Arctic Environmental Strategy : summary of recent aquatic ecosystem studies / Edited by J. Chouinard and D. Milburn. : R72-244/1-1995E

This report consists of summaries of research studies conducted under the Action on Water Program of the AES from 1991 to 1994. The studies address a wide range of water issues including community health concerns about drinking water quality, flood forecasting, fish population levels and the efficiency of sewage treatment facilities and tailings ponds.--Preface

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
Title Arctic Environmental Strategy : summary of recent aquatic ecosystem studies / Edited by J. Chouinard and D. Milburn.
Series title Northern water resource studies
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Paper
Note(s) "This report consists of summaries of research studies conducted under the Action on Water Program of the AES from 1991 to 1994. The studies address a wide range of water issues including community health concerns about drinking water quality, flood forecasting, fish population levels and the efficiency of sewage treatment facilities and tailings ponds."--Preface.
Résumés en français
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Indian and Northern Affairs 1995.
Binding Softcover
Description ix, 186p. : graphs, maps, references, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-23939-3
Catalogue number
  • R72-244/1-1995E
Departmental catalogue number QS-8507-030-EF-A1
Subject terms Environmental policy
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