Reasons for decision in the matter of EnCana Ekwan Pipeline Inc. : application dated 17 March 2003 for the construction and operation of the Ekwan Pipeline : NE22-1/2003-6E-PDF

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The National Energy Board publishes reasons for decisions when it expects its decisions to influence actions beyond the particular case that was heard. The Board is an independent tribunal with responsibilities for regulating the oil, gas, and electricity industries. Its decisions affect the industry, energy consumers, and anyone who owns land or lives in the vicinity of pipeline and international power line rights of way. Its decisions aim to protect the public interest in safety, environmental protection, and economic efficiency.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. National Energy Board.
Title Reasons for decision in the matter of EnCana Ekwan Pipeline Inc. : application dated 17 March 2003 for the construction and operation of the Ekwan Pipeline
Variant title Variant title : EnCana Ekwan Pipeline Inc. : facilities
Series title Reasons for decision1928-6414GH-1-2003
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Publishing information Calgary - Alberta : National Energy Board September 2003.
Description [5], v, 28p.
ISSN 1928-6414
Catalogue number
  • NE22-1/2003-6E-PDF
Subject terms Pipelines
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