Parent-child exchanges of supports and intergenerational equity / by Leroy O. Stone et al. : CS89-557E

This book directly addresses the links of statistical information to intergenerational equity issues. These issues have gained in their perceived salience for Canada because they are thought to be linked to important questions about the improvement of social cohesion in Canadian society. Our book deals with this link. We argue that there is a failure to see the full breadth of the foundations of social cohesion unless the currently predominant paradigm concerning intergenerational accounting is changed.--Preface

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada.
Title Parent-child exchanges of supports and intergenerational equity / by Leroy O. Stone et al.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "This book directly addresses the links of statistical information to intergenerational equity issues. These issues have gained in their perceived salience for Canada because they are thought to be linked to important questions about the improvement of social cohesion in Canadian society. Our book deals with this link. We argue that there is a failure to see the full breadth of the foundations of social cohesion unless the currently predominant paradigm concerning intergenerational accounting is changed."--Preface.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada 1998.
Binding Softcover
Description 149p. : figs., graphs, tables ; 23 cm.
ISBN 0-660-17291-7
Catalogue number
  • CS89-557E
Subject terms Parenting
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