The New Veterans Charter : developments since its adoption in 2006 / Isabelle Lafontaine-Émond, Legal and Social Affairs Division, Parliamentary Information and Research Service.: YM32-2/2018-8E-PDF
“On 1 April 2006, the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act came into force. Commonly known as the New Veterans Charter (NVC), it became the legislative framework for the programs, services and benefits provided to Canadian veterans through Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). Since the NVC was adopted, various stakeholders have reviewed the regime it established. They noted its positive aspects, but also identified significant shortcomings. Many recommendations to improve the new programs have been put forward by, among others, the Veterans Ombudsman, the parliamentary committees on veterans' affairs, the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group, and various veterans' rights groups. This document summarizes the purpose and content of the NVC, the changes made to date, and some ongoing issues"--Introd., p. 1.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Library of Parliament. Canada. Parliamentary Information and Research Service. |
Title | The New Veterans Charter : developments since its adoption in 2006 / Isabelle Lafontaine-Émond, Legal and Social Affairs Division, Parliamentary Information and Research Service. |
Series title | Background paper ; publication no. 2018-08-E |
Publication type | Series - View Master Record |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Electronic |
Electronic document | |
Note(s) | Issued also in French under title: La Nouvelle Charte des anciens combattants : évolution depuis son adoption en 2006. Cover title. "2 February 2018." Includes bibliographical references. |
Publishing information | [Ottawa] : Library of Parliament, 2018. |
Author / Contributor | Lafontaine-Émond, Isabelle, 1987- |
Description | i, 12 p. |
Catalogue number |
Subject terms | Veterans Benefits Services |
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