Aquatic biophysical inventory of major tributaries in the AOSERP study area. Volume 1 : summary report / by Aaron D. Sekerak, Gordon L. Walder for Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program.: En40-248/114E-PDF

"This report summarizes and compares the physical characteristics of nine streams within five watersheds (Firebag, Muskeg, Steepbank, MacKay, and Ells) in the AOSERP study area. The distributions and relative abundances of fish in each stream and watershed are also described and related to the physical characteristics that tend to promote or limit sport fish production"--Abstract.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program, issuing body.
Title Aquatic biophysical inventory of major tributaries in the AOSERP study area. Volume 1 : summary report / by Aaron D. Sekerak, Gordon L. Walder for Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program.
Series title AOSERP report ; 114
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Digitized edition from print [produced by Environment and Climate Change Canada].
"Project WS 3.4."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 80-83).
Publishing information Edmonton, Alberta : Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program, December 1980.
Author / Contributor Sekerak, A. D., author.
Description 1 online resource (xii, 100 pages) : charts, maps.
Catalogue number
  • En40-248/114E-PDF
Subject terms Fishery resources -- Alberta -- Athabasca River Watershed.
Ressources halieutiques -- Alberta -- Athabasca, Bassin de l'.
Athabasca River Watershed (Alta.)
Athabasca, Bassin de l' (Alb.)
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