ARCHIVED - Electronic Items in Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 08-49

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08-49 (December 5, 2008)

All URLs listed were available through the Internet on December 5, 2008.

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This abbreviated list includes only those items from Weekly Checklist 08-49 which are available electronically over the Internet.

Full Version of this Checklist

What's New

Special Distribution of Topographic Maps

In partnership with Natural Resources Canada, Publishing and Depository Services will be making a selection of 71 topographic map titles available to all Canadian depository libraries, as a one-time, limited offer. The maps are overstocks of topographic maps of various areas across Canada and are being made available now as a result of warehouse consolidation at Natural Resources Canada. Natural Resources Canada has stock of approximately 400 copies of each title. Orders for copies will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

Please note also that orders from depository libraries outside of Canada will not be accepted.

For more information and the order form see :

Table of Contents

Parliamentary Publications

Library of Parliament

Departmental Publications

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Research Branch

Bank of Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Market Analysis Centre

Canadian Heritage

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Environment Canada

Canadian Wildlife Service

Finance Canada

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Canadian Coast Guard

Health Canada

Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Human Resources and Social Development Canada

Income Security Programs

Labour Program

Industry Canada

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Canadian Tourism Commission

National Defence

National Energy Board

Natural Resources Canada

Office of Energy Efficiency

Policy Research Initiative

Public Health Agency of Canada

Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

Public Safety Canada

Public Sector Integrity Canada

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Receiver General for Canada

Queen's Printer

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Transportation Safety Board of Canada

Statistics Canada Publications

Statistics Canada




Periodic Releases

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