An overview of streamflows and lake levels for the Peace, Athabasca and Slave river basins / by James Choles et al. : R71-49/3-146E

This report provides background information of the hydrology and processes affecting river flows and lake levels within the mainstream portions of the Peace, Athabasca and Slave rivers and some of their major tributaries. An annotated bibliography of existing hydrological information for the Study area is provided as an appendix to the report.--Study perspective

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Northern River Basins Study.
Title An overview of streamflows and lake levels for the Peace, Athabasca and Slave river basins / by James Choles et al.
Series title Northern River Basins Study project report1192-3571No. 146
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Paper
Note(s) "This report provides background information of the hydrology and processes affecting river flows and lake levels within the mainstream portions of the Peace, Athabasca and Slave rivers and some of their major tributaries. An annotated bibliography of existing hydrological information for the Study area is provided as an appendix to the report."--Study perspective.
Publishing information Edmonton - Alberta : Northern River Basins Study 1996.
Binding Ring binding
Description 60p. in various pagings. : coloured maps, graphs, references, tables ; 28 cm. + Appendix B: annotated bibliography. [1 diskette, 3. 5". Wordperfect 5. ].
ISBN 0-662-24826-0
ISSN 1192-3571
Catalogue number
  • R71-49/3-146E
Departmental catalogue number Project 5314-E1
Subject terms Rivers
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