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143 results for "Urban environment" sorted by relevance descending
- Delineation of 2006 urban areas : challenges and achievements / by Keely Matier. CS92-138/2008-1E-PDF Date:2008.Catalogue number:CS92-138/2008-1E-PDFISBN:978-0-662-47524-8ISSN:1481-174XDepartment/Agency:Statistics Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Ten things to know about Canadian metropolitan areas : a synthesis of Statistics Canada's trends and conditions in Census metropolitan areas series / by Andrew Heisz. CS89-613/9-2005E-PDF Catalogue number:CS89-613/9-2005E-PDFISBN:066241649XISSN:1710-2944Department/Agency:Statistics Canada, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- An urbanizing world : statement on sustainable cities E94-292/1998 Date:1997.Catalogue number:E94-292/1998ISBN:0-662-63911-1Department/Agency:Canada. Canadian International Development Agency.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Detection of emerald ash borer in urban environments using branch sampling / [by] K.L. Ryall, J.G. Fidgen, J.J. Turgeon; [published by the] Great Lakes Forestry Centre. Fo123-1/111E-PDF Date:c2011.Catalogue number:Fo123-1/111E-PDFISBN:978-1-100-17112-8ISSN:1717-6980Department/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- My urban diagnosis En14-52/2011E-PDF Date:c2011.Catalogue number:En14-52/2011E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Design guide for urban heat island mitigation measures (summary report) / prepared by Université du Québec à Montréal, Department of Geography, Heat Island Research Group. NH18-1-2/191-2011E-PDF Date:2011.Catalogue number:NH18-1-2/191-2011E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. External Research Program.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Shared ownership housing pilot project : Habitations populaires Desjardins du centre du Québec, Trois-Rivières, Québec / Prepared by Julie Tasker-Brown. NH15-307/1998 Date:1998.Catalogue number:NH15-307/1998ISBN:0-662-64227-9Department/Agency:Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Ryder Lake "urban village": development plan for a sustainable community : District of Chilliwack, Chilliwack, British Columbia / Prepared by Julie Tasker-Brown. NH15-309/1998 Date:1998.Catalogue number:NH15-309/1998ISBN:0-662-64229-5Department/Agency:Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and census tracts CS92-320/1 Date:1992.Catalogue number:CS92-320/1Department/Agency:Statistics Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Map
- Effect of urbanization on the adoption of environmental management systems in Canadian agriculture / by Udith Jayasinghe-Mudalige [et al.]. CS21-601/73E-PDF Catalogue number:CS21-601/73E-PDFISBN:0662404750ISSN:1707-0368Department/Agency:Statistics Canada, issuing body.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
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