Overdose incidents in federal custody, 2018/2019 / Laura McKendy, Stephanie Biro, Daina Stanley, Magda Miron, Joseé Taylor & Leslie Anne Keown.: PS83-3/20-01E-PDF

"As part of an ongoing effort to track overdose incidents in federal custody (McKendy, Biro & Keown, 2019; McKendy et al., 2020), this report provides an overview of overdose incidents that occurred in federal custody during the 2018/2019 fiscal year period. Information is presented regarding the prevalence and nature of overdose incidents, the circumstances under which overdose incidents occur, patterns in staff and medical responses, and the characteristics of offenders involved. Overview information is presented for all cases; however, suspected fatal overdoses are excluded from detailed analysis due to the unavailability of investigation findings at the time of writing"--Executive summary, page [iv].

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Publication information
Department/Agency Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch, issuing body.
Title Overdose incidents in federal custody, 2018/2019 / Laura McKendy, Stephanie Biro, Daina Stanley, Magda Miron, Joseé Taylor & Leslie Anne Keown.
Series title Research report ; no. SR-20-01
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Earlier edition Overdose incidents in federal custody, 2017/2018 /
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Incidents de surdose chez les délinquants sous responsabilité fédérale en 2018-2019.
Issued also in HTML format.
Includes bibliographical references.
Publishing information Ottawa, Ontario : Correctional Service Canada = Service correctionnel Canada, December 2020.
Author / Contributor McKendy, Laura, author.
Description 1 online resource (ix, 27 pages) : colour illustrations
Catalogue number
  • PS83-3/20-01E-PDF
Subject terms Prisoners -- Drug use -- Canada -- Statistics.
Drugs -- Overdose -- Canada -- Statistics.
Narcotics -- Overdose -- Canada -- Statistics.
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