Canada's retirement income programs : a statistical overview (1990-2000) : CS74-507/2000E

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This publication provides extensive information on the major retirement income programs: Old Age Security, the Canada (CPP) and Quebec (QPP) pension plans, employer-sponsored registered pension plans, registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) and other retirement savings programs. It contains a chapter on each of these programs, outlining the major milestones in their development and providing data covering the period 1990 to 2000. It also contains an overview chapter, which looks at the part these programs play in the income of those 65 years or older, and a chapter that analyses retirement savings made through private pension assets. This publication will be useful for a wide audience, including pension professionals (e.g., employee benefit and investment specialists), employers and policy analysts, as well as educational institutions whose curricula cover these increasingly important programs.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada.
Title Canada's retirement income programs : a statistical overview (1990-2000)
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada 2003.
Binding Softcover
Description 123p. : graphs, tables ; 28 cm. + Errata.
ISBN 0-660-18978-X
Catalogue number
  • CS74-507/2000E
Subject terms Benefits
Retirement benefits
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