Glacier surveys in Alberta - 1977 / I.A. Reid and J.O.G. Charbonneau. : En36-508/65E-PDF

"Glaciers act as natural regulators, storing water in winter and releasing it in summer. To gain some understanding of this phenomenon and the contribution which glaciers make to streamflow, the predecessors of the Water Survey of Canada began glacier surveys in 1945. The earlier surveys offered some clue to the role of the glacier, but the data collected were not sufficient to provide the overall picture. Following adoption of photogrammetric survey techniques, however, the glacier surveys have evolved to the extent that it is now feasible to produce a series of maps from which the linear, areal, directional and volumetric changes can be determined. The surveys have revealed that the glaciers, in general, are becoming smaller in size; hence the regulating effect on streamflow is diminishing"--Abstract, page v.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Canada. Environment Canada.
Canada. Inland Waters Directorate.
Canada. Water Resources Branch.
Titre Glacier surveys in Alberta - 1977 / I.A. Reid and J.O.G. Charbonneau.
Titre de la série Report series ; no. 65
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) Digitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].
Includes bibliographical references (page 17).
Includes abstract in French.
Information sur la publication Ottawa, Canada : Inland Waters Directorate, Water Resources Branch, 1979.
Auteur / Contributeur Reid, I. A., author.
Charbonneau, J. O. G., author.
Description 1 online resource (v, 17 pages, 2 unnumbered pages) : maps, graphs, photographs.
Numéro de catalogue
  • En36-508/65E-PDF
Descripteurs Glaciers
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