02006nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430018001690860020001871300124002072450243003312460123005742640214006972640011009113000038009223360026009603370026009863380036010124900053010485000064011015000046011655460032012116920036012437100060012797920141013398300056014808560096015369.881776CaOODSP20221107170129m o d f cr |||||||||||191113t20192019onc oz f000 0 eng d a9780660331881 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---aa-ku1 aFR4-2019/18-PDF0 aAgreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the State of Kuwait on Air Transport d(1 August 2018)10aKuwait/Air - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the State of Kuwait on Air Transport = bKoweït/Air - Accord sur le transport aérien entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l`État du Koweït.31aKoweït/Air - Accord sur le transport aérien entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l`État du Koweït 1a[Ottawa] : bTreaty Law Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development = Direction du droit des traités du ministère des Affaires étrangères, du commerce et du développement, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (24, 24 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v2019/18 a"Done at Kuwait on 1 August 2018. In Force: 17 March 2019." aAlternate pages have duplicate numbering. aText in English and French.072gccstaInternational agreements1 aCanada. bGlobal Affairs Canada. bTreaty Law Division. tKuwait/Air - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the State of Kuwait on Air Transport = w(CaOODSP)9.881781#0aCanada treaty series ;v2019/18.w(CaOODSP)9.81173040qPDFs626 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR4-2019-18.pdf02069nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430018001690860020001871300126002072450243003332460123005762640214006992640011009133000041009243360031009653370034009963380043010304900053010735000074011265000056012005460038012566920032012947100076013267910141014028300056015438560096015999.881781CaOODSP20221107170130m o d f cr |||||||||||191113t20192019onc oz f000 0 fre d a9780660331881 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---aa-ku1 aFR4-2019/18-PDF0 aAccord sur le transport aérien entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l`État du Koweït d(1 août 2018)10aKuwait/Air - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the State of Kuwait on Air Transport = bKoweït/Air - Accord sur le transport aérien entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l`État du Koweït.31aKoweït/Air - Accord sur le transport aérien entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement de l`État du Koweït 1a[Ottawa] : bTreaty Law Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development = Direction du droit des traités du ministère des Affaires étrangères, du commerce et du développement, c2019. 4a©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (24, 24 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v2019/18 a« Fait à Koweït le 1er août 2018. En vigueur: le 17 mars 2019. » aNumérotation répétée sur les pages suppléants. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaAccord international1 aCanada. bAffaires mondiales Canada. bDirection du droit des traités. tKuwait/Air - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the State of Kuwait on Air Transport = w(CaOODSP)9.881776#0aCanada treaty series ;v2019/18.w(CaOODSP)9.81173840qPDFs626 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR4-2019-18.pdf02498nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430018001690860020001871300221002072450441004282460221008692640214010902640011013043000036013153360026013513370026013773380036014034900053014395000064014925000046015565460032016026920036016347100060016707920241017308300056019718560097020279.881784CaOODSP20221107170130m o d f cr |||||||||||191114t20192019onc oz f000 0 eng d a9780660331898 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengafre an-cn---aa-ja1 aFR4-2019/20-PDF0 aAgreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Canadian Armed Forces and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan d(21 April 2018)10aJapan/Defence - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Canadian Armed Forces and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan = bJapon/Défense - Accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement du Japon concernant la fourniture réciproque d`approvisionnements et de services par les Forces armées canadiennes et les Forces japonaises.31aJapon/Défense - Accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement du Japon concernant la fourniture réciproque d`approvisionnements et de services par les Forces armées canadiennes et les Forces japonaises 1a[Ottawa] : bTreaty Law Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development = Direction du droit des traités du ministère des Affaires étrangères, du commerce et du développement, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (7, 7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v2019/20 a"Done at Toronto on 21 April 2018. In Force: 18 July 2019." aAlternate pages have duplicate numbering. aText in English and French.072gccstaInternational agreements1 aCanada. bGlobal Affairs Canada. bTreaty Law Division. tJapan/Defence - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Canadian Armed Forces and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan = w(CaOODSP)9.881786#0aCanada treaty series ;v2019/20.w(CaOODSP)9.81173040qPDFs2.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR4-2019-20.pdf02562nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250410013001560430018001690860020001871300222002072450441004292460221008702640214010912640011013053000039013163360031013553370034013863380043014204900053014635000076015165000056015925460038016486920032016867100076017187910241017948300056020358560097020919.881786CaOODSP20221107170131m o d f cr |||||||||||191114t20192019onc oz f000 0 fre d a9780660331898 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP afreaeng an-cn---aa-ja1 aFR4-2019/20-PDF0 aAccord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement du Japon concernant la fourniture réciproque d`approvisionnements et de services par les Forces armées canadiennes et les Forces japonaises d(21 avril 2018)10aJapan/Defence - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Canadian Armed Forces and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan = bJapon/Défense - Accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement du Japon concernant la fourniture réciproque d`approvisionnements et de services par les Forces armées canadiennes et les Forces japonaises.31aJapon/Défense - Accord entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement du Japon concernant la fourniture réciproque d`approvisionnements et de services par les Forces armées canadiennes et les Forces japonaises 1a[Ottawa] : bTreaty Law Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development = Direction du droit des traités du ministère des Affaires étrangères, du commerce et du développement, c2019. 4a©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (7, 7 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aTreaty series = Recueil des traités ; v2019/20 a« Fait à Toronto le 21 avril 2018. En vigueur: le 18 juillet 2019. » aNumérotation répétée sur les pages suppléants. aTexte en anglais et en français.072gccstaAccord international1 aCanada. bAffaires mondiales Canada. bDirection du droit des traités. tJapan/Defence - Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Canadian Armed Forces and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan = w(CaOODSP)9.881784#0aCanada treaty series ;v2019/20.w(CaOODSP)9.81173840qPDFs2.86 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/amc-gac/FR4-2019-20.pdf01870nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450112001902640074003022640011003763000049003873360026004363370026004623380036004885000022005245000036005465000047005825000157006295040041007865200199008276920031010266920029010576920026010867100036011127750116011487940116012648560104013809.879523CaOODSP20221107165533m o d f cr |||||||||||190920t20192019oncd ob f000 0 eng d a9780660326733 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aHP2-4/2017E-4-PDF00aCanadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) : b2017 figures and tables. 1aOttawa, ON : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vi, 173 pages) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from cover. aPublication date: October 2019. aIssued by: Public Health Agency of Canada. aIssued also in French under title: Programme intégré canadien de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (PICRA) : 2017 figures et tableaux. aIncludes bibliographical references. a2017 figures and tables which includes the traditional summarized information but little accompanying text for the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS).072gccstaVeterinary medicine072gccstaHealth protection072gccstaMicroorganisms2 aPublic Health Agency of Canada.08tProgramme intégré canadien de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (PICRA) : w(CaOODSP)9.879524 tCanadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) 2018 : b2018w(CaOODSP)9.88467640qPDFs3.77 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP2-4-2017-4-eng.pdf01971nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450124001902640074003142640011003883000056003993360031004553370034004863380043005205000028005635000040005915000056006315000151006875040048008385200226008866920035011126920035011476920026011827100041012087750105012497940127013548560104014819.879524CaOODSP20221107165533m o d f cr |||||||||||190920t20192019oncd ob f000 0 fre d a9780660326740 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aHP2-4/2017F-4-PDF00aProgramme intégré canadien de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (PICRA) : b2017 figures et tableaux. 1aOttawa, ON : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (vi, 175 pages) : bgraphiques atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de la couverture. aDate de publication : octobre 2019. aPublié par Agence de la santé publique du Canada. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) : 2017 figures and tables. aComprend des références bibliographiques. aFigures et tableaux de 2017, qui incluent les informations résumées habituelles, mais avec peu de texte d'accompagnement pour le Programme intégré canadien de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (PICRA).072gccstaMédecine vétérinaire072gccstaProtection de la santé072gccstaMicroorganisme2 aAgence de santé publique du Canada.08tCanadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) : w(CaOODSP)9.879523 tProgramme intégré canadien de surveillance de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (PICRA) 2018 : b2018w(CaOODSP)9.88467940qPDFs3.26 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/aspc-phac/HP2-4-2017-4-fra.pdf01724nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450192001902640076003822640011004583000065004693360026005343370026005603380036005865000158006225000017007805000039007976920023008366920019008596920022008786920026009007100027009267100035009537750131009888560109011198560122012289.881709CaOODSP20221107170120m o d f cr |||||||||||191114t20192019onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660331652 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aRv4-136/2019E-PDF00aEvaluation of the climate action incentive payment advertising campaign : bmethodological report / cprepared for Canada Revenue Agency; supplier name: Corporate Research Associates Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Revenue Agency = Agence du revenu du Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (30 pages) + eexecutive summary (5 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation de la campaign publicitaire de paiement de l’incitatif à agir pour le climat : rapport méthodologique. a"June 2019." a"Registration Number: POR 116-18."072gccstaAdvertising072gccstaSurveys072gccstaAssessment072gccstaTax incentives2 aCanada Revenue Agency.2 aCorporate Research Associates.08tÉvaluation de la campaign publicitaire de paiement de l’incitatif à agir pour le climat : w(CaOODSP)9.88171140qPDFs437 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-136-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs214 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-136-2019-1-eng.pdfzExecutive summary01769nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450244001902640077004342640011005113000059005223360031005813370034006123380043006465000154006895000021008435000051008646920022009156920019009376920023009566920028009797100035010077100032010427750098010748560110011728560113012829.881711CaOODSP20240213112804m o d f cr |||||||||||191114t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660331669 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aRv4-136/2019F-PDF00aÉvaluation de la campaign publicitaire de paiement de l’incitatif à agir pour le climat : brapport méthodologique / cpréparé pour l’Agence du revenu du Canada; nom du fournisseur : Corporate Research Associates Inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence du revenu du Canada = Canada Revenue Agency, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (29 pages) + esommaire (5 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Evaluation of the climate action incentive payment advertising campaign : methodological report.  a« Juin 2019. » a« Numéro d’enregistrement : ROP 116-18. »072gccstaPublicité072gccstaSondage072gccstaÉvaluation072gccstaIncitatif fiscal2 aCorporate Research Associates.2 aAgence du revenu du Canada.08tEvaluation of the climate action incentive payment advertising campaign : w(CaOODSP)9.88170940qPDFs453 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-136-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs214 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-136-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire01737nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450195001902640076003852640011004613000077004723360026005493370026005753380036006015000137006375000016007745000035007906920023008256920023008486920024008717100027008957100030009227750121009527940070010738560109011438560111012529.881713CaOODSP20221107170120m o d f cr |||||||||||191115t20192019onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660331676 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aRv4-137/2019E-PDF00aAssessment of the 2018-2019 CRA benefits and credits advertising campaign : bmethodological report / cprepared for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); supplier name: EKOS Research Associates. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanada Revenue Agency = Agence du revenu du Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (48 unnumbered pages) + esummary (5 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation de la campagne publicitaire des prestations et crédits de l’ARC 2018-2019.  a"May 2019." a"Registration number: 050-18."072gccstaAdvertising072gccstaTax credits072gccstaTax benefits2 aCanada Revenue Agency.2 aEkos Research Associates.08tÉvaluation de la campagne publicitaire des prestations et crédits de l’ARC 2018-2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.881714 t2020-2021 CRA benefits and credits campaign : w(CaOODSP)9.90166340qPDFs221 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-137-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs76 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-137-2019-1-eng.pdfzSummary01892nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860022001682450238001902640076004282640011005043000093005153360031006083370034006393380043006735000155007165000020008715000043008916920023009346920028009576920029009857100033010147100032010477750100010797940116011798560110012958560113014059.881714CaOODSP20240213112804m o d f cr |||||||||||191115t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660331683 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aRv4-137/2019F-PDF00aÉvaluation de la campagne publicitaire des prestations et crédits de l’ARC 2018-2019 : brapport méthodologique / cpréparé pour l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC); nom du fournisseur : Les Associés de recherche EKOS. 1a[Ottawa] : bAgence du revenu du Canada = Canada Revenue Agency,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (50 pages non numérotées) + esommaire (5 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Assessment of the 2018-2019 CRA benefits and credits advertising campaign.  a« Mai 2019. » a« No d’inscription : ROP 050-18. »072gccstaPublicité 072gccstaAvantage fiscal 072gccstaCrédit d'impôt 2 aAssociés de recherche Ekos.2 aAgence du revenu du Canada.08tAssessment of the 2018-2019 CRA benefits and credits advertising campaign : w(CaOODSP)9.881713 tÉvaluation de la campagne publicitaire des prestations et crédits de l'ARC de 2020-2021 : w(CaOODSP)9.90166440qPDFs278 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-137-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs109 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/arc-cra/Rv4-137-2019-1-fra.pdfzSommaire01645nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860022001502450125001722640060002973000070003573360026004273370026004533380036004795000022005155000100005375200496006376920027011336920019011606920025011797100034012048560105012389.880025CaOODSP20221107165655m o d f cr |||||||||||191001e19810109oncbd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCC264-3/1981E-PDF00aReport to Minister of Communications from National Arts Centre : breference : Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee. 1a[Ottawa] : b[National Arts Centre], cJanuary 9, 1981. a1 online resource (509 pages in various pagings) : bmaps, graphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"For the first time since a national centre for the performing arts for Canada was conceived in the early 1960's, or since the National Arts Centre Corporation came into legal existence in 1966, or since the NAC first opened its doors to the public in June of 1969, the attempt is being made to present, in a singe comprehensive report, the story of the NAC to date - its planning, its policies, its programmes and its people, its problems, its progress and its potential"--Forward, page xi.072gccstaPerforming arts072gccstaCulture072gccstaPolicy review2 aNational Arts Centre (Canada)40qPDFs17.43 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/CC264-3-1981-eng.pdf01698nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450081001732640132002543000049003863360026004353370026004613380036004875000100005235040041006235200493006646920024011576920022011816920023012037100065012268560105012919.879388CaOODSP20221107165511m o d f cr |||||||||||190918e197703##oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aBC92-106/1977E-PDF00aUHF broadcasting spectrum requirements for Canada : ba long-range forecast. 1a[Ottawa] : bCanadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, Technical Planning and Analysis Branch, cMarch 1977. a1 online resource (xx, 174 pages) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This study was conducted by C.R.T.C. in response to a request from the Department of Communications to evaluate long-range Canadian television spectrum requirements in the 406-960 MBz frequency band. The study first examined the broad factors which can be expected to influence the need for additional television service and translated these factors into a population model of expected service requirements for 62 of the largest Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs)"--Introduction, page iii.072gccstaBroadcasting072gccstaTelevision072gccstaForecasting2 aCanadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.40qPDFs8.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/BC92-106-1977-eng.pdf02197nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001501000028001712450158001992640084003573000055004413360026004963370026005223380036005484900029005845000093006135000086007065040050007925200632008425300033014746920017015076920025015246920020015497100034015697100036016038300077016398560107017169.878887CaOODSP20221107165350m o d f cr bn|||||||||190904s1972 onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-508/19E-PDF1 aWales, R. W., eauthor.10aInterlaboratory quality control study no. 2 : btotal phosphate, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and organic carbon / cR.W. Wales and W.J. Traversy. 1aOttawa, Canada : bInland Waters Branch, Department of the Environment, c1972. a1 online resource (v, 27 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 19 aPages 10 and 26 blank and unnumbered in original print edition and omitted in this copy. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8). a"This is the second of a series of reports on the evaluation of analytical data. The first report evaluated the major ions sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and the evaluation was carried out by six participating laboratories. The current report evaluates the nutrients phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon and the study involved nine laboratories - four in the Water Quality Division and five outside the federal government. Two more studies are in progress and reports are being prepared. These two studies evaluate the trace metals copper, zinc, lead, chromium, manganese, mercury, cadmium and arsenic"--Foreword, page v. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWater072gccstaWater quality072gccstaAnalysis1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Branch.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Branch)vno. 19.w(CaOODSP)9.86240640qPDFs1.17 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-19-eng.pdf02104nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450081001712640082002523000038003343360026003723370026003983380036004244900029004605000152004895000086006415040053007275200586007805300033013666920021013996920020014207100034014407100041014747100038015158300082015538560107016359.878928CaOODSP20221107165357m o d f cr bn|||||||||190905s1973 onc ob f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-508/31E-PDF00aResearch program, Hydrology Research Division : bproject catalogue 1971-73. 1aOttawa, Canada : bInland Waters Directorate, Water Resources Branch, c1973. a1 online resource (v, 145 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 31 aPages iv, 8, 44, 64, 66, 82, 84, 106, 108, 118, 124, 126, 136, 142 and 144 blank and unnumbered in original print edition and omitted in this copy. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references and indexes. a"This publication is the fifth in a series detailing the research activities of what was until I972 the Groundwater Subdivision of the Hydrologic Sciences Division, Inland Waters Branch (IWB), Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. A federal government reorganization has since led to the creation of The Department of The Environment (Environment Canada). The Groundwater Subdivision has, as a result, become The Hydrology Research Division. The new division is one of two research arms of The Water Resources Branch of The Inland Waters Directorate (IWD)"--Preface, page iii. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaResearch1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Directorate.1 aCanada. bWater Resources Branch.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Directorate)vno. 31.w(CaOODSP)9.86241040qPDFs4.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-31-eng.pdf01598nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860034001771000032002112450135002432460058003782640096004362640011005323000064005433360026006073370026006333380036006594900029006955000086007245040041008105300033008515460046008846920018009307100034009487100041009828300082010238560107011059.878946CaOODSP20221107165400m o d f cr bn|||||||||190905t19741974oncab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn--- ax3x71 aEn36-508/39E-PDFzEn36-508/391 aLymburner, D. B., eauthor.10aEnvironmental contaminants inventory study no. 2 : bthe production, use and distribution of cadmium in Canada / cD.B. Lymburner.30aProduction, use and distribution of cadmium in Canada 1aBurlington, Ontario : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, Inland Waters Directorate, c1974. 4c©1974 a1 online resource (viii, 71 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 39 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaMetals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Directorate.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Directorate)vno. 39.w(CaOODSP)9.86241040qPDFs2.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-39-eng.pdf02626nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200028001070400031001350410018001660430012001840450009001960860034002051000027002392450127002662460055003932640117004482640011005653000080005763360026006563370026006823380036007084900029007445000086007735040041008595200899009005300033017995460046018326920016018787100034018947100099019288300082020278560107021099.878959CaOODSP20221107165402m o d f cr bn|||||||||190905t19761977oncab ob f000 0 eng d z0662005414q(softcover) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn--- ax5x71 aEn36-508/41E-PDFzEn36-508/411 aLeah, T. D., eauthor.10aEnvironmental contaminants inventory study no. 3 : bthe production, use and distribution of lead in Canada / cT.D. Leah.30aProduction, use and distribution of lead in Canada 1aBurlington, Ontario : bInland Waters Directorate, Ontario Region, Water Planning and Management Branch, c1976. 4c©1977 a1 online resource (vii, 94 pages) : billustrations + e6 maps on 6 sheets. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 41 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This study is the third in the Environmental Contaminants Inventory Series, and the first to present data in terms of watershed basins. The report begins with a literature review on lead in the environment and the effects of lead on human health. The flow of lead through the Canadian economy is then analyzed, focusing on the production of lead and the use of lead in manufacturing. Lead releases to the atmosphere resulting from these activities and the consumption of leaded gasoline are estimated in terms of aggregated watershed basins. Background information is provided outlining the occurrence, physical and chemical properties, production processes, global economic significance, major uses of lead and future demand for lead. Lists of industries reporting lead consumption to Statistics Canada in 1972 and major Canadian producers of recycled lead are included"--Abstract, page viii. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaLead1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Directorate. bOntario Region. bWater Planning and Management Branch.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Directorate)vno. 41.w(CaOODSP)9.86241040qPDFs5.23 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-41-eng.pdf01413nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860034001502450104001842640082002882640011003703000062003813360026004433370026004693380036004954900029005315000086005605040041006465300033006876920021007206920020007417100034007617100041007957100038008368300082008748560107009569.878965CaOODSP20221107165403m o d f cr bn|||||||||190905t19751975oncab oab f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-508/42E-PDFzEn36-508/4200aResearch program, Hydrology Research Division : bsummaries of progress and short research reports. 1aOttawa, Canada : bInland Waters Directorate, Water Resources Branch, c1975. 4c©1975 a1 online resource (x, 120 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 42 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaHydrology072gccstaResearch1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Directorate.1 aCanada. bWater Resources Branch.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Directorate)vno. 42.w(CaOODSP)9.86241040qPDFs4.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-42-eng.pdf02381nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200028001070400031001350410018001660430012001840860034001961000032002302450193002622640101004552640011005563000057005673360026006243370026006503380036006764900029007125000105007415000086008465040051009325200520009835300033015035460046015366920017015826920025015996920020016247100034016447100093016788300082017718560106018539.879018CaOODSP20221107165412m o d f cr bn|||||||||190906t19781978onca ob f000 0 eng d z0662100670q(softcover) aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn---1 aEn36-508/51E-PDFzEn36-508/511 aCarron, J. M‏., eauthor.10aInterlaboratory quality control studies no. 14 : bmajor ions : calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, hardness, alkalinity, chloride, sulphate and nitrate / cJ.M. Carron and K.I. Aspila. 1aBurlington, Ontario : bInland Waters Directorate, Ontario Region, Water Quality Branch, c1978. 4c©1978 a1 online resource (vii, 29 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 51 aPages vi, 14, 16, 26 and 28 blank and unnumbered in original print edition and omitted in this copy. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 13).3 a"The results of interlaboratory quality control study No. 14 are described. This study was carried out during the spring and summer of 1975. It included three natural waters and two standard solutions. Data were submitted from 36 participating Canadian laboratories. The parameters were calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, hardness, alkalinity, chloride, sulphate and nitrate. Samples were at concentrations similar to natural inland waters. All samples were distributed without preservatives"--Abstract, page v. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWater072gccstaWater quality072gccstaAnalysis1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bInland Waters and Lands Directorate. bOntario Region. bWater Quality Branch.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Directorate)vno. 51.w(CaOODSP)9.86241040qPDFs966 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-51-eng.pdf02914nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000027002032450186002302640130004163000063005463360026006093370026006353380036006614900038006975000019007355000086007545040055008405201176008955300033020715460046021046920027021506920027021777100034022047100080022388300084023188560114024029.880604CaOODSP20221107165822m o d f cr bn|||||||||191015s1988 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-09E-PDF1 aGoyette, D., eauthor.10aPrevalence of idiopathic liver lesions in English sole and epidermal abnormalities in flatfish from Vancouver Harbour, British Columbia, 1986 / cby D. Goyette, D. Brand, M. Thomas. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1988. a1 online resource (viii, 48 pages) : billustrations, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-09 a"August 1988." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 36-39).3 a"Histopathological conditions in a number of demersal fish species have been previously linked (by association) with exposure to xenobiotic chemicals found in sediments and the water column. Since Vancouver Harbour receives a variety of urban and industrial waste discharges which potentially can contain toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, English sole (Parophrys vetulus) were collected from seven locations within the harbour in 1986 and examined for liver tissue abnormalities. High prevalences (58.8%) of idiopathic liver lesions were found in English sole from Port Moody Arm, an area receiving petroleum refinery waste water and other pollutants; moderate frequencies (20.0 to 30.0%) along the shoreline of the main harbour and lower frequencies (8.3%-13.3%) in the central and outer portions. The type and frequency of idiopathic liver lesions in English sole can provide useful measurements on the effects of anthropogenic chemical exposure in Vancouver Harbour, and comparison with other coastal harbours. In addition, over 10,000 flatfish representing sixteen species were examined for epidermal abnormalities from May 1985 to September 1986"--Abstract, page ii. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-09.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs4.88 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-09-eng.pdf02715nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000054002032450112002572640130003693000074004993360026005733370026005993380036006254900038006615000016006995000086007155040051008015200956008525300033018085460046018416920022018876920027019096920027019366920018019637100034019817100080020158300084020958560114021799.880607CaOODSP20221107165823m o d f cr cn|||||||||191015s1990 bcca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/90-06E-PDF1 aKrahn, Peter K. q(Peter Karl), d1958- eauthor.10aLeaching of 2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole (TCMTB) from surface treated lumber / cby Peter K. Krahn. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1990. a1 online resource (xv, 57, 31 pages) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v90-06 a"May 1990." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 56). a"The chemical, 2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole (TCMTB) is a fungicide registered for use as an antisapstain chemical to protect dimensioned lumber during transport to export markets. TCMTB is highly toxic to fish and has a 96 hour flow through fish bioassay LC50 of approximately 15 µg/L (parts per billion or ppb) for chinook salmon in freshwater and 6 ppb in sea water. The leaching of this chemical from treated wood was monitored during rainfall events at a sawmill located on the tidally influenced section of the North Arm of the Fraser River from October 1989 to January 1990. The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the concentrations of TCMTB and its degradation products in rainwater leachate from surface treated lumber; 2) to determine the concentrations of TCMTB and its degradation products in the Fraser River adjacent to storm water outfalls, which drain TCMTB treated lumber storage yards"--Executive summary, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes summaries in English and French.072gccstaFungicides072gccstaLumber industry072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaRivers1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v90-06.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs9.13 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-90-06-eng.pdf02553nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000032002032450120002352640138003553000063004933360026005563370026005823380036006084900041006445000021006855000086007065040055007925200716008475300033015635460046015966920026016426920025016686920021016936920027017146920035017416920023017767100034017997100076018338300084019098560114019939.880642CaOODSP20221107165829m o d f cr bn|||||||||191015s1987 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax7x81 aEn40-240-1/87-23E-PDF1 aColodey, Alan G., eauthor.10aMarine environmental quality review near the MacMillan Bloedel pulp mill, Powell River, B.C / cby Alan G. Colodey. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (iii, 47 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEP regional program report ; v87-23 a"December 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 31-32). a"This report evaluates the condition of the receiving environment in the vicinity of the MacMillan Bloedel pulp and paper mill at Powell River, located approximately 100 km northwest of Vancouver. This information along with present production levels will be used to estimate potential impacts associated with mill expansion and production increases. Recommendations will be made for improvements to the mill's monitoring program. This review is based on Environmental Protection (EP) reports, consultant reports and previously unpublished EP oceanographic data collected in November 1983, PISCES IV submersible observations from April 1987 and intertidal data gathered in September 1987"--Introduction, page 1. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaCoastal waters072gccstaWater quality072gccstaSediments072gccstaAquatic animals072gccstaPulp and paper industry072gccstaWaste water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Service. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-23.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.65 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-23-eng.pdf02113nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430021001560450009001770860026001861000054002122450118002662640128003843000063005123360026005753370026006013380036006274900038006635000017007015000086007185040057008045200459008615300033013205460046013536920016013997100034014157100080014498300084015298560114016139.880643CaOODSP20221107165829m o d f cr bn|||||||||191015s1990 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bcan-cn-yk ax7x81 aEn40-240-1/90-05E-PDF1 aKrahn, Peter K. q(Peter Karl), d1958- eauthor.10aLead in British Columbia and Yukon environments : bsummary of industrial data (1979-1986) / cby Peter K. Krahn. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific & Yukon Region, c1990. a1 online resource (xv, 144 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v90-05 a"July 1990." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 129-143).3 a"This report has been prepared to provide an overview of the life cycle of lead in the industrial and commercial processes operating in British Columbia and the Yukon. The main objective was to document sources of lead from mineral extraction through concentration, refining to secondary and tertiary processing and miscellaneous uses. Loading estimates of lead releases to the environment were made where sufficient data was provided"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaLead1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v90-05.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs5.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-90-05-eng.pdf02553nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430021001560450009001770860023001861000064002092450147002732640109004203000095005293360026006243370026006503380036006764900037007125000019007495000086007685040041008545200851008955300033017465460046017796920019018257100034018447100066018788300113019448560110020579.880652CaOODSP20221107165830m o d f cr cn|||||||||191016s1980 bccb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bcan-cn-yk ax6x71 aEn40-240/80-4E-PDF1 aGarrett, C. L.‏ q(Christine Lorraine), d1953- eauthor.10aMercury in the British Columbia and Yukon environments : bsummary of data to January 1, 1979 / cby C.L. Garrett, L.A. MacLeod, H.J. Sneddon. 1a[West Vancouver, B.C.] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Service, Pacific Region, c1980. a1 online resource (xvii, 456 pages, 2 unnumbered leaves of plates) : bmaps (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v80-4 a"March, 1980." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This report has been prepared to provide an overview of the uses and environmental levels of mercury in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. The main objectives of this report were to: identify current uses of mercury in the Pacific Region and potential sources of release to the environment; assess the potential for environmental impacts as a result of these releases; document all existing information on mercury levels in the British Columbia and Yukon environments and compare these levels to those reported for other areas of the world; and, identify localized areas of particularly high contamination. Data was obtained from provincial and federal government agencies, universities, and research organizations and was compiled, interpreted, and plotted on a series of regional maps to permit geographical analysis"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaMercury1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Service. bPacific Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environmental Protection Service. Pacific Region)v80-4.w(CaOODSP)9.87915140qPDFs21.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240/En40-240-80-4-eng.pdf02286nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000032002032450122002352640130003573000062004873360026005493370026005753380036006014900038006375000020006755000086006955040055007815200495008365300033013315460046013646920026014106920025014366920021014616920035014826920023015177100034015407100080015748300084016548560114017389.880691CaOODSP20221107165837m o d f cr bn|||||||||191016s1987 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-10E-PDF1 aColodey, Alan G., eauthor.10aMarine monitoring at the Crofton, B.C. pulpmill : bNovember 1983 & April 1986 / cby Alan G. Colodey, Jady G. Tyers. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (ix, 63 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-10 a"October 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 36-40). a"Environment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection (EP) regularly monitors environmental quality at selected industrial end reference sites along the B.C. coastline to detect changes in marine environmental quality. This report presents data collected on 22 Nov 83 and 10 Apr 86 from the Stuart Channel area in the vicinity of the British Columbia Forest Products (B.C.F.P.) kraft pulp mill located near Crofton, B.C. on S.E. Vancouver Island"--Introduction, page 1. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaCoastal waters072gccstaWater quality072gccstaSediments072gccstaPulp and paper industry072gccstaWaste water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-10.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs2.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-10-eng.pdf02269nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070860026001382450157001642640084003213000055004053360026004603370026004863380036005124900041005485000028005895000073006175000020006905000086007105200733007965300033015296920016015626920023015787100034016017100052016357100019016878300087017068560114017939.880695CaOODSP20221107165838m o d f cr bn|||||||||191016s1995 bcca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP1 aEn40-240-1/95-04E-PDF02aA method for detection of diesel soot and coal in dust samples / cprepared by Organic Analysis Group, Industrial Chemistry Division, B.C. Research Inc. 1aNorth Vancouver, B.C. : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection, c1994. a1 online resource (v, 31 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vPR 95-04 a"Project no. 4-03-830." a"This work was supported by the Federal Panel on Energy R&D (PERD)." a"January 1994." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This method describes a technique for determining coal and diesel soot in a dust sample. These contaminates are extracted in an organic solvent, before and after external pyrolysis, cleaned-up using column chromatography and then analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using high pressure liquid chromatography with an ultra-violet detector (HPLC-UV). The PAH content of the room temperature extract, without external pyrolysis, corresponds to the diesel soot. Room temperature extraction of the sample after pyrolysis gives the PAH content derived from the diesel soot and coal dust in the dust sample. The difference between the two values is equivalent to the coal content in the sample"--Introduction, page 1. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaCoal072gccstaDiesel fuel1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate.2 aB.C. Research.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vPR 95-04.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.84 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-95-04-eng.pdf01953nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000029002032450092002322640130003243000046004543360026005003370026005263380036005524900038005885000020006265000086006465040051007325200252007835300033010355460046010686920027011146920028011416920027011696920024011967100034012207100080012548300084013348560113014189.880719CaOODSP20221107165841m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1987 bccb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-02E-PDF1 aGodin, Benoit, eauthor.10aMosquito Creek Gold Mining Co. site inspection conducted June 19, 1986 / cby B. Godin. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (v, 15 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-02 a"January 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 15).3 a"A monitoring program was conducted at Mosquito Creek Mine to assess the impact of tailings pond water on Mosquito Creek and Willow Creek. Samples from mini-piezometres showed contaminated groundwater seepages in Mosquito Creek"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWaste management072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaWatercourses1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-02.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs677 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-02-eng.pdf02383nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000031002032450098002342640104003323000090004363360026005263370026005523380036005784900038006145000018006525000086006705040055007565200719008115300033015305460046015636920022016096920032016316920026016637100034016897100052017238300084017758560114018599.880724CaOODSP20221107165842m o d f cr cn|||||||||191017s1989 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/89-01E-PDF1 aHarding, Lee E., eauthor.14aThe Nestucca oil spill : bfate and effects to May 31, 1989 / cby L.E. Harding, J.R. Englar. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironmental Protection, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada, c1989. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations, maps (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v89-01 a"June, 1989." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 49-52). a"Following arrival of oil from the stricken barge, Nestucca, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, the BC provincial and federal Ministers of Environment asked for a full assessment of the impact of the spill. The Director of Environmental Services of Environment Canada's Pacific & Yukon Regional Office was assigned to coordinate this assessment. This report has been prepared in partial fulfilment of this responsibility. This report documents the distribution and movements of oil along the Vancouver Island coastline as a basis for further studies of the longer term impact. It also summarizes those environmental impacts that occurred, and could be documented, during this initial period"--Forward, page ix. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaOil spills072gccstaEnvironmental impact072gccstaCoastal waters1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v89-01.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs7.12 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-89-01-eng.pdf02001nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000039002032450052002422640139002943000083004333360026005163370026005423380036005684900038006045000021006425000086006635040051007495200293008005300033010935460046011266920024011726920021011966920027012176920023012447100034012677100080013018300084013818560114014659.880727CaOODSP20221107165842m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1994 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/91-05E-PDF1 aDerksen, George, d1948- eauthor.10aMinnova sediment study, 1990 / cby G. Derksen. 1aNorth Vancouver, B.C. : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1994. a1 online resource (iv, 12 pages, 11 unnumbered pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v91-05 a"December 1994." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 11).3 a"A monitoring program was conducted in May 1990 to determine the sediment quality of Johnson Creek which receives treated mine effluent from the Minnova copper/lead/zinc/silver mine. The basic pattern of metal distribution was similar to that of the 1988 baseline data"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWatercourses072gccstaSediments072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWaste water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v91-05.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-91-05-eng.pdf02369nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000029002032450093002322640130003253000047004553360026005023370026005283380036005544900038005905000016006285000086006445040055007305200711007855300033014965460046015296920030015756920023016056920019016287100034016477100080016818300084017618560114018459.880744CaOODSP20221107165845m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1987 bccb obi f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax7x81 aEn40-240-1/87-05E-PDF1 aHolman, W. N., eauthor.10aOblique aerial photo index for southern British Columbia (1976-1986) / cby W.N. Holman. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (iv, 86 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-05 a"May 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 84-85).3 a"This index is a compilation of oblique aerial photographs taken by the author of over 700 sites which include a variety of industrial operations, landfill sites, harbours and waterways located in southern British Columbia. Flights were conducted over a ten year period between 1976 and 1986 to provide information on observable environmental impacts, or to document visual reference material for future environmental investigations. Information on the type of aircraft and cameras chosen for optimum results, as well as the film and processing is provided. All the photographs referred to in this report are available for examination at the Environmental Protection office in Vancouver"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaAerial photography072gccstaPhotographs072gccstaIndexes1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-05.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs5.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-05-eng.pdf02376nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860026001681000032001942450126002262640139003523000061004913360026005523370026005783380036006044900038006405000022006785000022007005000086007225040055008085200714008635300033015775460046016106920022016567100034016787100080017128300084017928560114018769.880751CaOODSP20221107165846m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1989 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc1 aEn40-240-1/87-21E-PDF1 aWan, M. T. K.‏, eauthor.10aObservations on drift potential during aerial herbicide applications in coastal British Columbia forests / cby M.T. Wan. 1a[Vancouver?] : bDepartment of the Environment, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific & Yukon Region, c1989. a1 online resource (x, 87 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-21 a"February, 1989." aAddenda inserted. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 48-49).3 a"The drift potential of aerial herbicide applications by fixed wing aircraft and helicopter was investigated over a 13-year period in selected forest areas of coastal British Columbia. Depositions of liquid incubator chemicals and herbicides were monitored within and outside designated spray areas to determine the drift patterns of both types of aircraft. Spray deposition collection methods, flight paths, spray runs, layouts, herbicide formulations, pilot skill, and prevailing environmental conditions were found to affect the spray deposition patterns and drift potential during aerial applications. The implications of these findings to the management of pesticide use are discussed"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaHerbicides1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-21.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs2.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-21-eng.pdf02336nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430021001560450009001770860026001861000029002122450193002412640137004343000064005713360026006353370026006613380036006874900038007235000017007615000086007785040057008645200529009215300033014505460046014836920028015296920026015577000031015837100034016147100080016488300084017288560114018129.880758CaOODSP20221107165847m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1993 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bcan-cn-yk ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/93-01E-PDF1 aKim, K. q(Kay)eauthor.10aOcean disposal activities summary from 1987 to 1992 for Pacific and Yukon Region / cprepared for the Pacific and Yukon Region Ocean Dumping Advisory Committee by K. Kim and D.L. Sullivan. 1a[Vancouver?] : bDepartment of Environment, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1993. a1 online resource (vii, 175 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v93-01 a"June 1993." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 132-133).3 a"Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada, administers the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Part VI (formerly the Ocean Dumping Control Act) in the Pacific and Yukon Region. Activities related to ocean dumping in the Pacific and Yukon Region from 1975 to 1987 are compiled in Ward and Sullivan (1980) and Sullivan (1987) This report is a continuation and includes information on dumpsites, permits, research and monitoring studies from 01 January 1987 to 31 December 1992"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste management072gccstaCoastal waters1 aSullivan, D. L., eauthor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v93-01.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs5.99 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-93-01-eng.pdf02424nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430021001560450009001770860026001861000029002122450161002412640102004023000063005043360026005673370026005933380036006194900025006555000086006805040051007665200772008175300033015895460046016226920028016686920026016967100034017227100080017568300088018368560114019249.880759CaOODSP20221107165847m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1997 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bcan-cn-yk ax9x91 aEn40-240-1/97-01E-PDF1 aKim, K. q(Kay)eauthor.10aOcean disposal activities summary, 1993, Pacific and Yukon Region / cregional program report prepared by K. Kim, D.L. Sullivan, D.E. Brothers, C. Schnider. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c[1997] a1 online resource (iii, 63 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport ; vno. 97-01 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 38).3 a"Environment Canada's administration of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) Part VI, regarding ocean disposal of wastes, is summarized in this report. Disposal activities from January 01, 1993 to December 31, 1993 in the Pacific and Yukon Region are specifically documented. The sites in this region are used primarily for disposal of dredge and excavation spoils. Activities at these sites from 1975 to 1992 have been compiled in a series of reports by Ward and Sullivan (1980), Sullivan (1987) and Kim and Sullivan (1993). This report is a continuation of this series and includes information on 17 disposal sites that were active in the Pacific and Yukon Region in 1993. Data are presented for monitoring done at six of these sites"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste management072gccstaCoastal waters1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 97-01.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs2.27 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-97-01-eng.pdf02438nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430021001560450009001770860026001861000031002122450135002432640101003783000076004793360026005553370026005813380036006074900042006435000086006855040041007715200791008125300033016035460046016366920028016826920026017107100034017367100080017708300088018508560114019389.880760CaOODSP20221107165847m o d f cr bn|||||||||191017s1997 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bcan-cn-yk ax9x91 aEn40-240-1/97-02E-PDF1 aSullivan, D. L., eauthor.10aOcean disposal activities summary, 1994, Pacific and Yukon Region / creport by D.L. Sullivan, D.E. Brothers, C. Schnider, K. Kim. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1997. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 97-02 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Environment Canada's administration of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) Part VI, regarding ocean disposal of wastes, is summarized in this report. Disposal activities from January 01, 1994 to December 31, 1994 in the Pacific and Yukon Region are specifically documented. The sites in this region are used primarily for disposal of dredge and excavation spoils. Activities at these sites from 1975 to 1993 have been compiled in a series of reports by Ward and Sullivan (1980), Sullivan (1987), Kim and Sullivan (1993) and Kim et al. (1997). This report is a continuation of this series and includes information on 14 disposal sites that were active in the Pacific and Yukon Region in 1994. Data are presented for monitoring done at six of these sites"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste management072gccstaCoastal waters1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 97-02.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs3.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-97-02-eng.pdf02470nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430021001560450009001770860026001861000031002122450136002432640109003793000076004883360026005643370026005903380036006164900042006525000086006945040055007805200829008355300033016645460046016976920028017436920026017717100097017978300088018948560114019829.880761CaOODSP20221107165848m o d f cr cn|||||||||191017s1997 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bcan-cn-yk ax9x91 aEn40-240-1/99-27E-PDF1 aSullivan, D. L., eauthor.10aOcean disposal activities summary, 1998, Pacific and Yukon Region / cregional program report by D.L. Sullivan, D.L. Lee, C. Udell. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Branch, Pacific and Yukon Region, c[1999] a1 online resource (iv, 71 pages) : billustrations (some colour), maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 99-27 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 43-44).3 a"Environment Canada's administration of ocean disposal activities undertaken in the Pacific and Yukon Region from 01 January 1998 to 31 December 1998 under the authority of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), Part VI, is summarized in this report. Ocean disposal sites in this Region are used primarily for the disposal of dredged and excavated spoils. This report includes information on ten disposal sites that were active in 1998 and seven disposal site monitoring programs. This report is a continuation of a series of reports documenting ocean disposal activities from 1975 to 1997 and includes Ward and Sullivan (1980), Sullivan (1987), Kim and Sullivan (1993), Kim et al. (1997), Sullivan et al. (1997), Schnider and Sullivan (1997a), Schnider and Sullivan (1997b), Kim et al. (1999)"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste management072gccstaCoastal waters1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bPacific and Yukon Region. bEnvironmental Protection Branch.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 99-27.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs6.81 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-99-27-eng.pdf02369nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200022001070400031001290430012001600860036001721000033002082450098002412640072003392640011004113000052004223360026004743370026005003380036005264900064005625000086006265000017007125040055007295200825007846920029016096920024016386920031016627100034016937100045017277100019017728300081017918560099018729.881865CaOODSP20221107170141m o d f cr |||||||||||191112t19851986onca ob f000 0 eng d a0662146670qPrint aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn93-16/1986E-PDFzEn92-3/1986E1 aKnowles, R. A‏., eauthor.10aExamining environment-economy linkages / cEnvirocon Limited; principal author: R.A. Knowles. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCanadian Environmental Advisory Council, c1985. 4c©1986 a1 online resource (66 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council) ; vno. 16 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 62-65). a"This paper proposes a way to describe and measure the relationship between Canada’s economy and the natural environment. Certainly, history has taught us that some forms of economic activity can harm the environment. Fortunately, there is now a growing understanding that many steps taken to protect the environment can generate economic benefits and, moreover, that sustainable economic performance depends on protecting the environment. In other words, rather than being diametrically opposed, economic performance and environmental quality are different sides of the same coin. In addition, Canadians value their environment for cultural, aesthetic and spiritual reasons. In many cases, these values in themselves provide all the justification that is needed for intensive protection of the environment"--Foreword.072gccstaNatural resources072gccstaConservation072gccstaEconomic conditions1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Environmental Advisory Council.2 aEnvirocon Ltd.#0aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council)vno. 16.w(CaOODSP)9.88170840qPDFs3.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En93-16-1986-eng.pdf02386nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200022001070400031001290430012001600860037001721110092002092450069003012640072003702640011004423000038004533360026004913370026005173380036005434900064005795000086006435000017007295000137007465050104008835200525009876920032015126920036015446920023015807100034016037100045016377400066016827400036017488300081017848560099018659.881871CaOODSP20221107170142m o d f cr |||||||||||191112t19831985onc o f000 0 eng d a0662139771qPrint aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn93-13/1985E-PDFzEn93-13/1985E2 aAssembly of Environment Councils of Canada n(8th : d1983 : cHull, QC and Ottawa, ON)10aReport of the eighth assembly of Environment Councils of Canada. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCanadian Environmental Advisory Council, c1983. 4c©1985 a1 online resource (ii, 61 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council) ; vno. 13 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. a"The Eighth Assembly of Environmental Councils of Canada was held in Hull, Québec and Ottawa, Ontario on June 5-6-7, 1983"--page 1.0 aThe public role in setting and enforcing environmental standards -- Role of environmental councils. a"The Eighth Assembly of Environmental Councils of Canada was held in Hull, Quebec and Ottawa, Ontario on June 5-6-7, 1983. The Assembly was hosted by the Canadian Environmental Advisory Council. All operational environment councils were represented at the Assembly. Provinces and territories which did not have formally constituted councils were invited to send an observer. The Yukon, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland were not represented in either a delegate or observer capacity"--Introduction.072gccstaEnvironmental policy072gccstaEnvironmental protection072gccstaConferences1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Environmental Advisory Council.0 aPublic role in setting and enforcing environmental standards.0 aRole of environmental councils.#0aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council)vno. 13.w(CaOODSP)9.88170840qPDFs2.73 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En93-13-1985-eng.pdf02926nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200022001070400031001290430012001600860037001722450309002092640072005182640011005903000055006013360026006563370026006823380036007084900064007445000086008085000017008945040041009115050437009525200722013896920032021116920036021436920023021797000067022027100034022697100045023038300081023488560099024299.881877CaOODSP20221107170143m o d f cr |||||||||||191112t19841985onca ob f000 0 eng d a0662139739qPrint aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn93-14/1985E-PDFzEn93-14/1985E00aSelected papers from Assemblies of the Environment Councils of Canada, 1975-1980 : bnorthern roads construction, land use issues, environmental assessment policies, hydro development effects, coastal zone management / cedited for publication by J. Keith Fraser with the assistance of Héléne Bruyére. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCanadian Environmental Advisory Council, c1984. 4c©1985 a1 online resource (v, 38 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council) ; vno. 14 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references.00tSome environmental considerations in the planning, construction, and maintenance of northern roads, with relevance to the MacKenzie Valley Highway / rIan McTaggart-Cowan --tReflections on land use issues facing Canadians / rJames W. Maxwell -- tEnvironmental impact assessment policies and procedures / rD.S. Caverly -- tThe effects of hydro development on rivers / rR.W. Newbury -- tThe Pittston proposal / rD.J. Scarrett. a"Shortly after the establishment of the Canadian Environmental Advisory Council in 1973, it became obvious to the members that many of the problems coming to their attention were shared by a variety of like bodies set up to advise the provincial governments. Accordingly, the Council took the initiative of convening a conference with the provincial councils which was held in Ottawa in 1975. This was the beginning of a series of annual assemblies at which the federal and provincial councils reviewed their activities, assessed their successes and failures, shared opinions, discussed mutual concerns, and became better acquainted with the diversities and similarities of environmental problems in Canada"--Preface.072gccstaEnvironmental policy072gccstaEnvironmental protection072gccstaConferences1 aFraser, J. Keith‏ q(John Keith),‏‎ d1922-‏ eeditor.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Environmental Advisory Council.#0aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council)vno. 14.w(CaOODSP)9.88170840qPDFs2.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En93-14-1985-eng.pdf01867nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200022001070400031001290430012001600860037001721000063002092450113002722640072003852640011004573000057004683360026005253370026005513380036005774900064006135000086006775000017007635040055007805200326008356920021011616920016011826920024011987100034012227100045012568300081013018560099013829.881889CaOODSP20221107170145m o d f cr |||||||||||191112t19841985onca ob f000 0 eng d a066213978xqPrint aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn93-15/1985E-PDFzEn93-15/1985E1 aBentley, C. F. q(Charles Frederick), d1914-‏ eauthor.10aSustainability of farmed lands : bcurrent trends and thinking / cC. F. Bentley, P.Ag., L. A. Leskiw, P.Ag. 1aOttawa, Canada : bCanadian Environmental Advisory Council, c1984. 4c©1985 a1 online resource (vii, 32 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council) ; vno. 15 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 25-26). a"This Report is a contribution to the national discussion on the future of agriculture in Canada. It supplements several recent thoughtful studies 1, 2, 3, and converges with them in concluding that sustainable production from farmlands is threatened under current institutional and technological arrangements"--Foreword.072gccstaFarmlands072gccstaSoil072gccstaConservation1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Environmental Advisory Council.#0aReport (Canadian Environmental Advisory Council)vno. 15.w(CaOODSP)9.88170840qPDFs1.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En93-15-1985-eng.pdf02732nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000033002032450138002362640130003743000061005043360026005653370026005913380036006174900038006535000020006915000086007115040051007975201008008485300033018565460046018896920023019356920028019586920025019867100034020117100080020458300084021258560113022099.881950CaOODSP20221107170153m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s1986 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-03E-PDF1 aDavid, A. q(Alain)eauthor.10aOperational performance of the Tsulquate sewage treatment plant and the airport sewage treatment plant at Port Hardy / cby A. David. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1986. a1 online resource (vi, 22 pages) : billustrations, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-03 a"October 1986." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 21).3 a"The Tsulquate and the Airport Sewage Treatment Plants were evaluated over a 5-day period from June 9 to June 14, 1986. The plants were last evaluated in December 1978 as part of a shellfish survey of Hardy Bay and Beaver Harbour (EPS Regional Program Report 79-18). In 1978, operational problems were found at the Tsulquate STP mainly due to the contact stabilization mode of operation and the large flows during wet weather. In 1982, the mode of operation was changed from contact stabilization to extended aeration allowing easier control for the STP operator. Since 1978, the Department of Highway's facilities, the homes along Beaver Harbour and the Fort Rupert Indian Reserve have connected to the Airport STP creating a larger load on the plant. This report represents an assessment of the treatment plants under the above modified conditions. Recommendations are made to improve the final effluent quality and to protect the fishery resources in the Port Hardy coastal waters"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-03.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs861 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-03-eng.pdf02549nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000033002032450169002362640130004053000062005353360026005973370026006233380036006494900038006855000020007235000086007435040051008295200792008805300033016725460046017056920023017516920028017746920025018027100034018277100080018618300084019418560114020259.881951CaOODSP20221107170154m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s1987 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-04E-PDF1 aDavid, A. q(Alain)eauthor.10aStudy of Pedder Bay : bDND Rocky Point, DOJ William Head Institution, Lester B. Pearson College and Pedder Bay trailer park, October-November 1986 / cby A. David. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (ix, 48 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-04 a"January 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 33).3 a"Environmental Protection (EP), Conservation and Protection, staff conducted a study of Pedder Bay October 20-22 and November 17-21, 1986. This report includes: 1) an assessment of the new wastewater treatment system at the Department of National Defense (DND), Canadian Force Base (CFB), Rocky Point installation, 2) an evaluation of the Department of Justice (DOJ) William Head Institution Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and review of a consultant's report, 3) an update on Lester B. Pearson College and Pedder Bay Trailer Park wastewater treatment systems, and 4) a bacteriological study to classify Pedder Bay under the Pacific Shellfish Regulations. Recommendations are made to improve final effluent quality and to protect fishery resources in the Pedder Bay area"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-04.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.48 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-04-eng.pdf02948nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860026001681000054001942450095002482640139003433000084004823360026005663370026005923380036006184900038006545000022006925000086007145040041008005201282008415300033021235460046021566920027022026920021022297100034022507100080022848300084023648560114024489.881955CaOODSP20221107170154m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114s1990 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc1 aEn40-240-1/90-10E-PDF1 aKrahn, Peter K. q(Peter Karl), d1958- eauthor.10aStandard leaching test for antisapstain chemicals / cby Peter F. Krahn and Richard Strub. 1aNorth Vancouver, B.C. : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1990. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v90-10 a"September 1990." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Research conducted by various government and private laboratories showed that antisapstain chemicals will leach from treated lumber. Various studies have been done to simulate this leaching in laboratory scale tests. Non-standard test conditions such as variations in lumber package sizes, intensity and duration of artificial rainfall and sampling frequency have made it difficult to relate the results between tests and to conditions which would normally be experienced by operating antisapstain facilities. Recent leaching studies conducted at various mills by Environment Canada have indicated that leachate dripping from treated lumber is diluted an average of 15 times by rainfall before it discharges from the storage yard. Numerous variables at individual mill sites caused a range of dilutions from 6 to 24 times. These observations led to the development of a standard leaching test which can be conducted using natural or artificial rain. The standard leaching test can be used to predict the concentrations of the antisapstain chemicals in the runoff at operating facilities. Environment Canada has recommended to Agriculture Canada that the test procedure be included in the registration requirements for new antisapstain formulations"--Executive summary, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes summaries in English and French.072gccstaLumber industry072gccstaChemicals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v90-10.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs7.03 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-90-10-eng.pdf02765nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000064002032450097002672640101003643000063004653360026005283370026005543380036005804900042006165000021006585000086006795040056007655201141008215300033019625460046019956920021020417100034020627100080020968300088021768560115022649.881957CaOODSP20221107170155m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114s1997 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/98-03E-PDF1 aGarrett, C. L.‏ q(Christine Lorraine), d1953- eauthor.10aOrganotin compounds in the British Columbia environment / cby C.L. Garrett, J.A. Shrimpton. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1997. a1 online resource (xv, 308 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 98-03 a"December 1997." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 70-102).3 a"This report provides a summary of information on organotin compounds in the British Columbia environment, obtained as a result of studies conducted by Environment Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region between 1984 and 1995. These studies were conducted to determine the presence of organotin in the vicinity of known or suspected sources of release to the coastal environment of British Columbia. Although the studies focused primarily on butyltin compounds, limited information on cyclohexyltin and phenyltin compounds was also obtained. The objective of this report was to document existing information on organotin compounds in British Columbia with respect to levels in the environment; past and present uses; current legislation and guidelines controlling the use and release of these compounds; and, where possible, the efficacy of these measures in reducing releases and improving environmental quality. A general overview of the toxicity and environmental levels of these compounds in other areas of Canada and the world has been provided to allow the reader to put the data for British Columbia into perspective"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaChemicals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 98-03.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs25.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-98-03-eng.pdf01854nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000032002032450212002352460082004472640115005293000061006443360026007053370026007313380036007574900038007935000018008315000086008495040055009355300033009905460046010236920035010696920023011047100034011277100097011618300084012588560114013429.881960CaOODSP20221107170155m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s1999 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax9x91 aEn40-240-1/99-03E-PDF1 aColodey, Alan G., eauthor.10aPulp and paper environmental effects monitoring (1993-1996) : bBritish Columbia cycle 1 synopsis and cycle 2 changes / cprepared by Alan G. Colodey, Michael E. Hagen, Janice M. Boyd, and Alan E. Redenbach.17aPacific & Yukon Region EEM Pulp & Paper Program : bcycle 1 regional synopsis 1aNorth Vancouver, B.C. : bEnvironmental Protection Branch, Pacific & Yukon Region, Environment Canada, c1999. a1 online resource (x, 63 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v99-03 a"April 1999." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 52-63). aIssued also in print format. aIncludes summaries in English and French.072gccstaPulp and paper industry072gccstaWaste water1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bPacific and Yukon Region. bEnvironmental Protection Branch.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v99-03.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs5.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-99-03-eng.pdf02441nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000064002032450096002672640108003633000064004713360026005353370026005613380036005874900042006235000019006655000086006845040041007705200856008115300033016675460046017006920021017467100097017678300088018648560115019529.881968CaOODSP20221107170157m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114s2000 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/00-02E-PDF1 aGarrett, C. L.‏ q(Christine Lorraine), d1953- eauthor.10aPaHs in the aquatic environment of British Columbia / cby C.L. Garrett and J.A. Shrimpton. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Branch, Pacific and Yukon Region, c2000. a1 online resource (xiii, 63 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 00-02 a"March, 2000." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This report summarizes information on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in the aquatic environment of British Columbia, obtained from select studies conducted by Environment Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region between 1984 and 1992. The information reflects studies conducted mainly in urban areas such as the Fraser River Estuary, Vancouver, Victoria and Esquimalt harbours, however, data for some other coastal regions and reference sites are also presented. This report also documents the existing information on the potential sources of PAH compounds and current environmental quality guidelines governing regulatory requirements. A general overview of the toxicity and environmental levels of these compounds in other areas of the world has been presented to provide a broader context for the British Columbia data"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaChemicals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bPacific and Yukon Region. bEnvironmental Protection Branch.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 00-02.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs28.50 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-00-02-eng.pdf02320nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000064002032450093002672640108003603000063004683360026005313370026005573380036005834900042006195000018006615000086006795040041007655200703008065300033015095460046015426920021015886920026016097100097016358300088017328560114018209.881989CaOODSP20221107170200m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s2002 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/02-04E-PDF1 aGarrett, C. L.‏ q(Christine Lorraine), d1953- eauthor.10aPhthalate esters in harbour areas of south coastal British Columbia / cby C.L. Garrett. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Branch, Pacific and Yukon Region, c2002. a1 online resource (xi, 115 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 02-04 a"March 2002." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This report summarizes information on phthalate esters in harbour areas of south coastal British Columbia, obtained from select studies conducted by Environment Canada, Commercial Chemicals Division, Pacific and Yukon Region between 1989 and 1992. This report also documents existing information on potential sources of phthalate esters to the British Columbia environment and existing Canadian and BC provincial regulations and environmental quality guidelines pertaining to these compounds. A general overview of the toxicity and environmental levels of these compounds in other areas of the world has been presented to provide a broader context for the British Columbia data"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaChemicals072gccstaCoastal waters1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bPacific and Yukon Region. bEnvironmental Protection Branch.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 02-04.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs7.53 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-02-04-eng.pdf01661nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000032002032450116002352640139003513000061004903360026005513370026005773380036006034900038006395000021006775000086006985040055007845300033008395460046008726920022009186920024009407100034009647100080009988300084010788560113011629.881992CaOODSP20221107170201m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s1987 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/86-24E-PDF1 aWan, M. T. K.‏, eauthor.14aThe persistence of triclopyr and its pyridinol metabolite in a coastal British Columbia stream / cby M.T. Wan. 1a[Vancouver?] : bDepartment of the Environment, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific & Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (vi, 21 pages) : billustrations, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v86-24 a"October, 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 19-20). aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaHerbicides072gccstaWatercourses1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v86-24.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs719 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-86-24-eng.pdf01792nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000054002032450177002572460112004342640130005463000061006763360026007373370026007633380036007894900038008255000019008635000086008825300033009685460046010016920027010476920021010747100034010957100080011298300084012098560113012939.881995CaOODSP20221107170201m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s1987 bccab o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-15E-PDF1 aKrahn, Peter K. q(Peter Karl), d1958- eauthor.10aSummary report : bassessment of storm water related chlorophenol releases from wood protection facilities in British Columbia / cby P.K. Krahn, J.A. Shrimpton, R.D. Glue.30aAssessment of storm water related chlorophenol releases from wood protection facilities in British Columbia 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1987. a1 online resource (vi, 13 pages) : billustrations, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v87-15 a"August 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaLumber industry072gccstachemicals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v87-15.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs683 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-15-eng.pdf02227nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000051002032450145002542640148003993000077005473360026006243370026006503380036006764900038007125000018007505000086007685040051008545200482009055300033013875460046014206920023014666920028014897100034015177100080015518300084016318560114017159.881997CaOODSP20221107170202m o d f cr bn|||||||||191114s1988 bcca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/88-03E-PDF1 aRoss, P. D. q(Paul D.)eauthor, econsultant.10aOverview of the ready mix concrete industry in British Columbia : bwater and waste management practices / cby P.D. Ross and R.B. Shepherd. 1aWest Vancouver, British Columbia : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific & Yukon Region, c1988. a1 online resource (vi, 45 pages, 59 unnumbered pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v88-03 a"June, 1988." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 45).3 a"Ready mix concrete operations generate high pH and suspended solids wastewaters which are often unacceptable for direct discharge to surface waters. This report presents an overview of the ready mix industry including wastewater treatment and recycling practices, based on a review of the literature and visits to 17 plants in the Greater Vancouver area. Recommendations are made for improved management of process and storm waters, as well as waste solids"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v88-03.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs3.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-88-03-eng.pdf01736nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000029002032450127002322640130003593000061004893360026005503370026005763380036006024900038006385000022006765000086006985040051007845300033008355460046008686920027009146920023009416920025009646920025009897100034010147100080010488300084011288560114012129.881998CaOODSP20221107170202m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1989 bccb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/89-05E-PDF1 aRedenbach, A., eauthor.10aQuinsam coal development : ba monitoring report on the effluent and receiving environment, 1988/1989 / cby A. Redenbach. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1989. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v89-05 a"September 1989." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 37). aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWaste water072gccstaInland waters072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v89-05.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.68 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-89-05-eng.pdf01731nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000029002032450127002322640130003593000061004893360026005503370026005763380036006024900038006385000017006765000086006935040051007795300033008305460046008636920027009096920023009366920025009596920025009847100034010097100080010438300084011238560114012079.881999CaOODSP20221107170202m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1990 bccb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x91 aEn40-240-1/90-09E-PDF1 aRedenbach, A., eauthor.10aQuinsam coal development : ba monitoring report on the effluent and receiving environment, 1989/1990 / cby A. Redenbach. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1990. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v90-09 a"July 1990." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 30). aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWaste water072gccstaInland waters072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v90-09.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.35 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-90-09-eng.pdf01836nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000033001742450136002072640122003433000047004653360026005123370026005383380036005644900038006005000086006385040054007245200355007786920027011336920021011607100034011817100080012158300093012958560110013889.882000CaOODSP20221107170202m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115e199203##bccb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn40-241/92-12E-PDF1 aHagen, Michael E., eauthor.10aSummary report : bsediment quality of streams surrounding operating or proposed mines in British Columbia / cby Michael E. Hagen. 1aNorth Vancouver, B.C. : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Service, Pacific & Yukon Region, cMarch 1992. a1 online resource (ii, 47 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional data report ; vDR 92-12 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 44-47). a"From 1981 to 1992, the Freshwater Assessment Division, Environmental Effects Branch, Environmental Protection, Environment Canada, monitored environmental quality in salmon-bearing streams that could be impacted by proposed or operating mines. Occasionally, such monitoring included metal content of stream and lake sediments"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMining industry072gccstaSediments1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional data report (Canada. Conservation and Protection)vDR 92-12.w(CaOODSP)9.88072040qPDFs2.45 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-241/En40-241-92-12-eng.pdf02202nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860026001681000064001942450141002582640108003993000040005073360026005473370026005733380036005994900038006355000022006735000086006955040055007815200609008365300033014455460046014786920021015247100097015458300084016428560114017269.882001CaOODSP20221107170202m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s2001 bcc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn---1 aEn40-240-1/01-02E-PDF1 aGarrett, C. L.‏ q(Christine Lorraine), d1953- eauthor.10aTemporal trends in PCB concentrations in the Canadian environment : ba summary of current information / cby C. Garrett and D. Goyette. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Environmental Protection Branch, Pacific and Yukon Region, c2001. a1 online resource (viii, 39 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v01-02 a"February, 2001." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 27-39).3 a"The objective of this report was to provide a summary of available information on temporal trends of PCBs in the Canadian environment and current sources to the environment. Particular emphasis was placed on reviewing studies which documented a stabilization or increase in environmental levels of PCBs. The report presents Canadian temporal trend information for selected regions including the West Coast, Arctic, Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast and the St. Lawrence River system. Trend information on environmental concentrations of PCBs in other areas of the world was also presented"--Abstract, page ii. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaChemicals1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada. bPacific and Yukon Region. bEnvironmental Protection Branch.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v01-02.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs2.86 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-01-02-eng.pdf01426nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000024001742450110001982640138003083000054004463360026005003370026005263380036005524900038005885000086006265000020007126920025007326920027007577100034007847100080008188300093008988560109009919.882002CaOODSP20221107170203m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115e198611##bccb o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn40-241/86-07E-PDF1 aRoss, M., eauthor.10aSite investigation at Big Missouri/Premier Silbak properties near Stewart, B.C. / cby M. Ross, B. Godin. 1a[Vancouver] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, cNovember 1986. a1 online resource (14 unnumbered pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional data report ; vDR 86-07 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aChiefly tables.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional data report (Canada. Conservation and Protection)vDR 86-07.w(CaOODSP)9.88072040qPDFs491 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-241/En40-241-86-07-eng.pdf02962nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860024001771000029002012450149002302640138003793000062005173360026005793370026006053380036006314900042006675000017007095000086007265040055008125201161008675300033020285460046020616920026021076920023021336920025021566920021021817100034022027100076022368300118023128560110024309.882003CaOODSP20221107170203m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1986 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240/84-24E-PDF1 aWalker, D. B., eauthor.10aShellfish growing water bacteriological and sanitary survey of Sooke Harbour and Basin, British Columbia, 1983 / cby D.B. Walker and B.H. Kay. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1986. a1 online resource (xi, 70 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 84-24 a"July 1986." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 32-33).3 a"Bacteriological and sanitary surveys of Sooke Harbour and basin were conducted in 1983 during two different climatic conditions. The purpose of these surveys was to re-evaluate the quality of the shellfish growing waters and to identify and evaluate sources of fecal pollution to these marine waters. During the summer period, August 9 to 14, 1983 and the winter period, December 6 to 12, 1983, a total of 598 marine, 111 freshwater, 11 tissue, and 8 sediment samples were collected. Eight of the sixty marine stations sampled did not meet the approved growing water quality standards. Data indicate that fecal contamination is sporadic in all stations of the study area but most evident around the areas of Sooke Flats, Hutchinson Cove and Anderson Cove. This contamination was also more evident during the winter period coincident with increased precipitation, lower amounts of sunlight, cooler temperatures and increased freshwater input. As a result of this study one closure has been expanded, one closure has been renamed, and six closures have been revoked under the Pacific Shellfish Regulations Schedule I (Contaminated Areas)"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaCoastal waters072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater quality072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Service. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environmental Protection Service. Pacific Region)vno. 84-24.w(CaOODSP)9.87915140qPDFs2.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240/En40-240-84-24-eng.pdf01784nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000027001742450180002012640146003813000049005273360026005763370026006023380036006284900038006645000086007025040051007885200235008396920025010746920030010997100034011297100080011638300093012438560110013369.882005CaOODSP20221107170203m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115e198703##bccd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn40-241/87-03E-PDF1 aGoyette, D., eauthor.10aVancouver Harbour benthic environmental quality studies, May 1985 to September 1986 : brelative species abundance and distribution - trawl catch / cby D. Goyette, M. Thomas. 1a[West Vancouver, B.C.] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, cMarch 1987. a1 online resource (vi, 63 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional data report ; vDR 87-03 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 32).3 a"Data are presented to show species utilization of Vancouver Harbour and to provide a basis for evaluating the significance of sediment and tissue chemical contaminant and fish pathological data, collected concurrently"--Abstract.072gccstaWater quality072gccstaAquatic ecosystems1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional data report (Canada. Conservation and Protection)vDR 87-03.w(CaOODSP)9.88072040qPDFs1.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-241/En40-241-87-03-eng.pdf01873nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000029001742450160002032640102003633000068004653360026005333370026005593380036005854900038006215000086006595200395007456920025011406920027011656920027011927100034012197100080012538300093013338560109014269.882006CaOODSP20221107170203m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115e198608##bccdb o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-bc1 aEn40-241/86-08E-PDF1 aGodin, Benoit, eauthor.10aWater quality monitoring of the Tsolum River water shed as influenced by acid mine drainage from abandoned copper mine at Mount Washington / cby B. Godin. 1aWest Vancouver, B.C. : bEnvironmental Protection Service, Pacific & Yukon Region, cAugust 1986. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bcharts, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional data report ; vDR 86-08 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"The present study is the contribution of Environmental Protection Service of Environment Canada to the joint monitoring program of the Mount Washington mineproblem. The objective of the study was to determine, during freshet, the distribution of the contaminant throughout the mine drainage area especially the mixing zone between Murex Creek and the Tsolum River"--Introduction, page [2].072gccstaWater quality072gccstaMining industry072gccstaWater pollution1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional data report (Canada. Conservation and Protection)vDR 86-08.w(CaOODSP)9.88072040qPDFs621 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-241/En40-241-86-08-eng.pdf02240nem 2200457zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660340013001070400031001200430012001510860023001632450038001862460083002242550020003072640079003273000055004063360040004613360026005013370026005273380036005535000022005895000067006115000021006785000059006995000034007585000034007925000086008265000055009125040041009675200490010085300033014986920020015316920026015516920019015777100034015967100050016308560102016809.882016CaOODSP20210625055113m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1987 nkcg e fo 0 eng d1 aab50000 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-nk1 aCW66-591/1987E-PDF00aWetlands atlas for New Brunswick.3 aWetlands Protection Mapping Program - Maritimes (New Brunswick wetlands atlas) aScale 1:50,000. 1aSackville, N.B. : bEnvironment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, c1987. a1 online resource (1 atlas (171 sheets)) : bmaps. acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from cover. aAt head of title: Wetland Protection Mapping, Atlantic Region. a"February 1987." aIssued by: Canadian Wildlife Service, Atlantic Region. aRelief shown by spot heights. aIncludes text and index maps. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aSome sheets have been rotated during digitization. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The drafted dylar atlas maps (1 :31,680 scale) were photomechanically reduced to the 1 :50,000 scale. Ozalid paper prints of these reduced copies form the New Brunswick Wetlands Atlas. The maps show all marine wetlands with their classifications and sizes. the coastal unit score, and all freshwater wetlands. The wetland number, vegetative classification, evaluation score, and size is shown for all freshwater wetlands having a relatively high wildlife value (score of 60 or more)." aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWetlands072gccstaClassification072gccstaAtlases1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanadian Wildlife Service. bAtlantic Region.40qPDFs737.36 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/CW66-591-1987-eng.pdf01900nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000037001752450088002122640089003003000062003893360026004513370026004773380036005034900023005395000086005625200623006486920017012716920028012887100034013167100037013508300076013878560111014639.882035CaOODSP20221107170207m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115s1981 oncab o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-on1 aEn36-522/2-1981E-PDF1 aMawhinney, Michael R., eauthor.10a1980 Lake Erie physics program / cproject leader: F.M. Boyce ; by: M.R. Mawhinney. 1a[Burlington, Ont.] : bEnvironment Canada, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, c[1981] a1 online resource (vi, 62 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aUnpublished report aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. a"This report documents the support given the 1980 Lake Erie Physics Program. It is not intended to be a scientific report but a Technical Operations operational report as to equipment, procedures and data return used and experience during the field season. There are four main areas of discussion in this report: Ship Support, Moorings and Buoy Systems, Anchor Station and Temperature and Thermocline Contact Studies. The 1980 field study was shorter in duration but larger in magnitude as to actual sampling and support required at the peak of the intensive period during the 1979 field season"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaLakes072gccstaMarine equipment1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aUnpublished report (Canada Centre for Inland Waters)w(CaOODSP)9.88182740qPDFs2.83 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-522/En36-522-2-1981-eng.pdf02054nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860025001631000028001882450077002162640072002933000051003653360026004163370026004423380036004684900023005045000086005275040051006135200682006645460033013466920027013796920028014067100034014347100037014688300076015058560111015819.882043CaOODSP20221107170208m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115e197804##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn36-522/3-1978E-PDF1 aMarsalek, J., eauthor.10aAbatement measures for pollution due to urban runoff / cby J. Marsalek. 1a[Burlington, ON] : bCanada Centre for Inland Waters, cApril 1978. a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aUnpublished report aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 19).3 a"Three levels of abatement of pollution due to urban runoff were investigated. Street cleaning, which represents a source control measure, was considered as a first level abatement measure. The costs and pollution abatement effectiveness of street cleaning were established. The second level abatement measures consisted of runoff storage and treatment by sedimentation. Lastly, the third level abatement measures consisted of runoff storage and advanced treatment. The effectiveness and costs of the second and third level measures were derived by modification of the data which were established by the American Public Works Association for the province of Ontario"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaWater management1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.2 aCanada Centre for Inland Waters.#0aUnpublished report (Canada Centre for Inland Waters)w(CaOODSP)9.88182740qPDFs1.20 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-522/En36-522-3-1978-eng.pdf03076nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860026001771000039002032450136002422640130003783000063005083360026005713370026005973380036006234900038006595000018006975000086007155040055008015201351008565300033022075460046022406920027022866920018023136920024023317100034023557100080023898300084024698560113025539.882051CaOODSP20221107170209m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1986 bccab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/86-09E-PDF1 aDerksen, George, d1948- eauthor.10aThompson River fish survey : bmercury, cadmium, copper and zinc content of rainbow trout and mountain whitefish / cby G. Derksen. 1a[Vancouver?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1986. a1 online resource (vii, 24 pages) : billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v86-09 a"March 1986." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 17-18).3 a"Mercury, cadmium, copper and zinc content of muscle and liver tissue was measured from rainbow trout and mountain whitefish collected from the Thompson River system. Higher mean concentrations of mercury and copper were found in the muscle tissue of South and Lower Thompson River rainbow trout compared to North Thompson River rainbow trout. Albeit the liver tissue sample size was small, these differences were not reflected by liver tissue. Liver tissue samples are considered to better reflect environmental contamination of water with heavy metals. The lower level of mercury in the North Thompson River rainbow trout may reflect the smaller size of fish sampled. Muscle tissue copper content was also higher in Lower Thompson River mountain whitefish than North Thompson River mountain whitefish. There were no apparent differences between rivers for either muscle or liver tissue zinc levels. Liver tissue cadmium levels were higher in North Thompson River rainbow trout and mountain whitefish compared to either the South or Lower Thompson River fish. Muscle tissue cadmium levels were below detectable levels in all cases. The metal content of muscle tissue was well below any reference levels reported for fish for human consumption. The observed differences could reflect mineralogical differences of the drainages"--Abstract, page i. aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaFreshwater fish072gccstaMetals072gccstaWatercourses1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)v86-09.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs985 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-86-09-eng.pdf01565nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000028001852450113002132640119003263000060004453360026005053370026005313380036005574900042005935000022006355000086006575040051007435300033007946920023008276920028008506920025008787100034009037100052009378300088009898560114010779.882055CaOODSP20221107170209m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1987 ykcab ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn-yk ax8x81 aEn40-240-1/87-17E-PDF1 aAllan, R. B., eauthor.10aPerformance evaluation of the City of Whitehorse sewage treatment lagoons / cby R.B. Allan and Y. Jeffreys. 1a[Whitehorse?] : bEnvironment Canada, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection, Yukon Branch, c1987. a1 online resource (v, 45 pages) : billustrations, map. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; vno. 87-17 a"September 1987." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 24). aIssued also in print format.072gccstaWaste water072gccstaWater management072gccstaWater quality1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Directorate.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environment Canada)vno. 87-17.w(CaOODSP)9.88133540qPDFs1.49 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240-1/En40-240-1-87-17-eng.pdf01710nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560450009001680860024001771000032002012450142002332640149003753000058005243360026005823370026006083380036006344900038006705000017007085000086007255040055008115300033008665460046008996920022009456920024009677100034009917100076010258300114011018560109012159.882056CaOODSP20221107170210m o d f cr bn|||||||||191115s1986 bcca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn-bc ax8x81 aEn40-240/85-01E-PDF1 aWan, M. T. K.‏, eauthor.14aThe persistence of glyphosate and its metabolite amino-methyl-phosphonic acid in some coastal British Columbia Streams / cby M.T.K. Wan. 1a[Vancouver?] : bDepartment of the Environment, Conservation and Protection, Environmental Protection Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, c1986. a1 online resource (viii, 18 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aRegional program report ; v85-01 a"June 1986." aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 16-17). aIssued also in print format. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaHerbicides072gccstaWatercourses1 aCanada. bEnvironment Canada.1 aCanada. bEnvironmental Protection Service. bPacific and Yukon Region.#0aRegional program report (Canada. Environmental Protection Service. Pacific Region)v85-01.w(CaOODSP)9.87915140qPDFs877 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en40-240/En40-240-85-01-eng.pdf01836nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001682450100001922460042002922640118003342640011004523000078004633360031005413370034005723380043006065000022006495000127006715200380007986920036011786920023012146920019012377100061012567750068013178560101013859.878951CaOODSP20221107165401m o d f cr |||||||||||190905t20192019qucbo o f000 0 fre d a9780660325415 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn4-376/5-2019F-PDF00aRèglement sur les urgences environnementales (2019) : bsignaler une urgence environnementale.10aSignaler une urgence environnementale 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) : bcartes, photographies atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de départ. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Environmental emergency regulations, 2019 : reporting an environmental emergency. a« Lorsqu'une substance dangereuse, telle que le propane ou l'ammoniac, est rejetée accidentellement ou sans autorisation, il est essentiel que l'événement soit promptement et correctement déclaré. Cela permet de s'assurer que les parties concernées sont avisées rapidement et peut réduire les effets néfastes sur l'environnement et la santé humaine » -- Page [1].072gccstaUrgence environnementale072gccstaRèglements072gccstaRapport1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tEnvironmental emergency regulations, 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87895240qPDFs1.55 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En4-376-5-2019-fra.pdf01747nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860024001682450088001922460041002802640118003212640011004393000065004503360026005153370026005413380036005675000024006035000133006275200325007606920037010856920023011226920019011457100053011647750079012178560101012969.878952CaOODSP20221107165401m o d f cr |||||||||||190905t20192019qucbo o f000 0 eng d a9780660325408 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn4-376/5-2019E-PDF00aEnvironmental emergency regulations, 2019 : breporting an environmental emergency.10aReporting an environmental emergency 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) : bmaps, photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from caption. aIssued also in French under title: Règlement sur les urgences environnementales (2019) : signaler une urgence environnementale. a"When a hazardous substance, such as propane or ammonia, is accidentally released or released without authorization, prompt and accurate reporting of the incident is essential. It helps ensure that affected parties are notified in a timely manner and can reduce harmful environmental and human health impacts"--Page [1].072gccstaEnvironmental emergencies072gccstaRegulations072gccstaReports1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRèglement sur les urgences environnementales (2019) : w(CaOODSP)9.87895140qPDFs1.54 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En4-376-5-2019-eng.pdf01515nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450092001942640118002862640011004043000043004153360026004583370026004843380036005105000024005465000150005705200144007206920037008646920023009016920019009247100053009437750079009968560102010759.879354CaOODSP20221107165505m o d f cr |||||||||||190917t20192019quc o f000 0 eng d a9780660326337 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn4-376/3-1-2019E-PDF00aEnvironmental emergency regulations, 2019 : breporting system - quick reference guide. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (5 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from caption. aIssued also in French under title: Règlement sur les urgences environnementales (2019) : système de déclaration - guide de référence rapide. aLog-in to single window information manager. Access E2 Regulations reporting system. Submit a written report of an environmental emergency.072gccstaEnvironmental emergencies072gccstaRegulations072gccstaSystems1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRèglement sur les urgences environnementales (2019) : w(CaOODSP)9.87935640qPDFs229 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En4-376-3-1-2019-eng.pdf01636nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001682450117001942640118003112640011004293000052004403360031004923370034005233380043005575000022006005000131006225200235007536920036009886920023010246920020010477100061010677750068011288560102011969.879356CaOODSP20221107165506m o d f cr |||||||||||190917t20192019quc o f000 0 fre d a9780660326344 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn4-376/3-1-2019F-PDF00aRèglement sur les urgences environnementales (2019) : bsystème de déclaration - guide de référence rapide. 1a[Gatineau, QC] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (5 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aTitre de départ. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Environmental emergency regulations, 2019 : reporting system - quick reference guide. aOuverture d'une session dans le Gestionnaire d'information à guichet unique. Accéder le Système de déclaration du Règlement sur les urgences environnementales. Sousmission d'un rapport écrit sur une urgence environnementale.072gccstaUrgence environnementale072gccstaRèglements072gccstaSystème1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tEnvironmental emergency regulations, 2019 : w(CaOODSP)9.87935440qPDFs208 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En4-376-3-1-2019-fra.pdf02106nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860027001592450156001862640122003422640011004643000043004753360026005183370026005443380036005705000207006065000019008135000040008325000032008725200228009046920035011326920020011676920023011876920036012107100053012467750121012998560111014208560201015319.881972CaOODSP20221107170157m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018quc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an------1 aEn4-381/3-20-2018E-PDF00aCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. pCanada–US Bilateral Agreement on Shellfish Sanitation. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. Accord bilatéral Canada-États-Unis sur la salubrité des mollusques. aCaption title. a"Compendium edition: October 2018." aIssued also in HTML format. a"The objective of this agreement is to ensure that bivalve molluscan shellfish traded between the two countries is harvested and processed in accordance with accepted food safety / sanitary principles"--Objective, page [1].072gccstaMultilateral agreements072gccstaMolluscs072gccstaCrustaceans072gccstaInternational agreements1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. w(CaOODSP)9.88197740qPDFs613 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-20-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/corporate/international-affairs/partnerships-countries-regions/north-america/canada-united-states-agreement-shellfish-sanitation.html02185nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450174001832640123003572640011004803000052004913360031005433370034005743380043006085000195006515000022008465000048008685000034009165200260009506920032012106920021012426920022012636920032012857100061013177750117013788560111014958560205016069.881977CaOODSP20221107170158m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018quc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-20-2018F-PDF00aRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. pAccord bilatéral Canada-États-Unis sur la salubrité des mollusques. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Compendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. Canada–US Bilateral Agreement on Shellfish Sanitation. aTitre de départ. a« L'édition du recueil : octobre 2018. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« L’Accord vise à faire en sorte que les mollusques bivalves qui font l’objet d’un commerce entre les deux pays soient récoltés et transformés conformément aux principes sanitaires et de salubrité des aliments convenus »--Objectif, page [1].072gccstaAccord multilatéral072gccstaMollusque072gccstaCrustacé 072gccstaAccord international1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. w(CaOODSP)9.88197240qPDFs626 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-20-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/organisation/affaires-internationales/partenariats-pays-regions/amerique-nord/canada-etats-unis-accord-salubrite-mollusques.html02776nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450410001832640122005932640011007153000043007263360026007693370026007953380036008215000508008575000019013655000091013845000032014755200314015076920035018216920019018566920019018756920023018947100053019177750121019708560111020918560200022029.881979CaOODSP20221107170158m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018quc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-27-2018E-PDF00aCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. pMemorandum of Understanding between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce United States of America and the Department of the Environment Canada for Collaboration on Weather, Climate and Other Earth Systems for the Enhancement of Health, Safety and Economic Prosperity. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. Protocole d’entente entre la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) du département du Commerce des États-Unis, et le ministère de l’Environnement du Canada (EC) concernant la collaboration sur les conditions atmosphériques, le climat et d’autres systèmes terrestres en vue d’améliorer la santé, la sécurité et la prospérité économique. aCaption title. aHTML : "Compendium edition: October 2018" ; PDF : "Compendium edition: February 2017." aIssued also in HTML format. a"This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlines the responsibilities of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of the Environment (ECCC) to collaborate on weather, climate and other Earth Systems for the enhancement of health, safety and prosperity"--Objective, page [1].072gccstaMultilateral agreements072gccstaWeather072gccstaClimate072gccstaEnvironment1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. w(CaOODSP)9.88198240qPDFs606 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-27-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/corporate/international-affairs/partnerships-countries-regions/north-america/canada-united-states-weather-climate-collaboration.html02916nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450475001832640123006582640011007813000052007923360031008443370034008753380043009095000449009525000022014015000107014235000034015305200378015646920032019426920034019746920018020086920025020267100061020517750117021128560111022298560202023409.881982CaOODSP20221107170159m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018quc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-27-2018F-PDF00aRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. pProtocole d’entente entre la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) du département du Commerce des États-Unis, et le ministère de l’Environnement du Canada (EC) concernant la collaboration sur les conditions atmosphériques, le climat et d’autres systèmes terrestres en vue d’améliorer la santé, la sécurité et la prospérité économique. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Compendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. Memorandum of Understanding between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce United States of America and the Department of the Environment Canada for Collaboration on Weather, Climate and Other Earth Systems for the Enhancement of Health, Safety and Economic Prosperity. aTitre de départ. aHTML : « L'édition du recueil : octobre 2018 » ; PDF : « L'édition du recueil : Février 2017 ». aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Ce protocole d’entente énonce les responsabilités respectives concernant la collaboration sur la température, le climat et d’autres systèmes terrestres de la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) et d’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC) en vue d’améliorer la santé, la sécurité et la prospérité »--Objectif, page [1].072gccstaAccord multilatéral072gccstaTemps (Météorologie)072gccstaClimat072gccstaEnvironnement1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. w(CaOODSP)9.88197940qPDFs610 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-27-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/organisation/affaires-internationales/partenariats-pays-regions/amerique-nord/canada-etats-unis-cooperation-meteo-climat.html02506nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450358001832640122005412640011006633000043006743360026007173370026007433380036007695000357008055000019011625000091011815000032012725200307013046920037016116920026016487100053016747750121017278560111018488560197019599.881985CaOODSP20221107170159m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018quc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-28-2018E-PDF00aCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. pMemorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior of the Government of the United States of America and the Department of the Environment of the Government of Canada Concerning Cooperation in the Earth Sciences. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. Protocole d’entente entre la Commission géologique du département de l’Intérieur des États-Unis et le ministère de l’Environnement du Canada concernant la coopération dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre. aCaption title. aHTML : "Compendium edition: October 2018" ; PDF : "Compendium edition: February 2017." aIssued also in HTML format. a"The objective of this agreement is to pursue scientific and technical cooperation in the earth sciences through the exchange of technical and scientific information, knowledge and capabilities of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)"--Objective, page [1].072gccstaInternational cooperation072gccstaEarth sciences1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. w(CaOODSP)9.88198740qPDFs606 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-28-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/corporate/international-affairs/partnerships-countries-regions/north-america/canada-united-states-earth-sciences-cooperation.html02637nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450324001832640123005072640011006303000052006413360031006933370034007243380043007585000397008015000022011985000107012205000034013275200362013616920039017236920032017627100061017947750117018558560111019728560204020839.881987CaOODSP20221107170200m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018quc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-28-2018F-PDF00aRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. pProtocole d’entente entre la Commission géologique du département de l’Intérieur des États-Unis et le ministère de l’Environnement du Canada concernant la coopération dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Compendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior of the Government of the United States of America and the Department of the Environment of the Government of Canada Concerning Cooperation in the Earth Sciences. aTitre de départ. aHTML : « L'édition du recueil : octobre 2018 » ; PDF : « L'édition du recueil : Février 2017 ». aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Cet accord a pour objectif de favoriser la coopération scientifique et technique dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre grâce à l’échange de renseignements, de connaissances et de capacités techniques et scientifiques entre la Commission géologique des États-Unis et Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC) »--Objectif, page [1].072gccstaCoopération internationale072gccstaSciences de la terre1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. w(CaOODSP)9.88198540qPDFs616 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-28-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/organisation/affaires-internationales/partenariats-pays-regions/amerique-nord/canada-etats-unis-cooperation-sciences-terre.html02186nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450201001832640122003842640011005063000043005173360026005603370026005863380036006125000238006485000019008865000091009055000032009965200243010286920036012716920028013076920017013357100053013527750121014058560111015268560187016379.882030CaOODSP20221107170206m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20182018quc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-26-2018E-PDF00aCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. pAgreement between Canada and the United States of America to Regulate the Level of Lake of the Woods. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. Accord entre le Canada et les États-Unis d’Amérique en vue de réguler le niveau du lac des Bois. aCaption title. aHTML : "Compendium edition: October 2018" ; PDF : "Compendium edition: February 2017." aIssued also in HTML format. a"The agreement sets forth the principles for regulating the water levels of the Lake of the Woods, with the objective of securing the most advantageous use of the waters thereof for the inhabitants of both countries"--Objective, page [1].072gccstaInternational agreements072gccstaWater management072gccstaLakes1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. w(CaOODSP)9.88203240qPDFs606 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-26-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/corporate/international-affairs/partnerships-countries-regions/north-america/canada-united-states-lake-woods-water.html02209nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860027001562450205001832640123003882640011005113000052005223360031005743370034006053380043006395000240006825000022009225000107009445000034010515200208010856920032012936920028013256920015013537100061013687750117014298560111015468560190016579.882032CaOODSP20221107170207m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20182018quc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-26-2018F-PDF00aRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. pAccord entre le Canada et les États-Unis d’Amérique en vue de réguler le niveau du lac des Bois. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Compendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. Agreement between Canada and the United States of America to Regulate the Level of Lake of the Woods. aTitre de départ. aHTML : « L'édition du recueil : octobre 2018 » ; PDF : « L'édition du recueil : Février 2017 ». aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« L’Accord énonce les principes visant à réguler le niveau d’eau du lac des Bois dans le but d’assurer aux habitants des deux pays l’emploi le plus avantageux des eaux »--Objectif, page [1].072gccstaAccord international072gccstaGestion de l'eau072gccstaLac1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. w(CaOODSP)9.88203040qPDFs621 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-26-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/organisation/affaires-internationales/partenariats-pays-regions/amerique-nord/canada-etats-unis-eau-lac-bois.html02565nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860026001562450255001822640122004372640011005593000032005703360026006023370026006283380036006545000345006905000019010355000040010545000032010945200495011266920030016216920036016516920037016877100053017247750121017778560110018988560195020089.882034CaOODSP20221107170207m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20182018quc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-6-2018E-PDF00aCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. pEnvironment and Climate Change Canada – US Environmental Protection Agency Joint Statement of Cooperation on the Georgia Basin and Puget Sound Ecosystem. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada = Environnement et changement climatique Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (2 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. Déclaration conjointe de coopération d’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada et de l’Environmental Protection Agency des États-Unis pour l’écosystème du bassin de Georgia et de Puget Sound. aCaption title. a"Compendium edition: October 2018." aIssued also in HTML format. a"In 2000, the Joint Statement of Cooperation (SoC) on the Salish Sea (Georgia Basin and Puget Sound Ecosystem) was signed by the Minister of Environment in Canada and the Region 10 Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States. The SoC is a uniquely written non-legally binding bilateral agreement that outlines common goals and objectives and provides context for federal agency collaboration on transboundary ecosystem management of the Salish Sea"--Objective.072gccstaAquatic ecosystems072gccstaEnvironmental protection072gccstaInternational cooperation1 aCanada. bEnvironment and Climate Change Canada.08tRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. w(CaOODSP)9.88203840qPDFs609 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-6-2018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/corporate/international-affairs/partnerships-countries-regions/north-america/canada-united-states-georgia-puget-ecosystems.html02140nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430018001380860026001562450312001822640123004942640011006173000052006283360031006803370034007113380043007455000294007885000022010825000048011045000034011526920034011866920041012206920039012617100061013007750117013618560110014788560202015889.882038CaOODSP20221107170207m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20182018quc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us1 aEn4-381/3-6-2018F-PDF00aRecueil des engagements du Canada aux accords et instruments internationaux sur l'environnement. pDéclaration conjointe de coopération d’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada et de l’Environmental Protection Agency des États-Unis pour l’écosystème du bassin de Georgia et de Puget Sound. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada = Environment and Climate Change Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 ressource en ligne (2 pages non numérotées) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Compendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. Environment and Climate Change Canada – US Environmental Protection Agency Joint Statement of Cooperation on the Georgia Basin and Puget Sound Ecosystem. aTitre de départ. a« L'édition du recueil : octobre 2018. » aPublié aussi en format HTML.072gccstaÉcosystème aquatique072gccstaProtection de l'environnement072gccstaCoopération internationale1 aCanada. bEnvironnement et changement climatique Canada.08tCompendium of Canada's engagement in international environmental agreements and instruments. w(CaOODSP)9.88203440qPDFs606 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en4-381/En4-381-3-6-2018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www.canada.ca/fr/environnement-changement-climatique/organisation/affaires-internationales/partenariats-pays-regions/amerique-nord/canada-etats-unis-ecosysteme-georgia-puget.html02093nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860021001502450037001712640096002083000034003043360026003383370026003643380036003904900029004265000085004555000086005405040053006265200746006795300033014256920020014587100057014787100036015358300077015718560107016489.878882CaOODSP20221107165349m o d f cr bn|||||||||190904s1971 onc ob f001 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aEn36-508/15E-PDF00aResearch projects in glaciology. 1aOttawa, Canada : bInland Waters Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, c1971. a1 online resource (94 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReport series ; vno. 15 aPage 14 blank and unnumbered in original print edition and omitted in this copy. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references and indexes. a"This report presents the glaciological projects currently undertaken by the Inland Waters Branch of the Department of the Environment. It is the third in a series that started with "Research Projects in Glaciology 1968" which presented the glaciological projects then sponsored by the Inland Waters Branch. The following year "Ice Studies in the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources - 1969" was published as Inland Waters Branch Report Series No. 7. This report contained all ice studies in the whole Department; a total of 68 of which 34 were undertaken by Inland Waters Branch. The present report is less comprehensive than the last one because this, as the first one, contains the projects of one Branch only"--Introduction, page 1. aIssued also in print format.072gccstaResearch1 aCanada. bDepartment of Energy, Mines and Resources.1 aCanada. bInland Waters Branch.#0aReport series (Canada. Inland Waters Branch)vno. 15.w(CaOODSP)9.86240640qPDFs2.58 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/en36-508/En36-508-15-eng.pdf01679nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000038001852450127002232640104003503000034004543360026004883370026005143380036005404900034005765000086006105040055006965200284007515460033010356920028010686920021010966920023011177100090011408560099012309.882057CaOODSP20221107170210m o d f cr |||||||||||191115e19690317onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn102-1/70-1E-PDF1 aSwanson, Diane, d1944- eauthor.10aPublic hearings and attitude-perception studies : ban evaluation of their role in the planning process / cDiane Swanson. 1aOttawa : bPolicy and Planning Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, cMarch 17, 1969. a1 online resource (36 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier0 aDiscussion paper ; vno. 70-1 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 30-36). a"Due to the present structuring of public hearings, the people affected by a particular water resource are not truly represented. A better way of ascertaining public views is to survey perception and attitudes regarding the water resource and the means of managing it"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater management072gccstaAttitudes072gccstaPerceptions1 aCanada. bDepartment of Energy, Mines and Resources. bPolicy and Planning Branch‏.40qPDFs1.06 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En102-1-70-1-eng.pdf01763nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450097002172640100003143000034004143360026004483370026004743380036005004900034005365000086005705040041006565200415006975460033011126920027011456920029011726920024012017100090012258560098013159.882059CaOODSP20221107170210m o d f cr |||||||||||191115e196904##onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aEn102-1/70-3E-PDF1 aJohnson, Frances, eauthor.10aCriminal law as a means to pollution control / cFrances Johnson, Resources Research Centre. 1aOttawa : bPolicy and Planning Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, cApril 1969. a1 online resource (10 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier0 aDiscussion paper ; vno. 70-3 aDigitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This paper is an exploration of legal means of pollution control within the context of comprehensive planning for water management. Although administrative means appear to be necessary to basic decisions, routine administration and day-to-day decisions within the framework of the basic decisions appear to be much more effectively accomplished through legal than through administrative procedures"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaWater pollution072gccstaPollution control072gccstaCriminal law1 aCanada. bDepartment of Energy, Mines and Resources. bPolicy and Planning Branch‏.40qPDFs630 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En102-1-70-3-eng.pdf01388nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450068001892640066002572640011003233000064003343360026003983370026004243380036004505000114004865000093006005040042006936920026007356920023007617100046007847750063008307760056008938560101009499.868774CaOODSP20221107162658m o d f cr |||||||||||190624t20192019onca #o f000 0 eng d a9780660297248 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD2-408/2019E-PDF00aDefending Canadian sovereignty : bnew threats, new challenges. 1a[Ottawa] : bNational Defence = Défense nationale, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vii, 111 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Défendre la souveraineté du Canada : nouvelles menaces, nouveaux défis. aReplacement copy supplied by publisher (2019/08/07; 2019/09/04; 2019/11/06; 2019/11/15). aIncludes bibliographical references. 072gccstaDefence policy072gccstaSovereignty1 aCanada. bDepartment of National Defence.08tDéfendre la souveraineté du Canada : w(CaOODSP)9.8687750#tDefending Canadian sovereignty. w(CaOODSP)9.86877640qPDFs1.97 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-408-2019-eng.pdf01452nam 22003378i 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001682450081001892640067002702640011003373000071003483360031004193370034004503380043004845000107005275000099006345040048007336920033007816920025008147100051008397750057008907760066009478560101010139.868775CaOODSP20240216183725m o d f cr |||||||||||190624t20192019onca #o f000 0 fre d a9780660297255 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD2-408/2019F-PDF00aDéfendre la souveraineté du Canada : bnouvelles menaces, nouveaux défis. 1a[Ottawa] : bDéfense nationale = National Defence, c[2019]. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (vii, 120 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Defending Canadian sovereignty : new threats, new challenges. aCopie de remplacement fournie par l'éditeur (2019/08/07; 2019/09/04; 2019/11/06; 2019/11/15). aComprend des références bibliographiques.072gccstaPolitique de défense072gccstaSouveraineté1 aCanada. bMinistère de la défense nationale.08tDefending Canadian sovereignty : w(CaOODSP)9.8687740#tLa défense de la souveraineté du Canada.w(CaOODSP)9.86877840qPDFs1.93 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mdn-dnd/D2-408-2019-fra.pdf01553nam 2200337zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001632450127001862640067003133000071003803360026004513370026004773380036005035000100005395040041006395200208006805460042008886920026009306920036009566920044009927100044010367100024010808560111011049.879270CaOODSP20221107165452m o d f cr |||||||||||190912e19930311onca o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbfre an-cn---1 aCo22-313/1993E-PDF00aInternational communications R&D : bfinal report / cNGL Consulting Limited ; prepared for: Department of Communications. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Department of Communications], cMarch 11, 1993. a1 online resource (136 pages in various pagings) : billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The study is part of a series of strategic assessment studies undertaken by the Department of Communications (DOC) to develop a long term communications development strategy"--Executive summary, page i. aIncludes executive summary in French.072gccstaCommunications072gccstaResearch and development072gccstaInternational telecommunications1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aNGL Consulting Ltd.40qPDFs10.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-313-1993-eng.pdf01973nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450128001732640056003013000064003573360026004213370026004473380036004735000022005095000100005315040041006315050355006725200157010276920026011846920036012106920034012467100044012807400040013247400070013647400066014348560111015009.879280CaOODSP20221107165453m o d f cr |||||||||||190913s1989 oncd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-317/1989E-PDF00aSearch 20 : bcommunications research and development forum : March 13-15, 1989, St. Sauveur, Quebec : background material. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Communications, c[1989] a1 online resource (205 pages in various pagings) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aTitle from cover. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 a"Toward a national research network" / National Research Network Review Committee, U.S.A. -- "Special programs for the promotion of information technology R&D" OECD summary -- "Special programs for the promotion of information technology R&D" OECD document -- "Enabling technologies: springboard for a competitive future" / Science Council of Canada. aVarious background material documents from the Search 20 communications research and development forum held on March 13-15th 1989 in St. Sauveur Quebec.072gccstaCommunications072gccstaResearch and development072gccstaInformation technology1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.02aToward a national research network.02aSpecial programs for the promotion of information technology R&D.02aEnabling technologies : springboard for a competitive future.40qPDFs13.39 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-317-1989-eng.pdf01758nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450166001732640071003393000064004103360026004743370026005003380036005265000100005625040041006625200466007036920026011696920032011956920030012277100044012577100033013018560110013349.879291CaOODSP20221107165455m o d f cr |||||||||||190913e198108##qucd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-318/1981E-PDF00aPolicy framework for the economic development of the communications/information sector : binterim report / cPrice Waterhouse Associates management consultants. 1aMontréal, Quebec : bDepartment of Communications, cAugust 1981. a1 online resource (109 pages in various pagings) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The primary objective of this study is to "provide a comprehensive assessment of the key characteristics of the communications/information sector and of the major trends which one likely to affect its growth and its contribution to economic development in the 1980's". The study is also expected to assist the department in analyzing key economic development policy issues and in identifying the role which could be played by government"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaCommunications072gccstaEconomic development072gccstaInformation policy1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aPrice Waterhouse Associates.40qPDFs4.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-318-1981-eng.pdf01888nam 2200325zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450155001732500010003282640097003383000064004353360026004993370026005253380036005515000100005875040041006875200559007286920026012876920032013136920030013457100044013757100033014198560110014529.879293CaOODSP20221107165455m o d f cr |||||||||||190913e198111##qucd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-319/1981E-PDF00aPolicy framework for the economic development of the communications/information sector : ba report / cprepared for the Department of Communications. aDraft 1aMontréal (Québec) : bPrice Waterhouse Associates management consultants, cNovember 1981. a1 online resource (206 pages in various pagings) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This study was carried out under contract to the Communications Economics Branch of the Department of Communications. Its primary objective was to "provide a comprehensive assessment of the key characteristics of the communications/information sector and of the major trends which one likely to affect its growth and its contribution to economic development in the 1980's". The study was also intended to assist the department in identifying key economic development policy issues and the role which could be played by government"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaCommunications072gccstaEconomic development072gccstaInformation policy1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aPrice Waterhouse Associates.40qPDFs8.14 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-319-1981-eng.pdf01904nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001502450159001732640130003323000064004623360026005263370026005523380036005785000100006145040041007145200559007556920026013146920032013406920030013727100044014027100033014468560111014799.879294CaOODSP20221107165456m o d f cr |||||||||||190913e19811130qucd ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-320/1981E-PDF00aToward a policy framework for the economic development of the communications/information sector / cby Price Waterhouse Associates management consultants. 1aMontréal, P.Q. : bGovernment of Canada, Department of Communications, Communications Economics Branch, cNovember 30, 1981. a1 online resource (228 pages in various pagings) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This study was carried out under contract to the Communications Economics Branch of the Department of Communications. Its primary objective was to "provide a comprehensive assessment of the key characteristics of the communications/information sector and of the major trends which one likely to affect its growth and its contribution to economic development in the 1980's". The study was also intended to assist the department in identifying key economic development policy issues and the role which could be played by government"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaCommunications072gccstaEconomic development072gccstaInformation policy1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aPrice Waterhouse Associates.40qPDFs10.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-320-1981-eng.pdf01904nam 2200301zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430021001380860023001592450156001822640065003383000052004033360026004553370026004813380036005075000100005435200679006436920022013226920037013446920033013817100044014147100034014588560110014929.879295CaOODSP20221107165456m o d f cr |||||||||||190913e197910##onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---an-us---1 aCo22-321/1979E-PDF00aProposal for Canada/United States transborder satellite communications / cTransCanada Telephone System submission to the Department of Communications. 1a[Ottawa] : b[Department of Communications], cOctober 1979. a1 online resource (30 pages, 1 unnumbered page) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. a"This report constitutes the reply of the ten member companies of the TransCanada Telephone System (TCTS) to the Federal Department of Communications paper entitled, "Canada/U.S. transborder satellite communications - a preliminary examination", issued in June 1979. Telesat Canada plans to issue a separate brief to the Department. This action on Telesat's part is in no way indicative of any fundamental disagreement with the joint response of the TCTS member companies and is fully compatible in policy thrusts with TCTS, with the one exception relating to the eligibility of ownership of satellite earth stations used for transborder applications"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaSatellites072gccstaTelecommunications policy072gccstaTransborder data flow1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aTransCanada Telephone System.40qPDFs2.60 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-321-1979-eng.pdf02537nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860022001682450539001902460212007292460188009412640061011293000051011903360026012413370026012673380036012935000069013295000100013985040041014985200208015395460041017476920030017886920023018186920032018417100044018737920139019178560107020569.879343CaOODSP20221107165503m o d f cr |||||||||||190917s1978 oncbd ob f100 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengafreaspa an-cn---1 aCo22-322/1978-PDF00aWorkshop on special aspects of telecommunications development in isolated and underprivileged areas of countries : bJune 26-28, 1978, Ottawa, Canada = Atelier de travail visant l'étude des aspects particuliers du développement des télécommunications dans les régions isolées et défavorisées des pays : du 26 au 28 juin, 1978, Ottawa, Canada = Reunión sobre los Aspectos Particulares del Desarrollo de las Telecommunicationes en las Regiones Aisladas y Desfavorecidas de los Países : 26 al 28 de junio, 1978, Ottawa, Canada.11aAtelier de travail visant l'étude des aspects particuliers du développement des télécommunications dans les régions isolées et défavorisées des pays : bdu 26 au 28 juin, 1978, Ottawa, Canada11aReunión sobre los Aspectos Particulares del Desarrollo de las Telecommunicationes en las Regiones Aisladas y Desfavorecidas de los Países : b26 al 28 de junio, 1978, Ottawa, Canada 1aOttawa, Canada : bDepartment of Communications, c1978. a1 online resource (300 pages) : bmaps, graphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aSponsored by Department of Communications, Government of Canada. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThe workshop was held in association with a meeting of the International Telecommunications Union CCITT GAS/5 Subject no. 1 Sub-Group. This document presents invited papers, as submitted to the Workshop. aText in English, French and Spanish.072gccstaTelecommunications072gccstaDevelopment072gccstaIsolated communities1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications. tWorkshop on special aspects of telecommunications development in isolated and underprivileged areas of countries : w(CaOODSP)9.88202640qPDFs16.55 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-322-1978.pdf01835nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000027001732450088002002640087002883000064003753360026004393370026004653380036004915000047005275000089005745000100006635040041007635200403008046920017012076920036012246920019012607100044012797100052013238560110013759.879345CaOODSP20221107165504m o d f cr |||||||||||190917e19780508sncd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cnp--1 aCo22-323/1978E-PDF1 aBens, A. R., eauthor.12aA study of rural mobile radios in the Prairie provinces / cprepared by: A.R. Bens. 1aSaskatoon, Canada : bSED Systems Ltd. Aerospace Products Division, cMay 8, 1978. a1 online resource (154 pages in various pagings) : bgraphs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"SED Project # 080700-TR-101 ; Issue # 2." aPrepared for a contract from the Department of Communications, Government of Canada. aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The objective of this study has been to investigate the applicability of mobile radio techniques to rural communications in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, to develop conceptual systems to satisfy selected rural communications requirements in these provinces, and to assess these conceptual systems from the technical, cost and marketing aspects"--Executive summary, page [1].072gccstaRadio072gccstaCommunications equipment072gccstaSystems1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aSED Systems Ltd. bAerospace Products Division.40qPDFs7.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-323-1978-eng.pdf01449nam 2200313zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860023001501000025001732450107001982640059003053000042003643360026004063370026004323380036004585000100004945040051005945200273006456920019009186920018009376920026009557100044009818560110010259.879351CaOODSP20221107165505m o d f cr |||||||||||190917e198105##oncb ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo22-324/1981E-PDF1 aBrown, S., eauthor.10aSampling frames for the rural residential & business demand surveys / cby S. Brown and K. Richardson. 1a[Ottawa] : bDepartment of Communications, cMay 1981. a1 online resource (65 pages) : bmaps atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 38). a"The residential and business surveys which formed part of a study of the demand for communications services in the rural areas of Canada required that special sampling frames be developed from the most complete and up-to-date sources available"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaSurveys072gccstaDemand072gccstaCommunications1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.40qPDFs3.37 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-324-1981-eng.pdf01205nas 2200289zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860014001501100067001642450094002312640134003253100011004593360031004703370034005013380043005353620065005785000104006435880038007475880048007856920037008337100045008709.881487CaOODSP20221107170043m o d f cr |||||||||||191031d19851997qucar p o f0###b0fre|d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo28F-PDF2 aCentre canadien de recherche sur l'informatisation du travail.10aRapport annuel / cCentre canadien de recherche sur l'informatisation du travail (CCRIT). 1a[Laval, Québec] : bMinistère des communications, Centre canadien de recherche sur l'informatisation du travail, c[1985-1997]. aAnnuel atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aParaît depuis 1985/1986?; ne paraît plus après 1996/1997? aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. aDescription d'après : 1988-1989. aDernière livraison consultée : 1988-1989.072gccstaAutomatisation du travail1 aCanada. bMinistère des communications.02599nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450166001762460075003422640100004173000054005173360026005713370026005973380036006234900089006595000100007485000147008485200736009956920031017316920030017626920018017927000023018107100044018337100030018777750097019078300108020048560113021129.881870CaOODSP20221107170142m o d f cr |||||||||||191112e19880610onc o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo24-3/2-25-1988E-PDF00aRadio frequency spectrum management program evaluation : brevised design reports / csubmitted to: Benoît Gauthier ; prepared by: Ekos Research Associates Inc.14aRadio frequency spectrum management program : brevised design reports 1aOttawa, Ontario : bDepartment of Communications, Program Evaluation Division, cJune 10, 1988. a1 online resource (144 pages in various pagings). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBackground study (Canada. Department of Communications. Program Evaluation Division) aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: L'évaluation du programme de gestion du spectre des fréquences radio : rapport de planification révisé. a"This report is the second of three primary deliverables of study #13, Radio Frequency Spectrum (RFS) management program evaluation: "survey designs". Specifically, this report outlines the research design for study #4 of the evaluation assessment which calls for a survey of licensed users of the radio frequency spectrum. The survey of licensed users represents an integral part of the evaluation of the Management Program, as vital pieces of information related to a number of key evaluation issues are not stored in existing data bases. This includes information related to regulatory burden, program satisfaction and the possibility of substituting alternative means of communication for the spectrum"--Introduction, page [1].072gccstaSpectrum management072gccstaProgram assessment072gccstaDesign1 aGauthier, Benoît.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aEkos Research Associates.08tL'évaluation du programme de gestion du spectre des fréquences radio : w(CaOODSP)9.881878#0aBackground study (Canada. Department of Communications. Program Evaluation Division)w(CaOODSP)9.87527740qPDFs4.51 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-2-25-1988-eng.pdf02848nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450205001762460110003812640113004913000061006043360031006653370034006963380043007304900104007735000104008775000126009815200860011076920030019676920036019976920022020337000023020557100033020787100045021117750081021568300124022378560113023619.881878CaOODSP20221107170143m o d f cr |||||||||||191112e19880610onc o f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo24-3/2-25-1988F-PDF02aL'évaluation du programme de gestion du spectre des fréquences radio : brapport de planification révisé / cdestinataire: Benoît Gauthier ; soumissionnaire: Les Associés de recherche Ekos, Inc.14aÉvaluation du programme de gestion du spectre des radiofréquences : brapport de planification révisé 1aOttawa, Ontario : bMinistère des communications, Division de l'évaluation des programmes, c10 juin 1988. a1 ressource en ligne (159 pages en pagination multiple). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aÉtude préalable (Canada. Ministère des communications. Division de l'évaluation des programmes) aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Radio frequency spectrum management program evaluation : revised design reports. a« Ce rapport est le deuxième de trois éléments primaires de l'étude #13 qui est l'évaluation du programme de gestion du spectre des fréquences radio: la planification du sondage. Plus précisement, ce rapport trace le plan de recherche pour l'étude #4 du rapport préparatoire d'évaluation qui exige un sondage des usagers autorisés du spectre des fréquences radio (SFR). Le sondage des usagers autorisés constitue une partie intégrante de l'évaluation du programme de gestion puisque d'importants renseignements portant sur de nombreux propos d'évaluation clé ne figurent pas dans les bases de données actuelles. Ces renseignements ont trait au poids de la réglementation, à la satisfaction vis-à-vis le programme et à la possibilité de substituer le spectre par des moyens alternatifs de communication » -- Introduction, page [1].072gccstaGestion du spectre072gccstaÉvaluation de programme072gccstaConception1 aGauthier, Benoît.2 aAssociés de recherche Ekos.1 aCanada. bMinistère des communications.08tRadio frequency spectrum management program evaluation : w(CaOODSP)9.881870#0aÉtude préalable (Canada. Ministère des communications. Division de l'évaluation des programmes.)w(CaOODSP)9.88031040qPDFs5.35 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-2-25-1988-fra.pdf02093nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860026001632450149001892640105003383000065004433360026005083370026005343380036005604900089005965000100006855000141007855200223009265460042011496920028011916920030012196920029012497000023012787100044013017100030013457750111013758300108014868560113015949.881896CaOODSP20221107170145m o d f cr |||||||||||191112e19900910oncd o f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbfre an-cn---1 aCo24-3/2-26-1990E-PDF00aSound Recording Development Program evaluation : bfinal report / csubmitted to: Robert Letellier ; submitted by: Ekos Research Associates Inc. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bDepartment of Communications, Program Evaluation Division, cSeptember 10, 1990. a1 online resource (202 pages in various pagings) : bgraphs. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBackground study (Canada. Department of Communications. Program Evaluation Division) aDigitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada]. aIssued also in French under title: Évaluation du Programme d'aide au développement de l'enregistrement sonore (PADES) : rapport final. a"The overall objective of this evaluation has been to examine the effects of the Sound Recording Development Program (SRDP) on the anglophone sector of the Canadian sound recording industry"--Executive summary, page i. aIncludes executive summary in French.072gccstaSound recordings072gccstaProgram assessment072gccstaIndustry analysis1 aLetellier, Robert.1 aCanada. bDepartment of Communications.2 aEkos Research Associates.08tÉvaluation du Programme d'aide au développement de l'enregistrement sonore (PADES) : w(CaOODSP)9.881904#0aBackground study (Canada. Department of Communications. Program Evaluation Division)w(CaOODSP)9.87527740qPDFs9.44 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-2-26-1990-eng.pdf02120nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860026001502450196001762640106003723000076004783360031005543370034005853380043006194900104006625000104007665000108008705040048009785200214010266920033012406920036012736920034013097000023013437100025013667100045013917750073014368300124015098560113016339.881904CaOODSP20221107170146m o d f cr |||||||||||191112e19900331oncd ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCo24-3/2-26-1990F-PDF00aÉvaluation du Programme d'aide au développement de l'enregistrement sonore (PADES) : brapport final / cpreparé sous la direction de Robert Letellier ; entreprise par Le Groupe Secor inc. 1a[Ottawa] : bMinistère des communications, Division de l'évaluation des programmes, c31 mars 1990. a1 ressource en ligne (112 pages en pagination multiple) : bgraphiques. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aÉtude préalable (Canada. Ministère des communications. Division de l'évaluation des programmes) aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, sciences et développement économique Canada]. aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Sound Recording Development Program Evaluation : final report. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cette évaluation avait pour objectif général d'étudier les répercussions du PADES sur le secteur anglophone de l'industrie canadienne de l'enregistrement sonore » -- Résumé de la direction, page vi.072gccstaEnregistrement sonore072gccstaÉvaluation de programme072gccstaAnalyse de l'industrie1 aLetellier, Robert.2 aGroupe Secor Inc‏.1 aCanada. bMinistère des communications.08tSound Recording Development Program evaluation : w(CaOODSP)9.881896#0aÉtude préalable (Canada. Ministère des communications. Division de l'évaluation des programmes.)w(CaOODSP)9.88031040qPDFs6.01 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co24/Co24-3-2-26-1990-fra.pdf02673nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860022001682450539001902460212007292460188009412640062011293000060011913360031012513370034012823380043013165000071013595000104014305040048015345200289015825460048018716920032019196920026019516920031019777100045020087910139020538560107021929.882026CaOODSP20221107170206m o d f cr |||||||||||191115s1978 oncbd ob f100 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP0 afreaengaspa an-cn---1 aCo22-322/1978-PDF00aWorkshop on special aspects of telecommunications development in isolated and underprivileged areas of countries : bJune 26-28, 1978, Ottawa, Canada = Atelier de travail visant l'étude des aspects particuliers du développement des télécommunications dans les régions isolées et défavorisées des pays : du 26 au 28 juin, 1978, Ottawa, Canada = Reunión sobre los Aspectos Particulares del Desarrollo de las Telecommunicationes en las Regiones Aisladas y Desfavorecidas de los Países : 26 al 28 de junio, 1978, Ottawa, Canada.11aAtelier de travail visant l'étude des aspects particuliers du développement des télécommunications dans les régions isolées et défavorisées des pays : bdu 26 au 28 juin, 1978, Ottawa, Canada11aReunión sobre los Aspectos Particulares del Desarrollo de las Telecommunicationes en las Regiones Aisladas y Desfavorecidas de los Países : b26 al 28 de junio, 1978, Ottawa, Canada 1aOttawa, Canada : bMinistère des communications, c1978. a1 ressource en ligne (300 pages) : bcartes, graphiques atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aAtelier de travail parrainé par le ministère des Communications. aÉdition numérisée de l'imprimé [par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada]. aComprend des références bibliographiques. aL'atelier a été suivi d'une réunion d'un Sous-groupe traitant de la même question du GAS/5, CCITT de l'Union international des télécommunications. Ce dossier comprend les documents qui, à invitation du ministère des Communications du Canada, ont été présentés a l'atelier. aTexte en français, anglais et en espagnol.072gccstaTélécommunications072gccstaDéveloppement072gccstaCommunauté isolée1 aCanada. bMinistère des communications. tWorkshop on special aspects of telecommunications development in isolated and underprivileged areas of countries : w(CaOODSP)9.87934340qPDFs16.55 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/isde-ised/Co22/Co22-322-1978.pdf03586nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000038001752450190002132640065004032640011004683000073004793360026005523370026005783380036006044900048006405000190006885000017008785000020008955040051009155201698009666920027026646920019026917100067027107100043027777750176028208300092029968560112030889.881881CaOODSP20221107170143m o d f cr cn|||||||||191112t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-5/2019-045E-PDF1 aVan Beveren, Elisabeth, eauthor.10aResults of an informal survey of Canadian Atlantic mackerel commercial, bait and recreational fishers (2018) / cElisabeth Van Beveren, Daniel Duplisea, Martin Castonguay, Andrew Smith. 1aOttawa ON : bCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (iv, 24 pages) : billustrations (chiefly colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aResearch document, x1919-5044 ; v2019/045 aIssued also in French under title: Résultats d’une enquête informelle auprès de pêcheurs canadiens de maquereau bleu à des fins commerciales, d’appâts et récréatives (2018). aCover title. a"October 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10).3 a"Canadian catches of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) are not all recorded, especially in the bait and recreational fishery. In recent years, efforts have been made to evaluate the amplitude of catch underestimation, include this in the scientific advice and adapt management accordingly. Specifically, in 2016 the mackerel stock assessment explicitly acknowledged catch bias for the first time. Important to the evaluation of unreported catch was the information gained from an informal online survey, targeting all Canadian Atlantic mackerel fishers in order to obtain a rough estimate of the proportion of catch which is undeclared (bait, discards and recreational catches). Because of the value of this survey and its simplicity to conduct, we repeated the process to inform the 2019 mackerel assessment on missing catch. Two hundred eighty fishers provided specific catch information, spanning all sectors and provinces. Overall patterns and conclusions were similar to results from 2016 in terms of bait and gear type, discarding (~2%), and recreational fishing (semi-professionally done by some). Purchase slip reception varied greatly by province, ranging from 100% (Newfoundland) to 29% (New Brunswick). In comparison to 2016, purchase slip reception differed only in Quebec and New Brunswick, at least in part because relatively more commercial fishers filled in the survey. Of the 4069 t caught by all survey participants, about half was caught by commercial fishers from Newfoundland (full reporting) and for 543 t no purchase slips were obtained. Missing catch remains a significant issue, especially in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island"--Abstract, page iv.072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaSurveys1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bQuebec Region.2 aCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat.08tRésultats d’une enquête informelle auprès de pêcheurs canadiens de maquereau bleu à des fins commerciales, d’appâts et récréatives (2018) / w(CaOODSP)9.881882#0aResearch document (Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat)v2019/045.w(CaOODSP)9.50739640qPDFs1.93 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-5/Fs70-5-2019-045-eng.pdf04224nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000038001752450233002132640085004462640011005313000087005423360031006293370034006603380043006944900052007375000155007895000028009445000024009725040058009965202252010546920026033066920019033327100075033517100056034267750135034828300109036178560112037269.881882CaOODSP20221107170144m o d f cr cn|||||||||191112t20192019onca ob f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aFs70-5/2019-045F-PDF1 aVan Beveren, Elisabeth, eauteur.10aRésultats d’une enquête informelle auprès de pêcheurs canadiens de maquereau bleu à des fins commerciales, d’appâts et récréatives (2018) / cElisabeth Van Beveren, Daniel Duplisea, Martin Castonguay et Andrew Smith. 1aOttawa (Ontario) : bSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (vi, 26 pages) : billustrations (principalement en couleur). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aDocument de recherche, x2292-4272 ; v2019/045 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Results of an informal survey of Canadian Atlantic mackerel commercial, bait and recreational fishers (2018). aTitre de la couverture. a« Octobre 2019. » aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 12).3 a« Les prises canadiennes de maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus) ne sont pas toutes enregistrées, en particulier dans la pêche aux appâts et à des fins récréatives. Ces dernières années, des efforts ont été faits pour évaluer l'ampleur de la sous-estimation des captures, l'inclure dans les avis scientifiques et adapter la gestion en conséquence. Plus précisément, en 2017, l'évaluation du stock de maquereau a explicitement reconnu le biais de capture pour la première fois. Les informations obtenues grâce à une enquête en ligne informelle, ciblant tous les pêcheurs canadiens de maquereau bleu, ont été importantes pour l'évaluation des captures non déclarées afin d'obtenir une estimation approximative de la proportion des captures non déclarées (captures d'appâts, rejets en mer et captures récréatives). En raison de la valeur de cette enquête et de la simplicité de sa réalisation, nous avons répété le processus pour informer l'évaluation du maquereau en 2019 en ce qui concerne les captures manquantes. Deux cent quatre-vingt pêcheurs ont fourni des informations spécifiques sur les captures, couvrant tous les secteurs et toutes les provinces. Les tendances et conclusions globales étaient similaires aux résultats de 2016 en termes d'appâts et de types d'engins, de rejets (~ 2 %) et de pêche récréative (pratiquée de manière semi-professionnelle par certains). Les taux de réception des bordereaux d’achats variaient considérablement d'une province à l'autre, allant de 100 % (Terre-Neuve) à 29 % (Nouveau-Brunswick). Comparativement à 2016, les taux de réception des bordereaux d’achats ne différaient qu'au Québec et au Nouveau-Brunswick, du moins en partie parce que le nombre de pêcheurs commerciaux ayant répondu au sondage était relativement plus élevé. Sur les 4 069 t capturées par l'ensemble des participants à l'enquête, environ la moitié ont été capturées par des pêcheurs commerciaux de Terre-Neuve (informations complètes) et pour 543 t, aucun bordereau d'achat n'a été obtenu. Les prises manquantes demeurent un problème important, en particulier au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard » -- Résumé, page vi.072gccstaPoisson de mer072gccstaSondage1 aCanada. bMinistère des pêches et des océans. bRégion du Québec.2 aSecrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique.08tResults of an informal survey of Canadian Atlantic mackerel commercial, bait and recreational fishers (2018) / w(CaOODSP)9.881881#0aDocument de recherche (Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique)v2019/045.w(CaOODSP)9.50378840qPDFs1.95 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/fs70-5/Fs70-5-2019-045-fra.pdf02235nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450119002172640149003363000045004853360026005303370026005563380036005824900039006185000057006575040050007145200671007645460033014356530013014686920021014817100091015027100063015938300115016568560102017719.881897CaOODSP20221107170145m o d f cr |n|||||||||191112s1985 nkcd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/85-42E-PDF1 aNeilson, John D., eauthor.12aA review of the status of the 4VWX flatfish stocks (exclusive of the halibuts) / cby J. D. Neilson and P. Perley. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, c[1985] a1 online resource (32 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/42 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8).3 a"Landings of flatfish (exclusive of the halibuts) in NAFO Divisions 4VWX remained at comparatively low levels in 1984 relative to the catches obtained in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Recent indications from research vessel cruises suggest a relatively stable population of witch and yellowtail with slight increases in American plaice. Abundance indices from commercial fishery data suggest more substantial recent increases, although questions regarding the reliability of those data exist. On the basis of "short-cut" TAC calculations and the continued ambiguity surrounding the status of these stocks, the existing TAC of 14,000 t may be too high"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aFlatfish072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bBiological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.)2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/42w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.26 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-42-eng.pdf02255nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000032001852450090002172640149003073000051004563360026005073370026005333380036005594900039005955000057006345040053006915200712007445460033014566530012014896920021015017100091015227100063016138300115016768560102017919.881910CaOODSP20221107170147m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nkcbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/85-43E-PDF1 aPerley, Peter‏, eauthor.12aA review of the status of the 4VWX halibut stocks / cby P. Perley and J. D. Neilson. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, c[1985] a1 online resource (23 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/43 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 7-8).3 a"Recent landings and the market value of Atlantic halibut have increased considerably, prompting this first assessment of halibut separate from, the rest of the 4VWX flatfish. Due to an absence of commercial fishery samples, it is not yet feasible to undertake a detailed stock assessment. Indices of abundance from the commercial fishery indicate a declining trend in catch per-unit effort since 1981. Given that the effort expended has increased recently and with the increased hooking efficiency of the new circle hookgear, the decline in the commercial CPUE is worrisome. Indices of abundance from annual research vessel surveys conducted in summer indicate an increasing population, however"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aHalibut072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bBiological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.)2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/43w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-43-eng.pdf02144nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450184002162640101004003000051005013360026005523370026005783380036006044900039006405000057006795040051007365200493007875460033012806530014013136920021013277100050013487100092013987100063014908300115015538560102016689.881911CaOODSP20221107170148m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nkcbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/85-44E-PDF1 aHalliday, R. G., eauthor.10aAtlantic argentine (Argentina silus Ascanius) : bstock status on the Scotian Shelf and a discussion of relationships with Georges Bank argentine / cby R.G. Halliday and C. Dale. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, c[1985] a1 online resource (21 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/44 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10).3 a"Research vessel biomass estimates of Argentina silus in Div. 4VWX declined in 1984 to about half the level of '83. This 1984 level was similar to that of 1977-81. Increased abundance since extension of jurisdiction resulted from recruitment of several good year-classes to the surveyed population, particularly that of 1980. The abrupt decrease in estimated biomass in 1984 is unlikely to be due to mortality and may reflect changes in availability to surveys with age (size)"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aArgentine072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/44w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.05 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-44-eng.pdf02061nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000038001852450088002232640143003113000051004543360026005053370026005313380036005574900039005935000057006325040051006895200362007405460033011026530012011356920021011477100050011687100089012187100089013077100063013968300115014598560101015749.881912CaOODSP20221107170148m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nkcbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/85-46E-PDF1 aAhrens, Martin, d1949- eauthor.10aTwo phase sampling of the herring fishery in NAFO division 4T / cby Martin Ahrens. 1aMoncton, New Brunswick : bMarine Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch, Gulf Region, c[1985] a1 online resource (18 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/46 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 10).3 a"Two phase sampling and one phase random sampling of a herring fishery are compared. Equations for mean weights, proportions at age, total catch, and catch at age and their variances are presented. The results of a demonstration sampling program show that neither scheme is intrinsically biased. This result is compatible with statistical theory"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aHerring072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bGulf Region. bMarine Fisheries Division.1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bGulf Region. bFisheries Research Branch.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/46w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs819 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-46-eng.pdf02054nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450108002132640098003213000045004193360026004643370026004903380036005164900039005525000057005915040050006485200499006985460033011976530008012306920021012387100050012597100092013097100063014018300115014648560101015799.881915CaOODSP20221107170148m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nscd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/85-63E-PDF1 aSmith, S. J., eauthor.10a4Vn cod (May-December) : bstatus review for the 1984 fishing year / cby S.J. Smith and A.F. Sinclair. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1985] a1 online resource (28 pages) : bcharts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/63 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 7).3 a"Nominal catch of cod in 4Vn (May-December) was 10,527 t in 1984, an increase of 1185 t from 1983. Landings for all gear categories with the exception of longliners increased from last year. The decrease in longline catch was slight compared to decreases in previous years. This report summarizes available information for this fishery in 1984. Samples were obtained from all major components in the fishery allowing for comparisons of age composition of landings between gear types"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aCod072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/63w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs902 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-63-eng.pdf02116nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000046001852450103002312640149003343000033004833360026005163370026005423380036005684900039006045000057006435040050007005200462007505460033012126530014012456920021012597100091012807100092013717100063014638300115015268560101016419.881917CaOODSP20221107170149m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nkc #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/85-71E-PDF1 aStephenson, Robert eauthor.q(Robert L.)10a1985 biological update for the Canadian swordfish fishery / cby R. L. Stephenson and M. J. Power. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, c[1985] a1 online resource (7 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/71 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 4).3 a"Swordfish landings by longline and harpoon of 499 t were recorded in 1984. Landings were lower than in 1983 (1088 t) and well below the quota of 3500 t. Lower landings are thought to be the result of poor market conditions and reduced fishing effort (many licensed vessels were inactive) but CPUE (t/day) was also slightly lower than in 1983. Assessment of this fishery is hampered by a number of factors including a shortage of biological data"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aSwordfish072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bBiological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.)1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/71w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs330 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-71-eng.pdf02388nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000046001852450088002312640149003193000051004683360026005193370026005453380036005714900039006075000057006465040050007035200733007535460033014866530012015196920021015317100091015527100092016437100063017358300115017988560101019139.881921CaOODSP20221107170149m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nkcbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/85-72E-PDF1 aStephenson, Robert eauthor.q(Robert L.)14aThe 1984-85, 4Vn herring biological update / cby R. L. Stephenson and M. J. Power. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick : bMarine Fish Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, c[1985] a1 online resource (13 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/72 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5).3 a"As in previous years, the 4V herring fishery was restricted to the Sydney Bight area (4Vn) and had both an inshore and purse seine component. Landings by inshore gear (trap and gillnet) amounted to 483 t; the highest since 1962. Reported purse seine landings amounted to 3,925 t. Seven vessels began fishing in November and exceeded the 3,500 t quota within one month. Commercial catch rates were lower than in 1983, but still within the range of recent variation. The available biological information indicates that this fishery exploits a mixture of stocks. As a result no rigorous biological method can be used in assessment and it is preferable that there be no fishery on the overwintering herring in this area"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aHerring072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bBiological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.)1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/72w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs575 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-72-eng.pdf01928nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860023001631000043001862450142002292640093003713000052004643360026005163370026005423380036005684900040006045000057006445040050007015200327007515460033010786530012011116920021011236920027011447100102011717100063012738300116013368560102014529.881948CaOODSP20221107170153m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1985 nkca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/85-106E-PDF1 aMessieh, S. N. q(Shoukry N.)eauthor.12aA computer based method for separating herring spawning groups using digitized otolith morphometrics / cby S. Messieh and C. MacDougall. 1aMoncton, N.B. : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries & Oceans, c[1985] a1 online resource (13 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v85/106 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 7).3 a"A computer based method for separating herring spawning groups using digitized otolith morphometrics is described. This method utilizes a binocular microscope and a camera lucida to reflect otolith images onto a HIPAD digitizing pad, a moving cursor as the input device and an IBM-PC computer for data storage"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aHerring072gccstaFisheries072gccstaData processing1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bFisheries Research Branch.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v85/106w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs825 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-85-106-eng.pdf02364nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860021001631000031001842450111002152640146003263000042004723360026005143370026005403380036005664900038006025000057006405040053006975200747007505460033014976530020015306920021015507100050015717100092016217100063017138300114017768560100018909.881949CaOODSP20221107170153m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113s1986 nscb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/86-8E-PDF1 aHalliday, R. G., eauthor.10aReview of management units in the Gulf of Maine area : bArgentina silus (Ascanius) / cby R. G. Halliday. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1986] a1 online resource (9 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/8 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 7-8).3 a"Management units for argentine were established as Div. 4VWX and as Subarea 5 by ICNAF in 1974. The rationale was administrative convenience as scientific advice provided at that time was that these areas should be combined for management purposes. Advice in 1974 was based on observed clines in vertebral counts and parasite infestations and widespread distribution of ripening fish, which suggested that there is a complex of stock units spread along the edge of the northwest Atlantic shelf. There are no new data relevant to stock structure. Not enough is known to justify definition of "best" lines for geographic separation of unit stocks, but fishable concentrations of argentine appear to be restricted to Canadian waters"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aArgentina silus072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/8w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs597 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-8-eng.pdf01980nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000029001852450127002142640101003413000051004423360026004933370026005193380036005454900039005815000056006205040055006765200427007315460033011586530012011916920021012037100114012247100063013388300115014018560102015169.881952CaOODSP20221107170154m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114s1986 nscbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nk1 aFs70-8/86-12E-PDF1 aJessop, B. M., eauthor.14aThe status of the alewife and blueback herring trap-net fishery of the Saint John River, New Brunswick / cby B.M. Jessop. 1aHalifax, N.S. : bFreshwater & Anadromous Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1986] a1 online resource (21 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/12 a"Not to be cited without permission of the author." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 10-11).3 a"Landings for the gaspereau (alewife and blueback herring collectively) fishery of the lower Saint John River have declined from a peak of 6,269 t in 1971 to 703 t in 1984. Effort, in terms of trap-net licenses issued, has increased from 86 to 125 trap-nets during the same period. Commercial catch per trap-net license was used, in combination with biological data, to assess the status of the gaspereau stock"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aHerring072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bFreshwater and Anadromous Division‏.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/12w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.24 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-12-eng.pdf01921nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450148002152640089003633000043004523360026004953370026005213380036005474900039005835000057006225040051006795200343007305460033010736530011011066920027011176920021011447100102011657100063012678300115013308560102014459.881953CaOODSP20221107170154m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114s1986 nscb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/86-17E-PDF1 aCutting, R. E., eauthor.10aStatus of the Atlantic salmon of the LaHave River, Nova Scotia, in 1985 and forecast of returns in 1986 / cby R.E. Cutting and E.M. Jefferson. 1aHalifax, N.S. : bFisheries Research Branch, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1986] a1 online resource (21 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/17 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 11).3 a"The LaHave River of southwestern Nova Scotia is an Atlantic Ocean coastal stream with Atlantic salmon spawning runs composed of more than eighty percent one-seawinter fish. A salmon development project initiated in 1968 has substantially increased natural production which has been reflected in increased recreational catches"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aSalmon072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bFisheries Research Branch.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/17w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.22 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-17-eng.pdf02243nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000028001852450198002132640199004113000052006103360026006623370026006883380036007144900039007505000057007895040055008465200393009015460033012946530014013276920021013417100050013627100089014127100036015017100028015377100063015658300115016288560102017439.881954CaOODSP20221107170154m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114s1986 nkca #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/86-18E-PDF1 aMoriyasu, M., eauthor.10aPractical key for molt stage determination of the snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, by means of setal development observation in the endite of the maxilla / cby Mikio Moriyasu and Pierre Mallet. 1aMoncton, N.B. : bMarine Fisheries Research Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Gulf Region, Marine Biology Research Centre, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Université de Moncton, c[1986] a1 online resource (18 pages) : billustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/18 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 12-14).3 a"Observation of setae morphology of the basal endite of the maxilla is successfully used for defining molt stages of the snow crab ( Chionoecetes opilio ). The basal endite of the maxilla is easily dissected and can be preserved for up to 48 hours in a 10 ml sampling vial filled with ambient salinity sea water at 2-3°C, during which period a reliable staging can be ensured"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aSnow crab072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans.1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bGulf Region. bFisheries Research Branch.2 aMarine Biology Research Centre.2 aUniversité de Moncton.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/18w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.02 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-18-eng.pdf01941nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000031001852450142002162640094003583000051004523360026005033370026005293380036005554900039005915000056006305040050006865200357007365460033010936530011011266920027011376920021011647100102011857100063012878300115013508560102014659.881956CaOODSP20221107170155m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114s1986 nscbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-ns1 aFs70-8/86-22E-PDF1 aMarshall, T. L., eauthor.10aEstimated spawning requirements and indices of stock status of Atlantic salmon in the St. Mary's River, Nova Scotia / cby T.L. Marshall. 1aHalifax, N.S. : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1986] a1 online resource (19 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/22 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors" aIncludes bibliographical references (page 9).3 a"The St. Mary's River is the largest producer of sport-caught Atlantic salmon in eastern Nova Scotia. Evidence that a small, high-profile 3SW virgin component of the stock has diminished relative to the 1SW component has contributed to increased protection for MSW salmon and a need to determine target spawning escapements and stock status"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aSalmon072gccstaSalt water fish072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bFisheries Research Branch.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/22w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.04 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-22-eng.pdf02433nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000030001852450126002152640105003413000051004463360026004973370026005233380036005494900039005855000057006245040050006815200888007315460033016196530017016526920021016697100102016907100063017928300115018558560101019709.881963CaOODSP20221107170156m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114s1986 nfcbd #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn-nf1 aFs70-8/86-24E-PDF1 aDempson, J. B., eauthor.10aSequential population analysis of the Nain assessment unit Arctic charr population / cby J. B. Dempson and L. J. LeDrew. 1aSt. John's, Newfoundland : bFisheries Research Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1986] a1 online resource (14 pages) : bmaps, charts. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/24 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 5).3 a"Tag recapture information indicated that the Nain assessment unit consists of the following subareas: Anaktalik Bay, Nain Bay, Tikkoatokak Bay and Webb Bay for the inshore zone, and Dog Island and Black Island for the offshore zone. Annual landings from this assessment unit have ranged from 34 to 76 t (mean = 56 t) and from 1977-1985 have represented 36% of the total commercial production from the Nain Fishing Region. The total allowable catch in 1985 for the Anaktalik Bay and Tikkoatokak Bay subareas, including an offshore component was 30.5 t. Landings for the Nain assessment unit in 1985 totaled 41 t and were 6% higher than the previous year. A sequential population analysis was carried out on catch at age data from 1977-85 and indicated a fishing mortality of 0.45 in 1985. A projection of the TAC in 1986 fishing at F0.1 (= 0.40) indicates a yield of 44 t"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aArctic charr072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bNewfoundland Region. bFisheries Research Branch.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/24w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs905 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-24-eng.pdf02621nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860022001631000042001852450151002272640130003783000043005083360026005513370026005773380036006034900039006395000057006785040055007355200920007905460033017106530020017436920021017637100091017847100092018757100063019678300115020308560102021459.881964CaOODSP20221107170156m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114s1986 nkcb #ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aFs70-8/86-37E-PDF1 aPerry, Richard Ian, d1955- eauthor.10aCirculation and potential ichthyoplankton dispersal in the Gulf of Maine, Browns and Georges Bank areas / cby R. Ian Perry and Peter C.F. Hurley. 1aSt. Andrews, New Brunswick ; aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bMarine Fish Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, c[1986] a1 online resource (16 pages) : bmaps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aCAFSAC research document ; v86/37 a"Not to be cited without permission of the authors." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 10-12).3 a"The most recent understanding of the mean circulation of the Gulf of Maine, including Georges and Browns Banks, is described from literature sources to support studies of ichthyoplankton distributions and stock structure. The mean circulation consists of separate clockwise gyres about both banks, which are leaky to the southwest on Georges Bank and to the north on Browns Bank. The mean circulation of the Gulf of Maine consists of several large eddies, loosely associated with bathymetric features; it is not one large gyre. The conclusion is that consistent transport of ichthyoplankton between Georges and Browns Banks by the residual circulation generally does not occur. This is supported by both literature and field studies of cod and haddock egg and larval distributions. However, sporadic transport of ichthyoplankton between banks may occur due to strong wind-induced currents during storms"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French. 0aIchthyoplankton072gccstaFisheries1 aCanada. bDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans. bBiological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.)1 aCanada. bDept. of Fisheries and Oceans. bScotia-Fundy Region. bMarine Fish Division.2 aCanadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.#0aCAFSAC research document (Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee)v86/37w(CaOODSP)9.86961640qPDFs1.11 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/mpo-dfo/Fs70-8-86-37-eng.pdf01694nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000027001742450077002012640099002782640011003773000053003883360026004413370026004673380036004934900044005295000024005735000020005975040055006175200348006726530024010206920026010447100024010707100051010948300082011458560105012279.881883CaOODSP20240219183526m o d f cr |n|||||||||191112t20182018onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/182-2018E-PDF1 aGiles, Keir, eauthor.10aRussian reflexive control / cKeir Giles, James Sherr, Anthony Seaboyer. 1aToronto : bDRDC – Toronto Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (66 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C182 a"Can unclassified." a"October 2018." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 55-56).3 a"This RMCC research report addresses the following research questions: 1. What is Russian reflexive control? 2. In what instances has RC been successfully applied? 3. What were the underpinning mechanisms by which it worked? 4. What are possible countermeasures to RC? 5. What are possible applications of RC mechanisms by the CAF?"--Abstract. 0aInformation warfare072gccstaDefence policy2 aDefence R&D Canada.2 aDefence R&D Canada. bToronto Research Centre.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C182.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs702 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-182-2018-eng.pdf01419nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000026001742450104002002640099003042640011004033000064004143360026004783370026005043380036005304900044005665000017006105000048006275000045006755040041007206920020007616920024007817100051008057100013008568300082008698560106009519.881898CaOODSP20240826173723m o d f cr cn|||||||||191112t20182018onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/155-2018E-PDF1 aCain, Brad, eauthor.10aLight armoured vehicle crew model development / cBrad Cain, Agata Lawrynczyk; prepared by CAE Inc. 1aToronto, Ontario : bDefence Research and Development Canada, Toronto Research Centre, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) : bfigures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C155 aCover title. a"Contractor's publication date: July 2018." a"PSPC Contract Number: W7719-135217-01." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaVehicles072gccstaArmed forces2 aDefence R&D Canada. bToronto Research Centre.2 aCAE Inc.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C155.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs7.28 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-155-2018-eng.pdf02291nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860024001681000028001922450123002202640080003432640011004233000057004343360026004913370026005173380036005434900047005795000017006265000020006435000024006635040041006875200823007285460046015516920024015976920022016217100072016438300085017158560105018009.881903CaOODSP20221107170146m o d f cr cn|||||||||191112t20182018onc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-9/104-2018E-PDF1 aRempel, Mark, eauthor.12aA strategic review of the CJOC OR&A work program / cMark Rempel, DRDC - Centre for Operational Research and Analysis. 1aKanata, ON : bDRDC - Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (vi, 23 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReference document ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D104 aCover title. a"October 2018." a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"Since 2014, the Canadian Joint Operations Command Operations Research & Analysis team’s work program has been determined via an annual call letter process. While the studies conducted by team have been aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of joint force employment within the Canadian Armed Forces, the question remains: Are the team’s resources and skills being utilized to their maximum potential? To help answer this question, the author conducted an assessment of the team’s ongoing studies in terms of their status, near-term expected output, and relationship to Defence core missions, initiatives, and tasks. Based on this assessment, a series of recommendations are put forth that collectively aim to increase the team’s impact with regards to joint force employment"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaEmployment2 aDefence R&D Canada. bCentre for Operational Research and Analysis.#0aReference document (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D104.w(CaOODSP)9.83397140qPDFs436 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-9-104-2018-eng.pdf01569nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000027001742450263002012640114004642640011005783000063005893360026006523370026006783380036007044900044007405000022007845000024008065000042008305040051008726920023009236920021009466920017009677100035009848300082010198560106011019.881907CaOODSP20240220151437m o d f cr |n|||||||||191112t20182017abca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/171-2018E-PDF1 aGreen, Dave, eauthor.10aModeling and experimental support for detection of linear conductors task authorization 2 : bmultispectral measurement of scattered radiation from linear conductors / cprepared by C-CORE Project Team: Dave Green (Project Manager), Chris Fowler, Mike Royle. 1aMedicine Hat, Alberta : bDRDC – Suffield Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2017 a1 online resource (ii, 27 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C171 a"September 2018." a"Can unclassified." a"PSPC Contract Number: W7702-175832." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 27).072gccstaElectricity072gccstaMagnetism072gccstaRadio1 aDefence R&D Canada - Suffield.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2017-C171.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs1.92 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-171-2018-eng.pdf01953nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000027001742450235002012640114004362640011005503000057005613360026006183370026006443380036006704900044007065000022007505000024007725000042007965040051008385200401008896920030012906920020013206920017013407100035013578300082013928560105014749.881930CaOODSP20240220151437m o d f cr |n|||||||||191113t20182017abc ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/172-2018E-PDF1 aGreen, Dave, eauthor.10aModeling and experimental support for detection of linear conductors task authorization 3 : belectromagnetic propagation model upgrade / cprepared by C-CORE Project Team: Dave Green (Project Manager), Chris Fowler, Jake Tunaley. 1aMedicine Hat, Alberta : bDRDC – Suffield Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2017 a1 online resource (ii, 13 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C172 a"September 2018." a"Can unclassified." a"PSPC Contract Number: W7702-175832." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 13). a"This report provides an overview of the work carried out to translate the existing FORTRAN code into a modern programming language, C#. The program structure is outlined at a high level and the constituent functions have been described. Comparisons between the outputs from the two versions have been made. Suggestions for further enhancement of this software are also presented"--Scope, page 1.072gccstaTelecommunications072gccstaSoftware072gccstaRadio1 aDefence R&D Canada - Suffield.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2017-C172.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs485 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-172-2018-eng.pdf02263nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000041001752450166002162640113003822640011004953000090005063360026005963370026006223380036006484900052006845000022007365000024007585000020007825000060008025000155008625040054010175200520010716530020015916920017016117100052016288300090016808560107017709.881936CaOODSP20221107170151m o d f cr |||||||||||191113t20182018nsca fobt f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-11/159-2018E-PDF1 aGilroy, Layton E., d1963- eauthor.10aSigMa Lab - a signature management system simulator / cLayton Gilroy, Shawn Oakey, David Heath, Courtney Greene, Jasper Dupuis, DRDC - Atlantic Research Centre. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bDRDC - Atlantic Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (pages 18-1 to 18-12, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aExternal Literature (N) ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-N159 aTitle from cover. a"Can unclassified." a"October 2018." a"Date of Publication from Ext Publisher: October 2018." a"In Proceedings of 2018 NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) Symposium, 11–12 October 2018, Ottawa, Canada; STO-MP-MSG-159, pp. 18-1–18-12." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 18-11).3 a"In partnership with the Centre for Ship Signature Management, DRDC developed a prototype signature management system (SMS) for real-time monitoring and management of ship signatures under the COSIMAR project. Using a network of onboard sensors and signature models, the system estimates the ship’s acoustic, magnetic, electric, infrared, radar, and pressure signatures, estimates the vulnerability of the platform to a library of threats, and makes suggestions to manage or reduce signatures"--Abstract, p. 18-1. 0aShip signatures072gccstaShips2 aDefence R&D Canada. bAtlantic Research Centre.#0aExternal literature (N) (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-N159.w(CaOODSP)9.85817340qPDFs1.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-11-159-2018-eng.pdf03180nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000038001752450167002132640104003802640011004843000080004953360026005753370026006013380036006274900052006635000022007155000024007375000020007615000062007815000081008435040041009245201532009656920022024976920028025197100050025478300090025978560107026879.881961CaOODSP20240222165852m o d f cr |||||||||||191114t20182018onca fobt f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-11/166-2018E-PDF1 aScott, Robertq(Lauchie)eauthor.10aKey findings from the NEOSSat space-based SSA microsatellite mission / cRobert (Lauchie) Scott, DRDC – Ottawa Research Centre, Stefan Thorsteinson, Calian Inc. 1aOttawa, Ontario : bDRDC - Ottawa Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (19 unnumbered pages) : billustrations (chiefly colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aExternal Literature (N) ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-N166 aTitle from cover. a"Can unclassified." a"October 2018." a"Date of Publication from Ext Publisher: September 2018." a"AMOS Technical Conference 2018, Maui Economic Development Board, Maui, HI." aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"The Near-Earth Orbit Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat) is a microsatellite space telescope designed to track resident space objects and perform asteroid astronomy. Defence R&D Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Space Agency, developed NEOSSat to perform the HEOSS (High Earth Orbit Space Surveillance) Space Situational Awareness (SSA) mission and the NESS (Near Earth Space Surveillance) asteroid astronomy mission supporting research activities in the Canadian Department of National Defence and supporting Canadian astronomy. A space surveillance satellite orbiting in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) provides advantages for Canadian SSA operations. For instance, the microsatellite’s ability to observe resident space objects uninterrupted by the day-night cycle while being unaffected by terrestrial weather offers frequent tracking opportunities compared to ground-based sensors. A space-based sensor also provides the ability for Canada to monitor geosynchronous objects outside of Canadian geographic longitudes adding strategic value for Canadian SSA. In this paper, we discuss some of the key SSA lessons-learned using a microsatellite for SSA metrics, geosynchronous object characterization, and stressing orbitalenvironment factors for optical satellite tracking from LEO. NEOSSat is now beginning an expanded mission phase. A description of some of the more unique experimentation, including observations of space objects conjuncting with NEOSSat itself and high value space asset monitoring is described"--Abstract.072gccstaSatellites072gccstaSpace technology1 aDefence R&D Canada. bOttawa Research Centre.#0aExternal literature (N) (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-N166.w(CaOODSP)9.85817340qPDFs4.30 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-11-166-2018-eng.pdf02431nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000027001742450222002012640114004232640011005373000089005483360026006373370026006633380036006894900044007255000017007695000022007865000024008085040051008325200902008836920031017856920031018167100035018478300082018828560105019649.881966CaOODSP20240220151437m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114t20182018abca obt f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/174-2018E-PDF1 aGreen, Dave, eauthor.10aModeling and experimental support for detection of linear conductors task authorization 5 : bspectrum analyzer verification / cprepared by C-CORE Project Team: Dave Green (Project Manager), Chris Fowler, Mike Royle. 1aMedicine Hat, Alberta : bDRDC – Suffield Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (15 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : billustrations (chiefly colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C174 aCover title. a"September 2018." a"Can unclassified." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 15). a"This report is a continuation of an ongoing assessment of using higher frequencies, in particular the frequency modulation (FM) band, in order to detect linear conductors. A prior contract (C-CORE 2017) examined the feasibility of using a software defined radio (SDR) as a receiver for FM stations. By using the real signal strength indicator (RSSI) and automatic gain control (AGC) characteristics, it was possible to plot the received field strength for that station while moving the receiver across and along the linear conductor. While that study demonstrated some encouraging results, it was decided to re-execute the experiment while using a portable spectrum analyzer (SA) in order to record more spectral informationabout the received signal, with the conjecture that its superior resolution bandwidth would allow better discrimination of the signal from the noise"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMilitary technology072gccstaSpectrum management1 aDefence R&D Canada - Suffield.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C174.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs824 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-174-2018-eng.pdf01837nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000027001742450214002012640114004152640011005293000086005403360026006263370026006523380036006784900044007145000017007585000022007755000024007975000056008215040051008775200251009286920031011796920030012107100035012408300082012758560106013579.881971CaOODSP20240220151437m o d f cr |n|||||||||191114t20182018abcd obt f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/175-2018E-PDF1 aGreen, Dave, eauthor.10aModeling and experimental support for detection of linear conductors task authorization 6 : bphase characterization / cprepared by C-CORE Project Team: Dave Green (Project Manager), Chris Fowler, Mike Royle. 1aMedicine Hat, Alberta : bDRDC – Suffield Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (ii, 19 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : bcharts (chiefly colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C175 aCover title. a"September 2018." a"Can unclassified." a"C-CORE Report Number R-17-072-1336, Revision 1.0." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 19). a"This report provides an overview of the work carried out to test and characterize a set of microwave cable assemblies for varying lengths and bending radii. Relevant performance characteristics are extracted and presented"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaMilitary technology072gccstaTelecommunications1 aDefence R&D Canada - Suffield.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C175.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs3.69 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-175-2018-eng.pdf01860nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000038001742450104002122640099003162640011004153000073004263360026004993370026005253380036005514900044005875000024006315000048006555000045007035000020007485040051007685200373008196920024011926920031012167100051012478300082012988560106013809.881996CaOODSP20221107170201m o d f cr cn|||||||||191114t20182018onca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/141-2018E-PDF1 aTack, David W., d1957- eauthor.10aMission measures of effectiveness for small unit infantry operations / cDavid Tack, Edward Nakaza. 1aToronto : bDRDC – Toronto Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (41 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour figures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C141 a"Can unclassified." a"Prepared by: HumanSystems® Incorporated." a"Contract number: W7701-166107/001/QCL." a"October 2018." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 32).3 a"The goal of this project was to develop an analytical model to evaluate small Unit mission effectiveness with sufficient diagnosticity at the task and capability levels, to support the evaluation of dismounted soldier information systems, or more generally, the impact of any intervention (technology, training, doctrine, etc.) on small unit effectiveness"--Abstract.072gccstaArmed forces072gccstaMilitary technology2 aDefence R&D Canada. bToronto Research Centre.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C141.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs1.84 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-141-2018-eng.pdf01711nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860025001501000045001752450191002202640106004112640011005173000077005283360026006053370026006313380036006574900052006935000017007455000024007625000020007865000114008065000062009205040041009826920032010236920031010557100054010868300090011408560107012309.882004CaOODSP20240221113057m o d f cr |||||||||||191115t20182018onca fobt f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-10/161-2018E-PDF1 aBhagavathula, Kapil Bharadwaj, eauthor.10aHigh rate compressive behaviour of a dilatant polymeric foam / cKapil Bharadwaj Bhagavathula, Austin Azar, Simon Ouellet, Sikhanda Satapathy, Christopher R. Dennison, James David Hogan. 1aQuebec, Quebec : bDRDC, Valcartier Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (17 unnumbered pages) : billustrations (some colour). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aExternal literature (P) ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-P161 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." a"October 2018." aOriginally produced for: Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40870-018-0176-0. a"Date of Publication from Ext Publisher: September 2018." aIncludes bibliographical references.072gccstaMaterials technology072gccstaMilitary technology1 aDefence R&D Canada. bValcartier Research Centre.#0aExternal literature (P) (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2017-P161.w(CaOODSP)9.85443740qPDFs1.74 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-10-161-2018-eng.pdf02200nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410013001380430012001510860024001631000030001872450254002172640112004712640011005833000079005943360026006733370026006993380036007254900044007615000024008055000020008295000080008495000062009295040051009915200476010425460033015186920022015517100054015738300082016278560105017099.882012CaOODSP20240221113057m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115t20182018quca fob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP aengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-3/189-2018E-PDF1 aTharmarasa, R., eauthor.10aDevelopment of a joint intelligence and information S&T capability : btask authorization 22 - Deployable Intelligence Source Collection Value Optimizer (DISCOVER) - multi-satellite collection scheduling / cR. Tharmarasa, M. Florea, T. Kirubarajan. 1aQuébec (Québec) : bDRDC – Valcartier Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2018. 4c©2018 a1 online resource (40 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C189 a"Can unclassified." a"October 2018." a"Closed-loop collection tasking (multiple episodes)-implementation"--Cover. a"Prepared by: Thales Research & Technology (TRT) Canada." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 40).3 a"Through this document, we explore adaptive and contingency planning/scheduling concepts to the dynamic multi-satellite collection scheduling problem. We have also developed a new adaptive scheduling decision problem model properly dealing with state transitions (e.g., exogenous event, new task, feedback information, resource availability/failure, urgent observation requests) while planning and executing tasks and trading-off run-time and solution quality"--Abstract. aIncludes abstract in French.072gccstaSatellites1 aDefence R&D Canada. bValcartier Research Centre.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-C189.w(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs785 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-189-2018-eng.pdf01564nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380860024001501000039001742450093002132640115003062640011004213000073004323360026005053370026005313380036005574900044005935000018006375000069006555000050007245040051007745200121008256920020009467100052009668300091010188560105011099.882041CaOODSP20221107170208m o d f cr |n|||||||||191115t20192019nsca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aD68-3/093-2019E-PDF1 aLichodzijewski, Michael, eauthor.10aAVAST development / cMichael Lichodzijewski, Lloyd's Register Applied Technology Group. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bDRDC – Atlantic Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (23 pages, 3 unnumbered pages) : bcolour figures. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aContract report ; vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C093 a"April 2019." a"Prepared by: Applied Technology Group, Lloyd's Register Group." a"PSPC Contract Number: W7707-145679/001/HAL." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 18). a"The goal of this project was to further enhance the capabilities of the AVAST software"--Executive summary, page 5.072gccstaSoftware2 aDefence R&D Canada. bAtlantic Research Centre.#0aContract report (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2019-C093.w(CaOODSP)(CaOODSP)9.80231240qPDFs622 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-3-093-2019-eng.pdf02020nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070410018001380430012001560860024001681000039001922450131002312640115003622640011004773000083004883360026005713370026005973380036006234900047006595000017007065000024007235000018007475040055007655200477008205460046012976920017013436920031013607100052013918300085014438560106015289.882048CaOODSP20221107170209m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20192019nsca ob f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP0 aengbengbfre an-cn---1 aD68-9/137-2018E-PDF1 aThornhill, Eric, d1974- eauthor.10aGuidelines for performing ship airwake simulations on a generic destroyer / cEric Thornhill, DRDC - Atlantic Research Centre. 1aDartmouth, Nova Scotia : bDRDC – Atlantic Research Centre, Defence Research and Development Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (vi, 39 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aReference document ; vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D137 aCover title. a"Can unclassified." a"April 2019." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 33-34).3 a"This documents provides guidelines and recommendations for conducting ship airwake simulations for a generic destroyer with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Specific requirements are given for data output as well as for the test conditions which were designed to match previously conducted physical model tests in a wind tunnel. Recommendations are also given for constructing a computational domain, generating the mesh, and configuring the solver"--Abstract, page i. aIncludes abstracts in English and French.072gccstaShips072gccstaMilitary technology2 aDefence R&D Canada. bAtlantic Research Centre.#0aReference document (Defence R&D Canada)vDRDC-RDDC-2018-D137.w(CaOODSP)9.83397140qPDFs5.67 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/rddc-drdc/D68-9-137-2018-eng.pdf02156nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001681000030001892450173002192640083003922640011004753000056004863360026005423370026005683380036005945000163006305000017007935000043008105000052008535040042009055200524009476920031014716920020015026920025015226920029015477100042015767750039016188560101016579.858518CaOODSP20221107160021m o d f cr |||||||||||191113t20192019quco ob f000 | eng d a9780660271149 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-717/2018E-PDF1 aMcKay, Celeste, eauthor.12aA report on children and families together : ban emergency meeting on Indigenous child and family services / cprepared by Celeste McKay, Celeste McKay Consulting Inc. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bGovernment of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (76 pages) : bcolour photographs atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Compte rendu : enfants et familles réunis : réunion d’urgence sur les services aux enfants et aux familles autochtones. aCover title. aIssued by: Indigenous Services Canada. a"Ottawa, Ontario, January 25th and 26th, 2018." aIncludes bibliographical references.  a"An emergency national meeting on Indigenous Child and Family Services: Children and Families Together was hosted by Minister of Indigenous Services Jane Philpott, in Ottawa, Ontario from January 25 to 26, 2018. It provided an opportunity for federal, provincial and territorial governments and First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, Elders, youth, community service organizations and advocates to chart a future path together that will urgently address the child welfare crisis in Canada"--Executive summary, page 5.072gccstaIndigenous programs072gccstaChildren072gccstaSocial policy072gccstaSocial assistance1 aCanada. bIndigenous Services Canada.08tCompte rendu : w(CaOODSP)9.85852040qPDFs2.39 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sac-isc/R5-717-2018-eng.pdf02418nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860021001681000030001892450192002192640084004112640011004953000065005063360027005713370030005983380039006285000152006675000028008195000055008475000050009025040048009525200693010006920038016936920019017316920029017506920024017797100047018037750069018508560101019199.858520CaOODSP20230803120318m o d f cr |||||||||||191113t20192019quco||| ob f000 0 fre d a9780660271156 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aR5-717/2018F-PDF1 aMcKay, Celeste, eauteur.10aCompte rendu : benfants et familles réunis : réunion d’urgence sur les services aux enfants et aux familles autochtones / cpréparé par Celeste McKay, Celeste McKay Consulting Inc. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bGouvernement du Canada = Government of Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (83 pages) : bphotographies en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent ainformatiquebc2rdamedia aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A report on children and families together : an emergency meeting on Indigenous child and family services. aTitre de la couverture. a« Ottawa (Ontario), les 25 et 26 janvier 2018. » aPublié par: Services aux Autochtones Canada. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Une réunion nationale d’urgence sur les Services aux enfants et aux familles autochtones, ayant pour titre Enfants et familles réunis, a été organisée par la ministre des Services aux Autochtones, l’honorable Jane Philpott, à Ottawa (Ontario) les 25 et 26 janvier 2018. Ce fut l’occasion pour les gouvernements fédéral, provinciaux et territoriaux, les dirigeants, Aînés et jeunes des Premières Nations, inuits et métis, ainsi pour les organismes de services communautaires et les défenseurs des droits des enfants, de tracer ensemble une voie à suivre pour résoudre d’urgence la crise du système d’aide aux enfants autochtones au Canada »--Sommaire, page 5.072gccstaProgramme pour autochtones072gccstaEnfant 072gccstaPolitique sociale072gccstaAide sociale1 aCanada. bServices aux Autochtones Canada.08tA report on children and families together : w(CaOODSP)9.85851840qPDFs2.47 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/sac-isc/R5-717-2018-fra.pdf02160nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860020001682450202001882640115003902640011005053000065005163360026005813370026006073380036006335000163006695000021008325000035008535200423008886920026013116920020013377100054013577100030014117750133014418560110015748560114016849.879661CaOODSP20221107165555m o d f cr |||||||||||191112t20192019quc o f000 0 eng d a9780660326979 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aP4-89/2019E-PDF00aPublic opinion research on the Contract Security Program (part 2 - interviews) : bfinal report / cprepared for Public Services and Procurement Canada; supplier name: Ekos Research Associates Inc. 1aGatineau, QC : bPublic Services and Procurement Canada = Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (1 volume (various pagings)) + e[summary] atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Recherche sur l’opinion publique au sujet du Programme de sécurité des contrats (partie 2 - entrevues) : rapport final. a"June 24, 2019." a"Registration Number: 008-19." a"Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is examining the contract security screening process to help improve its practices. PSPC has identified the need to conduct research among a target audience of companies currently registered with the Contract Security Program (CSP). In particular, PSPC has identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess CSP program outcomes"--Introduction and objectives, page 1.072gccstaPublic opinion072gccstaSecurity1 aCanada. bPublic Services and Procurement Canada.2 aEkos Research Associates.08tRecherche sur l’opinion publique au sujet du Programme de sécurité des contrats (partie 2 - entrevues) : w(CaOODSP)9.87966640qPDFs1.16 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/spac-pspc/P4-89-2019-eng.pdfzReport40qPDFs644 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/spac-pspc/P4-89-2019-1-eng.pdfz[Summary]02178nam 2200361zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860020001682450252001882640122004402640011005623000076005733360031006493370034006803380043007145000126007575000024008835000047009075200388009546920022013426920028013647100060013927100033014527750105014858560111015908560115017019.879666CaOODSP20221107165556m o d f cr |||||||||||191112t20192019quc o f000 0 fre d a9780660326986 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aP4-89/2019F-PDF00aRecherche sur l’opinion publique au sujet du Programme de sécurité des contrats (partie 2 - entrevues) : brapport final / cpréparé pour Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada; nom du fournisseur : Les Associés de recherche Ekos Inc. 1aGatineau (Québec) : bServices publics et Approvisionnement Canada = Public Services and Procurement Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (1 volume (en pagination multiple)) + e[sommaire] atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Public opinion research on the Contract Security Program (part 2 - interviews).  a« 24 juin 2019. » a« Numéro d’enregistrement : 008-19. » a« Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada (SPAC) examine actuellement le processus d’enquête de sécurité pour les contrats en vue d’aider à en améliorer les pratiques. SPAC a reconnu le besoin d’effectuer une recherche auprès d’un public cible composé d’entreprises inscrites au Programme de sécurité des contrats (PSC) »--Introduction et objectifs, page 1.072gccstaSécurité072gccstaOpinion publique1 aCanada. bServices publics et approvisionnement Canada.2 aAssociés de recherche Ekos.08tPublic opinion research on the Contract Security Program (part 2 - interviews) : w(CaOODSP)9.87966140qPDFs1.21 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/spac-pspc/P4-89-2019-fra.pdfzRapport40qPDFs675 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/spac-pspc/P4-89-2019-1-fra.pdfz[Sommaire]01712nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860020001682450061001882640122002492640011003713000033003823360026004153370026004413380036004675000119005035000020006225000022006425040051006645200276007156920016009916920021010076920029010286920022010577100054010797750103011338560102012369.880625CaOODSP20221107165826m o d f cr |||||||||||191115t20192019quc #o f000 0 eng d a9780660329161 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aP4-90/2019E-PDF00aInterim national food and beverage procurement strategy. 1a[Gatineau, Quebec] : bPublic Services and Procurement Canada = Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (27 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Stratégie nationale provisoire d'approvisionnement en aliments et en boissons. a"October 2019." aTitle from cover. aIncludes bibliographical hyperlink references. a"The National Food and Beverage Procurement Strategy (NFBPS) was established to ensure consistency in meeting Government of Canada food and beverage requirements, while enhancing access for suppliers and increasing value to Canadian taxpayers"--Executive summary, page 5.072gccstaFood072gccstaBeverages072gccstaGovernment policy072gccstaPurchasing1 aCanada. bPublic Services and Procurement Canada.08tStratégie nationale provisoire d'approvisionnement en aliments et en boissons.w(CaOODSP)9.88062640qPDFs1020 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/spac-pspc/P4-90-2019-eng.pdf01783nam 2200373zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860020001682450084001882640122002722640011003943000036004053360031004413370034004723380043005065000108005495000024006575000028006815040067007095200300007766920019010766920019010956920037011146920017011517100060011687750080012288560101013089.880626CaOODSP20221107165826m o d f cr |||||||||||191115t20192019quc #o f000 0 fre d a9780660329178 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aP4-90/2019F-PDF00aStratégie nationale provisoire d'approvisionnement en aliments et en boissons. 1a[Gatineau, Québec] : bServices publics et Approvisionnement Canada = Public Services and Procurement Canada,c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (30 pages) atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Interim national food and beverage procurement strategy.  a« Octobre 2019. » aTitre de la couverture. aComprend des références bibliographiques de lien hypertexte. a« Cette stratégie a été mise en place afin de répondre de façon cohérente aux besoins du gouvernement du Canada en matière d’aliments et de boissons, tout en améliorant l’accès pour les fournisseurs et en accroissant la valeur pour les contribuables canadiens »--Résumé, page 6.072gccstaAliment072gccstaBoisson072gccstaPolitique gouvernementale072gccstaAchat1 aCanada. bServices publics et approvisionnement Canada.08tInterim national food and beverage procurement strategy.w(CaOODSP)9.88062540qPDFs971 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/spac-pspc/P4-90-2019-fra.pdf02765nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001681000036001912450062002272640065002892640011003543000062003653360026004273370026004533380036004795000113005155000037006285000039006655000074007045000032007785040041008105201094008516920018019456920023019637100023019867750062020097940078020718560114021498560092022639.857232CaOODSP20230228121111m o d f cr cn|||||||||180531t20192019onca ob f000 0 eng d a9780660267678 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS98-303/2016E-PDF1 aAbeysundera, Melanie, eauthor.10aCoverage technical report : bCensus of population, 2016. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (v, 107 pages) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Rapport technique sur la couverture : Recensement de la population, 2016. a"Catalogue no. 98-303-X2016001." a"Release date: November 13, 2019." a"This report was prepared by Melanie Abeysundera [and seven others]." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This technical report examines coverage errors in the 2016 Census. There are two types of coverage errors. The first, called population undercoverage, refers to excluding persons who should have been enumerated. The second, called population overcoverage, refers to either including persons who should not have beenenumerated or enumerating persons more than once. In the first instance of overcoverage, the overall error is considered negligible. Undercoverage is generally more common than overcoverage. The net impact of undercoverage and overcoverage on the size of a population of interest is population net undercoverage. Net undercoverage is the number of persons excluded who should have been enumerated (undercoverage) less the number of extra enumerations of persons who were enumerated more than once (overcoverage). Coverage errors are among the most significant types of errors, since they affect the accuracy not only of the counts for the various census universes, but also of all the census data that describe the characteristics of these universes"--Introduction, page 1.072gccstaCensus072gccstaCensus data2 aStatistics Canada.08tRapport technique sur la couverture : w(CaOODSP)9.857233 tCoverage technical report, Census of population, 2021.w(CaOODSP)9.92046440qPDFs2.57 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/98-303-x/98-303-x2016001-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/ref/98-303/index-eng.cfm03137nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860023001681000036001912450080002272640065003072640011003723000069003833360031004523370034004833380043005175000100005605000044006605000051007045000092007555000034008475040048008815201361009296920023022906920035023137100024023487750052023727940096024248560114025208560093026349.857233CaOODSP20240702131713m o d f cr cn|||||||||180531t20192019onca ob f000 0 fre d a9780660267685 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS98-303/2016F-PDF1 aAbeysundera, Melanie, eauteur.10aRapport technique sur la couverture : bRecensement de la population, 2016. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (v, 114 pages) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Coverage technical report: Census of population, 2016. a« N° 98-303-X2016001 au catalogue. » a« Date de diffusion : le 13 novembre 2019. » a« Le présent rapport a été préparé par : Melanie Abeysundera [et sept autres]. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent rapport technique porte sur les erreurs de couverture du Recensement de 2016. Il existe deux types d'erreurs de couverture. Le premier, appelé sous-dénombrement de la population, désigne l'exclusion depersonnes qui auraient dû être dénombrées. Le second, appelé surdénombrement de la population, désignequant à lui l'inclusion de personnes qui n'auraient pas dû être dénombrées ou qui l'ont été plus d'une fois. Dans le premier cas de surdénombrement, l'erreur globale est jugée peu importante. En général, le sous-dénombrement est plus fréquent que le surdénombrement. L'incidence nette du sous-dénombrement et du surdénombrement sur la taille d'une population étudiée est appelée le sous-dénombrement net de la population. Le sousdénombrement net représente le nombre de personnes exclues qui auraient dû être dénombrées (sousdénombrement), moins le nombre de dénombrements en trop de personnes qui ont été dénombrées plus d'une fois (surdénombrement). Les erreurs de couverture figurent parmi les erreurs les plus importantes puisque du point de vue de l'exactitude, elles ont une incidence non seulement sur les chiffres des différents univers du recensement, mais également sur l'ensemble des données du recensement relatives aux caractéristiques de ces univers » -- Introduction, page 1.072gccstaRecensement072gccstaDonnées du recensement2 aStatistique Canada.08tCoverage technical report : w(CaOODSP)9.857232 tRapport technique sur la couverture, Recensement de la population, 2021.w(CaOODSP)9.92046540qPDFs1.22 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/98-303-x/98-303-x2016001-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/ref/98-303/index-fra.cfm01786nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450058002032640066002612640011003273000056003383360026003943370026004203380036004465000109004825000032005915040041006235200340006646920019010046920023010236920018010466920022010647100023010867750093011098560114012028560084013169.877882CaOODSP20221107165105m o d f cr cn|||||||||190813t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660321783 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-59E-PDF02aA first complete look at residential property prices. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Un premier aperçu complet des prix des propriétés résidentielles. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"The Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) measures the price change for new and resale houses and condominium apartments and brings these sectors together into one single aggregated price indicator. This infographic includes key statistics and illustrates market trends in the residential real estate market"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaHousing072gccstaReal estate072gccstaPrices072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tUn premier aperçu complet des prix des propriétés résidentielles.w(CaOODSP)9.87788440qPDFs2.76 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019059-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019059-eng.htm01830nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450074002032640066002772640011003433000063003543360031004173370034004483380043004825000099005255000034006245040048006585200356007066920020010626920022010826920016011046920024011207100024011447750077011688560114012458560085013599.877884CaOODSP20240702131834m o d f cr cn|||||||||190813t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660321790 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay1y11 aCS11-627/2019-59F-PDF03aUn premier aperçu complet des prix des propriétés résidentielles. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : A first complete look at residential property prices. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« L'Indice des prix des propriétés résidentielles (IPPR) mesure la variations des prix des maisons et des appartements en copropriété, neufs et pour la revente, en un seul indicateur de prix agrégé. Cette infographie comprend des statistiques clés et illustre les tendances du marché de l'immobilier résidentiel » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaLogement072gccstaImmobilier072gccstaPrix072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tA first complete look at residential property prices.w(CaOODSP)9.87788240qPDFs2.87 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019059-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019059-fra.htm01662nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001681000029001942450084002232640065003072640011003723000034003833360026004173370026004433380036004694900031005055000115005365000039006515000032006905040051007226920019007736920023007926920025008156920023008407100023008637750101008868300068009878560113010558560084011689.878018CaOODSP20240820112647m o d f cr cn|||||||||190815t20192019onc ob f000 0 eng d a9780660318066 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS62-0014/2019-6E-PDF1 aMartin, Steve, eauthor.10aMethodology of the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) / cby Steve Martin. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (19 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 a[Prices analytical series] aIssued also in French under title: Méthodologie de l'Indice des prix des propriétés résidentielles (IPPR). a"Release date: November 14, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 19).072gccstaHousing072gccstaReal estate072gccstaPrice indexes072gccstaMethodology2 aStatistics Canada.08tMéthodologie de l'Indice des prix des propriétés résidentielles (IPPR) / w(CaOODSP)9.878020#0aPrices analytical series (Statistics Canada)w(CaOODSP)9.84299240qPDFs490 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/62f0014m/62f0014m2019006-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/62f0014m/62f0014m2019006-eng.htm01709nam 2200409zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860026001681000029001942450101002232640066003242640011003903000037004013360031004383370034004693380043005034900033005465000105005795000051006845000034007355040058007696920020008276920022008476920027008696920025008967100024009217750085009458300071010308560113011018560085012149.878020CaOODSP20240820113620m o d f cr cn|||||||||190815t20192019onc ob f000 0 fre d a9780660318073 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS62-0014/2019-6F-PDF1 aMartin, Steve, eauteur.10aMéthodologie de l'Indice des prix des propriétés résidentielles (IPPR) / cpar Steve Martin. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (20 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 a[Série analytique des prix] aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Methodology of the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI). a« Date de diffusion : le 14 novembre 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 20).072gccstaLogement072gccstaImmobilier072gccstaIndice des prix072gccstaMéthodologie2 aStatistique Canada.08tMethodology of the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) / w(CaOODSP)9.878018#0aSérie analytique des prix (Statistique Canada)w(CaOODSP)9.84299540qPDFs517 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/62f0014m/62f0014m2019006-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/62f0014m/62f0014m2019006-fra.htm01834nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450076001932640065002692640011003343000033003453360026003783370026004043380036004304900048004665000119005145000039006335000032006725200427007047100023011317750078011548300055012328560113012878560084014009.879885CaOODSP20221107165633m o d f cr cn|||||||||190927t20192019onc o f000 0 eng d a9780660327587 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS92-138/2019-1E-PDF00aDissemination geography unique identifier : bdefinition and structure. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (5 pages). atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aGeography working paper series, x1481-174X aIssued also in French under title: Identificateur unique des géographies de diffusion : définition et structure. a"Release date: November 13, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. a"This document describes the structure of the Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier (DGUID) code. This code is used within Statistics Canada's Common Output Database Repository (CODR). The DGUID is a skeleton key for linking geospatial data and statistical data. It facilitates linking every geographic area maintained by Statistics Canada with data tables that use geographic names within CODR"--Introduction, page 3.2 aStatistics Canada.08tIdentificateur unique des géographies de diffusion : w(CaOODSP)9.879886#0aGeography working paper series.w(CaOODSP)9.50443540qPDFs169 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/92f0138m/92f0138m2019001-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/92f0138m/92f0138m2019001-eng.htm01992nam 2200349zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001682450086001932640065002792640011003443000036003553360031003913370034004223380043004564900066004995000114005655000051006795000034007305200515007647100024012797750068013038300073013718560113014448560085015579.879886CaOODSP20240702131840m o d f cr cn|||||||||190927t20192019onc o f000 0 fre d a9780660327594 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS92-138/2019-1F-PDF00aIdentificateur unique des géographies de diffusion : bdéfinition et structure. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (5 pages). atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie de documents de travail de la géographie, x1481-1758 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Dissemination geography unique identifier: definition and structure. a« Date de diffusion : le 13 novembre 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. a« Le présent document décrit la structure de l'Identificateur unique des géographies de diffusion (IDUGD). Ce code est utilisé dans l'Entrepôt commun de données de sortie (ECDS) de Statistique Canada. L'IDUGD est une clé unique servant au couplage des données géospatiales et des données statistiques. Il facilite le lien entre chaque région géographique tenue à jour par Statistique Canada et les tableaux de données qui utilisent des noms géographiques dans l'ECDS » -- Introduction, page 3.2 aStatistique Canada.08tDissemination geography unique identifier : w(CaOODSP)9.879885#0aSérie de documents de travail de la géographie.w(CaOODSP)9.50085640qPDFs171 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/92f0138m/92f0138m2019001-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/92f0138m/92f0138m2019001-fra.htm02234nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001681000029001932450131002222640065003532640011004183000051004293360026004803370026005063380036005324900035005685000158006035000039007615000032008005040041008325200501008736920018013746920023013927100023014157750144014388300055015828560115016378560084017529.879887CaOODSP20221107165634m o d f cr cn|||||||||190927t20192019oncb ob f000 0 eng d a9780660327600 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS92-138/2019-2E-PDF1 aMurphy, Peter, eauthor.10aPreliminary 2021 census metropolitan area and census agglomeration delineation / cby Peter Murphy, Daniel Ng and Vincent Roy. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (337 pages) : bcolour maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aGeography working paper series aIssued also in French under title: Délimitation provisoire des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement pour 2021. a"Release date: November 13, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 a"This working paper describes the preliminary 2021 census metropolitan areas (CMA) and census agglomerations (CA) and is presented for user feedback. The paper briefly describes the changes to the CMAs and CAs and includes tables and maps that list and illustrate these changes to their limits and to the component census subdivisions. In addition, this paper takes a look at the history of the CMA and CA program and the changes that have occurred since its inception in 1941"--Abstract, page 4.072gccstaCensus072gccstaMethodology2 aStatistics Canada.08tDélimitation provisoire des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement pour 2021 / w(CaOODSP)9.879888#0aGeography working paper series.w(CaOODSP)9.50443540qPDFs32.29 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/92f0138m/92f0138m2019002-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/92f0138m/92f0138m2019002-eng.htm02368nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560860025001681000029001932450170002222640065003922640011004573000060004683360031005283370034005593380043005934900053006365000125006895000051008145000034008655040048008995200573009476920023015206920025015437100024015687750105015928300073016978560115017708560085018859.879888CaOODSP20240702131840m o d f cr cn|||||||||190927t20192019oncb ob f000 0 fre d a9780660327617 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn---1 aCS92-138/2019-2F-PDF1 aMurphy, Peter, eauteur.10aDélimitation provisoire des régions métropolitaines de recensement et des agglomérations de recensement pour 2021 / cpar Peter Murphy, Daniel Ng et Vincent Roy. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (337 pages) : bcartes en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie de documents de travail de la géographie aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Preliminary 2021 census metropolitan area and census agglomeration delineation. a« Date de diffusion : le 13 novembre 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques.3 a« Le présent document de travail décrit les régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR) et les agglomérations de recensement (AR) provisoires pour le Recensement de 2021. Il comprend des explications des modifications apportées aux RMR et aux AR, ainsi que des tableaux et des figures montrant les changements apportés à leurs limites et aux subdivisions de recensement qui les composent. De plus, il propose un survol de l'historique du programme des RMR et des AR, y compris des changements survenus depuis sa mise en œuvre en 1941 » -- Résumé, page 4.072gccstaRecensement072gccstaMéthodologie2 aStatistique Canada.08tPreliminary 2021 census metropolitan area and census agglomeration delineation / w(CaOODSP)9.879887#0aSérie de documents de travail de la géographie.w(CaOODSP)9.50085640qPDFs32.21 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/92f0138m/92f0138m2019002-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/92f0138m/92f0138m2019002-fra.htm02463nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860027001771000033002042450101002372640065003382640011004033000058004143360026004723370026004983380036005244900047005605000113006075000050007205000039007705000032008095040041008415200673008826920022015556920023015776920022016007100039016227750099016618300072017608560113018328560084019459.880215CaOODSP20230207142953m o d f cr cn|||||||||191004t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660328409 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax9y11 aCS11-626/2019-101E-PDF1 aHou, Feng, d1964- eauthor.10aTrends in the citizenship rate among new immigrants to Canada / cby Feng Hou and Garnett Picot. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (5 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEconomic insights, x1927-503X ; vno. 101 aIssued also in French under title: Tendances du taux de citoyenneté chez les nouveaux immigrants au Canada  a"Catalogue no. 11-626-X - 2019015 - No. 101." a"Release date: November 13, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This Economic Insights article examines trends in the citizenship rate (the percent of immigrants who become Canadian citizens) among recent immigrants who arrived in Canada five to nine years before a given census. The citizenship rate among recent immigrants aged 18 and over peaked in 1996 and declined continuously to 2016. Most of this decline occurred after 2006. The citizenship rate declined most among immigrants with low family income, poor official language skills, and lower levels of education. There was also significant variation in the decline among immigrants from different source regions, with the decline largest among Chinese immigrants"--Page 1.072gccstaImmigrants072gccstaCitizenship072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada, eissuing body.08tTendances du taux de citoyenneté chez les nouveaux immigrants au Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.880216#0aEconomic insights (Statistics Canada)vno. 101.w(CaOODSP)9.506764 40qPDFs333 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-626-x/11-626-x2019015-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2019015-eng.htm02725nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860027001771000033002042450112002372640065003492640011004143000065004253360031004903370034005213380043005554900051005985000108006495000061007575000051008185000034008695040048009035200855009516920021018066920024018276920025018517100052018767750088019288300077020168560113020938560085022069.880216CaOODSP20240702131842m o d f cr cn|||||||||191004t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660328416 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ax9y11 aCS11-626/2019-101F-PDF1 aHou, Feng, d1964- eauteur.10aTendances du taux de citoyenneté chez les nouveaux immigrants au Canada / cpar Feng Hou et Garnett Picot. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (6 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aAperçus économiques, x1927-5048 ; vn° 101 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Trends in the citizenship rate among new immigrants to Canada. a« N° 11‑626‑X au catalogue - 2019015 - N° 101. » a« Date de diffusion : le 13 novembre 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Le présent article d'Aperçus économiques porte sur les tendances en matière de taux de citoyenneté (le pourcentage d'immigrants devenant citoyens canadiens) chez les immigrants récents arrivés au Canada de cinq à neuf ans avant un recensement donné. Le taux de citoyenneté chez les immigrants récents âgés de 18 ans et plus a culminé en 1996, puis a reculé continuellement jusqu'en 2016. La majeure partie de cette baisse a eu lieu après 2006. Le taux de citoyenneté a surtout diminué chez les immigrants ayant un revenu familial faible, une faible connaissance des langues officielles et un niveau de scolarité inférieur. Une variation importante de cette diminution a également été constatée chez les immigrants de diverses régions d'origine; les immigrants chinois ont enregistré le recul le plus marqué » -- Page 1.072gccstaImmigrant072gccstaCitoyenneté072gccstaStatistiques 2 aStatistique Canada, eorganisme de publication.08tTrends in the citizenship rate among new immigrants to Canada / w(CaOODSP)9.880215#0aAperçus économiques (Statistique Canada)vn° 101.w(CaOODSP)9.503158 40qPDFs381 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-626-x/11-626-x2019015-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2019015-fra.htm02300nam 2200445zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001771000032002032450132002352640065003672640011004323000059004433360026005023370026005283380036005544900056005905000158006465000037008045000039008415000032008805040041009125200374009536920022013276920021013496920022013706920022013927100023014147750144014378300076015818560113016578560084017709.880497CaOODSP20221107165806m o d f cr cn|||||||||191010t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660328881 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS89-657/2019-18E-PDF1 aTurcotte, Martin, eauthor.10aEducation and labour market outcomes of children with an immigrant background by their region of origin / cby Martin Turcotte. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (36 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aEthnicity, language and immigration thematic series aIssued also in French under title: Résultats en éducation et sur le marché du travail des enfants issus de l'immigration selon leur région d'origine. a"Catalogue no. 89-657-X2019018." a"Release date: November 15, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"Based on integrated data from the 2006 and 2016 censuses, this study examines the education and labour market outcomes of a cohort of children with an immigrant background who were aged 13 to 17 in 2006. In this study, the outcomes of children of immigrant parents from different regions are compared with those of children of Canadian-born parents"--Overview, page 3.072gccstaImmigrants072gccstaEducation072gccstaEmployment072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tRésultats en éducation et sur le marché du travail des enfants issus de l'immigration selon leur région d'origine / w(CaOODSP)9.880499#0aEthnicity, language and immigration thematic series.w(CaOODSP)9.82415240qPDFs468 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/89-657-x/89-657-x2019018-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019018-eng.htm02445nam 2200433zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450147002032640065003502640011004153000066004263360031004923370034005233380043005574900071006005000150006715000048008215000051008695000034009205040062009545200455010166920021014716920037014926920018015296920024015477100024015717750130015958300088017258560113018138560085019269.880499CaOODSP20240702131843m o d f cr cn|||||||||191010t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660328898 aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS89-657/2019-18F-PDF00aRésultats en éducation et sur le marché du travail des enfants issus de l'immigration selon leur région d'origine / cpar Martin Turcotte. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (37 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aSérie thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration ;  aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Education and labour market outcomes of children with an immigrant background by their region of origin. a« N° au catalogue 89‑657‑X2019018. » a« Date de diffusion : le 15 novembre 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (pages 36-37). a« À partir des données intégrées des recensements de 2006 et de 2016, la présente étude examine les résultats sur le plan de la scolarité et du marché du travail d'une cohorte d'enfants issus de l'immigration qui étaient âgés de 9 à 17 ans en 2006. Dans le cadre de l'étude, les résultats des enfants d'immigrants issus de diverses régions d'origine sont comparés avec ceux d'enfants de parents nés au Canada » -- Aperçu, page 3.072gccstaImmigrant072gccstaÉducation / Enseignement072gccstaEmploi072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tEducation and labour market outcomes of children with an immigrant background by their region of origin / w(CaOODSP)9.880497#0aSérie thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration.w(CaOODSP)9.82415440qPDFs492 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/89-657-x/89-657-x2019018-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019018-fra.htm01717nam 2200385zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070400031001250430012001560450009001680860026001772450072002032640066002752640011003413000056003523360026004083370026004343380036004605000125004965000032006215040041006535200230006946920016009246920021009406920018009616920022009797100023010017750109010248560114011338560084012479.881053CaOODSP20221107165935m o d f cr cn|||||||||191023t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d a9780660330099 aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS11-627/2019-75E-PDF00aLead & bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations in the Canadian population. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 online resource (1 page) : bcolour illustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIssued also in French under title: Concentrations de plomb et de bisphénol A (BPA) au sein de la population canadienne. aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references. a"This infographic presents results from the 2016 and 2017 Canadian Health Measures Survey - Environmental data release, relating to lead and bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations in the Canadian population"--Provided by publisher.072gccstaLead072gccstaChemicals072gccstaHealth072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tConcentrations de plomb et de bisphénol A (BPA) au sein de la population canadienne.w(CaOODSP)9.88105440qPDFs2.46 MBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019075-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019075-eng.htm01855nam 2200397zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660200018001070200031001250400031001560430012001870450009001990860026002082450090002342640066003242640011003903000063004013360031004643370034004953380043005295000113005725000034006855040048007195200289007676920017010566920028010736920018011016920024011197100024011437750091011678560114012588560085013729.881054CaOODSP20240702131844m o d f cr cn|||||||||191023t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d a9780660330105 z9780660330099q(incorrect) aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS11-627/2019-75F-PDF00aConcentrations de plomb et de bisphénol A (BPA) au sein de la population canadienne. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c[2019] 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (1 page) : billustrations en couleur atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Lead & bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations in the Canadian population. aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques. a« Cette infographie présente les résultats de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé de 2016 et 2017 - Publication des données environnementales, concernant les concentrations de plomb et de bisphénol A (BPA) dans la population canadienne » -- Fourni par l'éditeur.072gccstaPlomb072gccstaProduit chimique072gccstaSanté072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tLead & bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations in the Canadian population.w(CaOODSP)9.88105340qPDFs2.57 Mouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/11-627-m/11-627-m2019075-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2019075-fra.htm02234nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000032001852450148002172640065003652640011004303000058004413360026004993370026005253380036005514900046005875000185006335000039008185000032008575040050008895200429009396920022013686920021013906920022014116920022014337100023014557750060014788300072015388560112016108560090017229.882009CaOODSP20221107170204m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20192019onca obs f000 0 eng d aCaOODSPbengerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS75-006/2019-16E-PDF1 aTurcotte, Martin, eauthor.10aResults from the 2016 Census : beducation and labour market successes and challenges for children of immigrant parents / cby Martin Turcotte. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistics Canada = Statistique Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 online resource (8 pages) : bcolour illustrations. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aInsights on Canadian society, x2291-0840 aIssued also in French under title: Résultats du Recensement de 2016 : réussites et défis des enfants de parents immigrants sur le plan de la scolarité et du marché du travail. a"Release date: November 15, 2019." aIssued also in HTML format. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 8). a"This issue of Insights on Canadian Society presents a study based on integrated data from the 2006 and 2016 censuses. This article provides a summary of a comprehensive report on the outcomes of children of immigrant parents entitled "Educational and labour market outcomes of children with an immigrant background by region of origin," published as part of the Ethnicity, Language and Immigration Thematic Series"--Page 1.072gccstaImmigrants072gccstaEducation072gccstaEmployment072gccstaStatistics2 aStatistics Canada.08tRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : w(CaOODSP)9.882011#0aInsights on Canadian society (Statistics Canada)w(CaOODSP)9.50740640qPDFs389 KBuhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2019-16-eng.pdf4 qHTMLsN/Auhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2019001/article/00016-eng.htm02415nam 2200421zi 45000010009000000030008000090050015000170060019000320070015000510080041000660400031001070430012001380450009001500860026001591000032001852450176002172640065003932640011004583000065004693360031005343370034005653380043005994900053006425000163006955000051008585000034009095040057009435200531010006920021015316920037015526920018015896920024016077100024016317750055016558300080017108560112017908560091019029.882011CaOODSP20240702131846m o d f cr cn|||||||||191115t20192019onca obs f000 0 fre d aCaOODSPbfreerdacCaOODSP an-cn--- ay0y11 aCS75-006/2019-16F-PDF1 aTurcotte, Martin, eauteur.10aRésultats du Recensement de 2016 : bréussites et défis des enfants de parents immigrants sur le plan de la scolarité et du marché du travail / cpar Martin Turcotte. 1a[Ottawa] : bStatistique Canada = Statistics Canada, c2019. 4c©2019 a1 ressource en ligne (9 pages) : billustrations en couleur. atextebtxt2rdacontent/fre ainformatiquebc2rdamedia/fre aressource en lignebcr2rdacarrier/fre1 aRegards sur la société canadienne, x2291-0859 aPublié aussi en anglais sous le titre : Results from the 2016 Census: education and labour market successes and challenges for children of immigrant parents. a« Date de diffusion : le 15 novembre 2019. » aPublié aussi en format HTML. aComprend des références bibliographiques (page 9). a« La publication Regards sur la société canadienne présente aujourd'hui une étude fondée sur les données intégrées des recensements de 2006 et de 2016. Le présent article se veut un résumé d'un rapport complet portant sur les résultats des enfants de parents immigrants, intitulé « Résultats en éducation et sur le marché du travail des enfants issus de l'immigration selon leur région d'origine » et publié dans le cadre de la Série thématique sur l'ethnicité, la langue et l'immigration » -- Page 1.072gccstaImmigrant072gccstaÉducation / Enseignement072gccstaEmploi072gccstaStatistiques2 aStatistique Canada.08tResults from the 2016 Census : w(CaOODSP)9.882009#0aRegards sur la société canadienne (Statistique Canada)w(CaOODSP)9.50379840qPDFs409 Kouhttps://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/statcan/75-006-x/75-006-2019-16-fra.pdf4 qHTMLsS.O.uhttps://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2019001/article/00016-fra.htm