Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act : (An Act to authorize the divestiture of the assets of, and to dissolve, the Cape Breton Development Corporation, to amend...: YX3-2000/23

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Department/Agency Canada. Statutes.
Title Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act : (An Act to authorize the divestiture of the assets of, and to dissolve, the Cape Breton Development Corporation, to amend the Cape Breton Development Corporation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.)
Variant title Short title : Statutes of Canada
Series title Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 2000Chapter 23
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Note(s) Bilingual
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statutes Assented to 29th June, 2000.
Description 7p. ; 28 cm.
Catalogue number
  • YX3-2000/23
Subject terms Corporations
Mining industry
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