Descriptive and visual dictionary of objects : based on the Parks Canada Classification System for Historical Collections: volume I / by Louise Bernard et al. Prepared in cooperation with the Terminology... : R62-299/1997E

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This attractive coffee table book is a dictionary that will give its readers a glimpse of our nation's commemorated past through everyday items, and leave them with a taste for more knowledge about Canada's special places. This first volume begins a classification system for the more than 500,000 objects found in Parks Canada's historical collection. Prepared by Parks Canada specialists in collaboration with student and professional ethnologists, linguists and terminologists from the Universities of Laval and Ottawa, this book provides a comprehensive reference tool for understanding our material culture. This publication was conceived within the framework of a national project to provide a better understanding of the material culture we protect, value, and wish to share with other Canadians and the international community. It will be especially appealing to those with an interest in Canadian history, ethnology, culture and antiques. Within the three main categories of Structures, Furnishings, and Personal Artifacts, the objects covered by this identification scheme range from heating to headwear and from breeches to buttonhooks.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Canadian Heritage. Parks Canada.
Titre Descriptive and visual dictionary of objects : based on the Parks Canada Classification System for Historical Collections: volume I / by Louise Bernard et al. Prepared in cooperation with the Terminology and Linguistic Services Directorate, Public Works and Government Services, University of Ottawa and Laval University.
Type de publication Monographie
Langue [Anglais]
Autres langues publiées [Français]
Format Papier
Autres formats offerts Électronique-[Anglais]
Note(s) "Aims to facilitate the identification, classification, and cataloguing of objects from our material culture. This serialized publication which integrates both the fields of linguistic and ethnology, complements the nomenclature published in 1992 under the title Canadian Parks Service Classification System for Historical Collections."--Back cover.
Information sur la publication Ottawa - Ontario : Canadian Heritage. 1997.
Reliure Clothbound
Description xxxvi, 315p. : figs. ; 29 cm.
ISBN 0-660-14801-3
Numéro de catalogue
  • R62-299/1997E
Numéro de catalogue du ministère R61-2/15-2E
Descripteurs Collections
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