Brief Historical Overview
Tax Treatment of Donations by Individuals
1. Tax Credit for Charitable
2. Donations
of Appreciated Property
3. Gifts to the Crown
4. Bequests to
Tax Treatment of Donations made by Corporations
Tax Classification of Charities and Non-Profit Organizations
The federal government and
some provincial governments are having to deal with serious budgetary
constraints. With discretionary financial resources shrinking, they are
being forced to reassess the rationale for and appropriateness of their
A government may spend directly
by financing a variety of programs; it may also spend indirectly by forgoing
a portion of its revenue. Expenditure programs that operate through the
tax system are called "tax expenditures." One such expenditure
concerns donations to charitable organizations.
The federal government permits
individuals and corporations to reduce their income tax by allowing them
a credit for donations to charitable organizations or by allowing them
to deduct such donations from income. Thus, taxpayers and corporations
may claim a portion of the billions of dollars that they give to the 71,000
charities that exist in Canada.(1)
Basing its estimate on tax
data from Revenue Canada, Statistics Canada reports that, in 1993, 5.5
million taxpayers gave gifts to charities that amounted to $3.5 billion.(2)
In 1992, total donations came to $3.2 billion. The Canadian Centre for
Philanthropy estimates that in 1993 $8.2 billion was donated by individuals
and $1.2 billion by corporations.(3)
The difference between these
two estimates can be explained by the fact that some taxpayers give to
charities without requiring a receipt or claiming the tax credit to which
they are entitled. For every $100 donated by individuals, receipts are
issued for only $80, of which only $43 is used in calculating the tax
credit for charitable donations.(4)
In total, these gifts cost Canadian taxpayers more than $800 million in
lost revenue. In fact, as we shall see later, the amount came to over
$870 million in 1992, and $893 million in 1993.
By exhibiting such fiscal
generosity, the federal government is sacrificing revenue, even though
sources of revenue are becoming scarcer. At a time when the government
is reviewing all its programs, withdrawing from some of its activities
and even going so far as to abandon the production and provision of some
public goods and services completely, it must not allow the tax expenditure
associated with charitable organizations to escape public scrutiny.
This document examines the
charity sector in the budgetary context, discusses the economic factors
that motivate philanthropists and examines the tax treatment of charitable
donations. A series of tables is appended which provides a brief statistical
portrait of the flourishing charity "industry."
It is important to examine
the tax treatment of charities to make sure that it is sufficiently generous,
is not too expensive and matches the growing needs of the people of Canada.
The challenge is all the greater since charitable organizations could
well help solve the budgetary problems facing governments by compensating
for harsh budget cuts. In 1993, as can be seen in Table 5 (see appendix),
60% of charities' revenue (or nearly $49 billion) came from various levels
of government. This figure includes the amounts received by hospitals
($17 billion) and by educational institutions ($16.5 billion).(5)
The Canadian Centre for Philanthropy has calculated that donations would
have to rise by 5.8% for every 1% reduction in government subsidies and
transfers in order for available funds to remain at their present level.
The billions of dollars
in donations from corporations and individuals must be viewed as moneys
invested in the community. In many respects, the public goods and services
supplied by charities have become especially important or even essential,
because of the financial situation of present governments.
As stressed above, because
of the shortage of funds, governments are increasingly withdrawing from
the provision of public services. It is quite possible that in the near
future charities will be required to take the place of governments, which
are trying to do more, and do it better, with less. At a time when attempts
are being made to reinvent government, it should perhaps be recognized
that social services could be provided much more efficiently by charitable
organizations. It could be that communities and local agencies are in
a better position to assess and meet these needs economically than government
employees working in a capital city far removed from the people they serve.
Charitable donations have
considerable multiplier effects. Charities say that, by allowing donations
to be deducted from income tax, governments probably get more in return
than it costs them in tax expenditures. Thus stopping the tax credit for
charitable donations would probably result in losses greater than the
amounts taxpayers currently receive through the tax credit. As the Canadian
Society of Fund Raising Executives told the Finance Committee:
All Canadians can and
do find benefits in this arrangement. Governments benefit when charities
produce programs and services that would not be offered otherwise.
Canadians benefit when the community is enhanced and protected at
a minimum cost. Everyone benefits when thousands of jobs are produced
at a low cost within the charitable sector.(6)
The Canadian Fund Raising
Executive Institute noted:
The [charitable gift]
tax credit is not a loophole. It is an incentive for Canadians to
invest in the community through their government. It does not cost
the government money. It saves the government money. ... Our charities
... receive 70% of their funding from governments and individual and
corporate donations. Any undermining of this support at this time
is inappropriate. ... The result would be devastating for many of
the country's charities and, consequently, the people they serve.(7)
In its final report, which
followed on the pre-budget consultations in the fall of 1994, the Committee
stated, "without the generosity and commitment of the voluntary sector,
even more responsibility and cost for services would fall on governments."(8)
The Committee accordingly asked the government to conduct an in-depth
study of the tax incentives available to charitable, non-profit and cultural
organizations. The Committee's request echoed the February 1994 budget,
which stated that "[t]he government will continue to monitor the
tax treatment of donations to registered charities to ensure that the
tax system is as effective as possible in its support of the voluntary
The federal government reiterated
this commitment in the 1996 budget: "In the coming year, the Department
of Finance will examine ways of further encouraging charitable giving
and charitable activities... Ways of ensuring that increased government
support to charities is effectively translated into activities of direct
benefit to Canadian society will be examined."(10)
From this it seems clear that the federal government aims to encourage
charitable donations while ensuring that society as a whole benefits from
the associated tax relief.
Contrary to what many think,
people are not concerned solely about their own economic welfare; in fact,
to maximize their level of utility (i.e. their economic welfare), they
also take the welfare of their fellow citizens into account. Just as they
are prepared to spend money to feed their children, they are also prepared
to make sacrifices to provide for those who are less well off. Because
they feel it is important to have access to culture and literature, for
example, they will give money to museums, libraries or literacy organizations.
Most people are concerned
about the economic welfare of others. An altruistic person will give to
others if the reduction in his or her wealth is at least offset by the
satisfaction of sharing. Accordingly, a gift does not reduce the level
of utility, since improving the lot of others will increase the general
level of economic welfare. The richer a person is, in relative terms,
the more he or she may be prepared to give something up in order to meet
other people's needs. In fact, the dollar that a wealthy individual gives
away has less marginal value to that person than it has when made available
to those who are less well off.
The income tax system influences
altruistic behaviour as follows: the tax credit for charitable donations
is designed to encourage giving. The donor is paying less of the contribution,
since all taxpayers are forced to pay part of it. A resident of Ontario
who gives $100 to a charity receives a federal credit of $17 and a provincial
credit of $9.36 (or $17 multiplied by 0.58). The credits also reduce the
federal and provincial surtaxes payable.
For corporations, creating
close links with a charity enhances their corporate image, because they
are perceived as having a social conscience. The gifts made by corporations,
however, generally owe more to marketing than to altruism. This explains
the sometimes more favourable tax treatment they receive with respect
to gifts to charity. In fact, some judgments have held that, because such
gifts may be made for business reasons, they may be deducted from business
income, regardless of the generally applicable limits. (For more information,
see the section entitled Tax Treatment of Donations made by Corporations.)
Brief Historical Overview
Charitable donations have
been taken into account in computing taxable income since income tax was
first introduced in Canada in 1917. In 1950, because there was concern
that some organizations receiving charitable donations might not be devoting
an adequate share of such donations to charitable activities, the federal
government introduced a number of tax rules. In 1966, charities were asked
to file returns on their activities and to register with the Minister
of National Revenue so that the receipts they issued could be checked.
Despite the 1971 tax reform,
the federal government did not propose new legislation on charities until
a Green Paper came out with the budget of 23 June 1975. On 25 May 1976,
several new provisions governing charities were announced, to come into
effect on 1 January 1977 (section 149.1 of the Income Tax Act).
Charities were required to spend at least a minimum amount on their charitable
activities and to file public information returns, while the concepts
of qualified investments, private foundations, public foundations and
charitable organizations were introduced.
In June 1987, following
the publication in 1983 of a working paper by the Minister of Finance
and the 1987 White Paper on Tax Reform the government introduced new provisions
governing the tax treatment of charitable donations. Prior to 1988, a
taxpayer deducted from income an amount equal to his or her charitable
donation. All taxpayers were entitled to a deduction of $100 without filing
receipts, whether or not they had made donations to a registered charity.
With the introduction of the new provisions, the government replaced the
deduction with a two-tier non-refundable federal tax credit. A federal
tax credit of 17% was made available on the first $250 and a credit of
29% for any donations exceeding that amount; the taxpayer can deduct these
tax credits from the tax payable. Thus, since 1988 the tax system has
treated charitable donations differently by making the value of the credit
dependent on the amount of the donations rather than a percentage of the
donor's income.
In the budget of February
1994, the government made the tax treatment of charitable donations more
generous. To encourage people to make charitable donations, it reduced
to $200 (from $250), the point at which the 29% tax credit first applies,
thereby slightly increasing the tax assistance for charitable donations.
According to the Department of Finance, the credit will cost $15 million
more per year in forgone income tax.
In the 1996 budget, the
government announced a series of measures affecting the tax treatment
of charitable donations. The annual ceiling on eligible donations has
gone from 20% of net income to 50%, or 100% in the case of bequests. Where
appreciated capital property is donated, the 50% ceiling has been further
increased by 50% of the resulting taxable capital gain.
Tax Treatment of Donations by Individuals
There is no doubt that the
tax treatment of charitable donations has a significant impact on generosity.
As was noted earlier, by granting a tax credit for charitable donations,
the government divides part of the cost of the donation among all taxpayers
and at the same time reduces the cost to the donor; however, the tax system
imposes certain limits and conditions of eligibility.
1. Tax Credit for Charitable
As noted above, donors are
entitled to a non-refundable 17% federal tax credit on the first $200
to a registered charity and a 29% tax credit on any donations above that
amount. Donations can now represent up to 50% of a taxpayer's net income;
this new ceiling is designed to encourage larger donations.
For taxpayers in all provinces
except Quebec, which collects its own taxes, the combined rate of the
federal and provincial credit is approximately 27% on donations of less
than $200 and approximately 47% on any amount claimed above this figure.
Donations exceeding the ceiling of 50% of net income may be carried forward
over a maximum period of five taxation years. Furthermore, either spouse
may claim a tax credit for a contribution made by the other spouse. Lastly,
the individual may elect not to declare contributions in the year they
are made but to save them up over a period not exceeding five years in
order to accumulate a larger amount and thereby maximize the tax credit.
To be eligible for the credit,
donations must be made to one of the following: (1) a Canadian charity
registered under the Income Tax Act;(11)
(2) an amateur athletic association; (3) a housing corporation providing
low-cost housing; (4) a Canadian municipality; (5) the United Nations
or its agencies; (6) certain universities outside Canada; and (7) certain
charitable organizations outside Canada.
To encourage Canadians to
donate cultural property and to ensure that such property and works of
art remain in Canada, the Act provides for more generous tax treatment
for these. First, when cultural property is given to institutions recognized
by the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the donors are
entitled to a tax credit based on fair market value (established by the
Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board (section 118.1(10) of that
Act); they do not have to add the deemed capital gain to their income.
Second, these donations are not subject to the 50% of net income limit,
and may be carried forward over the following five years if the whole
tax credit is not used during the year of donation. In order to qualify,
gifts of art must be made to registered Canadian institutions in the arts.
It is not necessary to be a charitable organization or a Crown agent to
qualify as an institution designated by the Canadian Cultural Property
Export Review Board.
2. Donations
of Appreciated Property
Because of the tax on capital
gains, taxpayers who under the old system donated appreciated property
(land or buildings, for example) to a charity sometimes found themselves
in a situation where they were unable to claim tax credits for the whole
amount of the taxable capital gain (capital gains are 75% taxable). This
meant that it was better for taxpayers to limit the amount they donated
in the form of property, in order to minimize their tax burden and the
problem of cashflow as far as possible. This state of affairs was not
beneficial for charitable organizations.
The government has therefore
increased the tax credit for donations of appreciated property to compensate
for the taxable capital gain. In addition to the eligible donation ceiling
of 50% of net income (net income includes the taxable 75% of any capital
gain) taxpayers can now also claim 50% of the taxable capital gains resulting
from the donation of appreciated property included in calculating the
donors taxable income.(12)
Donors are thus entitled to a maximum charitable donation credit for 100%
of the taxable capital gain (i.e. 75% of the gain). The new system eliminates
the disadvantage that used to be associated with donations of appreciated
capital property.
The new tax credit includes
the entire amount of taxable capital gains, but the credit will not always
be equal to the market value of the donation. In certain circumstances
(for example, where taxable income is not high while the value of the
donation is very high), taxpayers will not always be entitled to a tax
credit in that year that represents the total market value of appreciated
capital property.(13)
Taxpayers should therefore calculate the maximum tax credit for which
they are eligible and decide whether it would be preferable to spread
out their claim for the donation over five years, in order to maximize
their tax credit.
It should be noted that
very few taxpayers are in this situation, and that taxpayers always have
the choice of adjusting how they make their donations in order to reduce
their tax liability.
3. Gifts to the Crown
Where a taxpayer makes a
gift to the government of Canada, to a provincial government or to one
of their agents (such as a government foundation), he or she is entitled
to donate up to 100% of net income. The whole of the gift is accordingly
added to the sum on which the tax credit is calculated. The tax credit
in a given year may not, however, exceed the total amount of tax payable.
In such a case, any surplus not claimable may be carried forward over
the following five taxation years, as can a credit that the individual
does not wish to use immediately.
Some provinces, such as
Ontario and British Columbia, have established charitable foundations
acting for the Crown to which donors may make direct gifts. Donations
to these foundations entitle the donor to the most favourable tax treatment.
Consequently, it is in the interests of individuals wishing to donate
more than 20% of their net income to make their donations to foundations
rather than direct to charities.
4. Bequests to
Bequests are considered
as being made during the year of the donor's death. The 20% ceiling on
bequests has been raised to 100%. If bequests exceed the ceiling of 100%
of net income for next year, they may be carried back to the preceding
year and a credit may be deducted from the tax payable for the last taxation
year. Under the old system, there was a deemed disposition of all property
on death (except for gifts made to a spouse or in respect of trusts created
for the spouse's benefit); the value of charitable donations could be
very high and easily exceed the 20% limit, thus not earning full tax credit.
Consequently, in such cases, it was very much in the donor's interest
simply to make the donation to a Crown foundation or to give to the registered
organization during his or her lifetime (thereby maximizing the tax credit
for charitable donations) rather than waiting until he or she died. With
the new 100% ceiling, the government is facilitating contribution planning
in situations where the value of such contributions is significantly more
than income in the year of death and the preceding year.
As we saw earlier, a bequest
of certified cultural property made to designated institutions located
in Canada is not deemed to be a gift triggering a deemed capital gain;
for that reason no limit is set on the value of such bequests.
Tax Treatment of Donations made by Corporations
Because governments are
becoming less and less generous, charities are relying more on individuals
and corporations. For corporations, such gifts offer the advantage of
improving corporate image at very little cost.
As in the case of individuals,
the maximum amount of charitable donations for which a corporation can
receive tax credit during a year may now not exceed 50% of its taxable
income. However, the rules governing tax deductions allow corporations
to deduct the entire charitable donation from taxable income, rather than
receiving a tax credit. In fact, when it is possible to describe the gift
as being a payment made for business reasons, there is no limit on the
amount the corporation may deduct from business income. The decision in
Olympia Floor & Wall Tile (Quebec) Ltd. v. M.N.R. allows
the full deduction if the gift is viewed as being an operating expense.
Some people, like Léo-Paul Lauzon of the Université de Québec à Montréal
object to this treatment and feel that nothing described as an entertainment
expense, philanthropic expense or assistance of any kind should be tax-deductible
for corporations.
Tax Classification of Charities and Non-Profit Organizations
Status as a registered charity
brings two major benefits. First, it authorizes the organization to issue
official receipts that enable individuals to reduce the tax payable on
their income and corporations to reduce their taxable income. Second,
it exempts the organization from paying income tax under Part I of the
Income Tax Act.
To be eligible for registration,
the charity must have been created for charitable purposes, must be located
in Canada and may not pay out its income for the personal benefit of its
members. This last condition does not prevent the organization from paying
for services rendered with respect to normal operations. The conditions
of eligibility provide that the organization's activities must confer
a tangible benefit on the public (for example, an organization created
to cover the travel expenses of a sick child going to the United States
for treatment would not be recognized as a charity because it would lack
the essential element of public benefit). Nor can the clients benefiting
from the activities be limited to a narrow group, for example an association
in which membership is limited to certain people.
The courts have defined
four major categories for charitable purposes. In order to fall into one
of these categories, an organization must carry on at least one of the
following activities: (1) relief of poverty (e.g. food banks and organizations
that provide disadvantaged persons with clothing or furniture), (2) the
promotion of religion (the organization must have an element of theistic
worship in order to be recognized, and the activities must serve the common
good), (3) the promotion of education (the activities must include a substantial
educative aspect or be geared to the development of the mental faculties
or to advancing a branch of knowledge (e.g. museums) and (4) other activities
of benefit to the community, defined by the courts (e.g. environmental
protection, child welfare, volunteer firefighters, the prevention of cruelty
to animals, the relief of suffering associated with aging).
The Act recognizes two kinds
of registered charities: charitable foundations and charitable organizations.
The latter, which account for more than 90% of the 71,000 registered charities,
are those that carry on their own charitable activities, have more than
50% of their directors dealing at arm's length with the other directors
(they must not be related by blood, marriage, common law marriage, a business
association or a close affiliation such as a business partnership or an
employer-employee relationship), and receive at least 50% of their funds
from donors dealing at arm's length.
Foundations, on the other
hand, are charities used primarily to fund other recognized charitable
activities; they may be public or private, the distinction being based
on the relationship between the directors and the nature of the funding.
A foundation is public if more than 50% of its directors deal at arm's
length with the other directors and if at least 50% of its funds come
from donors with whom it deals at arm's length. A foundation is private
if 50% or more of its directors are persons not dealing at arm's length
with other directors or if it receives more than 50% of its funds from
a single person or from a group of people who do not deal with each other
at arm's length. Private foundations may not be involved in commercial
activities, while public foundations and charities may carry on only commercial
activities that relate to their mandate or are directed by volunteers.
In order to protect taxpayers,
to ensure that most of the funds are used for charitable purposes, to
discourage inappropriate accumulation of capital, and to keep administrative
expenditures to a reasonable level, the Act requires that every charitable
organization spend a minimum amount; this is its disbursement quota, within
the meaning assigned to that expression by section 149.1(1)(e)
of the Act. Gifts for which no receipt has been issued are not subject
to this requirement. Calculation of the quota will vary, depending on
the type of charity involved. The Appendix to this paper explains how
the formula applies to charitable organizations and to public and private
foundations. Most organizations need to take into account only the value
of the receipts issued for donations during the previous year. Expenditures
that qualify in calculating the disbursement quota must be used directly
for a charitable activity (including wages and purchases of materials
or goods, for example, but excluding purely administrative costs such
as fundraising campaigns or legal or accounting costs).
A charitable organization
must devote not less than 80% of the amounts for which it has issued receipts
to its charitable activities, excluding gifts received in the form of
bequests, gifts subject to a stipulation that the property be held for
not less than ten years and gifts received from other charities.
A public foundation must
devote the total of the following items to its charitable activities:
(a) the amount that would be its disbursement quota if the foundation
were a charitable organization, plus (b) 80% of all moneys it receives
from other registered charitable organizations, excluding any designated
gifts, plus (c) a sum calculated on the basis of the average value of
the portion of its property that was held during the preceding 24 months
and was not directly allocated to charitable activities or administrative
purposes. A private foundation calculates its disbursement quota in the
same way as a public foundation except that the second factor is equal
to 100% of all the amounts the private foundation has received from other
registered charities.
Organizations that carry
on political activities, in whole or in part, are not charities. For example,
promoting the objectives of a political party, promoting a political doctrine,
persuading the public to adopt a specific point of view on a major social
issue or attempting to bring about changes in legislation or government
policy would all prevent registration. The Act expressly prohibits any
charitable organization from carrying on partisan political activities.
Thus, a charity may not give financial or other support to or oppose a
political party or a candidate for political office. An organization established
for charitable purposes may, however, become involved in non-partisan
political activities that directly contribute to the attainment of the
organization's objectives, as long as it does not devote more than 10%
of its resources to those activities.
An organization will be
registered only if it fully satisfies other requirements of the Income
Tax Act. For example, organizations are required to file an information
return with the relevant attachments and financial statements within six
months of the end of their fiscal year. A charitable organization must
also keep books and records.
An organization that does
not meet the requirements for registered charity status may in certain
cases be eligible for registration as a non-profit organization under
the Income Tax Act. For example, fraternal societies that provide
services to the needy (such as Clubs Richelieu or Rotary Clubs), advocacy
groups or athletic associations are not eligible for registration. While
such organizations are not subject to most taxes, they may not issue official
receipts for tax purposes.
The federal government is
going to find it more and more difficul to make the tax system more generous
to charities. The recent amendments to the Income Tax Act alone
will cost the federal government a further $20 million. In addition
to the $5.3 billion paid out to charitable organizations direct, the reduction
in tax receipts resulting from the tax credit for charitable donations
cost the government almost $1 billion. The millions that donor corporations
are allowed to deduct must be added to this. There is no doubt that with
such substantial amounts of money at stake, the slightest abuse might
engender enormous costs. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the
controls in place are effective.
Tax administration for charitable
organizations may have to be improved by emphasizing transparency, simplicity
and fairness. For example, Revenue Canada should perhaps review the measures
governing revocation of registrations, commercial activities, late filing
of returns, penalties for non-compliance, the validity of receipts issued
and access to public information returns prepared by these organizations.
Because corporations can
benefit from very generous tax treatment, the government could also perhaps
review the rules that permit them to deduct donations. Léo-Paul Lauzon
told the Finance Committee:
There is a whole host
of expenditures that are philanthropic in nature. ... These are expenses
that corporations can deduct from their income tax. Corporations act
as patrons of the art [sic] and to a certain extent influence
society's choices along the lines that best meet their own private
interests, all the while using public money. Governments must put
a stop to that. It's a policy that makes no sense whatsoever. What
it boils down to is corporations being entitled to spend public money
at their own discretion without having to account for them [sic]
in any way. ... [T]his is my recommendation: ... only normal operating
expenses incurred by a company for the purpose of raising revenues
should be tax deductible.(14)
Because the tax advantages
that flow from gifts made to Crown foundations are particularly generous,
it might be in the interest of taxation authorities to review the role
of this treatment, and the rationale for it. By giving to a Crown foundation
rather than to another registered organization, individuals are able to
exceed the 50% limit and substantially reduce their tax, which results
in the loss of substantial amounts of public revenue.
Lastly, though increasing
numbers of charities are asking Canadians for donations, there are limits
to the amounts that taxpayers can give. In fact, the number of organizations
is probably increasing at a faster rate than the total moneys given to
charity in Canada. Each organization is thus receiving an ever smaller
piece of the pie as the number of competing organizations grows. Revenue
Canada could perhaps look at its criteria for assessing the legitimacy
of the charitable activities of the organizations in question; for example,
should Greenpeace and the Alliance Québec foundation be able to issue
receipts for tax purposes when their activities are often political?
The only way to free up
further financial resources at no cost to the federal government is to
limit the number of charities by examining the legitimacy of their activities
more closely and revoking their registration more quickly, where this
is necessary.
Canadian Centre for Philanthropy.
A Portrait of Canada's Charities. Toronto, 1994.
Revenue Canada. Information
Circular, Registered Charities: Operating a Registered Charity.
No. 80-10R. 17 December 1985.
Revenue Canada. Taxation
Statistics, 1993. 1995 Edition, Table 2.
Statistics Canada. Canadian Social
Trends. Ottawa, Summer 1992, p. 22-24
Source: Revenue Canada, Taxation Statistics, 1993.
Ottawa, 1995, Table 2.
PLEASE CALL 996-3942
The Financial Post, 9 December 1994, p. 18.
Canadian Centre for Philanthropy, A Portrait of Canada's Charities,
Toronto, 1994, Figure 8.
Hospitals and post-secondary educational institutions have status as charities.
There are more than 4,600 health care institutions with status as registered
charities, and more than 9,300 registered educational institutions.
Finance Committee, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, 24 November
1994, Issue 91, p. 59.
Finance Committee, Confronting Canada's Deficit Crisis, Ottawa,
December 1994, p. 38.
Department of Finance, Tax Measures: Supplementary Information,
1994-1995 Budget, 22 February 1994, p. 12.
Department of Finance, Budget Plan, 1996-97 Budget, 6 March 1996,
p. 70.
The section entitled Tax Classification of Charities and Non-Profit Organizations
discusses in detail what constitutes a registered organization and the
benefits it enjoys. An organization may be registered if it carries on
at least one of the following activities: relief of poverty, promotion
of religion, promotion of education and other activities benefiting the
TC = 0.5 Y + 0.5 (0.75 KG)
where TC = maximum annual
charitable tax credit
Y = Yi + 0.75 KG
(net income as defined on line 236 of the income tax return)
Yi = net income
excluding taxable capital gains
KG = capital gains
Thus TC = 0.5 Yi + 0.75
Taking as our basis the equation TC = 0.5 Yi + 0.75 KG, it follows that:
TC = 0.5 Yi + 0.75 (M - C)
where M= market value of
donated property
C= original cost
of donated property
Thus TC < M where Yi
< 0.5 M + 1.5 C
In other words, the tax
credit will be less than the market value of the donation if net income
is too low in relation to the difference between market value and originating
value. For example, in the case of property that had not appreciated at
all (i.e. (where M = C), the tax credit would be equal to the total value
of the donation if net income (Yi) is twice the value of the property
Finance Committee, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, 23 November
1994, Issue 89.