The importance of nature to Canadians : survey highlights / Prepared by Elaine DuWors et al. : En47-311/1999E

The Survey... is the result of a partnership of 16 federal, provincial and territorial government agencies responsible for wildlife, water, forestry, tourism and parks and protected areas, led by Environment Canada. Statistics Canada conducted the survey among a sample of approximately 87,000 Canadians on behalf of the partnership. A Task Force represented the federal, provincial and territorial partners in overseeing the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of the survey.--Page 3 The Survey... was conducted to shed lights on... the role that nature plays in the lives of Canadians and the socioeconomic benefits that ensue... It is an update and expansion of a survey conducted every five years since 1981 under the name Survey on the Importance of Wildlife to Canadians (the Wildlife Survey).--Page 3

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Environment Canada. Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on the Importance of Nature to Canadians.
Title The importance of nature to Canadians : survey highlights / Prepared by Elaine DuWors et al.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "The Survey... is the result of a partnership of 16 federal, provincial and territorial government agencies responsible for wildlife, water, forestry, tourism and parks and protected areas, led by Environment Canada. Statistics Canada conducted the survey among a sample of approximately 87,000 Canadians on behalf of the partnership. A Task Force represented the federal, provincial and territorial partners in overseeing the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of the survey."--Page 3. "The Survey... was conducted to shed lights on... the role that nature plays in the lives of Canadians and the socioeconomic benefits that ensue... It is an update and expansion of a survey conducted every five years since 1981 under the name Survey on the Importance of Wildlife to Canadians (the Wildlife Survey)."--Page 3.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Environment Canada. 1999.
Binding Softcover
Description iv, 55p. : graphs, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-27494-6
Catalogue number
  • En47-311/1999E
Subject terms Nature conservation
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