Canadian suppliers of agriculture equipment, services and technologies : C2-422/1999-MRC

This CD-ROM was built in order to service the needs of global producers in the Agricultural Industry. This is a database of Canadian companies that manufacture goods used in the production stage of Agriculture. There is also a section that list companies that provide services to agricultural producers. All companies listed have manufacturing plants in Canada and most are Canadian owned with a few exceptions who are part of large multinational companies, such as John Deere.... All company information was taken off of CCC [Canadian Company Capabilities] in January, 1999.--Introduction

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Industry Canada.
Title Canadian suppliers of agriculture equipment, services and technologies
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format CD-ROM
Note(s) "This CD-ROM was built in order to service the needs of global producers in the Agricultural Industry. This is a database of Canadian companies that manufacture goods used in the production stage of Agriculture. There is also a section that list companies that provide services to agricultural producers. All companies listed have manufacturing plants in Canada and most are Canadian owned with a few exceptions who are part of large multinational companies, such as John Deere.... All company information was taken off of CCC [Canadian Company Capabilities] in January, 1999."--Introduction. N.B.: Depository libraries may network this product.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Industry Canada 1999.
Description 1 disk.
ISBN 0-662-64155-8
Catalogue number
  • C2-422/1999-MRC
Departmental catalogue number 52650B
System Requirements Windows 3.1, 95 or NT; CD-ROM drive
Subject terms Agricultural technology
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