ARCHIVÉE - Liste supplémentaire des publications du gouvernement du Canada 11-19
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11-19-Supp (Le 23 septembre 2011)
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Table des matières
- Publications ministérielles
Publications ministérielles
Affaires indiennes et du Nord
- Initiative de réinvestissement de la Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape pour l'exercice finissant le 31 mars... Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2003. 17p. Graphiques, références, tableaux.Titre en tête de chaque page: Initiative de réinvestissement de la Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape 2003.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (675 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R1-21/2003F-PDF
- First Nations National Child Benefit Reinvestment Initiative, progress report for the year ending March 31, ... Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2003. 17p. Graphs, references, tables.Running title: First Nations Reinvestment Initiative, 2003 progress report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (680 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number R1-21/2003E-PDF
- Initiative de réinvestissement de la Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape pour l'exercice finissant le 31 mars... Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2005. publié 2006. 29p. Photographies, tableaux. (QS-7021-050-BB-A1)Titre en tête de chaque page: Initiative de réinvestissement des Premières nations, rapport de processus 2005.Le numéro de catalogue (R1-21/2005-1) et l'ISBN (0-662-49511-X) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans cette version PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2160 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 0-662-72542-5Numéro de catalogue R1-21/2005-1F-PDF
- First Nations National Child Benefit Reinvestment Initiative, progress report for the year ending March 31, ... Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2005. published 2006. 29p. Photographs, tables. (QS-7021-050-BB-A1)Running title: First Nations Reinvestment Initiative, 2005 progress report.The catalogue number (R1-21/20015-1) and ISBN (0-662-49511-X) of the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this PDF version.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2150 KB). (Internet).ISBN 0-662-44088-9Catalogue Number R1-21/2005-1E-PDF
- La Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape pour l'exercice finissant ... Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1711-232X Électronique.2000. Publié 2001. 38p. Figures en couleur, photographies, tableaux. (QS-7021-000-FF-A1)Titre-clé: La Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape (En ligne).L'ISSN (1705-7264) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.Le numéro de catalogue (R2-111/2000F) et l'ISBN (0-662-85006-8) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition pdf.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2109 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R2-111/2000F-PDF
- First Nations National Child Benefit progress report for the year ending ... Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1711-2311 Electronic.2000. Published 2001. 38p. Coloured figs., photographs, tables. (QS-7021-000-EE-A1)Key Title: The First Nations National Child Benefit progress report (Online).The ISSN (1705-7264) of the print edition has been incorrectly copied in the pdf edition.The catalogue number (R2-111/2000E) and ISBN (0-662-29314-2) of the print edition have been incorrectly copied in the PDF edition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1994 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number R2-111/2000E-PDF
- La Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape pour l'exercice finissant ... Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1711-232X Électronique.2001. Publié 2002. 12p. Photographies, tableaux.Titre-clé: La Prestation nationale pour enfants chez les Premières nations, rapport d'étape (En ligne).L'ISSN (1705-7264) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition pdf.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (450 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue R2-111/2001F-PDF
- First Nations National Child Benefit progress report for the year ending ... Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1711-2311 Electronic.2001. Published 2002. 12p. Photographs, tables. (QS-7021-010-BB-A1)Key Title: The First Nations National Child Benefit progress report (Online).The ISSN (1705-7264) of the print edition has been incorrectly copied in the pdf edition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (455 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number R2-111/2001E-PDF
Banque du Canada
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-10.--Probing potential output: monetary policy, credibility, and optimal learning under uncertainty, Ottawa, May 2000. 37p. Graphs, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Monetary authorities have put significant emphasis on attaining credibility for their policy objectives in recent years. Steps taken by the Bank of Canada have included announcing explicit inflation targets, publishing detailed accounts of inflation developments and the conduct of monetary policy, and issuing press releases explaining changes in the Bank Rate... The question addressed here is whether an increase in credibility increases the desirability of probing. In other words, should a monetary authority that has increased its credibility follow a more aggressive policy in order to obtain more precise estimates of the parameters of the economy?"--Introduction.The ISBN (0-662-29002-X) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-10E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-11.--Identifying policy-makers' objectives: an application to the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, June 2000. 29p. Graphs, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The objective of a policy authority can be thought of as the targeting of particular macroeconomic variables (hereafter called target variables) towards some level... The standard approach to testing hypotheses about the objective of a monetary authority is to estimate a policy reaction function... In this paper, we develop a new test to determine the objective of a policy authority and implement our test using Canadian data."--Introduction.The ISBN (0-662-29131-X) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-13.--Fractional cointegration and the demand for M1, Ottawa, June 2000. 32p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper extends the long-run analysis of money demand into the sphere of fractional cointegration. This extension is motivated by the fact that traditional methods of cointegration analysis yield relationships that are not as stationary as they are believed to be. Our results demonstrate that money gaps arising from simple money-demand systems are at best fractionally integrated, and at worst random walks."--Conclusion.The ISBN (0-662-29133-6) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-13E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-14.--Employment effects of nominal-wage rigidity: an examination using wage-settlements data, Ottawa, July 2000. 30p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper focuses on the employment effect of DNWR (downward nominal-wage rigidity). It reviews the evidence presented by Simpson, Cameron, and Hum (1998), in light of a potential bias problem associated with their reduced-form model.We describe modifications to their employment model that aim to better isolate the effects of DNWR on employment growth."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-29134-4) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-14E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-15.--Private capital flows, financial development, and economic growth in developing countries, Ottawa, July 2000. 31p. Glossary, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."An important issue in the debate over the desirability of freer capital mobility for developing countries is whether capital flows have significant effects on economic growth... This paper helps to fill the gap in the literature by investigating the role of private capital flows in the determination of economic growth using panel data for 40 developing countries from 1975-95."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-29250-2) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-15E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-16.--Volatility transmission between foreign exchange and money markets, Ottawa, August 2000. 53p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper uses trivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models to study price and volatility spillovers between the foreign exchange and associated money markets. Three models are estimated using data on U.S. dollar/Canadian dollar, U.S. dollar/Deutsche Mark, and U.S. dollar/Japanese yen daily exchange rate returns together with returns on 90-day Eurodollar, Euro Canada, Euromark, and Euroyen deposits."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-16E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-17.--A practical guide to swap curve construction, Ottawa, August 2000. 32p. Graphs, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper outlines the advantages of using the swap curve, and provides a detailed methodology for deriving the swap term structure for marking to market fixed-income products. The paper concludes with a discussion of the proposed swap term structure derivation technique."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-17E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-18.--Inflation and the tax system in Canada: an exploratory partial-equilibrium analysis, Ottawa, September 2000. 46p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper reports on an exploratory application to Canadian data of an approach pioneered by Martin Feldstein... We consider only the main aspects of the conceptual basis of this approach, and accept very rough-and-ready estimates for inputs and outputs. The estimates do not reflect the latest tax changes... or data."--Page 1.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-18E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-20.--Steps in applying extreme value theory to finance: a review, Ottawa, November 2000. 31p. Bibliography, graphs, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces some theoretical results concerning the estimation of the asymptotic distribution of the extreme observations. Section 3 describes some data sampling problems, the choice of the threshold (or beginning of the tail), and parameter and quantile estimation. Section 4 estimates an extreme VaR and Section 5 describes the limitations of the theory. Section 6 provides a complete example of EVT techniques applied to a series of daily exchange rates of Canadian/U.S. dollars over a 5-year period (1995-2000). Section 7 concludes."--Introduction.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-20E-PDF
- 2000-22.--Une analyse empirique du lien entre la productivité et le taux de change réel Canada-É-U, Ottawa, Novembre 2000. 31p. Bibliographie, graphique, tableaux.«L'écart relatif de productivité entre le Canada et les États-Unis est redevenu ces derniers temps un sujet controversé. Selon certains, une des causes de cet écart relatif serait la dépréciation graduelle qu'enregistre le taux de change depuis plus de 20 ans. Ainsi, la hausse du taux de change rendrait artificiellement les firmes canadiennes plus compétitives, ce qui tendait à diminuer les incitatifs de celles-ci à être plus productives. Notre objectif est d'étudier les liens empiriques entre ces variables afin de voir si cette conjecture se reflète dans les données.»--Résumé.L'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/100-22F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-23.--The application of artificial neural networks to exchange rate forecasting: the role of market microstructure variables, Ottawa, December 2000. 36p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Artificial neural networks (ANN) are employed for high-frequency Canada/U.S. dollar exchange rate forecasting."--Abstract.
"This paper examines whether introducing a market microstructure variable (that is, order flow) into a set of daily observations of macroeconomic variables (interest rate, crude oil price) together with an ANN technique can explain Canada/U.S. dollar exchange rate movement better than linear and random walk models. Two statistics are used to compare models: root-mean squared error (RMSE) and the percentage of correctly predicted exchange rate changes (PERC)."--Introduction.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-23E-PDF - 2000-4.--Quelques résultats empiriques relatifs à l'évolution du taux de change Canada/États-Unis, Ottawa, Février 2000. 37p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«L'objectif des auteurs est ici de voir dans quelle mesure des facteurs autres que les prix des produits de base de l'énergie ont contribué à la dépréciation du dollar canadien depuis le début des années 1970. Les variables prises en compte à cette fin incluent entre autres les conditions budgétaires et la productivité. La méthode utilisée consiste à déterminer les variables susceptibles de jouer un rôle important, à long terme, dans l'évolution du taux de change réel.»--Résumé.L'ISBN (0-662-84387-8) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/100-4F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-8.--Testing the pricing-to-market hypothesis: case of the transportation equipment industry, Ottawa, May 2000. 35p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper is concerned with the application of a size-correct test, which is immune to poor instruments, to a partial-equilibrium model of pricing-to-market (PTM). Pricing-to-market theory was advanced by Krugman (1987) as a possible explanation for the empirical observation that important movements in the bilateral nominal exchange rate between two countries that trade are not necessarily fully reflected in the price of imports."--Introduction.The ISBN (0-662-28959-5) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-8E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2000-9.--Modelling risk premiums in equity and foreign exchange markets, Ottawa, May 2000. 51p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, we evaluate excess asset returns in equity and foreign exchange markets by combining generalized preferences to a heteroscedastic driving process. We do so by extending the international asset-pricing model of Bekaert, Hodrick, and Marshall (1997) who assume disappointment-aversion-type preferences and a homoscedastic exogenous environment. We show that our very general framework is quite successful in generating predictability and moment levels of excess returns that are consistent with the sample data."--Introduction.The ISBN (0-662-28960-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/100-9E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-10.--The future prospects for national financial markets and trading centres, Ottawa, June 2001. 47p. Fig., references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper investigates the effects of the continuation of globalization and technological developments on the future of national-level financial markets and trading centres, particularly in smaller countries such as Canada"--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-10E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-11.--Gaining credibility for inflation targets, Ottawa, July 2001. 42p. Graphs, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, I consider a simple model in which agents learn about the inflation target of a central bank over time by observing the policy instrument or inflation outcomes. Measuring credibility as the distance between the perceived target and the actual target, an increase in credibility is beneficial to the central bank because it brings the policy consistent with attaining the inflation target closer to that required to attain the output target."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-12.--Evaluating linear and non-linear time-varying forecast-combination methods, Ottawa, July 2001. 24p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper evaluates linear and non-linear forecast-combination methods. Among the non-linear methods, we propose a nonparametric kernel-regression weighting approach that allows maximum flexibility of the weighting parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to compare the performance of the different weighting schemes."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-12E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-13.--Predetermined prices and the persistent effects of money on output, Ottawa, August 2001. 22p. Graphs, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper illustrates a model of predetermined pricing, where firms set a fixed schedule of nominal prices at the time of price readjustment, based on the work of Fischer (1977)."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-13E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-16.--Implications of uncertainty about long-run inflation and the price level, Ottawa, October 2001. 37p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper surveys recent developments in the theoretical and empirical literature on the economic implications of uncertainty about the longer-term outlook for inflation. In particular, the linkages between inflation, long-run inflation uncertainty, and aggregate economic activity in industrial economies have become considerably better understood during the past decade."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-16E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-17.--Why do central banks smooth interest rates? Ottawa, October 2001. 31p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The purpose of this paper is first to examine the empirical evidence regarding central banks' smoothing of interest rates, and then to review the alternative theoretical explanations that have emerged in the literature."--Introduction.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-17E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-18.--Evaluating factor models: an application to forecasting inflation in Canada, Ottawa, November 2001. 35p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper evaluates the forecasting performance of factor models for Canadian inflation. This type of model was introduced and examined by Stock and Watson (1999a), who have shown that it is quite promising for forecasting U.S. inflation."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-18E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-19.--Employment effects of restructuring in the public sector in North America, Ottawa, November 2001. 49p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines whether restructuring in the public sector contributed to the slower cyclical recovery in Canada than in the United States during the 1990s."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-19E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-1.--The elements of the global network for large-value funds transfers, Ottawa, February 2001. 51p. Fig., references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The principal objective of this working paper is to describe the various elements involved in making the cross-border large-value payments in a single document. It is written for readers in the academic, legal and financial communities... Policy issues relevant to the G-LVTN (global large-value transfer network) that have arisen over the last decade are summarized, as are the principal actions taken by central banks and others in order to address these issues."--Page 1.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-1E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-20.--The resolution of international financial crises: private finance and public funds, Ottawa, November 2001. 26p. Fig., references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Our objective... has been to develop a framework for crisis resolution that aligns incentives of all parties in a way that deals with the crisis and preserves the integrity of the international financial system. It is a framework built on principles, not rules."--Foreword.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-20E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-21.--A consistent bootstrap test for conditional density functions with time-dependent data, Ottawa, December 2001. 47p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper describes a new test for evaluating conditional density functions that remains valid when the data are time-dependent and that is therefore applicable to forecasting problems."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-21E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-22.--On inflation and the persistence of shocks to output, Ottawa, December 2001. 29p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper empirically investigates the possibility that the effects of shocks to output depend on the level of inflation. The analysis extends Elwood's (1998) framework by incorporating in the model an inflation-threshold process that can potentially influence the stochastic properties of output."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-22E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-23.--Modelling mortgage rate changes with a smooth transition error-correction model, Ottawa, December 2001. 32p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper uses a smooth transition error-correction model (STECM) to model the one-year and five-year mortgage rate changes. The model allows for a non-linear adjustment process of mortgage rates towards their long-run equilibrium."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-23E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-24.--Price-level versus inflation targeting in a small open economy, Ottawa, December 2001. 29p. References.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper compares two types of monetary policy: price-level targeting and inflation targeting. It reviews recent arguments that favour price-level targeting, and examines how certain factors, such as the nature of the shocks affecting the economy and the degree to which agents are forward-looking, bear upon the arguments."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-24E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-25.--New Phillips curve with alternative marginal cost measures for Canada, the United States, and the euro area, Ottawa, December 2001. 50p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Recent research on the new Phillips curve (NPC)... gives marginal cost an important role in capturing pressures on inflation. In this paper we assess the case for using alternative measures of marginal cost to improve the empirical fit of the NPC."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-25E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-27.--The monetary transmission mechanism at the sectoral level, Ottawa, December 2001. 36p. Graphs, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper relies on simple vector autoregressions to investigate the monetary transmission mechanism in broad sectors of the Canadian economy. Two types of disaggregation are considered: one at the level of final expenditures, and one at the level of production."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-27E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-2.--Exact non-parametric tests for a random walk with unknown drift under conditional heteroscedasticity, Ottawa, February 2001. 35p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The paper's main motive was to provide a generalization of the non-parametric bounds tests for a random walk with unknown drift proposed in Campbell and Dufour (1997)... Although the proposed methods have been illustrated with financial time series, they have general applicability. The methods will have high discriminatory power in the context of macroeconomic time series, for example, where the drift term is usually large."--Concluding remarks.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-2E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-3.--On commodity-sensitive currencies and inflation targeting, Ottawa, March 2001. 52p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Two aspects of the recent monetary history of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand stand out: the sensitivity of their dollars to prices of resource-based commodities, and inflation targeting. This paper explores various aspects of these phenomena. With respect to commodity prices and exchange rates, it examines: the behaviour of real commodity prices, the terms of trade, and real exchange rates, linkages between these variables, the relative impact of commodity prices and exchange rates on output, the possibility of excessive commodity sensitivity for the three currencies."--Executive Summary.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-3E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-4.--On the nature and stability of the Canadian Phillips curve, Ottawa, April 2001. 30p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper empirically determines why, during the 1990s, inflation in Canada was consistently more stable than predicted by the fixed-coefficients Phillips curve. A time-varying-coefficient model, where all the parameters adjust simultaneously, shows that the behaviour of expectations was probably a major contributing factor."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-4E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-5.--Reactions of Canadian interest rates to macroeconomic announcements: implications for monetary policy transparency, Ottawa, April 2001. 43p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this study we statistically quantify the reactions of Canadians and U.S. interest rates to macroeconomic announcements released in Canada and in the United States."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-5E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-6.--The zero bound on nominal interest rates: how important is it? Ottawa, April 2001. 50p. Bibliography, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper surveys the literature on the zero bound on the nominal interest rate. It addresses questions ranging from the conditions under which the zero bound on the nominal interest rate might occur to policy options to avoid or use to exit from such a situation. We discuss literature that examines historical and country evidence, and literature that uses models to generate evidence on this question."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-6E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-7.--Downward nominal-wage rigidity: micro evidence from Tobit models, Ottawa, May 2001. 41p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The recent trend toward low and stable inflation in many countries has focused attention on the factors determining the optimal inflation rate for an economy. This subject is a pressing issue for inflation-targeting countries who must compare the costs and benefits of lower inflation when choosing the appropriate level for their target."--Introduction.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-7E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-8.--How rigid are nominal-wage rates? Ottawa, May 2001. 37p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This study examines the effect of nominal-wage rigidities on wage growth in Canada using a hazard model and micro data for union contracts. The hazard model is specified in a way that allows considerable flexibility in the shape of the estimated notional wage-change distribution."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-8E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2001-9.--Testing for a structural break in the volatility of real GDP growth in Canada, Ottawa, June 2001. 41p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This study tests for a structural break in the volatility of real GDP growth in Canada following the methodology of McConnell and Quiros (1998)."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/101-9E-PDF
- 2002-10.--La fiabilité des estimations de l'écart de production au Canada, Ottawa, Avril 2002. 73p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Dans cette étude, nous mesurons, à l'aide de données canadiennes, l'ampleur des révisions apportées aux estimations en temps réel de l'écart de production obtenues avec diverses techniques d'estimations univariées et multivariées. Nous effectuons aussi une évaluation empirique de l'utilité des estimations faites de l'écart de production pour prévoir l'inflation.»--Résumé.L'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/102-10F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-11.--Risk, entropy, and the transformation of distributions, Ottawa, April 2002. 41p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The exponential family, relative entropy, and distortion are methods of transforming probability distributions. We establish a link between those methods, focusing on the relation between relative entropy and distortion."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-12.--Modelling financial instability: a survey of the literature, Ottawa, May 2002. 50p. Bibliography, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper brings together and adds structure to the theoretical literature on financial instability and the implications they carry for policy-makers."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-12E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-13.--Towards a more complete debt strategy simulation framework, Ottawa, May 2002. 71p. Bibliography, figs., graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper suggest a reduced-form approach to describe the key elements of the stochastic model used to analyze the Government of Canada's debt strategy problem."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-13E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-14.--Entrepreneurship, inequality and taxation, Ottawa, May 2002. 56p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper confirms the conjecture that the evaluation of tax policy leads to very different conclusions once the role of entrepreneurs is considered. Contrary to previous literature, the author finds that switching from a progressive to a proportional income tax system has a negligible effect on wealth inequality in the United States. This surprising result arises because entrepreneurial activities moderate the effects of the policy change on the wealth distribution."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-14E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-15.--Corporate bond spreads and the business cycle, Ottawa, June 2002. 37p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.This paper examines the predictive power of credit spreads from the corporate bond market... The author finds that linear models based on stock market movements, the risk-free short rate, and the term spread can explain only 7 per cent of the variations in the high-yield spread."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-15E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-16.--A market microstructure analysis of foreign exchange intervention in Canada, Ottawa, June 2002. 74p. Bibliography, fig., graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper clarifies the role and the impact of foreign exchange dealers in the relationship between foreign exchange intervention and nominal exchange rates using a unique dataset that disaggregates trades by dealer and by type of trade."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-16E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-17.--Does exchange rate policy matter for growth? Ottawa, June 2002. 52p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Previous studies on whether the nature of the exchange rate regime influences a country's medium-term growth performance have been based on a tripartite classification scheme that distinguishes between pegged, intermediate, and flexible exchange rate regimes... Our study refines this classification scheme by accounting for different monetary policy frameworks."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-17E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-18.--Estimated DGE models and forecasting accuracy: a preliminary investigation with Canadian data, Ottawa, July 2002. 40p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper applies the hybrid dynamic general-equilibrium, vector autoregressive (DG-VAR) model developed by Ireland (1999) to Canadian time series. It presents the first Canadian evidence that a hybrid DGE-VAR model may have better out-of-sample forecasting accuracy than a simple, structure-free VAR model."--Abstract, page v.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-18E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-19.--Estimates of the sticky-information Phillips curve for the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, Ottawa, July 2002. 40p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, we present a methodology for the empirical implementation of the SIPC for closed and open economies."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-19E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-1.--Taylor rules in the Quarterly Projection Model, Ottawa, January 2002. 48p. Bibliography, graphs, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper should be considered as the first step of a larger project to find a Taylor-type rule that is robust across a variety of models for Canada. To consider model uncertainty, it will be important to collect and develop models of the Canadian economy that have different assumptions regarding the economy's key features. Different kinds of Taylor-type rules could then be evaluated across these models, allowing us to study which rules are most robust."--Introduction.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-1E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-20.--Evaluating the Quarterly Projection Model: a preliminary investigation, Ottawa, August 2002. 77p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper summarizes the results of recent research evaluating the Bank of Canada's Quarterly Projection Model (QPM). Because QPM consists of a steady-state model and a dynamic model, our evaluation work consists of two parts."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-20E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-21.--Entrepreneurial risk, credit constraints, and the corporate income tax: a quantitative exploration, Ottawa, August 2002. 48p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper describes the positive effect that corporate income tax has on capital formation in the presence of liquidity constraints and uninsurable risk."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-21E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-22.--The usefulness of consumer confidence indexes in the United States, Ottawa, August 2002. 34p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-22E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-23.--How to improve inflation targeting at the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, September 2002. 43p. Graph, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-23E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-24.--Financial structure and economic growth: a non-technical survey, Ottawa, September 2002. 43p. Bibliography, glossary, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."There is a large body of literature that studies the relationship between financial structure... and long-run economic growth. This paper gives a non-technical survey of that literature designed for a general audience."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-24E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-25.--Nominal rigidities and monetary policy in Canada since 1981, Ottawa, September 2002. 54p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-25E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-26.--Nominal rigidity, desired markup variations, and real exchange rate persistence, Ottawa, September 2002. 42p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper develops and estimates a dynamic general-equilibrium sticky-price model that accounts for real exchange rate persistance."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-26E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-27.--Habit formation and the persistence of monetary shocks, Ottawa, October 2002. 45p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-27E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-28.--Filtering for current analysis, Ottawa, October 2002. 44p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper shows how existing band-pass filtering techniques and their extension can be applied to the common current-analysis problem of estimating current trends or cycles."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-28E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-2.--Asset allocation using extreme value theory, Ottawa, January 2002. 29p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines asset allocation strategies in an extreme value at risk (VaR) framework in which the risk measure is the p-quantile from the extreme value distribution. The main focus is on the allocation problem faced by an extremely risk-averse institution, such as a central bank. The optimal portfolio in terms of excess return over the risk-free rate per unit of risk is also described."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-2E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-3.--An introduction to wavelets for economists, Ottawa, January 2002. 41p. Bibliography, figs., graphs.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper gives an informal and non-technical introduction to wavelets, and describes their potential for the economic researcher."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-3E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-4.--Does micro evidence support the wage Phillips curve in Canada? Ottawa, February 2002. 36p. Graph, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines the dynamics of the aggregate wages in Canada, and tests whether real wages and unemployment have a long-term level relationship."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-4E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-5.--The effects of bank consolidation on risk capital allocation and market liquidity, Ottawa, February 2002. 44p. Bibliography, graphs.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper investigates the effects of financial market consolidation on risk capital allocation in a financial institution and the implications for market liquidity in dealership markets."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-5E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-6.--Currency fluctuations, liability dollarization, and the choice of exchange rate regimes in emerging markets, Ottawa, February 2002. 32p. Graph, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper evaluates the performance of an emerging-market economy under a credibly fixed-rate, a collapsing fixed-rate, and a flexible-rate regime using a speculative attack model that takes into account the destabilizing effects of unanticipated movements in exchange rates."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-6E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-7.--Contribution of ICT use to output and labour-productivity growth in Canada, Ottawa, March 2002. 29p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."There is ample evidence that information and communication technologies (ICT) contributed significantly to the surge in output and labour-productivity growth in the United States in the late 1990's. Does Canada share the U.S. experience? Has ICT influenced the trend productivity and output growth?... This paper examines the first question."--Abstract.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-7E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-8.--Restructuring in the Canadian economy: a survey of firms, Ottawa, April 2002. 47p. Bibliography, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The regional offices of the Bank (of Canada) conducted a survey of 140 Canadian companies (representing all non-government sectors of the economy) to study the effects of restructuring (defined as a major change in the way firms do business)... (Abstract, p. v). The survey results were published previously by Kwan (2000). This paper draws heavily on that article and expands upon it by documenting the results of another study, providing more details of the methodology and discussing other issues related to the survey."--(Introduction, p. 1).The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-8E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2002-9.--The microstructure of multiple-dealer equity and government securities markets: how they differ, Ottawa, April 2002. 41p. Bibliography, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Although dealership government and equity securities have, on the surface, similar market structures, the author demonstrates that some subtle differences exist between them that are likely to significantly affect the way market-makers trade, and as such have an impact on the liquidity that they provide. The author reviews some of the concepts recently introduced in the literature, examining multiple-dealer equity markets, and delineates gaps that exist in this literature in terms of its applicability to government securities markets."--Abstract, p. v.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/102-9E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2004-11.--Estimating New Keynesian Phillips curves using exact methods, Ottawa, April 2004. 43p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/104-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-11.--The causes of unemployment in Canada: a review of the evidence, Ottawa, November 1994. 35p. Bibliography, graphs.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-22803-0) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-12.--Searching for the liquidity effect in Canada, Ottawa, December 1994. 61p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-22804-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-12E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-1.--Optimum currency areas and shock asymmetry: a comparison of Europe and the United States, Ottawa, January 1994. 49p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The authors examine the optimality of the European Monetary Union (EMU) by estimating the degree of asymmetry in shocks affecting thirteen European countries and comparing the results to those obtained for nine U.S. regions."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-21397-1) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-1E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-2.--A further analysis of exchange rate targeting in Canada, Ottawa, February 1994. 29p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In a recent paper Mercenier and Sekkat (1988) conclude that the Bank of Canada has followed a policy of exchange rate targeting using the money supply. We reexamine their results using a different estimation approach and with different assumptions about the forcing process of the exogenous variables."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-21435-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-2E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-3.--The term structure and real activity in Canada, Ottawa, March 1994. 75p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines the predictive content of the term structure of interest rates for economic activity in Canada."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-21475-7) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-3E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-4.--An up-to-date and improved BVAR model of the Canadian economy, Ottawa, March 1994. 59p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, we estimate a fully optimized BVAR model of the Canadian economy for the period 1971-87."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-21474-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-4E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-5.--Exchange rate volatility and trade: a survey, Ottawa, May 1994. 37p. Bibliography, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper provides an extensive survey of the literature on exchange rate volatility and trade, examining both the theory that underlies the work in this area and the results of empirical studies published since 1988."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-22191-5) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-5E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-6.--The dynamic behaviour of Canadian imports and the linear-quadratic model: evidence based on the Euler equation, Ottawa, May 1994. 35p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."We examine the ability of the simple linear-quadratic model under rational expectations to explain dynamic behaviour of aggregate Canadian imports. In contrast to authors of previous studies who examine dynamic behaviour using the LQ model, we estimate the structural parameters using the Euler equation in a limited information framework that does not require an explicit solution for the model's control variables in terms of the exogenous forcing variables."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-22226-1) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-6E-PDF
- 94-7.--L'endettement du secteur privé au Canada: un examen macroéconomique, Ottawa, Août 1994. 58p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Cette étude examine l'hypothèse du surendettement du secteur privé, selon laquelle les ménages et les entreprises se trouvent en certaines circonstances surendettés et décident, pour cette raison, de réduire leurs dettes en diminuant leurs dépenses. Nous tentons de déterminer si cette hypothèse peut contribuer à expliquer la faiblesse de la croissance du crédit et l'atonie de la récente reprise économique au Canada.»--Résumé.
N.B.: Le numéro ISBN (0-662-99400-0) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.L'ISBN (0-662-99400-0) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect. L'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/94-7F-PDF - Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.94-8.--An empirical investigation into government spending and private sector behaviour, Ottawa, October 1994. 32p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."We examine whether there is a significant relationship between government and private consumption in Canada."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-22633-X) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/94-8E-PDF
- 94-9.--Symétrie des chocs touchant les régions canadiennes et choix d'un régime de change, Ottawa, Novembre 1994. 43p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Dans la présente étude, les auteurs tentent de vérifier si le principal avantage du taux de change flexible entre le Canada et les États-Unis, qui est de permettre un ajustement rapide du taux de change réel après un choc asymétrique, se manifeste autant sur le plan régional que sur le plan national.»--Résumé.L'ISBN (0-662-99492-2) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/94-9F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-10.--The Canadian experience with weighted monetary aggregates, Ottawa, October 1995. 77p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper compares the empirical performance of Canadian weighted monetary aggregates (in particular, Fisher ideal aggregates) with the current summation aggregates, for their information content and forecasting performance in terms of prices, real output and nominal spending for the period 1971Q1 to 1989Q3. The properties of money-demand equations for these aggregates, particularly their temporal stability, are also examined. The major aggregates considered are M1, M2, M3, M2+, and their Fisher ideal counterparts. Also considered are M3+ (which adds near-bank deposits to M3) and two liquidity aggregates, as well as their Fisher ideal counterparts."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23910-5) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-10E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-11.--Long-run demand for M1, Ottawa, November 1995. 79p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The goal of this paper is to investigate long-run relationships among money, prices, output and interest rates, with a view to determining whether there is a stable long-run relationship that can be determined as money demand."--Introduction and summary.The ISBN (0-662-23934-2) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-12.--The empirical performance of alternative monetary and liquidity aggregates, Ottawa, December 1995. 47p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.Contents: Introduction and summary.--Definition of the proposed monetary aggregates.--Estimation of the indicator models and information content.--Demand-for-money functions.--Performance of the aggregates in a P model of inflation.--Conclusions.--References.The ISBN (0-662-24017-0) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-12E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-1.--Deriving agents' inflation forecasts from the term structure of interest rates, Ottawa, January 1995. 41p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, the author uses the term structure of nominal interest rates to construct estimates of agents' expectations of inflation over several medium-term forecast horizons. The Expectations Hypothesis is imposed together with the assumption that expected future real interest rates are given by current real rates."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-22889-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-1E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-2.--Estimating and projecting potential output using structural VAR methodology: the case of the Mexican economy, Ottawa, March 1995. 34p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper the authors show how potential output can be estimated and projected through an approach derived from the structural vector autoregression methodology."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23123-6) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-2E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-3.--Empirical evidence on the cost of adjustment and dynamic labour demand, Ottawa, May 1995. 39p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The author uses a linear-quadratic model and attempts to estimate the relative adjustment costs of labour demand as well as its rate of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium. In contrast to others who have examined the dynamic behaviour of labour demand, the author estimates the structural parameters using the Euler equation and employs a limited-information approach that does not require an explicit solution for the model's control variables in terms of the forcing processes."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23484-7) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-3E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-4.--Government debt and deficits in Canada: a macro simulation analysis, Ottawa, May 1995. 61p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-23496-0) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-4E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-5.--Changes in the inflation process in Canada: evidence and implications, Ottawa, May 1995. 51p. Bibliography, glossary, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The Canadian economy is currently in transition from a period of disinflation to one with a very low and stable inflation rate. Against this background, the author asks whether reduced-form parameters should be expected to be invariant to changes in the inflation process."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23492-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-5E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-6.--Inflation, learning and monetary policy regimes in the G-7 economies, Ottawa, June 1995. 70p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0–662–23530–4) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-6E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-7.--Analytical derivatives for Markov switching models, Ottawa, August 1995. 33p. Graph, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper derives analytical gradients for a broad class of regime-switching models with Markovian state-transition probabilities. Such models are usually estimated by maximum likelihood methods, which require the derivatives of the likelihood function with respect to the parameter vector. These gradients are usually calculated by means of numerical techniques. The paper shows that analytical gradients considerably speed up maximum-likelihood estimation with no loss in accuracy. A sample program listing is included."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23685-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-7E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-8.--Exchange rates and oil prices, Ottawa, September 1995. 37p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The authors document... a relationship between the real domestic price of oil and real effective exchange rates for Germany, Japan and the United States. They explain why they think the real oil price captures exogenous terms-of-trade shocks and why such shocks could be the most important factor determining real exchange rates in the long run."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23778-1) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-8E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.95-9.--Selection of the truncation lag in structural VARS or (VECMs) with long-run restrictions, Ottawa, October 1995. 49p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The authors examine the issue of lag-length selection in the context of a structural vector autoregression (VAR) and a vector error-correction model with long-run restrictions. First, they show that imposing long-run restrictions implies, in general, a moving-average (MA) component in the stationary multivariate representation. Then they examine the sensitivity of estimates of the permanent and transitory components to the selection of the lag length required in a VAR system to approximate this MA component."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-23793-5) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/95-9E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.[96-10?].--Unit-root tests and excess returns, Ottawa, August 1996. 34p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-25018-4) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-10E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.[96-11?].--Avoiding the pitfalls: can regime-switching tests detect bubbles? Ottawa, August 1996. 31p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-25019-2) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-12.--The commodity-price cycle and regional economic performance in Canada, Ottawa, September 1996. 41p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-25054-0) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-12E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-13.--Speculative behaviour, regime-switching and stock market crashes, Ottawa, October 1996. 60p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper uses regime-switching econometrics to study stock market crashes and to explore the ability of two very different economic explanations to account for historical crashes. The first explanation is based on historical accounts of "manias" and "panics".... The second explanation is based on switches in fundamentals."--Abstract.
N.B.: Incorrect ISBN (0-662-25160-1) printed in this publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-13E-PDF - 96-14.--L'endettement du Canada et ses effets sur les taux d'intérêt réels de long terme, Ottawa, Octobre 1996. 41p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Cette étude examine les effets de l'endettement du Canada sur les taux d'intérêt réels de long terme au Canada à l'aide de la méthode des VECM (Vector Error Correction Model).»--Résumé.L'ISBN (0-662-81566-1) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/96-14F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-15.--A modified P*-model of inflation based on M1, Ottawa, November 1996. 33p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines the performance of M1 in an indicator model of inflation over time horizons as long as 16 quarters into the future."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25220-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-15E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-1.--Switching between chartists and fundamentalists: a Markov regime-switching approach, Ottawa, January 1996. 31p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-24106-1) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-1E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-2.--Decomposing U.S. nominal interest rates into expected inflation and ex ante real interest rates using structural VAR methodology, Ottawa, January 1996. 28p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, the author uses structural vector autoregression methodology to decompose U.S. nominal interest rates into an expected inflation component and an ex ante real interest rate component. He identifies inflation expectations and ex ante real interest rate shocks by assuming that nominal interest rates and inflation expectations move one-for-one in the long-run -- they are cointegrated (1,1) -- and that the real interest rate is stationary."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-24127-4) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-2E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-3.--Regime-switching models: a guide to the Bank of Canada Gauss procedures, Ottawa, [1996]. 31p. Bibliography, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper is a manual for using a set of Gauss procedures developed at the Bank of Canada to estimate regime-switching models.--Introduction.The ISBN (0-662-24293-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-3E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-4.--Overnight rate innovations as a measure of monetary policy shocks in vector autoregressions, Ottawa, March 1996. 85p. Graphs, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The authors examine the Bank of Canada's overnight rate as a measure of monetary policy in vector autoregression (VAR) models."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-24296-3) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-4E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-5.--A distant-early-warning model of inflation based on M1 disequilibria, Ottawa, April 1996. 26p. Graphs, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."A vector error-correction model (VECM) that forecasts inflation between the current quarter and eight quarters ahead is found to provide significant leading information about inflation. The model focuses on the effects of deviations of M1 from its long-run demand but also includes, among other things, the influence of the exchange rate, a simple measure of the output gap and past prices."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-24416-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-5E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-6.--Provincial credit ratings in Canada: an ordered probit analysis, Ottawa, April 1996. 47p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The author estimates the relationship between the provincial credit ratings, as assessed by Standard & Poor's, and a number of economic variables, using the ordered probit methodology."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-24417-6) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-6E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-7.--An econometric examination of the trend unemployment rate in Canada, Ottawa, May 1996. 77p. Bibliography, glossary, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper attempts to identify the trend unemployment rate, an empirical concept, using cointegration theory. The authors examine whether there is a cointegrating relationship between the observed unemployment rate and various structural factors, focusing neither on the non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU), nor on the natural rate of unemployment, but rather on the trend unemployment rate which they define in terms of cointergration."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-24596-2) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-7E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.96-8.--Interpreting money-supply and interest-rate shocks as monetary-policy shocks, Ottawa, July 1996. 44p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper two shocks are analysed using Canadian data: a money-supply shock (M-shock) and an interest-rate shock (R-shock). Money-supply shocks are derived using long-run restrictions based on long-term propositions of monetary theory. Thus, an M-shock is represented by an orthogonalized innovation in the trend shared by money and prices. An R-shock is represented by the orthogonalized innovation in the overnight interest rate."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-249408-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-8E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.[96-9?].--Does inflation uncertainty vary with the level of inflation? Ottawa, August 1996. 54p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that inflation uncertainty increases at higher levels of inflation. Our analysis is based on the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) class of models, which allow the conditional variance of the error term to be time-varying. Since this variance is a proxy for inflation uncertainty, a positive relationship between the conditional variance and inflation would be interpreted as evidence that inflation uncertainty increases with the level of inflation."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-24986-0) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/96-9E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-10.--The structure of interest rates in Canada: information content about medium-term inflation, Ottawa, May 1997. 37p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines the relationship between the term structure of interest rates and future changes in inflation for Canada using a newly constructed par-value yield series."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25787-1) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-10E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-11.--A band-aid solution to inflation targeting, Ottawa, May 1997. 32p. Graphs, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper reviews selectively the literature on exchange rate target zones and corresponding methodologies and examines whether they can be used to analyse the inflation-control problem."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25833-9) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-11E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-12.--A micro approach to the issue of hysteresis in unemployment: evidence from the 1988-1990 Labour Market Activity Survey, Ottawa, May 1997. 47p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper uses a rich set of microeconomic labour market data: the 1988-90 Labour Market Activity Survey published by Statistics Canada, to test whether there is negative duration dependence in unemployment spells."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25852-5) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-12E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-13.--What does downward nominal-wage rigidity imply for monetary policy? Ottawa, June 1997. 38p. Graphs, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-25874-6) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-13E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-14.--Menu costs, relative prices, and inflation: evidence for Canada, Ottawa, June 1997. 45p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-25886-X) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-14E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-15.--The effects of budget rules on fiscal performance and macroeconomic stabilization, Ottawa, June 1997. 58p. Graphs, references, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."Budget rules can be defined as legislated or constitutional constraints on government deficits, taxes, expenditures, or debt. This paper reviews the budget rules recently legislated in six of Canada's provinces and both of its territories, as well as budget rules in other OECD countries."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25942-4) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-15E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-16.--Canadian Policy Analysis Model - CPAM, Ottawa, June 1997. 77p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper documents the structure and properties of the Canadian Policy Analysis Model (CPAM). CPAM is designed to provide a reasonably complete representation of the Canadian macro economy. It is a one-domestic-good, small-open-economy model, which features an endogenous supply side, behavioural equations for the principal components of demand, forward-looking expectations, and reaction functions for both the monetary and fiscal authorities."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-26005-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-16E-PDF
- 97-17.--Les marchés du travail régionaux: une comparaison entre le Canada et les États-Unis, Ottawa, Août 1997. 29p. Bibliographie, graphiques.«Cette étude a pour but de comparer l'évolution des marchés régionaux de l'emploi au Canada et aux États-Unis.»--Résumé.L'ISBN (0-662-82256-0) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/97-17F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-18.--Canadian short-term interest rates and the BAX futures market: an analysis of the impact of volatility on hedging activity and the correlation of returns between markets, Ottawa, July 1997. 45p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper analyses how Canadian financial firms manage short-term interest rate risk through the use of BAX futures contracts."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-26235-2) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-18E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-19.--Modelling the behaviour of U.S. inventories: a cointegration-Euler approach, Ottawa, November 1997. 33p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, the relative importance of the disequilibrium costs to adjustment costs of inventories is evaluated. An estimate of the rate of inventory adjustment towards its long-run equilibrium level is provided in the United States by means of a linear-quadratic model with integrated processes. A limited-information approach allows the time-series properties of the data to be exploited and consistent estimates of the structural parameters of the Euler equation obtained."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-26340-5) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-19E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-1.--Reconsidering cointegration in international finance: three case studies of size distortion in finite samples, Ottawa, January 1997. 34p. References, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper reconsiders several recently published but controversial results about the behaviour of exchange rates. In particular, it explores finite-sample problems in the application of cointegration tests and shows how these may have affected the conclusions of recent research. It also demonstrates how simple simulation methods may be used to check the robustness of cointegration tests in particular applied settings, and provides information on the potential sources of size distortion in these tests."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25314-0) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-1E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-20.--A measure of underlying inflation in the United States, Ottawa, September 1997. 35p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, a measure of underlying inflation in the United States is obtained using a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) methodology."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-26341-3) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-20E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-2.--Fads or bubbles? Ottawa, January 1997. 56p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper tests between fads and bubbles using a new empirical strategy (based on switching-regression econometrics) for distinguishing between competing asset-pricing models."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25316-7) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-2E-PDF
- 97-3.--La courbe de Phillips au Canada: un examen de quelques hypothèses, Ottawa, Janvier 1997. 38p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«La présente étude, qui s'inspire de diverses recherches effectuées sur la dynamique des prix au Canada, examine certaines hypothèses susceptibles d'expliquer la piètre qualité des prévisions réalisées récemment à l'aide de la courbe de Phillips traditionnelle.»--Résumé.L'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée a été incorrectement copié dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/97-3F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-4.--The liquidity trap: evidence from Japan, Ottawa, February 1997. 28p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.The ISBN (0-662-25434-1) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-4E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-5.--A comparison of alternative methodologies for estimating potential output and the output gap, Ottawa, February 1997. 27p. Bibliography, graphs, table.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this paper, the authors survey some of the recent techniques proposed in the literature to measure the trend component or potential output.... The paper focuses on three simple multivariate methodologies: the multivariate Beveridge-Nelson methodology (MBN), Cochrane's methodology (CO), and the structural VAR methodology with long-run restrictions applied to output (LRRO). The foundation of these methodologies is first discussed and then applications to U.S. output and consumption data are considered."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25462-7) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-5E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-6.--Lagging productivity growth in the service sector: mismeasurement, mismanagement or misinformation? Ottawa, March 1997. 46p. Bibliography, graphs, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."In this report, the author assesses a range of explanations for lagging service sector productivity growth."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25568-2) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-6E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-7.--Monetary shocks in the G-6 countries: is there a puzzle? Ottawa, March 1997. 29p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper examines monetary shocks identified by long-run cointegration restrictions and the assumption of long-run money neutrality in exactly identified VAR models across six industrialized countries."--Abstract.The ISBN (0-662-25645-X) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-7E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.97-8.--Implementation of monetary policy in a regime with zero reserve requirements, Ottawa, April 1997. 25p. Fig., graphs, references.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition."This paper outlines a general framework for implementing monetary policy in a regime with zero reserve requirements, focusing on the case of Canada."--Introduction and summary.The ISBN (0-662-25663-8) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/97-8E-PDF
- 97-9.--Mesures du taux d'inflation tendanciel, Ottawa, Avril 1997. 38p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Dans ce travail, nous établissons de nouvelles mesures statistiques du taux d'inflation tendanciel en partant de l'hypothèse selon laquelle les variations extrêmes des composantes de l'IPC traduisent généralement des chocs d'offre temporaires qui ne reflètent pas la tendance fondamentale des prix».--Synopsis.L'ISBN (0-662-82008-8) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/97-9F-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.98-10.--Fundamentals, contagion and currency crises: an empirical analysis, Ottawa, July 1998. 36p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.This paper examines the determinants of currency crises in Latin America, Asia and Africa. It asks two basic questions: (a) Are currency crises linked to economic fundamentals? and; (b) Is there any evidence of a contagion effect after controlling for the potential effects of economic fundamentals?...Our paper also provides empirical evidence in support of the idea that currency crises could be contagious.--AbstractThe ISBN (0-662-27019-3) and ISSN (1192-5434) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/98-10E-PDF
- 98-12.--Un examen de la crédibilité de la politique monétaire au Canada, Ottawa, Juillet 1998. 37p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Dans cette étude, l'auteur utilise des données d'enquêtes sur les anticipations d'inflation afin d'obtenir de l'information sur la crédibilité de la politique monétaire au Canada. La décomposition des écarts des prévisions des participants aux sondages par rapport aux cibles établies par la Banque du Canada sur la période 1992-1996 (qui est la période considérée dans cette étude) permet de vérifier empiriquement si ces cibles étaient crédibles. De même, l'analyse des erreurs de prévision des participants permet de vérifier si l'établissement de ces cibles a contribué à rendre l'inflation plus prévisible.»--Résumé.L'ISBN (0-662-83100-4) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/98-12F-PDF
- 98-13.--Le PIB potentiel des États-Unis et ses déterminants: la productivité de la main-d'oeuvre et le taux d'activité, Ottawa, Août 1998. 43p. Bibliographie, graphiques, tableaux.«Dans cette étude, l'auteur vise principalement trois objectifs. Premièrement, il cherche à savoir si la bonne tenue de l'économie américaine observée ces dernières années est imputable à une poussée du PIB potentiel. Deuxièmement, il tente de déterminer quelles sont les variables reliés à l'offre globale dont la tendance pourrait expliquer l'évolution du potentiel de l'économie. Finalement, l'auteur tente d'observer si, au cours des dernières années, l'économie américaine était, malgré tout, en situation de demande excédentaire.»--Résumé.L'ISBN (0-662-83118-7) et l'ISSN (1192-5434) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue FB3-2/98-13F-PDF
Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
- 2004. c2004. 43p. Glossaire, ill., tableaux.Le n° de catalogue (Ci1-2004) et l'ISBN (0-662-68498-2) de l'édition imprimée bilingue ont été incorrectement copiés dans cette édition électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (132 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 0-662-78069-8Numéro de catalogue Ci1-2004F-PDF
- 2004. c2004. 43p. Glossary, illus., tables.The catalogue number (Ci1-2004) and ISBN (0-662-68498-2) for the bilingual print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (124 KB). (Internet).ISBN 0-662-38372-9Catalogue Number Ci1-2004E-PDF
Commission du droit d'auteur Canada
- Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3284 Électronique.2005-2006. 34p. Photographies.Titre-clé: Rapport annuel - Commission du droit d'auteur Canada (En ligne).Les rapports précédents sont disponibles sous le titre Commission du droit d'auteur - rapport annuel (RG81-1F-PDF); sous le titre présent depuis 2004/2005-.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (701 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu120/2006F-PDF
- Copyright Board of Canada - annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3276 Electronic.2005-2006. 34p. Photographs.Key Title: Annual report - Copyright Board Canada (Online).Earlier reports can be found under title Copyright Board annual report (RG81-1E-PDF); under current title from 2004/2005-.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (712 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu120/2006E-PDF
- Commission du droit d'auteur - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3284 Électronique.1988-1989. 4p.Titre-clé: Rapport annuel - Commission du droit d'auteur Canada (En ligne).Les rapports plus récents sont disponibles sous le titre Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - rapport annuel (Iu120F-PDF), à partir du rapport 2004-2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (40 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue RG81-1/1989F-PDF
- Copyright Board annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3276 Electronic.1988-89. 4p.Key Title: Annual report - Copyright Board Canada (Online).Later reports can be found under title Copyright Board of Canada annual report (Iu120E-PDF), from 2004/2005 report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (22 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number RG81-1/1989E-PDF
- Commission du droit d'auteur - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3284 Électronique.1989-1990. 16p. Organigramme, tableaux.Titre-clé: Rapport annuel - Commission du droit d'auteur Canada (En ligne).Les rapports plus récents sont disponibles sous le titre Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - rapport annuel (Iu120F-PDF), à partir du rapport 2004-2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (808 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue RG81-1/1990F-PDF
- Copyright Board annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3276 Electronic.1989-90. 16p. Organization chart, tables.Key Title: Annual report - Copyright Board Canada (Online).Later reports can be found under title Copyright Board of Canada annual report (Iu120E-PDF), from 2004/2005 report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (680 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number RG81-1/1990E-PDF
- Commission du droit d'auteur - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3284 Électronique.1990-1991. 13p. Graphique, organigramme, photographies, tableau.Titre-clé: Rapport annuel - Commission du droit d'auteur Canada (En ligne).Les rapports plus récents sont disponibles sous le titre Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - rapport annuel (Iu120F-PDF), à partir du rapport 2004-2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (443 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue RG81-1/1991F-PDF
- Copyright Board annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3276 Electronic.1990-91. 12p. Graph, organization chart, photographs, table.Key Title: Annual report - Copyright Board Canada (Online).Later reports can be found under title Copyright Board of Canada annual report (Iu120E-PDF), from 2004/2005 report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (502 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number RG81-1/1991E-PDF
- Commission du droit d'auteur - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3284 Électronique.1991-1992. 20p.Titre-clé: Rapport annuel - Commission du droit d'auteur Canada (En ligne).Les rapports plus récents sont disponibles sous le titre Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - rapport annuel (Iu120F-PDF), à partir du rapport 2004-2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1169 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue RG81-1/1992F-PDF
- Copyright Board annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3276 Electronic.1991-92. 20p.Key Title: Annual report - Copyright Board Canada (Online).Later reports can be found under title Copyright Board of Canada annual report (Iu120E-PDF), from 2004/2005 report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1311 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number RG81-1/1992E-PDF
- Commission du droit d'auteur - rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3284 Électronique.1992-1993. 19p. Graphique.Titre-clé: Rapport annuel - Commission du droit d'auteur Canada (En ligne).Les rapports plus récents sont disponibles sous le titre Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - rapport annuel (Iu120F-PDF), à partir du rapport 2004-2005.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (246 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue RG81-1/1993F-PDF
- Copyright Board annual report. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1493-3276 Electronic.1992-1993. 18p. Graph.Key Title: Annual report - Copyright Board Canada (Online).Later reports can be found under title Copyright Board of Canada annual report (Iu120E-PDF), from 2004/2005 report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (238 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number RG81-1/1993E-PDF
Exportation et développement Canada
- 2008. 124p. Figures en couleur, glossaire, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Gérer les risques, maximiser les possibilités, EDC - rapport annuel 2008.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2356 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue ED1-2008F-PDF
- 2008. 124p. Coloured figs., glossary, graphs, photographs, tables.Running title: Managing risks, maximizing opportunities - EDC annual report 2008.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2330 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number ED1-2008E-PDF
- 2009. 132p. Figures en couleur, glossaire, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Titre en tête de chaque page: Un partenaire de confiance en des temps difficiles, EDC - rapport annuel 2009.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4953 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue ED1-2009F-PDF
- Compte du Canada, rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2003-2004. 21p. Figures en couleur, glossaire, graphiques, tableaux.Rapport annuel sur le compte du Canada pour l'exercice du gouvernement du Canada terminé le 31 mars [...].«En vertu du Compte du Canada, le gouvernement du Canada (le «gouvernement» ou l'«État») peut autoriser des opérations qui, en raison des pratiques en matière de gestion des risques d'Exportation et développement Canada («EDC» ou «Société»), ne seraient pas possibles si elles étaient portées au Compte de la Société, mais qui sont dans l'intérêt national.»--Page 4 de 22.Rapport annuel sur le Compte du Canada au 31 mars 2004.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (481 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue ED2-1/2004F-PDF
- Canada Account annual report. Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2003-2004. 20p. Coloured figs., glossary, graphs, tables.Canada Account annual report for the government of Canada year ending March 31 [...]."Under Canada Account, the Government of Canada (the "Government" or the "Crown") is able to authorize support for transactions which, on the basis of Export Development Canada's ("EDC" or the "Corporation") risk management practices, would not be supported under EDC's Corporate Account and are in the national interest."--Page 4 of 22, 2008-2009 report.Canada Account annual report as at March 31, 2004.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (492 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number ED2-1/2004E-PDF
- Compte du Canada, rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2008-2009. 22p. Figures en couleur, glossaire, graphiques, tableaux.Rapport annuel sur le compte du Canada pour l'exercice du gouvernement du Canada terminé le 31 mars [...].«En vertu du Compte du Canada, le gouvernement du Canada (le «gouvernement» ou l'«État») peut autoriser des opérations qui, en raison des pratiques en matière de gestion des risques d'Exportation et développement Canada («EDC» ou «Société»), ne seraient pas possibles si elles étaient portées au Compte de la Société, mais qui sont dans l'intérêt national.»--Page 4 de 22.Rapport annuel sur le compte du Canada pour l'exercice du gouvernement du Canada terminé le 31 mars 2009.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1350 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue ED2-1/2009F-PDF
- Canada Account annual report. Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2008-2009. 22p. Coloured figs., glossary, graphs, tables.Canada Account annual report for the government of Canada year ending March 31 [...]."Under Canada Account, the Government of Canada (the "Government" or the "Crown") is able to authorize support for transactions which, on the basis of Export Development Canada's ("EDC" or the "Corporation") risk management practices, would not be supported under EDC's Corporate Account and are in the national interest."--Page 4 of 22, 2008-2009 report.Canada Account annual report for the government of Canada year ending March 31, 2009.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1308 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number ED2-1/2009E-PDF
- Résumé du plan de la Société: budget de fonctionnement, budget des investissements, programme d'emprunt. Annuel. Ottawa. Électronique.2009-2013. 76p. Graphique, organigramme, tableaux.URL: URL: Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat. (79 Ko). (391 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue ED2-2/2009F-PDF
- Corporate plan summary: operating budget, capital budget, borrowing plan. Annual. Ottawa. Electronic.2009-2013. 72p. Graph, organization chart, tables.URL: URL: Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat. (85 KB). (308 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number ED2-2/2009E-PDF
Imprimeur de la Reine
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 18, le mercredi 29 août 2001. 69p. Index, tableau.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-18-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 19, le mercredi 12 septembre 2001. 123p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-19-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 20, le mercredi 26 septembre 2001. 15p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-20-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 21, le mercredi 10 octobre 2001. 116p. Figures, index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-21-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 22, le mercredi 24 octobre 2001. 290p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-22-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 23, le mercredi 7 novembre 2001. 136p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-23-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 24, le mercredi 21 novembre 2001. 124p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-24-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 25, le mercredi 5 décembre 2001. 150p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-25-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 135, n° 26, le mercredi 19 décembre 2001. 103p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/135-26-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 10, le mercredi 8 mai 2002. 130p. Figure, index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-10-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 11, le mercredi 22 mai 2002. 81p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-11-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 12, le mercredi 5 juin 2002. 55p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-12-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 13, le mercredi 19 juin 2002. 308p. Figures, index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-13-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, no° 14, le mercredi 3 juillet 2002. 112p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-14-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, no° 15, le mercredi 17 juillet 2002. 21p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-15-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 16, le mercredi 31 juillet 2002. 177p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-16-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 17, le mercredi 14 août 2002. 23p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-17-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 18, le mercredi 28 août 2002. 156p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-18-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 19, le mercredi 11 septembre 2002. 25p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-19-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 1, le mercredi 2 janvier 2002. 304p. Figure, index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-1-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 20, le mercredi 25 septembre 2002. 13p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-20-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 21, le mercredi 9 octobre 2002. 216p. Figure, index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-21-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 2, le mercredi 16 janvier 2002. 31p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-2-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 3, le mercredi 30 janvier 2002. 59p. Index, tableau.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-3-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 4, le mercredi 13 février 2002. 80p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-4-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 5, le mercredi 27 février 2002. 69p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-5-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 6, le mercredi 13 mars 2002. 182p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-6-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 7, le mercredi 27 mars 2002. 82p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-7-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 8, le mercredi 10 avril 2002. 100p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-8-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Vol. 136, n° 9, le mercredi 24 avril 2002. 149p. Index, tableaux.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/136-9-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Index codifié des textes réglementaires, du 1er janvier 1955 au 30 septembre 2000. 786p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/2000-3-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Index codifié des textes réglementaires, du 1er janvier 1955 au 31 décembre 2000. 794p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/2000-4-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Index codifié des textes réglementaires, du 1er janvier 1955 au 31 mars 2001. 763p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/2001-1-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Index codifié des textes réglementaires, du 1er janvier 1955 au 31 décembre 2001. 793p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/2001-4-PDF
- Gazette du Canada. Partie II, Textes réglementaires. Bimensuel. Ottawa. Bilingue. ISSN 1494-6122 Électronique.Index codifié des textes réglementaires, du 1er janvier 1955 au 30 juin 2002. 772p. Index.Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-2/2002-2-PDF
- Gazette du Canada, partie I. Supplément. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.Le 24 juin 2000.--Banques, sociétés de fiducie et sociétés de prêt - soldes non réclamés: déclarés au 31 décembre 1999 par les banques, les sociétés de fiducie et les sociétés de prêt. Ottawa, 2000. 482p. Tableaux.«Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières, Loi sur les banques et Loi sur les sociétés de fiducie et de pret».--Page [1].Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Supplément à la Gazette du Canada, partie 1, le 24 juin 2000.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-6/1999-PDF
- Gazette du Canada, partie I. Supplément. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.Le 4 août 2001.--Banques, sociétés de fiducie et sociétés de prêt - soldes non réclamés: déclarés au 31 décembre 2000 par les banques, les sociétés de fiducie et les sociétés de prêt. Ottawa, 2001. 518p. Tableaux.«Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières, Loi sur les banques et Loi sur les sociétés de fiducie et de pret».--Page [1].Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-6/2000-PDF
- Gazette du Canada, partie I. Supplément. Ottawa. Bilingue. Électronique.Le 1er juin 2002.--Banques, sociétés de fiducie et sociétés de prêt - soldes non réclamés: déclarés au 31 décembre 2001 par les banques, les sociétés de fiducie et les sociétés de prêt. Ottawa, 2002. 500p. Tableaux.«Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières, Loi sur les banques et Loi sur les sociétés de fiducie et de pret».--Page [1].Depuis le 1er avril 2003, la version en direct en format de document portable (PDF) des parties I, II et III de la Gazette du Canada a le statut officiel et, par conséquent, sera publiée en même temps que la version imprimée. Veuillez noter que tous les numéros en direct publiés avant le 1er avril 2003, n'auront pas ce statut officiel.Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SP2-6/2001-PDF
- Date de modification :