CFIA's Biotechnology highlights report 2001-2002 : A101-1/2002E-PDF

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This report briefly summarizes two key reports on food biotechnology. It then discusses several topics in terms of meeting safety needs and meeting information needs: the continuing evolution of the biotechnology regulatory system; plant molecular farming; the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; StarLink™ corn; and the labelling of biotechnology-derived foods. It also describes examples of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s efforts to meet both domestic information needs and international responsibilities in the area of biotechnology.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Title CFIA's Biotechnology highlights report 2001-2002
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English | French]
Note(s) N.B.: Incorrect ISBN (0-662-67476-6) printed in this publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2003.
Description 39p.illus. (some coloured), photographs
Catalogue number
  • A101-1/2002E-PDF
Subject terms Biotechnology
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