Wild species 2000 : the general status of species in Canada / [produced by] Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council. : CW70-7/2000E

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Department/Agency Canadian Wildlife Service.
Title Wild species 2000 : the general status of species in Canada / [produced by] Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "In this first report are the general status assessments for a broad cross-section of over 1600 Canadian species, from all provinces, territories and ocean regions. Species from eight major groups were evaluated, accounting for most of Canada's vertebrate species (freshwater fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), a representative invertebrate group (butterflies), and two very different plant groups (ferns, orchids)."--Executive summary.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Environment Canada. [2001].
Binding Softcover
Description 48p. : coloured illus., graphs, references ; 22 cm. + 1 CD-ROM.
ISBN 0-662-29102-6
Catalogue number
  • CW70-7/2000E
Subject terms Endangered species
Nature conservation
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