Prepared by:
Lynne C. Myers
Science and Technology Division
Revised 2 November 1999
Safety in Complex Energy Systems
Inherent Safety vs. Engineered Safety
The Chernobyl Accident
Recent Issues of Concern
Accident at Japanese Fuel Processing Facility - 30 September
Aging Problems in East European Reactors
Ongoing Safety Concerns at Ontario Nuclear Power Stations —
1994 - Present
Ongoing Safety Concerns at Point Lepreau, New Brunswick, Nuclear
Power Station
beings utilize energy in many forms and from a variety of sources. A number
of countries have chosen nuclear-electric generation as a component of
their energy systems. By mid-1996, there were 447 power reactors operating
in 31 countries, accounting for more than 15% of the world’s production
of electricity. In 1996, 18 countries derived at least 25% of their electricity
from nuclear units, with Lithuania leading at just over 76%, followed
closely by France at 75%. In the same year, Canada produced about 19%
of its electricity from nuclear units. Five new reactors were added to
the grid between June 1995 and June 1996 - two in Japan, and one each
in Ukraine, South Korea and the United States. Two other reactors, which
had been shut down for some time, were reconnected in the last year. Brown’s
Ferry 3 in the United States had been closed since 1985 and Armenia 2
had been out of service since 1988. One reactor in Germany and one in
Canada (Bruce 2) were closed. In the same year, 39 power reactors were
under construction in 15 countries.
human endeavour carries the guarantee of perfect safety and the question
of whether or not nuclear-electric generation represents an "acceptable"
risk to society has long been vigorously debated. Until the events of
late April 1986 in the then Soviet Union, nuclear safety had indeed been
an issue for discussion, for some concern, but not for alarm. The accident
at the Chernobyl reactor irrevocably changed all that. This disaster brought
the matter of nuclear safety into the public mind in a dramatic fashion.
Subsequent opening of the ex-Soviet nuclear power program to outside scrutiny
has done little to calm people’s concerns about the safety of nuclear
power in that part of the world.
Nuclear reactors
in all parts of the world are "aging" more quickly than expected,
raising still more safety concerns. In Canada, the recent release of a
damaging review of the management of Ontario Hydro’s nuclear facilities
has prompted new anxiety over safety issues. This paper discusses the
issue of safety in complex energy systems and provides brief accounts
of some of the most serious reactor accidents that have occurred to date,
as well as more recent events touching on the safety issue.
A. Safety in Complex
Energy Systems
how complex systems fail is a complicated matter and reactor accidents
and serious incidents over the years have demonstrated that this assessment
is less certain than once supposed. Not only may complex systems incorporate
errors in design, contributing to safety problems, but they may also suffer
from defects in construction, quality assurance, maintenance and operation.
This is why nuclear power stations are designed and operated following
a "defence-in-depth" philosophy that incorporates such features
as redundant safety systems.
reactor accident of March 1979 at the Three Mile Island generating station
in Pennsylvania illustrates how mechanical problems can be compounded
by operator error, emphasizing the importance of human reliability as
well as equipment reliability in ensuring safety. Indeed, the Report of
the President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island (the
"Kemeny Report") had more to say about the people involved in
reactor safety -- the equipment manufacturers, the utility managers, the
plant operators and the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) -- than it did about improving the technology.
may also occur because the supposedly independent and redundant systems
fail simultaneously due to a common initiating event. For example, identical
valves in independent units have failed simultaneously in response to
a common set of conditions because they were not designed or installed
properly. Improper maintenance may also cause a common failure, perhaps
because each of the independent units has been improperly calibrated or
serviced. A totally unexpected failure may also occur because the sheer
complexity of the system has prevented all potential accidents from being
Salem-1 reactor in New Jersey provides an example of an unanticipated
failure. When a routine anomaly or "transient" occurs during
reactor operation, a safety system is supposed to shut down automatically
or "scram" the reactor by stopping the nuclear chain reaction.
A failure of the safety system to operate in this way -- termed an Anticipated
Transient Without Scram (ATWS) -- was supposed to have such a low probability
that the risk it represented was negligible. The U.S. nuclear industry
argued that ATWS regulations and protective measures were unwarranted
on the grounds that the basic safety systems were virtually fail-safe;
in 1980 an expert on reactor safety could write: "No reactor has
ever failed to ‘scram’ in an emergency." Yet twice within
four days, in February of 1983, just such an event occurred at Salem-1.
Operators manually scrammed the reactor in both cases, preventing damage
to it, but the incidents demonstrated that a breakdown in electronic safety
systems was not as implausible as the industry had maintained.
subsequent investigation of the Salem-1 incident by the U.S. NRC determined
that a critical component, designed to drop the reactor shut-off rods
automatically, had failed in both circuits of a doubly redundant system.
This component, which should have received twice-yearly maintenance, had
not been maintained at all during its years of service in the station
and "dirt accumulation on exposed linkages" was described by
the NRC as one of the causes of failure.
Chernobyl accident, the worst-ever accident involving a commercial nuclear
power reactor, resulted from an incredible series of "human"
errors. It is interesting to note, however, that an article in a Kiev
newspaper, a month before the accident, had criticized acute shortcomings
in materials, shoddy workmanship and low morale at the plant. All are
factors influencing the safe operation of the station.
accident sparked an unprecedented interest in the question of nuclear
safety and as a direct result the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
developed two new international conventions. Canada has signed both of
them; the first deals with early notification to other countries about
nuclear accidents and the second involves an undertaking to help other
countries that have suffered such an accident. The IAEA has also received
proposals involving international regulation of nuclear power.
the United States, in the early to mid 1980s a growing number of serious
operating mishaps at nuclear power installations led that country’s
Nuclear Regulatory Commission to make the chilling prediction that, given
the level of safety being achieved by the operating nuclear power plants
in the U.S., one could reasonably expect to see a core meltdown accident
within the next 20 years. Such an accident could result in off-site
releases of radiation as large as, or larger than, the releases estimated
to have occurred as a result of the Chernobyl accident.
prediction, coupled with the Three Mile Island mishap, prompted the
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to implement a Severe
Accident Policy in 1985. As part of that program, all existing plants
were systematically examined for severe accident vulnerability and mitigative
measures were suggested where necessary. As reactors in the U.S. have
aged, it has become increasingly difficult for many of them to meet the
higher standards. It is often financially unfeasible for the companies
involved to make the necessary repairs and so a growing number of reactors
are being taken out of service.
also carried out a major internal review of its nuclear power plant safety
in the early 1990s. In addition, the Operational Safety Review Team (OSART)
of the International Atomic Energy Agency was invited to review operating
practices at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Results of both
studies indicated that the CANDU reactor was being operated safely in
Canada, although minor changes to operating procedures and emergency plans
were suggested. Despite this reassurance, however, a leak of 150,000 litres
of radioactive water occurred at the Pickering station in late 1994. In
reviewing the accident, the Atomic Energy Control Board reported that,
in addition to a fundamental design flaw in the pressure relief valves,
human error had contributed to the severity of the spill. The AECB itself
came under criticism because engineers at Pickering could not reach Board
staff during the crisis.
recently, in August 1997, Ontario Hydro released the results of an internally
initiated Independent, Integrated Performance Assessment (IIPA). A decline
in the "safety culture" at Ontario Hydro’s nuclear generating
stations was one of the report’s main criticisms. This assessment
highlighted the importance of maintaining all equipment and systems in
a nuclear power plant and of operating the plant according to prescribed
procedures in order to ensure the effective functioning of safety features
incorporated in the original design. The essential role of the "human
element" in maintaining safety in such a complex energy system was
stressed repeatedly. In fact, the report was highly critical of the management
of Ontario Hydro Nuclear (OHN) and its possible effect on safety. The
report stated that:
fundamental problems, most notably a lack of authoritative and
accountable managerial leadership, are addressed and corrected,
there is limited potential for success at OHN. Moreover, many
problems are so deeply entrenched within all aspects of OHN (organizational
structures, practices, policies and systems) that individual managers
are unable or unwilling to take corrective action....OHN staff
at every level is reluctant to ask difficult questions of themselves
or others. Failure to establish a questioning attitude is a primary
cause of a reduction in the "defense-in-depth" concept.
report went on to say that the deficiencies identified by the assessment
team required urgent action, since they "represent departures from
the ‘defense-in-depth’ concept that forms the erosion of the
margin of safety afforded the public and employees." Though it is
small comfort, the review team felt that, despite the serious decline
in safety margins, "the remaining safety margins are sufficient to
protect station workers, the general public and the environment at each
OHN site." In response to the IIPA, Ontario Hydro announced the "laying
up" of seven of its 19 reactors (four at Pickering A, and three at
Bruce A) and the permanent closure of the Bruce heavy water plant. Action
over the next three years was promised to remedy the deficiencies identified
at Pickering and Bruce B and Darlington.
In France, a
report in the early 1990s by the chief inspector for nuclear safety noted
that, given the state of reactors operating in that country, the chances
of such an accident’s happening in the next 20 years amounted to
"several percent." The potential for human error, which was
responsible for the Chernobyl disaster, was cited as the main reason for
such an alarming threat. The report went on to cite several previously
unreported "near-accidents" at French reactor sites which could
have led to large releases of radioactivity had they not been intercepted
in time.
B. Inherent Safety
vs. Engineered Safety
safety of most commercial nuclear reactors in operation today depends
on engineered systems. In the event of an accident, some engineered systems
must detect danger and then respond to it in order to shut down the reactor.
It is also possible, and perhaps in light of the Chernobyl accident essential,
to design reactors that are "inherently" safe. The shutdown
of such reactors during an accident would rely solely on the laws of physics
and not on engineered systems and operator intervention. In the words
of one writer, "The idea behind inherent safety is to replace Murphy’s
law (if anything can go wrong, it will) with the laws of physics."
Several countries have been developing inherently safe reactors and they
will serve as illustrations of the concept.
has developed a pressurized water reactor it calls PIUS, in which the
core cooling system and all heat exchangers are immersed in a solution
of boron. Boron is a neutron absorber and quickly damps down the heat-generating
chain reaction. During normal operation, the pressure generated by the
coolant pump keeps the borated water out of the reactor. If the coolant
pumping system fails, the difference in density between the hot water
and cold water would immediately cause the reactor to be flooded with
borated water, shutting down the chain reaction. No human, mechanical
or electrical intervention would be required to achieve shutdown. Sweden
is moving away from using nuclear power and so no commercial PIUS reactors
have been built.
has a high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor (called the THTR 300)
which has round fuel elements the size of tennis balls. These fuel elements
are circulated: one drops out of the core every eight seconds and another
is put in on top. Because of the size and surface-to-volume ratio of the
fuel elements, it is impossible for the core temperature to exceed 1600oC.
The designers claim that this reactor could lose all of its coolant (helium
gas) without getting hot enough to release fission products.
A number of
reactors being worked on in the United States also incorporate self-shutdown
mechanisms that require no mechanical, electrical or human intervention.
Since the accident at Chernobyl, such reactors are much more attractive
than they once might have been. In the U.S., in fact, observers believe
that the introduction of such reactors is the only way in which that country
will again accept nuclear power as a viable energy supply option. The
economics of power generation in the U.S. have brought new construction
of nuclear plants to a standstill in that country. No new plants, of either
the old or new design, are currently on order.
C. The
Chernobyl Accident
26 April 1986, the town of Chernobyl, located 60 miles north of the Ukrainian
capital of Kiev, became the site of the most serious accident ever known
to have taken place in a nuclear power reactor. A series of human errors,
combined with what some western experts believe to be serious design flaws,
resulted in a catastrophic explosion and fire involving the core of the
reactor itself. The immediate results of the explosion and fire were the
death of two people on the site and a very large release of radioactivity.
The unprecedented release of dangerous fission products from the reactor
core necessitated the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, and contaminated
an area of approximately 300 square kilometres of rich farmland. The radiation
spread across international boundaries, contaminating food and causing
much concern over long term health and environmental effects.
25 August 1986, the Soviet Union presented a detailed report on the causes
of the Chernobyl disaster at a special meeting of the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. Ironically, the most serious nuclear reactor
accident of all time had occurred in the course of a safety test. Apparently
workers were trying to determine how long the turbine generators would
continue to turn due to inertia in the event of an unplanned reactor shutdown.
To carry out this experiment, the workers committed no less than six serious
errors - including shutting off all the reactor’s automatic safety
systems so that they would not interfere with the experiment.
chain of events started on 25 April, when the power level in the reactor
was reduced. Because automatic control systems were in place to prevent
the reactor’s operation at such low levels, the workers shut them
off. This removed one of the safety systems designed to prevent the reactor
from going out of control. Power levels then dropped too low for the test;
in trying to bring the reactor back up to the required level, technicians
committed the second fatal error. Control rods are used to regulate and,
as the name implies, control the chain reaction in the reactor. In the
light-water-cooled, graphite-moderated (RBMK in Russian terminology) design
there must be a minimum of 30 control rods inserted in the reactor at
all times. Technicians at Chernobyl removed all but six to eight of the
rods. To compound the problem, a second safety system, which would have
automatically shut down the reactor when the turbines stopped, was also
disconnected for the test.
actual test started at 1:23 a.m. on 26 April when power to the turbine
was stopped. Just before this was done, the flow of water to cool the
reactor was reduced and safety devices that would shut down the reactor
in the event of abnormal steam pressure or water levels were disengaged.
This latest manoeuvre caused the reactor to start overheating dangerously,
but, because the emergency cooling system had been shut down 12 hours
before, there was no relief from the heat build-up. Within seconds, a
tremendous power surge caused two explosions which blew the roof off the
reactor building and ignited over 30 fires around the plant. The damaged
reactor core and the surrounding graphite moderator started burning at
temperatures up to 1600oC. The fire burned for 12 days, releasing
massive amounts of radiation into the atmosphere.
how much radioactivity was released is not yet known, but there have been
numerous estimates. One U.S. estimate holds that at least 40 million curies
of radioactivity were released; this compares well with the Soviet estimate
of 50 million curies noted in their report to the IAEA. This represents
about 3.5% of the radioactivity of the core. (By comparison the Three
Mile Island accident in the United States released only 15 curies of Iodine-131.)
While it is hard to compare this release with that of Hiroshima or Nagasaki,
because the fission products involved are different, one radiation physics
expert says that, roughly speaking, the Chernobyl accident released an
equivalent of 30 to 40 times the radiation of those atomic bombs.
of the radiation fell on the plant site and surrounding towns and farms,
but some was carried into several neighbouring countries, including Sweden,
Poland, Romania, Switzerland, West Germany and Yugoslavia. In these countries,
radiation levels temporarily increased to several times normal levels.
In the town of Chernobyl, 12 miles from the site of the accident, a maximum
radiation of 15 millirems/hour was reported. Normal background radiation
in most parts of the world is about 0.01 millirems/hour.
economic terms, the accident has been a disaster for the former Soviet
Union and the newly independent states of Ukraine and Belarus, which have
inherited the problem. In addition to the cost of resettling 135,000 people,
they face the loss of the $1.9 billion plant itself, a cleanup bill in
the hundreds of millions of dollars and the loss of much needed nuclear
generating capacity. This potential loss of electrical production was
so serious, in fact, that in October 1986 Units 1 and 2 at Chernobyl were
restarted. Unit 3, which shares a control room and generating equipment
with the unit destroyed in the accident, was restarted in the early part
of 1988. As noted previously, the international community has recently
(December 1995) moved to provide financial assistance to Ukraine so that,
by the year 2000, all four units at Chernobyl can be closed.
top of these costs comes the cost of improving safety standards for all
RBMK reactors in the former Soviet Union. Measures being instituted include
an increased number of absorbers, higher enrichment of fuel, control rod
modifications and improvements in the protection against human error in
the early stages of an accident (i.e., more automation).
affected countries of the former Soviet Union also face the loss of much
valuable farmland and the associated loss of agricultural production.
For example, Belarus has lost 20% of its farmland as a result of the disaster.
One American study done soon after the accident put its total cost to
the economy of the former Soviet Union at $3.7 to $6 billion (U.S.). The
Soviets themselves admitted to direct losses of some $3.6 billion (U.S.)
at that time. More recently, however, other authorities have estimated
that some $200 billion rubbles ($380 billion Cdn.) would be required over
the next 10 years to cope with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.
Whatever the final figure turns out to be, it will represent an enormous
drain on the economy of the whole region.
immediate health effects of the Chernobyl accident were not difficult
to assess. At the time 31 people were reported to have died as a result
of the explosion and subsequent release of radioactivity. About 300 or
so other people were treated for acute radiation sickness but were later
released from hospital. A newspaper article from November 1989, however,
noted that the death toll from the accident had already reached 250 people.
for the long-term health effects of Chernobyl, the picture becomes much
more clouded and there is debate over how many people will be affected.
The most widely reported estimates vary from 2,000 to 6,500. That is to
say that experts expect anywhere from 2,000 to 6,500 extra cancer deaths
over the next 50 to 70 years as a result of Chernobyl. Other experts have
expressed the fear that this number could be much higher -- as high as
50,000 to 250,000 -- due to the possible contamination of the food chain
by caesium 137 and caesium 134. Caesium lodges in tissue and in muscle
and delivers a large dose of radiation to those who absorb it. The absorption
of radioactive iodine, especially in children, is also of grave concern.
years after the accident, the incidence of thyroid cancer in children
in the areas that received the highest levels of contamination had already
begun to rise dramatically. Doctors in the region admitted that, of the
children being monitored, 14% suffered very heavy doses of radiation;
however, fully 40-45% are now showing enlarged thyroids, a symptom which
is a known precursor to thyroid cancer. By 1996, 10 years after the disaster,
these fears were being realized. A report indicated that the rate of thyroid
cancers in the most contaminated areas shot up from one per million before
1986 to 200 per million in 1994.
note, with considerable pessimism, that thyroid cancer and leukemia are
usually just the first types of cancer to show up. The experiences of
Japanese survivors of nuclear bombs had led experts to expect that cases
of leukemia would be the first to increase. So far, however, there has
been no noticeable increase in the number of leukemia cases near the Chernobyl
site. This is probably due to differences in the nature of the radiation
and the susceptibility of the exposed population.
addition to cancer deaths, the damage that radiation can do to the human
immune system is expected to result in an increase in all types of infectious
diseases during the coming years. Fetal exposure to high levels of radiation
exposure has also been linked to higher than normal occurrences of mental
retardation, and emotional and behavioural disorders.
The social and
political fallout from the Chernobyl accident threatens to be as long-lived
as the radioactivity it released. Late in 1990, a further 73,000 people
were moved out of areas of the Ukraine, Belarus and Russia that were considered
to have unacceptably high levels of radiation. There are reportedly plans
to relocate still another 300,000 people eventually. These figures are
in addition to the 100,000 people who were moved out of the area in 1986.
D. Recent Issues of
1. Accident
at Japanese Fuel Processing Facility – 30 September 1999
30 September 1999, an accident at the Tokaimura Uranium Processing Plant,
150 km from Tokyo, sent local radiation levels skyrocketing, critically
injured two workers and exposed at least 46 others to serious radioactive
contamination. The plant, operated by a private company known as JCO,
makes enriched uranium reactor fuel rods for Japanese power reactors.
One step in this process involves mixing an oxide of uranium, U308,
with nitric acid. This mixture is then added to a solution of ammonium
salt in a sedimentation tank to form the precipitate called ammonium diurinate,
which is, in turn, processed into uranium dioxide fuel.
to early reports, workers at the plant had mixed the uranium and nitric
acid and were dumping the solution into the sedimentation tank using specially
designed buckets. This is contrary to government-established rules, which
call for the mixing to be done slowly, using a pipeline connection. By
breaking the rules, however, the company could speed up the process to
take just 30 minutes rather than three hours. Clearly, this commercial
concern played a role in the accident.
excess amount of uranium (16 kilograms vs. the acceptable 2.4 kilograms)
was apparently added, resulting in the formation of a critical mass of
fissile material. The end result was a runaway nuclear chain reaction.
The fact that the plant uses a water-based process added to the problem;
water acts as a moderator, slowing down neutrons released in the reaction,
so they can split more atoms and thus sustain the chain reaction. Apart
from Japan, Kazakstan is the only country that still uses this method,
all other countries with such processing facilities having switched to
a dry process for safety reasons. The uncontrolled reaction at Tokaimura
was eventually brought to a halt when the water was drained out of the
regulations are followed properly, the chain reaction described above
cannot be caused at a processing facility so the company was not required
to have an emergency plan in place to handle it. This accounts for officials’
relatively slow reaction to the accident. The event has caused great public
concern in Japan, a country that relies on nuclear power for over one
third of its electricity.
more upsetting to the public was the revelation that JCO, which is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Metal Mining Company, has admitted that it
has been deviating from government-approved procedures for years by having
its own (illegal) manual which cut out some important safety steps and,
as noted above, speeded up other parts of the process. There is growing
concern in Japan that companies in the nuclear industry have become complacent,
or even arrogant, about their ability to handle radioactive materials.
Some critics have noted that the necessary "safety culture"
is missing. The fact that safety regulations for nuclear fuel processing
plants are much less stringent than those for nuclear power plants is
also being openly criticized in light of the accident at JCO.
While the chain
reaction has ended, officials continue to monitor radiation levels in
areas close to the accident site. Early reports indicate that workers
inside the plant were exposed to radiation up to 4,000 times the level
considered safe, while readings outside the plant site recorded levels
about five times that of natural background radiation. It will be some
time before the full extent of the contamination is known. The Japanese
government is still considering laying criminal charges against the company
2. Aging Problems
in East European Reactors
political changes in eastern Europe have led to a greater awareness of
the state of the nuclear reactors in that part of the world. This new
awareness has brought a great deal of concern. Most of the reactors in
eastern Europe are a Soviet design and are in urgent need of repair and/or
upgrading. Following the reunification of Germany, five such reactors
in East Germany were shut down because they did not meet West German safety
standards. In other countries, such as Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria, the
need for the power from the "dangerously antiquated" nuclear
reactors is such that shutting them down is not an option. The international
community has stepped in to help with upgrading the safety features, both
operational and mechanical, of those Soviet-designed reactors deemed to
be safe enough to be worth upgrading. The G-7 has set up a multilateral
fund which started at $74m (US) in January 1993 and is hoped will ultimately
total some $700m (US), the amount believed needed to accomplish the necessary
work. The fund will be administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development.
addition, the European Community has two programs in place to help identify
and address safety issues in Soviet-designed reactors. These programs,
known as TACIS and PHARE, are set up in such a way that they complement
rather than duplicate the G-7 program.
international efforts to date, concern remains high as underpaid nuclear
experts continue to emigrate from the former Soviet Union in great numbers,
leaving this area with a critical shortage of suitably trained manpower.
In late 1995 a report by Russia’s official inspection body indicated
that nuclear safety in that country was plummeting. More than 38,000 safety
violations were recorded at civilian and military establishments in the
two preceding years. The report cited the continued operation of dangerous
reactors and poor radiation protection as two of the leading causes of
this state of affairs. The lack of adequate, highly trained personnel
was also cited as a factor.
The announcement
in mid-1995 that Armenia, facing a desperate need for electricity, would
be re-starting its aging nuclear power plant has caused great concern,
particularly in Europe. This plant was closed as a precaution as a result
of damage it suffered in the devastating earthquake in the region in 1988.
The area is very prone to such quakes and neighbouring countries fear
a breach of containment, since the plant is not designed or built to withstand
3. Ongoing
Safety Concerns at Ontario Nuclear Power Stations – 1994 - Present
December 1994, a pipe connecting a pressure valve to an overflow tank
cracked as a result of excessive vibrations. The crack allowed heavy water
to leak out of the reactor and into a sump tank, which then overflowed,
spilling 140,000 to 150,000 litres of radioactive water into the reactor
building. None of the water was released to the environment but, as a
result of the accident, all four of the units in Pickering A were shut
down. In its investigation of the accident, the Atomic Energy Control
Board (AECB) discovered a basic design flaw in the pressure release valves.
The three units not affected by the accident were allowed to return to
service, but it took one year and $12 million for Ontario Hydro to
re-design and re-install the new system in unit 2, which remained closed
until December 1995. The same new system was also put into the other three
September 1995, the AECB threatened to close Pickering station again.
This time the threat came as a result of what the Board called "a
significant number of serious events," including the above-noted
incident and others in which workers had botched maintenance jobs (for
example, adjusting the backup safety systems on the wrong reactors and
leaving two reactors without a backup for several hours). The AECB was
sharply critical of the plant operators and put them on notice that they
must improve the safety mentality of the workers or face a shutdown. The
Board noted that the problems appeared to be the attitude and motivation
of the workers rather than deficient equipment. Some workers are blaming
staff and budget cuts for the more relaxed approach to safety practices
at the plant.
December 1996, continuing concerns over safety issues at the Pickering
station led the AECB to take the unusual step of renewing the plant’s
licence for a period of only six months, rather than the usual two years.
In June 1997, the licence was renewed for a further nine months; the AECB
was still not satisfied with the progress being made to address safety-related
that the station was operating safely were further undermined when 1997
Ontario Hydro "in-house" peer reviews became public as a result
of a newspaper challenge under the Freedom of Information Act.
These reviews are conducted every two to three years by senior safety
and engineering personnel of Ontario Hydro’s nuclear division; they
are very frank and do not pull any punches. Some of the problems cited
in the reviews included operators sleeping on the job, playing computer
games, and engaging in other behaviour that could have led to significant
accidents. The worsening safety practices at Ontario Hydro’s nuclear
plants were noted, as were the negative impact of personnel cuts and the
fact that some practices identified as unacceptable as early as 1988 had
not yet been changed.
Ontario Minister of Environment and Energy has been quoted as saying that
the nuclear plants would be closed down if the long-standing safety problems
and operational difficulties were not corrected.
response to the mounting pressures from the AECB and other sources, including
the peer reviews, Ontario Hydro has engaged the services of seven foreign
management experts to manage its nuclear program over the next few years.
As part of the Nuclear Recovery Plan, one of the first actions of this
group was to carry out an Independent, Integrated Performance Assessment
(IIPA), the results of which were made public in August 1997. These were
highly critical of the management of Ontario Hydro Nuclear and raised
serious concern that a continuation of existing procedures and practices
could soon result in reactors that were unsafe to operate. According to
the outline of the 15-volume IIPA report, which was reviewed by the AECB,
the IIPA and the AECB share many of the same concerns. As noted previously
in this report, Ontario Hydro responded by announcing the "temporary"
shutdown of Pickering A and Bruce A units and an extensive plan to remedy
the management, safety culture, and procedural and equipment shortcomings
identified at the Pickering B, Bruce B and Darlington stations. The New
Integrated Improvement Plan has now been approved by Ontario Hydro Management
and is being implemented. The AECB is closely monitoring these efforts,
with future licence renewals being dependent on significant progress.
In its most recent annual review of the utility’s nuclear power stations,
covering 1997, the AECB concluded that, while the reactors were operating
safely, the rate of non-compliance with regulations remained unacceptably
high. The Darlington station was cited for breaking regulations eight
times, the Bruce B station 13 times and the Pickering A and B stations
15 times. The infractions ranged from mixing a piece of radioactive metal
with other metal and sending it for recycling at a steel plant, to allowing
workers, contrary to regulations, to eat, drink and/or smoke in areas
of the plant where there was a possibility of ingestion of contaminated
addition, 13 separate fires were reported at Pickering in the year, a
rate that the AECB found unacceptable. Also of concern was the high failure
rate of persons being tested for positions as nuclear operators. At Pickering
A only 65% of those taking the test passed, while at Pickering B the rate
was just 56%. AECB concluded that the reason for the high failure rate
was poor training; apparently the training manuals used at the stations
had not been revised for ten years even though the stations had undergone
some major overhauls during that period.
4. Ongoing
Safety Concerns at Point Lepreau, New Brunswick, Nuclear Power Station
its 1997 annual review of the Point Lepreau reactor, the AECB noted that,
while releases to the public and to the environment remained low and the
exposure of workers to radiation was well below legal limits, the operational
safety of the plant continued to deteriorate. In fact, this aspect of
plant operation had been under special watch since 1996, with the utility
being required to report every six months to the AECB on progress in improving
the safety culture at the site. A maintenance backlog, worker fatigue
and a general deterioration of the condition of the plant were all cited
as problematic.
was so unhappy with the utility’s early efforts to address these
problems that in August 1998 it demanded an ordered schedule of action
to be prepared, and warned that failure to demonstrate progress could
jeopardize renewal of the plant’s licence in October 1998. At the
beginning of October, AECB announced that the operating licence was being
renewed for two years, but with the stipulation that progress in the plant’s
performance improvement plan must be reported.
21 March 1996, the federal government introduced Bill C-23, An Act
to establish the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and to make consequential
amendments to other Acts. The bill received Royal Assent on 20 March 1997
and is now expected to come into force by the end of 1998. Regulations
have been drafted and are proceeding through the public comment phase.
This Act will, for the first time, separate the legislative authority
for research and development of nuclear power from the regulation of nuclear
safety. The name of the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) will be changed
to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). This will allow for
a clearer distinction between Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and
its regulator (AECB).
The new Act
gives the CNSC the specific legislative authority that the AECB currently
exercises under a very general clause in the existing Atomic Energy
Control Act. The Act also allows the provinces to enforce certain
aspects of the operation of nuclear plants which fall within their jurisdiction.
At present, these activities are technically the responsibility of the
federal government, because the Act is all-inclusive and covers every
activity at a nuclear facility, even health regulations in the cafeteria.
August 1983 - An abrupt pressure tube failure occurred at Pickering-2.
This was the first major failure in the primary cooling system of a CANDU
reactor. The unit was shut down for re-tubing.
November 1983 - Pickering-1 was shut down for examination of its pressure
tubes for hydrogen build-up.
March 1984 - Ontario Hydro announced that Pickering Unit 1 would also
undergo a complete re-tubing.
April 1986 - An explosion and fire occurred in Unit 4 at the Chernobyl
generating station in the USSR, destroying the reactor and releasing massive
amounts of radiation from its core.
August 1986 - The International Atomic Energy Agency received and began
to review an official Soviet report on the causes and effects of the Chernobyl
accident. Gross human negligence was cited as the cause.
1986 - Canada signed two international conventions concerning nuclear
safety. The first convention provides for early notification and information
about nuclear accidents and the second commits signatories to help other
nations that suffer a nuclear accident.
1986 - Construction of the concrete sarcophagus to entomb the destroyed
Unit 4 at Chernobyl was completed. Today, there is concern about the integrity
of the sarcophagus and its replacement is seen as a priority.
1991 - Unit 2 at the Chernobyl nuclear power station was damaged by fire.
It was not returned to service and was scheduled for permanent closure
in 1996.
1994 - A pressure valve failure at Pickering caused a spill of up to 150,000
litres of radioactive water into the containment structure.
1996 - Ukrainian officials and representatives of the G-7 nations reached
an agreement on the financing and timing for closure of the Chernobyl
facility. Unit 2 was set to close permanently in 1996, Unit 1 in 1997,
and Unit 3 (adjacent to the sarcophagus on the destroyed Unit 4) in 1999.
1997 - The Nuclear Safety Control Act received Royal Assent, finally
separating the nuclear regulator (formerly the AECB, now the Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission or CNSC) from the industry it regulates.
August 1997
- The results of an Independent Integrated Performance Assessment of Ontario
Hydro Nuclear were released. Serious deficiencies in many aspects of nuclear
plant operations were cited. Ontario announced the closure of all units
at Pickering A and Bruce A, and extensive changes to remaining nuclear
generating stations.
Andrew. "Putting Policy into Practice in the United States."
Nuclear Engineering International, March 1987, p. 24-28.
W. et al. "The Chernobyl Accident: Causes, Initial Effects
and Congressional Response." Major Issue System, Issue Brief #1B86077,
Congressional Research Service, Washington, D.C., 16 September 1986.
Power: Status and Outlook." International Atomic Energy Agency, Paris,
July 1996.
a Political Target: World Survey of Nuclear Power." Nuclear Engineering
International, June 1996, p. 31-37.
Hydro. "Report to Management: IIPA (Independent Integrated Performance
Assessment) / SSFI (Safety Systems Functional Inspections) Evaluation
Findings and Recommendations." 13 August 1997.
State Committee on the Utilization of Atomic Energy. The Accident at
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Its Consequences. Compiled for
IAEA Experts’ Meeting, 25-29 August 1986, Vienna, Parts I and
The original version of this Current Issue Review was published in
October 1993; the paper has been regularly updated since that time.