Prepared by:
Odette Madore
Economics Division
November 1992
Benefits to Individuals
Benefits to Business, Government and Society
Benefits from Innovation
Canada is confronting the
challenges of a global economy as it strives to achieve prosperity on
the domestic market and competitiveness at the international level. It
is well recognized that Canada cannot rely only upon its traditional activities
based on exploitation of natural resources. As well, it is widely accepted
that, to adjust successfully to growing global competition, Canada must
take full advantage of a better educated population and a highly qualified
workforce. As a result, post-secondary education appears to be vital to
Canada's future growth.
In Canada, post-secondary
education is financed for the most part by governments. Such public investment
results in a wide range of benefits that accrue to individuals, business
and society as a whole. It is on the basis of these benefits that improvements
in post-secondary education can be justified. However, our system of higher
education has some problems that must be resolved, not only by governments
but also by all those who participate in this field.
This paper addresses various
theoretical and practical issues that may help explain the growing importance
being given to post-secondary education. The first section reviews the
arguments for public involvement in the field and the second section enumerates
the various benefits deriving from such investment. The third section
highlights some facts - both positive and negative - about the Canadian
post-secondary system. The final section summarizes the actions that could
be taken to improve the system and achieve a high level of education in
Numerous arguments are made
to justify government intervention in functions that would otherwise be
carried out by the private sector. With respect to post-secondary education,
the rationale for government involvement is generally based on efficiency
of allocation and social fairness or economic equity. These arguments
are invariably subject to dispute and interpretation.
The allocation argument
is that governments may be more efficient than the private sector in allocating
resources to the most productive uses. This is primarily due to the failure
of the private market, which is said to be defective in two ways: it suffers
from time lags, lack of information, etc.; and, it does not take into
account the various externalities that often result in social benefits.
Thus, it is argued that government intervention can best ensure a level
of resources in post-secondary education that is appropriate from the
point of view of society.
With respect to social fairness
and economic equity, it is argued that in a free market system, low-income
people would pay the same for education as high-income people; as a result,
the economically disadvantaged would pay a relatively larger share of
their income for this purpose. This could create disparities in the availability
and accessibility of post-secondary education. Consequently, by favouring
a public system, governments help alleviate such discrepancies.
There is, however, no unanimity
in Canada over the role of the respective levels of government in the
field of post-secondary education. Moreover, there are conflicting views
on the relations between the federal government and the provinces over
the whole question of post-secondary education financing.
Although the Canadian constitution
assigns jurisdiction over post-secondary education to the provinces, many
areas that clearly fall within the federal domain or shared federal-provincial
responsibility are closely related to the basic activities of colleges
and universities; examples are the development of the economy and the
encouragement of research and development. While acknowledging the exclusive
jurisdiction of the provinces, the federal government affirms "it
has a role to play in promoting excellence and supporting provincial efforts
to improve the acquisition of knowledge and skills."(1)
Indeed, in recent decades the federal government has come to play an important
role in education, particularly at the post-secondary level. It contributes
to the funding of the education and training sector mainly through transfer
payments to the provinces, and grants and contributions to post-secondary
institutions. Furthermore, some areas of federal activity are designed
to ensure an adequate supply of scientific personnel.
There are, however, constraints
to the development of coherent policies on post-secondary education in
Canada. Some experts contend that the political strength of regionalism
and the emphasis upon different priorities and interests in various provinces
make agreement on coherent national policies particularly difficult.(2)
By contrast, others believe that the very nature of post-secondary education
makes it national in scope. From that point of view, it is claimed that
the federal government has a role in ensuring that the country has adequate
supplies of highly qualified personnel, that there is some equality of
opportunities for young Canadians regardless of where they live, and that
there is a development of the knowledge required for economic growth,
prosperity and international competitiveness.(3)
It is not the purpose of
this paper to deal with jurisdictional issues. No matter what level of
government is involved, it is clear that various benefits result from
public investment in post-secondary education. Capturing all these benefits
can undoubtedly contribute to innovation, productivity and prosperity.
What are the benefits and who gains from them?
Education leads to numerous
benefits for the individual, for business, and for government.(4)
The expected returns on an investment in education take the form of higher
earnings for the individual, increased productivity for business, higher
taxes for government, and an improved standard of living for society as
a whole. Although it is difficult to measure the ultimate benefit of higher
education to the individual and to society, some interesting points can
be made.
Benefits to Individuals
Various studies show that
the income of workers with more education is generally greater than the
income of those with less education. The economic interpretation of this
is referred to as "human capital theory," whereby investments
are made in human resources so as to improve their productivity and therefore
their earnings. Educational costs incurred in the expectation of future
benefits take into account both direct costs, such as books and tuition
fees, and the opportunity cost, or income forgone while people acquire
the human capital. This theory assumes that wages measure labour's marginal
product and that persons acquire education at a cost of foregone opportunities
that are repaid by future enhanced earnings. In addition, individuals
generally continue to make human capital investments in the form of on-the-job
training and work experience once they have entered the labour force.
As a result, both education and work experience enhance productivity and
Studies of the monetary
returns to investments in education generally conclude that rates of returns
are substantial. For example, in terms of earnings, statistics show that
in 1987 college graduates earned an average of $1,000 more than the typical
worker between the ages of 25 to 35. By comparison, university graduates
reported employment incomes about $10,000 above the national average for
the same age group.(6)
Research also shows that
rates for labour force participation rise significantly with higher levels
of schooling. This is clearly shown in Figure 1. For example, in
1991, 85% of adults with university degrees were members of the labour
force, compared with 34% of those with less than nine years of schooling.
Furthermore, studies on the relationship between the educational level
of the labour force and unemployment generally suggest that the more educated
are less susceptible to unemployment.(7)
As can be seen from Figure 2, the probability of being without a job declines
as the level of schooling increases. In 1991, the unemployment rate for
workers with less than nine years' schooling was three times higher than
the rate for university graduates. It has been observed that the differential
in unemployment rates between more and less educated individuals typically
increases during downturns in the business cycle.(8)
Moreover, the more highly schooled and the better trained workers have
more success in finding a new job when they become unemployed.(9)
Benefits to Business, Government and Society
Education benefits not only
individuals, but also business and governments. From a business perspective,
the benefits include increased productivity, a more efficient use of human
resources, and bigger corporate profits, in addition to high quality products
and low supervisory expenses. Higher education also provides the business
sector with new and broader perspectives on technological progress and
its social and economic consequences.(10)
As for governments, empirical studies show that governments recover more
than they invest in education.(11)
Furthermore, benefits accruing from public investment in post-secondary
education consist of more than the additional taxes paid by post-secondary
graduates on their elevated incomes; other external benefits flow from
activities carried out in post-secondary establishments. Such establishments
engage in research and development, which is of significant benefit to
society, and are an independent source of expertise for government as
well as for society in a wide variety of disciplines.(12)
Society benefits in many
ways from a better educated population and workforce. First, higher productivity
translates into higher income and, hence, improved standards of living.
Second, a more educated workforce is less subject to unemployment and,
as a result, society is less vulnerable to economic downturns and poverty
problems. Third, such a workforce can produce a wide range of high-quality
products and services from which society can choose. Higher taxes collected
by governments help maintain and/or improve various social programs, such
as health care. Finally, a more educated personnel tends to generate more
R&D activity, which, in turn, leads to social benefits.
Benefits from Innovation
Higher education now, more
than ever, is considered as a means of achieving an innovative society.
The first advantage of having well educated citizens is their ability
to master new technology and to be innovative enough to originate new
ideas; that is, to possess the ability to understand, develop or adapt
new technologies. It is well recognized that innovation is increasingly
important to economic performance, productivity and competitiveness. The
second advantage of having educated and skilled workers is their ability
to attract high technology firms. For example, a survey indicates that
the deciding factor for technology firms choosing where to locate is the
availability of skilled labour (university graduates and skilled production
workers) in established industries.(13)
Indeed, people increasingly
recognize that knowledge is becoming the primary asset in the global economy
and believe that the post-secondary education system can be the basis
of a powerful competitive advantage. Can we say that Canada has a comparative
advantage with respect to post-secondary education and is ready to meet
the challenge of globalization?
At first glance, one can
say that the situation is not too bad. Canada devotes a larger share of
its gross national product (GDP) to education than other countries do.(14)
For example, in 1988, the latest year for which comparable data are available,
expenditures on education relative to GDP amounted to 7.2% in Canada,
6.2% in Germany, 5.7% in France and the United States, and 4.9% in Japan.(15)
In the same year, Canada also allocated the greatest share of total educational
expenditures to post-secondary education: 37.0%. This is compared to 17.6%
in Japan and 13.9% in France.(16)
In addition, Canada ranks second internationally with respect to post-secondary
enrolment as a percentage of the population aged 20 to 24.(17)
However, higher expenditures
do not necessarily equal higher output. Indeed, the Canadian educational
system shows some serious drawbacks. First, the potential resources for
a more educated population and a highly skilled labour force are being
jeopardized by the large secondary-school dropout rate - approximately
33%. By comparison, the dropout rate is 2% in Japan and 10% in Germany.(18)
Second, some 38% of students who graduate from high school have difficulty
with common reading tasks while a similar percentage lack basic arithmetic
skills.(19) The large number
of dropouts and people who have problems with reading and maths could
ultimately result in a group of workers who are functionally illiterate
and difficult to train. Third, although access to post-secondary studies
is significantly higher in Canada than elsewhere, scientific fields of
study, so important for the future of the country, attract a smaller proportion
of students in Canada than in many other countries.(20)
As can be seen from Table 1, the enrolment in science and technology
disciplines at both university and technical-college levels is declining
in this country. Youth are turning away from careers in science and engineering
partly because of the public misconceptions of those careers and their
perceived inaccessibility.(21)
Fourth, the number scientists and engineers engaged in research in Canada
lags far behind that in other countries.(22)
Together, these factors are expected to have a great effect on the supply
of qualified labour in the near future.
It is forecast that about
two-thirds of the jobs to be created within the 10 next years will require
at least 12 years of education, and that half will require 17 years
or more.(23) As a result,
Canada may experience a shortage in the supply of scientific and technically
qualified personnel.(24)
Such a shortage may well come about as experts anticipate a growing demand
for highly educated and skilled workers in the near future. Specifically,
one research paper reports that, although large numbers of low-skill jobs
are still being created in the Canadian economy, there has been an upgrade
in the skill composition of employment over the last two decades.(25)
Statistics show that, over the 1971-1986 period, the share of jobs requiring
some post-secondary education or the equivalent grew by 3%, while jobs
requiring less than high school education fell by over 4%.(26)
Overall, one might be better
to speak in terms of imperatives rather than advantages when contemplating
the challenges Canada confronts today with respect to post-secondary education.
Already, there is a trend towards an increase in the level of education
required as industrial products and services become more technologically
sophisticated. What should be done?
Given the wide recognition
of the benefits accruing from post-secondary education, it is clearly
imperative for Canada to improve its educational system. Although governments
assume most of the financing of post-secondary education, other actors
also participate in enhancing higher education in this country. There
are the colleges and universities, which educate future workers; there
is the private sector, which is expected to require an increasingly better-educated
and skilled labour force; but first of all, there are the individuals
and the family.
Total Enrolment
Community Colleges
Community Colleges
Community Colleges
Community Colleges
Community Colleges
Community Colleges
Source: Economic Council
of Canada, Pulling Together Productivity, Innovation and Trade,
1992, p. 41.
An emerging consensus in
recent studies is on the need for changing the attitudes of individuals
and society toward education, science and technology. Although post-secondary
education is of primary concern for Canada's future, it is widely acknowledged
that any change must start at an earlier stage; that is, at the elementary
and secondary levels whose students constitute our pool of future enrollees
in post-secondary institutions. Recent reports strongly suggest an increase
in the participation of parents and communities in the formal education
system. The argument is that an informed population is more aware of the
value of education and may make better choices from the options available.(27)
With respect to elementary
and secondary education, there is also the feeling that we need a fundamental
renovation of the school system. Accordingly, national standards are suggested,(28)
as are improvements in the quality of teaching, especially of science
and mathematics,(29) and
in the quality of facilities and equipment in schools.
There is also a need to
change perceptions of post-secondary education. For example, some contend
that Canadian society places too high a value on university degrees at
the expense of technical post-secondary programs, which are perceived
as second best. For this reason, it is suggested that the mission of universities,
community colleges and technical institutes(30)
should be re-examined and the value of technical careers reinforced.(31)
In addition, it is said that Canadian post-secondary institutions fail
to offer highly specialized programs. For example, Porter describes two
major barriers to specialization of human resources.(32)
First, he believes that regulation of tuition fees at post-secondary institutions
limits the capability of the institution to recover the extra costs of
highly specialized programs. Second, he maintains that the funding patterns
established for post-secondary institutions inhibit the possibility of
coordinating educational programs among provinces as well as among establishments.
As a result, he says, faculty specializations and capabilities are scattered
throughout the country.
Furthermore, the business
sector considers that post-secondary institutions should improve their
curricula and provide their services more efficiently.(33)
It suggests that stronger links between the business and the educational
sectors would make education more responsive to the needs of the private
sector and thus ensure a better preparation for the workplace.
Recent reports strongly
recommend the creation of a national body with the mission of monitoring
all these changes.(34) Such
a new organization should not create another layer of bureaucracy but
should rather coordinate all the actors participating in the improvement
of the educational system.
Finally, governments also
have a role to play in the "renovation" of the Canadian educational
system. A recent Task Force recommends a review of post-secondary funding,(35)
which should accompany any reform of the system. Those who believe that
post-secondary education institutions require additional government support
also believe that such support should not be provided as a right, but
rather on the basis of accountability.(36)
Others contend that, despite the evidence of financial need, solving the
problems facing Canadian post-secondary establishments will require "more
imagination and wise management" of all resources than simply more
money.(37) In any case,
in view of the amount already spent on education and the fiscal restraint
now facing all levels of governments, it is doubtful that more funds could
be provided. Although some favour alternative financing arrangements for
post-secondary education, there has not yet been any detailed proposal
for reform.
Overall, Canadians must
clearly realize the importance of post-secondary education in securing
our future prosperity. Higher education must be a priority and action
must be taken now. Failure to renovate the whole educational system will
threaten Canada's ability to compete in the globalizing marketplace. Efforts
must be concerted: the task will not be possible without the support and
cooperation of all - individuals, the educational system, industry and
governments. This is the challenge of today.
Bathelt, Harald and Alfred
Hecht. "Key Technology Industries in the Waterloo Region: Canada's
Technology Triangle." The Canadian Geographer, Vol. 34, No.
3, Fall 1990, p. 225-234.
Centre for Educational Research
and Innovation. Education at a Glance - OECD Indicators. OECD,
Paris, 1992, 148 p.
Economic Council of Canada.
"Education: More Than Ever a Priority." Au Courant, Vol.
12, No. 1, 1991, p. 6-7.
Economic Council of Canada.
"Skill Composition of Employment." Au Courant, Vol. 12,
No. 1, 1991, p. 5.
Economic Council of Canada.
A Lot to Learn - Education and Training in Canada. 1992, 64 p.
Economic Council of Canada.
Pulling Together Productivity, Innovation and Trade. Ottawa, 1992,
60 p.
Government of Canada. "Learning
Well...Living Well - Consultation Paper: Issues for Discussion."
Prosperity Initiative. Ottawa, 1991, 33 p.
Howe, W.J. "Education
and Demographics: How Do They Affect Unemployment Rates?" Monthly
Labour Review, January 1988, p. 3-9.
Kavanach, Robert J. "The
Future Supply of Highly Qualified Engineers and Scientists and the Role
of NSERC." Canada's Future Requirements for Highly Qualified Scientists
and Engineers. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada, May 1989, p. 163-192.
Kenny-Wallace, Geraldine
A. "The Challenge of Change for 2001: The Canadian University in
a Knowledge-Intensive Society." Post-Secondary Education: Preparation
for the World of Work. Proceedings of a Canada/UK Colloquium. The
Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1990, p. 11-23.
Krashinsky, Michel. "The
Returns to University Schooling in Canada: A Comment." Canadian
Public Policy, No. 2, June 1987, p. 218-221.
Lemelin, Clément and Jean
Perrot. "Les dépenses publiques pour l'enseignement universitaire
et le taux de rendement fiscal: le cas du Québec." L'Actualité
économique, Vol. 66, No. 2, June 1990, p. 193-217.
National Advisory Board
on Science and Technology. Science and Technology, Innovation and National
Prosperity: The Need for Canada to Change Course. Report presented
to the Prime Minister, April 1991, 38 p.
Newton, Keith. "Highly
Qualified Personnel: A Key to Success in Global Competition." Canada's
Future Requirements for Highly Qualified Scientists and Engineers.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, May 1989,
p. 1-41.
Porter, Michael E. Canada
at the Crossroads - The Reality of a New Competitive Environment.
1991, 468 p.
Slack, Enid. "The Implications
of Federalism for Post-secondary Education." Ontario Universities:
Access, Operations and Funding. Conference Proceedings. Ontario Economic
Council, 1985, p. 362-375.
Statistics Canada. Catalogue
No. 71-201.
Steering Group on Prosperity.
Inventing Our Future: An Action Plan for Canada's Prosperity. October
1992, 75 p.
Symons, Thomas H.B. "Ontario
Universities in a Broader Context: The Need for a National Strategy in
Canadian Higher Education and Research." Ontario Universities:
Access, Operations and Funding. Conference Proceedings. Ontario Economic
Council, 1985, p. 257-275.
Task Force on Business-Education
Relations. Keeping Canada Competitive: The Importance of Post-Secondary
Education. The Canadian Manufacturers' Association, April 1987.
Task Force on Challenges
in Science, Technology and Related Skills. "Prosperity Through Innovation
- Summary Report." Prosperity Initiative. 1992, 22 p.
Treff, Karin. "Education
Financing in Canada." Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2,
1992, p. 502-518.
Vaillancourt, François.
Private and Public Monetary Returns to Schooling in Canada, 1985.
Working Paper No. 35. Economic Council of Canada, 1992, 40 p.
Watts, Ronald L. "Introduction."
Post-Secondary Education: Preparation for the World of Work. Proceedings
of a Canada/UK Colloquium. The Institute for Research on Public Policy,
1990, p. 1-7.
Government of Canada, "Learning Well...Living Well - Consultation
Paper: Issues for Discussion," Prosperity Initiative, Ottawa,
1991, p. xi.
See, for instance, Ronald L. Watts, "Introduction," Post-Secondary
Education: Preparation for the World of Work, Proceedings of a Canada/UK
Colloquium, The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1990, p. 4.
Thomas H.B. Symons, "Ontario Universities in a Broader Context: The
Need for a National Strategy in Canadian Higher Education and Research,"
Ontario Universities: Access, Operations and Funding, Conference
Proceedings, Ontario Economic Council, 1985, p. 265; Enid Slack, "The
Implications of Federalism for Post-Secondary Education," Ontario
Universities: Access, Operations and Funding, Conference Proceedings,
Ontario Economic Council, 1985, p. 365-366; Government of Canada,
"Learning Well...Living Well - Consultation Paper: Issues for Discussion,"
Prosperity Initiative, Ottawa, 1991, p. i.
For a brief summary of Canadian studies of the private and public rates
of return to education, see François Vaillancourt, Private and Public
Monetary Returns to Schooling in Canada, 1985, Working Paper No. 35,
Economic Council of Canada, 1992.
It should be noted that the relationship between education and earnings
remains controversial. A central aspect of the debate is the hypothesis
that higher education may act as a filter, screening out the more able
workers rather than enhancing productivity directly. The filter theory
implicitly casts doubt over public investment in higher education. Empirical
tests of the screening assumption have not been conclusive.
Economic Council of Canada, "Education: More Than Ever a Priority,"
Au Courant, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, p. 6-7.
Michael Krashinsky, "The Returns to University Schooling in Canada:
A Comment," Canadian Public Policy, No. 2, June 1987, p. 218-221.
W.J. Howe, "Education and Demographics: How Do They Affect Unemployment
Rates?" Monthly Labour Review, January 1988, p. 3-9.
Economic Council of Canada, "Education: More Than Ever a Priority"
(1991), p. 6-7.
Task Force on Business-Education Relations, Keeping Canada Competitive:
The Importance of Post-Secondary Education, Part 2, The Canadian Manufacturers'
Association, April 1987, p. 1.
Clément Lemelin and Jean Perrot, "Les dépenses publiques pour l'enseignement
universitaire et le taux de rendement fiscal: le cas du Québec,"
L'Actualité économique, Vol. 66, No. 2, June 1990, p. 193-217.
Michel Krashinsky (1987), p. 220-221.
Harald Bathelt and Alfred Hecht, "Key Technology Industries in the
Waterloo Region: Canada's Technology Triangle," The Canadian Geographer,
Vol. 34, No. 3, Fall 1990, p. 225-234.
Karin Treff, "Education Financing in Canada," Canadian Tax
Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1992, p. 502.
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Education at a Glance
- OECD Indicators, OECD, Paris, 1992, p. 40.
Keith Newton, "Highly Qualified Personnel: A Key to Success in Global
Competition," Canada's Future Requirements for Highly Qualified
Scientists and Engineers, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, May 1989, p. 7.
Economic Council of Canada, Pulling Together Productivity, Innovation
and Trade, 1992, p. 41.
Treff (1992), p. 503.
Economic Council of Canada, A Lot to Learn - Education and Training
in Canada, 1992, p. 41.
Task Force on Challenges in Science, Technology and Related Skills, "Prosperity
Through Innovation - Summary Report," Prosperity Initiative,
1992, p. 6.
Task Force on Business-Education Relations, Keeping Canada Competitive:
The Importance of Post-Secondary Education, The Canadian Manufacturers'
Association, April 1987.
National Advisory Board on Science and Technology, Science and Technology,
Innovation and National Prosperity: The Need for Canada to Change Course,
Report presented to the Prime Minister, April 1991, p. 24.
Robert J. Kavanach, "The Future Supply of Highly Qualified Engineers
and Scientists and the Role of NSERC," Canada's Future Requirements
for Highly Qualified Scientists and Engineers, Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada, May 1989, p. 163-192.
Economic Council of Canada, "Skill Composition of Employment,"
Au Courant, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1991, p. 5.
Task Force on Challenges in Science, Technology and Related Skills (1992),
p. 16; Steering Group on Prosperity, Inventing Our Future: An
Action Plan for Canada's Prosperity, October 1992, p. 50-51.
Task Force on Challenges in Science, Technology and Related Skills (1992),
p. 9; Michael E. Porter, Canada at the Crossroads - The Reality
of a New Competitive Environment, 1991, p. 208-209.
Steering Group on Prosperity (1992), p. 35.
Task Force on Challenges in Science, Technology and Related Skills (1992),
p. 14.
Ibid., p. 9-10.
Porter (1991), p. 180-181.
Task Force on Business-Education Relations (1987), Part 3, p. 1.
Task Force on Challenges in Science, Technology and Related Skills (1992),
p. 18; Steering Group on Prosperity (1992), p. 37.
Task Force on Challenges in Science, Technology and Related Skills (1992),
p. 17.
Task Force on Business-Education Relations (1987), Part 1, p. 3.
Geraldine A. Kenny-Wallace, "The Challenge of Change for 2001: The
Canadian University in a Knowledge-Intensive Society," Post-Secondary
Education: Preparation for the World of Work, Proceedings of a Canada/UK
Colloquium, The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1990, p. 13.