ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 95-26
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95-26 (June 30, 1995)
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Table of Contents
- Statutes
- Senate
- House of Commons
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Canada Labour Relations Board
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Emergency Preparedness Canada
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Human Resources Development
- Industry Canada
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Transport Canada
- Statistics Canada
- Statutes of Canada 1995. 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. 27cm. Paper cover. Bilingual.
Individual chapters, issued as the Bills receive royal assent. Title in French:
Available by standing order (invoiced quarterly).
Catalogue Number YX4
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Statutes of Canada 1995. 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. 27cm. Paper cover. Bilingual.
Chapter 13.--An Act to amend the Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act. Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur les prêts destinés aux améliorations agricoles et à la commercialisation selon la formule coopérative. Bill C-75 assented to 15th June, 1995. 1p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YX4-1995/13
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Statutes of Canada 1995. 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. 27cm. Paper cover. Bilingual.
Chapter 16.--Appropriation Act No. 2, 1995-96. (An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1996.) Title in French: Loi de crédits nº 2 pour 1995-1996. Bill C-97 assented to 15th June, 1995. 33p.
$4.25 per copy. (Canada)
$5.55 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YX4-1995/16
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
- Debates of the Senate, official report. Daily. Ottawa. 27cm.
Vol. 135, Nos. 100-102, June 22-28, 1995.
$1.75 per copy. $158 per year. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. $205.40 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y3-351E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Débats du Sénat, compte rendu officiel. Quotidien. Ottawa. 27cm.
Vol. 135, nos 100-102, 22-28 juin 1995.
1,75 $ l'exemplaire. 158 $ par année. (Canada)
2,25 $ US l'exemplaire. 205,40 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue Y3-351F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC. - Minutes of proceedings. Daily. Ottawa. 27cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Procès-verbaux.
Nos. 100-102, June 22-28, 1995.
$1.75 per copy. $115 per year. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. $149.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y4-351
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
- Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Chairman: The Honourable John B. Stewart. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Proceedings on: Monitoring and reporting on the implementation and application in both countries of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, and on the implementation and application in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of the North American Free Trade Agreement, as well as any other related trade development. Title in French: Comité permanent des affaires étrangères, Délibérations. Fascicule concernant: Suivre l'application de la Loi de mise en oeuvre de l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-États-Unis dans les deux pays visés, et l'application de l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain entre le Canada, les États-Unis et le Mexique, ainsi que tout autre aspect commercial connexe.
No. 20, Wednesday, May 24, 1995 31p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC23-351/1-20
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Chairman: The Honourable Gérard-A. Beaudoin. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Proceedings on: Consideration of the question and message from the House of Commons regarding Senate amendments to Bill C-22, An Act respecting certain agreements concerning the redevelopment and operation of terminals 1 and 2 at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. Title in French: Comité permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, Délibérations. Fascicule concernant: L'étude de la question et du message de la Chambre des communes, portant sur les amendements du Sénat au Projet de loi C-22, Loi concernant certains accords portant sur le réaménagement et l'exploitation des aérogares 1 et 2 de l'aéroport international Lester B. Pearson.
No. 36, Tuesday, May 23, 1995. 55p.
$3.50 per copy. (Canada)
$4.55 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC24-351/1-36
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Chairman: The Honourable Gérard-A. Beaudoin. Proceedings.
Proceedings on: Examination of Bill C-69, An Act to provide the establishment of electoral boundaries commissions and the readjustment of electoral boundaries. Title in French: Comité permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, Délibérations. Fascicule concernant: L'étude du Projet de loi C-69, Loi portant sur la création de commissions de délimitation des circonscriptions électorales et de la révision des limites des circonscriptions électorales.
No. 37, Monday, May 29, 1995. 56p.
$4 per copy. (Canada)
$5.20 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC24-351/1-37
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
House of Commons
- Journals. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Journaux.
Nos. 216-220, June 12-16, 1995.
$1.75 per copy. $140 per year. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. $182 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X2-351/220
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - House of Commons debates, official report. Daily. Ottawa. 27cm.
Vol. 133, No. 224, June 22, 1995.
$1.75 per copy. $286 per year. (Canada)
$2.25 U.S. per copy. $371.80 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X3-351E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Débats de la Chambre des communes, compte rendu officiel. Quotidien. Ottawa. 27cm.
Vol. 133, nº le 224, le 22 juin 1995.
1,75 $ l'exemplaire. 286 $ par année. (Canada)
2,25 $ US l'exemplaire. 371,80 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue X3-351F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC.
- Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual. Title in French:
$934 per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Canada)
$1,214.20 U.S. per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-54.--An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act, the Canada Pension Plan, the Children's Special Allowances Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act. Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la sécurité de la vieillesse, le Régime de pensions du Canada, la Loi sur les allocations spéciales pour enfants et la Loi sur l'assurance-chômage. As passed June 21, 1995. 33p.
$4.50 per copy. (Canada)
$5.85 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-54/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-65.--Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies). (An Act to reorganize and dissolve federal agencies.) Title in French: Loi sur l'organisation du gouvernement (organismes fédéraux). As passed June 22, 1995. 22p.
$3 per copy. (Canada)
$3.90 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-65/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C72.--An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced intoxication). Title in French: Loi modifiant le Code criminel (intoxication volontaire). As passed June 22, 1995. 3p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-72/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-82.--An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mint Act. Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Monnaie royale canadienne. As passed, June 21, 1995. 3p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-82/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-85.--An Act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and to provide for the continuation of a certain provision. Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur les allocations de retraite des parlementaires et prévoyant le rétablissement d'une disposition. As passed June 22, 1995. 26p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-85/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-91.--Business Development Bank of Canada Act. (An Act to continue the Federal Business Development Bank under the name Business Development Bank of Canada). Title in French: Loi sur la Banque de développement du Canada. As passed June 22, 1995. 21p.
$3 per copy. (Canada)
$3.90 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-91/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-92.--An Act to amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act. Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Commission canadienne du blé. As passed June 22, 1995. 4p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-92/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-102.--An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Customs Tariff and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts. (The Minister of Finance.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur les douanes, le Tarif des douanes et d'autres lois en conséquence. First reading, June 22, 1995. 91p.
$18.50 per copy. (Canada)
$24.05 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-102/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-103.--An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act. (The Minister of Finance.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la taxe d'accise et la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu. First reading, June 22, 1995. 9p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-103/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-104.--An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act (forensic DNA analysis). (The Minister of Justice.) Title in French: Loi modifiant le Code criminel et la Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants (analyse génétique à des fins médicolégales). As passed June 22, 1995. 10p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-104/3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-335.--Social Insurance Numbers Act. (An Act respecting the use of Social Insurance Numbers.) (Mr. Findlay.) Title in French: Loi sur les numéros d'assurance sociale. First reading, June 20, 1995. 3p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-335/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-336.--Taxpayers Bill of Rights. (An Acts to appoint a Taxation Ombudsman and to amend the Income Tax Act to establish certain rights of taxpayers.) (Mr. Shepherd.) Title in French: Déclaration des droits du contribuable. First reading, June 20, 1995. 8p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-336/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-337.--An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (warning on alcoholic beverage containers). (Mr. Szabo.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur les aliments et drogues (mise en garde sur les contenants de boisson alcoolique). First reading, June 20, 1995 . 1p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-337/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-338.--An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (political activities by charities receiving public funds). (Mr. White, North Vancouver.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (activités politiques des organismes de bienfaisance qui reçoivent des fonds d'État). First reading, June 21, 1995. 3p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-338/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-339.--Intervenor Funding Act. (An Act to provide for funding for intervenors in hearings before certain boards and agencies.) (Mr. Finlay.) Title in French: Loi sur l'aide financière aux intervenants. First reading, June 21, 1995. 5p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-339/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-340.--An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act (termination of C.B.C.'s television operations). (Mrs. Brown, Calgary Southeast.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur la radiodiffusion (cessation de l'exploitation du secteur de la télévision de la Société Radio-Canada). First reading, June 21, 1995. 2p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-340/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-342.--An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and National Arts Centre Corporation). (Mrs. Brown, Calgary Southeast.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels (Société Radio-Canada et Société du Centre national des Arts). First reading, June 21, 1995. 1p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-342/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-343.--An Act to amend the Criminal Code (arrest without warrant). (Mr.Thompson.) Title in French: Loi modifiant le Code criminel (arrestation sans mandat). First reading, June 21, 1995. 1p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-343/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 35th parliament, 42-44 Elizabeth II, 1994-95. Bilingual.
C-344.--An Act to amend the Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act. (Mr. CrÁte.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur les ports et installations portuaires publics. First reading, June 21, 1995. 1p.
$2.50 per copy. (Canada)
$3.25 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB351-344/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Household pests. Issued by the Pest Management Alternatives Office. Ottawa, 1995. English text, 14p. 23cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Ravageurs domestiques.
Contents: Prevention methods.--Control methods.--Common household invaders.--If all else fails.--What is integrated pest management?
For non-depositories available from the Pest Management Alternatives Office, 171 Slater Street, room 701, Ottawa K1P 5H7. Telephone: (613) 991-1001; Fax: (613) 991-0999.
ISBN 0-662-61913-7
Catalogue Number A22-156/1995 Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Turfweeds. Issued by the Pest Management Alternatives Office. Ottawa, 1995. 23cm. Folder. Bilingual. Title in French: Les mauvaises herbes.
For non-depositories available from the Pest Management Alternatives Office, 171 Slater Street, room 701, Ottawa K1P 5H7. Telephone: (613) 991-1001; Fax: (613) 991-0999.
ISBN 0-662-61914-5
Catalogue Number A22-157/1995 Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canada Labour Relations Board
- Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case. Title in French:
Catalogue Number LR12-2 - Motifs de décision. Ottawa. 28cm. Polycopié.
Chaque numéro est précédé d'un résumé bilingue sur une feuille intitulée Information.
Décision nº 1099.--Peter Hennessey, plaignant, et Syndicat des postiers du Canada, intimé, et Société canadienne des postes, employeur. Le 20 décembre 1994. 10p. (Dossier du Conseil: 745-4622)
5 $ l'exemplaire. 250 $ par année. (Canada)
6,50 $ US l'exemplaire. 325 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue LR12-2/1099F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC. - Motifs de décision. Ottawa. 28cm. Polycopié.
Chaque numéro est précédé d'un résumé bilingue sur une feuille intitulée Information.
Décision nº 1105.--Stephen Elnicki, requérant, et Les Blindés Loomis Ltée, employeur. Le 31 janvier 1995. 11p. (Dossier du Conseil: 950-259)
5 $ l'exemplaire. 250 $ par année. (Canada)
6,50 $ US l'exemplaire. 325 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue LR12-2/1105F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- CRTC telecom decisions, letter decisions and public notices. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, lettres-décisions et avis publics du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 3, No. 23, 1995.
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$11.70 U.S. per issue. $520 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-13/3-23
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Emergency Preparedness Canada
- Managing biological risk: with an emphasis on risks associated with biotechnology. Prepared by Consulting and Audit Canada. Ottawa, 1994, updated 1995. ii, 52p. Bibliography, figs., table. 28cm. Paper cover.
"This report was published to foster discussion and encourage initiatives to reduce biological risks and improve emergency response measures."--Title page.
Contents: Introduction.--Legislation.--Biological risks.--The risks of biotechnology.--Deficiencies in biological risk reduction.--Conclusions.--Recommendations.--Appendix I: Emergency planning Ontario.--Appendix II: Emergency response to a major biological accident.--Annex I: Sample of material safety data sheet.--Annex II: Documents referenced.--Annex III: Individuals/organizations contacted.
For non-depositories available from the Communications Directorate, Emergency Preparedness Canada, 122 Bank Street, 2nd floor, Ottawa K1A 0W6. Telephone: (613) 991-7035; Fax: (613) 998-9589; Internet:
ISBN 0-662-23515-0
Catalogue Number D82-38/1995E Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - La gestion des risques biologiques: plus particulièrement des risques associés à la biotechnologie. Préparé par Conseils et vérification Canada. Ottawa, 1994, révisé 1995. ii, 56p. Bibliographie, figures, tableau. 28cm. Broché.
«La publication de ce rapport vise à encourager la discussion et favoriser les initiatives pour réduire les risques biologiques et accroître l'efficacité des mesures d'intervention d'urgence.»--Couverture.
Sommaire: Introduction.--Législation.--Risques biologiques.--Les risques de la biotechnologie.--Lacunes des programmes de réduction des risques biologiques.--Conclusions.--Recommandations.--Appendice I: Planification d'urgence Ontario.--Appendice II: Intervention d'urgence en cas d'accidents biologiques graves.--Annexe I: Exemple de fiche signalétique.--Annexe II: Bibliographie.--Annexe III: Individus et organismes contactés.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Direction des communications, Protection civile Canada, 122, rue Bank, 2e étage, Ottawa K1A 0W6. Téléphone: (613) 991-7035; Télécopieur: (613) 998-9589; Internet:
ISBN 0-662-80348-5
Numéro de catalogue D82-38/1995F Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs.
Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- CanadExport. Twice a month. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0823-3330
For non-depositories available from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000. Fax: (613) 996-9709.
Vol. 13, No. 11, June 19, 1995. 7p.
Catalogue Number E12-9/13-11E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - CanadExport. Bimensuel. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0823-3349
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, InfoCentre (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709.
Vol. 13, nº 11, le 19 juin 1995. 7p.
Numéro de catalogue E12-9/13-11F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Human Resources Development
- Labour law update. Bimonthly. Ottawa. 22x28cm. Processed. ISSN 0848-5917
This bulletin contains summaries of Acts and regulations received since the last issue of the Labour Law Update.
Vol. 6, No. 1, May, 1995. 19p.
$5 per copy. $25 per year. (Canada)
$6.50 U.S. per copy. $32.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number L12-18/6-1E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Législation du travail: nouveautés. Bimestriel. Ottawa. 22x28cm. Polycopié. ISSN 0848-5925
Ce bulletin comprend des résumés de lois et de règlements reçus depuis le dernier numéro de Législation du travail.
Vol. 6, nº 1, mai 1995. 20p.
5 $ l'exemplaire. 25 $ par année. (Canada)
6,50 $ US l'exemplaire. 32,50 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue L12-18/6-1F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Vendu par GCC.
Industry Canada
Corporations Directorate
- Canada corporations bulletin. Monthly. Published by Micromedia Limited under the authority of Industry Canada. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Bulletin des sociétés canadiennes.
N.B.: Please note that this periodical is sold by Micromedia Limited. Only depository copies are distributed by the Publishing Division.
Vol. 25, No. 5, May, 1995. 170p.
Catalogue Number RG36-1/25-5 Distributed by mailing list.
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Government business opportunities. 3 times a week. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics. ISSN 0840-870X
No. 367, June 28, 1995. 70p.
$4.95 per copy. $525 per year. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. per copy. $682.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1995-06-28
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Government business opportunities. 3 times a week. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics. ISSN 0840-870X
No. 368, June 30, 1995. 55p.
$4.95 per copy. $525 per year. (Canada)
$6.45 U.S. per copy. $682.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1995-06-30
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Queen's Printer
- Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 27cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Gazette du Canada, partie I. ISSN 0045-4192
Vol. 129, No. 26, July 1, 1995.
$2.95 per copy. $135 per year. (Canada)
$3.85 U.S. per copy. $175.50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-1/129-26
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Canada gazette, part II. Statutory instruments. Every two weeks. Ottawa. 27cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Gazette du Canada, partie II. Textes réglementaires. ISSN 0045-4206
Vol. 129, No. 13, June 28, 1995.
$3.50 per copy. $67.50 per year. (Canada)
$4.55 U.S. per copy. $87.75 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-2/129-13
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG.
Transport Canada
- Canadian airworthiness directives. Issued by Aviation Regulation. Ottawa, 1990--. 28cm. Loose-leaf. (TP 9856E)
Monthly supplement, May, 1995.
$6.25 per copy. Available by standing order. (Canada)
$8.10 U.S. per copy. Available by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number T51-2/3-95-05E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CCG. - Consignes de navigabilité canadiennes. Publié par Réglementation aérienne. Ottawa, 1990--. 28cm. Feuilles mobiles. (TP 9856F)
Supplément mensuel, mai 1995.
6,25 $ l'exemplaire. Disponible par commande permanente. (Canada)
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Statistics Canada
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Title in French:
- Primary metal industries, 1993. Annual. Ottawa, 1995. 42, 15p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Industries de première transformation des métaux, 1993. ISSN 0835-0116
SIC 29
$38 per copy. (Canada)
$46 U.S. per copy (United States). $54 U.S. per copy (other countries).
Catalogue Number CS41-250/1993
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Telephone statistics, 1993. Annual. Ottawa, 1995. 45p. Tables. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistique du téléphone, 1993. ISSN 0380-7843
$39 per copy. (Canada)
$47 U.S. per copy (United States). $55 U.S. per copy (other countries).
Catalogue Number CS56-203/1993
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Parliamentary report of the Minister of Industry under the Corporations and Labour Unions Return Act: Part I: Corporations: preliminary 1993: Foreign control in the Canadian economy. Annual. Ottawa, 1995. 85p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapport au Parlement du ministre de l'Industrie, présenté sous l'emprise de la Loi sur les déclarations des personnes morales et des syndicats: ISSN 0823-4248
Cover title: CALURA: Corporations/preliminary, 1993.
CALURA = Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act.
$38 per copy. (Canada)
$46 U.S. per copy (United States). $54 U.S. per copy (other countries).
Catalogue Number CS61-220/1993
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Periodic releases
- The daily. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed. ISSN 0827-0465
June 26-30, 1995.
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$1.10 U.S. per copy. $210 U.S. per year. (United States)
$1.30 U.S. per copy. $245 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-001E
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Le 26-30 juin 1995.
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1,10 $ US l'exemplaire. 210 $ US par année. (États-Unis)
1,30 $ US l'exemplaire. 245 $ US par anéée. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue CS11-001F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Infomat: a weekly review. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0547
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$4 U.S. per copy. $156 U.S. per year. (United States)
$4 U.S. per copy. $182 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-002E
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4 $ US l'exemplaire. 156 $ US par année. (États-Unis)
4 $ US l'exemplaire. 182 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue CS11-002F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série.
Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Field crop reporting series. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. ISSN 0575-8548
Vol. 74, No. 4.--Preliminary estimates of principal field crop areas, Canada, 1995. Title in French: Estimations provisoires de la superficie des principales grandes cultures, Canada, 1995. 1995. 16p.
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$18 U.S. per copy. $102 U.S. per year. (United States)
$21 U.S. per copy. $119 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS22-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Crude petroleum and natural gas production. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Production de pétrole brut et de gaz naturel. ISSN 0702-6846
SIC 071.
Vol. 47, No. 3, March, 1995. 46p.
$11 per copy. $110 per year. (Canada)
$14 U.S. per copy. $132 U.S. per year. (United States)
$16 U.S. per copy. $154 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS26-006
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - The sugar situation. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Situation du sucre. ISSN 0380-8378
Vol. 74, No. 5, May, 1995. 2p.
$6 per copy. $60 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS32-013
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Production and disposition of tobacco products. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Production et disposition des produits du tabac. ISSN 0708-336X
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 1995. 3p.
$6 per copy. $60 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS32-022
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Production and inventories of process cheese and instant skim milk powder. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Production et stocks de fromage fondu et de poudre de lait écrémé instantané. ISSN 0705-551X
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 1995. 2p.
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$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS32-024
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Corrugated boxes and wrappers. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Boîtes et emballages en carton ondulé. ISSN 0380-7037
Vol. 21, No. 5, May, 1995. 2p.
$6 per copy. $60 per year. (Canada)
$8 U.S. per copy. $72 U.S. per year. (United States)
$9 U.S. per copy. $84 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS36-004
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Gas utilities. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Services de gaz. ISSN 0380-2329
SIC 4611, 4921.
Vol. 37, No. 3, March, 1995. 26p.
$16 per copy. $160 per year. (Canada)
$20.00 U.S. per copy. $200 U.S. per year. (United States)
$23 U.S. per copy. $230 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS55-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Telephone statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistique du téléphone. ISSN 0707-9753
Vol. 19, No. 4, April, 1995. 4p.
$9 per copy. $90 per year. (Canada)
$11 U.S. per copy. $108 U.S. per year. (United States)
$13 U.S. per copy. $126 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS56-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Average prices of selected farm inputs. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Le prix moyen de certaines entrées agricoles. ISSN 1192-8077
Vol. 3, No. 3, May, 1995. 12p.
$8 per copy. $48 per year. (Canada)
$10 U.S. per copy. $58 U.S. per year. (United States)
$12 U.S. per copy. $68 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS62-012
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Retail trade. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Commerce de détail. ISSN 0380-6146
Vol. 67, No. 4, April, 1995. 34p.
$20 per copy. $200 per year. (Canada)
$24 U.S. per copy. $240 U.S. per year. (United States)
$28 U.S. per copy. $280 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS63-005
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Restaurant, caterer and tavern statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques des restaurants, traiteurs et tavernes. ISSN 0226-2320
Vol. 27, No. 9, September, 1994. 4p.
$8 per copy. $76 per year. (Canada)
$10 U.S. per copy. $92 U.S. per year. (United States)
$12 U.S. per copy. $107 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS63-011
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Services indicators. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper bound. Bilingual. Title in French: Indicateurs des services. ISSN 1195-5961
Vol. 1, No. 4, first quarter, 1995. 99p.
Feature article: The demand for telecommunication services.
$34 per copy. $112 per year. (Canada)
$41 U.S. per copy. $135 U.S. per year. (United States)
$48 U.S. per copy. $157 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS63-016
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canada's international transactions in securities. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Paper cover. Bilingual. Title in French: Opérations internationales du Canada en valeurs mobilières. ISSN 1183-4315
Vol. 61, No. 4, April, 1995. 46p.
$17 per copy. $170 per year. (Canada)
$21 U.S. per copy. $204 U.S. per year. (United States)
$24 U.S. per copy. $238 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS67-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
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