Canada: a portrait : CS11-403/2002E

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The 2003 edition presents an overview or portrait of the social, economic and cultural life of Canada today drawing on Statistics Canada's data base and enhanced through reference to Canadian social and cultural achievement and political milestones over the last century. Packaged in a 28 x 27.5 cm hard cover format, this edition of the Portrait features its now traditional six chapters: "The Land", "The People", "The Society", "Arts and Leisure", "The Economy" and "Canada in the World" but with completely new text. With approximately 100 high-quality colour and black and white photographs, it presents an exciting visual canvas of life in Canada. Six eminent Canadians - John Kenneth Galbraith, Nicole Brossard, Zacharias Kunuk, Guy Vanderhaeghe, Gordon Pinsent, and Rick Mercer - have contributed prefaces to each chapter. Additional quotes by and about Canadians and short feature articles complement the main text.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada.
Title Canada: a portrait
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) Contents: This land.--The people.--The society.--Arts and leisure.--The economy.--Canada in the world.--Photographic credits.--Selected bibliography.--Statistics Canada regional reference centres.--Index.--Map of Canada.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada 2002.
Binding Hardcover
Description 193p. : coloured illus., coloured plates, map, references ; 27 cm.
ISBN 0-660-18826-0
ISSN 0840-6014
Catalogue number
  • CS11-403/2002E
Edition 57th edition
Subject terms Culture
Social life
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