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12 results for "Supply chain management" sorted by relevance descending
- Green your supply chain the SmartWay M144-247/2-2013 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:M144-247/2-2013ISBN:978-1-100-52996-7Department/Agency:Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Office of Energy Efficiency.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Inspection guidelines for supply depots / [issued by] Travelling Public Program. H164-163/2013E-PDF Date:c2013.Catalogue number:H164-163/2013E-PDFISBN:978-1-100-22129-8Department/Agency:Canada. Health Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Logistics and supply chain management : overview and prospects C21-22/33-1-2000E-PDF Date:2000.Catalogue number:C21-22/33-1-2000E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Service Industries and Capital Projects.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Drug supply in Canada : a multi-stakeholder responsibility / Chair: Joy Smith, M.P. XC62-1/411-02 Catalogue number:XC62-1/411-02ISBN:978-0-660-67435-3Department/Agency:Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Health.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Drug supply in Canada : a multi-stakeholder responsibility / Chair: Joy Smith, M.P. XC62-1/411-02E-PDF Catalogue number:XC62-1/411-02E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Health.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) key performance indicators (KPI) analysis - a Canada/United-States perspective Iu44-35/1-2006E-PDF Date:2006.Catalogue number:Iu44-35/1-2006E-PDFISBN:0-662-44333-0Department/Agency:Canada. Industry Canada. Industry Sector.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) key performance indicators (KPI) analysis - a Canada/United States automotive sector supply chain perspective Iu44-35/2-2006E-PDF Date:2006.Catalogue number:Iu44-35/2-2006E-PDFISBN:0-662-44334-9Department/Agency:Canada. Industry Canada. Industry Sector.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) key performance indicators (KPI) analysis - a Canada/United States pharmaceutical sector supply chain perspective Iu44-35/3-2006E-PDF Date:2006.Catalogue number:Iu44-35/3-2006E-PDFISBN:0-662-44335-7Department/Agency:Canada. Industry Canada. Industry Sector.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) key performance indicators (KPI) analysis - a Canada/United States manufacturing perspective Iu44-35/4-2006E-PDF Date:2006.Catalogue number:Iu44-35/4-2006E-PDFISBN:0-662-44336-5Department/Agency:Canada. Industry Canada. Industry Sector.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) key performance indicators (KPI) analysis - a Canada/United States aerospace sector supply chain perspective Iu44-35/5-2006E-PDF Date:2006.Catalogue number:Iu44-35/5-2006E-PDFISBN:0-662-44337-3Department/Agency:Canada. Industry Canada. Industry Sector.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
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