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48 results for "Environmental sciences" sorted by relevance descending
- Microscopy : environmental applications / Didier Perret, Gary G. Leppard and Denis Mavrocordatos. En13-5/03-194E-PDF Date:[2003]Catalogue number:En13-5/03-194E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Review of the impact of the Eco-Research Program on environmental sciences in Canada : lessons for the Canadian Environmental Sciences Network / prepared by The Whetstone Group. En83-12/34E-PDF Catalogue number:En83-12/34E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Science Policy Branch.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Guidance document on application and interpretation of single-species tests in environmental toxicology En49-24/1-34E-PDF Date:December 1999.Catalogue number:En49-24/1-34E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Environmental Technology Centre.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Environmental science research - St. Andrews Biological Station : dedicated to excellence in aquatic science since 1908 Fs104-22/2011E-PDF Date:c2011.Catalogue number:Fs104-22/2011E-PDFISBN:978-1-100-17646-8Department/Agency:Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- RAISON technology : capturing knowledge - making better decisions En4-135/4-2010E Date:c2010.Catalogue number:En4-135/4-2010EISBN:978-1-100-16275-1Department/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Enviro fact sheet . CS16-508E-pdf Catalogue number:CS16-508E-pdfDepartment/Agency:Statistics Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Electronic
- Environment fact sheets . CS16-508E-PDF Date:2015 -Catalogue number:CS16-508E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Statistics Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Electronic
- Outline of an environmental information system / A.S. Fraser and K. Hodgson. En13-5/93-150E-PDF Catalogue number:En13-5/93-150E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Sensitivity analysis of partially ordered sets and ranking objects of environmental interest / Rainer Brüggemann and Efraim Halfon. En13-5/94-95E-PDF Catalogue number:En13-5/94-95E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Environmental science and technologies to support Canadian industries : early options / the ACS Group Limited, a subsidiary of Arthur Andersen Consulting. Iu47-1/1990E-PDF Catalogue number:Iu47-1/1990E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Industry, Science and Technology Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
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