LS-333E |
Bill C-65: An Act to amend
the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (5 February 1999) |
BP-381E |
The Canada Health and Social Transfer:
Funding Formula and Changes in Transfers (July 1997) |
PRB 02-35E |
Canada's Fiscal (Im)balance: Both Sides of
the Argument
(24 October 2002 ) |
98-3E |
The Canada Health and Social Transfer
(September 1998) |
95-2E |
The Canada Health and Social Transfer:
Operation and Possible Repercussions on the Health Care Sector (24 January
2001) |
BP-283E |
The Constitution of Canada: A
Brief History of Amending Procedure Discussions (January 1992) |
BP-406E |
Constitutional Activity from Patriation
to Charlottetown (1980-1992) (November 1995) |
BP-408E |
Distinct Society: Origins, Interpretations,
Implications (December 1995) |
BP-321E |
Federal-Provincial Program Overlap
(December 1992) |
93-10E |
Federal-Provincial Relations (1
May 2001) |
BP-382E |
Federal-Provincial Relations in
Canada: Two Proposals for Reform (February 1994) |
BP-187E |
The Foundations of Canadian Federalism
(December 1988) |
BP-273E |
Immigration: Constitutional Issues
(October 1992) |
BP-276E |
Municipalities, the Constitution
and the Canadian Federal System (February 2001 ) |
BP-379E |
National Standards and Social
Programs: What the Federal Government Can Do (September 1997) |
BP-268E |
Property Rights and the Constitution
(October 1991) |
BP-295E |
Quebec's Constitutional Veto:
The Legal and Historical Context (May 1992) |
88-13E |
Regional Development in Canada
(27 October 1998 ) |
BP-272E |
The Spending Power: Scope and
Limitations (October 1991) |
BP-450E |
The Transfer of Tax Points to
Provinces under the Canada Health and Social Transfer (October 1997) |