations of 1968-9 by W. Dendy, J. Rick and D. Herst showed that the areaway has undergone numerous alterations over a period of 200 years. The present report is prompted by the need for a structural history as background for decisions that may be made for the repair or restoration of the building, and should be read in conjunction with the archaeological report (see W. Dendy, Manuscript Report Series No. 82). It is also intended to supersede the brief preliminary report prepared by J. Kendall in 1966 (National Historic Sites Service, office report 203)."--Preface, page vi.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites1 aCanada.bNational and Historic Parks Branch.1 aCanada. bNational Historic Sites Service.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Sites Service)vno. 110w(CaOODSP)9.83806640qPDFs34.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-110-eng.pdf02059nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000029001712450223002002460091004232640131005143000064006453360026007093370026007353380036007614900080007975000022008775000082008995040041009815200224010226920041012466920026012877000033013137100061013467100018014077100050014258300101014758560097015769.873362CaOODSP20221107163907m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19681972onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aR61-2/7-127E-PDF1 aFrohn, Winnie, eauthor.10a1967 excavation at the Prince Frederick Bastion 2E20 at Fort Beausejour / cby Winnie Frohn (1968). 1967 excavation in the Prince Frederick Bastion and men's barracks at Fort Beausejour / by E. Frank Korvemaker (1972).15a1967 excavation in the Prince Frederick Bastion and men's barracks at Fort Beausejour  1a[Ottawa] : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c[1968-1972]. a1 online resource (ix, 90, vi, 77 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 127 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 a"The purpose of this report is to describe the method and finds of the 1967 excavation of the Prince Frederick Bastion, and to reconstruct, whenever possible, the structures and history of the Prince Frederick Bastion."072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaNational parks1 aKorvemaker, Frank, eauthor.2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 127w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs42.18 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-127-eng.pdf02513nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001582450055001792640131002343000057003653360026004223370026004483380036004744900080005105000022005905000082006125040041006945050939007355460033016746920041017076920026017486920026017747100061018007100018018617100050018798300101019298560097020309.873366CaOODSP20221107163908m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19631969onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-130E-PDF00aMiscellaneous reports on Fort Wellington, Ontario. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c[1963-1969]. a1 online resource (iv, 356 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 130 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aDocuments useful for the restoration of Fort Wellington / by Dale Miquelon. 1963 -- Restoration of Fort Wellington / by Dale Miquelon. May, 1964 -- Report on Fort Wellington / by Dale Miquelon. August, 1964 -- Report on excavations at Fort Wellington, Prescott, Ontario / Karalee Coleman. January 21, 1966 -- Rapport préliminaire de l'excavation partielle des casemates du Port Wellington (Prescott, Ontario) / par Louis Chevrette. Février, 1966 -- Historical themes, Fort Wellington Museum / by David Lee. June, 1966 -- Report on the excavations in the blockhouse at Fort Wellington, Prescott, Ontario / by E.A. Wylie. 1966 -- Excavation of the two gun platforms at Fort Wellington, Prescott, Ontario / by Michael J. Ashworth. September, 1966 -- Fort Wellington excavations, 1968 / by Elizabeth Wylie. May, 1968 -- Fort Wellington gun positions: an archaeological report / by Steven G. Baker, contract archaeologist. April, 1969. aIncludes one text in French.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaNational parks072gccstaHistoric sites2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 130w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs79.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-130-eng.pdf02622nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001582450046001792640131002253000057003563360026004133370026004393380036004654900080005015000022005815000082006035040041006855051094007265460034018206920041018546920026018957100061019217100018019827100050020008300101020508560097021519.873371CaOODSP20221107163909m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19631973onca|||#ob f000 0deng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-qu1 aR61-2/7-132E-PDF00aMiscellaneous reports on sites in Quebec. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c[1963-1973]. a1 online resource (iv, 306 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 132 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 a19th century pottery in the Province of Quebec. Part I / by H. Lambart. December, 1963 -- 19th century pottery in the Province of Quebec. Part 2 / by H. Lambart. January, 1964 -- Documentary report on the ordnance of Ilse-Aux-Noix / by David E. Lee. 1965 -- A short history of the St. Maurice forges / by David Lee. May, 1965 -- William Twiss: royal engineer (1745-1827) / by John C. Kendall. June, 1966 -- A brief social history of the Coteau du Lac area / by John Thompson. July, 1967 -- Excavations in the Corps de Garde, Fort Chambly, P.Q. (1) history / by David E. Lee, (2) archaeology / by Elizabeth Wylie. January, 1967 -- Salvage excavation at Fort Lennox, P.Q. / by Elizabeth Wylie. 1967 -- La poudrière : preliminary research report / by William Naftel. November 1969 -- Documents relating to the French claims to North America / David Lee. February 1971 -- The guard house at Fort Chambly / David Lee. July 1971 -- July 1628, Kirke meets Roquemont / David Lee. June 1972 -- Repertoire préliminaire des produits des Forges du Saint-Maurice / par Nicole Casteran. Octobre 1973. aIncludes some text in French.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 132w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs63.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-132-eng.pdf01921nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450049001712640131002203000058003513360026004093370026004353380036004614900080004975000022005775000082005995040041006815050455007226920041011776920026012187100061012447100018013057100050013238300101013738560097014749.873377CaOODSP20221107163910m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19651966onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aR61-2/7-134E-PDF00aSt. Andrews, N.B. : bmiscellaneous reports. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c[1965-1966]. a1 online resource (iii, 122 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 134 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aThe west blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B. : a structural report / by George C. Ingram. April, 1965 -- West blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B. : report of examination and recommendations for restoration / by John R. Stevens, architectural historian. December, 1965 -- The early history of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1784-1814 / Richard J. Diubaldo. 1966 -- Excavations at St. Andrews blockhouse, St. Andrews, N.B., summer 1966 / by DiAnn Herst. October 1966.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 134w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs36.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-134-eng.pdf02474nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001591000029001802450112002092460043003212640082003643000048004463360026004943370026005203380036005464900080005825000022006625000082006845040041007665050589008075200157013966920041015536920026015947000026016207000034016467000033016807100061017137100018017747100050017928300101018428560097019439.873383CaOODSP20221107163911m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1966 oncb|||#ob f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu au7w31 aR61-2/7-169E-PDF1 aNadon, Pierre, eauthor.10aFort Chambly : binterpretation papers / cby Pierre Nadon, David Lee, Antonio Jurkovich, Margaret Duffett.15aFort Chambly : binterpretation themes 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, c1966. a1 online resource (iv, 115 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnumber 169 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aLe Régiment Carignan-Salières / by Pierre Nadon -- Indian attack on Fort Chambly, 1687 / by David Lee -- Settlement at Fort Chambly, 1670-1700 / by Antonio Jurkovich -- The fur trade and Fort Chambly / by Pierre Nadon -- Fort Chambly, 1679-1714 / by Antonio Jurkovich -- Fort Chambly, a geographical interpretation / by David Lee -- Fort Chambly and the Seven Years War / by Antonio Jurkovich -- Fort Chambly during the Revolutionary War / by Margaret Duffett -- Fort Chambly during the War of 1812 / by Margaret Duffett -- Fort Chambly and the Rebellions of 1837-38 / by David Lee. a"This report has been prepared to guide the museologist in the selection of themes and material to be interpreted in the Fort Chambly museum."--page iv.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaHistoric sites1 aLee, David, eauthor.1 aJurkovich, Antonio, eauthor.1 aDuffett, Margaret, eauthor.2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 169w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs26.41 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-169-eng.pdf01945nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001581000029001792450053002082640245002613000064005063360026005703370026005963380036006224900165006585000022008235000082008455040041009275050188009685460026011566920022011826920028012047100061012327100018012937100050013118300101013618560097014629.873394CaOODSP20221107163913m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19711972oncab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-182E-PDF1 aMills, Edward, eauthor.10aEarly settlement in Ontario / cby Edward Mills. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs = Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord,c1971-1972. a1 online resource (iii, 189 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch = Travail inédit / Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux ; vnumber = numéro 182 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aAmerican settlement in Upper Canada -- German settlement in Ontario -- Pre-1880 French Canadian settlement in Ontario -- Scottish settlement in Ontario -- Irish settlement in Ontario. aText in English only.072gccstaImmigrants072gccstaCanadian history2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 182w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs51.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-182-eng.pdf02032nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001581000031001792450086002102640142002963000061004383360026004993370026005253380036005514900169005875000022007565000082007785040058008605200294009185460072012126920018012846920017013027100061013197100018013807100050013988300101014488560097015499.873398CaOODSP20221107163913m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1977 oncbo||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-230E-PDF1 aBeahen, William, eauthor.10aDevelopment of the Severn River and Big Chute Lock Station / cby William Beahen. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs = Parcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord,c1977. a1 online resource (ix, 202 pages) : bmaps, photographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch = Travail inédit / Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux ; vnumber 230 = numéro 230 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references: (pages 186-202).0 a"This report traces modern development of the Severn River as a transportation route, a recreational resource and a source of hydro-electric power. Particular attention is given to descriptions of the structures at Big Chute and the historical context within which they evolved."--page vi. aText in English only, with introductory text in English and French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaLocks2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 230w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs49.98 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-230-eng.pdf02214nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001581000039001792450073002182460073002912640147003643000056005113360026005673370026005933380036006194900165006555000022008205000082008425040051009245200428009755460064014036920034014677100061015017100018015627100050015808300101016308560097017319.873402CaOODSP20221107163914m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19761977oncao||#ob f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-266E-PDF1 aLutman, John H., d1948- eauthor.10aReports on selected buildings in London, Ontario / cby John Lutman.16aCanadian inventory of historic building - historical building report 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs = Parcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord,c1976-1977. a1 online resource (vii, 204 pages) : bphotographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch = Travail inédit / Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux ; vnumber = numéro 266 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references and index. a"The following brief reports have been prepared by the Historical Research Section of the Canadian Inventory of Historic Building in an attempt to collect some data about early Canadian architecture. They do not pretend to represent exhaustive research on any building … This manuscript has been compiled for the use of CIHB historians; consequently, it is organized in consecutive geocode order"--Introduction, page iii. aText in English. Includes some introductory text in French.072gccstaArchitectural heritage2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 266w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs46.28 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-266-eng.pdf02792nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001581000059001792450128002382460073003662460049004392640149004883000083006373360026007203370026007463380036007724900165008085000022009735000082009955040051010775050212011285200428013405460064017686920034018326920030018667000045018967000037019417000028019787100061020067100018020677100050020858300101021358560098022369.873411CaOODSP20221107163915m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522i19751977oncaboe#ob f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-268E-PDF1 aTaylor, C. J. q(Christopher James), d1947- eauthor.10aSome early Ottawa buildings / cby C.J. Taylor ; also containing reports by Mathilde Brosseau, B.A. Humphreys, John Witham.16aCanadian inventory of historic building - historical building report15aShort history of Ottawa building development 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs = Parcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord,c1975-[1977]. a1 online resource (vi, 444 pages) : billustrations, maps, photographs, plans. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch = Travail inédit / Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux ; vnumber = numéro 268 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references and index.0 aA short history of Ottawa building development / C.J. Taylor. September, 1977 -- Appendix 1: Architects -- Appendix 2: Fires -- Appendix 3: Maps -- Canadian Inventory of Building, Historical building report. a"The following brief reports have been prepared by the Historical Research Section of the Canadian Inventory of Historic Building in an attempt to collect some data about early Canadian architecture. They do not pretend to represent exhaustive research on any building … This manuscript has been compiled for the use of CIHB historians; consequently, it is organized in consecutive geocode order"--Introduction, page iii. aText in English. Includes some introductory text in French.072gccstaArchitectural heritage072gccstaHeritage buildings1 aBrosseau, Mathilde,d1946-1979 eauthor.1 aHumphreys, Barbara A., eauthor.1 aWitham, John, eauthor.2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 268w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs110.70 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-268-eng.pdf02242nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410008001380430012001460860021001581000031001792450076002102640142002863000078004283360026005063370026005323380036005584900165005945000022007595000082007815040058008635200489009215460072014106920017014826920030014997100061015297100018015907100050016088300101016588560097017599.873428CaOODSP20221107163918m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1978 oncabo|#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aeng an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-283E-PDF1 aBeahen, William, eauthor.10aHistoric structures of the Trent-Severn waterway / cby William Beahen. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs = Parcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord,c1978. a1 online resource (xiii, 231 pages) : billustrations, maps, photographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch = Travail inédit / Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux ; vnumber = numéro 283 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references: (pages 226-231).0 a"In the summer of 1978 an inventory of historic structures in the vicinity of lock stations along the Trent-Severn Waterway was compiled. Field investigations were combined with archival research to provide a visual and written record of extant structures of historic significance. The more important features have been detailed in this report. The photographs and descriptions of heritage structures are preceded in the report by an analysis of their overall significance."--page xi. aText in English only, with introductory text in English and French.072gccstaLocks072gccstaHeritage buildings2 aParks Canada.bNational Historic Parks and Sites Branch.2 aParks Canada.1 aCanada. bIndian and Northern Affairs Canada.#0aManuscript report (Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch)vno. 283w(CaOODSP)9.87329640qPDFs50.15 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-283-eng.pdf02056nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000031001712450120002022460069003222640084003913000060004753360031005353370034005663380043006004900093006435000102007365040059008385200486008976920037013837100070014207100018014908300113015088560097016219.873452CaOODSP20221107163922m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1969 onca|| #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aR61-2/7-126F-PDF1 aGusset, Gérard, eauteur.10aFouilles archéologiques effectuées au Fort Beausejour en 1968 : boperations 2E12 et 2E26 / cpar Gérard Gusset.14aFouilles archéologiques effectuées au Fort Beausejour en 1968  1a[Ottawa] : bParcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord,c1969. a1 ressource en ligne (xi, 181 pages) : billustrations. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTravail inédit / Direction des parcs et des lieux historiques nationaux ; vnuméro 126 aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimée [par Histoire de Parcs Canada Bibliothèque Électronique]. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 107).3 a« Le présent rapport décrit le résultat des fouilles archéologiques effectuées durant l'été de 1968 au fort Beauséjour, P.H. Nat. Aulac, (N.-B.) dans les aires définies par l'opération 2E12 et par l'opération 2E26. … Ce rapport a été rédigé avec la préoccupation d'expliquerchaque complexe à partir de ses aspects structuraux, stratigraphiques et historiques les plus riches en informations et capables d'en donner la meilleure image » -- Introduction, page 1.072gccstaFouilles archéologiques 1 aCanada. bDirection des parcs nationaux et des lieux historiques.2 aParcs Canada.#0aTravail inédit (Canada. Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux)vnº 126w(CaOODSP)9.87344840qPDFs45.71 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-126-fra.pdf02701nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001591000030001802450056002102640142002663000068004083360031004763370034005073380043005414900165005845000102007495040036008515201065008876920028019526920031019806920030020117100070020417100018021118300113021298560097022429.873469CaOODSP20221107163925m o d f cr |n|||||||||190522s1977 oncab| #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu av4v51 aR61-2/7-242F-PDF1 aProulx, Gilles, eauteur.10aSoldat à Québec, 1748-1759 / cpar Gilles Proulx. 1a[Ottawa] : bParcs Canada, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord = Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs,c1977. a1 ressource en ligne (vi, 187 pages) : billustrations, cartes. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTravail inédit / Direction des parcs et des lieux historiques nationaux = Manuscript report / National Historic Parks and Sites Branch ; vnuméro = number 242 aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimée [par Histoire de Parcs Canada Bibliothèque Électronique]. aBibliographie : pages 170-178. a« Dans cette étude, mon intention a été de présenter la vie quotidienne des soldats de la Nouvelle-France, plus précisément ceux de la garrison de Québec, à la fin du réqime français. Le choix du sujet, comme de la période étudiée, entre dans le cadre des études réalisées sur le Parc d'Artillerie de Québec, dont l'occupation par des militaires remonte à 1748. J'essaie, en première partie, de découvrir, a travers différentes données d'ordre démographique, qui étaient ces soldats. Les questions des âges, de l'origine géographique et sociale, de la taille, de la nuptialité et de la mortalité chez les membres de la garnison de Québec ont donc été traitées avec autant de précision que les sources le permettaient. En étudiant, dans la seconde et dernière partie, les aspects de l'habitat, du costume et de l'équipement, de la ration, des activités militaires et paramilitaires, j'essaie de montrer comment ces soldats vivaient et pouvaient affronter un environnement plus ou moins hospitalier. » -- Sommaire, page vi.072gccstaHistoire sociale072gccstaPersonnel militaire072gccstaHistoire du Canada1 aCanada. bDirection des parcs nationaux et des lieux historiques.2 aParcs Canada.#0aTravail inédit (Canada. Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux)vnº 242w(CaOODSP)9.87344840qPDFs50.53 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-242-fra.pdf01951nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860020001631100046001832450147002292460080003762640095004563000036005513360026005873370026006133380036006394900060006755000035007355000022007705000032007925200286008245460035011106920023011456920023011686920021011917920088012128300077013008560093013778560083014709.873299CaOODSP20221107163856m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s2019 onc ol f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-452/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (gift in virtual currency) = bLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (don en monnaie virtuelle).31aLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (don en monnaie virtuelle) 1a[Ottawa, Ontario] : bHouse of Commons of Canada = Chambre des communes du Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (ii, 1 page). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-452, 1st session, 42nd Parliament a"First reading, May 17, 2019." aTitle from cover. aIssued also in HTML format. a"This enactment amends the Income Tax Act to provide that a taxpayer’s taxable capital gain for a taxation year from the disposition of a property is equal to zero if the disposition is the making of a gift in an eligible virtual currency to a qualified donee"--Summary, page ii. aText in English and in French.072gccstaLegislation072gccstaTax credits072gccstaDonations tAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (gift in virtual currency) = w(CaOODSP)9.873301#0aBill C-...vBill C-452, 1st session, 42nd Parliament.w(CaOODSP)9.50065940qPDFs198 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/XB421-452-1.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/C-452/first-reading02112nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860020001631100049001832450147002322460080003792640095004593000039005543360031005933370034006243380043006584900080007015000028007815000034008095000044008435200353008875460038012406920024012786920028013026920015013307910088013458300095014338560093015288560093016219.873301CaOODSP20221107163856m o d f cr |||||||||||190521s2019 onc ol f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---1 aXB421-452/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (gift in virtual currency) = bLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (don en monnaie virtuelle).31aLoi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (don en monnaie virtuelle) 1a[Ottawa, Ontario] : bHouse of Commons of Canada = Chambre des communes du Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, 1 page). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-452, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couverture. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Première lecture le 17 mai 2019. » a« Le texte modifie la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu afin de prévoir que le gain en capital imposable d’un contribuable pour une année d’imposition, tiré de la disposition d’un bien, est égal à zéro si la disposition consiste à faire don à un donataire reconnu d’un montant en monnaie virtuelle admissible » -- Sommaire, page ii. aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaLégislation072gccstaCrédit d'impôt072gccstaDon tAn Act to amend the Income Tax Act (gift in virtual currency) = w(CaOODSP)9.873299#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-452, 1re session, 42e legislature.w(CaOODSP)9.50066040qPDFs198 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/XB421-452-1.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/fr/42-1/projet-loi/C-452/premiere-lecture02249nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501100091001732450204002642640075004683000034005433360026005773370026006033380036006294900125006655000022007905000115008125040041009275200408009686920029013766920030014056920024014357000020014597000032014797000020015117750101015318300125016328560106017579.873340CaOODSP20221107163903m o d f cr |||||||||||190521e201905##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYC33-0/421-23E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bSenate. bStanding Committee on National Security and Defence.10aSexual harassment and violence in the Canadian Armed Forces / cthe Honourable Gwen Boniface, chair ; the Honourable Jean-Guy Dagenais, deputy chair ; the Honourable Mobina S.B. Jaffer, deputy chair. 1aOttawa, Ontario, Canada : bSenate Canada = Sénat Canada, cMay 2019. a1 online resource (30 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence ; v[42nd Parliament, 1st Session, 23rd report] aTitle from cover. aIssued also in French under title: Le harcèlement et la violence sexuels dans les forces armées canadiennes. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Although progress has been made in recent years on the issue of sexual harassment and violence in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), the recommendations of the Deschamps report have not been fully implemented and work remains to be done to resolve the issue. Based on the evidence gathered during its study, the committee makes eight recommendations to the Government of Canada"--Recommendations, page 7.072gccstaSexual harassment072gccstaWorkplace violence072gccstaArmed forces1 aBoniface, Gwen.1 aDagenais, Jean-Guy, d1936-1 aJaffer, Mobina.08tLe harcèlement et la violence sexuels dans les forces armées canadiennes / w(CaOODSP)9.873345#0aReport of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence ;v[42nd Parliament, 1st Session, 23rd report].40qPDFs1.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sen/yc33-0/YC33-0-421-23-eng.pdf02429nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501100113001732450224002862640076005103000037005863360027006233370030006503380039006804900139007195000028008585000106008865040048009925200502010406920031015426920041015736920026016147000020016407000032016607000020016927750086017128300139017988560106019379.873345CaOODSP20221107163904m o d f cr |||||||||||190521e201905##onc #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYC33-0/421-23F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bSénat. bComité sénatorial permanent de la sécurité nationale et de la défense.13aLe harcèlement et la violence sexuels dans les forces armées canadiennes / cl'honorable Gwen Boniface, présidente ; l'honorable Jean-Guy Dagenais, vice-président ; l'honorable Mobina S. B. Jaffer, vice-présidente. 1aOttawa (Ontario), Canada : bSénat Canada = Senate Canada, cMai 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (32 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent ainformatiquebc2rdamedia aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier1 aRapport du Comité sénatorial permanent de la sécurité nationale et de la défense ; v[42e législature, 1er session, 23e rapport] aTitre de la couverture. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Sexual harassment and violence in the Canadian Armed Forces. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Des progrès ont été accomplis au cours des dernières années en ce qui concerne le harcèlement et la violence sexuels dans les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC), mais on n’a pas donné suite à l’ensemble des recommandations contenues dans le rapport Deschamps et il reste du travail à faire pour régler le problème. À la lumière des témoignages entendus dans le cadre de l’étude, le comité formule huit recommandations au gouvernement du Canada » -- Recommandations, page 7.072gccstaHarcèlement sexuel072gccstaViolence en milieu de travail072gccstaForces armées1 aBoniface, Gwen.1 aDagenais, Jean-Guy, d1936-1 aJaffer, Mobina.08tSexual harassment and violence in the Canadian Armed Forces / w(CaOODSP)9.873340#0aRapport du Comité sénatorial permanent de la sécurité nationale et de la défense ;v[42e législature, 1er session, 23e rapport].40qPDFs1.47 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sen/yc33-0/YC33-0-421-23-fra.pdf01341nam 22003258i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450078001942640059002722640011003313000033003423360026003753370026004013380036004275000121004635000017005845200162006016920024007636920029007877100033008167750065008498560101009149.868046CaOODSP20221107162456m o d f cr |||||||||||190206s2019 quc |o f00| 0 eng d a9780660295169 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCH37-4/27-1-2019E-PDF00aCanada's response to recommendations : bthird Universal Periodic Review. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : b[Canadian Heritage], c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (8 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Réponse du Canada aux recommandations : troisième examen périodique universel. aCover title. a"The following sets out Canada's response to the 275 recommendations received during Canada's third Universal Periodic Review (URP) on May 11, 2018"--Page 1.072gccstaHuman rights072gccstaGovernment policy1 aCanada. bCanadian Heritage.08tRéponse du Canada aux recommandations : w(CaOODSP)9.86804740qPDFs390 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/CH37-4-27-1-2019-eng.pdf01423nam 22003258i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450088001942640061002822640011003433000036003543360031003903370034004213380043004555000116004985000028006145200187006426920032008296920037008617100035008987750063009338560101009969.868047CaOODSP20221107162456m o d f cr |||||||||||190206s2019 quc |o f00| 0 fre d a9780660295176 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCH37-4/27-1-2019F-PDF00aRéponse du Canada aux recommandations : btroisième examen périodique universel. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : b[Patrimoine canadien], c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (9 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's response to recommendations: third Universal Periodic Review. aTitre de la couverture. a« Ce rapport présente les réponses du Canada aux 275 recommandations reçues dans le cadre du troisième Examen périodique universel (EPU) du Canada, le 11 mai 2018 » -- Page 1.072gccstaDroit de la personne072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale1 aCanada. bPatrimoine canadien.08tCanada's response to recommendations : w(CaOODSP)9.86804640qPDFs351 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/CH37-4-27-1-2019-fra.pdf01696nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450102001942640057002962640011003533000039003643360026004033370026004293380036004555000150004915000017006415040041006585200377006996920024010766920029011007100033011297750094011628560102012569.868059CaOODSP20221107162458m o d f cr |||||||||||190207s2019 quc |o f00| 0 eng d a9780660295183 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCH37-4/27-2-2019E-PDF00aInformation related to Canada's response to recommendations : bthird Universal Periodic Review. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : b[Canadian Heritage],c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vii, 55 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Renseignements concernant la réponse du Canada aux recommandations : troisième examen périodique universel. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. 2"The United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a constructive process to strengthen the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms everywhere in the world. Under the UPR, all United Nations (UN) Member States have their human rights record reviewed by other States and receive recommendations to improve human rights in its country"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaHuman rights072gccstaGovernment policy1 aCanada. bCanadian Heritage.08tRenseignements concernant la réponse du Canada aux recommandations : w(CaOODSP)9.86806040qPDFs1.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/CH37-4-27-2-2019-eng.pdf01879nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450117001942640061003112640011003723000042003833360031004253370034004563380043004905000139005335000028006725040048007005200500007486920032012486920037012807100035013177750087013528560102014399.868060CaOODSP20221107162459m o d f cr |||||||||||190207s2019 quc |o f00| 0 fre d a9780660295190 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCH37-4/27-2-2019F-PDF00aRenseignements concernant la réponse du Canada aux recommandations : btroisième examen périodique universel. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : b[Patrimoine canadien], c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 63 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Information related to Canada's response to recommendations: third Universal Periodic Review. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'Examen périodique universel (EPU) est un processus constructif qui vise à renforcer la protection des droits de la personne et des libertés fondamentales dans le monde entier. Dans le cadre de l'EPU, le bilan en matière des droits de la personne de tous les États membres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) est examiné et les États membres reçoivent des recommandations pour améliorer la protection des droits de la personne au sein de leurs pays » -- Introduction, page 1.072gccstaDroit de la personne072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale1 aCanada. bPatrimoine canadien.08tInformation related to Canada's response to recommendations : w(CaOODSP)9.86805940qPDFs3.23 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/CH37-4-27-2-2019-fra.pdf01777nam 22003258i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001682450189001922640058003812640011004393000033004503360026004833370026005093380036005355000240005715000017008115200346008286920024011746920037011987100033012357750084012688560099013529.868068CaOODSP20221107162500m o d f cr |||||||||||190207s2019 quc |o f00| 0 eng d a9780660295220 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCH37-4/28-2019E-PDF00aConvention on the rights of persons with disabilities : binterim report in follow-up to Canada's review before the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : b[Canadian Heritage], c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (5 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées : rapport intérimaire dans le cadre du suivi de l'examen du Canada devant le Comité des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations Unies. aCover title. a"On April 3 and 4, 2017, Canada appeared before the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Committee), for the review of its initial report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Committee issued its concluding observations for Canada on May 8, 2017"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaHuman rights072gccstaPersons with disabilities1 aCanada. bCanadian Heritage.08tConvention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées : w(CaOODSP)9.86807140qPDFs257 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/CH37-4-28-2019-eng.pdf01831nam 22003258i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001682450207001922640061003992640011004603000036004713360031005073370034005383380043005725000228006155000028008435200356008716920032012276920032012597100035012917750080013268560099014069.868071CaOODSP20221107162500m o d f cr |||||||||||190207s2019 quc |o f00| 0 fre d a9780660295237 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCH37-4/28-2019F-PDF00aConvention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées : brapport intérimaire dans le cadre du suivi de l'examen du Canada devant le Comité des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations Unies. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : b[Patrimoine canadien], c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (6 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities : interim report in follow-up to Canada's review before the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. aTitre de la couverture. a« Les 3 et 4 avril 2017, le Canada a comparu devant le Comité des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations Unies (le Comité) pour l'examen de son rapport initial sur la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CDPH). Le Comité a publié ses observations finales concernant le Canada le 8 mai 2017 » -- Introduction, page 1.072gccstaDroit de la personne072gccstaPersonne handicapée1 aCanada. bPatrimoine canadien.08tConvention on the rights of persons with disabilities : w(CaOODSP)9.86806840qPDFs235 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/CH37-4-28-2019-fra.pdf01664nam 22003738i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400031001060430012001370860022001492450047001712640054002182640011002723000048002833360026003313370026003573380036003835000091004195000017005105000039005275000021005665050039005875200213006265500055008396920019008947100029009137100040009427750075009828560113010578560120011709.866756CaOODSP20221107162129cr |||||||||||190108t20182018onc o f00| 0 eng d a9780660240411 aCaOODSPbengcCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aH14-304/2019E-PDF00aExploratory research on smoking cessation. 1aOttawa : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (73 pages) : e& summary. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recherche exploratoire sur le renoncement au tabac. aCover title. a"Registration number: POR 054-18." a"December 2018."0 aFinal report -- Executive summary. a"Phoenix Strategic Perspective (Phoenix SPI) was commissioned by Health Canada to conduct qualitative research to better understand the experience related to smoking and cessation"--Executive summary, page 1. aSupplier name: Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.072gccstaSmoking1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.2 aPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.08tRecherche exploratoire sur le renoncement au tabac.w(CaOODSP)9.86675840qPDFs680 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-304-2019-eng.pdfzFinal report40qPDFs227 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-304-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary01438nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170070015000320080041000470200018000880400031001060430012001370860022001492450056001712640054002272640011002813000052002923360031003443370034003753380043004095000088004525000049005405000026005895050031006155500061006466920021007077100040007287100029007687750066007978560114008638560111009779.866758CaOODSP20221107162129cr |||||||||||190108t20182018onc|||||o f00| 0 fre d a9780660240428 aCaOODSPbfrecCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aH14-304/2019F-PDF00aRecherche exploratoire sur le renoncement au tabac. 1aOttawa : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (83 pages) : e& sommaire. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Exploratory research on smoking cessation. a« Numéro d'enregistrement : POR 054-18. » a« Décembre 2018. »1 aRapport final -- Sommaire. aNom du fournisseur : Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.072gccstaTabagisme2 aPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tExploratory research on smoking cessation.w(CaOODSP)9.86675640qPDFs787 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-304-2019-fra.pdfzRapport final40qPDFs232 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-304-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire00980nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200031001070400031001380430012001690860036001812450028002172640080002452640011003253000031003363360026003673370026003933380036004195000020004556920021004756920018004967100029005147100036005438560099005799.873262CaOODSP20240305110430m o d f cr cn|||||||||190521t20182018onc o f000 0 eng d z9780660265001q(incorrect) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH129-87/2018E-PDFzH129-87/201800aToxicovigilance Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, c[2018] 1c©2018 a1 online resource (1 page) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"Pub.: 180056."072gccstaPoisoning072gccstaHealth1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.2 aPublic Health Agency of Canada.40qPDFs138 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H129-87-2018-eng.pdf01897nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450035001732640063002082640011002713000034002823360026003163370026003423380036003684900062004045000071004665000017005375000019005545040041005735200461006145300033010756920022011086920025011306920022011557100029011777100049012067750055012558300081013108560108013919.873324CaOODSP20221107163901m o d f cr |||||||||||190521t20192019onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengcCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aH113-9/2019-4E-PDF00aBixafen and F9651-2 fungicide. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (99 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProposed registration decision, x1925-0886 ; vPRD2019-4 aIssued also in French under title: Bixafène et fongicide F9651-2. aCover title. a"21 May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations, is proposing registration for the sale and use of Bixafen (F9650) Technical Fungicide, containing the technical grade active ingredient bixafen, and F9651-2 Fungicide, containing the technical grade active ingredients bixafen and tebuconazole, to control foliar diseases on wheat, barley, oats and soybean"--Overview, page 1. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaFungicides072gccstaCertification072gccstaToxicology1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bPest Management Regulatory Agency.08tBixafène et fongicide F9651-2.w(CaOODSP)9.873327#0aProposed registration decision,x1925-0886 ; vPRD2019-4.w(CaOODSP)9.50446440qPDFs1.05 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/h113-9/H113-9-2019-4-eng.pdf02003nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450036001732640063002092640011002723000038002833360031003213370034003523380043003864900066004295000076004955000028005715000026005995040048006255200529006736920021012026920026012236920023012497100069012727100029013417750054013708300085014248560108015099.873327CaOODSP20221107163901m o d f cr |||||||||||190521t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfrecCaOODSPerda an-cn---1 aH113-9/2019-4F-PDF00aBixafène et fongicide F9651-2. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (115 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aProjet de décision d'homologation, x1925-0908 ; vPRD2019-4 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Bixafen and F9651-2 Fungicide. aTitre de la couverture. a« Le 21 mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« En vertu de la Loi sur les produits antiparasitaires, l'Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire (ARLA) de Santé Canada propose l'homologation à des fins de vente et d'utilisation du fongicide Bixafène (F9650), qui contient le principe actif de qualité technique bixafène, et du fongicide F9651-2, qui contient les principes actifs de qualité technique bixafène et tébuconazole, dans le cadre de la lutte contre les maladies foliaires du blé, de l'orge, de l'avoine et du soja » -- Aperçu, page 1.072gccstaFongicide072gccstaAccréditation072gccstaToxicologie1 aCanada. bAgence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tBixafen and F9651-2 fungicide.w(CaOODSP)9.873324#0aProjet de décision d'homologation,x1925-0908 ; vPRD2019-4.w(CaOODSP)9.50088240qPDFs1.14 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/h113-9/H113-9-2019-4-fra.pdf02034nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860041001502450115001912640063003062640011003693000034003803360026004143370026004403380036004664900065005025000181005675000017007485000019007655040041007845200401008256920022012266920022012487100029012707100049012997750075013488300127014238560110015509.873331CaOODSP20231206110945m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521t20192019onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH113-27/2019-4E-PDFzH113-27/2019-4E00aAcephate and its associated end-use products : bupdated environmental risk assessment: consultation document. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (47 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProposed re-evaluation decision, x1925-0967 ; vPRVD2019-04 aIssued also in French under title: Acéphate et préparations commerciales connexes : mise à jour de l'évaluation des risques pour l'environnement : document de consultation. aCover title. a"21 May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Acephate is an insecticide registered to control a broad spectrum of insect pests on a wide variety of crops and use sites, including forest and woodlots, terrestrial food and feed crops, and outdoor ornamentals. Acephate is an important component of pest management programs to manage economically important pests and is used as a rotational insecticide for managing insect resistance"--Page 1.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaToxicology1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bPest Management Regulatory Agency.08tAcéphate et préparations commerciales connexes : w(CaOODSP)9.873333#0aProposed re-evaluation decision (Canada. Pest Management Regulatory Agency)x1925-0967 ; vPRVD2019-04.w(CaOODSP)9.50520140qPDFs1.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/h113-27/H113-27-2019-4-eng.pdf02311nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860041001502450148001912640064003392640011004033000037004143360031004513370034004823380043005164900071005595000155006305000028007855000026008135040048008395200573008876920023014606920021014837100069015047100029015737750071016028300154016738560110018279.873333CaOODSP20231206111020m o d f cr |n|||||||||190521t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH113-27/2019-4F-PDFzH113-27/2019-4F00aAcéphate et préparations commerciales connexes : bmise à jour de l'évaluation des risques pour l'environnement : document de consultation. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (55 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aProjet de décision de réévaluation, x1925-0983 ; vPRVD2019-04 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Acephate and its associated end-use products : updated environmental risk assessment : consultation document. aTitre de la couverture. a« Le 21 mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'acéphate est un insecticide homologué pour la lutte contre un large spectre d'insectes ravageurs; il s'emploie sur une grande variété de cultures et de sites, notamment les forêts, les boisés, les cultures terrestres destinées à la consommation humaine ou animale, et les plantes ornementales d'extérieur. L'acéphate est un important élément de divers programmes de lutte antiparasitaires; on s'en sert contre les insectes ravageurs sur le plan économique et comme insecticide de rotation, dans la gestion de la résistance des insectes » -- Page 1.072gccstaToxicologie072gccstaPesticide1 aCanada. bAgence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tAcephate and its associated end-use products : w(CaOODSP)9.873331#0aProjet de décision de réévaluation (Canada. Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire)x1925-0983 ; vPRVD2019-04.w(CaOODSP)9.50160040qPDFs2.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/h113-27/H113-27-2019-4-fra.pdf01916nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430021001560860022001772450180001992460066003792640115004452640011005603000034005713360026006053370026006313380036006575000142006935000026008355040041008615200417009026920024013197100044013437750038013877760038014258560103014639.872072CaOODSP20221107163545m o d f cr |||||||||||190425t20192019onc |o f00| 0 eng d a9780660306803 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-af---1 aPS74-10/2019E-PDF00aAfghanistan : bthe precarious struggle for stability : highlights from an unclassified workshop of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), 21 January 2019, Ottawa.14aAfghanistan : bhighlights from an academic outreach workshop 1a[Ottawa] : bCanadian Security Intelligence Service = Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (85 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Afghanistan : lutte précaire pour la stabilité : points saillants d'un atelier de liaison-recherche. a"Published May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is based on the views expressed during, and short papers contributed by speakers at, a workshop organised by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service as part of its academic outreach program. Offered as a means to support ongoing discussion, the report does not constitute an analytical document, nor does it represent any formal position of the organisations involved"--Executive summary, page 6.072gccstaPeacekeeping2 aCanadian Security Intelligence Service.08tAfghanistan : w(CaOODSP)9.8720760#tAfghanistan : w(CaOODSP)9.87207540qPDFs797 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scrs-csis/PS74-10-2019-eng.pdf02290nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430021001560860022001772450186001992460071003852640115004562640011005713000037005823360031006193370034006503380043006845000209007275000031009365040048009675200662010156920031016777100053017087750038017617760038017998560103018379.872076CaOODSP20221107163546m o d f cr |||||||||||190425t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660306834 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-af---1 aPS74-10/2019F-PDF00aAfghanistan : blutte précaire pour la stabilité : points saillants d'un atelier non classifié du Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS), 21 janvier 2019, Ottawa.14aAfghanistan : bpoints saillants d'un atelier de liaison-recherche 1a[Ottawa] : bService canadien du renseignement de sécurité = Canadian Security Intelligence Service, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (91 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Afghanistan: the precarious struggle for stability: highlights from an unclassified workshop of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), 21 January 2019. a« Publié en mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport est fondé sur les opinions exprimées et les courts articles offerts par les conférenciers à l'occasion d'un atelier organisé par le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité dans le cadre de son programme de liaison-recherche. Le présent rapport est diffusé pour nourrir les discussions. Il ne s'agit pas d'un document analytique et il ne représente la position officielle d'aucun des organismes participants. L'atelier s'est déroulé conformément à la règle de Chatham House; les intervenants ne sont donc pas cités, et les noms des conférenciers et des participants ne sont pas révélés » -- Sommaire, page 6.072gccstaMaintien de la paix2 aService canadien du renseignement de sécurité.08tAfghanistan : w(CaOODSP)9.8720720#tAfghanistan : w(CaOODSP)9.87207740qPDFs807 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scrs-csis/PS74-10-2019-fra.pdf01078nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860035001812450042002162460025002582640086002833000032003693360026004013370026004273380036004535000019004895460042005086920023005507100033005737920061006068560097006679.873455CaOODSP20240215150448m o d f cr |n ||||||||190523s2019 onc |o||||f|0| 0|eng d z9780660307602 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aPS84-81/2019-PDFzPS84-81/201900aJoignez-vous à notre équipe au SCC.15aJoin our team at CSC 1a[Ottawa] : bService correctionnel Canada = Correctional Service Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (2 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCaption title. aEnglish text follows the French text.072gccstaOccupations2 aCorrectional Service Canada. tJoignez-vous à notre équipe au SSC.w(CaOODSP)9.87345740qPDFuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scc-csc/PS84-81-2019.pdfs970 KB01115nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860035001812450042002162460025002582640086002833000036003693360031004053370034004363380043004705000022005135460052005356920022005877100034006097910061006438560097007049.873457CaOODSP20240501092931m o d f cr |n ||||||||190523s2019 onc |o||||f|0| 0|fre d z9780660307602 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---1 aPS84-81/2019-PDFzPS84-81/201900aJoignez-vous à notre équipe au SSC.15aJoin our team at CSC 1a[Ottawa] : bService correctionnel Canada = Correctional Service Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de départ. aLe texte en anglais suit le texte en français.072gccstaProfession2 aService correctionnel Canada. tJoignez-vous à notre équipe au SCC.w(CaOODSP)9.87345540s970 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scc-csc/PS84-81-2019.pdfqPDF02449nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860023001591000028001822450104002102640066003142640011003803000086003913360026004773370026005033380036005294900059005655000109006245000019007335000021007525040041007735200805008146920019016196920019016386920022016577100045016797750095017248300121018198560111019409.873281CaOODSP20221107163853m o d f cr cn|||||||||190521t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aNH70-1/1-2019E-PDF1 aCho, Richard, eauthor.10aSenior households living in core housing need / cRichard Cho, senior specialist, Housing Research. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, c2019. 2c©2019 a1 online resource (8 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 5 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions aIssued also in French under title: Ménages âgés ayant des besoins impérieux en matière de logement. aCaption title. a"February 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The number of senior households living in core housing need in Canada grew over the period 2011 to 2016. Not only did it increase during that period, but it also rose at a faster pace than for non-senior households. The incidence, proportion, and number of senior households in core housing need varied depending on the type of household and whether the household rented or owned its home. Senior households' falling into core housing need was most often due to their housing not meeting the affordability standard; however, there were some regions where core housing need due to housing falling below the suitability and/or adequacy standards was more common. This Research Insight examines senior households in core housing need using data from the 2016 Census and the prior census"--Introduction.072gccstaSeniors072gccstaHousing072gccstaStatistics2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tMénages âgés ayant des besoins impérieux en matière de logement / w(CaOODSP)9.873282#0aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).w(CaOODSP)9.87196640qPDFs680 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-1-2019-eng.pdf02681nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860023001591000028001822450141002102640077003512640011004283000098004393360031005373370034005683380043006024900078006455000092007235000022008155000025008375040048008625200921009106920018018316920020018496920024018697100056018937750072019498300151020218560111021729.873282CaOODSP20221107163853m o d f cr cn|||||||||190521t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aNH70-1/1-2019F-PDF1 aCho, Richard, eauteur.10aMénages âgés ayant des besoins impérieux en matière de logement / cRichard Cho, spécialiste principal, Recherche sur le logement. 1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (8 pages, 1 page non numérotée, 5 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Senior households living in core housing need. aTitre de départ. a« Février 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le nombre de ménages âgés ayant des besoins impérieux en matière de logement au Canada a augmenté de 2011 à 2016. De plus, il a progressé à un rythme plus rapide que celui des ménages non âgés. La fréquence des besoins impérieux en matière de logement ainsi que la proportion et le nombre de ménages âgés éprouvant de tels besoins ont varié selon le genre de ménage et le mode d'occupation, locataire ou propriétaire-occupant. L'abordabilité était le plus souvent à l'origine des besoins impérieux en matière de logement des ménages âgés. Toutefois, dans certaines régions, ces besoins découlaient davantage de problèmes liés à la taille et à la qualité des logements. Ce numéro de Recherche en action présente un examen des ménages âgés ayant des besoins impérieux en matière de logement, fondé sur les données des recensements de 2016 et de 2011 » -- Introduction.072gccstaAîné072gccstaLogement072gccstaStatistiques2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tSenior households living in core housing need / w(CaOODSP)9.873281#0aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement).w(CaOODSP)9.87196740qPDFs762 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-1-2019-fra.pdf02040nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000032001852450126002172640065003432640011004083000059004193360026004783370026005043380036005304900046005665000150006125000017007625000038007795000032008175040041008495200317008906920032012076920022012397100023012617750060012848300084013448560112014288560090015409.873270CaOODSP20221107163851m o d f cr cn|||||||||190521t20182018onca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax1y11 aCS75-006/2018-38E-PDF1 aAnderson, Thomas, eauthor.10aResults from the 2016 Census : bAboriginal languages and the role of second-language acquisition / cby Thomas Anderson. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (13 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aInsights on Canadian society, x2291-0840 aIssued also in French under title: Résultats du Recensement de 2016 : les langues autochtones et le rôle de l'acquisition d'une langue seconde. aCover title. a"Release date: December 7, 2018." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Using data from the 2016 Census, this study examines the extent to which Aboriginal languages are spoken in Canada, and whether the number of Aboriginal-language speakers rose in past decades. The study also examines the factors that are related to Aboriginal language use and retention"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaIndigenous languages072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : w(CaOODSP)9.873275#0aInsights on Canadian society (Statistics Canada)x2291-0840.w(CaOODSP)9.50740640qPDFs465 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2018-38-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2018001/article/54981-eng.htm02208nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000032001852450141002172640065003582640011004233000066004343360031005003370034005313380043005654900053006085000141006615000028008025000051008305000034008815040048009155200408009636920029013716920024014007100024014247750055014488300092015038560112015958560091017079.873275CaOODSP20240702131825m o d f cr cn|||||||||190521t20182018onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS75-006/2018-38F-PDF1 aAnderson, Thomas, eauteur.10aRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : bles langues autochtones et le rôle de l'acquisition d'une langue seconde / cpar Thomas Anderson. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (15 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRegards sur la société canadienne, x2291-0859 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Results from the 2016 Census: Aboriginal languages and the role of second-language acquisition. aTitre de la couverture. a« Date de diffusion : le 7 décembre 2018. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Au moyen des données du Recensement de 2016, on examine, dans la présente étude, la mesure dans laquelle les langues autochtones sont parlées au Canada, et on évalue si le nombre de locuteurs d'une langue autochtone a augmenté au cours des dernières décennies. On examine aussi les facteurs associés à l'utilisation et à la conservation des langues autochtones » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaLangue autochtone072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tResults from the 2016 Census : w(CaOODSP)9.873270#0aRegards sur la société canadienne (Statistique Canada)x2291-0859.w(CaOODSP)9.50379840qPDFs481 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2018-38-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2018001/article/54981-fra.htm02298nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000038002022450144002402640065003842640011004493000059004603360026005193370026005453380036005714900069006075000125006765000017008015000037008185000034008555000032008895040041009215200351009626920022013136920022013357000031013577000033013887100023014217750111014448300088015558560113016438560084017569.871478CaOODSP20221107163410m o d f cr cn|||||||||190411t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660304809 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS89-657/2019-8E-PDF1 aBérard-Chagnon, Julien, eauthor10aRecent immigrants and non-permanent residents missed in the 2011 Census / cby Julien Bérard-Chagnon, Stacey Hallman and Geneviève Caron. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (34 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEthnicity, language and immigration thematic series, x2371-5006 aIssued also in French under title: Les immigrants récents et les résidents non permanents omis au Recensement de 2011. aCover title. a"Catalogue no. 89-657-X2019008." a"Release date: May 22, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This paper examines the characteristics associated with the propensity for being missed in the 2011 Census for recent immigrants, i.e., individuals who landed in the country in the five years preceding the census, as well as non-permanent residents. This study was conducted using data from the 2011 Reverse Record Check"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaImmigrants072gccstaStatistics1 aHallman, Stacey, eauthor.1 aCaron, Geneviève, eauthor.2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes immigrants récents et les résidents non permanents omis au Recensement de 2011 / w(CaOODSP)9.871479#0aEthnicity, language and immigration thematic series,x2371-5006.w(CaOODSP)9.82415240qPDFs483 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/89-657-x/89-657-x2019008-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019008-eng.htm02435nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000039002022450157002412640065003982640011004633000066004743360031005403370034005713380043006054900081006485000118007295000028008475000044008755000046009195000034009655040048009995200401010476920021014486920024014697000031014937000033015247100024015577750098015818300100016798560113017798560085018929.871479CaOODSP20240702131820m o d f cr cn|||||||||190411t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660304816 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS89-657/2019-8F-PDF1 aBérard-Chagnon, Julien, eauteur.14aLes immigrants récents et les résidents non permanents omis au Recensement de 2011 / cpar Julien Bérard-Chagnon, Stacey Hallman et Geneviève Caron. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (34 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration, x2371-5014 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Recent immigrants and non-permanent residents missed in the 2011 Census. aTitre de la couverture. a« N° 89-657-X2019008 au catalogue. » a« Date de diffusion : le 22 mai 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent document examine les caractéristiques associées au fait d'être omis au Recensement de 2011 pour les immigrants récents, c'est-à-dire qui se sont établis au pays au cours des cinq années précédant le recensement, et les résidents non permanents. Cette étude est réalisée au moyen des données de la Contre-vérification des dossiers de 2011 » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaImmigrant072gccstaStatistiques1 aHallman, Stacey, eauteur.1 aCaron, Geneviève, eauteur.2 aStatistique Canada.08tRecent immigrants and non-permanent residents missed in the 2011 Census / w(CaOODSP)9.871478#0aSérie thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration,x2371-5014.w(CaOODSP)9.82415440qPDFs529 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/89-657-x/89-657-x2019008-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019008-fra.htm02299nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000032002022450097002342640065003312640011003963000058004073360026004653370026004913380036005175000130005535000017006835000034007005000032007345040041007665200587008076920024013946920033014186920029014516920027014806920022015077100023015297750116015528560113016688560084017819.869595CaOODSP20221107162906m o d f cr cn|||||||||190311t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660299761 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS85-603/2019-1E-PDF1 aBurczycka, Marta, eauthor.10aSexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve, 2018 / cby Marta Burczycka. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (59 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Les inconduites sexuelles dans la Première réserve des Forces armées canadiennes, 2018. aCover title. a"Release date: May 22, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This article presents results from the Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Namely, the prevalence of general sexualized behaviour in the workplace; discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; personal experiences of discrimination or sexualized behaviour; the prevalence of sexual assault; and knowledge of policies on sexual misconduct and perceptions of responses to sexual misconduct are examined. Where possible, results are analyzed by gender, environmental command, type of service, age, and rank"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaGender discrimination072gccstaSexual harassment072gccstaSexual offences072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes inconduites sexuelles dans la Première réserve des Forces armées canadiennes, 2018 / w(CaOODSP)9.86960040qPDFs683 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/85-603-x/85-603-x2019001-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-603-x/85-603-x2019001-eng.htm02515nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000032002022450119002342640065003532640011004183000065004293360031004943370034005253380043005595000115006025000028007175000046007455000034007915040048008255200744008736920026016176920035016436920031016786920031017096920024017407100024017647750095017888560113018838560085019969.869600CaOODSP20240702131816m o d f cr cn|||||||||190311t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660299778 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS85-603/2019-1F-PDF1 aBurczycka, Marta, eauteur.14aLes inconduites sexuelles dans la Première réserve des Forces armées canadiennes, 2018 / cpar Marta Burczycka. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (68 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve, 2018. aTitre de la couverture. a« Date de diffusion : le 22 mai 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cet article présente les résultats du Sondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes. Ainsi, on explore la prévalence des comportements sexualisés dans leur ensemble en milieu de travail; la discrimination fondée sur le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre; les expériences personnelles liées à la discrimination ou au comportement sexualisé; la prévalence des agressions sexuelles; et la connaissance des politiques concernant l'inconduite sexuelle et les perceptions de la façon dont on répond à l'inconduite sexuelle. Dans la mesure du possible, les résultats sont analysés selon le genre, le commandement, le type de service, l'âge, et le grade » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaForces armées072gccstaDiscrimination sexuelle072gccstaHarcèlement sexuel072gccstaInfraction sexuelle072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tSexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve, 2018 / w(CaOODSP)9.86959540qPDFs771 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/85-603-x/85-603-x2019001-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-603-x/85-603-x2019001-fra.htm02287nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000028002022450091002302640065003212640011003863000058003973360026004553370026004813380036005075000129005435000017006725000034006895000032007235040041007555200587007966920024013836920033014076920029014406920027014696920022014967100023015187750115015418560113016568560084017699.869605CaOODSP20231031124204m o d f cr cn|||||||||190311t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660299785 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS85-603/2019-2E-PDF1 aCotter, Adam, eauthor.10aSexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force, 2018 / cby Adam Cotter. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (57 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Les inconduites sexuelles dans la Force régulière des Forces armées canadiennes, 2018. aCover title. a"Release date: May 22, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This article presents results from the Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Namely, the prevalence of general sexualized behaviour in the workplace; discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity; personal experiences of discrimination or sexualized behaviour; the prevalence of sexual assault; and knowledge of policies on sexual misconduct and perceptions of responses to sexual misconduct are examined. Where possible, results are analyzed by gender, environmental command, type of service, age, and rank"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaGender discrimination072gccstaSexual harassment072gccstaSexual offences072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes inconduites sexuelles dans la Force régulière des Forces armées canadiennes, 2018 / w(CaOODSP)9.86960940qPDFs759 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/85-603-x/85-603-x2019002-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-603-x/85-603-x2019002-eng.htm02502nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000028002022450114002302640065003442640011004093000065004203360031004853370034005163380043005505000113005935000028007065000046007345000034007805040048008145200744008626920026016066920035016326920031016676920031016986920024017297100024017537750093017778560113018708560085019839.869609CaOODSP20240702131816m o d f cr cn|||||||||190311t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660299792 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS85-603/2019-2F-PDF1 aCotter, Adam, eauteur.14aLes inconduites sexuelles dans la Force régulière des Forces armées canadiennes, 2018 / cpar Adam Cotter. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (64 pages) : cillustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force, 2018. aTitre de la couverture. a« Date de diffusion : le 22 mai 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cet article présente les résultats du Sondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes. Ainsi, on explore la prévalence des comportements sexualisés dans leur ensemble en milieu de travail; la discrimination fondée sur le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre; les expériences personnelles liées à la discrimination ou au comportement sexualisé; la prévalence des agressions sexuelles; et la connaissance des politiques concernant l'inconduite sexuelle et les perceptions de la façon dont on répond à l'inconduite sexuelle. Dans la mesure du possible, les résultats sont analysés selon le genre, le commandement, le type de service, l'âge, et le grade » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaForces armées072gccstaDiscrimination sexuelle072gccstaHarcèlement sexuel072gccstaInfraction sexuelle072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tSexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force, 2018 / w(CaOODSP)9.86960540qPDFs786 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/85-603-x/85-603-x2019002-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-603-x/85-603-x2019002-fra.htm01908nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450109002032640066003123000056003783360026004343370026004603380036004865000177005225000032006995040041007315200266007726920024010386920033010626920029010956920027011246920022011517100023011737750128011968560114013248560084014389.872594CaOODSP20221107163703m o d f cr cn|||||||||190507s2019 onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660308135 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-37E-PDF00aSurvey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve 2018 : bkey trends since 2016. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Sondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018, Première reserve : principales tendances depuis 2016. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This infographic presents results from the 2018 Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Findings on the prevalence and nature of inappropriate sexual behaviour and sexual assault within the Reserve Force are presented"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaGender discrimination072gccstaSexual harassment072gccstaSexual offences072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tSondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018, Première réserve : w(CaOODSP)9.87259640qPDFs1.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019037-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019037-eng.htm02007nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450145002032640066003483000063004143360031004773370034005083380043005425000147005855000034007325040048007665200333008146920026011476920035011736920031012086920031012396920024012707100024012947750104013188560114014228560085015369.872596CaOODSP20240702131823m o d f cr cn|||||||||190507s2019 onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660308142 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-37F-PDF00aSondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018, Première réserve : bprincipales tendances depuis 2016. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Survey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve 2018: key trends since 2016. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cette infographie présente les résultats du Sondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018. Des constatations concernant la prévalence et la nature des comportements sexuels inappropriés et les agressions sexuelles au sein de la Force de réserve y figurent » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaForces armées072gccstaDiscrimination sexuelle072gccstaHarcèlement sexuel072gccstaInfraction sexuelle072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tSurvey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.87259440qPDFs1.65 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019037-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019037-fra.htm01905nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450107002032640066003103000056003763360026004323370026004583380036004845000177005205000032006975040041007295200266007706920024010366920033010606920029010936920027011226920022011497100023011717750127011948560114013218560084014359.872599CaOODSP20221107163704m o d f cr cn|||||||||190507s2019 onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660308159 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-38E-PDF00aSurvey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force 2018 : bkey trends since 2016. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Sondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018, Force régulière : principales tendances depuis 2016. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This infographic presents results from the 2018 Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. Findings on the prevalence and nature of inappropriate sexual behaviour and sexual assault within the Regular Force are presented"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaGender discrimination072gccstaSexual harassment072gccstaSexual offences072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tSondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018, Force régulière : w(CaOODSP)9.87260040qPDFs1.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019038-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019038-eng.htm02002nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450144002032640066003473000063004133360031004763370034005073380043005415000145005845000034007295040048007635200333008116920026011446920035011706920031012056920031012366920024012677100024012917750102013158560114014178560085015319.872600CaOODSP20240702131823m o d f cr cn|||||||||190507s2019 onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660308166 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-38F-PDF00aSondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018, Force régulière : bprincipales tendances depuis 2016. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Survey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force 2018: key trends since 2016. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cette infographie présente les résultats du Sondage sur les inconduites sexuelles dans les Forces armées canadiennes de 2018. Des constatations concernant la prévalence et la nature des comportements sexuels inappropriés et les agressions sexuelles au sein de la Force régulière y figurent » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaForces armées072gccstaDiscrimination sexuelle072gccstaHarcèlement sexuel072gccstaInfraction sexuelle072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tSurvey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.87259940qPDFs1.65 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019038-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019038-fra.htm02773nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001771000030002032450098002332640065003312640011003963000058004073360026004653370026004913380036005174900047005535000105006005000017007055000050007225000034007725000032008065040041008385200935008796920018018146920034018326920022018667000031018887100023019197750091019428300085020338560113021188560084022319.872706CaOODSP20230208101449m o d f cr cn|||||||||190509t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660308395 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax5y11 aCS11-626/2019-95E-PDF1 aGutoskie, Josh, eauthor.10aIncome growth per capita in the provinces since 1950 / cby Josh Gutoskie and Ryan Macdonald. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (5 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEconomic insights, x1927-503X ; vno. 095 aIssued also in French under title: Croissance du revenu par habitant dans les provinces depuis 1950. aCover title. a"Catalogue no. 11-626-X - 2019009 - No. 095." a"Release date: May 23, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This article in the Economic Insights series illustrates how real income progressed across the provinces from 1950 to 2016. The performance of the provinces is discussed using a new set of long‑run estimates for real gross domestic income per capita. This new dataset allows, for the first time, trends in aggregate real income across the provinces to be examined for the last 66 years. Long‑run data allow the amplitude of cycles across time to be demonstrated, and provide sufficient data to understand changes in trends in provincial economies that are sometimes subject to long commodity cycles. Provinces focused on hydrocarbon extraction had the most rapid per capita growth. Among the other provinces, those with below‑average per capita incomes in 1950 had higher growth rates than provinces with higher per capita incomes. As a result, the incomes of the provincial economies tended to converge over time"--Page 1.072gccstaIncome072gccstaGross domestic product072gccstaStatistics1 aMacDonald, Ryan, eauthor.2 aStatistics Canada.08tCroissance du revenu par habitant dans les provinces depuis 1950 / w(CaOODSP)9.872709#0aEconomic insights (Statistics Canada)x1927-503X ; vno. 095.w(CaOODSP)9.50676440qPDFs360 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-626-x/11-626-x2019009-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2019009-eng.htm03126nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001771000030002032450110002332640065003432640011004083000065004193360031004843370034005153380043005494900051005925000099006435000028007425000057007705000046008275000034008735040048009075201214009556920018021696920035021876920024022227000031022467100024022777750079023018300090023808560113024708560085025839.872709CaOODSP20240702131824m o d f cr cn|||||||||190509t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660308401 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax5y11 aCS11-626/2019-95F-PDF1 aGutoskie, Josh, eauteur.10aCroissance du revenu par habitant dans les provinces depuis 1950 / cpar Josh Gutoskie et Ryan Macdonald. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (5 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAperçus économiques, x1927-5048 ; vn° 095 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Income growth per capita in the provinces since 1950. aTitre de la couverture. a« N° 11-626-X au catalogue - 2019009 - N° 095. » a« Date de diffusion : le 23 mai 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cet article de la série Aperçus économiques illustre la progression du revenu réel à l’échelle des provinces de 1950 à 2016. Le rendement des provinces est analysé au moyen d’un nouvel ensemble d'estimations à long terme pour le revenu intérieur brut réel par habitant. Ce nouvel ensemble de données permet, pour la première fois, d'examiner les tendances en matière de revenu réel agrégé à l'échelle des provinces pour les 66 dernières années. Les données à long terme permettent de démontrer l'amplitude des cycles au fil du temps et fournissent suffisamment de données pour comprendre les variations des tendances des économies provinciales dont les produits de base sont parfois assujettis à de longs cycles. Les provinces axées sur l'extraction des hydrocarbures ont enregistré la croissance par habitant la plus rapide. Quant aux autres provinces, celles qui affichaient des revenus par habitant inférieurs à la moyenne en 1950 ont enregistré des taux de croissance plus élevés que ceux des provinces ayant des revenus par habitant plus élevés. Par conséquent, les revenus des économies provinciales ont eu tendance à converger au fil du temps » -- Page 1.072gccstaRevenu072gccstaProduit intérieur brut072gccstaStatistiques1 aMacDonald, Ryan, eauteur.2 aStatistique Canada.08tIncome growth per capita in the provinces since 1950 / w(CaOODSP)9.872706#0aAperçus économiques (Statistique Canada)x1927-5048 ; vn° 095.w(CaOODSP)9.50315840qPDFs396 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-626-x/11-626-x2019009-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2019009-fra.htm01525nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450032002032640066002353000056003013360026003573370026003833380036004095000085004455000032005305040041005625200274006036920018008776920022008957100023009177750037009408560114009778560084010919.872739CaOODSP20221107163724m o d f cr cn|||||||||190509s2019 onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660308500 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-39E-PDF00aSports for fun and fitness. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Les sports : pour s'amuser et être en forme. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Using data from the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home, this infographic highlights the proportion of people playing sports, the most popular sports in Canada and the benefits Canadians derive from participating in sports"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaSports072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes sports : w(CaOODSP)9.87274040qPDFs1.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019039-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019039-eng.htm01649nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450052002032640066002553000063003213360031003843370034004153380043004495000073004925000034005655040048005995200337006476920017009846920024010017100024010257750051010498560114011008560085012149.872740CaOODSP20240702131824m o d f cr cn|||||||||190509s2019 onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660308517 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-39F-PDF04aLes sports : bpour s'amuser et être en forme. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Sports for fun and fitness. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« À partir des données de l'Enquête sociale générale de 2016 sur les Canadiens au travail et à la maison, cette infographie attire l'attention sur la proportion des personnes qui pratiquent des sports, sur les sports les plus populaires au Canada et sur les avantages qu'en retirent les Canadiens » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaSport072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tSports for fun and fitness.w(CaOODSP)9.87273940qPDFs1.79 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019039-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019039-fra.htm