Women and homework : the Canadian legislative framework / by Stephanie Berstein, Katherine Lippel and Lucie Lamarche. : SW21-55/2000

Does Canadian labour legislation adequately protect homeworkers? In answer to this question, this report examines the legal situation of homeworkers - industrial homeworkers, clerical homeworkers and home teleworkers. The definition of homework used for this purpose is any form of remunerated work carried out in a private residence, with the exception of caregivers, self-employed workers and workers in the agricultural sector.--Executive Summary

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Status of Women Canada.
Title Women and homework : the Canadian legislative framework / by Stephanie Berstein, Katherine Lippel and Lucie Lamarche.
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[French], Electronic-[English]
Note(s) "Does Canadian labour legislation adequately protect homeworkers? In answer to this question, this report examines the legal situation of homeworkers - industrial homeworkers, clerical homeworkers and home teleworkers. The definition of "homework" used for this purpose is any form of remunerated work carried out in a private residence, with the exception of caregivers, self-employed workers and workers in the agricultural sector."--Executive Summary. N.B.: Incorrect catalogue number (SW21-55/2000E) and ISBN (0-662-29143-3) printed in this publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Status of Women Canada 2001.
Binding Softcover
Description English text, vii, 192p. : references, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-65811-6
Catalogue number
  • SW21-55/2000
Subject terms Status of women
Labour law
Women workers
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