Understanding the Early Years - North Peace-Northern Rockies, British Columbia : a community research report / [By] J. Douglas Willms. : HS4-23/31-2010E

By funding local not-for-profit organizations, Understanding the Early Years (UEY) helps communities to gather quality, early childhood development information on how their young children are developing; family and community factors that influence children's development; and the availability of local resources to support young children and their families. Parents, teachers, decision-makers, and others interested in the well-being of children in each community can then work together to address issues identified by this information.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. |
Title | Understanding the Early Years - North Peace-Northern Rockies, British Columbia : a community research report / [By] J. Douglas Willms. |
Publication type | Monograph |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Paper |
Other formats | Electronic-[English] |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Autumn 2010. |
Binding | Spiral binding |
Description | In various pagings. : figs., graphs, tables ; 28 cm. |
Catalogue number |
Departmental catalogue number | SP-715-03-10E |
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