Canadian Forces aerospace doctrine : D2-184/2006E-PDF

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This handbook sets out the strategic, operational, and tactical aerospace doctrine for the Canadian Forces. It reviews the history of Canada’s Air Force, and has chapters on national security and aerospace power; the fundamentals of aerospace power, including the nature of conflict and the principles of war; the functions of air forces (sense, shape, move, sustain, command); and command and control of aerospace power. Required reading for every member of the Air Force.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Department of National Defence.
Title Canadian Forces aerospace doctrine
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English | French]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : National Defence 2006.
Description 76p.figs. (some coloured), glossary, references, tables, photographs
ISBN 0-662-44154-0
Catalogue number
  • D2-184/2006E-PDF
Departmental catalogue number B-GA-400-000/FP-000
Edition 1st edition
Subject terms Military aviation
Aerospace industry
Defence policy
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