02336nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200015001070400031001220410013001530430012001660860031001782450416002092460188006252460225008132640064010382640011011023000010011133360026011233370026011493380036011754900058012115000061012695300033013305460032013636920026013956920036014217100063014577760211015207920034017318300076017658560097018419.876806CaOODSP20221107164814m o d f cr |||||||||||190722t19901990onc oz f000 0 eng d z0660562634 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aE3-1989/27-PDFzE3-1989/2700aNuclear : bAgreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (with Annexes) : = Nucléaire : Accord de coopération entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques concernant les utilisations pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire (avec annexes).30aNuclear Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (with Annexes)31aNucléaire : bAccord de coopération entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques concernant les utilisations pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire (avec annexes) 1aOttawa : bQueen's Printer = Imprimeur de la Reine, c1990. 4a©1990 a42 p. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v1989, no. 27 a"Moscow, November 20, 1989. In force November 20, 1989." aIssued also in printed form. aText in English and French.072gccstaNuclear energy072gccstaInternational agreements1 aCanada. bExternal Affairs and International Trade Canada.0#tNuclear: Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (with Annexes) : w(CaOODSP)9.518156 tNuclear : w(CaOODSP)9.876812#0aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ;v1989, no. 27w(CaOODSP)9.81169840qPDFs18.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/E3-1989-27.pdf02443nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860031001812450414002122460210006262460225008362640064010612640011011253000010011363360031011463370034011773380043012114900058012545000071013125300043013835460038014266920031014646920032014957100067015277760244015947910034018388300076018728560097019489.876812CaOODSP20221107164815m o d f cr |||||||||||190722t19901990onc oz f000 0 fre d z0-660-56263-4 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aE3-1989/27-PDFzE3-1989/2700aNuclear : bAgreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (with Annexes) = Nucléaire : Accord de coopération entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques concernant les utilisations pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire (avec annexes).30aAccord de coopération entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques concernant les utilisations pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire (avec annexes)31aNucléaire : bAccord de coopération entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques concernant les utilisations pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire (avec annexes) 1aOttawa : bQueen's Printer = Imprimeur de la Reine, c1990. 4a©1990 a42 p. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v1989, n° 27 a« Moscou, le 20 novembre 1989. En vigueur le 20 novembre 1989. » aÉgalement publ. en version imprimée. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaÉnergie nucléaire072gccstaAccord international1 aCanada. bAffaires extérieures et commerce extérieur Canada.0#tNucléaire: Accord de coopération entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques concernant les utilisations pacifiques de l'énergie nucléaire (avec annexes) : w(CaOODSP)9.518157 tNuclear : w(CaOODSP)9.876806#0aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ;v1989, n° 27w(CaOODSP)9.81170340qPDFs18.67 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/E3-1989-27.pdf02925nas 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001642450090001802640056002703100011003263360031003373370034003683380043004023620064004455000109005095000055006185150103006735200891007765500158016675500077018256910040019026910038019427100052019807100100020327100069021327100036022017750066022377760106023037760106024099.502882CaOODSP20230209140534m go d f cr |||||||||||150406d20102013oncar p o f0 b0fre|d a1925-6051 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR31-18F-PDF00aAccord définitif de la Première Nation de Tsawwassen : brapport de mise en oeuvre. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis 2009-2010; ne paraît plus après 2012-2013. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement, implementation report. aPublication en série électronique en format PDF. aLes livraisons de 2013/2014-2014/2015 et 2015/2016-2016/2017 n'ont pas été publié en français.3 aLes gouvernements du Canada, de la Colombie-Britannique et de la Première Nation de Tsawwassen (les parties) se sont engagés dans le processus de négociation de la Commission des traités de la Colombie-Britannique avec plusieurs objectifs en vue, notamment : permettre à la Première Nation de Tsawwassen (PNT) de se développer et de s’épanouir en tant que collectivité autonome, indépendante et durable; assurer la certitude en ce qui a trait à la propriété des terres et aux droits sur les ressources; et donner aux membres tsawwassen la possibilité de participer plus activement à la vie économique, politique et sociale de la Colombie-Britannique. Les parties souhaitaient parvenir à la conclusion d’un accord qui leur permettrait de tisser de nouveaux liens de gouvernement à gouvernement, lesquels seraient fondés sur le respect mutuel et la réconciliation. aPublié en collaboration avec le Ministère des relations et de la réconciliation avec les autochtones de la C.-B. et la Première nation Tsawwassen. aPublié 2012- par Affaires autochtones et Développement du Nord Canada.07aAccord fédéral-territorial2gcpds07aRevendication territoriale2gcpds1 aCanada. bAffaires indiennes et du Nord Canada.1 aColombie-Britannique. bMinistère des relations et de la réconciliation avec les autochtones.1 aCanada. bAffaires autochtones et développement du Nord Canada.2 aPremière nation de Tsawwassen.08tTsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement : w(CaOODSP)9.5064860#tAccord définitif de la Première Nation de Tsawwassen, rapport de mise en oeuvre w(CaOODSP)9.5141110#tAccord définitif de la Première Nation de Tsawwassen, rapport de mise en oeuvre.w(CaOODSP)9.87269301805nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450139001892640130003282640011004583000090004693360026005593370026005853380036006115000108006475000039007555000017007945200170008116920019009816920019010006920019010197100041010387100040010797750078011198560111011978560123013089.876192CaOODSP20221107164636m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726e201907##onca #o f000 0 eng d a9780660318288 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFC5-62/2019E-PDF00aSurvey on banking of Canadians : bfinal report / cprepared for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada ; supplier name: Phoenix SPI. 1aOttawa ON : bFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada = Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada, cJuly 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (43 pages) : bcolour illustrations + eexecutive summary (5 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Sondage sur les opérations bancaires des canadiens : rapport final. a"Registration Number: POR 114-18." a"July 2019." a"The purpose of this research was to assess the banking experiences of seniors as well as to identify challenges and potential solutions"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaSurveys072gccstaBanking072gccstaSeniors2 aFinancial Consumer Agency of Canada.2 aPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.08tSondage sur les opérations bancaires des canadiens : w(CaOODSP)9.87619340qPDFs1.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-62-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs228 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-62-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary01901nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450192001892640133003812640011005143000090005253360031006153370034006463380043006805000091007235000050008145000024008645200181008886920019010696920031010886920018011197100065011377100040012027750057012428560112012998560116014119.876193CaOODSP20221107164637m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726e201907##onca o f000 0 fre d a9780660318295 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFC5-62/2019F-PDF00aSondage sur les opérations bancaires des canadiens : brapport final / cpréparé pour l’Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada ; nom du fournisseur: Phoenix SPI. 1aOttawa ON : bAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada = Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, cJuillet 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (46 pages) : billustrations en couleur + e[sommaire] (3 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Survey on banking of Canadians: final report. a« Numéro d’enregistrement: POR 114-18. » a« Juillet 2019. » a« L’objectif de cette recherche était d’évaluer les expériences bancaires des aînés canadiens et de cerner les défis et les solutions possibles »--Sommaire, page 1.072gccstaSondage072gccstaOpération bancaire072gccstaAîné2 aAgence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada.2 aPhoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc.08tSurvey on banking of Canadians : w(CaOODSP)9.87619240qPDFs1.97 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-62-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs230 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acfc-fcac/FC5-62-2019-1-fra.pdfz[Sommaire]01858nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450077001912640106002682640011003743000038003853360026004233370026004493380036004755000124005115000032006355040041006675200327007086920037010356920023010727100036010957750108011318560104012398560165013439.866892CaOODSP20221107162152m o d f cr |||||||||||190724s201903##onc |||#o f000 0 eng d a9780660292410 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aHP35-116/2019E-PDF00aProvincial and territorial child protection legislation and policy 2018. 1aOttawa, ON : bPublic Health Agency of Canada = Agence de la santé publique du Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iii, 54 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Lois et politiques provinciales et territoriales sur la protection des enfants 2018. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The objective of this project is to document the legislation, policies, and practices of each province and territory in the context of child protection. This report can be used as a reference tool to provide context for researchers and policymakers who are interpreting child protection data"--Research objective, page 2.072gccstaViolence against children072gccstaLegislation2 aPublic Health Agency of Canada.08tLois et politiques provinciales et territoriales sur la protection des enfants 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.86689340qPDFs617 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP35-116-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/health-risks-safety/provincial-territorial-child-protection-legislation-policy-2018.html02004nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450089001912640111002802640011003913000040004023360031004423370034004733380043005075000118005505000039006685040048007075200408007556920038011636920024012017100041012257750096012668560104013628560188014669.866893CaOODSP20221107162152m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e201903##onc |||#o f000 0 fre d a9780660292427 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aHP35-116/2019F-PDF00aLois et politiques provinciales et territoriales sur la protection des enfants 2018. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bAgence de la santé publique du Canada = Public Health Agency of Canada, cmars 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 54 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Provincial and territorial child protection legislation and policy 2018. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le projet vise à rassembler de l’information sur les lois, politiques et pratiques de chaque province et territoire dans le contexte de la protection de l’enfance. Le présent rapport peut servir d’outil de référence afin de fournir un contexte aux chercheurs et aux décideurs appelés à interpréter des données en matière de protection de l’enfance »--Objectif de recherche, page 3.072gccstaViolence faite aux enfants072gccstaLégislation2 aAgence de santé publique du Canada.08tProvincial and territorial child protection legislation and policy 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.86689240qPDFs660 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP35-116-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/publications/securite-et-risque-pour-sante/lois-politiques-provinciales-territoriales-sur-protection-des-enfants-2018.html01983nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001682450059001922640103002512640011003543000062003653360026004273370026004533380036004795000114005155000033006295040056006625200471007186920029011896930013012187100036012317750072012677760057013398560106013968560119015029.874249CaOODSP20221107164136m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e201906##onca #ob f000 0 eng d a9780660312019 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aHP25-22/1-2019E-PDF02aA dementia strategy for Canada : btogether we aspire. 1a[Ottawa] : bPublic Health Agency of Canada = Agence de la santé publique du Canada, cJune 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (xi, 97 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Une stratégie sur la démence pour le Canada : ensemble, nous y aspirons. aIssued also in HTML format.  aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 92-97).  a"Canada’s first national dementia strategy sets out a vision for the future and identifies common principles and national objectives to help guide actions by all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, communities, families and individuals. In developing the strategy, we sought at all times to ensure that people living with dementia and the family and friends who provide care to them were at the heart ofthese efforts"--Executive summary, page ix.072gccstaGovernment policy 4aDementia2 aPublic Health Agency of Canada.08tUne stratégie sur la démence pour le Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.8742510#tA dementia strategy for Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87425040qPDFs3.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP25-22-1-2019-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/dementia-strategy.html02198nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001682450081001922640102002732640011003753000070003863360031004563370034004873380043005215000132005645000039006965040064007355200587007996920037013866930013014237100041014367750057014777760072015348560106016068560124017129.874251CaOODSP20221107164137m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e201906##onca #ob f000 0 fre d a9780660312033 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aHP25-22/1-2019F-PDF04aUne stratégie sur la démence pour le Canada : bensemble, nous y aspirons. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence de la santé publique du Canada = Public Health Agency of Canada,cjuin 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (xi, 105 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A dementia strategy for Canada: together we aspire.  aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 100-105). a« La première stratégie nationale sur la démence du Canada établit une vision pour l’avenir et définit des principes et des objectifs nationaux communs pour aider à orienter les mesures prises par tous les ordres de gouvernement, les organisations non gouvernementales, les collectivités, les familles et les particuliers. En élaborant la stratégie, nous avons toujours cherché à faire en sorte que les personnes atteintes de démence ainsi que les membres de leur famille et les amis qui leur prodiguent des soins soient au coeur de ces efforts »--Résumé, page ix.072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale 4aDémence2 aAgence de santé publique du Canada.08tA dementia strategy for Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.8742490#tUne stratégie sur la démence pour le Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87425240qPDFs3.36 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP25-22-1-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/publications/maladies-et-affections/strategie-demence.html02008nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450136001902640083003262640011004093000076004203360026004963370026005223380036005485000112005845000039006965200495007356920030012306920024012607100027012847100029013117750085013408560110014258560123015359.869988CaOODSP20221107163011m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e201903##onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660300429 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aRv4-128/2019E-PDF00aEnhancing digital services for corporations : bfinal report / cprepared for Canada Revenue Agency by Quorus Consulting Group Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Revenue Agency = Agence du revenu du Canada, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (56 pages) +eexecutive summary (10 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Améliorer les services numériques pour les sociétés : rapport final. a"Registration Number: POR 071-18." a"The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is constantly looking to improve or enhance its digital service offerings. For corporations, or ‘T2’ users, these digital services are delivered primarily through third-party T2 tax preparation software, or through the CRA’s secure online portals: My Business Account (MyBA) and Represent a Client (RAC). Digital services offered through these two vehicles were therefore chosen as the focus of this research"--Research Purpose and Objectives, page 6.072gccstaDigital technology072gccstaCorporations2 aCanada Revenue Agency.2 aQuorus Consulting Group.08tAméliorer les services numériques pour les sociétés : w(CaOODSP)9.86998940qPDFs1.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-128-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs664 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-128-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary 02205nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450165001902640081003552640011004363000060004473360031005073370034005383380043005725000132006155000051007475200648007986920034014466920022014807100027015027100032015297750070015618560111016318560113017429.869989CaOODSP20240213112804m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e201903##onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660300436 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aRv4-128/2019F-PDF00aAméliorer les services numériques pour les sociétés : brapport final / cpréparé pour l’Agence du revenu du Canada par Le groupe conseil Quorus Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence du revenu du Canada = Canada Revenue Agency,cmars 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (62 pages) +esommaire (11 pages)  atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Enhancing digital services for corporations : final report.  a« Numéro d’enregistrement : ROP 071-18. » a« L’Agence du revenu du Canada cherche constamment à améliorer ou à renforcer ses offres de services numériques. Pour les sociétés ou les utilisateurs de déclarations T2, ces services numériques sont livrés principalement au moyen des logiciels de préparation de déclarations de revenus T2 de tiers, ou par l’intermédiaire des portails en ligne sécurisés de l’Agence : Mon dossier d’entreprise (MDE) et Représenter un client (RUC). Les services numériques offerts par l’intermédiaire de ces deux véhicules ont donc été choisis pour faire l’objet de cette recherche »--But et objectifs de la recherche, page 6.072gccstaTechnologie numérique072gccstaSociétés2 aGroupe conseil Quorus.2 aAgence du revenu du Canada.08tEnhancing digital services for corporations : w(CaOODSP)9.86998840qPDFs1.16 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-128-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs655 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-128-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire01343nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450045001932500027002382640100002652640011003653000048003763360026004243370026004503380036004765000099005125040055006116920020006666920017006867100048007037750082007517940066008338560106008999.875785CaOODSP20221107164533m o d f cr |n|||||||||190723t20192019oncb |ob f000 0 eng d a9780660317182 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA118-10/22-2017E-PDF00aCrop profile for potato in Canada, 2017. aFourth Edition - 2019. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada = Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (87 pages) : bcolour map atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Profil de la culture de la pomme de terre au Canada, 2017.  aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 86-87).072gccstaPotatoes072gccstaCrops1 aCanada. bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada.08tProfil de la culture de la pomme de terre au Canada, 2017.w(CaOODSP)9.875786 tCrop profile for potato in Canada, 2020 / w(CaOODSP)9.89674940qPDFs1.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A118-10-22-2017-eng.pdf01405nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450063001932500034002562640100002902640011003903000057004013360031004583370034004893380043005235000086005665040062006526920026007146920020007407100053007607750064008137940084008778560106009619.875786CaOODSP20221107164533m o d f cr |n|||||||||190723t20192019onc ob f000 0 fre d a9780660317199 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aA118-10/22-2017F-PDF00aProfil de la culture de la pomme de terre au Canada, 2017. aQuatrième édition – 2019. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada = Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (96 pages) : bcarte en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Crop profile for potato in Canada, 2017. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 95-95).072gccstaPomme de terre072gccstaCultures1 aCanada. bAgriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.08tCrop profile for potato in Canada, 2017.w(CaOODSP)9.875785 tProfil de la culture de la pomme de terre au Canada, 2020 / w(CaOODSP)9.89675040qPDFs1.94 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aac-aafc/A118-10-22-2017-fra.pdf01661nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380860022001561000032001782450112002102640075003222640011003973000063004083360026004713370026004973380036005234900066005595000017006255040050006425200312006925460046010046920030010506920027010807100020011078300072011278560112011999.876962CaOODSP20221107164839m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre1 aFB3-6/2019-6E-PDF1 aGervais, Olivier, eauthor.10aHow oil supply shocks affect the global economy : bevidence from local projections / cby Olivier Gervais. 1aOttawa, Ontario, Canada : bBank of Canada = Banque du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (ii, 11 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBank of Canada staff discussion paper, x1914-0568 ; v2019-6 a"July 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8).3 a"We provide empirical evidence on the impact of oil supply shocks on global aggregates. To do this, we first extract structural oil supply shocks from a standard oil-price determination model found in the literature. Impulse response functions are then estimated using local projections"--Abstract, page ii. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaPetroleum industry072gccstaEconomic impact2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff discussion paper (Bank of Canada)v2019-6.w(CaOODSP)9.80627340qPDFs734 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/banque-bank-canada/FB3-6-2019-6-eng.pdf02185nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000051001732450114002242640075003382640011004133000056004243360026004803370026005063380036005324900064005685000017006325040055006495200824007046920019015286920031015477000040015787100020016188300083016388560114017219.877094CaOODSP20221107164900m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFB3-5/2019-24E-PDF1 aGarratt, Rodney John,‏ d1963-‏. eauthor.10aPrivacy as a public good : ba case for electronic cash / cby Rodney J. Garratt and Maarten R. C. van Oordt. 1aOttawa, Ontario, Canada : bBank of Canada = Banque du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (ii, 38 pages) : bcolour figure. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBank of Canada staff working paper, x1701-9397 ; v2019-24 a"July 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 35-38).3 a"Privacy is a feature inherent to the use of cash for payments. With steadily increasing market shares of commercial digital payments platforms, privacy in payments may no longer be attainable in the future. In this paper, we explore the potential welfare impact of reductions in privacy in payments in a dynamic framework. In our framework, firms may use data collected through payments to price discriminate among future customers. A public good aspect of privacy in payments arises because individual customers do not bear the full cost of failing to protect their privacy. As a consequence, they may suboptimally choose not to preserve their privacy in payments. When left to market forces alone, the use of privacy-preserving means of payments, such as cash, may decline faster than is optimal"--Abstract, page ii.072gccstaPrivacy072gccstaElectronic commerce1 aVan Oordt, Maarten R. C., eauthor.2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff working paper (Bank of Canada)x1701-9397 ;v2019-24.w(CaOODSP)9.80622140qPDFs1.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/banque-bank-canada/FB3-5-2019-24-eng.pdf02146nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000038001862450083002242640075003072640011003823000064003933360026004573370026004833380036005094900064005455000017006095040055006265200760006815460046014416920018014876920026015056920024015317100020015558300083015758560114016589.877096CaOODSP20221107164901m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFB3-5/2019-25E-PDF1 aSwarbrick, Jonathan M., eauthor.10aLending standards, productivity and credit crunches / cby Jonathan Swarbrick. 1aOttawa, Ontario, Canada : bBank of Canada = Banque du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iii, 36 pages) : bcharts (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBank of Canada staff working paper, x1701-9397 ; v2019-25 a"July 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 27-31).3 a"We propose a macroeconomic model in which adverse selection in investment drives the amplification of macroeconomic fluctuations, in line with prominent roles played by the credit crunch and collapse of the asset-backed security market in the financial crisis. Endogenous lending standards emerge due to an informational asymmetry between borrowers and lenders about the riskiness of borrowers. By using loan approval probability as a screening device, banks ration credit following financial disturbances, generating large endogenous movements in total factor productivity, explaining why productivity often falls during crises. Furthermore, the mechanism implies that financial instability is heightened when interest rates are low"--Abstract, page ii. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaCredit072gccstaInterest rates072gccstaProductivity2 aBank of Canada.#0aStaff working paper (Bank of Canada)x1701-9397 ;v2019-25.w(CaOODSP)9.80622140qPDFs1.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/banque-bank-canada/FB3-5-2019-25-eng.pdf02268nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001681100043001942450205002372640119004422640011005613000058005723360026006303370026006563380036006824900064007185000266007825000019010485000048010675040041011156920030011566920022011866920026012087750250012347950215014848300082016998560101017819.875986CaOODSP20221107164607m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725t20192019quca ob f000 0 eng d a9780660317809 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aTU3-10/18-0115E-1-PDF2 aTransportation Safety Board of Canada.10aLoss of control on initial climb and impact with the runway, Historic Flight Foundation, de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplane), N683DH, Abbotsford Airport, British Columbia, 11 August 2018. 1aGatineau, QC : bTransportation Safety Board of Canada = Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (6 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aAir transportation safety investigation report ; vA18P0115 aIssued also in French under title: Perte de maîtrise durant la montée initiale et impact avec la piste, Historic Flight Foundation, aéronef de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplan), N683DH, aéroport d'Abbotsford (Colombie-Britannique), 11 août 2018. aCaption title. a"Revised version released on 22 July 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaAircraft accidents072gccstaAir safety072gccstaInvestigations08tPerte de maîtrise durant la montée initiale et impact avec la piste, Historic Flight Foundation, aéronef de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplan), N683DH, aéroport d'Abbotsford (Colombie-Britannique), 11 août 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.875987##tLoss of control on initial climb and impact with the runway, Historic Flight Foundation, de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplane), N683DH, Abbotsford Airport, British Columbia, 11 August 2018.w9.870576#0aAir transportation safety investigation brief ;vA18P0115.w(CaOODSP)9.84527040qPDFsKBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bst-tsb/TU3-10-18-0115-eng-1.pdf02356nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001681100054001942450231002482640119004792640011005983000065006093360031006743370034007053380043007394900075007825000246008575000022011035000056011255040048011816920031012296920032012606920020012927750224013127950241015368300088017778560105018659.875987CaOODSP20221107164607m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725t20192019quca ob f000 0 fre d a9780660317816 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aTU3-10/18-0115F-1-PDF2 aBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada.10aPerte de maîtrise durant la montée initiale et impact avec la piste, Historic Flight Foundation, aéronef de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplan), N683DH, aéroport d'Abbotsford (Colombie-Britannique), 11 août 2018. 1aGatineau, QC : bBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada = Transportation Safety Board of Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (7 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport d'enquête sur la sécurité du transport aérien ; vA18P0115 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Loss of control on initial climb and impact with the runway, Historic Flight Foundation, de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplane), N683DH, Abbotsford Airport, British Columbia, 11 August 2018. aTitre de départ. a« Version révisée publié le 22 juillet 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaAccident d'aviation072gccstaSécurité aérienne072gccstaEnquête08tLoss of control on initial climb and impact with the runway, Historic Flight Foundation, de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplane), N683DH, Abbotsford Airport, British Columbia, 11 August 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.875986##tPerte de maîtrise durant la montée initiale et impact avec la piste, Historic Flight Foundation, aéronef de Havilland DH-89A MKIV Dragon Rapide (biplan), N683DH, aéroport d'Abbotsford (Colombie-Britannique), 11 août 2018.w9.870577#0aBilan d'enquête de sécurité du transport aérien ;vA18P0115.w(CaOODSP)9.84527640qPDFs602 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bst-tsb/TU3-10-18-0115-fra-1.pdf02258nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001681100043001922450157002352640119003922640011005113000066005223360026005883370026006143380036006404900068006765000022007445000029007665000032007955000248008275040041010756920029011166920026011457750232011717940176014038300087015798560104016668560090017709.876237CaOODSP20221107164643m o d f cr |||||||||||190725t20192019quca #o f000 0 eng d a9780660318356 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aTU3-11/18-0127E-PDF2 aTransportation Safety Board of Canada.10aCrossing accident, Canadian National Railway Company, freight train Q10521-21, mile 71.13, Yale subdivision, Chilliwack (British Columbia), 26 May 2018. 1aGatineau, QC : bTransportation Safety Board of Canada = Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (22 pages) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRailway transportation safety investigation report ; vR18V0127 aTitle from cover. a"Released 23 July 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIssued also in French under title: Accident à un passage à niveau, Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada, train de marchandises Q10521-21, point milliaire 71,13, subdivision de Yale, Chilliwack (Colombie-Britannique), 26 mai 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaRailway accidents072gccstaInvestigations08tAccident à un passage à niveau, Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada, train de marchandises Q10521-21, point milliaire 71,13, subdivision de Yale, Chilliwack (Colombie-Britannique), 26 mai 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.876240 tCrossing accident, Canadian National Railway Company, freight train Q10521-21, mile 71.13, Yale subdivision, Chilliwack (British Columbia), 26 May 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.877545#0aRailway transportation safety investigation report ;vR18V0127.w(CaOODSP)9.84972440qPDFs2.05 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bst-tsb/TU3-11-18-0127-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttp://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/rail/2018/R18V0127/R18V0127.html02398nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001681100054001922450213002462640119004592640011005783000083005893360031006723370034007033380043007374900079007805000028008595000038008875000034009255000198009595040048011576920032012056920034012376920020012717750176012917940232014678300094016998560104017938560091018979.876240CaOODSP20221107164644m o d f cr |||||||||||190725t20192019quca #o f000 0 fre d a9780660318363 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aTU3-11/18-0127F-PDF2 aBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada.10aAccident à un passage à niveau, Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada, train de marchandises Q10521-21, point milliaire 71,13, subdivision de Yale, Chilliwack (Colombie-Britannique), 26 mai 2018. 1aGatineau, QC : bBureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada = Transportation Safety Board of Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 24 pages) : billustrations (certaines en couleur). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport d'enquête sur la sécurité du transport ferroviaire ; vR18V0127 aTitre de la couverture. a« Publié le 23 juillet 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Crossing accident, Canadian National Railway Company, freight train Q10521-21, mile 71.13, Yale subdivision, Chilliwack (British Columbia), 26 May 2018. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaAccident ferroviaire072gccstaSécurité ferroviaire072gccstaEnquête08tCrossing accident, Canadian National Railway Company, freight train Q10521-21, mile 71.13, Yale subdivision, Chilliwack (British Columbia), 26 May 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.876237 tAccident à un passage à niveau, Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada, train de marchandises Q10521-21, point milliaire 71,13, subdivision de Yale, Chilliwack (Colombie-Britannique), 26 mai 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.877551#0aBilan d’enquête de sécurité de transport ferroviaire ;vR18V0127.w(CaOODSP)9.84972740qPDFs1.91 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/bst-tsb/TU3-11-18-0127-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttp://www.tsb.gc.ca/fra/rapports-reports/rail/2018/R18V0127/R18V0127.html01131nas 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001641100069001802220085002492450052003342640075003862640036004613100011004973360021005083370023005293380032005523620026005845000104006106920026007147750089007409.873297CaOODSP20240628110755m o d f cr cn ||||||||190521c20199999oncar p o f0###a0eng|d a2562-5993 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCP1-28E-PDF1 aCanada.bPrivy Council Office.bCommunications Community Office. 0aAnnual report b(Canada. Privy Council Office. Communications Community Office)10aCommunications Community Office annual report.  1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, c[2019]-  4bPrivy Council Office, c©2019- aAnnual atext2rdacontent acomputer2rdamedia aonline resource2rdacarrier1 aBegan with 2018/2019. aIssued also in French under title: Rapport annuel du Bureau de la collectivité des communications.072gccstaCommunications08tRapport annuel du Bureau de la collectivité des communications. w(CaOODSP)9.87330001203nas 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001641100087001802220103002672450070003702640075004402640040005153100011005553360031005663370034005973380043006313620030006745000100007046920026008047750071008309.873300CaOODSP20240628110920m o d f cr cn ||||||||190521c20199999oncar p o f0###b0fre|d a2562-6000 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCP1-28F-PDF1 aCanada.bBureau du conseil privé.bBureau de la collectivité des communications. 0aRapport annuel b(Canada. Bureau du conseil privé. Bureau de la collectivité des communications)10aRapport annuel du Bureau de la collectivité des communications.  1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, c[2019]-  4bBureau du Conseil privé, c©2019- aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis 2018/2019. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Communications Community Office annual report. 072gccstaCommunications08tCommunications Community Office annual report. w(CaOODSP)9.87329702161nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001641100049001802220080002292450108003092460061004172460068004782460064005462640073006103100016006833360031006993370034007303380043007643620035008075000099008425200630009415880041015716920029016127750079016418560079017209.877018CaOODSP20240105145549m go d f cr |||||||||||190726c20119999oncqr p o f0###b0fre|d a1927-1980 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFA1-31F-PDF1 aCanada. bBureau du vérificateur général. 0aRapport financier trimestriel b(Canada. Bureau du vérificateur général)10aRapport financier trimestriel, trimestre close le … / cBureau du vérificateur général du Canada. 13aRapport financier trimestriel, trimestre terminé le ...13aRapport financier trimestriel pour le trimestre terminé le ...13aRapport financier trimestriel pour le trimestre clos le ... 1a[Ottawa] ; bBureau du vérificateur général du Canada, c[2011]-  aTrimestriel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : 30 juin 2011. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Quarterly financial report for the quarter ended …  a« Depuis le trimestre terminé le 30 juin 2011, le Bureau prépare des rapports financiers trimestriels qui présentent de l’information à l’égard des autorisations de dépenser et de leur utilisation. Le rapport contient une description narrative des faits saillants des résultats du trimestre et depuis le début de l’année, les risques et les changements importants quant au fonctionnement, au personnel et aux programmes. Les rapports financiers trimestriels sont publiés dans les 60 jours suivant la fin du trimestre et préparés pour les trois premiers trimestres de l’exercice »--Site web de le Bureau. aDescription d'après : 30 juin 2012.072gccstaÉtats financiers08tQuarterly financial report for the quarter ended ... / w(CaOODSP)9.87357840qHTMLsS.O.uhttp://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/Francais/acc_lp_f_35627.html01796nas 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220014001070400031001210430012001520860016001641100045001802220099002252450103003242600069004273100014004963360026005103370026005363380036005623620029005985000093006275200521007205880040012416920032012817750080013138560077013939.873578CaOODSP20240105145151m go d f cr bn ||||||||190524c20119999oncqr p o f0 a0eng|  a1927-1972 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFA1-31E-PDF1 aCanada. bOffice of the Auditor General. 0aQuarterly financial report for the quarter ended ... b(Canada. Office of the Auditor General)10aQuarterly financial report for the quarter ended ... / cOffice of the Auditor General of Canada.  a[Ottawa] : bOffice of the Auditor General of Canada, c[2011]-  aQuarterly atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with 30 June 2011. aIssued also in French under title: Rapport financier trimestriel, trimestre close le ... a"Effective for the quarter ended 30 June 2011, the Office prepares quarterly financial reports that present information on spending authorities and their use. Included in the report is also a narrative that describes highlights of the quarter and the year-to-date results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and programs. Quarterly financial reports are made public within 60 days following the end of a quarter and are prepared for the first three quarters of the year"--Auditor General website. aDescription based on: 30 June 2012.072gccstaFinancial statements08tRapport financier trimestriel, trimestre close le … / w(CaOODSP)9.8770184 qHTMLsN/Auhttp://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/acc_lp_e_35627.html01892nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200033001070200033001400400031001730430012002040450009002160860039002250860039002641100042003032450093003452640099004382640011005373000078005483360026006263370026006523380036006785000136007145000021008505000100008715040041009715050018010125300033010306920028010636920029010917100044011207750070011648560118012348560118013529.877016CaOODSP20221107164848m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19801980onca obs f000 0 eng d z0662110315q(v. 1 ; qprint) z0662110323q(v. 2 ; qprint) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay5y81 aId46-2/1980-1E-PDFzId46-2/1980-1E1 aId46-2/1980-2E-PDFzId46-2/1980-2E1 aCanada. bTextile and Clothing Board.10aTextile and clothing enquiry : breport to the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce. 1aOttawa, Canada : bTextile and Clothing Board = Commission du textile et du vêtement, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 online resource (2 volumes (vii, 159; ii, 270 pages)) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Enquête sur les textiles et les vêtements : rapport au ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce. a"June 30, 1980." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 av. 1 -- v. 2. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTextile industry072gccstaClothing industry1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tEnquête sur les textiles et les vêtements : w(CaOODSP)9.87702040qPDFs8.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-2-1980-1-eng.pdfz(v. 1)40qPDFs7.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-2-1980-2-eng.pdfz(v. 2)01962nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200038001070200038001450400031001830430012002140450009002260860039002350860039002741100053003132450103003662640099004692640011005683000081005793360031006603370034006913380043007255000131007685000027008995000104009265040048010305050022010785300045011006920029011456920034011747100037012087750055012458560120013008560120014209.877020CaOODSP20221107164848m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19801980onca obs f000 0 fre d z0662907639q(vol. 1 ; qimprimé) z0662907647q(vol. 2 ; qimprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay5y81 aId46-2/1980-1F-PDFzId46-2/1980-1F1 aId46-2/1980-2F-PDFzId46-2/1980-2F1 aCanada. bCommission du textile et du vêtement.10aEnquête sur les textiles et les vêtements : brapport au ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCommission du textile et du vêtement = Textile and Clothing Board, c1980. 4c©1980 a1 ressource en ligne (2 volumes (vii, 168; ii, 286 pages)) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Textile and clothing enquiry: report to the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce. a« Le 30 juin 1980. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques.0 avol. 1 -- vol. 2. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie textile072gccstaIndustrie du vêtement1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tTextile and clothing enquiry : w(CaOODSP)9.87701640qPDFs8.57 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-2-1980-1-fra.pdfz(vol. 1)40qPDFs8.40 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-2-1980-2-fra.pdfz(vol. 2)01532nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200024001070400031001310430012001620860034001741100042002082450116002502640099003662640011004653000033004763360026005093370026005353380036005615000152005975000021007495000100007705300033008706920020009036920028009237750136009518560107010879.877026CaOODSP20221107164849m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19881988onc o f000 0 eng d z066256197Xq(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-5/1988E-PDFzId46-5/19881 aCanada. bTextile and Clothing Board.10aReport on a review concerning coated broadwoven polyester fabrics for use in the manufacture of textile covers. 1aOttawa, Canada : bTextile and Clothing Board = Commission du textile et du vêtement, c1988. 4c©1988 a1 online resource (14 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport du réexamen des tissus larges de polyester enduits servant à la fabrication de couvertures de textile. a"June 23, 1988." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTextiles072gccstaTextile industry08tRapport du réexamen des tissus larges de polyester enduits servant à la fabrication de couvertures de textile.w(CaOODSP)9.87702740qPDFs951 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-5-1988-eng.pdf01596nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650860034001771100053002112450117002642640099003812640011004803000036004913360031005273370034005583380043005925000157006355000027007925000104008195300045009236920019009686920029009877750135010168560107011519.877027CaOODSP20221107164849m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19881988onc o f000 0 fre d z066256197Xq(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-5/1988F-PDFzId46-5/19881 aCanada. bCommission du textile et du vêtement.10aRapport du réexamen des tissus larges de polyester enduits servant à la fabrication de couvertures de textile. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCommission du textile et du vêtement = Textile and Clothing Board, c1988. 4c©1988 a1 ressource en ligne (15 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report on a review concerning coated broadwoven polyester fabrics for use in the manufacture of textile covers. a« Le 23 juin 1988. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTextile072gccstaIndustrie textile08tReport on a review concerning coated broadwoven polyester fabrics for use in the manufacture of textile covers.w(CaOODSP)9.87702640qPDFs995 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-5-1988-fra.pdf01252nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200024001070400031001310430012001620860034001741100042002082450048002502640099002982640011003973000033004083360026004413370026004673380036004935000087005295000021006165000100006375300033007376920020007706920028007908560108008189.877056CaOODSP20221107164854m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19881988onc o f000 0 eng d z0662561988q(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-6/1988E-PDFzId46-6/19881 aCanada. bTextile and Clothing Board.10aReport on a review concerning acrylic yarn. 1aOttawa, Canada : bTextile and Clothing Board = Commission du textile et du vêtement, c1988. 4c©1988 a1 online resource (22 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de réexamen sur les filés acryliques. a"June 23, 1988." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTextiles072gccstaTextile industry40qPDFs3.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-6-1988-eng.pdf01317nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650860034001771100053002112450052002642640099003162640011004153000036004263360031004623370034004933380043005275000089005705000027006595000104006865300045007906920019008356920029008548560108008839.877058CaOODSP20221107164854m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19881988onc o f000 0 fre d z0662561988q(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-6/1988F-PDFzId46-6/19881 aCanada. bCommission du textile et du vêtement.10aRapport de réexamen sur les filés acryliques. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCommission du textile et du vêtement = Textile and Clothing Board, c1988. 4c©1988 a1 ressource en ligne (24 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report on a review concerning acrylic yarn. a« Le 23 juin 1988. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTextile072gccstaIndustrie textile40qPDFs1.43 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-6-1988-fra.pdf01586nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200024001070400031001310430012001620860034001741100042002082450139002502640099003892640011004883000033004993360026005323370026005583380036005845000167006205000021007875000100008085300033009086920020009416920028009617750151009898560108011409.877062CaOODSP20221107164855m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19881988onc o f000 0 eng d z0662561996q(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-7/1988E-PDFzId46-7/19881 aCanada. bTextile and Clothing Board.10aReport on a review concerning coated broadwoven polyester fabrics for use in the manufacture of personal buoyant water safety devices. 1aOttawa, Canada : bTextile and Clothing Board = Commission du textile et du vêtement, c1988. 4c©1988 a1 online resource (15 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de réexamen des tissus larges de polyester enduits servant à la fabrication de dispositifs de flottaison individuels. a"June 23, 1988." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTextiles072gccstaTextile industry08tRapport de réexamen des tissus larges de polyester enduits servant à la fabrication de dispositifs de flottaison individuels.w(CaOODSP)9.87706340qPDFs1.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-7-1988-eng.pdf01658nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650860034001771100053002112450132002642640099003962640011004953000036005063360031005423370034005733380043006075000180006505000027008305000104008575300045009616920019010066920029010257750158010548560108012129.877063CaOODSP20221107164855m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726t19881988onc o f000 0 fre d z0662561996q(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-7/1988F-PDFzId46-7/19881 aCanada. bCommission du textile et du vêtement.10aRapport de réexamen des tissus larges de polyester enduits servant à la fabrication de dispositifs de flottaison individuels. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCommission du textile et du vêtement = Textile and Clothing Board, c1988. 4c©1988 a1 ressource en ligne (19 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report on a review concerning coated broadwoven polyester fabrics for use in the manufacture of personal buoyant water safety devices. a« Le 23 juin 1988. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaTextile072gccstaIndustrie textile08tReport on a review concerning coated broadwoven polyester fabrics for use in the manufacture of personal buoyant water safety devices.w(CaOODSP)9.87706240qPDFs1.16 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-7-1988-fra.pdf01141nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450059001902640118002492640011003673000034003783360026004123370026004383380036004645000103005006920030006037100030006337750087006638560101007509.876073CaOODSP20221107164620m o d f cr |||||||||||190722e20190718onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660317915 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aBT43-89/2019E-PDF00aPersonnel administration (PE) job evaluation standard. 1a[Ottawa]: bTreasury Board of Canada Secretariat = Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor du Canada, cJuly 18, 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (80 pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Norme d’évaluation des emplois du gestion du personnel (PE).072gccstaJob classification1 aCanada. bTreasury Board.08tNorme d’évaluation des emplois du gestion du personnel (PE).w(CaOODSP)9.87607540qPDFs675 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sct-tbs/BT43-89-2019-eng.pdf01178nam 22002898i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450068001902640124002582640011003823000036003933360031004293370034004603380043004945000100005376920038006377100034006757750078007098560101007879.876075CaOODSP20221107164620m o d f cr |||||||||||190722e20190718onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660317922 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aBT43-89/2019F-PDF00aNorme d’évaluation des emplois du gestion du personnel (PE). 1a[Ottawa] : bSecrétariat du Conseil du trésor du Canada = Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, cle 18 juillet 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (89 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Personnel administration (PE) job evaluation standard.072gccstaClassification des emplois1 aCanada. bConseil du trésor.08tPersonnel administration (PE) job evaluation standard.w(CaOODSP)9.87607340qPDFs620 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sct-tbs/BT43-89-2019-fra.pdf01065nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001512450031001632460030001942640091002242640011003153000045003263360026003713370026003973380036004235460035004596920031004947100038005257760051005637920050006148560099006649.877033CaOODSP20221107164851m o d f cr |n ||||||||190726s2019 onc do||||f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---00aYouth employment programs.15aProgramme emploi jeunesse 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Research Council Canada = Conseil national de recherches Canada. 4c©2019 a1 online resources (2 unnumbered pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aText in English and in French.072gccstaEmployment programs2 aNational Research Council Canada.0#tYouth employment programs. w(CaOODSP)9.876682 tYouth employment programs.w(CaOODSP)9.87703940qPDFs348 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/cnrc-nrc/NR16-291-2019.pdf01146nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001632450031001852460031002162640091002472640011003383000052003493360031004013370034004323380043004665460038005096920030005477100043005777760063006207910050006838560099007339.877039CaOODSP20221107164852m o d f cr |n ||||||||190726s2019 onc do||||f000 0|fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---1 aNR16-291/2019-PDF00aYouth employment programs.15aProgrammes emploi jeunesse 1a[Ottawa] : bConseil national de recherches Canada = National Research Council Canada. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTexte en français et en anglais.072gccstaProgramme d'emploi2 aConseil national de recherches Canada.0#tProgrammes emploi jeunesse. w(CaOODSP)9.876684 tYouth employment programs.w(CaOODSP)9.87703340qPDFs348 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/cnrc-nrc/NR16-291-2019.pdf01334nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450066001912640106002572640011003633000082003743360031004563370034004873380043005215000087005645000028006516920021006796920018007006920023007187100043007417750053007847760055008378560104008929.872935CaOODSP20221107163756m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e201907##onca o f000 0 fre d a9780660309002 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNR16-277/2019F-PDF00aCollaborer pour innover : bthérapeutique en santé humaine. 1a[Ottawa] : bConseil national de recherches Canada = National Research Council Canada,cJuillet 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (12 pages non numérotées) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Collaborating for innovation.  aTitre de la couverture.072gccstaThérapie072gccstaSanté072gccstaPartenariat2 aConseil national de recherches Canada.08tCollaborating for innovation.w(CaOODSP)9.8729320#tCollaborer pour l’innovation.w(CaOODSP)9.87293840qPDFs1.55 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/cnrc-nrc/NR16-277-2019-fra.pdf01837nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450098001732640081002713000036003523360031003883370034004193380043004535000131004965000028006275000163006555000039008185200171008576920023010287100054010517100045011057750110011508560104012608560135013649.876992CaOODSP20240228150755m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725e20180910onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEm20-134/2018F-PDF00aÉvaluation neutre de la fonction d’évaluation d’Emploi et Développement social Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bEmploi et Développement social Canada, cle 10 septembre 2018. a1 ressource en ligne (17 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Neutral assessment of Employment and Social Development Canada's evaluation function. aTitre de la couverture. a« Le présent rapport est commandé par la Direction générale des services de vérification interne au sein d’Emplois et Développement social Canada. » aÉgalement publié en format HTML. a« Le présent rapport présente les résultats de l’évaluation neutre de la fonction d’évaluation d’Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC) »--Page 4.072gccstaÉvaluation1 aCanada. bEmploi et développement social Canada.2 aRaymond, Chabot, Grant, Thornton (Firme)08tNeutral assessment of Employment and Social Development Canada's evaluation function. w(CaOODSP)9.87624140qPDFs387 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/edsc-esdc/Em20-134-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/emploi-developpement-social/ministere/rapports/evaluation-neutralite-fonction-evaluation.html01733nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450091001732640081002643000033003453360026003783370026004043380036004305000133004665000017005995000120006165000033007365200151007696920022009207100056009427100044009987750117010428560104011598560132012639.876241CaOODSP20221107164644m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725e20180910onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEm20-134/2018E-PDF00aNeutral assessment of Employment and Social Development Canada's evaluation function.  1a[Ottawa] : bEmployment and Social Development Canada, cSeptember 10, 2018. a1 online resource (17 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation neutre de la fonction d’évaluation d’Emploi et Développement social Canada. aCover title. a"This report is commissioned by the Employment and Social Development Canada's Internal Audit and Services Branch." aIssued also in HTML format.  a"This report sets out the results from the neutral assessment of Employment and Social Development Canada’s (ESDC) evaluation function"--Page 4.072gccstaAssessment1 aCanada. bEmployment and Social Development Canada.2 aRaymond, Chabot, Grant, Thornton (Firm)08tÉvaluation neutre de la fonction d’évaluation d’Emploi et Développement social Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87699240qPDFs373 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/edsc-esdc/Em20-134-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/reports/neutral-assessment-evaluation-function.html01852nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450222002002460100004222460135005222640111006573000053007683360026008213370026008473380036008734900032009095000086009415000067010276920024010946920027011186920025011457100034011707100084012048300102012888560100013909.876663CaOODSP20221107164752m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199310##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/93-24E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystems Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program FP/GLAP study 63 : bfor July and August 1993 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for mercury and arsenic, selenium, antimony and bismuth / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for mercury and arsenic, selenium, antimony and bismuth14aEcosystems Interlaboratory QA Program : bstudy FP63 for mercury, arsenic, selenium, antimony & bismuth in water (July & Aug 1993) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch & Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, cOctober 1993. a1 online resource (27 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. RAB-TN-93-24 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Research & Applications Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. RAB-TN-93-24.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs930 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-93-24-eng.pdf02129nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000033001742450136002072640106003433000071004493360026005203370026005463380036005724900043006085000086006515040041007375200581007786530020013596530023013796920022014027000026014247100034014507100084014848300098015688560101016669.876672CaOODSP20221107164753m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719s1993 onca |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/93-32E-PDF1 aAnthony, D. H. J., eauthor.10aOperation of the Goulden large-sample extractor (GLSE) (LaSalle Scientific Inc., version GLSE-95) / cD.H.J. Anthony and T. Nagami. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bResearch and Applications Branch, National Water Research Institute, c[1993] a1 online resource (59 pages in various pagings) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[NWRI technical note] ; vRAB-TN-93-32 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Goulden Large-Sample Extractor (GLSE) was designed to provide a convenient means by which a certain class of organic contaminants in large samples (50-200 L) of water could be conveniently concentrated to measurable levels for environmental analytical purposes (1-11). When incorporated in an appropriate ultratrace analytical method, the technique can provide data at the parts-per-trillion (ppt) and parts-per-quadrillion (ppq) levels necessary for sensitive monitoring of contaminant distributions and trends in environmental freshwater systems"--Introduction, page 2. 0aDichloromethane 0aSolvent extraction072gccstaPollutants1 aNagami, T., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vRAB-TN-93-32.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs1.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-93-32-eng.pdf01892nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450237002002460110004372460140005472640114006873000053008013360026008543370026008803380036009064900033009425000086009755000067010616920024011286920027011526920026011797100034012057100087012398300103013268560101014299.876683CaOODSP20221107164755m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199404##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-01E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystems Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program FP/GLAP study 64 : bfor January and February 1994 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program : bstudy FP64 for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (Jan & Feb 1994.) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cApril 1994. a1 online resource (96 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-94-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Research & Applications Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface waters1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-94-01.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.01 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-01-eng.pdf01906nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450210002002460083004102460113004932640114006063000053007203360026007733370026007993380036008254900033008615000086008945000067009806920024010476920027010716920025010987100034011237100087011577100084012448300103013288560101014319.876695CaOODSP20221107164756m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199404##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-02E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystems Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program FP/GLAP study 64 : bfor January and February 1994 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals in water / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals in water14aEcosystems Interlaboratory QA Program : bstudy FP64 for a variety of trace metals in water (Jan & Feb 1994) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cApril 1994. a1 online resource (85 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-94-02 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Research & Applications Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-94-02.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-02-eng.pdf01475nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000029001742450104002032640112003073000053004193360026004723370026004983380036005244900044005605000086006045000017006906920024007076920027007316920017007587000029007757100034008047100087008388300099009258560101010249.876721CaOODSP20221107164801m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199405##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-03E-PDF1 aArafat, Nabil, eauthor.10aLRTAP interlaboratory study L-35 for major ions and nutrients / cby Nabil Arafat and Keijo Aspila. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cMay 1994. a1 online resource (92 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[NWRI technical note] ; vAEPB-TN-94-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aAspila, K. I., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vAEPB-TN-94-03.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-03-eng.pdf01481nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000029001742450104002032640118003073000053004253360026004783370026005043380036005304900044005665000086006105000017006966920024007136920027007376920017007647000029007817100034008107100087008448300099009318560101010309.876749CaOODSP20221107164805m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199409##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-04E-PDF1 aArafat, Nabil, eauthor.10aLRTAP interlaboratory study L-36 for major ions and nutrients / cby Nabil Arafat and Keijo Aspila. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cSeptember 1994. a1 online resource (86 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[NWRI technical note] ; vAEPB-TN-94-04 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aAspila, K. I., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vAEPB-TN-94-04.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-04-eng.pdf01837nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450216002002460093004162460125005092640116006343000053007503360026008033370026008293380036008554900033008915000086009245000072010106920024010826920027011066920017011337100034011507100087011848300103012718560101013749.876758CaOODSP20221107164806m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199410##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-06E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystems Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program FP/GLAP study 65 : bfor July and August 1994 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals & mercury in water / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals & mercury in water14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program : bstudy FP65 for a variety of trace metals and mercury in water (July & Aug 1994) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cOctober 1994. a1 online resource (97 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-94-06 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-94-06.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-06-eng.pdf01479nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000029001742450104002032640116003073000053004233360026004763370026005023380036005284900044005645000086006085000017006946920024007116920027007356920017007627000029007797100034008087100087008428300099009298560101010289.876761CaOODSP20221107164807m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199501##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-08E-PDF1 aArafat, Nabil, eauthor.10aLRTAP interlaboratory study L-37 for major ions and nutrients / cby Nabil Arafat and Keijo Aspila. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cJanuary 1995. a1 online resource (83 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[NWRI technical note] ; vAEPB-TN-94-08 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aAspila, K. I., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vAEPB-TN-94-08.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.80 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-08-eng.pdf01892nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450234002002460110004342460139005442640114006833000053007973360026008503370026008763380036009024900033009385000086009715000072010576920024011296920027011536920025011807100034012057100087012398300103013268560101014299.876764CaOODSP20221107164807m go d f cr |n|||||||||190719e199503##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-09E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program FP/GLAP study 66 : bfor January & February 1995 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program : bstudy FP66 for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (Jan & Feb 1995) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cMarch 1995. a1 online resource (93 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-94-09 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-94-09.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-09-eng.pdf01803nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450207002002460083004072460112004902640114006023000053007163360026007693370026007953380036008214900033008575000086008905000072009766920024010486920027010726920017010997100034011167100087011508300103012378560101013409.876774CaOODSP20221107164809m go d f cr |n|||||||||190722e199503##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/94-10E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program FP/GLAP study 66 : bfor January & February 1995 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals in water / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals in water14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program : bstudy FP66 for a variety of trace metals in water (Jan & Feb 1995) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cMarch 1995. a1 online resource (87 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-94-10 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. 3At head of title: Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-94-10.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.72 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-94-10-eng.pdf01447nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000029001742450104002032640113003073000053004203360026004733370026004993380036005254900044005615000086006056920024006916920027007156920017007427000029007597100034007887100087008228300099009098560101010089.876784CaOODSP20221107164811m go d f cr |n|||||||||190722e199507##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/95-01E-PDF1 aAspila, K. I., eauthor.10aLRTAP interlaboratory study L-38 for major ions and nutrients / cby Keijo Aspila and Nabil Arafat. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cJuly 1995. a1 online resource (98 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[NWRI technical note] ; vAEPB-TN-95-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aArafat, Nabil, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vAEPB-TN-95-01.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.90 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-95-01-eng.pdf01950nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450227002002460110004272460137005372640116006743000053007903360026008433370026008693380036008954900033009315000086009645000072010505040053011226920024011756920027011996920025012267100034012517100087012858300103013728560101014759.876800CaOODSP20221107164813m go d f cr |n|||||||||190722e199510##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/95-03E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP67 : bfor July and August 1995 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions and nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program, study FP67 for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (July & Aug 1995) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cOctober 1995. a1 online resource (96 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-95-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch final report. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [16]).072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-95-03.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-95-03-eng.pdf01833nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450210002002460095004102460125005052640116006303000053007463360026007993370026008253380036008514900033008875000086009205000072010066920024010786920027011026920017011297100034011467100087011808300103012678560101013709.876819CaOODSP20221107164816m go d f cr |n|||||||||190722e199510##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/95-04E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP67 : bfor July and August 1995 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals and mercury in water / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for a variety of trace metals and mercury in water14aEcosystem interlaboratory QA program, study FP67 for a variety of trace metals and mercury in water (July & August 1995) 1aBurlington, Ontario : bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch, National Water Research Institute, cOctober 1995. a1 online resource (98 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. AEPB-TN-95-04 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aAt head of title: Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch final report.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bAquatic Ecosystem Protection Branch.#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEPB-TN-95-04.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-95-04-eng.pdf02004nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450208002002460069004082460098004772460158005752640123007333000053008563360026009093370026009353380036009614900033009975000086010305040053011166920024011696920027011936920017012207000025012377100034012627100059012967100047013558300103014028560101015059.876827CaOODSP20221107164817m go d f cr |n|||||||||190722e199706##onc |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/97-01E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP70 - final report : bMarch and April 1997 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP70 : brain and soft waters (March & April 1997)13aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cJune 1997. a1 online resource (92 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-97-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [18]).072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-97-01.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.78 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-97-01-eng.pdf02642nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450249002002460110004492460139005592460158006982640123008563000065009793360026010443370026010703380036010964900033011325000086011655040053012515200483013046920024017876920027018116920025018387000025018637100034018887100059019227100047019818300103020288560101021319.876841CaOODSP20221107164819m go d f cr |n|||||||||190723e199706##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/97-02E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP70 - final report : bMarch and April 1997 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP70 : bmajor ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (March & April 1997)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cJune 1997. a1 online resource (103 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-97-02 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [18]). a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-97-02.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-97-02-eng.pdf02508nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000043001852450127002282640162003553000054005173360026005713370026005973380036006234900032006595000022006915000086007135040053007995200760008525460045016126920020016576920027016776920017017047000026017217000038017477100034017857100037018197100073018568300051019298560106019809.876847CaOODSP20221107164820m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e198803##oncb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre anl-----1 aEn13-5/88-38E-PDF1 aKaiser, Klaus L. E., d1941- eauthor.10aReview of field applications of the Microtox test in Great Lakes waters / cby K.L.E. Kaiser, K.R. Lum and V.S. Palabrica. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bEnvironment Canada, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Lakes Research Branch, cMarch, 1988. a1 online resource (15 unnumbered pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v88-38 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [15]).3 a"The Microtox toxicity test, a bacterial bioassay employing the luminescent marine Photobacterium phosphoreum as the test organism has been used in field and laboratory research to test for water contamination in the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair and the St. Lawrence River. The test results have indicated locations and zones of impaired water quality and have been found useful in connection with other studies on the same areas. This review presents new data on the St. Lawrence River and discusses the results in conjunction with other biological, chemical and physical data collected at the same time. It assesses the advantages and limitations of this bioassay for exploratory work on water contamination in the Great Lakes and elsewhere"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in English and French.072gccstaBioassay072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaLakes1 aLum, K. R., eauthor.1 aPalabrica, Virginia S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bLakes Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v88-38.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.25 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-88-38-eng.pdf02549nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450218002002460079004182460108004972460158006052640123007633000064008863360026009503370026009763380036010024900033010385000086010715040053011575200484012106920024016946920027017186920025017457000025017707100034017957100059018297100047018888300103019358560101020389.876848CaOODSP20221107164821m go d f cr |n|||||||||190723e199706##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/97-03E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP70 - final report : bMarch and April 1997 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals in surface waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP70 : btrace metals in surface waters (March & April 1997)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cJune 1997. a1 online resource (98 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-97-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [14]). a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and juridsdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-97-03.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.96 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-97-03-eng.pdf02582nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000026001842450226002102460094004362640104005303000054006343360026006883370026007143380036007404900032007765000022008085000086008305040041009165050189009575200303011465460051014496920028015006920021015286920027015497100034015767100092016107400058017027400083017607920139018438300051019828560103020339.876851CaOODSP20221107164821m o d f cr |||||||||||190723m19871988onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/88-74-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aRapport sommaire PAQFP, substances inorganiques dans des eaux de surface, études 19-30, juillet '87 à juin '88 = bSummary report FPQA, studies 19-30, July '87 to June '88 for inorganics in surface waters / cH. Alkema.31aSummary report FPQA, studies 19-30, July '87 to June '88 for inorganics in surface waters 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Quality Assurance Section, c1987, 1988. a1 online resource (168 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v88-74 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.2 aSummary report Federal-Provincial Quality Assurance Program studies 19 and 20 for July and August, 1987 : Trace metals, major ions, nutrients and physical parameters in surface waters. a"As part of an on-going study, the Quality Assurance Section, NWRI in Burlington, Ontario, has been sending reference water samples bi-monthly to chemical laboratories participating in the FP program. This report summarizes the most recent FP interlaboratory quality control studies"--Introduction. aText in French with some text also in English.072gccstaWater management072gccstaChemicals072gccstaQuality control1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bQuality Assurance and Methods Section‏.02aFederal-Provincial Quality Assurance Program studies.02aTrace metals, major ions, nutrients and physical parameters in surface waters. tRapport sommaire PAQFP, substances inorganiques dans des eaux de surface, études 19-30, juillet '87 à juin '88 = w(CaOODSP)9.876857#0aNWRI contribution ;v88-74.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs11.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-88-74.pdf04227nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000026001842450226002102460094004362640120005303000061006503360031007113370034007423380043007764900032008195000028008515000094008795040048009735051517010215200452025385460055029906920028030456920028030736920036031017100036031377100110031737400065032837400142033487910139034908300049036298560103036789.876857CaOODSP20221107164822m o d f cr |||||||||||190723m19871988onc #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---1 aEn13-5/88-74-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauteur.10aRapport sommaire PAQFP, substances inorganiques dans des eaux de surface, études 19-30, juillet '87 à juin '88 = bSummary report FPQA, studies 19-30, July '87 to June '88 for inorganics in surface waters / cH. Alkema.31aSummary report FPQA, studies 19-30, July '87 to June '88 for inorganics in surface waters 1aBurlington, Ontario : bInstitut national de recherche sur les eaux, Section de l'assurance-qualité, c1987, 1988. a1 ressource en ligne (168 pages en pagination multiple). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aNWRI contribution ; v88-74 aTitre de la couverture. aÉdition numérisée de l’imprimé [par Environnement et Changement climatique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques.2 aRapport sommaire Programme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études 19 et 20, juillet et août, 1987 : oligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface -- Rapport final Programme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études 21 et 22, septembre et novembre, 1987 : oligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface -- Rapport final Programme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études 23 et 24, novembre et décembre, 1987 : oligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface -- Rapport final Programme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études 25 et 26, pour janvier et février 1988 : oligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface -- Rapport final Programme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études 27 et 28, pour mars et avril 1988 : oligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface -- Rapport final Programme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études 29 et 30, pour mai et juin, 1988 : oligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface. a« Dans le cadre d'une étude continué, la Section de l'assurance-qualité de l'Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, Burlington, Ontario, envoie tous les deux mois des échantillons d'eau de référence à des laboratoires chimiques qui participant au programme d'assurance qualité fédéral-provincial. Le présent rapport constitue un résumé de la plus récente étude de contrôle de la qualité interlaboratoire » -- Introduction. aTexte en français avec du texte aussi en anglais.072gccstaGestion de l'eau072gccstaProduit chimique072gccstaContrôle de la qualité1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.2 aInstitut national de recherche sur les eaux (Canada). bSection de l'assurance-qualité et des méthodes.02aProgramme d'assurance-qualité fédéral-provincial études.02aOligo-éléments métalliques, principaux ions, substances nutritives et paramètres physiques dans des échantillons d’eau de surface. tRapport sommaire PAQFP, substances inorganiques dans des eaux de surface, études 19-30, juillet '87 à juin '88 = w(CaOODSP)9.876851#0aCollection INRE ;v88-74.w(CaOODSP)9.86777140qPDFs11.49 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-88-74.pdf02528nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450215002002460069004152460105004842460158005892640127007473000064008743360026009383370026009643380036009904900033010265000086010595040053011455200483011986920024016816920027017056920017017327000025017497100034017747100059018087100047018678300103019148560101020179.876859CaOODSP20221107164822m go d f cr |n|||||||||190723e199712##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/97-04E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 71 - final report : bSeptember and October 1997 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 71 : brain and soft waters (September & October 1997)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cDecember 1997. a1 online resource (94 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-97-04 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [14]). a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-97-04.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-97-04-eng.pdf02081nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000051001852450188002362640134004243000065005583360026006233370026006493380036006754900032007115000017007435000022007605000086007825040055008685200268009235460067011916920020012586920024012786920027013027000028013297100034013577100037013917100074014288300051015028560106015539.876867CaOODSP20221107164824m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e199003##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-74E-PDF1 aDay, Kristin E. q(Kristin Elizabeth)eauthor.10aUse of acetylcholinesterase activity to detect sublethal toxicity in stream invertebrates exposed to low concentrations of organophosphate insecticides / cby K.E. Day and I.M. Scott. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cMarch 1990. a1 online resource (29 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-74 a"RRB 90-42." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 19-25).3 a"Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured in selected species of aquatic invertebrates using two methodologies based on the Ellman technique - a modified kit procedure using the spectrophotometer (BMC procedure) and a microplate assay"--Abstract, page 2. aIncludes abstract and executive summary in English and French.072gccstaBioassay072gccstaInsecticides072gccstaAquatic animals1 aScott, I. M., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-74.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-74-eng.pdf02664nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450258002002460112004582460148005702460157007182640127008753000064010023360026010663370026010923380036011184900033011545000086011875040053012735200483013266920024018096920027018336920025018607000025018857100034019107100059019447100047020038300103020508560101021539.876870CaOODSP20221107164824m go d f cr |n|||||||||190723e199712##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/97-05E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 71 - final report : bSeptember and October 1997 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions and nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions and nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 71 : bmajor ions and nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (September & October 1997)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface water : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cDecember 1997. a1 online resource (99 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-97-05 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [17]). a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-97-05.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-97-05-eng.pdf02496nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000036001852450121002212460073003422640116004153000066005313360026005973370026006233380036006494900032006855000017007175000086007345000111008205040055009315200614009865460072016006920023016726920022016956920028017177000042017457100034017877100037018217100047018588300051019058560106019569.876871CaOODSP20221107164824m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e199005##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-75E-PDF1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.10aEXPRES : ban expert system for assessing the fate of pesticides in the subsurface / cby A.S. Crowe and J.P. Mutch.10aExpert system for assessing the fate of pesticides in the subsurface 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, cMay 1990. a1 online resource (22 pages, 14 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-75 a"RRB 90-41." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for submission to: Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 18-21).3 a"This paper describes an expert system, known as EXPRES (EXpert system for Pesticide Regulatory Evaluation Simulations), which is designed to aid regulatory personnel in their assessment of the potential for pesticides to contaminate the soil and groundwater environment. EXPRES consists of two existing numerical models (PRZM and LEACHM) which are used to simulate the transport and transformation of pesticides in the unsaturated zone, coupled with a knowledge-based system that guides the user through the selection of all the necessary information to construct input data sets for these models"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPesticides072gccstaComputer systems1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-75.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs4.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-75-eng.pdf02084nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450084002162640132003003000072004323360026005043370026005303380036005564900032005925000017006245000022006415000086006635040054007495200437008035460072012406920018013126920021013306920021013517100034013727100037014067100074014438300051015178560106015689.876877CaOODSP20221107164825m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e199005##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-76E-PDF1 aBrownlee, B. G., eeditor.10aAthabasca River project, 1989/90 progress report / cedited by : B.G. Brownlee. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cMay 1990. a1 online resource (11 pages, 12 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-76 a"RRB 90-44." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 8-11).3 a"Two sampling trips were carried out on the lower Athabasca River, Peace River and Slave River as the first phase of a reconnaissance survey to study polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) downstream of the Suncor and Syncrude oil sands extraction plants on the Athabasca River north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, and to determine the impact of these operations relative to natural sources and upstream industrial activity"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaOil sands072gccstaSurveying1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-76.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-76-eng.pdf02382nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000035001722450094002072640132003013000079004333360026005123370026005383380036005644900032006005000017006325000022006495000068006715000086007395040053008255200677008786920018015556920015015736920018015887000024016067000028016307100034016587100037016927100074017298300051018038560106018549.876879CaOODSP20221107164826m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e199005##oncad #ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-77E-PDF1 aBeltaos, S., d1944- eauthor.12aA model material for river ice breakup studies / cby S. Beltaos, J. Wong and W.J. Moody. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cMay 1990. a1 online resource (9 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-77 a"RRB 90-39." aTitle from cover. a"This paper has been submitted to the IAHR Ice Symposium 1990." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 8-9).3 a"Laboratory simulation of river ice breakup processes would enable control of ice and flow conditions and permit observation of important phenomena which, in nature, take place under water. A synthetic material with properties suitable for laboratory studies of breakup and related phenomena has been developed recently. This material is fine-grained, needs no refrigeration, and its properties compare well with those of existing materials, used mainly to model ice-vessel and ice-structure interactions. The new material performed satisfactorily in two test series, designed to test the interaction of water waves and ice jams with the intact sheet ice cover"--Abstract.072gccstaRivers072gccstaIce072gccstaModels1 aWong, J., eauthor.1 aMoody, W. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-77.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.00 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-77-eng.pdf02604nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450237002002460091004372460127005282460158006552640127008133000065009403360026010053370026010313380036010574900033010935000086011265040053012125200483012656920024017486920027017726920026017997000025018257100034018507100059018847100047019438300103019908560101020939.876882CaOODSP20221107164826m go d f cr |n|||||||||190723e199712##oncd |ot f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/97-06E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 71 - final report : bSeptember and October 1997 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals and mercury in surface waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals and mercury in surface waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 71 : btrace metals and mercury in surface waters (September & October 1997)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cDecember 1997. a1 online resource (110 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-97-06 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page [18]). a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface waters1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-97-06.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-97-06-eng.pdf02634nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450098002142640134003123000080004463360026005263370026005523380036005784900032006145000017006465000086006635040055007495200947008045460072017516920018018236920021018416920028018627000032018907100034019227100037019567100074019938300051020678560106021189.876884CaOODSP20221107164827m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e199004##oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-78E-PDF1 aDroppo, I. G., eauthor.10aFlocculation of suspended fine-grained sediment in rivers / cby I.G. Droppo and E.D. Ongley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cApril 1990. a1 online resource (14 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-78 a"RRB 90-29." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 11-13).3 a"Flocculation is a well-known phenomenon in marine science and sanitary engineering. Little, however, is known of the existence and nature of flocculated suspended sediment within the freshwater fluvial environment. We examined the suspended sediment characteristics of a Southern Ontario river in order to determine the nature of flocculated suspended sediment and the factors which may influence it. It was found that flocculated suspended sediment was the primary mode of fine-grained mineral sediment transport in the river. Flocs were composed of both organic and inorganic grains and interstitial voids. Bacterial content associated with suspended sediment, suspended solids concentration and particulate organic carbon are believed to be important controlling factors of flocculation. Flocculation is known to affect sediment deposition, and bacteria associated with flocs may play an important role in contaminant pathways"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaRivers072gccstaSediments072gccstaWater management1 aOngley, Edwin D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-78.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-78-eng.pdf02905nam 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000045001852450155002302640133003853000072005183360026005903370026006163380036006424900032006785000017007105000086007275000090008135040055009035200892009585460072018506920021019226920021019436920032019647000047019967000033020437000037020767000032021137100034021457100037021797100074022168300051022908560106023419.876889CaOODSP20221107164828m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e199006##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-79E-PDF1 aBobba, A. G. q(Arabinda Ghosh)eauthor.10aStochastic analysis of acid shocks generated by mixed hydrological processes / cby A.G. Bobba, D.C.L. Lam, W.G. Booty, D.S. Jeffries and R.L. Thomas. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cJune 1990. a1 online resource (14 pages, 11 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-79 a"RRB 90-45." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This manuscript has been prepared for submission to: Water, air and soil pollution." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 11-14).3 a"High H+ concentration of stream flow events were analyzed in terms of the probability of magnitude, frequency, duration, and time of occurrence. Simple methods of representing the timing and duration of high H+ concentration flows as stochastic variables are presented. Existing stochastic models are applied to the probability distributions of the annual frequency of high H+ ion concentration flows and their magnitudes. A consideration of the statistical properties of the above stochastic variables leads to the development of a technique with which higher H+ concentration flow events exceeding any higher level of interest may be investigated without resorting to re-analysis of the historical data. The proposed methodology was applied to the daily H+ concentration flow records of two watersheds located in diverse hydrological and geochemical environments in Canada"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaAcid rain072gccstaPollution072gccstaStatistical analysis1 aLam, D. C. L. q(David Chung Lap)eauthor.1 aBooty, William G., eauthor.1 aJeffries, Dean Stuart, eauthor.1 aThomas, R. L‏., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-79.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-79-eng.pdf02152nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860025001631000025001882450157002132640137003703000033005073360026005403370026005663380036005924900040006285000086006685040053007545200504008075460034013116530012013456530023013576920025013806920028014057100034014337100037014677100047015048300102015518560101016539.876892CaOODSP20221107164828m go d f cr |n|||||||||190723n2000 onc |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn36-518/00-001E-PDF1 aYang, Fan, eauthor.12aA mild extraction method for element speciation analysis from feather matrices determination of organotin species from surf scoter feather / cFan Yang. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Department of the Environment, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[2000?] a1 online resource (6 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTechnical note ; vno. AEP-TN00-001 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 5-6). a"The antifouling use of tributyltin (TBT) began in the 1960s. Since then TBT has resulted in deleterious effects on a variety of non-target organisms. The occurrence of extremely toxic TBT compound in the aquatic environment and aquatic organisms has been documented in the literature. Recently, the occurrence of tributyltin and its degradation products has been reported in water birds. It was suggested that butyltin compounds could be accumulated in liver and kidney of the water birds"--Page 1. aIncludes some text in French. 0aFeather 0aButyltin compounds072gccstaAquatic birds072gccstaToxic substances1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. AEP-TN00-001.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs703 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-00-001-eng.pdf02497nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450209002002460069004092460099004782460158005772640123007353000064008583360026009223370026009483380036009744900033010105000086010435040039011295200483011686920024016516920027016756920017017027000025017197100034017447100059017787100047018378300102018848560101019869.876908CaOODSP20221107164830m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e199806##oncd |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/98-01E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 72 - final report : bMarch and April 1998 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 72 : brain and soft waters (March & April 1998)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cJune 1998. a1 online resource (92 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-98-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-98-01w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.75 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-98-01-eng.pdf02669nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000042001852450191002272460073004182460050004912640158005413000055006993360026007543370026007803380036008064900032008425000017008745000086008915040055009775200747010325460072017796920023018516920022018746920028018967000036019247100034019607100037019947100047020318300051020788560106021299.876915CaOODSP20221107164831m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e199008##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-91E-PDF1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.10aEXPRES : ban expert system for assessing the fate of pesticides in the subsurface. pPhase three report : compilation of a data base for testing EXPRES / cby J.P. Mutch and A.S. Crowe.10aExpert system for assessing the fate of pesticides in the subsurface10aCompilation of a data base for testing EXPRES 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, the Groundwater Contamination Project, cAugust 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 37 pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-91 a"RRB 90-56." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 25-28).3 a"The expert system being developed is designed to aid regulatory personnel in their assessment of the potential for pesticides to contaminate the soil and shallow groundwater environment. The expert system, known as EXPRES (EXpert system for Pesticide Regulatory Evaluation Simulations), consists of two existing numerical models that are used to simulate the transport and transformation of pesticides in the unsaturated zone, coupled with a knowledge-based system that guides the user through the choice of all the necessary information for characterizing the geological, physical, climatic, hydrogeological, pedological and agricultural setting of typical agricultural regions across Canada, as required by the pesticide models"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPesticides072gccstaComputer systems1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-91.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-91-eng.pdf01986nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000047001852450114002322640154003463000059005003360026005593370026005853380036006114900032006475000017006795000086006965040041007825200348008235460072011716920021012436920032012646920022012967000031013187100034013497100047013838300051014308560107014819.876917CaOODSP20221107164832m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e199009##abcab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-92E-PDF1 aBirkholz, Detlef August, d1948- eauthor.10aLiterature search on the environmental impacts of tar sands operations / cby D. Birkholz and S. Prendergast. 1aEdmonton, Alberta : bEnviro-Test Laboratories : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, cSeptember 1990. a1 online resource (164 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-92 a"RRB 90-58." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A literature search was performed to assess the chemistry, analytical methods and biological impacts of current and potential effluents and discharges, including effluents from processing plants and tailings ponds leachates, from tar sands plants on the Athabasca River. Some data deficiencies and research needs are noted"--Abstract, page 4. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaOil sands072gccstaEnvironmental impact072gccstaLiterature1 aPrendergast, S., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-92.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs11.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-92-eng.pdf02631nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450250002002460111004502460140005612460158007012640123008593000065009823360026010473370026010733380036010994900033011355000086011685040039012545200483012936920024017766920027018006920025018277000025018527100034018777100059019117100047019708300103020178560101021209.876919CaOODSP20221107164832m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e199806##oncd |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/98-02E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 72 - final report : bMarch and April 1998 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters 14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 72 : bmajor ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (March & April 1998)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cJune 1998. a1 online resource (102 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-98-02 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-98-02.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-98-02-eng.pdf02769nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000047001722450102002192640138003213000071004593360026005303370026005563380036005824900032006185000017006505000022006675000086006895040055007755201096008306920028019266920020019546920022019747000029019967000032020257100034020577100037020917100074021288300051022028560106022539.876926CaOODSP20221107164833m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e199009##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-93E-PDF1 aRao, S. S. q(Salem S.), d1934- eauthor.10aFluvial suspended aggregates and contaminant association / cS.S. Rao, I.G. Droppo and E. Ongley. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cSeptember 1990. a1 online resource (18 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-93 a"RRB 90-59." aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 12-17).3 a"The relationship between suspended particles and contaminant transport has long been recognized. The significance of suspended flocs or aggregates to contaminant transport is, however, not clearly understood. In this study, suspended aggregates from the Sixteen-Mile Creek in Ontario and the Yamaska River in Quebec are used to understand and evaluate the significance of flocculated nmterial to total suspended solids load, contaminant adsorption and transport process. Samples from the Sixteen-Mile Creek and the Yamaska River were sized by digitization and laser particle sizer analysis respectively. Yamaska River samples were also fractionated using a modified cascade filtration technique for bacteriological analysis and for determination of the nature of contaminant interactions with different aggregate size ranges. Suspended aggregates represent a significant proportion of the total suspended solid volume, and contain a large population of bacteria. This work indicates that a relationship may exist between contaminant binding, aggregate size and bacterial density"--Abstract.072gccstaWater management072gccstaBacteria072gccstaPollutants1 aDroppo, I. G., eauthor.1 aOngley, Edwin D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-93.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-93-eng.pdf02564nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450228002002460089004282460118005172460158006352640123007933000065009163360026009813370026010073380036010334900033010695000086011025040039011885200481012276920024017086920027017326920026017597000025017857100034018107100059018447100047019038300103019508560101020539.876928CaOODSP20221107164833m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e199806##oncd |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/98-03E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 72 - final report : bMarch and April 1998 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals/elements in surface waters / cby H. Alkema and L. Hjelm.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals/elements in surface waters 14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 72 : btrace metals/elements in surface waters (March & April 1998)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cJune 1998. a1 online resource (100 pages in various pagings) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-98-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographic references. a"The Institute's interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface waters1 aHjelm, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-98-03.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-98-03-eng.pdf02980nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000027001842450090002112640066003012640011003673000094003783360031004723370034005033380043005374900053005805000089006335000092007225000094008145040058009085201064009665460037020306920019020676920021020866920018021077000037021257100036021627100058021987750069022568300123023258560098024489.876930CaOODSP20221107164834m o d f cr bn|||||||||190724t19811982oncab #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn-bc1 aEn36-508/66F-PDF1 aReid, I. A., eauteur.10aLevés de glaciers en Colombie-Britannique, 1978 / cI.A. Reid et J.O.G. Charbonneau. 1aOttawa : bEnvironnement Canada = Environment Canada, c1981. 4c©1982 a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 24 pages, 5 pages non-numérotées) : billustrations, cartes. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie des rapports généraux ; vétude n° 66 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Glacier surveys in British Columbia - 1978. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Environnement et changement climatique Canada]. aPubl. par la Direction générale des eaux intérieures, Direction des ressources en eau. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 24).3 a« Les glaciers jouent un role de régularisation naturelle, emmagasinant l’eau pendant l’hiver et la laissant s'écouler durant l’été. Pour arriver à comprendre quelque chose à ce phénomène et aussi à la contribution que les glaciers apportent au ruissellement, les prédécesseurs de la Division des relevés hydrologiques du Canada avaient commencé en 1945 une étude des glaciers. Ces premières études apportèrent certains indices quant au rôle des glaciers mais les observations compilées n’étaient pas suffisantes pour donner une idée d’ensemble. À la suite de l’adoption de relevés photogrammétriques, cependant, l'étude des glaciers a évolué au point qu’il est maintenant possible de produire une série de cartes à partir desquelles on peut déterminer les changements linéaires, directionnels, de superficie et de volume. Les études ont révélé, qu’en général, le volume des glaciers diminue et que de ce fait, l’effet de régularisation sur le ruissellement est aussi diminué » -- Résumé, page vii. aComprend un résumé en anglais.072gccstaGlacier072gccstaArpentage072gccstaMesure1 aCharbonneau, J. O. G., eauteur.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.1 aCanada. bDirection générale des eaux intérieures.08tGlacier surveys in British Columbia - 1978 / w(CaOODSP)9.879266#0aSérie des rapports généraux (Canada. Direction générale des eaux intérieures)vétude n° 66.w(CaOODSP)9.86242440qPDFs3.61 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-508-66-fra.pdf02452nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450203002002460069004032460105004722460158005772640127007353000053008623360026009153370026009413380036009674900033010035000086010365040041011225200479011636920024016426920027016666920017016937100034017107100059017447100047018038300103018508560101019539.876933CaOODSP20221107164834m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e199812##onc |obt f|0| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/98-04E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 73 - final report : bSeptember and October 1998 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for rain and soft waters14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 73 : brain and soft waters (September & October 1998)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cDecember 1998. a1 online resource (91 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-98-04 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-98-04.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs2.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-98-04-eng.pdf02278nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450083002132640137002963000065004333360026004983370026005243380036005504900032005865000017006185000086006355040054007215200656007755460072014316920025015036920021015286920029015497100034015787100037016127100074016498300051017238560106017749.876935CaOODSP20221107164835m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e199011##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-94E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aSediment in urban areas : bconcerns, sources and controls / cby J. Marsalek. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cNovember 1990. a1 online resource (12 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-94 a"RRB 90-64." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 9-11).3 a"Review of sediment issues in urban areas focuses on concerns about sediment impacts on water resources, sources of sediment and sediment controls. Environmental concerns cover transport and treatment of sewage, and sediment impacts on the receiving waters through transport of phosphorus, biodegradable organic matter, bacteria, hydrocarbons, metals and some organic toxics. Urban sediment originates from two sources - catchment surface and sewage. Sediment controls, including source controls and sediment removal, are briefly discussed. Rational management of sediment is a prerequisite for successful management of urban water quality"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaSediments072gccstaUrban environment1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-94.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-94-eng.pdf02659nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000056001852450161002412640219004023000072006213360026006933370026007193380036007454900032007815000017008135000086008305040055009165200704009715460067016756920022017426920027017646920024017917000051018157100034018667100037019007100074019377100069020118300051020808560106021319.876937CaOODSP20221107164835m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e199011##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-95E-PDF1 aSallenave, Rossana Mary,‏‎ d1961-‏ eauthor.10aSecondary production of benthic stream invertebrates in agricultural watersheds with different land management practices / cby R.M. Sallenave and K.E. Day. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch ; aGuelph, Ontario : bUniversity of Guelph, Department of Environmental Biology, cNovember 1990. a1 online resource (21 pages, 12 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-95 a"RRB 90-61." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 16-20).3 a"Annual secondary production of four coexisting caddisfly species (Trichoptera; Hydropsychidae: Hydropsyche spp.) was estimated in two adjacent branches of Kintore Creek, Ontario, Canada. The west branch was located in a demonstration watershed where conservation tillage was practiced i.e., mulch-finishing of row crops, planting of forage and cover crops, some no-till practices, etc. Conventional agricultural land management occurred in the watershed which drained into the east branch i.e., corn-wheat-alfalfa rotation with fall moldboard ploughing. Production estimates and densities of caddisflies were consistently higher in the watershed where conservation tillage was practiced"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and executive summary in English and French.072gccstaWatersheds072gccstaLand management072gccstaConservation1 aDay, Kristin E. q(Kristin Elizabeth)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.2 aUniversity of Guelph.‏‎ bDept. of Environmental Biology‏.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-95.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-95-eng.pdf02584nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450243002002460111004432460146005542460158007002640127008583000054009853360026010393370026010653380036010914900033011275000086011605040041012465200479012876920024017666920027017906920025018177100034018427100059018767100047019358300103019828560101020859.876939CaOODSP20221107164835m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e199812##onc |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/98-05E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 73 - final report : bSeptember and October 1998 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for major ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters 14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 73 : bmajor ions & nutrients and total phosphorus in surface waters (September & October 1998)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cDecember 1998. a1 online resource (101 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-98-05 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-98-05.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs3.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-98-05-eng.pdf02637nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450126002162640204003423000060005463360026006063370026006323380036006584900032006945000017007265000086007435040054008295200790008835460072016736920023017456920029017686920018017977000035018157000029018507100034018797100037019137100049019507100047019998300051020468560106020979.876942CaOODSP20221107164836m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e199011##oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-96E-PDF1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.14aThe characterization of two discrete horizontal fractures in shale / cby P.A. Lapcevic, K.S. Novakowski and J.A. Cherry. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute ; aWaterloo, Ontario : bUniversity of Waterloo, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, cNovember 1990. a1 online resource (11 pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-96 a"RRB 90-68." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 9-11).3 a"Leachates originating from landfills land industrial sites in Southern Ontario can contaminate water supplies by groundwater migration through fractures within shale bedrock. Flow and mass transport through fractures has traditionally been characterized using the parallel plate model whereby the fracture walls are approximated by parallel plates which are separated by a uniform opening. Previous studies have shown that even within relatively small areas, fractures have a much more complex geometry which must be accounted for when estimating groundwater velocity and contaminant transport. The purpose of this study is to examine in detail the nature of two single fractures within the shale in order to provide a more realistic conceptual model of flow and transport"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaSedimentary rocks072gccstaModels1 aNovakowski, Kent S., eauthor.1 aCherry, J. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aWaterloo Centre for Groundwater Research‏.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-96.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-96-eng.pdf02524nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450221002002460089004212460124005102460158006342640127007923000054009193360026009733370026009993380036010254900033010615000086010945040041011805200484012216920024017056920027017296920025017567100034017817100059018157100047018748300103019218560102020249.876945CaOODSP20221107164836m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e199812##onc |obt f00| 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-518/98-06E-PDF1 aAlkema, H., eauthor.10aEcosystem Interlaboratory Quality Assurance Program study FP 73 - final report : bSeptember and October 1998 : an interlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals/elements in surface waters / cby H. Alkema.30aInterlaboratory quality assurance study for trace metals/elements in surface waters 14aEcosystem Interlaboratory QA Program study FP 73 : btrace metals/elements in surface waters (September & October 1998)16aNWRI interlaboratory quality assurance studies for acid rain and surface waters : bmajor ions and nutrients, trace metals, total phosphorus, and mercury 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, National Laboratory for Environmental Testing, cDecember 1998. a1 online resource (107 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. NWRI-QA-98-06 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Institute’s interlaboratory quality assurance (QA) studies support a core group of government labs and their QA requirements of various environmental programs. These programs include: acid rain research, Great Lakes trans-boundary issues, and issues involving provincial watershed/ ecosystem research, monitoring, and jurisdiction. The QA program also addresses health issues, such as, toxic metal (lead, manganese, and mercury) contamination of drinking water"--Page [4].072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaSurface water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Laboratory for Environmental Testing (Canada)2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aTechnical note (National Water Research Institute (Canada))vno. NWRI-QA-98-06.w(CaOODSP)9.86253240qPDFs55.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-518-98-06-eng.pdf02000nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450079002152640072002943000051003663360026004173370026004433380036004694900036005055000086005415040055006275200666006825460032013486920028013807100034014087100047014428300055014898560106015449.876953CaOODSP20221107164837m go d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1988 oncd #obt f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/88-27E-PDF1 aEsterby, S. R., eauthor.10aGrouping of variables when units have a natural order / cby S.R. Esterby. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1988] a1 online resource (21, (6) pages) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 88-27 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 19-20). a"The characterisation of change in a multivariate; response with naturally ordered units is considered. The methods commonly used, such as clustering or plotting in a reduced dimension, either ignore the natural order or assume step changes or both. The proposed method consists of grouping those response variables which have similar form of change over the sequence of observation. Two procedures, one using least squares cubic splines and the other, using a similarity measure based on common runs up or down of smoothed values, are considered. The final characterization consists of sets of response variables and the for a of change for each set"--Summary. aIncludes summary in French.072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 88-27.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.56 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-88-27-eng.pdf02256nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450189002162640113004053000087005183360026006053370026006313380036006574900032006935000017007255000086007425040055008285200557008835460072014406920023015126920029015356920019015647100034015837100037016177100047016548300051017018560106017529.876965CaOODSP20221107164839m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199011##oncabd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-us-ny1 aEn13-5/90-97E-PDF1 aLapcevic, P. A., eauthor.14aThe results of constant head injection tests using variable packer spacings to characterize permeable fractures in the Lockport dolostone, Niagara Falls, New York / cby P.A. Lapcevic. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, cNovember 1990. a1 online resource (25 pages, 16 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-97 a"RRB 90-69." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 24-25).3 a"Four boreholes which were drilled 25 to 50 m apart at a field site, in the Niagara Falls, New York region, were used to examine the nature of the fracture permeability in the Lockport dolostone. The Lockport Group is a sequence of dolostone formations of Upper Silurian age which make up the upper bedrock in the Niagara Falls region. The study was conducted to evaluate the use of standard packer separations in determining the permeability of a bulk rock mass which is pervaded by fractures at a frequency greater than the packer spacing"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaSedimentary rocks072gccstaTesting1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-97.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-97-eng.pdf02650nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000042001852450200002272460073004272460060005002640137005603000049006973360026007463370026007723380036007984900032008345000017008665000086008835040055009695200709010245460072017336920023018056920022018286920028018507000036018787100034019147100037019487100074019858300051020598560106021109.876968CaOODSP20221107164840m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199011##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-98E-PDF1 aMutch, James Percy, d1949- eauthor.10aEXPRES : ban expert system for assessing the fate of pesticides in the subsurface. pPhase four report : verification of pesticide models incorporated in EXPRES / cby J.P. Mutch and A.S. Crowe.10aExpert system for assessing the fate of pesticides in the subsurface10aVerification of pesticide models incorporated in EXPRES 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cNovember 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 22 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-98 a"RRB 90-67." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 21-22).3 a"The EXPRES expert system is being developed to aid regulatory personnel in their assessment of the potential for pesticides to contaminate the soil and shallow groundwater environment. The expert system, known as EXPRES (EXpert system for Pesticide Regulatory Evaluation Simulations), consists of two existing numerical models that are used to simulate the fate of pesticides in the unsaturated zone, coupled with a knowledge-based system that guides the user through the choice of all the necessary information for characterizing the physical, climatic, hydrogeological, pedological and agricultural setting of typical agricultural regions across Canada, as required by the pesticide models"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaGroundwater072gccstaPesticides072gccstaComputer systems1 aCrowe, Allan, d1952- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-98.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-98-eng.pdf02168nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000026001852450098002112640137003093000079004463360026005253370026005513380036005774900032006135000017006455000086006625040055007485200526008035460072013296920025014016920023014266920019014497100034014687100037015027100074015398300051016138560106016649.876973CaOODSP20221107164841m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199011##oncdo #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-99E-PDF1 aLau, Y. L., eauthor.10aTemperature effect on settling velocity and deposition of cohesive sediments / cby Y.L. Lau. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Rivers Research Branch, cNovember 1990. a1 online resource (12 pages, 10 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs, photographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-99 a"RRB 90-70." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 11-12).3 a"Results from deposition experiments in an annular flume are presented. Tests were carried out using kaolinite clay in distilled water and salt water as well as natural river water and sediment. Identical experiments carried out at different temperatures show that as temperature decreases, a larger proportion of the material initially suspended will settle out. The effective settling velocity is also higher when temperature decreases, in direct contrast to published results from settling tube experiments"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSedimentology072gccstaTemperature072gccstaTesting1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bRivers Research Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-99.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-99-eng.pdf02702nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000045001862450135002312640243003663000076006093360026006853370026007113380036007374900033007735000022008065000086008285000116009145040055010305200663010855460072017486920020018206920036018406920023018767000027018997100034019267100037019607100084019977100028020818300052021098560107021619.876980CaOODSP20221107164842m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199002##oncbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-121E-PDF1 aBishop, Craig Timothy, d1953- eauthor.10aImpact of the rubblemound breakwater at Goderich Harbour on coastal and fluvial processes / cby Craig T. Bishop and Phil Zrymiak. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch ; aOttawa, Ontario : bWater Survey of Canada, Water Resources Branch, Sediment Survey Section, cFebruary 1990. a1 online resource (ii, 24 pages, 21 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-121 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This report has been prepared at the request of Environmental Protection, Ontario Region, Environment Canada." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 14-15).3 a"An environmental monitoring program has been conducted at Goderich Harbour for four years to assess the impacts of a new rubblemound breakwater on local coastal and fluvial processes. Hydrographic surveys were carried out to determine changes in water depth and in sediment erosion/deposition patterns. Bed material surveys were carried out to identify initial conditions and to document changes. Results from 1984 to 1988 indicate no adverse environmental impacts due to the new breakwater. However, significant subsidence of the lake bottom in the vicinity of the harbour is taking place as a result of subsurface salt mining activity"--Abstract, page ii. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaEnvironmental management072gccstaHydrography1 aZrymiak, P., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aWater Survey of Canada.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-121.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-121-eng.pdf02495nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000025001862450246002112640144004573000069006013360026006703370026006963380036007224900033007585000022007915000086008135040051008995200524009505460072014746920017015466920027015636920028015907000059016187000026016777000044017037100034017477100037017817100084018188300052019028560107019549.876985CaOODSP20221107164843m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199004##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre anl-----1 aEn13-5/90-122E-PDF1 aLi, W. C., eauthor.10aSummary report for UGLCC interlaboratory studies on the analysis for chlorinated hydrocarbons in standard solutions, water and sediment samples / cby W.C. Li, A.S.Y. Chau, H.B. Lee and E. Kokotich and the Data Quality Management Work Group. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, cApril 1990. a1 online resource (ii, 8 pages, 73 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-122 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 8).3 a"In the early planning stages of the Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels (UGLCC) Study, it was recognized that quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) aspects would be crucial to the overall usefulness of the study results. In order to address this matter, a Data Quality Management Work Group was established and thirteen interlaboratory performance evaluation (PE) studies for inorganic and organic parameters were designed and conducted throughout the duration of the UGLCC study (1985-1987)"--Abstract, page ii. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLakes072gccstaQuality control072gccstaWater management1 aChau, A. S. Y. q(Alfred Shun-Yuen), d1941- eauthor.1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.1 aKokotich, E. A. q(Eleanor A.)eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-122.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-122-eng.pdf02344nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450142002282640072003703000063004423360026005053370026005313380036005574900033005935000022006265000086006485000196007345040041009305200414009715460071013856920022014566920018014786920028014967000029015247000031015537000039015847000036016237100034016597100047016938300052017408560106017929.876991CaOODSP20221107164844m o d f cr |||||||||||190725s1990 onca ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-123E-PDF1 aTsanis, Ioannis K., d1953- eauthor.10aPhysical and mathematical model comparisons for Windermere Basin / cby I.K. Tsanis, M. Blaisdell, Y. Krestinitis, V.H. Chu and P. Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, c[1990] a1 online resource (11 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-123 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This paper is to be presented at the International Conference on Physical Modelling of Transport and Dispersion, August 7 - 10, 1990, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A two dimensional depth-averaged model is used to simulate the hydraulic circulation in a distorted model of Windermere basin. The results from this model are compared with the experimental results. In the distorted model, the bed friction influence is underestimated relative to the convective influence resulting in overprediction of the recirculation zones depending on the degree of distortion"--Summary. aIncludes summary and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaWatersheds072gccstaModels072gccstaWater management1 aBlaisdell, M., eauthor.1 aKrestinitis, Y., eauthor.1 aChu, Vincent H., d1942- eauthor.1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-123.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs906 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-123-eng.pdf01836nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450059002282640111002873000034003983360026004323370026004583380036004844900033005205000022005535000086005755040041006615200333007025460072010356530023011076920023011306920020011537100034011737100084012078300052012918560107013439.876993CaOODSP20221107164844m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199003##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-124E-PDF1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.10aChromatography 1990 : breview / cby Frank I. Onuska. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, cMarch 1990. a1 online resource (18 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-124 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"A review of chromatographic techniques and methodologies based on an extensive literature search covering principle separation methods such as open tubular column gas chromatography, supercritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid chromatography. This review is updated every two years for the biennal review"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.10aGas chromatography072gccstaMethodology072gccstaSciences1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-124.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.64 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-124-eng.pdf02376nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000029001862450116002152640078003313000079004093360026004883370026005143380036005404900033005765000022006095000086006315040055007175200687007725460072014596920024015316920023015556920028015787000050016067000040016567000028016967100034017247100037017588300052017958560107018479.876996CaOODSP20221107164844m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199004##oncab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-125E-PDF1 aWeller, R. A., eauthor.10aRiding the crest : ba tale of two wave experiments / cby R.A. Weller, M.A. Donelan, M.G. Briscoe, N.E. Huang. 1a[Burlington, Ontario] : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril, 1990. a1 online resource (29 pages, 23 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-125 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 26-28).3 a"This paper gives a general overview of two ocean wave experiments. The experimental goals of the Surface Wave Processes Program (SWAPP) and of the Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment (SWADE) are quite different but complementary. In general terms SWAPP is focused on local processes: principally wave breaking, upper mixed layer dynamics and microwave and acoustic signatures of wave breaking. SWADE, on the other hand, is concerned primarily with the evolution of the directional wave spectrum in both time and space, improved understanding of wind forcing and wave dissipation, the effect of waves on the air-sea coupling mechanisms and the radar response of the surface"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaOcean energy072gccstaExperiments072gccstaWater management1 aDonelan, M. A. q(Mark A.), d1942- eauthor.1 aBriscoe, Melbourne G‏., eauthor.1 aHuang, N. E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-125.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.89 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-125-eng.pdf02415nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000039001862450122002252640185003473000065005323360026005973370026006233380036006494900033006855000086007185040054008045200647008585460072015056920022015776920032015996920039016317000027016707000031016977100034017287100037017627100047017998300052018468560107018989.877002CaOODSP20221107164845m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199005##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-126E-PDF1 aScott, Brian F., d1939- eauthor.10aDetermination of butyltin species by GC/atomic emission spectroscopy / cby B.F. Scott, Y.K. Chau and A. Rais-Firouz. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Department of the Environment, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Quality Laboratories, cMay, 1990. a1 online resource (13 pages, 7 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-126 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 9-10).3 a"A commercially available atomic emission detector coupled to a capillary column containing gas chromatograph was utilized to detect organotin compounds. The response for tin was found to be dependent on the flow rate of the make up gas. Lower flow rates decreased the sensitivity. Response curves for two different pressures were established and both plots exhibited curvature at low concentrations. Extracted fish and sediment samples were analyzed on the GC/AED system. The technique is element specific. The presence of tin compounds could be confirmed by examining the emission spectra taken at the retention time of the peak"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaPesticides072gccstaPollution prevention072gccstaEmission control technology1 aChau, Y. K., eauthor.1 aRais-Firouz, A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-126.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.58 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-126-eng.pdf02314nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000050001862450130002362640082003663000084004483360026005323370026005583380036005844900033006205000086006535040041007395200651007805460072014316920024015036920022015276920023015497000029015727000031016017000042016327100034016747100037017088300052017458560107017979.877011CaOODSP20221107164847m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e199005##oncad ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-on1 aEn13-5/90-127E-PDF1 aDonelan, M. A. q(Mark A.), d1942- eauthor.10aApparatus for atmospheric boundary layer measurements over waves / cby M.A. Donelan, and N. Madsen, K.K. Kahma, I.K. Tsanis. 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, cMay, 1990. a1 online resource (16, 2 pages, 11 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-127 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This paper describes an apparatus developed for measuring simultaneously, water elevation and static and dynamic pressure, momentum and heat fluxes above waves close to the interface. The apparatus was used successfully at the Lake Ontario wave research tower of the Canada Centre for Inland Waters. The principle and purpose of the various sensors used, calibration procedures and data gathering processes are described. Simultaneous measurements of the atmospheric boundary layer's physical quantities are presented. All the quantities necessary to close the kinetic energy budget in the atmosphere surface layer have been measured"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaOcean energy072gccstaBoundaries072gccstaMeasurement1 aMadsen, N. M., eauthor.1 aKahma, Kimmo K., eauthor.1 aTsanis, Ioannis K., d1953- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-127.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-127-eng.pdf02285nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000025001862450162002112460058003732640114004313000064005453360026006093370026006353380036006614900033006975000022007305000086007525040050008385200488008885460072013766530024014486530022014726920036014947000027015307000029015577100034015867100084016208300052017048560107017569.877021CaOODSP20221107164849m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199006##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-128E-PDF1 aCheam, V., eauthor.10aLaser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry : ba feasibility study on constructing a spectrophotometer / cby V. Cheam, I. Sekerka and R. Derosiers.10aFeasibility study on constructing a spectrophotometer 1a[Burlington, Ontario] : b[National Water Research Institute], Research and Applications Branch, cJune 1990. a1 online resource (7 pages, 6 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-128 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 7).3 a"This report describes a successful feasibility study on the development of a laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer (LEAFS). A tuned pulsed laser light was used as the excitation source for the gas phase lead atoms generated in the graphite furnace. From the sensitivity observed in this preliminary study, it is very clear that low- or sub-ppt detection limit for lead can be easily achieved. To our knowledge, it is the first working LEAFS built in Canada"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.10aAtomic spectroscopy10aSpectrophotometer072gccstaEnvironmental technology1 aSekerka, I., eauthor.1 aDerosiers, R., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-128.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-128-eng.pdf02277nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000039001862450081002252640171003063000038004773360026005153370026005413380036005674900033006035000086006365040051007225200568007735460072013416530030014136920017014436920020014607000034014807100034015147100084015487100037016327100039016698300052017088560107017609.877024CaOODSP20221107164849m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1990 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-129E-PDF1 aScott, Brian F., d1939- eauthor.10aAnalysis of PCB congeners in fuels / cby Brian F. Scott and Alain Cassista. 1aBurlington, Ont. Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, Canada Centre for Inland Water, National Water Quality Lab., c[1990] a1 online resource (iv, 16 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-129 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 13).3 a"A dual capillary column PCB congener method was used to determine PCB concentrations in fuels. The contribution from each congener present, denoted by its presence being detected on both columns, was summed so that the presence of PCBs could be detected well below the 1 ppm level. Standards were run frequently, and their results exhibited a high degree of reproducibility related to the injector and detectors during the study. Results from spiked fuel samples and quality control samples were consistent with the amount of added material"--Abstract, page iii. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.10aPolychlorinated biphenyls072gccstaFuels072gccstaAnalysis1 aCassista, Alain R., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Quality Laboratory.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-129.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-129-eng.pdf02679nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000048001862450160002342640176003943000071005703360026006413370026006673380036006934900033007295000086007625040041008485200796008895460072016856530018017576920035017756920036018107000027018467000026018737000032018997100034019317100084019657100049020498300052020988560107021509.877029CaOODSP20221207134032m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1990 oncad ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-130E-PDF1 aLuthe, Corinne Elizabeth, d1953- eauthor.12aA proposed reference method for the determination of dibenzofuran and dibenzo-p-dioxin in defoamers / cby C.E. Luthe, R.H. Voss, H.B. Lee, and T.E. Peart. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Research & Applications Branch ; aPointe Claire, P.Q. : bPulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, c[1990] a1 online resource (20 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-130 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Based on a method developed by the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, a procedure optimized for the determination of dibenzofuran (DBF) and dibenzo-p-dioxin (DBD) in defoamers at low ng/g levels is presented. The defoamer is steam extracted and the extract in iso-octane is cleaned up on a basic alumina column. Final analysis is performed by GC-MS in the selected ion monitoring mode and the extraction recoveries of native DBD and DBF are monitored by using DBF-d8 and DBD-d8 as surrogates. Confirmation of DBD and DBF was done by comparing the ratio of peak areas for the quantitation and confirmation ions of each compound in the standard and the sample. Based on a 5 g sample and a final volume of 0.5 mL, the method detection limit is 1 ng/g for both DBF and DBD"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.10aDibenzofurans072gccstaPulp and paper industry072gccstaEnvironmental management1 aVoss, R. H., eauthor.1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.1 aPeart, Thomas E., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aPulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-130.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-130-eng.pdf02047nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450097002222640118003193000083004373360026005203370026005463380036005724900033006085000022006415000086006635040055007495200483008045460071012876920019013586920021013776920023013987100034014217100047014558300052015028560107015549.877030CaOODSP20221107164850m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1990 oncdo #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-131E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aConsiderations on the hydraulic and sampling efficiency of bedload samplers / cPeter Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (iii, 11 pages, 4 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs, photographs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-131 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 10-11). a"Existing data were reviewed to compare the hydraulic and sampling efficiency of the WSC basket type bedload sampler. Using dimensional analysis, a link between the hydraulic efficiency and the sampling efficiency was developed. Results show the relative reduction in the hydraulic and sampling efficiency as sediment accumulates in the sampler. Observations regarding the importance of the hydraulic efficiency in improving the sampling efficiency are made"--Summary, page iii. aIncludes summary and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSamples072gccstaSediments072gccstaMeasurement1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-131.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.39 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-131-eng.pdf02164nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000042001862450169002282640122003973000069005193360026005883370026006143380036006404900033006765000086007095040051007955200516008465460071013626530020014336920036014536920021014897000028015107100034015387100047015728300052016198560107016719.877034CaOODSP20221107164851m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199006##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-132E-PDF1 aOnuska, Francis I., d1935- eauthor.10aEvaluation of a photoionization detector for microbore column supercritical fluid chromatography in environmental analysis / cby Francis I. Onuska, and K.A. Terry. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, cJune 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 16 pages, 5 unnumbered pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-132 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10). a"A photoionization detector (PID) has been evaluated for its applications in supercritical fluid chromatography using microbore columns. The PID is a non-destructive detector which is sensitive to the concentration of the analyte present. Thus, maximum sensitivity is obtained at low flow-rates. Although the PID appears to complement the flame ionization detector (FID) in many respects, it should be considered of limited value in environmental trace analyses due to the large cell volume"--Summary, page iii. aIncludes summary and management perspective in English and French.10aPhotoionization072gccstaEnvironmental protection072gccstaRadiation1 aTerry, K. A., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-132.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-132-eng.pdf02127nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000036001862450106002222640118003283000085004463360026005313370026005573380036005834900033006195000022006525000086006745040051007605200554008115460071013656920019014366920023014556920023014787100034015017100047015358300052015828560107016349.877042CaOODSP20221107164852m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1990 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-133E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aOn the vertical transit method of determining the mean velocity in open channel flow / cPeter Engel. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (iv, 24 pages, 16 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-133 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 21). a"Theoretical and dimensional analysis were used to examine the factors that must be considered in the integration of a vertical velocity profile of an open channel flow to obtain the mean velocity. The results show, that for logarithmic profiles, the mean velocity obtained by vertical integration is slightly larger than the true value and that this discrepancy is primarily a function of the ratio a/h (h = depth of the flow, a = the distance between the meter rotor and the bed when the sounding weight is resting on the bed)"--Summary, page iii. aIncludes summary and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaStreams072gccstaMethodology072gccstaMeasurement1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-133.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-133-eng.pdf02335nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860023001721000029001952450127002242460037003512640123003883000049005113360026005603370026005863380036006124900033006485000022006815000086007035040051007895200590008405460072014306920024015026920027015266920036015537000059015897100034016487100084016828300052017668560107018189.877044CaOODSP20221107164852m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199009##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---an-us---1 aEn13-5/90-135E-PDF1 aAspila, K. I., eauthor.10aAssessing the performance of laboratories in large external quality assurance programs / cby K.I. Aspila and A.S.Y. Chau.17aPerformance in large QA programs 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, cSeptember 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 22 pages) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-135 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10).3 a"Interlaboratory quality assurance studies (external QA) are effective techniques to monitor the performance of laboratories analyzing environmental constituents. Environment Canada through the National Water Research Institute conducts intercomparison studies on waters, sediments and fish for inorganic and toxic organic constituents. Over 400 laboratories in Canada and the United States are involved in eight different ongoing external QA programs. Most studies include over 50 laboratories that analyze 15 to 30 different constituents in ten different samples"--Abstract, page ii. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaLaboratories072gccstaQuality control072gccstaEnvironmental management1 aChau, A. S. Y. q(Alfred Shun-Yuen), d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-135.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.87 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-135-eng.pdf01541nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450067001732640124002403000039003643360026004033370026004293380036004554900037004915000086005285040041006145200198006556920021008536920020008746920028008947100034009227100084009568300056010408560107010969.877048CaOODSP20221107164853m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199008##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-138E-PDF00aResearch and Applications Branch annual study report, 1989-90. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, cAugust 1990. a1 online resource (vii, 93 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; vno. 90-138 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This document contains an overview of the projects and activities underway in the Branch, followed by study reports highlighting the results achieved during the past year"--Preamble, page vii.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaResearch072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.#0aNWRI contribution ;vno. 90-138.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs6.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-138-eng.pdf02170nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000025001842450150002092640079003592640011004383000057004493360031005063370034005373380043005714900046006145000123006605000092007835000118008755040061009935200145010545460037011996530012012366530015012486920029012637000029012927100036013217100095013577750071014528300116015238560097016399.877050CaOODSP20221107164853m o d f cr bn|||||||||190726t19811981oncd #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn---1 aEn36-508/68F-PDF1 aCheam, V., eauteur.10aÉtude inter-laboratoires de contrôle de la qualité n° 26 : bdosage de l’arsenic et du sélénium dans l’eau / cV. Cheam et K.I. Aspila. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bEnvironnement Canada = Environment Canada, c1981. 4c©1981 a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 14 pages) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie des rapports généraux ; vn° 68 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Interlaboratory quality control study no. 26 : arsenic and selenium in water. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Environnement et changement climatique Canada]. aPubl. par la Direction générale des eaux intérieures, Région de l'Ontario, Direction de la qualité des eaux. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 12-13).3 a« On a comparé dans trente laboratoires canadiens les méthodes de dosage de l'arsenic et du sélénium dans l'eau » -- Résumé, page v. aComprend un résumé en anglais. 0aArsenic 0aSélénium072gccstaQualité de l'eau1 aAspila, K. I., eauteur.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.1 aCanada. bDirection générale des eaux intérieures. bDirection de la qualité des eaux.08tInterlaboratory quality control study no. 26 : w(CaOODSP)9.879273#0aSérie des rapports généraux (Canada. Direction générale des eaux intérieures)vn° 68.w(CaOODSP)9.86242440qPDFs965 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-508-68-fra.pdf02469nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000025001862450159002112460065003702640119004353000076005543360026006303370026006563380036006824900033007185000086007515040050008375200612008875460072014996530016015716920021015876920036016087000028016447000027016727000059016997100034017587100037017927100047018298300052018768560107019289.877052CaOODSP20221107164853m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199008##onca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-139E-PDF1 aLi, W. C., eauthor.10aPreservation of organics : bpart IV : stability of BIS (tri-n-butyltin) oxide in sediment extracts / cby W.C. Li, S.Z. Zhang, Y.K. Chau and A.S.Y. Chau.10aStability of BIS (tri-n-butyltin) oxide in sediment extracts 1aBurlington, Ontario, Canada : bNational Water Research Institute, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, cAugust 1990. a1 online resource (iii, 9 pages, 5 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-139 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 9).3 a"This report summarizes the results for the preparation and stability of sediment extracts fortified with bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide (TBTO). The analysis of TBTO in sediment extracts involved solvent exchange, chemical derivatization with ethyl Grignard reagent and analysis of the resulting ethyl derivative (ethyl-tributyltin) by GC/AAS. Stability of TBTO in sediment extracts was investigated under two storage conditions, namely 4°C and 25°C in the dark. Analytical results indicated no degradation of TBTO occurred in the two fortified sediment extracts for a minimum of 4 months"--Abstract, page iii. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.10aTributyltin072gccstaSediments072gccstaEnvironmental management1 aZhang, S. Z., eauthor.1 aChau, Y. K., eauthor.1 aChau, A. S. Y. q(Alfred Shun-Yuen), d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-139.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.33 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-139-eng.pdf02133nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000043001862450053002292640148002823000038004303360026004683370026004943380036005204900033005565000086005895200627006755460067013026920028013696920022013976920026014197100034014457100084014797100037015638300052016008560107016529.877059CaOODSP20221107164854m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199009##onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-140E-PDF1 aLawrence, John Reid, d1952- eauthor.10aToxic substances science in C&P / cJ. Lawrence. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, cSeptember 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 25 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-140 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].3 a"This document provides the framework for the orderly and systematic acquisition of information for credible decision-making with regard to the assessment and control of the harmful impacts of toxic substances. The underlying purpose is to help enumerate the short and long-term science requirements of CEPA. The appendices provide a preliminary listing of the short-term and long-term informational and research needs based on input provided by managers of C&P programs which have a toxic substance component, Assessment Task Group Leaders and those to be involved in post-assessment control options"--Abstract, page iii. aIncludes abstract and executive summary in English and French.072gccstaToxic substances072gccstaAssessment072gccstaScience policy1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-140.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-140-eng.pdf02913nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000027001842450077002112640066002882640011003543000058003653360031004233370034004543380043004884900053005315000080005845000092006645000094007565040058008505201064009085460037019726920019020096920021020286920018020497000037020677100036021047100058021407750060021988300123022588560098023819.877072CaOODSP20221107164856m o d f cr bn|||||||||190726t19811982onca #ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn-ab1 aEn36-508/69F-PDF1 aReid, I. A., eauteur.10aLevés de glaciers en Alberta, 1979 / cI.A. Reid et J.O.G. Charbonneau. 1aOttawa : bEnvironnement Canada = Environment Canada, c1981. 4c©1982 a1 ressource en ligne (v, 20 pages) : billustrations. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie des rapports généraux ; vétude n° 69 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Glacier surveys in Alberta - 1979. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Environnement et changement climatique Canada]. aPubl. par la Direction générale des eaux intérieures, Direction des ressources en eau. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 20).3 a« Les glaciers jouent un role de régularisation naturelle, emmagasinant l’eau pendant l’hiver et la laissant s'écouler durant l’été. Pour arriver à comprendre quelque chose à ce phénomène et aussi à la contribution que les glaciers apportent au ruissellement, les prédécesseurs de la Division des relevés hydrologiques du Canada avaient commencé en 1945 une étude des glaciers. Ces premières études apportèrent certains indices quant au rôle des glaciers mais les observations compilées n’étaient pas suffisantes pour donner une idée d’ensemble. À la suite de l’adoption de relevés photogrammétriques, cependant, l'étude des glaciers a évolué au point qu’il est maintenant possible de produire une série de cartes à partir desquelles on peut déterminer les changements linéaires, directionnels, de superficie et de volume. Les études ont révélé, qu’en général, le volume des glaciers diminue et que de ce fait, l’effet de régularisation sur le ruissellement est aussi diminué » -- Résumé, page vii. aComprend un résumé en anglais.072gccstaGlacier072gccstaArpentage072gccstaMesure1 aCharbonneau, J. O. G., eauteur.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement Canada.1 aCanada. bDirection générale des eaux intérieures.08tGlacier surveys in Alberta - 1979 / w(CaOODSP)9.879276#0aSérie des rapports généraux (Canada. Direction générale des eaux intérieures)vétude n° 69.w(CaOODSP)9.86242440qPDFs1.46 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-508-69-fra.pdf02081nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000026001842450115002102640098003253000036004233360026004593370026004853380036005114900029005475000147005765000086007235040050008095200229008595460033010886530030011216920021011516920032011727000059012047100034012637100041012977100047013387750095013858300082014808560097015629.877076CaOODSP20221107164857m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1981 onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn36-508/71E-PDF1 aLee, H. B., eauthor.10aNational interlaboratory quality control study no. 25 : bPCB's in wet sediments / cH.B. Lee and A.S.Y. Chau. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Inland Waters Directorate, c1981. a1 online resource (v, 9 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 71 aIssued also in French under title: Étude nationale interlaboratoires no 25 de contrôle de la qualité : les BPC dans les sédiments humides. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8).3 a"This study describes an interlaboratory comparison of the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (a 1:1 mixture of Aroclors 1254 and 1260) at concentrations of about 1 ppm in 10 to 20 g spiked wet sediment"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aPolychlorinated biphenyls072gccstaSediments072gccstaEnvironmental impact1 aChau, A. S. Y. q(Alfred Shun-Yuen), d1941- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Directorate.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)08tÉtude nationale interlaboratoires no 25 de contrôle de la qualité : w(CaOODSP)9.879177#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Directorate)vno. 71.w(CaOODSP)9.86241040qPDFs589 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En36-508-71-eng.pdf02515nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000027001862450099002132640148003123000038004603360026004983370026005243380036005504900033005865000086006195040054007055200858007595460067016176920028016846920022017126920026017347000043017607100034018037100084018377100037019218300052019588560107020109.877080CaOODSP20221107164858m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199009##onc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-141E-PDF1 aRyan, J. F., eauthor.10aToxic science network : bpreliminary evaluation of feasibility / cJ.F. Ryan and J. Lawrence. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, National Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch, cSeptember 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 15 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-141 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 9-13).3 a"A preliminary evaluation was undertaken of the feasibility of establishing a C&P toxic substances science network to help address the science requirements of CEPA. A concept for a Toxic Science Network has been developed from an analysis of the proceedings of the CEPA Science Forum and from discussions with representatives from government, university, industry and non-government organizations. The results suggest that a multi-disciplinary science network based on the "best available expertise" in Canada is feasible provided that the science needs are well defined, adequate funding is made available and an appropriate administrative mechanism is established. A listing of the various directories and inventories that could be useful for identifying relevant Canadian scientific expertise and research capability is appended"--Abstract, page iii. aIncludes abstract and executive summary in English and French.072gccstaToxic substances072gccstaAssessment072gccstaScience policy1 aLawrence, John Reid, d1952- eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-141.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs1.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-141-eng.pdf02694nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860023001721000036001952450105002312640156003363000085004923360026005773370026006033380036006294900033006655000086006985040051007845200948008355460071017836920021018546920032018756920019019077000027019267000026019537100034019797100084020137100028020978300052021258560107021779.877081CaOODSP20221107164858m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e199008##oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---an-us---1 aEn13-5/90-142E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aTowing tank tests of the accusonic acoustic flow meter / cby Peter Engel, Erwin Fast and John Todd. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute, Research and Applications Branch ; aHull, Quebec : bWater Survey of Canada, cAugust 1990. a1 online resource (iv, 33 pages, 11 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-142 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 20). a"The Water Survey of Canada is in the process of acquiring a reliable, low cost, ultrasonic flow meter to measure river discharge at remote locations on a real time basis. Tests were conducted on the ACCUSONIC flow meter used by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Analysis of the test data shows that measurements made with the USGS flow meter were lower than the reference velocity and this velocity deficit was found to increase gradually with increase in towing speed in the range from 0.6 m/s to 3.0 m/s. The reason for this cannot be determined conclusively from the present test, but is thought to be attributable to the space limitations in the towing tank and the flow meter. The low variability in velocity measurements was considered to be excellent considering the uncertainties as a result of the towing tank environment. A dimensionless flow meter coefficient was developed using dimensional analysis"--Summary, page iii. aIncludes summary and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaScientific equipment072gccstaTesting1 aFast, Erwin, eauthor.1 aTodd, John, eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada). bResearch and Applications Branch.2 aWater Survey of Canada.#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-142.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-142-eng.pdf02656nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860023001721000036001952450127002312640118003583000085004763360026005613370026005873380036006134900033006495000086006825040055007685201031008235460071018546920021019256920023019466920032019697000029020017100034020307100047020648300052021118560107021639.877086CaOODSP20221107164859m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1990 oncad #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---an-us---1 aEn13-5/90-143E-PDF1 aEngel, Peter, d1938- eauthor.10aPreliminary tests for the ISO-kinetic calibration of the DH-81 suspended sediment sampler / cby P. Engel and I.G. Droppo. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (iv, 22 pages, 19 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, graphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-143 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 21-22). a"Dimensional considerations and detailed tests in a towing tank were used to determine the response of the US DH-81 suspended sediment sampler to flow velocity. The data revealed a clear relationship between sampling rate and the size of the air exhaust port for the operating range of this instrument. It was observed, that the importance of the diameter of the air vent relative to the inside diameter of the intake nozzle decreased as their ratio increased, indicating that there is a transition point between nozzle control and air vent control governing the inflow to the sampler. It was further shown, using dimensional analysis, that a single dimensionless calibration curve can be established which is valid at all water temperatures likely to be encountered during measurements in the field. Further tests are recommended to determine the effect of nozzle diameter on the dimensionless calibration curve and the control regime of the D-77, DH-81 and other samplers used by data gathering agencies"--Summary, page iii. aIncludes summary and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaSediments072gccstaMeasurement072gccstaScientific equipment1 aDroppo, I. G., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-143.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs3.20 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-143-eng.pdf02122nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000045001862450053002312640118002843000082004023360026004843370026005103380036005364900033005725000022006055000086006275040055007135200591007685460072013596920018014316920019014496920028014687100034014967100047015308300052015778560107016299.877091CaOODSP20221107164900m o d f cr |||||||||||190726s1990 oncab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn13-5/90-144E-PDF1 aBishop, Craig Timothy, d1953- eauthor.10aCCIW breakwater model tests / cCraig T. Bishop. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bNational Water Research Institute = Institut national de recherche sur les eaux, c[1990] a1 online resource (iv, 20 pages, 6 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aNWRI contribution ; v90-144 aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 19-20).3 a"Physical hydraulic model tests were conducted to measure wave transmission and force characteristics of a partial vertical thin-walled breakwater. Tests were run for the breakwater in its as-designed condition as well as in its present deteriorated state in which many of the wave-reflecting panels on its windward face have fallen off. Several options involving the use of a Floating Tire Breakwater (FTB) moored in front of the structure were also tested. A conceptual design was made for an FTB to restore an acceptable wave climate in the lee of the structure"--Abstract, page iii. aIncludes abstract and management perspective in English and French.072gccstaModels072gccstaTesting072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aNational Water Research Institute (Canada)#0aNWRI contribution ;v90-144.w(CaOODSP)9.84412140qPDFs2.40 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en13-5/En13-5-90-144-eng.pdf01349nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450058001912640117002492640011003663000051003773360026004283370026004543380036004805000122005166920029006386920019006676920020006867100053007067750091007597940073008508560100009239.874981CaOODSP20240926144833m o d f cr |||||||||||190722t20192019quca #o f000 0 eng d a9780660314518 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-380/2019E-PDF00aNational strategy for lamps containing mercury 2019.  1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et Changement climatique Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (26 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Stratégie nationale relative aux lampes contenant du mercure 2019. 072gccstaGovernment policy072gccstaMercury072gccstaLighting1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tStratégie nationale relative aux lampes contenant du mercure 2019.w(CaOODSP)9.874982 tNational strategy for lamps containing mercury : w(CaOODSP)9.94361940qPDFs1.31 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-380-2019-eng.pdf01388nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450072001912640118002632640011003813000054003923360031004463370034004773380043005115000104005546920037006586920019006956920022007147100061007367750077007977940088008748560100009629.874982CaOODSP20240926145405m o d f cr |||||||||||190722t20192019quca #o f000 0 fre d a9780660314525 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-380/2019F-PDF00aStratégie nationale relative aux lampes contenant du mercure 2019. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : National strategy for lamps containing mercury 2019. 072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale072gccstaMercure072gccstaÉclairage1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tNational strategy for lamps containing mercury 2019. w(CaOODSP)9.874981 tStratégie nationale relative aux lampes contenant du mercure : w(CaOODSP)9.94362040qPDFs1.37 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-380-2019-fra.pdf01775nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450089001912640118002802640011003983000063004093360026004723370026004983380036005245000148005605040052007085200337007606920019010976920020011166920029011367100053011657750124012188560095013429.874985CaOODSP20221107164335m o d f cr |||||||||||190722t20192019quca #ob f000 0 eng d a9780660314532 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-381/2019E-PDF00aBaseline report - End-of-life management of lamps containing mercury in Canada 2019. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iii, 26 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de référence : gestion de fin de vie utile des lampes contenant du mercure au Canada 2019.  aIncludes bibliographical references (page 26).  a"This baseline report describes the current state of end-of-life management for lamps containing mercury in Canada. It provides key evidence and analyses used to develop the national strategy. Data in this report will be used as the baseline for measuring the effectiveness of the national strategy over time"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMercury072gccstaLighting072gccstaGovernment policy1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRapport de référence - gestion de fin de vie utile des lampes contenant du mercure au Canada 2019.w(CaOODSP)9.87498740qPDFsKBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-381-2019-eng.pdf01915nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450105001912640118002962640011004143000070004253360031004953370034005263380043005605000133006035040058007365200436007946920019012306920022012496920037012717100061013087750108013698560100014779.874987CaOODSP20221107164335m o d f cr |||||||||||190722t20192019quca #ob f000 0 fre d a9780660314549 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-381/2019F-PDF00aRapport de référence - gestion de fin de vie utile des lampes contenant du mercure au Canada 2019. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 30 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Baseline report : end-of-life management of lamps containing mercury in Canada 2019.  aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 30). a« Le présent rapport de référence décrit l’état actuel de la gestion de fin de vie utile des lampes contenant du mercure au Canada. Il fournit les données et les analyses clés qui ont été utilisées pour l’élaboration de la stratégie nationale. Les données contenues dans le présent rapport serviront de référence pour mesurer l’efficacité de la stratégie nationale au fil du temps »--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMercure072gccstaÉclairage072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tBaseline report - End-of-life management of lamps containing mercury in Canada 2019.w(CaOODSP)9.87498540qPDFs1.43 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-381-2019-fra.pdf01668nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450100001912640074002912640011003653000033003763360026004093370026004353380036004615000148004975000017006455000018006625000053006805000032007335040055007656920021008206920027008416920022008687100029008907100053009197750059009728560099010318560140011309.868460CaOODSP20221107162608m o d f cr cn|||||||||190218t20192019quc ob f000 0 eng d a9780660296364 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-362/2019E-PDF00aScreening assessment - arenes : bChemical Abstracts Service Registry numbers 57-97-6, 98-82-8. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (37 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation préalable - arènes : numéros d'enregistrement du Chemical Abstracts Service 57-97-6, 98-82-8. aCover title. a"March 2019." aImperfect copy: the chart on page 37 is wanting. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 25-31).072gccstaChemicals072gccstaRisk management072gccstaToxicology1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tÉvaluation préalable - arènes : w(CaOODSP)9.86846240qPDFs788 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-362-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/evaluating-existing-substances/screening-assessment-arenes.html01722nam 22003858i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450115001912640084003062640011003903000064004013360031004653370034004963380043005305000138005735000028007115000021007395000034007605040062007946920028008566920031008846920023009157100029009387100061009677750056010288560100010848560152011849.868462CaOODSP20221107162608m o d f cr cn|||||||||190218t20192019quca ob f000 0 fre d a9780660296371 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-362/2019F-PDF00aÉvaluation préalable - arènes : bnuméros d'enregistrement du Chemical Abstracts Service 57-97-6, 98-82-8. 1a[Gatineau (Québec)] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (46 pages) : billustration en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Screening assessment - arenes: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry numbers 57-97-6, 98-82-8. aTitre de la couverture. a« Mars 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 29-38).072gccstaProduit chimique072gccstaGestion des risques072gccstaToxicologie1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tScreening assessment - arenes : w(CaOODSP)9.86846040qPDFs1.26 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-362-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/services/evaluation-substances-existantes/evaluation-prealable-arenes.html01819nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450137001912460054003282640074003822640011004563000033004673360026005003370026005263380036005525000197005885000017007855000018008025000032008205040055008526920021009076920027009286920022009557100029009777100053010067750097010598560099011568560166012559.868806CaOODSP20221107162703m o d f cr cn|||||||||190225t20192019quc ob f000 0 eng d a9780660297330 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-363/2019E-PDF00aScreening assessment - carboxylic acid anhydrides group : bChemical Abstracts Service Registry numbers 85-44-9, 108-31-6, 552-30-7.17aScreening assessment - carboxylic acid anhydrides 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (36 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation préalable - groupe des anhydrides de l'acide carboxylique : numéros d'enregistrement du Chemical Abstracts Service 85-44-9, 108-31-6, 552-30-7. aCover title. a"March 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 30-34).072gccstaChemicals072gccstaRisk management072gccataToxicology1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tÉvaluation préalable - groupe des anhydrides de l'acide carboxylique : w(CaOODSP)9.86880740qPDFs764 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-363-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/evaluating-existing-substances/screening-assessment-carboxylic-acid-anhydrides-group.html01890nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450164001912460064003552640059004192640011004783000040004893360031005293370034005603380043005945000175006375000028008125000021008405000034008615040062008956920028009576920031009856920023010167100029010397100061010687750082011298560099012118560182013109.868807CaOODSP20221107162703m o d f cr cn|||||||||190225t20192019quc ob f000 0 fre d a9780660297347 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn14-363/2019F-PDF00aÉvaluation préalable - groupe des anhydrides de l'acide carboxylique : bnuméros d'enregistrement du Chemical Abstracts Service 85-44-9, 108-31-6, 552-30-7.17aÉvaluation préalable - anhydrides de l'acide carboxylique 1a[Gatineau (Québec)] : bEnvironnement Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (vi, 36 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Screening assessment - carboxylic acid anhydrides group: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry numbers 85-44-9, 108-31-6, 552-30-7. aTitre de la couverture. a« Mars 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 28-33).072gccstaProduit chimique072gccstaGestion des risques072gccstaToxicologie1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tScreening assessment - carboxylic acid anhydrides group : w(CaOODSP)9.86880640qPDFs909 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En14-363-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/services/evaluation-substances-existantes/evaluation-prealable-groupe-anhydrides-acide-carboxylique.html01717nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220078001942450080002722640124003523100011004763360026004873370026005133380036005393620043005755000121006185880052007395880054007916500096008456500074009416550023010157100069010387750081011077750093011887800074012819.889029CaOODSP20240816141459m o d f cr cn|||||||||200707c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-383Xy1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aCW71-11/1E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Newfoundland and Labrador00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pNewfoundland and Labrador 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with : August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzNewfoundland and LabradorvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzNewfoundland and LabradorvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88905708tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90228400tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708501821nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220085001942450088002792640119003673100011004863360031004973370034005283380043005623620102006055000120007075880055008275880065008826500084009476500067010316550024010987100089011227750072012117800083012837850093013669.889057CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3848y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aCW71-11/1F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pTerre-Neuve-et-Labrador. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada, Service canadien de la faune, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Newfoundland and Labrador. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzTerre-Neuve-et-LabradorvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzTerre-Neuve-et-LabradorvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88902900tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348200tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90228401623nas 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220084001942450076002782640124003543100011004783360026004893370026005153380036005413620043005775000121006205880052007415880054007936500091008476500069009386550023010077100069010307750081010997750093011809.889077CaOODSP20240816141722m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3988y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-pi1 aCW71-11/2E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Prince Edward Island b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pPrince Edward Island. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with : August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzPrince Edward IslandvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzPrince Edward IslandvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88908608tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90229401825nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220085001942450088002792640128003673100011004953360031005063370034005373380043005713620102006145000115007165880055008315880065008866500084009516500067010356550024011027100089011267750072012157800083012877850093013709.889086CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3996y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-pi1 aCW71-11/2F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Île-du-Prince-Édouard00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pÎle-du-Prince-Édouard. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2019-2020. aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Prince Edward Island. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzÎle-du-Prince-ÉdouardvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzÎle-du-Prince-ÉdouardvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88907700tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348300tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90229401631nas 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220075001942450067002692640124003363100011004603360026004713370026004973380036005233620043005595000114006025880052007165880054007686500082008226500060009047100069009647750081010337750093011147800074012079.889098CaOODSP20240816142402m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3899y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aCW71-11/3E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Nova Scotia b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pNova Scotia. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with : August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Nouvelle-Écosse. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzNova ScotiavPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzNova ScotiavPeriodicals.1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88910308tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90231500tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708601736nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220078001942450081002722640129003533100011004823360031004933370034005243380043005583620049006015000106006505880055007565880065008116500077008766500060009536550024010137100089010377750072011267800083011987850093012819.889103CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3902y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aCW71-11/3F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Nouvelle-Écosse00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pNouvelle-Écosse. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Nova Scotia. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzNouvelle-ÉcossevPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzNouvelle-ÉcossevPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88909800tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348400tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90231501674nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220077001942450069002712640124003403100011004643360026004753370026005013380036005273620042005635000115006055880052007205880054007726500084008266500062009106550023009727100069009957750081010647750093011457800074012389.889105CaOODSP20240816143005m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3805y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aCW71-11/4E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. New Brunswick b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pNew Brunswick. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Nouveau-Brunswick. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2020 to July 2021. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzNew BrunswickvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzNew BrunswickvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88910808tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90251600tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708401795nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220079001942450082002732640129003553100011004843360031004953370034005263380043005603620102006035000108007055880055008135880065008686500078009336500061010116550024010727100089010967750072011857800083012577850093013409.889108CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3813y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aCW71-11/4F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Nouveau-Brunswick00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pNouveau-Brunswick. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. New Brunswick. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzNouveau-BrunswickvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzNouveau-BrunswickvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88910500tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348500tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90251601637nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220070001942450062002642640124003263100011004503360026004613370026004873380036005133620043005495000105005925880052006975880054007496500077008036500055008806550023009357100069009587750081010277750093011087800074012019.889111CaOODSP20240816143320m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-4011y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aCW71-11/5E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Quebec b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pQuebec. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with : August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Québec. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2020 to July 2021. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzQuebecvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzQuebecvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88911208tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90252100tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50709101739nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220069001942450072002632640129003353100011004643360031004753370034005063380043005403620102005835000101006855880055007865880065008416500068009066500051009746550024010257100089010497750072011387800074012107850093012849.889112CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-402Xy1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aCW71-11/5F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Québec00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pQuébec. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Quebec. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzQuébecvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzQuébecvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88911100tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50709100tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90252101640nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220071001942450063002652640124003283100011004523360026004633370026004893380036005153620042005515000105005935880052006985880054007506500078008046500056008826550023009387100069009617750081010307750093011117800074012049.889114CaOODSP20240816143605m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3953y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aCW71-11/6E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Ontario b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pOntario. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with : August 2019 to July 2020 aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Ontario. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2020 to July 2021. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzOntariovPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzOntariovPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88911508tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90252400tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708901692nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220069001942450072002632640125003353100011004603360031004713370034005023380043005363620049005795000102006285880055007305880065007856500068008506500051009186550024009697100089009937750072010827800083011547850093012379.889115CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200708c20199999qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3961y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aCW71-11/6F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Ontario00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pOntario. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019]- aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : Août 2019 à juillet 2020. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Ontario. aDescription d'après : Août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : Août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzOntariovPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzOntariovPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88911400tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348700tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90252401646nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220072001942450064002662640124003303100011004543360026004653370026004913380036005173620043005535000106005965880052007025880054007546500079008086500057008876550023009447100069009677750081010367750093011177800074012109.889161CaOODSP20240816143851m o d f cr cn|||||||||200709c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3775y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-mb1 aCW71-11/7E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Manitoba b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pManitoba. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with : August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Manitoba. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzManitobavPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzManitobavPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88917908tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90252600tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708301665nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220076001942450068002702640124003383100011004623360026004733370026004993380036005253620042005615000110006035880052007135880054007656500083008196500061009026550023009637100069009867750081010557750093011367800074012299.889169CaOODSP20240816144127m o d f cr cn|||||||||200709c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-4046y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aCW71-11/8E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Saskatchewan b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pSaskatchewan. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Saskatchewan. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzSaskatchewanvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzSaskatchewanvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88917008tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90253600tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50709201774nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220074001942450077002682640129003453100011004743360031004853370034005163380043005503620102005935000107006955880055008025880065008576500073009226500056009956550024010517100089010757750072011647800083012367850093013199.889170CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200709d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-4054y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aCW71-11/8F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Saskatchewan00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pSaskatchewan. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Saskatchewan. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzSaskatchewanvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzSaskatchewanvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88916900tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348900tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90253601754nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220070001942450073002642640129003373100011004663360031004773370034005083380043005423620102005855000103006875880055007905880065008456500069009106500052009796550024010317100089010557750072011447800083012167850093012999.889179CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3783y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-mb1 aCW71-11/7F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Manitoba00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pManitoba. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Manitoba. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzManitobavPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzManitobavPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88916100tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50348800tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90252601605nas 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220071001942450063002652640124003283100011004523360026004633370026004893380036005153620042005515000105005935880052006985880054007506500078008046500056008827100069009387750081010077750093010887800074011819.889184CaOODSP20240816144555m o d f cr |||||||||||200710c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3716y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ab1 aCW71-11/9E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Alberta b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pAlberta. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Alberta. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2020 to July 2021. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzAlbertavPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzAlbertavPeriodicals.1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88918508tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90245900tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708101750nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860019001752220072001942450072002662640128003383100011004663360031004773370034005083380043005423620102005855000102006875880054007895880065008436500068009086500051009766550024010277100089010517750072011407800083012127850093012959.889185CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710c20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3724y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ab1 aCW71-11/9F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Alberta00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pAlberta. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada= Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Alberta. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020 aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzAlbertavPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzAlbertavPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88918400tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50349100tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90245901690nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220080001952450072002752640124003473100011004713360026004823370026005083380036005343620042005705000118006125880052007305880054007826500087008366500065009236550023009887100069010117750081010807750093011617800074012549.889187CaOODSP20240816112103m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3740y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aCW71-11/10E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. British Columbia b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pBritish Columbia. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Colombie-Britannique. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzBritish ColumbiavPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzBritish ColumbiavPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88918908tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90253700tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708201812nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220082001952450085002772640130003623100011004923360031005033370034005343380043005683620102006115000111007135880055008245880065008796500081009446500064010256550024010897100089011137750072012027800083012747850093013579.889189CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3759y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aCW71-11/10F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Colombie-Britannique00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pColombie-Britannique. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. British Columbia. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzColombie-BritanniquevPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzColombie-BritanniquevPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88918700tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50349200tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90253701672nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220085001952450077002802640103003573100011004603360026004713370026004973380036005233620042005595000123006015880052007245880054007766500092008306500070009226550023009927100047010157750081010627750093011437800074012369.889206CaOODSP20240816140430m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710c20199999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3864y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nt1 aCW71-11/11E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Northwest Territories b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pNorthwest Territories. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Territoires du Nord-Ouest. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2020 to July 2021. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzNorthwest TerritoriesvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzNorthwest TerritoriesvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft2 aCanadian Wildlife Service, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88921308tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.91354700tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708701797nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220086001952450090002812640119003713100011004903360031005013370034005323380043005663620101006095000116007105880055008265880065008816500086009466500069010326550024011017100062011257750072011877800083012597850093013429.889213CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710d20192021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3872y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nt1 aCW71-11/11F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Territoire du Nord-Ouest00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pTerritoires du Nord-Ouest. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada, Service canadien de la faune, c[2019-2021] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : Août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne parît plus après : août 2021 à juillet 2022. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Northwest Territories. aDescription d'après : Août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : Août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzTerritoires du Nord-OuestvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzTerritoires du Nord-OuestvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf2 aService canadien de la faune, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88920600tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50349300tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.91354701665nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220079001952450071002742640124003453100011004693360026004803370026005063380036005323620042005685000117006105880052007275880054007796500076008336500054009096550023009637100069009867750081010557750093011367800074012299.889219CaOODSP20240816140640m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-4070y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-yk1 aCW71-11/12E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Yukon Territory b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pYukon Territory. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Territoire du Yukon. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzYukonvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzYukonvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88922008tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90254200tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50709301778nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220081001952450084002762640129003603100011004893360031005003370034005313380043005653620102006085000110007105880055008205880065008756500066009406500049010066550024010557100089010797750072011687800083012407850093013239.889220CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-4089y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-yk1 aCW71-11/12F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Territoire du Yukon00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pTerritoire du Yukon. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Yukon Territory. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzYukonvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzYukonvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88921900tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50349400tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90254201641nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220071001952450063002662640124003293100011004533360026004643370026004903380036005163620042005525000105005945880052006995880054007516500078008056500056008836550023009397100069009627750081010317750093011127800074012059.889227CaOODSP20240816141003m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710c20209999qucar p o f0###a0eng|d a2563-3929y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nu1 aCW71-11/13E-PDF 0aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Nunavut b(Online)00aSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. pNunavut. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c[2019]- aAnnual atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with: August 2019 to July 2020. aIssued also in French under title: Abrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Nunavut. aDescription based on: August 2019 to July 2020. aLatest issue consulted: August 2021 to July 2022. 0aMigratory birdsxConservationxLaw and legislationzNunavutvPeriodicals. 0aFowlingxLaw and legislationzNunavutvPeriodicals. 7aPeriodicals2lcgft1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, eissuing body.08tAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.88922808tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90254300tMigratory birds hunting regulations, ... summary. w(CaOODSP)9.50708801750nas 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660220025001070400031001320430012001630860020001752220069001952450072002642640129003363100011004653360031004763370034005073380043005413620102005845000102006865880055007885880065008436500068009086500051009766550024010277100089010517750072011407800083012127850093012959.889228CaOODSP20230907083930m o d f cr cn|||||||||200710d20202021qucar p o f0###b0fre|d a2563-3937y1925-6949 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nu1 aCW71-11/13F-PDF 0aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. Nunavut00aAbrégé du Règlement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. pNunavut. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et Changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c[2019-2020] aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis : août 2019 à juillet 2020; ne paraît plus aprés : août 2020 à juillet 2021. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Summary of migratory birds hunting regulations. Nunavut. aDescription d'après : août 2019 à juillet 2020. aDernière livraison consultée : août 2020 à juillet 2021. 6aOiseaux migrateursxConservationxDroitzNunavutvPériodiques. 6aOiseauxxChassexDroitzNunavutvPériodiques. 7aPériodiques2rvmgf1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tSummary of migratory birds hunting regulations. w(CaOODSP)9.88922700tRèglement de chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs, ... abrégé. w(CaOODSP)9.50349500tAbrégé de la règlementation sur la chasse aux oiseaux migrateurs. w(CaOODSP)9.90254301650nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450131001802640080003113000043003913360026004343370026004603380036004865000178005225000017007005000100007175040041008175300033008586920020008916920023009116920026009346920027009607100044009877750162010318560107011939.876836CaOODSP20221107164819m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1975 oncb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-cc---1 aC52-52/1975E-PDF00aReport on Canadian port, harbour and marine terminal technology mission to the People's Republic of China, October 5-23, 1975. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c[1975] a1 online resource (110 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport sur la mission technologique canadienne des ports, havres et gares maritimes en République populaire de Chine, 5-23 octobre 1975. aCover title. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaHarbours072gccstaEngineering072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport sur la mission technologique canadienne des ports, havres et gares maritimes en République populaire de Chine, 5-23 octobre 1975.w(CaOODSP)9.87684440qPDFs6.95 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-52-1975-eng.pdf01712nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450143001802640080003233000048004033360031004513370034004823380043005165000174005595000028007335000104007615040048008655300045009136920016009586920023009746920036009976920034010337100037010677750150011048560108012549.876844CaOODSP20221107164820m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1975 oncb ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-cc---1 aC52-52/1975F-PDF00aRapport sur la mission technologique canadienne des ports, havres et gares maritimes en République populaire de Chine, 5-23 octobre 1975. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1975] a1 ressource en ligne (148 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report on Canadian port, harbour and marine terminal technology mission to the People’s Republic of China, October 5-23, 1975. aTitre de la couverture. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaPort072gccstaIngénierie072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tReport on Canadian port, harbour and marine terminal technology mission to the People's Republic of China, October 5-23, 1975.w(CaOODSP)9.87683640qPDFs10.15 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-52-1975-fra.pdf01781nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860020001502450063001702500046002332640079002793000034003583360026003923370026004183380036004445000112004805000017005925000053006095000100006625040053007625050069008155300033008846920033009176920020009507100044009707100053010147750096010678560115011638560117012789.876846CaOODSP20221107164820m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1978 onc ob f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC73-1/1978E-PDF00aCanadian thesaurus of construction science and technology. aEnglish version, first edition July 1978. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c1978. a1 online resource (2 volumes) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Thesaurus canadien des sciences et de la technologie de la construction. aCover title. aDeveloped by: IF Research Group. Confer Preface. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references and indexes.0 aIntroduction ; Alpha permuted index -- Alpha hierarchical index. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaConstruction industry072gccstaThesauri1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.2 aUniversité de Montréal. bIF Research Group.08tThesaurus canadien des sciences et de la technologie de la construction.w(CaOODSP)9.87684940qPDFs11.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c73/C73-1-1978-eng.pdfz(v. 1)40qPDFs18.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c73/C73-1-1978-1-eng.pdfz(v. 2)01893nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860020001502450077001702500057002472640079003043000037003833360031004203370034004513380043004855000104005285000028006325000065006605000104007255040061008295050070008905300045009606920040010056920022010457100037010677100085011047750082011898560117012718560119013889.876849CaOODSP20221107164821m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1978 onc ob f001 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC73-1/1978F-PDF00aThesaurus canadien des sciences et de la technologie de la construction. aVersion française, première édition juillet 1978. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1978. a1 ressource en ligne (2 volumes) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian thesaurus of construction science and technology. aTitre de la couverture. aDéveloppé par : Group de recherche IF. Conférer Préface. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques et des index.0 aIntroduction ; Index alpha-permuté -- Index alpha-hiérarchique. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie de la construction072gccstaThésaurus1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.2 aUniversité de Montréal.‏ bGroupe de recherche Industrialisation Forum‏.08tCanadian thesaurus of construction science and technology.w(CaOODSP)9.87684640qPDFs11.92 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c73/C73-1-1978-fra.pdfz(vol. 1)40qPDFs18.83 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c73/C73-1-1978-1-fra.pdfz(vol. 2)02405nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200024001070400031001310430012001620860037001742450220002112460040004312640086004712640011005573000041005683360026006093370026006353380036006615000097006975000021007945000020008155000100008355200605009355300033015406920032015736920034016056920023016397100044016627100052017067100045017587750083018038560109018869.876863CaOODSP20221107164823m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723t19811981onc or f001 0 eng d z0662118391z(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC65-229/1981E-PDFzC65-229/1981E00aDirectory of made in Canada health care products / cprepared by the Business Opportunities Sourcing System (BOSS) and the Health Care Products Division, Chemicals Branch, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce.14aMade in Canada health care products 1aOttawa, Ontario : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c1981. 4c©1981 a1 online resource (xxxiv, 207 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Répertoire des produits d'hygiène fabriqués au Canada. a"December 1981." aIncludes index. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The Directory of Made in Canada Health Care Products is designed to provide purchasers of health care equipment and supplies with a comprehensive, easy reference guide to sources of made in Canada products. The information it contains on about 300 companies and approximately 1,500 products was obtained through a survey of all known manufacturers of health care products in Canada. Assistance was generously provided by the Bureau of Medical Devices, Health and Welfare Canada; the provincial departments of industry; and the Canadian Association of Manufacturers of Medical Devices"--Introduction. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaHealth care products072gccstaManufacturing industry072gccstaDirectories1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.2 aBusiness Opportunities Sourcing System (Canada)1 aCanada. bHealth Care Products Division.08tRépertoire des produits d'hygiène fabriqués au Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.87686440qPDFs11.66 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c65/C65-229-1981-eng.pdf02555nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650860037001772450241002142460045004552640087005002640011005873000045005983360031006433370034006743380043007085000095007515000026008465000023008725000104008955200681009995300045016806920038017256920039017636920023018027100037018257100051018627100048019137750075019618560109020369.876864CaOODSP20221107164823m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723t19811981onc or f001 0 fre d z0662914589q(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC65-229/1981F-PDFzC65-229/1981F00aRépertoire des produits d'hygiène fabriqués au Canada / cpréparé par le SRD (Système de repérage des débouchés) et la Division des produits d'hygiène, Direction de produits chimiques, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce.14aProduits d'hygiène fabriqués au Canada 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1981. 4c©1981 a1 ressource en ligne (xxxiii, 214 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Directory of made in Canada health care products. a« Décembre 1981. » aComprend du index. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Le Répertoire des produits d'hygiène fabriqués au Canada a pour objet de fournir aux acheteurs d'équipement et de fournitures du secteur des produits d'hygiène un document détaillé sur les fournisseurs de produits canadiens. On y note également les produits pouvant être exportés. Mis au point grâce à un sondage réalisé auprès de tous les fabricants connus au Canada, de concert avec le Bureau des instruments médicaux de Santé et Bien-être Canada, les ministères provinciaux de l'Industrie et l'Association canadienne des fabricants d'instruments médicaux, il contient des renseignements sur environ 300 sociétés et 1500 produits » -- Introduction. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaProduit de soins de santé072gccstaIndustrie de la fabrication072gccstaRépertoire1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.2 aSystème de repérage des débouchés (Canada)1 aCanada. bDivision des produits d'hygiène.08tDirectory of made in Canada health care products / w(CaOODSP)9.87686340qPDFs12.25 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c65/C65-229-1981-fra.pdf01686nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450179001802640080003593000069004393360026005083370026005343380036005605000233005965000100008295300033009296920026009626920027009887100044010157750217010598560108012769.876944CaOODSP20221107164836m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1975 onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---as-ve---1 aId37-2/1975E-PDF00aReport of the ministerial trade development mission to Venezuela, led by the Honourable Alastair W. Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, March 23 to 27, 1975. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c[1975] a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission ministérielle pour l'expansion du commerce au Vénézuéla, dirigée par l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 23 au 27 mars 1975. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission ministérielle pour l'expansion du commerce au Vénézuéla, dirigée par l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 23 au 27 mars 1975.w(CaOODSP)9.87694640qPDFs3.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-2-1975-eng.pdf01726nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450198001802640080003783000076004583360031005343370034005653380043005995000220006425000104008625300045009666920036010116920034010477100037010817750198011188560108013169.876946CaOODSP20221107164836m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1975 onca o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---as-ve---1 aId37-2/1975F-PDF00aRapport de la mission ministérielle pour l'expansion du commerce au Vénézuéla, dirigée par l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 23 au 27 mars 1975. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1975] a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (pagination multiple)) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the ministerial trade development mission to Venezuela, led by the Honourable Alastair W. Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, March 23 to 27, 1975. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tReport of the ministerial trade development mission to Venezuela, led by the Honourable Alastair W. Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, March 23 to 27, 1975.w(CaOODSP)9.87694440qPDFs1.59 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-2-1975-fra.pdf01850nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430039001380860021001772450172001982460091003702460090004612640080005513000033006313360026006643370026006903380036007165000225007525000100009775300033010776920026011106920027011367100044011637750209012078560108014169.876948CaOODSP20221107164837m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1974 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-iq---aa-ir---aa-su---1 aId37-4/1974E-PDF00aReport of the Canadian trade development mission to the Middle East, led by Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, April 10-24, 1974.14aReport of the Canadian trade development mission to the Middle East, April 10-24, 197416aReport of ministerial trade development mission to the Middle East, April 10-24, 1974 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c[1974] a1 online resource (16 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Moyen-Orient, dirigée par l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 10 au 24 avril 1974. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Moyen-Orient, dirigée par l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 10 au 24 avril 1974.w(CaOODSP)9.87694940qPDFs1.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-4-1974-eng.pdf01795nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430039001380860021001772450190001982460101003882640080004893000036005693360031006053370034006363380043006705000213007135000104009265300045010306920036010756920034011117100037011457750191011828560108013739.876949CaOODSP20221107164837m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1974 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-iq---aa-ir---aa-su---1 aId37-4/1974F-PDF00aRapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Moyen-Orient, dirigée par l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 10 au 24 avril 1974.14aRapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Moyen-Orient, du 10 au 24 avril 1974 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1974] a1 ressource en ligne (23 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the Canadian trade development mission to the Middle East, led by Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, April 10-24, 1974. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tReport of the Canadian trade development mission to the Middle East, led by Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, April 10-24, 1974.w(CaOODSP)9.87694840qPDFs2.23 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-4-1974-fra.pdf01773nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450177001802460092003572640080004493000060005293360026005893370026006153380036006415000230006775000100009075300033010076920026010406920027010667100044010937750214011378560108013519.876950CaOODSP20221107164837m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1974 onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-mx---1 aId37-5/1974E-PDF00aReport of the Canadian trade development mission to Mexico, led by the Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, January 23-January 27, 1974.14aReport of the Canadian trade development mission to Mexico, January 23-January 27, 1974 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c[1974] a1 online resource (51, 7, 6, 3 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Mexique, sous la direction de l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 23 au 27 janvier 1974. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Mexique, sous la direction de l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 23 au 27 janvier 1974.w(CaOODSP)9.87695140qPDFs5.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-5-1974-eng.pdf01816nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450195001802460098003752640080004733000063005533360031006163370034006473380043006815000218007245000104009425300045010466920036010916920034011277100037011617750196011988560108013949.876951CaOODSP20221107164837m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1974 onca o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-mx---1 aId37-5/1974F-PDF00aRapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Mexique, sous la direction de l'honorable Alastair W. Gillespie, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 23 au 27 janvier 1974.14aRapport de la mission canadienne d'expansion commerciale au Mexique, du 23 au 27 janvier 1974 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1974] a1 ressource en ligne (58, 8, 7, 4 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the Canadian trade development mission to Mexico, led by the Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, January 23-January 27, 1974. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tReport of the Canadian trade development mission to Mexico, led by the Honourable Alastair Gillespie, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, January 23-January 27, 1974.w(CaOODSP)9.87695040qPDFs5.23 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-5-1974-fra.pdf01494nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450064001712460050002352460068002852640079003533000033004323360026004653370026004913380036005175000105005535000017006585000070006755000018007455000100007635300033008636920023008966920027009197100044009467750034009908560108010249.876956CaOODSP20221107164838m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1978 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId37-1/1978E-PDF00aProfiles : btrade fairs and information booths, 1978-1979.30aTrade fairs and information booths, 1978-197916a1978/79 promotional projects : btrade fairs/information booths 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c1978. a1 online resource (31 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Profils : foires commerciales et stands d'information, 1978-1979. aCover title. a"Promotional Projects Branch, Office of International Marketing." a"March 1978." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTrade shows072gccstaTrade promotion1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tProfils : w(CaOODSP)9.87695840qPDFs1.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-1-1978-eng.pdf01606nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450072001712460059002432460080003022640079003823000036004613360031004973370034005283380043005625000102006055000028007075000095007355000021008305000104008515300045009556920031010006920033010317100037010647750035011018560108011369.876958CaOODSP20221107164838m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1978 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId37-1/1978F-PDF00aProfils : bfoires commerciales et stands d'information, 1978-1979.30aFoires commerciales et stands d'information, 1978-197914aProjets de promotion - 1978/79 : bfoires commerciales/stands d'information 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1978. a1 ressource en ligne (32 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Profiles: trade fairs and information booths, 1978-1979. aTitre de la couverture. a« Direction des projets de promotion, Direction générale de marketing international. » a« Mars 1978. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaSalon professionnel072gccstaPromotion du commerce1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tProfiles : w(CaOODSP)9.87695640qPDFs2.31 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-1-1978-fra.pdf01353nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860022001592450109001812640079002903000033003693360026004023370026004283380036004545000096004905000021005865000100006075300033007076920024007406920031007646920026007957100044008217750053008658560109009189.877075CaOODSP20221107164857m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726s1981 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---as-bl---1 aId54-18/1981E-PDF00aJoint business ventures in Brazil : ba Canadian perspective / cprepared by Canadian Consulate General. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et commerce, c1981. a1 online resource (25 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: La coentreprise au Brésil : une perspective canadienne. a"April 1, 1981." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaPartnerships072gccstaForeign investments072gccstaCommercial law1 aCanada. bIndustry, Trade and Commerce.08tLa coentreprise au Brésil : w(CaOODSP)9.87707740qPDFs1.94 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id54/Id54-18-1981-eng.pdf01414nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860022001592450112001812640079002933000036003723360031004083370034004393380043004735000104005165000026006205000104006465300045007506920023007956920036008186920028008547100037008827750060009198560109009799.877077CaOODSP20221107164857m o d f cr cn|||||||||190726s1981 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---as-bl---1 aId54-18/1981F-PDF03aLa coentreprise au Brésil : bune perspective canadienne / crédigé par le Consulat général du Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1981. a1 ressource en ligne (25 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Joint business ventures in Brazil: a Canadian perspective. a« 1er avril 1988. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaPartenariat072gccstaInvestissement étranger072gccstaDroit commercial1 aCanada. bIndustrie et commerce.08tJoint business ventures in Brazil : w(CaOODSP)9.87707540qPDFs2.28 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id54/Id54-18-1981-fra.pdf02270nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200024001070400031001310430012001620450009001740860033001832450141002162640076003572640011004333000051004443360026004953370026005213380036005475000098005835000100006815200795007815300033015766920032016097100059016417100048017007750067017488560105018159.876791CaOODSP20221107164812m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t19861986onca o f000 0 eng d z0662145968q(print) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax7x81 aC2-91/1986E-PDFzC2-91/1986E04aThe electronics industry in Canada : ban overview / cprepared by Corporate Development (Electronic), Electronics and Aerospace Branch. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Regional Industrial Expansion, c1986. 4c©1986 a1 online resource (17 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: L'industrie de l'électronique au Canada : vue d'ensemble. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The pervasiveness of electronics in an increasing variety of end products indicates the rapid adoption of new technologies and the need for long-term development strategies for the electronics industry in Canada. Industry and government are working together toward this goal through a number of policies aimed at increased investment in Canada. The government is attempting to make the business climate more predictable for industry through long-term agreements with the major players, revised tax legislation and improved dialogue between the business community and government. This document represents a small introductory step in this process and provides details about the electronics industry in Canada, its subsectors, and the environment in which it operates"--Introduction, page 1. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaElectronics industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Regional Industrial Expansion.1 aCanada. bElectronics and Aerospace Branch.08tL'industrie de l'électronique au Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87679640qPDFs1.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c2/C2-91-1986-eng.pdf02566nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200027001070400031001340430012001650450009001770860033001862450175002192640082003942640011004763000054004873360031005413370034005723380043006065000094006495000104007435200972008475300045018196920040018647100065019047100081019697750061020508560105021119.876796CaOODSP20221107164813m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t19861986onca o f000 0 fre d z0662936531q(imprimé) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax7x81 aC2-91/1986F-PDFzC2-91/1986F02aL'industrie de l'électronique au Canada : bvue d'ensemble / cDéveloppement commerciale (électronique), Direction générale de l'électronique et de l'aérospatiale. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'expansion industrielle régionale, c1986. 4c©1986 a1 ressource en ligne (17 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : The electronics industry in Canada: an overview. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« L'application de l'électronique dans une variété grandissante de produits finis reflète l'adoption rapide des nouvelles technologies et la nécessité d'établir des stratégies de développement à long terme pour l'industrie de l'électronique au Canada. L'industrie et le gouvernement collaborent à l'atteinte de ce but au moyen d'un certain nombre de politiques orientées vers l'accroissement des investissements au Canada. Le gouvernement tente de rendre le climat commercial plus prévisible pour l'industrie en concluant des accords à long terme avec les principaux intervenants, en revoyant la loi fiscale et en améliorant le dialogue entre le milieu des affaires et le gouvernement. Le présent document, qui ne constitue qu'une première étape du processus, fournit des précisions sur l'industrie de l'électronique au Canada, sur les secteurs qui la composent et sur le milieu à l'intérieur duquel elle fonctionne » -- Introduction, page 1. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie de l'électronique1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'expansion industrielle régionale.1 aCanada. bDirection générale de l'électronique et de l'aérospatiale.08tThe electronics industry in Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87679140qPDFs1.39 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c2/C2-91-1986-fra.pdf01843nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450053001712640060002243000079002843360031003633370034003943380043004285000084004715000028005555000081005835000104006645040048007685200368008165300045011846920029012297100078012587750062013368560107013989.876801CaOODSP20221107164813m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722s1967 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-65/1967F-PDF04aUne étude de l'industrie du bois de particules. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie, c[1967?] a1 ressource en ligne (54 pages, 3 pages non numérotées) : billustration atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A study of the particleboard industry. aTitre de la couverture. a« Division des produits de construction, Direction des produits du bois. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport à pour objet de faire mieux connaître l'industrie des agglomérés de bois, ou bois de particules, de fournir des détails quant à la situation passée, présente et future dans ce domaine et de donner des renseignements fondamentaux aux personnes qui pourraient envisager de se tailler une place dans cette industrie » -- Avant-propos. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie du bois1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie. bDirection des produits du bois‏.08tA study of the particleboard industry.w(CaOODSP)9.87494440qPDFs1.39 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-65-1967-fra.pdf01613nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450043001712640057002143000070002713360026003413370026003673380036003935000088004295000017005175000060005345000100005945040041006945200234007355300033009696920032010027100062010347750072010968560107011689.874944CaOODSP20221107164330m o d f cr cn|||||||||190614s1967 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-65/1967E-PDF02aA study of the particleboard industry. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, c[1967?] a1 online resource (47 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : billustration atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Une étude de l'industrie du bois de particules. aCover title. a"Construction Products Division, Wood Products Branch." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is intended to provide a better understanding of the particleboard industry with respect to its past, present, and future and to provide background information to persons contemplating entering this field"--Foreword. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWoodworking industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry. bWood Products Branch.08tUne étude de l'industrie du bois de particules.w(CaOODSP)9.87680140qPDFs3.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-65-1967-eng.pdf01468nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000031001712450173002022640053003753000051004283360026004793370026005053380036005315000100005675040055006675200248007226920017009706920033009877100038010208560108010589.875391CaOODSP20221107164438m o d f cr |n|||||||||190624e196803##onc||||#ob f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC52-50/1968E-PDF1 aLaplante, D. G., eauthor.10aReport of the technical mission on the use of prefabricated steel components in industrialized building in Europe, June 4 - June 23, 1967 / cprepared by D.G. Laplante. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, cMarch 1968. a1 online resource (86 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 85-86). a"The purpose of the mission was to study industrialized building systems and techniques involving manufacturing and assembly of standardized steel components in the construction of low-rise and high-rise buildings"--Purpose of mission, page 6.072gccstaSteel072gccstaConstruction industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.40qPDFs18.50 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-50-1968-eng.pdf01747nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000047001712450176002182640048003943000055004423360026004973370026005233380036005495000100005855200573006856920033012586920020012917100038013118560108013499.875393CaOODSP20221107164438m o d f cr |n|||||||||190624s1966 onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC52-51/1966E-PDF1 aDawson, J. A.q(John A.),d1923- eauthor.10aReport of the Canadian technical mission on the use of prefabricated structural ceramics in industrialized building in Europe, May 20 - June 8, 1966 / cby John A. Dawson. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, c[1966] a1 online resource (119, 3 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This report discusses eight leading European systems of industrialized building in which the prefabricated elements are essentially of masonry materials. The information for the report was gathered by a Technical Mission sponsored by the Department of Industry in the Spring of 1966. The report is of special importance to the structural ceramics manufacturing and masonry contracting industries because of the trend towards the industrialization of building. Anyone connected with masonry construction will, however, find it interesting and useful"--Preface, page 1.072gccstaConstruction industry072gccstaCeramics1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.40qPDFs42.41 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-51-1966-eng.pdf01631nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860021001562450143001772640086003203000034004063360026004403370026004663380036004925000100005285200494006286920020011226920033011426920020011757100038011958560108012339.875427CaOODSP20221107164443m o d f cr |n|||||||||190625s1970 onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-uk1 aC52-53/1970E-PDF00aReport of the Canadian study mission on training facilities and courses for the concrete industry in the United Kingdom, March 1-15, 1970. 1aOttawa : bMaterials Branch, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1970] a1 online resource (137 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The British concrete industry now has available awide range of training programs covering almost all aspects of concrete from design to production for all kinds of organization from top management to clerical help. A detailed description of the courses offered and the facilities provided for conducting the courses at the three training centres visited is given in this report. Most of the courses cover some phase of concrete design or technology rather than operating skills"--page 2. 072gccstaConcrete072gccstaConstruction industry072gccstaTraining1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.40qPDFs10.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-53-1970-eng.pdf01735nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430018001510860021001692450118001902640087003083000069003953360026004643370026004903380036005165000100005525200589006525460035012416920023012767100038012998560108013379.875435CaOODSP20221107164444m o d f cr |n|||||||||190625e19740517onca|||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbchi an-cn---aa-cc1 aC52-54/1974E-PDF00aSeminar mission on consulting engineering services to the People's Republic of China, Peking, June 7 to 23, 1974. 1a[Ottawa] : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce = Industrie et Commerce, cMay 17, 1974. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The Government of Canada greatly appreciates the opportunity of meeting with representatives of the People's Republic of China to discuss the role Canadian engineering consultants can play in the mutual development of our two great countries. We welcome a friendly interchange of technical experiences and ideas. During the coming years, we would also welcome the opportunity for further exchanges for the mutual understanding between our two peoples. The following chapters reflect the thoughts and experience of some of the most prominent consulting engineers in Canada"--page [1]. aIncludes some text in Chinese.072gccstaEngineering1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry.40qPDFs24.07 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-54-1974-eng.pdf02057nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450094001712640073002652640011003383000064003493360031004133370034004443380043004785000120005215000024006415000104006655200536007695300045013056920039013506920034013896920023014237100056014467750098015028560107016009.876808CaOODSP20221107164815m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t19691969onc or f001 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-75/1969F-PDF00aRépertoire des entreprises ayant une activité en recherche et développement au Canada. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1969. 4c©1969 a1 ressource en ligne (108 pages, 20 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Directory of scientific research and development establishments in Canada. aComprend des index. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Le répertoire des entreprises ayant une activité en recherche et développement au Canada est publié par le ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce en réponse à un nombre grandissant de demandes de renseignements portant sur la recherche scientifique et le développement au Canada. Le répertoire a été établi d'après les données fournies par 662 organismes en réponse à un questionnaire remis en août 1968 par le ministère à quelque 1700 organismes situés dans toutes les parties du Canada » -- Introduction. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaRecherche et développement072gccstaRecherche scientifique072gccstaRépertoire1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.08tDirectory of scientific research and development establishments in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87544140qPDFs9.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-75-1969-fra.pdf01455nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450035001712500030002062640075002363000052003113360026003633370026003893380036004155000079004515000017005305000125005475000100006725300033007726920022008056920019008277100101008467750063009478560107010109.876811CaOODSP20221107164815m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722s1970 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-99/1970E-PDF00aFinancing Canadian industries. aRevised February 1, 1970. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (15 pages, 1 unnumbered page) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Financement des industries canadiennes. aCover title. a"Prepared by Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Industrial Enquiries Division, Office of Promotional Services." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaBusinesses072gccstaFinance1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bIndustrial and Trade Enquiries Division.08tFinancement des industries canadiennes.w(CaOODSP)9.87681340qPDFs2.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-99-1970-eng.pdf01558nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450044001712500035002152640073002503000036003233360031003593370034003903380043004245000076004675000028005435000171005715000104007425300045008466920022008916920020009137100126009337750054010598560107011139.876813CaOODSP20221107164815m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722s1970 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-99/1970F-PDF00aFinancement des industries canadiennes. aRévisé le 1er février 1970. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1970. a1 ressource en ligne (16 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Financing Canadian industries. aTitre de la couverture. a« Préparé par la Division des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux, Bureau des services de promotion, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaEntreprise072gccstaFinances1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des demandes de renseignements industriels et commerciaux.08tFinancing Canadian industries.w(CaOODSP)9.87681140qPDFs2.31 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-99-1970-fra.pdf01515nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430048001380450009001860860022001952450073002172640107002903000042003973360026004393370026004653380036004915000130005275000021006575000100006785300033007786920016008116920019008276920017008467100092008637750114009558560108010699.876826CaOODSP20221107164817m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722s1977 oncb o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-gr---ae-it---ae-sp---af-mr--- ax7x71 aC23-101/1977E-PDF02aA market survey of Italy, Spain, Morocco and Greece (wood products). 1aOttawa, Canada : bPrimary Wood Products Division, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1977. a1 online resource (55 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Étude des marches de l'Italie, de l'Espagne, du Maroc et de la Grèce (produits du bois). a"February 1977." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWood072gccstaMarkets072gccstaTrade1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bPrimary Wood Products Division.08tÉtude des marches de l'Italie, de l'Espagne, du Maroc et de la Grèce (produits du bois).w(CaOODSP)9.87683340qPDFs3.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-101-1977-eng.pdf01561nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430048001380450009001860860022001952450095002172640114003123000047004263360031004733370034005043380043005385000114005815000025006955000104007205300045008246920016008696920019008856920020009047100099009247750092010238560108011159.876833CaOODSP20221107164818m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1977 oncb o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-gr---ae-it---ae-sp---af-mr--- ax7x71 aC23-101/1977F-PDF00aÉtude des marches de l'Italie, de l'Espagne, du Maroc et de la Grèce (produits du bois). 1aOttawa, Canada : bDivision des produits primaires du bois, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1977. a1 ressource en ligne (67 pages) : bcartes atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A market survey of Italy, Spain, Morocco and Greece (wood products). a« Février 1977. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaBois072gccstaMarché072gccstaCommerce1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des produits primaires du bois.08tA market survey of Italy, Spain, Morocco and Greece (wood products).w(CaOODSP)9.87682640qPDFs3.51 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-101-1977-fra.pdf01598nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450125001802640076003053000071003813360026004523370026004783380036005045000174005405000100007145300033008146920021008476920030008686920026008986920023009247100058009477750160010058560107011659.876834CaOODSP20221107164818m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1973 onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-gw---1 aC52-49/1973E-PDF00aReport on the packaging machinery mission to Interpack '73, Duesseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany, May 8 to 17, 1973. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1973] a1 online resource (72 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission sur le matériel d'emballage à Interpack '73, Düsseldorf, République fédérale d'Allemagne, du 8 au 17 1973. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaPackaging072gccstaEquipment industry072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade shows1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission sur le matériel d'emballage à Interpack ’73, Düsseldorf, République fédérale d'Allemagne, du 8 au 17 1973.w(CaOODSP)9.87683540qPDFs5.75 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-49-1973-eng.pdf01657nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450141001802640074003213000080003953360031004753370034005063380043005405000166005835000104007495300045008536920021008986920038009196920036009576920031009937100056010247750144010808560107012249.876835CaOODSP20221107164818m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1973 onca o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-gw---1 aC52-49/1973F-PDF00aRapport de la mission sur le matériel d'emballage à Interpack ’73, Düsseldorf, République fédérale d'Allemagne, du 8 au 17 1973. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, c[1973] a1 ressource en ligne (93 pages, 3 pages non numérotées) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report on the packaging machinery mission to Interpack '73, Duesseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany, May 8 to 17, 1973. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaEmballage072gccstaIndustrie de l'équipement072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaSalon professionnel1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.08tReport on the packaging machinery mission to Interpack '73, Duesseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany, May 8 to 17, 1973.w(CaOODSP)9.87683440qPDFs5.86 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c52/C52-49-1973-fra.pdf01502nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430057001380860022001951000031002172450129002482640067003773000052004443360026004963370026005223380036005485000148005845000100007325300033008326920033008657100058008987750134009568560110010909.876861CaOODSP20221107164823m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1970 onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-fr---ae-gw---ae-it---ae-sp---ae-uk---1 aId31-88/1970E-PDF1 aSwitucha, N. M., eauthor.10aReport of the Canadian forging industry technical mission to Western Europe / cprepared by N.M. Switucha, Materials Branch. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1970. a1 online resource (118 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission technique canadienne sur l'industrie de la forge en Europe occidentale, novembre 1968. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaMetalworking industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission technique canadienne sur l'industrie de la forge en Europe occidentale, novembre 1968 / w(CaOODSP)9.87686240qPDFs18.57 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id31/Id31-88-1970-eng.pdf01518nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430057001380860022001951000031002172450161002482640065004093000059004743360031005333370034005643380043005985000122006415000104007635300045008676920036009127100056009487750102010048560110011069.876862CaOODSP20221107164823m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1970 onca o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-fr---ae-gw---ae-it---ae-sp---ae-uk---1 aId31-88/1970F-PDF1 aSwitucha, N. M., eauteur.10aRapport de la mission technique canadienne sur l'industrie de la forge en Europe occidentale, novembre 1968 / cpar N.M. Switucha, Direction des matériaux. 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1970. a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 126 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the Canadian forging industry technical mission to Western Europe. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie métallurgique1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.08tReport of the Canadian forging industry technical mission to Western Europe / w(CaOODSP)9.87686140qPDFs19.73 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id31/Id31-88-1970-fra.pdf02068nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430048001380860021001862450107002072640113003143000033004273360026004603370026004863380036005125000182005485000100007305200500008305300033013306920032013637100097013957750166014928560108016589.876874CaOODSP20221107164825m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1973 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-fr---ae-gw---ae-it---ae-uk---1 aId32-3/1973E-PDF00aReport on Canadian sash, door and millwork manufacturers technical mission to Europe, March 3-7, 1973. 1aOttawa, Canada : bManufactured Wood Products Division, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1973] a1 online resource (25 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission technique en Europe des fabricants canadiens de portes, châssis et autres articles de menuiserie, du 3 au 17 mars 1973. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The Resource Industries and Construction Branch of the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, in co-operation with the Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of Canada and the Canadian Window and Door Manufacturers Association, sponsored the Canadian Sash, Door and Millwork Manufacturers Technical Mission to Europe to investigate advanced manufacturing techniques in Italy, West Germany, France and Britain. This report summarizes the mission's findings"--Introduction, page 1. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWoodworking industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bManufactured Wood Products Division.08tRapport de la mission technique en Europe des fabricants canadiens de portes, châssis et autres articles de menuiserie, du 3 au 17 mars 1973.w(CaOODSP)9.87687640qPDFs2.50 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id32/Id32-3-1973-eng.pdf02275nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430048001380860021001862450147002072640113003543000036004673360031005033370034005343380043005685000148006115000104007595200705008635300045015686920029016137100097016427750126017398560108018659.876876CaOODSP20221107164825m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s1973 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-fr---ae-gw---ae-it---ae-uk---1 aId32-3/1973F-PDF00aRapport de la mission technique en Europe des fabricants canadiens de portes, châssis et autres articles de menuiserie, du 3 au 17 mars 1973. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDivision des produits ouvrés du bois, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c[1973] a1 ressource en ligne (26 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report on Canadian sash, door and millwork manufacturers technical mission to Europe, March 3-7, 1973. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Sous l'égide de la Direction de la transformation des richesses naturelles et de la construction du ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce, de l'Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of Canada et de la Canadian Window and Door Manufacturers Association (Association canadienne des fabricants de portes et châssis), une mission technique canadienne composée de fabricants spécialisés dans les portes, châssis et autres travaux de menuiserie s'est rendue en Europe, notamment en Italie, en Allemagne de l'Ouest, en France et en Grande-Bretagne, pour y étudier les techniques de fabrication. Ce rapport résume les conclusions des membres de la mission » -- Introduction, page 1. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie du bois1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des produits ouvrés du bois.08tReport on Canadian sash, door and millwork manufacturers technical mission to Europe, March 3-7, 1973.w(CaOODSP)9.87687440qPDFs2.52 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id32/Id32-3-1973-fra.pdf02185nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450051001712460025002222640119002472640011003663000051003773360026004283370026004543380036004805000085005165000100006015200739007015300033014406920033014736920021015066920023015277100108015507750069016588560108017279.876881CaOODSP20221107164826m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723t19761976onca or f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId33-1/1976E-PDF00aManual and directory of galvanizing in Canada.14aCanadian galvanizing 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce = Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c[1976] 4c©1976 a1 online resource (16 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Guide pratique de la galvanisation au Canada. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This publication was prepared by the Resource Industries and Construction Branch of the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce in collaboration with Zinc Institute, Inc. Its purpose is to provide information about Canadian galvanizing facilities for existing and potential users of galvanized products such as architects, consultants, contractors and fabricators in Canada and abroad. The information in the directory was provided by Zinc Institute, Inc. and through replies to questionnaires sent to known Canadian galvanizers. Every effort was made to contact all Canadian galvanizers; however, if any have been omitted, they are invited to submit data on their operations to be included in a revised edition"--Preface, page 3. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaMetalworking industry072gccstaHandbooks072gccstaDirectories1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bResource Industries and Construction Branch‏.08tGuide pratique de la galvanisation au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87688640qPDFs3.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id33/Id33-1-1976-eng.pdf02274nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450050001712460029002212640119002502640011003693000054003803360031004343370034004653380043004995000092005425000104006345200749007385300045014876920036015326920018015686920023015867100137016097750070017468560108018169.876886CaOODSP20221107164827m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723t19761976onca or f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId33-1/1976F-PDF00aGuide pratique de la galvanisation au Canada.14aGalvanisation canadienne 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1976] 4c©1976 a1 ressource en ligne (16 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Manual and directory of galvanizing in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Cette brochure a été rédigée conjointement par la Direction de la transformation des richesses naturelles, du ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce et l'Institut du zinc, inc. Elle a pour objet de fournir des renseignements sur l'industrie de la galvanisation au Canada et vise à la fois les marchés canadiens et étrangers. Les renseignements que vous trouverez dans cette brochure proviennent de l'Institut du zinc, inc., ainsi que d'un sondage effectué auprès des galvaniseurs canadiens. Nous prions les quelques compagnies qui ont été oubliées de faire parvenir des renseignements sur leurs installations à la Direction de la transformation des richesses naturelles, en vue de la prochaine édition » -- Préface, page 3. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie métallurgique072gccstaManuel072gccstaRépertoire1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDirection de la transformation des richesses naturelles et de la construction.08tManual and directory of galvanizing in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87688140qPDFs3.41 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id33/Id33-1-1976-fra.pdf02182nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001592450062001802640112002423000051003543360026004053370026004313380036004575000110004935000100006035040041007035200765007445300033015096920032015427100097015747750077016718560108017489.876893CaOODSP20221107164828m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1978 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax6x71 aId32-1/1978E-PDF02aA review of the Canadian millwork industry : ban update. 1aOttawa, Canada : bManufactured Wood Products Division, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1978. a1 online resource (94 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Étude sur l'industrie canadienne de la menuiserie : une mise à jour. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This report is intended as an update of the report, completed in 1972, "A Review of the Canadian Millwork Industry". As it was in that report, the Canadian Millwork Industry is defined as the aggregate of all establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing products of wood, such as doors and door frames, window and sash, interior millwork and construction mouldings, as well as plants engaged principally in the manufacture of pre-cut or prefabricated wooden buildings, laminated rafters, roof trusses and beams. … As in the 1972 study, the statistics and other data relating to various aspects of the millwork industry defined above are presented and described in this report but analytic comment on the material is limited … "--Introduction, page 6. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWoodworking industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bManufactured Wood Products Division.08tÉtude sur l'industrie canadienne de la menuiserie : w(CaOODSP)9.87689440qPDFs4.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id32/Id32-1-1978-eng.pdf02383nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860021001592450077001802460077002572640118003343000054004523360031005063370034005373380043005715000100006145000104007145040048008185200825008665300045016916920029017367100103017657750069018688560108019379.876894CaOODSP20221107164828m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1978 onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax6x71 aId32-1/1978F-PDF00aÉtude sur l'industrie canadienne de la menuiserie : bune mise à jour.14aÉtude de l'industrie canadienne du bois travaillé : bune mise à jour 1aOttawa, Canada : bDivision des produits du bois manufacturés, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1978. a1 ressource en ligne (97 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A review of the Canadian millwork industry: an update. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport est une mise à jour du rapport terminé en 1972, intitulé Étude sur canadienne de la menuiserie regroupe les établissements dont l'activité principale est la fabrication de produits en bois: portes, chambranles de portes, fenêtres, châssis, revêtements intérieurs en bois, moulures pour construction, etc., ainsi que les établissements surtout engagés dans la production de maisons en bois précoupées ou préfabriquées, de chevrons lamellés, de fermes de toit et de poutres. … Tout comme l'indiquait l'étude de 1972, ce rapport renferme et explique certaines statistiques et autres données relatives aux divers secteurs de l'industrie de la menuiserie telle que nous l'avons définie ci-dessus, mais il ne s'attarde pas à les analyser en détail … » -- Introduction, page 7. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie du bois1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des produits du bois manufacturés.08tA review of the Canadian millwork industry : w(CaOODSP)9.87689340qPDFs4.40 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id32/Id32-1-1978-fra.pdf01786nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450071001712460047002422640076002892640011003653000051003763360026004273370026004533380036004795000133005155000100006485200297007485300033010456920033010786920023011117100089011347750117012238560108013409.876898CaOODSP20221107164829m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724t19771977onca or f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId33-2/1977E-PDF00aDirectory of the investment casting (lost wax) industry in Canada.14aInvestment castings (lost wax) from Canada 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1977] 4c©1977 a1 online resource (11 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Répertoire de l'industrie canadienne du moulage de précision (à la cire perdue) au Canada. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This booklet was designed, in cooperation with the Government of Canada and the Investment Casting Association of Canada, to make the expertise, products and services of the Association's members more widely known to current and potential users of investment castings"--Introduction, page 3. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaMetalworking industry072gccstaDirectories1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bNon-ferrous Metals Division.08tRépertoire de l'industrie canadienne du moulage de précision (à la cire perdue) au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87690040qPDFs4.21 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id33/Id33-2-1977-eng.pdf01891nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450098001712460057002692640066003262640011003923000054004033360031004573370034004883380043005225000112005655000104006775200378007815300045011596920036012046920023012407100092012637750090013558560108014459.876900CaOODSP20221107164829m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724t19761976onca or f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId33-2/1976F-PDF00aRépertoire de l'industrie canadienne du moulage de précision (à la cire perdue) au Canada.14aMoulages de précision (à la cire perdue) au Canada 1aOttawa : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, c[1976] 4c©1976 a1 ressource en ligne (11 pages) : billustrations atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Directory of the investment casting (lost wax) industry in Canada. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« La présente brochure est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le gouvernement du Canada et l'Investment Casting Association of Canada. Elle vise à mieux faire connaître la compétence, les produits et les services des membres de l'association aux utilisateurs de moulages de précision à la cire perdue et à ceux qui pourraient en utiliser » -- Introduction, page 3. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie métallurgique072gccstaRépertoire1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des métaux non ferreux.08tDirectory of the investment casting (lost wax) industry in Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87689840qPDFs4.43 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id33/Id33-2-1976-fra.pdf02075nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070860021001382450167001592640069003263000071003953360026004663370026004923380036005185000018005545000100005725050018006725200635006905300033013256920020013586920021013786920020013997100058014197100024014778560117015018560119016189.876904CaOODSP20221107164830m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1971 onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aId36-8/1971E-PDF00aWorld demand for airport equipment and services / cprepared for the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Government of Canada ; by Acres InterTel Limited. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1981. a1 online resource (2 volumes (93; ii, 326 pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"March 1971." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].0 av. 1 -- v. 2. a"The following report is the result of a market study carried out on behalf of the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce by Acres InterTel Limited. The report provides a forecast of the world's demand for airport equipment and services for the period 1970-1980 with projections to 1990. In the context of the study, airport equipment means those equipment forming part of an airport system, highly specialized, and manufactured only by a small number of countries. In the services are included consulting for technico-economical feasibility studies, engineering design and management of airport construction"--Foreword, v. 1. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaAirports072gccstaEquipment072gccstaServices1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.2 aAcres InterTel Ltd.40qPDFs10.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id36/Id36-8-1971-eng.pdfz(v. 1)40qPDFs50.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id36/Id36-8-1971-1-eng.pdfz(v. 2)02434nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450193001722640075003653000051004403360026004913370026005173380036005435000128005795000022007075000020007295000100007495040060008495200729009095300033016386920033016716920021017046920020017257100058017457100034018037750114018378560109019519.876909CaOODSP20221107164830m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1972 onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId36-14/1972E-PDF02aA study of computer utilization in the Canadian construction industry / cprepared for the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce ; by Demers, Gordon, Baby Limited, system consultants. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1972. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Étude sur l'utilisation de l'ordinateur dans l'industrie canadienne de la construction. a"February, 1972." a"Ref: 117/138." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 3-1 to 3-5). a"The intent of this study, commissioned by the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce of the Canadian Government, was to determine the current status of the use of computers by the Canadian Construction Industry and, if warranted, to recommend possible actions by industry and Government directed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of computer use. … The study does not pretend to be exhaustive in the sense that it provides an in-depth analysis of the factors affecting the level of usage of the computer by the industry. Nevertheless, it does provide a clear indication of the problem areas and recommends short term and long term courses of action which will be beneficial to the industry"--Introduction. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaConstruction industry072gccstaComputers072gccstaSoftware1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.2 aDemers, Gordon, Baby Limited.08tÉtude sur l'utilisation de l'ordinateur dans l'industrie canadienne de la construction / w(CaOODSP)9.87691040qPDFs3.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id36/Id36-14-1972-eng.pdf02556nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450241001722640077004133000058004903360031005483370034005793380043006135000116006565000104007725040067008765200843009435300045017866920040018316920022018716920020018937100056019137100032019697750096020018560109020979.876910CaOODSP20221107164831m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1973 onc ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId36-14/1973F-PDF00aÉtude sur l'utilisation de l'ordinateur dans l'industrie canadienne de la construction / crédigé en vertu du programme BEAM pour le Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce ; par Demers, Gordon, Baby ltée, conseillers en systèmes. 1aOttawa : bIndustrie et commerce = Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1973. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (pagination multiple)) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A study of computer utilization in the Canadian construction industry. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 3-1 à 3-4). a« La présente étude, faite à la demande du ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce du Canada, avait pour objet d'évaluer le niveau d'utilisation de l'ordinateur dans l'industrie canadienne de la construction et, de formuler des recommandations sur les mesures que pourraient prendre l'industrie et le gouvernement pour tirer un meilleur parti de l'ordinateur et de l'informatique dans l'industrie de la construction. … Cette étude ne prétend pas épuiser toutes les hypothèses. Mais elle apporte néanmoins une analyse détaillée des facteurs qui affectent le niveau d'utilisation de l'ordinateur par l'industrie. En outre, elle identifie les principaux problèmes et formule des recommandations à court et à long terme qui devraient être profitables à l'ensemble du secteur de la construction » -- Introduction, page 1. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie de la construction072gccstaOrdinateur072gccstaLogiciel1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.2 aDemers, Gordon, Baby ltée.08tA study of computer utilization in the Canadian construction industry / w(CaOODSP)9.87690940qPDFs5.21 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id36/Id36-14-1973-fra.pdf02281nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450074001712460042002452640118002873000076004053360026004813370026005073380036005335000124005695000100006935200735007935300033015286920033015616920021015946920023016157100089016387750108017278560108018359.876938CaOODSP20221107164835m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1976 onca or f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId33-3/1976E-PDF00aManual and directory of Canadian non-ferrous metals forging industry.14aCanadian non-ferrous forging industry 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce = Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1976. a1 online resource (19 unnumbered pages) : billustrations (some colour) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Manuel et répertoire de l'industrie canadienne de forgeage des métaux non ferreux. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The purpose of this publication is to provide existing and potential users of non-ferrous forgings with information on the scope and capabilities of these products. It will, at the same time, indicate the high quality and wide range of forged products, results of the latest advances in modern technology. The companies comprising the Canadian Non-Ferrous Industry are also listed. … As its title indicates, this publication deals with non-ferrous forgings namely aluminum, copper, copper alloys and zinc. Information on the properties of the metals is included to enable the designer, engineer, specifier or manufacturer to choose the metal most suitable for the particular application and its environment ... "--Introduction. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaMetalworking industry072gccstaHandbooks072gccstaDirectories1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bNon-ferrous Metals Division.08tManuel et répertoire de l'industrie canadienne de forgeage des métaux non ferreux.w(CaOODSP)9.87694040qPDFs6.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id33/Id33-3-1976-eng.pdf02559nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450089001712460047002602640118003073000094004253360031005193370034005503380043005845000115006275000104007425200960008465300045018066920036018516920018018876920023019057100092019287750093020208560108021139.876940CaOODSP20221107164835m o d f cr cn|||||||||190724s1976 onca or f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId33-3/1976F-PDF00aManuel et répertoire de l'industrie canadienne de forgeage des métaux non ferreux.14aForgeage des métaux non ferreux au Canada 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1976. a1 ressource en ligne (19 pages non numérotées) : billustrations (certaines en couleur) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Manual and directory of Canadian non-ferrous metals forging industry. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. a« Le but de cette publication est de mettre à la disposition des usagers actuels et futurs, les informations existantes sur les possibilités qu'offrent les pièces forgées en métaux non ferreux. Par la même occasion, elle détaille la gamme variée et la qualité élevée des produits forgés pouvant être obtenus par l'utilisation des technologies modernes les plus avancées, et énumère les compagnies constituant l'industrie canadienne de pièces forgées en métaux non ferreux. … Comme l'indique le titre, cette publication couvre les pièces forgées en métaux non ferreux, en d'autres termes, l'aluminium, le cuivre, les alliages de cuivre et le zinc. Des renseignements sur les propriétés de ces métaux sont inclus afin de permettre à l'ingénieur, le responsable de l'établissement des devis ou le manufacturier, de choisir le métal le plus approprié à une application et un environnement particuliers ... » -- Introduction. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaIndustrie métallurgique072gccstaManuel072gccstaRépertoire1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des métaux non ferreux.08tManual and directory of Canadian non-ferrous metals forging industry.w(CaOODSP)9.87693840qPDFs7.13 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id33/Id33-3-1976-fra.pdf01584nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430048001380860021001861000031002072450107002382640114003453000038004593360026004973370026005233380036005495000118005855000017007035000100007205300033008206920030008536920026008836920027009097100098009367750104010348560108011389.876970CaOODSP20221107164840m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1979 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-mx---anwcu---as-bl---as-ve---1 aId37-7/1979E-PDF1 aTompkins, J. G., eauthor.10aReport of the salted fish mission to Latin America, February 3-17, 1979 / cprepared by J.G. Tompkins. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Fisheries and Fish Products Division, c1979. a1 online resource (iii, 28 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Mission en Amérique latine sur les poissons salés, du 3 au 17 février 1979. a"May, 1979." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaFisheries products072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce. bFisheries and Fish Products Division.08tMission en Amérique latine sur les poissons salés, du 3 au 17 février 1979 / w(CaOODSP)9.87697140qPDFs2.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-7-1979-eng.pdf01788nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430048001380860021001861000031002072450124002382460094003622640129004563000036005853360031006213370034006523380043006865000118007295000020008475000104008675300045009716920032010166920036010486920034010847100114011187750098012328560108013309.876971CaOODSP20221107164840m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1979 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-mx---anwcu---as-bl---as-ve---1 aId37-7/1979F-PDF1 aTompkins, J. G., eauteur.10aMission en Amérique latine sur les poissons salés, du 3 au 17 février 1979 / crapport établi par M. J.G. Tompkins.14aRapport sur la mission en Amérique latine sur les poissons salés, 3 au 17 février 1979 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, Division des pêcheries et des produits de la pêche, c1979. a1 ressource en ligne (35 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the salted fish mission to Latin America, February 3-17, 1979. a« Mai 1979. » aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaProduit de la pêche072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce. bDivision des pêcheries et des produits de la pêche.08tReport of the salted fish mission to Latin America, February 3-17, 1979 / w(CaOODSP)9.87697040qPDFs2.28 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-7-1979-fra.pdf01713nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450163001802460079003432640118004223000033005403360026005733370026005993380036006255000201006615000100008625300033009626920026009956920027010217100058010487750185011068560108012919.876974CaOODSP20221107164841m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1972 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-ja---1 aId37-8/1972E-PDF00aReport of the Canadian economic mission to Japan, led by the Honourable Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, January 22-January 29, 1972.24aReport of the Canadian economic mission to Japan : bJanuary 22 to 29 1972 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce = Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, c1972. a1 online resource (39 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission économique canadienne au Japon, dirigée par l'honorable Jean-Luc Pepin, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 22 au 29 janvier 1972. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission économique canadienne au Japon, dirigée par l'honorable Jean-Luc Pepin, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 22 au 29 janvier 1972.w(CaOODSP)9.87697940qPDFs2.37 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-8-1972-eng.pdf01779nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450166001802460088003462640118004343000036005523360031005883370034006193380043006535000204006965000104009005300045010046920036010496920034010857100056011197750182011758560108013579.876979CaOODSP20221107164842m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1972 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-ja---1 aId37-8/1972F-PDF00aRapport de la mission économique canadienne au Japon, dirigée par l'honorable Jean-Luc Pepin, ministre de l'Industrie et du commerce, du 22 au 29 janvier 1972.24aRapport de la mission économique canadienne au Japon : bdu 22 au 29 janvier 1972. 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce = Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1972. a1 ressource en ligne (41 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the Canadian economic mission to Japan, led by the Honourable Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, January 22-January 29, 1972. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.08tReport of the Canadian economic mission to Japan, led by the Honourable Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, January 22-January 29, 1972.w(CaOODSP)9.87697440qPDFs2.55 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-8-1972-fra.pdf01585nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450131001802460092003112640076004033000033004793360026005123370026005383380036005645000180006005000100007805300033008806920026009136920027009397100058009667750139010248560108011639.876998CaOODSP20221107164845m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1971 onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-gw---1 aId37-9/1971E-PDF00aReport of the ministerial mission to the Federal Republic of Germany, led by the Honourable Jean-Luc Pepin, April 14-22, 1971.14aReport of the ministerial mission to the Federal Republic of Germany, April 14-22, 1971 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1971] a1 online resource (51 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport de la mission ministérielle en République fédérale d'Allemagne, dirigée par l'honorable Jean-Luc Pepin, du 14 au 22 avril 1971. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaTrade missions072gccstaTrade relations1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.08tRapport de la mission ministérielle en Allemagne, dirigée par l'honorable Jean-Luc Pepin, du 14 au 22 avril 1971.w(CaOODSP)9.87699940qPDFs3.75 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-9-1971-eng.pdf01640nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860021001592450120001802460103003002640074004033000036004773360031005133370034005443380043005785000172006215000104007935300045008976920036009426920034009787100056010127750150010688560108012189.876999CaOODSP20221107164845m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725s1971 onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-gw---1 aId37-9/1971F-PDF00aRapport de la mission ministérielle en Allemagne, dirigée par l'honorable Jean-Luc Pepin, du 14 au 22 avril 1971.14aRapport de la mission ministérielle en République fédérale d'Allemagne, du 14 au 22 avril 1971 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce, c[1971] a1 ressource en ligne (54 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Report of the ministerial mission to the Federal Republic of Germany, led by the Honourable Jean-Luc Pepin, April 14-22, 1971. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aÉgalement publié en version imprimée.072gccstaDélégation commerciale072gccstaRelations commerciales1 aCanada. bMinistère de l'industrie et du commerce.08tReport of the ministerial mission to the Federal Republic of Germany, led by the Honourable Jean-Luc Pepin, April 14-22, 1971.w(CaOODSP)9.87699840qPDFs3.32 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id37/Id37-9-1971-fra.pdf01466nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450092001722640082002643000037003463360026003833370026004093380036004355000100004715000017005715200405005886920028009937100058010218560109010799.875043CaOODSP20221107164343m o d f cr |||||||||||190618e19750214onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-15/1975E-PDF00aReport on an inquiry respecting polyester filament yarn / cTextile and Clothing Board. 1aOttawa : b[Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce], cFebruary 14, 1975. a1 online resource (10, 2 pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aCover title. a"On November 28, 1974 the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce requested the Board to undertake concurrent inquiries on an urgent basis on a number of textile products and to report to him as soon as possible the results of these inquiries. The Board has already reported to the Minister on some of the products in question. The present report deals specifically with polyester filament"--page 1.072gccstaTextile industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs1.23 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-15-1975-eng.pdf01336nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450033001712640124002043000034003283360026003623370026003883380036004145000100004505200295005506920019008456920029008647100058008938560107009519.875383CaOODSP20221107164437m o d f cr |n|||||||||190624s1970 onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC42-10/1970E-PDF00aPower systems market survey. 1aOttawa : bElectrical Division, Electrical and Electronics Branch, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c[1970] a1 online resource (105 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This survey, compiled by the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, is designed as a guide to the potential in the world market for Canadian companies engaged in power systems consulting, design and construction and for Canadian manufacturers of power equipment of all kinds"--page 1.072gccstaSurveys072gccstaEnergy management1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs8.20 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c42/C42-10-1970-eng.pdf01963nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450079001712640075002503000055003253360026003803370026004063380036004325000129004685000017005975000022006145000100006365200476007365300033012126920036012456920031012816920023013127100058013357750113013938560107015069.875441CaOODSP20221107164445m o d f cr cn|||||||||190625s1969 onc or f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aC23-75/1969E-PDF00aDirectory of scientific research and development establishments in Canada. 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, c1969. a1 online resource (105 pages, 20 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Répertoire des entreprises ayant une activité en recherche et développement au Canada. aCover title. aIncludes indexes. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This Directory of Scientific Research and Development Establishments in Canada has been published by the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce in response to a growing number of enquiries for information on scientific research and development activities in Canada. It has been compiled from information supplied by 662 organizations in answer to a questionnaire circulated by the Department to about 1 700 organizations across Canada in August, 1968"--Introduction. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaResearch and development072gccstaScientific research072gccstaDirectories1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.08tRépertoire des entreprises ayant une activité en recherche et développement au Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.87680840qPDFs8.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c23/C23-75-1969-eng.pdf01721nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450061001722640124002333000057003573360026004143370026004403380036004665000100005025000017006025000059006195040041006785200507007196920031012267100058012578560104013159.875620CaOODSP20221107164514m o d f cr |n|||||||||190627e197310##onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId54-12/1973E-PDF00aDirect investment in Canada by non-residents since 1945. 1aOttawa : bForeign Investment Division, Research and Analysis Branch, Foreign Investment Review Agency, cOctober 1973. a1 online resource (ii, 79, 73 pages) e& appendices. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aCover title. a"Amendment Number 1 is incorporated in this printing." aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This working paper reviews the growth of direct investment in Canada by non-residents since the beginning of 1945. It is based on material published up to September 1973 by Statistics Canada, in connection with the balance of payments and the international investment position. It is the second working paper in a series, superseding "Foreign Direct Investment In Canada Since the Second World War", which was issued in January 1970 and updated or otherwise amended three times"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaForeign investments1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs9.91 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Id54-12-1973-eng.pdf01595nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860022001562450065001782640125002433000051003683360026004193370026004453380036004715000100005075000017006075200419006246920031010436920023010746920034010977100058011318560104011899.875639CaOODSP20221107164516m o d f cr |n|||||||||190627e197303##onc||||#or f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---au-at1 aId54-19/1973E-PDF00aHow Australia tells people about foreign-owned subsidiaries. 1aOttawa : bForeign Investment Division, Office of Economics, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cMarch 1973. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aCover title. a"This directory gives information on firms engaged in manufacturing operations in Australia which have some proportion of their ordinary capital owned by firms or persons other than those resident in Australia. If the overseas investment is solely of a portfolio nature by overseas firms or individuals it has been excluded. The directory up-dates information published in the first edition in 1966"--Introduction.072gccstaForeign investments072gccstaDirectories072gccstaManufacturing industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs2.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Id54-19-1973-eng.pdf01616nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000030001722450079002022640156002813000062004373360026004993370026005253380036005515000100005875000025006875200425007126920027011377100058011648560104012229.875641CaOODSP20221107164517m o d f cr |n|||||||||190627s1972 onca|||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId54-20/1972E-PDF1 aVanterpool, A., eauthor.14aThe venture capital industry in Canada : ba short note / cA. Vanterpool. 1aOttawa : bIndustry, Trade and Commerce, Office of Science and Technology = Industrie et Commerce, Direction des sciences et de la technologie, c1972. a1 online resource (22 unnumbered pages) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"Working Paper 106." a"Quantitative information on the Canadian venture capital industry is extremely hard to obtain. However, as a result of listening to some talks, attending seminars, doing some reading and talking to a few Canadian venture capitalists, the following information has been obtained. It is unfortunately only of order-of-magnitude accuracy and is liable to change rapidly as the Canadian economic climate changes"--page [1].072gccstaVenture capital1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs3.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Id54-20-1972-eng.pdf01003nam 2200253zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860021001562450056001772640075002333000069003083360026003773370026004033380036004295000100004656920019005657100058005848560107006429.876040CaOODSP20221107164615m o d f cr |n|||||||||190709e197501##oncdb||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---aa-su1 aC42-12/1975E-PDF00aOpportunities for Canadian exports to Saudi Arabia. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cJanuary 1975. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bcharts, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs2.75 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c42/C42-12-1975-eng.pdf01010nam 2200265zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860021001562450053001772640073002303000037003033360026003403370026003663380036003925000100004286920032005286920019005607100058005798560107006379.876046CaOODSP20221107164616m o d f cr |n|||||||||190709e197505##onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---ae-pl1 aC42-15/1975E-PDF00aPoland : binformation for Canadian businessmen. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cMay 1975. a1 online resource (iv, 65 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaEconomic development072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs3.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c42/C42-15-1975-eng.pdf01488nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430018001510860021001692450110001902640074003003000051003743360026004253370026004513380036004775000100005135200286006135460059008996920032009586920031009907100058010218560107010799.876066CaOODSP20221107164619m o d f cr |n|||||||||190709e198008##onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---au-nz1 aC42-16/1980E-PDF00aCanada and New Zealand : btrade and economic relationships in the 1980's / cCountry Profile Task Force. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cAugust 1980. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The purpose of this paper is to describe in broad terms New Zealand's current place in the world as a trading nation and as an economic power, the direction in which it appears to be moving, and the various ways in which this could affect Canada's interests"--Objective, page iii. aIncludes Objective, Summary and Conclusions in French.072gccstaEconomic development072gccstaInternational trade1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs2.62 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c42/C42-16-1980-eng.pdf01392nam 2200265zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430015001380860021001532450100001742640076002743000068003503360026004183370026004443380036004705000100005065200336006066920019009427100058009618560107010199.876094CaOODSP20221107164623m o d f cr |n|||||||||190709e197011##oncdb||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--acc1 aC42-21/1970E-PDF02aA study on direct shipment and transshipment of Canadian exports to the Commonwealth Caribbean. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cNovember 1970. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bcharts, maps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The purpose of this current study is to examine recent trends of Canadian exports to the Commonwealth Caribbean in terms of volume and cost, with a view to establishing a basis upon which Departmental actions and policies may be developed in advising Canadian shippers on the routing of various commodities"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaExports1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs2.09 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c42/C42-21-1970-eng.pdf01474nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430018001510860021001692450108001902640074002983000051003723360026004233370026004493380036004755000100005115200274006115460059008856920032009446920031009767100058010078560107010659.876124CaOODSP20221107164626m o d f cr |n|||||||||190710e198007##onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---au-at1 aC42-24/1980E-PDF00aCanada and Australia : btrade and economic relationships in the 1980's / cCountry Profile Task Force. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cJuly 1980. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The purpose of this paper is to describe in broad terms Australia's current place in the world as a trading nation and as an economic power, the direction in which it appears to be moving, and the various ways in which this could affect Canada's interests"--Objective. aIncludes Objective, Summary and Conclusions in French.072gccstaEconomic development072gccstaInternational trade1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs4.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/c42/C42-24-1980-eng.pdf01729nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450091001722640081002633000039003443360026003833370026004093380036004355000100004715200666005716920019012376920029012567100058012858560108013439.876172CaOODSP20221107164633m o d f cr |||||||||||190711e19741030onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-13/1974E-PDF00aReport on an inquiry respecting men's and boys' shirts / cTextile and Clothing Board. 1aOttawa : b[Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce], cOctober 30, 1974. a1 online resource (11, (6) pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"Following an inquiry into the shirt situation, the Board reported in June 1971 its finding that men's and boys' shirts were being imported into Canada under such conditions as to threaten serious injury to Canadian production and employment. It recommended that a global quota be applied to imports of men's and boys' dress, sport and work shirts made from woven or knitted fabrics, at an initial annual rate of 1.26 million dozen. The Board recommended also that this quota be maintained for a period of three years, subject to possible extension or earlier termination if recommended by the Board as a result of a subsequent review of the situation"--page 1.072gccstaImports072gccstaClothing industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs898 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-13-1974-eng.pdf01511nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450136001712640079003073000051003863360026004373370026004633380036004895000100005255200394006256920019010196920029010387100058010678560108011259.876176CaOODSP20221107164634m o d f cr |||||||||||190711e19761108onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-8/1976E-PDF00aInterim report pursuant to Section 17 (2) of the Textile and Clothing Board Act respecting clothing / cTextile and Clothing Board. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce, cNovember 8, 1976. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This is an interim report, made pursuant to section 17 (2) Of the Textile and Clothing Board Act. It relates to the inquiry on clothing undertaken at the request of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, which inquiry is being carried out to determine whether imports of certain types of clothing are causing or threatening to cause serious injury to production in Canada"--page 1.072gccstaImports072gccstaClothing industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs1.23 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-8-1976-eng.pdf01131nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450141001712640082003123000041003943360026004353370026004613380036004875000100005235000017006236920019006406920029006597100058006888560107007469.876180CaOODSP20221107164635m o d f cr |||||||||||190711e19741217onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-9/1974E-PDF00aInterim report pursuant to Section 17 (2) of the Textile and Clothing Board Act respecting nylon fabrics / cTextile and Clothing Board. 1aOttawa : b[Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce], cDecember 17, 1974. a1 online resource (5, 3, [1] pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aCover title.072gccstaImports072gccstaClothing industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs863 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-9-1974-eng.pdf01386nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450091001722640081002633000038003443360026003823370026004083380036004345000100004705200325005706920019008956920028009147100058009428560108010009.876181CaOODSP20221107164635m o d f cr |||||||||||190711e19750122onc |||#o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aId46-10/1975E-PDF00aReport on an inquiry respecting sheets and pillowcases / cTextile and Clothing Board. 1aOttawa : b[Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce], cJanuary 22, 1975. a1 online resource (7, (5) pages)  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"In March 1974, the Board received from the Minister of Industry,Trade and Commerce, a request that it undertake an inquiry to determine whether imports of sheets and pillowcases were causing or threatening to cause serious injury to Canadian producers and whether special measures of protection were necessary"--page 1.072gccstaImports072gccstaTextile industry1 aCanada. bDepartment of Industry, Trade and Commerce.40qPDFs724 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/id46/Id46-10-1975-eng.pdf01413nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450067001722640068002393000051003073360026003583370026003843380036004105000118004465000029005645000033005935040041006266920017006676920017006847100046007017750102007478560101008498560137009509.876922CaOODSP20221107164833m go d f cr |n|||||||||190724e201805##onc o f|00 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-255/2018E-PDF00aFollow-up on Internal Audit of the Joint Support Ship Project. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défense nationale, cMay 2018. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Suivi de la vérification interne du Projet de navire de soutien interarmées. a"1259-3-0022 (ADM(RS))." aIssued also in HTML format.  aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaShips072gccstaAudit1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.08tSuivi de la vérification interne du Projet de navire de soutien interarmées.w(CaOODSP)9.87692940qPDFs187 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-255-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/audit-evaluation/296p1259-3-0022.html01481nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450083001722640068002553000061003233360031003843370034004153380043004495000108004925000038006005000039006385040048006776920025007256920018007507100051007687750086008198560101009058560149010069.876929CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |n|||||||||190724e201805##onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-255/2018F-PDF00aSuivi de la vérification interne du Projet de navire de soutien interarmées. 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, cmai 2018. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pagination multiple)) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Follow-up on Internal Audit of the Joint Support Ship Project. a« 1259-3-0022 (SMA[Svcs Ex]). » aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaVérification072gccstaNavire1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tFollow-up on Internal Audit of the Joint Support Ship Project.w(CaOODSP)9.87692240qPDFs193 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-255-2018-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/organisation/rapports-publications/verification-evaluation/296p1259-3-0022.html01429nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450044001722640069002163000054002853360026003393370026003653380036003915000085004275000102005125000033006145040041006476920017006886920020007057100046007257750069007718560101008408560162009419.876987CaOODSP20221107164843m go d f cr |n|||||||||190725e201806##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-277/2018E-PDF00aEvaluation of military police services. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défense nationale, cJune 2018. a1 online resource (1 volume (in various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation des services de police militaire. a"Reviewed by ADM(RS) in accordance with the Access to Information Act. Information UNCLASSIFIED." aIssued also in HTML format.  aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaAudit072gccstaPolicing1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.08tÉvaluation des services de police militaire.w(CaOODSP)9.87698840qPDFs424 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-277-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/audit-evaluation/evaluation-military-police-services-2018.html01536nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450050001722640068002223000061002903360031003513370034003823380043004165000085004595000126005445000039006705040048007096920025007576920038007827100051008207750063008718560101009348560175010359.876988CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725e201806##onc ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-277/2018F-PDF00aÉvaluation des services de police militaire. 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, cJuin 2018 a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pagination multiple)) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of military police services. a« Revu par le SMA(Svcs Ex) conformément à la Loi sur l’accès à l’information. Renseignements NON CLASSIFIÉS. » aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaVérification072gccstaMaintien de l'ordre public1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tEvaluation of military police services.w(CaOODSP)9.87698740qPDFs546 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-277-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/organisation/rapports-publications/verification-evaluation/evaluation-services-police-militaire-2018.html01588nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450078001722640068002503000061003183360031003793370034004103380043004445000097004875000039005845000126006235040048007496920023007976920033008207100051008537750075009048560101009798560182010809.877000CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725e201805##onc ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-290/2018F-PDF00aÉvaluation de l’engagement mondial et de la diplomatie de la défense. 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, cMai 2018. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pagination multiple)) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of global engagement/military diplomacy. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. a« Revu par le SMA(Svcs Ex) conformément à la Loi sur l’accès à l’information. Renseignements NON CLASSIFIÉS. » aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaÉvaluation072gccstaPolitique de défense1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tEvaluation of global engagement/military diplomacy.w(CaOODSP)9.87611540qPDFs478 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-290-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/organisation/rapports-publications/verification-evaluation/evaluation-engagement-mondial-diplomatie-defense.html01513nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450052001722640068002243000061002923360031003533370034003843380043004185000092004615000126005535000039006796920025007186920022007436920033007657100051007987750070008498560101009198560167010209.877051CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |n|||||||||190726e201805##onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-291/2018F-PDF00aAudit de la gestion des munitions et explosifs. 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, cmai 2018. a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pagination multiple)) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Audit of ammunition and explosives management. a« Revu par le SMA(Svcs Ex) conformément à la Loi sur l’accès à l’information. Renseignements NON CLASSIFIÉS. » aÉgalement publié en format HTML.072gccstaVérification072gccstaInventaire072gccstaTechnologie militaire1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tAudit of ammunition and explosives management.w(CaOODSP)9.87611640qPDFs245 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-291-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/organisation/rapports-publications/verification-evaluation/audit-gestion-munitions-explosifs.html01514nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450056001722640069002283000054002973360026003513370026003773380036004035000113004395000102005525000032006545040041006866920022007276920026007497100046007757750097008218560101009188560169010199.876115CaOODSP20221107164626m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725e201805##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-290/2018E-PDF00aEvaluation of global engagement/military diplomacy. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défense nationale, cMay 2018. a1 online resource (1 volume (in various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation de l’engagement mondial et de la diplomatie de la défense. a"Reviewed by ADM(RS) in accordance with the Access to Information Act. Information UNCLASSIFIED." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaAssessment072gccstaDefence policy1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.08tÉvaluation de l’engagement mondial et de la diplomatie de la défense.w(CaOODSP)9.87700040qPDFs446 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-290-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/audit-evaluation/evaluation-global-engagement-military-diplomacy.html01430nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450051001722640068002233000054002913360026003453370026003713380036003975000087004335000102005205000033006226920017006556920023006726920031006957100046007267750071007728560101008438560160009449.876116CaOODSP20221107164626m o d f cr |n|||||||||190726e201805##onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD58-291/2018E-PDF00aAudit of ammunition and explosives management. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défense nationale, cMay 2018. a1 online resource (1 volume (in various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Audit de la gestion des munitions et explosifs. a"Reviewed by ADM(RS) in accordance with the Access to Information Act. Information UNCLASSIFIED." aIssued also in HTML format. 072gccstaAudit072gccstaInventories072gccstaMilitary technology1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.08tAudit de la gestion des munitions et explosifs.w(CaOODSP)9.87705140qPDFs216 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D58-291-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/audit-evaluation/audit-ammunition-explosives-management.html01592nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450184001892640070003732640011004433000083004543360026005373370026005633380036005895000136006255000039007616920024008006930016008247100046008407100032008867750106009188560109010248560121011339.872195CaOODSP20221107163603m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e201903##oncd o f000 0 eng d a9780660307152 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD2-413/2019E-PDF00aFormative research for recruitment marketing and advertising 2019 : bfinal report / cprepared for the Department of National Defence ; supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défense nationale, cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (75 pages) : bcolour charts + eexecutive summary (3 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recherche initiale pour le marketing et la publicité liés au recrutement 2019 : rapport final. a"Registration number: POR-113-18."072gccstaArmed forces 4aRecruitment1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.2 aEarnscliffe Strategy Group.08tRecherche initiale pour le marketing et la publicité liés au recrutement 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87219640qPDFs1.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-413-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs165 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-413-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary01651nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450211001892640069004002640011004693000096004803360031005763370034006073380043006415000127006845000051008116920026008626930016008887100032009047100051009367750092009878560110010798560124011899.872196CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |||||||||||190429s201903##oncd o f000 0 fre d a9780660307169 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD2-413/2019F-PDF00aRecherche initiale pour le marketing et la publicité liés au recrutement 2019 : brapport final / cpréparé pour le ministère de la Défense nationale ; nom du fournisseur : Earnscliffe Strategy Group. 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, cmars 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (76 pages) : bgraphiques en couleur + erésumé analytique (3 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Formative research for recruitment marketing and advertising 2019 : final report. a« Numéro d’enregistrement : POR-113-18. »072gccstaForces armées 4aRecrutement2 aEarnscliffe Strategy Group.1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tFormative research for recruitment marketing and advertising 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87219540qPDFs1.95 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-413-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs168 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-413-2019-1-fra.pdfzRésumé analytique 01243nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001681000032001892450094002212640093003152640011004083000034004193360026004533370026004793380036005055000102005415040041006436920023006847100037007077750089007448560096008339.875068CaOODSP20221107164346m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e201905##onc ob f000 0 eng d a9780660314792 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aJ2-492/2019E-PDF1 aSegal, Murray D., eauthor.10aIndependent review of the extradition of Dr. Hassan Diab / cprepared by Murray D. Segal. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Justice Canada = Ministère de la justice Canada, cMay 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (124 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Examen indépendant de l’extradition d’Hassan Diab, Ph. D. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaExtradition1 aCanada. bDepartment of Justice.08tExamen indépendant de l’extradition d’Hassan Diab, Ph. D. / w(CaOODSP)9.87506940qPDFs990 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/jus/J2-492-2019-eng.pdf01267nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001681000032001892450102002212640093003232640011004163000037004273360026004643370030004903380039005205000103005595040048006626920023007107100040007337750083007738560097008569.875069CaOODSP20221107164346m o d f cr |||||||||||190726e201905##onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660314808 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aJ2-492/2019F-PDF1 aSegal, Murray D., eauteur.10aExamen indépendant de l’extradition d’Hassan Diab, Ph. D. / cpréparé par Murray D. Segal. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinistère de la justice Canada = Department of Justice Canada, cMai 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (130 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent ainformatiquebc2rdamedia aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Independent review of the extradition of Dr. Hassan Diab. aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaExtradition1 aCanada. bMinistère de la justice.08tIndependent review of the extradition of Dr. Hassan Diab / w(CaOODSP)9.87506840qPDFs1.24 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/jus/J2-492-2019-fra.pdf01408nam 2200265zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450118001722640081002903000033003713360026004043370026004303380036004565000100004925200375005926920022009677100044009898560109010339.875103CaOODSP20221107164352m o d f cr |n|||||||||190618e198705##onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo36-12/1987E-PDF00aSmall-scale trial of the Voice MessengerTM : bresults of an evaluation / cGovernment Telecommunications Agency. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Department of Communications, cMay 1987. a1 online resource (31 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"A small-scale trial was carried out with DB Technology's Voice MessengerTM, a computer operated voice messaging system. Since the user community was quite small, a full-fledged impact analysis was not feasible. Nevertheless, the comments contained herein are of interest since they could be used to analyze and compare other voice messaging systems"--Executive Summary.072gccstaVoice mail1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.40qPDFs2.91 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-12-1987-eng.pdf01833nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000028001722450125002002640086003253000036004113360026004473370026004733380036004995000100005355200707006356920022013427000026013647100044013908560109014349.875105CaOODSP20221107164352m o d f cr |n|||||||||190618e198711##onc||||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo36-13/1987E-PDF1 aMorin, M. M., eauthor.10aMeridian SL-1 voice-only messaging : bresults of an evaluation of a pilot trial / cM.M. Morin, Ph.D., L. Côté, M.Ps. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada, Department of Communications, cNovember 1987. a1 online resource (i, 56 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"In order to assess the impact of a voice messaging system (VMS) on telephone calls and messages in the Government, the Government Telecommunications Agency (GTA) introduced in December 1987 Northern Telecom's Meridian SL-1 Voice-Only Messaging System (VOM) in Treasury Board/Finance (TB/Fin) and in GTA. Northern Telecom's VOM system proved itself to be well designed, containing most of the features that users require from a VMS. This field trial allowed us to establish a profile of telephonic communications and messages for office workers in the Federal Government. It gave an opportunity to identify a productivity index to measure the impact of a VMS on office work"--Executive Summary, page i.072gccstaVoice mail1 aCôté, L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.40qPDFs2.98 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-13-1987-eng.pdf01106nam 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001632450077001852640093002623000044003553360026003993370026004253380036004515000100004875460030005876920022006176920024006397100044006638560109007079.875321CaOODSP20221107164427m o d f cr |n|||||||||190621s1983 onc||||#od f001 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aCo36-18/1983E-PDF00aSystems development guidelines : bQ(1). A glossary : telephone systems. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment Telecommunications Agency, Department of Communications, c1983. a1 online resource (40 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes French glossary.072gccstaTelephones072gccstaDictionaries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.40qPDFs3.37 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-18-1983-eng.pdf01839nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001501000035001722450114002072640104003213000068004253360026004933370026005193380036005455000100005815200631006816920022013127000026013347100044013607100023014048560110014279.875350CaOODSP20221107164431m o d f cr |n|||||||||190624e19820907oncdb||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo36-21/1982E-PDF1 aJackson, William E., eauthor.10aPerformance evaluation plan for the satellite SLIM-TDMA network / cWm. E. Jackson, P.Eng. , T. Grusec, Ph.D. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Communications, Government Telecommunications Agency, cSeptember 7, 1982. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bcharts, maps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The evaluation is divided into two principal classes of experiments, technical and behavioural. 'Technical' experiments examine the ways in which the mechanics of man-machine and machine-machine communication over satellite differ from terrestrial means. The 'behavioural' experiments investigate the effects of satellite communication on the ease with which individuals use man-man and man-machine communication. Because of budget constraints however, the experiments in both categories are primarily demonstrations, designed to give the users hands-on experience in an operational environment"--Executive Summary, page iii.072gccstaSatellites1 aGrusec, T., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aCybit Corporation.40qPDFs11.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-21-1982-eng.pdf01296nam 2200265zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450057001722640102002293000033003313360026003643370026003903380036004165000100004525200303005526920022008557100044008778560109009219.875352CaOODSP20221107164432m o d f cr |n|||||||||190624e198909##onc |||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo36-22/1989E-PDF00aGovernment satellite network : bslide presentation. 1aOttawa : bDepartment of Communications, Government Telecommunications Agency, cSeptember, 1989. a1 online resource (33 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"The presentation isintended for information technology decision-makers who have the responsibility to recommend or approve major network proposals. The audience is assumed to have a good understanding of data communications, but little or no experience with satellite technology"--Covering letter.072gccstaSatellites1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.40qPDFs2.87 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-22-1989-eng.pdf01071nam 2200265zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450079001722640099002513000062003503360026004123370026004383380036004645000100005006920030006006920022006307100044006528560109006969.875363CaOODSP20221107164434m o d f cr |n|||||||||190624e198104##oncd|||#o f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo36-23/1981E-PDF00aAnik-B federal government telecommunications field trial : bproject plan. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Communications, Government Telecommunications Agency, cApril 1981. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bcharts atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].072gccstaTelecommunications072gccstaSatellites1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.40qPDFs2.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-23-1981-eng.pdf01186nam 2200277zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450162001722640059003343000064003933360026004573370026004833380036005095000100005455040041006456920039006867100044007257100030007698560109007999.875448CaOODSP20221107164446m o d f cr |n|||||||||190625s1983 oncd|||#ob f000 0|eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo36-25/1983E-PDF00aStudies related to the modernization of the Government of Canada telecommunications network / cset of deliverables submitted by Northern Telecom Canada Ltd. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Department of Communications], c[1983]. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaTelecommunications networks1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aNorthern Telecom Limited.40qPDFs3.03 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/co36/Co36-25-1983-eng.pdf02282nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450152001892640093003412640011004343000070004453360026005153370026005413380036005675000139006035000039007425200711007816920019014926920026015117100037015377100031015747750106016058560104017118560117018159.870898CaOODSP20221107163239m o d f cr |||||||||||190722e201903##onc #o f000 0 eng d a9780660303505 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aF2-272/2019E-PDF00aQualitative and quantitative research on Canada’s economy - Winter 2019 : bfinal report / cprepared for Finance Canada by Environics Research. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Finance Canada = Ministère des Finances Canada,cMarch 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (viii, 54 pages) +eexecutive summary (8 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recherche qualitative et quantitative sur l’économie canadienne - hiver 2019 : rapport final.  a"Registration Number: POR 099-18." a"Finance Canada commissioned Environics Research Group to conduct qualitative and quantitative public opinion research among Canadians in the winter of 2019. The primary objective of the research was to explore current attitudes among Canadians towards such topics as: The state of the Canadian economy and Canadians’ standard of living; The deficit; Housing affordability; Prescription drug coverage; and Work-related skills training. The research objectives are to explore Canadians’ overall concerns and perceptions about the current state of the Canadian economy, emerging economic issues and their expectations about the role of the Government of Canada in the economy"--Executive summary, page i.072gccstaEconomy072gccstaPublic opinion1 aCanada. bDepartment of Finance.2 aEnvironics Research Group.08tRecherche qualitative et quantitative sur l’économie canadienne - hiver 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87089940qPDFs572 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-272-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs191 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-272-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary02471nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450177001892640092003662640011004583000062004693360031005313370034005623380043005965000165006395000049008045200835008536920021016886920028017097100039017377100031017767750101018078560105019088560108020139.870899CaOODSP20221107163239m o d f cr |||||||||||190722e201903##onc #o f000 0 fre d a9780660303512 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aF2-272/2019F-PDF00aRecherche qualitative et quantitative sur l’économie canadienne - hiver 2019 : brapport final / cpréparé à l’intention de Finances Canada par Environics Research. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinistère des Finances Canada = Department of Finance Canada,cmars 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (ix, 58 pages) +esommaire (9 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Qualitative and quantitative research on Canada’s economy - Winter 2019 : final report.  a« Numéro d’enregistrement ROP 099-18. » a« Finances Canada a retenu les services d’Environics Research Group afin de mener, à l’hiver 2019, une recherche qualitative et quantitative sur l’opinion publique auprès des Canadiens. Le principal objectif de cette recherche était d’explorer ce que pensent actuellement les Canadiens des sujets suivants : L’état de l’économie canadienne et le niveau de vie des Canadiens; Le déficit; L’accessibilité des logements; Les régimes d’assurance-médicaments; La formation axée sur l’acquisition de compétences professionnelles. La recherche vise à explorer les préoccupations et perceptions globales des Canadiens en ce qui a trait à l’état actuel de l’économie au pays, aux enjeux économiques émergents et au rôle du gouvernement du Canada dans l’économie »--Résumé du rapport, page i.072gccstaÉconomie072gccstaOpinion publique1 aCanada. bMinistère des finances.2 aEnvironics Research Group.08tQualitative and quantitative research on Canada’s economy - Winter 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87089840qPDFs724 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-272-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs201 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-272-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire02633nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860021001812450200002022640093004022640011004953000068005063360026005743370026006003380036006265000187006625200914008495460029017636920019017926920026018117100037018377100035018747750150019098560105020598560107021649.872525CaOODSP20221107163651m o d f cr |||||||||||190506e201904##onc #o f000 0 eng d a9780660307916 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aF2-273/2019E-PDF00aFinance Canada 2019 focus groups on the economy (qualitative) through Perception Analyzer : bresearch report : final report / cprepared by Corporate Research Associates Inc. for Finance Canada. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Finance Canada = Ministère des Finances Canada,cApril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (12, 15 pages) +eexecutive summary (3 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Groupes de discussion 2019 (qualitatifs) sur l'économie du ministère des Finances Canada avec l'outil Perception Analyzer : rapport de recherche. a"The objective of the research is to provide Finance Canada with an assessment of the sentiment of a cross-section of Canadians in Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver, with respect to what they heard in the budget speech. The stated objective of the research is “to explore in more detail Canadians’ overall concerns and perceptions about the current state of the Canadian economy, emerging economic issues and their expectations about the role of the Government of Canada in the economy.” The research was also designed to “explore Canadian’s reaction and gauge the effect of the Budget and the measures that flow from it.” Results from the qualitative research allows Finance Canada to get a clear and current sense of the evolution of the public mood towards the state of the economy, sense of personal economic well-being and government actions in the economic sphere"--Executive summary, page 1. aIncludes text in French.072gccstaEconomy072gccstaPublic opinion1 aCanada. bDepartment of Finance.2 aCorporate Research Associates.08tGroupes de discussion 2019 (qualitatifs) sur l'économie du ministère des Finances Canada avec l'outil Perception Analyzer : w(CaOODSP)9.87252840qPDFs1.67 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-273-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs928 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-273-2019-1-eng.pdfzSummary02854nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430012001690860021001812450222002022640093004242640011005173000062005283360031005903370034006213380043006555000189006985201165008875460034020526920021020866920028021077100039021357750116021748560106022908560108023969.872528CaOODSP20221107163652m o d f cr |||||||||||190722e201904##onc #o f000 0 fre d a9780660307923 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afrebeng an-cn---1 aF2-273/2019F-PDF00aGroupes de discussion 2019 (qualitatifs) sur l'économie du ministère des Finances Canada avec l'outil Perception Analyzer : brapport de recherché : rapport final / crédigé par Corporate Research Associates Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinistère des Finances Canada = Department of Finance Canada,cavril 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (12, 15 pages) +esommaire (3 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Finance Canada 2019 focus groups on the economy (qualitative) through Perception Analyzer: research report.  a« La recherche dont il est ici question a pour objectif de fournir au ministère des Finances une évaluation des opinions de Canadiens et de Canadiennes résidant à Montréal, à Toronto et à Vancouver au sujet du contenu du discours du budget. Les objectifs déclarés de la recherche consistent à « explorer en profondeur les préoccupations globales des Canadiens et Canadiennes, ainsi que leurs points de vue relativement à l’état actuel de l’économie du pays, aux nouveaux enjeux économiques et à leurs attentes quant au rôle que doit jouer le gouvernement du Canada dans l’économie ». La recherche a également été conçue dans le but d’« étudier les réactions des Canadiens et Canadiennes, ainsi que d’évaluer l’impact du budget et des mesures qui en découlent ». Les résultats de la recherche qualitative permettront au ministère des Finances de se faire une idée claire et à jour de l’évolution de l’avis du public en ce qui a trait à l’état de l’économie, à son impression de bien-être économique personnelle et aux gestes que pose le gouvernement dans la sphère économique »--Sommaire, page 1. aComprend le texte en anglais.072gccstaÉconomie072gccstaOpinion publique1 aCanada. bMinistère des finances.08tFinance Canada 2019 focus groups on the economy (qualitative) through Perception Analyzer : w(CaOODSP)9.87252540qPDFs1.67 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-273-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs922 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/fin/F2-273-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire02041nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430030001510860022001811000035002032450078002382640132003163000052004483360026005003370026005263380036005524900039005885000056006275040054006835200518007375460033012556920016012886920019013047100100013237100039014238300115014628560102015779.876772CaOODSP20221107164809m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1980 nsca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--an-cn-nfan-us---1 aFs70-8/80-65E-PDF1 aMaguire, Jean-Jacques, d1953-13aAn analytical assessment of mackerel in NAFO SA 3-6 / cby J.J. Maguire.  1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries & Oceans, c[1980]  a1 online resource (29 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/65 a"Not to be cited without permission of the author." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 9-10). a"Following a period of high exploitation by East European countries in the late sixties to mid seventies the nominal catches of Atlantic mackerel in NAFO SA 3-6 have decreased markedly since 1976 after Canada the United States extended their jurisdiction over fisheries to 200 miles of their coast. The fishing mortalities on older age-groups appear to be below F0.1 but recent year-classes (1975 onwards) are believed to be weak. A TAC of 150,000 t could be taken without adverse effects on the stock"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFish072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division‏.2 aBedford Institute of Oceanography.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/65w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-65-eng.pdf02154nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000034001942450129002282640075003573000034004323360026004663370026004923380036005184900039005545000062005935200733006555460033013886920016014216920019014377000021014567000048014777100050015258300115015758560102016909.876775CaOODSP20221107164809m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1980 nsc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/80-70E-PDF1 aRivard, D. q(Denis), d1950-10a1979 performance of commercial sampling for east coast Canadian fisheries / cby D. Rivard, S. Stevenson and K. Zwanenburg.  1a[Dartmouth, Nova Scotia : bDepartment of Fisheries & Oceans, c1980]  a1 online resource (29 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/70 a"Not to be cited without prior reference to the authors." a"This paper presents a review of the 1979 performance of commercial catch sampling for east coast Canadian fisheries. The review indicates that squid, certain shrimp stocks and a few groundfish and pelagic stocks do not meet the ICNAF minimum sampling requirement - one sample for each 1,000 tons caught of each species per division, quarter and gear - for all of their gear-categories in all quarters. For many groundfish and pelagic stocks, sampling efforts are not distributed over gear-types and over time so as to generate representative samples of the commercial catch. The paper also comments on the importance of commercial catch sampling data for the estimation of input parameters for analytical assessment"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFish072gccstaSurveys1 aStevenson, S. C.1 aZwanenburg, Kees Cornelis Tieleman, d1954-1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/70w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.19 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-70-eng.pdf02164nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430030001510860022001811000031002032450148002342640168003823000070005503360026006203370026006463380036006724900039007085000057007475040051008045200403008555460033012586920021012916920026013127000016013387000013013547100089013677100105014568300115015618560102016769.876777CaOODSP20221107164810m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1980 nscabo #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--an-cn-nfan-cn-qu1 aFs70-8/80-72E-PDF1 aPringle, J. D. d(John D.)10aFishing power and ecological impact on Gulf Chondrus (Irish moss) of modified Chondrus dragrakes / cby J.D. Pringle, D.J. Jones, and P. Rowe.  1aHalifax, N.S. : bResource Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada ; bFisheries Development Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, c[1980]  a1 online resource (54 pages) : bphotographs, map, illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/72 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 18). a"It was decided to determine if minor modifications to the dragrake would lessen the ecological impact on Chondrus populations. A study was initiated in 1978 to test the hypothesis that minor modifications to the traditional dragrake would have significant effects on both ecological impact and fishing success. Presented below are data from studies carried out during 1978 and 1979"--Introduction. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaAquatic plants1 aJones, D.J.1 aRowe, P.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region. bResource Branch.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bFisheries Development Branch.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/72w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs4.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-72-eng.pdf02160nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000041001852450112002262640135003383000058004733360026005313370026005573380036005834900039006195000053006585040051007115200543007625460033013056920021013386920026013597000033013857000037014187100114014558300115015698560102016849.876779CaOODSP20230214143344m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1980 nscab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--1 aFs70-8/80-73E-PDF1 aJamieson, Glen S., d1946- eauthor.10aAssessment of Northumberland Strait scallop stocks / cby G.S. Jamieson, N.B. Witherspoon, and M.J. Lundy.  1aHalifax, Nova Scotia : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Resource Branch, Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division, c[1980]  a1 online resource (38 pages) : bmaps, illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/73 a"Not to be cited without permission of authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 18). a"Stock assessments in each of the three regions of Northumberland Strait (east, central and west) are presented. Assessments are based both on resource surveys, which determine relative age class frequencies and densities, and CPUE data as obtained from log books, which were introduced in this fishery for the first time in 1979. Significant regional differences in scallop abundance were evident, with average density greatest in the eastern Strait and progressively decreasing in the central and western Strait respectively"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaAquatic plants1 aWitherspoon, N.B., eauthor.1 aLundy, M. J.q(Mark J.)eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region. bInvertebrates and Marine Plants Division.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/73w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.59 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-73-eng.pdf02912nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450303001752640072004782640011005503000038005613360026005993370026006253380036006514900049006875000338007365000017010745000017010915000078011085040041011865200531012276920021017586920031017796920023018107000022018337000017018557000015018727100086018877100043019737750258020168300093022748560111023679.876782CaOODSP20240405122912m o d f cr bn|||||||||190722t20192019onc ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aFs70-4/2018-018E-PDF00aProceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador regional peer review of the assessment of NAFO Subdivision 3Ps Iceland scallop, and the Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab assessment : bFebruary 20-23, 2018, St. John's, NL / cchairpersons, Christina Bourne and Hannah Murphy ; rapporteu, Tom Fowler. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 16 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2018/018 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu du processus régional d'examen par les pairs de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador sur l'évaluation du pétoncle d'Islande dans la sous-division 3Ps de l'OPANO et sur l'évaluation du crabe des neiges de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : du 20 au 23 février 2018, St. John's (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador). aCover title. a"June 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Regional Peer Review Process to assess the stock status of Iceland Scallop (Chlamys islandica) in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subdivision 3Ps, and Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in NAFO Divisions (Divs.) 2HJ3KLNOP4R, was held February 20-23, 2018, in St. John's, NL. This Proceedings Report includes an abstract and summary of discussion for each presentation. The meeting terms of reference, agenda, and list of attendees are appended"--Summary, page iv.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaConferences1 aMurphy, Hannah M.1 aFowler, Tom.1 aBourne, C.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland and Labrador Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu du processus régional d'examen par les pairs de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador sur l'évaluation du pétoncle d'Islande dans la sous-division 3Ps de l'OPANO et sur l'évaluation du crabe des neiges de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : w(CaOODSP)9.876785#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2018/018.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs328 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2018-018-eng.pdf03092nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450382001752640087005572640011006443000041006553360031006963370034007273380043007614900043008045000264008475000028011115000021011395000081011605040048012415200671012896920022019606920035019826920020020177000022020377000017020597000015020767100094020917100056021857750206022418300100024478560111025479.876785CaOODSP20240405122912m o d f cr bn|||||||||190722t20192019onc ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aFs70-4/2018-018F-PDF00aCompte rendu du processus régional d'examen par les pairs de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador sur l'évaluation du pétoncle d'Islande dans la sous-division 3Ps de l'OPANO et sur l'évaluation du crabe des neiges de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : bdu 20 au 23 février 2018, St. John's (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) / cprésidentes, Christina Bourne et Hannah Murphy ; rapporteur, Tom Fowler. 1aOttawa (ON) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 21 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2018/018 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador regional peer review of the assessment of NAFO Subdivision 3Ps Iceland scallop, and the Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab assessment: February 20-23, 2018, St. John's, NL. aTitre de la couverture. a« Juin 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Une réunion du processus d'examen par les pairs régional de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador (T.-N.-L.) a eu lieu afin d'évaluer l'état du stock de pétoncles d'Islande (Chlamys islandica) dans la sous-division 3Ps de l'Organisation des pêches de l'Atlantique Nord-Ouest (OPANO) et du crabe des neiges (Chionoecetes opilio) dans les divisions 2HJ3KLNOP4R de l'OPANO, du 20 au 23 février 2018 à St. John's (T.-N.-L.). Le présent compte rendu comprend un résumé et un sommaire des discussions concernant chaque présentation. Le cadre de référence, l'ordre du jour et la liste des participants de la réunion sont annexés aux présentes » -- Sommaire, page iv.072gccstaPêcheries072gccstaRessources halieutiques072gccstaCongrès1 aMurphy, Hannah M.1 aFowler, Tom.1 aBourne, C.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador regional peer review of the assessment of NAFO Subdivision 3Ps Iceland scallop, and the Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab assessment : w(CaOODSP)9.876782#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2018/018.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs349 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2018-018-fra.pdf02563nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450229001752640072004042640011004763000039004873360026005263370026005523380036005784900049006145000237006635000017009005000017009175000059009345200551009936920021015446920031015656920023015967000027016197000018016467100067016647100043017317750175017748300093019498560111020429.876787CaOODSP20221107164811m o d f cr bn|||||||||190722t20192019onc o f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aFs70-4/2019-002E-PDF00aProceedings of the regional peer review of the assessment of the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab stocks : bFebruary 13-14, 2018, Mont-Joli, Quebec / cchairperson, Denis Chabot ; rapporteur, Sonia Dubé. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iii, 15 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2019/002 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l'examen régional par des pairs sur l'évaluation des stocks de crabe des neiges de l'estuaire et du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent : du 13 au 14 février 2018, Mont-Joli, Québec. aCover title. a"June 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Quebec Region. a"This document contains the proceeding from the meeting held within the regional assessment process on Snow crab in the Estuary and Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. This review process was held on February 13-14, 2018 at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli. This meeting gathered about sixty participants from science, management and industry. These proceedings contain the essential parts of the presentations and discussions held, and report the recommendations and conclusions that were presented during the review"--Summary, page iii.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaConferences1 aChabot, Denis, d1956-1 aDubé, Sonia.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bQuebec Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l'examen régional par des pairs sur l'évaluation des stocks de crabe des neiges de l'estuaire et du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent : w(CaOODSP)9.876788#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2019/002.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs310 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-002-eng.pdf02665nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450260001752640092004352640011005273000042005383360031005803370034006113380043006454900043006885000211007315000028009425000021009705000065009915200585010566920022016416920035016636920020016987000027017187000018017457100075017637100056018387750150018948300100020448560111021449.876788CaOODSP20221107164812m o d f cr bn|||||||||190722t20192019onc o f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-qu1 aFs70-4/2019-002F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l'examen régional par des pairs sur l'évaluation des stocks de crabe des neiges de l'estuaire et du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent : bdu 13 au 14 février 2018, Mont-Joli, Québec / cprésident, Denis Chabot ; rapporteure, Sonia Dubé. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 16 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2019/002 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the regional peer review of the assessment of the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab stocks: February 13-14, 2018, Mont-Joli, Quebec. aTitre de la couverture. a« Juin 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région du Québec. a« Ce document renferme le compte rendu de l'examen régional par des pairs sur l'évaluation des stocks de crabe des neiges de l'estuaire et du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Cette revue, qui a eu lieu les 13 et 14 février 2018 à l'Institut Maurice-Lamontagne à Mont-Joli, a réuni près de soixante participants des sciences, de la gestion et de l'industrie. Ce compte rendu contient l'essentiel des présentations et des discussions qui ont eu lieu pendant la réunion et fait état des recommandations et conclusions émises au moment de la revue » -- Sommaire, page iii.072gccstaPêcheries072gccstaRessources halieutiques072gccstaCongrès1 aChabot, Denis, d1956-1 aDubé, Sonia.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Québec.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the regional peer review of the assessment of the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab stocks : w(CaOODSP)9.876787#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2019/002.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs326 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-002-fra.pdf01968nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000049001852450124002342640111003583000057004693360026005263370026005523380036005784900039006145000053006535040050007065200409007565460033011656920021011986920019012197000030012387100122012688300115013908560101015059.876809CaOODSP20221107164815m o d f cr |n|||||||||190717s1980 nfcab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/80-75E-PDF1 aMoores, J. A. q(John A.), d1951- eauthor.13aAn evaluation of the current status of the St. Mary's-Placentia Bay herring stock / cby J.A. Moores and G.H. Winters.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bResearch and Resource Services, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1980]  a1 online resource (22 pages) : bmap, illustration.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/75 a"Not to be cited without permission of authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 9). a"Three sources of catch rate data were examined: (1) ring net landing slips, (2) ring net log records, and (3) gillnet landing slips. These data were used to calculate total mortality rates within the stock ... Cohort analysis was performed at these and the average mortality levels and in all cases indicated a decline in the stock with the spawning biomass declining to < 16% of peak levels"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aWinters, G. H., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/75w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs976 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-75-eng.pdf02669nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000041001942450190002352500013004252640188004383000057006263360026006833370026007093380036007354900049007715000053008205040051008735200949009245460033018736920025019066920019019317100130019508300125020808560102022059.876814CaOODSP20230322090747m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1980 nscab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/80-77E-PDF1 aJamieson, Glen S., d1946- eauthor.14aThe potential for research and fishery performance data isopleths in population assessment of offshore, sedentary, contagiously-distributed species / cby G.S. Jamieson and R. Chandler. aRevised. 1aHalifax, Nova Scotia : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Resource Branch, Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division ; aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bBiological Station, c[1980]  a1 online resource (32 pages) : bmap, illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/77 (revised) a"Not to be cited without permission of authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 17). a"A new technique in scallop data analysis is presented both to improve sampling design in research surveys and to facilitate determination of exploitable scallop biomass. Commercial Canadian fishing logs record daily effort, catch and navigational bearings for locations fished, thereby permitting a high degree of resolution in the analysis of pattern of scallop distribution. Techniques have been developed to permit isopleth mapping of commercial catch, effort and CPUE, and an evaluation of parameters to achieve maximum realism is presented. In particular, degree of data spreading and calendar duration of fishing activity are discussed. Analysis of commercial log records from the first six months of 1978 are compared with observations from a 'ground truthing' research cruise, and general support was indicated for the role of isopleth plotting of research and commercial fishery data as a descriptive stock assessment tool"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaInvertebrates072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region. bInvertebrates and Marine Plants Division, eissuing body.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/77 (revised)w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.58 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-77-eng.pdf01988nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000035001852450084002202640123003043000058004273360026004853370026005113380036005374900039005735000077006125040053006895200467007425460033012096920021012426920019012637000027012827100100013098300115014098560102015249.876815CaOODSP20221107164816m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1980 nkcab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--1 aFs70-8/80-81E-PDF1 aHurley, Peter C. F., eauthor.12aA review of the Canadian swordfish fishery / cby P.C.F. Hurley and T.D. Iles.  1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, c[1980]  a1 online resource (20 pages) : bmaps, illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v80/81 a"This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 7-9). a"The history of the Canadian swordfish fishery, together with pertinent details of the life history, are reviewed. Changes in the fishery, re-opened in 1979 after eight years, are described. Temporal and areal contraction of the fishery has occurred, largely as a result of extended jurisdiction, and fleet size and effort have decreased substantially. Catch rate and mean fish size have shown only partial recovery after the period of reduced effort"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aIles, T. D., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v80/81w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.18 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-80-81-eng.pdf02018nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000031001942450066002252640097002913000051003883360026004393370026004653380036004914900039005275000052005665040050006185200615006685460033012836920016013166920019013327100100013518300115014518560102015669.876817CaOODSP20221107164816m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1981 nsca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--an-cn-qu1 aFs70-8/81-34E-PDF1 aMetuzals, K. I., eauthor.10aAssessment of American plaice in NAFO 4T / cby K. Metuzals.  1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Department of Fisheries & Oceans, c[1981]  a1 online resource (34 pages) : billustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/34 a"Not to be cited without permission of author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 6). a"Landings from the American plaice fishery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence have been stable since 1963. A series of commercial catch and effort data from 1972-1980 is presented using a median smoother. The commercial CPUE however, may not be indicative of trends in the overall fishery since the large vessels of the mobile fleet do not direct their effort on plaice. Data from research vessel surveys indicate that a number of strong year-classes, especially those of 1971 and 1972 are entering the fishery. Biomass estimates for 1980 also indicate that the total plaice biomass has doubled since 1970"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFish072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/34w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs9.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-34-eng.pdf02208nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450091002142640111003053000051004163360026004673370026004933380036005194900039005555000052005945040050006465200703006965460033013996920021014326920019014537000035014727100122015078300115016298560102017449.876823CaOODSP20221107164817m o d f cr |n|||||||||190722s1981 nfca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/81-37E-PDF1 aBrodie, W. B., eauthor.13aAn assessment of American plaice in subdivision 3Ps / cby W.B. Brodie and T.K. Pitt.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services, c[1981]  a1 online resource (14 pages) : billustration. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/37 a"Not to be cited without permission of author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 3). a"An assessment using virtual population analysis was performed but there were difficulties in deriving important parameters, particularly a value for terminal fishing mortality in 1980. Projections using a partial recruitment pattern calculated from the 1977-80 catch matrix and a series of population numbers generated from VPAs with terminal F's ranging from 0.25 down to 0.15 indicated an F0.1 yield in 1982 between 4000 t and 8500 t. Due to the problems in arriving at precise values for certain parameters, it seems wise, in view of the fact that the stock is in fairly stable condition, to leave the TAC for 1982 at 5000 t which is close to the level of the average catch, 1974-80"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aPitt, Thomas Kenton, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/37w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs9.32 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-37-eng.pdf01904nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450094002172640111003113000053004223360026004753370026005013380036005274900039005635000055006025040050006575200380007075460033010876920027011206920019011477000037011667100122012038300115013258560102014409.876957CaOODSP20221107164838m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nfca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/81-39E-PDF1 aBishop, Claude A, eauthor.10aAssessment of the cod stock in subdivision 3Ps / cby Claude Bishop and Stratis Gavaris.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services, c[1981]  a1 online resource (27 pages) : billustrations.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/39 a"Not to be cited without permission of author(s)." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4). a"Catches of cod from subdivision 3Ps have increased to approximately 40,000 t in 1980 from a low of 26,000 t in 1978. the 1974 year-class dominated the commercial fishery in 1980 and the 1978 year-class continued to appear strong as 3 year olds in the 1981 survey. Using survey-results and cohort runs, the terminal fishing mortality in 1980 was estimated at 0.30"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaSurveys1 aGavaris, S. q(Stratis)eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/39w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs8.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-39-eng.pdf02490nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450116002172640143003333000059004763360026005353370026005613380036005874900039006235000057006625040051007195200807007705460033015776920023016106920019016337000042016527100114016947100091018088300115018998560102020149.876959CaOODSP20221107164838m o d f cr |n|||||||||190719s1981 nkcab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/81-40E-PDF1 aElner, Robert W., eauthor.10aAnalysis of the Cape Breton inshore fishery for snow crab, 1980 / cby Robert W. Elner and David A. Robichaud.  1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bInvertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, c[1980]  a1 online resource (57 pages) : bmaps, illustrations.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/40 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 17). a"Biological assessments are presented for the 1980 Cape Breton snow crab season based on data derived from fishermen's logbooks, tagging studies and in-port and at-sea sampling, growth of commercial-size stock plus recruitment (sub0legal male crabs moulting into legal size) during the fishing season and inter-season growth and recruitment have been used to estimate the available commercial biomass and TAC's for the 1981 season for 5 of the 7 snow crab management areas around Cape Breton. A marked decline of most Cape Breton stocks over the past 3 years indicates that the accumulated virgin biomass is being rapidly depleted and that the future fishery will depend increasingly on new recruits. Annual biomass additions due to growth and recruitment appear to be variable in magnitude"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaCrustaceans072gccstaSurveys1 aRobichaud, David A.,d1954- eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region. bInvertebrates and Marine Plants Division.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bBiological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.)#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/40w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs2.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-40-eng.pdf02050nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430021001510860022001721000035001942450081002292640099003103000058004093360026004673370026004933380036005194900039005555000052005945040050006465200609006965460033013056920027013386920019013657100100013848300115014848560101015999.876960CaOODSP20221107164839m o d f cr |n|||||||||190719s1981 nscab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nsan-cn-nk1 aFs70-8/81-45E-PDF1 aDe Lafontaine, Yves, eauthor.10a1981 analyses of offshore cod stock in division 4X / cby Y. de Lafontaine.  1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1981]  a1 online resource (12 pages) : bmap, illustrations.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/45 a"Not to be cited without permission of author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 3). a"Reported cod landings in Div. 4X were 31,000 metric tons in 1980 which is twice the catch for 1976. Due to misreporting of catch location, especially by the inshore fleet, catch separation between the two cod stocks in Div. 4X is difficult. Catch per unit of effort by Canadian fleet for offshore 4X cod was compared to abundance indices from Canadian research vessel survey. Results suggest that stock abundance of offshore cod is relatively stable and that fishing mortality remains high and almost twice the F max of 0.35. It is suggested that catch should stay at a minimum level in 1982"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/45w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs674 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-45-eng.pdf01975nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000037001852450081002222640111003033000058004143360026004723370026004983380036005244900039005605000055005995000026006545040050006805200421007305460033011516920027011846920019012117000032012307100122012628300115013848560102014999.876961CaOODSP20221107164839m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nfca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/81-47E-PDF1 aGavaris, S. q(Stratis)eauthor.10aAssessment of cod stock in 3Pn4Rs / cby Stratis Gavaris and Claude Bishop.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services, c[1981]  a1 online resource (18, [1] pages) : billustrations.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/47 a"Not to be cited without permission of author(s)." aIncludes corrigendum. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 3). a"The recent increase in catch rates for cod in Area 3Pn4Rs coincides with observations of exceptional recruitment of age four fish during 1978-80. Research surveys did not confirm this trend. By comparing catch rates and exploitable biomass from cohort analysis, the fishing mortality in 1980 was estimated at 0.30 for fully recruited ages. The projected catch for 1982 at F0.1 was 105,00 metric tons (t)"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaSurveys1 aBishop, Claude A, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/47w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs5.89 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-47-eng.pdf02131nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450113002162640137003293000053004663360026005193370026005453380036005714900039006075000057006465040050007035200511007535460033012646920027012976920019013247000041013437100050013847100039014347100055014738300115015288560102016439.876972CaOODSP20221107164841m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nsca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cnm--1 aFs70-8/81-49E-PDF1 aMetuzals, K. I., eauthor.10aReview of the white hake, Urophycis tenuis fishery in NAFO division 4T / cby K. Metuzals and A. Fullerton.  1aDartmouth, N.S. : bBedford Institute of Oceanography ; aHalifax, N.S. : bOceanography Department, Dalhousie University, c[1981]  a1 online resource (15 pages) : billustrations.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/49 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5). a"Historical catches were analyzed from 1960-1980. Catches in recent years have increased substantially and in 1980 especially, have exceeded any recorded levels. Research vessel data are presented from 1970-1980. No ageing material is available at this time. Estimates of total population in numbers and biomass, as well as mean number per tow and mean weight per tow do not indicate a large increase in hake abundance. Increase in catch therefore must be attributed to increased inshore effort"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaSurveys1 aFullerton, Anne Francesca, eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.2 aBedford Institute of Oceanography.2 aDalhousie University.bDepartment of Oceanography.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/49w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs3.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-49-eng.pdf02069nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450082002152640111002973000035004083360026004433370026004693380036004954900039005315000052005705040050006225200635006725460033013076920021013406920019013617100122013808300115015028560102016179.876977CaOODSP20221107164841m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nfc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/81-50E-PDF1 aGavaris, C. A., eauthor.13aAn assessment of redfish in subarea 2 + division 3K / cby Carol A. Gavaris.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services, c[1981]  a1 online resource (15 pages).  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/50 a"Not to be cited without permission of author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4). a"The status of the redfish stock in subarea 2 and div. 3K was evaluated using standardized catch rate data and research survey results. The catch rate series showed an apparent decline between 1977 and 1979. Among possible causes for the decline were a decline in stock biomass, a shift in the composition of the fishing fleet and/or a change in the size selection of redfish. The research surveys did not indicate any trend in the level of abundance. A preliminary cohort analysis was presented but was not used due to too few years of data available. Evidence for a change in the status of the stock was inconclusive"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/50w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs4.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-50-eng.pdf01890nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000035001852450107002202640111003273000052004383360026004903370026005163380036005424900039005785000055006175040050006725200365007225460033010876920021011206920019011417000029011607100122011898300115013118560102014269.876981CaOODSP20221107164842m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nfca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/81-51E-PDF1 aPitt, Thomas Kenton, eauthor.10aStock assessment of American plaice in NAFO subarea 2 - division 3K / cby T.K. Pitt and W.B. Brodie.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services, c[1981]  a1 online resource (17 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/51 a"Not to be cited without permission of author(s)." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4). a"Although only 5 years data were available a virtual population analysis was attempted. Ttotal mortality rates calculated from survival rates using research vessel catch per set and catch curves from commercial data indicated relatively low fishing mortality in recent years. catch rates by the commercial fleet have increased in the past two years"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aBrodie, W. B., eauthor.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/51w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs6.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-51-eng.pdf02192nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430030001510860022001811000059002032450100002622640074003623000058004363360026004943370026005203380036005464900039005825000052006215040050006735200780007235460033015036920021015366920019015577100050015768300115016268560101017419.876982CaOODSP20221107164842m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nfcab #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nfan-cnm--an-cn-qu1 aFs70-8/81-52E-PDF1 aBowering, W. R. q(William Raymond), d1950- eauthor.10aWitch flounder in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO divisions 4RS) / cby W.R. Bowering.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1981]  a1 online resource (12 pages) : billustrations, map.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/52 a"Not to be cited without permission of author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4). a"Landings have averaged 2000-3500 t over the past 11 years with the major effort coming from the Newfoundland otter trawlers in the southwest portion of Esquiman Channel in the wintertime and to a lesser extent the Danish seiners on the south side of St. Georges' Bay in the summertime. The age groups comprising this fishery have been reduced from 6-26 years old in 1976 to 6-15 years old in 1980 with this reduction in the number of age groups compensated by increased growth and recruitment. Despite the large reduction of the older age groups, over the past few years, biomass estimates and the number of age classes comprising the fishery appear to be stabilizing. This apparent stability has been generated by annual removals through fishing of about 3500 t"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/52w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs624 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-52-eng.pdf02141nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000059001852450092002442640111003363000053004473360026005003370026005263380036005524900039005885000052006275040050006795200650007295460033013796920021014126920019014337100122014528300115015748560102016899.876984CaOODSP20221107164843m o d f cr |n|||||||||190725s1981 nfca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/81-53E-PDF1 aBowering, W. R. q(William Raymond), d1950- eauthor.10aWitch flounder in NAFO divisions 2J and 3KL : banother by-catch / cby W.R. Bowering.  1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services, c[1981]  a1 online resource (16 pages) : billustrations.  atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v81/53 a"Not to be cited without permission of author." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4). a"Landings have declined steadily from a high of 24,000 t in 1973 to a low of less than 4000 t in 1980. This fishery has been conducted mainly by inshore gillnets and offshore otter trawlers particularly in NAFO Div. 3K, however, in the more recent years the inshore gillnet fishery for witch flounder in this area produced negligible proportions. Biomass surveys since 1978 have shown that more than 75% of this stock is located in Div. 3K and biomass estimates since that time appear to be relatively stable. This apparent stability has been generated by average annual removals through fishing of 8000 t which is very close to F0.1"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bResearch and Resource Services Directorate‏.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v81/53w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs5.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-81-53-eng.pdf02821nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450240001752640072004152640011004873000034004983360026005323370026005583380036005844900049006205000270006695000017009395000017009565000062009735040041010355200679010766920021017556920031017766920023018077000021018307000027018517100070018787100043019487750204019918300093021958560111022889.877001CaOODSP20221107164845m o d f cr bn|||||||||190725t20192019onc ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aFs70-4/2019-003E-PDF00aProceedings of the regional peer review of the stock assessment of eastern Scotian Shelf shrimp in shrimp fishing areas (SFAs) 13-15 : bDecember 7, 2016, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia / cchairperson, Thomas Wheaton ; editor, Lottie Bennett. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (11 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2019/003 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de crevettes de l'est du plateau néo-écossais dans les zones de pêche à la crevette (ZPC) 13 à 15 : le 7 décembre 2016, Dartmouth (Nouvelle-Écosse). aCover title. a"June 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A regional peer review meeting was held on December 7, 2016, at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Nova Scotia to conduct an assessment of Eastern Scotian Shelf Shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFAs) 13-15. The focus of the meeting was to review the science information on the status of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Shrimp stock to help determine a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) that is consistent with the management plan. Participation in this meeting included Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), non-DFO scientists, First Nations and Aboriginal organizations, the fishing industry, and New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries"--Summary, page 2.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaConferences1 aWheaton, Thomas.1 aBennett, L. q(Lottie)1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bMaritimes Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de crevettes de l'est du plateau néo-écossais dans les zones de pêche à la crevette (ZPC) 13 à 15 : w(CaOODSP)9.877003#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2019/003.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs283 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-003-eng.pdf03070nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450297001752640092004722640011005643000041005753360031006163370034006473380043006814900043007245000221007675000028009885000021010165000068010375040048011055200866011536920022020196920035020416920020020767000021020967000027021177100078021447100056022227750159022788300100024378560111025379.877003CaOODSP20221107164846m o d f cr bn|||||||||190725t20192019onc ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ns1 aFs70-4/2019-003F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de crevettes de l'est du plateau néo-écossais dans les zones de pêche à la crevette (ZPC) 13 à 15 : ble 7 décembre 2016, Dartmouth (Nouvelle-Écosse) / cprésident, Thomas Wheaton ; rapporteur, Lottie Bennett. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 10 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2019/003 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the regional peer review of the stock assessment of eastern Scotian Shelf shrimp in shrimp fishing areas (SFAs) 13-15: December 7, 2016, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. aTitre de la couverture. a« Juin 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région des Maritimes. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Une réunion d'examen par les pairs s'est déroulée le 7 décembre 2016 à l'Institut océanographique de Bedford, en Nouvelle-Écosse, dans le but d'effectuer une évaluation du stock de crevettes de l'est du plateau néo-écossais dans les zones de pêche à la crevette (ZPC) 13 à 15. La réunion avait pour objet d'examiner l'information scientifique sur l'état du stock de crevettes de l'est du plateau néo-écossais afin de déterminer un total autorisé des captures (TAC) conforme au plan de gestion. Les participants à cette réunion comprenaient des représentants de Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO), des scientifiques ne faisant pas partie du MPO, des Premières Nations et des organisations autochtones, l'industrie de la pêche et le ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Aquaculture et des Pêches du Nouveau-Brunswick » -- Sommaire, page iv.072gccstaPêcheries072gccstaRessources halieutiques072gccstaCongrès1 aWheaton, Thomas.1 aBennett, L. q(Lottie)1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion des Maritimes.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the regional peer review of the stock assessment of eastern Scotian Shelf shrimp in shrimp fishing areas (SFAs) 13-15 : w(CaOODSP)9.877001#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2019/003.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs302 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-003-fra.pdf02601nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450222001752640072003972640011004693000038004803360026005183370026005443380036005704900049006065000265006555000017009205000017009375000078009545040041010325200489010736920021015626920031015836920023016147000020016377000017016577100086016747100043017607750172018038300093019758560111020689.877007CaOODSP20221107164846m o d f cr bn|||||||||190725t20192019onc ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aFs70-4/2019-005E-PDF00aProceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador regional peer review of the 3Ps cod stock assessment : bmeeting date(s), Oct 17-18, 2017: location, St. John's, NL / cchairperson, Derek Osborne ; rapporteur, Tom Fowler. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 15 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2019/005 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de morue dans la sous-division 3Ps, Région de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : dates de la réunion, du 17 au 18 octobre 2017 : lieu, St. John's (T.-N.-L.). aCover title. a"June 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"A meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Regional Peer Review Process was held October 17-18, 2017, in St. John's, NL, to assess the stock status of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subdivision 3Ps. This Proceedings Report includes an abstract and summary of discussion for each presentation, and a list of research recommendations. The meeting's terms of reference, agenda, and list of attendees are appended"--Summary, page iv.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaFisheries resources072gccstaConferences1 aOsborne, Derek.1 aFowler, Tom.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland and Labrador Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de morue dans la sous-division 3Ps, Région de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : w(CaOODSP)9.877009#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2019/005.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs327 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-005-eng.pdf02783nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450287001752640092004622640011005543000041005653360031006063370034006373380043006714900043007145000204007575000028009615000021009895000081010105040048010915200623011396920022017626920035017846920020018197000020018397000017018597100094018767100056019707750124020268300100021508560111022509.877009CaOODSP20221107164847m o d f cr bn|||||||||190725t20192019onc ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nf1 aFs70-4/2019-005F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l'examen régional par les pairs de l'évaluation du stock de morue dans la sous-division 3Ps, Région de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : bdates de la réunion, du 17 au 18 octobre 2017 : lieu, St. John's (T.-N.-L.) / cprésident, Derek Osborne ; rapporteur, Tom Fowler. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 18 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2019/005 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador regional peer review of the 3Ps cod stock assessment: meeting date(s), Oct 17-18, 2017: location, St. John's, NL. aTitre de la couverture. a« Juin 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Une réunion du processus d'examen par les pairs de la région de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador a eu lieu les 17 et 18 octobre 2017 à St. John's (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) pour évaluer l'état du stock de morue (Gadus morhua) dans la sous-division 3Ps de l'Organisation des pêches de l'Atlantique Nord-Ouest (OPANO). Le présent compte rendu comprend un résumé et un sommaire des discussions liées à chaque présentation de même qu'une liste des recommandations de recherche. Le cadre de référence, l'ordre du jour et la liste des participants de la réunion sont annexés aux présentes » -- Sommaire, page iv.072gccstaPêcheries072gccstaRessources halieutiques072gccstaCongrès1 aOsborne, Derek.1 aFowler, Tom.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the Newfoundland and Labrador regional peer review of the 3Ps cod stock assessment : w(CaOODSP)9.877007#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2019/005.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs317 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-005-fra.pdf02614nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450269001752640072004442640011005163000038005273360026005653370026005913380036006174900049006535000315007025000017010175000017010345000060010515040041011115200441011526920027015936920023016207000018016437000019016617100068016807100043017487750209017918300093020008560111020939.877012CaOODSP20221107164847m o d f cr bn|||||||||190725t20192019onc ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-4/2019-011E-PDF00aProceedings of the Pacific regional peer review of a reproducible data synopsis for over 100 species of British Columbia groundfish : bmeeting dates, November 22–23, 2018 : location, Nanaimo, British Columbia / cchairperson, Mary Thiess ; editor, Kieran Forge. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 24 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2019/011 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l'examen, par les pairs de la région du Pacifique, d'une synthèse des données reproductible pour plus de 100 espèces de poisson de fond de la Colombie-Britannique : dates de la réunion, du 22 au 23 novembre 2018 : endroit, Nanaimo (Colombie-Britannique). aCover title. a"June 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Region. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"These Proceedings summarize the relevant discussions and key conclusions that resulted from a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Peer Review meeting on November 22–23, 2018 at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, B.C. A working paper titled "A reproducible data synopsis for over 100 species of British Columbia groundfish" was presented for peer review"--Summary, page iv.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaConferences1 aThiess, M. E.1 aForge, Kieran.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bPacific Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l'examen, par les pairs de la région du Pacifique, d'une synthèse des données reproductible pour plus de 100 espèces de poisson de fond de la Colombie-Britannique : w(CaOODSP)9.877013#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2019/011.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs427 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-011-eng.pdf02799nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450337001752640092005122640011006043000041006153360031006563370034006873380043007214900043007645000254008075000028010615000021010895000067011105040048011775200579012256920026018046920020018307000018018507000019018687100077018877100056019647750158020208300100021788560111022789.877013CaOODSP20221107164847m o d f cr bn|||||||||190725t20192019onc ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aFs70-4/2019-011F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l'examen, par les pairs de la région du Pacifique, d'une synthèse des données reproductible pour plus de 100 espèces de poisson de fond de la Colombie-Britannique : bdates de la réunion, du 22 au 23 novembre 2018 : endroit, Nanaimo (Colombie-Britannique) / cprésident, Mary Thiess ; rapporteur, Kieran Forge. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 29 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2019/011 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the Pacific regional peer review of a reproducible data synopsis for over 100 species of British Columbia groundfish: meeting dates, November 22–23, 2018: location, Nanaimo, British Columbia. aTitre de la couverture. a« Juin 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région du Pacifique. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Ce compte rendu résume les discussions pertinentes et les principales conclusions qui ont découlé d'une réunion d'examen régional par les pairs du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS) de Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO) du 22 au 23 novembre 2018 à la Station biologique du Pacifique de Nanaimo (Colombie-Britannique). Un document de travail intitulé « Une synthèse des données reproductible pour plus de 100 espèces de poisson de fond de la Colombie-Britannique » a été présenté aux fins d'examen par les pairs » -- Sommaire, page iv.072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaCongrès1 aThiess, M. E.1 aForge, Kieran.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Pacifique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the Pacific regional peer review of a reproducible data synopsis for over 100 species of British Columbia groundfish : w(CaOODSP)9.877012#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2019/011.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs402 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-011-fra.pdf02580nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450271001752640072004462640011005183000048005293360026005773370026006033380036006294900049006655000251007145000017009655000018009825000071010005040051010715200372011226920030014946920023015247000034015477000026015817100079016077100043016867750237017298300093019668560111020599.877068CaOODSP20221107164856m o d f cr bn|||||||||190726t20192019oncd ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-4/2018-009E-PDF00aProceedings of the regional peer review for the identification of ecologically significant species, and community properties for the Western Arctic Biogeographic Region : bNovember 8-9, 2016, Winnipeg, Manitoba / cchairperson, Eva Enders ; editor, Kathleen Martin. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 24 pages) : bchart. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2018/009 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l’examen régional par les pairs pour l’identification des espèces et des attributs des communautés d’importance écologique dans la région biogéographique de l’ouest de l’Arctique. aCover title. a"April 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Central and Arctic Region. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 18). a"This proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions from the peer-review meeting and presents revisions to be made to the associated research document. The Proceedings, Science Advisory Report, and the supporting Research Document resulting from this advisory meeting are published on the DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Website"--Summary, page iv.072gccstaAquatic ecosystems072gccstaConferences1 aEnders, E. C. q(Eva Claudia)1 aMartin, Kathleen Ann.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bCentral and Arctic Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l’examen régional par les pairs pour l’identification des espèces et des attributs des communautés d’importance écologique dans la région biogéographique de l’ouest de l’Arctique : w(CaOODSP)9.877070#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2018/009.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs383 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2018-009-eng.pdf02675nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450318001752640092004932640011005853000058005963360031006543370034006853380043007194900043007625000215008055000028010205000022010485000083010705040058011535200387012116920034015986920020016327000034016527000026016867100091017127100056018037750195018598300100020548560111021549.877070CaOODSP20221107164856m o d f cr bn|||||||||190726t20192019oncd ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-4/2018-009F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l’examen régional par les pairs pour l’identification des espèces et des attributs des communautés d’importance écologique dans la région biogéographique de l’ouest de l’Arctique : bdu 8 au 9 novembre 2016, Winnipeg, Manitoba / cprésidente, Eva Enders ; editor: Kathleen Martin. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 26 pages) : billustration. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2018/009 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the regional peer review for the identification of ecologically significant species, and community properties for the Western Arctic Biogeographic Region. aTitre de la couverture. a« Avril 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région du Centre et de l’Arctique. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 20). a« Le présent compte rendu résume les discussions tenues et expose les révisions à apporter au document de recherche connexes. Le compte rendu, l’avis scientifique et le document de recherche qui découlent de la présente réunion de consultation scientifique sont publiés sur le site web du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique du MPO » -- Sommaire, page iv.072gccstaÉcosystème aquatique072gccstaCongrès1 aEnders, E. C. q(Eva Claudia)1 aMartin, Kathleen Ann.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Centre et de l'Arctique.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the regional peer review for the identification of ecologically significant species, and community properties for the Western Arctic Biogeographic Region : w(CaOODSP)9.877068#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2018/009.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs362 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2018-009-fra.pdf02423nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450202001752640072003772640011004493000037004603360026004973370026005233380036005494900049005855000175006345000017008095000017008265000059008435200568009026920021014706920023014917000018015147000018015327100067015507100043016177750161016608300093018218560111019149.877082CaOODSP20221107164858m o d f cr bn|||||||||190726t20192019oncd o f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-4/2019-004E-PDF00aProceedings of the regional peer review meeting on the Saguenay Fjord Winter Recreational Groundfish Fishery : bNovember 21, 2018, Mont-Joli, QC / cchairperson, Charley Cyr ; editor, Sonia Dubé. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iii, 7 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aProceedings series, x1701-1280 ; v2019/004 aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu de l’examen régional par des pairs sur la pêche récréative hivernale aux poissons de fond dans le fjord du Saguenay. aCover title. a"July 2019." aIssued by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Quebec Region. a"This document contains the proceeding from the meeting held within the regional assessment process of the Saguenay Fjord Winter Recreational Groundfish Fishery. This review process was held on November 21, 2018 at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli. This meeting gathered about thirty participants from sciences, management, province of Quebec and industry. This proceeding contains the essential parts of the presentations and discussions held and relates the recommendations and conclusions that were presented during the review"--Summary, page iii.072gccstaFisheries072gccstaConferences1 aCyr, Charley.1 aDubé, Sonia.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bQuebec Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tCompte rendu de l’examen régional par des pairs sur la pêche récréative hivernale aux poissons de fond dans le fjord du Saguenay : w(CaOODSP)9.877087#0aProceedings series (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2019/004.w(CaOODSP)9.50648340qPDFs260 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-004-eng.pdf02600nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001502450235001752640092004102640011005023000041005133360031005543370034005853380043006194900043006625000155007055000028008605000024008885000065009125200670009776920022016476920020016697000018016897000018017077100075017257100056018007750135018568300100019918560111020919.877087CaOODSP20221107164859m o d f cr bn|||||||||190726t20192019onc o f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-4/2019-004F-PDF00aCompte rendu de l’examen régional par des pairs sur la pêche récréative hivernale aux poissons de fond dans le fjord du Saguenay : ble 21 novembre 2018, Mont-Joli, QC / cprésidente, Charley Cyr ; rapporteure, Sonia Dubé. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iii, 7 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aCompte rendu, x2292-4264 ; v2019/004 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Proceedings of the regional peer review meeting on the Saguenay Fjord Winter Recreational Groundfish Fishery. aTitre de la couverture. a« Juillet 2019. » aPublié par : Pêches et océans Canada, Région du Québec. a« Ce document renferme le compte rendu de la réunion tenue dans le cadre du processus régional d'évaluation des stocks portant sur l’évaluation de la pêche récréative hivernale aux poissons de fond dans le fjord du Saguenay. Cette revue, qui s'est déroulée le 21 novembre 2018 à l'Institut Maurice-Lamontagne à Mont-Joli, a réuni près de trente participants des sciences, de la gestion, de la province du Québec et de l’industrie. Ce compte rendu contient l'essentiel des présentations et des discussions qui ont eu lieu pendant la réunion et fait état des recommandations et conclusions émises au moment de la revue » -- Sommaire, page iii.072gccstaPêcheries072gccstaCongrès1 aCyr, Charley.1 aDubé, Sonia.1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Québec.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tProceedings of the regional peer review meeting on the Saguenay Fjord Winter Recreational Groundfish Fishery : w(CaOODSP)9.877082#0aCompte rendu (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2019/004.w(CaOODSP)9.50287940qPDFs204 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-4/Fs70-4-2019-004-fra.pdf02203nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100091001752450142002662640078004083000039004863360026005253370026005513380036005774900106006135000162007195000032008815000077009135040041009905200362010316920019013936920027014127000028014397750049014678300125015168560109016418560079017509.875056CaOODSP20221107164345m o d f cr |||||||||||190618e201906 onc #o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC71-1/1-421-17E-PDF1 aCanada. bParliament. bHouse of Commons. bStanding Committee on the Status of Women.12aA lifetime of dedication : bhelping senior women benefit from their lifelong contributions to Canadian society / cKaren Vecchio, chair. 1a[Ottawa] : bHouse of Commons Canada = Chambre des communes, cJune 2019. a1 online resource (vii, 62 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women ; v17th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session aIssued also in French under title: Une vie de dévouement : aider les femmes aînées à tirer profit de leur longue contribution à la société canadienne. aIssued also in HTML format. aOriginal published on: 2019/06/17; published on: 2019/07/16, 2019/07/24. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Recognizing that senior women in Canada face specific challenges, and that these challenges can be harmful to their quality of life, the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (the Committee) held hearings between February and May 2019 on the factors contributing to senior women's poverty and vulnerability in Canada"--Summary, page 1.072gccstaSeniors072gccstaStatus of women1 aVecchio, Karen, d1971-08tUne vie de dévouement : w(CaOODSP)9.875059#0aReport of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women ;v17th report, 42nd Parliament, 1st session.w(CaOODSP)9.50680840qPDFs2.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc71-1/XC71-1-1-421-17-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/FEWO/report-1702318nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501100096001752450162002712640071004333000042005043360031005463370034005773380043006114900106006545000155007605000034009155000094009495040048010435200407010916920018014986920033015167000028015497750051015778300125016288560109017538560082018629.875059CaOODSP20221107164345m o d f cr |||||||||||190618e201906 onc #o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aXC71-1/1-421-17F-PDF1 aCanada. bParlement. bChambre des communes. bComité permanent de la condition féminine.14aUne vie de dévouement : baider les femmes aînées à tirer profit de leur longue contribution à la société canadienne / cla présidente Karen Vecchio. 1a[Ottawa] : bChambre des communes = House of Commons, cjuin 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 64 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport du Comité permanent de la condition féminine ; v17e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A lifetime of dedication: helping senior women benefit from their lifelong contributions to Canadien society. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aDate originale de publication : 2019/06/17; date de publication : 2019/07/16, 2019/07/24. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Reconnaissant que les femmes aînées au Canada font face à des obstacles particuliers qui peuvent porter atteinte à leur qualité de vie, le Comité permanent de la condition féminine de la Chambre des communes (le Comité) a tenu des audiences de février à mai 2019 sur les facteurs contribuant à la pauvreté et à la vulnérabilité des femmes aînées au Canada » » -- Sommaire, page 1.072gccstaAîné072gccstaCondition de la femme1 aVecchio, Karen, d1971-08tA lifetime of dedication : w(CaOODSP)9.875056#0aRapport du Comité permanent de la condition féminine ;v17e rapport, 42e législature, 1re session.w(CaOODSP)9.50320340qPDFs2.70 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/parl/xc71-1/XC71-1-1-421-17-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.noscommunes.ca/DocumentViewer/fr/42-1/FEWO/rapport-1702401nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860027001681000031001952450073002262640095002992640011003943000059004053360026004643370026004903380036005164900070005525000141006225000019007635000020007825000032008025000057008345040041008915200461009326920031013936920020014247100033014447100037014777750125015148300042016398560103016818560183017849.871823CaOODSP20221107163507m o d f cr cn|||||||||190418t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d a9780660305769 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNM95-57/19-2-2019E-PDF1 aIraci, J. q(Joe)eauthor.10aError analysis and file recovery software for digital storage media. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanadian Conservation Institute = Institut canadien de conservation, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (25 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Conservation Institute (CCI) notes, x1928-1455 ; v19/2 aIssued also in French under title: Logiciels d'analyse des erreurs et de récupération des fichiers sur support de stockage numérique. aCaption title. a"By Joe Iraci." aIssued also in HTML format. aReplacement copy supplied by publisher (2019-07-19). aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The primary purpose of this CCI Note is to provide the necessary software tools to analyze the health of digital storage media and to recover files stored on them. By following the systematic approach provided, there is a reasonable probability of retrieving files from previously unreadable media. In addition, software tools for the recovery of deleted files are discussed. These could also prove useful in preserving digital information"--Introduction.072gccstaDigital collections072gccstaSoftware1 aCanada. bCanadian Heritage.2 aCanadian Conservation Institute.08tLogiciels d'analyse des erreurs et de récupération des fichiers sur support de stockage numérique.w(CaOODSP)9.871825#0aCCI notes ;v19/2.w(CaOODSP)9.50635340qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/NM95-57-19-2-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute/services/conservation-preservation-publications/canadian-conservation-institute-notes/error-analysis-file-recovery.html02557nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860027001681000031001952450106002262640095003322640011004273000066004383360031005043370034005353380043005694900077006125000114006895000022008035000034008255000034008595000075008935040048009685200547010166920033015636920020015967100035016167100039016517750092016908300047017828560103018298560191019329.871825CaOODSP20240327104131m o d f cr cn|||||||||190418t20192019onca ob f000 0 fre d a9780660305776 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNM95-57/19-2-2019F-PDF1 aIraci, J. q(Joe)eauteur.10aLogiciels d'analyse des erreurs et de récupération des fichiers sur support de stockage numérique. 1a[Ottawa] : bInstitut canadien de conservation = Canadian Conservation Institute, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (31 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aNotes de l'Institut canadien de conservation (ICC), x1928-5272 ; v19/2 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Error analysis and file recovery software for digital storage media. aTitre de départ. a« Rédigé par Joe Iraci. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aUne copie de remplacement a été fournie par l'éditeur (2019-07-19). aComprend des références bibliographiques, a« Le principal but de la présente Note est de fournir les outils logiciels nécessaires pour analyser la santé des supports de stockage numériques et pour récupérer les fichiers qui y sont stockés. En suivant l'approche systématique offerte, on peut raisonnablement espérer récupérer des fichiers sur un support auparavant illisible. De plus, ce document traite des outils logiciels de récupération des fichiers supprimés. Ces outils pourraient aussi être utiles à la préservation des données numériques » -- Introduction.072gccstaCollection numérique072gccstaLogiciel1 aCanada. bPatrimoine canadien.2 aInstitut canadien de conservation.08tError analysis and file recovery software for digital storage media.w(CaOODSP)9.871823#0aNotes de l'ICC ;v19/2.w(CaOODSP)9.50275140qPDFs1.07 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/NM95-57-19-2-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/institut-conservation/services/publications-conservation-preservation/notes-institut-canadien-conservation/analyse-erreurs-fichiers-recuperation.html01760nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860027001681000030001952450085002252640096003102640011004063000058004173360026004753370026005013380036005274900069005635000128006325000033007605040050007936920033008437100033008767100037009097750114009468300054010608560102011148560170012169.871826CaOODSP20221107163508m o d f cr |||||||||||190418t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d a9780660305783 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNM95-57/9-14-2019E-PDF1 aCook, Clifford, eauthor.10aPreparing silica gel for contained storage of metal objects / c[by Cliff Cook]. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanadian Conservation Institute = Institut canadien de conservation, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (6 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCanadian Conservation Institute (CCI) notes,x1928-1455 ; v9/14 aIssued also in French under title: Préparation du gel de silice pour la conservation en contenant d’objets métalliques. aIssued also in HTML format.  aIncludes bibliographical references (page 6).072gccstaHeritage conservation1 aCanada. bCanadian Heritage.2 aCanadian Conservation Institute.08tPréparation du gel de silice pour la conservation en contenant d’objets métalliques / w(CaOODSP)9.871828#0aCCI notes,x1928-1455 ; v9/14w(CaOODSP)9.50635340qPDFs269 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/NM95-57-9-14-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute/services/conservation-preservation-publications/canadian-conservation-institute-notes/prep-silica-gel.html01807nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860027001681000030001952450123002252640096003482640011004443000065004553360031005203370034005513380043005854900076006285000104007045000039008085040060008476920036009077100035009437100039009787750086010178300059011038560102011628560169012649.871828CaOODSP20240327104131m o d f cr |||||||||||190723t20192019onca ob f000 0 fre d a9780660305790 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aNM95-57/9-14-2019F-PDF1 aCook, Clifford, eauteur.10aPréparation du gel de silice pour la conservation en contenant d’objets métalliques / c[rédigé par Cliff Cook]. 1a[Ottawa] : bInstitut canadien de conservation = Canadian Conservation Institute, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (7 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aNotes de l'Institut canadien de conservation (ICC),x1928-5272 ; v9/14 aPubl. aussi en anglais sous le titre : Preparing silica gel for contained storage of metal objects. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 6-7).072gccstaProtection du patrimoine1 aCanada. bPatrimoine canadien.2 aInstitut canadien de conservation.08tPreparing silica gel for contained storage of metal objects / w(CaOODSP)9.871826#0aNotes de l'ICC,x1928-5272 ; v9/14w(CaOODSP)9.50275140qPDFs355 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/pch/NM95-57-9-14-2019-fra.pdf40qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/institut-conservation/services/publications-conservation-preservation/notes-institut-canadien-conservation/prep-gel-silice.html02019nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000050001742450228002242640043004522640011004953000059005063360026005653370026005913380036006174900021006535000017006745040055006915200525007466920021012716920018012926920029013107000027013397000033013667100040013997100022014398300057014618560115015189.876769CaOODSP20221107164808m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t20182018onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-ab1 aM103-3/39-2018E-PDF1 aFernandes, Richard Anthony, d1967- eauthor.10aRelationship between leaf area index and Landsat Operational Land Imager equivalent reduced simple ratio vegetation index for the Athabasca oil sands region, northern Alberta / cR.A. Fernandes, M. Maloley, and F. Canisius. 1a[Ottawa] : bGeomatics Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (35 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aOpen file ; v39 aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 23-25).3 a"This document describes the production of a regression relationship between leaf area index and the reduced simple ration vegetation index (RSR) for Landsat Operational Land Imager spectral bands over the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Alberta from satellite imagery using standard Canada Centre for Remote Sensing algorithms. 245 Elementary Sampling Units (ESUs) were specified based on a stratification of both land cover and spectral reflectance in the vicinity of Fort McKay, Alberta, Canada ... "--Abstract, page 1.072gccstaOil sands072gccstaPlants072gccstaSatellite imagery1 aMaloley, M., eauthor.1 aCanisius, Francis, eauthor.1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeomatics Canada.#0aOpen file (Geomatics Canada)v39.w(CaOODSP)9.82147440qPDFs2.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rncan-nrcan/m103-3/M103-3-39-2018-eng.pdf01623nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000043001742450226002172640045004432640011004883000066004993360031005653370034005963380043006304900026006735000028006995040062007276920017007896920034008066920045008407000035008857000040009207000030009607100044009907100024010348300064010588560115011229.876770CaOODSP20221107164808m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t20182018onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aM103-3/40-2018F-PDF1 aPrévost, Christian, d1952- eauteur.10aRelevé GPS de cibles de référence au site test de Quinte, Ontario, dans le cadre du projet d'évaluation de l'épaisseur de neige par aéronef sans pilote / cC. Prévost, A. Langlois, X. Gervais-Gosselin et D. Kramer. 1a[Ottawa] : bGéomatique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (59 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aDossier public ; v40 aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 56-57).072gccstaNeige072gccstaPhotographie aérienne072gccstaSystème de positionnement global1 aLanglois, Alexandre, eauteur.1 aGervais-Gosselin, Xavier, eauteur.1 aKramer, Daniel, eauteur.1 aCanada. bRessources naturelles Canada.2 aGéomatique Canada.#0aDossier public (Géomatique Canada)v40.w(CaOODSP)9.82147640qPDFs8.59 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rncan-nrcan/m103-3/M103-3-40-2018-fra.pdf01711nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070860024001381000045001622450136002072640043003432640011003863000059003973360026004563370026004823380036005084900021005445000017005655040055005825200419006376920015010566920029010717000028011007100040011287100022011688300057011908560114012479.876771CaOODSP20221107164808m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t20182018onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aM103-3/41-2018E-PDF1 aSanden, J. J. van der, d1960- eauthor.10aRadar Earth observation methods towards hydrokinetic site selection : ba literature review / cJ.J. van der Sanden and B.J. Nyiri. 1a[Ottawa] : bGeomatics Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (33 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aOpen file ; v41 aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 29-33). a"This text reviews studies published after 2007, that address the separation of open water from other surface cover types—mainly freshwater ice—by means of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. The information gained supports a study that aims to evaluate and develop the use of SAR imagery for the selection of river sections suitable for river hydrokinetic turbine installation ... "--Introduction, page 5.072gccstaIce072gccstaSatellite imagery1 aNyiri, B. J., eauthor.1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeomatics Canada.#0aOpen file (Geomatics Canada)v41.w(CaOODSP)9.82147440qPDFs765 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rncan-nrcan/m103-3/M103-3-41-2018-eng.pdf03194nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430030001560450009001860860024001951000041002192450255002602640043005152640011005583000059005693360026006283370026006543380036006804900021007165000017007375000175007545040055009295201165009845460046021496920021021956920029022167000040022457000031022857000031023167000032023477000031023797100040024107100022024508300057024728560128025298560067026579.876773CaOODSP20221107164809m o d f cr cn|||||||||190722t20182018onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-nuan-cn-qucn-cnh-- ay1y11 aM103-3/44-2018E-PDF1 aBeauchemin, Mario, d1956- eauthor.12aA catalogue of potential natural oil seeps in the marine environment of Hudson Bay-Hudson Strait and Foxe Channel from 2015-2017 RADARSAT-2 imagery analysis / cM. Beauchemin, S. Tolszczuk-Leclerc, V. Decker, P. Muise, S.K. Khurshid, and D. Hennessy. 1a[Ottawa] : bGeomatics Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (29 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aOpen file ; v44 aCover title. aThis record only includes the Open File in PDF; the complete data set with all the files in various formats is available for free download at http://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 21-22).3 a"We report results from the analysis of Radarsat-2 images for the detection of suspected oil slicks in the marine environment of Hudson Bay/Strait and Foxe Channel. 1278 images were acquired during the falls of 2015, 2016 and 2017. The potential slick candidates were identified using two methods: visual interpretation and semi-automated interpretation. The visual method is similar to the ones described in Decker et al. (2013a, b). The semi-automated approach is based on a suite of algorithms designed to detect and characterize dark areas. Both methods make use of wind speed and chlorophyll-α data. A total number of 33 oil slicks candidates are reported with their locations and corresponding images. The ultimate goal of the multi-temporal aspect of the project was to look for persistence over time of seep candidates concentrated over a same region in order to assist in finding regions with a greater likelihood of oil seep origin. The current survey does not convincingly support the oil seep origin of any detected dark spot but may help future works focus on the few areas that show more dense occurrences of slick candidates"--Abstract, page 3. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaPetroleum072gccstaSatellite imagery1 aTolszczuk-Leclerc, Simon, eauthor.1 aDecker, Vincent, eauthor.1 aMuise, Philippe, eauthor.1 aKhurshid, Shahid, eauthor.1 aHennessy, David, eauthor.1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aGeomatics Canada.#0aOpen file (Geomatics Canada)v44.w(CaOODSP)9.82147440qPDFs8.38 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rncan-nrcan/m103-3/M103-3-44-2018-eng.pdfz(open file)4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://doi.org/10.4095/308463z(complete data set)02315nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410018001560430012001740860023001861000035002092450146002442640082003902640011004723000062004833360026005453370026005713380036005975040041006335201024006745460046016986920021017446920016017657100040017817100038018218560106018599.868558CaOODSP20221107162623m o d f cr |||||||||||190725t20192019abca o f000 0 eng d a9780660296593 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbengbfre an-cn-ab1 aFo134-13/2019E-PDF1 aSoundarapandian, G., eauthor.12aA digital inventory of the soils in the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program study area / cG. Soundarapandian [and four others]. 1aEdmonton, AB : bCanadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vi, 31 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program (AOSERP), established in 1975, funded the creation of a soils inventory of the mineable Alberta oil sands, which was published as a set of eight soil map sheets with an accompanying report in 1982. These formed arguably the most comprehensive soils data set ever collected in the region and are of considerable value for environmental studies and reclamation efforts. This report describes the creation of a digital product containing these data, which was derived directly from the 1982 AOSERP map sheets and report and is freely available as a set of shapefiles and accompanying attribute databases for geographic information systems. The product includes a colored map showing soils classified by soil group, a coverage of soil polygons classified by dominant soil unit, soil unit characteristics derived from multiple tables, and a point coverage of soil-profile descriptions, with physical data, for specific locations in the study region"--Abstract, page iii. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaOil sands072gccstaSoil1 aCanada. bNatural Resources Canada.2 aNorthern Forestry Centre (Canada)40qPDFs690 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rncan-nrcan/Fo134-13-2019-eng.pdf02010nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450141001902460104003312640051004352640011004863000033004973360026005303370026005563380036005825000217006185000017008355000033008525200322008856920023012076930013012307100029012437750072012727940058013448560099014028560135015019.866491CaOODSP20221107162047m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e20190211onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660291550 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-302/2019E-PDF00aCannabis voluntary recall guide : bvoluntary recalls of cannabis and cannabis products under the Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations.30aVoluntary recalls of cannabis and cannabis products under the Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations 1aOttawa : bHealth Canada, cFebruary 11, 2019. 4a©2019 a1 online resource (29 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Guide sur les rappels volontaires de cannabis : rappels volontaires de cannabis et de produits du cannabis aux termes de la Loi sur le cannabis et du Règlement sur le cannabis. aCover title. aIssued also in HTML format.  a"This guide provides information on the requirements of the Cannabis Act and CannabisRegulations related to voluntary recalls of cannabis and cannabis products. It helps the following licence holders understand their role in a voluntary recall and promotes their compliance with recall requirements"--Purpose, page 4.072gccstaLegislation 4aCannabis1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tGuide sur les rappels volontaires de cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.866494 tCannabis voluntary recall guide : w(CaOODSP)9.87797740qPDFs426 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-302-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/drugs-health-products/cannabis-voluntary-recall/guide.html02144nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450183001902460132003732640050005052640011005553000036005663360031006023370034006333380043006675000180007105000039008905000028009295200372009576920024013296930013013537100029013667750058013957940072014538560099015258560146016249.866494CaOODSP20221107162048m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e20190211onc ||| o f000 0 fre d a9780660291567 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-302/2019F-PDF00aGuide sur les rappels volontaires de cannabis : brappels volontaires de cannabis et de produits du cannabis aux termes de la Loisur le cannabis et du Règlement sur le cannabis.30aRappels volontaires de cannabis et de produits du cannabis aux termes de la Loisur le cannabis et du Règlement sur le cannabis 1aOttawa : bSanté Canada, c11 février 2019. 4a©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (31 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Cannabis voluntary recall guide : voluntary recalls of cannabis and cannabis products under the Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aTitre de la couverture. a« Ce guide fournit des renseignements sur les exigences de la Loi sur le cannabis et du Règlement sur le cannabis relativement aux rappels volontaires de cannabis et de produits du cannabis. Il aide les titulaires d’une licence à comprendre leur rôle dans le cas d’un rappel volontaire et favorise leur conformité aux obligations du rappel »--Objet, page 4.072gccstaLégislation 4aCannabis1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tCannabis voluntary recall guide : w(CaOODSP)9.866491 tGuide sur les rappels volontaires de cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.87797840qPDFs444 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-302-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/publications/medicaments-et-produits-sante/rappels-volontaires-cannabis/guide.html02073nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450108001902640080002982640011003783000033003893360026004223370026004483380036004745000029005105000149005395000033006885040051007215200466007726920023012386930013012617100029012747750078013037940079013818560099014608560140015599.862797CaOODSP20221107161120m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e20190705onc ob f000 0 eng d a9780660258508 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-271/2018E-PDF00aGood production practices guide for cannabis : brequirements under Part 5 of the Cannabis Regulations. 1a[Ottawa] : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, cJuly 5, 2019. 4a©2019 a1 online resource (40 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued by Health Canada. aIssued also in French under title: Guide de bonnes pratiques de production du cannabis : exigences de la partie 5 du Règlement sur le cannabis. aIssued also in HTML format.  aIncludes bibliographical hyperlink references. a"The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to federally regulated holders of a licence under the Cannabis Act (hereafter referred to as licence holders) on the application of Part 5: Good Production Practices (GPP) of the Cannabis Regulations. It is designed to help licence holders understand the GPP requirements for cannabis that is produced, distributed and sold in Canada, as well as cannabis that is to be exported from Canada"--Purpose, page 3.072gccstaLegislation 4aCannabis1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tGuide de bonnes pratiques de production du cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.862799 tGood production practices guide for cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.87826940qPDFs479 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-271-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/cannabis-regulations-licensed-producers/good-production-practices-guide.html02295nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450116001902640085003062640011003913000036004023360031004383370034004693380043005035000031005465000154005775000039007315040067007705200614008376920024014516930013014757100029014887750071015177940079015888560099016678560155017669.862799CaOODSP20221107161120m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e20190705onc ||| ob f000 0 fre d a9780660258515 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-271/2018F-PDF00aGuide de bonnes pratiques de production du cannabis : bexigences de la partie 5 du Règlement sur le cannabis. 1a[Ottawa] : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, cle 5 juillet 2019. 4a©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (43 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié par Santé Canada. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Good production practices guide for cannabis : requirements under Part 5 of the Cannabis Regulations.  aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques de lien hypertexte. a« Le présent document a pour objet de fournir une orientation aux titulaires de licence assujettis à la réglementation fédérale (ci-après appelés les « titulaires de licence ») en vertu de la Loi sur le cannabis, et ce, pour l’application de la partie 5, Bonnes pratiques de production, du Règlement sur le cannabis. Il est conçu pour aider les titulaires de licence à comprendre les exigences relatives aux bonnes pratiques de production (BPP) applicables au cannabis qui est produit, distribué et vendu au Canada ainsi qu’au cannabis qui est exporté à partir du Canada »--Objet, page 3.072gccstaLégislation 4aCannabis1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGood production practices guide for cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.862797 tGuide des bonnes pratiques de production du cannabis : w(CaOODSP)9.87827140qPDFs548 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-271-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/reglements-sur-le-cannabis-pour-producteurs-autorises/guide-bonnes-pratique-production.html01351nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450064001942640057002582640011003153000081003263360031004073370034004383380043004725000045005155000039005605460023005996920024006227100029006467750053006757910048007288560102007768560135008789.876913CaOODSP20230829111712m o d f cr |n ||||||||190724t20192019onco #o||||f000 0|ara d a9780660298016 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019Ar-PDF00a[Guide alimentaire canadien] : b[bien manger. Bien vivre]. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) : bphotographies en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre français fourni par l’éditeur. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aTexte en arabique.072gccstaAlimentation1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuide alimentaire canadien : w(CaOODSP)9.865414 t[Canada's food guide] : w(CaOODSP)9.86907840qPDFs528 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-ara.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/guide-alimentaire-canadien/ressources/en-bref/langues/arabe-arabic.html01343nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860027001682450064001952640056002592640011003153000081003263360031004073370034004383380043004725000045005155000039005605460021005996920024006207100029006447750053006737910048007268560102007748560129008769.876969CaOODSP20221107164840m o d f cr |n ||||||||190725s2019 onco #o||||f000 0|cre d a9780660307756 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019Rc1-PDF00a[Guide alimentaire canadien] : b[bien manger. Bien vivre]. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre français fourni par l’éditeur. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aTexte en Michif.072gccstaAlimentation1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuide alimentaire canadien : w(CaOODSP)9.865414 t[Canada's food guide] : w(CaOODSP)9.87249640qPDFs475 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-cre.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/guide-alimentaire-canadien/ressources/en-bref/langues/michif.html01362nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450064001942640056002582640011003143000081003253360031004063370034004373380043004715000045005145000039005595460026005986920024006247100029006487750053006777910048007308560102007788560144008809.876978CaOODSP20221107164842m o d f cr |n ||||||||190725t20192019onco #o||||f000 0|iku d a9780660307718 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019S1-PDF00a[Guide alimentaire canadien] : b[bien manger. Bien vivre]. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre français fourni par l’éditeur. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aTexte en Nunatsiavut.072gccstaAlimentation1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuide alimentaire canadien : w(CaOODSP)9.865414 t[Canada's food guide] : w(CaOODSP)9.87248840qPDFs474 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-iku.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/guide-alimentaire-canadien/ressources/en-bref/langues/inuktitut-nunatsiavut.html01368nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450064001942640056002582640011003143000081003253360031004063370034004373380043004715000045005145000039005595460034005986920024006327100029006567750053006857910048007388560104007868560140008909.876997CaOODSP20221107164845m o d f cr |n ||||||||190725t20192019onco #o||||f000 0|iku d a9780660307732 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019S2-PDF00a[Guide alimentaire canadien] : b[bien manger. Bien vivre]. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre français fourni par l’éditeur. aÉgalement publié en format HTML. aTexte en Inuktitut (Nunavik).072gccstaAlimentation1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tGuide alimentaire canadien : w(CaOODSP)9.865414 t[Canada's food guide] : w(CaOODSP)9.87249140qPDFs3.52 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-iku2.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/guide-alimentaire-canadien/ressources/en-bref/langues/inuktitut-nunavik.html01941nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450122001912460093003132640060004062640011004663000033004773360026005103370026005363380036005625000195005985200617007936920035014107100029014457750053014748560100015279.874083CaOODSP20221107164109m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e20190626onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660311678 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-279/2019E-PDF00aHealth Canada directive : btechnical requirements for conducting the suitability assessment of sperm and ova donors.30aTechnical requirements for conducting the suitability assessment of sperm and ova donors 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada,cJune 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (14 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Directive de Santé Canada : exigences techniques concernant la tenue de l’évaluation de l’admissibilité du donneur de spermatozoïdes ou d’ovules. a"The purpose of the Health Canada Directive entitled Technical Requirements for Conducting the Suitability Assessment of Sperm and Ova Donors (Directive) is to reduce the risks to human health and safety associated with the use of third-party donor sperm and ova in assisted human reproduction. The Directive sets out the minimum requirements for conducting the suitability assessment of sperm and ova donors, including donor screening and testing, to reduce the risk of disease transmission from the donor to the recipient of the sperm or ova or the child created from that sperm or those ova"--Preface, page 4.072gccstaReproductive technology1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tDirective de Santé Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.87408540qPDFs505 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-279-2019-eng.pdf02243nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450162001912460130003532640061004832640011005443000036005553360031005913370034006223380043006565000175006995200834008746920042017087100029017507750050017798560100018299.874085CaOODSP20221107164110m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e20190626onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660311685 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-279/2019F-PDF00aDirective de Santé Canada : bexigences techniques concernant la tenue de l’évaluation de l’admissibilité du donneur de spermatozoïdes ou d’ovules.30aExigences techniques concernant la tenue de l’évaluation de l’admissibilité du donneur de spermatozoïdes ou d’ovules 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, cjuin 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (15 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Health Canada directive: technical requirements for conducting the suitability assessment of sperm and ova donors.  a« La directive de Santé Canada intitulée Exigences techniques concernant la tenue de l’évaluation de l’admissibilité du donneur de spermatozoïdes ou d’ovules (la directive) a pour objet de réduire les risques pour la santé et la sécurité humaines associés à l’utilisation de dons de spermatozoïdes et d’ovules en provenance de tiers pour des fins de procréation assistée. La directive définit les exigences minimales pour effectuer l’évaluation de l’admissibilité des donneurs de spermatozoïdes et d’ovules, y compris l’évaluation préliminaire des donneurs et les essais auxquels ils sont soumis en vue de réduire le risque de transmission de maladies du donneur au receveur de spermatozoïdes ou d’ovules ou à l’enfant crée par ces spermatozoïdesou ces ovules »--Préface, page 4.072gccstaTechnologie de la reproduction1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tHealth Canada directive : w(CaOODSP)9.87408340qPDFs517 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-279-2019-fra.pdf02031nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450123001912640060003142640011003743000037003853360026004223370026004483380036004745000213005105000033007235200366007566920034011226920024011566920023011807100029012037750172012328560100014048560177015049.874301CaOODSP20221107164144m o d f cr |||||||||||190723e201906##onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660312163 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-280/2019E-PDF00aMandatory reporting of serious adverse drug reactions and medical device incidents by hospitals : bguidance document. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada,cJune 2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 40 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Déclaration obligatoire des réactions indésirables graves à un médicament et des incidents liés aux instruments médicaux par les hôpitaux : document d’orientation. aIssued also in HTML format.  a"The purpose of this guidance document is to provide hospitals with information that may be useful in achieving compliance with the federal regulatory requirement for hospitals to report serious ADRs and MDIs to Health Canada as outlined in section C.01.020.1 of the Food and Drug Regulations and section 62 of the Medical DeviceRegulations"--Objective, page 1.072gccstaHealth care facilities072gccstaSide effects072gccstaLegislation1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tDéclaration obligatoire des réactions indésirables graves à un médicament et des incidents liés aux instruments médicaux par les hôpitaux : w(CaOODSP)9.87430340qPDFs610 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-280-2019-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/medeffect-canada/adverse-reaction-reporting/mandatory-hospital-reporting/drugs-devices.html02132nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001682450180001912640061003712640011004323000040004433360031004833370034005143380043005485000176005915000039007675200437008066920036012436920028012796920024013077100029013317750122013608560100014828560200015829.874303CaOODSP20221107164144m o d f cr |||||||||||190723s201906##onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660312170 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-280/2019F-PDF00aDéclaration obligatoire des réactions indésirables graves à un médicament et des incidents liés aux instruments médicaux par les hôpitaux : bdocument d’orientation. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, cjuin 2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (iv, 45 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Mandatory reporting of serious adverse drug reactions and medical device incidents by hospitals: guidance document.  aÉgalement publié en format HTML. a«Le présent document d’orientation vise à fournir aux hôpitaux des renseignements qui peuvent être utiles pour se conformer à l’exigence réglementaire fédérale selon laquelle les hôpitaux doivent déclarer à Santé Canada les RIM graves et les IIM, comme le prévoient l’alinéa C.01.020.1 du Règlement sur les aliments et drogues et l’article 62 du Règlement sur les instruments médicaux »--Objectif, page 1.072gccstaÉtablissement de santé072gccstaEffet secondaire072gccstaLégislation1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tMandatory reporting of serious adverse drug reactions and medical device incidents by hospitals : w(CaOODSP)9.87430140qPDFs669 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-280-2019-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/medicaments-produits-sante/medeffet-canada/declaration-effets-indesirables/declaration-obligatoire-hopitaux/medicaments-instruments.html02055nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450158001902640055003482640011004033000068004143360026004823370026005083380036005345000179005705000018007495000039007675200287008066920019010936930011011127100029011237100031011527750149011837940122013328560107014548560120015619.871142CaOODSP20221107163318m o d f cr |||||||||||190723t20192019onc #o f000 0 eng d a9780660304014 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-316/2019E-PDF00aVapers panel survey to measure attitudes and behaviours regarding vaping products : bfinal report / cprepared for Health Canada by Environics Research. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (62, 24 pages) +eexecutive summary (4 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Sondage par panel de vapoteurs visant à mesurer les attitudes et les comportements à l’égard des produits de vapotage : rapport final. a"March 2019." a"Registration Number: POR 083-18." a"This public opinion research will assist in monitoring how the new regulatory regime may be affecting consumer behaviour with respect to vaping products and will help inform policy and regulatory decision making in the face of a rapidly changing market"--Executive summary, page i.072gccstaSurveys 4aVaping1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.2 aEnvironics Research Group.08tSondage par panel de vapoteurs visant à mesurer les attitudes et les comportements à l’égard des produits de vapotage : w(CaOODSP)9.871143 tVapers’ panel survey to measure attitudes and behaviours regarding vaping products, June 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87721640qPDFs811 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-316-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs154 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-316-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary02268nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450218001902640056004082640011004643000073004753360031005483370034005793380043006135000188006565000021008445000051008655200398009166920019013146930013013337100031013467100029013777750108014067940161015148560108016758560111017839.871143CaOODSP20221107163318m o d f cr |||||||||||190723t20192019onc #o f000 0 fre d a9780660304021 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-316/2019F-PDF00aSondage par panel de vapoteurs visant à mesurer les attitudes et les comportements à l’égard des produits de vapotage : brapport final / cpréparé à l’intention de Santé Canada par Environics Research. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (66, 28 pages) +erésumé du rapport (5 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Vapers’ panel survey to measure attitudes and behaviours regarding vaping products : final report.  a« Mars 2019. » a« Numéro d’enregistrement : ROP 083-18. » a« Cette recherche sur l’opinion publique aidera à surveiller la façon dont le nouveau régime de réglementation pourrait influer sur le comportement des consommateurs en ce qui a trait aux produits de vapotage et permettra d’orienter la prise de décisions en matière de politiques et de réglementation compte tenu de l’évolution rapide du marché »--Résumé du rapport, page i.072gccstaSondage 4aVapotage2 aEnvironics Research Group.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tVapers panel survey to measure attitudes and behaviours regarding vaping products : w(CaOODSP)9.871142 tSondage par panel de vapoteurs visant à mesurer les attitudes et les comportements à l’égard des produits de vapotage - juin 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87721740qPDFs955 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-316-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs164 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-316-2019-1-fra.pdfzRésumé01359nam 22003498i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450053001942640056002472640011003033000066003143360026003803370026004063380036004325000046004685000033005145460025005476920021005727100029005937750046006227760046006687920055007148560102007698560138008719.872488CaOODSP20221107163647m o d f cr |||||||||||190725t20192019onco #o f000 0 iku d a9780660307718 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019S1-PDF00a[Canada's food guide] : b[eat well. Live well]. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aEnglish title supplied by the publisher.  aIssued also in HTML format.  aText in Nunatsiavut.072gccstaNutrition1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.8654110#tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.872490 t[Guide alimentaire canadien] : w(CaOODSP)9.87697840qPDFs474 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-iku.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canada-food-guide/resources/snapshot/languages/inuktitut-nunatsiavut.html01364nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450053001942640056002472640011003033000066003143360026003803370026004063380036004325000046004685000033005145460033005476920021005807100029006017750046006307760046006767920055007228560104007778560133008819.872491CaOODSP20221107163647m o d f cr |||||||||||190503t20192019onco #o f000 0 iku d a9780660307732 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019S2-PDF00a[Canada's food guide] : b[eat well. Live well]. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aEnglish title supplied by the publisher.  aIssued also in HTML format.  aText in Inuktitut (Nunavik).072gccstaNutrition1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.8654110#tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.872492 t[Guide alimentaire canadien] : w(CaOODSP)9.87699740qPDFs3.52 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-iku2.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canada-food-guide/resources/snapshot/languages/inuktitut-nunavik.html01337nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860027001682450053001952640056002482640011003043000066003153360026003813370026004073380036004335000045004695000032005145460020005466920021005667100029005877750046006167760046006627920055007088560102007638560122008659.872496CaOODSP20221107163648m o d f cr |||||||||||190725s2019 onco #o f000 0 cre d a9780660307756 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019Rc1-PDF00a[Canada's food guide] : b[eat well. Live well]. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aEnglish title supplied by the publisher. aIssued also in HTML format. aText in Michif.072gccstaNutrition1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.8654110#tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.872497 t[Guide alimentaire canadien] : w(CaOODSP)9.87696940qPDFs475 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-cre.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canada-food-guide/resources/snapshot/languages/michif.html01343nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450053001942640057002472640011003043000066003153360026003813370026004073380036004335000045004695000032005145460020005466920021005667100029005877750046006167760046006627920055007088560102007638560128008659.869078CaOODSP20230829112244m o d f cr |||||||||||190724t20192019onco #o f000 0 ara d a9780660298016 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH164-257/1-2019Ar-PDF00a[Canada's food guide] : b[eat well. Live well]. 1a[Ottawa] : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aEnglish title supplied by the publisher. aIssued also in HTML format. aText in Arabic.072gccstaNutrition1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.08tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.8654110#tCanada's food guide : w(CaOODSP)9.869287 t[Guide alimentaire canadien] : w(CaOODSP)9.87691340qPDFs528 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H164-257-1-2019-ara.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canada-food-guide/resources/snapshot/languages/arabic-arabe.html01932nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450264001902640053004542640011005073000097005183360026006153370026006413380036006675000260007035000018009635000039009816920031010206930013010517100029010647100032010937750230011258560107013558560120014629.872632CaOODSP20221107163709m o d f cr |||||||||||190725t20192019onca #o f000 0 eng d a9780660308203 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-321/2019E-PDF00aFocus group testing health warning messages for edible cannabis products and other cannabis products, and public education messages for the consumer information sheet : bfinal report / cprepared for Health Canada ; supplier name: Earnscliffe Strategy Group. 1aOttawa : bHealth Canada = Santé Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (33 pages) : billustrations (some colour) + eexecutive summary (3 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Groupes de discussion sur les mises en garde pour les produits comestibles et autres du cannabis et sur les messages d’éducation publique de la fiche d’information à l’intention des consommateurs : rapport final. a"March 2019." a"Registration number: POR 109-18."072gccstaConsumer protection 4aCannabis1 aCanada. bHealth Canada.2 aEarnscliffe Strategy Group.08tGroupes de discussion sur les mises en garde pour les produits comestibles et autres du cannabis et sur les messages d’éducation publique de la fiche d’information à l’intention des consommateurs : w(CaOODSP)9.87263340qPDFs595 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-321-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs177 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-321-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary01955nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450310001902640055005002640011005553000111005663360031006773370034007083380043007425000213007855000021009985000051010196920038010706930013011087100032011217100029011537750193011828560108013758560122014839.872633CaOODSP20221107163709m o d f cr |||||||||||190726t20192019onca o f000 0 fre d a9780660308210 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aH14-321/2019F-PDF00aGroupes de discussion sur les mises en garde pour les produits comestibles et autres du cannabis et sur les messages d’éducation publique de la fiche d’information à l’intention des consommateurs : brapport final / cpréparé pour Santé Canada ; nom du fournisseur : Earnscliffe Strategy Group. 1a[Ottawa] : bSanté Canada = Health Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (32 pages) : billustrations (certaines en couleur) + erésumé analytique (3 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Focus group testing health warning messages for edible cannabis products and other cannabis products, and public education messages for the consumer information sheet. a« Mars 2019. » a« Numéro d’enregistrement : ROP 109-18. »072gccstaProtection du consommateur 4aCannabis2 aEarnscliffe Strategy Group.1 aCanada. bSanté Canada.08tFocus group testing health warning messages for edible cannabis products and other cannabis products, and public education messages for the consumer information sheet : w(CaOODSP)9.87263240qPDFs635 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-321-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs193 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sc-hc/H14-321-2019-1-fra.pdfzRésumé analytique01824nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860020001501000033001702450119002032640097003223000056004193360026004753370026005013380036005274900034005635000144005975040054007415200243007956920019010386930022010576930015010797100052010947750130011468300098012768560100013749.876947CaOODSP20231208112919m o d f cr |||||||||||190724e201907##oncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS83-3/426E-PDF1 aStewart, Lynn Ann, eauthor.12aA comprehensive study of recidivism rates among Canadian federal offenders / cLynn A. Stewart [and three others]. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bCorrectional Service Canada = Service correctionnel Canada, cJuly 2019. a1 online resource (xi, 85 pages) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aResearch report ; vno. R-426 aIssued also in French under title: Étude exhaustive des taux de récidive chez les délinquants canadiens sous responsabilité fédérale. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 58-60). a"This study provides a comprehensive estimate of recidivism rates of federally sentenced offenders based on reconvictions that resulted in returns to federal custody or in provincial or territorial sanctions"--Executive summary, page iii.072gccstaInmates 4aFederal offenders 4aRecidivism1 aCorrectional Service Canada. bResearch Branch.08tÉtude exhaustive des taux de récidive chez les délinquants canadiens sous responsabilité fédérale / w(CaOODSP)9.876952#0aResearch report (Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch)vno. R-426.w(CaOODSP)9.50606340qPDFs1.61 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scc-csc/PS83-3-426-eng.pdf01955nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860020001501000033001702450147002032640101003503000068004513360031005193370034005503380043005844900039006275000121006665040062007875200329008496920019011786930017011976930014012147100063012287750101012918300113013928560100015059.876952CaOODSP20230801131814m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e201907##oncd ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS83-3/426F-PDF1 aStewart, Lynn Ann, eauteur.10aÉtude exhaustive des taux de récidive chez les délinquants canadiens sous responsabilité fédérale / cLynn A. Stewart [et trois autres]. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bService correctionnel Canada = Correctional Service Canada, cJuillet 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (xii, 95 pages) : bgraphiques en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRapport de recherche ; vn° R-426 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A comprehensive study of recidivism rates among Canadian federal offenders. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 65-67). a« La présente étude fournit une estimation exhaustive des taux de récidive des délinquants purgeant une peine de ressort fédéral, en fonction des nouvelles condamnations qui ont mené à une réincarcération dans un établissement fédéral ou à des sanctions provinciales ou territoriales » -- Résumé, page iii.072gccstaDétenu 4aDélinquants 4aRécidive2 aService correctionnel Canada. bDirection de la recherche.08tA comprehensive study of recidivism rates among Canadian federal offenders / w(CaOODSP)9.876947#0aRapport de recherche (Service correctionnel Canada. Direction de la recherche)vn° R426.w(CaOODSP)9.50246540qPDFs1.82 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scc-csc/PS83-3-426-fra.pdf01723nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450080001712640090002513000061003413360026004023370026004283380036004544900035004905000017005255000024005425000032005665000144005985040041007425200182007836920019009656930015009847100052009997750128010518300082011798560100012619.876954CaOODSP20231208112919m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e201907##oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS83-5/R426E-PDF02aA comprehensive study of recidivism rates among Canadian federal offenders. 1a[Ottawa] : bCorrectional Service Canada = Service correctionnel Canada, cJuly 2019. a1 online resource (1 unnumbered page) : bcolour charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aResearch at a glance ; vR-426 a"July 2019." aTitle from caption. aIssued also in HTML format. aIssued also in French under title: Étude exhaustive des taux de récidive chez les délinquants canadiens sous responsabilité fédérale. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The current study provided an estimate of recidivism rates based on reconvictions that resulted in returns to federal custody or provincial or territorial sanctions"--Page [1].072gccstaInmates 4aRecidivism1 aCorrectional Service Canada. bResearch Branch.08tÉtude exhaustive des taux de récidive chez les délinquants canadiens sous responsabilité fédérale.w(CaOODSP)9.876955#0aResearch at a glance (Correctional Service Canada)vR-426.w(CaOODSP)9.50664940qPDFs142 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scc-csc/PS83-5-R426-eng.pdf01819nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450109001712640093002803000076003733360031004493370034004803380043005144900042005575000022005995000034006215000121006555040048007765200252008246920019010766930022010957100063011177750099011808300090012798560100013699.876955CaOODSP20230801131814m o d f cr |||||||||||190725e201907##oncd ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aPS83-5/R426F-PDF00aÉtude exhaustive des taux de récidive chez les délinquants canadiens sous responsabilité fédérale. 1a[Ottawa] : bService correctionnel Canada = Correctional Service Canada, cJuillet 2019. a1 ressource en ligne (1 page non numérotee) : bgraphiques en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRecherche en un coup d'œil ; vR-426 aTitre de départ. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A comprehensive study of recidivism rates among Canadian federal offenders. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L’étude actuelle a fourni une estimation des taux de récidive, en fonction des nouvelles condamnations qui ont mené à une réincarcération dans un établissement fédéral ou à des sanctions provinciales ou territoriales » -- Page [1].072gccstaDétenu 4aTaux de récidive2 aService correctionnel Canada. bDirection de la recherche.08tA comprehensive study of recidivism rates among Canadian federal offenders.w(CaOODSP)9.876954#0aRecherche en un coup d'œil (Service correctionnel Canada)vR-426.w(CaOODSP)9.50303740qPDFs143 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/scc-csc/PS83-5-R426-fra.pdf02404nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001681000043001902450092002332640065003252640011003903000059004013360026004603370026004863380040005124900035005525000105005875000017006925000037007095000035007465000032007815040055008135200649008686920021015176920026015386920022015647100023015867750091016098300073017008560113017738560084018869.851054CaOODSP20221107154313m o d f cr cn|||||||||180201t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d a9780660247847 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS11-621/105E-PDF1 aAssoumou-Ndong, Franklin-X., eauthor.10aClassifying cannabis in the Canadian statistical system / cby Franklin Assoumou-Ndong. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (18 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aelectronic resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aAnalysis in brief, x1707-0503 aIssued also in French under title: Classification du cannabis dans le système statistique canadien. aCover title. a"Catalogue no. 11-621-M2018105." a"Release date: July 24, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 16-18). a"Statistics Canada needs to respond to the prospective legalization of cannabis by measuring various aspects of the introduction of cannabis in the Canadian economy and society. An important part of measuring the economy and society is using statistical classifications. It is common practice with classifications that they are updated and revised as new industries, products, occupations and educational programs are introduced into the Canadian economy and society. This paper describes the proposed changes to the various statistical classifications in order to measure the introduction of legal non-medical cannabis"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaMarijuana072gccstaClassification072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tClassification du cannabis dans le système statistique canadien / w(CaOODSP)9.851055#0aAnalysis in brief (Statistics Canada)x1707-0503.w(CaOODSP)9.50471540qPDFs357 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-621-m/11-621-m2018105-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-621-m/11-621-m2018105-eng.htm02586nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001681000043001902450102002332640065003352640011004003000066004113360031004773370034005083380043005424900033005855000102006185000028007205000044007485000050007925000034008425040062008765200767009386920021017056920026017266920024017527100024017767750082018008300072018828560113019548560085020679.851055CaOODSP20240702131648m o d f cr cn|||||||||180201t20192019onca ob f000 0 fre d a9780660247854 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS11-621/105F-PDF1 aAssoumou-Ndong, Franklin-X., eauteur.10aClassification du cannabis dans le système statistique canadien / cpar Franklin Assoumou-Ndong. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (19 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAnalyse en bref, x1707-0511 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Classifying cannabis in the Canadian statistical system. aTitre de la couverture. a« N° 11-621-M2018105 au catalogue. » a« Date de diffusion : le 24 juillet 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 16-19). a« Statistique Canada doit réagir à la légalisation prospective du cannabis en mesurant divers aspects de l'introduction du cannabis dans l'économie et la société canadiennes. Une partie importante de la mesure de l'économie et de la société est l'utilisation des classifications statistiques. Il est de pratique courante pour les classifications qu'elles soient mises à jour et révisées à mesure que de nouvelles industries, de nouveaux produits, professions et programmes éducatifs sont introduits dans l'économie et la société canadiennes. Cet article décrit les changements à apporter aux différentes classifications statistiques afin de mesurer l'introduction du cannabis légal pour usage non-thérapeutique » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaMarijuana072gccstaClassification072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tClassifying cannabis in the Canadian statistical system / w(CaOODSP)9.851054#0aAnalyse en bref (Statistique Canada)x1707-0511.w(CaOODSP)9.50112640qPDFs378 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-621-m/11-621-m2018105-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-621-m/11-621-m2018105-fra.htm01692nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450089002032640066002923000056003583360026004143370026004403380036004665000148005025000032006505040041006825200227007236920021009506920017009716920022009887100023010107750099010338560114011328560084012469.876853CaOODSP20221107164821m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s2019 onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660319629 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS11-627/2019-55E-PDF00aPolice-reported cannabis offences in Canada, 2018 : bbefore and after legalization. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Infractions liées au cannabis déclarées par la police au Canada, 2018 : avant et après la légalisation. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The infographic includes trends regarding total cannabis offences at the national level and by province and territory. Statistics on offences reported under the new Cannabis Act are also presented"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaMarijuana072gccstaCrime072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tInfractions liées au cannabis déclarées par la police au Canada, 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.87685440qPDFs3.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019055-eng.pdf40qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019055-eng.htm01777nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450115002032640066003183000063003843360031004473370034004783380043005125000127005555000034006825040048007165200290007646920021010546920017010756920024010927100024011167750076011408560114012168560085013309.876854CaOODSP20240702131831m o d f cr cn|||||||||190723s2019 onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660319636 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS11-627/2019-55F-PDF00aInfractions liées au cannabis déclarées par la police au Canada, 2018 : bavant et après la légalisation. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Police-reported cannabis offences in Canada, 2018: before and after legalization. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'infographie inclus les tendances des affaires liées au cannabis au niveau national et selon les provinces et les territoires. Les statistiques sur les infractions liées au cannabis prévues par la nouvelle Loi sur le cannabis sont aussi présentées » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaMarijuana072gccstaCrime072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tPolice-reported cannabis offences in Canada, 2018 : w(CaOODSP)9.87685340qPDFs3.82 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019055-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019055-fra.htm02182nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000044001852450119002292640065003482640011004133000059004243360026004833370026005093380036005354900046005715000125006175000017007425000035007595000032007945040051008265200409008776920023012866920019013096920022013287000041013507100023013917750060014148300072014748560112015468560090016589.876963CaOODSP20221107164839m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax9y11 aCS75-006/2019-11E-PDF1 aOuellet-Léveillé, Bertrand, eauthor.10aResults from the 2016 Census : boccupations with older workers / cby Bertrand Ouellet-Léveillé and Anne Milan. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (15 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aInsights on Canadian society, x2291-0840 aIssued also in French under title: Résultats du Recensement de 2016 : les professions comptant des travailleurs âgés. aCover title. a"Release date: July 25, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 15). a"Over the past two decades, the share of the employed population aged 55 and over increased significantly. This study uses Census of Population and Labour Force Survey to examine the changing age composition of workers within the most prevalent occupations (with at least 10,000 workers), as well as the occupations that are increasing and decreasing in size most rapidly"--Overview of the study, page 1.072gccstaOccupations072gccstaWorkers072gccstaStatistics1 aMilan, Anne Marie, d1967- eauthor.2 aStatistics Canada.08tRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : w(CaOODSP)9.876964#0aInsights on Canadian society (Statistics Canada)w(CaOODSP)9.50740640qPDFs388 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2019-11-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2019001/article/00011-eng.htm02412nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000044001852450142002292640065003712640011004363000066004473360031005133370034005443380043005784900053006215000107006745000028007815000050008095000034008595040058008935200555009516920022015066920023015286920024015517000041015757100024016167750055016408300080016958560112017758560091018879.876964CaOODSP20240702131831m o d f cr cn|||||||||190725t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax6y11 aCS75-006/2019-11F-PDF1 aOuellet-Léveillé, Bertrand, eauteur.10aRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : bles professions comptant des travailleurs âgés / cpar Bertrand Ouellet-Léveillé et Anne Milan. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (18 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRegards sur la société canadienne, x2291-0859 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Results from the 2016 Census: occupations with older workers. aTitre de la couverture. a« Date de diffusion : le 25 juillet 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 18). a« Au cours des 20 dernières années, la part des travailleurs âgés de 55 ans et plus a augmenté de façon significative. La présente étude s'appuie sur les données du Recensement de la population et de l'Enquête sur la population active afin d'examiner l'évolution de la composition par âge des travailleurs parmi les professions les plus répandues (comptant au moins 10 000 travailleurs), de même que les professions qui connaissent les variations d'effectifs les plus élevées et les moins élevées » -- Aperçu de l'étude, page 1.072gccstaProfession072gccstaTravailleur072gccstaStatistiques1 aMilan, Anne Marie, d1967- eauteur.2 aStatistique Canada.08tResults from the 2016 Census : w(CaOODSP)9.876963#0aRegards sur la société canadienne (Statistique Canada)w(CaOODSP)9.50379840qPDFs408 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2019-11-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2019001/article/00011-fra.htm01630nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450053002032640066002563000063003223360031003853370034004163380043004505000084004935000034005775200355006116920017009666920024009837100024010077750062010318560114010938560085012079.876398CaOODSP20240702131830m o d f cr cn|||||||||190716s2019 onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660318691 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS11-627/2019-51F-PDF00aCrimes déclarés par la police au Canada, 2018. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Police-reported crime in Canada, 2018. aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Des données importantes sur la criminalité au Canada sont présentées dans cette infographie. Les changements de l'Indice de gravité de la criminalité (IGC) observés aux niveaux national, provincial, territorial sont présentés. Les catégories de crimes qui ont été déclarés en 2017 sont également compris » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaCrime072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tPolice-reported crime in Canada, 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.87639940qPDFs2.00 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019051-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019051-fra.htm01585nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450043002032640066002463000056003123360026003683370026003943380036004205000088004565000032005445040041005765200286006176920017009036920022009207100023009427750072009658560114010378560084011519.876399CaOODSP20221107164709m o d f cr cn|||||||||190716s2019 onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660318684 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS11-627/2019-51E-PDF00aPolice-reported crime in Canada, 2018. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Crimes déclarés par la police au Canada, 2018. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Key statistics about crime in Canada are presented in this infographic. Findings on changes to the Crime Severity Index at the national and provincial, territorial levels are presented. Also included are the categories of crime which were reported in 2017"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaCrime072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tCrimes déclarés par la police au Canada, 2018.w(CaOODSP)9.87639840qPDFs2.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019051-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019051-eng.htm02935nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000029002022450216002312640065004472640011005123000059005233360026005823370026006083380036006344900069006705000290007395000017010295000037010465000035010835000032011185040041011505200711011916920029019026920018019316920019019496920022019687000030019907100023020207750137020438300088021808560113022688560084023819.872145CaOODSP20221107163556m o d f cr cn|||||||||190426t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660306988 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax9y11 aCS89-657/2019-9E-PDF1 aSmith, Trevor, eauthor.10aTechnical report on changes in response related to the census ethnic origin question : bfocus on Jewish origins, 2016 Census integrated with 2011 National Household Survey / cby Trevor Smith and Scott McLeish. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (19 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEthnicity, language and immigration thematic series, x2371-5006 aIssued also in French under title: Rapport technique sur les changements de réponse concernant la question sur l'origine ethnique au recensement : accent sur les origines juives, intégration des données du Recensement de 2016 et de l'Enquête nationale auprès des ménages de 2011. aCover title. a"Catalogue no. 89-657-X2019009." a"Release date: July 26, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"According to the 2016 Census, 143,665 individuals living in Canada reported Jewish as an ethnic origin (single and multiple responses combined). This number was 53.6% lower than the 309,650 persons reporting Jewish ethnic origins on the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). This followed a steady, but previously less precipitous, decline in those reporting Jewish origins since the 1991 Census. By examining changes in individuals' responses over time, this study demonstrates that this overall decline was not the result of demographic changes but instead due to respondents being less likely to report Jewish origins from census to census, especially between 2011 and 2016"--Executive summary, page 1.072gccstaEthnic minorities072gccstaCensus072gccstaSurveys072gccstaStatistics1 aMcLeish, Scott, eauthor.2 aStatistics Canada.08tRapport technique sur les changements de réponse concernant la question sur l'origine ethnique au recensement : w(CaOODSP)9.872146#0aEthnicity, language and immigration thematic series,x2371-5006.w(CaOODSP)9.82415240qPDFs951 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/89-657-x/89-657-x2019009-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019009-eng.htm03152nam 2200469zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860025001771000029002022450297002312640065005282640011005933000066006043360031006703370034007013380043007354900082007785000216008605000028010765000048011045000050011525000034012025000048012365200839012846920030021236920023021536920019021766920024021957000030022197100024022497750111022738300100023848560113024848560085025979.872146CaOODSP20240702131822m o d f cr cn|||||||||190426t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660306995 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax9y11 aCS89-657/2019-9F-PDF1 aSmith, Trevor, eauteur.10aRapport technique sur les changements de réponse concernant la question sur l'origine ethnique au recensement : baccent sur les origines juives, intégration des données du Recensement de 2016 et de l’Enquête nationale auprès des ménages de 2011 / cpar Trevor Smith et Scott McLeish. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (20 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration ; x2371-5014 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Technical report on changes in response related to the census ethnic origin question: focus on Jewish origins, 2016 Census integrated with 2011 National Household Survey. aTitre de la couverture. a« N° au catalogue 89‑657‑X2019009. » a« Date de diffusion : le 26 juillet 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Selon le Recensement de 2016, 143 665 personnes vivant au Canada ont déclaré avoir une origine ethnique juive (réponses uniques et multiples combinées). Ce chiffre était 53,6 % inférieur aux 309 650 personnes qui avaient déclaré une origine ethnique juive à l'Enquête nationale auprès des ménages (ENM) de 2011. Ce déclin suit une diminution constante, mais moins accentuée auparavant, des personnes déclarant une origine juive depuis le Recensement de 1991. En examinant les changements de réponses des individus au fil du temps, cette étude démontre le fait que ce déclin n'était pas le résultat de changements démographiques, mais plutôt des répondants qui étaient moins susceptibles de déclarer des origines juives d'un recensement à l'autre, particulièrement de 2011 à 2016 » -- Sommaire, page 3.072gccstaMinorité ethnique072gccstaRecensement072gccstaSondage072gccstaStatistiques1 aMcLeish, Scott, eauteur.2 aStatistique Canada.08tTechnical report on changes in response related to the census ethnic origin question : w(CaOODSP)9.872145#0aSérie thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration,x2371-5014.w(CaOODSP)9.82415440qPDFs736 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/89-657-x/89-657-x2019009-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019009-fra.htm