Manufacturers : access to financing and specific needs.: Iu133-13/2013E-PDF

"The two main sources of financing cited are traditional in nature: commercial banks (64%) and government organizations (52%)"--p. 2.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Business Development Bank of Canada.
Title Manufacturers : access to financing and specific needs.
Variant title Survey on manufacturing - May 2013
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) "BDC ViewPoints study – May 2013"--Cover.
Issued also in French under title: Fabricants : accès au financement et besoins particuliers.
Publishing information [Montreal] : Business Development Bank of Canada, 2013.
Description 22 p. : ill.
Catalogue number
  • Iu133-13/2013E-PDF
Subject terms Manufacturing industry
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