English-language early childhood and child care services in Quebec, 2001 and 2016 / by Catherine Frigon and Étienne Lemyre.: CS89-657/2021-7E-PDF

"This fact sheet presents the change from 2001 to 2016 in the number and proportion of young children likely to attend a English-language child care service, as well as the number and proportion of child care workers using English at work in Quebec, with data from the 2001 and 2016 censuses of population"--Provided by publisher.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Statistics Canada, issuing body.
Title English-language early childhood and child care services in Quebec, 2001 and 2016 / by Catherine Frigon and Étienne Lemyre.
Series title Ethnicity, language and immigration thematic series
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Title from cover.
Issued also in HTML format.
"Release date: November 18, 2021."
"Catalogue no. 89-657-X2021007."
Issued also in French under title: Petite enfance et services de garde de langue anglaise au Québec, 2001 et 2016.
Includes bibliographical references.
Publishing information [Ottawa] : Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, 2021.
Author / Contributor Frigon, Catherine, author.
Description 1 online resource (6 pages) : colour graph.
ISBN 9780660397283
Catalogue number
  • CS89-657/2021-7E-PDF
Departmental catalogue number 89-657-X
Subject terms English language -- Québec (Province) -- Statistics.
Child care workers -- Québec (Province) -- Statistics.
Child care services -- Québec (Province) -- Statistics.
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