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215 résultats pour « Fuels » trié par titre en ordre croissant
- An Act to amend the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act, the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, the National Energy Board Act and other Acts in consequence thereof(The Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources.) XB343-135/1 Date :First reading, June 9, 1993.Numéro de catalogue :XB343-135/1Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Parliament. House of Commons.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (deduction for gasoline purchases)(Mr. James.) XB343-440/1 Date :First reading, June 1, 1993.Numéro de catalogue :XB343-440/1Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Parliament. House of Commons.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Additives in Canadian fuels, 1999 / by Mark Tushingham, Melanie Nadeau, and Christine Hodge. En14-179/2000E-PDF Date :March 2000.Numéro de catalogue :En14-179/2000E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Environment Canada. Air Pollution Prevention Directorate.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
- Air pollution and energy reserves = La pollution atmosphérique et les reserves d'énergie / T.D. Brown, Canadian Combustion Research Laboratory, Fuels Research Centre. M38-8/124-PDF Date :1973.Numéro de catalogue :M38-8/124-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Alternative Fuels Act : (An Act to accelerate the use of alternative fuels for internal combustion engines.) / (The Honourable Senator Kenny.) YB351-7/1 Date :First reading, December 8, 1994.Numéro de catalogue :YB351-7/1Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Parliament. Senate.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Alternative transportation fuels in Canada M92-122/1996 Date :1996.Numéro de catalogue :M92-122/1996ISBN :0-662-62658-3Ministère/Organisme :Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Energy Efficiency Branch.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:Papier
- Analysis of PCB congeners in fuels / by Brian F. Scott and Alain Cassista. En13-5/90-129E-PDF Numéro de catalogue :En13-5/90-129E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Environment Canada.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Assessing the potential effects of near shore hydrocarbon exploration on ringed seals in the Beaufort Sea Region 2003-2006 : final report / [by] Lois Harwood, Thomas G. Smith and Humfrey Melling. NE22-4/162E-PDF Date :2007.Numéro de catalogue :NE22-4/162E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. National Energy Board. Environmental Studies Research Funds.Type de publication:SérieFormat:PDF
- Assessing the potential effects of near shore hydrocarbon exploration on ringed seals in the Beaufort Sea Region 2003-2006 : final report / [by] Lois Harwood, Thomas G. Smith and Humfrey Melling. NE22-4/162E Date :2007.Numéro de catalogue :NE22-4/162EISBN :0-921652-77-1ISSN :0837-1652Ministère/Organisme :Canada. National Energy Board. Environmental Studies Research Funds.Type de publication:SérieFormat:Papier
- Audit of departmental fuel management . D58-250/2011E-PDF Date :2011.Numéro de catalogue :D58-250/2011E-PDFMinistère/Organisme :Canada. Department of National Defence. Chief Review Services.Type de publication:MonographieFormat:PDF
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