Prepared by:
Daniel J. Shaw
Economics Division
July 1996
is changing, both in Canada and around the world. No longer can countries
be telecommunications islands.
James Meenan, AT&T
Canada Corporation
The technologies employed
by telecommunications and cable television companies in Canada and elsewhere
are undergoing a rapid transformation; consequently, so are the services
they can deliver. No longer do these enterprises rely exclusively on copper
wire or coaxial cable as their primary transmission media; increasingly,
their networks use fibre-optic cable, which carries information on a pulse
of light, and wireless systems, which make use of the electromagnetic
spectrum. The Internet, a network of computer networks, and its amazing
array of new software applications is also a revolutionary means of carrying
information that both complements and competes with more traditional means.
These technology developments
also foster the globalization of commerce. Combined with new, relatively
low-cost transportation, the new communications technologies and services
have led to the proliferation of trade beyond the traditional borders
of nation-states. Moreover, a disproportionate share of this trade is
conducted by multi-national or, more precisely, transnational corporations,
whose investment decisions appear increasingly to be made strictly on
economic grounds rather than on accidents of history or geo-politics.
This new environment presents Canada with the serious challenge of remaining
competitive internationally amid threats to its traditional sectoral share
of such investment. The "Information Revolution" can be a double-edged
This challenge is not imposed
only on individuals and their businesses, but also on the federal government,
which, as it has the exclusive responsibility for telecommunications and
broadcasting policy in Canada, must provide legislation and policy that
responds to the social, cultural, political and economic circumstances
of the day. The demise of technologies characterized by "natural
monopoly" conditions, and the re-configuration of telecommunications
and broadcasting activities along global, rather than national, lines
means that public policy must be re-designed accordingly. It must now
provide new broad ground rules for incumbent as well as new entrant telecommunications
and broadcast distribution companies engaged in both the domestic and
international arenas. The significance of this policy reformulation cannot
be overstated. This paper describes the new status of international telecommunications
and addresses both the political-economic institutional responses and
related international developments.
Recent developments and
enhancements in telecommunications technologies, along with improved aircraft,
liberalized and re-configured "hub-and-spoke" airline networks,
international air and ground carrier alliances (including code sharing
and harmonized frequent-flyer programs), and inter-modal transport containers
are all contributing to the globalization of markets.(1)
They have also been the main catalysts of the Information Revolution which,
as it leads to the "Information-based Society," promises to
be no less important than previous social revolutions.
The Industrial Revolution
included institutional changes, such as corporate governance charters,
limited liability rules, liberalized freedom of contract codes, the emergence
of a stock market and aggregated physical and financial capital to take
advantage of new production techniques based on economies of scale. The
modern corporation was the primary instrument for coordinating these developments.
Constraining this revolution, however, was the fact that railways and
communications networks were limited to national markets and in some aspects
subject to natural monopoly conditions. International transportation and
communications networks thus came about by "pasting" developed
country networks on to an international grid with minimal and monopoly
linkages. Obviously, this structure did not greatly consider economic
efficiency; other economic and political pressures would have to bring
this about.
Recent innovations in transportation
and communications, however, have pushed corporate-based production beyond
the boundaries of national markets and natural monopoly. For example,
while voice and data communications and entertainment services were formerly
the distinct preserves of, respectively, telephone, satellite and cable
television companies, they can now be provided over each others
transmission facilities, primarily because of the move to digital technologies.
The dissolution of conventional boundaries between telecommunications,
cable television and computer activities is paving the way for the convergence
of information carriage services in the "Information Highway."
We are witnessing the demise of natural monopoly as indirect competition
takes root, primarily through alternative transmission technologies. Direct
competition can take place only after complete deregulation.
Moreover, the newest telecommunications
technologies are contributing to the birth (some say re-birth) of alternative
distribution channels, such as direct advertising, novel marketing and
selling strategies, and retail-warehousing systems. These enable companies
to better take advantage of "just-in-time" inventory, electronic
data interchange, and computer systems for airline reservation, electronic
banking and shopping, in order to enhance the traditional manufacturer-wholesaler-retailer
distribution chain, or to circumvent it when this is economically feasible.
More direct distribution systems, made possible by the modern information
technologies, obviously transcend national borders and offer savings that
will undoubtedly contribute to the competitiveness of the business sector.
These innovations, coupled with institutional changes such as the successful
Uruguay Round negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
("GATT") and the North American Free Trade Agreement ("NAFTA"),
enhance international commerce, trade and competition and increase national
Thus, today, corporations
on the cutting-edge are acquiring their production inputs worldwide, depending
on the best combination of lowest cost and highest quality and reliability;
they are also using just-in-time inventory and flexible manufacturing
techniques(2) to produce and
market more efficiently brands, based on core company products, to an
international market with its vastly heterogeneous tastes. Brand name
recognition can conceivably become international now that broadcasting
services can be marketed worldwide more economically. Together, these
re-configured production and marketing techniques make intra- and inter-corporate
communications more critical than ever. The result is increased international
and intra-corporate trade, particularly in telecommunications services.
International telecommunications
traffic amounted to 47.7 billion minutes in 1993. On a per capita basis,
this averages just over nine minutes globally, but 46.5 minutes in high-income
countries. Perhaps more importantly, the compound average annual growth
rate of international telecommunications over the 1983-1993 period was
14% approximately double the growth in domestic telecommunications
activity in most industrialized countries.(3)
In terms of market value, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) countries generated in the order of US$35.9 billion
in revenues from international telecommunications in 1992, about 9% of
total telecommunications carrier revenues in those countries.(4)
Clearly, these statistics show how recent developments in telecommunications
technologies are pushing political-economic institutions towards globalization.
The demise of natural monopoly
in telecommunications services has also led many countries to gradual
liberalization of their domestic markets; that is, to deregulation of
prices and market entry and to privatization of former public telephone
companies. These pro-competition policies have provided many opportunities
for new companies, which, in turn, have stimulated demand for more and
new services. While industry entrants have been of domestic origin, the
more important and substantial de novo domestic competitors have
been foreign-based telecommunications companies. It must be remembered
that domestic companies are generally a more expensive source of capital
because greater financial risk is involved and because they are often
further burdened by a prolonged and steep managerial learning curve. Foreign-based
companies, on the other hand (whose investments have been direct and indirect,
as well as horizontal and vertical), almost immediately provide the receiving
country with effective competition.
Through direct foreign investment
("DFI"), foreign financial capital is provided to a host country
company, usually along with imported technology, varying degrees of technological
know-how, and managerial expertise. This capital is of the active, hands-on
sort, rather than the passive, institutional variety so these highly-valued
tie-ins are usually directly correlated with the level of foreign ownership
at stake. In telecommunications, indirect investment, more often than
not, means an alliance, but sometimes includes an equity stake through
a joint venture company. In a horizontal investment, the DFI or alliance
would simply provide joint and complementary telecommunications services,
while a vertical investment might provide multi-media content and distribution
services, telecommunications equipment, or hardware/software products.
The benefits of such investments to the receiving country are numerous.
For example:
The member companies of
Stentor, working together, negotiate various relationships with other
players. ... we currently have a relationship with MCI wherein we use
the technology that they have developed for virtual network services.
We were trying to develop that technology ourselves, but the costs were
prohibitive, and we would not have been able to get it to market at
a time when our customers needed that service.(5)
Entering a foreign market
offers the investing telecommunications company both strategic and non-strategic
demand and supply advantages. Market-oriented investments generally make
it easier to serve a customer direct rather than through a third party
and, in addition, the companies receive subsidies from the host country
in the form of more favourable regulatory treatment than is granted to
the dominant domestic telephone company. Cost-oriented investments usually
spread R&D expenditures more widely and avoid excessive and discriminatory
accounting rates.(6)
The driving force behind
international alliances is apparently the brisk demand for so-called "seamless"
global communications services. Transnational corporations are seeking
to replace their private, in-house tele-communications networks, which
have been described as a patchwork of separate but similar services procured
from incompatible host-country transmission equipment, built to inconsistent
technical standards. Alliances between world-renowned telecommunications
companies linking complementary products and services offer transnational
corporations one-stop-shopping and systems-integrated, relatively hassle-free
internal and external communications products and services. Some observers
also mention the benefits of currency hedging, which is implicit in one-currency
pricing policies.(7)
Bell Canada Limited explains
its Concert alliance, premiering MCI and British Telecom plc ("BT"),
as follows:
As everyone knows, with
the globalization of business and with communications being such an
important part of success in business nowadays, there is a great advantage
in offering seamless services ... that a customer will recognize as
the same in every country and which will operate across national borders,
and no operators could do that alone. You really have to team up with
operators in other countries to offer those services, and you need to
spend the money to develop the software and the platforms to deliver
Figure 1 provides an organizational
chart of the Concert partnership.
Source: TeleGeography,
Inc., TeleGeography 1995: Global Communications Traffic Statistics
& Commentary, p. 10.
AT&T Canada Corporation
explains its WorldPartners alliance, whose organization is shown in Figure
2, in the following way:
Consumers today are becoming
increasingly global in their operations. As a result, they want seemless
services; services that they can access and that are reliable, regardless
of where they are in the world. In general, they do not care who provides
what, as long as they are receiving reliable services that they need
at reasonable prices. World-class seemless services are vital for many
businesses to be competitive in todays environment. To help provide
these services, telecom companies are also increasingly forming international
alliances. Whether it is the WorldPartners Group, of which AT&T
is a member, other alliances our competitors are establishing, these
alliances are being formed to provide these types of services that customers
are demanding. They are a sign that these companies acknowledge that,
regardless of their size and expertise, they cannot continue to go it
alone and still provide the type of seemless service their customers
are demanding.(9)
The third alliance of the
three international majors is the Phoenix Alliance, which led by Sprint
Corporation. The organizational structure of this alliance is featured
in Figure 3.
An international alliance
would not, in general, incorporate a mix of large and small telecommunications
companies; however, this does not mean that international alliances are
restricted to the giants of the industry, nor does it mean that they are
strictly global in scope. Clearnet Communications Inc. appears to have
struck a continental alliance:
We have found our relations
with Motorola and Nextel to be most advantageous. Nextel and Clearnet
share material interests as operators and as common customers of Motorola.
... With Nextel, for example, we can offer services at the border. The
radio signals actually cross the border they do not end at the
border so people can travel to Los Angeles using a Nextel system
and travel to Toronto or Montreal and use the Clearnet system.(10)
Source: TeleGeography,
Inc., TeleGeography 1995: Global Communications Traffic Statistics
& Commentary, p. 8.
Source: TeleGeography,
Inc., TeleGeography 1995: Global Communications Traffic Statistics
& Commentary, p. 12.
The greater demand for international
telecommunications services and liberalized domestic telecommunications
are forcing countries, particularly those with persistent annual net trade
outflows, to examine the present telecommunications trading regime. In
this regard, a review of the history of international telecommunications
is instructive.
From the beginning, international
telecommunications were treated as an extension of national telecommunications.
Matters of interconnection, technical standards and tariffication were
the preserve of the International Telecommunication Union ("ITU").
The ITU, which is now a wing of the United Nations ("UN") and
has far more signatory members than the UN itself, was formed in 1932
with the merger of the International Telegraph Union (which is the oldest
surviving international organization, dating back to 1865) and the International
Radiotelegraph Convention. International telecommunications policy matters
thus developed in an atmosphere of consultation and cooperation amongst
government departments and agencies of ITU member states. ITU officials
were not trade specialists, rather they were telecommunications specialists;
consequently, they were not guided by international trade issues and policy,
but by domestic telecommunications regulatory regimes and policies.
Thus, international telecommunications
have come to reflect the domestic regulatory objectives of ITU member
states, as dictated by former economic conditions when telecommunications
technologies were said to be subject to natural monopoly and network externalities.(11)
Hence, domestic telco monopolies supervised by domestic regulators usually
set collection charges for international telecommunications according
to a policy whereby long distance services were cross-subsidized by local
services; only accounting rates were negotiated with ITU member states.
Simply put, collection charges, in part due to accounting rates, are excessive
and discriminatory.(12)
Teleglobe Canada continues
to have an exclusive mandate, or in plain words, a monopoly in Canada
on all overseas telecommunications. ... Teleglobe rates and services
are not competitive. In fact, Teleglobes own evidence submitted
to the CRTC in a recent proceeding demonstrated that there is considerable
bypass of Teleglobes facilities by routing traffic through the
U.S. That is because Teleglobes rates are not competitive with
those of the U.S.-based international carriers.(13)
Considerable deregulation
has now taken place in many nations. Figures 4 and 5 clearly demonstrate
that competitive forces have reduced tariffs for international telecommunications
services. Business tariffs in OECD countries that have introduced competition
to their telecommunications markets declined on average by 8.6% between
1990 and 1994, and dragged down the business tariffs of non-liberalized
countries by 3.1%. Average residential tariffs, on the other hand, have
declined by only 3.1% in liberalized OECD countries, while they have increased
by 8.7% in non-liberalized countries. There are other important changes:
the greater the distance of the call, the greater has been the decline
in international prices; the ratio of usage charges to fixed charges has
fallen in countries where total charges declined and risen in countries
where total charges increased.
Source: OECD, Communications
Outlook 1995, p. 71 and 73.
While these by-pass methods
are to some extent leading to more rational international pricing structures,
by themselves they are insufficient to the task. Otherwise, we would not
see the large and persistent price differentials between countries with
and without liberalized telecommunications markets. Countries without
liberalized markets have no incentive to reform international pricing;
their monopoly telcos still capture substantial economic rent through
high collection charges and accounting rates as their monopoly telephone
networks are needed to terminate any telecommunications transaction. Moreover,
ITU procedures are based on secretive and bilateral negotiations for co-operative
production of international telecommunications services, with revenues
shared by the providers of each member state. Such procedures make it
unlikely that there will be any movement towards more rational prices.
While such pricing policies
were sustainable in a monopoly era, they are coming under great pressure
for reform in the new competitive environment. With the advent of choice
and competition in telecommunications, uneconomic by-pass has emerged
as a way of confounding collection charges and accounting rates that are
not commensurate with their costs. "Call me back" strategies
by consumers, usually inside families or companies, and "call home
direct" and "home beyond" services offered by many of the
telecommunications companies are meant to overcome excessive telecommunications
Thus, telecommunications
are being conducted uneconomically, and all consumers, from liberalized
and regulated telco countries alike, suffer as a result. Thus, the large
unexploited gains to trade can be captured only in a broader forum that
includes other commercial services and goods. The appropriate place for
reforming international telecommunications tariff policies is at the negotiating
table of the General Agreement on Trade in Services ("GATS")
set up by the World Trade Organization ("WTO").
The GATS enables countries
to modulate the extent, breadth and speed of international telecommunications
trade through the Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications ("NGBT"),
which comprises OECD countries and several major developing countries.
NGBT could provide a forum for reaching multilateral agreements on a more
open trading regime in telecommunications services, covering issues such
as greater market access, Most-Favoured Nation status, and transparency
in telecommunications regulations. Its deadline for conclusion has recently
been extended by one year, until 30 April 1997.
For Canada, a multilateral
agreement would have three advantages over a regional agreement such as
the NAFTA. First, there would be a greater probability of resolving trade
imbalances with countries notorious for excessive accounting rates. Second,
it would provide more balanced bargaining power to participants; that
is, it would reduce the clout wielded by the U.S. in bilateral or regional
agreements. Third, it would raise the possibility of obtaining Canadas
long-standing desire for "rough equivalence" or "selective
reciprocity" (rather than an "identical" or "mirror
reciprocity") to achieve effective competition and equitable trade.
The U.S., with its much larger telcos, has always advocated the opposing
The promise of an ubiquitous
Information Highway is founded on the interconnection and interoperability
of telecommunications systems and networks, which, in turn, are founded
on agreed-upon international standards for some, but not all, technical
aspects of these systems and networks. As it stands, not all telecommunications
facilities and networks are ubiquitous. For instance, most national telephone
networks are interconnected and interoperable, even a phone call originating
on a touch-tone telephone, connected to a digital exchange in Canada,
that goes by way of a manually-operated switchboard to a rotary-dial phone
in rural China. The same is true of the Internet, and many national telephone
systems around the world. Not all cable television systems are interoperable,
however; the various multi-media products and services are also not all
interchangeable; and not all IBM and Apple computers are interconnectable.
Global telecommunications
networks require international standards set in a forum that would ideally
include all nations wishing to use a national Information Highway. These
standards must be developed quickly, to reduce the likelihood that technology
lock-in advantages and disadvantages for selective industry participants
might arise in the interim. Standards must be clear and flexible so as
to accommodate new information and developments.
Unfortunately, no one institution
can carry out such a massive mandate, however. Even setting standards
for the newer telecommunications equipment has proved too difficult for
one institution. At present, a number of organizations are active in this
area. The International Organization for Standards and the International
Electrotechnical Commission are independent international industrial organizations
recognized as advisory bodies by the UN for setting standards for computer
networking. The Telecommunications Information and Networking Architecture
consortium, the Digital Video Broadcasting Group and the Digital Audio
Visual Council are all helping in setting standards for multi-media interfaces.
The Motion Picture Experts Group ("MPEG") is developing standards
for digital compression.
For more than a century
since its inception, the ITU and its forerunner agencies performed adequately
in setting standards for international telecommunications. For most of
the twentieth century, however, this function had a low priority because
technological change was proceeding at a very slow pace. When the ITU
operated in an environment of national monopolies, where international
services cross-subsidized local services, it addressed standard-setting
issues only once every four years by issuing regulations that limited
standards to the interfaces and boundaries between dedicated telecommunications
equipment; often these voluntary regulations were adopted only when necessary
and on the basis of the lowest common denominator acceptable to member
states. In these circumstances, the ITU succeeded at being the worlds
pre-eminent international standard-setting institution in telecommunications,
as is proven by the wide international adherence to its standards.
As the pace of innovation
in telecommunications picked up in the past two decades, however, the
ITU did not adapt quickly enough or sufficiently to meet the needs of
some of its members, particularly those nations liberalizing their markets.
The demand for new and improved standards rose precipitously; and it continues
to do so today, as it will tomorrow. The bureaucratic organization and
broad political membership of the ITU proved to be a handicap, and the
growing demand for standards was not met. Consequently, in the past decade,
very competent Regional Standards Organizations ("RSOs"), such
as the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ("ETSI"),
the T1 Committee of the Exchange Carriers Standards Association ("T1")
of the U.S. and the Telecommunications Technology Committee ("TTC")
of Japan, have emerged to fill the traditional role of the ITU. The RSOs
have several competitive advantages over the ITU in setting standards
quickly and credibly, chiefly because they have a smaller and more homogeneous
membership. They have further shown the capacity to agree on common standards
by meeting and concluding agreements outside the ITU forum.
In its Plenipotentiary Conference
of 1992, held in Kyoto, Japan, the ITU showed some notable signs of reform.
ITU member states adopted a five-year strategic plan that established
the priorities of the newly re-organized bureaus: Radiocommunication,
Development and Standardization. This recognized the need to become more
client-oriented; that the forces of rapid technological change are forging
a truly over-arching global network; and that the operating environment
has expanded to include the wider communications industry with its alliances
of telecommunications companies intent on providing seamless competitive
global services.
The ITU has re-organized
its standardization process so that it now takes 18 months on average
to produce a standard; in the last three years, the ITU has completed
a workload roughly equivalent to that of the previous 20 years.(14)
These developments suggest that the ITU can now respond to the forces
of competition. Moreover, it appears that World Tel, a banking institution
formed in 1995 under the auspices of the UN and with initial capital of
US$50 million, will begin to invest on a commercial basis in order to
develop modern telecommunications facilities in Third World countries.
WorldTel, backed by many dominant developed country telcos, will require
competitive telecommunications institutions in ITU member countries before
making an investment; this should go a long way to alleviate the concerns
of developing countries, which have so far placated the ITU in its efforts
to provide timely standards-setting for the Information Highway. It seems,
however, that the ITUs pre-eminence in standards-setting is lost
The RSOs will always be
faster at setting standards, because they serve fewer and narrower interests.
These interests can also be viewed as an Achilles heel, however, since
competition within and between RSOs may take precedence if the participants
in an RSO believe they can gain an individual advantage by not cooperating;
this can happen even though all participants would collectively gain more
by adopting a common standard. Only an institution like the ITU can overcome
this situation. Despite its chequered past, the ITU should be able to
work its way back to centre stage in standards-setting by strategically
finding a distinct niche, based on its leadership and reputation for eliciting
cooperation from RSOs.
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8, p. 619-635.
Globerman, Steven. "The
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Technology, Information and Public Policy. John Deutsch Institute
for the Study of Economic Policy, Queens University, Kingston, Canada,
November 1994, p. 243-279.
Information Highway Advisory
Council. Connection, Community and Content: The Challenge of the Information
Highway. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, September 1995.
International Telecommunication
Union. ITU Statistical Yearbook 1993. Geneva, Switzerland, 1995.
International Telecommunication
Union. World Telecommunication Indicators 1994/95. Geneva, Switzerland,
Janisch, Hudson and David
Ujimoto. "Foreign Ownership and International Alliances: Implications
for Domestic Regulation." Unpublished manuscript. November 1995.
Johnson, Leland L. and David
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Telecommunications Policy, March 1992, p. 122-134.
Joseph, Richard A. "Direct
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MacLean, Donald J. "A
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Conference." Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1995,
p. 177-190.
OECD. International Telecommunication
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OECD. Communications
Outlook 1995. Paris, France, 1995.
Porter, Michael E. The
Competitive Advantage of Nations. The Free Press, New York, 1990.
Porter, Michael E. Canada
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Rutkowski, Anthony M. "The
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Senate of Canada. Proceedings
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First Session. Thirty-fifth Parliament. 1994-95, Issue Nos. 16 and 32-36.
Richard G. Lipsey and Cliff Bekar, "A Structuralist View of Technical
Change and Economic Growth," in Thomas J. Coucherne, Technology,
Information and Public Policy, John Deutsch Institute for Public Policy,
Queens University, Kingston, 1994, p. 9-75.
See Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, The
Free Press, New York, 1990.
ITU, World Telecommunication Indicators 1994/95, 1995, Table 13,
p. 39.
OECD, Communications Outlook 1995, Tables 3.9 and 3.10, p. 33 and
34, respectively.
Brian Canfield, BC Tel, Senate of Canada, Proceedings of the Standing
Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, First Session, Thirty-Fifth
Parliament 1994-95, Issue No. 16, p. 37.
The telephone company originating an international call charges the customer
its tariff, which in industry circles is called the collection charge.
Since the original telephone company requires access to a foreign telephone
company to "terminate" (complete) the call, a fee to that second
telephone company is required. This fee, which is often negotiated bilaterally
between ITU member states, is referred to as the accounting rate. It is
usually shared on a 50/50 percentage basis, despite the fact that the
costs of originating the call exceed the costs of termination.
Hudson Janisch and David Ujimoto, Foreign Ownership and International
Alliances: Implications for Domestic Regulation, unpublished manuscript,
November 1995, p. 4.
Bernard Courtois, Bell Canada Limited, Senate of Canada, Proceedings
of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications,
First Session, Thirty-Fifth Parliament 1994-95, Issue No. 36, p. 17.
James Meenan, AT&T Canada Corporation, Senate of Canada, Proceedings
of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications,
First Session, Thirty-Fifth Parliament 1994-95, Issue No. 35, p. 5.
Robert C. Simmonds, Clearnet Communications Inc., Senate of Canada, Proceedings
of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications,
First Session, Thirty-Fifth Parliament 1994-95, Issue No. 33, p. 15.
A benefit that accrues to existing members of a network from the addition
of others is called an external economic benefit or "positive externatility."
In the interest of economic efficiency, this externality can provide a
necessary condition for government intervention. Such intervention, whatever
its form, would have to be the least costly instrument to obtain the desired
objectives, which would also assess private-sector contractual arrangements;
the external economic benefit could be no less than this cost.
See OECD, International Telecommunication Tariffs: Charging Practices
and Procedures, 1994.
Michael Kedar, GeoReach Telecommunications Inc., Senate of Canada, Proceedings
of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications,
First Session, Thirty-Fifth Parliament 1994-95, Issue No. 32, p. 6-7.
Donald J. MacLean, "A New Departure for the ITU, An Inside View of
the Kyoto Plenipotentiary Conference," Telecommunications Policy,
Vol. 19, No. 3, 1995, p. 186.