Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position : concepts, sources, methods and products : CS67-506/2000E-PDF

Describes the statistical system used to produce Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position. Each of the accounts of these two statements is described in terms of concepts, data sources, methods and products. The Canadian practice is related to international standards. Concludes with a discussion of future challenges to maintain and enhance this statistical system. An extensive glossary is included. Some historical perspective is provided, notably in the Appendices where a summary of time series is provided along with a chronology of events that affected Canada's external sector over the last half of the XXth century. A description of the foundation of statistics is essential to help users in assessing the quality of data.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada.
Title Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position : concepts, sources, methods and products
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Note(s) Contents: Conceptual framework of the balance of payments.--The Current account.--Goods.--Travel.--Transportation.--Commercial services.--Government services.--Investment income.--Current transfers.--The Capital and financial account.--Capital account.--Direct investment flows.--Portfolio investment flows.--Other investment flows.--Conceptual framework of the international investment position.--Direct investment position.--Portfolio investment position.--Other investment position.--Implementation of international standards.--Data sources.--Processing systems.--Products.--Looking ahead.
The catalogue number (67-506-XPE) and ISBN (0-660-18175-4) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada 2000.
Description 225p.figs., glossary, graphs, illus., references, tables
Catalogue number
  • CS67-506/2000E-PDF
Subject terms Foreign investments
Public finance
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