The market for acquiring card payments from small and medium-sized Canadian merchants / by Angelika Welte and Jozsef Molnar.: FB3-6/2020-5E-PDF

"This note uses industry data and a unique dataset of small and medium-sized merchants to provide insights into the acquirer-merchant market in Canada. Three main findings are presented. First, smaller merchants pay their acquirer more for every dollar of card payment than larger merchants. Second, this finding is mainly explained by high fixed costs. Third, the acquiring market in Canada is concentrated and has remained fairly stable since 2010"--Abstract, page ii.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Bank of Canada, issuing body.
Title The market for acquiring card payments from small and medium-sized Canadian merchants / by Angelika Welte and Jozsef Molnar.
Series title Bank of Canada staff discussion paper, 1914-0568 ; 2020-5
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Cover title.
"Last updated: June 4, 2020."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 14-15).
Includes abstract in French.
Publishing information Ottawa, Ontario, Canada : Bank of Canada = Banque du Canada, 2020.
Author / Contributor Welte, Angelika, 1980- author.
Description 1 online resource (ii, 15 pages) : graphs (mostly colour).
Catalogue number
  • FB3-6/2020-5E-PDF
Subject terms Small business -- Canada -- Finance.
Commercial finance companies -- Canada.
Petites et moyennes entreprises -- Canada -- Finances.
Sociétés de crédit commercial -- Canada.
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