The 1986-87, 4Vn herring biological update / by R.L. Stephenson and M.J. Power.: Fs70-8/87-74E-PDF

"The major purse seine segment of the 4Vn herring fishery took place between Nov. 10 and Dec. 12, 1986 in the northwestern portion of Sydney Bight. The total reported catch (4352 t) was the highest since 1978, and exceeded the TAC (4200 t). Fish from the 1982 and 1983 year-classes dominated the catches both in number (56%) and weight (47%) and catch rates were high. An additional 123 t was recorded from inshore gear"--Abstract, page 2.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee, issuing body.
Canada. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Biological Station (St. Andrews, N.B.), issuing body.
Title The 1986-87, 4Vn herring biological update / by R.L. Stephenson and M.J. Power.
Series title CAFSAC research document ; no. 87/74
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Cover title.
"Not to be cited without permission of the authors."
Includes bibliographical references (page 5).
Includes abstract and series statement in French.
Publishing information [Dartmouth, N.S.] : Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee ; St. Andrews, New Brunswick : Marine Fish Division, Biological Sciences Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, [1987?]
Author / Contributor Stephenson, Robert (Robert L.)author.
Description 1 online resource (13 pages) : maps, graphs.
Catalogue number
  • Fs70-8/87-74E-PDF
Subject terms Atlantic herring fisheries -- Nova Scotia -- Atlantic Coast.
Seines -- Nova Scotia.
Fish stock assessment -- Nova Scotia -- Atlantic Coast.
Hareng -- Pêche commerciale -- Nouvelle-Écosse -- Atlantique, Côte de l'.
Seines -- Nouvelle-Écosse.
Ressources halieutiques -- Évaluation -- Nouvelle-Écosse -- Atlantique, Côte de l'.
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