The evolving workplace series / Issued jointly by Statistics Canada and Human Resources Development Canada. : CS71-584E

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Analysts from Statistics Canada and Human Resources Canada are collaborating on a series of studies addressing topics such as an overview on the changing nature of work and the terms of work; the link between the education level of the establishment's workforce and its technology adoption and innovation practices; the effect of foreign competition on the productivity-enhancing behaviour of companies; which firms have high vacancy rates in Canada; a profile of job vacancies in Canada: and the effect of employer characteristics on the gender gap. These reports will be released sequentially throughout 2001.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada. Analytical Studies Branch.
Title The evolving workplace series / Issued jointly by Statistics Canada and Human Resources Development Canada.
Publication type Series - Browse issue records
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada.
Binding Softcover
ISSN 1499-0318
Catalogue number
  • CS71-584E
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