Statistics Canada - Statistique Canada

Cartographic Boundary Files, Reference Guide (geography products: geographic reference products)


The Cartographic Boundary Files Reference Guide is available for the following products:

- Provinces and Territories Cartographic Boundary File (Catalogue No. 92F0160XCE).
- Census Divisions and Economic Regions Cartographic Boundary Files (Catalogue No. 92F0161XCE)
- Census Subdivisions Cartographic Boundary Files (Catalogue No. 92F0162XCE)
- Federal Electoral Districts (1996 Representation Order) Cartographic Boundary File (Catalogue No. 92F0163XCE)
- Urban Areas Cartographic Boundary File (Catalogue No. 92F0164XCE)
- Designated Places Cartographic Boundary File (Catalogue No. 92F0165XCE)
- Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations Cartographic Boundary File (Catalogue No. 92F0166XCE)
- Census Consolidated Subdivisions Cartographic Boundary File (Catalogue No. 92F0167XCE)
- Census Tracts Cartographic Boundary Files (Catalogue No. 92F0168XCE)
- Dissemination Areas Cartographic Boundary Files (Catalogue No. 92F0169XCE)

The Reference Guide describes the content and applications of these products, as well as data quality, record layouts, and other information.

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