ARCHIVED - Electronic Items in Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 13-22
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13-22 (May 31, 2013)
All URLs listed were available through the Internet on May 31, 2013.
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This abbreviated list includes only those items from Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications 13-22 which are available electronically over the Internet.
Full Version of this Checklist
Table of Contents
- Parliamentary Publications
- Departmental Publications
- Bank of Canada
- Business Development Bank of Canada
- Canada Development Investment Corporation
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canadian Forces Grievance Board
- Canadian Grain Commission
- Canadian Institute for Health Information
- Environment Canada
- Federal Court
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Health Canada
- Health Council of Canada
- Industry Canada
- Library and Archives Canada
- National Energy Board
- Natural Resources Canada
- Parole Board of Canada
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Queen's Printer
- Security Intelligence Review Committee
- Standards Council of Canada
- Status of Women Canada
- VIA Rail Canada
- Statistics Canada Publications
Parliamentary Publications
- Debates of the Senate: official report (Hansard). Daily. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-944X Electronic.Vol. 148, no. 165, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 36p.Daily (during session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (521 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Y3-411/165E-PDF
- Débats du Sénat: compte rendu officiel (Hansard). Quotidien. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-9458 Électronique.Vol. 148, n° 165, le jeudi 23 mai 2013, 1re session, 41e législature. 36p.Quotidien (durant la session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (577 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Y3-411/165F-PDF
- Debates of the Senate: official report (Hansard). Daily. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-944X Electronic.Vol. 148, no. 166, Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 40p.Daily (during session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (543 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Y3-411/166E-PDF
- Débats du Sénat: compte rendu officiel (Hansard). Quotidien. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-9458 Électronique.Vol. 148, n° 166, le mardi 28 mai 2013, 1re session, 41e législature. 40p.Quotidien (durant la session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (608 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Y3-411/166F-PDF
- Debates of the Senate: official report (Hansard). Daily. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-944X Electronic.Vol. 148, no. 167, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 1st session, 41st Parliament. 28p.Daily (during session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (479 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Y3-411/167E-PDF
- Débats du Sénat: compte rendu officiel (Hansard). Quotidien. Ottawa. ISSN 1910-9458 Électronique.Vol. 148, n° 167, le mercredi 29 mai 2013, 1re session, 41e législature. 28p.Quotidien (durant la session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (536 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Y3-411/167F-PDF
- Journals of the Senate. Daily. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1498-1149 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, no. 165 (Thursday, May 23, 2013). 32p.Daily (during session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (564 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Y4-411/165-PDF
- Journals of the Senate. Daily. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1498-1149 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, no. 166 (Tuesday, May 28, 2013). 16p.Daily (during session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (457 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Y4-411/166-PDF
- Journals of the Senate. Daily. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1498-1149 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, no. 167 (Wednesday, May 29, 2013). 12p.Daily (during session).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (432 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Y4-411/167-PDF
- Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.[41st Parliament, 1st Session, 10th report]. --The lobster fishery: staying on course, Ottawa, May 2013. 65p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, graphs, photographs, references, tables.Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries."Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries": name of the committee before the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session.
Scope: major legislative and special study reports of the committee.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.30 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC25-0/411-10E-PDF - Rapport du Comité sénatorial permanent des pêches et océans. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.[41e législature, 1re session, 10e rapport]. --La pêche au homard: gardons le cap, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 71p. Cartes en couleur, figures en couleur, graphiques, photographies, références, tableaux.Rapport du Comité permanent des pêches.«Comité permanent des pêches» : nom du comité avant la 37e législature, 2e session.
Portée: rapports principaux du comité sur les projets de loi et les études spéciales.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.32 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue YC25-0/411-10F-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-0353 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12-13, issue no. 32 (Thursday, April 18, 2013, Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Thursday, April 25, 2013). 88p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.First and second meeting on: Bill S-17, An Act to implement conventions, protocols, agreements and a supplementary convention, concluded between Canada and Namibia, Serbia, Poland, Hong Kong, Luxembourg and Switzerland, for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes and Sixteenth meeting on: The present state of the domestic and international financial system.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (833 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC11-411/32-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-0353 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12-13, issue no. 33 (Wednesday, May 1, 2013, Thursday, May 2, 2013). 32p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Third and fourth (final) meetings on: Bill S-17, An Act to implement conventions, protocols, agreements and a supplementary convention, concluded between Canada and Namibia, Serbia, Poland, Hong Kong, Luxembourg and Switzerland, for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes ; Including: The eleventh report of the Committee (Bill S-17).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (516 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC11-411/33-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1493-3985 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12-13, issue no. 16 (Wednesday, February 27, 2013 (in camera), Tuesday, March 19, 2013 (in camera), Tuesday, April 16, 2013 (in camera), Wednesday, April 17, 2013, Tuesday, April 23, 2013). 82p.Thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth (final) meetings on: The emerging issues related to the Canadian airline industry ; Consideration of a draft agenda (future business) ; First and second (final) meetings on: Bill C-321, An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (library materials) ; Including: The eighth report of the Committee (One size doesn't fit all: the future growth and competitiveness of Canadian air travel) ; The ninth report of the Committee (Bill C-321).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.73 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC19-411/16-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1493-9576 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12-13, issue no. 33 (Tuesday, April 23, 2013, Thursday, April 25, 2013). 64p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Forty-ninth and fiftieth meetings on: The research and innovation efforts in the agricultural sector ; Including: The Eleventh Report of the Committee (Budget 2013-14 - Research and innovation efforts in the agricultural sector).URL: Adobe Acrobat. (678 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC27-411/33-PDF
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights. Irregular. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1700-1323 Electronic.41st Parliament, 1st session, 2011-12-13, issue no. 25 (Monday, April 22, 2013). 70p.Numbering begins each session with issue no. 1.Fourth meeting on: Issues of discrimination in the hiring and promotion practices of the Federal Public Service, to study the extent to which targets to achieve employment equity are being met, and to examine labour market outcomes for minority groups in the private sector.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (725 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number YC32-411/25-PDF
House of Commons
- C-48, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act and related legislation. Ottawa, As passed by the House of Commons, May 29, 2013. 962p.Short title: Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.32 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XB411-48/3-PDF
- C-512, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (confidence motion), Ottawa, First reading, May 28, 2013. 4p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (64 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XB411-512/1-PDF
- C-513, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --An Act to promote and strengthen the Canadian retirement income system, Ottawa, First reading, May 29, 2013. 8p.Short title: Retirement Income Bill of Rights.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (73 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XB411-513/1-PDF
- C-514, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --An Act to designate the month of April as Punjabi Heritage Month, Ottawa, First reading, May 29, 2013. 4p.Short title: Punjabi Heritage Month Act.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (51 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XB411-514/1-PDF
- C-515, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --An Act to amend the Criminal Code (law enforcement animals), Ottawa, First reading, May 29, 2013. 4p.Short title: Protection of Law Enforcement Animals Act.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (66 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XB411-515/1-PDF
- C-516, 1st session, 41st Parliament. --An Act to amend the Copyright Act (artist's resale right), Ottawa, First reading, May 29, 2013. 7p.Short title: Artist's Resale Right Act.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (82 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XB411-516/1-PDF
- Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.10th report, 41st Parliament, 1st session. --Securing the human rights of Coptic Christians in Egypt after the Arab Spring: a view from Canada's Parliament, Ottawa, May 2013. 50p. Map, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (791 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC11-1/1-411-10E-PDF
- Rapport du Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.10e rapport, 41e législature, 1re session. --Protéger les droits fondamentaux des chrétiens coptes d'Égypte dans la foulée du printemps arabe: le point de vue du Parlement du Canada, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 54p. Carte, références.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1016 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC11-1/1-411-10F-PDF
- Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.7th report, [i.e. 9th report], 41st Parliament, 1st session. --Canada and the Arctic Council - an agenda for regional leadership, Ottawa, May 2013. 90p. Coloured figs., coloured maps, references.Original published on: 2013/05/10, published on: 2013/05/17, published on: 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.28 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC11-1/411-7E-PDF
- Rapport du Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.7e rapport, [i.e. 9e rapport], 41e législature, 1re session. --Le Canada et le Conseil de l’Arctique - un programme d’action pour assurer un leadership dans la région, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 96p. Cartes en couleur, figures en couleur, références.Date de publication : 2013/05/10, publié le 2013/05/17, publié le 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.39 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC11-1/411-7F-PDF
- Evidence - Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.No. 83, 1st session, 41st Parliament (Tuesday, May 21, 2013). 14p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (154 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC11-2/2-411-83E-PDF
- Témoignage - Sous-comité des droits internationaux de la personne du Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du développement international. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.N° 83, 1re session, 41e législature (le mardi 21 mai 2013). 14p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (164 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC11-2/2-411-83F-PDF
- Evidence - Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.No. 73, 1st session, 41st Parliament (Tuesday, May 21, 2013). 22p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (187 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC35-1/2-411-73E-PDF
- Témoignages - Comité permanent des affaires autochtones et du développement du Grand Nord. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.N° 73, 1re session, 41e législature (le mardi 21 mai 2013). 22p.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (204 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC35-1/2-411-73F-PDF
- No. 68, 1st session, 41st Parliament (Tuesday, May 7, 2013). 24p.Original published on: 2013/05/17; published on: 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (214 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC39-1/2-411-68E-PDF
- Témoignage - Comité permanent de l'industrie, des sciences et de la technologie. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.N° 68, 1re session, 41e législature (le mardi 7 mai 2013). 24p.Date originale de publication : 2013/05/17; date de publication : 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (224 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC39-1/2-411-68F-PDF
- No. 79, 1st session, 41st Parliament (Thursday, May 2, 2013). 24p.Original published on: 2013/05/11; published on: 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (209 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC49-1/2-411-79E-PDF
- N° 79, 1re session, 41e législature (le jeudi 2 mai 2013). 24p.Date originale de publication : 2013/05/11; date de publication : 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (227 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC49-1/2-411-79F-PDF
- No. 80, 1st session, 41st Parliament (Tuesday, May 7, 2013). 24p.Original published on: 2013/05/16; published on: 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (213 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC49-1/2-411-80E-PDF
- N° 80, 1re session, 41e législature (le mardi 7 mai 2013). 24p.Date originale de publication : 2013/05/16; date de publication : 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (227 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC49-1/2-411-80F-PDF
- No. 72, 1st session, 41st Parliament (Monday, May 6, 2013). 26p.Original published on: 2013/05/10; published on: 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (218 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC66-1/2-411-72E-PDF
- Témoignages - Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.N° 72, 1re session, 41e législature (le lundi 6 mai 2013). 26p.Date orginiale de publication : 2013/05/10; date de publication : 2013/05/28.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (233 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC66-1/2-411-72F-PDF
- Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.10th report, 41st Parliament, 1st session. --Economic opportunities for young apprentices, Ottawa, May 2013. 58p. Graph, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (624 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number XC67-1/1-411-10E-PDF
- Rapport du Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.10e rapport, 41e législature, 1re session. --Possibilités économiques pour les jeunes apprentis, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 62p. Graphique, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (645 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue XC67-1/1-411-10F-PDF
Departmental Publications
Bank of Canada
- Weekly financial statistics. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1487-0444 Electronic.May 24, 2013. 20p. Graphs, tables.Data in this package are unadjusted unless otherwise stated.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (154 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number FB12-4/2013-5-24-PDF
- Bank of Canada banking and financial statistics. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1488–4186 Electronic.May 2013. 178p. Index, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.94 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number FB12-5/2013-5-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2013-14. --Are sunspots learnable? an experimental investigation in a simple general-equilibrium model, Ottawa, May 2013. 36p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (396 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/113-14E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2013-15. --What central bankers need to know about forecasting oil prices, Ottawa, May 2013. 40p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (238 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/113-15E-PDF
- Working paper. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumé en français.) ISSN 1701-9397 Electronic.2013-16. --Multivariate tests of mean-variance efficiency and spanning with a large number of assets and time-varying covariances, Ottawa, May 2013. 46p. Graphs, references, tables.ISSN (1192-5434) of the paper edition has been printed in the PDF edition.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (758 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number FB3-2/113-16E-PDF
Business Development Bank of Canada
- Profit$: essential information for entrepreneurs. Twice a year. Montreal. ISSN 1924-7125 Electronic.Vol. 33, no. 2, Spring 2013. 13p. Figs., graphs, photographs, references.Other title: Profits.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.93 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CC142-1/33-2E-PDF
- Profit$: de l'information essentielle pour les entrepreneurs. Deux fois par année. Montréal. ISSN 1924-7133 Électronique.Vol. 33, n° 2, printemps 2013. 13p. Figures, graphiques, photographies.Titre varié: Profits.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.74 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CC142-1/33-2F-PDF
Canada Development Investment Corporation
- Canada Development Investment Corporation - annual report. Annual. Toronto. ISSN 1928-6368 Electronic.2012. [2013]. 43p. Photographs, tables.CDIC annual report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.04 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CC516-1/2012E-PDF
- Corporation de développement des investissements du Canada - rapport annuel. Annuel. Toronto. ISSN 1928-6376 Électronique.2012. [2013]. 45p. Photographies, tableaux.CDIC rapport annuel.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.10 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CC516-1/2012F-PDF
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
- 2012. 68p. Coloured figs., graphs, photographs, tables.Title of this issue: External review of military grievances.The catalogue number (DG1-2012) for the bilingual print edition has been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.39 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number DG1-2012E-PDF
- Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes, rapport annuel. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1702-6687 Électronique.2012. 68p. Figures en couleur, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.Rapport annuel ... du Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes.Titre de ce numéro: Examen externe des griefs militaires.Le n° de catalogue (DG1-2012) de l'édition imprimée bilingue a été incorrectement copié dans la version électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.47 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue DG1-2012F-PDF
Canadian Grain Commission
- Accredited Container Sampler and Certified Container Sampling Programs of the Canadian Grain Commission. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2012. 2p. Photographs. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.67 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number A93-32/2012E-PDF
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Environment Canada
- --Recovery strategy for the Southern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) in Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 43p. Figs., maps, photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.49 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21603-4Catalogue Number En3-4/152-2013E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement de l’adiante cheveux-de-Vénus (Adiantum capillus-veneris) au Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 47p. Cartes, figures, photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.58 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-662-72251-9Numéro de catalogue En3-4/152-2013F-PDF
- --Recovery strategy for the Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus), Magdalen Islands population, in Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 25p. Coloured map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (706 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21628-7Catalogue Number En3-4/153-2013E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement du Grèbe esclavon (Podiceps auritus), population des Îles de la Madeleine, au Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 28p. Carte en couleur, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (514 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-662-72796-5Numéro de catalogue En3-4/153-2013F-PDF
- --Recovery strategy for the Lemmon’s Holly Fern (Polystichum lemmonii) in Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 38p. Figs., maps, photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.49 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22275-2Catalogue Number En3-4/156-2013E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de programmes de rétablissement. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Programme de rétablissement du Polystic de Lemmon (Polystichum lemmonii) au Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 39p. Cartes, figures, photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Programmes de rétablissement de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.51 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20890-9Numéro de catalogue En3-4/156-2013F-PDF
- --Management plan for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 37p. Maps, photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (737 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21631-7Catalogue Number En3-5/41-2013E-PDF
- Loi sur les espèces en péril, série de Plans de gestion. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Électronique.--Plan de gestion du Petit-duc nain (Otus flammeolus) au Canada. Ottawa, 2013. 42. Cartes, photographies, références, tableaux.Titre additionnel (dans la publication): Série de Plans de gestion de la Loi sur les espèces en péril.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (664 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-662-72834-4Numéro de catalogue En3-5/41-2013F-PDF
- Data sources and methods for the freshwater quality indicator. Ottawa, May 2013. 32p. Coloured map, references, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (640 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22267-7Catalogue Number En4-144/1-2013E-PDF
- Data sources and methods for the national greenhouse gas emissions indicators. Ottawa, May 2013. 6p. References. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (95 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22033-8Catalogue Number En4-144/18-2013E-PDF
- Sources de données et méthodes des indicateurs sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l’échelle nationale. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 7p. Références. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (102 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20656-1Numéro de catalogue En4-144/18-2013F-PDF
- Data sources and methods for the air pollutant emissions indicators. Ottawa, May 2013. 8p. References, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (112 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22036-9Catalogue Number En4-144/22-2013E-PDF
- Sources des données et méthodes des indicateurs sur les émissions de polluants atmosphériques. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 8p. Références, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (115 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20659-2Numéro de catalogue En4-144/22-2013F-PDF
- Data sources and methods for the global carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion indicator. Ottawa, May 2013. 5p. References. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (89 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22034-5Catalogue Number En4-144/35-2013E-PDF
- Sources des données et méthodes de l’indicateur sur les émissions mondiales de dioxyde de carbone provenant de la combustion de combustibles. Ottawa, May 2013. 5p. Références. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (95 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20657-8Numéro de catalogue En4-144/35-2013F-PDF
- Data sources and methods for the greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities indicator. Ottawa, May 2013. 5p. References. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (87 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22035-2Catalogue Number En4-144/36-2013E-PDF
- Sources des données et méthodes de l’indicateur sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des installations d’envergure. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 5p. Références. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (92 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20658-5Numéro de catalogue En4-144/36-2013F-PDF
- Data sources and methods for the drinking water advisories in Canada indicator. Ottawa, May 2013. 8p. Graph, references, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (415 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22301-8Catalogue Number En4-144/54-2013E-PDF
- Sources des données et méthodes de l’indicateur sur les avis concernant la qualité de l’eau potable au Canada. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 8p. Graphique, références, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (424 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20916-6Numéro de catalogue En4-144/54-2013F-PDF
- Canadian Environment Week: different ways to take part. Ottawa, c2013. 4p. Coloured illus., graphs. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.29 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22278-3Catalogue Number En4-147/2013E-PDF
- Semaine canadienne de l'environnement: différentes façons d'y participer. Ottawa, c2013. 4p. Graphiques, ill. en couleur. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.34 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20893-0Numéro de catalogue En4-147/2013F-PDF
Federal Court
- Federal courts reports. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.2013, Vol. 1, Part 3. 317p. Tables.Four volumes per year made up of three parts per volume with one part being published each month.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.25 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number JU1-2/2013-1-3-PDF
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/091, Central and Arctic Region. --Species inhabiting the Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area in the Canadian Beaufort Sea - Mackenzie Delta, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 2013. 86p. Coloured map, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.08 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-091E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/110, National Capital Region. --Identification of species and habitats that support commercial, recreational or aboriginal fisheries in Canada, Ottawa, c2013. 72p. Coloured figs., glossary, graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (892 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-110E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/112, National Capital Region. --A science-based interpretation of ongoing productivity of commercial, recreational or Aboriginal fisheries, Ottawa, c2013. 30p. Graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (435 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-112E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/124, Maritimes Region. --Lake Utopia Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) status, trends, habitat considerations and threats, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, c2013. 46p. Coloured map, graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (588 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-124E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/125, Pacific Region. --Indicators, impacts and recovery of temperate deepwater marine ecosystems following fishing disturbance, Nanaimo, British Columbia, c2013. 42p. Figs., references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (936 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-125E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/129, Maritimes Region. --Assessment of the Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica) stock in southwest New Brunswick, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, c2013. 36p. Graphs, maps (some coloured), references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.71 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-129E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/141, National Capital Region. --A science-based interpretation and framework for considering the contribution of the relevant fish to the ongoing productivity of commercial, recreational or aboriginal fisheries, Ottawa, c2013. 31p. Figs., references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (420 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-141E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/168, Quebec Region. --Population modeling and harvest advice under the precautionary approach for eastern Hudson Bay beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), Mont-Joli, Quebec, c2013. 34p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (744 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-168E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/171, Quebec Region. --Equilibrium estimates of Fmsy and Bmsy for 3Pn4RS cod, Mont-Joli, Quebec, c2013. 24p. Graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (504 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-171E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2012/174, National Capital Region. --Risk assessment for three dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, and Mytilopsis leucophaeata) in Canadian freshwater ecosystems, Nanaimo, British Columbia, c2013. 93p. Figs., maps (some coloured), photographs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4.47 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2012-174E-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat research document. Irregular. Ottawa. Text in English, abstracts in both languages. Electronic.2013/010, Quebec Region. --Update of bycatch in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence northern shrimp fishery in 2012, Mont-Joli, Quebec, May 2013. 31p. Graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (741 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-5/2013-010E-PDF
- Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, document de recherche. Irrégulier. Ottawa. Texte en français, résumé en deux langues. Électronique.2013/010, Région du Québec. --Mise à jour des prises accessoires de la pêche à la crevette nordique dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent en 2012, Mont-Joli (Québec), Mai 2013. 31p. Cartes, graphiques, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (751 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs70-5/2013-010F-PDF
- Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat science advisory report. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5087 Electronic.2012/063, National Capital Region. --Science advice to support development of a fisheries protection policy for Canada. Ottawa, May 2013. 22p. Coloured map, figs., glossary, references.The Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) coordinates the peer review of scientific issues for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
CSAS also coordinates communication of the results of the scientific review and advisory processes."-- Adobe Acrobat. (367 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-6/2012-063E-PDF - Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique. Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5117 Électronique.2012/063, Région de la capitale nationale. --Avis scientifique pour guider l'élaboration d'une politique sur la protection des pêches au Canada. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 26p. Carte en couleur, figures, glossaire, références.«Le Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS) coordonne l'examen par des pairs de questions scientifiques à l'intention du ministère des Pêches et des Océans.
De plus, le SCCS coordonne la communication des résultats des processus de revue et de consultation scientifique.»-- Adobe Acrobat. (385 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs70-6/2012-063F-PDF - Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat science advisory report. Irregular. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5087 Electronic.2012/082, National Capital Region. --Science advice from the risk assessment of three dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, and Mytilopsis leucophaeata) in Canadian freshwater ecosystems. Ottawa, May 2013. 22p. Coloured maps, figs., photographs, references, tables.The Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) coordinates the peer review of scientific issues for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
CSAS also coordinates communication of the results of the scientific review and advisory processes."-- Adobe Acrobat. (816 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs70-6/2012-082E-PDF - Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique, avis scientifique. Irrégulier. Ottawa. ISSN 1919-5117 Électronique.2012/082, Région de la capitale nationale. --Avis scientifique découlant de l'évaluation des risques posés par trois espèces de moules dreissénidées (Dreissena polymorpha, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis et Mytilopsis leucophaeata) dans les écosystèmes d'eau douce au Canada. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 25p. Cartes en couleur, figures, photographies, références, tableaux.«Le Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS) coordonne l'examen par des pairs de questions scientifiques à l'intention du ministère des Pêches et des Océans.
De plus, le SCCS coordonne la communication des résultats des processus de revue et de consultation scientifique.»-- Adobe Acrobat. (1.10 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Fs70-6/2012-082F-PDF - Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. (Résumés en français.) ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 3039. --Health, population and environmental conditions of clam flats in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2013. 77p. Figs., graphs, maps, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (7.38 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/3039E-PDF
- Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. Irregular. Ottawa. Prefatory texts in English and French. Articles in their original languages. ISSN 1488-5379 Electronic.No. 3040. --Nightly biomass estimates from acoustic data collected during the 2002 to 2012 herring gillnet fishing activities on fall spawning aggregations in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Mont-Joli, Quebec, 2013. 28p. Coloured maps, graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (793 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Fs97-6/3040-PDF
Health Canada
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
- PMRL2013-28. --Fenamidone. Ottawa, 22 May 2013. 5p. Table.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (38 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number H113-24/2013-28E-PDF
- PMRL2013-28. --Fénamidone. Ottawa, Le 22 mai 2013. 5p. Tableau.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (39 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H113-24/2013-28F-PDF
- PMRL2013-29. --Benoxacor. Ottawa, 22 May 2013. 5p. Table.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (37 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number H113-24/2013-29E-PDF
- PMRL2013-29. --Bénoxacor. Ottawa, Le 22 mai 2013. 5p. Tableau.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (38 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H113-24/2013-29F-PDF
- Proposed registration decision. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-0886 Electronic.PRD2013-11. --Metconazole. Ottawa, 24 May 2013. 67p. Tables.Variant title: Proposed regulatory decision documents.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (374 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number H113-9/2013-11E-PDF
- Projet de décision d'homologation. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-0908 Électronique.PRD2013-11. --Metconazole. Ottawa, Le 24 mai 2013. 79p. Tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Projet de décision réglementaire.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (485 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H113-9/2013-11F-PDF
- Proposed registration decision. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-0886 Electronic.PRD2013-12. --3-decen-2-one. Ottawa, 24 May 2013. 29p. Tables.Variant title: Proposed regulatory decision documents.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (175 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number H113-9/2013-12E-PDF
- Projet de décision d'homologation. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-0908 Électronique.PRD2013-12. --3-décén-2-one. Ottawa, Le 24 mai 2013. 32p. Tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Projet de décision réglementaire.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (204 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H113-9/2013-12F-PDF
Health Council of Canada
- Empathy, dignity, and respect: creating cultural safety for Aboriginal people in urban health care. Toronto, December 2012. 78p. Coloured illus., references. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.19 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number H174-39/2012E-PDF
- Empathie, dignité et respect: créer la sécurisation culturelle pour les Autochtones dans les systèmes de santé en milieu urbain. Toronto, Décembre 2012. 78p. Ill. en couleur, références. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.27 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue H174-39/2012F-PDF
Industry Canada
- State of the nation - Canada’s science, technology and innovation system. Biennial. Ottawa. ISSN 2291-5761 Electronic.2012. 120p. Glossary, graphs, photographs, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (6.35 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu191-1/2012E-PDF
- L’état des lieux en ... le système des sciences, de la technologie et de l’innovation au Canada. Biennal. Ottawa. ISSN 2291-5788 Électronique.2012. 124p. Glossaire, graphiques, photographies, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (6.75 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu191-1/2012F-PDF
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- The Patent Office record. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. Electronic.Vol. 141, no. 22. May 28, 2013. 258p.Index of Canadian laid-open applications.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.11 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number RG42-1/141-22-PDF
Canadian Tourism Commission
Library and Archives Canada
- Governance and recordkeeping around the world. Bimonthly. Ottawa. ISSN 1916-5714 Electronic.Vol. 4, no. 7, May 2013. 20p.Monthly except July and August.
Description based on Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2009.Title of this issue: Digital storage meets DNA.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.01 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SB3-2/4-7E-PDF - La tenue de documents et la gouvernance dans le monde. Bimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1916-5722 Électronique.Vol. 4, n° 7, mai 2013. 22p.Publié mensuellement sauf les mois de juillet et d'août.
Description d'après vol. 3, n° 4, décembre 2009.Titre de ce numéro: L'ADN à la rescousse du stockage numérique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.04 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue SB3-2/4-7F-PDF
National Energy Board
- Reasons for decision. Irregular. Calgary. ISSN 1928-6414 Electronic.RH-001-2012. --Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC. Calgary, May 2013. 54p. Glossary, map, table. (Toll Order TO-004-2013)Variant title: Decision and order (National Energy Board).Some issues have title: Decision and order.The catalogue number (NE22-1/2013-2E) and ISBN (978-1-100-22194-6) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (412 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number NE22-1/2013-2E-PDF
- Motifs de décision. Irrégulier. Calgary. Électronique.RH-001-2012. --Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC. Calgary, Mai 2013. 54p. Carte, glossaire, tableau. (Ordonnance sur les droits TO-004-2013)Titre de renvoi: Décision et ordonnance (Office national de l'énergie).Certaines livr. comportent le titre : Décision et ordonnance.Le n° de catalogue (NE22-1/2013-2F) et l'ISBN (978-0-660-20809-1) de l'édition imprimée ont été incorrectement copiés dans l'édition électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (651 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue NE22-1/2013-2F-PDF
Natural Resources Canada
Geological Survey of Canada
- Open file (Geological Survey of Canada). Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.7309. --Regional lake sediment geochemical data, Kasmere Lake–Nueltin Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 64-K, 64-N, 64-O), Ottawa, 2013. 17p. Coloured maps, references, tables.Other title: Open file report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.71 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number M183-2/7309E-PDF
- Open file (Geological Survey of Canada). Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.7311. --Socio-economic significance: Canadian technical guidelines and best practices related to landslides - a national initiative for loss reduction, Ottawa, 2013. 19p. Coloured maps, references, tables.Other title: Open file report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (393 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number M183-2/7311E-PDF
- Open file (Geological Survey of Canada). Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.7324. --Strong motion data from the magnitude 7.7 “Haida Gwaii” earthquake on October 27, 2012 (local time), Ottawa, 2013. 34p. Graphs, map, references, table.Other title: Open file report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.02 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number M183-2/7324E-PDF
- Open file (Geological Survey of Canada). Irregular. Ottawa. Electronic.7356. --Impacts of four storms in December 2010 on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, Ottawa, 2013. 53p. Graphs, maps (some coloured), photographs, tables.Other title: Open file report.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.44 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number M183-2/7356E-PDF
Minerals and Metals Sector
- Production of Canada's leading minerals. Monthly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1493-8189 Electronic.13-3, March 2013. 7p. Tables.ISSN (0709-292X) of the print edition has been incorrectly copied in the PDF edition.
Latest release includes revisions to monthly data for the current and previous year.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (58 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number M35-1/2013-3-PDF
Parole Board of Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada
- Chronic diseases and injuries in Canada. Quarterly. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-6523 Electronic.Vol. 33, no.3, June 2013. 86p. Coloured maps, graphs, references, tables.Continuous numbering from previous title: Chronic diseases in Canada, catalogue number H12-27E-PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (5.19 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number HP33-1/33-3E-PDF
- Maladies chroniques et blessures au Canada. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1925-654X Électronique.Vol. 33, n° 3, juin 2013. 91p. Cartes en couleur, graphiques, références, tableaux.Continue la numérotation du titre antérieur : Maladies chroniques au Canada, numéro de catalogue H12-27F-PDF.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4.27 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue HP33-1/33-3F-PDF
Queen's Printer
- Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6076 Electronic.Vol. 147, no. 20, Saturday, May 18, 2013. 94p. Graphs, index, tables.Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (3.08 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SP2-1/147-20-PDF
- Canada gazette. Part I. Weekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6076 Electronic.Vol. 147, no. 21, Saturday, May 25, 2013. 46p. Index, tables.Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.25 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SP2-1/147-21-PDF
- Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory instruments. Biweekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6122 Electronic.Vol. 147, No. 11, Wednesday, May 22, 2013. 84p. Index.Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.50 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SP2-2/147-11-PDF
- Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory instruments. Biweekly. Ottawa. Bilingual. ISSN 1494-6122 Electronic.January 1, 1955 to March 31, 2013. 397p.Since April 1, 2003, the on-line version in Portable Document Format (PDF) of the Canada Gazette, Parts I, II and III has the official status and will therefore be published simultaneously with the printed version. Please note that all on-line issues published prior to April 1, 2003, will not have the official status.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (18.25 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number SP2-2/2013-1-PDF
Security Intelligence Review Committee
- Estimates. Part III, Report on plans and priorities, Security Intelligence Review Committee. Annual. Ottawa. ISSN 1494-4502 Electronic.2013-14. 22p. Fig., graph, tables.Report on plans and priorities, Security Intelligence Review Committee.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (202 KB). (Internet).Catalogue Number PS106-2/2013E-PDF
- Budget des dépenses. Partie III, Rapport sur les plans et les priorités, Comité de surveillance des activités de renseignement de sécurité. Annuel. Ottawa. ISSN 1494-4510 Électronique.2013-2014. 22p. Figure, graphique, tableaux.Comité de surveillance des activités de renseignement de sécurité, rapport sur les plans et les priorités.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (208 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue PS106-2/2013F-PDF
Standards Council of Canada
- Summary of corporate plan ..., summary of operating budget ..., summary of capital budget ... Annual. Electronic.2012-2013 to 2016-2017. June 2012. 35p. Tables.Running title: SCC corporate plan summary.Title of this issue: Creating opportunities for Canada.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.05 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number Iu81-2/1-2012E-PDF
- Sommaire du Plan d’entreprise ..., sommaire du Budget de fonctionnement ..., sommaire du Budget des investissements ... Annuel. Électronique.2012-2013 à 2016-2017. Juin 2012. 37p. Figures, références, tableaux.Titre de renvoi: Sommaire du plan d'entreprise ..., sommaire du Budget d'exploitation ..., sommaire du Budget d'immobilisations ...Titre de ce numéro: Ouvrir la voie à des possibilités pour le Canada.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (4.82 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue Iu81-2/1-2012F-PDF
Status of Women Canada
- Women in Canada at a glance: statistical highlights. Ottawa, 2012. 32p. Graphs, tables. Electronic.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.93 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-20849-7Catalogue Number SW21-160/2012E-PDF
- Coup d’oeil sur la situation des femmes au Canada: sommaire statistique. Ottawa, 2012. 32p. Graphiques, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.94 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-99390-4Numéro de catalogue SW21-160/2012F-PDF
VIA Rail Canada
Statistics Canada Publications
Statistics Canada
- No. 025. --Global price movements in consumer price indices, Ottawa, c2013. 7p. Graph, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.25 MB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22299-8Catalogue Number CS11-626/2013-25E-PDF
- N° 025. --Fluctuations des prix à l'échelle internationale selon les indices des prix à la consommation, Ottawa, c2013. 8p. Graphique, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.29 Mo). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20914-2Numéro de catalogue CS11-626/2013-25F-PDF
- No. 31. --Multifactor productivity measurement at Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 31p. Graph, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (578 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-22235-6Catalogue Number CS15-206/31-2013E-PDF
- N° 31. --Mesure de la productivité multifactorielle à Statistique Canada, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 34p. Graphique, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (657 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-660-20850-3Numéro de catalogue CS15-206/31-2013F-PDF
- --The evolution of English-French bilingualism in Canada from 1961 to 2011, Ottawa, May 2013. 12p. Graphs, references, tables.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.15 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS75-006/1-2013-4E-PDF
- --L'évolution du bilinguisme français-anglais au Canada de 1961 à 2011, Ottawa, Mai 2013. 13p. Graphiques, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (1.20 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS75-006/1-2013-4F-PDF
- --Blood lead concentrations in Canadians, 2009 to 2011. Ottawa, April 2013. 5p. Graph, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.46 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS82-625/2013001-1E-PDF
- --Concentrations sanguines de plomb chez les Canadiens, 2009 à 2011. Ottawa, Avril 2013. 5p. Graphique, références.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.48 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS82-625/2013001-1F-PDF
- --Bisphenol A concentrations in Canadians, 2009 to 2011. Ottawa, April 2013. 5p. Graph, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.46 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS82-625/2013001-2E-PDF
- --Concentrations de bisphénol A chez les Canadiens, 2009 à 2011. Ottawa, Avril 2013. 5p. Graphique, références.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.47 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS82-625/2013001-2F-PDF
- --Directly measured physical activity of Canadian children and youth, 2007 to 2011. Ottawa, May 2013. 5p. Graphs, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.08 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS82-625/2013001-3E-PDF
- --L'activité physique mesurée directement des enfants et des jeunes canadiens, 2007 à 2011. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 6p. Graphiques, références.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.41 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS82-625/2013001-3F-PDF
- --Directly measured physical activity of Canadian adults, 2007 to 2011. Ottawa, May 2013. 6p. Graphs, references.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.17 MB). (Internet).Catalogue Number CS82-625/2013001-4E-PDF
- --L'activité physique mesurée directement des adultes canadiens, 2007 à 2011. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 6p. Graphiques, références.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (2.37 Mo). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS82-625/2013001-4F-PDF
- Statistics Canada data sources on official-language minorities. Ottawa, May 2013. 122p. References, tables. Electronic."Document No. 2".URL: Adobe Acrobat. (840 KB). (Internet).ISBN 978-1-100-21742-0Catalogue Number CS91-549/2013E-PDF
- Sources de données de Statistique Canada sur les minorités de langue officielle. Ottawa, Mai 2013. 130p. Références, tableaux. Électronique.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (892 Ko). (Internet).ISBN 978-0-662-78000-7Numéro de catalogue CS91-549/2013F-PDF
- Enquête sur les usines de traitement de l'eau potable. Biennal. Ottawa. ISSN 1920-6291 Électronique.2011. Mai 2013. 61p. Cartes en couleur, graphiques, références, tableaux.URL: Adobe Acrobat. (906 Ko). (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS16-403/2011F-PDF
Periodic Releases
- [Vol. 12, no. 1], First quarter 2013.URL: HTML. (Accessible on Statistics Canada website.).Free. (Internet).Catalogue Number CS13-010/12-1E-HTML
- Revue trimestrielle des comptes économiques canadiens. Trimestriel. Ottawa. ISSN 1703-7573 Électronique.[Vol. 12, n° 1], premier trimestre de 2013.URL: HTML. (Accessible sur le site web de Statistique Canada.).Gratuit. (Internet).Numéro de catalogue CS13-010/12-1F-HTML
- Date modified: