Human activity and the environment, 2000 / Prepared by the Environmental Accounts and Statistics Division, System of National Accounts. : CS11-509/2000E

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The report provides a statistical picture of Canada's environment with special emphasis on human activity and its relationship to natural systems - air, water, soil, plants and animals.--Preface

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Statistics Canada. Environmental Accounts and Statistics Division.
Title Human activity and the environment, 2000 / Prepared by the Environmental Accounts and Statistics Division, System of National Accounts.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "The report provides a statistical picture of Canada's environment with special emphasis on human activity and its relationship to natural systems - air, water, soil, plants and animals."--Preface.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada. 2000.
Binding Softcover
Description vi, 332p. : figs., graphs, maps, references, tables ; 28 cm. + CD-ROM which provides additional data and graphics not found in the printed publication.
ISBN 0-660-18166-5
Catalogue number
  • CS11-509/2000E
Edition 5th ed.
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