ARCHIVED - Electronic Items in Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 09-08

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09-08 (February 20, 2009)

All URLs listed were available through the Internet on February 20, 2009.

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This abbreviated list includes only those items from Weekly Checklist 09-08 which are available electronically over the Internet.

Full Version of this Checklist

What's New

Web Integration Project replaces Website Integration Initiative

Driven by Treasury Board's requirement for all Government of Canada web (Internet) sites to be Common Look and Feel (CFL-2) compliant, the Publishing and Depository Services (PDS) directorate had identified a requirement to integrate the Depository Services Program (DSP) and Publications Web Sites into a single CLF-2 compliant web site. The Website Integration Initiative (WSI) was initiated in 2007, with the objective being to combine information and services into a single access point web site and to incorporate the content from the old and non-CLF2 compliant DSP Web Site into the Publications Site.

However, as a result of unforeseen technical and content-related issues, a decision was made not to implement this initiative in 2008, but to concentrate business and technical resources on a single project effort, namely the Web Integration Project (WIP). WIP combines the activities and efforts from both the WSI and CLF2 projects into a single project which will deliver a CLF2-compliant integrated Publications Web Site in March 2010.

The Web Integration Project is well underway, with the first production release planned for March 12, 2009. Further details regarding these changes will be conveyed to you towards the end of February, 2009. In the meantime, the DSP website will remain as an active production website until the integrated, CLF2-compliant Publications website is launched in 2010.

Table of Contents

Parliamentary Publications

Library of Parliament

Departmental Publications

Bank of Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Market Analysis Centre

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Environment Canada

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Canadian Coast Guard

Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation

Health Canada

Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Indian and Northern Affairs

Industry Canada

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

National Defence

National Research Council

Natural Resources Canada

Canadian Forest Service

Office of Energy Efficiency

Office of the Commissioner of Review Tribunals, Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security

Public Health Agency of Canada

Division of Aging and Seniors

Public Service Labour Relations Board

Queen's Printer

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Statistics Canada Publications

Statistics Canada



Periodic Releases

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