ARCHIVED - Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 98-27
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98-27 (July 3, 1998)
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Table of Contents
- Parliamentary Publications
- Departmental Publications
- Auditor General of Canada
- Bank of Canada
- Canada Labour Relations Board
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canadian Heritage
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Environment Canada
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Health Canada
- Human Resources Development Canada
- Industry Canada
- National Defence
- Natural Resources Canada
- Public Service Staff Relations Board
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Revenue Canada
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
- Status of Women Canada
- Statistics Canada Publications
- Debates of the Senate, official report. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 137, Nos. 73-76, June 15-18, 1998.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$245 per year. (Canada)
$245 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y3-361E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Débats du Sénat, compte rendu officiel. Quotidien. Ottawa. 28cm.
Vol. 137, nos 73-76, 15-18 juin 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès d'Éditions de gouvernement du Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Téléphone: (819) 956-4800; Télécopieur: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
245 $ par année. (Canada)
245 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue Y3-361F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC. - Journals of the Senate. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Journaux du Sénat.
Nos. 73-76, June 15-18, 1998.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$275 per year. (Canada)
$275 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y4-361
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Order paper and notice paper. Daily. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Feuilleton et feuilleton des avis.
Nos. 74-77, June 16-September 22, 1998.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$200 per year. (Canada)
$200 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number Y5-361
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
- Bills of the Senate, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Bilingual. Title in French:
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2100 per year (Bills of the Senate and House of Commons). (Canada)
$2100 U.S. per year (Bills of the Senate and House of Commons). (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YB361
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the Senate, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Ottawa. 28cm Bilingual.
S-18.--An Act respecting the Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada. (The Honourable Senator Kelleher.) Title in French: Loi concernant l'Alliance des manufacturiers et des exportateurs du Canada. First reading, June 17, 1998. 2p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YB361-18/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the Senate, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Ottawa. 28cm Bilingual.
S-19.--Merchant Navy War Service Recognition Act. (An Act to give further recognition to the war-time service of Canadian merchant navy veterans and to provide for their fair and equitable treatment.) (The Honourable Senator Forrestall.) Title in French: Loi sur la reconnaissance des services de guerre de la marine marchande. First reading, June 18, 1998. 4p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$5 per copy. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YB361-19/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
- Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-1998. Chairman: The Honourable Michael Kirby. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Meeting on: Examination of the present state of the financial system in Canada. Title in French: Comité permanent des banques et du commerce, Délibérations. Réunion concernant: L'examen de l'état du système financier canadien.
No. 18, Thursday, May 7, 1998, Tuesday, May 12 (a.m.) 1998 and Tuesday, May 12 (p.m.), 1998. 96p.
$19 per copy. (Canada)
$19 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC11-361/1-18
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-1998. Chair: The Honourable Lowell Murray, C.P. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Meeting on: Bill S-10, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act; The implementation and application of Chapter 1, An Act to amend the Divorce Act, the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and the Canada Shipping Act, and the associated Federal Child Support Guidelines. Title in French: Comité permanent des affaires sociales, des sciences et de la technologie, Délibérations. Réunion concernant: Le projet de loi S-10, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la taxe d'accise; La mise en oeuvre et l'application de chapitre 1, Loi modifiant la Loi sur le divorce, la Loi d'aide à l'exécution des ordonnances et des ententes familiales, la Loi sur la saisie-arrêt et la distraction de pensions et la Loi sur la marine marchande du Canada, et des lignes directrices qui s'y rapportent, soit les lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants.
No. 10, Wednesday, May 6, 1998 and Tuesday, May 12, 1998. 27p.
$12 per copy. (Canada)
$12 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC17-361/1-10
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Standing Committee on Transport and Communications, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Chair: The Honourable Lise Bacon. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Meeting on: Examination of Bill C-9, Canada Marine Act. Title in French: Comité permanent des transports et des communications, Délibérations. Réunion concernant: L'étude du projet de loi C-9, Loi maritime du Canada.
No. 17, Thursday, May 7, 1998. 46p.
$14 per copy. (Canada)
$14 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC19-361/1-17
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Standing Committee on Fisheries, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Chairman: The Honourable Gérald J. Comeau. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Meeting on: The questions of privatization and quota licensing in Canada's fisheries. Title in French: Comité permanent des pêches, Délibérations. Réunion concernant: Les questions de privatisation et d'attribution des permis à quota dans l'industrie des pêches au Canada.
No. 7, Tuesday, May 5, 1998 and Thursday, May 7, 1998. 66p.
$16 per copy. (Canada)
$16 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC25-361/1-7
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Senate and House of Commons
- Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Joint Chairmen: The Honourable Landon Pearson and Roger Gallaway, M.P. Proceedings. Bilingual.
Meeting on: Child custody and access arrangements after separation and divorce. Title in French: Comité mixte spécial sur la garde et le droit de visite des enfants, Délibérations. Réunion concernant: La garde et le droit de visite des enfants après la séparation ou le divorce des parents.
No. 15, Monday, April 20, 1998. 34p.
$13 per copy. (Canada)
$13 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number YC3-361/6-15
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
House of Commons
- Journals. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Journaux.
Nos. 117-121A, June 8-18, 1998.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$230 per year. (Canada)
$230 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number X2-361/121A
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
- Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Ottawa. Bilingual. Title in French:
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2100 per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Canada)
$2100 U.S. per year (Bills of the House of Commons and Senate). (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB361
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bills of the House of Commons, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Ottawa. Bilingual.
C-264.--An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and to make amendments to other Acts. (Mr. Bryden.) Title in French: Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'accès à l'information et d'autres lois en conséquence. First reading, October 23, 1997. 15p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
URL: 64_cover-E.html
$10 per copy. (Canada)
$10 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XB361-264/1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
- Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1st session, 36th parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98. Chairperson: The Honourable Mr. Bill Graham, M.P. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual
--International child abduction: issues for reform: fourth report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, first report of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights and International Development. Title in French: L'enlèvement international d'enfants: solutions de rechange: English text, 34p.
Contents: Chair's foreword.--List of recommendations.--Introduction.--Extent and profile of international parental abductions.--The Hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction.--International child abductions to non-Hague countries.--Canadian responses to child abduction: current and proposed.--Request for government response.--Appendix A: list of witnesses.--Appendix B: list of submissions.--Minutes of proceedings.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$19 per copy. (Canada)
$19 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number XC11-361/1-1-02
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Auditor General of Canada
- Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 1998. Commissioner: Brian Emmett. Ottawa, 1998. 4 volumes. 28cm. Softcover.
Contents: The Commissioner's Observations, 1998: foreword and main points.--Chapter 1: Greening the government of Canada: strategies for sustainable development.--Global challenges: Chapter 2: Working globally: Canada's international environmental commitments; Chapter 3: Responding to climate change: time to rethink Canada's implementation strategy; Chapter 4: Canada's biodiversity clock is ticking.--Managing for sustainable development: Chapter 5: Expanding horizons: a strategic approach to sustainable development; Chapter 6: Environmental assessment: a critical tool for sustainable development; Chapter 7: Counting the environment in; Chapter 8: Performance measurements for sustainable development strategies.
For non-depositories, available from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, 240 Sparks Street, Stop 10-1, Ottawa K1A 0G6. Telephone: (613) 952-0213 ext. 5000; Fax: (613) 954-0696.
ISBN 0-662-26915-2
Catalogue Number FA3-23/1998-1E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Rapport du Commissaire à l'environnement et au développement durable à la Chambre des communes, 1998. Commissaire: Brian Emmett. Ottawa, 1998. 4 volumes. 28cm.
Sommaire: Observations du commissaire, 1998: avant-propos et points saillants.--Chapitre 1: L'écologisation du gouvernement du Canada: les stratégies de développement durable.--Les défis mondiaux: Chapitre 2: Les engagements internationaux du Canada en matière d'environnement: une collaboration mondiale; Chapitre 3: Réagir aux changements climatiques: il est temps de repenser la stratégie d'intervention du Canada; Chapitre 4: La biodiversité au Canada: le temps presse.--Gestion axée sur le développement durable: Chapitre 5: Élargir les horizons: une approche stratégique pour les développement durable; Chapitre 6: L'évaluation environnementale: un outil de première importance pour le développement durable; Chapitre 7: Prendre les coûts environnementaux en compte.--Chapitre 8: La mesure de la performance des stratégies de développement durable.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada, 240, rue Sparks, arrêt 10-1, Ottawa K1A 0G6. Téléphone: (613) 952-0213, poste 5000; Télécopieur: (613) 954-0696.
ISBN 0-662-82986-7
Numéro de catalogue FA3-23/1998-1F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Reports of the Auditor General of Canada and the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Commissioner: Brian Emmett. Ottawa, 1998. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapports du Vérificateur général du Canada et du Commissaire à l'environnement et au développement durable à la Chambre des Communes.
1989 to May 1998. 1 disc.
For non-depositories, available from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, 240 Sparks Street, Stop 10-1, Ottawa K1A 0G6. Telephone: (613) 952-0213 ext. 5000; Fax: (613) 954-0696.
ISBN 0-662-63462-4
Catalogue Number FA3-23/1998-2-MRC
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Bank of Canada
- Working paper. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1192-5434
98-8.--Easing restrictions on the stripping and reconstitution of Government of Canada's bonds, by David Bolder and Serge Boisvert. 1998. 12p. Graph, tables.
"This paper reviews one method for limiting the ability of market participants to exercise undue influence over the prices of individual securities by easing restrictions that limit the fungibility of coupon and principal cash flows in the market for stripped securities. The two restrictions reconstituted beyond the amount originally issued, and the present non-fungibility of interest and coupon payments."--Abstract.
For non-depositories, available from Publications Distribution Section, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Telephone: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874. Internet e-mail:
ISBN 0-662-26940-3
Catalogue Number FB3-2/98-8E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Working paper. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1192-5434
98-9.--Buying back government bonds: mechanics and other considerations, by Toni Gravelle. 1998. 25p. References, tables.
"With the elimination of the federal deficit, the Bank of Canada, the Department of Finance, and financial market participants are examining ways to manage the reduction in the stock of marketable debt. This paper summarizes three different methods--reverse auction, over-the-counter purchases, and conversions--that could be used to buy back Government of Canada bonds before they mature."
For non-depositories, available from Publications Distribution Section, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Telephone: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874. Internet e-mail:
ISBN 0-662-26941-1
Catalogue Number FB3-2/98-9E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Weekly financial statistics. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed. Bilingual. Title in French: Bulletin hebdomadaire de statistiques financières.
June 12, 1998. 20p. Graphs, tables.
Available from Publications Distribution Section, Bank of Canada, 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa K1A 0G9. Telephone: (613) 782-8248; Fax: (613) 782-8874. Internet e-mail:
$2 per copy. $55 per year. (Canada)
$70 per year (United States). $110 per year (other countries).
$278 per year by facsimile. (Canada and United States)
Catalogue Number FB12-4/1998-06-12
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canada Labour Relations Board
- Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case. Title in French:
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
Catalogue Number LR12-2
Distribution: - Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case.
Decision no. 1226.--Frank Stolp, complainant, Power Worker's Union, CUPE 1000, respondent, and Ontario Hydro, employer. June 9, 1998. 8p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$5 per copy. $250 per year. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. $250 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number LR12-2/1226E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Reasons for decision. Ottawa. 28cm. Processed.
Each issue is covered by a sheet titled Information, which gives a bilingual summary of the case.
Decision no. 1228.--Ms. Sylvie Dionne and Ms. Nathalie Voyer, complainants, Confederation of National Trade Unions, union, and Conseil de la Nation huronne-Wendat, respondent. June 4, 1998. 12p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$5 per copy. $250 per year. (Canada)
$5 U.S. per copy. $250 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number LR12-2/1228E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Motifs de décision. Ottawa. 28cm. Polycopié.
Chaque numéro est précédé d'un résumé bilingue sur une feuille intitulée Information.
Décision nº 1228.--Sylvie Dionne et Nathalie Voyer, plaignantes, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, syndicat, et Conseil de la Nation huronne-Wendat, intimé. Le 4 juin 1998. 48p. (Dossier du Conseil: 745-5337)
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès d'Éditions du gouvernement du Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Téléphone: (819) 956-4800; Télécopieur: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
5 $ l'exemplaire. 250 $ par année. (Canada)
5 $ US l'exemplaire. 250 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue LR12-2/1228F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- CMHC mortgage market trends. Quarterly. Issued by Market Analysis Centre. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 1188-4215
Second quarter, 1998. 12p. Graphs, tables.
For non-depositories available from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation , CMHC Information Products, suite 1000, 700 Montreal Road K1A 0P7. Telephone: 1-800-668-2642 or (613) 748-2003; Fax: 1-800-245-9274 or (613) 748-2016.
$11 per copy. $44 per year. (Canada)
$11 U.S. per copy. $44 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number NH12-8/1998-2E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - SCHL: Tendances du marché hypothécaire. Publié par le Centre d'analyse de marché. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple. ISSN 1188-4223
Deuxième trimestre 1998. 12p.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible à la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement (SCHL), Produits d'information, suite 1000, 700, chemin Montréal, Ottawa K1A 0P7. Téléphone: 1-800-668-2642 ou (613) 748-2003; Télécopieur: 1-800-668-2642 ou (613) 748-2016.
11 $ l'exemplaire. 44 $ par année. (Canada)
11 $ US l'exemplaire. 44 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue NH12-8/1998-2F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC. - Monthly housing statistics. Monthly. Issued by the Market Analysis Centre. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques mensuelles sur l'habitation. ISSN 0704-2086
May, 1998. 12p. Tables.
For non-depositories available from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, CMHC Information Products, suite 1000, 700 Montreal Road K1A 0P7. Telephone: 1-800-668-2642 or (613) 748-2003; Fax: 1-800-245-9274 or (613) 748-2016.
$48 per year. (Canada)
$48 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number NH12-12/1998-5
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Notice to depositories:
Because very few copies are available, the following publication is being distributed to full depository libraries only.
Anti-carbonation coatings for use on Canadian buildings. Prepared by Halsall Associates Limited. Ottawa, 1997. 66p. in various pagings. Bibliography, figs., tables. 28cm. Softcover.
"This field study initiated testing of certain coatings/sealers to determine their effect on the rate of carbonation and is monitoring their performance in a Canadian climate."--Abstract.
For non-depositories, available from the Canadian Housing Information Centre, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 700 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P7. Telephone: (613) 748-2367; Fax: (613) 748-4069
ISBN 0-660-17467-7
Catalogue Number NH15-198/1997E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La publication suivante est distribuée uniquement aux bibliothèques de dépôt UNIVERSEL dû à un tirage restreint.
Revêtements anti-carbonatation appliqués aux bâtiments canadiens. Rédigé par Halsall Associates Limited. Ottawa, 1997. 74p. en pagination multiple. Bibliographie, figures, tableaux. 28cm. Couverture souple.
«La présente étude sur le terrain est la première à mettre à l'essai des revêtements et des bouche-pores pour en déterminer l'effet sur le taux de carbonatation et en contrôler le rendement en climat canadien.»--Sommaire.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Centre canadien de documentation sur l'habitation, Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 700, chemin Montréal, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0P7. Téléphone: (613) 748-2367; Télécopieur: (613) 748-4069.
ISBN 0-660-95957-7
Numéro de catalogue NH15-198/1997F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Notice to depositories:
Because very few copies are available, the following publication is being distributed to full depository libraries only.
Evaluation of housing initiatives under the National Strategy for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities. Prepared by Audit and Evaluation Services. Ottawa, 1998. 58p. Tables. 28cm. Spiral binding.
For non-depositories, available from the Canadian Housing Information Centre, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 700 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P7. Telephone: (613) 748-2367; Fax: (613) 748-4069.
ISBN 0-662-26923-3
Catalogue Number NH15-216/1998E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Avis aux dépositaires:
La publication suivante est distribuée uniquement aux bibliothèques de dépôt UNIVERSEL dû à un tirage restreint.
Évaluation des initiatives de logement dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées. Préparé par Services de vérification et d'évaluation. Ottawa, 1998. 66p. Tableaux. 28cm. Reliure à spirale.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Centre canadien de documentation sur l'habitation, Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 700, chemin Montréal, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0P7. Téléphone: (613) 748-2367; Télécopieur: (613) 748-4069.
ISBN 0-662-82993-X
Numéro de catalogue NH15-216/1998F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Canadian Heritage
- Strengthening and celebrating Canada for the new millennium: planning period 1997-1998 to 1999-2000. Ottawa, 1998. English text, 23p. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Bâtir un Canada fier et fort de son patrimoine pour le prochaine millénaire:
"The Canadian Heritage Portfolio, comprising the Department of Canadian Heritage, seven departmental agencies and ten Crown corporations, has developed a strategic approach, Strengthening and Celebrating Canada for the New Millennium, for the period 1997-98 to 1999-2000. the overview examines the environment in which the Portfolio operates and defines the objectives of the Portfolio. It also presents the strategies and activities its members will pursue during the planning period to meet the objectives in line with government priorities set out in the Speech from the Throne."--Executive summary.
For non depositories, available from Canadian Heritage, Corporate Policy and Strategic Planning, 25 rue Eddy, Pièce 12G5, Hull Québec K1A 0M5. Telephone: (819) 997-1091; Fax: (819) 997-5102.
ISBN 0-662-63426-8
Catalogue Number CH4-1/28-2000
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
CRTC broadcasting decisions, notices, notices of public hearing, circulars and news releases. Semi-weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis, avis d'audience publique, circulaires et communiqués en matière de radiodiffusion.
Reprints of decisions and notices of the CRTC published in the Canada gazette, part I.
Vol. 13, No. 16-18.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$6.50 per issue. $575 per year. (Canada)
$6.50 U.S. per issue. $575 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-12/13-18
Distribution: Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - CRTC telecom decisions, public notices and news releases. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis publics et communiqués du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 6, No. 5.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$9 U.S. per issue. $400 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-13/6-5
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - CRTC telecom decisions, public notices and news releases. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Décisions, avis publics et communiqués du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Vol. 6, No. 6.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$9 per issue. $400 per year. (Canada)
$9 U.S. per issue. $400 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number BC91-13/6-6
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Environment Canada
- Let's talk green. Bimonthly. Issued jointly by the Environmental Protection Service (EPS) and the Environmental Conservation Service (ECS). Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Parlons vert. ISSN 1188-3022
Vol. 8, No. 3, May-June, 1998. English text, 30p. Illus.
For non-depositories available from Let's Talk Green, Environment Canada, 351 St. Joseph Boulevard, 15th floor, PVM, Ottawa K1A 0H3. Telephone: (819) 997-1089; Fax: (819) 953-8279; Internet e-mail:
Catalogue Number En40-61/8-3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Atmospheric Environment Service
- Canadian climate summary: monthly review of Canadian climate and water. Issued by the Canadian Meteorological Centre. Downsview, Ontario. 28cm. Processed. ISSN 1207-8514
Vol. 2, October, 1997. 12p. Maps, tables.
For non-depositories, available from Atmospheric, Climate & Water System Branch, Attn: CMSC, Canadian Meteorological Centre, 2121 TransCanada Highway, Suite 300, Dorval QC H9P 1J3. Telephone: (416) 739-4328; Fax: (416) 739-4446; Internet e-mail:
$59 per year.
$49 per year. (Internet)
Catalogue Number En58-13/1997-10E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Sommaire climatologique canadien: revue mensuelle du climat et des eaux au Canada. Publié par le Centre météorologique canadien. Downsview (Ontario). 28cm. Polycopié. ISSN 1207-8514
Vol. 2, octobre 1997. 11p.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès de la Direction des systèmes atmosphériques, climatiques et hydrologiques, Compétence: CMSA, Centre météorologique canadien, 2121, autoroute Transcanadienne, bureau 300, Dorval (Qc) H9P 1J3. Téléphone: (416) 739-4328; Télécopieur: (416) 739-4446; courrier électronique (Internet):
59 $ par année.
49 $ par année. (Internet)
Numéro de catalogue En58-13/1997-10F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 0706-6457
2196.--The American eel in Eastern Canada: stock status and management strategies: proceedings of Eel Management Workshop, January 13-14, 1997, QuÅbec City, QC, by R. H. Peterson (Editor). 1997. v, 174p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.
"This report contains the papers presented to a meeting held in January 1997 to review stock status and the different management regimes for the American eel ((Anguilla rostrata) stocks inhabiting Canadian rivers, and to seek consensus on a common approach to managing this resource."--Abstract.
Prepared by the Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, E0G 2X0.
Note: Copies are available for sale in paper copy or microfiche from Micromedia Limited, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Telephone: 1-800-387-2689 8 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; Internet: Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.
See note above.
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2196E
Distribution: - Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. ISSN 0706-6570
2204.--PCB contamination of sediments and snow crab(Chionoecetes opilio)around the site of the sinking of theIrving Whalebarge after its recovery, by M. Gilbert et al. Title in French: Contamination par les BPC des sédiments et du crabe des neiges (Chionoecetes opilio)aux environs du site du naufrage de la bargeIrving Whaleaprès son renflouage, 1998. English text, x, 28p. Figs., graphs, references.
Prepared by the Maurice Lamontagne Institute, 850 route de la Mer, P.O.Box 1000, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4. Telephone: (418)775-0500; Fax: (418)775-0542.
Note: Copies are available for sale in paper copy or microfiche from Micromedia Limited, 20, Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Telephone: 1-800-387-289 or (416) 362-5211; fax: (416) 362-6161; Internet: Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.
See note above.
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2204
Distribution: - Avis aux dépositaires:
La notice suivante est publiée à titre de renseignement seulement. Cette publication NE SERA PAS distribuée par le biais du Programme des services de dépôt.
Quiconque voudrait obtenir un exemplaire doit s'adresser directement à l'agence-auteur.
Rapport technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques. Ottawa. 28cm. (Abstracts in English.) ISSN 0706-6570
Note: Des exemplaires de ces publications (imprimés ou sous forme de microfiches) sont en vente chez Micromedia Limited, 20, rue Victoria, Toronto (Ontario) M5C 2N8. Téléphone: 1-800-387-2689 ou (416) 362-5211; Télécopieur: (416) 362-6161; Internet: Le ministère des Pêches et des Océans possède seulement une liste limitée de distribution gratuite pour les bibliothèques canadiennes ayant besoin de la série complète.
2205.--Étude des variations temporelles des paramètres océanographiques dans le bas-estuaire de la rivière Restigouche (Nouveau-Brunswick) en présence d'un couvert de glace, par Marie Clément et al. 1998. vi, 16p. Graphiques, références, tableaux.
«L'objectif de ce projet est d'analyser les paramètres océanographiques (i.e. les températures, les salinités, et les courants) de l'estuaire de la rivière Restigouche durant la saison hivernale et de déterminer si l'estuaire est stratifié durant cette période. Ce rapport présente l'analyse graphique des données obtenues par la mise à l'eau de courantomètres durant les hivers 1993 à 1995.»--Page 3.
Publié par le Centre des pêches du Golfe, C.P. 5030, Moncton, N.-B., E1C 9B6.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès du Ministère des Pêches et Océans, Centre des Pêches du Golfe, C.P. 5030, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick E1C 9B6.
Voir la note ci-dessus.
Numéro de catalogue Fs97-6/2205F
Distribution: - Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 0706-6457
2216.--Lobster(Homarus americanus)tagging project in Caraquet (1993): tag return from 1994 to 1997, by M. Comeau et al. Title in French: Projet de marquage du homard (Homarus americanus) à Caraquet (1993): 1998. vii, 35p. Figs., graphs, references, tables.
"The objectives of this study were to investigate movement and growth of lobster in the Caraquet area. This report summarizes the recoveries of lobster from 1994 to 1997 originally tagged in 1993. It is the first tagging study of 5 years tagging project in northern New Brunswick (N.B.)."--Page 2.
Prepared by the Maritime Region, Invertebrate Fisheries Division, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Monction, New Brunswick, E1C 9B6.
Note: Copies are available for sale in paper copy or microfiche from Micromedia Limited, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Telephone: 1-800-387-2689 8 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; Internet: Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.
See note above.
Catalogue Number Fs97-6/2216
Distribution: - Notice to depositories:
The following record is published for information only. This publication is NOT being distributed by the Depository Services Program.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy must contact the issuing agency directly.
Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 0711-6764
194.--Proposal for a northwest Atlantic zonal monitoring program, by J.-C. Therriault et al. 1998. vii, 57p. Figs., graphs, references.
"A comprehensive monitoring program has been designed for the Northwestern Atlantic with the aim of increasing the Department of Fisheries and Ocean's capacity to understand, describe, and forecast the state of the marine ecosystem and to quantify the changes in the oceans and the predator-prey relationships of marine resources. In this report we present an overview of the current monitoring activities and identify what we consider to be fundamental elements of a zonal monitoring program."--Abstract.
Prepared by the Maurice Lamontagne Institute, 850 route de la Mer, P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4. Telephone: (418)775-0500; Fax: (418)775-0542.
Note: Copies are available for sale in paper copy or microfiche from Micromedia Limited, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Telephone: 1-800-387-2689 or (416) 362-5211; Fax: (416) 362-6161; Internet: Fisheries and Oceans maintain only a limited free mailing list for Canadian libraries requiring the complete series.
See note above.
Catalogue Number Fs97-18/194E
Canadian Hydrographic Service
- Catalogue of nautical charts and publications: Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River (MontrÅal to Kingston), including major lakes and rivers in Ontario and Manitoba. Ottawa, 1998. 45p. Maps. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Catalogue des cartes marines et des publications:
For non-depositories, available from the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Chart Sales & Distribution, 1675 Russell Road, P.O. Box 8080, Ottawa K1G 3H6. Telephone: (613) 998-4931; Fax: (613) 998-1217; Internet e-mail: or 9860 West Saanich Road, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, British Columbia V8L 4B2. Telephone: (604) 363-6358; Fax: (604) 363-6841; Internet e-mail:; WWW:
ISBN 0-662-63450-0
Catalogue Number Fs72-23/1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Arab and Islamic development funds and financial institutions: Islamic banking and finance. Ottawa, 1998. 42p. in various pagings. 28cm. Spiral binding.
"This report contains information on the various Arab and Islamic financial institutions, including development funds located in the Gulf countries (Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia). The OPEP Fund in Vienna is included because of the important contributions made by Arab oil-exporting countries and the Fund's participation in consultative meetings with other Arab and Islamic development funds. In addition to information on the organizational structure of these institutions and their procurement rules and procedures, the report addresses the financing of infrastructure privatization projects. We hope it will contribute to the identification of direct business opportunities for Canadian enterprises."--Introduction.
N.B.: Incorrect ISBN (0-662-82977-8) printed in this publication.
For non-depositories, available from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000. Fax: (613) 996-9709; Internet e-mail: sxcii.extott@e
ISBN 0-662-26901-2
Catalogue Number E2-177/1998E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Fonds de développement et institutions financières arabes et islamiques: secteur bancaire et financier islamique. Ottawa, 1998. 42p. en pagination multiple. 28cm. Reliure à spirale.
"Le présent rapport contient de l'information sur les diverses institutions financières arabes et islamiques, y compris les fonds de développement situés dans les pays du Golfe (Abou Dhabi, Koweit et Arabie saoudite). Le Fonds de l'OPEP, à Vienne, est inclus, car les pays arabes exportateurs de pétrole y apportent une importante contribution et le Fonds participe à des réunions consultatives avec d'autres fonds de développement arabes et islamiques. Outre des renseignements sur la structure organisationnelle de ces institutions et sur leurs règles et méthodes d'approvisionnement, le rapport traite du financement des projets de privatisation de l'infrastructure. Nous espérons qu'il contribuera à la découverte d'occasions d'affaires directes pour les entreprises canadienne."--Introduction.
N.B.: Le numéro ISBN (0-662-26-001-2) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, InfoCentre (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709; Courrier électronique (Internet):
ISBN 0-662-82977-8
Numéro de catalogue E2-177/1998F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities, 1998. Ottawa, 1998. 75p. 28cm. Softcover.
"Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities, 1998 outlines the Government's priorities for improving access to foreign markets for Canadian traders and investors through a range of multilateral and regional initiatives in 1998. It also presents significant market-opening results from 1997 that will benefit Canadian business."--Page 2.
For non-depositories, available from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, InfoCentre (SKI), Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Telephone: 1-800-267-8376 or (613) 944-4000. Fax: (613) 996-9709; Internet e-mail:
ISBN 0-662-26995-0
Catalogue Number E74-88/1998E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Ouvrir des portes sur le monde: priorités du Canada en matière d'accès aux marchés internationaux, 1998. Ottawa, 1998. 84p. 28cm. Couverture souple.
"Ouvrir des portes sur le monde: Priorités du Canada en matière d'accès aux marchés internationaux, 1998 définit les priorités du gouvernement dans ses efforts pour faciliter l'accès des exportateurs et des investisseurs canadiens aux marchés étrangers au moyen de toute une série d'initiatives multilatérales, régionales et bilatérales en 1998. Le document décrit également les résultats accomplis dans ce domaine en 1997 et qui bénéficieront aux entreprises canadiennes."--Page 2.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international, InfoCentre (SKI), Édifice Lester B. Pearson, 125, promenade Sussex, Ottawa K1A 0G2. Téléphone: 1-800-267-8376 ou (613) 944-4000; Télécopieur: (613) 996-9709; Courrier électronique (Internet):
Gratuit. (Le nombre d'exemplaires est limité.)
ISBN 0-662-83043-1
Numéro de catalogue E74-88/1998F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Health Canada
- International studies on the incidence and prevalence of child maltreatment: selective bibliography. Ottawa, 1998. 35p. in various pagings. 28cm. Softcover.
"The articles selected for this bibliography were identified by consulting databases and Web sites. Those dealing specifically with prevalence and incidence studies of child maltreatment were chosen."--Page 4.
For non-depositories, available from Publications Distribution, Health Canada, Communications Branch, Room 1100, Finance Building, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Telephone: (613) 954-5995; Fax: (613) 941-5366.
ISBN 0-662-26913-6
Catalogue Number H21-143/1998E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Études d'incidence et de prévalence menées à l'échelle internationale sur la maltraitance envers les enfants: bibliographie sélective. Ottawa, 1998. 38p. 28cm. Couverture souple.
"Les ouvrages du présent répertoire bibliographique ont été sélectionnés à partir des bases de données et des sites Web. Il s'agit particulièrement d'études de prévalence et d'incidence portant sur la violence envers les enfants."--Page 4.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Publications, Direction des communications, Santé Canada, Pièce 1100, Immeuble Finance, Pré Tunney, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Téléphone: 954-5995; Télécopieur: (613) 941-5366.
ISBN 0-662-82984-0
Numéro de catalogue H21-143/1998F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Health Services and Promotion Branch
- Best practices in mental health reform: situational analysis. Ottawa, 1997. vi, 101p. 28cm Softcover.
"The purpose of the Situational Analysis is to identify and describe current mental health reform policies, practices and initiatives in Canada which approximate the "best practices" identified by the literature review in Phase I."--Page 1.
For non-depositories, available from Publications Distribution, Health Canada, Communications Branch, Room 1100, Finance Building, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Telephone: (613) 954-5995; Fax: (613) 941-5366.
ISBN 0-662-26640-4
Catalogue Number H39-431/1998E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Examen des meilleures pratiques de la reforme des soins de la santé mentale: analyse situationnelle. Ottawa, 1997.. vi, 120p. 28cm. Couverture souple.
«Notre but, en préparant le présent document, est de relever et de décrire la situation actuelle des politiques, initiatives et pratiques de la réforme des soins de la santé mentale au Canada qui s'apparentent aux meilleures pratiques cernées dans l'Examen de la documentation.»--Page 1.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible au Publications, Direction des communications, Santé Canada, Pièce 1100, Immeuble Finance, Pré Tunney, Ottawa K1A 0K9. Téléphone: 954-5995; Télécopieur: (613) 941-5366.
Gratuit. (Le nombre d'exemplaires est limité.)
ISBN 0-662-82732-5
Numéro de catalogue H39-431/1998F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur.
Human Resources Development Canada
- Collective bargaining bulletin. Monthly. Issued by the Workplace Information Directorate. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover.
"A monthly publication containing timely information based on recently signed major collective agreements in Canada. The publication focuses on summaries of changes to wages and benefits in selected settlements, the status of key negotiations as well as data on work stoppages in Canada. In addition, a listing of formal and up-to-date reports of major settlements is provided."--Information products and client services.
Issue 3, May, 1998. 11p.
For non-depositories, available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$50 per year. (Canada)
$50 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number L12-23/1998-3E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Bulletin -- négociation collective. Mensuel. Publié par la Direction de l'information sur les milieux de travail. Ottawa. 28cm. Couverture souple.
«Il s'agit d'une publication mensuelle fournissant de l'information à jour tirée des principales conventions collectives signées récemment au Canada. Cette publication offre de l'information sommaire sur les changements relatifs aux salaires et aux avantages sociaux, l'état des principales négociations, ainsi que les arrêts de travail. On peut également y trouver une liste à jour de sommaires d'ententes disponibles.»--Produits d'information et Services à la clientèle.
Numéro 3, mai 1998.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès d'Éditions du gouvernement du Canada, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Téléphone: (819) 956-4800; Télécopieur: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
50 $ par année. (Canada)
50 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue L12-23/1998-3F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Vendu par EGC.
Industry Canada
- Small Business Loans Act: annual report on operations for the 12-month period ended March 31, 1997. Ottawa, 1998. English text, 12p, 9p. Tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Loi sur les prêts aux petites entreprises:
For non-depositories, available from Distribution Services, Communications Branch, Industry Canada, Room 205D, West Tower, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa K1A 0H5. Telephone: (613) 947-7466; Fax: (613) 954-6436.
ISBN 0-662-62573-0
Catalogue Number C1-1/1997
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- The Patent Office record. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: La gazette du Bureau des brevets. ISSN 0008-4670
Vol. 126, No. 25, June 23, 1998. 111p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2.75 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$2.75 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-1/126-25
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - The Patent Office record. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: La gazette du Bureau des brevets. ISSN 0008-4670
Vol. 126, No. 26, June 30, 1998. 101p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2.75 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$2.75 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-1/126-26
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Trade marks journal. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Journal des marques de commerce. ISSN 0041-0438
Vol. 45, No. 2279, July 1, 1998. 171p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$3 per copy. $150 per year. (Canada)
$3 U.S. per copy. $150 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number RG42-2/45-2279
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
National Defence
Communications Security Establishment
- Annual report, 1997-1998. Ottawa, 1998. English text, 16p. 24cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Rapport annuel, 1997-1998. ISSN 1206-7490
For non-depositories available from the Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner, P.O. Box 1984, Station B, Ottawa K1P 5R5. Telephone: (613) 992-3044; Fax: (613) 992-4096.
ISBN 0-662-63603-1
Catalogue Number D95-1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Natural Resources Canada
Energy Efficiency Branch
- Fuel consumption guide, 1998: ratings for new cars, pick-up trucks and vans. Issued jointly with Transport Canada. Ottawa, 1997. 50p. Tables. 21cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Guide de consommation de carburant 1998: cotes pour automobiles, camionnettes et fourgonnettes neuves. ISSN 1203-4592
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
For non-depositories available from Energy Publications, c/o Canada Communication Group, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: 1-800-387-2000 or (613) 995-2943; Fax: (819) 994-1498.
ISBN 0-662-63213-3
Catalogue Number T45-2/1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Public Service Staff Relations Board
- Public Service Staff Relations Board decisions. Semi-annual. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Recueil de décisions de la Commission des relations de travail dans la Fonction publique. ISSN 0822-1790
Cover title: PSSRB decisions.
Vol. 32, July to December 1997. Cumulative index, volumes 31 and 32. English text, iviii, 60p.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$38.95 per copy. Available by standing order. (Canada)
$38.95 U.S. per copy. Available by standing order. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SR22-1998/32
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Government business opportunities: a listing of potential government contracts for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. 2 times a week. Published by Cebra Inc. Toronto. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics: ISSN 0840-870X
Logo on cover: MERX: Canada's Electronic Tendering Service.
No. 782, June 23, 1998. 22p.
For non-depositories available from Cebra Inc., 55 Bloor Street West, 8th floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 5N5. Telephone: 1-800-964-6379; Fax: 1-888-235-5800.
$425 per year. (Canada)
$580 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1998-06-23
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Government business opportunities: a listing of potential government contracts for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. 2 times a week. Published by Cebra Inc. Toronto. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics: ISSN 0840-870X
No. 783, June 26, 1998. 18p.
For non-depositories available from Cebra Inc., 55 Bloor Street West, 8th floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 5N5. Telephone: 1-800-964-6379; Fax: 1-888-235-5800.
$425 per year. (Canada)
$580 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1998-06-26
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Government business opportunities: a listing of potential government contracts for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. 2 times a week. Published by Cebra Inc. Toronto. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Marchés publics: ISSN 0840-870X
No. 784, June 30, 1998. 23p.
For non-depositories available from Cebra Inc., 55 Bloor Street West, 8th floor, Toronto, Ontario M4W 5N5. Telephone: 1-800-964-6379; Fax: 1-888-235-5800.
$425 per year. (Canada)
$580 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number P12-6/1998-06-30
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Queen's Printer
- Canada gazette, part I. Weekly. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Gazette du Canada, partie I. ISSN 0045-4192
Vol. 132, No. 26, June 27, 1998.
For non-depositories available from Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa K1A 0S9. Telephone: (819) 956-4800; Fax: (819) 994-1498. WWW:
$2.95 per copy. $135 per year. (Canada)
$2.95 U.S. per copy. $135 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-1/132-26
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Notice to depositories
The Extras of the Canada Gazette are no longer being reproduced in the regular issues of the Canada Gazette after they are issued as Extras. Libraries wishing to maintain a complete collection of the Canada Gazette must retain the Extras as well as the regular issues.
Canada gazette, part I. Extra. Ottawa. 28cm. Bilingual.
Vol. 132, No. 3, June 16, 1998.--Chief Electoral Officer: Canada Elections Act. Title in French: Directeur général des élections: 1p.
$2.95 per copy. (Canada)
$2.95 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-3/132-3
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP. - Canada gazette, Part I. Supplement. Ottawa. 27cm. Softcover. Bilingual.
--Chartered banks: unclaimed balances: reported as at December 31, 1997 by the chartered banks of Canada. (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions: Bank Act.) Title in French: Banques à charte: soldes non réclamés: 1997. 362p.
Supplement, Canada Gazette, Part 1, June 27, 1998.
$34.95 per copy. (Canada)
$34.95 U.S. per copy. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number SP2-6/1997
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Sold by CGP.
Revenue Canada
- Ensuring fair customs and revenue administration in Canada: a discussion paper on progress and an invitation to comment. Ottawa, 1998. 27p. 28cm. Softcover.
For non-depositories, available from Revenue Canada, Statistics Division, room 814, 171 Slater, Ottawa K1A 0L5. Telephone: (613) 957-7387; Fax: (613) 941-6778.
ISBN 0-662-26994-2
Catalogue Number Rv31-48/1998E
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Tax statistics on individuals, 1998 edition: interim statistics, universe data. Prepared by the Personal Taxation Statistics Section. Ottawa, 1998. 109p. Tables. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques sur l'impôt des particuliers, édition 1998:
"To meet client demand for more timely data, we are introducing a second annual publication that contains preliminary statistics for some of the major variables usually found in "Tax statistics on individuals". In this first edition, we review individual tax returns for the 1996 tax year that were filed and processed before the end of August 1997. This represents about 98.1% of all those returns which will be filed for the 1996 tax year. ... We will continue to publish "Tax statistics on individuals", based on sample data, at its usual time."--Page 6.
For non-depositories available from Revenue Canada, Statistics Division, room 814, 171 Slater Street, Ottawa K1A 0L5. Telephone: (613) 957-7387; Fax: (613) 941-6778.
ISBN 0-662-63661-9
Catalogue Number Rv44-2/1996
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
- Notice to depositories
A few publications produced by the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority have been listed with the incorrent distribution address. All the requests should be sent to the new address: The St. Lawrence Seaway Seaway Authority, Information Office, 112 Kent Street, Suite 500, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5P2. Telephone: (613) 598-4614; Fax: (613) 598-4620. Email:
Title in French:
Catalogue Number TS
Status of Women Canada
- Access to justice for sexual harassment victims: the impact of BÅliveau St-Jacqueson female workers' right to damages, by Katherine Lippel and Diane Demers. Ottawa, 1998. English text, 46p. Bibliography. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: L'accès à la justice des victimes de harcèlement sexuel:
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
"This paper examines the significance of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in BÅliveau St-Jacques and studies its possible consequences, both legal and political, and the repercussions these consequences may have on working women who are victims of sexual harassment in Quebec, whether subject to Quebec or federal law."--Summary.
For non-depositories, available from the Research Directorate, Status of Women Canada, 360 Albert Street, Suite 700, Ottawa K1A 1C3. Telephone: (613) 995-7835; Fax: (613) 957-3359; TDD: (613) 996-1322. E-mail:
ISBN 0-662-63438-1
Catalogue Number SW21-23/1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - A complex web: access to justice for abused immigrant women in New Brunswick, by Baukje Miedema and Sandra Wachholz. Ottawa, 1998. English text, 40p. Bibliography. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Une toile complexe:
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
"Based on data generated from focus group interviews with 48 immigrant women in New Brunswick, barriers to the criminal justice system and justice-related services for abused immigrant women residing in a predominantly rural province are discussed in this report. The participants were from very diverse cultural backgrounds and approximately one third identified themselves as abused."--Abstract.
For non-depositories, available from the Research Directorate, Status of Women Canada, 360 Albert Street, Suite 700, Ottawa K1A 1C3. Telephone: (613) 995-7835; Fax: (613) 957-3359; TDD: (613) 996-1322. E-mail:
ISBN 0-662-63440-3
Catalogue Number SW21-24/1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - La médiation familiale au Canada: ses implications pour l'égalité des femmes: une étude de la littérature et une analyse des données de quatre programmes de médiation canadiens subventionnés, par Sandra A. Goundry et al. en collaboration avec l'Association nationale de la femme et du droit (ANFD). Ottawa, 1998. 198p. Bibliographie, tableaux. 28cm. Couverture souple.
Données de catalogage avant publication (Canada) imprimées dans cette publication.
N.B.: Le numéro de catalogue (SW21-30/1998) imprimé dans cette publication est incorrect.
Pour les non dépositaires, disponible auprès de Condition féminine Canada, 360, rue Albert, 7e étage, Ottawa K1A 1C3. Téléphone: (613) 995-7835; Télécopieur: (613) 957-3359; ATME: (613) 996-1322; Courrier électronique (Internet):; WWW:
ISBN 0-662-82832-1
Numéro de catalogue SW21-30/1998F
Distribution: Un seul exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement aux dépositaires sélectifs. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Who will be responsible for providing care? the impact of the shift to ambulatory care and of social economy policies on Quebec women, by Denyse Côté et al., Association fémimine d'éducation et d'action sociale (APÉAS). Ottawa, 1998. English text, 122p. Bibliography, figs., tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Qui donnera les soins?
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
"This study is the result of research conducted from November 1996 to June 1997. It examines the impact on women of changes to health and social services, and the measures taken by the provincial government to support the social economy in this area."--Page xiii.
For non-depositories, available from the Research Directorate, Status of Women Canada, 360 Albert Street, Suite 700, Ottawa K1A 1C3. Telephone: (613) 995-7835; Fax: (613) 957-3359; TDD: (613) 996-1322. E-mail:
ISBN 0-662-63508-6
Catalogue Number SW21-31/1998
Distribution: One free copy available to selective depositories. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Statistics Canada
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Title in French:
- Provincial gross domestic product by industry, 1984-1997. Annual. Ottawa, 1998. 189p. Graphs, tables. Metal ring binding. 28cm. Bilingual. Title in French: Produit intérieur brut provincial par industrie, 1984-1997. ISSN 0712-8762
$52 per copy. (Canada)
$52 U.S. per copy. (Other countries).
Catalogue Number CS15-203/1997
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canada's international transactions in services, 1997. Annual. Ottawa, 1998. 127p. Graphs, tables. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Les transactions internationales de services du Canada, 1997. ISSN 0840-5859
$37 per copy. (Canada)
$37 U. S. per copy. (Other countries).
Catalogue Number CS67-203/1997
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
Periodic releases
- Infomat: a weekly review. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0547
July 3, 1998. Subject index: January 9 to June 26, 1998. 10p, 2p.
$4 per copy. $145 per year. (Canada)
$4 U.S. per copy. $145 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS11-002E
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Infomat: revue hebdomadaire. Ottawa. 28cm. ISSN 0380-0563
Le 3 juillet 1998. Index des sujets: du 9 janvier au 26 juin 1998. 11p.
4 $ l'exemplaire. 145 $ par année. (Canada)
4 $ US l'exemplaire. 145 $ US par année. (Autres pays)
Numéro de catalogue CS11-002F
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - National tourism indicators: quarterly estimates. Quarterly. Issued jointly with the Canadian Tourism Commission. Ottawa. 28cm. Spiral binding. Bilingual. Title in French: Indicateurs nationaux du tourisme: estimations trimestrielles. ISSN 1205-8467
First quarter, 1998. 30p.
$21 per copy. $70 per year. (Canada)
$21 U.S. per copy. $70 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS13-009
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Field crop reporting series. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. ISSN 0575-8548
Vol. 77, No. 4.--Preliminary estimates of principal field crop areas, Canada, 1998. Title in French: Estimations provisoires de la superficie des principales grandes cultures, Canada, 1998. 1998. 13p.
$15 per copy. $88 per year. (Canada)
$15 U.S. per copy. $88 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS22-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Crude petroleum and natural gas production. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Production de pétrole brut et de gaz naturel. ISSN 0702-6846
SIC 071.
Vol. 50, No. 3, March, 1998. 46p.
$19 per copy. $186 per year. (Canada)
$19 U.S. per copy. $186 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS26-006
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Sawmills and planing mills. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Scieries et ateliers de rabotage. ISSN 1203-7419
Vol. 52, No. 4, April, 1998. 8p.
$12 per copy. $114 per year. (Canada)
$12 U.S. per copy. $114 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS35-003
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Asphalt roofing. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Loose-leaf. Bilingual. Title in French: Papier-toiture asphalté. ISSN 0380-5786
Vol. 50, No. 5, May, 1998. 3p.
$7 per copy. $62 per year. (Canada)
$7 U.S. per copy. $62 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS45-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Coal and coke statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistique du charbon et du coke. ISSN 0380-6847
Vol. 77, No. 4, April, 1998. 13p.
$12 per copy. $114 per year. (Canada)
$12 U.S. per copy. $114 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS45-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Gas utilities. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Services de gaz. ISSN 0380-2329
SIC 4611, 4921.
Vol. 40, No. 3, March, 1998. 24p.
$17 per copy. $165 per year. (Canada)
$17 U.S. per copy. $165 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS55-002
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Electric power statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques de l'énergie électrique. ISSN 0380-0229
Vol. 66, No. 4, April, 1998. 19p.
$12 per copy. $114 per year. (Canada)
$12 U.S. per copy. $114 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS57-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Energy statistics handbook. Monthly. Issued jointly by Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada, Energy Sector. Ottawa. In case, 10x10cm. Folder. Bilingual. ISSN 1188-665X
3.5" diskette.
Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in this publication.
June, 1998. 2 3.5" diskettes.
System requirements: 386 or better; Windows 3.1 or better; 4 MB RAM; 5.5 MB of free hard drive space.
$275 per year. (Canada)
$330 U.S. per year (United States). $385 U.S. per year (other countries).
Catalogue Number CS57-601E-MR1
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Guide statistique de l'énergie. Mensuel. Publié conjointement par Statistique Canada et Ressources naturelles Canada, Secteur d'énergie. Ottawa. Dans une boîte, 10x10cm. Dépliant. Bilingue. ISSN 1188-665X
Disquette de 3.5po.
Données de catalogage avant publication (Canada) imprimées dans cette publication.
Juin 1998.
Configuration requise: 386 ou meilleur; Windows 3.1 ou plus récente; 4 Mb de mémoire vive; 5,5 Mb d'espace libre sur le disque dur.
275 $ par année. (Canada)
330 $ US par année (États-Unis). 385 $ US par année (autres pays).
Numéro de catalogue CS57-601F-MR1
Distribution: Un titre de la Liste générale des publications en série. Distribué par l'agence auteur. - Quarterly financial statistics for enterprises. Quarterly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Statistiques financières trimestrielles des entreprises. ISSN 1180-3169
Vol. 9, No. 1, first quarter, 1998. 113p.
$35 per copy. $114 per year. (Canada)
$35 U.S. per copy. $114 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS61-008
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Canadian international merchandise trade. Monthly. Ottawa. 28cm. Softcover. Bilingual. Title in French: Le commerce international de marchandises du Canada. ISSN 1198-7391
Vol. 52, No. 4, April, 1998. 54p.
$19 per copy. $188 per year. (Canada)
$19 U.S. per copy. $188 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS65-001
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency. - Exports by country. Quarterly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Title in French: Exportations par pays. ISSN 1181-6724
Vol. 55, No. 1. 3 fiches.
$62 per copy. $206 per year. (Canada)
$62 U.S. per copy. $206 U.S. per year. (Other countries)
Catalogue Number CS65-003-M
Distribution: Distributed by mailing list. Distributed to non-depositories by the issuing agency.
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