An adaptive, packet-switched HF data terminal : functional overview and initial performance / by Gérard R. Nourry. : Co24-3/7-1423-1991E-PDF

"This report describes the first-prototype version of an automatic, adaptive HF data terminal developed from 1983-1986. The terminal's main forms of adaptivity include a real-time channel evaluation and channel selection mechanism, an adaptive link protocol for channel optimization, and a fully distributed and adaptive routing algorithm for the selection of routes in an HF network. The terminal design is characterized by a suite of robust, low-overhead, adaptive protocols that work in low-bandwidth, error-prone and time-variantenvironments. The terminal's performance is illustrated with results from tests over short and long HF links carried out in Fall 84 and Winter 85-86"--Abstract, page iii.

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Renseignements sur la publication
Ministère/Organisme Communications Research Centre (Canada), issuing body.
Titre An adaptive, packet-switched HF data terminal : functional overview and initial performance / by Gérard R. Nourry.
Titre de la série CRC report ; no. 1423
Type de publication Série - Voir l'enregistrement principal
Langue [Anglais]
Format Électronique
Document électronique
Note(s) "Directorate of Radio Communications Technologies."
Digitized edition from print [produced by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada].
"This document was prepared for and is the property of the Department of National Defence, Research and Development Branch under Project No. 04ILB."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 43-44).
Includes abstract in French.
Information sur la publication Ottawa : Communications Research Centre, July 1991.
Auteur / Contributeur Nourry, Gérard R., author.
Description 1 online resource (vii, 46 pages) : illustrations, graphs.
Numéro de catalogue
  • Co24-3/7-1423-1991E-PDF
Descripteurs Shortwave radio.
Radio -- Packet transmission.
Packet switching (Data transmission)
Adaptive control systems.
Radiodiffusion en ondes décamétriques.
Radio par paquets.
Commutation de paquets.
Systèmes adaptatifs.
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