02789nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860039001681100041002072450027002482500026002752640130003012640011004313000038004423360026004803370026005063380036005325000062005685000026006305000033006565000138006895040041008275200823008686920030016916920031017217750046017527940052017988560115018508560118019658560124020838560160022079.874095CaOODSP20221107164111m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531r20182017onc o f000 0 eng d z9780660082745 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFC5-46/2018E-PDFzFC5-46/2017E-PDF2 aFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada.10aSupervision framework. aFinal edited version. 1aOttawa : bFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada = Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, cOctober 2018. 4c©2017 a1 online resource (iii, 16 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Cadre de surveillance. aIncludes infographic. aIssued also in HTML format.  aThe catalogue number (FC5-46/2017E-PDF) and ISBN (978-0-660-08274-5) of a previous edition (2017) are printed in this edition (2018). aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This document illustrates FCAC’s vision for robust and effective oversight to ensure Canadians continue to benefit from the financial consumer protection framework put in place by the Government of Canada. It summarizes FCAC’s legislative mandate as well as its supervisory roles and responsibilities. It describes the entities that FCAC regulates, their obligations and the roles of various other stakeholders. Finally, this document explains the activities and tools that FCAC leverages to fulfill its supervisory mandate. The Supervision Framework updates and replaces FCAC’s Compliance Framework. Although the core activities governing its supervisory approach remain consistent, FCAC has incorporated numerous enhancements and this document provides a clearer overview of that approach"--Preface, page iii.072gccstaFinancial services072gccstaConsumer protection08tCadre de surveillance.w(CaOODSP)9.874103 tSupervision framework.b2020w(CaOODSP)9.88499740qPDFs781 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-46-2018-eng.pdfz(framework)40qPDFs47 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-46-2018-1-eng.pdfz(infographic)4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/industry/supervision-framework.htmlz(framework)4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/industry/supervision-framework/infographic-supervision-framework.htmlz(infographic)03130nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860039001681100065002072450027002722500030002992640130003292640011004593000040004703360031005103370034005413380043005755000068006185000030006865000039007165000150007555040048009055201058009536920031020116920038020427750046020807940052021268560111021788560118022898560132024078560169025399.874103CaOODSP20221107164113m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531r20182017onc o f000 0 fre d z9780660082752 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFC5-46/2018F-PDFzFC5-46/2017F-PDF2 aAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada.10aCadre de surveillance. aVersion finale révisée. 1aOttawa : bAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada = Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, coctobre 2018. 4c©2017 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 18 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Supervision framework. aComprend une infographie. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aLe n° de catalogue (C5-46/2017F-PDF) et ISBN (978-0-660-08275-2) d’une édition précédente (2017) sont imprimés dans cette édition (2018). aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent document décrit la vision de l'Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada (ACFC) en vue d’assurer une surveillance soutenue et efficace qui permettra aux Canadiens de continuer à profiter du cadre de protection des consommateurs de produits et services financiers mis en place par le gouvernement du Canada. Il résume le mandat législatif de l'ACFC ainsi que ses rôles et responsabilités en matière de surveillance. Il décrit les entités qu’elle réglemente et leurs obligations ainsi que les rôles de divers autres intervenants. Finalement, le présent document énonce les activités et les outils au moyen desquels l'ACFC remplit son mandat de surveillance. Le Cadre de surveillance met à jour et remplace le Cadre de conformité de l'ACFC. Bien que les activités fondamentales qui régissent l’approche en matière de surveillance demeurent inchangées, l'ACFC a incorporé de nombreuses améliorations et donne un aperçu plus clair de cette approche dans le présent document »--Préface, p. iii 072gccstaServices financiers072gccstaProtection du consommateur08tSupervision framework.w(CaOODSP)9.874095 tCadre de surveillance.b2020w(CaOODSP)9.88499840qPDFs813 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-46-2018-fra.pdfz(cadre)40qPDFs50 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-46-2018-1-fra.pdfz(infographie)4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-consommation-matiere-financiere/services/industrie/cadre-surveillance.htmlz(cadre)4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-consommation-matiere-financiere/services/industrie/cadre-surveillance/infographie-cadre-surveillance.htmlz(infographie)02351nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450102001902640104002922640011003963000055004073360026004623370026004883380036005145000144005505000039006945200780007336920018015136920020015316920017015517100022015687100036015907750127016268560112017538560124018659.868630CaOODSP20221107162635m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201901##onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660296784 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-310/2019E-PDF00aUnderstanding and awareness of sport-related concussions, with a focus on youth : bfinal report. 1aOttawa : bPublic Health Agency of Canada = Agence de la santé publique du Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (146 pages) +eexecutive summary atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Compréhension et sensibilisation aux commotions liées au sport, en mettant l'accent sur les jeunes.  aAccompanied by: executive summary. a"The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) commissioned Kantar TNS to conduct a public opinion research survey assessing Canadian perceptions and understanding of concussions with a focus on youth. This research also seeks to measure the awareness of and uptake of the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport (released in 2017) and compare the results to the 2017-18 baseline survey where applicable. A total of 2,021 Canadians were surveyed online in December 2018, including 1,200 youths, 217 Health Care professionals, and 217 teachers, 245 athletic coaches/sports administrators, and 297 parents of children aged 5-17 years. The study design allowed respondents to fall into more than one sub-segment. This publication reports on the findings of this research"--Page 2.072gccstaSports072gccstaInjuries072gccstaYouth2 aKantar TNS (Firm)2 aPublic Health Agency of Canada.08tCompréhension et sensibilisation aux commotions liées au sport, en mettant l'accent sur les jeunes : w(CaOODSP)9.86863140qPDFs1.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/H14-310-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs223 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/H14-310-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary02570nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450124001902640104003142640011004183000076004293360031005053370034005363380043005705000157006135000047007705200920008176920020017376920017017576920020017747100023017947100041018177750106018588560113019648560131020779.868631CaOODSP20221107162635m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201901##onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660296791 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-310/2019F-PDF00aCompréhension et sensibilisation aux commotions liées au sport, en mettant l'accent sur les jeunes : brapport final. 1aOttawa : bAgence de la santé publique du Canada = Public Health Agency of Canada, cJanvier 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (146 pages) +erésumé des conclusions (10 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Understanding and awareness of sport-related concussions, with a focus on youth.  aAccompagné par: résumé des conclusions. a« L'Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) a mandaté Kantar TNS pour mener une étude de recherche sur l'opinion publique dans le but d'évaluer les perceptions et la compréhension des Canadiens à l'égard des commotions cérébrales chez les jeunes. Cette recherche vise également à mesurer la connaissance et l'adoption des Lignes directrices canadiennes sur les commotions dans le sport (publiées en 2017) et à comparer les résultats au sondage initial de 2017-2018, le cas échéant. Au total, 2 021 Canadiens ont été sondés en ligne en décembre 2018, y compris 1 200 jeunes, 217 professionnels de la santé, 217 enseignants, 245 entraîneurs/administrateurs sportifs et 297 parents d'enfants âgés de 5 à 17 ans. La conception de l’étude permettait aux répondants de s’inscrire dans plus d’un sous-segment. Cette publication présente les résultats de cette recherche »--Page 2.072gccstaJeunesse072gccstaSport072gccstaBlessure2 aKantar TNS (Firme)2 aAgence de santé publique du Canada.08tUnderstanding and awareness of sport-related concussions, with a focus on youth : w(CaOODSP)9.86863040qPDFs1.76 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/H14-310-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs294 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/H14-310-2019-1-fra.pdfzRésumé des conclusions01554nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450072001722640107002442640011003513000033003623360026003953370026004213380036004475000151004835200301006346920017009356920027009527100035009797750135010148560103011499.873179CaOODSP20221206105344m o d f cr |||||||||||190528t20182019onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-99/2019E-PDF00aAudit of advance commercial information (ACI) data in the air mode. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Border Services Agency = Agence des services frontaliers du Canada,cOctober 2018. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (21 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Audit des données de l’information préalable sur les expéditions commerciales (IPEC) dans le mode aérien. a"The receipt of pre-arrival data enables the CBSA to more effectively manage higher-risk goods and identify threats to health, safety, and security prior to the arrival of those goods in Canada and allow lower risk goods a more efficient, streamlined process at the border"--Introduction, page 3.072gccstaAudit072gccstaSafety measures2 aCanada Border Services Agency.08tAudit des données de l’information préalable sur les expéditions commerciales (IPEC) dans le mode aérien.w(CaOODSP)9.87370240qPDFs881 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-99-2019-eng.pdf02252nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450092001732640066002652640011003313000033003423360026003753370026004013380036004275000114004635000006005775201038005836920017016216930048016386930022016867100035017087750079017438560104018229.873182CaOODSP20221206110350m o d f cr |||||||||||190528t20182019onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-100/2018E-PDF00aFinancial audit of eManifest Project : bfinal report / cCanada Border Service Agency. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Border Services Agency, cMarch 28, 2018. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (35 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Audit financier du projet du Manifeste électronique : rapport définitif. a  a"Electronic Manifest for international trade (eManifest) is a highly transformative Government of Canada initiative and a key commitment to modernizing Canada's borders. It is a part of the measures put in place to enhance the safety and security of Canadians and international trade while streamlining cross-border processes. The eManifest project involves the development and deployment of multiple program and information technology components intended to ensure that 100% of commercial goods coming into Canada are risk-assessed in advance of their arrival. The eManifest requires carriers, freight forwards and importers in all modes of transportation to electronically transmit commercial information to the CBSA within prescribed mode-specific time frames. The collection and risk assessment of pre-arrival data improve the Agency's ability to detect high risk shipments before they arrive at the border. At the same time, low risk and legitimate trade will be able to cross the border more efficiently"--Introduction, page 3.072gccstaAudit 4aElectronic Manifest for international trade 4aeManifest Project2 aCanada Border Services Agency.08tAudit financier du projet du Manifeste électronique : w(CaOODSP)9.87372940qPDFs677 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-100-2018-eng.pdf01191nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450099001732640108002722640011003803000051003913360026004423370026004683380036004945000091005305040041006216920022006627100035006847750077007198560105007969.873186CaOODSP20221206110619m o d f cr |||||||||||190528t20182019oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-101/2018E-PDF00aEvaluation of the CBSA Hearings Program / cInternal Audit and Program Evaluation Directorate. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Border Services Agency = Agence des services frontaliers du Canada,cDecember 2018. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (43 pages) : bcolour charts atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du Programme des audiences de l’ASFC. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaAssessment2 aCanada Border Services Agency.08tÉvaluation du Programme des audiences de l’ASFC / w(CaOODSP)9.87373140qPDFs1.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-101-2018-eng.pdf01507nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450101001732640107002742640011003813000051003923360026004433370026004693380036004955000095005315040041006265200295006676920022009627100035009847750081010198560105011009.873189CaOODSP20221206110823m o d f cr |||||||||||190528t20182019oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-102/2018E-PDF00aEvaluation of the Officer Induction Model / cInternal Audit and Program Evaluation Directorate. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Border Services Agency = Agence des services frontaliers du Canada,cOctober 2018. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (66 pages) : bcolour charts atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du Modèle de formation de base des agents. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The purpose of this evaluation was to examine the performance (effectiveness and efficiency) of the Officer Induction Model (OIM), in accordance with the 2016 Treasury Board Secretariat’s Policy on Results. The evaluation was undertaken between May 2017 and May 2018"--Executive summary.072gccstaAssessment2 aCanada Border Services Agency.08tÉvaluation du Modèle de formation de base des agents / w(CaOODSP)9.87373440qPDFs1.79 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-102-2018-eng.pdf01642nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450116001722640108002882640011003963000036004073360031004433370034004743380043005085000113005515200376006646920025010406920033010657100047010987750091011458560104012369.873702CaOODSP20240612102759m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528t20182019onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-99/2019F-PDF00aAudit des données de l’information préalable sur les expéditions commerciales (IPEC) dans le mode aérien. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence des services frontaliers du Canada = Canada Border Services Agency, cOctobre 2018. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (21 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Audit of advance commercial information (ACI) data in the air mode. a« La réception de données avant l’arrivée permet à l’ASFC de gérer plus efficacement les marchandises à risque élevé, de déterminer les menaces pour la santé et la sécurité avant l’arrivée des marchandises au Canada et de simplifier et rendre plus efficace le processus à la frontière pour les marchandises à faible risque »--Introduction, page 3.072gccstaVérification072gccstaMesure de sécurité 2 aAgence des services frontaliers du Canada.08tAudit of advance commercial information (ACI) data in the air mode.w(CaOODSP)9.87317940qPDFs1.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-99-2019-fra.pdf02640nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450127001732640076003002640011003763000036003873360031004233370034004543380043004885000098005315040048006295201382006776920025020596930028020847100047021127750063021598560104022229.873729CaOODSP20240612102759m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528t20182019onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-100/2018F-PDF00aAudit financier du projet du Manifeste électronique : brapport définitif / cAgence des services frontaliers du Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence des services frontaliers du Canada, c28 mars 2018. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (41 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Financial audit of eManifest Project : final report. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le Manifeste électronique pour le commerce international (Manifeste électronique), une initiative du gouvernement du Canada à fort potentiel de transformation, est un engagement clé à l’égard de la modernisation des frontières du Canada. Il fait partie des mesures mises en place pour rehausser la sûreté et la sécurité des Canadiens et des échanges internationaux tout en rationalisant les processus transfrontaliers. Le projet du Manifeste électronique comprend l’élaboration et le déploiement de plusieurs éléments de programme et de technologie de l’information visant à garantir que la totalité des marchandises commerciales qui entrent au Canada font l’objet d’une évaluation des risques préalablement à leur arrivée. Le Manifeste électronique exige que les transporteurs, les agents d’expédition et les importateurs de tous les modes de transport transmettent des renseignements commerciaux à l’ASFC par voie électronique dans des délais précis propres à chaque mode. La collecte de données avant l’arrivée et l’évaluation des risques afférents améliorent la capacité de l’Agence de détecter les expéditions à risque élevé avant leur arrivée à la frontière. Parallèlement, le passage à la frontière des expéditions commerciales en règle à faible risque sera plus efficace »--Introduction, page 3.072gccstaVérification 4aManifeste électronique2 aAgence des services frontaliers du Canada.08tFinancial audit of eManifest Project : w(CaOODSP)9.87318240qPDFs725 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-100-2018-fra.pdf01238nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450135001732640111003082640011004193000036004303360031004663370034004973380043005315000086005745040048006606920023007087100047007317750066007788560104008449.873731CaOODSP20240612102759m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528t20182019oncd o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-101/2018F-PDF00aÉvaluation du Programme des audiences de l’ASFC / cDirection de la vérification interne et de l’évaluation des programmes. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence des services frontaliers du Canada = Canada Border Services Agency, cDécembre 2018. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (48 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of the CBSA Hearings Program. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaÉvaluation2 aAgence des services frontaliers du Canada.08tEvaluation of the CBSA Hearings Program / w(CaOODSP)9.87318640qPDFs859 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-101-2018-fra.pdf01610nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450139001732640109003122640011004213000065004323360031004973370034005283380043005625000088006055040048006935200324007416920023010657100047010887750068011358560105012039.873734CaOODSP20240612102759m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528t20182019oncd o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS38-102/2018F-PDF00aÉvaluation du Modèle de formation de base des agents / cDirection de la vérification interne et de l’évaluation des programmes. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence des services frontaliers du Canada = Canada Border Services Agency, cOctobre 2018. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (69 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of the Officer Induction Model. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« La présente évaluation avait pour but d’examiner le rendement (efficacité et efficience) du Modèle de formation de base des agents (MFBA), conformément à la Politique sur les résultats de 2016 du Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. L’évaluation a été réalisée entre mai 2017 et mai 2018 »--Résumé.072gccstaÉvaluation2 aAgence des services frontaliers du Canada.08tEvaluation of the Officer Induction Model / w(CaOODSP)9.87318940qPDFs1.92 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/asfc-cbsa/PS38-102-2018-fra.pdf02339nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860020001682450160001882640103003483000067004513360026005183370026005443380036005705000137006065000029007435200659007726920023014316920025014546920020014797100039014997100030015387750097015687940082016658560120017478560110018679.866417CaOODSP20221107162036m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201902##pic o f000 0 eng d a9780660291222 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aV44-8/2018E-PDF00aEvaluation of the 2018 remembrance advertising campaign : bmethodology report / cprepared for Veterans Affairs Canada [by] EKOS Research Associates Inc. 1a[Charlottetown, P.E.I.] : bVeterans Affairs Canada = Anciens Combattants Canada, cFebruary 2019. a1 online ressource (573 unnumbered pages) +esummary (3 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation de la campagne de publicité sur la commémoration de 2018 : rapport méthodologique. aAccompanied by: Summary. a"VAC’s Remembrance advertising campaign, has been marketed to an extensive demographic with solid post-campaign recall. The 2018 Remembrance Campaign had acomprehensive set of advertising products that honoured the sacrifices of Canada's Veterans through commemorative events to highlight significant milestones including the centennial of the end of the First World War. Throughout this period, the campaign engaged and inspired youth, brought Canadians together and remembered the contributions of Veterans, showcased Canada's achievements as a result of Canada's Veterans and incited Canadians to explore our rich military history"--Summary, page 1.072gccstaAdvertising072gccstaCommemoration072gccstaVeterans1 aCanada. bVeterans Affairs Canada.2 aEkos Research Associates.08tÉvaluation de la campagne de publicité sur la commémoration de 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.866419 tEvaluation of the 2019 remembrance advertising campaign : w(CaOODSP)9.88585840qPDFs4.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V44-8-2018-eng.pdfzMethodology report40qPDFs143 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V44-8-2018-1-eng.pdfzSummary02611nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860020001682450192001882640106003803000082004863360031005683370034005993380043006335000121006765000037007975200810008346920022016446920026016666920029016927100042017217100033017637750082017967940129018788560125020078560117021329.866419CaOODSP20221107162036m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201902##pic o f000 0 fre d a9780660291239 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aV44-8/2018F-PDF00aÉvaluation de la campagne de publicité sur la commémoration de 2018 : brapport méthodologique / cpréparé pour Anciens combattants Canada [par] Les Associés de recherche EKOS inc. 1a[Charlottetown, Î.-P.-E.] : bAnciens combattants Canada = Veterans Affairs Canada, cFévrier 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (590 pages non numérotées) +erécapitulatif (4 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of the 2018 remembrance advertising campaign : methodology report. aAccompagné par: récapitulatif. a« La campagne de publicité d’ACC sur la commémoration s’adressait à un vaste pan de la population avec un important rappel après la campagne. La campagne de 2018 comprenait un large éventail de produits publicitaires qui honoraient les sacrifices des vétérans du Canada par le biais d’événements commémoratifs dont l’objectif était de mettre en évidence diverses étapes marquantes, notamment le centenaire de la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale. Tout au long de cette période, la campagne a mobilisé et inspiré des jeunes, a rassemblé des Canadiens pour qu’ils se souviennent de contributions des vétérans, a mis en relief les réalisations qu’a signées le Canada grâce aux vétérans et a incité les Canadiens à explorer notre riche histoire militaire »--Sommaire.072gccstaPublicité072gccstaCommémoration072gccstaAncien combattant1 aCanada. bAnciens combattants Canada.2 aAssociés de recherche Ekos.08tEvaluation of the 2018 remembrance advertising campaign : w(CaOODSP)9.866417 tÉvaluation du rapport sur la méthodologie de la campagne de publicité sur la commémoration de 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.88586040qPDFs4.92 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V44-8-2018-fra.pdfzRapport méthodologique40qPDFs156 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V44-8-2018-1-fra.pdfzRécapitulatif02119nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450158001902640092003482640065004402640011005053000082005163360026005983370026006243380036006505000152006865000039008385200261008776920019011386920020011576920025011777100039012027100040012417750138012817940082014198560110015018560122016119.866598CaOODSP20221107162103m o d f cr |||||||||||190529t20192019picd o f000 0 eng d a9780660291925 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aV32-401/2019E-PDF00aAttitudes towards Remembrance and Veterans’ Week 2018 : bsurvey of Canadians : final report / cprepared for Veterans Affairs Canada [by] Phoenix SPI. 1a[Charlottetown] : bVeterans Affairs Canada = Anciens Combattants Canada, cMarch 2019. 0a[Ottawa] : bPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc., ‏c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (44 pages) : bcolour charts +eexecutive summary (8 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Sondage sur les attitudes des canadiens à l’égard de la commémoration et de la Semaine des vétérans 2018. aAccompanied by: executive summary. a"Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. (Phoenix SPI) was commissioned by Veterans AffairsCanada (VAC) to conduct a telephone survey of Canadians on issues related to Veterans’ Week and the Department’s remembrance programming"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaSurveys072gccstaVeterans072gccstaCommemoration1 aCanada. bVeterans Affairs Canada.2 aPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.08tSondage sur les attitudes des canadiens à l’égard de la commémoration et de la Semaine des vétérans 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.866600 tAttitudes towards Remembrance and Veterans’ Week 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.88386540qPDFs1.45 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-401-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs314 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-401-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary02170nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450199001902640103003892640065004922640011005573000087005683360031006553370034006863380045007205000121007655000031008865200267009176920019011846920029012036920026012327100042012587100040013007750082013407940138014228560111015608560113016719.866600CaOODSP20221107162104m o d f cr |||||||||||190529t20192019picd #o f000 0 fre d a9780660291932 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aV32-401/2019F-PDF00aSondage sur les attitudes des canadiens à l’égard de la commémoration et de la Semaine des vétérans 2018 : brapport final / cpréparé pour Anciens Combattants Canada [par] Phoenix SPI. 1a[Charlottetown, Î.-P.-É.] : bAnciens Combattants Canada = Veterans Affairs Canada, cMars 2019. 0a[Ottawa] : bPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc‏., c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (49 pages) : billustrations en couleur +esommaire (9 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre a1 ressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Attitudes towards Remembrance and Veterans’ Week 2018: survey of Canadians. aAccompagné par: sommaire. a« Anciens Combattants Canada (ACC) a chargé Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. (Phoenix) de réaliser un sondage téléphonique auprès des Canadiens sur les enjeux liés à la Semaine des vétérans et à son programme de commémoration »--Sommaire, page 4.072gccstaSondage072gccstaAncien combattant072gccstaCommémoration1 aCanada. bAnciens combattants Canada.2 aPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.08tAttitudes towards Remembrance and Veterans’ Week 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.866598 tSondage sur les attitudes des canadiens à l’égard de la commémoration et de la Semaine des vétérans 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.88386640qPDFs2.85 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-401-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs320 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-401-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire02018nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070200031001250400031001560430012001870860045001991100043002442450101002872640121003882640011005093000057005203360026005773370026006033380036006294900064006655000143007295000019008725000032008915000159009235040041010826920030011236920022011536920026011757750128012018300082013298560103014118560094015149.873304CaOODSP20221107163857m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t20192019quca o f000 0 eng d a9780660309781 z9780660309798q(incorrect) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aTU3-10/18-0153E-PDFzTU3-10/18-0153F-PDF2 aTransportation Safety Board of Canada.10aCollision with terrain, Piper PA-28R-200, C-GDUM, Brantford Airport, Ontario, 13 November 2018.  1aGatineau, QC : bTransportation Safety Board of Canada = Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (8 pages) : bcolour illustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aAir transportation safety investigation report ; vA18O0153 aIssued also in French under title: Collision avec le relief, Piper PA-28R-200, C-GDUM, aéroport de Brantford (Ontario), 13 novembre 2018. aCaption title. aIssued also in HTML format. aThe catalogue number (TU3-10/18-0153F-PDF) and ISBN (978-0-660-30979-8) for the French electronic edition have been copied in this electronic publication. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaAircraft accidents072gccstaAir safety072gccstaInvestigations08tCollision avec le relief, Piper PA-28R-200, C-GDUM, aéroport de Brantford (Ontario), 13 novembre 2018. w(CaOODSP)9.873308#0aAir transportation safety investigation brief ;vA18O0153.w(CaOODSP)9.84527040qPDFs700 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bst-tsb/TU3-10-18-0153-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttp://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/aviation/2018/A18O0153/A18O0153.html01846nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001681100054001922450109002462640121003552640011004763000064004873360031005513370034005823380043006164900064006595000144007235000022008675000034008895040048009236920031009716920032010026920020010347750120010548300088011748560103012628560095013659.873308CaOODSP20221107163858m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t20192019onca o f000 0 fre d a9780660309798 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aTU3-10/18-0153F-PDF2 aBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada.10aCollision avec le relief, Piper PA-28R-200, C-GDUM, aéroport de Brantford (Ontario), 13 novembre 2018.  1aGatineau, QC : bBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada = Transportation Safety Board of Canada, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (9 pages) : billustration en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport sur la sécurité du transport aérien ; vA18O0153 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Collision with terrain, Piper PA-28R-200, C-GDUM, Brantford Airport, Ontario, 13 November 2018.  aTitre de départ. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaAccident d'aviation072gccstaSécurité aérienne072gccstaEnquête08tCollision with terrain, Piper PA-28R-200, C-GDUM, Brantford Airport, Ontario, 13 November 2018. w(CaOODSP)9.873304#0aBilan d'enquête de sécurité du transport aérien ;vA18O0153.w(CaOODSP)9.84527640qPDFs722 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bst-tsb/TU3-10-18-0153-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttp://www.tsb.gc.ca/fra/rapports-reports/aviation/2018/A18O0153/A18O0153.html01707nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450074001732640130002473000034003773360026004113370026004373380036004635000138004995000017006375040035006545200368006896920025010576920030010827100058011127750122011708560101012929.873597CaOODSP20221107163947m o d f cr |||||||||||190524e20190411onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-183/2019E-PDF 00aProjecting the revenues and expenses of Canada Student Loans program. 1aOttawa, Canada : bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer = Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget, c11 April 2019. a1 online resource (19 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Projection des recettes et des dépenses relatives au Programme canadien de prêts aux étudiants. aCover title. aIncludes notes and references. a"This report provides a description of the PBO model and an estimate of the revenues and expenses associated with the direct loans regime of Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP). While some loans from the guaranteed and risk-shared regimes, in place until 1999-2000, are still outstanding, their impact on CSLP is gradually diminishing"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaStudent loans072gccstaFinancial analysis1 aCanada. bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.08tProjection des recettes et des dépenses relatives au Programme canadien de prêts aux étudiants.w(CaOODSP)9.87359940qPDFs512 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-183-2019-eng.pdf01803nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450103001722640130002753000037004053360031004423370034004733380043005075000115005505000028006655040048006935200437007416920027011786920031012057100059012367750093012958560101013889.873599CaOODSP20221107163948m o d f cr cn|||||||||190524e20190411onc ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-183/2019F-PDF00aProjection des recettes et des dépenses relatives au Programme canadien de prêts aux étudiants. 1aOttawa, Canada : bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget = Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, c11 avril 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (20 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Projecting the revenues and expenses of Canada Student Loans Program. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a«Ce rapport comprend une description du modèle du DPB ainsi qu’une évaluation des recettes et des dépenses relatives au régime du prêt direct du Programme canadien de prêts aux étudiants (PCPE). Certains prêts relevant des régimes de prêts garantis et de prêts à risques partagés, en vigueur jusqu’en 1999-2000, sont toujours en souffrance, mais leur impact sur le PCPE diminue graduellement» -- Résumé, page 1.072gccstaPrêt étudiant072gccstaAnalyse financière1 aCanada. bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget.08tProjecting the revenues and expenses of Canada Student Loans program.w(CaOODSP)9.87359740qPDFs479 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-183-2019-fra.pdf01736nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450071001722640130002433000052003733360031004253370034004563380043004905000082005335000028006155040048006435200451006916920029011426920031011717100059012027750060012618560101013219.873602CaOODSP20221107163948m o d f cr cn|||||||||190524e20190418oncd ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-184/2019F-PDF00aRegard nouveau sur la réduction de l'impôt de la classe moyenne. 1aOttawa, Canada : bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget = Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, c18 avril 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (26 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Revisiting the middle class tax cut. aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a«Ce rapport présente une estimation ex post (après les faits) de l’incidence financière de la réduction de l’impôt de la classe moyenne aux exercices 2015 et 2016. Les résultats sont issus de la comparaison de scénarios contre-factuels et de données rétrospectives récentes de l’Agence du revenu du Canada. Ils prennent aussi en compte la fluctuation des recettes fiscales due à l’effet d’anticipation» -- Résumé, page 1.072gccstaPolitique fiscale072gccstaAnalyse financière1 aCanada. bBureau du Directeur parlementaire du budget.08tRevisiting the middle class tax cut.w(CaOODSP)9.87360340qPDFs590 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-184-2019-fra.pdf01635nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450041001732640130002143000045003443360026003893370026004153380036004415000108004775000017005855040025006025200389006276920025010166920030010417100058010717750090011298560102012199.873603CaOODSP20221107163948m o d f cr |||||||||||190524e20190418oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aYN5-184/2019E-PDF 00aRevisiting the middle class tax cut. 1aOttawa, Canada : bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer = Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget, c18 April 2019. a1 online resource (24 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Regard nouveau sur la réduction de l’impôt de la classe moyenne. aCover title. aIncludes references. a"This report provides ex post (after the fact) estimates of the fiscal impact of the middle class tax cut in tax years 2015 and 2016. The estimates are based on counterfactual scenarios that are compared to recent historical data from the Canada Revenue Agency. The fiscal impact estimates also account for the effects of income forestalling and unwinding"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaFiscal policy072gccstaFinancial analysis1 aCanada. bOffice of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.08tRegard nouveau sur la réduction de l'impôt de la classe moyenne.w(CaOODSP)9.87360240qPDFs599 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/dpb-pbo/YN5-184-2019-eng.pdf02288nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001681100045001902450137002352640096003722640011004683000055004793360026005343370026005603380036005865000148006225200847007706920017016176920026016347000032016607750088016927760069017808560101018499.871285CaOODSP20221107163339m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e201905##oncd o f000 0 eng d a9780660304397 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFA3-154/2019E-PDF1 aCanada. bOffice of the Auditor General.10aCollaborative climate change audit project : bprocess chronicle and lessons learned / cKimberley Leach, Principal Project Manager. 1a[Ottawa] : bOffice of the Auditor General = Bureau du vérificateur général, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iii, 16 pages) : bcolour chart atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Projet d’audit collaboratif sur les changements climatiques : retour sur le processus et leçons apprises. a"This report is in three parts. The first part chronicles the process we developed and used to plan, conduct, report, and communicate during the project. When we began this project, there was little guidance and few models to follow within Canada. We hope that this final report will ensure that others do not have to start from scratch, and we are happy to share any materials with other audit teams. The second part summarizes our efforts to identify lessons learned, so that we can evolve collaborative auditing in Canada. We are grateful for the assistance of the Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation, which helped us conduct a lessons learned survey. The third part reflects on the above and provides some key perspectives from the Project Manager that could assist others doing similar work in the future"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaAudit072gccstaClimate change1 aLeach, Kimberley, eauthor.08tProjet d’audit collaboratif sur les changements climatiques : w(CaOODSP)9.8712870#tCollaborative climate change audit project : w(CaOODSP)9.87128640qPDFs641 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bvg-oag/FA3-154-2019-eng.pdf02676nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001681100049001902450181002392640095004202640011005153000069005263360031005953370034006263380043006605000128007035201160008316920025019916920033020167000032020497750069020817760087021508560101022379.871287CaOODSP20221107163339m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e201905##oncd o f000 0 fre d a9780660304410 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFA3-154/2019F-PDF1 aCanada. bBureau du vérificateur général.10aProjet d’audit collaboratif sur les changements climatiques : bretour sur le processus et leçons apprises / cKimberley Leach, directrice principale Gestionnaire de projet. 1a[Ottawa] : bBureau du vérificateur général = Office of the Auditor General,cMai 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 18 pages) : billustration en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Collaborative climate change audit project: process chronicle and lessons learned. a« Ce rapport se divise en trois volets : La première partie décrit le processus que nous avons élaboré et appliqué pour planifier et réaliser l’audit, produire le rapport et communiquer au fil du projet. Lorsque nous avons lancé le projet, il n’y avait que peu de lignes directrices ou de modèles à ce sujet au Canada. Nous espérons que le présent rapport synthèse évitera à d’autres auditeurs d’avoir à partir de zéro pour réaliser un audit collaboratif, et nous serons heureux de fournir divers documents à d’autres équipes d’audit. La deuxième partie résume les efforts que nous avons déployés pour faire le bilan de l’expérience acquise, afin de faire progresser le principe d’audit collaboratif au Canada. Nous tenons à remercier la Fondation canadienne pour l’audit et la responsabilisation, qui nous a aidés à recenser les leçons apprises. La troisième partie présente des réflexions sur ce qui précède et certaines perspectives clés de la gestionnaire du projet. Cela pourrait aider des auditeurs qui entreprendraient un travail similaire au cours des années à venir »--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaVérification072gccstaChangement climatique1 aLeach, Kimberley, eauteur.08tCollaborative climate change audit project : w(CaOODSP)9.8712850#tProjet du rapport collaboratif des vérificateurs généraux : w(CaOODSP)9.87128940qPDFs813 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bvg-oag/FA3-154-2019-fra.pdf02483nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860022001771100071001992450167002702640112004372640011005493000036005603360026005963370026006223380036006485000206006845000032008905200439009225300033013616100055013947750130014497760126015798560151017058560132018568560121019889.868924CaOODSP20221107162723m o d f cr cn|||||||||190527t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d a9780660297590 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aFA3-151/2019E-PDF1 aCanada. bOffice of the Auditor General, eauthor, eissuing body.10aReport of the Auditor General of Canada to the governing council of the Standards Council of Canada : bindependent auditor's report : special examination - 2019. 1a[Ottawa] : bOffice of the Auditor General of Canada = Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 24 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d'administration du Conseil canadien des normes : rapport de l'auditeur indépendant : examen spécial - 2019. aIssued also in HTML format. a"Our objective for this audit was to determine whether the systems and practices we selected for examination at the Standards Council of Canada were providing it with reasonable assurance that its assets were safeguarded and controlled, its resources were managed economically and efficiently, and its operations were carried out effectively as required by section 138 of the Financial Administration Act"--Focus of the audit, page 3. aIssued also in print format.20aStandards Council of CanadaxManagementxAuditing.08tRapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d'administration du Conseil canadien des normes : w(CaOODSP)9.8689290#tReport of the Auditor General of Canada to the governing council of the Standards Council of Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.86892640qPDFs3.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bvg-oag/FA3-151- 2019-eng.pdfz(Copy provided to Standards Council of Canada)40qPDFs606 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2020/bvg-oag/FA3-151-2019-eng.pdfz(Copy provided to Parliament)4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/parl_oag_202007_05_e_43576.htmlz(Copy provided to Parliament)02575nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860022001771100087001992450173002862640112004592640011005713000039005823360031006213370034006523380043006865000204007295000034009335200478009675300045014456100049014907750126015397760132016658560150017978560132019478560122020799.868929CaOODSP20221107162724m o d f cr cn|||||||||190527t20192019onca o f000 0 fre d a9780660297613 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aFA3-151/2019F-PDF1 aCanada. bBureau du vérificateur général, eauteur, eorganisme de publication.10aRapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d'administration du Conseil canadien des normes : brapport de l'auditeur indépendant : examen spécial - 2019. 1a[Ottawa] : bBureau du vérificateur général du Canada = Office of the Auditor General of Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (v, 27 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the governing council of the Standards Council of Canada: independent auditor's report: special examination - 2019. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Notre audit visait à déterminer si les moyens et les méthodes du Conseil canadien des normes que nous avons sélectionnés aux fins de l'examen lui fournissaient l'assurance raisonnable que ses actifs étaient protégés et contrôlés, que ses ressources étaient gérées avec efficience et économie et que ses activités étaient menées avec efficacité, comme l'exige l'article 138 de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques » -- Objet de l'audit, page 3. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.26aConseil canadien des normesxGestionxAudit.08tReport of the Auditor General of Canada to the governing council of the Standards Council of Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.8689240#tRapport du vérificateur général du Canada au conseil d’administration du Conseil canadien des normes : w(CaOODSP)9.86893240qPDFs3.36 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bvg-oag/FA3-151-2019-fra.pdfz(Copie fournie au Conseil canadien des normes)40qPDFs3.38 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2020/bvg-oag/FA3-151-2019-fra.pdfz(Copie fournie au Parlement)4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/Francais/parl_oag_202007_05_f_43576.htmlz(Copie fournie au Parlement)01360nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450192001712640088003633000035004513360026004863370026005123380036005385000100005745000017006745040041006915050026007326920030007587100038007888560116008268560116009429.872583CaOODSP20221107163701m o d f cr |||||||||||190507e196712##onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aDR50-2/1967E-PDF00aGround-based radio wave propagation studies of the lower ionosphere : bconference proceedings, 11-15 April 1966, Ottawa, Canada / ccompiled by J.S. Belrose, I.A. Bourne and L.W. Hewitt. 1aOttawa : bDefence Research Board, Department of National Defence, cDecember 1967. a1 online resource (2 volumes). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aVolume 1 -- Volume 2.072gccstaTelecommunications1 aCanada. bDefence Research Board.40qPDFs30.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/DR50-2-1967-1-eng.pdfzVolume 140qPDFs29.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/DR50-2-1967-2-eng.pdfzVolume 201179nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450053001912640120002442640011003643000032003753360026004073370026004333380036004595000131004956920017006267100056006437750086006998560104007859.872184CaOODSP20221107163602m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201903##quc o f000 0 eng d a9780660307091 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEm20-127/2019E-PDF00aFollow-up audit of section 34 compliance in SAP. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada = Emploi et Développement social Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (7 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Audit de suivi de la conformité à l’article 34 dans SAP. 072gccstaAudit1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tAudit de suivi de la conformité à l’article 34 dans SAP. w(CaOODSP)9.87218540qPDFs683 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/edsc-esdc/Em20-127-2019-eng.pdf01195nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450067001912640119002582640011003773000035003883360031004233370034004543380043004885000119005316920025006507100054006757750072007298560104008019.872185CaOODSP20240228150755m o d f cr |||||||||||190429e201903##quc o f000 0 fre d a9780660307107 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEm20-127/2019F-PDF00aAudit de suivi de la conformité à l’article 34 dans SAP.  1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et Développement social Canada = Employment and Social Development Canada, cMars 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (7 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Follow-up audit of section 34 compliance in SAP. 072gccstaVérification1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tFollow-up audit of section 34 compliance in SAP.w(CaOODSP)9.87218440qPDFs671 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/edsc-esdc/Em20-127-2019-fra.pdf01359nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450104001912640120002952640011004153000033004263360026004593370026004853380036005115000198005476920017007457100056007627750147008188560104009659.872190CaOODSP20221107163603m o d f cr |||||||||||190429e201903##quc o f000 0 eng d a9780660307114 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEm20-128/2019E-PDF00aFollow-up audit on the testing of delegation of authority and account verification controls in SAP. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada = Emploi et Développement social Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (19 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Audit de suivi sur l’examen des contrôles de la délégation des pouvoirs et de la vérification des comptes dans SAP. 072gccstaAudit1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.08tAudit de suivi sur l’examen des contrôles de la délégation des pouvoirs et de la vérification des comptes dans SAP. w(CaOODSP)9.87219140qPDFs828 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/edsc-esdc/Em20-128-2019-eng.pdf01359nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450128001912640119003192640011004383000036004493360031004853370034005163380043005505000170005936920025007637100054007887750123008428560104009659.872191CaOODSP20240228150755m o d f cr |||||||||||190429e201903##quc o f000 0 fre d a9780660307121 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEm20-128/2019F-PDF00aAudit de suivi sur l’examen des contrôles de la délégation des pouvoirs et de la vérification des comptes dans SAP.  1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEmploi et Développement social Canada = Employment and Social Development Canada, cMars 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (19 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Follow-up audit on the testing of delegation of authority and account verification controls in SAP. 072gccstaVérification1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.08tFollow-up audit on the testing of delegation of authority and account verification controls in SAP.w(CaOODSP)9.87219040qPDFs841 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/edsc-esdc/Em20-128-2019-fra.pdf01970nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450216002142640072004303000057005023360026005593370026005853380036006114900036006475000086006835040041007695200468008105460033012786920027013116920028013387100034013667100047014008300055014478560106015029.873592CaOODSP20221107163946m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-80E-PDF1 aSherry, J. P., eauthor.10aRadioimmunoassay for the detection of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in environmental samples : bintroduction, preliminary evaluation, and development of a working assay / cby J.P. Sherry [and five others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1989] a1 online resource (iii, 18, (27) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-80 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Widespread concern about the toxicity and environmental distribution of the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) has led to a requirement for the quantitative analysis of ever-increasing numbers of environmental samples for the presence of these persistent contaminants. Such demands are likely to increase, rather than diminish, in the future. Furthermore, similar demands will probably arise for other classes of trace contaminants"--Introduction, page 1. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-80.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-80-eng.pdf02013nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450126002112640071003373000051004083360026004593370026004853380036005114900036005475000086005835000020006695040041006895200546007305460032012766920027013086920016013357000033013517100034013847100047014188300055014658560107015209.873594CaOODSP20221107163947m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-81E-PDF1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.10aDetermination and confirmation of chloronitrobenzenes in water and fish samples / cby Hing-Biu Lee and Geeta D. Kissoon. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (13, (3) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-81 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"January 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Chloronitrobenzenes are environmental pollutants that have been reported in fish samples in the United States and in Europe. However, up until now analytical methodologies for these compounds are still unavailable. This report describes a validated method suitable for the determination of 14 chloronitrobenzenes at low ppt levels for water and low ppb levels for fish samples. With only minor modification, this method can be included into the methodologies for organochlorine insecticides to improve productivity"--Management Perspective. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaFish1 aKissoon, Geeta D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-81.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1,001 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-81-eng.pdf03022nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450141002152640191003563000045005473360026005923370026006183380036006444900033006805000024007135000086007375040041008235201216008645460057020806920016021376920029021536920020021827000028022027000035022307000027022657100034022927100056023267100047023828300052024298560107024819.873596CaOODSP20221107163947m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s2003 onc #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/03-213E-PDF1 aViklander, M., eauthor.10aUrban drainage and highway runoff in cold climates : bconference overview / cM. Viklander, J. Marsalek, P.-A. Malmquist and W.E. Watt. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[2003] a1 online resource (19 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v03-213 aTitle from caption. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Overview of research findings presented at the conference on urban drainage and highway runoff in cold climates starts with generation of urban runoff and snowmelt, followed by snowmelt and winter runoff quality, best management practices for urban snowmelt and winter runoff, and snow management in urban areas. Research on the urban hydrological cycle is lagging behind the needs in this field, particularly in terms of data availability. The current studies of winter urban runoff quality focus on road salts in the urban environment and their environmental effects. The needs for better source controls in salt applications, improved management of chloride-laden runoff, and selective adoption of environmentally safer alternative de-icers were reported. Adaptation of the conventional stormwater best management practices (BMPs) for winter operation remains a challenge. The first step in refining the existing BMPs for winter operation is to advance the understanding of their operation, as reported for some cases at the conference. Finally, snow management in urban areas may require local storage of fresh (unpolluted) snow and disposal of more polluted snow at central snow disposal sites"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and summary in English and French.072gccstaSnow072gccstaUrban environment072gccstaDrainage1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.1 aMalmquist, Per-Arne, eauthor.1 aWatt, W. E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v03-213.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-03-213-eng.pdf02436nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000025001852450185002102640071003953000051004663360026005173370026005433380036005694900036006055000086006415000021007275040041007485200914007895460033017036920027017366920021017636920024017847100034018087100047018428300055018898560106019449.873598CaOODSP20221107163947m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-82E-PDF1 aTse, Hung, eauthor.12aA multi-residue method for the determination of chlorobenzenes, PCB organochlorinated insecticides, PAH and chlorophenols in suspended sediments / cby Hung Tse [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (18, (5) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-82 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"February 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A multi-residue procedure was developed for the simultaneous determination of neutral and acidic environmental contaminants including polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorinated insecticides, chlorobenzenes, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and chlorophenols in suspended sediments, at ng/g levels. This method involved an ultrasonic extraction of the sample sequentially at pH 7 and 2, silica gel column cleanup and fractionation, and final analysis by gas chromatography using electron-capture and mass spectrometric detectors. Six surrogates and one internal standard were added to the sample or the sample extract at various stages to monitor the recoveries of the analytes. Performance indicators such as method precision, accuracy and detection limits are presented. The procedure has been applied to the analysis of sediment samples in the Niagara River Water Quality Monitoring Program"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaSediments072gccstaInsecticides1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-82.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-82-eng.pdf01810nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000045001722450113002172640097003303000052004273360026004793370026005053380036005314900033005675000086006005040041006865200351007276530016010786920017010946920023011117100034011347100071011688300115012398560106013549.873601CaOODSP20221107163948m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198405##oncaa |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/84-16E-PDF1 aBishop, Craig Timothy, d1953- eauthor.10aWave hindcast for the sinking of the Stanley Clipper, Long Point Bay, Lake Erie / cauthor, Craig T. Bishop. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cMay 1984. a1 online resource (14 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-16 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A severe storm with southwest winds gusting to 60 knots (30.9 m/s) occurred over the Great Lakes on April 30, 1984. A 30 ton fishing boat, the Stanley Clipper, sank at position latitude 42° 36' 56" N longitude 80° 09' 54" W (Figure 1) between 1415 and 1430 hours Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on April 30. The three men aboard perished"--Introd. 0aWater waves072gccstaLakes072gccstaMeasurement1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-16w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs1.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-16-eng.pdf01759nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450097002122640071003093000056003803360026004363370026004623380036004884900036005245000086005605000021006465040041006675200341007085460033010496920028010827000033011107100034011437100047011778300055012248560106012799.873605CaOODSP20221107163949m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1988 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-83E-PDF1 aSekerka, I., eauthor.10aAutomated method for the determination of boron in water / cby I. Sekerka and J.F. Lechner. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1988. a1 online resource (ii, 10, (13) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-83 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"December 1988." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A sensitive, automated method for the determination of boron in water samples is described. It employs flow-injection with on-line ion exchange preconcentration and colorimetric detection of the azomethene-H boron complex. The method is applicable to various water samples and is interference free, even in coloured samples"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aLechner, Josef F., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-83.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-83-eng.pdf01766nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450152002122640071003643000055004353360026004903370026005163380036005424900036005785000086006145000020007005040041007205200296007615460033010576920028010907000033011187100034011517100047011858300055012328560105012879.873610CaOODSP20221107163949m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onca #oft f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-84E-PDF1 aSekerka, I., eauthor.10aInstruction manual for determination of Ca and Mg by flow injection analysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy / cby I. Sekerka and J.F. Lechner. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (ii, 5, (10) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-84 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"January 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is intended to aid the client (NWQL) and prospective users of Flow Injection Technology (FIA). It is an instruction manual for the application of FIA in conjunction with AAS for the automated determination of Ca and Mg by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aLechner, Josef F., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-84.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs997 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-84-eng.pdf02353nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000055001852450154002402640140003943000047005343360031005813370034006123380043006464900035006895000156007245000092008805040048009725200259010205460067012796920020013466920021013666920020013877000043014077000027014507100036014777100073015137100037015867750136016238300054017598560106018139.873612CaOODSP20221107163950m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e198906##oncb #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-07F-PDF1 aCoakley, J. P. q(John Phillip), d1940- eauteur.10aRevue de la litérature et bibliographie des processus géologiques et des sédiments du Saint-Laurent / cJ.P. Coakley, J.-C. Dionne and D. Brodeur. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 ressource en ligne (58 pages) : bcarte. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aNWRI collection ; vno. 89-07F aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Literature review and bibliography of the geological processes and bottom sediments of the St. Lawrence River. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Environnement et changement climatique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport résume les données géologiques et sédimentologiques sur le St-Laurent et constitue le point de départ des futures études sur la dynamique des sédiments contemporains dans le bassin du St-Laurent » -- Perspective de gestion. aComprend un perspective de gestion et avant-propos en anglais.072gccstaRivière072gccstaSédiment072gccstaPolluant1 aDionne, Jean-Claude, d1935- eauteur.1 aBrodeur, D., eauteur.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.08tLiterature review and bibliography of the geological processes and bottom sediments of the St. Lawrence River / w(CaOODSP)9.873274#0aCollection INRE ;vno. 89-07F.w(CaOODSP)9.86777140qPDFs5.11 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-07-fra.pdf01521nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000039001852450122002242640071003463000054004173360026004713370026004973380036005234900036005595000086005955000020006815040041007015460033007426920027007756920021008026920028008237000042008517100034008937100047009278300055009748560106010299.873615CaOODSP20221107163950m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-85E-PDF1 aScott, Brian F., d1939- eauthor.10aAnalysis for polychlorinated biphenyls by dual capillary column gas chromatography / cby B.F. Scott and F.I. Onuska. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (ii, 8, (6) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-85 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"January 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater management1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-85.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-85-eng.pdf01618nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070860022001381000039001602450142001992640172003413000045005133360026005583370026005843380036006104900032006465000017006785000086006955040041007816920021008226920027008436920022008707000025008927000033009177100034009507100056009847100047010408300051010878560106011389.873622CaOODSP20221107163951m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s1996 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aEn13-5/96-58E-PDF1 aAzcue, José M., d1957- eauthor.10aEffects of centrifugation speed on measurements of thallium in sediment porewater / cby Joze M. Azcue, Venghout Cheam and Josef Lechner. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate = Environnement Canada, Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, eau, c[1996] a1 online resource (19 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-58 aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPollutants1 aCheam, V., eauthor.1 aLechner, Josef F., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-58.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.94 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-58-eng.pdf02031nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430010001510860022001611000026001832450168002092460158003772640072005353000053006073360026006603370026006863380036007124900036007485000086007845040025008705200433008955460033013286920028013616920025013897100034014147100047014488300055014958560107015509.873624CaOODSP20221107163952m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnp1 aEn13-5/89-86E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aSummary report for the Interlab Prairie Provinces Quality Assurance Pgm, Studies 61-72 (Sept 87-Aug 88) for inorganic constituents in surface waters / cH. Alkema.2 aSummary report for the Interlab Prairie Provinces Quality Assurance Program, Studies 61-72 (Sept 87-Aug 88) for inorganic constituents in surface waters  1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1989] a1 online resource (167 variously numbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-86 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes references. a"This compiled report of twelve quality assurance studies evaluates the chemical analysis of surface waters for laboratories in the Prairie Provinces Quality Assurance (PPQA) program. This report, which covers the period from September 1987 to August 1988 (QA studies PP 61 to PP 72), describes the following: study design, treatment of data, performance indicators, and comments on individual laboratory performance"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-86.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs10.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-86-eng.pdf01680nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000042001722450095002142640098003093000033004073360026004403370026004663380036004924900033005285000086005615200310006476530018009576920018009756920024009937100034010177100071010518300115011228560105012379.873625CaOODSP20221107163952m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198406##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/84-18E-PDF1 aKrishnappan, B. G., d1943- eauthor.10aStability of drainage ditch at Madawaska Mines tailings pond / cauthor, B.G. Krishnappan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJune 1984. a1 online resource (4 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-18 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"As part of a proposal for decommissioning and closing out, the Madawaska Mines are proposing to channel all runoff from their Number One Tailings Pond area through a drainage ditch. The ditch will have a trapezoidal cross-section with bottom width of 3.66 m (12.0 ft.) and side slopes of 1 in 5"--Introd. 0aMine drainage072gccstaDesign072gccstaConstruction1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-18w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs222 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-18-eng.pdf01932nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070860022001381000032001602450052001922640109002443000054003533360026004073370026004333380036004594900032004955000024005275000086005515040041006375200467006786920019011456920022011646920017011866920019012037100034012227100088012567100056013448300051014008560107014519.873627CaOODSP20221107163952m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s1996 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aEn13-5/96-60E-PDF1 aJackson, Togwell, eauthor.10aMercury in aquatic ecosystems / cT.A. Jackson. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1996. a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages, 84 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v96-60 a"15 October, 1996." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This paper is a comprehensive review of the biogeochemistry and biological effects of mercury in aquatic ecosystems. The topics dealt with include the following: the basic chemistry (properties and characteristic reactions) of mercury; factors controlling mercury bio-availability and bio-accumulation (speciation and effects of environmental variables and biological activities); toxicity and detoxification; and the biogeochemical cycle of mercury"--Abstract.072gccstaMercury072gccstaToxicology072gccstaWater072gccstaEcology1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Branch.1 aCanada. bWater Science and Technology Directorate.#0aNWRI contribution ;v96-60.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs11.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-96-60-eng.pdf01975nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450152002112460142003632640072005053000054005773360026006313370026006573380036006834900036007195000086007555040025008415200443008665460033013096920028013427100034013707100047014048300055014518560107015069.873631CaOODSP20221107163953m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-87E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aSummary report for the Interlaboratory FP Quality Assurance Pgm, Studies 21-32, Sept '87 to Aug '88 for inorganics in surface waters / cH. Alkema.2 aSummary report for the Interlaboratory FP Quality Assurance Program, Studies 21-32, Sept '87 to Aug '88 for inorganics in surface waters  1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1989] a1 online resource (167 variously numbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-87 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes references. a"This compiled report of twelve quality assurance studies evaluates the chemical analysis of surface waters for laboratories in the Federal Provincial Quality Assurance (FPQA) program. This report covers the period from September 1987 to August 1988 (studies FP21 to FP32). Each pair of studies describes the following: study design, treatment of data, performance indicators, and comments on individual laboratory performance"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-87.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs10.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-87-eng.pdf01781nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450134002212640071003553000057004263360026004833370026005093380036005354900036005715000086006075000021006935040041007145200249007555460033010046920019010376920028010567000026010847000031011107100034011417100047011758300055012228560106012779.873633CaOODSP20221107163953m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-88E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aEffects of bed level fluctuations on discharge measurement in alluvial streams / cby Peter Engel, Y. Lam Lau and Milton Spitzer. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (14 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-88 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"February 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Theoretical and dimensional analysis together with tests conducted in laboratory flumes were used to examine a submerged three dimensional weir and the electromagnetic total flow measuring method for application to sand bed streams"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaStreams072gccstaWater management1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.1 aSpitzer, Milton, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-88.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-88-eng.pdf02268nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450113002262640134003393000052004733360026005253370026005513380036005774900032006135000017006455000022006625000086006845040041007705200606008115460072014176920021014896930020015106930026015307100034015567100074015907100037016648300051017018560106017529.873634CaOODSP20221107163953m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e198903##onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-77E-PDF1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.10aSpectral characterization of some dyestuffs used in the eastern townships of Quebec / cby R. James Maguire. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMarch 1989. a1 online resource (88 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-77 a"RRB-89-18." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A review is made of methods of determination of dyes in different media. Due to the widely varying chemical nature of dyes, there is no single method which would suffice for their chromatographic separation from each other and from natural co-extractives. The best current methods involve high performance liquid chromatography with a diode array spectrophotmetric detector. This method naturally requires a library of dye spectra. Twenty-two dyestuffs which are commonly used in the Eastern Townships of Quebec are identified, and their ultraviolet-visible spectra are determined"--Abstract, page 2. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaChemistry 4aDyes and dyeing 4aLiquid chromatography1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-77.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs5.15 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-77-eng.pdf01633nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450072002132640098002853000034003833360026004173370026004433380036004694900033005055000086005385040041006245200252006656530032009176920021009497100034009707100071010048300115010758560105011909.873635CaOODSP20221107163954m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198407##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/84-20E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bLake Ontario / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJuly 1984. a1 online resource (14 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-20 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Dr. Phil Manning, Aquatic Ecology Division, submitted eight samples to the laboratory requesting sand, silt and clay percentages. The size-analyses were performed using the Sedigraph Analyser (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979) by Keith Salisbury"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-20w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs656 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-20-eng.pdf02108nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450096002212640071003173000056003883360026004443370026004703380036004964900036005325000086005685000021006545040041006755200727007165460033014436920028014767100034015047100047015388300055015858560106016409.873637CaOODSP20221107163954m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-89E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aPreliminary examination of the variability in the towing carriage speed / cby Peter Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (ii, 10, (10) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-89 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"February 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A series of tests was conducted to examine the performance of the towing carriage at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the National Water Research Institute (NWRI), Burlington, Ontario. The results show that the mean speed is accurate to within 0.13% at the 99%confidence level. Comparison with tests conducted in 1982 showed that there has been some deterioration in the performance of the carriage in the upper speed range. Although the apparent deterioration of performance is not excessive it suggests that some overhauling of the system's components is indicated. Recommendations are made for the implementation of a monitoring program to document any further changes in the performance of the towing carriage"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-89.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.50 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-89-eng.pdf01648nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450055002132640100002683000033003683360026004013370026004273380036004534900033004895000086005225040041006085200283006496530032009326920021009647100034009857100071010198300115010908560105012059.873638CaOODSP20221107163954m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198408##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-21E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cAugust 1984. a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-21 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"J.P. Coakley, Hydraulics Division, and A. Zilans, University of Waterloo, submitted 49 sediment samples to the Laboratory for determination of particle size. The samples were analyzed by Keith Salisbury using the standard sedigraph procedure (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979)"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-21w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs220 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-21-eng.pdf01709nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450087002132640100003003000033004003360026004333370026004593380036004854900033005215000086005545040041006405200312006816530032009936920021010257100034010467100071010808300115011518560105012669.873646CaOODSP20221107163955m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198408##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/84-22E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bwestern basin, Lake Ontario / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cAugust 1984. a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-22 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Dr. W. Strachan, ECD, submitted 12 sediment samples to the 'Sedimentology Laboratory for particle size analysis. The samples were analyzed using two methods (1) Sieve Analysis, and (2) Sieve and Sedigraph (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979). The unused portions of the samples were returned to Dr. Strachan"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-22w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs259 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-22-eng.pdf01943nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450142002212640104003633000037004673360026005043370026005303380036005564900036005925000086006285000019007145040041007335200350007745460033011246920022011576920023011796920027012026920020012297000042012497100034012917100047013258300055013728560106014279.873650CaOODSP20221107163956m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1990 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-90E-PDF1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.10aExpres : ban expert system for assessing the potential for groundwater contamination due to pesticides / cby A.S. Crowe and J.P. Mutch. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c1990. a1 online resource (7, 20 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-90 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"August 1990." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"An expert system, known as EXPRES (EXpert system for Pesticide Regulatory Evaluation Simulations), is being developed to provide regulatory personnel with a tool that will aid in their assessment of the fate of pesticides in the unsaturated zone as they migrate to the water table in order to identify potential groundwater problems"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaSoftware1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-90.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-90-eng.pdf01962nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430009001510860022001601000036001822450094002182640138003123000057004503360026005073370026005333380036005594900036005955000086006315000020007175040041007375200452007785460033012306920018012636920028012817100034013097100084013438300055014278560106014829.873653CaOODSP20221107163957m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1988 oncda #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-us1 aEn13-5/89-90E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aLaboratory tests of artificial control for the Milk River : bphase I / cby Peter Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c1988. a1 online resource (iii, 14, (16) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-90 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"October 1988." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Tests were conducted to compare two artificial control structures being considered for use on the Milk River at Eastern Crossing, Montana. The first weir tested was broad crested with a triangular cross-section and the second weir was short crested with a triangular cross-section. The tests indicated that the short crested weir, also known as the Flat Vee weir, showed more promise for use in sand bed streams such as the Milk River"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-90.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-90-eng.pdf02298nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000034001852450156002192640112003753000054004873360026005413370026005673380036005934900032006295000017006615000022006785000086007005040041007865200607008275460072014346920027015066920018015336920019015517000031015707100034016017100037016357100047016728300051017198560106017709.873654CaOODSP20221107163957m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e198901##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-78E-PDF1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.10aStatus of the Niagara River point source discharge information : bsampling design and estimation of loading / cby A.H. El-Shaarawi and D.J. Williams. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJanuary 1989. a1 online resource (14 pages, 5 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-78 a"RRB-89-04." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Two basic requirements, low bias and high precision, are necessary for generating reliable estimates for the load from point and nonpoint sources of pollution. Biases and low precision can be the result of using a bad sampling design and/or an inadequate method of estimation. The effects of biases can be reduced at the design stage prior to the data collection or at the data analysis stage. This paper discusses the statistical issues involved in generating adequate load estimations using recently published point source discharge data from the Niagara River to illustrate these issues"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaRivers072gccstaSamples1 aWilliams, D. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-78.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-78-eng.pdf01891nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000045001852450115002302640105003453000054004503360026005043370026005303380036005564900036005925000086006285000026007145040041007405200273007815460033010546920028010876920018011157000050011337000031011837100034012147100084012488300055013328560106013879.873656CaOODSP20221107163957m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-91E-PDF1 aBishop, Craig Timothy, d1953- eauthor.10aShore protection manual's wave prediction reviewed / cby Craig T. Bishop, Mark A. Donelan and Kimmo K. Kahma. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (ii, 14, 18 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-91 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"Revised April 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Empirical steady-state wave prediction methods given in the 1984 version of the Shore Protection Manual (SPM) are compared with measured wave data and with three other wave prediction formulas including the one used in 1977 and earlier versions of the SPM"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaCoasts1 aDonelan, M. A. q(Mark A.), d1942- eauthor.1 aKahma, Kimmo K., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-91.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-91-eng.pdf02288nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000033001852450118002182640137003363000053004733360026005263370026005523380036005784900032006145000017006465000022006635000086006855040041007715200581008125460072013936920021014656920027014866920018015137000034015317100034015657100074015997100037016738300051017108560105017619.873658CaOODSP20221107163958m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e198811##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-79E-PDF1 aThompson, Mary E., eauthor.10aOn the estimation of phosphorus from the Niagara River to Lake Ontario / cby M.E. Thompson and A.H. El-Shaarawi. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1988. a1 online resource (9 pages, 4 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-79 a"RRB-88-87." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A predictive or model based approach to making inferences about the loading of a contaminant from a point source is presented and illustrated by estimating the total phosphorus, TP, loading from the Niagara River to Lake Ontario for the years 1967 to 1982. Information about explanatory variables and/or autodependence among successive observations can be easily included in the model and this allows more accurate inferences to be made. The results of the application to the Niagara River show a major decrease in TP loadings has occurred during the study period"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaChemicals072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaRivers1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-79.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs835 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-79-eng.pdf01907nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430009001510860022001601000036001822450110002182640139003283000065004673360026005323370026005583380036005844900036006205000086006565000021007425040041007635200333008045460033011376920018011706920028011887000026012167100034012427100084012768300055013608560106014159.873660CaOODSP20221107163958m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1988 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-us1 aEn13-5/89-92E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aLaboratory tests of artificial control for the Milk River : bphase II / cby Peter Engel and Y. Lam Lau. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c1988. a1 online resource (52 variously numbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-92 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"December 1988." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"There is a need to improve the present method of obtaining the discharge at the hydrometric gauging station on the Milk River at Eastern Crossing, Montana. It has been decided to use a Flat Vee weir and tests in a sediment flume were conducted to assess the behaviour of this type of structure in a sand bed channel"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater management1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-92.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-92-eng.pdf01917nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000025001852450091002102640138003013000055004393360026004943370026005203380036005464900036005825000086006185000018007045040041007225200459007635460033012226920021012557100034012767100084013108300055013948560106014499.873665CaOODSP20221107163959m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-93E-PDF1 aCheam, V., eauthor.10aDetermination of organic and inorganic acids in precipitation samples / cby V. Cheam. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c1989. a1 online resource (ii, 11 (11) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-93 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"March 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This paper describes an ion chromatographic method for simultaneous analysis of major organic and inorganic acids (formic, acetic, nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric) in precipitation samples. The method can also determine several other acids commonly cited in literature on precipitation-related samples; namely, propionic, glycolic, butyric, methanesulfonic, nitrous, hydroxymethylsulfonic, oxalic, phosphoric and citric acids"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaAcid rain1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-93.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-93-eng.pdf01518nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450055002132640101002683000033003693360026004023370026004283380036004544900033004905000086005235040041006095200152006506530032008026920021008347100034008557100071008898300115009608560105010759.873666CaOODSP20221107163959m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198408##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-24E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cAugust, 1984. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-24 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis on bottom sediments submitted to the laboratory by H. Sloterdijk, IWD, Quebec"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-24w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs297 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-24-eng.pdf01838nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860033001501000034001832450210002172640074004272640011005013000057005123360026005693370026005953380036006214900028006575000086006855000018007715200263007896530013010526920037010656920028011027000033011307100070011637100043012338300084012768560104013609.873668CaOODSP20221107163959m o d f cr |||||||||||190527t19861986onca o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn42-1/2-2E-PDFzEn49-2/2-2E1 aMcDonald, C. J‏., eauthor.10aIdentification of fluorescent lamp ballasts containing PCBs / cprepared by C.J. McDonald, Commercial Chemicals Branch, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada and R.E. Tourangeau, Contractor. 1a[Ottawa] : bCommercial Chemicals Branch, Environment Canada, c1986. 4c©1986 a1 online resource (vii, 14 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Report] ; vEPS 2/CC/2 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"April 1986."3 a"Fluorescent lamp ballasts were studied to provide information on ballast operation, construction, identification storage and disposal. Particular attention was given to the identification of lamp ballasts that could contain PCB-filled capacitors"--Abstract. 0aBallasts072gccstaFluorescent lamp industry072gccstaWaste management1 aTourangeau, R. E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bEnvironmental Protection Service.1 aCanada. bCommercial Chemicals Branch.#0aEnvironmental Protection Service report series ;vEPS 2/CC/2w(CaOODSP)9.86603140qPDFs1.79 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-2-2-eng.pdf01519nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000050001852450129002352640138003643000057005023360026005593370026005853380036006114900036006475000086006835040041007695460032008106920021008426920027008637100034008907100084009248300055010088560106010639.873670CaOODSP20221107163959m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-94E-PDF1 aDaniels, Shirland Augustus, d1940- eauthor.10aImproving the elutriation technique for testing the bioavailability of contaminants in sediments / cby Shirland A. Daniels. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c1989. a1 online resource (iii, 28, (31) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-94 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-94.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.71 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-94-eng.pdf01474nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450055002132640103002683000033003713360026004043370026004303380036004564900033004925000086005255040041006115200106006526530032007586920021007907100034008117100071008458300115009168560105010319.873671CaOODSP20221107164000m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198409##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-25E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cSeptember 1984. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-25 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Mr. Dave Averill, EPS, submitted a sample to the laboratory requesting grain-size analysis"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-25w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs265 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-25-eng.pdf02106nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000039001852450147002242640105003713000043004763360026005193370026005453380036005714900036006075000086006435000016007295040041007455200546007865460033013326920027013656920021013927000028014137100034014417100084014758300055015598560106016149.873672CaOODSP20221107164000m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-95E-PDF1 aScott, Brian F., d1939- eauthor.10aComparison of results between PCB congener method and standard method obtained during validation study / cby B.F. Scott and Richard Szawiola. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (iii, 9, (6) pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-95 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The results from a new congener specific gas chromatographic PCB method were compared to those derived from a standard method. The samples included replicates of a spiked sediment sample, replicates of the spike treated only with the cleanup technique, replicates of the unspiked sediment, and replicates of the spiking solution. The results derived from both methods agreed and the precision was similar. Accordingly, the PCB congener specific method provides the composition of the PCBs present but requires less analysis time"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaSediments1 aSzawiola, R., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-95.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-95-eng.pdf02447nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000050001852450048002352640138002833000066004213360026004873370026005133380036005394900036005755000086006115000098006975000018007955040041008135200830008545460033016846920021017176920016017386920016017547100034017707100084018048300055018888560106019439.873673CaOODSP20221107164000m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-96E-PDF1 aDonelan, M. A. q(Mark A.), d1942- eauthor.10aAir-sea interaction / cby Mark A. Donelan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c1989. a1 online resource (135 variously numbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-96 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"A chapter to be published in "The Sea", Vol. 9, edited by Bernard LeMaute and Daniel Hanes." a"April 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This paper explores advances in air-sea interaction in thelast two decades, especially aspects related to the exchange of momentum, energy and mass. The modern view of the mechanical coupling between air and sea stems from the pioneering work of Kitaigorodskii, who advanced the idea that the roughness of the sea surface should be related not only to the wind but also to the state of wave development. The failure of various field observations to clarify the matter is ascribed to measurement and sampling errors and the tendency for individual experiments to be confined to a rather narrow range of wave development. A carefully chosen fetch-limited data set is used to revisit the problem and it is shown that the aerodynamic roughness of a wind excited water surface depends on the state of wave development"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaSeas072gccstaWind1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-96.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs9.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-96-eng.pdf01551nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000041001722450078002132640103002913000033003943360026004273370026004533380036004794900033005155000086005485040041006345200160006756530032008356920021008677100034008887100071009228300115009938560105011089.873675CaOODSP20221107164000m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e198409##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-26E-PDF1 aDuncan, G. A. q(George A.)eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bsuspended sediment / cauthor, G.A. Duncan. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cSeptember 1984. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-26 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of a suspended particle size analysis on a suspended sample submitted to the laboratory for grain-size analysis"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-26w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs284 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-26-eng.pdf01876nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001502450198001742460089003722640118004613000065005793360026006443370026006703380036006964900029007325000086007615040041008475200275008886530012011636920025011757000036012007000027012367100070012638300085013338560108014189.873676CaOODSP20221107164001m o d f cr |||||||||||190527e197206##mbcd o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-mb1 aEn42-1/3-72-00E-PDF00aReport re chemical survey of Winnipeg River, Fort Alexander, Manitoba (Powerview to mouth) / cfield work: O.J. Storsater, P. Eng., Engineering Consultant, ; report: E. Kotyk, Project Engineer.14aChemical survey of the Winnipeg River, Fort Alexander, Manitoba (powerview to mouth) 1aWinnipeg, Manitoba : bDepartment of Environment, Environmental Protection Service, Western Region, cJune, 1972. a1 online resource (127 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Report] ; vEPS 3-72-00 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report contains the results of a survey and study of the Winnipeg River in the vicinity of the Fort Alexander Indian Reserve. The study was requested by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development on behalf of the Fort Alexander Indian Band"--Introd. 0aBenthos072gccstaWater quality1 aStorsater, O. J., econsultant.1 aKotyk, E., eengineer.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bEnvironmental Protection Service.#0aEnvironmental Protection Service report series ;vEPS 3-72-00w(CaOODSP)9.86603140qPDFs3.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-3-72-00-eng.pdf01870nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000034001852450160002192640132003793000034005113360026005453370026005713380036005974900036006335000086006695000018007555200301007735460033010746920024011076920027011317000059011587100034012177100084012518300055013358560106013909.873687CaOODSP20221107164002m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-97E-PDF1 aStokker, Yvonne D., eauthor.10aSummary FICP report : binterlaboratory study on the analysis of organochlorinated insecticides in natural waters / cby Yvonne D. Stokker and A.S.Y. Chau. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bQuality Assurance Program, Research and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (20 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-97 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"March 1989." a"An intercomparison study on the determination of eighteen orqanochlorinated insecticides in water is described. 23 Canadian laboratories participated by analyzing three water samples fortified by the participants themselves at the time of analysis with the spiking solutions provided"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaInsecticides072gccstaWater pollution1 aChau, A. S. Y. q(Alfred Shun-Yuen), d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-97.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-97-eng.pdf01691nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000029001722450081002012640102002823000045003843360026004293370026004553380036004814900033005175000086005505040041006365200311006776530016009886920023010047100034010277100071010618300115011328560106012479.873688CaOODSP20221107164002m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528e198012##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/80-37E-PDF1 aSkafel, M. G., eauthor.10aBreaker line wave parameters : bVan Wagner's Beach / cauthor, M.G. Skafel. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cDecember 1980. a1 online resource (22 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 80-37 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Wave measurements were made at Van Wagner's Beach, in conjunction with the suspended sediment experiments by Coakley (1980). The location of the three gauge arrays was 245 m from the baseline, in about 5 m of water (Figure 1). This location was outside the surf zone for all the sled experiments"--Introd. 0aWater waves072gccstaMeasurement1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 80-37w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs1.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-80-37-eng.pdf02067nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000034001862450135002202640132003553000055004873360026005423370026005683380036005944900033006305000017006635000022006805000086007025040041007885200340008295460072011696920025012416920020012666920026012867000029013127100034013417100074013757100037014498300052014868560107015389.873690CaOODSP20221107164002m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198905##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-101E-PDF1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.10aMaximum likelihood estimation from censored water quality data : bFORTRAN implementation / cby A.H. El-Shaarawi and R.S. Newton. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (39 pages, 60 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-101 a"RRB-89-31." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The report presents the FORTRAN programming implementations, both CYBER 180 and microcomputer versions, of the method of maximum likelihood for making inferences about the mean and standard deviations from censored water quality data. Program listings and applications from the Niagara and Detroit Rivers are given"--Abstract, page 1. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaSoftware072gccstaImplementation1 aNewton, R. S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-101.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs6.96 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-101-eng.pdf01989nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000042001852450080002272640105003073000057004123360026004693370026004953380036005214900036005575000086005935000018006795040041006975200466007385460033012046920016012376920021012537000050012747100034013247100084013588300055014428560106014979.873692CaOODSP20221107164003m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 oncd ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-98E-PDF1 aTsanis, Ioannis K., d1953- eauthor.10aWave directional spectra in mixed seas / cby I.K. Tsanis and M.A. Donelan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (14 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-98 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"April 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The method of analysis of directional wave data presented herein will allow the type of precise examination of data needed to make advances in the understanding of the directional distribution of surface wave energy. This method is now being applied to the data collected during the PERD funded "Wave-Turbulence Interaction" experiment, and will lead to advances in modelling of mixing processes beneath waves and in wave forecasting"--Management Perspectives. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSeas072gccstaHydrology1 aDonelan, M. A. q(Mark A.), d1942- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-98.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-98-eng.pdf02037nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000047001862450101002332640142003343000063004763360026005393370026005653380036005914900033006275000017006605000022006775000086006995040041007855200326008265460059011526920025012116920028012366920021012647000027012857100034013127100074013467100037014208300052014578560106015099.873694CaOODSP20221107164003m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198904##onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-102E-PDF1 aRao, S. S. q(Salem S.), d1934- eauthor.10aMethod for measuring toxicity of suspended particulates in waters / cby S.S. Rao and K.K. Kwan. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (14 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-102 a"RRB-89-26." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A protocol for testing toxicant activity of different fractions of suspended particulates in waters is outlined. The importance of this procedure is that it provides information on toxicant activity of a specific particulate fraction which modellers can use to develop toxicant transport models"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaToxic substances072gccstaModelling1 aKwan, K. K., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-102.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs836 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-102-eng.pdf02032nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450093002142640105003073000052004123360026004643370026004903380036005164900036005525000086005885000021006745040041006955200563007365460032012996920027013316920021013587100034013797100084014138300055014978560106015529.873695CaOODSP20221107164003m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #of f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-99E-PDF1 aAspila, K. I., eauthor.12aA manual for effective interlaboratory quality assurance / ccoordinated by K.I. Aspila. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (vii, 104 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-99 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"February 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This manual focuses on the interlaboratory study and provides insight on i) how such studies relate to quality management, quality assurance and quality control; ii) how such studies develop and employ reference materials, certified reference materials; and iii) how effective intercomparison studies are designed, prepared, distributed and interpreted. On the issue of interpretation, this manual provides an overview on an analytical quality control data base management system that is essential to the administration of large arrays of QA data"--Preface. aIncludes preface in French.072gccstaQuality control072gccstaHandbooks1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-99.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs7.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-99-eng.pdf01921nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000031001722450168002032640098003713000060004693360026005293370026005553380036005814900033006175000086006505040041007365200437007776530024012146920019012387100034012577100071012918300115013628560106014779.873696CaOODSP20221107164003m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528e198107##oncad |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/81-20E-PDF1 aZeman, Ales Jan, eauthor.10aCalculation of bearing capacity for proposed installation of vertical automatic profiler in Hamilton Harbour basin / cauthor, A.J. Zeman, Shore Processes Section. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJuly 1981. a1 online resource (31 pages) : billustrations, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 81-20 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"On May 8, 1981, a request was received from Mr. F. E. Roy, Mechanical Engineering Unit, Hydraulics Division, to carry out geotechnical investigation of three sites in the Hamilton Harbour basin in connection with a proposed installation of an NWRI vertical automatic profiler GVAPS ES 1-32. Three Benthos core samples were obtained from locations shown in Figure 1 and they were received in the laboratory on May 15, 1981"--Introd. 0aDrill core analysis072gccstaGeology1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 81-20w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs3.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-81-20-eng.pdf01960nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000041001862450075002272460035003022640132003373000034004693360026005033370026005293380036005554900033005915000017006245000022006415000086006635000077007495040041008265200225008675460059010926920027011516920021011786920023011997100034012227100074012567100037013308300052013678560107014199.873698CaOODSP20221107164004m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198905##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-103E-PDF1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.10aChapter 23 : btributyltin in Canadian waters / cby R. James Maguire.10aTributyltin in Canadian waters 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (24 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-103 a"RRB-89-23." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This chapter has been prepared for the US National Science Foundation." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A summary is given of the occurrence of tributyltin in water, sediment and fish in Canada. Recently announced regulations against tributyltin by the Department of Agriculture are also explained"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaChemicals072gccstaRegulations1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-103.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-103-eng.pdf01276nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450069001732640073002423000033003153360026003483370026003743380036004004900037004365000086004735040041005596920021006006920020006216920028006417100034006697100084007038300056007878560107008439.873699CaOODSP20221107164004m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-100E-PDF00aResearch and Applications Branch annual study report, 1988-1989. 1a[Burlington, Ontario] : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (70 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-100 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaResearch072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-100.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs5.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-100-eng.pdf02419nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000051001862450225002372640134004623000063005963360026006593370026006853380036007114900033007475000017007805000022007975000086008195040041009055200514009465460072014606920027015326920020015596930016015797000049015957000037016447100034016817100074017157100037017898300052018268560107018789.873701CaOODSP20221107164004m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198903##oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-104E-PDF1 aDay, Kristin E. q(Kristin Elizabeth)eauthor.10aChanges in intracellular free amino acids (FAA) in gill, mantle and adductor muscle tissue of the caged mussel, Elliptio complanata, exposed to contaminated environments / cby K.E. Day, J.L. Metcalfe and S.P. Batchelor. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMarch 1989. a1 online resource (36 pages, 14 unnumbered pages) : bmap. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-104 a"RRB-89-23." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Intracellular tissue concentrations of free amino acids (FAA) were monitored in caged mussels (Elliptio complanata) exposed in situ for 27-29 d and 77-79 d to various point and non-point sources of pollution in the Yamaska River watershed (Quebec, Canada). Total concentrations of FAA (nmol/mg wet weight) increased above background or control levels in both mantle and adductor muscle tissue at sites impacted by agricultural runoff and urban effluent froni municipal sewage and light industries"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaMolluscs 4aAmino acids1 aMetcalfe-Smith, J. L. q(Janice L.)eauthor.1 aBatchelor, Suzanne P., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-104.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.63 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-104-eng.pdf02107nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450096002142640095003103000057004053360026004623370026004883380036005144900037005505000086005875000018006735040041006915200681007325460033014136920028014467100034014747100074015088300056015828560107016389.873704CaOODSP20221107164005m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-105E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aStormwater management technology : brecent developments and experience / cby J. Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (25 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-105 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"April 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"During the last 20 years, urban stormwater management has evolved from fast removal of runoff to comprehensive and cost-effective management approaches providing not only flood protection and drainage convenience, but also minimizing runoff impacts on the receiving waters. Modern stormwater management approaches, which are based on implementation of stormwater quantity and quality controls in various parts of urban catchments and their drainage systems, are reviewed. The presented stormwater controls can be used effectively in the innovative stormwater management which leads to savings on drainage infrastructures and a better protection of the environment"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-105.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-105-eng.pdf02620nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450082002142640133002963000044004293360026004733370026004993380036005254900033005615000017005945000022006115000086006335000126007195040041008455200858008865460072017446920027018166920029018436920022018727100034018947100074019287100037020028300052020398560107020919.873707CaOODSP20221107164005m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198906##oncd #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-118E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aEvaluation of pollutant loads from urban nonpoint sources / cby J. Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (8 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-118 a"RRB-89-49." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control Conference." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"In preparation of remedial action plans for areas of environmental concern in the Great Lakes Basin, the magnitude of pollutant contributions from point as well as nonpoint sources need to be assessed. For screening evaluations of urban nonpoint source pollution, a statistically-based method was applied in one of the areas of concern. This method computes the annual pollutant load as a product of the annual runoff and the mean pollutant concentration derived from a lognormal distribution of concentrations. Approximate confidence intervals can be determined for the mean concentration and used to compute confidence intervals of the loads. For the conditions studied, the probabilistic method produced load estimates which were sufficiently accurate for comparisons of pollution sources and formulation of the remedial strategy"--Abstract, page 1. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaUrban environment072gccstaAssessment1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-118.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.27 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-118-eng.pdf01722nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860039001501000060001892450097002492460048003462640082003942640011004763000064004873360026005513370026005773380036006035000086006395040041007255200338007666530022011046920022011266920024011486920021011727100034011937100031012278560102012589.873708CaOODSP20240527135431m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1992 abcao |o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cnp--1 aCW66-120/1992E-PDFzCW66-120/1992E1 aTrottier, Garry C. q(Garry Charles), d1946- eauthor.12aA landowner's guide : bconservation of Canadian prairie grasslands / c[Garry C. Trottier].30aConservation of Canadian prairie grasslands 1aEdmonton, Alberta : bEnvironment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, c[1992] 4c©1992 a1 online resource (92 pages) : billustrations, photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Hind's testimony describes the tall grass Prairie of southern Manitoba just prior to its release from the Hudson's Bay Company and its opening for settlement. Millions have enjoyed the recompense which Hind so accurately predicted, but the scenes which he describes are no longer available to present or future generations"--Introd. 0aCanadian Prairies072gccstaGrasslands072gccstaConservation072gccstaHandbooks1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Wildlife Service.40qPDFs106.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/CW66-120-1992-eng.pdf01819nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450104002142640095003183000045004133360026004583370026004843380036005104900037005465000086005835000016006695040041006855200322007265460033010486920028010816920021011097000032011307100034011627100074011968300056012708560107013269.873709CaOODSP20221107164006m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-106E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aDesign of a flow measurement facility by hydraulic modelling / cby J. Marsalek and B.J. Steinback. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (9 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-106 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Abitibi-Price faced a problem measuring effluent flow in an existing partially filled pipe with supercritical flow. Hydraulic scale modelling was employed to develop and evaluate the accuracy of an effective layout for a flow measurement facility consisting of an impact stilling basin and Parshall flume"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaHydrology1 aSteinback, B. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-106.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-106-eng.pdf01811nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000047001862450120002332640095003533000045004483360026004933370026005193380036005454900037005815000086006185000018007045040041007225200247007635460033010106920018010436920027010617000027010887000028011157100034011437100074011778300056012518560106013079.873711CaOODSP20221107164006m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-107E-PDF1 aRao, S. S. q(Salem S.), d1934- eauthor.10aToxicity associated with the suspended particulates in the Yamaska River / cby S.S. Rao, K.K. Kwan and B.J. Dutka. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (10 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-107 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"April 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Laboratory studies were made to ascertain the suspended particle size which was most commonly found, and the particle size range that was closely associated with bacteria and toxicant activity in the Yamaska River, Quebec, Canada"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater pollution1 aKwan, K. K., eauthor.1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-107.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs724 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-107-eng.pdf02791nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000034001862450128002202640222003483000062005703360026006323370026006583380036006844900033007205000017007535000022007705000086007925040041008785200796009195460072017156920018017876920022018056920020018277000031018477000031018787000025019097100034019347100074019687100037020427100044020797100039021238300052021628560107022149.873713CaOODSP20221107164007m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198812##oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-119E-PDF1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.10aInferences about the variability of means from censored data / cby A.H. El-Shaarawi, P.B. Kauss, M.K. Kirby, and M. Walsh. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters ; aToronto, Ontario : bOntario Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources Branch, cDecember 1988. a1 online resource (12 pages, 6 unnumbered pages) : bmap. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-119 a"RRB-88-94." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"In recent years, intensive biological monitoring studies have been carried out on the Niagara River by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. The basic objective was to determine the relative bioavailability of trace contaminants at various locations in the river, and to identify sources. A recurring difficulty encountered with the generated data is that substantial portions of sample concentrations of many toxic pollutants are below the limits of detection established by analytical laboratories. Under the assumption that the distribution of the data is log normal, the likelihood ratio test for testing the equality of several means for type I censored data is derived and its use for evaluating the spatial variability of trace contaminants in the river is illustrated"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaPollutants072gccstaAnalysis1 aKauss, P. B‏., eauthor.1 aKirby, M. K‏., eauthor.1 aWalsh, M., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.1 aOntario. bMinistry of the Environment.1 aOntario. bWater Resources Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-119.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-119-eng.pdf02021nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450096002282640095003243000057004193360026004763370026005023380036005284900037005645000086006015000016006875040041007035200478007445460033012226920021012556920018012766920027012947000032013217100034013537100074013878300056014618560106015179.873715CaOODSP20221107164007m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-108E-PDF1 aKrishnappan, B. G., d1943- eauthor.10aMeasurement of size distribution of sediment flocs / cby B.G. Krishnappan and E.D. Ongley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (12 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-108 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Size distribution of sediment flocs formed during the settling of fine-grained sediment in a still water column was measured using a Laser Particle Size Analyzer manufactured by Malvern Instruments Inc. This device facilitated the non-intrusive and in-situ measurement of size distribution of sediment flocs and eliminated the need for sample-collection which is likely to cause breakage of floc-structure and consequently a distortion in the size distribution"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater pollution1 aOngley, Edwin D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-108.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs952 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-108-eng.pdf01644nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000028001732450066002012640095002673000033003623360026003953370026004213380036004474900037004835000086005205000020006065040041006265200310006676920020009776920027009977100034010247100074010588300056011328560106011889.873719CaOODSP20221107164008m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1988 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-109E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aModelling agriculture runoff : boverview / cby J. Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1988. a1 online resource (8 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-109 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"October 1988." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Approaches to the modelling of agricultural runoff pollution are examined, starting with the modelling objectives and the level of analysis, followed by model implementation, and overview of existing models. Further refinements of the modelling process and of the existing models are proposed"--Abstract.072gccstaDrainage072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-109.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs991 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-109-eng.pdf02571nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000034001862450103002202640132003233000066004553360026005213370026005473380036005734900033006095000017006425000022006595000086006815040041007675200858008085460072016666920017017386920021017556920018017767000051017947100034018457100074018797100037019538300052019908560107020429.873722CaOODSP20221107164008m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198905##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-120E-PDF1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.12aA probability model for Canadian lakes acid rain data / cby A.H. El-Shaarawi and A. Naderisamani. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (11 pages, 14 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-120 a"RRB-89-35." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The pH-alkalinity relationship developed by Small and Sutton is fitted to the Canadian lakes alkalinity data, and is it shown that the relationship adequately fits the data when the water colours are less than 30 Hazen units. Further, the model developed by Small and Sutton to predict the regional lake alkalinity distribution is modified to maintain the same distributional form throughout the changes in acid deposition rates. Moreover, a three parameter lognormal distribution is fitted to the Canadian lakes alkalinity data, and the corresponding distribution for pH is derived directly using the pH-alkalinity relationship. However, when the pH-alkalinity relationship does not hold, a distribution is required to fit the pH data. It is shown that a mixture of two normal distributions with four parameters fits the pH-data adequately"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaAcid rain072gccstaModels1 aNaderisamani, Amir,‏‎ d1951-‏ eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-120.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-120-eng.pdf02128nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000047001862450122002332640071003553000045004263360026004713370026004973380036005234900037005595000086005965000016006825040041006985200626007395460033013656920021013986920027014196920021014466920020014677100034014877100047015218300056015688560106016249.873725CaOODSP20221107164009m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-110E-PDF1 aLam, D. C. L. q(David Chung Lap)eauthor.10aAcid rain to mine effluent : bexpert systems approach to environmental modelling / cby D.C.L. Lam [and six others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (8 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-110 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The RAISON system was originally designed for the regional analysis of the impact of acidic deposition for use on a microcomputer. Its unique feature includes a user friendly interface of database, map, and spreadsheet. This interface has facilitated the analysis of air, soil and water data and the presentation of watershed acidification model results. The success of using such a system has led to new applications. This report shows how the system is adapted from the acid rain problem to the mine effluent problem. It illustrates the flexibility and the general applicability of the system"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaAcid rain072gccstaMining industry072gccstaModelling072gccstaSoftware1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-110.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs801 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-110-eng.pdf02202nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000032001862450120002182640071003383000056004093360026004653370026004913380036005174900037005535000086005905000016006765040041006925200603007335460033013366920025013696920021013946920020014157000026014357000029014617000047014907100034015377100047015718300056016188560106016749.873727CaOODSP20221107164009m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-111E-PDF1 aSwayne, David A., eauthor.12aA microcomputer-based system for environmental modelling / cby D.A. Swayne, J. Storey, A.S. Fraser and D.C.L. Lam. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (8 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-111 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"With the advent of the microcomputer, the development of mathematical models has been supported by software with graphical and data interfaces. The RAISON system has made use of microcomputer technologies such as spreadsheets, geographical information system (G.I.S.) and database. This report summarizes the development in these aspects. It points to a new level of computer simulation, with fast interactive graphical presentation of the results and effective use of database linkage. It can also be used to improve the efficiency in data storage, analysis and archives"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaModelling072gccstaSoftware1 aStorey, J., eauthor.1 aFraser, A. S., eauthor.1 aLam, D. C. L. q(David Chung Lap)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-111.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs770 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-111-eng.pdf01399nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000035001862450100002212640071003213000049003923360026004413370026004673380036004934900037005295000086005665000016006525040041006685460033007096920023007426920028007657100034007937100047008278300056008748560107009309.873737CaOODSP20221107164011m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 oncd |ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-112E-PDF1 aNovakowski, Kent S., eauthor.10aMeasuring hydrodynamic dispersion using the borehole dilution method / cby Kent S. Novakowski. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (14, 2 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-112 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-112.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-112-eng.pdf02256nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000041001862450133002272640095003603000045004553360026005003370026005263380036005524900037005885000086006255000018007115040041007295200710007705460033014806920027015136920023015406920018015637000033015817100034016147100047016488300056016958560107017519.873739CaOODSP20221107164011m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-113E-PDF1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.10aPotential underestimation of chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations in fresh water / cby R. James Maguire and Richard J. Tkacz. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (19 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-113 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"April 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Significant concentrations of PCBs and other chlorinated hydrocarbons have been found in dichloromethane extracts of filtered Niagara River water at pH 12 after the water had been thoroughly extracted at pH 1. This finding was unexpected since all of those chemicals should have been extracted at low pH. Moreover considerable quantities of these chemicals were occasionally recovered in the basic extracts relative to acidic extracts and extracts of suspended solids. Experiments with water from another source showed that some PCBs were recovered in dichloromethane extracts of basic filtered water which had previously been extracted under either acidic or neutral conditions"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaFresh water072gccstaRivers1 aTkacz, Richard J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-113.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-113-eng.pdf02043nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000037001732450095002102640095003053000045004003360026004453370026004713380036004974900037005335000086005705000017006565040041006735200658007146920017013726920027013896920021014167100034014377100047014718300056015188560107015749.873741CaOODSP20221107164012m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-114E-PDF1 aJeffries, Dean Stuart, eauthor.10aModelling acidification processes in remote lakes / cby D.S. Jeffries [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (12 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-114 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"June 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The acid rain problem is among the top priority environmental issues in many countries. It affects all kinds of lakes, particularly where the natural buffering is weak. To some countries, of considerable concern are remote mountain lakes. The Commission of the European Community (CEC) has recently organized a special workshop on acidification processes in remote lakes. In recognition of the expertise in watershed acidification modelling at NWRI, the workshop organizers invited the authors of this report to review several mathematical models for potential application to remote lakes. This report is one such contribution"--Management Perspective.072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaAcid rain1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-114.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-114-eng.pdf02295nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000045001862450112002312640071003433000051004143360026004653370026004913380036005174900037005535000086005905000016006765040041006925200770007335460033015036920022015366920027015586920022015857000046016077100034016537100047016878300056017348560107017909.873744CaOODSP20221107164012m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-pi1 aEn13-5/89-115E-PDF1 aPriddle, Mark William, d1963- eauthor.10aAgricultural impacts on groundwater : bresearch on Prince Edward Island / cM.W. Priddle and R.E. Jackson. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (17, (8) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-115 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Groundwater quality has been monitored from 1985-1988 beneath three potato fields on Prince Edward Island to which aldicarb (Temik) and nitrogen fertilizers had been applied. Aldicarb residues in the sandstone aquifer were detected more than five years after the last application. Persistence of aldicarb appears related to its application at planting rather than at plant emergence. The oxidation of ammonia fertilizers may also create conditions conducive to persistence. It is likely that both aldicarb and nitrogen residues are stored in the unsaturated zone and flushed to the water table during periods of high recharge (i.e., Spring). This study has shown the need for research prior to pesticide registration to determine impacts on groundwater"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaGoundwater072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPesticides1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-115.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-115-eng.pdf02114nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450123002222640152003453000084004973360026005813370026006073380036006334900033006695000022007025000086007245040041008105200374008515460072012256920021012976920023013186920022013417000027013637100034013907100084014247100037015088300052015458560107015979.873745CaOODSP20221107164012m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198904##oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-121E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aDevelopment of a calibration strategy for suspended sediment samplers : bphase I / cby Peter Engel and Phil Zrymiak. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1989. a1 online resource (ii, 12 pages, 9 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-121 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Using dimensional analysis, basic equations were developed as a basis to formulate a suspended-sediment sampler calibration strategy. The equations were applied to review the calibration method used by the Water Survey of Canada prior to 1972. A research program is proposed to provide the necessary information to establish an updated calibration strategy"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaMeasurement072gccstaStrategies1 aZrymiak, P., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-121.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-121-eng.pdf02520nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000033001862450136002192640071003553000048004263360026004743370026005003380036005264900037005625000086005995000017006855040041007025201052007435460033017956920027018287000047018557100034019027100047019368300056019838560107020399.873747CaOODSP20221107164013m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-116E-PDF1 aBooty, William G., eauthor.14aThe role of toxic chemical models in evaluating the impact of contaminants on our water resources / cby W.G. Booty and D.C.L. Lam. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (14, 2 pages) : bfigure. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-116 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"June 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Modelling offers a mechanism for optimizing the often competing demands of regulation, environmental protection, and efficacy and cost of control measures. However, the sophistication of current toxic chemical models does not allow the impacts of toxic contaminants on our water resources and human health to be evaluated and predicted with great confidence. There is still a great need for quantitative data in areas such as toxic chemical loads to aquatic systems and biological metabolization, sediment transport processes are also poorly represented in the current toxic chemical models. A means of correlating the results of ecotoxicology analyses with model predicted biotic uptake levels must also be developed. The use of expert system/artificial intelligence frameworks has greatly expanded the flexibility and scope of model applications. Toxic chemical management for large drainage systems is now possible through the use of systems such as the RAISON model (Regional Analysis using Intelligent Systems on a Microcomputer)"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution1 aLam, D. C. L. q(David Chung Lap)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-116.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-116-eng.pdf02254nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450078002152640151002933000083004443360026005273370026005533380036005794900033006155000022006485000086006705040041007565200553007975460072013506920021014226920018014436920024014617000045014857100034015307100084015647100037016488300052016858560107017379.873752CaOODSP20221107164014m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198906##oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-122E-PDF1 aSkafel, M. G., eauthor.10aWave forces on a pipeline in a trench / cby M.G. Skafel and C.T. Bishop. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (i, 18 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-122 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Wave forces on a model pipeline have been measured. The pipeline was located in a trench, the configuration of which is similar to that proposed for oil and gas production in the Beaufort Sea. It was found that the drag and inertia coefficients were similar to results reported in the literature for flat beds assuming the water depth was that of the total water column including the trench. Flow visualization tests confirmed that the horizontal velocities were about the same as would be found on a flat bed with the same total depth"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaPipelines072gccstaDesign072gccstaOcean energy1 aBishop, Craig Timothy, d1953- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-122.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-122-eng.pdf02238nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860039001501000044001892450069002332640093003022640011003953000064004063360026004703370026004963380036005225000086005585000120006445040041007645200587008055300033013926920043014256920020014687100034014887100065015227750106015877760070016938560101017639.873757CaOODSP20221107164015m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528r19991998oncao |o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCW66-174/1998E-PDFzCW66-174/1998E1 aMilko, Robert Joseph, d1953- eauthor.10aWetlands environmental assessment guideline / cby Robert Milko. 1a[Ottawa] : bBiodiversity Protection Branch, Environment Canada, c1998 [reprinted 1999] 4c©1998 a1 online resource (20 pages) : billustrations, photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. 3Issued also in French under title: Directive pour les évaluations environnementales relatives aux milieux humides. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The following guideline has been developed to identify for proponents of projects the types of information and analyses that Environment Canada would expect in the wetlands section of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The guideline has been developed to be consistent with The Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation(Government of Canada 1991), referred to herein as the federal policy; the Implementation Guide for Federal Land Managers (Lynch-Stewart et al. 1996), called the implementation guide; and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act referred to as CEAA"--Introd. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaEnvironmental impact assessment072gccstaWetlands1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Wildlife Service. bBiodiversity Protection Branch.08tDirective pour les évaluations environnementales relatives aux milieux humides / w(CaOODSP)9.8738070#tWetlands environmental assessment guideline / w(CaOODSP)9.64705040qPDFs14.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/CW66-174-1998-eng.pdf02161nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000032001862450138002182640095003563000051004513360026005023370026005283380036005544900037005905000086006275000017007135040041007305200630007715460033014016920018014346920025014526920027014777100034015047100074015388300056016128560107016689.873762CaOODSP20221107164015m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-117E-PDF1 aMcCrimmon, R. C., eauthor.10aKaministquia River water quality study. nPart 4, pImpact modelling of effluent discharges / cby R.C. McCrimmon [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (16, (8) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-117 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"June 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This study is a joint federal-provincial contribution to the Municipal Industrial Strategy for Abatement (MISA) Program of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. One of the MISA objectives is to investigate environment impact on selected pilot sites by chemical contaminants from point source discharger to rivers. This study is part 4 in a series of studies on one of the pilot sites on the Kaministiquia River, near Thunder Bay, Ontario. It reports on the computed results of a two-component (dissolved and particulate) toxic substances model for 2,4,6 Tri-chlorophenol, Chloroform and Aluminum"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-117.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.57 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-117-eng.pdf02076nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450104002282640105003323000057004373360026004943370026005203380036005464900037005825000086006195000104007055000019008095040041008285200436008695460033013056920021013387000050013597100034014097100084014438300056015278560107015839.873767CaOODSP20221107164016m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1987 onca ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-123E-PDF1 aTsanis, Ioannis K., d1953- eauthor.10aNear surface wave turbulence via a shadowgraph technique / cby Ioannis K. Tsanis and M.A. Donelan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1987. a1 online resource (10 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-123 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"To be presented at the Flow Visualization Conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 21-25 August, 1989." a"August 1987." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The transfer of toxics between air and water is controlled, to a large extent, by the turbulence on either side of the interface. In this experiment, a visual technique is used to explore the effect of the presence of waves on the turbulent intensity in the water. Initial tests indicate turbulence, and hence toxics transfer is enhanced by waves. Continuing work will address this problem quantitatively"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaHydrology1 aDonelan, M. A. q(Mark A.), d1942- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-123.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-123-eng.pdf02469nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000027001862450127002132640177003403000071005173360026005883370026006143380036006404900033006765000017007095000022007265000086007485000085008345040041009195200473009605460067014336920020015006920021015206920020015417000040015617000030016017000028016317100034016597100037016937100047017307100063017778300052018408560107018929.873769CaOODSP20221107164017m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198907##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-142E-PDF1 aChau, Y. K., eauthor.10aBioaccumulation of butyltin compounds by mussels in harbours / cby Y.K. Chau, P.T.S. Wong, G.A. Bengert, and J. Yaromich. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Great Lakes Research Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (13 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-142 a"RRB 89-56." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The bioaccumulation of butyltin compounds by freshwater mussels (Elliptio complanata) from contaminated sediments has been investigated in the laboratory and in the field in Oshawa and Whitby Harbours in Ontario. Tributyltin (TBT) was concentrated by mussels to higher concentrations in Whitby Harbour than in Oshawa Harbour. Concentrations of TBT in mussels and rates of bioconcentration related positively to the concentration of TBT in sediment"--Abstract, page 1. aIncludes abstract and executive summary in English and French.072gccstaMolluscs072gccstaChemicals072gccstaHarbours1 aWong, P. T.- S., d1939- eauthor.1 aBengert, G. A., eauthor.1 aYaromich, J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)2 aGreat Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-142.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.18 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-142-eng.pdf02089nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450139002282640105003673000057004723360026005293370026005553380036005814900037006175000086006545000018007405040041007585200554007995460033013536920027013866920021014137100034014347100084014688300056015528560107016089.873771CaOODSP20221107164017m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-124E-PDF1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.10aSupercritical fluid extraction of PCBs in tandem with high resolution gas chromatography in environmental analysis / cby F.I. Onuska. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (23 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-124 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"March 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A simple method has been developed for the direct coupling of supercritical fluid extractions with a high resolution gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector. SFE conditions have been investigated for PCBs from sediments in terms of mobile phase, entrainer, pressure, temperature and mass-flow optimization. The dynamic and static extractions were compared. Extraction efficiency of up to 100% in 10 minutes has been obtained. The extracted PCBs are quantitatively transferred onto a fused silica open tubular column"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-124.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-124-eng.pdf02378nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000026001862450215002122640105004273000049005323360026005813370026006073380036006334900037006695000086007065000017007925040041008095200690008505460033015406920027015736920035016007000032016357000032016677100034016997100084017338300056018178560107018739.873774CaOODSP20221107164018m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-125E-PDF1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.10aGas chromatographic and mass spectrometric determination of some resin and fatty acids in pulpmill effluents as their pentafluorobenzyl ester derivatives / cby Hing-Biu Lee, Thomas E. Peart and John M. Carron. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (21, 6 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-125 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"June 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The toxicity of pulpmill wastes to fish has long been established. Among the toxic constituents in effluents, resin acids are known as the major contributors of the toxicity since they are present at high concentrations and have similar toxicity as the chlorinated phenolics. In the past, the analytical methodology employed for the determination of resin acids and a few other fatty acids has not been sensitive enough for many monitoring applications such as the measurement of final effluents discharging into the environment. We have now developed an analytical method for these acids which is about 100 times more sensitive than the existing methodology"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPulp and paper industry1 aPeart, Thomas E., eauthor.1 aCarron, J. M‏., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-125.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-125-eng.pdf02211nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450100002282640137003283000081004653360026005463370026005723380036005984900033006345000017006675000022006845000086007065040041007925200536008335460072013696920021014416920018014626930017014807100034014977100074015317100037016058300052016428560107016949.873776CaOODSP20221107164018m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e198811##oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-143E-PDF1 aKrishnappan, B. G., d1943- eauthor.10aModeling of settling and flocculation of fine sediments in still water / cby B.G. Krishnappan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1988. a1 online resource (17 pages, 14 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-143 a"RRB 88-86." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A numerical model to predict settling behaviour of fine sediment mixtures in a stagnant water column is described. Both single grain settling mode and the floc settling mode are considered. The single grain settling mode is analyzed by solving the unsteady, one-dimensional diffusion-advection equation numerically and the floc settling mode is examined by solving a coagulation equation expressed as a discrete equation in logarithmic radius space considering the differential settling as the only collision mechanism"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaModels 4aFlocculation1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-143.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-143-eng.pdf01837nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000055001722450076002272640100003033000045004033360026004483370026004743380036005004900033005365000086005695040041006555200425006966530032011216920021011537100034011747100071012088300115012798560105013949.873795CaOODSP20221107164021m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e198308##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/83-20E-PDF1 aCoakley, J. P. q(John Phillip), d1940- eauthor.10aBorehole stratigraphy of Long Point sediments / cauthor, J.P. Coakley. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cAugust 1983. a1 online resource (14 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-20 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"‘Two boreholes were drilled by NWRI at Long Point in the summer of 1980 using a wash-boring technique. These boreholes, labelled BH 1 and BH 2 on Figure1, were sampled to depths of 40 and 59 m below IGLD respectively. Split-spoon samples, collected at 1 — 1.5 m intervals, were described in the field, then bulk-stored in glass jars. One Shelby tube sample was collected from BH 1 for geotechnical testing"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-20w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs930 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-20-eng.pdf01831nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000055001722450091002272640100003183000060004183360026004783370026005043380036005304900033005665000086005995040041006855200367007266530024010936920021011176920017011387100034011557100071011898300115012608560106013759.873797CaOODSP20221107164021m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e198308##oncad |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/83-21E-PDF1 aCoakley, J. P. q(John Phillip), d1940- eauthor.10aBorehole stratigraphy of sediments from the Pelee Shoal area / cauthor, J.P. Coakley. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cAugust 1983. a1 online resource (61 pages) : billustrations, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 83-21 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Six cores, 9 cm in diameter and ranging from 4.1 to 12.2 m in length, were collected from the Pelee Shoal (Fig. 1, Table 1) using a Vibracore apparatus. Because of the inability of other coring techniques to penetrate more than a few centimeters into sand and gravel deposits, these cores represent the first set of long cores taken on the Pelee Shoal"--Introd. 0aDrill core analysis072gccstaSediments072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 83-21w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs5.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-83-21-eng.pdf02267nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860023001721000031001952450175002262640109004013000087005103360026005973370026006233380036006494900033006855000017007185000022007355000086007575040041008435200510008845460072013946920029014666930013014956930025015087000035015337100034015687100037016027100047016398300052016868560107017389.873799CaOODSP20221107164022m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198906##oncabd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---an-us-ny1 aEn13-5/89-144E-PDF1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.14aThe use of short packer spacings to characterize hydraulically open fractures in the Lockport formation, Niagara Falls, New York / cby P.A. Lapcevic and K.S. Novakowski. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (17 pages, 25 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-144 a"RRB 89-44." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Two boreholes which were drilled in Niagara Falls, New York, were used to examine the nature of fracturing and fracture permeability in flat-lying sedimentary rock. The boreholes were drilled in the vertical orientation, through the entire length of the Lockport formation, a highly permeable Silurian dolostone. The study was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey as part of their ongoing study of the regional groundwater flow system in the Niagara Falls, New York region"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSedimentary rocks 4aDolomite 4aHydraulic fracturing1 aNovakowski, Kent S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-144.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.58 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-144-eng.pdf02881nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000046001862450144002322640109003763000087004853360026005723370026005983380036006244900033006605000017006935000022007105000086007325000082008185040041009005200986009415460072019276920022019996920023020216920027020447000042020717000045021137100034021587100037021927100047022298300052022768560107023289.873805CaOODSP20221107164023m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198906##oncabd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-pi1 aEn13-5/89-145E-PDF1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.10aPersistence of aldicarb residues in the sandstone aquifer of Prince Edward Island, Canada / cby R.E. Jackson, J.P. Mutch and M.W. Priddle. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (15 pages, 10 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-145 a"RRB 89-51." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for the Journal of Contaminant Hydrology." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Aldicarb residues are found in the shallow ground waters of the fractured, sandstone aquifer of Prince Edward Island, Canada, well over two years after the last application of this pesticide. Furthermore, the concentrations of aldicarb measured are relatively constant with time. The chemical and hydrogeological mechanisms by which such persistence occurs are discussed. It is deduced that aldicarb degradation is inhibited by the low pH and temperature of the soil and ground water, the former being partly due to the pH buffering effects of ammonium fertilizer oxidation on the hydrolytic degradation of aldicarb. The aldicarb residues are prevented from migrating from beneath the fields on which they were applied by in-situ storage processes associated with diffusion from the aquifer fractures into the interstitial matrix of the sandstone and reverse diffusion into the fractures, thereby maintaining constant and relatively high concentrations in ground water"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater pollution1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.1 aPriddle, Mark William, d1963- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-145.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-145-eng.pdf02468nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860039001501000044001892450106002332640143003392640011004823000069004933360031005623370034005933380043006275000090006705000094007605040048008545200691009025300040015936920040016336920023016737100036016967100085017327750070018177760106018878560101019939.873807CaOODSP20221107164023m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529r19991998oncao |o f00| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCW66-174/1998F-PDFzCW66-174/1998F1 aMilko, Robert Joseph, d1953- eauteur.10aDirective pour les évaluations environnementales relatives aux milieux humides / cpar Robert Milko. 1a[Ottawa] : bDirection de la protection de la biodiversité, Service canadien de la faune, Environnement Canada, c1998 [réimprimé 1999] 4c©1998 a1 ressource en ligne (20 pages) : billustrations, photographies atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Wetlands environmental assessment guideline. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Environnement et Changement climatique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« La présente directive a été élaborée afin d'indiquer aux promoteurs de projets les types de renseignements et d'analyses qu'Environnement Canada attend d'eux dans la partie de l'énoncé des incidences environnementales (EIE) portant sur les milieux humides. On a cherché à harmoniser la directive avec la Politique fédérale sur la conservation des terres humides (Gouvernement du Canada, 1991) ci-après désignée Politique fédérale, et le Guide de mise en oeuvre à l'intention des gestionnaires des terres fédérales (Lynch-Stewart et coll., 1996) ci après-désigné Guide de mise en oeuvre, et la Loi canadienne sur l'évaluation environnementale (LCEE) »--Introd. aPublié aussi en version imprimée.072gccstaÉvaluation environnementale072gccstaZone humide1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.2 aService canadien de la faune. bDirection de la protection de la biodiversité.08tWetlands environmental assessment guideline / w(CaOODSP)9.8737570#tDirective pour les évaluations environnementales relatives aux milieux humides / w(CaOODSP)9.68066940qPDFs13.94 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/CW66-174-1998-fra.pdf02187nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000025001862450155002112640105003663000056004713360026005273370026005533380036005794900037006155000086006525000020007385040041007585200495007995460033012946920021013276920017013486920028013657000059013937000044014527100034014967100084015308300056016148560107016709.873808CaOODSP20221107164024m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-127E-PDF1 aLi, W. C., eauthor.10aUGLCCS summary report : binterlaboratory studies on the analysis of trace metals in waters and sediments / cby W.C. Li, A.S.Y. Chau and E. Kokotich. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (iii, 8, (52) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-127 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"October 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"In the early planning stages of the Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels (UGLCC) Study, it was recognized that QualityAssurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) aspects would be crucial to the overall usefulness of study results. In order to address this matter, a Quality Mangement Work Group was established and thirteen interlaboratory performance evaluation (PE) studies for inorganic and organic parameters were designed and conducted during the duration of the study (1985 -1987)"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater management1 aChau, A. S. Y. q(Alfred Shun-Yuen), d1941- eauthor.1 aKokotich, E. A. q(Eleanor A.)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-127.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-127-eng.pdf01897nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000029001732450123002022640105003253000053004303360026004833370026005093380036005354900037005715000086006085000020006945040041007145200449007556920027012046920035012317100034012667100084013008300056013848560107014409.873812CaOODSP20221107164024m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-128E-PDF1 aAfghan, B. K., eauthor.10aProposed reference methods for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans / cby B.K. Afghan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (79 variously numbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-128 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"October 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Analytical methodology for polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDDs & PCDFs) in pulp and paper related matrices is not standardized. Many variations exist for the extraction, cleanup, quantitation and confirmation of these compounds and reported detection limits and recoveries vary over several orders of magnitude. Elements included in this method have been taken from a variety of sources as identified in the reference section"--Abstract.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPulp and paper industry1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-128.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-128-eng.pdf01924nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000046001862450105002322640076003373000034004133360026004473370026004733380036004994900033005355000017005685000022005855000086006075000079006935200389007725460059011616920023012206920024012436920020012677100034012877100047013218300052013688560106014209.873813CaOODSP20221107164024m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198907##onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-146E-PDF1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eeditor.10aNational status report on hydrogeological research, 1988/89 / ccompiled and edited by R.E. Jackson. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (13 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-146 a"RRB 89-57." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for the Canadian Geophysical Bulletin." a"This status report on hydrogeological research in Canada summarizes the work of the main research groups across Canada. It pays particular attention to the emerging field of flow through fractured rocks and to the work of groups in Alberta and at the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research; It was requested by the Associate Committee on Hydrology of NRCC"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaHydrogeology072gccstaResearch1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-146.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs986 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-146-eng.pdf02186nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000039001732450096002122640105003083000043004133360026004563370026004823380036005084900037005445000086005815000016006675040041006835200723007246920027014477000034014747000035015087100034015437100084015778300056016618560107017179.873815CaOODSP20221107164025m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-129E-PDF1 aScott, Brian F., d1939- eauthor.10aAnalysis of contaminated fuels / cby B.F. Scott, Alain R. Cassista and Robert L. Hong-You. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (iii, 8, (8) pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-129 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"May 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The GC methodology for PCB congeners, which also analyzes for chlorobenzenes and organochlorines eluted in the non-polar eluate of the silica gel cleanup, was used to analyze suspected fuel samples for PCBs and OCs. A total of 91 fuel samples were analyzed as were three intentionally spiked samples, eight duplicates, two secondary standards, four waste samples containing PCBs, three quality control samples and seven calibration standards. The calibration standards analyzed randomly during the analysis, exhibited a high degree of reproducibility. Only seven of the samples contained PCBs, but at concentrations well below the 1 ppm level. Also no chlorobenzenes or other OCs were found in the samples"--Abstract.072gccstaWater pollution1 aCassista, Alain R., eauthor.1 aHong-You, Robert L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-129.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-129-eng.pdf02078nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450114002142640133003283000064004613360026005253370026005513380036005774900033006135000017006465000022006635000086006855040041007715200319008125460072011316920021012036920024012246920018012487000027012667000047012937100034013407100074013747100037014488300052014858560107015379.873816CaOODSP20221107164025m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198907##oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-147E-PDF1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.13aAn ecotoxicological and microbiological study of the Yamaska River / cby B.J. Dutka, K.K. Kwan and S.S. Rao. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJuly 1989. a1 online resource (31 pages, 14 unnumbered pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-147 a"RRB 89-58." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Using Yamaska River waters and sediments, a battery of tests assessing microbial populations and genotoxic and toxic chemicals were used to evaluate spacial and temporal variations. The data resulting from these tests were also used to rank the sampling sites, based on the degree of contained hazards"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaChemicals072gccstaMicrobiology072gccstaRivers1 aKwan, K. K., eauthor.1 aRao, S. S. q(Salem S.), d1934- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-147.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.93 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-147-eng.pdf02532nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000032001862450143002182640181003613000052005423360026005943370026006203380036006464900033006825000017007155000022007325000086007545040041008405200577008815460072014586920026015306920022015566920019015787000028015977000029016257000031016547000030016857100034017157100074017497100037018237100044018608300052019048560106019569.873821CaOODSP20221107164026m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198906##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-148E-PDF1 aPalmateer, G. A., eauthor.10aColiphages and bacteriophages in Canadian drinking waters / cby G.A. Palmateer, B.J. Dutka, E.M. Janzen, S.M. Meissner and M. Sakellaris. 1aLondon, Ontario : bMinistry of Environment ; aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (7 pages, 1 unnumbered page). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-148 a"RRB 89-50." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Eighteen samples of treated drinking water and their source waters in three Canadian cities were tested for coliphage, bacteriophage and bacterial content. In the source waters, bacterial concentrations varied from nondetectable to over 5,500 TC per 100 mL, but they were all found to contain coliphage and bacteriophage. After treatment all the drinking waters were found to have residual total and free chlorine levels, to be negative for bacterial indicators, however, all contained coliphage and bacteriophage. Implications of these findings are discussed"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaDrinking water072gccstaPollutants072gccstaTesting1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.1 aJanzen, E. M., eauthor.1 aMeissner, S. M., eauthor.1 aSakellaris, M., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.1 aOntario. bMinistry of the Environment.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-148.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs768 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-148-eng.pdf02184nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450165002152640106003803000054004863360026005403370026005663380036005924900037006285000086006655040041007515200701007925460033014936920027015267100034015537100084015878300056016718560107017279.873823CaOODSP20221107164026m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-130E-PDF1 aSherry, J. P., eauthor.10aDimethyl sulfoxide as solubilization agent in the radioimmunoassay for the detection of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins / cby J.P. Sherry [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1989] a1 online resource (ii, ii, 16 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-130 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Immunoassays are potentially valuable tools for use in screening environmental samples for a broad range of contaminants, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs). The performance of the RIA for PCDDs was characterized using 4 solubilization systems: Cutscum, Triton, horse serum, and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The DMSO based assay appeared to perform best at low PCDD levels. The effects of assay incubation time and hapten storage conditions on the DMSO based assay were assessed. The separation of bound from unbound radioactivity was accelerated without adversely affecting assay performance. Further assay development through the use of an improved hapten is considered"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-130.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-130-eng.pdf02213nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450084002222640105003063000057004113360026004683370026004943380036005204900037005565000086005935000022006795000153007015040041008545200571008955460032014666920021014986920027015197100034015467100084015808300056016648560107017209.873826CaOODSP20221107164027m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-131E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.12aA new calibration equation for vertical axis current meters / cby Peter Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (42 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-131 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"September 1989." a"This report was prepared for the Committee for the Measurement of Flow Under Ice, Water Survey of Canada, Water Resources Branch, Ottawa, Ontario." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A new calibration equation for the Price current meter with rod suspension has been developed using physical principles and dimensional analysis. The physical parameters which govern the performance of the meter rotor have been revealed and combined into dimensionless coefficients. Excellent agreement between the equation and new calibration data obtained in the NWRI towing tank has been obtained over the range of velocities from 3 cm/s to 300 cm/s. Agreement with the data at velocities less than 40 cm/s was superior to methods presently being used"--Summary. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-131.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-131-eng.pdf01583nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450142002222640071003643000046004353360026004813370026005073380036005334900037005695000086006065000022006925000142007145040041008565460032008976920015009296920021009447100034009657100047009998300056010468560107011029.873828CaOODSP20221107164027m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-132E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aCriteria for the establishment of an experimental program for the measurement of flows in rivers with solid ice cover / cby Peter Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (38 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-132 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"September 1989." a"This Report was prepared for the Committee for the Measurement of Flow Under Ice of the Water Survey of Canada, Water Resources Branch." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaIce072gccstaHydrology1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-132.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-132-eng.pdf01485nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450114002152640106003293000054004353360026004893370026005153380036005414900037005775000086006145040041007005460033007416920016007746920027007907000025008177100034008427100084008768300056009608560107010169.873830CaOODSP20221107164027m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-133E-PDF1 aSherry, J. P., eauthor.12aA procedure for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in fish / cby J.P. Sherry and H. Tse. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1989] a1 online resource (ii, ii, 16 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-133 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFish072gccstaWater pollution1 aTse, Hung, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-133.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-133-eng.pdf02797nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450161002142640181003753000052005563360026006083370026006343380036006604900033006965000017007295000022007465000086007685040041008545200826008955460072017216920023017936920022018166920020018387000032018587000031018907000029019217000030019507100034019807100074020147100037020887100044021258300052021698560106022219.873832CaOODSP20221107164028m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198906##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-149E-PDF1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.10aColiphage and bacteriophage as indicators of groundwater quality in Canada / cby B.J. Dutka, G.A. Palmateer, S.M. Meissner, E.M. Janzen, and M. Sakellaris. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters ; aLondon, Ontario : bMinistry of Environment, cJune 1989. a1 online resource (7 pages, 1 unnumbered page). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-149 a"RRB 89-52." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Ten raw urban well water samples and twelve water samples collected from distribution lines after the well waters were treated were examined for bacteriological and coliphage/bacteriophage populations. The raw well waters were found to contain <1/100 mL total coliforms and fecal streptococci, but they all contained varying concentration of coliphage and bacteriophage. The treated waters all were found to have <1 total coliforms and fecal streptococci/100 mL with the exception of one treated water sample from Community C. However, even though the treated water samples contained free and total chlorine levels varying from 0.05 to 1.5 ppm, they all were found to contain usually greater amounts of coliphage and bacteriophage than the raw well waters. Details of the study and implications are discussed"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPollutants072gccstaAnalysis1 aPalmateer, G. A., eauthor.1 aMeissner, S. M., eauthor.1 aJanzen, E. M., eauthor.1 aSakellaris, M., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.1 aOntario. bMinistry of the Environment.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-149.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs841 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-149-eng.pdf02074nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000042001732450209002152640105004243000056005293360026005853370026006113380036006374900037006735000086007105000021007965040041008175200537008586920021013956920027014167100034014437100084014778300056015618560107016179.873833CaOODSP20221107164028m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-134E-PDF1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.10aMicrobore column vs. open tubular columns for supercritical fluid chromatography in environmental analysis : bseparation of polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls / cby F.I. Onuska [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (iii, 16, (4) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-134 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"November 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This manuscript describes an analytical method for the detection land quantitation of polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls in spiked sediment samples at ppm levels. Results indicate that microbore columns could be a better alternative to open tubular columns because they can handle a greater loading of analytes. UV-detector has no advantage over the flame ionization detector as far as sensitivity is concerned but can eliminate some interfering analytes that do not absorb at 208 nm"--Management Perspective.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-134.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-134-eng.pdf02732nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000041001862450167002272640132003943000034005263360026005603370026005863380036006124900033006485000017006815000022006985000086007205040041008065200877008475460072017246920022017966920020018186920018018387000039018567000033018957000054019287100034019827100074020167100037020908300052021278560107021799.873834CaOODSP20221107164028m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198905##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-150E-PDF1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.10aPCBs and pesticides in water at the mouths of the Yamaska and Saint-François Rivers, Quebec in 1987 / cby R.J. Maguire, A. Germain, R.J. Tkacz and S.I. Forrest. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay 1989. a1 online resource (33 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-150 a"RRB 89-36." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The analysis of large volume water samples collected over a four week period in 1987 at the mouths of the Yamaska and Saint-François Rivers revealed the presence of PCBs and many pesticides which had not been detected previously in either of these two rivers. Most of the chemicals determined were found in the centrifuged water as opposed to the suspended solids, a phenomenon explained by the low to medium lipophilicity of the chemicals in question. In general, there were more pesticides in the Yamaska River than in the Saint-François River, a finding which was expected since agriculture is more prominent in the basin of the former river. Although the atrazine concentration by far surpassed the levels of the other chemicals determined, it did not exceed the proposed water quality guideline for atrazine of 2 ug/L for the protection of aquatic life"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaAnalysis072gccstaRivers1 aGermain, André, d1953- eauthor.1 aTkacz, Richard J., eauthor.1 aForrest, Sharon Irene,‏‎ d1962-‏ eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-150.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-150-eng.pdf01424nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000026001862450140002122640071003523000057004233360026004803370026005063380036005324900037005685000086006055000017006915040041007085460033007496920028007827100034008107100047008448300056008918560127009479.873836CaOODSP20221107164029m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-141E-PDF1 aTsang, Gee, eauthor.10aSetup, preparation, velocity measurement, and data acquisition for bubble plumes in a vacuumed tank / cby G. Tsang [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (24 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-141 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"June 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-141.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-141-eng.pdfzUpdated 2019/06/1102376nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450148002222640071003703000051004413360026004923370026005183380036005444900037005805000086006175000019007035040041007225200766007635460033015296920027015626920022015896920023016117000042016347000046016767100034017227100047017568300056018038560107018599.873838CaOODSP20221107164029m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-151E-PDF1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.13aAn expert system for assessing the migration and transformation of pesticides in the subsurface / cby A.S. Crowe, J.P. Mutch and R.E. Jackson. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (18, (5) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-151 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"August 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Pesticide Division of the Commercial Chemicals Branch is required to assess the potential for a pesticide and its degradation products to adversely affect the soil and shallow groundwater environment before approval is given to allow public use of the pesticide. Because of the limited knowledge that the staff of the Pesticide Division have in the field of pesticide transport in the subsurface, they requested that the Groundwater Contamination Project, NWRI, develop an expert system that can be used to aid in the assessment ofthe potential for groundwater contamination by pesticides. This report outlines the program to be taken by the Groundwater Contamination Project during the next two years to develop the expert system"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPesticides072gccstaGroundwater1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-151.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.54 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-151-eng.pdf02596nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000051001862450160002372640137003973000054005343360026005883370026006143380036006404900033006765000017007095000022007265000086007485040041008345200807008755460072016826920024017546920022017786920028018007000041018287100034018697100074019037100037019778300052020148560108020669.873840CaOODSP20221107164029m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198911##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-161E-PDF1 aDay, Kristin E. q(Kristin Elizabeth)eauthor.10aAcute toxicity of isomers of the pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin and its major degradation products to Daphnia magna / cby K.E. Day, R. James Maguire. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1989. a1 online resource (11 pages, 2 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-161 a"RRB 89-84." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The acute toxicities (4-h, 24-h and 48-h) of eight stereoisomers and four major breakdown products of deltamethrin to D. magna were determined. Parent deltamethrin (isomer 1) was the most toxic, with EC50 values in the range 0.05-1.75 ug/L, concentrations which have been observed in the surface microlayer and subsurface water in field studies. The other three isomers (2-, 3- and 4-deltamethrin) were two- to tenfold less toxic than 1-deltamethrin. Isomers 1', 2', 3' and 4' plus the four breakdown product studied displayed no significant toxicity. Since 1-deltamethrin can be converted in natural water to 2', 3- and 4'- deltamethrin, and since 3-deltamethrin is toxic to D. magna, this isomerization is only a partial detoxification step as far as some aquatic organisms are concerned"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaInsecticides072gccstaToxicology072gccstaAquatic wildlife1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-161.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1,013 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-161-eng.pdf01387nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000035001732450129002082640095003373000033004323360026004653370026004913380036005174900037005535000086005905000019006765040041006956920015007366920028007517100034007797100074008138300056008878560106009439.873841CaOODSP20221107164030m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-152E-PDF1 aBeltaos, S., d1944- eauthor.10aIce jam monograph, chapter 8 : bfield observations and measurements, section 4 : seasonal considerations / cby S. Beltaos. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-152 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"August 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaIce072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-152.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs495 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-152-eng.pdf02289nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000047001862450177002332640130004103000071005403360026006113370026006373380036006634900033006995000017007325000022007495000086007715040041008575200404008985460072013026920020013746920018013946930020014127000041014327000042014737000029015157000032015447100034015767100074016108300052016848560107017369.873845CaOODSP20221107164030m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198910##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/89-163E-PDF1 aRao, S. S. q(Salem S.), d1934- eauthor.10aAdsorption of dyes to various size fractions of suspended solids from the Yamaska River, Quebec / cby S.S. Rao, R.J. Maguire, B.G. Krishnappan, J.-H. Weng and E.D. Ongley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bDepartment of Environment, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cOctober 1989. a1 online resource (10 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-163 a"RRB 89-80." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Suspended solids from the Yamaska River in Quebec have been separated into several fractions from 3 to > 88 um, and the size fractions have been analyzed for their bacterial content as well as their ability to adsorb two water-soluble dyes. The results indicate that the suspended solids are capable of adsorbing and thus transporting significant quantities of these dyes in river water"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaAnalysis072gccstaRivers 4aDyes and dyeing1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.1 aKrishnappan, B. G., d1943- eauthor.1 aWeng, Jin-Hua, eauthor.1 aOngley, Edwin D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-163.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-163-eng.pdf01435nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450144002142640095003583000034004533360026004873370026005133380036005394900037005755000086006125000017006985040041007155460033007566920025007897100034008147100074008488300056009228560107009789.873846CaOODSP20221107164030m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-153E-PDF1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.10aSuggested microbiological water quality tests for developing countries and rural and isolated North American communities / cby B.J. Dutka. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (18 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-153 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"June 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-153.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.71 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-153-eng.pdf01640nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860039001501000032001892450071002212640167002922640011004593000072004703360026005423370026005683380036005945000085006305000018007155000017007335040041007505200278007916530014010696920025010837100034011087100048011428560100011909.873872CaOODSP20221107164035m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e198403##qucado |o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCW66-641/1984E-PDFzCW 66-6411984F1 aCloutier, Michel, eauthor.10aHow to raise migratory waterfowl in captivity / cMichel Cloutier. 1aSte-Foy, Quebec : bEnvironment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Quebec Region = Environnement Canada, Service canadien de la faune, Région du Québec, c1984. 4c©1984 a1 online resource (22 pages) : billustrations, charts, photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada] a"March 1984." aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Canadian Wildlife Service is pleased to present this document which is intended as a guide for those interested in raising waterfowl. This edition is a practical summary of the experiences and research of many breeders whose enterprises have been successful"--Preface. 0aWaterfowl072gccstaAquatic birds1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Wildlife Service. bQuebec Region.40qPDFs5.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/CW66-641-1984-eng.pdf02079nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000031001862450168002172640136003853000064005213360026005853370026006113380036006374900033006735000017007065000022007235000086007455040041008315200257008725460072011296920028012016920023012296920021012527000027012737000041013007100034013417100074013757100037014498300052014868560107015389.873877CaOODSP20221107164036m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e198910##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-166E-PDF1 aLesage, Suzanne, eauthor.10aDegradation of organic solvents in landfill leachate / cby S. Lesage, National Water Research Institute and P. Riemann, and Raymond McBride, University of Guelph. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cOctober 1989. a1 online resource (8 pages, 8 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-166 a"RRB 89-81." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Municipal landfill leachates from two sources were stored in 200L holding tanks at ambient temperature for a period of several months. Leachate was removed periodically to irrigate a series of lysimeters and analysed for volatile compounds"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWaste management072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPollution1 aRiemann, P., eauthor.1 aMcBride, Raymond Allan‏, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-166.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-166-eng.pdf01426nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000046001862450165002322640071003973000058004683360026005263370026005523380036005784900037006145000086006515000017007375040041007545460033007956920028008286920023008567100034008798300056009138560107009699.873881CaOODSP20221107164036m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-154E-PDF1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.10aContaminant hydrogeology of toxic organic chemicals at a disposal site, Gloucester, Ontario. n2, pRemedial investigation/ cby R.E. Jackson [and four others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (148 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-154 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"July 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaToxic substances072gccstaGroundwater1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-154.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs8.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-154-eng.pdf02069nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000031001862450175002172640095003923000057004873360026005443370026005703380036005964900037006325000086006695000020007555040041007755200441008165460033012576920023012906920027013137000028013407000032013687100034014007100074014348300056015088560107015649.873883CaOODSP20221107164037m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-155E-PDF1 aLesage, Suzanne, eauthor.10aCharacterization of groundwater contaminants at Elmira, Ontario, by thermal desorption, solvent extraction GC-MS and HPLC / cby S. Lesage, J.K. Ritch and E.J. Treciokas. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (28 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-155 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"October 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Contaminated groundwater samples were characterized using on-line thermal desorption GC-MS analysis. The results were compared with conventional solvent extraction followed by GC-MS. Thermal desorption gave similar results for most compounds and was found to be superior for the analysis of water-miscible compounds. HPLC with a diode-array detector was used to measure phenol in the presence of large quantities of aniline"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWater pollution1 aRitch, J. K., eauthor.1 aTreciokas, E. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-155.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-155-eng.pdf02020nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450083002142640112002973000070004093360026004793370026005053380036005314900033005675000017006005000022006175000086006395000104007255040041008295200308008705460072011786920023012506920029012736930020013027100034013227100037013567100047013938300052014408560106014929.873895CaOODSP20221107164039m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198910##oncbd #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-167E-PDF1 aNg, H. Y. F., eauthor.10aSimulation of combined sewer overflows : ba case study / cby Howard Y.F. Ng. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cOctober 1989. a1 online resource (8 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-167 a"RRB 89-54." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for the Fifth International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This paper deals with computer simulation of the combined sewer overflows from an urban catchment served by a combined sewer system. Discussions of results are based on long-term simulation of overflow volumes and the relationships between the volumes and the loads of pollutants discharged"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaUrban environment 4aCombined sewers1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-167.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs837 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-167-eng.pdf02554nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450186002152460094004012640137004953000065006323360026006973370026007233380036007494900033007855000017008185000022008355000086008575000080009435040041010235200509010645460072015736920026016456920025016716920022016967000029017187000045017477100034017927100074018267100037019008300052019378560107019899.873896CaOODSP20221107164039m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198902##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-168E-PDF1 aBukata, R. P., eauthor.10aOptical properties of inland waters : ban essential requirement for monitoring natural and anthropogenic climate changes from space / cby R.P. Bukata, J.E. Bruton and J.H. Jerome.10aEssential requirement for monitoring natural and anthropogenic climate changes from space 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (26 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-168 a"RRB 89-16." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A major objective of both the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) and the Global Change: Impact on Habitability (GCIH) is an ecosystematic study of the increased anthropogenic impact on the evolution of the earth's geosphere and biosphere. The oceanology aspect of such satellite-based ecosystematic approaches is discussed, and the importance of being able to reliably monitor chlorophyll concentrations in optically complex inland as well as oceanic water masses is emphasized"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaClimate change072gccstaInland waters072gccstaSatellites1 aBruton, J. E., eauthor.1 aJerome, John H. q(John Harvey)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-168.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-168-eng.pdf02494nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000028001862450078002142640137002923000056004293360026004853370026005113380036005374900033005735000017006065000022006235000086006455000126007315040041008575200727008985460072016256920029016976920021017266920021017477100034017687100074018027100037018768300052019138560107019659.873899CaOODSP20221107164040m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198911##oncd #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-169E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aPAH transport by urban runoff from an industrial city / cby J. Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1989. a1 online resource (11 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-169 a"RRB 89-87." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control Conference." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Urban runoff from an industrial city was found to produce annual PAH loadings comparable to those from point sources. More than 95% of these loadings were transported by sediments in runoff. Variations of PAH levels in runoff were explained by variations of sediment concentrations in runoff and by variations in PAH levels in sediment. The annual load of PAHs in runoff from the study area was estimated at 75 kg per year and about one third of this quantity was contributed by atmospheric deposition. A great degree of similarity among PAH profiles in urban runoff, river sediment and caged mussels was found and confirmed the PAH pathways from urban anthropogenic sources via runoff to the receiving waters"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaUrban environment072gccstaSediments072gccstaChemicals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-169.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.01 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-169-eng.pdf02030nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000027001862450143002132640095003563000037004513360026004883370026005143380036005404900037005765000086006135000019006995040041007185200398007595460033011576920027011906920021012177000028012387000047012667000036013137100034013497100074013838300056014578560107015139.873901CaOODSP20221107164040m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-156E-PDF1 aKwan, K. K., eauthor.10aMutatox test : ba new environmental impact assessment procedure for water and sediment / cby K.K. Kwan, B.J. Dutka, S.S. Rao and D. Liu. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (10, 5 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-156 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"August 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"In this study, Yamaska River water and Milli-Q water and organically extracted sediment extracts were used to evaluate the sensitivity of a new genotoxicity screening test, the Mutatox test. Also in this study, the samples were tested for acute and chronic toxicity using the following screening test procedures: Microtox, Daphnia magna, Cereodaphnia reticulata and ATP-TOX System"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaSediments1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.1 aRao, S. S. q(Salem S.), d1934- eauthor.1 aLiu, Dickson, d1935- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-156.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-156-eng.pdf02181nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000034001862450110002202640119003303000053004493360026005023370026005283380036005544900033005905000017006235000022006405000086006625040041007485200551007895460072013406920026014126920020014386920019014587000028014777100034015057100074015398300052016138560106016659.873902CaOODSP20221107164040m o d f cr |||||||||||190530s1989 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre aa-th---1 aEn13-5/89-170E-PDF1 aSivaborvorn, Komol, eauthor.10aColiphage presence in various types of potable water in Thailand / cby Komol Sivaborvorn and B.J. Dutka. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Ecotoxicology, c[1989] a1 online resource (9 pages, 2 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-170 a"RRB 89-72." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Three types of drinking water used in Thailand, tap water, rain water and deep well water (200m) were tested for bacteriological and coliphage content. 13.5% of the samples contained only coliphage and 13% contained both coliphage and total coliforms The incidence of coliphage in these potable water supplies reflect the probability of human pathogenic virus also surviving in these waters. The H25 paper-strip test was found to be an equally sensitive indicator of coliform presence compared to MF and MPN total coliform procedures"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaDrinking water072gccstaBacteria072gccstaTesting1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-170.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs838 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-170-eng.pdf02194nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000027001862450130002132640095003433000037004383360026004753370026005013380036005274900037005635000086006005000022006865040041007085200679007495460033014286920021014616920027014827000028015097100034015377100074015718300056016458560107017019.873904CaOODSP20221107164041m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-157E-PDF1 aKwan, K. K., eauthor.10aSimple two-step sediment extraction procedure for use in genotoxicity and toxicity bioassays / cby K.K. Kwan and B.J. Dutka. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (12, 4 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-157 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"September 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Three simple sediment extraction procedures, using Milli Q water, DMSO and methanol, were applied to 16 sediment samples collected from the Thames River, Ontario, Canada. The three extracts were tested for the presence of toxicity and genotoxicity using the Microtox, Toxi-Chromotest and Mutatox (with and without S-9) procedures. Results of the study indicated that the Mutatox, genotoxicity screening test was an extremely sensitive procedure responding to chemicals in all three types of extracts. Methanol was found to be more efficient than DMSO in extracting toxic and genotoxic chemicals from these sediments. Procedural details and results are discussed"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-157.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.17 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-157-eng.pdf02097nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000035001862450106002212640071003273000057003983360026004553370026004813380036005074900037005435000086005805000022006665040041006885200651007295460033013806920018014136920015014316920021014467100034014677100047015018300056015488560107016049.873906CaOODSP20221107164041m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-158E-PDF1 aBeltaos, S., d1944- eauthor.10aEnvironmental aspects of river ice, section 1.4 : btransport and mixing processes / cby S. Beltaos. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (10, (6) pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-158 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"September 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is intended to become a part of a state-of-the-art report on environmental aspects of river ice. The river ice cover acts as a second boundary for the flow thus increasing hydraulic resistance and changing the velocity profile. The effects of the ice cover in the transport and mixing processes are discussed, in light of the altered flow field. The conventional concept of the two-layer, composite flow under an upper boundary provides good approximations if used judiciously. Major gaps in current knowledge exist with respect to scour caused by ice jams and to transport of coarse and fine sediments under an ice cover"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaIce072gccstaHydrology1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-158.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-158-eng.pdf02655nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000031001862450242002172640136004593000072005953360026006673370026006933380036007194900033007555000017007885000022008055000086008275000075009135040041009885200549010295460072015786920023016506920028016736920032017017000046017337000045017797000029018247000028018537100034018817100074019157100037019898300052020268560107020789.873908CaOODSP20221107164041m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198910##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-171E-PDF1 aLesage, Suzanne, eauthor.10aMonitoring shallow ground water for injected liquid industrial wastes : bSarnia, Canada / cby Suzanne Lesage, Richard E. Jackson, Mark W. Priddle and Paul Beck, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Ken G. Raven, Intera Technologies. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cOctober 1989. a1 online resource (18 pages, 10 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-171 a"RRB 89-83." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for Groundwater Monitoring Review." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The objective of this study was to assess the possible impact, of deep well disposal operations conducted between 1958 and 1974, on the ground-water quality in a shallow "fresh water aquifer", beneath Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. Because of the breakout of formation fluids in Sarnia and Port Huron, Michigan in the early 1970's it had been hypothesized that liquid waste from the disposal zone in bedrock had leaked through the numerous abandoned oil, gas and salt wells in the area up to the shallow aquifer and thence to the surface"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaWaste management072gccstaEnvironmental impact1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.1 aPriddle, Mark William, d1963- eauthor.1 aBeck, Paul‏, eauthor.1 aRaven, K. G., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-171.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-171-eng.pdf02050nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450133002222640095003553000046004503360026004963370026005223380036005484900037005845000086006215000020007075040041007275200419007685460033011876920027012206920018012477000041012657000028013067000035013347100034013697100074014038300056014778560107015339.873910CaOODSP20221107164042m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-159E-PDF1 aLiu, Dickson, d1935- eauthor.10aRationale for including metabolites in chemical toxicity bioassay / cby D. Liu, R.J. Maguire, B.J. Dutka and G.J. Pacepavicius. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (17 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-159 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"October 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"It is suggested that the incorporation of some known metabolites into short-term bioassay procedures could increase the reliability of these tests in the impact assessment of toxic chemicalson the environment. In addition, the difference between toxicity data generated from short-term bioassay procedures and those from long-term toxicological studies was also delineated from a biochemical viewpoint"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaRivers1 aMaguire, R. J. q(R. James)eauthor.1 aDutka, B. J., eauthor.1 aPacepavicius, G. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-159.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-159-eng.pdf02402nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450136002282460079003642640145004433000072005883360026006603370026006863380036007124900033007485000017007815000022007985000086008205040041009065200548009475460072014956920022015676920021015896920018016107000036016287100034016647100074016987100037017728300052018098560107018619.873915CaOODSP20221107164043m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198911##onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-172E-PDF1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.10aPhase one report : ba review and analysis existing pesticide transport and transformation models / cby J.P. Mutch and A.S. Crowe.10aReview and analysis existing pesticide transport and transformation models 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1989. a1 online resource (33 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-172 a"RRB 89-88." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The application of existing pesticide transport models within a regulatory framework has been limited because (1) the use of these models often requires specialized knowledge in the theory and modeling of pesticide transport in the unsaturated zone, and (2) the models require a specialized set of physical and chemical field data. Regulatory personnel who are assigned the task of assessing the environmental risks associated with a new pesticide generally do not have this specialized knowledge and information available to them"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaTransport072gccstaModels1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-172.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-172-eng.pdf02057nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450150002152640095003653000050004603360026005103370026005363380036005624900037005985000086006355000019007215040041007405200394007815460033011756920022012086920016012306920021012467000037012677000030013047000030013347100034013647100074013988300056014728560107015289.873918CaOODSP20221107164043m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-160E-PDF1 aSemkin, R. G., eauthor.10aMajor ion chemistry of the pre-melt snowpack, Turkey Lakes watershed, 1980-1988 / cby R.G. Semkin, D.S. Jeffries, R. Neureuther, and M. Seymour. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bRivers Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (8, (9) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 89-160 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"August 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Composite cores from the pre-melt snowpack were collected at 11 sites in the Turkey Lakes watershed during the period 1981 to 1988. Annual mean water equivalence ranged from 159 to 377mm. The chemical composition of the snow cover reflected the anthropogenic source of the major ions as shown by levels of H*, N03 and S04 which constituted about 70% of the total ionic content"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWatersheds072gccstaSnow072gccstaHydrology1 aJeffries, Dean Stuart, eauthor.1 aNeureuther, R., eauthor.1 aSeymour, M. D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 89-160.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-160-eng.pdf02585nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000045001862450107002312640112003383000087004503360026005373370026005633380036005894900033006255000017006585000022006755000086006975000069007835040041008525200791008935460072016846920023017566920021017796920028018007000046018287100034018747100037019087100047019458300052019928560107020449.873921CaOODSP20221107164044m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198910##oncabd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/89-173E-PDF1 aPriddle, Mark William, d1963- eauthor.10aMeasurement of the retardation factor using a column test method / cby M.W. Priddle and R.E. Jackson. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cOctober 1989. a1 online resource (16 pages, 11 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-173 a"RRB 89-75." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for Journal of Ground Water." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A new laboratory column technique was developed to measure retardation factors (Rf) of volatile organic compounds using geological material obtained from an outwash aquifer underlying a solvent disposal site near Ottawa, Canada. The apparatus was designed as a closed system from sample introduction to analysis in order to measure the retardation of volatile compounds including 1,4-dioxane, diethyl ether, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloromethane (chloroform), 1,1-dichloroethene and benzene. The centres of mass of both contaminant and a conservative tracer breakthrough curve were compared to determine these Rfs. The measured values range from 1.1 to 14.3 and compare favourably with those derived from contaminant plume lengths and a purge well test conducted at the site"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPollution072gccstaWaste management1 aJackson, R. E. q(Richard Ervin)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-173.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-173-eng.pdf01722nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860037001501000039001872450121002262640069003472640011004163000051004273360026004783370026005043380036005305000086005665040041006525200428006935300033011216920036011546920029011906920032012197100034012518560099012859.873929CaOODSP20221107164045m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 onca |o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn21-83/1989E-PDFzEn21-83/1989E1 aKeating, Michael,d1943- eauthor.10aToward a common future : ba report on sustainable development and its implications for Canada / cMichael, Keating. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada = Environnement Canada, c[1989] 4c©1989 a1 online resource (47 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"In the last few years the deteriorating state of the environment has become front-page news. We are bombarded with a daily litany of old problems getting worse and new ones being discovered. Environmental degradation, including the spread of harmful chemicals, climate change, the destruction of forests, farmlands, waters and the ozone layer is being recognized as one of the greatest challenges to civilization"--Introd. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaEnvironmental protection072gccstaNatural resources072gccstaEconomic development1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.40qPDFs4.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En21-83-1989-eng.pdf02052nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450108002132640095003213000050004163360026004663370026004923380036005184900036005545000086005905040041006765200627007175460033013446920027013776920018014047100034014227100073014568300055015298560106015849.873934CaOODSP20221107164046m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-01E-PDF1 aComba, M. E., eauthor.10aSt. Lawrence River trace organic contaminants study (part III), 1987 / cM.E. Comba [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (iv, 39 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Polychlorinated biphenyls and selected organochlorine hydrocarbons were measured in suspended particulates and centrifuged water of the St. Lawrence River during June/July 1987. These measurements are part of a project on contaminant behaviour and transport in the St. Lawrence River and its upper estuary receiving waters. Ten localized areas of impaired water quality were previously identified. The suspended particulate phase of the St. Lawrence River transports polychlorinated biphenyls and mirex from Lake Ontario to Quebec City. Annual flux estimates for the studied organochlorine compounds are given"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaRivers1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-01.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-01-eng.pdf02574nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000034001862450167002202460076003872640112004633000034005753360026006093370026006353380036006614900033006975000017007305000022007475000086007695040041008555200746008965460072016426920025017146920032017396920022017717000030017937000028018237100034018517100037018857100047019228300052019698560107020219.873936CaOODSP20221107164046m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198901##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-sn1 aEn13-5/89-174E-PDF1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.14aThe analysis of censored data : ban application to toxic contaminant data from the South Saskatchewan River / cby A.H. El-Shaarawi, S.R. Esterby and H.O. Block.10aApplication to toxic contaminant data from the South Saskatchewan River 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cJanuary 1989. a1 online resource (18 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-174 a"RRB 89-03." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"In routine water quality monitoring of toxic contaminants, a number of difficulties are usually encountered in the statistical interpretation of the results. A major reason for this is the frequent occurrence of water sample concentrations below the limit of detection. In this report the issue of dealing with values below the detection limit is discussed through a case study using data from the South Saskatchewan River. Some comments are also given outlining the properties and the difficulties associated with the commonly used ad hoc methods for estimating the population characteristics when the data are subject to type I censoring. Specifically inferences about the mean value, trend and seasonal changes are considered"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaStatistical analysis072gccstaPollutants1 aEsterby, S. R., eauthor.1 aBlock, H. O., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-174.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-174-eng.pdf02147nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450102002142640095003163000051004113360026004623370026004883380036005144900036005505000086005865040041006725200630007135460043013436920030013866920019014167000027014357000031014627100034014937100073015278300055016008560106016559.873939CaOODSP20221107164047m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-02E-PDF1 aHudson, J. J., eauthor.10aMeasuring epilithic bacterial production in streams / cJ.J. Hudson, J.C. Roff and B.K. Burnison. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (29, (5) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-02 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The importance of bacteria in the aquatic environment has been known for decades, especially on rock surfaces and in sediments. The stumbling block to detailed research has been methodology. Recently, bacterial productivity has been measured by following the incorporation of tritiated thymidine into bacterial DNA. This technique was originally designed for water, but has been extended to sediments in the recent literature. This manuscript outlines modifications to the technique so that it can be used to measure the bacterial production on the surface of rocks (epilithic bacterial production)"--Management Perspective. aIncludes prefatory material in French.072gccstaAquatic ecosystems072gccstaStreams1 aRoff, J. C., eauthor.1 aBurnison, B. K., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-02.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-02-eng.pdf02190nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000034001862450099002202640113003193000065004323360026004973370026005233380036005494900033005855000017006185000022006355000086006575040041007435200504007845460072012886920025013606920032013856920023014177000051014407100034014917100037015257100047015628300052016098560107016619.873942CaOODSP20221107164047m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198911##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-175E-PDF1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.10aStatistical inference from multiply censored data / cby A.H. El-Shaarawi and A. Naderisamani. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cNovember 1989. a1 online resource (15 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-175 a"RRB 89-77." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Maximum likelihood equations for a multiply censored normal sample are modified so that explicit estimates for the mean and standard deviation can be obtained. The estimate of the mean of a multiply censored sample is then obtained by normalizing the data using the Box and Cox transformation. An approximate confidence interval for the mean is also obtained and the probability of coverage for the lognormal mean is discussed in detail. Simulation results and applications are provided"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaStatistical analysis072gccstaMeasurement1 aNaderisamani, Amir,‏‎ d1951-‏ eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-175.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-175-eng.pdf01489nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000055001722450103002272640094003303000052004243360026004763370026005023380036005284900036005645000086006005000021006865040041007075460033007486920021007816920027008027000030008297100034008597100073008938300055009668560106010219.873961CaOODSP20221107164050m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-03E-PDF1 aCoakley, J. P. q(John Phillip), d1940- eauthor.10aTracers for fine sediment transport in Humber Bay, Lake Ontario / cJ.P. Coakley and D.J. Poulton. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1990. a1 online resource (38, (12) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"February 1990." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution1 aPoulton, D. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-03.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-03-eng.pdf02087nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430009001510860022001601000030001822450121002122640094003333000045004273360026004723370026004983380036005244900036005605000086005965000021006825040041007035200575007445460033013196920027013526920018013797000036013977100034014337100073014678300055015408560106015959.873965CaOODSP20221107164050m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre ae-gx1 aEn13-5/90-04E-PDF1 aHalfon, Efraim, eauthor.10aSimulation of disulfoton fate in the River Rhine with the TOXFATE model / cby Efraim Halfon and Rainer Brueggemann. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c1989. a1 online resource (23 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-04 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"November 1989." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Modeling the fate of chemicals in lakes and rivers has been the subject of much research. In this paper we use a fate model, TOXFATE, originally developed with Lake Ontario data to analyse the fate in the River Rhine of a chemical, Disulfoton, spilled by Sandoz in November 1986. Predicted and observed concentrations along the river are compared. This work has allowed the testing of the model TOXFATE, developed at NWRI, with a different data set simulations can be displayed on paper or on a TV monitor driven by a desktop personal computer"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaRivers1 aBrüggemann, Rainer, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-04.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-04-eng.pdf01944nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860039001501110097001892450109002862640047003952640011004423000052004533360026005053370026005313380036005575000086005935000019006795000027006985040041007255200379007665300033011456920032011786920029012106920023012397100034012627750053012967760109013498560100014589.873966CaOODSP20241008144901m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530t19911991oncdb |o f10| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn21-107/1991E-PDFzEn21-107/1991E2 aUnited Nations Conference on Environment and Development d(1992 : cRio de Janeiro, Brazil)10aCanada's national report : bUnited Nations Conference on Environment and Development Brazil, June 1992. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Environment Canada], c1991. 4c©1991 a1 online resource (149 pages) : bcharts, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"August 1991." a"Canada's Green Plan." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"In June 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm, Sweden, to stimulate international interest and awareness of global and international environmental issues. Its further purpose was to begin the process of developing solutions based on a new and better understanding of the issues, in part brought about by the conference"--Introd. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaEnvironmental policy072gccstaNatural resources072gccstaConferences1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.08tRapport national du Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.9439240#tCanada's national report: United Nations Conference on Environment and Development : w(CaOODSP)9.64486940qPDFs7.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En21-107-1991-eng.pdf02376nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000024001862450147002102640137003573000065004943360026005593370026005853380036006114900033006475000017006805000022006975000086007195040041008055200567008465460072014136920025014856920032015106920022015427000034015647000041015987100034016397100074016737100037017478300052017848560106018369.873967CaOODSP20221107164051m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198902##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-176E-PDF1 aMaul, A., eauthor.10aApplication of negative binomial regression models to the analysis of quantal bioassays data / cby A. Maul, A.H. El-Shaarawi and J.F. Ferard. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cFebruary 1989. a1 online resource (12 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-176 a"RRB 89-15." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Negative binomial and mixed Poisson regression analyses are presented for modelling the association between a quantal response, which is assumed to follow either a negative binomial distribution with a given dispersion parameter, or its limited form (i.e. the Poisson distribution), and a set of explanatory variables. The procedure used for estimating the unknown parameters of the model and performing various statistical tests is given. The method is illustrated by an example about the determination of thresholds in quantal toxicity experiments"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaStatistical analysis072gccstaToxicology1 aEl-Shaarawi, A. H., eauthor.1 aFérard, Jean-François, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-176.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs933 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-176-eng.pdf02311nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000034001852450155002192640095003743000057004693360026005263370026005523380036005784900036006145000086006505040041007365200693007775460033014706920021015036920017015246920027015417000027015687000050015957100034016457100073016798300055017528560106018079.873971CaOODSP20221107164051m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ab1 aEn13-5/90-05E-PDF1 aManning, Philip G., eauthor.10aIntensive vivianite formation in the bottom sediments of mesotrophic Narrow Lake, Alberta / cPhilip G. Manning, Thomas P. Murphy and Ellie E. Prepas. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (37 unnumbered pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-05 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Narrow Lake is a small, deep, clear lake of significant recreational value, located 140 km north of Edmonton, Alberta. Low phosphate and chlorophyll levels are indicative of a mesotrophic lake, in marked contrast to the highly eutrophic character of most prairie lakes. Remarkably, the bottom sediments have the phosphorus content of low-grade fertilizer. Iron-rich groundwaters seeping into deeper water cause precipitation of phosphorus and deposition to the sediments, rendering the phosphorus unavailable for algal growth. This natural control of trophic level by iron suggests that steel mill pickle liquor waste could find application in lake restoration"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaLakes072gccstaWater pollution1 aMurphy, Tom, eauthor.1 aPrepas, E. E. q(Ellie E.), d1947- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-05.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.03 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-05-eng.pdf02675nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000045001862450144002312640146003753000065005213360026005863370026006123380036006384900033006745000017007075000022007245000086007465040041008325200878008735460072017516920020018236930017018436930019018607000029018797000029019087100034019377100074019717100037020458300052020828560107021349.873973CaOODSP20221107164052m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198909##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-177E-PDF1 aJerome, John H. q(John Harvey)eauthor.10aDetermination of available subsurface light for photochemical and photobiological activity / cby J.H. Jerome, R.P. Bukata and J.E. Bruton. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cSeptember 1989. a1 online resource (19 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-177 a"RRB 89-69." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Appropriate determinations of available subsurface light for photochemical and photobiological processes requires accurate estimates of the subsurface scalar irradiation. Quite often only values of downwelling irradiation are available. Therefore, two sets of multiplicative factors are derived. The first set (F0) converts a daily irradiation just above the surface into a daily scalar irradiation Just below the surface. The second set (FZ0) converts an "effective" (i.e. depth-averaged) daily irradiation for a specific photic zone into an "effective" daily scalar irradiation for that photic zone. These multiplicative factors are presented as functions of the subsurface volume reflectance of the water for the volume reflectance range 0.0 to 0.14. For a latitude range appropriate to the Great Lakes, these multiplicative factors vary between 1.1 and 2.1"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLighting 4aPhotobiology 4aPhotochemistry1 aBukata, R. P., eauthor.1 aBruton, J. E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-177.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-177-eng.pdf02449nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000034001852450166002192640095003853000063004803360026005433370026005693380036005954900036006315000086006675040041007535200859007945460033016536920021016866920027017077000029017347000032017637100034017957100073018298300055019028560106019579.873976CaOODSP20221107164052m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-06E-PDF1 aManning, Philip G., eauthor.10aForms of iron, phosphorus and sulfur in the sediments of the eutrophic Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario / cPhilip G. Manning, Kathleen J. Gracey and Nancy S. Harper. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (37 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-06 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, has been identified by the International Joint Commission (IJC) as an Area of Concern. The many municipal, industrial and recreational uses have been severely impaired for many years. Cultural eutrophication since the early 1800s has been severe. Here, chronologically-dated sections of sediment core collected from the Bay of Quinte describe the decline in water quality from the oligotrophy of precolonial times to the hypereutrophy of today. Increased inputs of phosphorus and sulfur have combined to generate sulfide ion in the anoxic sediments, the action of which is to mobilize phosphorus. Most of the available phosphorus is contained within the top 6 cm of the sediment column; depletion of this pool of available P will take at least 10 years even if no more phosphorus enters the Bay"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution1 aGracey, K. J., eauthor.1 aHarper, Nancy S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-06.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-06-eng.pdf01936nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450058002262640094002843000051003783360026004293370026004553380036004814900036005175000086005535040041006395200524006805460033012046920016012376920020012536920021012737100034012947100073013288300055014018560106014569.873979CaOODSP20221107164053m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-07E-PDF1 aNriagu, Jerome O., d1942- eauthor.14aThe rise and fall of leaded gasoline / cJ.O. Nriagu. 1aBurlington, Ontario: bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (15, (6) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-07 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Leaded gasoline has become one of the few 'environmentally unsafe'products to be forced out of the market place. The history of lead additives in gasoline is outlined, from the discovery of the antiknock properties of tetraethyl lead in 1921 [the first gallon of leaded gasoline was sold on February 2, 1923 to a motorist in Dayton, Ohio] to recent measures to remove lead from the gasoline of the 1980's. This report provides an historical backdrop to the continuing debate on environmental lead pollution"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaLead072gccstaGasoline072gccstaPollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-07.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-07-eng.pdf02755nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860036001722450328002082640145005362640011006813000048006923360026007403370026007663380036007924900029008285000086008575000021009435000202009645000060011665000044012265040041012705200347013115460033016586530016016916920021017077100070017287100056017987100034018547100039018887750188019278300087021158560107022029.873981CaOODSP20221107164053m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t19781979oncd o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---an-us---1 aEn42-1/3-78-3E-PDFzEn46-1/78-300aSupplement to the guide for the recovery of high grade waste paper from federal office buildings through at-source preparation / cby Middleton Associates and Boston, Gilbert, Henry Associates ; for the Waste Management Branch, Environmental Impact Control Directorate, Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada. 1aOttawa : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Service = Environnement Canada, Service de la protection de l'environnement, c1978. 4c©1979 a1 online resource (v, 54 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vEPS 3-EC-78-3 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"December 1978." aIssued also in French under title: Supplément au Guide de récupération du papier de rebut de qualité supérieure dans les immeubles administratifs fédéraux au moyen d'une collecte sélective. aIssued by the Environmental Impact Control Directorate. a"Economic and Technical Review"--Cover. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The purpose of this report is to provide back-up material to The Guide for the Recovery of Office Waste Paper from Federal Office Buildings Through At-Source Separation. It contains technical information (not included in The Guide) essential to a clear understanding of the issues surrounding office waste paper recovery programs"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aWaste paper072gccstaRecycling1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bEnvironmental Protection Service.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Impact Control Directorate.2 aPeter Middleton & Associates.2 aBoston, Gilbert, Henry Associates.08tSupplément au Guide de récupération du papier de rebut de qualité supérieure dans les immeubles administratifs fédéraux au moyen d'une collecte sélective / w(CaOODSP)9.874003#0aEnvironmental Protection Service report series ;vEPS 3-EC-78-3w(CaOODSP)9.86603140qPDFs1.62 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-3-78-3-eng.pdf03018nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000043001862450161002292460086003902640144004763000054006203360026006743370026007003380036007264900033007625000022007955000086008175040041009035201155009445460059020996920017021586920022021756920019021977000033022167000032022497100034022817100073023157100037023888300052024258560107024779.873985CaOODSP20221107164054m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e198912##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/89-180E-PDF1 aMunawar, M. q(Mohiuddin)‏,eauthor.10aEarly warning assays : ban overview of toxicity testing with phytoplankton in the North American Great Lakes / cM. Munawar, I.F. Munawar and G.G. Leppard.10aOverview of toxicity testing with phytoplankton in the North American Great Lakes 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cDecember 1989. a1 online resource (21 pages, 2 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v89-180 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The use of phytoplankton as test organisms in bioassays has recently gained momentum due to their simplicity, availability, sensitivity, rapidity of analysis, and cost-effectiveness. Increasing emphasis is currently being given to field and in situ experiments using indigenous populations, particulary ultra-plankton/picoplankton (20-2 um) which play a key role in the 'microbial loop' and food chain dynamics. Impact evaluation can be determined at the structural, ultrastructural and functional level. An array of techniques is available for toxicity testing including the use of either algal cultures or natural assemblages in laboratory or in situ experiments, the selection of which depends on the objectives, precision required, and project budget of the particular study. An overview is presented of the various procedures using algae in toxicity testing with a focus on the Great Lakes and an emphasis on field techniques. The effective use and application of such sensitive technology has tremendous potential for early warning detection of ecosystem perturbations in concert with a multi-trophic battery of tests"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaToxicology072gccstaTesting1 aMunawar, I. F‏., eauthor.1 aLeppard, Gary G., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v89-180.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.18 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-89-180-eng.pdf01775nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000070001852450082002552640072003373000046004093360026004553370026004813380036005074900036005435000086005795000017006655040041006825200355007235460033010786920021011116920027011327100034011597100047011938300055012408560106012959.873991CaOODSP20221107164055m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1990 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-08E-PDF1 aMurphy, Thomas P. D. q(Thomas Patrick Daniel), d1948- eauthor.10aOxygen treatment of Hamilton Harbour : ba pilot scale test / cT. P. Murphy. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (56 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-08 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The oxygen concentration of Hamilton Harbour is below the provincial guidelines. The low oxygen concentration prevents fish from using the hypolimnion, reduces the diversity of benthic fauna, enhances the potential for release of toxic metals and phosphorus from the sediments, and reduces the rate of biodegradation of organic materials"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-08.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-08-eng.pdf01473nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450130002132640095003433000033004383360026004713370026004973380036005234900036005595000086005955040041006815460033007226920018007556920027007737000043008007100034008437100073008778300055009508560106010059.874000CaOODSP20221107164056m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530s1989 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-09E-PDF1 aComba, M. E., eauthor.10aProcesses influencing the transport of trace organic contaminants in the St. Lawrence River / cM.E. Comba and K.L.E. Kaiser. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-09 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater pollution1 aKaiser, Klaus L. E., d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-09.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-09-eng.pdf02640nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860037001722450229002092640197004383000056006353360031006913370034007223380043007564900031007995000171008305000092010015040048010935200402011415460037015436530020015806920021016007100036016217100059016577100082017167100026017987100039018247750153018638300107020168560107021239.874003CaOODSP20221107164057m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1978 oncd o f00| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn---an-us---1 aEn42-1/3-78-3F-PDFzEn46-3/78-3F00aSupplément au Guide de récupération du papier de rebut de qualité supérieure dans les immeubles administratifs fédéraux au moyen d'une collecte sélective / cMiddleton Associates et Boston, Gilbert, Henry Associates. 1aOttawa : bEnvironnement Canada, Service de la protection de l'environnement, Direction générale du contrôle des incidences environnementales, Direction de la gestion des déchets, c[1978] a1 ressource en ligne (vi, 50 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport ; vSPE 3-EC-78-3F aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre :Supplement to the guide for the recovery of high grade waste paper from federal office buildings through at-source separation. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Environnement et changement climatique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques.3 a« Le présent rapport renferme des renseignements complémentaires au Guide de récupération du papier de rebut de qualité supérieure dans les immeubles administratifs fédéraux au moyen d'une collecte sélective. On y trouvera certains renseignements techniques qui ne figurent pas dans le Guide et qui permettent de mieux saisir les modalités de la récupération envisagée »-- Résumé. aComprend un résumé en anglais. 0aPapier de rebut072gccstaRecyclage1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.1 aCanada. bService de la protection de l'environnement.1 aCanada. bDirection générale du contrôle des incidences environnementales.2 aMiddleton Associates.2 aBoston, Gilbert, Henry Associates.08tSupplement to the guide for the recovery of high grade waste paper from federal office buildings through at-source preparation / w(CaOODSP)9.873981#0aSérie de rapports du Service de la protection de l'environnement ;vSPE 3-EC-78-3Fw(CaOODSP)9.86604540qPDFs1.98 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-3-78-3-fra.pdf01775nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450096002122640072003083000046003803360026004263370026004523380036004784900036005145000086005505000017006365040041006535200325006945460033010196920028010526920017010807000050010977100034011477100047011818300055012288560106012839.874018CaOODSP20221107164059m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-10E-PDF1 aMurphy, Tom, eauthor.10aLime treatment of hardwater lakes to reduce eutrophication / cT.P. Murphy and E.E. Prepas. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (26 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-10 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The application of lime to lakes and farm dugouts in Alberta has been studied with the University of Alberta. The objective was to determine which reactions regulated the precipitation of phosphorus and algae and whether calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide treatment was more cost effective"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aPrepas, E. E. q(Ellie E.), d1947- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-10.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-10-eng.pdf02461nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450164002112640103003753000062004783360026005403370026005663380036005924900032006285000086006605040041007465200905007875460059016926920017017516920036017686920019018047100034018237100073018578300051019308560106019819.874019CaOODSP20221107164059m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 oncbd #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an------1 aEn13-5/90-13E-PDF1 aBarica, J., eauthor.10aFactors controlling the evolution of salinity, productivity and ecological stability of eutrophic lakes in central North America : b(a summary) / cJ. Barica. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, c[1990] a1 online resource (14 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-13 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This is an invited summary paper to be presented and published at the SIL Symposium on evolution of lakes to be held in Poznan, Poland in May 1990. It is based on Dr Barica’s past work on prairie lakes (Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg) conducted prior to his appointment to NWRI, Burlington. It analyzes controlling factors in formation of ionic composition and phytoplankton biomass of the prairie lakes (surface deposits and soils, erosion, topography, lake morphometry, groundwater composition, etc.) and concludes that it is the semi-arid climate and groundwater flow which explain the extreme variability in lakes salinity and production. However, the ecological instability of the lakes (algal collapses and resulting anoxia) is triggered by meteorological factors. The winter anoxia (winterkill) is the result of continental climate and governed by lake morphometry"--Management perspective. aIncludes management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaEnvironmental management072gccstaClimate1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-13.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-13-eng.pdf01628nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000029001722450079002012640103002803000034003833360026004173370026004433380036004694900033005055000086005385040041006245200246006656530032009116920021009437100034009647100071009988300115010698560106011849.874020CaOODSP20221107164100m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e198409##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aEn13-6/84-27E-PDF1 aSalisbury, K., eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bSt. Lawrence River / cauthor, K. Salisbury. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cSeptember 1984. a1 online resource (36 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-27 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"H. Sloterdijk, I.W.D., Quebec, submitted twenty-three samples to the laboratory requesting sand, silt and clay percentages. The size-analyses were performed using the Sedigraph Analyzer (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979) by Keith Salisbury"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-27w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs1.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-27-eng.pdf01942nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450109002122640072003213000046003933360026004393370026004653380036004914900036005275000086005635040041006495200460006905460033011506920021011836920027012046920017012317000027012487000027012757100034013027100047013368300055013838560106014389.874021CaOODSP20221107164100m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 onca #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-11E-PDF1 aBrouwer, H., eauthor.12aA sediment-contact bioassay with photobacterium phosphoreum / cH. Brouwer, T.P. Murphy and L. McArdle.  1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (20 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-11 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The sediment contact Photobacterium bioassay was developed to determine the spatial variation in toxicity of Hamilton Harbour sediments. The bioassay used the same bacterium as the Microtox bioassay, but the assay was changed to measure the toxicity of the particles, rather than the elutriates. When sediments contain hydrophobic contaminants (i.e. PCB's), the new bioassay is more sensitive than the original Microtox bioassay"--Management Perspective. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaLakes1 aMurphy, Tom, eauthor.1 aMcArdle, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-11.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-11-eng.pdf02837nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450108002152640103003233000062004263360026004883370026005143380036005404900032005765000086006085040041006945201244007355460072019796920020020516920025020716920023020967000027021197000029021467100034021757100073022098300051022828560106023339.874022CaOODSP20221107164100m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-14E-PDF1 aPainter, Scott, eauthor.10aHamilton Harbour water clarity response to nutrient abatement / cS. Painter, L. Hampson and K. McCabe. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, c[1990] a1 online resource (25 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-14 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Hamilton Harbour is one of 42 areas of Lakes concern in the Great Basin. The Provincial and Federal governments are committed to develop a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to restore the beneficial uses of the Harbour. Swimming and fish habitat are two of the beneficial uses identified by the Hamilton Harbour Stakeholders. Both uses require improvements in the Harbour's water clarity. Beginning in 1988, the addition of a pickle liquor step at the Hamilton STP successfully reduced the phosphorus loading into the Harbour from all sources by 25%. A comparison of the 1987 and 1989 Harbour data showed that Secchi disc transparency increased between 40-50 cm, chlorophyll decreased 20 ug/L, and seston decreased 2.5 mg/L. The 1989 summer mean for Secchi disc transparency was 193 cm. The area of submerged vegetation could then increase 10 ha from its present 90 ha. The water clarity guideline for swimming is still violated in the western end of the Harbour. The data also suggest that Secchi disc transparencies in the 3 m range are attainable when chlorophyll concentrations are below 7 ug/L; With this increase in water clarity, aquatic plant distribution could then increase to 170 ha, nearly double the present distribution"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaWater quality072gccstaRestoration1 aHampson, L., eauthor.1 aMcCabe, K. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-14.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-14-eng.pdf01485nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450166002212640072003873000044004593360026005033370026005293380036005554900036005915000086006275000017007135040041007305460033007716920021008046920028008256920017008537100034008707100047009048300055009518560105010069.874027CaOODSP20221107164101m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 onc #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-12E-PDF1 aDe Vitre, Richard R., eauthor.10aDiagenetic manganese and iron oxyhydroxide particles collected from a Canadian lake : bmorphology and chemical composition / cR.R. De Vitre [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (9 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-12 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-12.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs875 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-12-eng.pdf02328nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450109002152640168003243000062004923360026005543370026005803380036006064900032006425000086006745040041007605200698008015460072014996920025015716920026015966930014016227000027016367000029016637100034016927100047017268300051017738560106018249.874030CaOODSP20221107164101m o d f cr |||||||||||190531e199001##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-15E-PDF1 aPainter, Scott, eauthor.10aGrindstone Creek water clarity : bsources and effects / cScott Painter, Lisa Hampson and Karen McCabe. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, cJanuary, 1990. a1 online resource (30 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-15 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A spatial survey of water clarity identified in Grindstone Creek has identified that the sources of high turbidity in the delta are predominately the resuspension of silt in the ponds just upstream from the delta and to a lesser extent high chlorophyll concentrations. Water clarity was poorest during May and June despite an eight-week drought during that time period. Upstream Secchi disc depths were consistently greater than 1 m whereas the downstream ponds had a seasonal mean Secchi depth of only 28 cm. The poor water clarity is predicted to limit aquatic plants to only 4 ha and improvements in silt or chlorophyll concentrations could increase plant distribution to 25 ha"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaAquatic plants 4aTurbidity1 aHampson, L., eauthor.1 aMcCabe, K. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-15.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.57 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-15-eng.pdf01610nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000029001722450056002012640101002573000034003583360026003923370026004183380036004444900033004805000086005135040041005995200253006406530032008936920021009257100034009467100071009808300115010518560106011669.874031CaOODSP20221107164101m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e198410##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-6/84-28E-PDF1 aSalisbury, K., eauthor.10aParticle size data report / cauthor, K. Salisbury. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cOctober 1984. a1 online resource (24 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 84-28 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Dr. Carolyn Eyles, University of Toronto, submitted eighteen samples to the laboratory requesting sand, silt and clay percentages. The size-analyses were performed using the Sedigraph Analyzer (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979) by Keith Salisbury"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 84-28w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs1.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-84-28-eng.pdf01736nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000029001722450132002012640101003333000034004343360026004683370026004943380036005204900033005565000086005895040041006755200304007166530032010206920021010527100034010737100071011078300115011788560105012939.874033CaOODSP20221107164102m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e198501##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn13-6/85-02E-PDF1 aSalisbury, K., eauthor.10aParticle size data report : bRondeau Bay sediment / cauthor, K. Salisbury, Research Technologist, Technical Services Section. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bHydraulics Division, [National Water Research Institute], cJanuary 1985. a1 online resource (11 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. 85-02 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides the results of particle size analysis on four sediments from Rondeau Bay submitted by Mr. S. Painter. Aquatic Ecology Division, National Water Research Institute. The size-analyses were performed using the Sedigraph Analyzer and Sieve Method (Duncan and LaHaie, 1979)"--Introd. 0aParticle size determination072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bHydraulics Division.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada). Hydraulics Division)vno. 85-02w(CaOODSP)9.85512740qPDFs482 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-6/En13-6-85-02-eng.pdf02087nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000050001722450133002222640072003553000054004273360026004813370026005073380036005334900036005695000086006055040041006915200722007326920025014546920028014797100034015077100047015418300055015888560106016439.874034CaOODSP20221107164102m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 onca #otf f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-16E-PDF1 aPrepas, E. E. q(Ellie E.), d1947- eauthor.10aFarm water dugouts : ba manual on the use of lime to provide good water quality / cprepared by E.E. Prepas [and three others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (7, 1 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-16 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Dense algal blooms in farm dugouts cause taste and odour problems, clog filters, and at times kill livestock. The common copper sulfate treatment must be applied frequently, it leaves a residual taste, and it can be toxic to sheep. Lime treatment has been shown by earlier studies by the National Water Research Institute and the University of Alberta to effectively improve water quality. The application of calcium hydroxide to dugouts precipitated more than 99% of the algal biomass and the dugouts remained clear for two years. Farmers reported that the taste and odour of the water was greatly improved after the calcium hydroxide treatments and the effect continued into the next year"--Management Perspective.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-16.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.10 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-16-eng.pdf02452nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450155002142640160003693000051005293360026005803370026006063380036006324900032006685000022007005000086007225040041008085200854008495460072017036920022017756930009017976930022018067100034018287100047018628300051019098560106019609.874035CaOODSP20221107164102m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-27E-PDF1 aBaxter, R. M., eauthor.10aReductive dechlorination of certain chlorinated organic compounds by reduced hematin compared with their behaviour in the environment / cR.M. Baxter. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (8 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-27 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A number of chlorinated organic compounds of environmental concern were tested for their ability to react with reduced hematin. Within any class of substances the reactivity correlated fairly well with environmental persistence. DDT and DDD reacted but DDE did not. The least persistent BHC isomer, lindane, was the most reactive. Aldrin and heptachlor, which are less persistent than their epoxides, proved more reactive. Chlordene was detected as a dechlorination product of heptachlor. Mirex proved to be an exception, being fairly reactive in spite of its great persistence. Two dechlorination products were detected, representing the loss of one and two chlorine atoms, respectively. Hexachlorobutadiene reacted slowly, and octachlorostyrene reacted very slowly, yielding heptachlorostyrene. Purely aromatic compounds did not react"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaPollutants 4aHeme 4aOrganic compounds1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-27.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-27-eng.pdf01367nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000027001852450097002122640095003093000072004043360026004763370026005023380036005284900036005645000086006005040041006865460033007276920027007607100034007877100047008218300055008688560106009239.874036CaOODSP20221107164102m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 oncdab #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-17E-PDF1 aMurphy, Tom, eauthor.10aCoal tar contamination near Randle Reef, Hamilton Harbour / cT.P. Murphy [and five others]. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bLakes Research Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (33, (61) pages) : bgraphs, illustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-17 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-17.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs6.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-17-eng.pdf02002nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450087002112640160002983000072004583360026005303370026005563380036005824900032006185000022006505000086006725040041007585200456007995460072012556920020013276930012013476930019013597100034013787100047014128300051014598560106015109.874041CaOODSP20221107164103m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-29E-PDF1 aBarica, J., eauthor.10aAmmonia and nitrite contamination of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario / cJ. Barica. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (25 pages, 13 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-29 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The temporal and spatial distribution of total and toxic unionized ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and total dissolved nitrogen concentrations in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, were investigated during 1987-1988. The concentrations of toxic unionized ammonia in vertical and horizontal profiles depend on ammonia loadings from the Hamilton and Burlington municipal sewage treatment plants, the seasonal nitrogen cycle, pH and water temperature"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaHarbours 4aAmmonia 4aNitrogen cycle1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-29.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-29-eng.pdf02386nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450045002262640160002713000054004313360026004853370026005113380036005374900032005735000022006055000086006275040041007135200882007545460054016366920018016906920022017086920032017307100034017627100047017968300051018438560106018949.874054CaOODSP20221107164105m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-30E-PDF1 aNriagu, Jerome O., d1942- eauthor.10aGlobal metal pollution / cJ. O. Nriagu. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (15 pages, 9 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-30 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This is an invited feature article to be published in the journal, Environment. The report provides a review of the sources, distribution and fate of trace elements in various environmental compartments. Present-day emissions of metals into the biosphere by mining and industrial activities exceed the mobilization by natural weathering processes by several orders of magnitude for such metals as lead, copper, mercury, cadmium, chromium and zinc. The conclusion is reached that the contamination of our environment with toxic metals has become a global phenomenon and that the current levels of metal pollution may be harmful to the most sensitive organisms in some ecosystems. The human perturbation of the regional and global trace metal cycles is highlighted and concern is expressed about the growing trace metal pollution in the developing countries"--Executive summary. aIncludes executive summary in English and French.072gccstaMetals072gccstaPollutants072gccstaEnvironmental impact1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-30.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-30-eng.pdf02680nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000067001852450067002522640160003193000051004793360026005303370026005563380036005824900032006185000022006505000086006725040041007585201131007995460054019306920017019846920033020016920022020347100034020567100047020908300051021378560106021889.874056CaOODSP20221107164105m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 onca #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre anl-----1 aEn13-5/90-31E-PDF1 aStrachan, W. M. J. q(William Michael John), d1937- eauthor.10aAtmospheric deposition in the Great Lakes / cW.M.J. Strachan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (6 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-31 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Swedish National Environmental Protection Board and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe hosted a workshop in Stockholm (March 12-14, 1990) entitled "Long-Range Transport of Organic Pollutants". The particular purpose of this meeting was to (a) provide a forum for exchange of information on the topic among researchers and policy makers in Europe, and (b) acquaint Scandinavian and other European researchers with existing and potential activities concerning atmospheric transport and deposition of persistent toxic organics, especially the organochlorines. A number of North American investigators in the field were invited and their papers, including this one, will appear in a published proceedings of the workshop. This particular paper was intended to describe the development of the concern over atmospheric deposition in the Great Lakes and to describe the investigations in that area and what progress has been achieved to date. Here and in the workshop, the stress has been on the global nature of the transport and dispersal of the persistent organochlorine group of chemicals"--Executive summary. aIncludes executive summary in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaAtmospheric emissions072gccstaPollutants1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-31.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-31-eng.pdf01811nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860039001502450087001892640073002762640011003493000064003603360026004243370026004503380036004765000086005125000081005985040041006795200508007206530030012286920035012586920022012937100068013158560102013839.874060CaOODSP20221107164106m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1998 qucao |o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn21-174/1998E-PDFzEn21-174/1998E00aConserving wildlife diversity : bimplementing the Canadian biodiversity strategy. 1aHull, Quebec : bEnvironment Canada = Environnement Canada, c[1998] 4c©1998 a1 online resource (52 pages) : billustrations, photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"Compiled by Environment Canada's Biodiversity Convention Office"--Colophon. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"In 1992, Canada became the first industrialized country to ratify the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, which came into force on December 29, 1993 (United Nations Environmental Program 1994). The Convention recognizes that biological diversity is an important asset to current and future generations,affirms that conserving biociiversity is a common concernof mankind, and notes that it is vital to anticipate,prevent and attack the causes of biodiversity loss at theirsource"--Introd. 0aBiodiversity conservation072gccstaSustainable development072gccstaEcosystems1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bBiodiversity Convention Office.40qPDFs108.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En21-174-1998-eng.pdf03410nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000042001852450114002272640128003413000072004693360026005413370026005673380036005934900032006295000086006615000145007475040041008925201507009335460072024406920017025126920021025296920028025507000028025787000029026067000040026357100034026757100073027097100037027828300051028198560106028709.874061CaOODSP20221107164106m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 oncbd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-32E-PDF1 aTsanis, Ioannis K., d1953- eauthor.10aSummer circulation in the Kingston Basin, Lake Ontario / cI.K. Tsanis, A. Masse, C.R. Murthy, and K. Miners. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1990] a1 online resource (17 pages, 16 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-32 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"A report prepared for National Water Research Institute under Contract No. KW405-9-3103/012-XSE, Department of Supply and Services Canada." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"During the summers of 1986 and 1987 a network of current meter moorings, meteorological buoys and satellite drifters were deployed by National Water Research Institute (NWRI) to examine the circulation in the Kingston Basin and St. Lawrence outflow area. Power density spectra were computed along vector components and clockwise and anticlockwise components. Coherence and phase were computed between surface and bottom currents at the same mooring and between current and wind stress. The analysis reveals a varied response of currents to wind stress throughout the basin and also indicates the existence of complicated wind and hydraulic circulation patterns. The principal axes and mean direction of the measured currents show that the flow is strongly influenced by bottom topography. The numerous islands in the Kingston Basin affect the circulation. The mean barotropic flow along the north side of the Amherst Island is weak. However the currents exhibit high variability in response to barotropic pressure gradients induced by wind driven water level set-up with the flow around the Amherst Island being 180° out of phase with the wind. During the summer months the flow in the Kingston Basin is stratified resulting in two layer flow at the boundary between the basin and Lake Ontario. The mean currents in the epilimnion move landward towards the St. Lawrence River mouth while the mean currents in the hypolimnion move lakeward towards Lake Ontario through three deep channels"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaLimnology072gccstaWater management1 aMasse, A. K., eauthor.1 aMiners, K. C., eauthor.1 aRajasekara Murthy, C.‏, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-32.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-32-eng.pdf02371nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860036001631000030001992450180002292640049004093000050004583360026005083370026005343380036005604900029005965000086006255000110007115000054008215000055008755000037009305040041009675200427010085460033014356530015014686530015014837000029014987100070015277100051015977750096016488300087017448560106018319.874066CaOODSP20221107164107m o d f cr |||||||||||190531e197403##oncd o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn42-1/4-74-2E-PDFzEn43-4/74-21 aGoulden, P. D., eauthor.12aA modified procedure for the determination of phosphorus in detergents / cby P.D. Goulden, Environmental Management Service and M.C. Holton, Environmental Protection Service. 1aOttawa : bEnvironment Canada, cMarch 1974. a1 online resource (iii, 20 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vEPS 4-WP-74-2 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Nouvelle méthode de mesure de la teneur en phosphore des détergents. a"Environmental Protection Service report series." aIssued by the Water Pollution Control Directorate. a"Technology Development"--Cover. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The procedure described by the American Society for Testing and Materials for the determination of phosphorus in detergents has been studied. It is concluded that, at 5% phosphorus as P2O5, the method as written does not give a true measure of the phosphorus level. A modified titrimetric procedure has been developed which overcomes the difficulties experienced in the ASTM procedure at low phosphorus levels"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aPhosphorus 0aDetergents1 aHolton, M. C., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bEnvironmental Protection Service.1 aCanada. bWater Pollution Control Directorate.08tNouvelle méthode de mesure de la teneur en phosphore des détergents / w(CaOODSP)9.874110#0aEnvironmental Protection Service report series ;vEPS 4-WP-74-2w(CaOODSP)9.86603140qPDFs322 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en42-1/En42-1-4-74-2-eng.pdf01978nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000067001852450077002522640160003293000034004893360026005233370026005493380036005754900032006115000022006435000086006655040041007515200430007925460067012226920017012896920021013066920027013277100034013547100047013888300051014358560106014869.874069CaOODSP20221107164107m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre anl-----1 aEn13-5/90-33E-PDF1 aStrachan, W. M. J. q(William Michael John), d1937- eauthor.10aTrace analysis of atmospheric precipitation samples / cW.M.J. Strachan. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (12 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-33 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Most of the persistent organic contaminants found in environmental samples from the Great Lakes reached there via long range transport through the atmosphere. Historically, analyses have focussed on the more readily determined levels in biota and sediments but present and future demands for modelling and prediction require that the basic compartments, particularly the mobile ones - air and water - be assessed"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and executive summary in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaAcid rain072gccstaQuality control1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-33.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-33-eng.pdf02712nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000040001852450115002252640160003403000045005003360026005453370026005713380036005974900032006335000022006655000086006875040041007735201140008145460072019546920020020266920022020466920020020687100034020887100047021228300051021698560106022209.874086CaOODSP20221107164110m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-qu1 aEn13-5/90-34E-PDF1 aHanna, M. C. q(Marian C.)eauthor.10aEffect of sample preservation on body burden analysis of organic contaminants in unionid mussels / cM. Hanna. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute = Environnement Canada, Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (18 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-34 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"In order to quantitatively assess the effect of the temporary thawing out of the St. Lawrence mussel samples, collected between Lake St. Louis and Tadoussac, a comparative analysis was carried out on the unionid mussel Elliptio complanata, resampled by Ponar dredge from one site in the Cornwall/Massena area. To adequately reproduce the conditions of the thawing out problem, the mussels were divided into two groups, while Group A was kept in the freezer at -20°C, Group B was kept in the refrigerator for five days at 5°C. All the compounds present in the control were also present in Group B samples. Analysis of the organic contaminants in each of these two groups showed that for total PCB concentrations, the two treatments were not significantly different; however, when compared individually 6 of the 13 congeners showed significant differences. The observed differences were relatively small for individual PCB congeners (7.1 to 15.3%), higher for chlorobenzenes (10.5 to 36.4%), and yet higher for HCE (44.1%); the difference for HCE, although large is nevertheless not significant, even if only marginally so"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaMolluscs072gccstaPollutants072gccstaAnalysis1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-34.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-34-eng.pdf01402nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000031001722450163002032640072003663000051004383360026004893370026005153380036005414900036005775000086006135040041006996920022007406920027007627000033007897100034008227100047008568300055009038560106009589.874088CaOODSP20221107164110m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-18E-PDF1 aBurnison, B. K., eauthor.10aEffects of eight pesticides on the incorporation of thymidine and leucine in an aquatic environment (a preliminary report) / cB.K. Burnison and D.J. Nuttley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (11, (9) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-18 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaWater pollution1 aNuttley, Donna J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-18.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-18-eng.pdf02378nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450172002172640123003893000078005123360026005903370026006163380036006424900032006785000086007105040041007965200667008375460072015046920028015766920030016046920021016347000030016557000030016857100034017157100073017498300051018228560107018739.874090CaOODSP20221107164111m o d f cr |||||||||||190531e199002##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre anl-----1 aEn13-5/90-35E-PDF1 aDobos, Robert Z., eauthor.10aContaminants in vegetation, earthworms and dredged sediment in confined disposal facilities on the Canadian Great Lakes / cR.Z. Dobos, D.S. Painter and Alena Mudroch. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironment Canada, National Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, cFebruary 1990. a1 online resource (viii, 53 pages, 79 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-35 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The placement of contaminated dredged sediments into confined disposal facilities (CDFs) has been practiced on the Canadian Great Lakes since the early 1970s. Depending on the management of these sites, aquatic and terrestrial habitats may develop which support diverse biotic communities. The potential exists for the reentering of contaminants from the confined sediments into plants and wildlife utilizing these habitats. A study was initiated in 1987 to determine if vegetation growing on 12 contaminated CDFs and earthworms in these sediments were bioaccumulating contaminants, and if their contaminant concentrations were hazardous to wildlife"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWaste management072gccstaAquatic ecosystems072gccstaSediments1 aPainter, Scott, eauthor.1 aMudroch, Alena, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-35.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs12.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-35-eng.pdf01671nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000045001852450136002302640072003663000046004383360026004843370026005103380036005364900036005725000086006085000017006945040041007115200225007525460033009776920018010106920027010287100034010557100047010898300055011368560106011919.874093CaOODSP20221107164111m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 oncd #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-19E-PDF1 aDobson, H. F. H. q(Hugh F. H.)eauthor.10aSome observations of (non-toxic) chemicals in water samples from the St. Lawrence River from Kingston to Québec / cH.F.H. Dobson. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (32 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-19 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This paper is an interpretive study of non-toxic constituents of St. Lawrence River water, to provide a "water quality" perspective for research by others on toxic contaminants now polluting this great river"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-19.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-19-eng.pdf01973nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450122002152640095003373000072004323360026005043370026005303380036005564900032005925000086006245040041007105200399007515460072011506920017012226920018012396920032012577000034012897100034013237100073013578300051014308560106014819.874097CaOODSP20221107164112m o d f cr |||||||||||190531s1990 oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-36E-PDF1 aMayer, Tatiana, eauthor.10aEnvironmental impact of Hamilton Harbour on the nearshore area of western Lake Ontario / cT. Mayer and P.G. Manning. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, c[1990] a1 online resource (24 pages, 21 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-36 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The presence and the extent of the plume of Hamilton Harbour water extending into Lake Ontario was determined in order to assess the importance of metal contaminant transport from the Hamilton Harbour into Lake Ontario. Industrially derived iron compounds, wustite and hematite, were used as plume tracking parameters. Wustite, particularly, proved to be a good tracer of the plume"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaMetals072gccstaEnvironmental impact1 aManning, Philip G., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-36.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-36-eng.pdf01451nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450122002152640072003373000054004093360026004633370026004893380036005154900036005515000086005875040041006735460043007146920031007576920042007886920017008307100034008477100047008818300055009288560106009839.874098CaOODSP20221107164112m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 oncdb #ot f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-20E-PDF1 aPainter, Scott, eauthor.10aEstablishing habitat goals and response in an area of concern using a geographic information system / cD.S. Painter. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (5, (7) pages) : bgraphs, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-20 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes prefatory material in French.072gccstaNature conservation072gccstaGeographic information systems072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-20.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-20-eng.pdf01603nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860037001502450055001872500017002422640069002592640011003283000065003393360026004043370026004303380036004565000086004925040041005785200268006195300033008876920017009206920025009376920030009627100034009927750065010267760050010918560100011419.874104CaOODSP20221107164113m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s2000 oncadb |o f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn37-90/2000E-PDFzEn37-90/2000E02aA primer on fresh water : bquestions and answers. a5th edition. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada = Environnement Canada, c[2000] 4c©2000 a1 online resource (80 pages) : billustrations, charts, maps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"In 1986, the World Commission on Environment and Development called on the nations of the world to practice sustainable development: to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"--Introd. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWater072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWater conservation1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.08tNotions élémentaires sur l'eau douce : w(CaOODSP)9.9152910#tA primer on fresh water : w(CaOODSP)9.64768240qPDFs63.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En37-90-2000-eng.pdf01287nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860037001502450075001872640069002622640011003313000051003423360026003933370026004193380036004455000086004815040041005675200159006086920030007676920021007976920021008187100034008398560100008739.874114CaOODSP20221107164114m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531s1990 onca |o f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn37-93/1990E-PDFzEn37-93/1990E00aWater : bno time to waste : a consumer's guide to water conservation. 1a[Ottawa] : bEnvironment Canada = Environnement Canada, c[1990] 4c©1990 a1 online resource (23 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This guide is about water conservation, and what we can do to reduce the use of one of our most precious, yet undervalued, resources — water!"--Introd.072gccstaWater conservation072gccstaHandbooks072gccstaWater use1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.40qPDFs41.91 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En37-93-1990-eng.pdf01338nas 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860017001502450063001672640134002303100011003643360031003753370034004063380043004403620025004833620033005085000089005415000106006305500101007366920030008377100037008677100051009047750069009559.872937CaOODSP20221107163756m o d f cr |||||||||||190514d19791982onca| p os f0###a0fre|d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-1/3F-PDF00aNouvelles statistiques sur la petite entreprise au Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada, Industrie et Commerce = Government of Canada, Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1979?-1982?]  aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis 1979?1 aNe paraît plus après 1982? aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : New statistics on small business in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié par le Secrétariat de la petite entreprise du ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce.072gccstaPetite entreprise 1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.1 aCanada.bSecrétariat de la petite entreprise.08tNew statistics on small business in Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.87254501107nas 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860018001502450045001682640070002133100011002833360031002943370034003253380043003593620025004025000065004275000078004925000104005706920030006747100057007047750056007619.872930CaOODSP20221107163755m o d f cr |||||||||||190506d1987199uonca| p os f0###a0fre|d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu28-1/2F-PDF00aProfils des petites entreprises, Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada, c[1987]- aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis 1987? a« Agences d'assurances et agences immobilières » -- 1987. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Small business profiles, Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada].072gccstaPetite entreprise 1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.08tSmall business profiles, Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87256602047nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450076001712640118002473000054003653360031004193370034004503380043004845000109005275000105006365000028007415200691007696920019014606920036014797100057015157750058015728560103016309.873621CaOODSP20221107163951m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1992 onc |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-18/1992F-PDF03aLe succès grâce au partenariat : ble Programme de partenariat MERIT. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bIndustrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada = Industry, Science and Technology Canada, c[1992] a1 ressource en ligne (13 pages non-numérotées). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Achievement through partnership: the MERIT Partnership Program. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimée [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. aTitre de la couverture. a« Mandat pour l'exportation et pour la recherche-développement dans le domaine de l'information et des technologies connexes : MERIT. Le Programme de partenariat MERIT est une initiative du gouvernement canadien. Son objectif principal est de mettre en valeur le secteur canadien des technologies de l'information en reconnaissant la contribution des entreprises multinationales de ce secteur qui se sont engagées à participer de manière tangible au développement industriel du Canada. Le Programme est le complément de la politique du gouvernement visant à améliorer les services en utilisant l'information et les technologies de façon novatrice » -- Qu'est-ce que le MERIT?072gccstaMérite072gccstaInnovation technologique1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.08tAchievement through partnership : w(CaOODSP)9.87280740qPDFs5.08 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C23-18-1992-fra.pdf01872nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450084001712640071002553000098003263360031004243370034004553380043004895000100005325000104006325040048007365200399007846920032011837100057012157750058012728560113013308560115014439.873661CaOODSP20221107163958m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e199209 oncd |o f|0| 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC86-69/1992F-PDF03aLe marché canadien des voyages à l'étranger : bconcordance produit-marché. 1a[Ottawa] : bISTC-Tourisme, Direction du Canada, cseptembre 1992. a1 ressource en ligne (xviii, 232, 17, 11 pages non-numérotées) : bgraphiques + esommaire. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian outbound travel market: product/market match. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Les objectifs du rapport intitulé « Le marché canadien des voyages à l'étranger : concordance produit-marché » consistent à examiner les voyages des Canadiens à destination des États-Unis et à préciser le volume et les caractéristiques des voyageurs qui sont à la recherche d'expériences de voyage d'agrément que les Canadiens pourraient trouver ici » -- Sommaire, page [i].072gccstaVoyage international1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.08tCanadian outbound travel market : w(CaOODSP)9.87261540qPDFs17.55 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C86-69-1992-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs2.81 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C86-69-1992-1-fra.pdfzSommaire02305nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650860034001772450037002112640111002482640011003593000065003703360031004353370034004663380043005005000071005435000025006145000104006395040048007435200889007915300045016806920020017257100057017457750049018028560104018519.873730CaOODSP20221107164010m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528t19901990onca ob f000 0 fre d z066257785Xq(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC86-38/1990F-PDFzC86-38/199003aLe tourisme, un pas à franchir. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada = Industry, Science and Technology Canada, c[1990] 4c©1990 a1 ressource en ligne (34 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Tourism on the threshold. a« PU 0101-90-03. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport constitue un examen de l'état de l'industrie touristique de même qu'un énoncé de la politique touristique fédérale. Il donne un aperçu de l'importance du tourisme dans l'économie canadienne. Vient ensuite une description des défis que doit relever l'industrie, c'est-à-dire réagir aux principales tendances des marchés, créer des produits, donner de l'expansion à l'infrastructure, recourir à de nouvelles technologies innovatrices et gérer les ressources humaines. On y indique également jusqu'où l'industrie pourrait aller si elle relevait ces défis avec énergie et efficacité. En guise de conclusion, le rapport comporte un aperçu des moyens que le gouvernement fédéral peut prendre pour aider l'industrie à réagir face à ces défis. Le texte de la politique touristique fédérale se retrouve en annexe » -- Introduction, page 3. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTourisme1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.08tTourism on the threshold.w(CaOODSP)9.87223540qPDFs21.67 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C86-38-1990-fra.pdf01477nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450261001762640072004373000045005093360026005543370026005803380036006065000100006425040041007426920027007836920020008106920018008307000021008487000018008697100055008877100040009427100049009828560108010319.873923CaOODSP20221107164044m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e199103##oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aIu91-4/21-2-1991E-PDF00aReview of competitiveness of Northern Ontario's traditional & selected non-traditional industries : breport II : base metals / csubmitted by Maureen Farrow, The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group, Ron Goswell, Northern Research Associates Consulting Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada, cMarch 1991. a1 online resource (84 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaCompetitiveness072gccstaIndustry072gccstaMetals1 aFarrow, Maureen.1 aGoswell, Ron.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.2 aCoopers & Lybrand Consulting Group.2 aNorthern Research Associates Consulting Inc.40qPDFs3.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu91-4-21-2-1991-eng.pdf01444nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450256001762640072004323000034005043360026005383370026005643380036005905000100006265040025007266920027007516920020007786920017007987000021008157000018008367100055008547100040009097100049009498560108009989.873931CaOODSP20221107164045m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e199103##onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aIu91-4/21-3-1991E-PDF00aReview of competitiveness of Northern Ontario's traditional & selected non-traditional industries : breport III : steel / csubmitted by Maureen Farrow, The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group, Ron Goswell, Northern Research Associates Consulting Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada, cMarch 1991. a1 online resource (22 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaCompetitiveness072gccstaIndustry072gccstaSteel1 aFarrow, Maureen.1 aGoswell, Ron.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.2 aCoopers & Lybrand Consulting Group.2 aNorthern Research Associates Consulting Inc.40qPDFs1.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu91-4-21-3-1991-eng.pdf01513nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450282001762640072004583000045005303360026005753370026006013380036006275000100006635040025007636920027007886920034008156920035008497000021008847000018009057100055009237100040009787100049010188560108010679.873937CaOODSP20221107164046m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e199103##oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aIu91-4/21-4-1991E-PDF00aReview of competitiveness of Northern Ontario's traditional & selected non-traditional industries : breport IV : wood products and pulp and paper / csubmitted by Maureen Farrow, The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group, Ron Goswell, Northern Research Associates Consulting Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada, cMarch 1991. a1 online resource (33 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaCompetitiveness072gccstaManufacturing industry072gccstaPulp and paper industry1 aFarrow, Maureen.1 aGoswell, Ron.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.2 aCoopers & Lybrand Consulting Group.2 aNorthern Research Associates Consulting Inc.40qPDFs2.87 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu91-4-21-4-1991-eng.pdf01453nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450280001762640072004563000034005283360026005623370026005883380036006145000100006505040025007506920027007756920034008027000021008367000018008577100055008757100040009307100049009708560108010199.873938CaOODSP20221107164046m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e199103##onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aIu91-4/21-5-1991E-PDF00aReview of competitiveness of Northern Ontario's traditional & selected non-traditional industries : breport V : traditional and non-traditional / csubmitted by Maureen Farrow, The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group, Ron Goswell, Northern Research Associates Consulting Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada, cMarch 1991. a1 online resource (61 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes references.072gccstaCompetitiveness072gccstaManufacturing industry1 aFarrow, Maureen.1 aGoswell, Ron.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.2 aCoopers & Lybrand Consulting Group.2 aNorthern Research Associates Consulting Inc.40qPDFs5.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu91-4-21-5-1991-eng.pdf01473nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450284001762640072004603000048005323360026005803370026006063380036006325000100006685040041007686920027008096920020008367000021008567000018008777100055008957100040009507100049009908560108010399.872511CaOODSP20221107163649m o d f cr |||||||||||190506e199103##oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aIu91-4/21-1-1991E-PDF00aReview of competitiveness of Northern Ontario's traditional & selected non-traditional industries : breport I : part A, part B, gold and appendix I / csubmitted by Maureen Farrow, The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group, Ron Goswell, Northern Research Associates Consulting Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada, cMarch 1991. a1 online resource (24, 3 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaCompetitiveness072gccstaIndustry1 aFarrow, Maureen.1 aGoswell, Ron.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.2 aCoopers & Lybrand Consulting Group.2 aNorthern Research Associates Consulting Inc.40qPDFs2.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu91-4-21-1-1991-eng.pdf01722nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450062001712640068002333000092003013360026003933370026004193380036004455000100004815000121005815040025007025200285007276920032010127100055010447750073010998560112011728560124012849.872615CaOODSP20221107163706m o d f cr |||||||||||190507e199209 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC86-69/1992E-PDF00aCanadian outbound travel market : bproduct/market match. 1a[Ottawa] : bISTC-Tourism Canada Directorate, cSeptember 1992. a1 online resource (xvi, 212, 17, 12 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs + eexecutive summary. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Le marché canadien des voyages à l'étranger : concordance produit-marché. aIncludes references. a"The Canadian outbound travel market: product-market match examines Canadian travel to the U.S. and identifies the volume and characteristics of those Canadian travellers seeking pleasure travel experiences in the U.S. which could be enjoyed at home"--Executive summary, page [i].072gccstaInternational travel1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.08tLe marché canadien des voyages à l'étranger : w(CaOODSP)9.87366140qPDFs15.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C86-69-1992-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs2.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C86-69-1992-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary01915nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860035001501100057001852450029002422460050002712460111003212640109004322640011005413000038005523360031005903370034006213380043006555000034006985000106007325000070008385050393009086920033013016920021013347750048013557950047014038560103014509.872710CaOODSP20221107163720m o d f cr |n|||||||||190509t19921991onc #oc f000 | fre u aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC2-146/1992F-PDFzC2-146/1991F1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.10aVidéothèque catalogue.16aMise à jour du catalogue de la vidéothèque15aCatalogue des vidéo cassettes distributes par Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada, fJanvier 1991 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada = Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada,c1992. 4c©1991 a1 ressource en ligne (182 pages)  atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre pris sur la couverture. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Vidéothèque catalogue.00aMise à jour du catalogue de la vidéothèque, Modification nº 2, juillet 1992 -- Mise à jour du catalogue de la videotheque, Modification Nº 1, novembre 1991 -- Catalogue de la vidéothèque : catalogue des vidéocassettes distribuées par Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada gJanvier 1991 / rDirection générale des communications, Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada.072gccstaEnregistrement vidéo072gccstaCatalogue08tVidéothèque catalogue.w(CaOODSP)9.872700##tCatalogue de la vidéothèque : w9.87269840qPDFs9.78 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C2-146-1992-fra.pdf01802nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450071001712640111002423000061003533360026004143370026004403380036004665000100005025000109006025000017007115200490007286920017012186920036012357100055012717750059013268560103013859.872807CaOODSP20221107163735m o d f cr |n|||||||||190513s1992 onc||||#o f00| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-18/1992E-PDF00aAchievement through partnership : bthe MERIT Partnership Program. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada = Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada, c[1992] a1 online resource (12 unnumbered pages) : bphotographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Le succès grâce au partenariat : le Programme de partenariat MERIT. aCover title. a"Mandate of Export and Research and development in Information Technology: MERIT. The MERIT Partnership Program is an initiative of the Canadian government. Its mission is to enhance the nation's information technologies (IT) sector by recognizing multinational IT firms which have made significant commitments to industrial development in Canada. MERIT complements the government's policy of enhancing services through the innovative use of information and technology"--What is MERIT?072gccstaMerit072gccstaTechnological innovation1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.08tLe succès grâce au partenariat : w(CaOODSP)9.87362140qPDFs4.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C23-18-1992-eng.pdf01349nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450080001712640082002513000053003333360026003863370026004123380036004385000100004745050155005746920027007297000019007567100055007758560116008308560113009469.872816CaOODSP20221107163736m o d f cr |n|||||||||190513m19911992onca|||#ob f00| 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-21/1991E-PDF10aGetting ready to go global / cprepared by Stuart Press [and three others]. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada, c1991 and 1992. a1 online resource (7 volumes) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].0 aV.1 Atlantic Canada -- v. 2 Quebec -- v. 3 Ontario -- v. 4 Prairie provinces -- v. 5 British Columbia -- v. 6 Value chain elements -- v. 7 Appendices.072gccstaFood processing1 aPress, Stuart.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.40qPDFs2.89 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C23-21-1991-4-eng.pdfzvolume iv40qPDFs2.90uhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C23-21-1991-6-eng.pdfzvolume vi01433nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450123001732640119002963000041004153360031004563370035004873380043005225000104005655000033006695200221007026920038009236920020009617100057009818560105010389.872854CaOODSP20221107163742m o d f cr |n|||||||||190513e198907##quc||||#o f000 0dfre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aIu44-115/1989F-PDF10aRépertoire des développeurs québécois de logiciels à l'intention des municipalités / cpréparé par Yvon Blais. 1aMontréal : bIndustrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada = Industry, Science and Technology Canada, cjuillet 1989. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, 49 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatique bc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. a« Version préliminaire. » a« Le présent répertoire constitue une première tentative de regroupement des informations de base sur les développeurs québécois de logiciels qui œuvrent dans le secteur des municipalités » -- Introduction.072gccstaProgrammation d'ordinateur072gccstaLogiciel1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.40qPDFs1.82 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Iu44-115-1989-fra.pdf01520nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860036001501000043001862450242002292640044004713000036005153360026005513370026005773380036006035000034006395000087006735040041007606500046008016500038008477000023008857000021009087100033009297100037009627750073009998560098010729.873766CaOODSP20221107164016m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1974 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aJ32-4/5-1974E-PDFzJ32-4/5-19741 aSchmeiser, Douglas A,d1934- eauthor.14aThe native offender and the law / cprepared for the Law Reform Commission of Canada by Douglas A. Schmeiser, Dean of Law, College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, in conjunction with Hans W.B. Heumann and John R. Manning.  1aOttawa : bInformation Canada, c1974.  a1 online resource (x, 90 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print. aIssued also in French under title: La délinquance chez les autochtones et la loi. aIncludes bibliographical references. 5aFirst NationszCanadaxSocial conditions. 0aInuitzCanadaxSocial conditions.1 aHeumann, Hans W.B.1 aManning, John R.1 aCanada.bInformation Canada.2 aLaw Reform Commission of Canada.08tLa délinquance chez les autochtones et la loi / w(CaOODSP)9.91223240qPDFs1.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/jus/J32-4-5-1974-eng.pdf01972nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430012001530860039001652450082002042640135002862640011004213000038004323360026004703370026004963380036005225000081005585000100006395200528007396920028012677100067012957100041013627100059014037750067014628560105015299.872418CaOODSP20221107163636m o d f cr |n|||||||||190502t19851986onc |||#o f000 0 eng d z0662144759 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-2/10-1986E-PDFzC28-2/10-1986E00aEstablishing a small business / cprepared by the Small Business Secretariat. 1a[Ottawa] : bSmall Business Secretariat, Department of Regional Industrial Expansion, Minister of State, Small Businesses, c1985. 4c©1986 a1 online resource (iii, 69 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: La mise sur pied d'une petite entreprise. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This publication was prepared by the Small Business Secretariat for information purpose only and is offered as a guide to those interested in establishing a business. In no way does it constitute a legal document binding on the Government of Canada, its departments or agencies. This publication recognizes that the business person requires certain vital information to effect business decisions and provides present and potential investors with a general description of the business climate and basic data"--Introduction.072gccstaSmall businesses1 aCanada. bInnovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.1 aCanada.bSmall Business Secretariat.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Regional Industrial Expansion.08tLa mise sur pied d'une petite entreprise / w(CaOODSP)9.87242040qPDFs2.54 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-2-10-1986-eng.pdf02117nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220430012001530860039001652450105002042640153003092640011004623000042004733360031005153370034005463380043005805000076006235000104006995200597008036920029014007100073014297100051015027100065015537750056016188560105016749.872420CaOODSP20221107163636m o d f cr |n|||||||||190502t19851986onc |||#o f000 0 fre d z0662935268 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-2/10-1986F-PDFzC28-2/10-1986F03aLa mise sur pied d'une petite entreprise / cpréparée par le Secrétariat à la petite entreprise. 1a[Ottawa] : bSecrétariat à la petite entreprise, Ministère de l'Expansion industrielle régionale, Ministre d'État, Petites Entreprises, c1985. 4c©1986 a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 74 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Establishing a small business. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. a« La présente publication a été préparée par le Secrétariat à la petite entreprise à titre d'information seulement; elle a pour but de fournir des renseignements à ceux qui désirent mettre sur pied une entreprise. Elle ne constitue en aucune façon un document légal engageant le gouvernement canadien, ses ministères et organismes. Cet ouvrage reconnaît que les gens d'affaires ont besoin de certains renseignements essentiels pour prendre des décisions et fournit aux entrepreneurs actuels ou éventuels une description générale du contexte des affaires » -- Avant-propos.072gccstaPetite entreprise1 aCanada. bInnovation, sciences et développement économique Canada.1 aCanada.bSecrétariat de la petite entreprise.1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'expansion industrielle régionale.08tEstablishing a small business / w(CaOODSP)9.87241840qPDFs2.69 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-2-10-1986-fra.pdf01464nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450040001892640108002292640011003373000033003483360026003813370026004073380036004335000067004695000032005365200246005686920030008146920031008447100044008757750053009198560102009728560052010749.871696CaOODSP20221107163446m o d f cr |||||||||||190528s2017 onc o f100 0 eng d a9780660305387 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aMR4-78/2019E-PDF00aDNA on Loan Forum : bforum report. 1aOttawa : bCanadian Institutes of Health Research = Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada,c[2017] 4c©2017 a1 online resource (18 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Forum sur le prêt d’ADN. aIssued also in HTML format. a"The “DNA on Loan: Exploring Biobanking with Indigenous Values” forum was held to explore the issues surrounding long term storage of biological samples when research involves the Indigenous Peoples of Canada"--Executive summary, page 4.072gccstaIndigenous peoples072gccstaBiological products2 aCanadian Institutes of Health Research.08tForum sur le prêt d’ADN : w(CaOODSP)9.87169740qPDFs419 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/irsc-cihr/MR4-78-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/51368.html01528nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450049001892640109002382640011003473000036003583360031003943370034004253380043004595000067005025000039005695200282006086920023008906920030009137100048009437750044009918560102010358560053011379.871697CaOODSP20240710082141m o d f cr |||||||||||190528s2017 onc o f100 0 fre d a9780660305394 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aMR4-78/2019F-PDF00aForum sur le prêt d’ADN : bcompte rendu. 1aOttawa : bInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada = Canadian Institutes of Health Research,c[2017]. 4c©2017 a1 ressource en ligne (22 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : DNA on Loan Forum.  aÉgalement publié en format HTML. a« Le forum « Le prêt d’ADN : les biobanques et les valeurs autochtones » a été tenu dans le but d’étudier les questions qui entourent le stockage à long terme des échantillons biologiques quand la recherche porte sur les Autochtones du Canada »--Résumé, page 4.072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaProduit biologique2 aInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada.08tDNA on Loan Forum : w(CaOODSP)9.87169640qPDFs489 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/irsc-cihr/MR4-78-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/f/51368.html02329nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450255001892640063004442640011005073000033005183360026005513370026005773380036006035000304006395200559009436920030015026920018015326920020015507100044015707750287016148560102019019.868856CaOODSP20221107162712m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s2019 onc o f100 0 eng d a9780660297446 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aMR4-77/2019E-PDF00aProceedings of the CIHR-supported Panel on Indigenous Health Research, and the CAREB-ACCER and CIHR-supported Indigenous Research Ethics Workshop on Doing Good Research with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, May 25, 2018, Mississauga, Ontario. 1aOttawa : bCanadian Institutes of Health Research, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (13 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu des délibérations du Groupe d’experts sur la recherche en santé autochtone des IRSC et de l’Atelier sur l’éthique de la recherche auprès des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis de l’ACCER-IRSC, 25 mai 2018, Mississauga (Ontario). a"This report provides the proceedings for two sessions held in the context of the 2018 Indigenous Health Conference, May 24 to 26, 2018: Keynote Panel on Indigenous Health Research, and Indigenous Research Ethics Workshop on Doing Good Research Ethics with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. These sessions where hosted by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Ethics Office, CIHR Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health (IIPH), and, for the workshop, in partnership with the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards"--Page [3].072gccstaIndigenous peoples072gccstaHealth072gccstaResearch2 aCanadian Institutes of Health Research.08tCompte rendu des délibérations du Groupe d’experts sur la recherche en santé autochtone des IRSC et de l’Atelier sur l’éthique de la recherche auprès des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis de l’ACCER-IRSC 25 mai 2018, Mississauga (Ontario).w(CaOODSP)9.86885740qPDFs348 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/irsc-cihr/MR4-77-2019-eng.pdf01778nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450268001892640068004572640011005253000036005363360031005723370034006033380043006375000298006806920023009786920018010016920021010197100048010407750274010888560102013629.868857CaOODSP20240710082141m o d f cr |||||||||||190528s2019 onc o f100 0 fre d a9780660297453 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aMR4-77/2019F-PDF00aCompte rendu des délibérations du Groupe d’experts sur la recherche en santé autochtone des IRSC et de l’Atelier sur l’éthique de la recherche auprès des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis de l’ACCER-IRSC 25 mai 2018, Mississauga (Ontario). 1aOttawa : bInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada,c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (14 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the CIHR-supported Panel on Indigenous Health Research, and the CAREB-ACCER and CIHR-supported Indigenous Research Ethics Workshop on Doing Good Research with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples May 25, 2018, Mississauga, Ontario. 072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaSanté072gccstaRecherche2 aInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada.08tProceedings of the CIHR-supported Panel on Indigenous Health Research, and the CAREB-ACCER and CIHR-supported Indigenous Research Ethics Workshop on Doing Good Research with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, May 25, 2018, Mississauga, Ontario.w(CaOODSP)9.86885640qPDFs376 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/irsc-cihr/MR4-77-2019-fra.pdf01789nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200024001070400031001310430012001620860035001742450098002092640066003072640011003733000054003843360026004383370026004643380036004905000180005265000017007065000230007235000100009535300033010536920023010867100063011097100055011727100023012277750074012508560103013249.873721CaOODSP20230620112442m o d f cr mn|||||||||190528t19911991onca o f000 0 eng d z0662187293q(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId54-6/1991E-PDFzID54-6/1991E00aLooking for investment partners abroad : bplanning your first international investment trip. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinister of Supply and Services Canada, c[1991] 4c©1991 a1 online resource (i, 26 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: La recherche de coïnvestisseurs à l'étranger : la planification de votre premier voyage de prospection de l'investissement international. aCover title. a"This document has been prepared for Canada's Investment Development Program and its participating departments: Investment Canada, External Affairs and International Trade Canada, and Industry, Science and Technology Canada." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaInvestments1 aCanada. bExternal Affairs and International Trade Canada.1 aCanada. bIndustry, Science and Technology Canada.2 aInvestment Canada.08tLa recherche de coïnvestisseurs à l'étranger : w(CaOODSP)9.87372840qPDFs2.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/ID54-6-1991-eng.pdf01979nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650860035001772450147002122640078003592640011004373000057004483360031005053370034005363380043005705000136006135000028007495000346007775000104011235300045012276920026012727100027012987100067013257100057013927750065014498560103015149.873728CaOODSP20230620112425m o d f cr mn|||||||||190528t19911991onca o f000 0 fre d z0662969847q(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId54-6/1991F-PDFzID54-6/1991F03aLa recherche de coïnvestisseurs à l'étranger : bla planification de votre premier voyage de prospection de l'investissement international. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinistre des approvisionnements et services Canada, c[1991] 4c©1991 a1 ressource en ligne (i, 29 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Looking for investment partners abroad: planning your first international investment trip. aTitre de la couverture. a« Le présent document a été produit dans le cadre du Programme de développement des investissements du gouvernement du Canada. Il a été préparé pour le compte d'Investissement Canada, d'Affaires extérieures et Commerce extérieur Canada et d'Industrie, Sciences et Technologie Canada, qui participent tous trois à ce programme. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaInvestissement2 aInvestissement Canada.1 aCanada. bAffaires extérieures et commerce extérieur Canada.1 aCanada. bIndustrie, sciences et technologie Canada.08tLooking for investment partners abroad : w(CaOODSP)9.87372140qPDFs2.54 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/ID54-6-1991-fra.pdf02206nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860020001502450147001702640152003173000038004693360026005073370026005333380036005595000183005955000100007785000017008785200652008956920028015477000053015757100048016287750114016768560102017909.872892CaOODSP20221107163749m o d f cr |n|||||||||190514e19780524onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-5/1978E-PDF10aImproving the equity financing environment for small business in Canada : bpresented for public discussion / cby the Honourable A.C. Abbott. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinister of State, Small Business, Government of Canada = Ministre d'État, Petite entreprise, Gouvernement du Canada, cMay 24, 1978. a1 online resource (10, 14 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Améliorer les conditions de participation au capital de la petite entreprise au Canada : document présenté pour fins de discussion publique. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aCover title. a"For some years now, a growing number of Canadians have become aware of the importance of small business and the unique facets and potential of this sector of the Canadian economy. Concerns that this sector is experiencing various difficulties have been reflected in public statements, in the media and in studies, briefs and submissions by informed commentators, professional associations and by government authorities at both the federal and provincial levels. Many have made proposals for changes in federal government policies to alleviate problems faced by this sector and to promote and ensure its continued health"--Introducation, page [1].072gccstaSmall businesses1 aAbbott, Anthony C. q(Anthony Chisholm), d1930-1 aCanada.bMinister of State, Small Business.08tAméliorer les conditions de participation au capital de la petite entreprise au Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87289440qPDFs1.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-5-1978-eng.pdf02335nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860020001502450182001702640154003523000041005063360031005473370034005783380043006125000151006555000104008065000028009105200750009386920029016887000053017177100051017707750098018218560102019199.872894CaOODSP20221107163749m o d f cr |n|||||||||190502e19780524onc ||| o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC28-5/1978F-PDF10aAméliorer les conditions de participation au capital de la petite entreprise au Canada : bdocument présenté pour fins de discussion publique / cpar l'honorable A.C. Abbott. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinister of State, Small Business, Government of Canada = Ministre d'État, Petite entreprise, Gouvernement du Canada, cle 24 mai 1978. a1 ressource en ligne (11, 14 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Improving the equity financing environment for small business in Canada: presented for public discussion. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. aTitre de la couverture. a« Depuis quelques années déjà, de plus en plus de Canadiens se rendent compte de l'importance de la petite entreprise et des facettes et possibilités uniques de ce secteur de l'économie canadienne. Ce secteur éprouve actuellement diverses difficultés; c'est ce qui ressort des déclarations publiques, des média et des études, mémoires et présentations de chroniqueurs éclairés, d'associations professionnelles et d'autorités gouvernementales, tant au palier fédéral qu'au palier provincial. On a présenté beaucoup de propositions de modifications aux politiques du gouvernement fédéral, en vue d'atténuer les problèmes qui se posent pour ce secteur et de favoriser et d'assurer sa viabilité » -- Introduction, page [1].072gccstaPetite entreprise1 aAbbott, Anthony C. q(Anthony Chisholm), d1930-1 aCanada.bMinistre d'État, Petite entreprise.08tImproving the equity financing environment for small business in Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87289240qPDFs1.63 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/C28-5-1978-fra.pdf02095nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450081001732640047002543000033003013360026003343370026003603380036003864900029004225000083004515000040005345000100005745200651006745300033013256920024013586920021013826920032014036920021014357100038014567750069014948300049015638560109016129.873875CaOODSP20221107164035m o d f cr cn|||||||||190529s1963 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1963-7E-PDF00aConstruction and equipment standards / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1963. a1 online resource (9 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Les normes de construction et du matériel. a"Date of revision - February 1963." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with construction and equipment standards. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws and their administration contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword, page G-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaConstruction072gccstaBuildings072gccstaElectrical equipment072gccstaStandards1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tLes normes de construction et du matériel / w(CaOODSP)9.873878#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1963-7-eng.pdf02290nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450095001732640050002683000036003183360031003543370034003853380043004194900046004625000083005085000037005915000058006285000104006865200696007905300045014866920024015316920021015556920035015766920017016117100041016287750063016698300064017328560108017969.873878CaOODSP20221107164036m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s1963 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1963-7F-PDF04aLes normes de construction et du matériel / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1963. a1 ressource en ligne (9 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Construction and equipment standards. a« Révisé en février 1963. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Ce texte traite des normes de construction et de matériel. Un soin particulier a été apporté à décrire avec exactitude la législation en vigueur au moment de sa rédaction. Nous croyons qu'il sera un guide très utile. Il faut bien comprendre cependant qu'un grand nombre de lois et de règlements administratifs comportent une infinité de détails. Puisque le texte ne fait que mentionner les principes de base, nous conseillons aux intéressés de demander l'avis des autorités comptétentes ou des avocats de leur choix, ou des deux à la fois, lorsqu'ils ont besoin d'un conseil précis et détaillé sur un sujet donné à un moment déterminé » -- Avant-propos, page G-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaConstruction072gccstaBâtiment072gccstaÉquipement électrique072gccstaNorme1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tConstruction and equipment standards / w(CaOODSP)9.873875#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs525 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1963-7-fra.pdf01753nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450069001732640047002423000034002893360026003233370026003493380036003754900029004115000035004405000042004755000100005175200521006175300033011386920022011716920026011937100038012198300049012578560109013069.873911CaOODSP20221107164042m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1964 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1964-1E-PDF04aThe Canadian environment / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1964. a1 online resource (24 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Date of revision: May, 1964." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"While this booklet may he considered as a very brief introduction to the subject of carrying on business in Canada, it also represents the first chapter in a series of publications under the general heading of "Doing Business in Canada", prepared by the Department of Industry, Ottawa, Canada. The topics covered in this and other chapters in the series are intended mainly as outline of basic government legislation and regulations most importantly affecting the conduct of business in Canada"--Foreword, page A-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1964-1-eng.pdf01882nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450085001732640063002583000037003213360026003583370026003843380036004104900029004465000077004755000065005525000100006175200475007175300033011926920022012256920026012477100038012737750063013118300049013748560109014239.873912CaOODSP20221107164042m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530r19661964onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1964-2E-PDF00aForms of business organization in Canada / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1964 [reprinted 1966] a1 online resource (22, 2 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Les modes d'organisation commerciale. a"Date of revision - October, 1964. Reprint - February 1966." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"Information in this booklet deals with federal and provincial legislation affecting the form and commencement of business in this country. It is intended as a guide in this field of legislation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice when seeking precise and detailed guidance"--Foreword, page B-3. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tLes modes d'organisation commerciale / w(CaOODSP)9.873914#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs2.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1964-2-eng.pdf02105nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450089001732640050002623000037003123360031003493370034003803380043004144900046004575000077005035000044005805000058006245000104006825200581007865300045013676920022014126920028014347100041014627750067015038300064015708560109016349.873914CaOODSP20221107164042m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1964 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1964-2F-PDF04aLes modes d'organisation commerciale / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1964. a1 ressource en ligne (23 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Forms of business organization. a« Date de révision - octobre 1964. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Les renseignements contenus dans le présent fascicule ont trait â la législation fédérale et provinciale relative au genre et au lancement d'une affaire dans notre pays. Elle donne des explications générales sur ce domaine législatif et ne peut donc servir que de guide â l'égard des principes fondamentaux. La loi elle-même comporte une foule de détails et nous conseillons aux intéressés de consulter les autorités compétentes ou un avocat de leur choix lorsqu'ils ont besoin des précisions relatives â leur cas particulier » -- Avant-propos, page B-3. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaEntreprise072gccstaDroit commercial1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tForms of business organization in Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.873912#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.74 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1964-2-fra.pdf01982nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450118001732640047002913000054003383360026003923370026004183380036004444900031004805000039005115000042005505000100005925200643006925300033013356920022013686920024013906920022014147100038014368300049014748560109015239.873917CaOODSP20221107164043m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1964 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1964-4E-PDF00aTaxation in Canada - income, business, property / cprepared by Industry Services Branch, Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1964. a1 online resource (23 pages, 3 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Doing business in Canada] a"Date of revision: January, 1964." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with the incidence of taxation on income, business and property. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested that an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaIncome tax072gccstaProperty tax072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs2.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1964-4-eng.pdf01952nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450106001732640047002793000034003263360026003603370026003863380036004124900029004485000040004775000042005175000100005595200645006595300033013046920023013376920024013606920022013847100038014068300049014448560109014939.873925CaOODSP20221107164044m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1964 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1964-5E-PDF00aTaxation - sales, excise, commodity / cprepared by Industry Services Branch, Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1964. a1 online resource (15 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Date of revision: February, 1964." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with the incidence of sales, excise and commodity taxes. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested that an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword, page E-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaSales taxes072gccstaExcise taxes072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.37 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1964-5-eng.pdf01884nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450082001732640047002553000052003023360026003543370026003803380036004064900029004425000039004715000042005105000100005525200585006525300033012376920022012706920024012926920022013167100038013388300049013768560109014259.873933CaOODSP20221107164045m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1965 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1965-4E-PDF00aTaxation - income, business, property / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1965. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Date of revision: October, 1965." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of taxation on income, business and property. It is intended as a guide in this field of taxation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. However, since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice, or both, when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword, page D-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaIncome tax072gccstaProperty tax072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.91 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1965-4-eng.pdf01973nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450068001732640047002413000034002883360026003223370026003483380036003744900029004105000070004395000039005095000100005485200683006485300033013316920019013647100038013837750056014218300049014778560109015269.873940CaOODSP20221107164047m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1966 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1966-3E-PDF00aCanadian customs duties / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1966. a1 online resource (17 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Le régime douanier de Canada. a"Date of revision: November, 1966" aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the Canadian Customs Tariff and the incidence of Canadian customs duties. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however that the law and its administration involve a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested that an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword, page C-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTariffs1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tLe régime douanier du Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.873941#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1966-3-eng.pdf02147nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450082001732640050002553000037003053360031003423370034003733380043004074900046004505000070004965000037005665000058006035000104006615200698007655300045014636920026015087100041015347750050015758300064016258560108016899.873941CaOODSP20221107164047m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1966 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1966-3F-PDF03aLe régime douanier du Canada / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1966. a1 ressource en ligne (17 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian customs duties. a« Révisé en novembre 1966. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure porte sur le tarif douanier du Canada et sur l'incidence des droits établis. On s'est efforcé de donner une idée aussi exacte que possible de la loi et des règlements en vigueur au moment de la rédaction de ce texte qui, espère-t-on, rendra de précieux services aux commerçants. Il ne faut pas oublier, cependant, que la loi et son application comportent une foule de détails. Comme il a fallu ici s'en tenir aux principes fondamentaux, toute personne désireuse d'obtenir des conseils précis et détaillés sur un problème particulier à un moment donné devrait consulter les autorités compétentes ou un avocat de son choix » -- Avant-propos, page C-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTarif douanier1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tCanadian customs duties / w(CaOODSP)9.873940#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs987 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1966-3-fra.pdf01849nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450069001732640047002423000052002893360026003413370026003673380036003934900029004295000059004585000039005175000100005565200521006565300033011776920022012106920026012327100038012587750045012968300049013418560109013909.873943CaOODSP20221107164047m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-1E-PDF04aThe Canadian environment / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1967. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Le milieu canadien. a"Date of revision: February 1967." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"While this booklet may he considered as a very brief introduction to the subject of carrying on business in Canada, it also represents the first chapter in a series of publications under the general heading of "Doing Business in Canada", prepared by the Department of Industry, Ottawa, Canada. The topics covered in this and other chapters in the series are intended mainly as outline of basic government legislation and regulations most importantly affecting the conduct of business in Canada"--Foreword, page A-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tLe milieu canadien / w(CaOODSP)9.873944#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs2.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-1-eng.pdf01980nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450071001732640050002443000059002943360031003533370034003843380043004184900046004615000071005075000037005785000058006155000104006735200481007775300045012586920022013036920028013257100041013537750051013948300064014458560109015099.873944CaOODSP20221107164047m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-1F-PDF03aLe milieu canadien / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1967. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (pagination multiple)). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : The Canadian environment. a« Révisé en février 1967. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure n'est qu'une très brève introduction au sujet de l'exercice d'un commerce au Canada, et sera en fait le premier chapitre d'une série intitulée: "L'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada", éditée par le ministère de l'Industrie à Ottawa. La série en question vise principalement à donner un aperçu des lois et règlements fondamentaux qui influencent le plus sérieusement la gestion d'une entreprise au Canada » -- Avant-propos, page A-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaEntreprise072gccstaDroit commercial1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tThe Canadian environment / w(CaOODSP)9.873943#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.31 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-1-fra.pdf01957nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450080001732640047002533000034003003360026003343370026003603380036003864900029004225000074004515000037005255000100005625200575006625300033012376920023012706920024012936920022013177100038013397750060013778300049014378560109014869.873952CaOODSP20221107164048m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-5E-PDF00aTaxation - sales, excise, commodity / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1967. a1 online resource (13 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Taxes de vente, d'accise, d'achat. a"Date of revision: March, 1967." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of sales, excise and commodity taxes. It is intended as a guide in this field of taxation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. However, since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword, page E-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaSales taxes072gccstaExcise taxes072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tTaxes de vente, d'accise, d'achat / w(CaOODSP)9.873954#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-5-eng.pdf02317nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450086001732640050002593000037003093360031003463370034003773380043004114900046004545000082005005000033005825000059006155000104006745200771007785300045015496920025015946920025016196920024016447100041016687750062017098300064017718560108018359.873954CaOODSP20221107164049m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-5F-PDF00aTaxes de vente, d'accise, d'achat / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1967. a1 ressource en ligne (15 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Taxation - sales, excise, commodity. a« Révisé en mars 1967. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure contient des renseignements sur l'incidence des taxes de vente, d'accise et d'achat. Comme elle est destinée à servir de guide dans ce domaine fiscal elle n'aborde que les principes fondamentaux en cause. On n'a ménagé aucun effort pour que cette brochure puisse donner une idée aussi exacte que possible de la législation en vigueur au moment de la préparation du texte. Cependant, étant donné que la Loi contient beaucoup de détails, nous conseillons à toute personne en quête de renseignements précis et minutieux sur une question déterminée de s'adresser aux autorités compétentes ou à des conseillers juridiques de son choix ou peut-être à. ces deux sources de renseignements à la fois » -- Avant-propos, page E-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTaxe de vente072gccstaTaxe d'accise072gccstaDroit fiscal1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tTaxation - sales, excise, commodity / w(CaOODSP)9.873952#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs835 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-5-fra.pdf01970nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450063001732640047002363000054002833360026003373370026003633380036003894900029004255000066004545000025005205000100005455200684006455300033013296920022013627100038013847750052014228300049014748560109015239.873956CaOODSP20221107164049m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-6E-PDF00aLabour legislation / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1967. a1 online resource (12 pages, 2 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: La législation ouvrière. a"Revised July 1967." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with labour legislation in Canada and has particular reference to implications for employers in the manufacturing industry. It is intended as a guide in this field of legislation and as such refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. However, since the law contains a considerable amount of detail and in many cases varies from province to province, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant provincial and/or federal authorities when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword, page F-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaLabour law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tLa législation ouvrière / w(CaOODSP)9.873959#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.42 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-6-eng.pdf02147nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450078001732640050002513000063003013360031003643370034003953380043004294900046004725000065005185000036005835000104006195200754007235300045014776920028015227100041015507750045015918300064016368560109017009.873959CaOODSP20221107164049m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-6F-PDF03aLa législation ouvrière / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1967. a1 ressource en ligne (12 pages, 2 pages non numérotées). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Labour legislation. a« Révisé en juillet 1967. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Le présent fascicule traite des lois ouvrières au Canada et en particulier de ce qu'elles représentent pour les employeurs de l'industrie manufacturière. Il est destiné à servir de guide dans ce domaine de la législation et, comme tel, ne mentionne que les principes de base en cause. On s'est efforcé d'exposer de façon aussi précise que possible les lois en vigueur au moment de la préparation du fascicule. Cependant, comme la loi entre dans bien des détails et que souvent elle varie d'une province à l'autre, il serait bon que les intéressés s'adressent aux autorités fédérales ou provinciales compétentes lorsqu'ils seront en quête de conseils précis et détaillés sur un problème donné » -- Avant-propos, page F-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaDroit du travail1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tLabour legislation / w(CaOODSP)9.873956#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.47 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-6-fra.pdf01797nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450075001732640047002483000054002953360026003493370026003753380036004014900029004375000090004665000031005565000100005875200387006875300033010746920034011076920034011417100038011757750076012138300049012898560109013389.873975CaOODSP20221107164052m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-8E-PDF00aFederal incentives to industry / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1967. a1 online resource (12 pages, 3 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Mesures fédérales de stimulation de l'industrie. a"Revised: November, 1967." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This booklet deals with major federal government incentives available to Canadian manufacturers. It is intended as a guide in this field and, as such, refers only to the basic provisions involved. Accordingly manufacturers proposing to take advantage of any of these incentive measures are advised to contact the appropriate authorities referred to in the text"--Foreword, page H2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaManufacturing industry072gccstaIndustrial development1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tMesures fédérales de stimulation de l'industrie / w(CaOODSP)9.873977#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-8-eng.pdf02074nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450102001732640050002753000063003253360031003883370034004193380043004534900046004965000077005425000037006195000058006565000104007145200502008185300045013206920039013656920037014047100041014417750057014828300064015398560109016039.873977CaOODSP20221107164052m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-8F-PDF00aMesures fédérales de stimulation de l'industrie / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1967. a1 ressource en ligne (14 pages, 2 pages non numérotées). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Federal incentives to industry. a« Révision : novembre 1967. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure traite des principales mesures de stimulation adoptées par le gouvernement fédéral en vue d'aider les fabricants canadiens. Elle a été conçue uniquement pour servir de guide et, à ce titre, n'aborde que les dispositions d'ordre général. Les fabricants qui se proposent de tirer parti de l'une de ces mesures de stimulation sont donc invités à communiquer avec les autorités compétentes dont il est question dans cette publication » -- Avant-propos, page H-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie de la fabrication072gccstaDéveloppement industriel1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tFederal incentives to industry / w(CaOODSP)9.873975#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.46 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-8-fra.pdf02039nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450080001732640047002533000034003003360026003343370026003603380036003864900029004225000088004515000040005395000100005795200633006795300033013126920019013456920021013646920022013857100038014077750074014458300049015198560109015689.873980CaOODSP20221107164053m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-9E-PDF00aPatents, copyrights and trade marks / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1967. a1 online resource (11 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Brevets, droits d'auteur et marques de commerce. a"Date of revision - November 1967." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with patents, copyrights, designs, timber marks and trade marks. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. Although the text will prove to be a useful guide, it should be appreciated that many of the laws contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested that an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specified time"--Foreword, page I-2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaPatents072gccstaCopyright072gccstaTrademarks1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tBrevets, droits d'auteur et marques de commerce / w(CaOODSP)9.873983#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-9-eng.pdf02273nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450100001732640050002733000037003233360031003603370034003913380043004254900046004685000082005145000037005965000058006335000104006915200709007955300045015046920018015496920026015676920030015937100041016237750062016648300064017268560109017909.873983CaOODSP20221107164053m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1967-9F-PDF00aBrevets, droits d'auteur et marques de commerce / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1967. a1 ressource en ligne (12 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Patents, copyrights and trade marks. a« Révision - novembre 1967. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure porte sur les brevets, les droits d'auteur, les dessins, les marques du bois et les marques de commerce. On s'est efforcé de communiquer le sens précis des lois et règlements en vigueur au moment de la rédaction de ce texte; même s'il est un guide utile, on remarquera que bon nombre de lois contiennent une foule de détails. Comme il a fallu ici s'en tenir aux principes fondamentaux, nous conseillons à toute personne désireuse d'obtenir des conseils précis et détaillés sur une question particulière à un moment donné de consulter les autorités compétentes ou des avocats de son choix ou même de s'adresser aux unes et aux autres » -- Avant-propos, page I-2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaBrevet072gccstaDroit d'auteur072gccstaMarque de commerce1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tPatents, copyrights and trade marks / w(CaOODSP)9.873980#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.27 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-9-fra.pdf02095nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450082001732640047002553000052003023360026003543370026003803380036004064900029004425000105004715000040005765000100006165200638007165300033013546920022013876920024014096920022014337100038014557750082014938300049015758560109016249.873996CaOODSP20221107164056m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1968 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1968-4E-PDF00aTaxation - income, business, property / cprepared by Department of Industry. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c1968. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Impôts sur le revenu, les entreprises, la propriété foncière. a"Date of revision: August 1, 1968." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of taxation on income, business and property. It is intended as a guide in this field of taxation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. Since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, however, and since changes at all levels occur from time to time, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or lawyers of his choice, or both, when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword, page D2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaIncome tax072gccstaProperty tax072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.08tImpôts sur le revenu, taxes d'affaires, impôt foncier / w(CaOODSP)9.873999#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs2.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1968-4-eng.pdf02322nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450108001732500032002812640050003133000059003633360031004223370034004533380043004874900046005305000084005765000058006605000104007185200721008225300045015436920032015886920026016206920024016467100041016707750064017118300064017758560109018399.873999CaOODSP20221107164056m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1968 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1968-4F-PDF00aImpôts sur le revenu, taxes d'affaires, impôt foncier / cpréparé par le Ministère de l'industrie. aRévisé le 1er août 1968. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie, c1968. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (pagination multiple)). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Taxation - income, business, property. aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure traite de l'incidence de l'impôt sur le revenu d'un particulier ou d'une entreprise et de l'impôt foncier. Elle est destinée à servir de guide dans le domaine fiscal et n'en expose de ce fait que les principes fondamentaux. On s'est efforcé de donner une idée exacte de la législation en vigueur au moment de la préparation de la brochure. Toutefois, comme la loi abonde en détails et que des modifications à tous les échelons sont apportées de temps à autre, nous conseillons à toute personne à la recherche de renseignements précis et détaillés sur une question particulière de s'adresser aux autorités compétentes ou à son avocat-conseil » -- Avant-propos, page D2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaImpôt sur le revenu072gccstaImpôt foncier072gccstaDroit fiscal1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie.08tTaxation - income, business, property / w(CaOODSP)9.873996#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.84 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1968-4-fra.pdf02006nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860036001502450154001862500032003402640110003723000037004823360031005193370034005503380043005844900046006275000044006735000104007175200453008215300045012746920022013196920028013417100126013698300064014958560109015599.874001CaOODSP20221107164056m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-1F-PDFzC2-3873/11F03aLe milieu canadien / cpréparé par la Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. aRévisé en septembre 1969. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (23 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada a« Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Cette brochure n'est qu'une très brève introduction au sujet de l'exercice d'un commerce au Canada, et sera en fait le premier chapitre d'une série intitulée L'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada, éditée par le ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce à Ottawa. La série en question vise principalement à donner un aperçu des lois et règlements fondamentaux qui régissent la gestion d'une entreprise au Canada » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaEntreprise072gccstaDroit commercial1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs2.07 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-1-fra.pdf02134nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860035001502450168001852500032003532640110003853000037004953360031005323370034005633380043005974900046006405000044006865000104007305200568008345300045014026920022014476920028014697100126014978300064016238560109016879.874023CaOODSP20221107164100m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-2F-PDFzC2-3872/2F00aModes d'organisation commerciale / cpréparé par le Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. aRévisé en septembre 1969. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (14 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada a« Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Les renseignements contenus dans ce fascicule ont trait à la législation fédérale et provinciale relative au genre et au lancement d'une affaire au Canada. Cette publication donne des explications générales sur ce domaine législatif et ne peut donc servir que de guide à l'égard des principes fondamentaux. La loi elle-même comporte une foule de détails et nous conseillons aux intéressés de consulter les autorités compétentes ou un avocat de leur choix lorsqu'ils ont besoin de précisions relatives à leur cas particulier » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaEntreprise072gccstaDroit commercial1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs2.35 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-2-fra.pdf02179nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860035001502450162001852500032003472640110003793000037004893360031005263370034005573380043005914900046006345000044006805000104007245200655008285300045014836920026015287100126015548300064016808560109017449.874040CaOODSP20221107164103m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-3F-PDFzC2-3872/3F00aRégime douanier du Canada / cpréparé par le Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. aRévisé en septembre 1969. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (13 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada a« Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Cette brochure porte sur le tarif douanier du Canada et sur l'incidence des droits établis. On s'est efforcé de donner une idée aussi exacte que possible de la loi et des règlements en vigueur au moment de la rédaction de ce texte qui, espère-t-on, rendra de précieux services aux commerçants. Il ne faut pas oublier, cependant, que la loi et son application comportent une foule de détails. Comme il a fallu ici s'en tenir aux principes fondamentaux, toute personne désireuse d'obtenir des conseils précis et détaillés sur un problème particulier à un moment donné devrait consulter les autorités compétentes » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTarif douanier1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.44 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-3-fra.pdf02523nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860035001502450169001852500032003542640110003863000036004963360031005323370034005633380043005974900046006405000082006865000044007685000104008125200753009165300045016696920025017146920025017396920024017647100126017887750062019148300064019768560109020409.874044CaOODSP20221107164103m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-5F-PDFzC2-3872/5F00aTaxes de vente, d'accise, d'achat / cpréparé par le Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. aRévisé en septembre 1969. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (8 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Taxation - sales, excise, commodity. a« Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Cette brochure contient des renseignements sur l'incidence des taxes de vente, d'accise et d'achat. Comme elle est destinée à servir de guide dans ce domaine fiscal elle n'aborde que les principes fondamentaux en cause. On n'a ménagé aucun effort pour que cette brochure puisse donner une idée aussi exacte que possible de la législation en vigueur au moment de la préparation du texte. Cependant, étant donné que la Loi contient beaucoup de détails, nous conseillons à toute personne en quête de renseignements précis et minutieux sur une question déterminée de s'adresser aux autorités compétentes ou à des conseillers juridiques de son choix ou peut-être à ces deux sources de renseignements à la fois » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTaxe de vente072gccstaTaxe d'accise072gccstaDroit fiscal1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.08tTaxation - sales, excise, commodity / w(CaOODSP)9.874047#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.52 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-5-fra.pdf02198nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860034001502450141001842500039003252640110003643000033004743360026005073370026005333380036005594900029005955000074006245000040006985000100007385200565008385300033014036920023014366920024014596920022014837100101015057750060016068300049016668560109017159.874047CaOODSP20221107164104m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-5E-PDFzC2-3872/500aTaxation - sales, excise, commodity / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision: September, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce = Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1973. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Taxes de vente, d'accise, d'achat. a"Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of sales, excise and commodity taxes. It is intended as a guide in this field of taxation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. However, since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaSales taxes072gccstaExcise taxes072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.08tTaxes de vente, d'accise, d'achat / w(CaOODSP)9.874044#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.08 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-5-eng.pdf02164nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860034001502450142001842500037003262640118003633000033004813360026005143370026005403380036005664900029006025000040006315000100006715200641007715300033014126920024014456920021014696920032014906920021015227100101015438300049016448560109016939.874049CaOODSP20221107164104m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-7E-PDFzC2-3872/800aConstruction and equipment standards / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision - August, 1969. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce = Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1973. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with construction and equipment standards. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws and their administration contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaConstruction072gccstaBuildings072gccstaElectrical equipment072gccstaStandards1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-7-eng.pdf02283nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860034001502450141001842500037003252640118003623000033004803360026005133370026005393380036005654900029006015000088006305000040007185000100007585200623008585300033014816920019015146920021015336920022015547100101015767750074016778300049017518560109018009.874073CaOODSP20221107164108m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-9E-PDFzC2-3872/900aPatents, copyrights and trade marks / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision - August, 1969. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce = Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1973. a1 online resource (8 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Brevets, droits d'auteur et marques de commerce. a"Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with patents, copyrights, designs, timber marks and trade marks. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. Although the text will prove to be a useful guide, it should be appreciated that many of the laws contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested that an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specified time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaPatents072gccstaCopyright072gccstaTrademarks1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.08tBrevets, droits d'auteur et marques de commerce / w(CaOODSP)9.874079#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-9-eng.pdf02482nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860035001502450183001852500028003682640118003963000037005143360031005513370034005823380043006164900046006595000082007055000044007875000104008315200693009355300045016286920018016736920026016916920030017177100126017477750062018738300064019358560109019999.874079CaOODSP20221107164109m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1973-9F-PDFzC2-3872/9F00aBrevets, droits d'auteur et marques de commerce / cpréparé par le Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. aRévisé en août 1969. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (11 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Patents, copyrights and trade marks. a« Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Cette brochure porte sur les brevets, les droits d'auteur, les dessins, les marques de bois et les marques de commerce. On s'est efforcé de communiquer le sens précis des lois et règlements en vigueur au moment de la rédaction de ce texte; même s'il est un guide utile, on remarquera que bon nombre de lois contiennent une foule de détails. Comme il a fallu ici s'en tenir aux principes fondamentaux, nous recommandons à toute personne désireuse d'obtenir des conseils précis et détaillés sur une question particulière à un moment donné de consulter les autorités compétentes ou des avocats de son choix ou même de s'adresser aux unes et aux autres » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaBrevet072gccstaDroit d'auteur072gccstaMarque de commerce1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.08tPatents, copyrights and trade marks / w(CaOODSP)9.874073#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.70 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-9-fra.pdf02199nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860037001592450210001962500028004062640118004343000037005523360031005893370034006203380043006544900046006975000044007435000104007875200576008915300045014676920023015126920026015357100126015618300064016878560110017519.874081CaOODSP20221107164109m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ab------1 aC21-35/1973-10F-PDFzC2-3872/10F00aPréférences douanières accordées aux produits canadiens à l'étranger / cpréparé par le Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. aRévisé en août 1969. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (11 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada a« Information Canada, Ottawa, 1973. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Cette brochure traite de l'incidence des préférences douanières accordées aux produits canadiens à l'étranger. Dans les pages qui suivent, on indique, d'une manière générale, les produits qui bénéficient de ces préférences et les conditions que les produits manufacturés doivent remplir pour jouir du tarif préférentiel. Il faut bien comprendre toutefois que les renseignements fournis ci-après sont d'ordre général et sujets à modification, et qu'ils ne peuvent tenir lieu d'informations précises sur des produits particuliers » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaExportation072gccstaTarif douanier1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.30 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1973-10-fra.pdf01969nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450162001732500040003352640067003753000034004423360026004763370026005023380036005284900029005645000048005935000023006415000100006645200515007645300033012796920022013126920026013347100101013608300049014618560109015109.874089CaOODSP20221107164110m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1970 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1970-1E-PDF04aThe Canadian environment / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision - September, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (22 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970." a"Cat. no. PU-110." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"While this booklet may be considered as a very brief introduction to the subject of carrying on business in Canada, it also represents the first chapter in a series of publications under the general heading of "Doing Business in Canada", prepared by the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada. The topics covered in this and other chapters in the series are intended mainly as outlines of basic government legislation and regulations affecting the conduct of business in Canada"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-1-eng.pdf01944nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450168001732500040003412640067003813000053004483360026005013370026005273380036005534900029005895000048006185000023006665000100006895200465007895300033012546920022012876920026013097100101013358300049014368560109014859.874100CaOODSP20221107164112m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1970 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1970-2E-PDF00aForms of business organization / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision - September, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (13 pages, 1 unnumbered page). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970." a"Cat. no. PU-111." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"Information in this booklet deals with federal and provincial legislation affecting the form and commencement of business in this country. It is intended as a guide in this field of legislation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice when seeking precise and detailed guidance"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-2-eng.pdf02064nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860034001502450173001842500039003572640067003962640011004633000034004743360026005083370026005343380036005604900029005965000100006255200629007255300033013546920022013876920024014096920022014337100101014558300049015568560109016059.874102CaOODSP20221107164112m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531t19691970onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1970-4E-PDFzC2-3870-400aTaxation - income, business, property / cprepared by Industrial & Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision: September, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1969. 4c©1970 a1 online resource (18 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of taxation on income, business and property. It is intended as a guide in this field of taxation and, as such, refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. Since the law contains a considerable amount of detail, however, and since changes at all levels occur from time to time, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant authorities or lawyers of his choice, or both, when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaIncome tax072gccstaProperty tax072gccstaFiscal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-4-eng.pdf02089nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450156001732500027003292640067003563000052004233360026004753370026005013380036005274900029005635000048005925000023006405000100006635200674007635300033014376920022014707100101014928300049015938560109016429.874107CaOODSP20221107164113m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1970 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1970-6E-PDF00aLabour legislation / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aRevised: August, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (8 pages, 1 unnumbered page). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970." a"Cat. no. PU-115." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with labour legislation in Canada and has particular reference to implications for employers in the manufacturing industry. It is intended as a guide in this field of legislation and as such refers only to the basic principles involved. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. However, since the law contains a considerable amount of detail and in many cases varies from province to province, it is suggested that an enquirer consult with relevant provincial and/or federal authorities when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaLabour law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-6-eng.pdf02177nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450174001732500037003472640067003843000033004513360026004843370026005103380036005364900029005725000048006015000023006495000100006725200641007725300033014136920024014466920021014706920032014916920021015237100101015448300049016458560109016949.874109CaOODSP20221107164113m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1970 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1970-7E-PDF00aConstruction and equipment standards / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision - August, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970." a"Cat. no. PU-116." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with construction and equipment standards. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws and their administration contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaConstruction072gccstaBuildings072gccstaElectrical equipment072gccstaStandards1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-7-eng.pdf01790nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860034001502450168001842500028003522640067003802640011004473000062004583360026005203370026005463380036005724900029006085000100006375200401007375300033011386920034011717100101012058300049013068560109013559.874111CaOODSP20221107164114m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531t19701970oncb o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1970-8E-PDFzC2-3870-600aFederal incentives to industry / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aRevised: January, 1970. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. 4c©1970 a1 online resource (12 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bmap. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This booklet deals with major federal government incentives available to Canadian industrial organizations. It is intended as a guide in this field and, as such, refers only to the basic provisions involved. Accordingly, industrial organizations proposing to take advantage of any of these incentive measures are advised to contact the appropriate authorities referred to in the text"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaIndustrial development1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs3.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-8-eng.pdf01995nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860024001592450182001832500037003652640067004023000033004693360026005023370026005283380036005544900029005905000048006195000023006675000100006905200524007905300033013146920019013476920019013667100101013858300049014868560110015359.874112CaOODSP20221107164114m o d f cr cn|||||||||190531s1970 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ab------1 aC21-35/1970-10E-PDF00aTariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad / cprepared by Industrial and Trade Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. aDate of revision - August, 1969. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (9 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970." a"Cat. no. PU-119." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of tariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad. The following pages indicate, in a general way, the range of goods accorded preference, and outline the conditions with which manufactured goods must comply in order to qualify for preferential treatment. It should be appreciated, however, that the information included in this publication is general and subject to change, and cannot substitute for specific information regarding particular products"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaExports072gccstaTariffs1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1970-10-eng.pdf01579nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450257001752460094004322640054005263000076005803360031006563370034006873380043007215000046007645000032008105000104008425040048009466920024009946920026010186920021010447100018010657100045010838560113011289.873648CaOODSP20221107163956m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s1984 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-143/2-1984F-PDF00aÉtude d'opportunité relative à l'introduction d'un deuxième réseau privé de télévision de langue française desservant le Canada et autres marchés périphériques. nVolume 2, pAnnexes / cprésentée au Ministère des communications, Ottawa.14aTélévision francophone au Canada : bun deuxième réseau privé? nVolume 2, pAnnexes 1aOttawa : bMinistère des communications, c1984. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (pagination multiple)) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre a« Dossier mas no. 06GR. 36100-3-0198. » a« CEGIR, février 1984. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaTélévision072gccstaRadiodiffusion072gccstaFrançais2 aCEGIR (Firme)1 aCanada. bMinistère des communications.40qPDFs14.89 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-143-2-1984-fra.pdf01537nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450257001752460093004322640054005253000036005793360031006153370034006463380043006805000046007235000032007695000104008015040048009056920024009536920026009776920021010037100018010247100045010428560112010879.873652CaOODSP20221107163956m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s1984 onc ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-143/3-1984F-PDF00aÉtude d'opportunité relative à l'introduction d'un deuxième réseau privé de télévision de langue française desservant le Canada et autres marchés périphériques : bsommaire exécutif / cprésentée au Ministère des communications, Ottawa.14aTélévision francophone au Canada : bun deuxième réseau privé? : sommaire exécutif 1aOttawa : bMinistère des communications, c1984. a1 ressource en ligne (46 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre a« Dossier mas no. 06GR. 36100-3-0198. » a« CEGIR, février 1984. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaTélévision072gccstaRadiodiffusion072gccstaFrançais2 aCEGIR (Firme)1 aCanada. bMinistère des communications.40qPDFs2.04 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-143-3-1984-fra.pdf02432nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860027001501000044001772450133002212640061003543000037004153360026004523370026004783380036005044900047005405000017005875000018006045000037006225000069006595000067007285000036007955000100008315040041009315200684009726920022016566920021016786920018016997100044017177100032017618300103017938560114018969.873655CaOODSP20221107163957m o d f cr mn|||||||||190527s1985 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo24-3/1-84-050-1E-PDF1 aBoucouris, Spiros J., d1958- eauthor.10aDesign and implementation of a fault tolerant multiprocessor operating system. nVolume 1 / cprepared by: Mr. Spiros Boucouris. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Communications, c1985. a1 online resource (v, 77 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDOC contractor report ; vDOC-CR-SP-84-050 a"INT-84-44." a"March 1985." a"Approved by: Dr. S.A. Mahmoud." a"Department of Communications - Ottawa - Canada, Space Program." a"Department of Supply and Services contract no: OER 83-05075." a"Classification: unclassified." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The main objective of this study is the design and simulation of a processing system architecture capable of graceful recovery from component failures or other errors, so that it can function in a normal mode for a specific, relatively long, time duration. This study has been motivated by the ever increasing on board processing requirements in future spacecraft missions. One of the essential requirements for satellite on-board processing is the ability of the processing system to recover from component failures, redistribute the processing load among the remaining components and continue its normal functioning throughout the intended mission life span"--Summary, page i.072gccstaSatellites072gccstaComputers072gccstaDesign1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aIntellitech Canada Limited.#0aDOC contractor report (Canada. Department of Communications)vDOC-CR-SP-84-050.w(CaOODSP)9.86986440qPDFs3.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-1-84-050-1-eng.pdf02371nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860027001501000027001772450098002042640061003023000056003633360026004193370026004453380036004714900047005075000017005545000018005715000037005895000069006265000067006955000036007625000100007985040041008985200656009396920022015956920021016176920018016387100044016567100032017008300103017328560114018359.873657CaOODSP20221107163957m o d f cr mn|||||||||190527s1985 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo24-3/1-85-004-1E-PDF1 aStreit, Max, eauthor.10aSimulation of a fault tolerant multiprocessor system. nVolume 1 / cprepared by: Max Streit. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Communications, c1985. a1 online resource (vi, 86 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDOC contractor report ; vDOC-CR-SP 85-004 a"INT-85-10." a"March 1985." a"Approved by: Dr. S.A. Mahmoud." a"Department of Communications - Ottawa - Canada, Space Program." a"Department of Supply and Services contract no: OER 83-05075." a"Classification: unclassified." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The simulation activity described in this report is part of an overall study which includes the design and simulation of a fault tolerant multiprocessor architecture for spacecraft applications. The main focus of the overall study, however, has been on the development and utilization of computer aided engineering (CAE) design tools. One of these CAE design tools, known as N.mPc, is currently running on the VAX/VMS 11/780 system located in the Analysis and Simulation Laboratory of the Communications Research Centre, Department of Communications. The N.mPc package is used as a simulation environment for the work reported here"--Summary, page i.072gccstaSatellites072gccstaComputers072gccstaDesign1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aIntellitech Canada Limited.#0aDOC contractor report (Canada. Department of Communications)vDOC-CR-SP 85-004.w(CaOODSP)9.86986440qPDFs3.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-1-85-004-1-eng.pdf01961nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860027001501000062001772450142002392640061003813000071004423360026005133370026005393380036005654900026006015000025006275000036006525000038006885000029007265000030007555000069007855000036008545000100008905040041009906920017010316920023010487000033010717100044011047100039011488300084011878560128012718560128013999.873662CaOODSP20221107163958m o d f cr mn|||||||||190527s1982 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo24-3/1-81-00142E-PDF1 aCrozier, Stewart N. q(Stewart Newman), d1956- eauthor.10aPhase I of the development of the demodulator portion of a JTIDS receive terminal : bfinal report / cprepared by: S. Crozier, B. Mazur. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Communications, c1982. a1 online resource (2 volumes (various pagings)) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDOC contractor report a"MCS file no. 8231." a"SSC contract no. OST81-00142." a"SSC file no. 21ST.36001-1-1401." a"Date : April 21, 1982." a"Approved by: R. Matyas." a"Department of Communications - Ottawa - Canada, Space Program." a"Classification: unclassified." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaRadio072gccstaElectronics1 aMazur, B. q(Brian)eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aMiller Communications Systems Ltd.#0aDOC contractor report (Canada. Department of Communications)w(CaOODSP)9.86986440qPDFs7.20 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-1-81-00142-1-eng.pdfz(volume 1)40qPDFs5.33 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-1-81-00142-2-eng.pdfz(volume 2)01463nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450233001752460071004082640062004793000051005413360026005923370026006183380036006445000039006805000018007195000100007375040041008376920022008786920024009006920027009247100044009517100017009958560113010129.869931CaOODSP20221107163002m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s1984 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-143/1-1984E-PDF00aFrench-language television : bprospects for a second private network in Canada and other secondary markets. nVolume I, pFinal report / can opportunity study prepared for the Minister of Communications, Ottawa ; by CEGIR Inc.14aFrench-language television in Canada : ba second private network? 1aOttawa, Ontario : bDepartment of Communications, c1984. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"DSS file no. 06GR. 36100-3-0198." a"March 1984." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaTelevision072gccstaBroadcasting072gccstaFrench language1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aCEGIR (Firm)40qPDFs10.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-143-1-1984-eng.pdf02397nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000047001942450169002412640105004103000058005153360026005733370026005993380036006254900040006615000019007015000082007205000057008025040050008595200661009095460033015706920021016036920027016247000046016517000035016977100050017328300115017828560102018979.873593CaOODSP20221107163947m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfcab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nfan-cnm--1 aFs70-8/82-29E-PDF1 aNakashima, B. S. q(Brian Shyozo)eauthor.10aCapelin (Mallotus villosus) biology and history of the fishery in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Div. 4RS / cby B.S. Nakashima, J.E. Carscadden and G.R. Lilly. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (32 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v#82/29 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 7).3 a"Capelin in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence were observed in three distinct areas: 1) the St. Lawrence estuary, 2) east of Anticosti Island, and 3) the northeastern portion of the Gulf in the Esquiman Channel. Distribution maps plotted from groundfish, redfish and shrimp, and pelagic surveys demonstrated that capelin were aggregated in these areas throughout the year except in spring during spawning season. Further research is required to demonstrate whether the three groups are separate stocks. Growth has not varied greatly since 1976. Annual landings from the commercial purse seine fishery has varied from 1500 to 8200 mt in Div. 4R since 1977." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aCarscadden, J. E. q(James Eric)eauthor.1 aLilly, G. R.,d1945- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/29w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-29-eng.pdf02373nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000030001942450095002242640105003193000052004243360026004763370026005023380036005284900040005645000019006045000082006235000057007055040050007625200797008125460033016096920021016426920027016637000031016907100050017218300115017718560101018869.873595CaOODSP20221107163947m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nfan-cnm--1 aFs70-8/82-31E-PDF1 aGavaris, C. A., eauthor.13aAn assessment of redfish in Subarea 2 + Division 3K / cby C.A. Gavaris and D.B. Atkinson. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (18 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v#82/31 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4).3 a"The status of the redfish stock in Subarea 2 and Div. 3K was evaluated using standardized catch rate data, commercial length and age frequencies and research vessel surveys. The catch rate series showed a moderate increase from 1979 to 1981, the data for both 1980 and 1981 being preliminary. The 1981 research vessel survey showed an abundance of 25-29 cm fish which would correspond to the early 1970's year-classes. These year-classes have been in evidence in previous surveys but not as strongly as in 1981. Commercial length frequencies also showed an abundance of 25-29 cm fish. The stock may be increasing, however the data available at present do not permit a firm quantative assessment of the increase. Catches from 1970-81 averaged 24,250 t well below the present TAC of 35,000 t." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aAtkinson, D. B., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/31w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs851 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-31-eng.pdf02189nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000029001942450113002232640105003363000052004413360026004933370026005193380036005454900040005815000019006215000082006405000057007225040050007795200592008295460033014216920021014546920027014757000035015027100050015378300115015878560101017029.873600CaOODSP20221107163948m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nfan-cnm--1 aFs70-8/82-32E-PDF1 aBrodie, W. B., eauthor.10aStock assessment update of American plaice in NAFO Subarea 2 - Division 3K / cby W.B. Brodie and T.K. Pitt. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (18 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v#82/32 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4).3 a"A virtual population analysis was attempted using data from 1975 to 1981. There was a considerable difference in the total mortality rates calculated from commercial and research data and terminal F was difficult to estimate because of the shortness of the data series. Catch rates by the commercial fleet increased substantially in 1981 over 1980 and research vessel surveys indicated an increase in abundance over the period 1979-81. In spite of problems in arriving at a precise value for terminal F in 1981, the assessment indicated that the stock appears to be in good condition." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aPitt, Thomas Kenton, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/32w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs939 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-32-eng.pdf02126nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000049001942450082002432640105003253000052004303360026004823370026005083380036005344900031005705000019006015000082006205000057007025040049007595200548008085460033013566920021013896920027014107000037014377100050014748300115015248560101016399.873606CaOODSP20221107163949m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nfan-cnm--1 aFs70-8/82-33E-PDF1 aBishop, Christine Annette, d1960- eauthor.10aStatus of the cod stock in Subdivision 3Ps / cby C.A. Bishop and S. Gavaris. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (26 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC res. doc. ; v82/33 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (page 4).3 a"Cod catches from Subdivision 3Ps have increased since the low of 26,000 t in 1978 and have constantly been above the recommended TAC. The catch in 1981 which was mainly by inshore gears was dominated by the 1974 and 1975 year-classes. Using catch rate data and cohort analyses, the terminal fishing mortality in 1981 was estimated at 0.40. A non-equilibrium surplus production analysis suggested past overexploitation as well as a recent trend in stock improvement. The predicted non-equilibrium yield in 1982 at 2/3 effort MSY was 35,000 t." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aGavaris, S. q(Stratis)eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/33w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs862 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-33-eng.pdf02397nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450092002162640078003083000034003863360026004203370026004463380036004724900039005085000019005475000082005665000056006485040050007045200922007545460033016766920021017096920027017307100050017578300115018078560101019229.873609CaOODSP20221107163949m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfc |||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/82-34E-PDF1 aKulka, David W., eauthor.10aEstimates of discarding by Newfoundland offshore vessels in 1981 / cby David W. Kulka. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (22 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/34 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5).3 a"Discarded fish generally go unrecorded in official statistics. Using direct observations at sea by observers, estimates of the amounts of discarding in the various domestic Newfoundland offshore fisheries were examined to pinpoint problem areas. In all cases, estimates of discards did not exceed 10% except for bycatch of turbot and redfish juveniles in the shrimp fishery. The estimates presented should be regarded strictly as minimum values because of the enforcement aspects of the observers' job. The presence of observers tended to deter or reduce discarding. Highest estimates of discards were seen in the 3NO cod fishery (7.5%), 3LNO American plaice (4.6%), 3LNO yellowtail (4.2%), wolfish (28% overall) and skate (99%). Most of the fish discarded were small which meant that larger numbers per unit weight were thrown back. Indications are that the problem may be more intense in the absence of observers." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/34w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs853 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-34-eng.pdf01983nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450101002262640124003273000052004513360026005033370026005293380036005554900039005915000019006305000082006495000057007315040050007885200301008385460033011396920021011726920027011937000028012207000031012487000027012797100050013068300115013568560102014719.873618CaOODSP20221107163951m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/82-36E-PDF1 aSinclair, M. q(Michael M.)eauthor.10aAssessment of the 1981 4WX herring fishery / cby M. Sinclair, J. Simon, W. Stobo and T.D. Iles. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bDepartment of Fisheries & Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch, Marine Fish Division, c[1982]. a1 online resource (34 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/36 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8).3 a"The catches from the components prosecuting predominantly adult fish were moderately good in 1981 in relation to recent years. The 1981 juvenile fisheries in both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, although slightly better than the disastrous 1980 season, were low in relation to historical levels." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aSimon, J. E., eauthor.1 aStobo, Wayne T., eauthor.1 aIles, T. D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/36w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.62 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-36-eng.pdf02010nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450086002152640105003013000058004063360026004643370026004903380036005164900032005525000019005845000082006035000056006855040050007415200498007915460033012896920021013226920027013437100050013708300115014208560101015359.873628CaOODSP20221107163952m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfcab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/82-38E-PDF1 aDempson, J. B., eauthor.10aRationale for establishing a TAC in Hebron Fiord during 1982 / cby J.B. Dempson. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,c[1982]. a1 online resource (12 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC res. doc. ; v#82/38 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5).3 a"Quota regulations on Arctic charr stocks in the immediate Nain area have led to the expansion of the fishery into the Hebron and Saglek region during 1981. These areas have been virtually unexploited since the 1960's when average production of Arctic charr was 19 t and 62 t from Hebron Fiord and Saglek Fiord respectively. Comparison of biological characteristics and physical characteristics of production areas from other fishing regions suggest a sustainable yield would be about 21 t y." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/38w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs690 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-38-eng.pdf02528nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000045001852450130002302640098003603000052004583360026005103370026005363380036005624900031005985000019006295000082006485000057007305040051007875200886008385460033017246920021017576920027017787000028018057000030018337100050018638300115019138560102020289.873636CaOODSP20221107163954m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nsca||| ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/82-40E-PDF1 aMaguire, Jean-Jacques, d1953- eauthor.14aThe 1982 assessment of the eastern Scotian Shelf (4VsW) cod stock complex / cby J.J. Maguire, G.A. Young, and A.F. Sinclair. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, c[1982]. a1 online resource (43 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC res. doc. ; v82/40 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10).3 a"The Eastern Scotian Shelf cod stock complex has recovered surprisingly fast from the high exploitation rates it sustained during the first part of the seventies. Preliminary nominal catches for 1981 are 53,661 mt, continuing the regular increase started in 1978. A standardization of commercial catch rates for Canadian (Maritimes) and Spanish boats in that fishery was performed. That catch rate along with R/V ages 5+ population estimates were used to calibrate ages 5+ COHORT. This indicated a 1981 fully recruited fishing mortality of 0.225. COHORT population estimates at age 4 were adjusted with commercial C.P.U.E. at age 4 while partial recruitment on ages 1 to 3 was adjusted to give year-class sizes at age 1 approximately equal to the long-term geometric mean. Projections at F0.1 indicated 1983 catches of 64,000 mt if the 1982 catches are equal to the 50,000 mt TAC." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aYoung, G. A., eauthor.1 aSinclair, Alan, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/40w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-40-eng.pdf01870nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000030001752450146002052640094003512640011004453000069004563360026005253370026005513380036005774900048006135000143006615000017008045000018008215040055008396920027008946920030009217000026009517000037009777100068010147100043010827750129011258300106012548560112013609.873640CaOODSP20221107163954m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-5/2019-027E-PDF1 aRamshaw, Brock, eauthor.10aRecovery potential assessment for the Sakinaw Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (2017) / cBrock Ramshaw, Wilf Luedke and Josh Korman. 1aOttawa ON : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (ix, 99 pages) : billustrations (some colour) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aResearch document, x1919-5044 ; v2019/027 aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du potentiel de rétablissement du saumon rouge du lac Sakinaw (Oncorhynchus nerka) [2017]. aCover title. a"April 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 34-38).072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaEndangered species1 aLuedke, W., eauthor.1 aKorman, Joshua,d1962- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bPacific Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tÉvaluation du potentiel de rétablissement du saumon rouge du lac Sakinaw (Oncorhynchus nerka) [2017] / w(CaOODSP)9.873643#0aResearch document (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5044 ; v2019/027.w(CaOODSP)9.50739640qPDFs2.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-5/Fs70-5-2019-027-eng.pdf02022nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450121002132640082003343000034004163360026004503370026004763380036005024900039005385000019005775000082005965000057006785040050007355200376007855460033011616920021011946920027012157000049012427000028012917000027013197100050013468300115013968560101015119.873641CaOODSP20221107163955m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfc |||#ob f|00 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/82-41E-PDF1 aCleary, Lynn, eauthor.10aHerring aging workshop, St. John's, Newfoundland, March 1982 / cby L. Cleary, J.J. Hunt, J. Moores and D. Tremblay. 1a[St. John's, Newfoundland] : b[Department of Fisheries & Oceans], c[1982]. a1 online resource (10 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/41 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8).3 a"In March 1982, a herring aging workshop was held to define clearly problems related to spawning stock attribution and age reading, and to discuss possible solutions to these problems. Participants from the three laboratories currently involved in herring studies in the Canadian Atlantic area (St. John's, NFLD, St. Andrews, N.-B., Québec, Qué.) attended the meeting." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aMoores, J. A. q(John A.), d1951- eauthor.1 aTremblay, D., eauthor.1 aHunt, J. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/41w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs500 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-41-eng.pdf01968nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000030001752450154002052640102003592640011004613000081004723360031005533370034005843380043006184900052006615000140007135000028008535000022008815040062009036920026009656920028009917000026010197000037010457100077010827100056011597750120012158300123013358560112014589.873643CaOODSP20221107163955m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527t20192019onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-5/2019-027F-PDF1 aRamshaw, Brock, eauteur.10aÉvaluation du potentiel de rétablissement du saumon rouge du lac Sakinaw (Oncorhynchus nerka) [2017] / cBrock Ramshaw, Wilf Luedke et Josh Korman. 1aOttawa : bPêches et Océans Canada, Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (x, 113 pages) : billustrations (certaines en couleur) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aDocument de recherche, x2292-4272 ; v2019/027 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Recovery potential assessment for the Sakinaw Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (2017). aTitre de la couverture. a« Avril 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 40-44).072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaEspèce menacée1 aLuedke, W., eauteur.1 aKorman, Joshua,d1962- eauteur.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Pacifique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tRecovery potential assessment for the Sakinaw Lake Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) (2017) / w(CaOODSP)9.873640#0aDocument de recherche (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x2292-4272 ; v2019/027.w(CaOODSP)9.50378840qPDFs4.11 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-5/Fs70-5-2019-027-fra.pdf01972nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000035001942450105002292640106003343000051004403360026004913370026005173380036005434900039005795000019006185000082006375000057007195040049007765200385008255460033012106920021012436920027012647000029012917100050013208300115013708560101014859.873647CaOODSP20221107163956m o d f cr |||||||||||190527s1982 nfca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nfan-cnm--1 aFs70-8/82-42E-PDF1 aPitt, Thomas Kenton, eauthor.10aAmerican plaice, Subdivision 3Ps data update for stock assessments / cby T.K. Pitt and W.B. Brodie. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch, c[1982]. a1 online resource (7 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v82/42 aCaption title. aDigitized edtion from print [produced by Department of Fisheries and Oceans]. a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical reference (page 3).3 a"This is primarily a by-catch fishery and the data base does not permit a precise analytical assessment. Catch curves suggest that removal levels of 8,000-10,000 t in the late 1960's and 1970's produced mortality rates of 0.30 to 0.35 which are above FO.l (0.24). The stock now appears to be in a relatively stable condition and hence a TAC of 5,000 should be continued for 1983." aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSalt water fish1 aBrodie, W. B., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v82/42w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs314 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-82-42-eng.pdf02694nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450155001752640169003302640011004993000058005103360026005683370026005943380036006204900118006565000024007745000247007985040055010455200564011006920016016646920018016806920018016987100077017167100045017937100043018387750179018818300137020608560111021979.873720CaOODSP20221107164008m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e201904##onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-002E-PDF00aEnvironmental and indirect human health risk assessment of the Glofish® Tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) : bfive lines of transgenic ornamental fish. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Ecosystems and Oceans Science = Pêches et océans Canada, Sciences des écosystèmes et des océans, cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (26 pages) : bcolour illustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/002, National Capital Region aTitle from caption. aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation des risques pour l’environnement et des risques indirects pour la santé humaine posés par les tétras Glofish (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) : cinq lignées de poissons d’ornement transgéniques. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-25). a"The biotechnology provisions of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) take a preventative approach to environmental protection by requiring all new living organism products of biotechnology, including genetically engineered fish, to be notified and assessed prior to their import into Canada or manufacture in Canada, to determine whether they are “toxic” or capable of becoming “toxic”. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Health Canada (HC) are mandated to conduct all risk assessments under CEPA."--Context, page [1].072gccstaFish072gccstaSafety072gccstaHealth1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNational Capital Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tÉvaluation des risques pour l’environnement et des risques indirects pour la santé humaine posés par les tétras GlofishMD (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) : w(CaOODSP)9.873724#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/002, National Capital Region.w(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs372 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-002-eng.pdf02774nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450216001752640170003912640011005613000065005723360031006373370034006683380043007024900134007455000022008795000193009015040062010945200576011566920019017326920022017516920018017737100089017917100057018807100056019377750131019938300153021248560111022779.873724CaOODSP20221107164009m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e201904##onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-002F-PDF00aÉvaluation des risques pour l’environnement et des risques indirects pour la santé humaine posés par les tétras GlofishMD (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) : bcinq lignées de poissons d’ornement transgéniques. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bPêches et océans Canada, Sciences des écosystèmes et des océans = Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ecosystems and Oceans Science, cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (30 pages) : billustration en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/002, Région de la capitale nationale aTitre de départ. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Environmental and indirect human health risk assessment of the Glofish® Tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi): five lines of transgenic ornamental fish. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 28-29). a« Les dispositions relatives à la biotechnologie de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l’environnement de 1999 (LCPE) adoptent une approche préventive en matière de protection de l’environnement, en exigeant de déclarer et d’évaluer tous les nouveaux organismes vivants issus de la biotechnologie, y compris les poissons génétiquement modifiés, avant qu’ils soient fabriqués ou importés au Canada, afin de déterminer s’ils sont « toxiques » ou s’ils peuvent le devenir. Environnement et Changement climatique Canada » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaPoisson072gccstaSécurité072gccstaSanté1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion de la capitale nationale.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tEnvironmental and indirect human health risk assessment of the Glofish® Tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) : w(CaOODSP)9.873720#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/002, Région de la capitale nationale.w(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs400 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-002-fra.pdf02189nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450074001752640119002492640011003683000060003793360026004393370026004653380036004914900108005275000129006355000019007645040055007835200408008386920031012466920032012777100067013097100045013767100043014217750113014648300126015778560112017039.873777CaOODSP20221107164018m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e201904##quca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aFs70-6/2019-005E-PDF04aThe Saguenay Fjord winter recreational groundfish fishery, 2017-2018. 1aMont-Joli (Quebec) : bCenter for Science Advice (CSA), Québec Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (20 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/005, Quebec Region aIssued also in French under title: La pêche récréative hivernale au poisson de fond dans le Fjord du Saguenay, 2017-2018. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 17-18). a“The winter recreational fishery in the Saguenay Fjord took off in the early 1980s. It is unique in Quebec because of its size and the variety of species caught in the area. As a result of the growing interest in this recreational and tourism activity in the mid-1990s, several stakeholders are now concerned about resource conservation and sustainable development of this fishery"--Context, page [1].072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaFisheries management1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bQuebec Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tLa pêche récréative hivernale au poisson de fond dans le fjord du Saguenay, 2017-2018.w(CaOODSP)9.873781#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/005, Quebec Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs2.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-005-eng.pdf02315nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450094001752640125002692640011003943000066004053360031004713370034005023380043005364900120005795000113006995000022008125040062008345200448008966920035013446920031013797100075014107100057014857100056015427750093015988300138016918560112018299.873781CaOODSP20221107164019m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e201904##quca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aFs70-6/2019-005F-PDF03aLa pêche récréative hivernale au poisson de fond dans le fjord du Saguenay, 2017-2018. 1aMont-Joli, Québec : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région du Québec, Pêches et Océans Canada, cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (21 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/005, Région du Québec aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : The Saguenay Fjord winter recreational groundfish fishery, 2017-2018. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 18-19). a« La pêche récréative hivernale dans le fjord du Saguenay a pris son essor au début des années 80. Elle est unique au Québec par son ampleur et la diversité des espèces qu’on y capture. L’intérêt grandissant pour cette activité récréotouristique au milieu des années 90 a amené plusieurs intervenants à se préoccuper de la conservation des ressources et du développement durable de cette pêche » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaRessources halieutiques072gccstaGestion des pêches1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Québec.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tThe Saguenay Fjord winter recreational groundfish fishery, 2017-2018.w(CaOODSP)9.873777#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/005, Région du Québecw(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs1.77 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-005-fra.pdf02857nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450085001752640130002602640011003903000060004013360026004613370026004873380036005134900120005495000133006695000019008025040055008215200969008766920030018456920031018756920032019067100079019387100045020177100043020627750117021058300138022228560111023609.873782CaOODSP20221107164019m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e201904##mbca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-012E-PDF00aRecovery potential assessment of Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) in Canada. 1aWinnipeg, Manitoba : bCenter for Science Advice (CSA), Central and Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (24 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/012, Central and Arctic Region aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du potentiel de rétablissement du méné long (Clinostomus elongatus) au Canada. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 22-23). a“In April 1987, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) designated Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) as Special Concern, and this status was re-assessed as Endangered in April 2007. A re-assessment by COSEWIC in November 2017 kept the species designation as Endangered. The reason given for this designation was “this small, colourful minnow is highly susceptible to changes in stream flow and declines in water quality, such as those that occur in urban and agricultural watersheds. The Canadian range of this species largely overlaps with the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), where urban land use is widespread and projected to increase in the future. The continued expansion of the GTA has led to ongoing habitat degradation, causing serious declines in range and number of individuals and populations” (COSEWIC 2017). In May 2017, Redside Dace was listed as Endangered under the Species at Risk Act (SARA"--Context, page [1].072gccstaEndangered species072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaFisheries management1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bCentral and Arctic Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tÉvaluation du potentiel de rétablissement du méné long (Clinostomus elongatus) au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.873783#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/012, Central and Arctic Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs575 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-012-eng.pdf03313nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450098001752640144002732640011004173000066004283360031004943370034005253380043005594900138006025000124007405000022008645040062008865201310009486920028022586920035022866920031023217100091023527100057024437100056025007750104025568300156026608560111028169.873783CaOODSP20221107164019m o d f cr |||||||||||190528e201904##mbca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-012F-PDF00aÉvaluation du potentiel de rétablissement du méné long (Clinostomus elongatus) au Canada. 1aWinnipeg (Manitoba) : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région du Centre et de l’Arctique, Pêches et Océans Canada, cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/012, Région du Centre et de l’Arctique aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Recovery potential assessment of Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) in Canada. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 27-28). a« En avril 1987, le Comité sur la situation des espèces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC) a désigné le méné long (Clinostomus elongatus) comme espèce préoccupante. En avril 2007, la situation du méné long a été réévaluée et l’espèce a été désignée en voie de disparition. En novembre 2017, le COSEPAC a de nouveau évalué la situation de l’espèce et a maintenu la désignation en voie de disparition. La raison invoquée pour justifier cette désignation était la suivante : « Ce petit méné coloré est très vulnérable aux variations de débits et aux baisses de la qualité de l’eau telles que celles observées dans les bassins versants urbains et agricoles. L’aire de répartition canadienne de cette espèce chevauche considérablement la région du Grand Toronto (RGT), où l’utilisation des terres à des fins urbaines est répandue et devrait augmenter dans le futur. L’expansion continue de la RGT a mené à une dégradation continue de l’habitat, ce qui entraîne d’importantes diminutions en matière d’aire de répartition et du nombre d’individus et de populations. » (COSEPAC 2017). En mai 2017, on a inscrit le méné long en tant qu’espèce en voie de disparition en vertu de la Loi sur les espèces en péril (LEP) » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaEspèce menacée072gccstaRessources halieutiques072gccstaGestion des pêches1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Centre et de l'Arctique.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tRecovery potential assessment of Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.873782#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/012, Région du Centre et de l’Arctiquew(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs488 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-012-fra.pdf02869nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450209001752640129003842640011005133000059005243360026005833370026006093380036006354900118006715000303007895000019010925040055011115200523011666920027016896920025017166920043017417100077017847100045018617100043019067750287019498300136022368560111023729.873849CaOODSP20221107164031m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201904##onca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-014E-PDF00aEnvironmental and indirect human health risk assessments for the manufacture and grow-out of EO-1α salmon, including the aquadvantage® salmon, at a land-based and contained facility near Rollo Bay, PEI. 1aOttawa : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), National Capital Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (34 pages) : bcolour illustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/014, National Capital Region aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation des risques pour l’environnement et des risques indirects pour la santé humaine liés à la production et au grossissement du saumon EO-1α, dont le saumon aquadvantageMD, dans une installation terrestre et confinée près de Rollo Bay (Î.-P.-É). aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 29-33). a“The following Science Advisory Report summarizes the results of the December 11 to 13, 2018 “Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessments for the Manufacture and Grow-out of Sterile AquAdvantage® Salmon at a Land-Based Facility near Rollo Bay, PEI” CSAS peer-review meeting. In advance of the meeting, a CSAS Science Response process was held to establish whether information provided by the company in the regulatory package was sufficient to determine invasiveness (DFO 2019)"--Context, page [1].072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaHealth impact072gccstaEnvironmental impact assessment1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNational Capital Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tÉvaluation des risques pour l’environnement et des risques indirects pour la santé humaine liés à la production et au grossissement du saumon EO-1α, dont le saumon aquadvantageMD, dans une installation terrestre et confinée près de Rollo Bay (Î.-P.-É).w(CaOODSP)9.873852#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/014, National Capital Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs591 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-014-eng.pdf03209nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450268001752640159004432640011006023000065006133360031006783370034007093380043007434900134007865000248009205000022011685040062011905200780012526920026020326920032020586920040020907100089021307100057022197100056022767750228023328300152025608560111027129.873852CaOODSP20221107164032m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201904##onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-pi1 aFs70-6/2019-014F-PDF00aÉvaluation des risques pour l’environnement et des risques indirects pour la santé humaine liés à la production et au grossissement du saumon EO-1α, dont le saumon aquadvantageMD, dans une installation terrestre et confinée près de Rollo Bay (Î.-P.-É). 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat Canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), Région de la capitale nationale, Pêches et Océans Canada, cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (39 pages) : billustration en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/014, Région de la capitale nationale aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Environmental and indirect human health risk assessments for the manufacture and grow-out of EO-1α salmon, including the aquadvantage® salmon, at a land-based and contained facility near Rollo Bay, PEI. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 34-38). a« Conformément à un protocole d’entente (PE) signé avec Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC) et Santé Canada (SC), Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) mène une évaluation du risque environnemental, fournit un avis scientifique à ECCC et collabore avec SC pour mener une évaluation des risques indirects pour la santé humaine de tout produit du poisson issu d’une biotechnologie et déclaré en application de la LCPE et du Règlement sur les renseignements concernant les substances nouvelles (organismes) [RRSN(O)]. L’avis est fourni à ECCC et à SC sous la forme d’un avis scientifique du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS) utilisé pour étayer l’évaluation du risque aux termes de la LCPE » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaImpact sur la santé072gccstaÉvaluation environnementale1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion de la capitale nationale.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tEnvironmental and indirect human health risk assessments for the manufacture and grow-out of EO-1α salmon, including the aquadvantage® salmon, at a land-based and contained facility near Rollo Bay, PEI.w(CaOODSP)9.873849#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/014, Région de la capitale nationalew(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs720 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-014-fra.pdf02847nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450076001752640125002512640011003763000060003873360026004473370026004733380036004994900111005355000130006465000019007765040055007955201053008506920027019036920031019307100070019617100045020317100043020767750114021198300129022338560111023629.873859CaOODSP20221107164033m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201904##nsca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-015E-PDF00aStock assessment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO divisions 4X5Y. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bCenter for Science Advice (CSA), Maritimes Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (19 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/015, Maritimes Region aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du stock de morue franche (Gadus morhua) dans les divisions 4X5Y de l’OPANO. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 12-13). a“Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) ranges from Georges Bank to northern Labrador in the Canadian Atlantic. There are several concentrations of Cod within this range, including those on the Southern Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 4X and 5Y. In 2010, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) assessed the southern population unit (4X5YZjm) as Endangered, and a Recovery Potential Assessment was completed in 2011. The last 4X5Y Cod stock assessment was conducted in 2008, with stock status updates provided in 2014, 2016, and 2017. A framework assessment for the 4X5Y Cod stock was undertaken in March and November 2018, including a review of data and inputs, ecosystem information, modelling approaches, and data-limited approaches. Fisheries Management has requested that Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science apply the modelling approach developed in November 2018 to provide catch advice and inform the rebuilding plan for this stock"--Context, page [1].072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries resources1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tÉvaluation du stock de morue franche (Gadus morhua) dans les divisions 4X5Y de l’OPANO.w(CaOODSP)9.873864#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/015, Maritimes Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs670 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-015-eng.pdf03292nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450095001752640138002702640011004083000066004193360031004853370034005163380043005504900123005935000115007165000022008315040058008535201408009116920026023196920035023457100078023807100057024587100056025157750095025718300141026668560111028079.873864CaOODSP20221107164034m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201904##onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-015F-PDF00aÉvaluation du stock de morue franche (Gadus morhua) dans les divisions 4X5Y de l’OPANO. 1aDartmouth (Nouvelle-Écosse) : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région des Maritimes, Pêches et Océans Canada, cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (20 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/015, Région des Maritimes aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Stock assessment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO divisions 4X5Y. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 14). a« La morue franche (Gadus morhua) est un poisson dont l’aire de répartition s’étend du banc de Georges jusqu’au nord du Labrador dans l’Atlantique canadien. On compte un certain nombre de concentrations de morue dans cette aire de répartition, y compris celles du sud du plateau néo-écossais et de la baie de Fundy, dans les divisions 4X et 5Y de l’Organisation des pêches de l’Atlantique Nord-Ouest (OPANO). En 2010, le Comité sur la situation des espèces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC) a évalué la population du sud (4X5YZjm) comme espèce en voie de disparition, et une évaluation du potentiel de rétablissement a été réalisée en 2011. La dernière évaluation du stock de morue des divisions 4X5Y a été effectuée en 2008, et des mises à jour de l’état du stock ont eu lieu en 2014, en 2016 et en 2017. Un cadre d’évaluation pour la morue franche des divisions 4X5Y a été entrepris en mars et en novembre 2018. Il comprenait un examen des données et des intrants, des renseignements écosystémiques, des approches de modélisation et des méthodes à données limitées. Gestion des pêches a demandé au Secteur des sciences de Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) d’appliquer l’approche de modélisation élaborée en novembre 2018 pour fournir des recommandations sur les prises et éclairer le plan de rétablissement de ce stock » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaRessources halieutiques1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion des Maritimes.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tStock assessment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO divisions 4X5Y.w(CaOODSP)9.873859#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/015, Région des Maritimesw(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs730 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-015-fra.pdf03007nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000029001752450160002042640095003642640011004593000062004703360026005323370026005583380036005844900048006205000192006685000017008605000016008775040053008935201129009466920018020756920022020937100067021157100043021827750178022258300106024038560112025099.873867CaOODSP20221107164034m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20192018onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-5/2018-059E-PDF1 aRoy, Nathalie, eauthor.10aFin whale continuous frequentation of St. Lawrence habitats detected from multi-year passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) / cNathalie Roy [and three others]. 1aOttawa : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, cMay 2019. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (iv, 14 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aResearch document, x1919-5044 ; v2018/059 aIssued also in French under title: Fréquentations continues par les rorquals communs des habitats du Saint-Laurent détectées par la surveillance acoustique passive (SAP) pluriannuelle. aCover title. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 4-6).3 a"The Atlantic fin whale is a regular visitor to the Lower Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. From 2010 to 2017, their frequentation of this feeding habitat was monitored with a passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) observatory composed of four multi-year stations and four one-year stations that covered the two Gulf entrances and the expected incursion routes. The typical pulsed 20 Hz infrasonic call of fin whales was monitored with a dedicated algorithm. Fin whale calls were detected year-round although only sporadically in June and July. In the southeastern Gulf, the intense call period extended from August to May. In the northwestern Gulf, it generally ended earlier in January. Calls were detected in both entrances of the Gulf, but occurred much more frequently in Cabot Strait. The occurrence time series does not support a slow synchronous annual migration of the individuals from the Atlantic to the Estuary and vice versa. The co-occurrence of detections at all sites during a large part of the annual cycle indicates a dispersed population over numerous sites of interest in the studied area"--Abstract, page iv.072gccstaWhales072gccstaStatistics1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bQuebec Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tFréquentations continues par les rorquals communs des habitats du Saint-Laurent détectées par la surveillance acoustique passive (SAP) pluriannuelle / w(CaOODSP)9.873870#0aResearch document (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5044 ; v2018/059.w(CaOODSP)9.50739640qPDFs1.34 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-5/Fs70-5-2018-059-eng.pdf03386nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000029001752450192002042640106003962640011005023000070005133360031005833370034006143380043006484900052006915000165007435000028009085000020009365040060009565201430010166920019024466920024024657100075024897100056025647750145026208300123027658560112028889.873870CaOODSP20221107164035m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20192018onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-5/2018-059F-PDF1 aRoy, Nathalie, eauteur.10aFréquentations continues par les rorquals communs des habitats du Saint-Laurent détectées par la surveillance acoustique passive (SAP) pluriannuelle / cNathalie Roy [et trois autres]. 1aOttawa : bPêches et Océans Canada, Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, cMai 2019. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 14 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aDocument de recherche, x2292-4272 ; v2018/059 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Fin whale continuous frequentation of St. Lawrence habitats detected from multi-year passive acoustic monitoring (PAM). aTitre de la couverture. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 4-6).3 a« Le rorqual commun de l’Atlantique est un visiteur régulier de l’estuaire maritime et du golfe du Saint-Laurent. De 2010 à 2017, sa fréquentation de cette mer marginale de l’Atlantique Nord-Ouest a été suivie par acoustique passive (PAM) via un observatoire constitué d’un réseau de quatre stations pluriannuelles et de quatre stations annuelles, couvrant les 2 entrées du golfe du Saint-Laurent ainsi que les principales routes de passage. Les infrasons pulsés typiques de 20 Hz du rorqual commun ont été suivis au moyen d’un algorithme dédié. Ces sons des rorquals communs ont été détectés à l’année longue, quoique seulement sporadiquement en juin et juillet. Dans la partie méridionale du golfe, la période de plus forte occurrence s’étendait d’août à mai. Dans le nord-ouest du golfe, elle se terminait généralement plus tôt, en janvier. Les sons ont été détectés dans les deux entrées du golfe, mais ont été beaucoup plus fréquents pour le détroit de Cabot. Les séries temporelles d’occurrence ne plaident pas en faveur d’une lente migration synchrone des individus depuis l’Atlantique jusqu’à l’estuaire et vice versa. La détection simultanée des sons aux différentes stations pendant une grande partie de l’année indique une population dispersée, répartie sur les différents sites d’intérêts dans la zone d’étude »--Résumé, page iv.072gccstaBaleine072gccstaStatistiques1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Québec.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tFin whale continuous frequentation of St. Lawrence habitats detected from multi-year passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) / w(CaOODSP)9.873867#0aDocument de recherche (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x2292-4272 ; v2018/059.w(CaOODSP)9.50378840qPDFs1.16 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-5/Fs70-5-2018-059-fra.pdf02454nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450125001752640128003002640011004283000059004393360026004983370026005243380036005504900120005865000204007065000019009105040050009295200449009796920018014286920030014467100079014767100045015557100043016007750188016438300138018318560111019699.873876CaOODSP20221107164035m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201905##mbca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-024E-PDF00aSustainable harvest advice for Cumberland Sound Beluga based on the 2017 aerial survey and modelled abundance estimates. 1aWinnipeg, Manitoba : bCenter for Science Advice (CSA), Central and Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (9 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/024, Central and Arctic Region aIssued also in French under title: Avis sur la capture durable de bélugas de la population de la Baie Cumberland selon un relevé aérien mené en 2017 et des estimations d’abondance modélisées. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8). a“The Cumberland Sound Beluga (CSB) population was listed in 2017 as ‘Threatened’ on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act. Continued research and monitoring of the population are required to ensure sustainability of the Inuit subsistence harvest. DFO Fisheries Management (FM) has requested Science Advice on an updated population abundance estimate and sustainable harvest level recommendation for the CSB population"--Context, page [1].072gccstaWhales072gccstaEndangered species1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bCentral and Arctic Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tAvis sur la capture durable de bélugas de la population de la Baie Cumberland selon un relevé aérien mené en 2017 et des estimations d’abondance modélisées.w(CaOODSP)9.873879#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/024, Central and Arctic Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs575 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-024-eng.pdf02717nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450169001752640142003442640011004863000066004973360031005633370034005943380043006284900138006715000164008095000022009735040057009955200629010526920019016816920028017007100091017287100057018197100056018767750144019328300156020768560111022329.873879CaOODSP20221107164036m o d f cr |||||||||||190529e201905##onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-024F-PDF00aAvis sur la capture durable de bélugas de la population de la Baie Cumberland selon un relevé aérien mené en 2017 et des estimations d’abondance modélisées. 1aWinnipeg (Manitoba) : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région du Centre et de l’Arctique, Pêches et Océans Canada, cMai 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (10 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/024, Région du Centre et de l’Arctique aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Sustainable harvest advice for Cumberland Sound beluga based on the 2017 aerial survey and modelled abundance estimates. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 8). a« La population de bélugas de la baie Cumberland a été inscrite à l’annexe 1 de la Loi sur les espèces en péril à titre d’espèce menacée en 2017. Des activités continues de recherche et de surveillance liées à la population sont nécessaires afin d’assurer la durabilité de la chasse de subsistance des Inuits. La Gestion des pêches de Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) a demandé un avis scientifique sur une mise à jour de l'estimation de l'abondance de la population de bélugas de la baie Cumberland et une recommandation sur les niveaux de capture durables de la population » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaBaleine072gccstaEspèce menacée1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Centre et de l'Arctique.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tSustainable harvest advice for Cumberland Sound Beluga based on the 2017 aerial survey and modelled abundance estimates.w(CaOODSP)9.873876#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/024, Région du Centre et de l’Arctiquew(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs578 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-024-fra.pdf03188nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450188001752640131003632640011004943000065005053360026005703370026005963380036006224900118006585000271007765000019010475040055010665200971011216920028020926920027021207100077021477100045022247100043022697750255023128300136025678560111027039.873949CaOODSP20221107164048m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201905##oncbd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-003E-PDF00aScience advice on the effectiveness of ballast water exchange plus treatment as a mechanism to reduce the introduction and establishment of aquatic invasive species in Canadian ports. 1aOttawa, ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), National Capital Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (22 pages) : bcolour map, colour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/003, National Capital Region aIssued also in French under title: Avis scientifique sur l’efficacité de l’échange et du traitement de l’eau de ballast comme mécanisme visant à réduire l’introduction et l’établissement d’espèces aquatiques envahissantes dans les ports canadiens. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 16-19). a“Aquatic invasive species are a significant environmental stressor with widespread ecological impacts including biodiversity loss. The movement of ballast water via commercial shipping is a high-risk pathway through which harmful and/or non-indigenous aquatic species are introduced into novel ecosystems. The current management strategy, ballast water exchange, has varied effectiveness across different habitat types, and will be gradually replaced with a ballast water performance standard with the aim to achieve more consistent reduction of invasion risk. The Government of Canada proposed that the combined use of these management strategies may potentially achieve even greater risk reductions in fresh and brackish water environments than either strategy could alone, but additional scientific research is required to inform policy makers and risk managers about whether the exchange plus treatment strategy should be applied in Canada"--Context, page [1].072gccstaInvasive species072gccstaWater transport1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNational Capital Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tAvis scientifique sur l’efficacité de l’échange et du traitement de l’eau de ballast comme mécanisme visant à réduire l’introduction et l’établissement d’espèces aquatiques envahissantes dans les ports canadiens.w(CaOODSP)9.873950#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/003, National Capital Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs688 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-003-eng.pdf03591nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450236001752640156004112640011005673000081005783360031006593370034006903380043007244900134007675000227009015000022011285040062011505201271012126920032024836920030025157100089025457100057026347100056026917750207027478300152029548560111031069.873950CaOODSP20221107164048m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201905##oncbd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-6/2019-003F-PDF00aAvis scientifique sur l’efficacité de l’échange et du traitement de l’eau de ballast comme mécanisme visant à réduire l’introduction et l’établissement d’espèces aquatiques envahissantes dans les ports canadiens. 1aOttawa (Ontario : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), Région de la capitale nationale, Pêches et Océans Canada, cMai 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (24 pages) : bcarte en couleur, graphiques en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/003, Région de la capitale nationale aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Science advice on the effectiveness of ballast water exchange plus treatment as a mechanism to reduce the introduction and establishment of aquatic invasive species in Canadian ports. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 17-21). a« Les espèces aquatiques envahissantes constituent un facteur de stress environnemental important qui a des répercussions écologiques généralisées, y compris la perte de biodiversité. Le mouvement des eaux de ballast provoqué par la navigation commerciale représente une voie de passage à risque élevé par laquelle des espèces aquatiques nuisibles ou non indigènes sont introduites dans de nouveaux écosystèmes. La stratégie de gestion actuelle, à savoir l’échange de l’eau de ballast, a une efficacité variable selon les différents types d’habitats et sera progressivement remplacée par une norme de rendement de l’eau de ballast dans le but d’obtenir une réduction plus uniforme du risque d’invasion. Le gouvernement du Canada a indiqué que l’utilisation combinée de ces stratégies de gestion permettrait de réduire encore davantage les risques dans les milieux d’eau douce et d’eau saumâtre par rapport à l’utilisation de l’une ou l’autre de ces stratégies seulement, mais des recherches scientifiques supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour indiquer aux décideurs et aux gestionnaires des risques si la stratégie d’échange et de traitement devrait être appliquée au Canada » -- Contexte, page [1]-2.072gccstaEspèce envahissante072gccstaTransport maritime1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion de la capitale nationale.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tScience advice on the effectiveness of ballast water exchange plus treatment as a mechanism to reduce the introduction and establishment of aquatic invasive species in Canadian ports.w(CaOODSP)9.873949#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/003, Région de la capitale nationalew(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs544 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-003-fra.pdf02927nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450194001752640131003692640011005003000060005113360026005713370026005973380036006234900118006595000311007775000019010885040055011075200630011626920027017926920027018197100077018467100045019237100043019687750295020118300136023068560111024429.873953CaOODSP20221107164049m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201905##onca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-6/2019-022E-PDF00aAdvice from the assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye salmon due to piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia. 1aOttawa, ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), National Capital Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (21 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, science advisory report, x1919-5087 ; v2019/022, National Capital Region aIssued also in French under title: Avis découlant de l’évaluation des risques pour le saumon rouge du Fleuve Fraser que représente le transfert de l’orthoréovirus pisciaire (RVP) à partir des fermes de saumon de l’Atlantique situées dans la région des Îles Discovery, en Colombie-Britannique. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 17-20). a“DFO’s Aquaculture Management Directorate has requested CSAS advice on the risks to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to pathogen transfer from marine Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) farms located in the Discovery Islands area in British Columbia. This request supports DFO’s role in the management of aquaculture in British Columbia and aligns with recommendations in the final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River, including recommendations 18 and 19 on risks to wild fish populations related to pathogen transfer from finfish farms (Cohen, 2012)"--Context, page [1].072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaRisk management1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNational Capital Region.1 aCanada. bEcosystems and Oceans Science.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tAvis découlant de l’évaluation des risques pour le saumon rouge du Fleuve Fraser que représente le transfert de l’orthoréovirus pisciaire (RVP) à partir des fermes de saumon de l’Atlantique situées dans la région des Îles Discovery, en Colombie-Britannique.w(CaOODSP)9.873957#0aScience advisory report (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-5087 ; v2019/022, National Capital Regionw(CaOODSP)9.50622640qPDFs388 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-022-eng.pdf03272nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450276001752640157004512640011006083000066006193360031006853370034007163380043007504900134007935000233009275000022011605040062011825200919012446920026021636920031021897100089022207100057023097100056023667750213024228300152026358560111027879.873957CaOODSP20221107164049m o d f cr |||||||||||190530e201905##onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-6/2019-022F-PDF00aAvis découlant de l’évaluation des risques pour le saumon rouge du Fleuve Fraser que représente le transfert de l’orthoréovirus pisciaire (RVP) à partir des fermes de saumon de l’Atlantique situées dans la région des Îles Discovery, en Colombie-Britannique. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), Région de la capitale nationale, Pêches et Océans Canada, cMai 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (24 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique, x1919-5117 ; v2019/022, Région de la capitale nationale aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Advice from the assessment of the risk to Fraser River sockeye salmon due to piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 20-23). a« La Direction générale de la gestion de l’aquaculture du MPO a demandé un avis scientifique du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS) sur les risques pour le saumon rouge du fleuve Fraser que représente le transfert d’agents pathogènes à partir des fermes de saumon de l’Atlantique (Salmo salar) situées dans la région des îles Discovery, en Colombie-Britannique. Cette demande soutient le rôle du MPO sur le plan de la gestion de l’aquaculture en Colombie-Britannique et elle s’inscrit dans le cadre des recommandations figurant dans le rapport définitif de la Commission d’enquête sur le déclin des populations de saumon rouge du fleuve Fraser, notamment les recommandations 18 et 19 sur les risques pour les populations de poissons sauvages que représente le transfert d’agents pathogènes à partir des fermes aquacoles (Cohen, 2012) » -- Contexte, page [1]-2.072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaGestion des risques1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion de la capitale nationale.1 aCanada. bSciences des écosystèmes et des océans.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tAdvice from the assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye salmon due to piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia.w(CaOODSP)9.873953#0aAvis scientifique (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-5117 ; v2019/022, Région de la capitale nationalew(CaOODSP)9.50262440qPDFs425 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-6/Fs70-6-2019-022-fra.pdf02716nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450135001752460064003102640119003742640011004933000050005043360026005543370026005803380036006064900047006425000239006895000019009285000016009475040050009635200663010136920027016766920032017036920031017357100070017667100043018367750223018798300105021028560111022079.873963CaOODSP20221107164050m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t20192019nsca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aFs70-7/2019-019E-PDF00aScallop fishery area/time closure to protect Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) spawning aggregations in NAFO division 5Z (Georges Bank).17aScience response : bscallop fishery closure to protect cod 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bCentre for Science Advice (CSA), Maritimes Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (5 pages) : billustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScience response, x1919-3769 ; v2019/019 aIssued also in French under title: Fermetures spatio-temporelles de la pêche du pétoncle visant à protéger les rassemblements de morues franches (Gadus morhua) en état de frayer dans la division 5Z de l’OPANO (Banc de Georges). aCaption title. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5). a"This document provides information on the spatial distribution of Cod abundance on eastern Georges Bank during the spawning period based upon the DFO Winter Georges Bank Research Vessel (RV) Survey and its overlap with Scallop catches on the Canadian portion of Georges Bank. In 2013, the most recent 10-year spatial distribution of Cod was compared to the full time series (starting in 1996). The results of this analysis showed that a change in distribution had occurred and, using the most recent 10-year average during the spawning period, more accurately reflects the current distribution of Atlantic Cod on Georges Bank (DFO 2013)"--Context, page [1].072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries management072gccstaNature conservation1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tFermetures spatio-temporelles de la pêche du pétoncle visant à protéger les rassemblements de morues franches (Gadus morhua) en état de frayer dans la division 5Z de l’OPANO (Banc de Georges).w(CaOODSP)9.873969#0aScience response (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-3769 ; v2019/019.w(CaOODSP)9.50623240qPDFs503 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-019-eng.pdf03031nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450204001752460096003792640131004752640011006063000054006173360031006713370034007023380043007364900052007795000176008315000022010075000020010295040057010495200911011066920026020176920031020436920037020747100078021117100056021897750154022458300123023998560111025229.873969CaOODSP20221107164051m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t20192019nsca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aFs70-7/2019-019F-PDF00aFermetures spatio-temporelles de la pêche du pétoncle visant à protéger les rassemblements de morues franches (Gadus morhua) en état de frayer dans la division 5Z de l’OPANO (Banc de Georges).17aRéponse des sciences : bfermetures de la pêche du pétoncle visant à protéger la morue 1aDartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région des Maritimes, Pêches et Océans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (7 pages) : billustrations. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRéponse des sciences, x1919-3815 ; v2019/019 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Scallop fishery area/time closure to protect Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) spawning aggregations in NAFO division 5Z (Georges Bank). aTitre de départ. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 6). a« Le présent document fournit des renseignements sur la répartition spatiale de l’abondance de la morue franche dans la portion est du banc de Georges pendant la période de fraye selon les relevés d’hiver que le MPO a effectués par navire de recherche sur le banc de Georges, et sur le chevauchement entre cette répartition et les prises de pétoncles dans la portion canadienne du banc. En 2013, la répartition spatiale de la morue franche sur les dix années précédentes a été comparée à la série chronologique complète (qui commence en 1996). Les résultats de cette comparaison ont montré qu’il y avait eu un changement de la répartition et que l’utilisation de la moyenne sur les dix années précédentes pendant la période de fraye reflétait avec plus de précision la répartition actuelle de la morue franche sur le banc de Georges (MPO, 2013) » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaGestion des pêches072gccstaConservation de la nature1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion des Maritimes.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tScallop fishery area/time closure to protect Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) spawning aggregations in NAFO division 5Z (Georges Bank).w(CaOODSP)9.873963#0aRéponse des sciences (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-3815 ; v2019/019.w(CaOODSP)9.50263040qPDFs339 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-019-fra.pdf02663nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860025001592450118001842460053003022640114003552640011004693000059004803360026005393370026005653380036005914900047006275000191006745000019008655000016008845040051009005200768009516920027017196920031017467100065017777100043018427750175018858300105020608560112021659.873990CaOODSP20221107164055m o d f cr |||||||||||190523t20192019nkca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nkan-cn-ns1 aFs70-7/2019-021E-PDF00aUpdate of indicators of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in DFO Gulf Region salmon fishing areas 15 – 18 for 2018.17aScience response : bAtlantic salmon Gulf Region 1aMoncton, New Brunswick : bCentre for Science Advice (CSA), Gulf Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (25 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScience response, x1919-3769 ; v2019/021 aIssued also in French under title: Mise à jour en 2018 des indicateurs pour le saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) dans les zones de pêche du saumon 15 à 18 de la Région du Golfe du MPO. aCaption title. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 24). a"The last assessment of stock status of Atlantic Salmon for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Gulf Region was completed after the 2013 return year (DFO 2014) and updates on stock status in 2014 to 2017 for each of the four Salmon Fishing Areas (SFA 15-18) were prepared (DFO 2015a; 2015b, 2016, 2017, 2018a). DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (FAM) requested an update of the status of the Atlantic Salmon stocks in DFO Gulf Region for 2018. Indicators for adult and juvenile Atlantic Salmon in SFAs 15 to 18 are provided in this report. This Science Response Report results from the Science Response Process of February 19, 2019 on the update of indicators of Atlantic salmon to 2018 for Salmon Fishing Areas 15 to 18, DFO Gulf Region"--Context, page [1].072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries resources1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bGulf Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tMise à jour en 2018 des indicateurs pour le saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) dans les zones de pêche du saumon 15 à 18 de la région du Golfe du MPO.w(CaOODSP)9.873992#0aScience response (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-3769 ; v2019/021.w(CaOODSP)9.50623240qPDFs1.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-021-eng.pdf03011nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860025001592450156001842460071003402640125004112640011005363000065005473360031006123370034006433380043006774900052007205000159007725000022009315000020009535040062009735201029010356920026020646920035020907100073021257100056021987750137022548300123023918560111025149.873992CaOODSP20221107164055m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t20192019nkca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nkan-cn-ns1 aFs70-7/2019-021F-PDF00aMise à jour en 2018 des indicateurs pour le saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) dans les zones de pêche du saumon 15 à 18 de la région du Golfe du MPO.17aRéponse des sciences : bsaumon Atlantique de la région du Golfe 1aMoncton, Nouveau-Brunswick : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région du Golfe, Pêches et Océans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRéponse des sciences, x1919-3815 ; v2019/021 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Update of indicators of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in DFO Gulf Region salmon fishing areas 15 – 18 for 2018. aTitre de départ. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 27-28). a« La dernière évaluation de l'état des stocks de saumon atlantique pour la région du Golfe de Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) a été réalisée après l'année de montaison 2013 (MPO 2014), et des mises à jour sur l'état des stocks de 2014 à 2017 pour les quatre zones de pêche du saumon (ZPS 15 à 18) ont été préparées (MPO 2015a, MPO 2015b, MPO 2016, MPO 2017, MPO 2018a). La Gestion des pêches et de l'aquaculture du MPO a demandé une mise à jour de l'état des stocks de saumon atlantique dans la région du Golfe du MPO pour 2018. Les indicateurs pour les stocks de saumon atlantique adulte et juvénile dans les ZPS 15 à 18 figurent dans le présent rapport. La présente réponse des Sciences découle du processus de réponse des Sciences du 19 février 2019 sur la mise à jour des indicateurs pour le saumon atlantique en 2018 dans les zones de pêche du saumon 15 à 18 de la région du Golfe du MPO. Aucune autre publication ne sera produite à partir de ce processus » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaRessources halieutiques1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du golfe.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tUpdate of indicators of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in DFO Gulf Region salmon fishing areas 15 – 18 for 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.873990#0aRéponse des sciences (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-3815 ; v2019/021.w(CaOODSP)9.50263040qPDFs339 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-021-fra.pdf02006nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450101001752460054002762640114003302640011004443000049004553360026005043370026005303380036005564900047005925000158006395000019007975000016008165040054008325200196008866920037010826920032011197100068011517100043012197750142012628300105014048560111015099.874113CaOODSP20221107164114m o d f cr |||||||||||190531t20192019bccb obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-7/2019-022E-PDF00aRegional assessment of ecological attributes in rockfish conservation areas in British Columbia.17aScience response : bassessment of RCA attributes 1aNanaimo, British Columbia : bCentre for Science Advice, Pacific Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (35 pages) : bcolour map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScience response, x1919-3769 ; v2019/022 aIssued also in French under title: Une évaluation régionale des paramètres écologiques des aires de conservation du sébaste en Colombie-Britannique. aCaption title. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 31-34). a"The Inshore Rockfish Conservation Strategy was developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) in 2001 to help address the precipitous decline of inshore rockfish species"--Context, page [1].072gccstaMarine conservation areas072gccstaFisheries management1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bPacific Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tUne évaluation régionale des paramètres écologiques des aires de conservation du sébaste en Colombie-Britannique.w(CaOODSP)9.874115#0aScience response (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)x1919-3769 ; v2019/022.w(CaOODSP)9.50623240qPDFs839 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-022-eng.pdf02142nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450123001752460066002982640132003642640011004963000058005073360031005653370034005963380043006304900052006735000142007255000022008675000020008895040062009095200227009716920039011986920031012377100077012687100056013457750120014018300123015218560112016449.874115CaOODSP20221107164114m o d f cr |||||||||||190531t20192019bccb obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-7/2019-022F-PDF04aUne évaluation régionale des paramètres écologiques des aires de conservation du sébaste en Colombie-Britannique.17aRéponse des sciences : bévaluation des paramètres des ACS 1aNanaimo, Colombie-Britannique : bCentre des avis scientifiques (CAS), Région du Pacifique, Pêches et Océans Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (40 pages) : bcarte en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRéponse des sciences, x1919-3815 ; v2019/022 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Regional assessment of ecological attributes in rockfish conservation areas in British Columbia. aTitre de départ. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 35-39). a« La Stratégie de conservation du sébaste côtier a été élaborée par Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) en 2001 pour aider à faire face au déclin précipité des espèces de sébaste côtier » -- Contexte, page [1].072gccstaAire marine de conservation072gccstaGestion des pêches1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Pacifique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tRegional assessment of ecological attributes in rockfish conservation areas in British Columbia.w(CaOODSP)9.874113#0aRéponse des sciences (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)x1919-3815 ; v2019/022.w(CaOODSP)9.50263040qPDFs1.28 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2019-022-fra.pdf01484nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860022001811000032002032450159002352640103003942640011004973000069005083360026005773370026006033380036006294900080006655460033007456920027007787000054008057100086008598300099009458560102010449.871679CaOODSP20221107163443m o d f cr |||||||||||190531t20192019bcca o f000 0 eng d a9780660305349 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aFs97-13/1294E-PDF1 aZubkowski, T. B., eauthor.10aBiological results of the Cowichan Bay and Howe Sound juvenile salmon trawl surveys conducted April to September 2016 / cby T.B. Zubkowski and J.R. King. 1aNanaimo, British Columbia : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 78 pages) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5395 ;v1294 aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSalt water fish1 aKing, J. R. q(Jacquelynne R.), d1968- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bPacific Region. bScience Branch.#0aCanadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5395 ;v1294.w(CaOODSP)9.50512440qPDFs1.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs97-13-1294-eng.pdf01460nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860022001811000032002032450136002352640103003712640011004743000069004853360026005543370026005803380036006064900080006425460033007226920027007557000054007827100086008368300099009228560101010219.871681CaOODSP20221107163444m o d f cr |||||||||||190531t20192019bcca o f000 0 eng d a9780660305356 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-bc1 aFs97-13/1295E-PDF1 aZubkowski, T. B., eauthor.10aBiological results of the Howe Sound juvenile salmon trawl surveys conducted April to August 2017 / cT.B. Zubkowski and J.R. King. 1aNanaimo, British Columbia : bFisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 49 pages) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, x1488-5395 ;v1295 aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSalt water fish1 aKing, J. R. q(Jacquelynne R.), d1968- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bPacific Region. bScience Branch.#0aCanadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences,x1488-5395 ;v1295.w(CaOODSP)9.50512440qPDFs748 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs97-13-1295-eng.pdf02017nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450126001732640057002993000034003563360026003903370026004163380036004424900031004785000037005095000042005465000100005885200644006885300033013326920022013656920026013877100048014137100048014618300049015098560109015589.873817CaOODSP20221107164025m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s1961 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1961-2E-PDF00aForms of business organization in Canada / cprepared by Industrial Development Branch, Department of Trade and Commerce. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Trade and Commerce, c1961. a1 online resource (35 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Doing business in Canada] a"Date of revision - June, 1961." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with legislation affecting the organization of a business venture. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles it is suggested that an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Trade and Commerce.1 aCanada. bIndustrial Development Branch‏.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs2.42 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1961-2-eng.pdf01491nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450168001732460040003412640047003813000037004283360031004653370034004963380043005304900046005735000035006195000104006545300045007586920025008036920025008286920024008537100038008777100053009158300064009688560109010329.873820CaOODSP20221107164026m o d f cr cn|||||||||190529s1961 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1961-5F-PDF00aTaxes canadiennes - de vente, d'accise, d'achat / cpréparé par la Direction de l'expansion industrielle, Service du commerce intérieur, Ministère du commerce.14aTaxes - de vente, d'accise, d'achat 1aOttawa : bMinistère du commerce, c1961. a1 ressource en ligne (11 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada a« Révisé en nombre 1961. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTaxe de vente072gccstaTaxe d'accise072gccstaDroit fiscal1 aCanada. bMinistère du commerce.1 aCanada. bDirection de l'expansion industrielle.#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.47 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1961-5-fra.pdf02327nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450196001732460069003692640047004383000037004853360031005223370034005533380043005874900046006305000044006765000104007205200750008245300045015746920032016196920026016516920024016777100038017017100053017398300064017928560109018569.873869CaOODSP20221107164034m o d f cr cn|||||||||190529s1962 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1962-4F-PDF02aL'impôt au Canada - impôt sur le revenu, taxes d'affaires, impôt foncier / cpréparé par la Direction de l'expansion industrielle, Service du commerce intérieur, Ministère du commerce.14aImpôts - impôt sur le revenu, taxes d'affaires, impôt foncier 1aOttawa : bMinistère du commerce, c1962. a1 ressource en ligne (33 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada a« Date de révision : octobre 1962. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure renferme des renseignements sur l'incidence de l'impôt sur le revenu, sur les entreprises et sur les biens. On a rien négligé pour donner une idée aussi exacte que possible des lois en vigueur au moment de la préparation du texte afin que celui-ci puisse devenir un guide utile. Il importe toutefois de signaler que plusieurs des lois en cause renferment une abondance de détails que le texte ci-après ne peut aborder son objet étant d'exposer les principes fondamentaux. Les personnes qui ont besoin de renseignements précis et détaillés sur un sujet particulier à un moment donné auront donc avantage à consulter les autorités compétentes et les conseillers juridiques de leur choix » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaImpôt sur le revenu072gccstaImpôt foncier072gccstaDroit fiscal1 aCanada. bMinistère du commerce.1 aCanada. bDirection de l'expansion industrielle.#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs3.52 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1962-4-fra.pdf01928nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450139001732640057003123000033003693360026004023370026004283380036004544900031004905000029005215000042005505000100005925200595006925300033012876920022013207100048013427100043013908300049014338560108014829.873871CaOODSP20221107164035m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s1963 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1963-6E-PDF00aLabour legislation in Canada / cprepared by Industrial Promotion Branch, Domestic Commerce Service, Department of Trade and Commerce. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Trade and Commerce, c1963. a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Doing business in Canada] a"Revised February 1963." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with labour legislation, and has particular reference to implications for employers. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles it is suggested that an enquirer should consult relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaLabour law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Trade and Commerce.1 aCanada. bIndustrial Promotion Branch.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs525 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1963-6-eng.pdf02086nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450156001732640057003293000033003863360026004193370026004453380036004714900031005075000038005385000042005765000100006185200663007185300033013816920019014146920021014336920022014547100048014767100043015248300049015678560108016169.873880CaOODSP20221107164036m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s1963 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC21-35/1963-9E-PDF00aPatents, copyrights and trade marks in Canada / cprepared by Industrial Promotion Branch, Domestic Commerce Service, Department of Trade and Commerce. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Trade and Commerce, c1963. a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Doing business in Canada] a"Date of revision - March, 1963." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this text deals with patents, copyrights, designs, timber marks and trade marks. Every effort has been made to accurately reflect the legislation in force at the time of preparing the material. It is believed that the text will prove to be a useful guide. It should be appreciated, however, that many of the laws and their administration contain a considerable amount of detail. Since the text does not do more than refer to basic principles, it is suggested an enquirer should consult with relevant authorities or solicitors of his choice or both when seeking precise and detailed advice on a given problem at a specific time"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaPatents072gccstaCopyright072gccstaTrademarks1 aCanada. bDepartment of Trade and Commerce.1 aCanada. bIndustrial Promotion Branch.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs626 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1963-9-eng.pdf01320nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860024001592450143001832640057003263000034003833360026004173370026004433380036004694900029005055000040005345000042005745000100006165300033007166920019007496920019007687100048007878300049008358560110008849.873927CaOODSP20221107164045m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s1964 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ab------1 aC21-35/1964-10E-PDF00aTariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad / cprepared by Office of Trade Relations and Trade Policy, Department of Trade and Commerce. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Trade and Commerce, c1964. a1 online resource (13 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada a"Date of revision: February, 1964." aImperfect copy: the cover is wanting. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaExports072gccstaTariffs1 aCanada. bDepartment of Trade and Commerce.#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1964-10-eng.pdf02034nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860024001592450126001832640057003093000034003663360026004003370026004263380036004524900029004885000115005175000039006325000100006715200534007715300033013056920019013386920019013577100048013767750101014248300049015258560110015749.873986CaOODSP20221107164054m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ab------1 aC21-35/1967-10E-PDF00aTariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad / cprepared by Office of Trade Relations, Department of Trade and Commerce. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Trade and Commerce, c1967. a1 online resource (13 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aDoing business in Canada aIssued also in French under title: Préférences douanières accordées aux produits canadiens à l'étranger. a"Date of revision: October, 1967." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The information in this booklet deals with the incidence of tariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad. The following pages indicate, in a general way, the range of goods accorded preference, and outline the conditions with which manufactured goods must comply in order to qualify for preferential treatment. It should be appreciated, however, that the information included in this publication is general and subject to change, and cannot substitute for specific information regarding particular products"--Foreword, page J-3. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaExports072gccstaTariffs1 aCanada. bDepartment of Trade and Commerce.08tPréférences douanières accordées aux produits canadiens à l'étranger / w(CaOODSP)9.873988#0aDoing business in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87221840qPDFs1.46 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-10-eng.pdf02214nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860024001592450162001832640047003453000037003923360031004293370034004603380043004944900046005375000091005835000045006745000058007195000104007775200594008815300045014756920023015206920026015437100038015697750071016078300064016788560110017429.873988CaOODSP20221107164054m o d f cr mn|||||||||190530s1967 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ab------1 aC21-35/1967-10F-PDF00aPréférences douanières accordées aux produits canadiens à l'étranger / cpréparé par le le Bureau des relations commerciales, Ministère du commerce. 1aOttawa : bMinistère du commerce, c1967. a1 ressource en ligne (13 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aL'exploitation d'une entreprise au Canada aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Tariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad. a« Date de révision : octobre, 1967. » aExemplaire défectueux : la couverture est manquante. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure a pour objet l'incidence des préférences douanières accordées aux produits canadiens à l'étranger. Dans les pages qui suivent, on indique, d'une manière générale, les produits qui bénéficient de ces préférences et les conditions que les produits manufacturés doivent remplir pour jouir du tarif préférentiel. Il faut bien comprendre toutefois que les renseignements fournis ci-après sont d'ordre général, sujets à modification et qu'ils ne peuvent tenir lieu d'information spécifique sur des produits particuliers » -- Avant-propos, page J-3. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaExportation072gccstaTarif douanier1 aCanada. bMinistère du commerce.08tTariff preferences for Canadian goods abroad / w(CaOODSP)9.873986#0aExploitation d'une entreprise au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87224540qPDFs1.22 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c21/C21-35-1967-10-fra.pdf02136nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000041001712450104002122640054003163000058003703360026004283370026004543380036004804900052005165000082005685040057006505200852007076920041015596920030016007100018016308300065016488560097017139.873669CaOODSP20221107163959m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1977 onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-314E-PDF1 aSmith, David Gray, d1952- eauthor.14aThe archaeological investigations at the Southwold Earthworks, 1935 and 1976 / cby David G. Smith. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1977. a1 online resource (xii, 163 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 314 aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 128-133).3 a"Archaeological investigations were conducted at the Southwold Earthworks site in 1976 by the Museum of Indian Archaeology for the Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, and the data recovered from these excavations and previous excavations in 1935 were examined during the winter of 1976 and 1977. The data recovered provided information on the identity of the inhabitants, the date of occupation, the nature of the earthworks, and the nature of the occupation both inside and outside the village. The report includes a summary of information on the prehistory of southern Ontario, as well as background information pertaining to the site. A detailed discussion of settlement pattern and ceramic data is provided as well as conclusions in terms of the site and its relationship to the native occupation of southwestern Ontario."--page ix.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaIndigenous culture2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 314w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs50.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-314-eng.pdf02553nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001591000037001802450080002172640054002973000076003513360026004273370026004533380036004794900053005155000082005685040058006505201287007086920019019956920021020147100018020358300065020538560097021189.873674CaOODSP20221107164000m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527s1978 oncbo||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on aw2x71 aR61-2/7-328E-PDF1 aRichardson, W. George, eauthor.10aBridges over the Trent Severn Waterway, 1826-1978 / cW. George Richardson. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1978. a1 online resource (xi, 281 pages) : billustrations, maps, photographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 328. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aIncludes bibliographical references: (pages 274-281).3 a"The purpose of this report is to record the history of all fords, ferries and bridges crossing the navigation channel of the Trent Severn Waterway. The record includes the details of the types of ferries and bridges at each location, when they were erected, modified or replaced and for what reason. To substantiate the reasons for construction and change, a general survey is made of the physical characteristics of the waterway before canalization, the canoe routes used, and the forms and routes of land transportation (road and rail) in the vicinity of the waterway. Settlement of the area, lumbering and agriculture are also mentioned. The construction of the locks and canals that make up the waterway is briefly outlined as it affects bridge construction. The various roles of bridges in the community is mentioned also. The major portion of the report traces chronologically the construction of the bridges in six geographic sections. The specific technical details about each are contained in the appendix. The final section contains an examination of the evolution of bridge design along the waterway based on the information and statistics evolved in the study and on the state of the art elsewhere in Canada and the U.S.A. during the same period."--Abstract, page viii.072gccstaBridges072gccstaWaterways2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 328w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs73.85 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-328-eng.pdf02453nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000034001712450123002052460045003282640054003733000072004273360026004993370026005253380036005514900052005875000082006395040040007215201099007616920041018606920033019017100018019348300065019528560098020179.873693CaOODSP20221107164003m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1978 oncab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-335E-PDF1 aVincent, Elizabeth, eauthor.10aFort St. Joseph : ba history / cby Elizabeth Vincent. Fort St. Joseph : a structural history / by Elizabeth Vincent.15aFort St. Joseph : ba structural history 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1978. a1 online resource (viii, 320; v, 75 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 335 aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aBibliography: pages 307-320; 58-59.3 a"A British military post was established on St. Joseph Island in 1796 to replace Michilimackinac, which was being handed over to the Americans. … The first of the permanent buildings to be constructed at Fort St. Joseph was the blockhouse, followed by a bakehouse, guardhouse and palisades. Later a stone powder magazine, a stone bakery and kitchens were built. Around the fort was a collection of private buildings, dwellings and storehouses belonging to traders and some of the officers of the Indian Department. … Fort St. Joseph was abandoned and in the summer of 1814 was burned by an American expedition on its way to attack Michilimackinac. When the war ended Michilimackinac was given back to the Americans and the British built a new post at Drummond Island although they used the powder magazine at Fort St. Joseph. When the boundary through the Great Lakes was established Drummond Island was awarded to the Americans and in the fall of 1828 the British troops moved to Penetanguishene on the other side of Lake Huron and Fort St. Joseph was abandoned."--Abstract, pages vi-vii.072gccstaArchaeological investigations072gccstaMilitary architecture2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 335w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs108.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-335-eng.pdf02457nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000035001712450279002062460031004852460054005162640059005703000079006293360026007083370026007343380036007604900052007965000082008485040043009305200850009736920032018236920033018556920026018887100018019148300065019328560098019979.873703CaOODSP20221107164005m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528i19781979oncab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-pi1 aR61-2/7-352E-PDF1 aHorne, Fred, d1951- eauthor.10aCartographic survey 1601-1946, Prince Edward Island National Park / cby Fred Horne. Green Gables House report / by Fred Horn ; with assistance from Mary Burke. Human history, Prince Edward Island National Park / by Fred Horne ; with research assistance from Eleanor Lamont.15aGreen Gables House report 15aHuman history, Prince Edward Island National Park 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1978-1979. a1 online resource (vii, 77; iv, 67; v, 243 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 352 aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aBibliographies: pages 44; 46; 209-215.0 aThe first monograph discusses the cartographic material relating to Prince Edward Island National Park: historical French and English maps as well as maps emanating from federal and provincial sources such as the Department of the Interior or the Prince Edward Island Travel Bureau. The second monograph examines the Green Gables House - the fictional home of the character Anne of Green Gables and the actual home of the MacNeill family, late 18th century immigrants to Cavendish - from both fictional and real life perspectives. The actual structural history of the house is discussed exclusively from a real life perspective while the interior and exterior landscape are examined from both perspectives. The third monograph gives a history of the human activities which took place in the immediate area of Prince Edward Island National Park.072gccstaCartographic records072gccstaDomestic architecture072gccstaNational parks2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 352w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs102.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-352-eng.pdf01622nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000031001712450106002022640054003083000071003623360026004333370026004593380036004854900053005215000082005745040033006565200418006896920021011077100018011288300065011468560097012119.873712CaOODSP20221107164006m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1980 oncao||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-358E-PDF1 aFrancis, Daniel, eauthor.10aTowards a history of the Kawartha-Otonabee sector of the Trent-Severn Waterway / cby Daniel Francis. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1980. a1 online resource (vii, 114 pages) : billustrations, photographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 358. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aBibliography: pages 107-110.3 a"During the summer and fall of 1979 a series of oral history interviews were carried out in the Peterborough area of the Trent-Severn Waterway. The aim of the interviews was to gather information about the historical development of the Kawartha-Otonabee sector of the Waterway in the modern period. This report is a brief history of the sector based on information contained in the interviews."--Abstract, page v.072gccstaWaterways2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 358w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs29.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-358-eng.pdf01829nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001591000036001802450087002162640054003033000096003573360026004533370026004793380036005054900052005415000082005935040033006755200389007086920017010976920024011146920028011387100018011668300065011848560109012498560109013589.873717CaOODSP20221107164007m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1979 oncaoec#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on aw2x71 aR61-2/7-373E-PDF1 aDeLottinville, Peter, eauthor.12aA history of the Smiths Falls Lock stations, 1827-1978 / cby Peter DeLottinville. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1979. a1 online resource (2 volumes (493 pages)) : billustrations, photographs, plans, portraits. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 373 aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aBibliography: pages 342-357.0 a"This report is divided into two general sections. Part One describes the initial construction and the subsequent maintenance of the canal structures and buildings. Each of the three lock stations, Smiths Falls combined, Smiths Falls detached and Old Slys, are examined separately. Part Two of the report concerns the economic activities related to the canal."--Introduction, page 12.072gccstaLocks072gccstaConstruction072gccstaEconomic history2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 373w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs87.03 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-373-1-eng.pdfzVolume 140qPDFs67.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-373-2-eng.pdfzVolume 201866nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000031001712450042002022640054002443000064002983360026003623370026003883380036004144900053004505000022005035000082005255040033006075200629006406920017012696920018012866920031013047100018013358300065013538560098014189.873726CaOODSP20221107164009m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1977 oncab||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aR61-2/7-413E-PDF1 aTatley, Richard, eauthor.10aKingston Mills / cby Richard Tatley. 1a[Ottawa] : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, c1977. a1 online resource (vii, 338 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aManuscript report / Parks Canada ; vnumber 413. aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [by History of Parks Canada Electronic Library]. aBibliography: pages 318-333.3 a"This report is a compilation of several reports on Kingston Mills prepared by the author in 1977. It examines the early period when Kingston Mills was a grist and sawmill centre, the building of the Rideau Canal and its effects on the locality, the significance of the military presence, the coming of the railway and electric power, and the relation of geology to the history, including the modern era when the area has become attractive to tourists. The main sources are archival records, census records and canal records, travelogues and directories, newspapers, maps, pictures, and oral interviews"--Abstract, page vii.072gccstaLocks072gccstaCanals072gccstaHistorical research2 aParks Canada.#0aManuscript report (Parks Canada)vno. 413w(CaOODSP)9.87366340qPDFs121.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-413-eng.pdf02026nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000038001712450113002092640054003223000060003763360031004363370034004673380043005014900051005445000173005955000102007685040034008705200542009046920028014466920036014747100018015108300063015288560097015919.873736CaOODSP20221107164011m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528s1978 onca|| #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aR61-2/7-366F-PDF1 aTremblay, Yves, d1954- eauthor.10aÉtude de la maison du mouleur, secteur du haut fourneau : bforges du Saint-Maurice / cpar Yves Tremblay.  1a[Ottawa] : bParcs Canada = Parks Canada, c1978. a1 ressource en ligne (xi, 135 pages) : billustrations. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTravail inédit / Parcs Canada ; vnuméro 366 a« Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre de la maîtrise en archéologie historique donnée en collaboration par l'université Laval et Parcs Canada. » -- page x. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimée [par Histoire de Parcs Canada Bibliothèque Électronique]. aBibliographie : pages 45-53. a« Cette étude, qui comprendra une partie archéologique, constituera une tentative de tracer un bref historique de l'habitation aux forges du Saint-Maurice à partir des données acquises lors de la fouille de cette petite maison. Nous présenterons d'abord les structures mises au jour durant la fouille et nous proposerons quelques hypothèses en ce qui concerne les limites possibles de la maison. Puis, nous parlerons des artefacts architecturaux, surtout les clous, trouvés dans ce secteur. » -- Présentation du projet, page 1.072gccstaHistoire sociale072gccstaFouilles archéologiques2 aParcs Canada.#0aTravail inédit (Parcs Canada)vnº 366w(CaOODSP)9.87373240qPDFs37.51 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-7-366-fra.pdf01510nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220410013001530430012001660860043001781000032002212450169002532640077004222640011004993000057005103360026005673370026005933380036006194900054006555040051007095460033007606920019007936930012008127000031008247000030008557100018008857760133009038560100010369.873935CaOODSP20221107164046m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530t19992004nsc o f000 0 eng d z0662344677 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aR61-2/20-8-2003E-PDFzR61-2/20-8-2003E1 aSelva, Steven B., eauthor.10aSurvey of epiphytic lichens of late successional northern hardwoods forests in Northern Cape Breton Island / [by] Steven B. Selva, M. Paul Edberg and Matthew Selva. 1aHalifax, Nova Scotia : bParks Canada = Parcs Canada, cJanuary 1, 1999. 4c©2004 a1 online resource (iv, 53 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier0 aEcosystem monitoring and data reports ;vReport 8 aIncludes bibliographical references (page 21). aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaForests 4aLichens1 aEdberg, M. Paul, eauthor.1 aSelva, Matthew, eauthor.2 aParks Canada.0#tSurvey of epiphytic lichens of late successional northern hardwoods forests in Northern Cape Breton Island / w(CaOODSP)9.61643240qPDFs4.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pc/R61-2-20-8-2003-eng.pdf02378nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100107001752450072002822640082003543000039004363360026004753370026005013380036005274900122005635000093006855000032007785000016008105000091008265040041009175200547009586920017015056920029015227000032015517750079015838300141016628560109018038560080019129.873146CaOODSP20221107163831m o d f cr |n|||||||||190516s2019 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC76-1/1-421-33E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Public Safety and National Security.10aStudy on crime in rural areas in Canada / cHon. John McKay, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, Canada = Chambre des communes, Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (vii, 14 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security ; v33rd report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Étude sur la criminalité en milieu rural au Canada. aIssued also in HTML format. a"May 2019." aOriginal published on: 2019/05/16. Republished on: 2019/05/21, 2019/05/23, 2019/05/29. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Committee recognizes that crime in rural areas is of growing concern to rural residents across the country. The Committee heard that while crime in rural areas is more acute in western Canada, eastern provinces are also experiencing high crime rates in rural areas. Incidents reported by witnesses to the Committee were related to property crimes such as a break-ins, thefts and, in some cases, violent assaults. The risks of sexual violence, violence towards women and suicide in rural areas were also underscored by witnesses"--page 1.072gccstaCrime072gccstaRural communities1 aMcKay, John Norman, d1948-08tÉtude sur la criminalité en milieu rural au Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.873151#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security ;v33rd report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.50700240qPDFs2.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc76-1/XC76-1-1-421-33-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/SECU/report-33/02633nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100109001752450097002842640082003813000042004633360031005053370034005363380043005704900119006135000086007325000034008185000020008525000096008725040048009685200757010166920030017736920017018037000032018207750066018528300138019188560109020568560082021659.873151CaOODSP20221107163831m o d f cr |n|||||||||190516s2019 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC76-1/1-421-33F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de la sécurité publique et nationale.10aÉtude sur la criminalité en milieu rural au Canada / cle président, l’hon. John McKay. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, Canada = House of Commons, Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 15 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent de la sécurité publique et nationale ; v33e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Study on crime in rural areas in Canada. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Mai 2019. » aDate originale de publication : 2019/05/16. Republié : 2019/05/21, 2019/05/23, 2019/05/29. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le Comité reconnaît que la criminalité en milieu rural est de plus en plus préoccupante pour les résidents des régions rurales de l’ensemble du pays. Le Comité a entendu que même si la criminalité en milieu rural est un problème plus criant dans l’Ouest canadien, les provinces de l’Est canadien sont également aux prises avec un taux de criminalité plus élevé en milieu rural. Les témoins ont rapporté au Comité des incidents liés à des crimes contre les biens, comme des introductions par effraction, des vols et, dans certains cas, des agressions avec violence. Les témoins ont également mis en lumière les risques de violence sexuelle, de violence envers les femmes et de suicide dans les régions rurales »--page 1.072gccstaCommunauté rurale072gccstaCrime1 aMcKay, John Norman, d1948-08tStudy on crime in rural areas in Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.873146#0aRapport du Comité permanent de la sécurité publique et nationale ;v33e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session.w(CaOODSP)9.50339540qPDFs2.88 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc76-1/XC76-1-1-421-33-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.noscommunes.ca/DocumentViewer/fr/42-1/SECU/rapport-3303007nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860020001721100036001922450639002282460329008672460056011962640062012523000042013143360026013563370026013823380036014084900060014445000017015045000034015215000053015555200354016085460032019626920030019946920030020246920023020547000020020777920331020978300077024288560092025059.873614CaOODSP20221107163950m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s2019 onc ol f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengafre an-cn---aa-ir--- aYB421-261/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bSenate.13aAn Act to provide a framework for the lifting of sanctions against Iran through the establishment of benchmarks relating to Iranian behaviour in respect of terrorism, human rights violations and incitement to hatred and to establish measures to hold Iran to account for the continuation of any misconduct = bLoi visant à encadrer la levée des sanctions contre l'Iran grâce à l'établissement de critères axés sur le comportement de l'Iran concernant le terrorisme, les violations des droits de la personne et l'incitation à la haine et à établir des mesures pour tenir l'Iran responsable de la poursuite de toute inconduite.31aLoi visant à encadrer la levée des sanctions contre l'Iran grâce à l'établissement de critères axés sur le comportement de l'Iran concernant le terrorisme, les violations des droits de la personne et l'incitation à la haine et à établir des mesures pour tenir l'Iran responsable de la poursuite de toute inconduite1 iShort title: aIran Relations and Normalization Act 1a[Ottawa] : bSenate of Canada = Sénat du Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (iii, 11, 1 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBill S-... ; vBill S-261, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"First reading, May 9, 2019." aSenate public bill: sponsor, Sen. David Tkachuk. a"This enactment provides a framework for Canada to lift sanctions against Iran by establishing reasonable benchmarks based on Iranian behaviour with respect to terrorism, human rights violations and incitement to hatred. It also establishes measures to deter Iran from such behavior and to hold Iran to account for its misconduct"--Summary, page ii. aText in English and French.072gccstaExternal relations072gccstaEconomic sanctions072gccstaLegislation1 aTkachuk, David. tAn Act to provide a framework for the lifting of sanctions against Iran through the establishment of benchmarks relating to Iranian behaviour in respect of terrorism, human rights violations and incitement to hatred and to establish measures to hold Iran to account for the continuation of any misconduct = w(CaOODSP)9.873619#0aBill S-...vBill S-261, 1st session, 42nd Parliament.w(CaOODSP)9.50066540qPDFs300 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sen/YB421-261-1.pdf03226nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860020001721100035001922450639002272460329008662460074011952640062012693000045013313360031013763370034014073380043014414900079014845000028015635000043015915000079016345200436017135460038021496920034021876920032022216920024022537000020022777910331022978300096026288560092027249.873619CaOODSP20221107163951m o d f cr bn|||||||||190527s2019 onc ol f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP0 aengafre an-cn---aa-ir--- aYB421-261/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bSénat.13aAn Act to provide a framework for the lifting of sanctions against Iran through the establishment of benchmarks relating to Iranian behaviour in respect of terrorism, human rights violations and incitement to hatred and to establish measures to hold Iran to account for the continuation of any misconduct = bLoi visant à encadrer la levée des sanctions contre l'Iran grâce à l'établissement de critères axés sur le comportement de l'Iran concernant le terrorisme, les violations des droits de la personne et l'incitation à la haine et à établir des mesures pour tenir l'Iran responsable de la poursuite de toute inconduite.31aLoi visant à encadrer la levée des sanctions contre l'Iran grâce à l'établissement de critères axés sur le comportement de l'Iran concernant le terrorisme, les violations des droits de la personne et l'incitation à la haine et à établir des mesures pour tenir l'Iran responsable de la poursuite de toute inconduite1 iTitre abrégé : aLoi sur la normalisation des relations avec l'Iran 1a[Ottawa] : bSenate of Canada = Sénat du Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 11, 1 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aProjet de loi S-... ; vProjet de loi S-261, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couverture. a« Première lecture le 9 mai 2019. » aProjet de loi d'intérêt public du Sénat : parrain, sén. David Tkachuk. a« Le texte prévoit un cadre permettant au Canada de lever les sanctions contre l'Iran grâce à l'établissement de critères raisonnables axés sur le comportement de l'Iran concernant le terrorisme, les violations des droits de la personne et l'incitation à la haine. Il établit également des mesures visant à dissuader l'Iran de commettre de tels actes et à le tenir responsable de son inconduite » -- Sommaire, page ii. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaRelations extérieures072gccstaSanction économique072gccstaLégislation1 aTkachuk, David. tAn Act to provide a framework for the lifting of sanctions against Iran through the establishment of benchmarks relating to Iranian behaviour in respect of terrorism, human rights violations and incitement to hatred and to establish measures to hold Iran to account for the continuation of any misconduct = w(CaOODSP)9.873614#0aProjet de loi S-...vProjet de loi S-261, 1re session, 42e législature.w(CaOODSP)9.50066640qPDFs300 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sen/YB421-261-1.pdf02546nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100088001752450101002632640082003643000065004463360026005113370026005373380036005634900103005995000136007025000016008385040041008545200826008956920024017216920031017456920029017767000027018057750121018328300122019538560109020759.873689CaOODSP20221107164002m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC34-1/1-421-16E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on National Defence.10aCanada's role in international peace operations and conflict resolution / cStephen Fuhr, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, Canada = Chambre des communes, Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (xii, 133 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on National Defence ; v16th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Le rôle du Canada dans les opérations de paix internationales et la résolution des conflits . a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The report primarily discusses Canada's re-engagement in international peace operations. The first section provides an overview of the international security environment and the changing nature of peace missions, and the reforms that the UN is making to adapt to those changes. The second section describes Canada's past and current contributions to peace operations, and its plans for re-engagement in such operations in the coming years. The third section examines the delivery of Canada’s new "smart pledge" approach to peace missions through its contributions to MINUSMA in Mali. The fourth section highlights changes that might improve Canada's contribution to peace operations. The final section provides the Committee's concluding remarks and recommendations to the Government of Canada"--Introduction, page 12.072gccstaPeacekeeping072gccstaPeacekeeping forces072gccstaGovernment policy1 aFuhr, Stephen, d1969-08tLe rôle du Canada dans les opérations de paix internationales et la résolution des conflits / w(CaOODSP)9.873691#0aReport of the Standing Committee on National Defence ;v16th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.50736740qPDFs5.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc34-1/XC34-1-1-421-16-eng.pdf02867nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100095001752450132002702640082004023000072004843360031005563370034005873380043006214900105006645000118007695000020008875040048009075201083009556920031020386920041020696920037021107000027021477750098021748300124022728560109023969.873691CaOODSP20221107164003m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC34-1/1-421-16F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de la défense nationale.13aLe rôle du Canada dans les opérations de paix internationales et la résolution des conflits / cle président, Stephen Fuhr. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, Canada = House of Commons, Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (xii, 139 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent de la défense nationale ; v16e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canada's role in international peace operations and conflict resolution. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport porte principalement sur le renouvellement de l'engagement du Canada à l'égard des opérations de paix internationales. La première section donne un aperçu du contexte de sécurité mondiale et de l'évolution de la nature des missions de paix, ainsi que des réformes entreprises par l'ONU afin de s'adapter à ces changements. La deuxième section offre une description de la contribution actuelle et passée du Canada aux opérations de paix, et du plan national pour le renouvellement de son engagement à de telles opérations dans les années à venir. La troisième section examine quant à elle l'application des « engagements conjoints », la nouvelle approche du Canada en matière de maintien de la paix, dans le cadre de la MINUSMA, au Mali. La quatrième section met en lumière les changements qui pourraient permettre au Canada de contribuer plus efficacement aux opérations de paix. Et la section finale contient les dernières observations du Comité et ses recommandations au gouvernement du Canada » -- Introduction, pages 12-13.072gccstaMaintien de la paix072gccstaForces de maintien de la paix072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale1 aFuhr, Stephen, d1969-08tCanada's role in international peace operations and conflict resolution / w(CaOODSP)9.873689#0aRapport du Comité permanent de la défense nationale ;v16e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session.w(CaOODSP)9.50375740qPDFs3.92 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc34-1/XC34-1-1-421-16-fra.pdf03068nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860019001721100012001912450392002032460200005952460079007952640045008743000038009193360026009573370026009833380036010094900109010455000017011545000042011715000056012135200687012695460032019566920022019886920021020106920022020316920036020536920023020897000034021127100036021467920213021828300126023958560101025219.873750CaOODSP20221107164013m o d f cr bn|||||||||190528s2019 onc ol f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---af-mg---1 aYX4-2019/7-PDF1 aCanada.13aAn Act to implement the Convention between Canada and the Republic of Madagascar for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income = bLoi mettant en œuvre la Convention entre le Canada et la République de Madagascar en vue d'éviter les doubles impositions et de prévenir l'évasion fiscale en matière d'impôts sur le revenu.31aLoi mettant en œuvre la Convention entre le Canada et la République de Madagascar en vue d'éviter les doubles impositions et de prévenir l'évasion fiscale en matière d'impôts sur le revenu1 iShort title: aCanada–Madagascar Tax Convention Implementation Act, 2018 1a[Ottawa] : b[Senate of Canada], c2019. a1 online resource (ii, 25 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ... ; vStatutes of Canada 2019, chapter 7, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"Assented to May 27, 2019, Bill S-6." aSenate government bill: sponsor, Sen. Peter Harder. a"This enactment implements the Convention between Canada and the Republic of Madagascar for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and a related protocol. The convention is generally patterned on the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The convention has two main objectives: the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion. Once implemented, it will provide relief from taxation rules set out in, or related to, the Income Tax Act. That implementation requires the enactment of this Act"--Summary, page ii. aText in English and French.072gccstaIncome tax072gccstaTax fraud072gccstaPrevention072gccstaInternational agreements072gccstaLegislation1 aHarder, Vernon Peter, d1952-1 aCanada. bParliament. bSenate. tAn Act to implement the Convention between Canada and the Republic of Madagascar for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income = w(CaOODSP)9.873754#0aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ...vStatutes of Canada 2019, chapter 7, 1st session, 42nd Parliament.w(CaOODSP)9.50067740qPDFs338 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/lois-statutes/YX4-2019-7.pdf03220nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860019001721100012001912450392002032460200005952460081007952640045008763000041009213360031009623370034009933380043010274900106010705000027011765000058012035000083012615200750013445460038020946920032021326920026021646920023021906920032022136920024022457000034022697100035023037910213023388300122025518560101026739.873754CaOODSP20221107164014m o d f cr bn|||||||||190528s2019 onc ol f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---af-mg---1 aYX4-2019/7-PDF1 aCanada.13aAn Act to implement the Convention between Canada and the Republic of Madagascar for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income = bLoi mettant en œuvre la Convention entre le Canada et la République de Madagascar en vue d'éviter les doubles impositions et de prévenir l'évasion fiscale en matière d'impôts sur le revenu.31aLoi mettant en œuvre la Convention entre le Canada et la République de Madagascar en vue d'éviter les doubles impositions et de prévenir l'évasion fiscale en matière d'impôts sur le revenu1 iTitre abrégé : aLoi de 2018 sur la convention fiscale Canada–Madagascar 1a[Ottawa] : b[Sénat du Canada], c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, 25 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ... ; vLois du Canada (2019), chapitre 7, 1re session, 42e législature aTite de la couverture. a« Sanctionnée le 27 mai 2019, projet de loi S-6. » aProjet de loi émanant du gouvernement (Sénat) : parrain, sén. Peter Harder. a« Le texte met en œuvre la Convention entre le Canada et la République de Madagascar en vue d'éviter les doubles impositions et de prévenir l'évasion fiscale en matière d'impôts sur le revenu et un protocole afférent. La convention s'inspire généralement du Modèle de convention fiscale concernant le revenu et la fortune de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE). La convention a deux buts principaux : empêcher les doubles impositions et prévenir l'évasion fiscale. Une fois mise en œuvre, elle accordera l'exonération de règles fiscales prévues par la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu ou relatives à celle-ci. Sa mise en œuvre requiert l'adoption de la présente loi » -- Sommaire, page ii. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaImpôt sur le revenu072gccstaFraude fiscale072gccstaPrévention072gccstaAccord international072gccstaLégislation1 aHarder, Vernon Peter, d1952-1 aCanada. bParlement. bSénat. tAn Act to implement the Convention between Canada and the Republic of Madagascar for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income = w(CaOODSP)9.873750#0aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ...vLois du Canada (2019), chapitre 7, 1re session, 42e legislature.w(CaOODSP)9.50067840qPDFs338 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/lois-statutes/YX4-2019-7.pdf01848nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860025001591100092001842450131002762640082004073000064004893360026005533370026005793380036006054900107006415000162007485000065009105000016009755040041009916920027010326920032010596920028010917000019011197750113011388300126012518560109013779.873760CaOODSP20221107164015m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cnm--an-cn-qu1 aXC51-1/1-421-23E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Fisheries and Oceans.10aStriped bass in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Miramichi River : bstriking a delicate balance / cKen McDonald, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, Canada = Chambre des communes, Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (vii, 25 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans ; v23rd report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Population de bar rayé dans le sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent et la rivière Miramichi : atteindre un équilibre délicat. aOriginal published on: 2019/05/28; published on: 2019/05/31. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries management072gccstaFisheries policy1 aMcDonald, Ken.08tPopulation de bar rayé dans le sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent et la rivière Miramichi : w(CaOODSP)9.873763#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans ;v23rd report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.50671240qPDFs2.47 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc51-1/XC51-1-1-421-23-eng.pdf01906nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860025001591100097001842450161002812640082004423000070005243360031005943370034006253380043006594900107007025000145008095000082009545000020010365040048010566920026011046920031011306920033011617000019011947750096012138300126013098560109014359.873763CaOODSP20221107164016m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cnm--an-cn-qu1 aXC51-1/1-421-23F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent des pêches et des océans.10aPopulation de bar rayé dans le sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent et la rivière Miramichi : batteindre un équilibre délicat / cle président, Ken McDonald. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, Canada = House of Commons, Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 29 pages) : bilustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent des pêches et des océans ; v23e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Striped bass in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Miramichi River: striking a delicate balance. aDate originale de publication : 2019/05/28; date de publication : 2019/05/31. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaGestion des pêches072gccstaPolitique des pêches1 aMcDonald, Ken.08tStriped bass in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Miramichi River : w(CaOODSP)9.873760#0aRapport du Comité permanent des pêches et des océans ;v23e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session.w(CaOODSP)9.50310640qPDFs2.51 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc51-1/XC51-1-1-421-23-fra.pdf01574nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100097001752450074002722640082003463000065004283360026004933370026005193380036005454900112005815000093006935000016007865040041008026920032008436920025008756920023009007000019009237750041009428300132009838560109011159.873770CaOODSP20221107164017m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC12-1/1-421-16E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.10aMental health : ba priority for our farmers / cPat Finnigan, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, Canada = Chambre des communes, Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (viii, 60 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food ; v16th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Santé mentale : une priorité pour nos agriculteurs. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaAgricultural workers072gccstaMental health072gccstaHealth care1 aFinnigan, Pat.08tSanté mentale : w(CaOODSP)9.873772#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food ;v16th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.507031 40qPDFs3.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc12-1/XC12-1-1-421-16-eng.pdf01681nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100111001752450092002862640082003782640011004603000072004713360031005433370034005743380043006084900120006515000088007715000020008595040048008796920032009276920026009596920027009857000019010127750040010318300139010718560109012109.873772CaOODSP20221107164017m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC12-1/1-421-16F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire.10aSanté mentale : bune priorité pour nos agriculteurs / cle président, Pat Finnigan. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, Canada = House of Commons, Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (viii, 67 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire ; v16e rapport, 42e législature, 1e session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Mental health: a priority for our farmers. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaTravailleur agricole072gccstaSanté mentale072gccstaSoins de santé1 aFinnigan, Pat.08tMental health : w(CaOODSP)9.873770#0aRapport du Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire ;v16e rapport, 42e législature, 1e session.w(CaOODSP)9.50342440qPDFs3.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc12-1/XC12-1-1-421-16-fra.pdf01814nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100097001752450102002722640082003742640011004563000064004673360026005313370026005573380036005834900112006195000129007315000065008605000016009255040041009416920030009826920023010126920030010357000019010657750115010848300132011998560109013319.873779CaOODSP20221107164018m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC12-1/1-421-17E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.10aSupport for Indigenous peoples in the agriculture and agri-food industry / cPat Finnigan, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, Canada = Chambre des communes, Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vii, 29 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food ; v17th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Soutien aux peuples autochtones dans le secteur de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire. aOriginal published on: 2019/05/28; published on: 2019/05/31. a"May 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaIndigenous peoples072gccstaAgriculture072gccstaAgri-food industry1 aFinnigan, Pat.08tSoutien aux peuples autochtones dans le secteur de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire / w(CaOODSP)9.873780#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food ;v17th report, 42nd parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.507031 40qPDFs2.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc12-1/XC12-1-1-421-17-eng.pdf01898nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100111001752450126002862640082004122640011004943000072005053360031005773370034006083380043006424900120006855000119008055000082009245000020010065040048010266920023010746920023010976920038011207000019011587750099011778300139012768560109014159.873780CaOODSP20221107164019m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528s2019 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC12-1/1-421-17F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire.10aSoutien aux peuples autochtones dans le secteur de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire / cle président, Pat Finnigan. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, Canada = House of Commons, Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (viii, 31 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire ; v17e rapport, 42e législature, 1e session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Support for Indigenous peoples in the agriculture and agri-food industry. aDate originale de publication : 2019/05/28; date de publication : 2019/05/31. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaAgriculture072gccstaIndustrie agro-alimentaire1 aFinnigan, Pat.08tSupport for Indigenous peoples in the agriculture and agri-food industry / w(CaOODSP)9.873779#0aRapport du Comité permanent de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire ;v17e rapport, 42e législature, 1e session.w(CaOODSP)9.50342440qPDFs2.47 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc12-1/XC12-1-1-421-17-fra.pdf02838nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860019001721100012001912450269002032460145004722640055006173000039006723360026007113370026007373380036007634900109007995000017009085000043009255000085009685200858010535460032019116920033019436920023019767000023019997100046020227920145020688300126022138560101023399.873801CaOODSP20221107164022m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s2019 onc ol f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---aa-is---1 aYX4-2019/6-PDF1 aCanada.13aAn Act to amend the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and to make related amendments to other Acts = bLoi modifiant la Loi de mise en œuvre de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël et apportant des modifications connexes à d'autres lois.31aLoi modifiant la Loi de mise en œuvre de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël et apportant des modifications connexes à d'autres lois 1a[Ottawa] : b[House of Commons of Canada], c2019. a1 online resource (iii, 10 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ... ; vStatutes of Canada 2019, chapter 6, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"Assented to May 27, 2019, Bill C-85." aHouse government bill: sponsor, Minister of International Trade Diversification. a"This enactment amends the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act in order to implement the Canada – Israel Free Trade Amending Protocol 2018 signed on May 28, 2018. In order to modernize the text of the Act and by that reflect the amendments brought about by the Protocol, this enactment repeals the preamble to that Act and amends the definition of Agreement, the provision setting out the purpose of the Act and the provisions related to the operation of the institutional and administrative aspects of the Agreement. It also amends that Act in order to confer on the Governor in Council the power to make orders in accordance with the amended Agreement. Finally, the enactment amends certain Acts to bring them into conformity with Canada's obligations resulting from the amendments brought about by the Protocol"--Summary, page ii. aText in English and French.072gccstaFree trade agreements072gccstaLegislation1 aCarr, Jim, d1951-1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. tAn Act to amend the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and to make related amendments to other Acts = w(CaOODSP)9.873804#0aStatutes of Canada ..., chapter ...vStatutes of Canada 2019, chapter 6, 1st session, 42nd Parliament.w(CaOODSP)9.50067740qPDFs390 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/lois-statutes/YX4-2019-6.pdf02986nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860019001721100012001912450269002032460145004722640059006173000042006763360031007183370034007493380043007834900106008265000027009325000059009595000118010185200914011365460038020506920036020886920024021247000023021487100049021717910145022208300122023658560101024879.873804CaOODSP20221107164023m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s2019 onc ol f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---aa-is---1 aYX4-2019/6-PDF1 aCanada.13aAn Act to amend the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and to make related amendments to other Acts = bLoi modifiant la Loi de mise en œuvre de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël et apportant des modifications connexes à d'autres lois.31aLoi modifiant la Loi de mise en œuvre de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël et apportant des modifications connexes à d'autres lois 1a[Ottawa] : b[Chambre des communes du Canada], c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 10 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ... ; vLois du Canada (2019), chapitre 6, 1re session, 42e législature aTite de la couverture. a« Sanctionnée le 27 mai 2019, projet de loi C-85. » aProjet de loi émanant du gouvernement (Cdc) : parrain, ministre de la Diversification du commerce international. a« Le texte modifie la Loi de mise en œuvre de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada - Israël afin de mettre en œuvre le Protocole de 2018 portant amendement de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada - Israël, signé le 28 mai 2018. Afin de moderniser le texte de la loi et ainsi refléter les modifications apportées par le Protocole, le texte abroge le préambule et modifie la définition de l'Accord, la disposition établissant l'objet de la loi ainsi que les dispositions liées à l’application des aspects institutionnels et administratifs de l'Accord. Le texte modifie également la loi afin de conférer au gouverneur en conseil le pouvoir de prendre des décrets conformément à l'Accord dans sa version modifiée. Enfin, le texte modifie certaines lois pour donner suite aux obligations du Canada découlant des modifications apportées par le Protocole à l'Accord » -- Sommaire, page ii. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaAccord de libre-échange072gccstaLégislation1 aCarr, Jim, d1951-1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. tAn Act to amend the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act and to make related amendments to other Acts = w(CaOODSP)9.873801#0aLois du Canada ..., chapitre ...vLois du Canada (2019), chapitre 6, 1re session, 42e legislature.w(CaOODSP)9.50067840qPDFs390 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/lois-statutes/YX4-2019-6.pdf01757nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860019001631100046001822450086002282460045003142640086003593000037004453360026004823370026005083380036005344900059005705000017006295000035006465000087006815200226007685460032009946920023010266920029010496920023010787000027011017920062011288300077011908560092012679.873809CaOODSP20221107164024m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s2019 onc ol f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-99/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to amend the Citizenship Act = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur la citoyenneté.31aLoi modifiant la Loi sur la citoyenneté 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons of Canada = Chambre des communes du Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (ii, 2 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-99, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"First reading, May 28, 2019." aHouse government bill: sponsor, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. a"This enactment amends the Citizenship Act to include, in the Oath or Affirmation of Citizenship, a solemn promise to respect the Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples"--Summary, page ii. aText in English and French.072gccstaCitizenship072gccstaIndigenous rights072gccstaLegislation1 aHussen, Ahmed, d1976- tAn Act to amend the Citizenship Act = w(CaOODSP)9.873811#0aBill C-...vBill C-99, 1st session, 42nd Parliament.w(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs138 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/XB421-99-1.pdf01956nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860019001631100049001822450086002312460045003172640086003623000040004483360031004883370034005193380043005534900079005965000028006755000044007035000125007475200290008725460038011626920024012006920034012246920024012587000027012827910062013098300095013718560092014669.873811CaOODSP20221107164024m o d f cr bn|||||||||190529s2019 onc ol f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aXB421-99/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to amend the Citizenship Act = bLoi modifiant la Loi sur la citoyenneté.31aLoi modifiant la Loi sur la citoyenneté 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons of Canada = Chambre des communes du Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, 2 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-99, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couverture. a« Première lecture le 28 mai 2019. » aProjet de loi émanant du gouvernement (Cdc) : parrain, ministre de l'Immigration, des réfugiés et de la citoyenneté. a« Le texte modifie la Loi sur la citoyenneté afin d'inclure une promesse solennelle de respecter les droits — ancestraux ou issus de traités — des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis dans le serment de citoyenneté et l’affirmation solennelle » -- Sommaire, page ii. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaCitoyenneté072gccstaDroits des autochtones072gccstaLégislation1 aHussen, Ahmed, d1976- tAn Act to amend the Citizenship Act = w(CaOODSP)9.873809#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-99, 1re session, 42e législature.w(CaOODSP)9.50066040s138 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/XB421-99-1.pdfqPDF02357nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430030001510860020001811100046002012450232002472460118004792460080005972640086006773000041007633360026008043370026008303380036008564900060008925000017009525000035009695000052010045200479010565460032015356920033015676920023016007000029016237920135016528300078017878560094018659.873898CaOODSP20221107164039m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s2019 onc ol f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---an-us---an-mx---1 aXB421-100/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons.13aAn Act to implement the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States = bLoi portant mise en œuvre de l'Accord entre le Canada, les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Mexique.31aLoi portant mise en œuvre de l'Accord entre le Canada, les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Mexique1 iShort title: aCanada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons of Canada = Chambre des communes du Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (v, 95, 48 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBill C-... ; vBill C-100, 1st session, 42nd Parliament aCover title. a"First reading, May 29, 2019." aHouse government bill: sponsor, Prime Minister. a"This enactment implements the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States, done at Buenos Aires on November 30, 2018. The general provisions of the enactment set out rules of interpretation and specify that no recourse is to be taken on the basis of sections 9 to 19 or any order made under those sections, or on the basis of the provisions of the Agreement, without the consent of the Attorney General of Canada"--Summary, page ii. aText in English and French.072gccstaFree trade agreements072gccstaLegislation1 aTrudeau, Justin, d1971- tAn Act to implement the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States = w(CaOODSP)9.873900#0aBill C-...vBill C-100, 1st session, 42nd Parliament.w(CaOODSP)9.500659 40qPDFs1.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/XB421-100-1.pdf02508nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430030001510860020001811100049002012450232002502460118004822460088006002640086006883000044007743360031008183370034008493380043008834900080009265000028010065000044010345000078010785200502011565460038016586920036016966920024017327000029017567910135017858300096019208560094020169.873900CaOODSP20221107164040m o d f cr bn|||||||||190530s2019 onc ol f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---an-us---an-mx---1 aXB421-100/1-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes.13aAn Act to implement the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States = bLoi portant mise en œuvre de l'Accord entre le Canada, les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Mexique.31aLoi portant mise en œuvre de l'Accord entre le Canada, les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Mexique1 iTitre abrégé : aLoi de mise en œuvre de l'Accord Canada–États-Unis–Mexique 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons of Canada = Chambre des communes du Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (v, 95, 48 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aProjet de loi C- ... ; vProjet de loi C-100, 1re session, 42e législature aTitre de la couverture. a« Première lecture le 29 mai 2019. » aProjet de loi émanant du gouvernement (Cdc) : parrain, premier ministre. a« Le texte met en œuvre l'Accord entre le Canada, les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Mexique, fait à Buenos Aires le 30 novembre 2018. Les dispositions générales du texte prévoient des règles d'interprétation et précisent que, sans le consentement du procureur général du Canada, aucun recours ne peut être exercé sur le fondement des articles 9 à 19 ou des décrets d’application de ceux-ci, ni sur le fondement des dispositions de l'Accord » -- Sommaire, page ii. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaAccord de libre-échange072gccstaLégislation1 aTrudeau, Justin, d1971- tAn Act to implement the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States = w(CaOODSP)9.873898#0aProjet de loi C-...vProjet de loi C-100, 1re session, 42e législature.w(CaOODSP)9.50066040s1.95 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/XB421-100-1.pdfqPDF02741nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430039001380860025001771100117002022450166003192640082004853000040005673360026006073370026006333380036006594900132006955000217008275000016010445000067010605040041011275200703011686920024018716920023018956920029019187000021019477750139019688300151021078560109022589.873905CaOODSP20221107164041m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s2019 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---af-so---af-sd---af-cg---1 aXC11-1/1-421-25E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.10aPeacebuilding and development in Somalia, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo : brecommendations for Canadian action / cMichael Levitt, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons, Canada = Chambre des communes, Canada, c2019. a1 online resource (viii, 55 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development ; v25th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Consolidation de la paix et développement en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et en République démocratique du Congo : recommandations sur les mesures que devrait prendre le Canada. a"May 2019." aOriginal published on: 2019/05/19. Republished on: 2019/06/04. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is the result of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development's (the Committee) study of the situations in Somalia, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), three of the most fragile countries in the world. The Committee examined a wide range of issues common to the three countries, including armed conflict, population displacement, under-development, and human rights and governance challenges. The report sets out the Committee's main findings and makes 16 recommendations on ways that the Government of Canada can support Somalia, South Sudan and the DRC from the perspectives of peacebuilding and development"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaPeacekeeping072gccstaForeign aid072gccstaGovernment policy1 aLevitt, Michael.08tConsolidation de la paix et développement en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et en République démocratique du Congo : w(CaOODSP)9.873909#0aReport of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development ;v25th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.50709940qPDFs2.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc11-1/XC11-1-1-421-25-eng.pdf02907nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430039001380860025001771100131002022450218003332640082005513000043006333360031006763370034007073380043007414900141007845000178009255000072011035000020011755040048011955200780012436920031020236920031020546920037020857000021021227750121021438300160022648560109024249.873909CaOODSP20221107164042m o d f cr cn|||||||||190530s2019 onc ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---af-so---af-sd---af-cg---1 aXC11-1/1-421-25F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international.10aConsolidation de la paix et développement en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et en République démocratique du Congo : brecommandations sur les mesures que devrait prendre le Canada / cle président, Michael Levitt. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes, Canada = House of Commons, Canada, c2019. a1 ressource en ligne (viii, 59 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international ; v25e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Peacebuilding and development in Somalia, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: recommendations for Canadian action. aDate originale de publication : 2019/05/29. Republié : 2019/06/04. a« Mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport est le résultat de l'étude du Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international (le Comité) sur la situation en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et en République démocratique du Congo (RD), trois des pays les plus vulnérables au monde. Le Comité a examiné différents enjeux communs aux trois pays, notamment les conflits armés, les déplacements de populations, le sous-développement, les droits de la personne et la gouvernance. Le rapport fait état des principales conclusions du Comité et renferme 16 recommandations quant aux façons dont le gouvernement du Canada pourrait appuyer la Somalie, le Soudan du Sud et la RDC au chapitre de la consolidation de la paix et du développement » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaMaintien de la paix072gccstaAide à l'étranger072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale1 aLevitt, Michael.08tPeacebuilding and development in Somalia, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo : w(CaOODSP)9.873905#0aRapport du Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international ;v25e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session.w(CaOODSP)9.50347840qPDFs2.35 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc11-1/XC11-1-1-421-25-fra.pdf01950nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450113002262640142003392640011004813000063004923360026005553370026005813380036006074900046006435000017006895000024007065040041007305200512007715460033012836920031013167100052013478300084013998560105014839.873591CaOODSP20221107163946m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527e201903##nsca #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/3-2019E-PDF1 aHeard, Garry John, d1955- eauthor.10aDistributed Underwater Sensor Networks CFMETR field trial spring 2018 / cGarry J. Heard [and three others]. 1a[Dartmouth, Nova Scotia] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 53 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-R003 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This quick-look trial report contains a record of the trial’s success with achieving the planned objectives and initial analysis of data. In particular, the impact of the changes to thebody format and array structures on the deployment, recovery, and data performance are discussed. The success of the communications and the implementation of the new DFLOODprotocol, along with results from timing synchronization, power usage, node stability, and new data processing algorithms are presented"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology2 aDefence R&D Canada. bAtlantic Research Centre.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-R003.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs49.54 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-3-2019-eng.pdf01956nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000018001732450170001912640138003612640011004993000063005103360026005733370026005993380036006254900046006615000017007075000024007245000070007485040051008185200415008696920031012846920020013157000035013357100024013708300084013948560104014789.873623CaOODSP20240219183507m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527t20192018nfca #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-2/20-2019E-PDF1 aGreen, David.10aModeling and experimental support for detection of linear conductors : btask authorization 5 : FORTRAN GRWAVE translation / cprepared by Dave Green, James Tunaley. 1a[St. John’s, NL] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (ii, 13 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C020 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." a"C-CORE Report Number: R-17-068-1336, revision 1.1, April, 2018." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 13). a"This report provides an overview of the work carried out to add enhancements to the translation of the existing FORTRAN code into a modern programming language, C#. Horizontal polarizations and non-zero transmitter heights have been addressed. Comparisons between the outputs from the two versions have been made. Suggestions for further enhancement of this software are also presented"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMilitary technology072gccstaSoftware1 aTunaley, James K.E., eauthor.2 aDefence R&D Canada.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C020.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs511 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-20-2019-eng.pdf02003nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000018001732450179001912640128003702640011004983000063005093360026005723370026005983380036006244900046006605000017007065000024007235000078007475040051008255200453008766920031013297000029013607000027013897100024014168300084014408560105015249.873651CaOODSP20240219183507m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527t20192018nfca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-2/19-2019E-PDF1 aGreen, David.10aModeling and experimental support for detection of linear conductors : btask authorization 4 : ground properties sensor / cprepared by Dave Green, Chris Fowler, Mike Royle. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (ii, 25 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C019 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." a"C‐CORE Report Number: R‐17‐038‐1336, revision 1.1, March, 2018." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 22). a"This report provides an overview of the work carried out to develop and test a sensor capable of measuring ground properties, in particular the conductivity and permittivity. The sensor design is described in detail. Test results from a functional test are also presented demonstrating the proof of concept. Future improvements are also recommended such that a more field‐ready prototype could be designed and implemented"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMilitary technology1 aFowler, Chris, eauthor.1 aRoyle, Mike, eauthor.2 aDefence R&D Canada.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C019.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs1.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-19-2019-eng.pdf02024nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450145002152640129003602640011004893000074005003360026005743370026006003380036006264900046006625000024007085000051007325040055007835200464008385460033013026920021013357000035013567000034013917100024014258300084014498560105015339.873659CaOODSP20240219183507m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/36-2019E-PDF1 aGalasiu, Anca, eauthor.10aLiterature review : bassessing building functional suitability - methods and tools / cAnca Galasiu, Alexandra Thompson, Philippe Bergevin. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cFebruary 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (x, 63, [28] pages) : billustrations (some colour) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C036 a"Can unclassified." a"A1-013333.1 (Final Report), 15 January 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 58-63).3 a"A literature review was conducted to identify methodologies that could be used to evaluate the functional suitability of the Department of National Defence real property assets. Suitability indicators communicate how well a building contributes to its occupants’ efficiency to achieve their work objectives and goals, by identifying the gap between a building’s desired state (as defined by the user requirements) and its actual state"--Abstract, page 5. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaBuildings1 aThompson, Alexandra, eauthor.1 aBergevin, Philippe, eauthor.2 aDefence R&D Canada.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C036.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs3.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-36-2019-eng.pdf01523nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000031001862450163002172640129003802640011005093000058005203360026005783370026006043380036006304900046006665000024007125040041007365460033007776920034008106920027008446920031008717000034009027100024009368300084009608560105010449.873677CaOODSP20240219183507m o d f cr |n|||||||||190527t20192018onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/37-2019E-PDF1 aRoyal, Michelle, eauthor.10aHeads-up / hands-free firefighting solutions : brequirements, state of technology overview and market characterization / cMichelle Royal, Mickayla McNamara. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cFebruary 2019. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (45 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C037 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaEmergency preparedness072gccstaFire prevention072gccstaMilitary technology1 aMcNamara, Mickayla, eauthor.2 aDefence R&D Canada.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C037.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs2.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-37-2019-eng.pdf02419nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001631000034001872450209002212640118004302640011005483000037005593360026005963370026006223380036006484900046006845000017007305000021007475000024007685040051007925200843008435460033016866920029017196920024017487100072017728300084018448560105019289.873686CaOODSP20221107164002m o d f cr |n|||||||||190501t20182018onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/160-2018E-PDF1 aNandlall, Sacha D., eauthor.10aOutcomes and feedback from the managers’ workshop on improving demographic representation at DRDC : breport by the ADM(S&T) working group on employee diversity / cSacha D. Nandlall [and seven others]. 1aOttawa : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (vi, 21 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D160 aCover title. a"December 2018." a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 17).3 a"The ADM(S&T) workforce is currently underrepresented in the employment equity groups, such as women and visible minorities. To help address this issue, the ADM(S&T) created an agency working group whose task was to generate actionable recommendations for the agency as well as present these recommendations at the 2017 managers’ workshop.The recommendations generated by the group were published as a reference document in 2017 and were categorized under five themes: measuring and communicating progress, recruitment, the hiring process, advancement, and engagement. This report summarizes feedback obtained from the managers’ workshop regarding the implementation of the main recommendations generated by the group. Each recommendation is also analyzed in terms of its costs and potential benefits to the agency"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaEmployment equity072gccstaArmed forces2 aDefence R&D Canada. bCentre for Operational Research and Analysis.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D160.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs202 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-160-2018-eng.pdf01838nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000032001862450107002182640124003252640011004493000059004603360026005193370026005453380036005714900046006075000017006535000024006705040051006945200361007455460033011066920018011396920020011576920022011777100065011998300084012648560104013489.873705CaOODSP20221107164005m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/56-2019E-PDF1 aStockdale, Kiera, eauthor.10aSaskatchewan Police Predictive Analytics Lab missing persons project : byear one / cKiera Stockdale. 1aOttawa : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (15 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C056 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical hyperlink references.3 a"The science and technology depicted herein is related to the development of predictive models and applied tools for end users - police and community safety partners – intended to improve real-time investigations, decision-making, and interventions for persons reported missing in order to prevent and reduce harm to these individuals"--Abstract, page 2. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSafety072gccstaSecurity072gccstaTechnology1 aCanada. bDefence R&D Canada. bCentre for Security Science.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C056.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs772 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-56-2019-eng.pdf02462nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000035001862450149002212640129003702640063004992640011005623000082005733360026006553370026006813380036007074900046007435000017007895000024008065040055008305200785008855460033016706920020017036920020017237000038017437100051017817100031018328300084018638560105019479.873803CaOODSP20221107164023m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20192018onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/40-2019E-PDF1 aBray-Miners, Jordan, eauthor.10aFast jet aircrew neck pain sources and mitigation strategies literature review / cJordan Bray-Miners, David W. Tack, HumanSystems Incorporated. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cFebruary 2019. 0aGuelph, ON : bHumanSystems Incorporated, cNovember 2018. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 26 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C040 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-26).3 a"High G-induced neck injuries are common in high-performance fighter aircraft. A review of the incidence literature on the association between neck pain and flying high-performance military aircraft highlights that this is a significant problem that crosses nations and aircraft types. A literature review was conducted for Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) Toronto Research Center (TRC) as part of the planning process for the future Fast Jet Aircrew Neck- and Back-trouble Mitigating Solutions research project 03eb02. The focus of the literature was on the epidemiology, methods used to model neck pain for fast jet aircrew and the neck pain sources and mitigation strategies. A set of keywords was developed and used to search online databases"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaAircraft072gccstaInjuries1 aTack, David W., d1957- eauthor.2 aDefence R&D Canada. bToronto Research Centre.2 aHumansystems Incorporated.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C040.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-40-2019-eng.pdf01914nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000031001862450170002172640126003872640095005132640011006083000082006193360026007013370026007273380036007534900046007895000024008355200258008595460033011176920029011507000031011797000029012107100050012397100050012898300084013398560105014239.873827CaOODSP20240222165846m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/57-2019E-PDF1 aCampbell, Blair, eauthor.10aRApid Network Generation and modElling tool (RANGE) quick start guide / cBlair Campbell, Bret Schofield, Mike Gingell, General Dynamics Mission Systems, Canada Ltd. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cMarch 2019. 0aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bGeneral Dynamics Mission Systems, Canada Ltd., cFebruary 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (25, 7 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C057 a"Can unclassified."3 a"The RApid Network Generation and modElling tool (RANGE) is an application that was developed in order to meet a need for quickly generating realistic network models for the purpose of researching relevant cyber security applications"--Abstract, page 1. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaComputer security1 aSchofield, Bret, eauthor.1 aGingell, Mike, eauthor.1 aDefence R&D Canada. bOttawa Research Centre.2 aGeneral Dynamics Mission Systems, Canada Ltd.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C057.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs1.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-57-2019-eng.pdf02431nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450183002152640128003982640011005263000083005373360026006203370026006463380036006724900046007085000024007545040025007785200927008035460033017306920031017637000035017947100051018298300084018808560105019649.873831CaOODSP20221107164028m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/95-2018E-PDF1 aLamb, Matthew, eauthor.10aUsability evaluation of Desert Locust Military Goggle System with Recon MOD Live Heads-up Display : bpreliminary heuristic analysis results / cMatthew Lamb, Justin G. Hollands. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vi, 34 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D095 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes references.3 a"The Toronto Research Centre of Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) had a Defence Industrial Research Program (DIRP) project (2010–2013) with Revision Military Incorporated for a see-through eyeglass wearable display. Revision provided DRDC with two prototype Desert Locust Military Goggle Systems fitted with Recon MOD Live Heads-up Displays (HUD), so that DRDC could investigate display requirements for a dismounted infantry soldier see-through HUD. This report presents preliminary heuristic analysis results of a usability evaluation of the prototype HUD. Both the software and hardware of the prototype HUD were evaluated based on multiple workbench testing sessions and three days of field trials. The prototype HUD was assessed against a set of usability heuristics, and the HUD recommendations of the Soldier Information Requirements (SIREQ) Technology Demonstration Program (TDP)"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology1 aHollands, Justin G., eauthor.2 aDefence R&D Canada. bToronto Research Centre.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D095.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs1.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-95-2018-eng.pdf02190nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001631000031001872450124002182640128003422640011004703000085004813360026005663370026005923380036006184900046006545000024007005040025007245200655007495460033014046920031014376920020014687000031014887000045015197100050015648300084016148560106016989.873835CaOODSP20240222165847m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20192018onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/132-2018E-PDF1 aKashyap, Nathan, eauthor.10aVirtual ISR Evaluation Environment (VIEE++) training package / cNathan Kashyap, Daniel Brookes, Rahim Jassemi-Zargani. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (viii, 76 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D132 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes references.3 a"This Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) – Ottawa Research Centre Reference Document is a training manual that was used in training operators, officers, and planners at 1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD) in Winnipeg in March 2018. The training was based on a software called Virtual Intelligence, Surveillance and Renaissance (ISR) Evaluation Environment (VIEE++) which is a custom licensed version of Trackgen Solutions Inc. ISR360 product. VIEE++ is an ISR evaluation environment that allows for multi-sensor multi-domain scenario generation and analysis of surface, sub-surface, air, land and space targets/platforms"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology072gccstaSoftware1 aBrookes, Daniel, eauthor.1 aJassemi-Zargani, Rahim,d1960- eauthor.1 aDefence R&D Canada. bOttawa Research Centre.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D132.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs5.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-132-2018-eng.pdf01311nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000024001742450125001982640129003232640011004523000078004633360026005413370026005673380036005934900046006295000024006756920031006997000024007307100054007548300084008088560105008929.873848CaOODSP20240221113057m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t20182018onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-2/138-2018E-PDF1 aIssa, V., eauthor.10aCFMETR2018 trial plan : belectro-optical ship wakes signatures and background clutter measurement / cV. Issa, D. Dion. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cDecember 2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (7 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D138 a"Can unclassified."072gccstaMilitary technology1 aDion, D., eauthor.1 aDefence R&D Canada. bValcartier Research Centre.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D138.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs368 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-138-2018-eng.pdf02588nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001631000029001872450142002162640128003582640011004863000090004973360026005873370026006133380036006394900046006755000024007215040051007455201022007965460033018186920031018516930046018826930009019287000024019377100051019618300084020128560106020969.873994CaOODSP20221107164055m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/139-2018E-PDF1 aLin, Jonathan, eauthor.10aGALO—Genetic Algorithm for Layout Optimization : ba technical documentation for modellers and developers / cJonathan Lin, Wenbi Wang. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 24 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D139 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 23).3 a"GALO (Genetic Algorithm for Layout Optimization) is a desktop application tool that uses a genetic algorithm to determine the optimal layout of a group of operators in a workplace. In GALO, a workplace is modelled as a rectangular grid that is comprised of many cells. Each cell is defined as an open workspace that can be assigned to an operator, a barrier that functions as a spatial obstruction, or an unassignable space that could not be designated as a workspace. An optimal layout is defined as the one that best supports inter-operator communication (or interaction). Communication requirements are modelled as weighted directional connections. For each workplace model, after inter-operator communication requirements are specified, GALO has the ability to generate the optimal layout configuration based on a genetic algorithm. This Reference Document provides an instruction guide for future users of the tool, and a technical documentation of the program for future software developers"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology 4aGenetic Algorithm for Layout Optimization 4aGALO1 aWang, Wenbi,d1972-2 aDefence R&D Canada. bToronto Research Centre.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D139.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs1.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-139-2018-eng.pdf02291nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001631000025001872450198002122640129004102640011005393000083005503360026006333370026006593380036006854900046007215000024007675040051007915200797008425460033016396920031016727100024017037100012017278300084017398560106018239.874002CaOODSP20240219183507m o d f cr |n|||||||||190530t20182018onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/163-2018E-PDF1 aYue, Bing, eauthor.10aSimulation of radar detection and taret tracking against Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) using Adaptive Multifunction Radar (Adapt_MFR) v3.2.14 : bfinal contract report / cBing Yue, C-CORE. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cNovember 2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (vi, 29 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C163 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 28).3 a"This report summarizes the work done under Task 2 of contract W7714-176210/001/IPS. This work includes design and implementation of Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) techniques for the Adaptive Multi-Function Radar (Adpat MFR) simulator and evaluation of Adapt MFR’s detection and tracking performance against ECMs given different system setups including single or multiple radar scenarios, varied false alarm rates (FA), tracker gate size, and beam scheduling technique. The implemented ECMs include range gate pull off (RGPO) on the target, and standoff jamming broadcasting narrow-band noise or white noise covering a specified bandwidth. The existing FA routine in Adapt MFR has also been modified by adding FAs to the system on all scans, including detection scans"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology2 aDefence R&D Canada.2 aC-CORE.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C163.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs4.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-163-2018-eng.pdf01828nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001630860024001871000036002112450105002472640129003522640011004813000056004923360026005483370026005743380036006004900047006365000024006835040050007075200403007575460033011606920031011937100052012248300085012768560105013619.874017CaOODSP20221107164059m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531t20192019onc o f|00 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-9/144-2018E-PDF1 zD68-2/144-2018E-PDF1 aSilber, Elizabeth A., eauthor.14aThe highlights from the Resilient ExtraTerrestrial Habitats (RETH) workshop / cElizabeth A. Silber. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cFebruary 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 5 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReference document ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D144 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5).3 a"This Reference Document presents the highlights from the 2018 Resilient ExtraTerrestrial Habitats (RETH) workshop held 22–23 October 2018 at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. The purpose of RETH was to bring together academic, industry, and government experts in order to discuss challenges of operating in extreme conditions and imposing a presence in such environments"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology2 aDefence R&D Canada. bAtlantic Research Centre.#0aReference document (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D144.w(CaOODSP)9.83397140qPDFs344 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-144-2018-eng.pdf01623nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001630860024001871000031002112450117002422640126003592640011004853000091004963360026005873370026006133380036006394900047006755000024007225040041007465200135007875460033009226920031009556920020009867100052010068300085010588560106011439.874025CaOODSP20221107164100m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531t20192019onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-9/166-2018E-PDF1 zD68-2/166-2018E-PDF1 aMacDonald, Cody, eauthor.10aXBeach simulation software : bmodelling seafloor activity for change detection optimization / cCody MacDonald. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (viii, 66 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : billustrations (some colour) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReference document ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D166 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This Reference Document examines the use of open source software named XBeach for measuring seafloor activity"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology072gccstaSoftware2 aDefence R&D Canada. bAtlantic Research Centre.#0aReference document (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D166.w(CaOODSP)9.83397140qPDFs3.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-166-2018-eng.pdf01707nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001631000034001872450110002212640128003312640011004593000078004703360026005483370026005743380036006004900046006365000024006825040051007065200263007575460033010206920031010536920022010847100050011068300084011568560105012409.874028CaOODSP20240222165847m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531t20192018onca o f|00 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-2/168-2018E-PDF1 aNandlall, Sacha D., eauthor.12aA specification for describing space-based ISR collection assets / cSacha D. Nandlall [and four others]. 1a[Ottawa] : bDefence Research and Development Canada = Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cJanuary 2019. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (xiv, 50 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour figures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aScientific report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D168 a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 41).3 a"The Commercial Satellite Imagery Acquisition Planning System (CSIAPS), developed byDefence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), is a Research and Development(R&D) prototype system for multi-satellite collection planning and simulation"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaMilitary technology072gccstaSatellites1 aDefence R&D Canada. bOttawa Research Centre.#0aScientific report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D168.w(CaOODSP)9.80230540qPDFs839 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-2-168-2018-eng.pdf02246nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450052001892640091002412640011003323000065003433360031004083370034004393380043004735000078005165000067005945040031006615200774006926920020014666920017014867100073015037750056015767750073016327750073017058560106017789.874050CaOODSP20221107164104m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e201904##onca fo f000 0 fre d a9781989179260 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-737/2019F-PDF00aStratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat. 1a[Ottawa] :b[Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada], cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (28 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy. aPublié aussi en inuktitut et inuktitut (caractères romains). aComprend des références. a« Le manque d’accès à des logements adéquats et abordables dans l’Inuit Nunangat constitue une crise nationale. En 2016, plus de la moitié (51,7 %) des Inuits de l’Inuit Nunangat vivaient dans un logement surpeuplé, comparativement à 8,5 % pour les Canadiens non autochtones. En outre, plus de 70 % des communautés de l’Inuit Nunangat ne disposent pas de refuge sécuritaire pour les femmes et les enfants victimes de violence familiale. dans les cas où ces refuges existent effectivement, ils sont surchargés. Comme en témoignent les résultats socioéconomiques qui continuent d’être piètres, la crise du logement représente toujours un obstacle majeur à la santé, à l’éducation et à l’emploi pour les Inuits »--Introduction, page 2.072gccstaLogement072gccstaInuit1 aCanada. bRelations Couronne-Autochtones et affaires du Nord Canada.08tInuit Nunangat Housing Strategy.w(CaOODSP)9.87234908t[Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat].w(CaOODSP)9.87406308t[Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat].w(CaOODSP)9.87406840qPDFs461 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rcaanc-cirnac/R5-737-2019-fra.pdf01271nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450039001902640089002292640011003183000058003293360026003873370026004133380036004395000045004755000042005205460029005626920019005916920017006107100070006277750056006977920073007538560107008269.874058CaOODSP20221107164105m o d f cr |n ||||||||190531e201904##onca fo||||f000 0|iku d a9781989179284 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-737/2019SR-PDF01a[Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy]. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada], cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (28 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aEnglish title supplied by the publisher. aIssued also in English and in French. aText in Inuktitut Roman.072gccstaHousing072gccstaInuit1 aCanada. bCrown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada.08tInuit Nunangat Housing Strategy.w(CaOODSP)9.872349 t[Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat].w(CaOODSP)9.87406340qPDFs479 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rcaanc-cirnac/R5-737-2019r-iku.pdf01339nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450054001902640092002442640011003363000065003473360031004123370034004433380043004775000045005205000044005655460046006096920020006556920017006757100073006927750071007657910058008368560107008949.874063CaOODSP20221107164106m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e201904##onca fo f000 0 iku d a9781989179284 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-737/2019SR-PDF01a[Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat]. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada], cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (28 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre français fourni par l’éditeur. aPubl. aussi en anglais et en français. aTexte en inuktitut (caractères romains).072gccstaLogement072gccstaInuit1 aCanada. bRelations Couronne-Autochtones et affaires du Nord Canada.08tStratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat.w(CaOODSP)9.874050 t[Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy].w(CaOODSP)9.87405840qPDFs479 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rcaanc-cirnac/R5-737-2019r-iku.pdf01263nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450039001892640089002282640011003173000058003283360026003863370026004123380036004385000045004745000042005195460023005616920019005846920017006037100070006207750056006907920073007468560106008199.874067CaOODSP20221107164107m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e201904##onca fo f000 0 iku d a9781989179277 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-737/2019S-PDF01a[Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy]. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada], cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (28 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aEnglish title supplied by the publisher. aIssued also in English and in French. aText in Inuktitut.072gccstaHousing072gccstaInuit1 aCanada. bCrown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada.08tInuit Nunangat Housing Strategy.w(CaOODSP)9.872349 t[Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat].w(CaOODSP)9.87406840qPDFs512 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rcaanc-cirnac/R5-737-2019-iku.pdf01316nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200019001070400031001260430012001570860021001692450054001902640092002442640011003363000065003473360031004123370034004433380043004775000045005205000044005655460024006096920020006336920017006537100073006707750071007437910058008148560106008729.874068CaOODSP20221107164107m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e201904##onca fo f000 0 iku d a9781989179277  aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-737/2019S-PDF01a[Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat]. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Relations Couronne-Autochtones et Affaires du Nord Canada], cAvril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (28 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre français fourni par l’éditeur. aPubl. aussi en anglais et en français. aTexte en inuktitut.072gccstaLogement072gccstaInuit1 aCanada. bRelations Couronne-Autochtones et affaires du Nord Canada.08tStratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat.w(CaOODSP)9.874050 t[Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy].w(CaOODSP)9.87406740qPDFs512 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rcaanc-cirnac/R5-737-2019-iku.pdf02061nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450037001892640089002262640011003153000058003263360026003843370026004103380036004365000087004725000054005595000022006135040025006355200628006606920019012886920017013077100070013247750058013947750058014527750071015108560106015819.872349CaOODSP20221107163627m o d f cr |||||||||||190531e201904##onc fo f000 0 eng d a9781989179253 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-737/2019E-PDF00aInuit Nunangat Housing Strategy. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada], cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (28 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Stratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat. aIssued also in Inuktitut and romanized Inuktitut. aTitle from cover. aIncludes references. a"Lack of access to appropriate and affordable housing in Inuit Nunangat is a national crisis.In 2016, over half (51.7%) of Inuit in Inuit Nunangat lived in crowded housing comparedto 8.5% percent of non-Indigenous Canadians. In addition, more than 70 per cent of thecommunities in Inuit Nunangat do not have a safe shelter for women and childrenexperiencing family violence and where they do exist, they are over-burdened.2 Thehousing crisis, as demonstrated by consistently poor socio-economic outcomes, continuesto represent a major impediment to healthy living, education and employment for Inuit"--Introduction, page 2.072gccstaHousing072gccstaInuit1 aCanada. bCrown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada.08t[Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy].w(CaOODSP)9.87405808t[Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy].w(CaOODSP)9.87406708tStratégie de logement pour l’Inuit Nunangat.w(CaOODSP)9.87405040qPDFs403 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rcaanc-cirnac/R5-737-2019-eng.pdf01803nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860027001811000036002082450226002442640053004702640012005233000072005353360026006073370026006333380036006594900021006955000034007165040041007505460045007916920025008366920026008617000046008877000021009337000020009547000026009747000022010007000035010227100033010577760098010908300067011888560102012559.873798CaOODSP20230131161139m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529s1998 oncab #o f000 0 eng d z0-660-17512-6 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnp--1 aM42-521E-PDFzM42-521E1 aLemmen, Donald Stanley, d1959-10aGeomorphic systems of the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian prairies : bdescription and response to changing climate / cD.S. Lemmen, R.E. Vance, I.A. Campbell, P.P. David, D.J. Pennock, D.J. Sauchyn, and S.A. Wolfe.  1aOttawa : bGeological Survey of Canada, c1998.  4c©1998. a1 online resource (72 pages) : billustrations, maps (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBulletin ; v521 aDigitized edition from print. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIncludes abstract and summary in French.072gccstaGeomorphology072gccstaClimate change1 aVance, Robert E. q(Robert Earl), d1950-1 aCampbell, Ian A.1 aDavid, Peter P.1 aPennock, Daniel John.1 aSauchyn, David J.1 aWolfe, Stephen Andrew, d1963-2 aGeological Survey of Canada.0#tGeomorphic systems of the Palliser Triangle, southern Canadian prairies : w(CaOODSP)9.614395#0aBulletin (Geological Survey of Canada)v521w(CaOODSP)9.50477840qPDFs17.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rncan-nrcan/M42-521-eng.pdf02358nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450126001902640066003162640011003823000107003933360026005003370026005263380036005525000115005885000039007035040025007425200734007676920026015016920031015276920026015586930011015847100029015957100035016247750085016598560108017448560120018529.866265CaOODSP20221107162014m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t20182018onca o f000 0 eng d a9780660290669 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-300/2019E-PDF00aVaping prevention concepts testing : bfinal report / cprepared by Corporate Research Associates Inc. for Health Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, cSeptember 2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bcolour illustrations +eexecutive summary (5 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Mise à l'essai de concepts sur la prévention du vapotage : rapport final. aAccompanied by: executive summary. aIncludes references. a"Health Canada is in the process of developing the Health Risks of Vaping Products Public Awareness Marketing Campaign The campaign aims to increase awareness of the harms and risks associated with vaping product use by youth. Prior to campaign development, Health Canada was interested in assessing reactions from the campaign’s target audience to creative concepts being considered, including three concepts each including layouts for signage and social media posts (Phase one) and three storyboards/moodboards and three additional signage layouts (Phase two). Research was needed to ensure that the concepts resonated well with the target audience and addressed prevention in an effective manner"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaHealth hazards072gccstaMarketing campaigns072gccstaPublic opinion 4aVaping1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.2 aCorporate Research Associates.08tMise à l'essai de concepts sur la prévention du vapotage : w(CaOODSP)9.86626640qPDFs6.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-300-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs541 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-300-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary02413nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450153001902640066003432640011004093000112004203360031005323370034005633380043005975000096006405000031007365040031007675200777007986920033015756920033016086920028016416930013016697100035016827100029017177750061017468560109018078560111019169.866266CaOODSP20221107162014m o d f cr |||||||||||190530t20182018onca||||o f000 0 fre d a9780660290676 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-300/2019F-PDF00aMise à l'essai de concepts sur la prévention du vapotage : brapport final / crédigé par Corporate Research Associates Inc. pour Santé Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, cSeptembre 2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pagination multiple)) : billustrations en couleur +esommaire (5 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Vaping prevention concepts testing : final report. aAccompagné par: sommaire. aComprend des références. a« Santé Canada travaille actuellement à concevoir une campagne de marketing visant à sensibiliser les jeunes aux risques que peuvent avoir les produits de vapotage sur la santé. Avant de commencer à mettre au point sa campagne, Santé Canada désirait évaluer les réactions de son public cible face à différents concepts créatifs qu’il envisageait. Les trois concepts étaient présentés à la fois sous la forme d’affiches et de publications dans les médias sociaux (phase un), puis plus tard de trois scénarimages et panneaux d’atmosphère avec trois nouvelles affiches (phase deux). Pour s’assurer que les concepts interpelaient bien leur public cible et abordaient la prévention de façon efficace, il fallait donc mener une étude »--Sommaire.072gccstaRisque pour la santé072gccstaCampagne de marketing072gccstaOpinion publique 4aVapotage2 aCorporate Research Associates.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tVaping prevention concepts testing : w(CaOODSP)9.86626540qPDFs6.50 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-300-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs546 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-300-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire01937nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450097001932640060002902640011003503000036003613360026003973370026004233380036004495000138004855000032006235040055006555200402007106920026011126920026011386930014011647100029011787750088012078560102012958560178013979.870661CaOODSP20221107163159m o d f cr |||||||||||190530s201905##onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660302867 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH144-13/14-2019E-PDF00aGuidelines for Canadian drinking water quality : bguideline technical document - strontium. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 58 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recommandations pour la qualité de l’eau potable au Canada : document technique - le strontium. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 42-57). a"This guideline technical document reviews and assesses all identified health risks associated with strontium in drinking water. It assesses new studies and approaches and takes into consideration the availability of appropriate treatment technology. Based on this review, the guideline for strontium in drinking water is a maximum acceptable concentration of 7.0 mg/L"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaDrinking water072gccstaHealth hazards 4aStrontium1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tRecommandations pour la qualité de l’eau potable au Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87066340qPDFs606 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H144-13-14-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/guidelines-canadian-drinking-water-quality-guideline-technical-document-strontium.html02018nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450105001932640055002982640011003533000040003643360031004043370034004353380043004695000164005125000039006765040062007155200437007776920023012146920033012376930014012707100029012847750073013138560102013868560168014889.870663CaOODSP20221107163159m o d f cr |||||||||||190327e201905##onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660302874 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH144-13/14-2019F-PDF00aRecommandations pour la qualité de l’eau potable au Canada : bdocument technique - le strontium. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 67 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality: guideline technical document - strontium.  aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 50-66). a« Ce document technique passe en revue et évalue tous les risques connus pour la santé qui sont associés à la présence de strontium dans l’eau potable. Il évalue les nouvelles études et approches et tient compte des techniques de traitement appropriées disponibles. D’après cet examen, la recommandation pour le strontium dans l’eau potable est une concentration maximale acceptable de 7,0 mg/L »--Sommaire, page 1.072gccstaEau potable072gccstaRisque pour la santé 4aStrontium1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuidelines for Canadian drinking water quality : w(CaOODSP)9.87066140qPDFs698 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H144-13-14-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/publications/vie-saine/recommandations-pour-qualite-eau-potable-canada-document-technique-strontium.html02407nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000031001732450129002042640072003333000079004053360026004843370026005103380036005364900059005725000133006315000019007645040041007835200755008246920029015796920019016086920022016277100045016497750119016948300121018138560111019349.873608CaOODSP20221107163949m o d f cr cn|||||||||190527e201903##oncd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/2-2019E-PDF1 aSimonova, Elena, eauthor.10aAffordability of rental housing in Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) / cElena Simonova, senior specialist, Housing Research. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMarch 2019. a1 online resource (8 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 4 pages) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions aIssued also in French under title: Abordabilité des logements locatifs dans les régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR). aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The number and proportion of renters living in the largest urban centres have steadily increased over the past decades. In 1991, CMAs were home to 72% of all Canadian renters; by 2016, this proportion had increased to 77%. More often than not, renters are more likely than homeowners to live in housing that falls below the affordability standard. The increased demand for rental housing in CMAs raises the question of whether the likelihood of renters to live in unaffordable housing in CMAs also increased. This issue of Socio Economic Analysis uses census data to assess changes in the housing affordability of renters living in CMAs over the past years and examine housing affordability for selectedvulnerable populations in 2016"--Introduction.072gccstaUrban environment072gccstaHousing072gccstaStatistics2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tAbordabilité des logements locatifs dans les régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR) / w(CaOODSP)9.873616#0aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).w(CaOODSP)9.87196640qPDFs333 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-2-2019-eng.pdf02757nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000031001732450168002042640082003723000098004543360031005523370034005833380043006174900078006605000114007385000022008525040048008745200992009226920025019146920020019396920024019597100056019837750094020398300151021338560111022849.873616CaOODSP20221107163951m o d f cr cn|||||||||190527e201903##oncd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/2-2019F-PDF1 aSimonova, Elena, eauteur.10aAbordabilité des logements locatifs dans les régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR) / cElena Simonova, spécialiste principal, Recherche sur le logement. 1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, cMars 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (8 pages, 1 page non numérotée, 4 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Affordability of rental housing in Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs). aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le nombre et la proportion de locataires vivant dans les principaux centres urbains ont augmenté de façon régulière au cours des dernières décennies. En 1991, les RMR accueillaient 72 % de tous les locataires canadiens; en 2016, cette proportion était passée à 77 %. La plupart du temps, les locataires sont plus susceptibles que les propriétaires-occupants d’occuper un logement non conforme à la norme d’abordabilité. La demande accrue de logements locatifs dans les RMR soulève la question de savoir si la probabilité que les locataires dans les RMR occupent un logement inabordable a également augmenté. Ce numéro d’analyse socio-économique utilise les données de recensement pour évaluer leschangements survenus en matière d’abordabilité des logements chez les locataires vivant dans les RMR au cours des dernières années et présente un examen de l’abordabilité des logements dans certaines populations vulnérables en 2016 » -- Introduction.072gccstaMilieu urbain072gccstaLogement072gccstaStatistiques2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tAffordability of rental housing in Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) / w(CaOODSP)9.873608#0aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement).w(CaOODSP)9.87196740qPDFs359 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-2-2019-fra.pdf01708nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000027001732450071002002640072002713000079003433360026004223370026004483380036004744900059005105000078005695000019006475040041006665200269007076920019009766920022009957100045010177750064010628300121011268560111012479.873740CaOODSP20221107164011m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/3-2019E-PDF1 aGensey, Tim, eauthor.10aHomeownership in Canada / cTim Gensey, senior analyst, economics. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMarch 2019. a1 online resource (7 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 3 pages) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions aIssued also in French under title: Accession à la propriété au Canada. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Census data show that the proportion of Canadian households who accessed homeownership decreased to 67.8% from 68.4% between 2011 and 2016. Using Census data, this article describes the trends and characteristics of households who purchased a home"--Introduction.072gccstaHousing072gccstaStatistics2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tAccession à la propriété au Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.873743#0aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).w(CaOODSP)9.87196640qPDFs214 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-3-2019-eng.pdf01888nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000027001732450089002002640082002893000098003713360031004693370034005003380043005344900078005775000070006555000022007255040048007475200331007956920020011266920024011467100056011707750050012268300151012768560111014279.873743CaOODSP20221107164012m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/3-2019F-PDF1 aGensey, Tim, eauteur.10aAccession à la propriété au Canada / cTim Gensey, analyste principal, économie. 1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, cMars 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (7 pages, 1 page non numérotée, 3 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Homeownership in Canada. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Selon les données du recensement, la proportion de ménages canadiens qui ont accédé à la propriété est descendue de 68,4 % en 2011 à 67,8 % en 2016. Au moyen des données du recensement, le présent article décrit les tendances et les caractéristiques des ménages ayant acheté une habitation » -- Introduction.072gccstaLogement072gccstaStatistiques2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tHomeownership in Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.873740#0aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement).w(CaOODSP)9.87196740qPDFs253 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-3-2019-fra.pdf02069nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000034001732450087002072640072002943000079003663360026004453370026004713380036004974900059005335000100005925000019006925040025007115200507007366920019012436920017012626920022012797000031013017100045013327750086013778300121014638560111015849.873746CaOODSP20221107164012m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/4-2019E-PDF1 aPrentice, Jeremiah, eauthor.10aHousing conditions of female-led households / cJeremiah Prentice, Elena Simonova. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMarch 2019. a1 online resource (5 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 3 pages) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions aIssued also in French under title: Conditions de logement des ménages dirigés par des femmes. aCaption title. aIncludes references. a"In 2016, 40% of Canadian households were led by women. Women may face unique barriers to housing because they are more likely to have low incomes, engage in part-time and precarious work and take on more caregiving responsibilities. Households with a female primary maintainer were also disproportionately represented in the rental market. This issue of Socio Economic Analysis examines the housing conditions of female-led households using data from the 2016 Census and prior censuses"--Introduction.072gccstaHousing072gccstaWomen072gccstaStatistics1 aSimonova, Elena, eauthor.2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tConditions de logement des ménages dirigés par des femmes / w(CaOODSP)9.873749#0aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).w(CaOODSP)9.87196640qPDFs233 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-4-2019-eng.pdf02365nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000034001732450103002072640082003103000098003923360031004903370034005213380043005554900078005985000090006765000022007665040031007885200692008196920020015116920017015316920024015487000031015727100056016037750070016598300151017298560111018809.873749CaOODSP20221107164013m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/4-2019F-PDF1 aPrentice, Jeremiah, eauteur.10aConditions de logement des ménages dirigés par des femmes / cJeremiah Prentice, Elena Simonova. 1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, cMars 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (5 pages, 1 page non numérotée, 3 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Housing conditions of female-led households. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références. a« En 2016, 40 % des ménages canadiens étaient dirigés par des femmes. Les femmes peuvent faire face à des obstacles uniques en matière de logement parce qu’elles sont plus susceptibles d’avoir un faible revenu, d’occuper un emploi à temps partiel et précaire, et d’assumer des responsabilités accrues de proche aidant. Les ménages dont le principalsoutien était une femme étaient également représentés de façon disproportionnée sur le marché locatif. La présente analyse socio-économique examine les conditions de logement des ménages dirigés par des femmes à l’aide des données du Recensement de 2016 et des recensements antérieurs » -- Introduction.072gccstaLogement072gccstaFemme072gccstaStatistiques1 aSimonova, Elena, eauteur.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tHousing conditions of female-led households / w(CaOODSP)9.873746#0aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement).w(CaOODSP)9.87196740qPDFs314 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-4-2019-fra.pdf01995nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000027001732450107002002640072003073000080003793360026004593370026004853380036005114900059005475000109006065000019007155040025007345200431007596920019011906920030012096920022012397100045012617750095013068300121014018560111015229.873753CaOODSP20221107164014m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/5-2019E-PDF1 aWali, Amran, eauthor.14aThe housing conditions of off-reserve Aboriginal households / cAmran Wali, senior analyst, economics. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMarch 2019. a1 online resource (23 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 4 pages) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions aIssued also in French under title: Conditions de logement des ménages autochtones vivant hors réserve. aCaption title. aIncludes references. a"The 2016 Census identified 14.1 million households in Canada. CMHC has assessed 13.3 million households for core housing need (CHN) (see Glossary), including 648,765 Aboriginal households. This report assesses the housing conditions of off-reserve Aboriginal households (referred to as Aboriginal households), based on custom data from the 2016 Census and using CMHC’s measures of acceptable housing and CHN"--Introduction.072gccstaHousing072gccstaIndigenous peoples072gccstaStatistics2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tConditions de logement des ménages autochtones vivant hors réserve / w(CaOODSP)9.873756#0aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).w(CaOODSP)9.87196640qPDFs517 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-5-2019-eng.pdf02310nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000027001732450120002002640082003203000099004023360031005013370034005323380043005664900078006095000106006875000022007935040032008155200630008476920020014776920023014976920024015207100056015447750086016008300151016868560111018379.873756CaOODSP20221107164014m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/5-2019F-PDF1 aWali, Amran, eauteur.10aConditions de logement des ménages autochtones vivant hors réserve / cAmran Wali, analyste principal, économie. 1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, cMars 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (23 pages, 1 page non numérotée, 4 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : The housing conditions of off-reserve Aboriginal households. aTitre de départ. aComprends des références. a« Le Recensement de 2016 établit à 14,1 millions le nombre de ménages au Canada. La SCHL a recensé 13,3 millions de ménages pour les fins de son évaluation des besoins impérieux en matière de logement (BIL) (voir le glossaire), dont 648 765 ménages autochtones. Ce rapport présente une évaluation des conditions de logement des ménages autochtones vivant hors réserve (nommés ci-après « ménages autochtones »), fondée sur des données personnalisées tirées du Recensement de 2016, les normes d’acceptabilité du logement de la SCHL et les besoins impérieux en matière de logement » -- Introduction.072gccstaLogement072gccstaAutochtones072gccstaStatistiques2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tThe housing conditions of off-reserve Aboriginal households / w(CaOODSP)9.873753#0aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement).w(CaOODSP)9.87196740qPDFs523 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-5-2019-fra.pdf01754nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000032001732450111002052640072003163000079003883360026004673370026004933380036005194900059005555000115006145000019007295040041007485200154007896920019009436920030009626920022009927100045010147750101010598300121011608560111012819.873759CaOODSP20221107164015m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/6-2019E-PDF1 aEdwards, Michael, eauthor.10aHousing conditions of visible minority households / cMichael Edwards senior specialist, housing research. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMarch 2019. a1 online resource (6 pages, 1 unnumbered page, 2 pages) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions aIssued also in French under title: Conditions de logement des ménages faisant partie des minorités visibles. aCaption title. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report provides an update of earlier research conducted by CMHC examining the housing conditions of visible minority households"--Introduction.072gccstaHousing072gccstaVisible minorities072gccstaStatistics2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tConditions de logement des ménages faisant partie des minorités visibles / w(CaOODSP)9.873764#0aSocio economic analysis : housing needs and conditions (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).w(CaOODSP)9.87196640qPDFs213 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-6-2019-eng.pdf02028nam 2200361za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400017001070410013001240430012001370860025001491000036001742450145002102460093003552500027004482640074004753000065005493360026006143370026006403380036006664900020007025040059007225200551007815460042013326920019013746920031013937100045014248300090014698560107015599.873761CaOODSP20221107164015m go d f cr |||||||||||190528e20120510onca|||#ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbeng0 aengbfre an-cn---1 aNH18-1/444-2012E-PDF1 aHull, Jeremy, d1949- eauthor.10aProfile of Aboriginal households in Canada based on the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey : bfinal report / cJeremy Hull, Prologica Research.15iAppendix aSummary of research concerning the effects of housing on health and education aRevised, May 10, 2012. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMay 10, 2012. a1 online resource (127, A-23 pages) : bcolor illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aResearch report aIncludes bibliographic references (page 126, A13-A23). a"The present study is designed to meet the need for a profile of Aboriginal households and housing conditions in Canada. It provides a wide-ranging profile of Aboriginal housing and households, both on- and off-reserve. In addition, it explores the inter-relationships between housing characteristics, household characteristics and individual characteristics, such as health status and educational attainment. These findings are intended to help form the basis for more rigorous statistical analyses to be done in the future."--Executive summary. aIncludes executive summary in French.072gccstaHousing072gccstaAboriginal reserves2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.#0aResearch report (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation : Online)w(CaOODSP)9.50606840qPDFs1.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH18-1-444-2012-eng.pdf01888nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000032001732450151002052640082003563000098004383360031005363370034005673380043006014900078006445000096007225000022008185040048008405200171008886920020010596920029010796920024011087100056011327750076011888300151012648560111014159.873764CaOODSP20221107164016m o d f cr cn|||||||||190528e201903##oncd obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH70-1/6-2019F-PDF1 aEdwards, Michael, eauteur.10aConditions de logement des ménages faisant partie des minorités visibles / cMichael Edwards, spécialiste principal, recherche sur le logement. 1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, cMars 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (7 pages, 1 page non numérotée, 2 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Housing conditions of visible minority households. aTitre de départ. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Ce rapport fait le point sur les recherches antérieures menées par la SCHL sur les conditions de logement des ménages de minorités visibles » -- Introduction.072gccstaLogement072gccstaMinorité visible072gccstaStatistiques2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tHousing conditions of visible minority households / w(CaOODSP)9.873759#0aAnalyse socio-économique : besoins et conditions en matière de logement (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement).w(CaOODSP)9.87196740qPDFs254 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/nh70-1/NH70-1-6-2019-fra.pdf02779nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450189002222640040004113000064004513360026005153370026005413380036005675000049006035000056006525000120007085000088008285040051009165200998009675460033019656920019019986920034020177000033020517100039020847100045021237750108021688560105022769.873778CaOODSP20221107164018m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528e199407##oncae |ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aNH15-836/1994E-PDF1 aFriedman, Avi,d1952- eauthor.10aIndustrialization of narrow-front rowhousing using wall panel systems / cDr. Avi Friedman & Mr. Vince Cammalleri, McGill University, School of Architecture, Affordable Homes Program. 1a[Ottawa] : bCMHC-SCHL,cJuly 1994. a1 online resource (iv, 104 pages) : billustrations, plans. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"Industrialization of the Grow Home"--Cover. aCo-published by: Société d'habitation du Québec. aIssued also in French under title: Construction industrialisée des maisons en rangée au moyen de panneaux muraux. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 75).3 a"The purpose of this study was to examine how the Grow Home can be adapted to an industrialized method of production using prefabricated panel systems, and to determine what implications this would have in terms of quality, economy and technical performance. The project included an evaluation system currently available in North America, an adaptation to the unit's design, and a cost estimate comparing prefabricated systems with conventional construction methods. Following a survey of 109 manufacturers, 9 types of panel systems were selected for evaluation based on 55 responses received. A method for evaluating prefabricated panel systems based on 34 variables was developed to assess the adequacy and suitability of the options available for a given context. The results indicated that all types of prefabricated panels could provide a level of quality which is superior to that of conventional construction, particularly in the area of energy efficiency and craftsmanship."--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaHousing072gccstaConstruction materials1 aCammalleri, Vince, eauthor.2 aSociété d'habitation du Québec.2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tConstruction industrialisée des maisons en rangée au moyen de panneaux muraux / w(CaOODSP)9.87379440qPDFs3.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-836-1994-eng.pdf03089nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450229002222640043004513000066004943360031005603370034005913380043006255000071006685000071007395000116008105000102009265040058010285201179010865460037022656920021023026920038023237000033023617100039023947100056024337750097024898560105025869.873794CaOODSP20221107164021m o d f cr |n|||||||||190528e199407##oncae |ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn---1 aNH15-836/1994F-PDF1 aFriedman, Avi,d1952- eauteur.10aConstruction industrialisée des maisons en rangée au moyen de panneaux muraux / cétude réalisée par Avi Friedman et Vince Cammalleri, Programme La maison à coût abordable, École d'architecture, Université McGill. 1a[Ottawa] : bSCHL-CMHC,cJuillet 1994. a1 ressource en ligne (v, 104 pages) : billustrations, plans. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre a« La Maison évolutive, version industrialisée » -- Couverture. aPublié en collaboration avec : Société d'habitation du Québec. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Industrialization of narrow-front rowhousing using wall panel systems. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement]. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 75).3 a« La présente étude a pour but d'examiner la manière dont la Maison évolutive peut être adaptée à une méthode de production industrialisée au moyen de panneaux préfabriqués, ainsi que d'en établir les répercussions sur les plans de la qualité, de l'économie et de la performance technique. Le projet comportait une méthode d'évaluation couramment employée en Amérique du Nord, une adaptation du design, de même qu'une estimation comparative du prix de revient de panneaux préfabriqués et des méthodes de construction traditionnelles. Après avoir sondé 109 fabricants, neuf types de panneaux muraux ont été retenus aux fins de l'évaluation parmi les 55 réponses reçues. La méthode d'évaluation des panneaux préfabriqués fondée sur 34 variables a été mise au point pour déterminer dans quelle mesure les possibilités offertes dans un contexte donné étaient appropriées et convenables. D'après les résultats, tous les types de panneaux préfabriqués sont d'une qualité supérieure à celle de la construction traditionnelle, surtout en ce qui a trait à l'efficacité énergétique et à la qualité d'exécution. » -- Abrégé. aComprend un résumé en anglais.072gccstaLogement 072gccstaMatériau de construction 1 aCammalleri, Vince, eauteur.2 aSociété d'habitation du Québec.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tIndustrialization of narrow-front rowhousing using wall panel systems / w(CaOODSP)9.87377840qPDFs4.17 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-836-1994-fra.pdf02705nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450129001732640072003023000036003743360026004103370026004363380036004625000179004985000132006775000088008095201127008976920019020246920019020437100050020627100045021127750118021578560104022759.873800CaOODSP20221107164022m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e199403##onc |o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH15-837/1994E-PDF00aConsultation paper on export strategies for Canada's housing industry / cprepared for Housing Export Strategies Task Force. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cMarch 1994. a1 online resource (2, 19 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Industry Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, National Research Council, Natural Resources Canada"--Cover. aIssued also in French under title: Document de consultations en vue de l'élaboration pour le secteur canadien de l'habitation. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation].0 a"The Honourable David C. Dingwall, Minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, recently announced that a federal interdepartmental task force had been formed to develop, in consultation with the housing industry, export strategies that will help Canadian companies to compete successfully in the international marketplace and create jobs. The Housing Export Strategies Task Force is pleased to enclose a copy of the paper which has been prepared to support consultations that are being undertaken as a first step toward the development of these strategies. The paper provides a context for the consultations and contains a cross-section of ideas that participants may wish to take into account during the consultation process. The paper also summarizes views that have been expressed by representatives of Canadian government departments and agencies, non-governmental organizations and firms engaged in commercial endeavours abroad."--Transmittal letter signed by Douglas A. Stewart, Executive Director, Research and International Affairs, CMHC on behalf of the Housing Export Strategies Task Force.072gccstaHousing072gccstaExports2 aHousing Export Strategies Task Force (Canada)2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tDocument de consultations en vue de l'élaboration pour le secteur canadien de l'habitation / w(CaOODSP)9.87381040qPDFs814 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-837-1994-eng.pdf03048nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450198001732640084003713000039004553360031004943370034005253380043005595000245006025000116008475000104009635201271010676920020023386920023023587100085023817100056024667750096025228560104026189.873810CaOODSP20221107164024m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e199403##onc |o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH15-837/1994F-PDF00aDocument de consultations en vue de l'élaboration pour le secteur canadien de l'habitation / cpréparé pour le Groupe d’étude des stratégies d’exportation relatives à l’habitation.  1a[Ottawa] : bSociété canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement, cmars 1994. a1 ressource en ligne (2, 24 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre a« Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement, Ministère de l'’Industrie, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, Conseil national de recherches, Ministère des Ressources naturelles » -- Couverture. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Consultation paper on export strategies for Canada's housing industry. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement].0 a« Monsieur David C. Dingwall, ministre responsable de la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, vient d'annoncer la creation d'un groupe d'étude interministériel chargé d'élaborer, en consultation avec le secteur de l'habitation, des stratégies d'exportation yisant à aider les entreprises canadiennes à percer le marché international et a créer des emplois. Les membres du Groupe d'étude des stratégies d'exportation relatives à l'habitation sont heureux de vous faire parvenir un exemplaire du document devant servir de base aux consultations qui constituent la premiere étape en vue de l'élaboration de ces stratégies. Ce document décrit le contexte dans lequel vont se dérouler les consultations et présente un échantillon des idées sur lesquelles les participants voudront peut-être se pencher. Le document résume également les points de vue exprimés par les représentants des ministères et organismes du gouvernement fédéral, des organismes non gouvernementaux et des entreprises faisant des affaires à l'étranger. » -- Lettre d'envoi signée par Douglas A. Stewart, Directeur exécutif, Recherche et relations internationales, SCHL au nom du Groupe d'étude des stratégies d'exportation relatives à l'habitation.072gccstaLogement072gccstaExportation2 aGroupe d'étude des stratégies d'exportation relatives à l'habitation (Canada)2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tConsultation paper on export strategies for Canada's housing industry / w(CaOODSP)9.87380040qPDFs916 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-837-1994-fra.pdf02316nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860023001591000035001822450132002172640155003493000037005043360026005413370026005673380036005935000090006295000088007195050222008075100074010295200524011036920019016276920029016467100068016757100045017437750061017888560105018499.873819CaOODSP20221107164025m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e199206##bcc | |o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax1x81 aNH15-838/1992E-PDF1 aAnderson, George D., eauthor.10aHousing policy in Canada : blecture series / cGeorge Anderson, president, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1986-1990. 1a[Vancouver] : bprepared by Centre for Human Settlements, The University of British Columbia for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cJune 1992. a1 online resource (ii, 58 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: La politique du logement au Canada : conférences. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation].2 aLecture #1. Canadian housing policy, 1917-1946 -- Lecture #2. Canadian housing policy, 1944-1967 -- Lecture #3. Canadian housing policy, 1967-1984 -- Lecture #4. The great housing policy debates: what have we learned?0 aCanadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.0 a"In 1987, Dr. Peter Oberlander, then director of the Centre for Human Settlements at the University of British Columbia (UBC), invited me to present a series of lectures on the evolution of Canadian housing policy at the university. I agreed enthusiastically. At that time, no chronicle existed of federal involvement in housing. CMHC had just marked its fortieth anniversary in 1985. I thought that a series of lectures at one of Canada's leading universities would be a fitting legacy to this anniversary."--Foreword.072gccstaHousing072gccstaGovernment policy2 aUniversity of British Columbia. bCentre for Human Settlements.2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tLa politique du logement au Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87382240qPDFs2.23 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-838-1992-eng.pdf02481nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860023001591000035001822450152002172640184003693000040005533360031005933370034006243380043006585000087007015000102007885050279008905100089011695200524012586920020017826920037018027100068018397100056019077750051019638560105020149.873822CaOODSP20221107164026m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e199206##bcc | |o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax1x81 aNH15-838/1992F-PDF1 aAnderson, George D., eauteur.13aLa politique du logement au Canada : bconférences / cGeorge Anderson, président, Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 1986-1990. 1a[Vancouver] : bpréparé par Centre for Human Settlements, The University of British Columbia pour le compte de la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement,cjuin 1992. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, 66 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Housing policy in Canada: lecture series. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement].2 aConférence #1. Politique canadienne du logement, 1917-1946 -- Conférence #2. Politique canadienne du logement, 1944-1967 -- Conférence #3. Politique canadienne du logement, 1967-1984 -- Conférence #4. Les grands débats sur la politique du logement: qu'avons-nous apris?0 aDonnées de catalogage avant publication (Canada) imprimées dans cette publication.0 a"In 1987, Dr. Peter Oberlander, then director of the Centre for Human Settlements at the University of British Columbia (UBC), invited me to present a series of lectures on the evolution of Canadian housing policy at the university. I agreed enthusiastically. At that time, no chronicle existed of federal involvement in housing. CMHC had just marked its fortieth anniversary in 1985. I thought that a series of lectures at one of Canada's leading universities would be a fitting legacy to this anniversary."--Foreword.072gccstaLogement072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale2 aUniversity of British Columbia. bCentre for Human Settlements.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tHousing policy in Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87381940qPDFs2.70 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-838-1992-fra.pdf02003nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450044001732640037002173000058002543360026003123370026003383380036003645000017004005000074004175000047004915000077005385000088006155200597007036920019013006920031013196920031013506920018013817100040013997100045014397750040014848560105015249.873829CaOODSP20221107164027m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529q1994 oncae |o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH15-839/1994E-PDF00aIdeas challenge : bregional finalists. 1a[Ottawa] : bCMHC-SCHL,c[1994?] a1 online resource (23 pages) : billustrations, plans atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCover title. a"Integrated, Durable, Energy Efficient, Affordable, Solution"--Cover. aCo-published by: Natural Resources Canada. aIssued also in French under title: Défi idées : finalistes régionaux. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation].0 a"A joint initiative of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and with the support of other sponsors (Hydro Quebec, Ontario Natural Gas Association and Ontario New Home Warranty Program), the Challenge called on design teams and developers from across the country to create proposals for high-rise buildings that meet high standards for envelope durability, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, environmental impact and accessibility. This magazine describes the best of those designs—five finalists, one from each region of the country"--page 1.072gccstaHousing072gccstaApartment buildings072gccstaEnergy conservation072gccstaDesign1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tDéfis idées : w(CaOODSP)9.87383740qPDFs2.50 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-839-1994-eng.pdf02375nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450045001732640038002183000061002563360031003173370034003483380043003825000028004255000100004535000066005535000082006195000101007015200839008026920020016416920033016616920038016946920022017327100044017547100056017987750042018548560105018969.873837CaOODSP20221107164029m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529q1994 oncae |o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH15-839/1994F-PDF00aDéfis idées : bfinalistes régionaux. 1a[Ottawa] : bSCHL-CMHC, c[1994?] a1 ressource en ligne (23 pages) : billustrations, plans atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de la couverture. a« Intégration, Durabilité, Économie, Efficacité énergétique, Solutions » -- Couverture. aPublié en collaboration avec : Ressources naturelles Canada. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Ideas challenge: regional finalists. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement]0 a« Le Défi est une initiative conjointe de la Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement (SCHL), de Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan) et d’autres parrains comme Hydro Quebec, l'Association du gaz naturel de l’Ontario et du programme de garantie des maisons neuves de l’Ontario. Dans le cadre de ce Défi, on a demandé à des équipes de conception et de promoteurs d’un bout à l’autre du pays de présenter des projets de réalisation de tours d’habitation résidentielle ou l’on instaurerait des normes élevées de durabilité de l’enveloppe, d’efficacité énergétique, de qualité de l’air intérieur, d’impact sur l’environnement et d’accessibilité. Cette brochure décrit brièvement les meilleurs concepts présentés, les cinq projets finalistes, un par region du pays » -- page 1.072gccstaLogement072gccstaImmeuble d'habitation072gccstaConservation de l'énergie072gccstaConception1 aCanada. bRessources naturelles Canada.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tIdeas challenge : w(CaOODSP)9.87382940qPDFs1.76 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-839-1994-fra.pdf02030nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450037001732460035002102640040002452640012002853000092002973360026003893370026004153380036004415000017004775000042004945000016005365000074005525000086006265050050007125200496007626920019012586920018012777100045012957750058013408560127013988560119015259.873854CaOODSP20221107164032m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t19951995onca| |o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH15-840/1995E-PDF00aFlex housing design competition.3 aFlexHousing design competition 1a[Ottawa] : bCMHC = SCHL, c[1995]. 4c©1995. a1 online resource (2 volumes (7 pages, 4 unnumbered pages; 35 pages)) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCover title. a"Homes that adapt to life's changes." a"NHA 6819." aIssued also in French under title: Bâti-flex concours de conception. aDigitized edition from print produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.0 aContents: Information booklet -- Entry guide.0 a"CMHC's FlexHousing design competition aims to encourage the development of housing that can be easily adapted to meet the present and future needs of the occupants and to promote its benefits. … The competition is seeking designs for single-detached housing, horizontal-multiple housing, and low-rise apartment buildings. The submissions should demonstrate how adaptability can be achieved cost-effectively and be appealing and marketable to the consumer"--Competition objectives, page 1.072gccstaHousing072gccstaDesign2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tBâti-flex concours de conception.w(CaOODSP)9.87386340qPDFs530 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-840-1995-1-eng.pdfzInformation booklet40qPDFs771 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-840-1995-2-eng.pdfzEntry guide02224nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450039001732640037002122640015002493000075002643360031003393370034003703380043004045000028004475000060004755000078005355000102006135050064007155200664007796920021014436920022014647100056014867750056015428560136015988560128017349.873863CaOODSP20221107164033m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529t19951995onca| |o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH15-840/1995F-PDF00aBâti-flex concours de conception. 1a[Ottawa] : bSCHL-CMHC,c[1995]. 4a c©1995. a1 ressource en ligne (2 volumes (7 pages; 36 pages)) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de la couverture. a« Des logements adaptables en fonction des besoins. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Flex housing design competition. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement].0 aContenu: Brochure de renseignements -- Guide d'inscription.0 a« La SCHL a créé le concours Bâti-flex pour encourager la mise au point d'habitations qui s'adaptent facilement aux besoins présents et futurs de leurs occupants, et pour sensibiler les constructeurs aux avantages de ce type d'habitations. … Le concours porte sur des modèles de maisons unifamiliales, d'habitations multiples de plein-pied et de petits immeubles à appartements. Les candidats doivent démontrer dans quelle mesure leur projet offre les possibilités d'adaptation recherchées à un prix avantageux. Ils doivent aussi prouver que ce projet intéresse le consommateur et qu'il est commercialisable. » -- Objectifs du concours, page 1.072gccstaLogement 072gccstaConception2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tFlex housing design competition.w(CaOODSP)9.87385440qPDFs4.25 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-840-1995-1-fra.pdfzBrochure de renseignements 40qPDFs1.43 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-840-1995-2-fra.pdfzGuide d'inscription02721nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000037001862450379002232640073006023000057006753360026007323370026007583380036007845000161008205000088009815040025010695200923010945460042020176920019020596920016020786920019020947000037021137000047021507100045021978560105022429.873874CaOODSP20221107164035m o d f cr |n|||||||||190529e199108##onca| |ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aNH17-246/1991E-PDF1 aMacGregor, William A., eauthor.12aA technoeconomic assessment of the feasibility of utilizing coal slurry fired small scale fluidized bed furnaces for space and domestic hot water heating in single and multi family dwellings in Nova Scotia / cby William A. MacGregor, Feridun Hamdullahpur, V. Ismet Ugursal (principal investigator), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Nova Scotia. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, cAugust 1991. a1 online resource (xix, 182 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"This project was carried out with the assistance of a grant from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation under the terms of the External Research Program." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation]. aIncludes references.0 a"In this work, the technical and economic feasibility of using coal-water slurry (CWS) fired Small Scale Fluidized Bed Furnaces (SSFBF) for residential space and domestic hot water heating in Nova Scotia was evaluated. The following issues were addressed: a. Capital and long term operating costs associated with using the SSFBF in new and existing residences were calculated, b. Economic benefits to home and rental building owners of choosing the SSFBF were identified, c. A procedure for the design of SSFBFs from 15 to 250 kW capacity was developed, d. The potential market for SSFBF in Nova Scotia was estimated, e. The impact on the provincial economy of using SSFBF was estimated considering: i) the number of jobs created by manufacture of the SSFBF and CWS fuel, and ii) the reduction in money leaving Nova Scotia for the purchase of crude oil for the production of furnace oil."--Executive summary, page iii. aIncludes executive summary in French.072gccstaHeating072gccstaCoal072gccstaHousing1 aHamdullahpur, Feridun, eauthor.1 aUgursal, V. Ismet q(Vefik Ismet)eauthor.2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.40qPDFs7.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH17-246-1991-eng.pdf02071nam 2200373za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400017001070430012001240860025001362450127001612460055002882640091003433000059004343360031004933370034005243380043005584900028006015000032006295000171006615000109008325000057009415040048009985200236010466920024012827100032013067100056013387750089013948300108014838560106015919.874032CaOODSP20221107164102m go d f cr |||||||||||190531e199208##onca|||#ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aNH18-1/144-1992F-PDF00aConseils sur l'utilisation de décapants chimiques pour enlever la peinture au plomb / cpar Buchan, Lawton, Parent ltée.07aConseils sur l'utilisation de décapants chimiques 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, cAoût 1992. a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 26 pages) : billustrations. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 a[Rapport de recherche]  a« Dossier nº 6 790-10 ». a« Cette étude a été réalisée ... pour la Société canadienned’hypothèques et de logement en vertu de la partie V de la Loi nationale sur l’habitation. » aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Advice on the use of chemical strippers to remove leaded paint. aExemplaire de CaOODSP : Défectueux: Annexes manque. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport porte principalement sur l'utilisation de décapants chimiques pour enlever la peinture au plomb; il comprend un bref examen de l'utilisation de pistolets thermiques et des procédés d'abrasion » -- page 1.072gccstaConstruction2 aBuchan, Lawton, Parent Ltd.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tAdvice on the use of chemical strippers to remove leaded paint / w(CaOODSP)9.569663#0aRapport de recherche (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement : En ligne)w(CaOODSP)9.50247040qPDFs925 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH18-1-144-1992-fra.pdf02158nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450116001732460056002892640050003453000043003953360026004383370026004643380036004905000121005265000088006475200728007356920033014636920028014966920019015247100036015437100045015797750092016248560104017169.874065CaOODSP20221107164106m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e19920331onc | |o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH17-247/1992E-PDF00aChallenge, reducing residential construction waste : bfinal report / cThe Energy Technology Access Group Inc.17aResidential construction waste management challenge 1a[Ottawa] : bCHMH = SCHL, cMarch 31st, 1992. a1 online resource (ii, III, 15 pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Le défi réduire les déchets de la construction résidentielle : rapport final. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation].0 a"The Residential Construction Waste Management Challenge was an initiative of CMHC which challenged new home builders and renovators to implement the three R's of waste management: Reduction, Reuse and Recycling. … The fundamental goal of this project was to get builders & renovators to attend a technical seminar where the requisite information would be delivered. A promotional program was to be designed and implemented to entice builders & renovators to attend the seminar where information about the Challenge was then provided. Participants in the Challenge were to be recognized in their local media and good ideas from their projects identified for sharing with the building industry"--Executive summary, page I.072gccstaConstruction industry072gccstaWaste management072gccstaHousing2 aEnergy Technology Access Group.2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.08tLe Défi, réduire les déchets de la construction résidentielle : w(CaOODSP)9.87407040qPDFs620 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH17-247-1992-eng.pdf02210nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450132001732460037003052640049003423000046003913360031004373370034004683380043005025000111005455000102006565200749007586920040015076920032015476920020015797100036015997100056016357750077016918560104017689.874070CaOODSP20221107164107m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e19920331onc | |o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNH17-247/1992F-PDF03aLe Défi, réduire les déchets de la construction résidentielle : brapport final / cThe Energy Technology Access Group Inc.17aDéfi de la gestion des déchets 1a[Ottawa] : bCHMH = SCHL, cle 31 mars 1992. a1 ressource en ligne (ii, III, 15 pages)  atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Challenge, reducing residential construction waste: final report. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement]. a« Le défi de la. gestion des déchets de la construction résidentielle est une initiative de la SCHL qui incite les constructeurs d'habitations et les entrepreneurs de renovation a mettre en pratique les trois «R» de la gestion des déchets, soit la reduction, la reutilisation et le recyclage. … Ce projet a pour objectif fondamental d'inciter les constructeurs et lesrénovateurs, au moyen d'un programme promotionnel, à assister à un séminaire destiné à leur transmettre tous les renseignements utiles concernant le défi. Les entrepreneurs qui l'ont relevé doivent être honores d'une façon particulière dans les médias locaux et leurs trouvailles diffusées au sein de l'industrie de la construction » -- Résumé, page I.072gccstaIndustrie de la construction072gccstaGestion des déchets072gccstaLogement2 aEnergy Technology Access Group.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tChallenge, reducing residential construction waste : w(CaOODSP)9.87406540qPDFs424 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH17-247-1992-fra.pdf03794nam 2200421za 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400017001070430012001240860025001361000031001612450227001922640089004193000055005083360031005633370034005943380043006284900028006715000194006995000248008935000102011415000152012435201286013956920037026816920024027186920020027427000039027627000038028017100044028397100092028837100056029757750132030318300103031638560106032669.874106CaOODSP20221107164113m go d f cr |||||||||||190531e199209##onca|||#o| f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfre an-cn---1 aNH18-1/145-1992F-PDF1 aMiresco, Edmond, eauteur.10aÉlaboration d'une base de connaissances destinées à un système expert en vue d'évaluer la qualité de l'aire des tours d'habitation : brapport final / cpar Prof. Edmond Miresco, Hugo Windisch, Jacqueline Gruia-Gray. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement], cSeptembre 1992. a1 ressource en ligne (41 pages) : billustrations. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 a[Rapport de recherche]  aEn tête du titre: Université du Québec, École de technologie supérieure, Département de génie de la construction, CEPIC, Centre d'études pour l'industrialisation de la construction. a« Ce document a été rédigé par le Centre d'études pour l'industrialisation de la construction (CEPIC) a l'intention de la Société canadienne d'hypothèque et de logement en vertu de la Partie IX de la Loi nationale sur l'habitation. » aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Development of a knowledge base used by an expert system to assess the air quality in high-rise buildings. a« Cette recherche visait à -constituer un outil permettant de déterminer les problèmes potentiels de la qualité de l'air intérieur dans les tours d'habitation; -développer un moyen de déterminer la source des problèmes, c'est à dire, un système expert; -définir la nature et la gravité du problème de qualité de l'air; -produire un ensemble de solutions aux problèmes de la qualité de l'air dans les tours d'habitation. Le base de connaissances du système expert a été élaborée à partir d'études menées pour le compte de la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement relativement à la qualité de l'air dans les tours d'habitations de l'ensemble du Canada ainsi qu'à partir de documents sur le sujet. Les problèmes habituels liés à la qualité de l'air dans les habitations ont été mentionnés et des solutions pratiques, fournies. Le système expert sur la qualité de l'air a été nommé EXPAIR. Il facilite pour son utilisateur la détermination et la résolution de problèmes de qualité de l'air dans les tours d'habitation. Le rapport présente les résultats de la recherche et le système expert EXPAIR élaboré pour traiter des problèmes liés à la qualité de l'air dans les tours d'habitation. » -- Fourni par l’ éditeur.072gccstaPollution atmosphérique 072gccstaConstruction072gccstaLogement1 aWindisch, Hugo, d1968- eauteur.1 aGruia-Gray, Jacqueline, eauteur.2 aÉcole de technologie supérieure‏.2 aUniversité du Québec. bCentre d'études pour l'industrialisation de la construction.2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement.08tDevelopment of a knowledge base used by an expert system to assess the air quality in high-rise buildings : w(CaOODSP)9.569664#0aResearch report (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement : En ligne)w(CaOODSP)9.50247040qPDFs660 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH18-1-145-1992-fra.pdf02186nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000034001852450176002192640051003953000071004463360026005173370026005433380036005695000017006055000088006225200724007105460063014346920019014976920019015166920020015357100045015557920135016008560101017359.874116CaOODSP20221107164115m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e19920103onca| |o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aengafre an-cn---1 aNH15-841/1992-PDF1 aGeddes, W. Douglas, eauthor.10aDelivery of six combustion venting training workshops and the design and production of an acrylic model home : bfinal report / cby W. Douglas Geddes, Geddes Enterprises. 1a[Ottawa] : b[CMHC = SCHL], cJanuary 3, 1992. a1 online resource (1 volume (variously numbered) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation].0 a"CMHC funded the delivery of a Combustion Spillage Training Module developed for CMHC in 1990, through six workshops, one in each of: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. The western workshops were presented in cooperation with the local gas utilities, the PEI workshop with Holland College and the N.S. workshop in cooperation with their Department of Natural Resources and Nova Scotia Community College. Attendance totalled 115 and the completed evaluation forms indicate that the material was completely new to them, interesting and useful. They particularly seemed to enjoy the house-as-a-system concept and the remedial measures discussions."--Executive summary. aText in English and in French. Appendices in English only.072gccstaHousing072gccstaHeating072gccstaTraining2 aCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. tDelivery of six combustion venting training workshops and the design and production of an acrylic model home : w(CaOODSP)9.87411740qPDFs2.71 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-841-1992.pdf02547nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000034001852450176002192640051003953000073004463360031005193370034005503380043005845000028006275000100006555201025007555460061017806920020018416920022018616920022018837100056019057910135019618560101020969.874117CaOODSP20221107164115m o d f cr |n|||||||||190531e19920103onca| |o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP1 aengafre an-cn---1 aNH15-841/1992-PDF1 aGeddes, W. Douglas, eauteur.10aDelivery of six combustion venting training workshops and the design and production of an acrylic model home : bfinal report / cby W. Douglas Geddes, Geddes Enterprises. 1a[Ottawa] : b[CMHC = SCHL], cJanuary 3, 1992. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pages multiple) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de la couverture. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimée [par Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement].0 a« La SCHL a subventionne la présentation d'un module de formation sur les émanations des gaz de combustion mis sur pied pour la SCHL en 1990. Un atelier a été présenté dans chacune des six provinces suivantes : Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Colombie-Britannique, Ile-du-Prince-Édouard et Nouvelle-Écosse. Les ateliers des provinces de l'Ouest ont été réalisés en collaboration avec les compagnies locales de gaz; a l'l.-P.-E, c'est le college Holland qui a offert son concours et, en N.-E., l'atelier a été rendu possible grâce à la participation du ministère des Ressources naturelles et du collège communautaire de Nouvelle-Écosse. En tout, 115 personnes ont assisté aux ateliers et les formules d'évaluation qu'elles ont remplies révèlent que ce matériel était pour elles totalement nouveau, intéressant et utile. Les participants ont semblé apprécier particulièrement le principe de l'approche systémique de l'habitation ainsi que les mesures correctrices proposées » -- Résumé. aTexte en anglais et en français. Appendices en anglais.072gccstaLogement072gccstaChauffage 072gccstaFormation 2 aSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement. tDelivery of six combustion venting training workshops and the design and production of an acrylic model home : w(CaOODSP)9.87411640qPDFs2.71 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/schl-cmhc/NH15-841-1992.pdf01238nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450037001942640067002313000032002983360026003303370026003563380036003825000019004185000076004375000033005135040025005466920027005716920022005987100023006207750060006438560113007038560084008169.872997CaOODSP20221107163806m o d f cr |||||||||||190515s2019 onc #os f000 0 eng d a9780660309187 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS11-627/2019-40E-PDF00aSelf-employment in Canada, 2018. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019]. a1 online resource (1 page). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCaption title. aIssued also in French under title: Le travail autonome au Canada, 2018. aIssued also in HTML format.  aIncludes references.072gccstaSelf employment072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tLe travail autonome au Canada, 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.87300040qPDFs712 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019040-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019040-eng.htm01282nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450041001942640067002353000035003023360031003373370034003683380043004025000022004455000078004675000039005455040031005846920027006156920024006427100024006667750056006908560113007468560085008599.873000CaOODSP20240702131825m o d f cr |||||||||||190515s2019 onc #os f000 0 fre d a9780660309194 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS11-627/2019-40F-PDF03aLe travail autonome au Canada, 2018. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019]. a1 ressource en ligne (1 page). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de départ. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Self-employment in Canada, 2018. aPublié également en format HTML. aComprend des références.072gccstaEmploi autonome072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tSelf-employment in Canada, 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.87299740qPDFs715 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019040-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019040-fra.htm01969nam 22004098i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001681000033001932450089002262640065003152640011003803000045003913360026004363370026004623380036004884900034005245000131005585000017006895000034007065000032007405040025007725200352007976920027011497000031011767100023012077750078012308300054013088560113013628560084014759.873543CaOODSP20221107163938m o d f cr |||||||||||190524t20192019oncd |o f00| 0 eng d a9780660310398 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS71-222/2019-2E-PDF1 aYssaad, Lahouaria, eauthor.10aSelf-employed Canadians : bwho and why? / cby Lahouaria Yssaad and Vincent Ferrao. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (11 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier0 aLabour statistics at a glance aIssued also in French under title: Les Canadiens qui travaillent à leur propre compte : qui sont-ils et pourquoi le font-ils? aCover title. a"Release date: May 28, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes references. a"Self-employment is a major aspect of labour-market activité and can be an important source of employment growth. While increases in self-employment have sometimes been linked to economic downturns, there appears to be no evidence that economic necessity is a significant factor in "choosing" this type of work arrangement"--Introduction, page 4.072gccstaSelf employment1 aFerrao, Vincent, eauthor.2 aStatistics Canada.08tLes Canadiens qui travaillent à leur propre compte : w(CaOODSP)9.873547#0aLabour statistics at a glance.w(CaOODSP)9.86033640qPDFs246 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/71-222-x/71-222-x2019002-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-222-x/71-222-x2019002-eng.htm02045nam 22004098i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001681000033001932450098002262640065003242640011003893000052004003360031004523370034004833380043005174900043005605000083006035000028006865000034007145000046007485040032007945200416008266920027012427000031012697100024013007750050013248300063013748560113014378560085015509.873547CaOODSP20240702131826m o d f cr |||||||||||190524t20192019oncd |o f00| 0 fre d a9780660310404 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS71-222/2019-2F-PDF1 aYssaad, Lahouaria, eauteur.14aLes Canadiens qui travaillent à leur propre compte : bqui sont-ils et pourquoi le font-ils? 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (11 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre0 aRegard sur les statistiques du travail aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Self-employed Canadians: who and why? aTitre de la couverture. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Date de diffusion : le 28 mai 2019. » aComprends des références. a« Le travail autonome est un aspect important de l'activité sur le marché du travail et peut être une source appréciable de croissance de l'emploi. Si les hausses du travail autonome ont parfois été associées aux ralentissements économiques, il ne semble y avoir aucune preuve que la nécessité économique est un facteur significatif pour « choisir » ce mode de travail » -- Introducation, page 4.072gccstaEmploi autonome1 aFerrao, Vincent, eauteur.2 aStatistique Canada.08tSelf-employed Canadians : w(CaOODSP)9.873543#0aRegard sur les statistiques du travail.w(CaOODSP)9.86033740qPDFs251 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/71-222-x/71-222-x2019002-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-222-x/71-222-x2019002-fra.htm02191nam 22003738i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450112001942640069003062640011003753000034003863360026004203370026004463380036004724900072005085000032005805000169006125000034007815200458008156920020012736920032012937100052013257750153013778300090015308560113016208560084017339.873678CaOODSP20221107164001m o d f cr |||||||||||190527t20192019onc #o f000 0 eng d a9780660310664 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS11-633/2019-20E-PDF00aAnalytical Studies Branch annual consolidated plan for research, data development and modelling, 2019/2020. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (21 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aAnalytical studies : methods and references, x2371-3429 ; vno. 20 aIssued also in HTML format. aIssued also in French under title: Direction des études analytiques plan consolidé de recherche, de développement des données et de la modélisation, 2019-2020. a"Release date: May 29, 2019." a"The mandate of the Analytical Studies Branch (ASB) is to provide high-quality, relevant and timely information on economic, health and social issues that are important to Canadians. The branch strategically makes use of expert knowledge and a large range of statistical sources to describe, draw inferences from, and make objective and scientifically supported deductions about the evolving nature of the Canadian economy and society"--Mandate, page 5.072gccstaPlanning072gccstaStatistical analysis2 aStatistics Canada. bAnalytical Studies Branch.08tDirection des études analytiques plan consolidé de recherche, de développement des données et de la modélisation, 2019/2020.w(CaOODSP)9.873679#0aAnalytical studies : methods and references,x2371-3429 ;vno. 20.w(CaOODSP)9.82167840qPDFs374 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-633-x/11-633-x2019001-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-633-x/11-633-x2019001-eng.htm02338nam 22003738i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450134001942640069003282640011003973000037004083360031004453370034004763380043005104900075005535000046006285000034006745000153007085200563008616920025014246920031014497100061014807750131015418300094016728560113017668560085018799.873679CaOODSP20221107164001m o d f cr |||||||||||190527t20192019onc #o f000 0 fre d a9780660310671 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS11-633/2019-20F-PDF00aDirection des études analytiques plan consolidé de recherche, de développement des données et de la modélisation, 2019/2020. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, cmai 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (25 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aÉtudes analytiques : méthodes et références,x2371-3437 ; vn° 20 a« Date de diffusion : le 29 mai 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Analytical Studies Branch annual consolidated plan for research, data development and modelling, 2019/2020. a« Le mandat de la Direction des études analytiques (DEA) est de fournir des renseignements actuels, pertinents et de haute qualité sur des questions économiques, sociales et de santé qui importent aux Canadiens. La Direction tire profit des connaissances spécialisées et d'un large éventail de sources statistiques de façon stratégique afin de décrire la nature évolutive de l'économie et de la société canadiennes et de tirer des conclusions et des constats objectifs reposant sur des données scientifiques sur celle-ci » -- Mandat, page 5.072gccstaPlanification072gccstaAnalyse statistique2 aStatistique Canada. bDirection des études analytiques.08tAnalytical Studies Branch annual consolidated plan for research, data development and modelling, 2019/2020.w(CaOODSP)9.873678#0aÉtudes analytiques : méthodes et références,x2371-3437 ;vn° 20.w(CaOODSP)9.82168040qPDFs402 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-633-x/11-633-x2019001-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-633-x/11-633-x2019001-fra.htm02064nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000033001752450103002082640065003112640011003763000057003873360026004443370026004703380036004964900046005325000017005785000034005955000032006295000123006615040041007845200389008256920023012146920027012376920022012647100023012867750060013098300083013698560112014528560090015649.873844CaOODSP20221107164030m o d f cr |||||||||||190529t20192019oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS75-006/2019-8E-PDF1 aSavage, Katherine, eauthor.10aResults from the 2016 Census : bcommuting within Canada's largest cities / cby Katherine Savage. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (17 pages) : bcolor maps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aInsights on Canadian society, x2291-0840 aCover title. a"Release date: May 29, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIssued also in French under title: Résultats du Recensement de 2016 : le navettage dans les grandes villes du Canada. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Using data from the 1996 and 2016 Census of Population, this study examines the geographic location of jobs, people's commute and how they have changed over time. The commuting patterns for Canada's eight largest census metropolitan areas (CMAs) - Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa-Gatineau, Edmonton, Québec and Winnipeg - are compared"--Overview of the study, page 1.072gccstaCensus data072gccstaGeographic data072gccstaEmployment2 aStatistics Canada.08tRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : w(CaOODSP)9.873866#0aInsights on Canadian society (Statistics Canada)x2291-0840w(CaOODSP)9.50740640qPDFs2.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2019-8-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2019001/article/00008-eng.htm02316nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000033001752450115002082640067003232640011003903000071004013360031004723370034005033380043005374900053005805000028006335000046006615000034007075000118007415040048008595200538009076920035014456920035014806920018015157100024015337750055015578300091016128560112017038560091018159.873866CaOODSP20240702131826m o d f cr |||||||||||190529t20192019oncbd #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS75-006/2019-8F-PDF1 aSavage, Katherine, eauteur.10aRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : ble navettage dans les grandes villes du Canada / cpar Katherine Savage. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistitics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (19 pages) : bcartes en couleur, graphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRegards sur la société canadienne, x2291-0859 aTitre de la couverture. a« Date de diffusion : le 29 mai 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Results from the 2016 Census : commuting within Canada's largest cities. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« À partir des données du Recensement de la population de 1996 et de 2016, dans la présente étude, on examine l'emplacement géographique des emplis et le navettage des travailleurs, de même que leur évolution au fil du temps. Dans l'étude, on compare également les habitudes de navettage des travailleurs observées dans les huit plus grandes régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR) du Canada - Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa-Gatineau, Edmonton, Québec et Winnipeg » -- Aperçu de l'étude, page 1.072gccstaDonnées du recensement072gccstaDonnées géographiques072gccstaEmploi2 aStatistique Canada.08tResults from the 2016 Census : w(CaOODSP)9.873844#0aRegards sur la société canadienne (Statistique Canada)x2291-0859w(CaOODSP)9.50379840qPDFs2.11 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2019-8-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2019001/article/00008-fra.htm02392nam 22003978i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450123001932640065003162640011003813000046003923360026004383370026004643380036004904900032005265000128005585000032006865000034007185040041007525200661007936920026014546920018014806920032014987100046015307750114015767940107016908560113017978560084019109.868845CaOODSP20221107162710m o d f cr |||||||||||190225t20192019oncd |o f00| 0 eng d a9780660297422 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS84-538/2019-1E-PDF00aMethods for constructing life tables for Canada, provinces and territories / creport prepared by Demography Division. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (14 pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier0 aAnalytical paper ;vno. 001 aIssued also in French under title: Méthodologie des tables de mortalité pour le Canada, les provinces et les territoires. aIssued also in HTML format. a"Release date: May 30, 2019." bIncludes bibliographical references. a"Life tables are used to compute life expectancy at birth and at different ages, but they are also used to compute many other indicators: death probabilities, probabilities of survival between two ages, number of years of life lived and the number of survivors at different ages. The construction of a life table makes it possible to summarize mortality within a population at a given time (period life table) or within a cohort (cohort life table). Accordingly, life tables meet many statistical needs, particularly in the fields of health, epidemiology, and actuarial science, and facilitate comparisons between regions or cohorts"--Introduction, page 3.072gccstaLife expectacy072gccstaTables072gccstaStatistical analysis2 aStatistics Canada. bDemography Division.08tMéthodologie des tables de mortalité pour le Canada, les provinces et les territoires / w(CaOODSP)9.868849 tMethods for constructing life tables for Canada, provinces and territories / b2022w(CaOODSP)9.90464240qPDFs458 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/84-538-x/84-538-x2019001-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/84-538-x/84-538-x2019001-eng.htm02566nam 22003978i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450148001932640065003412640011004063000049004173360031004663370034004973380043005314900035005745000121006095000034007305000046007645040048008105200757008586920029016156920019016446920031016637100055016947750101017497940120018508560113019708560085020839.868849CaOODSP20221107162710m o d f cr |||||||||||190225t20192019oncd |o f00| 0 fre d a9780660297439 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS84-538/2019-1F-PDF00aMéthodologie des tables de mortalité pour le Canada, les provinces et les territoires / crapport produit par la Division de la démographie. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (14 pages) : bfigures. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre0 aDocument analytique ;vn° 001 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Methods for constructing life tables for Canada, provinces and territories. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Date de diffusion : le 30 mai 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« La table de mortalité permet le calcul de l'espérance de vie à la naissance et à différents âges, mais aussi de plusieurs autres indicateurs : probabilités de décès, probabilités de survie entre deux âges, nombre d'années vécues ainsi que le nombre de survivants à différents âges. Son élaboration permet de synthétiser la mortalité soit au sein d'une population à un moment donné (table du moment), soit au sein d'une génération (table de génération). Dans ce contexte, la table de mortalité répond à plusieurs besoins statistiques, notamment dans les domaines de la santé, de l'épidémiologie et de l'actuariat, et permet d'établir des comparaisons entre les régions ou les générations » -- Introduction, page 3.072gccstaEspérance de vie072gccstaTableau072gccstaAnalyse statistique2 aStatistique Canada. bDivision de la démographie.08tMethods for constructing life tables for Canada, provinces and territories / w(CaOODSP)9.868845 tMéthodologie des tables de mortalité pour le Canada, les provinces et les territoires / b2022w(CaOODSP)9.90464340qPDFs442 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/84-538-x/84-538-x2019001-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/84-538-x/84-538-x2019001-fra.htm01653nam 22004098i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001681000028001932450085002212640065003062640011003713000055003823360026004373370026004633380036004894900028005255000085005535000032006385000034006705000017007045040041007216920024007626920022007867000033008087100085008417750071009268300048009978560114010458560084011599.872609CaOODSP20221107163705m o d f cr |||||||||||190507t20192019oncbd |os f000 0 eng d a9780660308173 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aCS16-508/2019-2E-PDF1 aWang, Jennie, eauthor.10aBritish Columbia’s forest fires, 2018 / cby Jennie Wang and Katharine Strong. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (8 pages) : bcolor maps, graph. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEnvironment fact sheets aIssued also in French under title: Feux de forêt en Colombie-Britannique, 2018. aIssued also in HTML format. a"Release date: May 29, 2019." aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaForest fires072gccstaStatistics1 aStrong, Katharine, eauthor.2 aStatistics Canada. bEnvironment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division.08tFeux de forêt en Colombie-Britannique, 2018 / w(CaOODSP)9.872610#0aEnvironment fact sheets.w(CaOODSP)9.82926740qPDFs1.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/16-508-x/16-508-x2019002-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-508-x/16-508-x2019002-eng.htm01756nam 22003978i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001681000028001932450090002212640069003112640012003803000070003923360031004623370034004933380043005274900047005705000086006175000046007035000028007495040048007776920030008256920024008557000033008797100114009127750066010268300067010928560114011598560085012739.872610CaOODSP20221107163706m o d f cr |||||||||||190507t20192019oncbd |os f000 0 fre d a9780660308180 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aCS16-508/2019-2F-PDF1 aWang, Jennie, eauteur.10aFeux de forêt en Colombie-Britannique, 2018 / cpar Jennie Wang et Katharine Strong. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, cmai 2019. 4c©2019. a1 ressource en ligne (10 pages) : bcartes en couleur, graphique. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aFeuillets d'information de l'environnement aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : British Columbia’s forest fires, 2018. a« Date de diffusion : le 29 mai 2019. » aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaIncendie de forêt072gccstaStatistiques1 aStrong, Katharine, eauteur.1 aCanada.bStatistique Canada.bDivision de la statistique de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des transports.08tBritish Columbia’s forest fires, 2018 / w(CaOODSP)9.872609#0aFeuillets d'information de l'environnement.w(CaOODSP)9.82926840qPDFs1.21 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/16-508-x/16-508-x2019002-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-508-x/16-508-x2019002-fra.htm