Strong leadership, a better Canada - speech from the Throne to open the second session of the thirty-ninth parliament of Canada, October 16, 2007 : SO1-1/2007

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This booklet contains the Speech from the Throne, delivered by Canada’s Governor General, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, to share the Government’s vision with Canadians. The speech covers Canadian sovereignty and Canada’s place in the world, the Canadian North, and the role of the Canadian Forces. Other topics include Canada’s federation, economic leadership, crime and security, environmental threats, and health.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Governor General.
Title Strong leadership, a better Canada - speech from the Throne to open the second session of the thirty-ninth parliament of Canada, October 16, 2007
Variant title Strong leadership, a better Canada - speech from the Throne, October 16, 2007
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Governor General of Canada 2007.
Binding Softcover
Description English text, 16p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-0-662-05150-3
ISSN 1203-9268
Catalogue number
  • SO1-1/2007
Subject terms Government policy
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