The Canadian Heritage Rivers System - annual report 2004-2005 : R61-20/2005

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This annual report for 2004-2005 describes the Canadian Heritage Rivers System, which acts as a catalyst for governments and communities to take action to protect their rivers. The report outlines the river nomination and designation process and lists river designations and nominations in the fiscal year. It also describes the state of Canadian Heritage Rivers, including such information as changes in water quality, flora and fauna, the causes of any such changes, and any activities related to the rivers. It also reports on System-related plans, research and promotional activities.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Parks Canada.
Title The Canadian Heritage Rivers System - annual report 2004-2005
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Parks Canada 2005.
Binding Softcover
Description English text, 16p. : table, photographs ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-69459-7
Catalogue number
  • R61-20/2005
Subject terms Rivers
Annual reports
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