ARCHIVÉE - Liste supplémentaire des publications du gouvernement du Canada 09-04
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09-04-Supp (Le 6 mai 2009)
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Ce Supplément de la Liste hebdomadaire 09-04-Supp contient des publications électroniques non-récentes du ministères des Pêches et des Océans du Canada.
Table des matières
- Publications ministérielles
Pêches et Océans Canada
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1019. --Data from the commercial fishery for Lake Whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1993/94 to 1995/96, by C.J. Read and W.E.F. Taptuna. Winnipeg, 1997. 37p. (1613 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1019E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1020. --Biological data from experimental fisheries at special harvesting areas in the Sahtu Dene and Metis Settlement Area, NWT. Volume 1, The Upper Ramparts and Little Chicago areas of the Mackenzie River, by D.B. Stewart ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1997. 67p. (2206 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1020E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1041. --Disaggregated inorganic grain size analysis of surficial sediments in the Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia, by T.G. Milligan, T.M. Schell, and K.S. Saunder. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1999. 59p. (3497 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat Ecology Section, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, BY2 4A2 Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1041E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1046. --Trace metal data in water from lakes and streams of the experimental lakes area, northwestern Ontario, 1987-1996, by R.P. Weidman, D.R. Cruikshank and C.R. Ranson. Winnipeg, 1998. 65p. (378 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1046E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1049. --Biological data from an experimental fishery at Resolution Bay, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, June-August 1996, by D.B. Stewart ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 1999. 97p. (3606 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1049E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1050. --Selected chemical analyses of water from lakes in Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve, Northwest Territories, by J.A. Babaluk ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 1999. 13p. (2172 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Cover Title: Selected chemical analyses of water from lakes in Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve, Nunavut.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1050E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1065. --Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes and nuclear DNA genotypes found in North American beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), by J.G. Brown Gladden ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2000. 27p. (109 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1065E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1067. --Information from Arctic charr fisheries in the Baffin Region, Nunavut 1995 to 1999, by C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 2000. 186p. (781 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1067E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1081. --Data from the commercial fishery for Lake Whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1996/97 to 1998/99, by C.J. Read and W.E.F. Taptuna. Winnipeg, 2001. 51p. (381 KB). Graph, map, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1081E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1107. --Prevalence and intensity of sea lice (Lepeoptheirus salmonis) infection on juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Bering Sea, September 2002, by M. Trudel ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 25p. (497 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences and Productivity Division, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1107E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1111. --Data from the commercial fishery for Lake Whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1999/00 to 2001/02, by C.J. Read and W.E.F. Taptuna. Winnipeg, 2003. 60p. (2875 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1111E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1112. --An atlas of the geographic distribution of marine fish and invertebrates in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence based on annual bottom-trawl survey (1971-2002), by Hugues P. Benoît, Emily Darbyson and Douglas P. Swain. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2003. 189p. (87625 KB). Maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1112E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1113. --An atlas of the seasonal distribution of marine fish and invertebrates in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Emily Darbyson and Hugues P. Benoît. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2003. 298p. (41159 KB). Figs., map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1113E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1114. --An atlas of the annual and seasonal distributions of marine fish and invertebrates in the St. Georges Bay, Nova Scotia (1985 to 1988), by Hugues P. Benoît ... [et al.]. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2003. 61p. (1242 KB). Figs., map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1114E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1117. --Enumeration and biological data on Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus, Ikaluit River, Nunavut, 1974-1994, by C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 2003. 38p. (123 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1117E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1119. --Larval and post-larval fish data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, July to September 1985, by D.B. Chiperzak ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2003. 122p. (1653 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1119E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1120. --Larval and post-larval fish data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, July to September 1986, by D.B. Chiperzak ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2003. 161p. (1749 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1120E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1121. --Larval and post-larval fish data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, July to September 1987, by D.B. Chiperzak ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2003. 91p. (1415 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1121E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1126. --Biological data from experiemental fisheries at special harvesting areas in the Sahtu Dene and Metis settlement area, NT. Volume 2, Lakes near the communities of Colville Lake, Fort Good Hope, Norman Wells, and Tulita, by D.B. Stewart ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2003. 111p. (1683 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1126E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1127. --Biological data from experimental fisheries at lakes in the Deh Cho region of the Northwest Territories, 1996-2000, by D.B. Stewart ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2003. 128p. (1708 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1127E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1128. --Electrofishing surveys for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1988 to 2000, by Paul H. LeBlanc and G.J. Chaput. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2003. 46p. (730 KB). Coloured map, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Region, Oceans and Science Branch, Diadromous Fish Section, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1128E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1131. --Biological and habitat data for bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and associated species from stream surveys conducted in the southern and central Mackenzie River Valley, Northwest Territories, 2000 to 2001, by N.J. Mochnacz ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2004. 44p. (554 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1131E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1149. --Distributions of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) fry from the lower Great Lakes federal hatcheries to elsewhere in Canada and beyond (years 1878-1914), by Rodney G. Bradford and C.M. Blythe Mahaney. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2004. 20p. (1110 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Diadromous Fish Division, Science Branch, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1149E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1165. --Data report on sediment properties and macrofaunal communities collected at Sir Edmund Bay, British Columbia, by T.F. Sutherland ... [et al.] Vancouver, 2005. 26p. (976 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1165E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
1178. --Profil des opérations ostréicoles utilisant la technique de culture en suspension à l'est du Nouveau-Brunswick (2005), Par S. Bastien-Daigle et R. Friolet. Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 2006. 42p. (709 Ko). Glossaire, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des océans et des sciences, Centre des pêches du Golfe, 343 avenue Université, Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), E1C 9B6. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/1178F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1188. --Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) surveys in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, 1970-2004, [D. Moore and G. Chaput]. Moncton, New Brunswick, January 2007. 126p. (5973 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Region, Diadromous Fish Section, Oceans and Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1188E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1189. --Biological and habitat data for fish collected during stream surveys in the Sahtu settlement region, Northwest Territories, 2006, by N.J. Mochnacz and J.D. Reist. Winnipeg, 2007. 49p. (605 KB). Coloured map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1189E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1190. --Biological and habitat data for fish collected during stream surveys in the Deh Cho region, Northwest Territories, 2006, by N.J. Mochnacz and J.D. Reist. Winnipeg, 2007. 30p. (401 KB). Coloured map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1190E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1192. --American eel abundance indicators in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, D.K. Cairns ... [et al.]. Charlottetown, 2007. 125p. (1802 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Box 1236, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, C1A 7M8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1192E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 164. --Zoobenthos data from upper Frobisher Bay, 1967-1973, by J.W. Wacasey, E.G. Atkinson and L. Glasspoole. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1979. 107p. (4 080 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3L6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/164E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 166. --Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon), Restigouche River system, New Brunswick, 1972-1978, P.R. Pickard and J.L. Peppar. Halifax, 1979. 27p. (9353 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Resource Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/166E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 175. --Biological data on the major fish species from fifty-nine inland lakes in the Northwest Territories, 1959-68, by R.W. Moshenko. Winnipeg, 1980. 92p. (1987 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/175E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 184. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), in the Cambridge Bay area, Northwest Territories, 1971-78, by A.H. Kristofferson and G.W. Carder. Winnipeg, 1980. 35p. (1256 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/184E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 186. --Data on the walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), and other fish species from Mosquito Creek, Northwest Territories, 1973-78, by M.R. Falk, D.V. Gillman and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1980. 54p. (2073 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2W6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/186E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 194. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1979, by R.W. Moshenko and G. Low. Winnipeg, 1980. 34p. (1360 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/194E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 255. --Data on Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), collected from test fisheries in the Baffin region, Northwest Territories, 1975-79, by A.H. Kristofferson and D.K. McGowan. Winnipeg, 1981. 51p. (2173 KB). Illus., map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/255E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 266. --Exploratory fishing of Bowie Seamount by the automated longliner M/V Viking Star, August 28-September 12, 1980, by E.W. Carter and B.M. Leaman. Nanaimo, British Columbia, April 1981. 69p. (83928 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Services Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/266E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 271. --Hatchery salmonid production and distribution (1978-79), Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, K.A. Newbould. Halifax, 1981. 250p. (11484 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Resource Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/271E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 284. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), in the Cambridge Bay area, Northwest Territories, 1979-80, by G.W. Carder. Winnipeg, 1981. 32p. (826 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/284E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 302. --Fish populations of Carnation Creek and other Barkley Sound streams 1978-80, by B.C. Andersen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1981. 152p. (2626 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Services Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/302E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 305. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1980, by R.W. Moshenko, G. Low and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1981. 36p. (1340 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/305E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 307. --Creel census and biological data from the lake trout sport fishery on Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes, Northwest Territories, 1979, by M.R. Falk, D.V. Gillman and M.M. Roberge. Winnipeg, 1982. 30p. (998 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/307E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 322. --Some biological statistics on Atlantic salmon parr from the Miramichi River system, New Brunswick, E.J. Schofield and J.L. Peppar. Halifax, 1982. 22p. (1151 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/322E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 335. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1981, by M.M. Roberge, G. Low and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1982. 29p. (248 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/335E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 338. --Creel census and biological data from the lake trout sport fishery on Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes, Northwest Territories, 1980, by D.V. Gillman and M.M. Roberge. Winnipeg, 1982. 32p. (1602 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/338E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 348. --Preliminary results of a fisheries study of two freshwater lake systems on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Northwest Territories, by W.A. Bond and R.N Erickson. Winnipeg, 1982. 69p. (2299 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/348E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 357. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), in the district of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, 1973-81, by G.W. Carder and R.F. Peet. Winnipeg, 1983. 77p. (2799 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/357E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 386. --Phytoplankton productivity in the eastern Canadian Arctic during July and August 1980, by B. Irwin ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1983. 151p. (3194 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Science and Surveys, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/386E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 387. --Distribution and biomass and caloric energy in the macrozooplankton community of Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. by J.A. Percy and F.J. Fife. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1983. 54p. (1648 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/387E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 388. --Data from the Arctic grayling sport fishery on the Kakisa River, Northwest Territories, 1971-78, by R.W. Moshenko and G. Low. Winnipeg, 1983. 34p. (2104 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/388E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 389. --Creel census and biological data from the lake trout sport fishery on Great Bear and Great Slave lakes, Northwest Territories, 1977-78, by R.W. Moshenko and D.V. Gillman. Winnipeg, 1983. 82p. (2407 KB). Graphs, illus., maps, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/389E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 390. --Data on the Arctic grayling sport fishery at Kakisa River, Northwest Territories, 1980, by L.W. Dahlke. Winnipeg, 1983. 19p. (551 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/390E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 391. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), in the Cambridge Bay and Rankin Inlet areas, Northwest Territories, 1981-82, by G.W. Carder. Winnipeg, 1983. 33p. (1008 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/391E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 397. --Time and size at release experiment: four releases of three size categories of juvenile chinook salmon from the Quinsam hatchery in the spring of 1982, by H.T. Bilton, A.S. Coburn, and R.B. Morley. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1983. 24p. (810 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/397E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 399. --A systematic list of scientific and/or common names of invertebrates, vertebrates, and marine plants and their respective research codes used by Marine Fish Division, Fisheries and Oceans, by Linda E. Waite. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1983. 150p. (7113 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/399E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 415. --Fish populations of Carnation Creek and other Barkley Sound streams 1970-1980, by B.C. Andersen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1983. 273p. (7637 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/415E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 419. --Phytoplankton data from Frobisher Bay, 1979 to 1981, by Stephen I.C. Hsiao and Nadia Pinkewycz. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1983. 44p. (1613 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/419E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 423. --Phytoplankton productivity in Lancaster Sound and approaches during the summer of 1979, by B. Irwin ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1984. 109p. (2341 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Science and Surveys, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/423E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 435. --Fish populations of Carnation Creek and other Barkley Sound streams 1981-1982, by B.C. Andersen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1984. 66p. (1641 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/435E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 437. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1982, by M.M. Roberge, G. Low and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1984. 28p. (1243 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/437E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 440. --Biological data on Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the Coppermine River, Northwest Territories, 1981-82, by D.V. Gillman and A.H. Kristofferson. Winnipeg, 1984. 23p. (1006 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/440E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 450. --Collation of Atlantic salmon sport catch statistics, Maritime Provinces, 1980-83, by D.A. Swetnam and S.F. O’Neil. Halifax, 1984. 206p. (7254 KB). Maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/450E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 463. --Time and size at release experiment: four releases of three size categories of juvenile chinook salmon from the Quinsam hatchery in the spring of 1983, by H.T. Bilton ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1984. 29p. (928 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/463E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 473. --Limnological and biological data from 41 lakes along the Ingraham Trail, Northwest Territories, 1979-80, by M.M. Roberge and D.V. Gillman. Winnipeg, 1984. 60p. (1261 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/473E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 482. --Surface phytoplankton from 1982 cruises in Frobisher Bay, by Stephen I.C. Hsiao and Nadia Pinkewycz. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1984. 54p. (1608 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/482E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 485. --Biological data on Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) from Tuktoyaktuk Harbour and the Liverpool Bay area, Northwest Territories, 1981 to 1983, by D.V. Gillman and A.H. Kristofferson. Winnipeg, 1984. 30p. (981 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/485E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 503. --Summertime abundance and depth distribution of macrozooplankton in Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. from 1978 to 1983, by J.A. Percy and F.J. Fife. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1985. 72p. (1854 KB). Figs., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/503E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 510. --Primary production and other related measurements in the eastern Canadian Arctic during the summer of 1983, by B. Irwin, T. Platt and C. Caverhill. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1985. 141p. (3195 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Science and Surveys, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/510E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 519. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus), in the Cambridge Bay and Rankin Inlet areas, Northwest Territories, 1983-84, by G.W. Carder and G. Low. Winnipeg, 1985. 35p. (968 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/519E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 531. --Data from the test fisheries conducted in the Baffin and Central Arctic regions, Northwest Territories, 1980-84, by D.A. Swetnam and S.F. O'Neil. Winnipeg, 1985. 77p. (2716 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/531E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 533. --Collation on Atlantic salmon sport catch statistics, Maritime Provinces, 1960-69, by D.A. Swetnam and S.F. O'Neil. Halifax, 1985. 300p. (9635 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/533E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 535. --Biological data on Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the Rat River, Northwest Territories, 1983, by D.V. Gillman and P.D. Sparling. Winnipeg, 1985. 23p. (724 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/535E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 537. --Data from an experimental gillnetting program on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1980-81, by M.M. Roberge, G. Low and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1985. 165p. (7212 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/537E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 553. --Fish populations of Carnation Creek and other Barkley Sound streams 1983-1984, by B.C. Andersen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1985. 61p. (5652 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p .: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V6R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/553E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 558. --The food of ice fauna and zooplankton in Frobisher Bay, by E.H. Grainger ... [et al.] Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1985. 73p. (42971 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/558E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
568. --Concentrations en biphényles polychlorés et en métaux dans les sédiments et les organismes marins de la Baie des Anglais, par P. Bertrand, S. Fournier et Y. Vigneault. Québec, 1986. 60p. (1586 Ko). Cartes, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction de la Recherche sur les Pêches, Laboratoire de Québec, C.P. 15500, 901 Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec) G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/568F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 593. --Seasonal salinity, temperature and density data for the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, 1984-1985, by G.E. Hopky, D.B. Chiperzak and M.J. Lawrence. Winnipeg, 1986. 255p. (4597 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/593E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 600. --1985 Atlantic salmon sport catch statistics: Maritime provinces, by S.F. O’Neil, M. Bernard and J. Singer. Halifax, 1986. 78p. (3994 KB). Maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p. : Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/600E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 601. --Salmon escapements to streams entering statistical areas 28 and 29, 1951 to 1985, by M.K. Farwell. New Westminster, British Columbia, 1987. 172p. (3705 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Branch, 80 - Sixth Street, New Westminster, B.C., V3L 5B3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/601E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 614. --Analysis of Arctic cod stomach contents from the Beaufort Shelf, July and September, 1984, by G. Lacho. Winnipeg, 1986. 15p. (545 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/614E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 633. --A catalogue of underwater calls produced by killer whales (Orcinus orca) in British Columbia, by John K.B. Ford. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1987. 170p. (3624 KB). Figs., map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/633E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 635. --Fishery data from Phillips Bay, Yukon, 1985, by W.A. Bond and R.N. Erickson. Winnipeg, 1987. 47p. (1675 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2W6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/635E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 641. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1983 and 1984, by G. Low and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1987. 44p. (1617 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/641E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 657. --Fish populations of Carnation Creek and other Barkley Sound streams 1985-1986, by B.C. Andersen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1987. 63p. (1329 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/657E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 661. --Seasonal salinity, temperature and density data for the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, 1986, by G.E. Hopky, D.B. Chiperzak and M.J. Lawrence. Winnipeg, 1987. 274p. (5529 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2W6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/661E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 666. --Data on Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the Diana River, Northwest Territories, 1986, by D.K. McGowan. Winnipeg, 1987. 27p. (799 KB). Graph, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2W6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/666E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 644. --Western Arctic fish collections 1983-1986: sample-processing procedures and basic data on individual specimens, by J.D. Reist. Winnipeg, 1987. 75p. (3036 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2W6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/669E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 681. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the Northwest Territories, 1985-86, by G.W. Carder. Winnipeg, 1988. 45p. (1369 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/681E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 685. --Seasonal salinity, temperature and density data for the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, 1987, by G.E. Hopky, D.B. Chiperzak and M.J. Lawrence. Winnipeg, 1988. 167p. (3340 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2W6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/685E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 709. --The Fraser River chinook salmon test fishery: data summary, 1980-87, by N.D. Schubert, P.G. Paterson and C.M. McNair New Westminster, British Columbia, 1988. 205p. (4131 KB). Maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Branch, 80 - Sixth Street, New Westminster, B.C., V3L 5B3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/709E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 712. --Seasonal salinity, temperature and density data for the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf, March 1988, by G.E. Hopky, D.B. Chiperzak and M.J. Lawrence. Winnipeg, 1988. 23p. (741 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/712E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 726. --Water chemistry of some lakes and channels in the Mackenzie Delta and on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, N.W.T., 1985, by C. Anema ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1990. 83p. (3101 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/726E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 729. --Water chemistry of some lakes and channels in the Mackenzie Delta and on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, N.W.T., 1986, by C. Anema ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1990. 71p. (2428 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/729E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 734. --Reported harvests of narwhal, beluga, and walrus in the Northwest Territories, 1948-1987, by J.T. Strong. Winnipeg, 1989. 19p. (1448 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/734E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 751. --Commercial harvests of major fish species from the Northwest Territories, 1945 to 1987, by G.C.B. Yaremchuk ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1989. 137p. (4153 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/751E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 756. --Data from test fisheries conducted in the Northwest Territories, 1985-88, by D.K. McGowan. Winnipeg, 1989. 131p. (4202 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/756E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 757. --Creel census and biological data from the sport fisheries occurring at Great Bear Lake and adjacent areas, N.W.T., 1984-85, by J.B. Dunn and M.M. Roberge. Winnipeg, 1989. 55p. (2199 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/757E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 761. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1985, 1986 and 1987, by G. Low, C.J. Read and D.S. Watson. Winnipeg, 1989. 58p. (1874 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/761E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 766. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the central and Keewatin regions of the Northwest Territories, 1987-88, by G.W. Carder and D.B. Stewart. Winnipeg, 1989. 57p. (1645 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/766E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 769. --Data from fisheries for Arctic charr, Kuujjua River and Holman areas, Victoria Island, Northwest Territories, 1966-87, by P.N.B. Lewis, A.H. Kristofferson and D.H. Dowler. Winnipeg, 1989. 25p. (977 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/769E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 789. --Selected physical and chemical characteristics of Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, 1983-1985, by J.A. Babaluk and M.K. Friesen. Winnipeg, 1990. 29p. (1588 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/789E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 791. --Capture of Atlantic salmon in the Mactaquac area and their distribution in the Saint John River system, N.B. from 1983-1988, J.H. Ingram and B.V. Ensor. Halifax, 1990. 63p. (2734 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/791E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 799. --A collection of amphipoda from the southern Beaufort Sea, Edited by M.A. Keast and M.J. Lawrence. Winnipeg, 1990. 121p. (3208 KB). Glossary, illus., references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/799E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 801. --Seasonal salinity, temperature and density data for Tuktoyaktuk Harbour and Mason Bay, N.W.T., 1980 to 1988, by G.E. Hopky ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1990. 239p. (4317 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/801E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 811. --Enumeration and biological data from the upstream migration of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the Campbridge Bay area, Northwest Territories, 1979-1983, by D.K. McGowan. Winnipeg, 1990. 33p. (922 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/811E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 817. --Catch, effort and biological data of fish, in particular lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), from Prelude and Prosperous lakes, Northwest Territories, 1973 and 1979, by M.M. Roberge, J.B. Dunn and M.R. Falk. Winnipeg, 1990. 58p. (1970 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/817E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 828. --Biological data on Arctic charr from the Salmon River, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, 1979-1989, by C.J. Read and M.M. Roberge. Winnipeg, 1991. 28p. (860 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/828E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 847. --Fish catch data from the landfast ice of the Mackenzie River estuary, March 1985, and May 1986, 1987, by D.B. Chiperzak, G.E. Hopky and M.J. Lawrence. Winnipeg, 1991. 35p. (4054 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/847E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 848. --Data from the commercial fishery for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the Cambridge Bay, District of Keewatin and Igloolik areas, Northwest Territories, 1989-1990, by G.W. Carder. Winnipeg, 1991. 47p. (1398 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/848E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 849. --Fishery data from the Anderson River estuary, Northwest Territories, 1989, by W.A. Bond and R.N. Erickson. Winnipeg, 1991. 69p. (2357 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/849E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 853. --Stomach content analyses of fishes from Tuktoyaktuk Harbour, N.W.T., 1981, by G. Lacho. Winnipeg, 1991. 15p. (1936 KB). Graphs, map, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/853E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 855. --Catch and biological data of fish, in particular walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), from lakes in the Heming Lake area, Manitoba, 1977-1986, by J.A. Babaluk, L.K. Gould and J.S. Campbell. Winnipeg, 1991. 114p. (7331 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/855E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 856. --Catch and biological data of fish from Heming Lake, Manitoba, 1977-1981, by J.A. Babaluk, L.K. Gould and J.S. Campbell. Winnipeg, 1991. 53p. (3278 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/856E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 857. --NOGAP B.2 - chemical data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf, 1984 to 1988, by M.J. Lawrence ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1991. 67p. (2164 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/857E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 859. --NOGAP B.2 - chemical data from Tuktoyaktuk Harbour and Mason Bay, 1984-1988, by M.J. Lawrence ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1993. 45p. (1503 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/859E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 860. --Collation of Atlantic salmon sport catch statistics, Maritime Provinces, 1951-1959, S.F. O'Neil and D.A.B. Swetnam. Halifax, 1991. 270p. (10836 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/860E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 875. --Catch and biological data of fish from Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, 1984-1989, by J.A. Babaluk, L.K. Gould and J.F. Craig. Winnipeg, 1992. 137p. (9944 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/875E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 878. --Enumeration and biological data on Arctic charr from Freshwater Creek, Cambridge Bay area, Northwest Territories, 1982, 1988 and 1991, by D.K. McGowan and G. Low. Winnipeg, 1992. 30p. (1115 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/878E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 882. --Data from the commercial fisheries of Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, 1982-1992, by J.A. Babaluk, L.K. Gould and F.J. Craig. Winnipeg, 1992. 32p. (2367 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/882E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 890. --Fish populations of Carnation Creek 1987-1990, by Bruce C. Andersen and J. Charles Scrivener. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1992. 86p. (2627 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/890E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 898. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1988, 1989 and 1990, by G. Low and C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 1993. 59p. (1432 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/898E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 909. --Data from exploratory fisheries conducted in the Northwest Territories, 1989-1992, by D.K. McGowan, G. Low and D. Pike. Winnipeg, 1993. 84p. (2881 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/909E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 910. --Data from various commercial fisheries for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the Nunavut settlement area, Northwest Territories, 1989, 1991 and 1992, by G.W. Carder. Winnipeg, 1993. 47p. (1352 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/910E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 912. --NOGAP B2 - zooplankton data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, 1987 and 1988, by G.E. Hopky, M.J. Lawrence, and D.B. Chiperzak. Winnipeg, 1994. 225p. (8168 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/912E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 921. --Lake variability and climate change study: fisheries investigations from the Northwestern Ontario Lake Size Series (NOLSS) lakes, 1987-1989, by R.J.P. Fudge, R.A. Bodaly and N.E. Strange. Winnipeg, 1994. 101p. (2427 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/921E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 922. --NOGAP B2 - zooplankton data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, 1984 and 1985, by G.E. Hopky, M.J. Lawrence, and D.B. Chiperzak. Winnipeg, 1994. 171p. (6167 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/922E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 923. --NOGAP B2 - zooplankton data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea shelf, 1986, by G.E. Hopky, M.J. Lawrence, and D.B. Chiperzak Winnipeg, 1994. 231p. (8625 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/923E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 924. --NOGAP B.2 - list of scientific names of algae, invertebrates, and vertebrates captured under NOGAP subprojects B.2.1 and B.2.3, 1984 to 1988, by G.E. Hopky ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1994. 81p. (4223 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/924E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 934. --NOGAP B2 - data on in situ water irradiance, temperature and fluorescence, solar irradiance, and ice algae and related physical parameters from the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf, 1985 to 1988, by G.E. Hopky ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1994. 119p. (3774 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/934E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 939. --NOGAP B2 - data on the meio- and macrobenthos, and related bottom sediment from Tuktoyaktuk Harbour and Mason , N.W.T., March, 1985 to 1988, by G.E. Hopky, M.J. Lawrence and D.B. Chiperzak Winnipeg, 1994. 305p. (11186 KB). Figs., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/939E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 945. --NOGAP B2 - zooplankton, and larval and post larval fish data from Tuktoyaktuk Harbour, N.W.T., 1984 to 1987, by G.E. Hopky, D.B. Chiperzak , and M.J. Lawrence Winnipeg, 1994. 125p. (4355 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/945E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 957. --Data from the commercial fishery for lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, 1990/91 to 1992/93, by C.J. Read and W.E.F. Taptuna Winnipeg, 1995. 51p. (2282 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition is copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/957E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 962. --Data from various commercial fisheries for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in the Nunavut settlement area, Northwest Territories, 1993 and 1994, by G.W. Carder Winnipeg, 1995. 47p. (1450 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition is copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/962E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 968. --Mitochondrial DNA control region sequence variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)), by J.G. Brown Gladden ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1995. 21p. (669 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition is copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/968E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 969. --Survey of restriction fragment length polymorphism variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) mitochondrial DNA, by L.D. Postma Maiers ... [et al.] Winnipeg, 1995. 29p. (1049 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition is copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/969E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 119. --Les ressources halieutiques de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent, par A. Andersen et M. Gagnon. Québec, 1980. 64p. (3201 Ko). Cartes, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des sciences halieutiques, 901 Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec), G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/119-1980F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 123. --Capsule overview of molluscan fisheries in the Canadian Maritimes, by G.S. Jamieson ... [et al.] Halifax, 1981. 33p. (2479 KB). Graphs, maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Branch, Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/123-1981E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 129. --A study of various devices which can be used to immobilize lobster claws, by H.D. de Boer and J.D. Castell. Halifax, 1981. 22p. (2849 KB). Illus., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries and Environmental Sciences Division, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/129-1981E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 141. --Contamination par le mirex de l'anguille (Anguilla rostrata) du bassin du fleuve Saint-Laurent, par C. Desjardins, J.-D. Dutil et R. Gélinas. Québec, 1983. 60p. (2427 Ko). Carte, figure, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale du Québec. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/141-1983F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 143. --Fish habitat protection and planning for forest harvesting in coastal stream of British Columbia: some research and management implications, by G.F. Hartman ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1983. 81p. (5328 KB). Fig., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/143-1983E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 144. --Contamination par les biphényles polychlorés de l'anguille (Anguilla rostrata) du bassin du fleuve Saint-Laurent, par C. Desjardins, J.-D. Dutil et R. Gélinas. Québec, 1983. 64p. (2450 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale de Québec. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/144-1983F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 145. --La pêche au hareng à la seine bourse dans le sud du Golfe Saint-Laurent en 1981 et 1982: résultats des programmes d'observation, L. Cleary et B. Mercille. Québec, 1983. 34p. (1398 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des sciences halieutiques, 901 Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec) G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/145-1983F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 174. --Fish weirs for the commercial harvest of searun Arctic charr in the Northwest Territories, by A.H. Kristofferson, D.K. McGowan, and W.J. Ward. Winnipeg, 1986. 39p. (4272 KB). Figs., maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/174-1986E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 175. --Les ressources halieutiques sur le versant nord de la péninsule gaspésienne: distribution et perspectives de développement, M. Gagnon et L. Hovington. Sainte-Foy (Québec), 1986. 142p. (7016 Ko). Cartes, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction de la Recherche sur les Pêches, 901 Cap Diamant, C.P. 15500, Québec, Québec, G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/175-1986F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 176. --Élimination des déchets de poisson dans l'est du Nouveau-Brunswick: méthodes actuelles et proposées, par W.G. Tidmarsh ... [et al.] Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 1986. 84p. (2737 Ko). Cartes, figures, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division de l'habitat du poisson, Région du Golfe, Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick) E1C 9B6. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/176-1986F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 176. --Fish waste disposal practices and options for eastern New Brunswick, by W.G. Tidmarsh ... [et al.] Moncton, New Brunswick, 1986. 78p. (2318 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fish Habitat Division, Gulf Region, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/176-1986E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 242. --Ocean pasturage in the Pacific Salmon Treaty: fact or fiction? by M.P Shepard and A.W. Argue. Vancouver, 1998. 72p. (151 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: International and Intergovernmental Affairs Division, Operations Branch, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/242-1998E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 244. --Proceedings of a Workshop on Lobster Stock Enhancement held in the Magdalen Islands (Québec) from October 29 to 31, 1997, Editor Louise Gendron. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1998. 150p. (7606 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/244-1998E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 260. --Canada-New Brunswick-Nova Scotia new finfish aquaculture species development program: summary report 1995-2000, by B.D. Chang. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2001. 60p. (10931 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/260-2001E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
268. --Clam resource enhancement in Chezzetcook Harbour, Nova Scotia: a comparative growth study [project update], by J.A. Mooore, G. Robert, and R.E. Lavoie Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 21p. (1319 KB). Figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/268-2003E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 277. --Pratiques exemplaires de gestion afin de réduire les effluents provenant de l'industrie de la transformation de produits marins au Canada Atlantique: résultats d'une recherce visant à élaborer des pratiques exemplaires de gestion afin de contrôler les effluents et de conserver l'eau, les matières premières et l'énergie dans l'industrie de la transformation des produits de la mer, Préparé par C.J. Morry ... [et al.] Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 2006. 106p. (1128 Ko). Photographies. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des océans et des sciences, 343 av. de l'Université, Moncton, N.-B., E1C 9B6. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/277-2006F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 277. --Practical best management practices for reduction of effluent from seafood processing in Atlantic Canada: results of research to develop BMP methods designed to control effluents and to conserve water, raw material and energy in the seafood processing industry, Edited by: C.J. Morris ... [et al.] Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 101p. (1134 KB). Photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Science Branch, 343 Université Ave., Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/277-2006E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 105. --Atlas of oceanographic and ice conditions in the N.E. Newfoundland Shelf and northern Grand Bank, March-April 1990, by C.L. Tang and Q.Y. Gui. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1992. 199p. (5856 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/105-1992E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 125. --Climatic data for the Northwest Atlantic: the position of the shelf/slope front and the northern boundary of the gulf stream between 50ºW and 75ºW, 1973-1992, by K.F. Drinkwater ... [et al.]. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1994. 101p. (15130 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/125-1994E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 130. --Objective analysis of hydrographic data in the northwest Atlantic, by B. deYoung, F. Perry and R. Greatbatch. St. John's, 1994. 104p. (11538 KB). Figs., graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Department of Physics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1B 3X7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/130-1994E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 157. --Moored current meter and CTD observations from Barrow Strait, 1998-1999, by J. Hamilton, S. Prinsenberg and L. Malloch. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 71p. (2025 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/157-2002E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 159. --Taxonomy and abundance of microalgae and protists at a first-year sea ice station near Resolute Bay, Nunavut, spring to early summer 2001, by A. Riedel ... [et al.]. Winnipeg, 2003. 60p. (654 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater Institute, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/159-2003E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 160. --Biological investigation of first-year sea ice near Resolute Bay, Nunavut, spring to early summer 2001, by C. Michel, A. Riedel, C.J. Mundy. Winnipeg, 2003. 35p. (1837 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater Institute, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/160-2003E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 161. --Moored current meter and CTD observations from Barrow Strait, 1999-2000, by J. Hamilton, S. Prinsenberg and L. Malloch. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 65p. (1558 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/161-2003E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 162. --CODIS, Continental and Oceanographic Data Information System: a comprehensive metadata inventory and appraisal of Canada's Arctic and Pacific Ocean datasets, including software and user guide, by T.M. Fyles ... [et al.] Sidney, British Columbia, 2002. 68p. (1544 KB). Figs. (some coloured). Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Insitute of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, BC, V8L 4B2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/162-2002E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 165. --Moored current meter and CTD observations from Barrow Strait, 2000-2001, by J. Hamilton, S. Prinsenberg and L. Malloch. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2004. 65p. (2738 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/165-2004E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 166. --Moored current meter and CTD observations from Barrow Strait, 2001-2002, by R. Pettipas, J. Hamilton and S. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2005. 124p. (10803 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/166-2005E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 167. --Moored current meter and CTD observations from Barrow Strait, 2002-2003, by R. Pettipas, J. Hamilton and S. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 124p. (7453 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/167-2006E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 19. --Mesures océanographiques dans le panache de la Grande Rivière de la Baleine, hiver 1982, par P. Larouche. Québec, 1984. 262p. (5522 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Centre Champlain des Sciences de la Mer, B.P. 15 5000, 901 Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec), G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/19-1984F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 20. --Mesures océanographiques dans le panache de la Grande Rivière de la Baleine, hiver 1983, par P. Larouche. Québec, 1984. 714p. (14929 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Centre Champlain des Sciences de la Mer, B.P. 15 5000, 901 Cap Diamant, Québec (Québec) G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/20-1984F-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 49. --Long-term temperature monitoring program 1985: Scotia-Fundy, Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Newfoundland, by R.E. Walker, D. Dobson, and P. Stead. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1986. 536p. (16548 KB). Graphs, maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratory, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/49-1986E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 91. --Labrador Current variability study: current meter observations, October 1985 to January 1986, by R.R. Lively and B. Petrie. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1990. 155p. (4349 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/91-1990E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 96. --Current meter and pressure data between Hamilton Bank and OWS Bravo, July 1987-August 1988, by D.G. Wright, J.R.N. Lazier and M.J. Graca. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1991. 110p. (3135 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/96-1991E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 97. --Oceanographic data collected from the Henry Larsen in the Beaufort Sea, August-September, 1990, by R.W. Macdonald ... [et al.] Sidney, British Columbia, 1991. 151p. (4316 KB). Graphs, maps, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/97-1991E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 98. --Temperature and current measurements in St. Georges Bay, Nova Scotia, during 1979 and 1980, by K.F. Drinkwater. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1991. 50p. (2099 KB). Fig., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/98-1991E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 99. --Temperature, salinity, and density data from the Hudson Strait region during August-September, 1982, by K.F. Drinkwater, G.B. Taylor and W.M. Petrie. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1991. 48p. (1470 KB). Graphs, maps, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/99-1991E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 136. --USBS acoustic receiver evaluation, by D.L. McKeown, J.M. Preston and W.M. Vogel. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1991. 50p. (2989 KB). Figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/136-1991E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 140. --Proceedings - Oceans Model Workshop held January 15-17, 1992, by E.P. Jones, F. Zemlyak, and P. Stewart. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1992. 418p. (17975 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/140-1992E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 92. --Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay runoff cycles for the period 1963 to 1983, by S.J. Prinsenberg ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1987. 82p. (3036 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Physical and Chemical Sciences Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/92-1987E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 97. --Tidal elevations and the tidal currents in the Northwest Passage, by J.A. Stronach ... [et al.]. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1987. 350p. (9569 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the title page: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Sidney, B.C. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/97-1987E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1553. --Status of the Arctic grayling and northern pike sport fisheries in the Brabant Island - Beaver Lake area of the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, by M.R. Falk and D.V. Gillman. Ottawa, 1980. 55p. (1992 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1553E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1557. --A marine biological study of Brevoort Harbour and nearby waters of eastern Baffin Island, [published by] Arctic Biological Station. Ottawa, 1980. 224p. (7885 KB). Graphs, maps, organization charts, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3L6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1557E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1559. --The walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill), sport fishery on Mosquito Creek, Northwest Territories, 1973-78, by M.R. Falk, D.V. Gillman and C.J. Read. Ottawa, 1980. 35p. (2234 KB). Graphs, maps, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1559E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1575. --Morphometry of lakes and chemical analysis of water in the Heming Lake study area, Manitoba, by J.A. Babaluk, J.S. Campbell and K.D. Rowes. Ottawa, 1980. 25p. (1428 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1575E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1591. --A biological assessment of Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), stocks in the Gjoa Haven - Pelly Bay area of the Northwest Territories, 1979-80, by A.H. Kristofferson, D.R. Leroux and J.R. Orr. Ottawa, 1982. 61p. (2669 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1591E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1601. --Fishing power and ecological impact on Gulf Chondrus (Irish moss) of modified Chondrus dragrakes, by J.D. Pringle, D.J. Jones, and P. Rowe. Ottawa, 1981. 86p. (6531 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Branch, Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1601E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1606. --Stock assessment of soft-shell clams in open shellfish growing areas of Prince Edward Island, by Ginette Robert. Ottawa, 1981. 147p. (9328 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Branch, Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1606E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1607. --Dynamics of an exploited population of bar clam, Spisula solidissima, by Ginette Robert. Ottawa, 1981. 17p. (1395 KB). Graph, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Branch, Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1607E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1613. --A review of the fisheries of the Mackenzie delta and nearshore Beaufort Sea, by L.D. Corkum and P.J. McCart. Ottawa, 1981. 63p. (3232 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1613E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1641. --Atlantic salmon smolt investigations, Restigouche River system, New Brunswick, by J.L. Peppar. Ottawa, 1982. 25p. (1344 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Resource Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1641E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1647. --A study of the ice biota of Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island 1979-1981, by E.H. Grainger and Stephen I.C. Hsiao. Ottawa, 1982. 137p. (4394 KB). Graphs, illus., map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1647E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1667. --A plan to reestablish a natural population of Atlantic salmon in the Point Wolfe River, Fundy National Park, by D.R. Alexander and P. Galbraith. Ottawa, 1982. 16p. (1576 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1667E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1668. --The Thompson River basin - Pacific salmon resources and environmental issues, by W.D. Knapp ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1982. 127p. (5531 KB). Fig., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat Management Division, 1090 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1668E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1676. --Water requirements for the fisheries resource of the Englishman River, Vancouver Island, B.C. by Roy E. Hamilton and G.T. Kosakoski. Ottawa, 1982. 52p. (1551 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: 1090 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1676E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1713. --Relative abundance, spatial and temporal distribution, age and growth of fishes in Tuktoyaktuk Harbour, N.W.T., 28 June to 5 September, 1981, by G.E. Hopky and R.A. Ratynski. Ottawa, 1983. 77p. (2736 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1713E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1721. --The effects of exploitation on the Arctic Charr population of the Sylvia Grinnell River, Northwest Territories, by A.H. Kristofferson and R.D. Sopuck. Ottawa, 1983. 46p. (1606 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1721E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1725. --A description of the major commercial Irish moss (chondrus crispus Stackh.)beds off western Prince Edward Island, by J.D. Pringle and R.E. Semple. Ottawa, 1983. 117p. (3648 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1725E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1726. --Ocean quahaug survey, south shore of Nova Scotia, 1971-72, with observations on a preliminary survey by SCUBA and a commercial fishery, by R.A. Chandler. Ottawa, 1983. 33p. (2511 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1726E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1731. --Some temperature characteristics of stream and intra-gravel water in Carnation Creek, British Columbia, by G.F. Hartman and R.M. Leahy. Ottawa, 1983. 40p. (1223 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1731E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1734. --An assessment of water measurement techniques used in the Vancouver Island salmonid enhancement projects, by Brian V. Lukyn. Ottawa, 1983. 87p. (3364 KB). Figs., illus., photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Salmonid Enhancement Program, 1090 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1734E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1737. --Recaptures of Atlantic salmon tagged and released in the Bay of Fundy near the Saint John River, New Brunswick, 1970-73, by G.H. Penney. Ottawa, 1983. 21p. (8558 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Fisheries Research Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1737E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1742. --HP-97 computer programs for use in benthic ecological research, by Lesley McGhee and D.J. Wildish. Ottawa, 1983. 32p. (1554 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1742E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1758. --Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in American lobster (homarus americanus) and blue mussels (mytilus edulis) collected in the area of Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia, by G.R. Sirota ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1984. 29p. (1932 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2S7.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1758E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1773. --A review of some aspects of the physical oceanography of the continental shelf and slope waters off the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, by A.J. Dodimead. Ottawa, 1984. 160p. (14210 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1773E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1777. --An investigation of the sport fishery on Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, 1982, by J.A. Babaluk, B.M. Belcher and J.S. Campbell. Ottawa, 1984. 27p. (1938 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1777E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1778. --The abundance of ringed seals in the Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf, 1983, [by] M.C.S. Kingsley. Ottawa, 1984. 13p. (568 KB). Graph, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Western Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1778E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1807. --Soft-shell clam survey of the Annapolis basin, Nova Scotia - 1983, by R.B. Angus ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1985. 143p. (3059 KB). Figs., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1807E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1829. --Vegetation, invertebrate distribution and fish utilization of the Campbell River estuary British Columbia, by B.A. Raymond, M.M. Wayne and J.A. Morrison. Ottawa, 1985. 65p. (2154 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat Management Division, Field Services Branch, 1090 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1829E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1832. --Quinsam watershed study - 1983, by G.J. Blackmun ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1985. 70p. (2042 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Salmonid Enhancement Program, 1090 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1832E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1852. --Review of the effects of enhancement strategies on interactions among juvenile salmonids, by T.L. Slaney ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1985. 77p. (3214 KB). Graph, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Planning and Assessment Branch, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1852E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1858. --Population survey of the oyster crassostrea virginica in the Dunk River estuary, Prince Edward Island, 1972, by C.M. Hawkins and T.W. Rowell. Ottawa, 1985. 64p. (1751 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1858E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1870. --Classification of British Columbia salmon stream escapements by species and subdistrict, by R.D. McDougall. Ottawa, 1987. 40p. (1527 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Planning and Economics Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 1090 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2P1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1870E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1900. --The effects of weather on ice conditions in the Amundsen Gulf, N.W.T. by M.O. Hammill. Ottawa, 1987. 16p. (862 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, 555 St. Pierre Boulevard, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1900E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
N° 1927. --Revue de la biologie et de l'exploitation du lançon d'Amérique (Ammodytes americanus), [par] B. Mercille et J. Dagenais. Ottawa, 1997. 62p. (2443 Ko). Bibliographie, cartes, ill., tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division de la Recherche sur les pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/1927F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1953. --Fish survey of Barkley Sound streams, Vancouver Island, by T.G. Brown, I.V. Williams and B.C. Andersen. Ottawa, 1987. 67p. (876 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1953E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1960. --St. Andrews Biological Station publications, by F. Sander. Ottawa, 1988. 37p. (3406 KB). Bibliography. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1960E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1968. --Coho Colonization Program - juvenile studies 1984 to 1986, by R.E. Hurst and B.G. Blackman. Ottawa, 1988. 93p. (2871 KB). Graphs, illus., maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Enhancement Branch, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1968E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 1975. --The Narwhal (Monodon monoceros L.) harvest in Pond Inlet, Northwest Territories: hunt documentation and biological sampling, 1982-1983, by P.A. Weaver and R.S. Walker. Ottawa, 1988. 33p. (420 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/1975E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 1993. --Exploitation et état du stock de mactres (spisula solidissima) des Îles-de-la-Madeleine en 1986, [par] Louise Gendron. Ottawa, 1988. 27p. (814 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/1993F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2008. --Assessment and evaluation of the lake trout sport fishery in Great Bear Lake, N.W.T., 1984-85, by M.M. Roberge and J.B. Dunn. Ottawa, 1988. 72p. (3353 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. The catalogue number (Fs97-4/2008E) in the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this PDF edition.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2008E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2015. --Report of the Arctic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee for 1986/87 and 1987/88, by R. McV. Clarke ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1989. 72p. (4753 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2015E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2021. --Fish survey of S.E. Clayoquot Sound streams, Vancouver Island, by T.G. Brown ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1989. 77p. (1406 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2021E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2041. --Marine migration and natural mortality of North American Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.), [by] John A. Ritter. Ottawa, 1989. 140p. (13612 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Biological Sciences Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2041E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2047. --A guide to identification of Decapoda, Euphausiacea, and Mysidacea from the southern Beaufort Sea, edited by M.J. Lawrence and M.A. Keast. Ottawa, 1990. 69p. (2382 KB). Glossary, illus., references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2047E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2048. --A guide to identification of benthic isopoda from the southern Beaufort Sea, edited by M.J. Lawrence and M.A. Keast. Ottawa, 1990. 83p. (2382 KB). Glossary, illus., references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2048E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2054. --Scientific research activities at the St. Andrews Biological Station, edited by B.D. Chang. Ottawa, 1990. 48p. (5034 KB). Bibliography, fig., graphs, maps, photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2054E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2055. --Le plan d'action St-Laurent à la direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne: orientations et objectifs, par J.-C. Therriault ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1990. 22p. (1255 Ko). Graphiques, organigramme, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2055F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2059. --Assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) habitat in the Sackville River, N.S., 1986, by J.D. Cameron. Ottawa, 1990. 44p. (3826 KB). Maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Biological Sciences Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2059E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2060. --A bibliography of the white whale (Delphinapterus leucas), by Thomas G. Smith and Michael O. Hammill. Ottawa, 1990. 50p. (2440 KB). Bibliography. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, 555 St. Pierre Blvd., Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Québec. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2060E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2063. --Report of the Arctic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee for 1988/89, by S.E. Cosens, J.F. Craig and T.A. Shortt. Ottawa, 1990. 44p. (2734 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2063E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2071. --Coho salmon enhancement in British Columbia using improved groundwater-fed side channels, by M.D. Sheng, M. Foy and A.Y. Fedorenko. Ottawa, 1990. 88p. (3015 KB). Graphs, illus., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Salmonid Enhancement Program, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2071E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2076. --Atlantic salmon habitat survey: enhancement opportunities and problems in the Dunbar Stream, Nashwaak River, New Brunswick, by J. Richard Semple. Ottawa, 1991. 44p. (2224 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Freshwater and Anadromous Division, Biological Sciences Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2076E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2081. --Analyses of selected physical and chemical characteristics of Dauphin Lake, Manitoba, by J.A. Babluk and M.K. Friesen. Winnipeg, 1990. 52p. (4621 KB). Fig., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2081E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2089. --Étude bio-physique de l'habitat du poisson de quatre barachois de la baie des Chaleurs, par B.Jacquaz ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1990. 146p. (4470 Ko). Cartes, figures, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences biologiques, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2089F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2193, volume II. --Impacts of the operation of existing hydroelectric developments on fishery resources in British Columbia: volume II - inland fisheries, by S.M. Hirst. Ottawa, 1991. 352p. (598 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat Management Division, Pacific Region, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2093-2E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2197. --The 1987 beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) Harvest in the Mackenzie River estuary, NWT, by P.A. Weaver. Ottawa, 1991. 23p. (1009 KB). Fig., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2097E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2198. --Guidelines for minimizing entrainment and impingement of aquatic organisms at marine intakes in British Columbia, by Alice Y. Fedorenko. Ottawa, 1991. 95p. (7069 KB). Illus., references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat Management Division, British Columbia, V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2098E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2105. --Fisheries management in Canada, 1880-1910, by Joseph Gough. Ottawa, 1991. 102p. (13649 KB). Bibliography, graphs, illus., references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Communications Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2105E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2113. --An algorithm for bottom window echo processing, by Ross Shotton. Ottawa, 1991. 18p. (2122 KB). Organization chart, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Program Coordination and Economics Branch, Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2113E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2120. --Commercial fishing potential for searun Arctic charr, Koukdjuak River and Nettilling Lake, Northwest Territories, by A.H. Kristofferson, R.D. Sopuck and D.K. McGowan. Ottawa, 1991. 48p. (1976 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2120E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2121. --The use of laser diffraction in measuring the effect of suspended sediment on the shell growth of mussels, Mytilus edulis, by H. Sushko and K.R. Freeman. Ottawa, 1991. 31p. (2122 KB). Figs., graphs, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Benthic Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Biological and Sciences Branch, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2121E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2123. --Preliminary investitigations of juvenile scallops (Placopecten Magellanicus) in Nova Scotia inshore habitats, by E. Kenchington, C. Tétu, and R. Mohn. Ottawa, 1991. 47p. (2735 KB). Graphs, maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Benthic Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Biological Sciences Branch, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2123E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2125. --An evaluation of the use of external radio tags to study the migrations of Arctic Cisco in the southeastern Beaufort Sea region, by K.T.J. Chang-Kue and E.F. Jessop. Ottawa, 1991. 33p. (1192 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2125E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2126. --Compte rendu du symposium et de l'atelier de travail sur le plan de recherches sur le béluga du Saint-Laurent, 5 et 6 mars 1991, par M.C.S. Kingsley (Éditeur). Ottawa, 1991. 64p. (2207 Ko). Tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2126F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2126. --Proceedings of the symposium and workshop on the research plan for the beluga of the St Lawrence, March 5 and 6, 1991, by M.C.S. Kingsley (Editor). Ottawa, 1991. 56p. (1914 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2126E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2139. --Report of the Arctic Fisheries Scientific Advisoty Committee for 1989/90 and 1990/91, by R.A. Bodaly ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1992. 95p. (7066 KB). Map, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2139E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2149. --A database for catch and length composition data related to the Scotia-Fundy lobster fishery, by C.M. Hunter and M.J. Tremblay. Ottawa, 1992. 30p. (1704 KB). Map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biogical Sciences Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2149E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2156. --Distribution spatiale et structure de taille du crabe des neiges, Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabricius), dans le fjord du Saguenay, par B. Sainte-Marie ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1992. 18p. (1143 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division de la Recherche sur les pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2156F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2160. --Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) escapement studies in Black Creek, French Creek, and Trent River, Vancouver Island, 1989, by R.C. Bocking, R.E. Bailey, and J.R. Irvine. Ottawa, 1992. 71p. (1569 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2160E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2162. --Physical oceanographic and biological data from the study of the flushing of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae from Caraquet Bay, New Brunswick, by T.W. Sephton and D.A. Booth. Ottawa, 1992. 64p. (2132 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Gulf Region, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2162E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2165. --The inshore-offshore lobster issue in southewestern Nova Scotia, by D.S. Pezzack ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1992. 26p. (2693 KB). Graphs, maps, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2165E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2170. --Angler effort and catch in the 1985-1988 lower Fraser River sport fishery, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1992. 150p. (5324 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Branch, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2170E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2171. --Fishery data from the Anderson River estuary, Northwest Territories, 1990, by W.A. Bond and R.N. Erickson. Ottawa, 1992. 53p. (1895 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2171E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2183. --Age and growth estimation of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, using opercula, by J.A. Babaluk, J.F. Craig and J.S. Campbell. Ottawa, 1993. 37p. (3314 KB). Graph, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2183E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2190. --Description of water temperatures, water quality and stream discharge in the Slim Creek watershed, British Columbia, two decades after logging, by E.M. Choromanski ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1993. 58p. (1056 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, West Vancouver Laboratory, 4160 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, British Columbia, V7V 1N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2190E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2193. --Echo sounding and fish data from selected sites in the lower Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, by E.F. Jessop and K.T.J. Chang-Kue. Ottawa, 1993. 41p. (1518 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2193E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2204. --Fisheries investigations in coastal waters of Liverpool Bay, Northwest Territories, by W.A. Bond and R.N. Erickson. Ottawa, 1993. 59p. (2079 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2204E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2218. --Cumulative effects of forest harvesting on the Kitimat River, British Columbia, by E.J. Karanka. Ottawa, 1993. 74p. (3445 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: North Coast Division, Pacific Region, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, V8J 1G8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2218E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2220. --Distribution et biologie des phoques et autres mammifères marins dans la région du parc marin du Saguenay, par L. Lavigueur, M.O. Hammill et S. Asseh. Ottawa, 1993. 48p. (3063 Ko). Cartes, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2220F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2224. --Report of the Arctic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee for 1991/92 and 1992/93, by S. E. Cosens ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1993. 55p. (492 KB). Graphs, maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2224E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2226. --Devis pour l'établissement d'une pépinière de plantes indigènes aux fins de stabilisation des rives, [par] J.-P. Meister et S. Bastien-Daigle. Ottawa, 1993. 53p. (21884 Ko). Bibliographie, ill., photographies, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des Sciences, C.P. 5030, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2226F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2226. --Specifications for establishing a nursery of indigenous plants for shoreline stabilization, [by] J.-P. Meister and S. Bastien-Daigle. Ottawa, 1993. 52p. (18680 KB). Bibliography, illus., references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2226E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2234. --Development of a fish habitat sensitivity indexing scheme for application in the Fraser River basin, by Tim M. Webb ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1994. 137p. (4574 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2234E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2242. --Enumeration of the 1993 Harrison River chinook salmon escapement, by N.D. Schubert, M.K. Farwell and L.W. Kalnin. Ottawa, 1994. 36p. (1428 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Operations Branch, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2242E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2247. --The development of underutilized invertebrate fisheries in eastern Canada: workshop proceeding - Moncton, New Brunswick, November 23-25 1993, [by] Louise Gendron et Shawn Robinson (Editors). Ottawa, 1994. 134p. (5979 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2247E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6473) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2253. --Rapport sur l'état des stocks de poissons pour la Région du Québec en Region 1994, Édité par: D. Gascon. Ottawa, 1994. 78p. (4400 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l'édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4-2253-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2257. --Rapport sur l'état des invertébrés en 1993: crustacés et mollusques des côtes du Québec et crevette nordique de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent, [par] L. Savard (Éditrice). Ottawa, 1994. 140p. (6490 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division invertébrés et biostatistique, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2257F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2257. --Status report on invertebrates 1993: crustaceans and molluscs on the Québec coast and northern shrimp in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, [by] L. Savard (Editor). Ottawa, 1994. 126p. (5976 KB). Graphs, illus., maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Invertebrate and Biostatistics Division, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2257E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2260. --The status of biological research on sealworm (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in eastern Canada, [by] D.J. Marcogliese and G. McClelland. Ottawa, 1994. 36p. (1880 KB). Illus., references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli , Québec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2260E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2266. --Angler effort and catch in two Fraser River chinook sport fisheries, 1992, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1995. 38p. (1331 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, 610 Derwent Way - Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2266E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2267. --Angler effort and catch in four Fraser River system sport fisheries, 1991, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1995. 50p. (1991 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, 610 Derwent Way - Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2267E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2269. --St. Andrews Biological Station activity report 1990-1993, by B.D. Chang (Editor). Ottawa, 1994. 56p. (5779 KB). Graphs, illus., map, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., E0G 2X0. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2269E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2270. --Le fjord du Saguenay - un milieu exceptionnel de recherche, édité par Jean-Marie Sévigny et Catherine M. Couillard. Ottawa, 1994. 125p. (5423 Ko). Cartes, figures, graphiques, ill., organigramme, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2270F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2274. --Angler effort and catch in four Fraser river chinook salmon sport fisheries, 1993, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1995. 53p. (1964 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, 610 Derwent Way -Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2274E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2275. --Angler effort and catch in four Fraser chinook salmon sport fisheries, 1994, and a retrospective on nine years of upper Fraser River sport fishery management and assessment, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1995. 101p. (4602 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, 610 Derwent Way - Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2275E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2278. --Observations de mortalités de sébastes (Sebastes sp.) dans la région de la baie des Ha! Ha!, fjord du Saguenay: examens des causes possibles, [par] Michel Gilbert et Catherine M. Couillard. Ottawa, 1995. 22p. (1485 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences du milieu marin, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2278F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2287. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Chilcotin habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 62p. (4947 KB). Graphs, maps, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2287E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2288. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Chilliwack/lower Fraser habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 212p. (19722 KB). Graphs, maps, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2288E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2289. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Pitt/Stave habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 124p. (11055 KB). Graphs, maps, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2289E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2292. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the middle Fraser habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 109p. (9839 KB). Graphs, maps, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2292E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2293. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Harrison habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 137p. (11425 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2293E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2294. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the upper Fraser habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 150p. (12048 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2294E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2295. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the West Road habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 79p. (3025 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2295E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2296. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Quesnel habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 122p. (9510 KB). Graphs, maps, organization chart, references, table, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2296E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2297. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Thompson River watershed, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 165p. (4969 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2297E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2298. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Seton/Bridge habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 84p. (3321 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2298E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2299. --Hydrology and water use for salmon streams in the Nechako habitat management area, British Columbia, by Kenneth M. Rood and Roy E. Hamilton. Ottawa, 1995. 96p. (6973 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2299E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2306. --Revue des interactions entre le crabe commun (Cancer irroratus) et le homard américain (Homarus americanus), dans le contexte du développement d'une pêche au crabe commun au Québec, [par] Louise Gendron et Pierre Fradette. Ottawa, 1995. 57p. (3377 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.:Direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2306F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2307. --Harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) and Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) abundance in the St Lawrence estuary, by V. Lesage, M.O. Hammill and K.M. Kovacs. Ottawa, 1995. 26p. (1678 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Direction of Sciences, Fish and Marine Mammals, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2307E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2309. --Salmon River channel stability analysis, by M. Miles. Ottawa, 1995. 125p. (30408 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2309E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2316. --Report of the 4th DFO Atlantic Parasitologist's Workshop, 29 September 1994, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, St. John's, Newfoundland, by J. Richard Arthur (Editor). Ottawa, 1995. 58p. (2727 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fish and Marine Mammals Division, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2316E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2319. --Economic potential of the MacKenzie Delta broad whitefish exploratory fishery, by L.E. Anderson. Ottawa, 1995. 23p. (1161 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2319E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2321. --Literature reviews of the life history, habitat requirements and mitigation/compensation strategies for thirteen sport fish species in the Peace, Liard and Columbia River drainages of British Columbia, by B.S. Ford ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1995. 358p. (11395 KB). Maps, organization charts, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Eastern B.C. Habitat Unit, Habitat Enchancement Branch, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2321E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2323. --Rapport sur l'état des invertébrés en 1994: crustacés et mollusques des côtes du Québec, crevette nordique et zooplancton de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent, [par] L. Savard (Éditrice). Ottawa, 1995. 152p. (6947 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, ill., organigramme, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2323F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2323. --Status report on invertebrates in 1994: crustaceans and molluscs on the Québec Coast, northern shrimp and zooplankton in the estuary and Gulf of St.Lawrence, [by] L. Savard (editor). Ottawa, 1995. 138p. (6082 KB). Figs., graphs, illus., maps, organization chart, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2323E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2330. --Distribution and preliminary stock assessment (1993) of the Eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus, in the lower Kitimat River, British Columbia, by R.V.K. Pederson, U.N. Orr and D.E. Hay. Ottawa, 1995. 29p. (794 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2330E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2335. --Compilation des rapports sur l'état des stocks en 1994: stocks de poissons du golfe du Saint-Laurent, [par] Dominique Gascon (éditeur). Ottawa, 1995. 115p. (6609 Ko). Bibliographie, cartes, graphiques, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2335F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2335. --Collected stock status reports for 1994: fish stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence assessed by the Laurentian region in 1995, [by] Dominique Gascon (editor). Ottawa, 1995. 100p. (5953 KB). Bibliography, graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Research Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2335E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2337. --A review of the status and harvests of fish stocks in the Sahtu Dene and Metis settlement area, including Great Bear Lake, by D.B. Stewart. Ottawa, 1996. 69p. (1420 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2337E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2338. --Nursery habitat characteristics of Great Lakes fishes, by J.A. Lane, C.B. Portt and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 1996. 51p. (158 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, PO Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2338E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2345. --Habitat suitability assessment models for southern Ontario trout streams: model development and evaluation, by Christine L. Stoneman ... [et al.] Ottawa, February 1996. 54p. (4982 KB). Fig., graphs, map, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2345E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2346. --Quantifying the effects of sediment release on fish and their habitats, by Paul Anderson, Barry Taylor and Gordon Balch. Ottawa, 1996. 236p. (10095 KB). Graphs, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Eastern B.C. Habitat Unit, Habitat Enchancement Branch, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V5B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2346E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2348. --Canadian trap-fishery for sablefish on seamounts in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1983-1993, by D.J. Murie, M.W. Saunders and G.A. MacFarlane. Ottawa, 1996. 49p. (66845 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2348E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2349. --Habitat compensation, restoration and creation in the Fraser River estuary: are we achieving a no-net loss of fish habitat? Ottawa, 1996. 178p. (7155 KB). Maps, organization chart, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 1220-555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2349E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2351. --Establishing fisheries management and reserve zones in settlement areas of coastal British Columbia, by John Millar ... [et al.] Ottawa, 1997. 72p. (479 KB). Figs., glossary, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Suite 360, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2351E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2358. --Adult habitat characteristics of Great Lakes fishes, [by] J.A. Lane, C.B. Portt and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 1996. 49p. (170 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, PO Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2358E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2359. --Decapod crustaceans of Newfoundland, Labrador and the Canadian Eastern Arctic, by H.J. Squires. Ottawa, 1996. 239p. (13088 KB). Graphs, illus., index, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Scientific Information and Publications Branch, Ottawa ON, K1A 0E6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2359E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2368. --Spawning habitat characteristics of Great Lakes fishes, by J.A. Lane, C.B. Portt and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 1996. 55p. (183 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, PO Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A5, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2368E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2380. --Sommaire de la situation concernant l'introduction d'espèces non indigènes par l'eau de lest des navires au Canada et dans d'autres pays, [par] Daniel Gauthier et Deborah A. Steel. Ottawa, 1996. 66p. (4555 Ko). Carte, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des sciences de l’environnement marin, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2380F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2380. --A synopsis of the situation regarding the introduction of nonindigenous species by ship-transported ballast water in Canada and selected countries, by Daniel Gauthier and Deborah A. Steel. Ottawa, 1996. 65p. (4274 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Environmental Sciences Division, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2380E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2382. --Inondations de juillet 1996 au Quebec - identifications des impacts potentiels sur le milieu marin et les habitats d'eau douce dans les régions de Saguenay, de la Côte-Nord et de Charlevoix, [par] Gordon Walsh et Alain Bourgeois (éditeurs). Ottawa, 1996. 32p. (1924 Ko). Cartes, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Région Laurentienne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2382F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2382. --July 1996 floods in Quebec - identification of potential impacts on the marine environment and freshwater habitats in the Saguenay, North Shore and Charlevoix regions, by Charles Walsh and Alain Bourgeois (editors) Ottawa, 1996. 30p. (1808 Ko). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Laurentian Region, P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2382E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2393. --A review of the status and harvests of fish stocks in the North Slave area, Northwest Territories, by D.B. Stewart. Ottawa, 1997. 74p. (1945 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2393E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2395. --The use of a geographic information system to evaluate terrain resource information management (TRIM) maps and to measure land use patterns for Black Creek, Vancouver Island, by T.G. Brown, L. Barton and G. Langford. Ottawa, 1996. 22p. (2049 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2395E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2397. --A review of burbot (Lota lota) life history and habitat use in relation to compensation and improvement opportunities, by J.D. McPhail. Ottawa, 1997. 45p. (9241 KB). Figs., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Eastern B.C. Habitat Unit, Habitat Enhancement Branch, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2397E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2399. --Estimation of the 1994 Birkenhead River sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement, by N.D. Schubert J.A. Tadey. Ottawa, 1997. 45p. (2105 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Stock Assessment Division, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2399E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2404. --Road maintenance activities and the Fisheries Act: a guidance document to avoiding conflict, by C. L. Stoneman, C.B. Portt and S. Metikosh. Ottawa, 1997. 26p. (192 KB). Organization charts. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries and Habitat Management Branch, Central and Arctic Region, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2404E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2427. --Estimation of the 1994 Shuswap River system sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement, by N.D. Schubert and N.J. Vivian. Ottawa, 1997. 60p. (2876 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Stock Assessment Division, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2427E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2428. --Estimation of the 1994 Chilko River and Chilko Lake system sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement, by N.D. Schubert and B.P Fanos. Ottawa, 1997. 66p. (3195 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Stock Assessment Division, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2428E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2429. --Estimation of the 1994 Mitchell River system sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1997. 44p. (2209 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Stock Assessment Division, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2429E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2430. --Estimation of the 1994 Seymour River system sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1997. 48p. (2275 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Stock Assessment Division, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2430E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2431. --Estimation of the 1994 late run sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement to the Stuart River system, by N.D. Schubert and B.P. Fanos. Ottawa, 1997. 80p. (3705 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Stock Assessment Division, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2431E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2432. --Estimation of the 1994 Weaver Creek system sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement, by N.D. Schubert. Ottawa, 1997. 45p. (2288 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2432E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2433. --Estimation of the 1994 late run sockeye salmon (oncorhynchus nerka) escapement to the Adams River system, by N.D. Schubert and B.P. Fanos. Ottawa, 1997. 76p. (3624 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2433E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2443. --Water temperature monitoring in the Nicola River, B.C., 1995: implications of measured temperatures for anadromous salmonids, by L.C. Walthers and J.C. Nener. Ottawa, 1998. 46p. (2253 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fraser River Action Plan, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2443E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2444. --An assessment of compensatory fish habitat at five sites in the Thompson River system, by D.B. Lister and W.E. Bengeyfield. Ottawa, 1998. 73p. (11554 KB). Figs., maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat and Enhancement Branch, Pacific Region, Suite 300, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2444E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2445. --Survey of abalone populations at Dallain Point and Higgins Pass, central coast of British Columbia, 1995-96, by K. Cripps and A. Campbell. Ottawa, 1998. 36p. (7063 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2445E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2469. --Angler effort and catch in the 1995 lower Fraser River sport fishery, by J.M. Bratty ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1998. 47p. (1980 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2469E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2470. --Angler effort and catch in the 1996 lower Fraser River sport fishery, by A.R. Walter ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 1998. 36p. (1440 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 5P8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2470E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2473. --Report of the Arctic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee for 1993/94, 1994/95 and 1995/96, by S.E. Cosens ... [et al.] Ottawa, 1998. 92p. (447 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2473E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2481, Vol. 1. --Riverine habitat characteristics of fishes in the Great Lakes watershed: volume 1, by C.B. Portt, G. Coker, and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 1999. 27p. (771 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2481-1E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2485. --Life history characteristics of freshwater fishes occurring in Newfoundland and Labrador, with major emphasis on lake habitat requirements, by C. Bradbury, M.M. Roberge, and C.K. Minns. St. John's, 1999. 158p. (1292 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Environment and Habitat Management, North Atlantic Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5667, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1C 5X1, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2485E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2493. --A review of information on fish stocks and harvests in the South Slave area, Northwest Territories, by: D.B. Stewart. Ottawa, 1999. 70p. (2418 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2493E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2510. --Preliminary index of essential habitats for certain marine species of importance in the eastern region of New Brunswick, by J. Therrien ... [et al.] Ottawa, 2000. 209p. (88300 KB). Maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans Branch, Maritimes Region, Gulf Fisheries Centre, Box 5030, Moncton, (N.B.), E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2510E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2515. --Report from the roundtable on marine protected area system planning, by D.G. Fenton and M.C. Westhead. Ottawa, 2000. 38p. (532 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2515E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2529. --Angler effort and catch in the 1998 sport fisheries of the Capilano and Squamish rivers, by V. Palermo and A.S. Thompson. Ottawa, 2000. 38p. (8035 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, 100 Annacis Parkway, Unit 3, Delta, British Columbia, V3M 6A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2529E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2539. --A preliminary assessment of wood debris at four log dumps on Douglas Channel, British Columbia: comparison of techniques, by C.J. Williamson ... [et al.] Ottawa, 2000. 85p. (1726 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Simon Fraser University, School of Resource and Environmental Management, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2539E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2540. --Description de la saison des naissances du Phoque commun, Phoca vitulina, de Bic et de Métis, dans l'estuaire du Saint Laurent, [par] Yves Dubé, Mike O. Hammill et Jean Huot. Ottawa, 2000. 30p. (1662 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2540F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2547. --Bibliography of Miramichi, southern gulf of St. Lawrence striped bass and North American studies on the effects of domestic and industrial effluent on striped bass, by K.A. Robichaud-LeBlanc ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 2000. 36p. (2130 KB). Bibliography, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Diadromous Fish Division, Maritimes Region, Science Branch, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2547E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2549. --A review of information on fish stocks and harvests in the Deh Cho Area, Northwest Territories, by D.B. Stewart and G. Low. Ottawa, 2000. 78p. (2420 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2549E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2550. --Checklists of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes and their connecting channels, by Becky Cudmore-Vokey and E.J. Crossman. Burlington, Ontario, 2000. 46p. (498 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2550E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2554. --Morphological and ecological characteristics of Canadian freshwater fishes, by G.A. Coker, C.B. Portt, and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 2001. 95p. (648 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2554E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2559. --Defensible methods of assessing fish habitat - lacustrine habitats in the Great Lakes Basin: conceptual basis and approach using a Habitat Suitability Matrix (HSM) method, by Charles K. Minns ... [et al.] Ottawa, 2001. 80p. (2257 KB). Fig., graphs, maps, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2559E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2562. --Assessment of techniques for rainbow trout transplanting and habitat management in British Columbia, by: Gordon Hartman and Michael Miles. Ottawa, 2001. 145p. (26458 KB). Figs., graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2562E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2569. --Life history characteristics off freshwater fishes occurring in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, with major emphasis on lake habitat requirements, by E.S. Richardson, J.D. Reist and C.K. Minns. Winnipeg, 2001. 158p. (1176 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Fish Ecology and Assessment Research, Central and Arctic Division, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2569E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2574. --Life history characteristics off freshwater fishes occurring in British Columbia, with major emphasis on lake habitat requirements, by M. Roberge, T. Slaney, and C.K. Minns. Burlington, Ontario, 2001. 200p. (1383 KB). Glossary, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2574E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2576. --Habitat compensation case study analysis, by M. Lange, B.C. Cudmore-Vokey, and C.K. Minns. Burlington, Ontario, 2001. 39p. (205 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2576E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2578. --Report of the second workshop on Beaufort Sea beluga, April 22-24, 1996, Inuvik, NT, Canada, by P. Norton and L.A. Harwood. Winnipeg, 2001. 35p. (510 KB). Maps, photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2578E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2579. --Life history characteristics of freshwater fishes occurring in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta with major emphasis on lake habitat requirements, by A.L. Langhorne ... [et al.] Burlington, Ontario, 2001. 182p. (647 KB). Glossary, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2579E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2581. --Inconclusive experiments to determine whether skimming flow influences mussel growth rates, by D.J. Wildish... [et al.] St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2001. 40p. (3345 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, 531 Bandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2581E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2589. --Examining the health of the Hudson Bay ecosystem - proceedings of the western Hudson Bay workshop, Winnipeg, MB, October 25-26, 2000, edited by D.G. Cobb, S. Eddy and O. Banias. Winnipeg, 2001. 53p. (1021 KB). Glossary, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans Programs Division, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2589E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2590. --Charting a coordinated approach to management of the western Hudson Bay region - proceedings of the Western Hudson Bay Workshop, Winnipeg, MB, October 23-25, 2000, edited by: H.B. Fast, S. Eddy and O. Banias. Ottawa, 2001. 62p. (1020 KB). Coloured maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans Programs Division, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2590E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2592. --Design standards for improving fish habitat management, by G. Gillespie ... [et al.] Ottawa, 2002. 89p. (339 KB). Figs., organization charts, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2592E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2599. --Assessing fish habitat supply and potential responses to habitat manipulation in small Canadian Shield lakes, by: T. Frezza and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 2002. 35p. (228 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A5. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2599E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2600. --Analysis of the relationship between fish habitat classifications and topological lake units, by: T. Frezza and C.K. Minns. Ottawa, 2002. 23p. (99 KB). Graph, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2600E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2602. --A review of closed bottom stream crossing structures (culverts) on fish-bearing streams in the Kamploops Forest District, June 2001, by T.J. Chestnut. 2002. 52p. (12814 KB). Fig., graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat and Enhancement Branch, Habitat Conservation and Stewardship Program, 985 McGill Place, Kamloops, British Columbia, V2C 6X6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2602E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2603. --Studies of anadromous Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) (W.) of the Big Fish River, NT, Canada, 1972-1994, by S.J. Sandstrom and L.A. Harwood. Winnipeg, 2002. 39p. (1456 KB). Fig., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2603E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2604. --Proceedings of the 1st Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Forum Workshop, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 20-21 February 2002, by G.L. Williams and O.E. Langer. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 78p. (945 KB). Bibliography, coloured map, organization chart. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2604E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2605. --Review of estuary management plans in British Columbia, by G.L. Williams and O.E. Langer. Vancouver, 2002. 66p. (1997 KB). Coloured figs., coloured illus., maps (some coloured), organization charts, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat and Enhancement Branch, Pacific Region, Suite 300, 555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5G3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2605E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2607. --Reproductive ecology and vegetation association databases of Lake Ontario fishes, by Becky Cudmore-Vokey and C.K. Minns. Burlington, Ontario, 2002. 51p. (175 KB). Graph, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2607E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2611. --Life history characteristics of freshwater fishes occurring in British Columbia and the Yukon, with major emphasis on stream habitat characteristics, by M. Roberge. 2002. 262p. (1798 KB). Glossary, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Environment and Habitat Science Division, Cultus Lake Salmon Research Laboratory, 4222 Columbia Valley Highway, Cultus Lake, B.C., V2R 5B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2611E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2612. --Commercial fisheries of the Sable Gully and surrounding region: historical and present activities, [by] H. Breeze. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 92p. (8101 KB). Illus., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2612E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2615. --The gully ecosystem, by R.J. Rutherford and H. Breeze. Ottawa, 2002. 36p. (2087 KB). Bibliography, coloured figs., coloured illus., coloured maps, organization chart, photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2615E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2620. --Survey of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations at Malcolm Island and Cormorant Island, British Columbia, October 1999, by B.G. Lucas, D. Brouwer and A. Campbell. Revised.. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 17p. (813 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2620E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2621. --Survey of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations near in Lotbinière Bay, British Columbia, March 2000, by B.G. Lucas, A. Campbell and D. Brouwer. Revised.. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 17p. (860 KB). Graph, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2621E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2622. --Survey of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations near Kitkatla, British Columbia, March 2000, by B.G. Lucas, D. Brouwer and A. Campbell. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 17p. (911 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2622E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2623. --Survey of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations in southeast Barkley Sound, British Columbia, July 2000, by B.G. Lucas ... [et al.] Revised.. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 17p. (782 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2623E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2624. --Survey of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations at Chrome Island and Southern Denman Island, May - June 2000 and May 2001, by B.G. Lucas, A. Campbell and D. Brouwer. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 19p. (806 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2624E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2626. --Comparison of catch reporting systems for commercial salmon fisheries in British Columbia, by L. Bijsterveld ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2002. 52p. (1177 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: South Coast Division, 3225 Stephenson Pt. Road, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 1K3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2626E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2627. --Impacts de la pêche au pétoncle sur les fonds marins et la faune associée: revue de littérature, [par] Frédéric Hartog et Philippe Archambault. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2002. 46p. (2197 Ko). Références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction Générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2627F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2635. --Identification of significant marine and coastal areas in the Bay of Fundy, by M-I. Buzeta, R. Singh and S. Young-Lai. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2003. 262p. (59624 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Coastal Management Division, St. Andrew's Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Raod, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2635E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2636. --Enhanced delivery of Canada’s policy for the management of fish habitat (1986)? an evaluation of the interaction between Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Fraser Basin Council. by J.T. Quigley and D.J. Harper. Vancouver, 2003. 153p. (1274 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 401 Burrard Street, Vanvouver, British Columbia, V5C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2636E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2637. --Proceedings of the 2nd Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) forum workshop, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 18-19 February 2003, edited by R.J. Rutherford ... [et al.]. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 75p. (8835 KB). Bibliography, coloured maps, organization chart, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t .p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2637E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2638. --Status report on the Shortjaw Cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in central and western Canada, by L. Murray and J.D. Reist. Winnipeg, 2003. 65p. (1305 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2638E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2641. --Ecological assessment of the Basin Head lagoon: a proposed marine protected area, by Glyn Sharp ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 2003. 78p. (40731 KB). Coloured figs., coloured illus., coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2641E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2644. --Local and scientific observations of Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) (W.) in the Big Fish River, Northwest Territories, Canada - 1995-2002, by S.A. Stephenson. Winnipeg, 2003. 28p. (497 KB). Map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2644E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2647. --Compte-rendu d’un atelier sur la recherche appliquée aux communautés à Mya-Macoma, dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent, tenu le 28 mars 2002Compte rendu d'un atelier scientifique sur les mammifères marins, leurs habitats et leurs ressources alimentaires, tenu à Mont-Joli (Québec) du 3 au 7 avril 2000, dans le cadre de l’élaboration du projet de zone de protection marine de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent, par J.-Y. Savaria ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2003. 116p. (2873 Ko). Cartes en couleur, organigrammes, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction Générale des Océans et de l’Environnement, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2647F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2648. --Discussion on seismic exploration in the Northwest Territories 2000–2003, by Peter A. Cott, Bruce W. Hanna and Julie A. Dahl. Winnipeg, 2003. 42p. (2471 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fish Habitat Management, Central and Arctic Region. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2648E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2650. --Significant Habitats - Atlantic Coast Initiative (SHACI) Sydney Bight – unit 11, by H.L. Schaefer ... [et al.]. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2004. 225p. (6346 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2650E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2656. --Stable isotopes in aquatic systems - sample preparation, analysis, and interpretation, by T.D. Jardine ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 2003. 45p. (291 KB). Graphs, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Stable Isotopes in Nature Laboratory, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2656E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2657. --Compte-rendu d’un atelier sur la recherche appliquée aux communautés à Mya-Macoma, dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent, tenu le 28 mars 2002, par Lizon Provencher (Éditrice). Mont-Joli (Québec), 2003. 39p. (794 Ko). Carte en couleur, graphique, organigramme, photographies, références. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2657F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2662. --An investigation into the consumption of wild food organisms, and the possible effects of lights on predation, by caged Atlantic salmon in British Columbia, by D.E. Hay ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 43p. (277 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2662E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2667. --Capture and transport of juvenile coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead (O. mykiss) salmon past the Cleveland Dam on the Capilano River in 2001 and 2002 with an assessment of Upper Capilano River Production, by R.E. Diewert ... [et al.]. North Vancouver, British Columbia, 2004. 108p. (2692 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Lower Fraser Area, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, Capilano Salmon Hatchery, 4500 Capilano Park Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 4L3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2667E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2671. --Modelling the relationship between discharge and lake level in Ontario’s inland lakes, by Cindy Chu and Charles K. Minns. Burlington, Ontario, 2004. 28p. (992 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2671E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2674. --Annotated list of the Arctic marine fishes of Canada, by B.W. Coad and J.D. Reist. Winnipeg, 2004. 118p. (775 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2674E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2680. --Proceedings of the DFO/PSAT sponsored Marine Riparian Experts Workshop, Tsawwassen, BC, February 17-18, 2004, by J.P. Lemieux ... [et al.] (Editors). Vancouver, 2004. 93p. (3509 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, organization charts, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans/Watershed Planning and Restoratoin, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, Ste. 200, 401 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, V6C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2680E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2682. --Integrated marine planning in the coastal zone of southwest New Brunswick: report from the first focus meeting, November 19, 2002, Pennfield, NB, by M.-I. Buzeta ... [et al.]. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 66p. (5423 KB). Fig., maps, organization chart, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2682E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
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No. 2683. --Synthèse des méthodes de captage du pétoncle utilisées dans le monde, par Mélanie Dionne, Michel Giguère et Sylvie Brulotte. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2004. 39p. (927 Ko). Bibliographie, figures en couleur, photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2683F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2686. --Comparison of Severn Sound fish assemblages in Hog Bay and Penetang Bay, 1990 and 2002, using two indices of productive capacity, by C.M. Brousseau, R.G. Randall and M.G. Clark. Burlington, Ontario, 2004. 54p. (428 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2686E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2688. --Catches of downstream migrating fish in fast-flowing rivers using rotary screw traps, by G.J. Chaput and R.A. Jones. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2004. 19p. (660 KB). Graphs, map, photographs, references, tables. ACSII.
On t.p. : P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2688E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2693. --The Benthic community of Shuswap Lake's foreshore, by T.G. Brown, P. Winchell and N. Postans. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 38p. (1701 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2693E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2694. --Nutrient loads and budgets in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, 1972 to 2001, [by] C.K. Minns, J.E. Moore and K.E. Seifried. Burlington, Ontario, 2004. 56p. (869 KB). Figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2694E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2695. --Modelling phosphorus management in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario in the past, 1972 to 2001, and in the future, By C.K. Minns and J.E. Moore. Ottawa, 2004. 49p. (1107 KB). Figs. (some coloured), graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2695E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2699. --An assessment of the Arctic char population of Tugaat River, Nunavut, by C.J. Read. Winnipeg, 2004. 40p. (172 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2699E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2700. --Harvest studies in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Northwest Territories, Canada - 1999 and 2001-2003, By S.A. Stephenson. Winnipeg, 2004. 41p. (2361 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Management and Aboriginal Affairs, Central and Arctic Region, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2700E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2701. --Streambank protection with rip-rap: an evaluation of the effects on fish and fish habitat, By J.T. Quigley and D.J. Harper (Editors). Vancouver, 2004. 92p. (4191 KB). Bibliography, fig., graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 200-401 Burrard St., Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2701E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2702. --Protocol for boat electrofishing in nearshore areas of the lower Great Lakes: transect and point survey methods for collecting fish and habitat data, 1988 to 2002, By C.M. Brousseau, R.G. Randall, and M.G. Clark. Burlington, Ontario, 2005. 106p. (3878 KB). Illus., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Raod, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2702E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2705. --Biological synopsis of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), By Becky Cudmore and Nicholas E. Mandrak. Burlington, Ontario, 2004. 52p. (994 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2705E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2707. --Aquatic species at risk in the Thames River watershed, Ontario, [by] B. Cudmore, C.A. MacKinnon and S.E. Madzia. Burlington, Ontario, 2004. 132p. (9745 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 867 Lakeshore Rd., P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, ON, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2707E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2709. --Pulp and paper mill effluents as a source of cytochrome P4501A1 inducers in fish of the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, By Patricia L. Melanson, Alyre G. Chiasson and Simon C. Courtenay. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2004. 54p. (503 KB). Coloured illus., map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Region, Oceans and Science Branch, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2709E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2714. --Mapping herring spawn, By P.B. McCarter, K.S. Daniel, and D.E. Hay. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2005. 173p. (1812 KB). Maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2714E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2718. --Preliminary studies on coastal habitat occupancy by lobsters, Homarus americanus, in relation to dredge spoil disposal in the approaches to Saint John Harbour, New Brunswick, Canada, By P. Lawton ... [et al.] St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2005. 27p. (5781 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2B5. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2718E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2719. --Proceedings of the 3rd Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) forum workshop, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 22–23 February 2005, [by] S. Coffen-Smout ... [et al.] (Editors). Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2005. 73p. (364 KB). Bibliography, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t .p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2719E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2723. --Preliminary investigations of the use and status of instream-flow-needs methods in Ontario with specific reference to application with hydroelectric developments, By B.W. Kilgour. Burlington, Ontario, May 2005. 37p. (491 KB). Coloured map, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ontario Great Lakes Area, 867, Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario,Canada, L7R 4A6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2723E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2724. --Significant Habitats: Atlantic Coast Initiative (SHACI) Halifax Regional Municipality – Units 4-6, By D.M. McCullough. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2005. 521p. (42754 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, illus., photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2724E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2726. --Habitat, oceans and fishery management: contributions through environmental sciences research, By J.D. Pringle, L. Murray, and S.M. Verrin (Editors). Ottawa, 2005. 116p. (5739 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, organization charts, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Environment & Habitat Science Division, Science Branch, Pacific Region, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney,BC, V8L 4B2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2726E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2727. --Musquash ecosystem framework development progress to date, Edited by R. Singh and M-I. Buzeta St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2005. 214p. (1311 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, organization charts, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Branch, Maritimes Region, 203 Water Street, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 1B3. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2727E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2728. --Prince Edward Island shellfish aquaculture: the NWPA - CEAA assessment process, By D.M. Keen and D.R. Maynard. Charlottetown, 2005. 66p. (190 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Division, 1 Queen Street, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7M8. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2728E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2729. --Monitoring and assessment of fish habitat compensation and stewardship projects: study design, methodology and example case studies, By M.P. Pearson ... [et al.] Vancouver, 2005. 141p. (1784 KB). Coloured maps, figs. (some coloured), graphs, organization chart, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 200 - 401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2729E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2731. --Application of the NWT winter water withdrawal protocol with bathymetric profiles of select small lakes in the Mackenzie Delta region, by Peter A. Cott ... [et al.]. Ottawa, 2005. 80p. (9749 KB). Figs. (some coloured), graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2731E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2732. --Lake Winnipeg Science Workshop, November 29-30, 2004, Edited by G. Burton Ayles and David M. Rosenberg. Ottawa, 2005. 613p. (37240 KB). Bibliography, coloured illus., coloured maps, graph, organization charts, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2732E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2737. --The distribution of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Canadian Western Arctic, By S.A. Stephenson. Winnipeg, 2005. 37p. (1362 KB). Coloured figs., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Resource Management and Aboriginal Affairs, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2737E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2739. --A survey of geoduck abundance at the Moore Islands, Central Coast, British Columbia, 1998, By J. Babuin. Ottawa, 2006. 36p. (474 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2739E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2743. --Survey of northern abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, populations in Queen Charlotte and Johnstone Straits, British Columbia, May 2004, By K. Davies, M. Atkins and J. Lessard. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 22p. (270 KB). Graph, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2743E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2744. --Guide de référence rapide pour l'échantillonnage et l'identification d'espèces marines capturées durant la pêche commerciale en mer, Par Doris Daigle, Claude Nozères et Hugues P. Benoît. Ottawa, 2006. 30p. (2210 Ko). Photographies. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2744F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2747. --Biological synopsis of the colonial tunicates, Botryllus schlosseri and Botrylloides violaceus, By C.E. Carver, A.L. Mallet and B. Vercaemer. Ottawa, 2006. 50p. (3527 KB). Coloured maps, figs. (some coloured), photographs, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2747E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2749. --Survey of red sea urchin populations in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, 2004, By M. Atkins ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 30p. (348 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2749E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2750. --Survey of red sea urchin populations in the area of Campania Island, British Columbia, 2004, By M. Atkins ... [et al] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 26p. (354 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2750E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2751. --Survey of red sea urchin populations in the Dundas group, British Columbia, 2003, By M. Atkins ... [et al.] Ottawa, 2006. 32p. (369 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2751E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2752. --Survey of red sea urchin populations in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, 2003, [by] M. Atkins ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 38p. (384 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2752E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2753. --Survey of red sea urchin populations off Campbell River, British Columbia, 2002, [by] M. Atkins ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 30p. (337 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2753E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2754. --Survey of red sea urchin populations in Beaver Pass and Freeman Pass, British Columbia, 2002, [by] M. Atkins ... [et al.]. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 30p. (382 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number for print edition copied in PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2754E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2755. --Survey of red sea urchin populations near Robson Bight, British Columbia, 2001, By M. Atkins ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 28p. (371 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2755E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2756. --Survey of red sea urchin populations in Fitz Hugh Sound, British Columbia, 2001, By M. Atkins ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 30p. (339 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2756E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2757. --Survey of red sea urchin populations at Price Island, British Columbia, 2001, [by] D. Tzotzos, M. Atkins and A. Campbell. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 27p. (307 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2757E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2758. --Central coast juvenile herring survey, August 2004, [by] M. Thompson and T.W. Therriault. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 65p. (880 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Incorrect catalogue number (97-4/2758E) printed on this publication.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2758E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2759. --Potential impacts of inshore hydraulic clam dredges on inshore area habitat with focus on lobster habitat, [by] C.M. Hawkins. Ottawa, 2006. 39p. (1334 KB). Maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2759E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2760. --Révision des identifications de poissons faites lors des relevés scientifiques annuels de l'abondance des poissons de fond et de la crevette nordique dans l'estuaire et le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent, [par] J.-D. Dutil ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2006. 99p. (2523 Ko). Carte, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction Générale des Océans et de l’Environnement, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2760F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2761. --Adult Chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Cowichan River during 2003, By D.A. Nagtegaal, E.W. Carter and N.K. Hop Wo. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 61p. (393 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2761E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2763. --Bathymetric distributions of Pacific Ocean Perch (Sebastes alutus) off British Columbia. II. size compositions, by sex, and sex ratios, for specimens caught by off-bottom and on-bottom trawl in Hecate Strait, Queen Charlotte Sound, and off West Vancouver Island, 1969-89, By S.J. Westrheim and R.D. Stanley. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 112p. (1536 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2763E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2764. --Bathymetric distributions of Pacific Ocean Perch (Sebastes alutus) off British Columbia. I. mean length-at-age versus depth for specimens caught by on-bottom trawl off Northwest Queen Charlotte Islands and in Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound, 1966-78, By S.J. Westrheim and R.D. Stanley. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 86p. (893 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2764E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2765. --Adult Chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Cowichan River during 2004, By D.A. Nagtegaal, E.W. Carter, and N.K. Hop Wo. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 62p. (266 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2765E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2766. --Adult Chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Nanaimo River during 2004, By N.K. Hop Wo, E.W. Carter, and I. Matthews. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 53p. (455 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2766E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2767. --1997 juvenile and adult enumeration studies of coho salmon at Black Creek, Vancouver Island, By J.A. Taylor, S.J. Baillie and K. Simpson. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 45p. (418 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2767E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2768. --Rapid assessment of the effectiveness of engineered off-channel habitats in the southern interior of British Columbia for coho salmon production, By M.S. Cooperman ... [et al.] Vancouver, 2006. 37p. (409 KB). Coloured figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 200 - 401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2768E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2770. --Application of the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network and Reference Condition Approach to Canada’s Pacific wild salmon policy, By M.A. Branton, M.M. Manson and R.V. Galbraith. Vancouver, 2006. 37p. (1142 KB). Graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 200 - 401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2770E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2771. --Fish catch data from offshore sites in the Mackenzie River estuary and Beaufort Sea during the open water season, August 2004 aboard the CCGS Nahidik, By A.R. Majewski, J.D. Reist and J.E. Sareault. Winnipeg, 2006. 45p. (705 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Central and Arctic Region, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2771E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2772. --Fish assemblages surveys of the lower Thames River, Ontario, using multiple gear types - 2003-2004, By Amy Edwards and Nicholas E. Mandrak. Burlington, Ontario, 2006. 102p. (2073 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2772E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2773. --Fish assemblages surveys of Rondeau Bay, Ontario - 2004-2005, By Amy Edwards, Jason Barnucz and Nicholas E. Mandrak. Burlington, Ontario, 2006. 48p. (792 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2773E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2776. --Survey of the status of black redhorse (moxostoma duquesnei), and spotted gar (lepisosteus oculatus), in Canada, 2002, By N.E. Mandrak ... [et al.] Burlington, Ontario, 2006. 45p. (2313 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2776E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2777. --Survey of the fish assemblages of St. Lawrence Islands National Park in 2005, By N.E. Mandrak, J. Barnucz and D. Marson. Burlington, Ontario, 2006. 22p. (370 KB). Coloured maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2777E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2779. --Targeted, wadeable sampling of fish species at risk in the Lake St. Clair watershed of southwestern Ontario, 2003, By N.E. Mandrak ... [et al.] Burlington, Ontario, 2006. 32p. (320 KB). Coloured map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bayfield Institute, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5000, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 4A6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2779E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2782. --Queen Charlotte Sound groundfish bottom trawl survey, July 3rd to August 10th, 2003, By N. Olsen, G.D. Workman, R.D. Stanley. Burlington, Ontario, 2007. 66p. (1054 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2782E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2783. --Queen Charlotte Sound groundfish bottom trawl survey, July 5th to August 9th, 2004, By N. Olsen, G.D. Workman, R.D. Stanley. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2007. 68p. (823 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2783E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2784. --Queen Charlotte Sound groundfish bottom trawl survey, July 5th to August 9th, 2005, By N. Olsen, G.D. Workman, R.D. Stanley. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2007. 66p. (816 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2784E-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2785. --Adult chinook escapement assessment conducted on the Nanaimo River during 2005, By N.K. Hop Wo, E.W. Carter and I.P. Matthews. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2007. 55p. (452 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2785E-PDF -
Rapport manuscrit canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6589) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
No. 2786. --Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides - revue de littérature et situation aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine, [par] Nathalie Simard, Nathalie Paille et Chris W. McKindsey. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2007. 50p. (951 Ko). Cartes en couleur, figure, graphique, photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850, route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-4/2786F-PDF -
Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2788. --Biological synopsis of the invasive tunicate Didemnum sp. By K.S. Daniel and T.W. Therriault. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2007. 61p. (1443 KB). Coloured maps, illus., photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Pacific Biological Station, 3190 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-4/2788E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2614. --Canadian Electricity Association / Fisheries and Oceans Canada Science Workshop proceedings: setting research priorities on hydroelectricity and fish or fish habitat, St. John's Newfoundland, June, 2004, Editor: M.G. Stoneman. Ottawa, 2005. 146p. (552 KB). Graph, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Environment and Biodiversity Science, 200 Kent Street, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0E6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2614E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2624. --The Community Aquatic Monitoring Project (CAMP) for measuring marine environmental health in coastal waters of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence: 2004 overview, by J. Weldon ... [et al.]. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2005. 65p. (8922 KB). Fig., graphs, illus., maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Habitat Division, Oceans and Sciences Branch, Gulf Fisheries Centre, 343 Université Avenue, Moncton (New Brunswick), E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2624E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2630. --Evaluation of spawning period and spat collection of the northernmost population of European oysters (Ostrea edulis L.) on the Canadian Atlantic coast, [by] E. Bataller ... [et al.]. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 34p. (1224 KB). Fig., graphs, map, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Centre, Oceans and Science Branch, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2630E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2632. --Fish habitat compensation to achieve no net loss: review of past practices and proposed future directions, by J.T. Quigley, D.J. Harper, and R.V. Galbraith Vancouver, 2006. 30p. (265 KB). Fig. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, 200 - 401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3S4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2632E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2642. --Effect of a change in physical structue and cover on fish and fish habitat, by K.E. Smokorowski and T.C. Pratt. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 2006. 58p. (309 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1 Canal Drive, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 6W4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2642E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2645. --Lobsters and other invertebrates in relation to bottom habitat in the Bras d'Or Lakes: application of video and SCUBA transects, by M. John Tremblay, K. Paul and P Lawton. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2005. 52p. (2, 118 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t .p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2645E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2649. --Evaluation of the Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP) to assess the health of four coastal areas within the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence with special reference to the impacts of effluent from seafood processing plants, by M.H. Thériault ... [et al.] Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 71p. (564 KB). Coloured maps, figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Centre, Oceans and Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2649E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2655. --Eggs per recruit as a management indicator for the Canadian lobster fishery, by Robert J. Miller and Charles G. Hannah Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 21p. (249 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2655E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2658. --Spatial and temporal faecal coliform variations in surface water, sediments and cultivated oyster's meat, Crassostrea virginica, from Richibucto estuary, New Brunswick, [by] R. Sonier ... [et al.]. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 39p. (404 KB). Graphs, illus., map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Gulf Fisheries Centre, Oceans and Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2658E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2668. --Nutrients and phytoplankton in Prince Edward Island inlets during late summer to fall: 2001-2003, by Stephen S. Bates and Peter M. Strain. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 149p. (5, 164 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2668E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2669. --Canadian tagging of commercial groundfish and small pelagic fish in the vicinity of the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1953-1985, by Wayne T. Stobo and G. Mark Fowler. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 151p. (5, 296 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t .p.: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, N.S., B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2669E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2672. --Bayesian serial linear regression models for forcasting the short-term abundance of commercial snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), by T.J. Surette and E. Wade. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 41p. (629 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Region, Oceans and Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2672E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2675. --Development of a strand-specific RT-PCR assay for ISAV, by R.J. Ritchie and N. Gagné. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 32p. (1, 866 KB). Figs., photographs, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Center, 343 Université Avenue, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2675E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2676. --Development of rapid typing methods for teleost pathogens, by M. Cook-Versloot ... [et al.] Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 44p. (681 KB). Figs., references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Center, 343 Université Avenue, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2676E-PDF
Direction de la gestion de l'habitat du poisson
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
697. --Modifications physiques de l'habitat du poisson dans le Saint-Laurent de 1945 à 1984 et effets sur les pêches commerciales: données complémentaires sur les pêches commerciales en eau douce au Québec, par J.A. Robitaille ... [et al.] Québec, 1988. 40p. (2014 Ko). Graphiques. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division de l'habitat du poisson, Direction de la gestion des pêches et de l'habitat, 901, Cap Diamant, C.P. 15 500, Québec, Québec, G1K 7Y7. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/697F-PDF
Direction de l'économique, de la statistique et de l'informatique
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 540. --Scotia-Fundy region fishing community profiles, Edited by Janice L. Raymond. Halifax, 1985. 468p. (15820 KB). Graphs, map. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Scotia-Fundy Region, Economics Branch, 1649 Hollis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/540E-PDF
Direction régionale des sciences
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1017. --Temperatures in the Nadina River and Slim Creek watersheds, 1993-1996, by Bruce C. Andersen, J. Stevenson Macdonald, and L. Bruce MacDonald. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1997. 55p. (4133 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1017E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1061. --Temperatures in five tributary streams and the Middle River, and data from one meteorological station in the Stuart-Takla watershed, 1996-1999, by Bruce C. Andersen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2000. 83p. (5513 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1061E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1078. --A compendium of historic physical variable observations including air temperature, water temperature, river discharge, and dissolved oxygen conditions in selected portions of the Okanagan Basin in Canada and the United States, by M.M. Stockwell, K.D. Hyatt and D.P. Rankin. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2001. 91p. (2214 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1078E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1106. --A summary of Okanagan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) escapement survey observations by date and river segment from 1947 to 2001, by M.M. Stockwell and K.D. Hyatt. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2003. 41p. (631 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1106E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1123. --Release of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon into Inner Bay of Fundy Rivers from 1990 to 2002, by A.J.F. Gibson, J. Bryan and P. Amiro. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 34p. (2161 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Diadromous Fish Division, Science Branch, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1123E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1125. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, June 27 to July 6, 2000, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 117p. (1934 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1125E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1134. --Glendale River daily water temperature, 1998-2003, by T. Sweeten. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 53p. (484 KB). Graphs, maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1134E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1135. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, June 14-24, 2001, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 93p. (1684 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1135E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1136. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, October 9 to November 5, 2001, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 152p. (2458 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1136E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1137. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, August 15-26, 2002, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 128p. (2098 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1137E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1138. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, October 17 to November 9, 2002, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 129p. (2132 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1138E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1139. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, February 14-26, 2003, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 72p. (1322 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1139E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1141. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, October 4-30, 2000, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 212p. (738 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1141E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1142. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, March 9-24, 2001, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 74p. (1365 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1142E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1143. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, February 27 to March 17, 2002, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 61p. (1215 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1143E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1144. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, June 9-11, 2003, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 61p. (800 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1144E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1145. --CCGS W.E. Ricker Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, October 8-27, 2003, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 124p. (2004 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1145E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1146. --F.V. Ocean Selector Gulf of Alaska salmon survey, June 16-28, 2002, by D.W. Welch ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 78p. (1441 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1146E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1151. --The joint USA-Canada echo integration-trawl survey from June 24 to September 8, 2003: a report on the catch and biological data collected for pacific salmon off Southeast Alaska, by J.F.T. Morris ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 51p. (312 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1151E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1154. --Biological and oceanographic data from the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program associated with salmon farm sites on the west coast of Canada in 1999, by N. Haigh, J.N.C. Whyte, and K.L. Sherry. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 164p. (1765 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1154E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1155. --Biological and oceanographic data from the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program associated with salmon farm sites on the west coast of Canada in 2000, by N. Haigh, J.N.C. Whyte, and K.L. Sherry. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 314p. (2666 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1155E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1156. --Biological and oceanographic data from the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program associated with salmon farm sites on the west coast of Canada in 2001, by N. Haigh, J.N.C. Whyte, and K.L. Sherry. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 353p. (3116 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1156E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1157. --Biological and oceanographic data from the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program associated with salmon farm sites on the west coast of Canada in 2002, by N. Haigh, J.N.C. Whyte, and K.L. Sherry. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 168p. (3330 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1157E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1158. --Biological and oceanographic data from the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program associated with salmon farm sites on the west coast of Canada in 2003, by N. Haigh, J.N.C. Whyte, and K.L. Sherry. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2004. 114p. (2578 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1158E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1163. --Data report for the research cruise onboard the CCGS John P. Tully and The F/V double Decker to Bowie Seamount and Queen Charlotte Islands, July 31st to August 14th 2000, by K.L. Yamanaka. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2005. 55p. (990 KB). Coloured map, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1163E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1164. --Commentary on the management of fish habitat in northern Canada: information requirements and policy considerations regarding diamond, oil sands and placer mining - literature search, by N.Y. Khan, I.K. Birtwell, and S.C. Samis. Vancouver, 2005. 271p. (2110 KB). References. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Marine Environment and Habitat Science Division, Freshwater Habitat Section, West Vancouver Laboratory, 4160 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1164E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1173. --Halibut length-weight data from the southern British Columbia recreational fishery, 2000-2004, by W. Shaw, C. Jordan, and K. Hein. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 25p. (700 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1173E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1174. --Results of a three-year (1996 to 1998) limnological study of Takla, Trembleur, and Stuart Lakes, by K. Malange, K.S. Shortreed, and K.F. Morton. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2005. 99p. (1660 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Cultus Lake Salmon Research Laboratory, 4222 Columbia Valley Highway, Cultus Lake, B.C., V2R 5B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1174E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1177. --Summary of British Columbia herring biological sampling data for the 2002-2003 season, by P. Midgley and J. Schweigert. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 104p. (824 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1177E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1179. --Coastal temperature monitoring program for 2003 and 2004, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Gilles Paulin, Fernand Savoie and Michel Comeau. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2005. 197p. (1078 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans & Science Branch, Gulf Region, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, ElC 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1179E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1180. --Summary of British Columbia herring biological sampling data for the 2003-2004 season, by P. Midgley and J. Schweigert. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 90p. (744 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1180E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1181. --Data report on the distribution and density of two eelgrass species, Zostera marina and Zostera japonica, on Roberts Bank, British Columbia, by T.F. Sutherland ... [et al.] Vancouver, 2006. 32p. (314 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Marine Ecosystems and Aquaculture Division, DFO-UBC Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research, 4160 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C., V7V 1N6, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1181E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1182. --Biological results of the Strait of Georgia spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) longline survey October 18-31, 2005, [by] G.A. McFarlane, J.R. King, and V.R. Hodes. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 30p. (145 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1182E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1183. --Preliminary survey of indigenous, non-indigenous and cryptogenic benthic invertebrates in Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, British Columbia, by N.B. Richoux ... [et al.] Vancouver, 2006. 26p. (170 KB). Graph, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, DFO-UBC Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research, 4160 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C., V7V 1N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1183E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 879. --Intercalibration of organochlorine residues in biota, by G.A. Phillips and B.T. Hargrave. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1992. 70p. (2952 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, BY2 4A2 Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/879E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 899. --R/V W.E. RICKER juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) survey off the southern coast of Vancouver Island, September 21-October 2, 1992, by C.M. Hand ... [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 1993. 82p. (1874 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Sciences Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5K6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/899E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 980. --Long-term monitoring program: Indian Point and Sambro, Nova Scotia, for the period of July 1992 to December 1994, by P.D. Keizer ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1996. 28p. (2009 KB). Graphs, maps, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Insitute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/980E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 142. --Distribution and abundance of the ocean quahaug (Arctica islandica) and Stimpson's surf clam (Spisula polynyma) resource on the Scotian Shelf, by T.W. Rowell and D.R. Chaisson. Halifax, 1983. 78p. (3880 KB). Fig., maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Supported by Fisheries Development Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/142-1983E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 155. --Distribution, abundance, population structure, and meat yield of the ocean quahaug (Arctica islandica) and Stimpson's surf clam (Spisula polynyma) on the Scotian Shelf and Georges Bank, by D.R. Chaisson and T.W. Rowell. Halifax, 1985. 136p. (3121 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Branch, Scotia-Fundy Region, Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/155-1985E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 202. --Enquête sur la pêche au maquereau (Scomber scombrus) à la senne dans le sud du Golfe du Saint-Laurent, [par] Alain Armellin ... [et al.]. Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 1990. 36p. (1828 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des Sciences biologiques, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/202-1990F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
N° 202. --Survey of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) seine fishing in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, [by] Alain Armellin ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1990. 34p. (1279 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/202-1990E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 215. --Exploratory survey for small Arctic surfclams on the eastern Scotian Shelf, by D.L. Roddick and D. Lemon. Halifax, 1992. 42p. (1789 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Industry Services and Native Fisheries Branch, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/215-1992E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 219. --Pêche et caractéristiques biologiques du capelin (Mallotus villosus) dans le Golfe du Saint-Laurent 1984-1992, [par] S. Hurtubise. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 34p. (1861 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des Sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/219-1993F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 219. --Fishery and biological characteristics of the capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1984-1992, [by] S. Hurtubise. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1993. 34p. (2099 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/219-1993E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 220. --Contenu en gras chez le maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.) en 1991 et 1992, par F. Grégoire, H. Dionne et C. Lévesque. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1994. 82p. (3438 Ko). Figure, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/220-1994F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
N° 220. --Fat content of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in 1991 and 1992, by F. Grégoire, H. Dionne and C. Lévesque. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1994. 82p. (3344 KB). Figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/220-1994E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 223. --Pêcherie du homard dans le sud du golfe du Saint-Laurent: feuilles sommaires pour 1993, [par] M. Lanteigne ... [et al.]. Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 1994. 23p. (2006 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des Sciences, Région du Golfe, Centre des Pêches du Golfe, C.P. 5030, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/223-1994F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 223. --Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence lobster fishery: 1993 summary sheets, [by] M. Lanteigne ... [et al.]. Moncton, New Brunswick, 1994. 23p. (2458 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Gulf Region, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Monctonc, New Brunwick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/223-1994E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
243. --Débarquements commerciaux et prises accessoires de baudroie (Lophius americanus) et de grosse poule de mer (Cyclopterus lumpus) dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, [par] François Grégoire. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1998. 74p. (3082 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/243-1998F-PDF -
Rapport canadien à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.
N° 247. --Bilan du programme de recherche sur le pétoncle à des fins d'élevage et de repeuplement (REPERE) de 1990 à 1997, [par] Georges Cliche and [sic] Michel Giguère. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1998. 86p. (8201 Ko). Carte, figure, glossaire, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/247-1998F-PDF -
Rapport canadien à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.
N° 253. --Conditions printanières de température et de salinité en relation avec la migration du maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.), [par] Denis Bernier, Don Aldous et François Grégoire. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2000. 50p. (2356 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l'édition imprimée est copiée dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/253-2000-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 257. --La remise à l'eau des crabes des neiges (Chionoecetes opilio) adolescents durant la pêche: description et essais de la méthode utilisée, [par] Luc Bourassa et Réjean Dufour. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2000. 48p. (3316 Ko). Cartes, figures, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/257-2000F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 261. --Conception et mise en place de récifs artificiels pour le homard (Homarus americanus): revue des essais et recommandations, [par] Nathalie Paille et Louise Gendron. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2001. 54p. (3676 Ko). Carte, figures, ill., photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/261-2001F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 262. --Comité scientifique de l'aquaculture de la zone atlantique de Pêches et Océans Canada: rapport annuel 2000-2001, par B.D. Chang et T.W. Sephton. St. Andrews (Nouveau-Brunswick), 2001. 15p. (1450 Ko). Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Station biologique, 531, chemin Brandy Cove, St. Andrews, (N.-B.) E5B 2L9. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/262-2001F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 262. --Fisheries and Oceans Canada Atlantic Zone Aquaculture Science Committee: annual report for 2000/2001, by B.D. Chang and T.W. Sephton. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2001. 16p. (1346 KB). Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/262-2001E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 264. --Estimation de la perte de poids subie par l'oursin vert (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) suivant sa sortie de l'eau et comparaison de deux techniques de mesure du diamètre du test, [par] Line Pelletier, Hugo Bourdages et Sylvie Brulotte. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2001. 22p. (1597 Ko). Graphiques, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/264-2001F-PDF -
Rapport canadien à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.
N° 265. --Description des relevés par grille de sébaste dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent de 1998 à 2000, [par] Brigitte Bernier et Bernard Morin. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2002. 50p. (3426 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l'édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/265-2002-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 269. --The effect of cooking and freezing on the carapace length of the American lobster (Homarus americanus), [by] M. Mallet, B. Frenette and F. Savoie. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2003. 19p. (332 KB). Coloured map, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Science Branch, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/269-2003E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 271. --Effluents des usines de transformation des produits marins: un atelier sur le développement durable, Édité par C. Morry ... [et al.] Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 2003. 129p. (1143 Ko). Carte, figures (certaines en couleur), photographies, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des océans et des sciences, 343 av. de l'Université, Moncton, N.-B., E1C 9B6. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/271-2003F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 271. --Fish plant effluents: a workshop on sustainability, Edited by C. Morry ... [et al.] Moncton, New Brunswick, 2003. 116p. (1281 KB). Figs. (some coloured), map, photographs, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Science Branch, 343 Université Ave., Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/271-2003E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 274. --Évaluation du potentiel des moules d'élevage (Mytilus edulis) à ingérer des larves de homard (Homarus americanus) de stade I, [par] L. Gendron ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2003. 30p. (673 Ko). Graphiques, ill., photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/274-2003F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 274. --Evaluation of the potential of cultured mussels (Mytilus edulis) to ingest stage I lobster (Homarus americanus) larvae, [by] L. Gendron ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2003. 30p. (666 KB). Graphs, illus., photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/274-2003E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 276. --Le crabe vert (Carcinus maenas): revue de littérature et situation aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine, par Nathalie Paille ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 2006. 44p. (1067 Ko). Cartes en couleur, ill., photographies, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli , Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/276-2006F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 166. --Bblt - formulation and exploratory applications of a benthic boundary layer transport model, by C.G. Hannah ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1995. 58p. (922 KB). Figs. (some coloured), graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/166-1995E-PDF -
Rapport technique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 176. --Distribution des masses d'eau à la tête du chenal Laurentien dans l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent aux étés 1994 et 1995, [par] Diane Lavoie ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1996. 144p. (10826 Ko). Cartes (certaines en couleur), graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des Poissons et Mammifères Marins, Division de la productivité des Océans, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850, route de la mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-18/176-1996F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
N° 178. --Temperature, salinity and sigma-t atlas for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by B. Petrie ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1996. 263p. (12324 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/178-1996E-PDF -
Rapport technique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 191. --État du Golfe Saint-Laurent: conditions océanographiques en 1995, [par] Denis Gilbert ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1997. 124p. (7000 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli , Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-18/191-1997F-PDF -
Rapport technique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 194. --Proposition pour un programme zonal de monitorage de la région nord-ouest de l'Atlantique, [par] J.-C. Therriault ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1998. 80p. (4971 Ko). Cartes, figure, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, QC, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-18/194-1998F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 194. --Proposal for a northwest Atlantic zonal monitoring program, [by] J.-C. Therriault ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1998. 68p. (4198 KB). Fig., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Science Branch, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, QC, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/194-1998E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 195. --Spatio-temporal distribution of phytoplankton pigments in Northumberland Strait: CZCS imagery, [by] C. Fuentes-Yaco ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1998. 38p. (2833 KB). Graphs, maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Science Branch, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, QC, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/195-1998E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 197. --Distribution of microplankton assemblages in relation to mesoscale variations in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary (June-July 1990), by C. Savenkoff ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1998. 34p. (1627 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/197-1998E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 201. --Sensitivity tests of a 2-category Hibler ice model and comparison to a 10-category Hibler ice model both coupled with a Cox-Bryan ocean model, by Q. Yao and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1999. 120p. (4763 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/201-1999E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 204. --Profiles of salinities, temperatures and oxygens in the Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound January 1969, by P.B. Crean and A.B. Ages. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2000. 26p. (1557 KB). Maps (some coloured), tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institute of Ocean Sciences, 9860 West Saanich Road, Sidney, British Columbia, V8L 4B2.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/204-2000E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 207. --Labrador Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence sea ice program, 1995-1998, by A. van der Baaren and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2000. 29p. (1298 KB). Maps, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/207-2000E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 208. --Sea ice fluctuations in the western Labrador Sea (1963-1998), by I.K. Peterson, S.J. Prinsenberg and P. Langille. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2000. 57p. (2150 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/208-2000E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 209. --Satellite-tracked ice beacon tests for accuracy and positioning, 1997-1998, by A. van der Baaren and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2000. 54p. (3663 KB). Figs., graphs, map, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/209-2000E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 210. --Field intercomparison of two current meters in an under-ice environment under conditions of low current speeds, by P. Larouche. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2000. 22p. (1317 KB). Fig., graphs, map, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Regional Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850, route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/210-2000E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
212. --Assimilating sea surface temperature data into an ice-ocean model of the Labrador Sea, by Tom Yao Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2000. 30p. (1, 448 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/212-2000E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 213. --Bblt version 3.1 user's manual, by T. Tedford, E. Gonzalez, C. Hannah. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2001. 53p. (518 KB). Figs. (some coloured), graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/213-2001E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 214. --Satellite-tracked ice beacon program, 1999-2001, by A. van der Baaren and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2001. 98p. (641 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/214-2001E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 215. --Review of the physical oceanography of Sydney Harbour, by B. Petrie ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2001. 50p. (1158 KB). Graphs, maps, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/215-2001E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 220. --Geostrophic transport estimates from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, by A. van der Baaren and A.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 75p. (760 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/220-2002E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 221. --Modelling system for tides for the northwest Atlantic coastal ocean, by F. Dupont ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 80p. (5940 KB). Fig., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Coastal Ocean Science Section, Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/221-2002E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 222. --The northwest Atlantic tidal current database, by A. Drozdowski, C.G. Hannah and J.W. Loder. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 42p. (1325 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/222-2002E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
223. --Atlantic zonal monitoring program sampling protocol, by Michel R. Mitchell ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 29p. (1236 KB). Figs., references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/223-2002E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 225. --Resolute: a semi-automated finite element mesh generation routine, by J.D. Chaffey and D.A. Greenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 39p. (2037 KB). Figs. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/225-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 226. --The CASCO4b user's guide, by Charles G. Hannah, Daniel R. Lynch, Keston Smith. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 88p. (1352 KB). Fig., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/226-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 227. --Suspended sediment drift and dispersion at Hibernia, by T. Tedford, A. Drozdowski and C.G. Hannah. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 63p. (6343 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/227-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 228. --Temporal and spatial scales of sea-surface temperature variability in Canadian Atlantic waters, by M. Ouellet, B. Petrie and J. Chassé. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 37p. (18609 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/228-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 230. --Modelling the tides of the Bras d'Or Lakes, by F. Dupont, B. Petrie and J. Chaffey. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 61p. (11585 KB). Coloured figs., coloured maps, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/230-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 231. --Nitrate, silicate and phosphate atlas for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by D. Brickman and B. Petrie. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 164p. (5786 KB). Coloured figs., coloured maps, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/231-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 232. --Evaluation of drilling mud dispersion models at SOEI Tier I sites: part 1 North Triumph, fall 1999, by C.G. Hannah ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 57p. (1685 KB). Figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/232-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 233. --Low-frequency variability in Lancaster Sound, by A. van der Baaren, B. Petrie, S. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 136p. (2576 KB). Coloured map, fig., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/233-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 238. --Draft and movement of pack ice in the Beaufort Sea: a time-series presentation April 1990 - August 1999, by H. Melling and D.A. Riedel. Sidney, British Columbia, 2004. 31p. (254 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch - Pacific Region, Institute of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, BC, Canada, V8L 4B2. Mathieu Amalric.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/238-2004E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 240. --Bblt version 7.0 user's manual, by Adam Drozdowski, Charles Hannah, Ted Tedford. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2004. 75p. (3600 KB). Figs. (some coloured), graphs, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/240-2004E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 243. --Validation of a modelling system for tides in the Canadian Artic Archipelago, by Michael Dunphy ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2005. 76p. (5389 KB). Figs. (some coloured), graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/243-2005E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 245. --Wind forcing of ice drift in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence: satellite-tracked ice beacon program 2004, by A. van der Baaren and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 206p. (5151 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/245-2006E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 246. --Principal component analysis of ADCP and moored CTD data in three parts with variations: Lancaster Sound, by A. van der Baaren and S. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 323p. (10133 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/246-2006E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 250. --Development of a surface feature motion estimation system for the Gulf of St. Lawrence using SST images, By P. Larouche, J.-M. Boucher and É. Thomassin. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 27p. (576 KB). Fig., graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/250-2006E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2621. --Water circulation and management of infectious salmon anemia in the salmon aquaculture industry of southern Grand Manan Island, Bay of Fundy, by B.D. Chang ... [et al.] St. Andrews, New Brunswick, March 2006. 32p. (3344 KB). Graphs, maps, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maritimes Region, Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2621E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2622. --Water circulation and management of infectious salmon anemia in the salmon aquaculture industry in Passamaquoddy Bay, in southwestern New Brunswick, by B.D. Chang ... [et al.] St. Andrews, New Brunswick, March 2006. 50p. (4884 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maritimes Region, Oceans Canada, Biological Station,
531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2622E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2631. --A benthic study examining the relationship between sediment properties and faunal groups observed at Sir Edmund Bay, British Columbia, by T.F. Sutherland ... [et al.] Vancouver, 2006. 57p. (854 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch - Pacific Region, Maritime Ecosystems and Aquaculture Division, DF0-UBC Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research, 4160 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C., V7V 1N6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2631E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2634. --Trophic interactions and consumption of wild fish and plankton by cage-reared salmon in British Columbia, by M.R.S. Johannes and D.E. Hay. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 31p. (236 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2634E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2635. --Triploid bay scallops (Argopecten irradians): induction methodology, early gonadic development and growth, by A.T. Cogswell ... [et al.] Halifax, 2006. 51p. (7, 846 KB). Coloured map, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maritimes Region, Ecosystem Research Division, PO Box 1006, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2635E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2637. --River discharge and channel width relationships for New Brunswick rivers, by D. Caissie. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 27p. (463 KB). Coloured map, figs., graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Region, Oceans and Science Branch, Diadromous Fish Section, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2637E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2643. --Main prey and predators of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the mid-1980s, mid-1990s, and early 2000s, by Claude Savenkoff ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 36p. (405 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2643E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2644. --Effect of suspended sediment of freshwater fish and fish habitat, by M.J. Robertson … [et al.] St. John's, 2006. 44p. (2, 709 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, 80 East White Hills Road, P.O. Box 5667, St. John's, NL, Canada, A1C 5X1. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2644E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2647. --Use of high-frequency imaging sonar to estimate adult sockeye salmon escapement in the Horsefly River, British Columbia, by G.M.W. Cronkite … [et al.] Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 55p. (829 KB). Figs., graphs, map, photographs. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2647E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2648. --Main prey and predators of redfish (Sebastes spp.) in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence during the mid-1980s, mid-1990s, and early 2000s, by Claude Savenkoff … [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 31p. (387 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Insitut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2648E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2652. --Implications of ecosystem dynamics for the integrated management of the eastern Scotian Shelf, by K.C.T. Zwanenburg ...[et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 106p. (1, 824 KB). Figs., graphs, maps (some coloured), photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Ecosystem Research Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, 1 Challenger Drive, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2652E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2653. --Hecate Strait climate-forced nutrient, phytoplankton, zooplankton model version 4.3.4, by D. Ware and D. McQueen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 66p. (881 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2653E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2654. --Evaluation of climate-forced nutrient, phytoplankton, zooplankton model output and retrospective estimates of primary production in the Hecate Strait region 1980-2002, by D. Ware and D. McQueen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 42p. (309 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2654E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2656. --Retrospective estimates of interannual and decadal variability in lower trophic level production in the Hecate Strait-Queen Charlotte Sound region from 1958 to 1998, by D. Ware and D. McQueen. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 41p. (636 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Pacific Biological Station, 3190 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2656E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2660. --Summary of the 2004 British Columbia sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) research and assessment survey, by M.R. Wyeth, A.R. Krolund, and M. Elfert. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 86p. (11, 017 KB). Figs., graphs, illus., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2660E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2665. --The application of chinook salmon stock composition data to management of the Queen Charlotte Islands troll fishery, 2002 to 2005, by I. Winther and T.D. Beacham. Nanaimo, British Columbia, 2006. 98p. (694 KB). Graphs, illus., maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Pacific Region, Pacific Biological Station, 3190 Hammond Bay Rd., Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N7. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
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Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2665E-PDF
Institut Maurice Lamontagne
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 1011. --Concentrations en mercure, plomb et cadmium chez diverses espèces de poissons de fond, de poissons pélagiques et de crustacés de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent et du fjord du Saguenay, par C. Gobeil, Y. Clermont et G. Paquette Mont-Joli (Québec), 1997. 84p. (2324 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
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Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/1011F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1035. --Annual and spatial variability in zooplankton biomass and species composition, and in eggs and larvae of mackerel and cod in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence between 1982 and 1991, by M. Castonguay, Y. de Lafontaine, and J.A. Runge. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1998. 94p. (6425 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1035E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
1052. --Concentrations d'hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques chez quatre espèces de poissons de fond et deux espèces de crustacés de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent et du fjord du Saguenay, par É. Pelletier ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1999. 28p. (1596 Ko). Carte, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Océans, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
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Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/1052F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 1059. --Concentrations de biphényles polychlorés (BPC) et de pesticides organochlorés chez trois espèces de poissons de fond de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent et du fjord du Saguenay, par M. Lebeuf ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1999. 114p. (2707 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
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Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/1059F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1152. --Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) maturity study: (1) biological data collected in partnership with the industry at the Martine Marie Fishery Ltd. Plant (Barry Group), Middle West Pubnico, Nova Scotia, between 2001 and 2003, [by] François Grégoire ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2004. 91p. (790 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
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Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1152E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1168, vol. 1. --West coast of Newfoundland capelin (Mallotus villosus M.) and Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) larval survey, part 1: description of the data collected in partnership with the industry (Barry Group) in July 2004, [by] François Grégoire ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2005. 40p. (1639 KB). Graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
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Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1168-1E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1168, vol. 3. --West coast of Newfoundland capelin (Mallotus villosus M.) and Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) larval survey, part 3: description of the data collected in partnership with the industry (Barry Group) in July 2005, [by] François Grégoire ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 40p. (662 KB). Graphs, maps (some folded), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
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Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1168-3E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 575. --Phytoplankton data from a 1976 cruise in Frobisher Bay, by Stephen I.C. Hsiao and Nadia Pinkewycz. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1985. 218p. (4622 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/575E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 637. --Phytoplankton data from the southern Beaufort Sea, by Nadia Pinkewycz and Stephen I.C. Hsiao. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1987. 32p. (631 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t.p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/637E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 644. --Phytoplankton, temperature and salinity data from northeastern Ungava Bay, by Nadia Pinkewycz and Stephen I.C. Hsiao Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1987. 74p. (1814 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/644E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 674. --Phytoplankton data from western Baffin Bay and adjacent waters, by Stephen I.C. Hsiao and Nadia Pinkewycz. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1987. 62p. (1724 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/674E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 694. --Oceanographic data from Frobisher Bay in the eastern Canadian Arctic for the years 1984, 1985, by J.E. Lovrity. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1987. 83p. (1528 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3R4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/694E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 744. --Benthic invertebrates collected from Hudson Bay, Canada, 1953 to 1965, by E.G. Atkinson and J.W. Wacasey. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1989. 128p. (3255 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Quebec Region. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/744E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 745. --Benthic invertebrates collected from the western Canadian Arctic, 1951 to 1985, by E.G. Atkinson and J.W. Wacasey. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1989. 138p. (3751 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Quebec Region. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/745E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 746. --Benthic invertebrates collected from Hudson Strait, Foxe Channel and Foxe Basin, Canada, 1949 to 1970, by E.G. Atkinson and J.W. Wacasey. Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, 1989. 104p. (2919 KB). Maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Arctic Biological Station, Quebec Region. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/746E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 840. --Stomach content analysis of marine benthic fish from Arctic Canada, by E.G. Atkinson and J.A. Percy. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1991. 38p. (1240 KB). References, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maurice Lamontagne Insitute, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/840E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
854. --Inventaire de la contamination des sédiments du chenal Laurentien: données sur les métaux et les éléments nutritifs, par C. Gobeil. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1991. 71p. (1531 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/854F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 892. --Oceanography and planktonic communities of two northern Québec fjords, by J.A. Percy ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1992. 141p. (3488 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/892E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
894, vol. 1. --Structure thermohaline et biologique de la couche de surface de l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent. I, juin-juillet 1989, [par] A.F. Vézina, P. Vinet et L. Devine Catonguay. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1992. 134p. (4980 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences biologiques, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
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Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/894-1F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
894, vol. 2. --Structure thermohaline et biologique de la couche de surface de l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent. II, juin-juillet 1990, [par] A.F. Vézina ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1994. 88p. (4411 Ko). Cartes, figure, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des Sciences du Milieu Marin, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
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Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/894-2F-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 905. --Macrozooplankton, particularly species of Themisto (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea), and temperature, salinity and density data collected in eastern Hudson Strait in 1987-88, by J.A. Percy and F.J. Fife. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1993. 126p. (2397 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/905E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.
L'ISSN (0706-6465) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.
947. --Description des captures de maquereau (Scomber scombrus L.) de la pêche étrangère dans les divisions de l'OPANO 4Vn, 4W et 4X entre 1990 et 1992, [par] François Grégoire et Mark Showell. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1994. 130p. (6693 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850, Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l'édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
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Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/947-PDF
Diffusion : Disponible seulement auprès de l'agence-auteur.
Disponible auprès de l'agence-auteur pour les non-dépositaires. -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
977. --Répartition de certains hydrocarbures dans le seston de l'Estuaire du Saint-Laurent et du fjord du Saguenay, 1990, par E. Dionne ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1996. 182p. (6003 Ko). Carte, figure, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/977F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 978. --Données d'océanographie physique et biologique recueillies dans l'est et le nord de la Baie d'Hudson et dans le Détroit d'Hudson en août et septembre 1993, [par] N. Simard ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1996. 208p. (5006 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction de la Productivité des Océans, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/978F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
981. --Distribution des paramètres océanographiques des eaux de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent au large de Rimouski (juin-juillet 1990), par C. Lafleur ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1996. 136p. (3130 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division de la productivité des Océans, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/981F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 986. --Données physiques, chimiques et biologiques sur le plancton du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Partie 1, juin 1989, par Jean-François St-Pierre ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1996. 102p. (4926 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division de la productivité des Océans, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-13/986F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 200. --L'élevage de la morue franche, Gadus morhua: réalités biologiques et économiques, par J.-D. Dutil ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1989. 54p. (2621 Ko). Graphiques, références. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des Sciences biologiques, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/200-1989F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 210. --Analyse des données de captures de maquereaux bleus (Scomber scombrus L.) par un pêcheur de Dingwall, Nouvelle-Écosse pour la période de 1983 à 1990, par François Grégoire et Kelly Fitzgerald. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1991. 28p. (1445 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Division de la recherche sur les pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/210-1991F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 210. --Analysis of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) catch data gathered by a fisherman in Dingwall, Nova Scotia, from 1983 to 1990, by François Grégoire and Kelly Fitzgerald. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1991. 28p. (1232 KB). Graphs, map, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fisheries Research Division, Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/210-1991E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 216. --Essais de pêche au maquereau au chalut pélagique, [par] Jean-Louis Beaulieu, Martin Castonguay et Jean-Paul Boudreau. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 28p. (1252 Ko). Carte, figures, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des poissons et de l’océanographie des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/216-1993F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 217. --Revue des pêcheries de pétoncles au Québec, [par] M. Giguère et R. Miller. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 32p. (1391 Ko). Carte, graphiques, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Division des invertébrés et de la biostatistique, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/217-1993F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 217. --Review of the scallop fisheries in Quebec, [by] M. Giguère et R. Miller. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1993. 32p. (1249 KB). Graphs, map, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Invertebrate and Biostastics Division, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/217-1993E-PDF -
Rapport canadien à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.
N° 221. --Vers un nouvel outil de gestion en aquiculture, par Marcel Fréchette, Lucie Page, Pierre Bergeron. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1994. 60p. (3807 Ko). Graphiques, références. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Division invertébrés et biostatistique, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/221-1994-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 224. --La stabulation du crabe des neiges (Chionoecetes opilio), par D. Hardy ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1994. 48p. (2560 Ko). Figures, glossaire, graphiques, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/224-1994F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 226. --Étude de faisabilité financière de la stabulation du crabe des neiges au Québec, par Danielle Dorion et Lizon Provencher. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1994. 76p. (3625 Ko). Figures, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/226-1994F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 228. --Essais d'alimentation de la morue franche (Gadus morhua), par Lizon Provencher ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1995. 40p. (2378 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/228-1995F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 229. --Étude de marché sur le crabe des neiges en stabulation au Québec, par Danielle Dorion et Lizon Provencher. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1995. 72p. (3600 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/229-1995F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 231. --Stabulation du crabe des neiges en mer: type de casier et niveau d'entassement des crabes, par Lizon Provencher, Danielle Dorion et Pierre Gagnon. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1995. 34p. (2128 Ko). Graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t. : Direction des sciences des pêches, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/231-1995F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 233. --Sélectivité des filets maillants dans la pêche au maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.): I : Baie des Chaleurs, par F. Grégoire ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1995. 46p. (2435 Ko). Carte, graphiques, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des poissons et des mammifères marins, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/233-1995F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 234. --Sélectivité des filets maillants dans la pêche au maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.): II : Îles-de-la-Madeleine, par F. Grégoire ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1995. 36p. (2074 Ko). Carte, graphiques, ill., références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des poissons et des mammifères marins, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/234-1995F-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 235. --Performance de la drague hydraulique de type Nouvelle-Angleterre pour la récolte de la mactre de Stimpson (Mactromeris polynyma), [par] J. Lambert et P. Goudreau. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1995. 38p. (2561 Ko). Figures, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Division des invertébrés et de la biologie expérimentale, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/235-1995F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 235. --Performance of the New England hydraulic dredge for the harvest of Stimpson's surf clams (Mactromeris polynyma), [by] J. Lambert and P. Goudreau. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1996. 38p. (2537 KB). Figs., graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Invertebrate and Experimental Biology Division, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/235-1996E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 237. --Commercial landings of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in Nova Scotia between 1985 and 1994, by François Grégoire and Gerald Baker. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1996. 40p. (2460 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Fish and Marine Mammals Division, Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/237-1996E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 258. --Étude de l'effet du site d'élevage et de la provenance des spécimens sur le potentiel aquicole du pétoncle d'Islande Chlamys islandica (O.F. Müller) en Côte-Nord, Par Marcel Fréchette, Michel Giguère et Gaétan Daigle. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2000. 36p. (2181 Ko). Cartes, figures, graphiques, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 100, Mont-Joli (Québec) G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/258-2000F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 270. --Biological characteristics of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) from Newfoundland's west coast for the 1965-2001 period, [by] François Grégoire and Louise Lefebvre. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2003. 48p. (2956 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/270-2003E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 272. --Estimation of gillnet selectivity for Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) from the west coast of Newfoundland, 1997-2001, [by] François Grégoire and Louise Lefebvre. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2003. 31p. (2088 KB). Map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/272-2003E-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 278. --A hook selectivity study for Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) caught in St. Georges Bay, Nova Scotia, in October 2005, [by] Ronald Heighton and François Grégoire. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 59p. (622 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the t. p.: Sciences Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/278-2006E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 100. --Oceanographic observations in Havre de Gaspé during the summer 1990, [by] B. Pettigrew, D.A. Booth, and R. Pigeon. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1991. 102p. (2865 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/100-1991E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 101. --Données géochimiques sur les eaux interstitielles et les sédiments de la mer de Beaufort, par C. Gobeil ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1991. 104p. (2398 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli (Québec) Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/101-1991F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 103. --Méthodes d'analyse et résultats sur les concentrations en hydrocarbures aliphatiques dans les sédiments du fleuve Saint-Laurent, par G.H. Tremblay, J.N. Gearing et M. Noël. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1992. 62p. (2293 Ko). Carte, figure, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/103-1992F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 113. --Données courantométriques et météorologiques dans le sud-est de la baie d'Hudson durant l'hiver 1986, [par] B. Pettigrew et P. Larouche. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1992. 96p. (2837 Ko). Carte, figure, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/113-1992F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 119, vol. 1. --Profils de salinité et de température recueillis dans le courant de Gaspé: Volume 1, septembre 1991, [par] P. Larouche. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 128p. (2479 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction des sciences du milieu marin, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/119-1-1993F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 119, vol. 2. --Profils de salinité et de température recueillis dans le courant de Gaspé: Volume 2, mai 1992, [par] P. Larouche. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 140p. (2619 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/119-2-1993F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 119, vol. 3. --Profils de salinité et de température recueillis dans le courant de Gaspé: Volume 3, août 1992, [par] P. Larouche. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 104p. (2162 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/119-3-1993F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 119, vol. 4. --Profils de salinité et de température recueillis dans le courant de Gaspé: Volume 4, juin 1994, [par] P. Larouche. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1993. 54p. (1474 Ko). Carte, graphiques, références, tableau. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/119-4-1993F-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
N° 122. --Current-meter data from Bonne Bay, Newfoundland, during the summer of 1991, [by] D. Gilbert and B. Pettigrew. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1993. 60p. (2316 KB). Fig., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/122-1993E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 132. --Moored physical oceanographic data from northeastern Hudson Bay between August 1992 and September 1993, [by] F. Saucier ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1994. 82p. (2152 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, (Québec), Canada, G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/132-1994E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 135. --Catalogue of phytoplankton pigment images from the Gulf of St. Lawrence: coastal zone color scanner data from 1979 to 1981, C. Fuentes-Yaco ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1995. 97p. (58250 KB). Graph, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Marine Environmental Sciences Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/135-1995E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 137. --Biological and chemical investigations of the Saroma-Resolute project in ice-covered Resolute Passage, 1992, by R.E.H. Smith ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1995. 30p. (1127 KB). Graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/137-1995E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 143. --State of the Gulf of St. Lawrence: oceanographic conditions in 1994, [by] D. Gilbert ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 1996. 92p. (2876 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/143-1996E-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 150. --Compilation des données biologiques et chimiques dans l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent: programme COUPPB, 1989, 1990 et 1991, [par] L. Devine ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 1997. 111p. (4153 Ko). Figures, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/150-1997F-PDF -
Rapport statistique canadien sur l'hydrographie et les sciences océaniques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 151. --Monitorage du phytoplancton toxique et des toxines de type IPM dans les mollusques du Saint Laurent, 1989 à 1994, par D. Blasco ... [et al.] Mont-Joli (Québec), 1998. 126p. (4902 Ko). Cartes, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction générale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850 route de la Mer, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-16/151-1998F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2615. --Far-field measurements of seismic airgun array pulses in the Nova Scotia Gully Marine Protected Area, by Ian H. McQuinn and Dominic Carrier. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2005. 26p. (1730 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Hydroacoustic Laboratory, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
G5H 3Z4.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2615E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2619. --Main prey and predators of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in the northern and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence during the mid-1980s, mid-1990s, and early 2000s, by Claude Savenkoff ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2005. 36p. (318 KB). Coloured map, graphs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4 Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2619E-PDF -
Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) Électronique.
2620. --Abondance et distribution du concombre de mer (Cucumaria frondosa) et prises accidentelles obtenues par dragage entre Matane et Cap-Gaspé (Québec) en 2004, [par] Sophie Campagna, Jean Lambert et Philippe Archambault. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2005. 72p. (1060 Ko). Carte en couleur, figures, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850, Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/2620F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2625. --High genetic variability in the mtDNA control region of a Northwestern Atlantic teleost, Scomber scombrus L. by Julien Lambrey de Souza ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 33p. (803 KB). Coloured map, figs., graph, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Science Branch, Maurice Lamontagne Institute, P.O. Box 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli (Québec), G5H 3Z4. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2625E-PDF -
Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) Électronique.
2628. --Structure des communautés d'invertébrés et des espèces et des amphibiens dans des lacs avec et sans omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) en forêt boréale, par Annick Drouin, Pascal Sirois et Philippe Archambault. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2006. 50p. (404 Ko). Carte, figures, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Direction régionale des Sciences, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, 850, Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/2628F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2639. --Main prey and predators of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence during the mid-1980s, mid-1990s, and early 2000s, by Claude Savenkoff ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 35p. (508 KB). Fig., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2639E-PDF -
Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstracts in English.) Électronique.
2640. --Évaluation de cinq gisements de mye commune (Mya arenaria) aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec, de 2000 à 2003, [par] Sylvie Brulott ... [et al.]. Mont-Joli (Québec), 2006. 106p. (1 062 Ko). Cartes en couleur, graphiques, références, tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/2640F-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2650. --West coast of Newfoundland capelin (Mallotus villosus M.) and Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus L.) larval survey, part 2. Abundance estimates and marine community analyses of the data collected in partnership with the industry (Barry Group) in July 2004, François Grégoire, William Barry, and Jim Barry. Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 60p. (1, 662 KB). Fig., graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Gulf Fisheries Centre, Oceans and Science Branch, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2650E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2666. --Main prey and predators and estimates of mortality of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence during the mid-1980s, mid-1990s, and early 2000s, by Claude Savenkoff ... [et al.] Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2006. 40p. (309 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, C.P. 1000, 850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, Québec, G5H 3Z4, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2666E-PDF
Région des maritimes
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1036. --Plankton monitoring programme in the Bedford Basin, 1991-1997, by W.K.W. Li, P.M. Dickie and J.A. Spry. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1998. 335p. (15848 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1036E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1051. --Water quality of Catamaran Brook and the Little Southwest Miramichi River, N.B. (1990-1996), by S.M. Komadina-Douthwright ... [et al.] Moncton, New Brunswick, 1999. 36p. (6953 KB). Graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maritimes Region, Science Branch, Diadromous Fish Division, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, N.B., E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1051E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1053. --Observations at the Hibernia oil field site, October 1997, by K.S. Saunders ... [et al.] Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1999. 132p. (2707 KB). Figs., graphs, map, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1053E-PDF -
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français). Electronic.
Incorrect ISSN (0706-6456) printed on some publications in this series.
No. 1073. --Nutrient, dissolved oxygen, trace metal and related measurements in the Bras d'Or Lakes, 1995-1997, by P.M. Strain. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2001. 57p. (2677 KB). Graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Oceans and Environment Branch, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2, Canada. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-13/1073E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 252. --Comité scientifique de l'aquaculture de la zone atlantique de Pêches et Océans Canada - rapport annuel 1998-1999, par B.D. Chang et T.W. Sephton. St. Andrews (Nouveau-Brunswick), 1999. 71p. (4327 Ko). Tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Sur la p. de t.: Station biologique, 531, chemin Brandy Cove, St. Andrews, (N.-B.) E5B 2L9. Le numéro de catalogue de l’édition imprimée est copié dans la version PDF.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/252-1999F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 252. --Fisheries and Oceans Canada Atlantic Zone Aquaculture Science Committee - annual report for 1998/99, by B.D. Chang and T.W. Sephton. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 1999. 65p. (3578 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On the t. p.: Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/252-1999E-PDF -
Rapports canadiens à l'industrie sur les sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Irrégulier. Ottawa. (Abstract in English.) Électronique.
N° 255. --Comité scientifique de l'aquaculture de la zone atlantique de Pêches et Océans Canada: rapport annuel 1999-2000, par B.D. Chang et T.W. Sephton. St. Andrews (Nouveau-Brunswick), 2000. 45p. (3180 Ko). Tableaux. Adobe Acrobat.
Gratuit. (Internet).
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-14/255-2000F-PDF -
Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 255. --Fisheries and Oceans Canada Atlantic Zone Aquaculture Science Committee: annual report for 1999/2000, by B.D. Chang and T.W. Sephton. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2000. 52p. (3201 KB). Tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Biological Station, 531 Brandy Cove Road, St. Andrews, NB, E5B 2L9. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-14/255-2000E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 152. --Monthly climatological atlas of surface atmospheric conditions of the Northwest Atlantic, by B.M. DeTracey and C.L. Tang. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1997. 68p. (3097 KB). Graphs, maps, references, table. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/152-1997E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No.158. --Ice drift and draft measurements from moorings at the Confederation Bridge, January-March 2000, by H.B. Hayden, D.J. Belliveau and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2002. 190p. (6039 KB). Graphs, map, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/158-2002E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 163. --Ice drift and draft measurements from moorings at the Confederation Bridge, January-March 2002, by H.B. Hayden, D.J. Belliveau and S.J. Prinsenberg. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 213p. (6315 KB). Fig., graphs, references. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/163-2003E-PDF -
Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 164. --Atlas of surface mixed layer characteristics for the Scotian Shelf and the Gulf of Maine, by B. Casault, A.F. Vézina and B. Petrie. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2003. 312p. (10953 KB). Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-16/164-2003E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 249. --Application of airborne and surface-based EM/Laser measurements to ice/water/sediment models at Mackenzie Delta sites, by J. Scott Holladay ... [et al.]. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2006. 51p. (1973 KB). Coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maritimes Region, Ocean Sciences Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/249-2006E-PDF -
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) Electronic.
No. 2646. --A summary and evaluation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt monitoring and rotary screw fish trap activities in the Big Salmon River, 2001-2005, by J.J. Flanagan, R.A. Jones and P. O’Reilly. Moncton, New Brunswick, 2006. 40p. (1, 768 KB). Fig., graphs, map, photographs, references, tables. Adobe Acrobat.
On t. p.: Maritimes Region, Science Branch, Population Ecology Division, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, E1C 9B6. Catalogue number of the print edition copied in the PDF version.
Free. (Internet).
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2646E-PDF
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